75 resources for learning Chinese. Sources for learning Chinese

Learning Chinese The process is difficult and requires a lot of effort. Previously, you had to spend hours flipping through hieroglyphs in dictionaries and matching the right syllables and tones to come up with the cherished answer. Now, with the development of technology, the method of learning Chinese has changed, everything is becoming much easier and faster. It is enough to have a smartphone and several applications installed on it - and your process of learning Chinese is instantly transformed and becomes more comfortable.

If you are learning Chinese and don't know about these applications, I can say with confidence that you need to download them now!

Incredibly functional dictionary of Chinese words, which simply amazes with its fundamental base. The application provides the ability to enter not only words, but also phrases, winged expressions.

It also has the function of voicing the Chinese pronunciation of a word and displaying the order of drawing strokes when writing a character.

In general, the best application among the functional assistants in learning Chinese. In the category " Chinese dictionaries for android” occupies an honorable first place!


PlecoChinese dictionary with character drawing. Those. if you don't know how to read this or that hieroglyph, you redraw it in the application and get an answer to your question.

Very convenient and practical! This application has helped me more than once in extreme Chinese conditions!)

3. Hello HSK

Hello HSK- a unique application for preparing for the exam on Chinese language proficiency (HSK).

The application is a collection of interactive tasks and tests that are similar in appearance to the tasks of the real HSK exam.

You download the application with the number for the HSK level you are preparing for.

Hello HSK consists of three major sections:

  • Listening.
  • Correction of errors / Drafting of proposals.
  • Understanding texts.
To prepare for the exam - this is what you need!

Data three Chinese learning apps are a good base for passing HSK-5, so if you install only them on your phone, this will be quite enough to join the Chinese environment and feel confident when learning the Chinese language!

There are dedicated Chinese learning websites that offer fast track programs, super strategy know-how, but trust me, there is nothing better than practicing with a Chinese native speaker. Do not waste your money on Internet resources, sign up for a language school in your city where a Chinese teaches - and you will understand what I am talking about. You can console yourself with the fact that you have little time, you have better things to spend money on, etc. - but know that these are just excuses that you try to believe! If you do it, then do it with quality, if learn the hardest language in the world- so to teach already thorough and basic, so that later there would be a reason for pride!

The programs presented in this article can also be categorized as " programs for learning Chinese on the computer» , i.e. they are also available for download from the site to your PC, which makes their use even more practical and convenient.

I want to repeat myself and say that you don’t have to chase the number of applications on your gadget - the main quality. These three applications are the complete systematic knowledge base that a person who learns Chinese needs! They are used by millions of people around the world, so updates and improvements are made monthly, which is very pleasing! Just as happy as the realization that they are absolutely free!

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To improve the level of a foreign language, you do not need a lot of money or time, you just need to have a smartphone and a craving for new knowledge.

website I have collected for you smartphone applications that will help make the process of learning a foreign language as effective and fun as possible.



This application has a gaming character. Earned points allow you to move through the levels. It is possible to study words and phrases, compile your own dictionary with voice acting, train grammar, develop communication skills with other users of the resource. Based on the initial test, recommendations are made to help fill in the knowledge gaps identified by the test.

Parrot Player

Allows you to divide any audio file, previously downloaded to the iPhone, into small fragments for their repeated repetition. Moreover, you can choose which of the passages to include in the repetition, and which not. Very useful for practicing dialogue. The interface is convenient and simple.


The program allows you to download videos from TED.com and view them with subtitles simultaneously in two languages. A dictionary is automatically compiled for each word, and you can specify which online dictionary to use for translation, repeat the desired passage the required number of times, playback speed, and you can also add files yourself.

Learn English by Listening

An excellent audio course for beginners, it is available online in the form of audio files and separate scripts for them. The user is offered to listen to the story in English. The articles are divided into six levels of difficulty, which range from very easy to very difficult. When your skills improve, you can choose the next level.

This is not one, but a whole group of applications for learning languages. There are versions of Busuu for learning English, German, French, Japanese, Spanish and Turkish. There is a separate application that deals with "English for the traveler". All tasks in the application are divided into lessons of varying complexity. First, the user is shown words with illustrations, then they are asked to read the text and answer questions about it, then - a small written task. At each stage, the program counts points and does not allow cheating.

Mirai Japanese

Learn Japanese by speaking phrases. The theoretical part is based on listening to phrases and words. Each phrase and word is accompanied by an explanation in English. All words are written in Latin and hieroglyphs. Built-in English-Japanese dictionary and 2 Japanese alphabets: Hiragana and Katakana. This application is also available for learning other languages.

Pleco Chinese Dictionary

Since the Chinese language is complex characters that are difficult to type, the utility offers the option of translating from a photo. It is enough to shoot the Chinese text on the phone's camera and the program will translate it. However, if you still want to enter the hieroglyphs yourself, then the dictionary has everything for a full handwritten data entry. In addition, the dictionary has a function with animation that shows how to correctly draw hieroglyphs.

Rosetta Course

An ideal assistant for those who want to learn any foreign language without mechanical memorization of lexical and grammatical structures. The methodology used in the Rosetta Course application allows you to learn a language without memorizing the rules and completing tasks, but by forming an associative series for the user, training is conducted in a foreign language, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the course.

It will help you translate whatever you want. It is good because it includes both household and everyday vocabulary, as well as complex idioms, phraseological units, and even dialect and colloquial words. BCRS has it all! Plus, this is a live forum where you can ask a question about the Chinese language or China. And please don't use google translate. You have no idea what he translates there!

2. App trainchinese.

This is also an electronic dictionary, however, it is slightly inferior to the previous one in terms of translation quality and its database is not so large. The undoubted advantage is that it works offline + there is an interesting function of viewing the spelling of the hieroglyph in stroke order. This will help you understand how to write the hieroglyph correctly.

3.hellochinese app

Great as a simulator when learning Chinese. It has a nice interface and good content. It will help refresh your memory and practice your language at any time when you have a free minute.

This is a great online magazine about modern China. The authors of the articles are real people who have been in China for a long time or live there now. This site will help you keep up to date with the latest news, trends and incidents in China. Here are collected articles about business, education, new technologies, language, history and culture of China. Also here you can find job offers in China for foreign specialists or find employees from China to work in Russia.

To memorize foreign words, cards are often used, where a foreign word is written on one side, and its Russian equivalent and pronunciation are written on the other. So this site will be a great helper in this matter. The scheme is simple - you register on the site, then enter the name of the module that the teacher has prepared for you into the search, and repeat the words.

6. Fun easy learn chinese app.

It offers ready-made sets of cards with new words and many options for practicing and memorizing these words. Great for expanding vocabulary and practicing topics covered. Of the minuses - you can not add words yourself.

You may know that the YouTube video portal we are used to is strictly prohibited in China, so when we enter hieroglyphs in the search bar, we get very meager results. To access the videos in Chinese, please visit Youku.

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Chinese is becoming the most widely spoken language. Today it is spoken by more than 1 billion people. Learning this difficult language seems difficult to many, but we have selected useful resources for you to help you learn Chinese on your own and become assistants in classes with a teacher.

Internet resources


For beginners and those who continue learning the language, various publics in social networks dedicated to hieroglyphics, grammar, phonetics, sentence structure and much more will be useful. For advanced sinologists, these groups may seem a little informative for learning the language, however, there you can find a lot of useful information on the history, traditions and culture of China, learn the latest news from the Celestial Empire. Below is a small list of popular VKontakte publics:


Listening is an important part of learning any language. Unfortunately, the Russian Internet does not yet offer any sites where you can watch adapted films or shows in Chinese, as well as listen to music. Social media offerings are also few and far between. For these purposes, Chinese sites are most suitable. Of the most popular in China, one can single out YouTube analogues - http://www.tudou.com/

http://www.youku.com/ - here you can not only watch movies in Chinese (with subtitles), but also see the most popular Chinese TV shows, youth series, concerts, etc. For language learners, plus Chinese cinema and television - available subtitles, both on TV and on the Internet, subtitles are known to be of great help both at the initial level of learning and in the subsequent stages. And this is especially true for the Chinese language.

Books and textbooks

Modern Chinese. For beginners

A small textbook with relevant vocabulary and a good explanation of phonetics, grammar and hieroglyphics. This tutorial is accompanied by an audio course.

New Practical Chinese Course

Developed by Beijing University of Languages ​​and Cultures. The textbook is written by Chinese teachers who professionally teach Chinese to foreigners. The book has detailed grammatical and lexical comments. A large amount of material is devoted to the study of the hieroglyphic system, the history and writing of hieroglyphs. The textbook is Russified.

Practical course of the Chinese language (in two volumes) Author A.F. Kondrashevsky

One of the most popular textbooks in Russia. This textbook was created by MGIMO staff and is maximally adapted to the study and teaching of the Chinese language in Russia. The textbook contains a large number of texts on various topics dedicated to Chinese society, culture, and traditions of the Celestial Empire. All texts are accompanied by lexical and grammatical comments, as well as grammatical and lexical exercises. The new edition is accompanied by an audio course recorded by native speakers.

Chinese for business communication. Authors: A.F. Kondrashevsky, G.Ya. Dashevskaya

The textbook is intended for teaching the language in business and in the international sphere. Suitable for use not only by advanced sinologists, but also by those who have an average level (HSK 4-5). The textbook will help you navigate the trade and economic topics. The book is also accompanied by an audio course.

Socio-political translation. Authors: I. V. Voitsekhovich, A.F. Kondrashevsky

The purpose of the textbook is to lay the foundations for knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar of social and political texts in Chinese. The book is intended for those who have fully studied the materials of the “Practical course of the Chinese language” according to Kondrashevsky. (vols. I and II). The topics of the lessons are designed to provide an initial level of language training for working with reference materials and periodicals published in Chinese, as well as with messages from Chinese electronic media.

Teaching materials from Peking University Press

The common language is used for teaching Chinese as a foreign language in China. They are divided into books on listening, reading, grammar. All explanations and interpretations are in English and Chinese. There are three levels of difficulty: elementary, intermediate,advanced. All textbooks come with an audio course. They are convenient and understandable in use, unlike many Russian publications, they have more modern and relevant vocabulary.

Applications for PC, Ipad, Iphone or Android are very helpful in learning Chinese. This is a distraction from notebooks and study in a playful way and you can do it at any convenient time, for example, in public transport. Moreover, at least one gadget is always with you. Today I will talk about apps for iPad, iPhone and Android to learn Chinese.

There are a huge number of applications for learning Chinese, but not all of them are convenient and give good results. I tried many different applications, programs, but I felt a tangible effect from just a few applications:

  • pinpin,
  • pinyin,
  • memrize,
  • scritter,
  • ChineseSkill.

At the very first stage, it is necessary to learn the sounds of the Chinese language, they are written in the Latin alphabet, but some sounds do not correlate with the English alphabet, there are no similar sounds in Russian either, so at the first stages it is very difficult to distinguish sounds by ear. Also, the Chinese language has tones (there are 4 of them), that is, each word is spoken with its own intonation. The same sound spoken in different tones means completely different words. The program for IPhone / iPad / Android PinPin helps to learn to perceive words by ear: http://pinpinchinese.com/. In the free version of the program, you can get acquainted with some of the sounds, pass tests, but to open the full version of the program, you will have to pay a small amount.

When the PinPin program will not cause any particular difficulties, you should pay attention to PinYin program https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pinyin-trainer-by-trainchinese/id376797304?mt=8 . In this program, the pronunciation is no longer perfect and the words are somewhat more complicated than in PinPin. Every day, you can work on 25 words for free, if you do other programs, this is enough.

The site is very useful for learning hieroglyphs: http://www.memrise.com/(there is also an application for mobile devices, I personally use it on Ipad). The site is free, but there is a paid extension. Using the free version or buying an extended package is a personal matter for everyone, as it is more convenient for you. In the system, first you are shown hieroglyphs and their meanings, after studying the meaning of the hieroglyph, you begin to study the pronunciation of the hieroglyph. This system has only one minus, you don’t remember how the hieroglyph is written, that is, you recognize it in a book and read it, but you can most likely write it.

To learn how to write hieroglyphs, the Scritter mobile app https://html5.skritter.com/home is indispensable. In this program, you study hieroglyphs, their meaning, pronunciation, tones, and most importantly, the writing of the hieroglyph (the correct order of strokes). This program no longer has answer options like in Memrise, you yourself need to remember the meaning of the hieroglyph, its pronunciation, tone or draw a hieroglyph (necessarily with the correct stroke order) The program, unfortunately, is paid and is sold by subscription. But learned words can be repeated when the subscription ends.

The ChineseSkill mobile app http://chinese-skill.com/cs.html will teach you how to write sentences. The program is absolutely free! In this program, you will be asked to read, understand the meaning of sentences, insert words into sentences, translate or make sentences.

These applications also work offline, so you can learn Chinese on your Ipad/iPhone/Android at any convenient time, when you are traveling by public transport, waiting for a meeting, or just calmly at home.