Riddles about the school board and chalk. Riddles about school and school supplies

At the age of 5-6 years, it is necessary to start preparing the child for school. The kid should be taught to read, count and write, because all this in the future will help him successfully master the school curriculum and get exceptionally good grades. Many psychologists and teachers also advise starting at the age of 5-6, since it is at this age that children are most receptive to foreign speech. In addition, the baby will have to be prepared psychologically for the new period of his life, so that going to school does not become a lot of stress for him.

Any new knowledge and skills the child must be given in a playful way. In particular, all preschool children are very fond of riddles, in the process of guessing which you can introduce the baby to new concepts for him. So, five-year-old and six-year-old boys and girls can slowly begin to introduce school supplies. This will help the children to go to school a little later, without experiencing a strong fear of the unknown.

Guessing riddles is not only fun, but also very useful entertainment for kids. A child who wants to find the correct answer as quickly as possible tries to compare various images and concepts with each other, looks for similarities and differences between objects, and, finally, determines what was thought of. All this develops spatial-figurative thinking, logic and imagination, and also teaches the child to think and reflect.

In addition, riddles are ideal for entertaining several children at once, for example, in a kindergarten group or at a holiday at your place where you invited your son's or daughter's friends. By offering children various riddles, you can arouse a competitive motive in them. So, each child will not only strive to solve the riddle, but also do it faster than others in order to feel their superiority over their peers.

In this article, we will give several options for puzzles about school supplies for preschoolers and grade 1 students that will help children get to know the school from the inside and have fun.

Riddles about school supplies for children 5-6 years old

For such kids, it is necessary to make riddles, the answer to which they are familiar with. In particular, preschool children are very fond of drawing and are well aware of objects such as a pen or pencil. You should try to explain to your son or daughter exactly how these supplies are used during schooling and how they should be treated. In addition, in parallel with guessing, you can teach the baby to properly hold the writing instruments in his hand, if he still does not know how. For fun and funny learning, the following school supplies riddles with answers will suit you:

In a snowy field along the way

My one-legged horse rushes

And for many, many years

Leaves a black mark. (Pen)

My girlfriend lives like this:

In the morning she drinks ink,

Then I give her a notebook,

She goes for a walk. (Pen)

Guess what kind of thing -

Sharp beak, not a bird

With this beak she

Sows-sows seeds

Not in the field, not in the garden -

On the sheets of your notebook. (Pen)

magic wand

I have friends

With this wand

I can build

Tower, house and plane

And a big boat! (Pencil)

He confessed to the knife:

- I am without work.

Stroke me, my friend

So that I can work. (Pencil)

Huddled in a narrow house

Multicolored kids.

Just release it -

Where was the void

Look, there is beauty! (Colored pencils)

Riddles about school supplies for grade 1

Primary school students already need to be introduced to new items for them, such as a pencil case, a diary, a school desk, a blackboard, and so on. This will allow first-graders to quickly understand exactly how the learning process works at school, and make it much easier. Of course, along with fun guessing, the child also needs to be explained how each item can be used and what it is intended for. In particular, you can use the following options for riddles for first grade students:

I carry a new house in my hand,

The door of the house is locked.

Here the tenants are paper,

All are terribly important. (Briefcase)

There is a wonderful bench,

You and I sat on it.

The bench is leading both of us

Year after year, class after class. (Desk)

By black white

They write every now and then.

Rubbing with a rag -

Clear page. (School board)

In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, pens, paper clips, buttons,

Anything for the soul. (Pencil case)

Two legs conspired

Make arcs and circles. (Compass)

Standing on one leg

Turns his head.

Shows us countries

Rivers, mountains, oceans. (The globe)

The students are told to sit down.

Then get up and leave.

At school, he tells many

It's calling, calling, calling. (call)

A notebook in a school bag

And what kind of notebook is a mystery.

The student will receive an assessment in it,

And in the evening she will show her mother ... (Diary)

By connecting quite a bit of fantasy and imagination, you can independently come up with riddles about numerous school supplies. Try to keep them in a poetic form - so the children are much easier to perceive new information for themselves.

In this section, we tried to collect for you a selection of children's puzzles dedicated to school, reading, writing and the alphabet. For kids it will be very informative and interesting to find answers. All riddles are composed in a poetic form, which attracts children and helps to memorize them like rhymes.
With the help of riddles about the school, parents can easily prepare the baby for school in a fun and playful way. You will have fun solving riddles with your child.

thirty three sisters
Small growth.
If you know their secret
Then you will find the answer to everything.
Answer: ( Letters)
Letters-badges, like fighters on a parade,
In strict order built in a row.
Everyone stands in a designated place.
And it's called the system...
Answer:( Alphabet)
By black and white
They write every now and then.
Rubbing with a rag -
Clear page.
Answer: ( School board)
On the black field
Hop-jump -
A white bunny is walking.
Answer: ( Chalk)

The white stone melted
Left footprints on the board.
Answer: ( Chalk)

How boring, brothers,
Riding on someone else's back!
Who would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run.
Answer: ( knapsack)

In winter he runs to school,
And in the summer it lies in the room.
As soon as autumn comes
He takes me by the hand.
Answer: (Portfolio)

I carry a new house in my hand,
The doors of the house are locked.
Here the tenants are paper,
All are terribly important.
Answer: ( Briefcase, books, notebooks)

I am an important subject for the school.
To make a paper cube
Airplane, cardboard house,
album application,
Don't pity me.
I am sticky, sticky...
Answer: ( Glue)

I didn't get bored at work.
I cut flowers
colorful snowflakes,
Birds, stars, pictures.
I am almost an artist.
Helped me...
Answer: ( Scissors)

Something grandmother's scores
It's hard to take with you.
I better take the guys
New to school...
Answer: ( Calculator)

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.
Feel free to write on them!
Answer: ( Notebook)

Standing on one leg
Turns his head.
Shows us countries
Rivers, mountains, oceans.
Answer: ( the globe)

Two legs conspired
Make arcs and circles.
Answer: ( Compass)

We write homework assignments in it -
They mark us side by side
If the marks are good
We ask: “Mom, sign!”
Answer: ( Diary)

Little birds sat in a row
And words are spoken.
Answer: ( Letters)

Live in a wonderful house
funny friends,
They are all called by name
From A to Z.
And you, if you are not familiar with them,
Knock quickly on a friendly house!
Answer: ( Primer)

Who speaks silently?
Answer: ( Book)

Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a person, but tells.
Answer: ( Book)

There is a sheet, there is a spine.
Not a bush, not a flower.
No paws, no hands.
And he comes to the house as a friend.
Lie on your mother's knees
Will tell you about everything.
Answer: ( Book)

In strict order
Forty names
In a thick notebook.
To their right
lined cells,
To not run away
Your marks.
Answer: ( Cool magazine)

I'll show everything on the map -
Pole, tundra and Alaska.
I am friends with the teacher.
Guessed? I - ...
Answer: ( Pointer)

Look outside -
Home is like a home
But there are no ordinary residents in it.
It has interesting books
They stand in tight rows.
On long shelves
Along the wall
Fairy tales of old are included,
And Chernomor,
And Tsar Guidon,
And good grandfather Mazai ...
What is the name of this house?
Try to guess!
Answer: ( Library)

I am a collection of cards; from stress
Two of my values ​​depend.
If you want - I will turn into a name
Shiny, silky fabric i.
Answer: ( Atlas - atlas)

For me, gum, brothers, is a fierce enemy!
I can't deal with her.
I made a cat and a cat - beauty!
And she walked a little - no cat!
You can't create a good picture with her!
So he scolded the rubber band all the way ...
Answer:( Pencil)

Doesn't look like a human
But he has a heart
And work all year round
He gives his heart.
He draws and draws.
And tonight
He colored the album for me.
Answer: ( Pencil)

Magic wand I have friends.
With this stick I can build
Tower, house and plane,
And a huge boat!
Answer: ( Pencil)

In a white field along the road
My one-legged horse rushes
And for many, many years
He leaves his mark.
Answer: ( Pen-pencil)

Although I'm not a washerwoman, friends,
I wash diligently.
Answer: ( Elastic)

If you give her a job -
The pencil worked in vain.
Answer: ( Elastic)

Near the river
In the meadow
They took a rainbow-arc.
straightened out
And they put it in a box.
Answer: ( Colour pencils)

What is this animal
Walks up and down?
Painted nose,
Wooden long tail.
Answer: ( tassel)

He will paint a picture
And color Pinocchio.
He will write an ad
And a greeting card.
Draw posters master -
Bright, subtle...
Answer: ( felt-tip pen)

There are seas - you can’t swim,
There are roads - you can not go,
There is land - you can’t plow,
What is it?
Answer: ( Geographic map)

Colored liquid for writing.
Can anyone tell me its name?
When the poet wrote the verse,
I dipped my pen into it.
Answer: ( Ink)

Let's get acquainted: I am paint,
I'm sitting in a round jar.
I will color you a coloring book,
More pictures for the story
I'll draw a baby.
I'm brighter than a pencil
Very juicy...
Answer: ( Gouache)

Schools are not simple buildings
Schools receive...
Answer: ( Knowledge)

The sportsman told us
Everyone go to the sports ...
Answer: ( Hall)

between two calls
It's called...
Answer: ( Lesson)

City in bows, bouquets.
Goodbye, you hear, summer!
On this day, a merry crowd
Together we walk to school.
Answer: ( 1 September is the day of knowledge)

The first grader is seven years old.
Behind the shoulders of a satchel
And in the hands of a large bouquet,
Blush on cheeks.
What is the holiday date?
Answer it guys!
Answer: ( 1 September is the day of knowledge)

Schedule for this day
Was written for me.
I won't be late
After all, I follow it.
Answer: ( Daily regime)

I couldn't arrive on time
The lesson has already begun.
The teacher immediately became strict -
Why did he punish me?
Answer: ( being late)

The house is worth
Who will enter it
He will gain knowledge.
Answer: ( School)

There is a cheerful, bright house.
There are a lot of nimble guys in it.
They write and count
Draw and read.
Answer: ( School)

He calls, calls, calls
To many he tells:
So sit down and study
So get up, get out.
Answer: ( call)

The school opened its doors
Let the newcomers in.
Who guys know
What are they called?
Answer: ( first graders)

Living in a difficult book
Cunning brothers.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They count everything in the world.
Answer: ( Numbers)

There is, friends, such a bird:
If it sits on the page
I am very glad
And my whole family is with me.
Answer: ( Five)

There is a completely different bird.
If it sits on the page
That with a bowed head
I return home.
Answer: ( deuce)

In every book
And a notebook
Can be found
These beds.
Answer: ( Stitches)

I am a small figurine
The dot below me is big.
If you ask what are you going to
You won't get along without me.
Answer: ( Question mark)

Putting together a portfolio using will be very exciting for you and your future first graders. In developing classes in preparation for school, children will like such school riddles.

In a snowy field along the way
My one-legged horse rushes
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this?..

Black Ivashka -
wooden shirt,
Where the nose will lead
Puts a note there.

There is a wonderful bench,
You and I sat on it.
The bench is leading both of us
Year after year,
From class to class.

The students are sitting behind her.
There are textbooks on it.
Notebooks, pens, map-
Not just a table, but (desk)

You talk to her more often
Become four times smarter

Though not a hat, but with fields,
Not a flower, but with a root,
Talks to us
Patient language.

By black white
They write every now and then.
Rubbing with a rag -
Clear page.
(School board)

Who am I if honesty
My main feature?

magic wand
I have friends
With this wand
I can build
Tower, house and plane
And a big boat!

He confessed to the knife:
- I am without work.
Stroke me, my friend
So that I can work.

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.
Feel free to write on them!

Her sheets are white-white,
They don't fall from branches.
I make mistakes on them.
Among the stripes and cells.

For me, gum, brothers, is a fierce enemy!
I can't deal with her.
I made a cat and a cat - beauty!
And she walked a little - no cat!
You can't create a good picture with her!
So he scolded the rubber band all the way ...

Huddled in a narrow house
Multicolored kids.
Just release it -
Where was the void
Look, there is beauty!
(Colour pencils)

If you give her a job
The pencil worked in vain.

In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, pens, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul.
(Pencil case)

Ten on six
Sat smart circles
And count out loud
Only heard: knock yes knock!

Your pigtail without fear
She dips herself in paint.
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album leads on the page.

colorful sisters
Were bored without water.
Uncle, long and thin,
Carries water with a beard.
And sisters with him
Draw a house and smoke.
(Brush and paints)

Dirty, mischievous
Suddenly sat down on the page.
Because of this bastard
I received a unit.

In a black field, a white hare
Jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this bunny?

The white stone melted
Left footprints on the board.

The students write to them
Answering at the blackboard.

Two legs conspired
Make arcs and circles.

I carry a new house in my hand,
The door of the house is locked.
Here the tenants are paper,
All are terribly important.

you colored pencil
Color all drawings.
To correct them later
Very useful…

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the ruler today -
I have ... (clay)

I'm big, I'm a student!
In my bag I have...

I'm ready for training starts
I'll be sitting down soon...

I draw corners and squares
I'm in class...

And every student understands
What I really need...

Straight line, come on
You can draw yourself!
It's hard science!
Useful here…

I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Student, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am...
(Pencil case)

Glue the ship, soldier,
Locomotive, car, sword.
Help you guys

How boring, brothers,
Riding on someone else's back!
Who would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run. (Knapsack)

In strict order
Forty names
In a thick notebook.
To their right
lined cells,
To not run away
Your marks. (Cool magazine)

Riddles on the topic "school" will appeal to the kids and delight them. After all, they spend a lot of time at their desks in an educational institution. Therefore, they will be pleased if parents or teachers pay attention to such a significant moment in their little life.

Are riddles important for children?

Riddles on the topic "school" is not just a game. If parents give the younger generation entertainment such as searching for answers to questions about the educational process, they will show how important this stage of life is for them. In addition, riddles about school supplies and lessons will help the child develop the following qualities:

These are just some of the useful qualities that a child can develop in himself by searching in his head for answers to riddles about school supplies and about the educational institution in general.

In addition, entertaining riddle contests will help children feel the attention of their parents and the importance of the learning process. And also, such questions will help to understand that learning is not only useful, but also interesting.

Why do children need riddles on the topic “school”?

Logic questions for children related to the educational institution and school life not only develop thinking and perception. with the answers will help to instill in children a love of learning and a desire to achieve goals. That is why it is so important to periodically arrange educational games with logical questions for your son or daughter.

Riddles about the school for the little ones

Children who have only recently crossed the threshold of an educational institution must definitely understand the role that education plays in their lives. Interesting riddles on the topic “school” will help to cope with this task. Indeed, at a very young age, it is better to present information in a playful way, so as not to discourage children from learning. For this purpose, you can take into account the following rhyming riddles on the topic "school":

And about man and nature

The cartoon will be shown.

Here the teacher is your parent,

Helps everyone in the sciences.

Tell me how, my friend

What is the name of this establishment?

There you sit at the desk,

You learn a lot of new things.

Learn grammar and math

Grades for knowledge will bring home.

In the morning you go there

You carry a backpack on your back.

Lots of interesting books

And new knowledge.

Learn to be human

Educated like mom and dad.

There the bell rings in the morning:

"Come on, kids."

Catch knowledge, grab it

Raise your hand in class.

The teacher says something every time

What am I talking about, someone answer me?

They compose songs about her,

Every child knows about it very well.

Gnawing the granite of science go into it,

Lots of interesting and new things to learn here.

Such riddles on the topic “school” will certainly be able to solve children who go to first grade. The most important thing is to attract the child to an exciting game and organize a pleasant atmosphere for developing activities.

middle school bell

Boys and girls who are older than the fifth grade can easily find answers to more complex tasks. They can guess the following riddles about the school and school subjects:

On this subject, they teach you literacy,

They learn to write correctly, to avoid mistakes in texts.

And on this subject of the essay, you write, children.

What kind of school subject, who will answer?

(Russian language)

Sitting at the desks, taking a notebook,

Plus and minus, multiply, divide,

The root of the number will be taught to solve.

What is a school subject?

Who will answer? Say its name, children.


This lesson will tell you a lot.

The structure of the human body will be shown.

They will also tell you about leaves, flowers.

About how trees grow buds.

About different animals, about smell and about hearing.

Tell me, what is the object, my dear friend?


Hands up, hands down

Hanging head down.

And they play football here

Relay races are invited to the start.

In this lesson, the children also say:

"Thanks to charging, health is in order."

(Physical Education)

Adults and children know

Without it, do not crawl out of the diaper.

Only here they will teach us to read and write,

Beautiful writing and listening to teachers.

What am I talking about guys?

And I myself have been to this place once.

Such riddles about school and school subjects will appeal to children. Most importantly, the questions should be interesting and varied.

Riddles about school supplies for the little ones

No student can do without stationery. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to ask questions about them. Riddles about school supplies can sound for a long time, because a lot is needed for a full-fledged education. For example, you can ask children the following logical questions that need to be answered:

Everyone has one at school and at home.

The whole world is reflected here.

It will spin like a globe of the earth,

On a trip without flights will send you and me.

He will show you the oceans

And seas, rivers, mountains, countries.

Help the whole world to explore

Will tell you where to go on vacation with your parents.

Slim, gray and simple,

Will help to draw a portrait of anyone.

Behind him he will leave a dark streak,

And he helps you make a drawing.

(Simple pencil)

If you sharpen it,

You can draw whatever you want.

Sea, mountains, beautiful landscape,

Of course, this is about ... (pencil)

You open the album

Empty leaves are white in it.

You take out the box

She has magic wands.

With which you will draw both the forest and the little mermaid.

(Colour pencils)

To become friends with her

And then she's a lot of fun

Can tell everyone.

There are color pictures in it,

Mom and dad teach her to love.

Without it, an even strip is not obtained,

You take it in your hands, draw a line in a notebook.


Such riddles about school supplies will undoubtedly appeal to the kids, and they will easily find answers to questions. It is worth taking them into account.

Riddles about school supplies for high school

Students older than fifth grade should also ask questions about school supplies. Middle school students can ask the following logical questions:

He knows about the whole world

Show where the mountains, the sea.

It helps you to study countries,

What is it, answer friends?

Wallet, only big,

Anything you want can be in it.

Pencil, sharpener, pen,

With it it is more convenient to gather all the accessories together.

Home for pens, erasers, sharpeners and rulers,

Pencils, felt-tip pens will also fit there.

What are these children, well, answer me.

It contains notebooks and a diary,

Also folders and a pencil case.

Mom checks in the morning

Have you got everything in it?

For the convenience of the student, they came up with it.

It contains everything you need to study.

Pens and notebooks, a diary and a pencil case,

What am I talking about, who already guessed?

Such riddles about school subjects with answers are varied and not boring. Therefore, every child will appreciate such fascinating puzzles. The most important thing is that parents or teachers are also interested in the game.

How to involve children in the game with riddles?

Riddles on the theme of "school" and without various tricks will help attract the child to the game. Nevertheless, you should first decide how to motivate the boy or girl so that the guessing process is even more fun. Riddles about school lessons, finding the answer to which the child will receive a present - this is the main motivation. The most important thing is to figure out how to interest the child. Then the learning process will turn into an exciting and fun game.

Putting together a portfolio using will be very exciting for you and your future first graders. In developing classes in preparation for school, children will like such school riddles.

In a snowy field along the way
My one-legged horse rushes
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this?..

Black Ivashka -
wooden shirt,
Where the nose will lead
Puts a note there.

There is a wonderful bench,
You and I sat on it.
The bench is leading both of us
Year after year,
From class to class.

The students are sitting behind her.
There are textbooks on it.
Notebooks, pens, map-
Not just a table, but (desk)

You talk to her more often
Become four times smarter

Though not a hat, but with fields,
Not a flower, but with a root,
Talks to us
Patient language.

By black white
They write every now and then.
Rubbing with a rag -
Clear page.
(School board)

Who am I if honesty
My main feature?

magic wand
I have friends
With this wand
I can build
Tower, house and plane
And a big boat!

He confessed to the knife:
- I am without work.
Stroke me, my friend
So that I can work.

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.
Feel free to write on them!

Her sheets are white-white,
They don't fall from branches.
I make mistakes on them.
Among the stripes and cells.

For me, gum, brothers, is a fierce enemy!
I can't deal with her.
I made a cat and a cat - beauty!
And she walked a little - no cat!
You can't create a good picture with her!
So he scolded the rubber band all the way ...

Huddled in a narrow house
Multicolored kids.
Just release it -
Where was the void
Look, there is beauty!
(Colour pencils)

If you give her a job
The pencil worked in vain.

In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, pens, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul.
(Pencil case)

Ten on six
Sat smart circles
And count out loud
Only heard: knock yes knock!

Your pigtail without fear
She dips herself in paint.
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album leads on the page.

colorful sisters
Were bored without water.
Uncle, long and thin,
Carries water with a beard.
And sisters with him
Draw a house and smoke.
(Brush and paints)

Dirty, mischievous
Suddenly sat down on the page.
Because of this bastard
I received a unit.

In a black field, a white hare
Jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this bunny?

The white stone melted
Left footprints on the board.

The students write to them
Answering at the blackboard.

Two legs conspired
Make arcs and circles.

I carry a new house in my hand,
The door of the house is locked.
Here the tenants are paper,
All are terribly important.

you colored pencil
Color all drawings.
To correct them later
Very useful…

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the ruler today -
I have ... (clay)

I'm big, I'm a student!
In my bag I have...

I'm ready for training starts
I'll be sitting down soon...

I draw corners and squares
I'm in class...

And every student understands
What I really need...

Straight line, come on
You can draw yourself!
It's hard science!
Useful here…

I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Student, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am...
(Pencil case)

Glue the ship, soldier,
Locomotive, car, sword.
Help you guys

How boring, brothers,
Riding on someone else's back!
Who would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run. (Knapsack)

In strict order
Forty names
In a thick notebook.
To their right
lined cells,
To not run away
Your marks. (Cool magazine)