Anomalies on the roads. Anomalous zones on the roads of Russia

There have always been mysterious, inexplicable phenomena. After all, it is impossible, in a relatively short life, to fully know the world around us. It is like a road tape under the wheels of a car - no matter how much you drive, new horizons and an unknown (at the moment) future open up before you.

But this, it turns out, is not all our possibilities. You can also look into the past. Many have heard or even seen mirages. There is nothing unusual about them. Optical physicists have long since revealed all their secrets. All but one. It is in no way possible to explain by the known laws of physics why mirages can reflect events occurring at some distance, not only in space, but also in time. This happens quite often, if we take our entire human history as a starting point:

In some cases, people hardly identify what they see, in other cases they directly indicate that the mirage shows some “place that does not exist”. Does not exist in our present time. In rare stories, eyewitnesses manage to understand that in front of them are “settlements of the past” or even “cities of the future”. Of course, much more often mirages show us easily recognizable images of houses and cities located here and now. But such banal mirages do not impress eyewitnesses, they are rarely recorded in the annals, and, finally, they do not interest us. We need only mirages at the moment, perhaps carrying images through time.

There is a parapsychological term that means the attachment of some visions to a certain geographical point, "-" hotting ". As a rule, honting is observed in places where mass battles once took place, accompanied by large human losses. Most of the ghosts of executed or innocently killed victims are also observed only near the places of death. The nature of such attachment is still not clear. Sometimes several hundred ghosts appear in such places at the same time, mass huntings are most often observed where bloody battles once took place. Sometimes the reason for the appearance of a "hoting" place remains unclear. As well as the reason for the appearance of chrono-miracles ...

This mystical story, which lasted only a few seconds. It happened on the 247th kilometer of the state highway P-60 Kyiv - Sumy - Yunakovka, in the now distant 1985.

With one of the eyewitnesses of a strange vision (to clarify the details), I talked on the phone in early January 2016. This is a resident of Voloshnovka (Sumy region) Anatoly Dodatko (68 years old). The first conversation with him took place in 2012.

This ordinary P-60 highway attracted me with its mysticism, which has manifested itself here for many years. A segment of only 50 kilometers (Poltava and Sumy regions) was remembered by different people by visions and sounds from the past - spatio-temporal anomalies or chrono-anomalous phenomena. After many documented stories from eyewitnesses, trips to the places of phenomena, a certain mystical triangle “formed” on the map-scheme, which.

"Bugayka" is a territory where, at the beginning of the 20th century. the eponymous farm Malaya Bugayka arose. It recorded the largest number of different mystical phenomena that occur today. The anomalous zone Malaya Bugayka (author's opinion) is located 10 kilometers from the R-60 road.

The second story. Woman in clothes of the 18th century.

Late summer 1985. Around 12 o'clock at night. Excellent visibility. Dry asphalt pavement. Anatoly Dodatko, together with his adult son (who recently came from the army), is traveling from Kyiv, in the Poltava region, to the city of Romny. The son sits to the right of the father-driver. Anatoly does not pay attention to him, thinks that he is sleeping. To the right of the course of movement is a cornfield (no forest), to the left is the railway. In this story, the detailing of the event is very important in order to somehow objectively assess the reality of what is happening.

The situation is calm, the psyche is normal. The car "Moskvich - 412" - new, speed, about 100 km / h, road lighting is good, there is no oncoming traffic.

Her clothing is linen. The dress touches the asphalt, on the head is an old cap (ochipok) or kokoshnik. At hand, she carries an armful of dry brushwood (firewood). Firewood was clumsy (eyewitness). Moves slowly, from the side of the field to the railroad, keeps his head straight. The road passes diagonally to the observer. Everything happens in a matter of seconds.

The driver swerves to the right so as not to hit the woman. He passes it safely. That's all, they are already in the Sumy region. The father hears the voice of his son Vladimir: "Where did she come from ...?". He, the son, says that he did not sleep and saw everything.

Both of them were shocked for a short time. Even on the way, they wanted to go back and see the vision again. But they didn't do it… Every detail was remembered. Many years, experienced in a few seconds, was a mystery for two (there were such times).

Drawing certain conclusions is a thankless task. Our world (even a very close one) remains a mystery to us in many ways and holds its secrets tightly.

... And let everyone see and hear what they want ...

Vladimir Litovka

Among the proposals for domestic tourism, which Vladimir agencies offer to fill our leisure time, extreme expeditions stand apart. Travelers are lured by all the delights of a hike, as well as excavations, work with a metal detector and anomalous zones, in which "almost all anomalous phenomena" are found - chronozones, "prodigal places", giant plants, mysterious animals, ancient people and temples. Among several proposed extreme routes, there is also the "Drevneryazansky Trakt" - the old road from Vladimir to Ryazan, which is currently not functioning, thoroughly overgrown and forgotten. Only some of its sections became country or forest roads, and a small part of the old tract merged with the Vladimir-Raduzhny highway.

The route that connects Vladimir with Ryazan today, passing through Baraki, Gus-Khrustalny, Kurlovo, Tuma and Spas-Klepiki, took shape not so long ago - by the middle of the last century. Until that time, two important cities were connected by the Great Ryazan tract, passing through completely different places than now.

The available data on the time of the appearance and functioning of the road until the 19th century are more like legends. Until the second half of the century before last, the tract had the status of a postal road, then it was transferred to the category of country roads.


Approximately in the place where the Regional Clinical Hospital is now located, the Ryazan tract separated from the Murom road and took it further south. About a kilometer the road passed through the forest, now called the Country Park (the remains of the tract in the park have survived to this day). Behind the wooden bridge across the Black River, another important road separated from the Ryazan tract - the Kasimovsky tract.

village Position in relation to the road Current state
Ladoga, der. To the left, a little further away Exist
Sokolovo, der. On the left, in the area of ​​the present Southern Bypass Disappeared at the beginning of the 19th century
Dubrovka, der. Disappeared in the twentieth century
Ryazanovka, der. On the left, a little in the distance, the territory of the modern Electric Appliance Gardens Disappeared in the twentieth century
Komlevskaya, der. On the left, a little in the distance, in the area of ​​​​the Ulybyshevsky cemetery Disappeared in the middle of the XIX century
White Farm On the road, near the Slybyshevsky cemetery Disappeared in the 20th century
Vaneevka, der. To the right, a little further away Exist
Bogdanovka, der. On the road Disappeared in the second half of the 20th century, now a field
Golovino, der. On the road Exists, became part of the village of Golovino
Kryukovo, der. Right side of the road Exist
Kamenitsa, der. On the road Exist
Starikovo, der. Right side of the road Exist
Nikola-on-the-field, churchyard Left, in the distance Exists, non-residential, there is a church
Dushenkino, der. To the left, a little further away non-residential
Korovino, der. On the road Disappeared in the twentieth century
Pashino, der. (Pashinskaya) On the road Disappeared in the twentieth century
Chapel Forest Guard (and inn) On the road Does not exist
Vasilevsky, farm On the road non-residential
Savinskaya, der. To the left, a little further away Exist
Grishki, der. (Grishinskaya) On the road Exist
Abbakumovo, der. Left, close Exist
Trufanovo, der. On the road Exist
Erleks, churchyard On the road Exist
Budevichi, der. On the road Exist

The length of the Ryazan tract within the Vladimir province was approximately 75 versts. The road crossed 5 volosts: Pogrebishchenskaya and Podolskaya of the Vladimir district (21 versts), Avdotinsky, Bereznikovskaya and Yagodinskaya of the Sudogodsky district (54 versts).

The road crossed the river Pol (Pole) four times: in the section between the village of Starikovo and the Nikolopolsky churchyard, between the villages of Korovino and Pashino (slightly to the south) and after the churchyard of Erleks. Bridges were built in these places. The most difficult section of the road was three dozen miles between the villages of Korovino and Grishki. Here, between the rivers Poli and Buzhi, there was a swampy lowland area - forested and deserted.

In 1886, a certain K. Smirnov, who traveled from Vladimir to the churchyard of Nikola-on-the-Polye along the highway, wrote:

“The path for foot and horse riding is extremely inconvenient, one might say primitive: the path that at the time it was hiding from the Tatars of Vladimir and Ryazan. Whom to blame for the malfunction of the road - the zemstvo or the local peasants - is unknown to an outside traveler; but the Russian favorite perhaps and somehow helps the peasant here too ... ”.

The main reason for the poor condition of the road was the difficulty of both peasants and zemstvos in the means. The peasants maintained those sections of the tract that ran through their allotments. The zemstvo sometimes helped the peasants: they gave out allowances for maintaining the wooden bridges of the tract in good condition. Later, at the end of the 19th century, it decided to accept the bridge structures of the Ryazan road at its own expense.

However, zemstvo road capital was constantly lacking. Since the tract was not of strategic importance, in the expenditure items of the annual budgets, for example, of the Sugogoda district zemstvo, it usually fell into the second place, after the Simbirsk and Kasimov tracts. But something was still done: bridges were repaired and rebuilt: instead of three bridges over the Pol River and channels, in the dead place between the villages of Korovino and Pashino, a dam about 210 sazhens long was poured in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Translator riding. Zemsky equestrian points

For movement on the Ryazan tract within the Vladimir province in the second half of the 19th century, there were two zemstvo equestrian points (not counting Vladimir): in the villages of Korovino and Grishki. The chase was quite significant. There were from 2 to 5 horses in the points in different years, the annual mileage of each of which was several thousand miles.

The inconsistent road policy of the Sugogoda and Vladimir district zemstvos can be seen very well in the history of equestrian posts. For example, by a decree of the Vladimir Zemstvo Assembly, the coachmen were obliged to carry the employees of the forestry department from Vladimir to the point in Korovino free of charge. Back, to Vladimir, from Korovino, forest officials were no longer transported free of charge, because the Sugogoda zemstvo assembly did not have a similar resolution.

The value of the road

Traffic along the route, especially before the opening of the Vladimir-Ryazan railway in the early twentieth century, was busy. The road connected Vladimir with Ryazan, served many villages in the southwestern part of the province, whose peasants supplied food, hay, firewood, and coal to the Vladimir bazaars. Many country roads flowed into the tract from the villages. On market days, it was still dark when the peasants rode carts or sledges to Vladimir. Usually we traveled in 3-4 carts. A kerosene lantern was hung under the arc of the lead horse's team to illuminate the road. They were very afraid of robbery. The road had a bad reputation for robbers.

On the Ryazan road, they went to Nikopol (May 9) and Palishchensky (August 2) churchyards to fairs that fall on the patronal holidays of these villages. A particularly rich fair was in the Ryazan churchyard of Palishchi (now the Gus-Khrustalny district of the Vladimir region), which also lay on the Ryazan tract.

The sawmills of large state-owned and privately owned forest dachas of the Sudogodsky district (Baglachevskaya, Korovinskaya, Ivanishchevskaya, etc.) were tied to the tract. It also carried peat from local developments. The tract connected Tasinsky and Ivanishevsky crystal factories with the world. Access roads led from both factories to the road. The entrance from Ivanishchi, overlooking the highway in the area of ​​​​the Chasovenskaya Guard, was annually supported by the owners of the crystal factory - merchants, the Panfilov brothers.

Ryazan tract and Vladimir-Ryazan railway

Built in 1899-1901, the Vladimir-Ryazan narrow-gauge railway unloaded traffic along the Ryazan tract, tied the surrounding villages and logging to itself. The value of the Ryazan tract has decreased.

The railway in some places of the Vladimir district passed directly along the tract. Peasants were constrained in movement. In the Vladimir Archive, a very confusing petition from the inhabitants of the villages of Bogdanovka and Golovino, Podolsk volost, regarding this problem, has been preserved:

To the Vladimir commission for land valuation,

destined for construction

Tumo-Vladimir narrow-gauge railway.

From the peasants of the society of the village of Golovino and Bogdanovka

Podolsky parish.


Since the aforementioned narrow-gauge railway is being built in our area, travel is on a large road along which we have a passage and a passage, but at the present time we are in an extremely cramped position and lose our own road, namely, we remain positively without a road where to go and where, but not to make different detours for several miles. The fault is not ours, but in the last resort we must be satisfied, since the real road has been taken away from us, then we need to indicate the place on the road where we could travel completely freely and without any danger, as we should, and not be in a cramped position. . Our travel road, occupied by the railway, is called the big tract road from Vladimir to Ryazan.

And therefore, we have to humbly ask the Vladimir Commission, in accordance with the foregoing, to rise to our position and make due orders on our part to indicate places for us to travel. To which we sign."

The Vladimir Evaluation Commission for the Alienation of Land - an intermediary between landowners and builders of the railway - the petition was read and considered. The Society of Access Roads was entrusted with an obligation: to lay a new section of the tract on peasant land, and to pay remuneration to the villages for the land.

The same situation was in the area near the village of Cherepovo, which belonged to the Cherepov Kalashnikov brothers and a peasant woman from the village of Bogoslova Alexandra Musatova. "Manchzhurka" (the unofficial name of the Vladimir-Ryazan narrow-gauge railway) occupied a part of the tract with three bridges over the rivers here. To build a new section of the tract, it was necessary to cut down the forest and build three new bridges. The Kalashnikovs appealed to the commission with a request to oblige the Society to build bridges or give them 150 rubles for each (450 rubles in total). The company rejected the offer of payment and took over the construction of a new site with all the facilities.

From the history of some roadside villages

The village of Ladoga, Pogrebishchi volost. In the late XVIII - early XIX centuries, Ladoga belonged to the son of the first Vladimir governor Roman Vorontsov - Alexander Vorontsov. The main occupation of the peasants of Ladoga, as well as the neighboring villages of Dubrovka and Ryazanovka, standing on the highway, was the work of servants and polishers in Vladimir tavern establishments. This type of waste was generally common in the parish of the village of Pogrebishchi (aka Nikola-Yaslishcha, Coal Pit, Samara). According to one of the popular names of the village - "Samara", all the employees of taverns from the Pogrebishchi district in Vladimir were called "Samarovites".

The villages of Bogdanovka and Golovino. In the XVIII century, both villages belonged to Vladimir Assumption Cathedral. Bogdanovka and Golovino stood right on the road, and at the end of the 19th century both had inns.

Graveyard of Nikola-on-the-Polye. The village was famous for the ancient miraculous image of St. Nicholas, which appeared at the spring. In the 19th century, a wooden chapel stood over the holy key, to which pilgrims came from all over the region and from different places in the province. The stone two-storey Nikolskaya Church of the churchyard itself, instead of the wooden one, was built in 1818-1822. The peasants explained the absence of epidemic diseases of cattle in the Nikopol parish in the 19th century by the special patronage of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Villages Dushenkino, Korovino, Pashino. These were real forest villages. Almost right next to them adjoined a huge array of the Baglachev government dacha. During forest fires, which occurred most often during the summer season, the peasants of three villages were obliged to put out the fire for free, which took a lot of time. So, for example, in 1901, 226 people from these villages went out to put out fires 11 times.


In 2003, there was no trace left of Korovino and Pashino. There were several houses in Dushenkino. Of these, only one was inhabited. A lonely elderly man lived among the wild forest and deserted people and even kept goats.

Photo from

When asked about anomalous zones, giant plants, mysterious places on the former Ryazan Highway, the man just laughed. Of the anomalous phenomena, he recalled only the rafting of activists of the LDPR party along the Pole River, on which every 2 meters there is a shoal and a blockage of trees. But the aborigine confirmed the information about prodigal places, warning that it is better not to move further towards Ryazan - you may not leave the forest. If from Vladimir to Dushenkino the tract is still fragmentarily preserved, then everything further is overgrown with fir trees and pines.

German roads have always been built to last, impeccable track coverage should not only prevent accidents, but also protect cars. Even think about what could appear in Germany abnormal roads, nonsense. Germany is not Russia, the roads there are located in the wrong places where you want to drive. Therefore, it is very surprising, to say the least, that nine cars on one of the best autobahns just turned over.

As a result of the investigation of this strange accident that occurred in the 30s of the last century, a very strange picture was obtained. A half-empty track, there are speed limiters on it, which, by the way, are rarely violated even now, but then there were no problems with speeds at all. And then one day with this one, which became in an instant anomalous road, at the same time, nine cars flew into the ditch. No impact, no collision, no bad visibility conditions.

Miraculously, the surviving drivers told the same thing: a haze appeared in front of the windshield, the driver stopped, but for some reason no one could leave the cars. Moreover, people who did not know each other equally indicated that, having barely passed the mark of 239 km, they received a mental order to release the steering wheel and put their hands on their knees. Everyone remembered very well that they had done it. It is unrealistic to assume that this is a mass psychosis for everyone, besides, the investigators were extremely surprised that the coup of the car started from one place. It was as if the wheels were stumbling over an invisible barrier. That accident claimed the lives of four, including a child. Dr. Kunz suggested that this is mass suggestion, but by whom?

Then the authorities ordered to open the ill-fated site. Under the asphalt there was a huge cemetery, and so ancient that it was not even approximately subject to identification. Of course, they did not know about this, the Germans are quite superstitious and therefore the road was blocked. The cemetery was carefully moved and buried in a different place as it should be. For almost half a century, the road was calm, not a single accident, not a single tragedy. But since 2003, everything started all over again, abnormal road"revived" and again people began to die, and again at around 239. Until now, the authorities are actively funding all research, scientists have studied all the surroundings and the ground - no anomalies.

However, not so long ago, researchers came to the interesting conclusion that in this place anomalous road a portal has formed. Such conclusions are made because all the victims say that for some milliseconds before the accident they turn off and hear a voice, then they feel like they are immersed in something enveloping-viscous .. then they return to their normal state already far off the road. But there is an opinion that the relocated cemetery was lost back in the 16th suicide cemetery, and if this is indeed the case, then the remains found in the 30s are only part of the graves and, perhaps, the rest of the dead lie under the highway, demanding repose.

An article about mystical cases and inexplicable events on Russian roads. Ghosts, geopathogenic zones, etc. At the end of the article - an interesting video about ghosts on the road.

The content of the article:

There are many mysterious, anomalous places in the world, most of which are in Russia. Of course, they are known, spoken and written about, so sane people bypass them. But what to do if the mystical territory is a highway on which events that defy logic and terrible disasters take place? Is it true that mysticism reigns on Russian roads, or is it just the speculation of tipsy drivers?

Are there roads of death

The study of such paranormal places along with other "places of power" has been carried out for many years by researchers from different countries. Obviously, a number of highways “cause” accidents, breakdowns and deaths many times more often than any other highways. Somewhere, the phenomenon manifests itself more strongly when drivers literally physically feel the oppressive atmosphere and observe incomprehensible phenomena. As a rule, scientists attribute this to tectonic faults and geopathic zones, which can be calculated from deformed trees, sluggish vegetation and numerous ravines. People perceive the energy of such a place, which affects the pulse, pressure, reaction and vision. All this leads to fatal errors and random accidents.

Shocking statistics confirm that over the past decades, as many people have died in road accidents as in the bloodiest wars. And what is the percentage of cases caused by anomalies?

Lytkarinsky ghosts

A section of a forest road near the village of Pekhorka has claimed more than 40 lives over the past couple of decades. Despite the fact that it has always been distinguished by remarkably laid asphalt and the absence of any bends, this track, which is as smooth as an arrow, terrifies drivers.

Eyewitnesses who survived the accident claim that sudden fog, loss of visibility and control, as well as images of people standing on the road or along it, became the cause of the disaster. Another witness saw a string of lights hovering over crosses and tombstones erected in memory of the victims of the accident.

Unpleasant statistics and numerous newspaper articles attracted the attention of the then governor, who decided to take matters into his own hands. He ordered to re-lay the asphalt and equip the site with several speed bumps. The results were not long in coming - mortality did not disappear at all, but it significantly decreased. But…

The scientific group investigated 5-meter funnels located near the highway, discovered by one of the local residents. Their approximate age was estimated in the range from 150 to 1000 years, and the fragments found inside the pit, cleaned of alluvial modern debris, turned out to be parts of some massive multi-ton body. Thus, researchers do not completely discard the mystical version. Unexplained events may occur due to the fact that the route, by the will of fate, passes through a meteorite zone, whose influence has been felt for many centuries. Hence the climatic anomalies, and the loss of controllability, and even vision.

Naro-Fominsk "Flying Dutchman"

In other countries, warning boards with the inscriptions "Anomalous Zone" do not shock anyone, but the first and so far the only one in Russia, available on the M-3 highway, causes an unpleasant trembling among drivers and passengers. Moreover, these billboards stretch long before the ill-fated three kilometers - from 66 to 69 - but also along them.

The traffic police does not comment on the sudden rolling of trucks into a ditch, terrible accidents during a banal change of rows by cars. But the most interesting thing is that everyone as one blames a certain white sedan for the incident, which materialized on the highway, as if from nowhere.

Someone blames the lack of lighting on the road for all the troubles, however, many accidents occurred in the daytime. The old-timers, on the other hand, blame the builders, who designed a popular route right above the ancient cemetery.

Which story is true is difficult to find out. But unique warnings about anomalies are not posted anywhere.

Geopathogenic Kazan

The beautiful old city is not saved by numerous traffic lights, underground passages, or the expansion of roads. For example, on the Mamadyshsky tract, accidents occur almost daily.

Located at the exit from Kazan, the motorway, referred to by local residents as the “old Kazan”, passes through it 30,000 cars every day. The road is regularly expanded, it ends with a convenient interchange, but bikers still crash on it, the brakes on the trucks fail, all sorts of troubles attack other cars. For some reason, this tract is the leader in the number of sudden breakdowns.

What is the mystery of the Mamadysh tract? Here the versions also diverge. On the one hand, it crosses the Knox River, whose channel, in all likelihood, is in contact with a geological fault.

The second version, of course, is connected with the cemetery. The natives do not even doubt that the ghosts of the Samosyrovsky churchyard are outraged by the disturbed peace and take revenge on motorists. Worse than that, all the evidence about UFOs necessarily affects the ill-fated road. Incomprehensible flying objects, similar to classic UFO spheres, circle over a number of villages, and then all rush to the same highway.

But the problems of Kazan do not end there. The Siberian highway is no less dangerous for drivers and even pedestrians. The section from Iskra to Pionerskaya Street is infamous for traffic jams, accidents and terrible traffic capacity. All this can be blamed on the technical features and low culture of drivers. But when the cars suddenly stop in the middle of the road or, on the contrary, the brakes fail on the tram, because of which it crashes into the traffic flow, there are no logical explanations for this.

This anomaly is not clear to either the representatives of the traffic police or the researchers. The latter are seriously planning to take up special devices and explore every piece of the track, but for now they simply call for vigilance of all participants in the movement through the mystical territory.

But for Kazan pedestrians, the most terrible place is crossing the railway near the veterinary institute. Although you can overcome the path in a matter of seconds, the road there is straight and even, the train is visible from afar, and yet people die here with enviable regularity.

Those pedestrians who manage to cross the cursed place without problems complain of a feeling of disorientation that occurs in the immediate vicinity of the crossing. What influences people so much, forcing them to get lost in space and even throw themselves under a train?

All that the researchers of the anomaly managed to find out is the binding to the 14th and 18th numbers, which account for most of the incidents. What happened on the railway on these dates is not known, so scientists simply recommend looking for other routes on these days.

And, finally, on Chistopolskaya Street, built on swamps, up to two dozen accidents happen a day, which among the general statistics seems to be a monstrous figure. The road has recently been repaired and widened, has a well-designed interchange, but the number of victims is not decreasing. Kazanians say that in ancient times the place for the construction of anything was chosen very thoughtfully. Often a monk was invited, who, after special prayers, indicated the correct area with good energy. Now we don’t have to choose, which is why such terrible anomalies happen due to houses, roads and other buildings built on negative plots of land.

Presidential track

Among Muscovites, only old-timers are aware of the dead zone in the very center of the capital, where the head of state and his advisers pass almost daily.

On the section of Kutuzovsky Prospekt near the turn to Minskaya Street, regular accidents inevitably end in death. Moreover, considering each specific case, investigators, eyewitnesses and doctors were horrified by the specifics of the incident:

  • a family of 5 people was driving a Niva to the center of Moscow when a Gazelle crashed into them from the oncoming lane. The culprit of the accident on a stolen car was driving to the Moscow region and accidentally hit a foreign car along the way. She was "offended" and began to pursue the "Gazelle", which at the same time crashed into the "ZIL" and from the impact flew out towards the same "Niva". Two family members died on the spot, the rest were seriously injured;
  • at 4 o'clock in the morning on an empty road, the foreign car suddenly lost control, collided with the "seven", and that, in turn, "met" with the harvester. As a result, with sober drivers on a straight section of the road in the absence of ice and other obstacles - four victims.

And there are so many such cases recorded that law enforcement officers turned to historians and scientists for explanations. They dug up a lot of archival data, but did not find information about burials or destroyed cemeteries. In Moscow, it was customary to bury people near churches or on monastic territory, and Tsar Peter I himself ordered that people not be buried inside cities.

Only one fact can somehow be tied to the mysticism of Kutuzovsky Prospekt - once there were extensive slaughterhouses here. Perhaps it is the blood of animals soaked into the ground that causes terrible events on the track?

Ulyanovsk perilous valley

When inexplicable accidents began to occur on the Saransk-Ulyanovsk highway, caused by loss of orientation by drivers, sudden loss of vision and hearing, dizziness and stupor, archaeologists immediately confirmed the fact of an ancient burial. The archives speak of a Muslim cemetery, which until 1960 was bypassed and there were no roads even nearby. But in Soviet times, such a useless waste of precious territories was considered unreasonable, the cemetery was razed to the ground and a highway was laid.

After numerous accidents, the leadership of the local traffic police came to a non-standard solution - to consecrate the dead place. The rector of the local church drove along the entire road, sprinkling every meter with holy water and reading prayers. Whether such a measure will help, time will tell.

Sakhalin magnetic road

The anomalies of such remote regions are not so widely known to the public, but they are no less frightening. So, drivers driving along the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-Okhotskoye highway at some point begin to feel as if the wheels are sticking to the road. In violation of all the laws of physics and sanity, cars suddenly slow down on the descent, and accelerate on the ascent.

The scientists who arrived at the scene took measurements and found an increased magnetic background, the origin of which cannot be determined without thorough research.

How to protect motorists and pedestrians from mystical accidents? Should special warning signs be developed to increase vigilance in a dangerous area? Should clergy be involved to get rid of evil spirits? Or is it more reasonable to approach the construction of tracks without laying them over the bones of dead people? Should we fight the roads of death or simply accept the presence of mysticism on the roads of Russia? There are many questions, only time can give answers ...

Video about ghosts on the road:

Researchers of anomalous and paranormal phenomena around the world are increasingly paying attention to the inexplicable phenomenon of “death roads”. Studies conducted in Russia, Slovakia, Poland, Germany and other countries prove the obvious thing. On highways, there are certain sections of roads where the number of traffic accidents (RTA) is sometimes hundreds of times higher than the average. These places are called geopathogenic, or. In some areas, the anomaly manifests itself more strongly, in others - weaker. Such zones appear near tectonic faults or mineral deposits, near high-voltage power lines.

There are those that can activate and subside depending on the time of day or season. Scientists have proven that all man-made tunnels, pits, pipelines and similar structures laid in unfavorable areas sharply increase negative energy. There are certain signs by which the presence of anomalous areas is determined. This is a large number of ravines, oppressed vegetation, trees that are not naturally twisted.

For drivers who find themselves on such sections of the road, violations in the body occur at the molecular, protein, cellular level. The pulse rate, blood pressure may change significantly, even a nervous breakdown may occur. Drivers quickly get tired, their reaction and visual acuity become dull. As a result, driving errors and accidents. According to statistics, the number of people who died on the roads of our planet can be compared with the losses in the bloodiest wars.

Not many people know that almost in the very center of Moscow, on the “presidential highway”, along which the statesmen of Russia pass every day, there is such a “dead zone”. At first glance, all this may seem like nonsense. However, the accident statistics and the testimonies of traffic police officers leave more questions than answers. "" - this is how the local traffic cops call a small section of Kutuzovsky Prospekt, not far from the turn to Minskaya Street. It is here that accidents occur with frightening regularity, and almost every one of them is fatal. Fatal for them were two kilometers of Kutuzovsky Prospekt (between 8th and 9th). 2003 - 16 accidents were registered here, in which 25 people died. These numbers alone are confusing. But it really becomes uncomfortable when you delve into each specific case. Terrible accidents that take human lives, arise, in fact, out of nothing.

August 11 - became fatal for the Muscovite family, who was driving his "Niva" to the center of the capital. In addition to the driver, his wife, mother-in-law, 23-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son were in the car. Suddenly, a gazelle flew out of the oncoming lane at them. However, this accident was preceded by a whole chain of seemingly random events. Along Kutuzovsky Prospekt, this "gazelle" rushed to the Moscow region. As it turned out later, she was in the hijacking. Changing lanes, the driver of the "gazelle" hooked on the front outer glass of the "Toyota". The driver of a foreign car began to honk and rushed after the offender. He, trying to break away and hide, collided with a cargo "ZIL" and flew into the lane of oncoming traffic. And then on the way was "Niva". The driver of the passenger car and his mother-in-law died on the spot, others had severe injuries. The hijacker of the "gazelle" fled the scene of the accident and was put on the wanted list.

September 2 - the accident that occurred, the witnesses call nothing more than mysticism. At 4 am, the multi-lane Kutuzovsky Prospekt is practically empty. What gloomy, inexplicable coincidences made three cars meet here! The harvester and the "seven" were heading towards the center, the "Mercedes" was moving towards the region. It was a foreign car that suddenly flew into the oncoming lane. Here she collides with the "seven", rolls over and, by inertia, "finds" the harvester. The result of this accident is the death of four young people.

February 16, 2004 - four people die here in an instant. The tragedies described have one important circumstance: in all cases, the perpetrators of accidents on the road were sober. And there are a lot of such mystical accidents on this section of Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Weather conditions have nothing to do with it, since the “presidential highway” is always well cleaned and there is no ice here.

Law enforcement officers are people who, by the nature of their activities, should not be superstitious and mistrustful. They cannot explain the reason for such terrible coincidences. Now law enforcement officers have turned to historians and local historians to look for some clue in the labyrinths of centuries. There are rumors around the area that once there was a cemetery, a churchyard on this place. No evidence for this has been found in the archives. At the beginning of the last century, the authoritative local historian A. Saladin described many destroyed cemeteries. There were no cemeteries as such in old Moscow. People were buried next to churches, temples, on the territories of monasteries. During terrible epidemics, a large number of Muscovites died. issued a decree: "Dead human bodies, except for noble people, should not be buried inside cities."

This is how cemeteries began to appear in the suburbs. Kutuzovsky Prospekt was called in the past Smolenskaya Road, it was a suburb, there were several villages that had their own cemeteries. But one fact scientists are interested in. In the archives, information was found that on one side of the modern Kutuzovsky Prospekt, once in the old days there were slaughterhouses. The place is not happy at all. Perhaps this circumstance created that mysteriously creepy halo of the presence of death, blood in this zone near Poklonnaya Hill?

In the Ulyanovsk region ufologists and researchers of anomalous zones came to the aid of local traffic cops. The federal highway Saransk-Ulyanovsk has certain sections where accidents occur regularly. Many drivers cannot explain what happened to them. Some say that the steering failed, others that it became bad with vision, others remember that they fell into some kind of incomprehensible stupor. Studies of ufologists have confirmed the presence of an anomalous zone here. Old-timers say that the road was laid through the old cemetery, while the graves of their ancestors were razed to the ground.

Another section of this road deserved the glory of the “dead place”. This is part of the way from the village of Mirny to the turn to the regional center of Cherdakly and exit from the highway towards Hollow. Accidents happen here every two weeks. An employee of the Ulyanovsk traffic police A. Karpeeva collected a whole archive of accidents. More often, drivers enter the oncoming lane, although there are no deep ravines, sharp ups and downs in this section. And accidents happen all the time. The locals dubbed this place the "Valley of Death".

Several years ago, Ulyanovsk archaeologists carried out excavations in these places. The legend was confirmed: in fact, an ancient burial was discovered on the site of the road. Information was found in the archives that the old provincial highway went around the Muslim cemetery. In the 1960s, it was considered that it was a hindrance to traffic, the area was "levelled" and an asphalt road was laid. Constant accidents with human casualties led the local authorities of the traffic police to an extraordinary decision. At their request, the rector of the local church, Father Nikolai, consecrated this road of death. On the side of the UAZ, the priest sprinkled the Cherdaklinskaya highway with holy water meter by meter. Every hundred meters the car stopped and Father Nikolai read prayers.

There is also one in the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk region, on the Korsakov highway. This is the section from Khristoforovka to the “Dalalnaya” stop. The local population calls it the "dead zone"; Here, with frightening regularity, people fall under the wheels of cars. The servants of the law adhere to their version - it is necessary to follow the rules of the road. The old-timers insist on their own: nothing can be built on the demolished cemeteries.

There is another anomalous zone not far from Vestochka - on the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-Okhotskoye road. The laws of physics say that the car must accelerate on the descent, and slow down on the ascent. Here the opposite happens. Drivers say that there is a feeling that the wheels stick strongly to the road surface. The researchers took the necessary measurements in this mysterious place, and they showed an overestimated magnetic background. No one yet knows what this may be due to, but the fact that there is an anomaly is a fact.

Many geopathic zones in St. Petersburg and the region. According to Russian scientists, they make up approximately one fifth of the city's territory. But the most "black record" of accidents is given by several kilometers of the Murmansk highway. Here cars crash four times more often.

Sad is the statistics of accidents on the roads of Belarus. Employees of the traffic police of the Minsk region. we have studied the “roads of death” well, where more accidents occur on a section of one or two kilometers of the road than along the entire route. Here are just a few of these unfavorable places:

The section between the villages of Papernya and Vishnevka on the Minsk-Kalachi-Myadel highway is a gentle hill. Here, for no good reason, cars simply go into a ditch. Old-timers say that the road here is literally built on human bones - there used to be a cemetery here.

Particularly notorious is the section of the motorway near the village of Privolny on the Minsk-Mogilev highway. And this is only a 3-kilometer segment. More than 10 accidents were registered here in two months. In this case, not only drivers, but also pedestrians suffered.

Another of these "" is located between the sixth and seventh kilometers of the Sloboda-Novosada highway. This area is made up of small hills. In 2001 alone, 7 people died here, and accidents continue with terrifying constancy. On the same road at the entrance to the city of Zhodino (between the 24th and 27th km) there were 10 fatal accidents. But the road in this place is flat, smooth, without steep ascents and descents. The Belorusskaya Delovaya Gazeta reported that the astrologer I. Kiryushin conducted a special investigation of these sites. As it turned out, the anomalous zone intermittently stretches along the road for several kilometers. The level of negative energy in this place on a 10-point scale is 10. The situation is aggravated by three high-voltage power lines that cross the route. And nearby is a cemetery.

There is a “cursed” 65th kilometer on the Minsk-Molodechno-Naroch highway. The road is completely flat. How can one explain that people die every year on a 150-meter stretch?

Not the best situation on the famous European highways and autobahns. In neighboring Poland, not far from the town of Tarnow, accidents regularly occur on a 7-kilometer section of the road. Cars lose control, fly into the oncoming lane, fall into a ditch for no reason whatsoever. Basically, drivers are not able to explain their actions. Recently, Polish doctors conducted an analysis of accidents, and rather mysterious things were established by the examination. It is on this section of the highway that drivers' blood pressure jumps sharply, the rhythm of the heart activity changes, the pulse and breathing rhythm sometimes drop to zero. All this leads to oxygen starvation and a short-term blackout of consciousness.

In the Czech Republic, the "Fund 88 kilometers" was created. On this section of the road, the car of a prominent politician A. Dubcek got into an accident. The "dead zone" is located on the Brno-Prague road. Only in 1998 there were 395 accidents and 11 people died.

There is a similar "road of death" in Germany between Frankfurt am Main and Mannheim. Over the past six years, 73 accidents have occurred on one kilometer of this route, in which more than 200 people died. Moreover, the section of this route is absolutely straight.

In Switzerland, in the valley of the river Mentul, the so-called "valley of death" is located. The negative energy of this area also leads to a large number of accidents.

The French have a bad reputation for a section of the highway passing through Korsheni, near Kontarga. The road is in excellent condition, but accidents here occur with terrible regularity.

The "Land Bermuda Triangle" is the name of a 1.5-kilometer section of road on the freeway near Milan, Italy. This is where the greatest number of accidents occur, strange things happen to cars. For no apparent reason, flawlessly running engines stall, tires burst, various systems fail.

It is clear that accidents on the roads have probably been happening since the time people invented the wheel. The reasons leading to them can be many. But, based on the gloomy statistics of those dying on the roads, it becomes clearer that it is necessary to take seriously the study of the so-called anomalous zones of the Earth: a kind of cancerous tumor of our planet. The disease-causing energy of geopathic zones affects everyone and everything. What is happening on the roads has forced scientists from different directions to look for a kind of antidote in the fight against an invisible enemy.

So, Doctor of Technical Sciences G.A. Sergeev and his assistant Yu.V. Vorontsova invented a microlaser. This device can change the chemical properties of gravitational particles and detect the presence of plasma matter. It is indispensable for detecting geopathic or anomalous zones. The microlaser will show where matter particles are distributed unevenly, where there are violations of the gravitational field. In such places, a person usually feels bad. Specialists have developed special polymers that correct the unfavorable field. Now it is enough for the driver to put such a polymer in his pocket, and his state of health will noticeably improve.

Particularly emergency sections of highways usually correspond to places where strange energy comes to the surface of the earth, which is not always recorded by instruments. The most reliable device turned out to be a wire frame - a tried and tested tool in the search for various anomalies. Scientists no longer question the assertion that the energy of the Earth in such zones should be carefully studied. In many countries of the world, detailed maps of anomalous zones are being compiled.

Abroad, anomalous zones on the road are marked with warning signs. In Slovakia and Austria, devices are used that neutralize the harmful effects of such zones on drivers. In Poland, areas of high accident rate are fenced off with special protective shields.

Modern science has proven that anomalous zones actually exist. Since time immemorial, people have known about the existence of such “dead spots”. A person subconsciously wants to get out of there and go home as quickly as possible, it is so uncomfortable, creepy and scary there. And when sections of the highway pass through such places, they, as a rule, are characterized by an increased accident rate. Our ancestors have always taken into account the location of "dead places", building a house and paving the way. And in our time it has become customary to erect monuments to those who died in an accident right along the road, at the place of death. And every year their number increases. In our hectic time, there seems to be no time to think about such “little things” as anomalous zones on the roads. But we pay too high a price for this - in human lives.