September 1, what is the first lesson. An interesting knowledge lesson for first graders

As soon as autumn comes to the threshold, for millions of schoolchildren on September 1, the doors of schools open after the holidays. Their teachers meet them with joy and excitement. The presentation "September 1 - Knowledge Day" is the decoration of this special holiday in every class. The easiest, most beautiful, brightest and most memorable should be a presentation on the topic of September 1 for a lesson for 1st grade students. They worry more than others, so music, beautiful slides will attract their attention. But why not download a presentation about September 1 by the classroom hour for a teacher who met with his eleventh graders after the summer? They understand that this is their last first call within the walls of their favorite school, so the teacher can download a short presentation about September 1 for 3-4 slides and add cool pictures that tell about the main milestones in the life of the class.

A beautiful presentation for the lesson on the topic “Knowledge Day” will remind you that the rest is over. Now the kids are waiting for books and lessons. It's time for them to go for a new portion of knowledge. And the proof of this is the first lesson on the first of September. You can download a presentation about Knowledge Day for free to show it in your class from our website without prior registration. On September 1, it is customary to give gifts. Children carry bouquets to teachers, a first-grader will receive a gift from adult graduates. A selection of presentations for a lesson on the topic “September 1 - Knowledge Day” will be a gift for every creative teacher.

Scenario of the lesson-journey to the Planet of Knowledge

Author: Lazebnaya Elena Viktorovna, primary school teacher
Place of work: MBOUSOSH No. 17, Krasnodar Territory, town. Ilsky

I offer a scenario lesson-travel for grade 1. this material will be useful for class teachers and primary school teachers who want to hold an interesting event with students on September 1. age of students - 6, 5 - 7 years, 1st grade.

The scenario of the lesson-travel to the Planet of Knowledge for students of grade 1 - Knowledge Day

Target: Cultivate a sense of respect and love for loved ones; Involve parents in classroom activities to promote the development of the abilities of each child, develop logical thinking, memory, imagination; the formation of a children's team; instill a sense of patriotism
Equipment: presentation, multimedia projector, textbooks, individual cards.
Organizing time.
Teacher: Hello dear guys! Dear parents! So the long-awaited day has come - September 1.
The guys are far, far away, beyond the fields, beyond the mountains there is a magical planet. It is full of wonderful discoveries, various trials. For many days we will travel along it. And it is called - the Planet of Knowledge.
We live on a huge planet called the Earth (slide)
The planet has continents, countries, islands, cities.
- And what else did I forget to name those on our Earth?
Children: oceans and seas
Teacher:- And on our planet, too, there are islands and seas! And today a new boat appeared in the big school sea - 1B! (show the picture of the sailboat)
You are ready to travel through the Plane of Knowledge. I propose to go on our first voyage on this wonderful ship with sails of hope to the most important port on this planet - the port of Dreams.
On this boat
Under sail
We are far away
Let's go with you.
We are all who want
We'll take it with us.
Well, do you agree?
Decided? Let's swim!
Getting to know the islands
Teacher: So, straight ahead with us. First Island - Literature

Teacher: Why is it called that? We will learn the letters, then read the words. And then we will learn to read poems, fairy tales, stories, and this is literature: children's literature, but there is also adult literature.
Every day, being on this island, we will first learn the alphabet, study the book (show the ABC textbook)
- What is her name? (children's answers)
- And then we will start studying the textbook "Native speech." (show the textbook)
This island has prepared a task for you.
1. Drawing up a story from a picture.

Teacher: Well done, you completed the task, which means we can go to the next island.

The next island is Grammar. Gnome lives on this island, he came up with a task for you.
1. Name all the items that begin with this letter.

Teacher: Well done, you completed the task, which means we can go to the next island. The next island is Mathematics.

Teacher: Guys, what do you think they do on this island?
Children: Solving problems, counting, studying geometric shapes
1. Account using pictures

The dragons have a game:
Dad holding… ball - (3)
Everyone gets it, look
After all, dragons too…!(3)

Look at the meadow
Goose juggles balls!
Goose is a scientist, the best in the world!
He has FOUR balls!
2. Everyone is given a piece of paper, where a simple geometric pattern in the form of beads is drawn, it must be continued.
Teacher: Well done, you completed the task, which means we can go to the next island. Next Island – Nature History

Teacher: You already know that we all live in a society. We are united by common goals, plans and deeds. Our class is also a society. We have a common desire to learn how to write, read, count, show our talents. And each of us is a part of our society. Guys, do you know who are the closest parts of society to you? Are these people close to you?
Children: Mom, dad, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather.
Teacher: And these relatives and close people form small groups - families. And this small group of people lives in their house. So for us, the school is also our home, and the class is our family.
And just as every family has its own rules, the school also has its own rules. With whom we will get acquainted, and I hope, we will never violate.
While we are playing, I will ask your parents to do the same task.
Task for parents: Write on these beautiful autumn leaves how you see your child in four years. How do you imagine it? (hand out autumn leaves cut out of colored paper)
Playing with children:
Now I suggest you play the game "What will you take to school?".
Put your hands on your elbow. I will name the items. If you hear an item to take to school, you should clap your hands.
Get ready. Let's play!
Alphabet, doll, car, notebook, pillow, pencil case, spoon, pencil, chewing gum, briefcase, iron, hammer, colored pencils, flashlight, pen, teddy bear, ruler.
Well done, you know what to put in a briefcase. You did a good job.
And now we will put everything that you did and the wishes of your parents in an envelope and send it to the port of Dreams.
But our envelope is magical, that you can’t put everything in it, it will be fulfilled.
Summary of the lesson.
Teacher: Today we started our journey through the Planet of Knowledge. Congratulations to all on this wonderful event. Guys, you have become students. I really want the school to become your second home, and the journey through the Planet of Knowledge to be exciting, interesting and exciting. We have a long way to the port of Dreams. Good luck and patience to you and your parents.
Your first homework is to tell anyone you want about today's trip. Try to dream up and draw the Planet of Knowledge.
And I'm waiting for you tomorrow for the first lesson.

According to a long-established tradition, the Peace Lesson on September 1, 2017 will be held in all Russian schools. On the day of the beginning of the new school year, boys and girls of different ages will sit down at their desks and carefully listen to the material prepared by teachers about how important it is to maintain a peaceful life on the planet and what contribution each person can make to this great cause, starting from a first grader and a high school student and ending with adults.

It is better to choose the topic of the first lesson on September 1 for students of the 1st grade of elementary school as simple and understandable as possible. It is appropriate to introduce the kids to the general meaning of the word "peace", talk about its main symbols and visually show them to the children in the form of bright, colorful posters. In addition to oral speech, you can show children a short video presentation. A visual video will help you concentrate on the topic and make it possible to better remember the information provided.

At the Peace lesson in high school, you can raise questions about the causes of wars on the planet and invite the children to discuss this topic. Let the students express their position and try to suggest how best to avoid armed conflicts and what policy the state should pursue in order to prevent armed clashes on its territory.

With students of the 11th grade during the Peace lesson dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, it is worth discussing such modern concepts as "terrorism", "civil war" and "racial conflicts". The teacher must tell his wards that all people on earth have equal rights and it is categorically unacceptable to encourage their infringement. It is necessary to convey to schoolchildren that it is impossible to show aggression towards representatives of another nationality or religion. For clarity, these speeches should be supplemented with videos about the consequences of terrorist acts and the monstrous losses that civil wars lead to.

End the event on an optimistic note. To do this, it makes sense to include a video for children dedicated to friendship between different states, a calm, prosperous life and family values. After all, only such concepts as love, mutual understanding and tolerance will help restore everything that the war destroys and preserve the beautiful, but such a fragile peace on the planet.

How interesting and informative to hold a Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in grade 1 - ideas for a presentation

In order for the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in grade 1 to be successful and to be remembered by the children for a long time, you need to prepare a script in advance and think through every detail. Do not stretch the event for too long. Toddlers who crossed the school threshold for the first time will find it difficult to concentrate and sit in one place for a long time. It is better to limit yourself to the standard duration of the lesson, then the boys and girls will not get tired and will listen to the teacher with great attention. To enhance visibility, you can supplement oral speech with a suitable thematic presentation. Seven-year-olds already perfectly perceive visual images and remember video information much better than text.

Examples of presentations for the Peace lesson on Knowledge Day in grade 1

    • "Why do we need peace"- bright and impressive presentation. He talks in detail about the different meanings of the word "peace", describes its main symbols and shows how happily children live in those countries where there are no armed clashes. After watching the first graders think about what they personally could do for the sake of bringing peace to the whole planet and share their impressions of the film with the teacher and classmates. This contributes to the establishment of a warm, friendly atmosphere and encourages further communication.

    • "Children of the Earth" is a musical presentation developed as part of the World Without War art project. The song about peace is performed by a combined ensemble of the most talented children living in different states. With touching and tender lines, young artists urge adults to become kinder and gentler, stop all wars on earth and save the planet for future generations.

September 1, 2017 in elementary school - the topic for the first lesson of Peace in grades 2, 3, 4

Where did the tradition of holding a Peace lesson on Knowledge Day come from, you can talk with elementary school students on September 1, 2017. After all, not all children from grades 2, 3 and 4 know that on the first day of autumn in the distant 1939, one of the bloodiest modern wars began - the Great Patriotic War. It was in memory of this terrible event that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation recommended that every year a Peace lesson be held in schools and, in an accessible, understandable form, acquaint the younger generation with the darkest pages in the history of their people.

During the event, schoolchildren are told about the most significant battles of World War II and shown slides with destroyed European cities. By this example, children learn to understand how much grief and horror any armed conflict brings with it and how important it is for every person to do everything to never allow such events to happen again.

What is the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 - ideas for holding an event

For students in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 can be built in the form of a debate. The teacher will tell his wards about countries where wars are taking place even now, and children, instead of going to school and gaining knowledge, hide in basements, fall asleep to the sound of exploding shells and do not know if tomorrow will come for them. Separately, it is worth noting what a huge number of human casualties a change of regime in a state entails and how irresponsibly large, strong powers sometimes act, for the sake of their own ambitions and strengthening domination, trying at any cost to subdue, and sometimes even wipe out smaller ones from the face of the earth. , weak countries.

It is quite natural that in such a conversation the question will arise of how to avoid armed conflicts and return peace and prosperity to every home on earth. The teacher's answer will be quite simple and elementary. In order for life on the planet to become better, you must first change yourself. By cultivating tolerance for other people's opinions, respect for a different religion or other state system, each person takes a small step towards a more comfortable, calm and enjoyable life not only for his family, but for all people on the planet. This is not an easy and long way, but if you turn off it, at some point a catastrophe will surely happen and people will die again. Therefore, people should cultivate in themselves such qualities as kindness, understanding and love. Only guided by these generally accepted human values, we will be able to preserve our beautiful planet for future generations and will never come with weapons to the threshold of the house of our brothers and sisters.

Peace Lesson September 1, 2017 in high school - a rough lesson plan

In high school, at the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017, it is worth touching on the versatility of the concept of “peace” and asking boys and girls to describe their feelings from this word. Let the guys tell what, in their opinion, “peace”, “war”, “conflict” are different and what associations they cause.

Additionally, we can discuss such a modern threat as terrorism. This terrible phenomenon imperceptibly penetrates peaceful cities and, at the most unexpected moment, takes the lives of innocent children and adults. The whole horror lies in the fact that because of terrorism people cannot feel confident even in those countries that do not conduct military operations and show tolerance towards representatives of other confessions and nationalities.

At the Peace lesson, it is appropriate to talk about the fact that sometimes people themselves provoke the emergence of various conflicts, ranging from domestic to ethnic ones. The teacher must convey to his wards that it is in no case unacceptable to show aggression towards representatives of other nationalities, laugh at a different skin color or speak disrespectfully about the religious characteristics of other faiths.

After all, sometimes one thoughtless word can leave a deep imprint in a person’s heart, which in the future will give rise to resentment and a desire to take revenge. To prevent this from happening, you must definitely restrain your emotions and think very well before speaking.

You need to end the class hour on a high, optimistic note, for example, with the whole class to sing some beautiful song about peace and friendship between peoples. Or watch a video clip about civilian peacekeeping missions, where representatives of different countries bring together medicines and humanitarian aid to states devastated by wars or victims of terrorist attacks. This will be a worthy finale of the Peace lesson and will show schoolchildren that together people can achieve a lot and even defeat the military threat.

Class hour: "First time - in the first class!"


Hello guys!

Hello, friends!

On an autumn day

I see you!

Elegant, ceremonial, so beloved

The girls, combed with bows, are sitting.

And the boys are great, so cute,

Such neat people are looking at us now.

An unusual day today in the world

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter

The school opened its doors to everyone.

And do not be sad, girls, boys,

By games, undertakings and fairy-tale books,

It all starts with school life

We are going to the land of Knowledge,

This is where my story begins...

Teacher: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, 27 friendly children lived. And then one day, on the very first day of autumn, they dressed up, took beautiful bouquets in their hands and gathered all together in a bright and comfortable room.

Teacher: Guys, who has already guessed who I am talking about in my fairy tale? (About Us)

Teacher: What is the name of the place where we have gathered? (School, class)

Teacher: Look around how bright and comfortable our class is. Look at each other, smile, now we are one big and friendly family. We are students of class 1b. Together we will spend four wonderful years with you. We will learn, play, have fun, make discoveries, and, of course, grow up. But first, let's get to know each other, because it's hard to communicate with a person if you don't know his name. My name is Gulizar Baitarovna, I am your first teacher. I am very glad to see you and I want to get to know you all at once.

And how can we do it? (children's options)

2. Acquaintance. - At my signal, at the expense of “one, two, three, everyone will loudly say their name, and I will try to remember. And so, smiled at each other! And ... one, two, three ...

Let's all call our name together (they call) It didn't work out. It's unclear.

Let's all whisper our names (calling) It didn't work out again.

Guys, how can we be?

We speak one by one

Yes guys. It’s good to play together, sing, sometimes read poetry, but it’s better to speak one at a time (a record appears on the board)


Teacher: This is the first school rule. A person becomes especially pleased when they listen to him. If we learn to listen to each other, we will all become warm and comfortable .

Teacher: Look, the sun is hanging on the board, but it has no rays yet. Now we will make this sun radiant. I will read a poem, if you hear your name, get up and stick your palm to the sun, these palms will be rays


Is there Daniel in our class?

Do you have dasha? Sophia? Nastya?

Do you have Snezhana, Akgulim?

Is there Cyril among you?

Is there a wiki - two at once!

Well, let's see, the children are here

Who is Herman's name?

Where is Misha? Where is Sasha?

Is everyone in first grade?

Keep listening to me

And let's see where is Ksyusha?

How much Love? Only one.

Is there Serezha in our class?

Is there a kohl? Nurai and Katya?

And let's see who's here

Everyone's name is Myart.

Where is Almas? Aikyn? Artyom?

And Andrey, Zakhar, Korkem?

That's all my friends

Our friendly family!

Teacher: Look how wonderful the sun turned out to be. It will keep us warm all four years.

I wish you all without interference
Knowledge to crack nuts.
Don't be rude and don't be lazy.
On "good" and "excellent" to study.
You are no longer just children,

You are students, and school is your second home.

    So you all ended up in the country of Knowledge and became its inhabitants. You are schoolchildren, which means that you will learn to read, write, count. But not only ... You will also learn to be friends, to be obedient, to follow the rules, etc. And what does a first grader need to study well?

Our country of Knowledge has its own rules, they must be remembered and strictly followed.

To become a student
Here's what you need to know:
You sit in class
Quiet, quiet, like a mouse.
The back is right next to you.
Do it like me.
We put our hands like this
And we are waiting for further assignments.

What good fellows! The backs are all flat. Rule 2:

If you want to say
Either get out or get up
You have to hold your hand.

Remember? Show. Amazing!

    Solving riddles.

Guys, we received a telegram from the Queen of Knowledge!

Dear Guys! Congratulations on your first school holiday. I look forward to meeting you, but in the meantime, get to know your helper friends. Solve riddles and they will come to you. Queen of Knowledge.

Who is she talking about? Guessed? And here are the riddles.

I'm friends with the owner
I am sitting on top of it.

Children: Briefcase, knapsack.

I love directness, I myself am direct to draw an even line for everyone, I help.

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line
Write on me
Can you draw
What is me?

If you give her a job
The pencil worked in vain.

Guess what kind of thing -
Sharp beak, not a bird
With this beak she
Sows, sows seeds
Not in the field, not in the garden,
On the sheets of your notebook.

Smart Ivashka
All my life in one shirt
On the white field will pass
Every trace will understand it.


Pencil asks to test your drawing skills. Draw your portrait in a circle frame, write your name, letters that you know and numbers in the squares; draw the most beautiful flower in the square frame!

5. Game

- So, we continue our holiday

Miracle - open games

Turn all to each other

And shake hands with a friend

Raise your hands all up

Move your fingers.

Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurrah!"

It's time to start the games!

You help each other

Answer questions.

Only - YES and only - NO

Kindly give me an answer.

If you say NO, then tap your feet.

If you say YES, clap your hands then.

If you put this item in your briefcase, say “yes” in unison, and if you do not agree, “no”.

Slides: Textbooks and books, (yes)

Toy mouse, (no)

Clockwork engine, (no)

Plasticine colored, (yes)

Brushes and paints (yeah)

New Year's masks, (no)

Eraser and bookmarks (yeah)

Stapler and notebooks (yeah)

Schedule, diary. (Yes)

Collected to school student! (Yes)

- What other items will you take with you?

Do we put a bag of sweets at the bottom? (YES)
What about a police pistol? (NO)
Shall we put a vinaigrette in there? (NO)
Or maybe smiles light? (YES)
Shall we put a ripe orange? (YES)
And the grocery store? (NO)
Flower basket for friends? (YES)
What about colorful pretzels? (YES)
Let's put the salad in the bag? (NO)
Putting a smile and success? (YES)
Perky children's sonorous laughter? (YES)

Schedule, diary. (Yes)

Collected to school student!

Teacher: As you noticed, there are a lot of interesting things in our Land of Knowledge. And now we will try to find out what grades you will study for. What grades are given to children who study well? (children's answers)

Teacher: That's right, four and five.

Game "Ratings".

In advance, make circles with a diameter of about 8 cm out of cardboard. Grades are written on each circle - 2, 3, 4, 5. Make 2 and 3 pieces each, and fours and fives - at the rate of 2-3 good marks for each child. The teacher demonstrates "grades", shows that there are twos and threes. Make a bag with a secret compartment in advance. To do this, take a regular paper bag for gifts. An additional layer is glued to the bottom and a secret pocket is obtained. All grades are defiantly placed in the bag, but the teacher neatly separates the deuces and triples into an additional compartment. During the competition, the teacher walks through the rows, the children put their hand in the bag and pull out 2-3 circles with grades. It is clear that all children draw only good grades. The number of circles must be calculated so that all good marks are sorted out by the end of the competition.

Teacher: Here are miracles! Look, you all only have 4 and 5! Where are the twos and threes? Well, let's see! (The teacher puts his hand in the bag and pulls out all the deuces and triples from a secret pocket, shows them to the children). Look, there are threes and twos left in the package! That's how miracles are! This means that in our class there will be no underachievers, no losers. Let's all clap our hands together so that this magic comes true and you study only for good grades.

In order to study well at school and get only good grades, we will now utter the oath of first graders.

We are 1st grade students

We swear and promise:

Don't be lazy in the school year

Try hard to study

Strive for the heights of knowledge

Achieve high results!

Dear children, today you have become students of school number 1. Today you tried very hard to write, draw, guess riddles, play games. You are all just great! Therefore, I want to give you first-grader certificates, confirming that you are now real schoolchildren. I wish you success in your studies, grow up healthy and friendly. Welcome to the Land of Knowledge!

Tomorrow we will meet again. I will look forward to our meeting.

Good luck to you and your parents!

September 1, 2017: the lesson of the world will be held under the name traditional, but in what form to conduct this lesson, each teacher decides on his own. In this material, we will consider a detailed scenario, with congratulations, poems, contests and prizes.

The purpose of such a lesson, which is especially relevant for first graders, will be to introduce students to each other or to get to know children who are in the same class more closely. Plus, an open one should instill in children a love for school, prepare for lessons, increase motivation to learn and simply broaden their horizons.

Important! In addition to the blackboard, the only additional equipment required is a computer.

Teacher's words: Dear children, hello, my name is Galina Petrova and I will be your teacher for a year. I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time and I am extremely glad to see everyone at my place. I hope that our first acquaintance will be interesting, fun and, of course, fruitful. And then, I hope, this is how we will spend the whole school year together in this mood.

Discovery of the land of knowledge

Teacher: Magic country is a school, it is interesting in it, but there are always many trials. This wonderland is full of wonders, and if someone can read well, then I suggest you look at the slides and discuss what awaits all of us during the first school year.

Only schoolchildren travel through the land of knowledge. They come to school on September 1 and then make the same journey on this day for another ten years in a row. I propose to look at the next slide about who schoolchildren are and how they can be called differently. By the way, children, why is a student called that way, who wants to become a student faster?

Journey through the land of knowledge

This is a great option, September 1, 2017: the lesson of the world will be held under the name in the first grade and how exactly to conduct it. The first, already described part of the lesson, takes 10-15 minutes, it's time to move on. It must be remembered that first-graders are not yet experienced people and will be able to sit at a desk for a long time only if they are properly interested.

Teacher: Guys, when the lesson starts, you need to make everyone silent. Only by acting according to these rules, you will be able to become real disciples. What you need to know is that you need to sit quietly in the lesson after the bell, like mice. You will also need to keep your back straight, sit correctly, put your hands like this and wait for the teacher to say. Please note that if you need to leave or want to say something, you will need to raise your hand and hold it until the teacher speaks to you.

Here the teacher must show all the movements, how to sit, how to raise your hand, and the guys must repeat after the teacher. Be sure to ask if everyone remembers and tell that if something is still forgotten, then there is no need to be shy and you can ask the teacher additionally.

Now you need to put a thematic slide where an owl bird will be depicted. The teacher tells the children to guess what kind of bird it is. Owl - did you know that she lives in the forest, sleeps during the day, but flies at night. The owl is wise and, having come to our open lesson, she prepared her tasks for the first graders.

Tasks from a wise owl (you will need to prepare thematic slides for these tasks in advance). It will be necessary to show pictures for fairy tales, and the children must guess what kind of picture it is and what fairy tale it belongs to, how to call these fairy tales (folk tales) in one word, why they are often called “Russians”.

Important! September 1, 2017: The Peace Lesson titled My Future Profession is great for high school students, ninth grade and up. For these children, they no longer need to act out performances, they are waiting for exams at the end of the school year, and many must decide how and where to move on. Therefore, for many, the question of choosing a future profession is relevant. Alternatively, on September 1, you can invite parents of different professions to the class for a peace lesson so that they talk about their work, its advantages and difficulties, where to study and where to go.

If in the first class, then riddles will be an excellent end to the first introductory lesson. The teacher makes a riddle, and then all the kids have to raise their hands to say the answer. Thus, the children will work out the answering skills in the lesson at school, well, they will have a lot of fun.

Riddles for children for an open peace lesson on September 1:
1. This is a cheerful and bright house where the guys go to write, count and read all year round, but except for the summer. (Answer: school).
2. In a black field, a white hare jumped and galloped, made loops, what is it? (answer: chalk).
3. I teach everyone, but I always keep quiet. It is easy to make friends with me, but only if you learn to read and write. (answer: book).
4. I can be both black and red. And I'm also solid and in wood, everything that a schoolboy wants - I can portray. (answer: pencil).

Well done boys. You solve riddles perfectly, but what else pleases me is that you have learned to sit correctly in class, not to shout from your seat, but to raise your hands. Now I propose to look at the next slide, which depicts a beautiful ship. Agree that this ship is excellent and it will send us over the waves on a long voyage.

Our ship arrives at the Acquaintance post. To move on, I, as a captain, must definitely get accurate information from each passenger. Therefore, I suggest that all passengers give their first and last names in order to introduce themselves to me and to each other. Once again, I'll start with myself, my name is First Name Last Name, and what is your name?

Teacher: Thank you very much. As the captain of our ship, I solemnly want to say that there is already enough information for the start. Now we need to tell the owl, who is already our friend, and also, she is also a machinist on our ship of knowledge, that we need to calculate how many girls we have on the ship, and how many boys.

To do this, I suggest that everyone stand up so that each passenger of the ship can be clearly seen. Let's first count in chorus how many girls we have. Then I propose to count in chorus how many boys we have. Now it remains to find out exactly how many guys we have in total. Great, you already know how to count, which means. You can go further.

I propose now to talk about what time of year it is now - autumn. Therefore, the stop of our ship is the port "Autumn". What interesting things happen on the street in autumn - you will agree that there is a lot. This means that free time is also best spent on the street, and not at home at the computer or TV. What interesting things you can see on the street:
1. Here comes the pedestrian. Children, where should he go? On the sidewalk.
2. How should a pedestrian walk? He must move only towards the traffic.
3. Can a pedestrian cross the road in front of a moving car? Of course, here the answer is unequivocal and only - no.
4. So, we remember the rules to walk on the street without worries and problems - walk only on the sidewalk or the roadside, cross the road and look first to the right, then to the left. Walk down the street on foot, do not play pranks on the pavement.