The authors of esotericism are the most famous. Have you heard about them? The most famous esotericists of the 20th century

For the better. This term implies teachings devoted to the processes that take place in the Universe, the secret mystical essence of objects. What works have already helped thousands of readers, given them secret knowledge, which allows them to be called the best in this category?

Esoteric teachings: Vadim Zeland

"Reality Transurfing" is a series of works, the author of which is a mysterious about the past and the present of which little is known. If you list the 10 best books on esotericism, you can not help but pay attention to the work of this author, who has already won thousands of followers. Zeeland offers readers a powerful technique. Armed with it, they get the opportunity to take control of their lives, instead of continuing to go with the flow.

"Reality Transurfing" is a doctrine based on the model of options. From the books belonging to this series, a person learns that he can easily realize his dreams, without expecting success for many years. Reviews indicate that Zeeland's followers are discovering talents that they had not previously known existed.

Osho and his Mindfulness

Remembering the best books on esotericism, it is impossible not to pay attention to the work of this author. Osho is a famous philosopher, mystic and spiritual leader from India. He argues that the average person passes his entire life path in a state of somnambulism, from birth to death. Osho encourages his readers to finally wake up from their sleep, start living and acting.

What exactly is the author suggesting? Osho insists that every action must be done consciously. By reading his work, people will know exactly how to achieve this. What attracts readers to the book “Mindfulness. The Keys to a Life of Peace of Mind"? Feedback from Osho's followers suggests that his teaching helps to get rid of jealousy, hatred, anger, and also confidently go towards your dream, enjoy every minute you live in the world.

Vladimir Serkin and his "Shaman's Laughter"

"The Shaman's Laughter" is a work that is also worthy of the attention of those who are looking for the best books on esotericism. Vladimir Serkin is an author who claims that modern humanity has the wrong idea about its essence. The former psychologist insists that his literature will help readers easily correct this mistake, as well as learn how to “create reality” correctly. The book contains non-traditional psychological practices that will give a person previously unknown experiences.

Getting acquainted with the work, readers get the opportunity to "talk" with a real northern shaman who has an amazing view of the world. People who liked the book praise it for its versatility. "Shaman's Laughter" covers a variety of issues, talks about being in a modern city. However, there are those who reproach the works of Vladimir Serkin for excessive vagueness, a minimum of practical recommendations.

The Teachings of Louise Hay

According to esotericism - works that help people change their lives. Great success in this was achieved by Louise Hay - a woman who learned from her own experience what real grief is. Her book "Heal Your Life" will help those who believe in the possibility of self-healing from serious illnesses. The work also contains valuable recommendations that allow you to successfully deal with psychological problems and win.

It is known that Louise Hay managed to overcome cancer, using her own recommendations. The author encourages readers to give a task to their subconscious, which is able to overcome any problems. Reviews of thousands of people show that Hay's creativity really helps to treat ailments of the body and soul. Also, Louise's literature is praised for the abundance of practical recommendations, an accessible form of presentation of the material, and a lively language.

"Conversation with God"

Other Fascinating Books on the World The best of these books are covered in this article, including Conversations with God by Neil Donald Walsh. Can a person talk to God by asking questions that concern him? The author of the work says yes.

Followers of the teachings of Neil Donald Walsh praise the author not only for the fact that his book is full of practical recommendations with which you can change your life. The writer also invites his fans to give healing to the whole world, to make their own contribution to this difficult task.

"Dream Hackers"

What else can be called esoteric? Listing them, it is difficult to forget the work of Andrei Reutov, whose “Dream Hackers” are increasingly popular. An increasing number of people join the team of "hackers" who dream of understanding all the secrets of the universe.

How useful will Andrei Reutov's book be for the average reader, who is just beginning his acquaintance with the world of esotericism? The reviews of those who liked the work claim that the author invites people to embark on the path of honesty, disinterestedness and purity with him. The writer also debunks the words of the teachings of world-renowned authorities, he invites readers to find their own way in this world.

Teachings of Natalia Pravdina

It is impossible not to mention the work of Natalia Pravdina, which is very popular in our country and abroad, if we are considering the best books on esotericism. Reviews of the works of this author are very contradictory. Many reproach Natalia for the fact that her recipes for a happy life are borrowed from the works of other esoteric writers, for example, Louise Hay. However, Pravdina has thousands of fans who claim that her literature really helped them.

What is the main idea of ​​the author's works? Natalia Pravdina encourages her readers to stop devoting their lives solely to caring for others, to love themselves. The books are full of practical recommendations, magical rituals and exercises that contribute to the achievement of this goal. A lot of time is devoted to the author and the art of visualization, which helps to achieve the desired. The writer also introduces readers to such a mysterious area as feng shui, talks about how to use the tools of this teaching in everyday life.

Natalya Pravdina has written many books, each of which focuses on a particular area (love, family, career, finance, health). Her most popular work is "I Attract Success".

“Messenger. True love story"

Of course, not all esoteric teachings worthy of attention are named above. “Messenger. A True Love Story is a fascinating work by Klaus Joel. The writer claims that his work is focused on people who dream of moving forward, but do not know how to achieve this. The author invites readers to go with him on a magical journey through the world of love.

The main advantage of this work, if you focus on the opinion of those who read it, is a description of an effective technique for fulfilling desires. With the help of the work of Klaus Joel, many readers have managed to learn to love the world around them and the people who inhabit it, to change their lives for the better.

Esoterics, as a "mystical science", has always been shrouded in a mysterious halo, although in reality this teaching has a practical, applied basis.
The search for hidden mechanisms that drive the events of life, the study of consciousness and subconsciousness has always been considered a priority in the use of esotericism as a mystical teaching.
Most of these teachings have survived from ancient times. According to some reports, they were created by the Atlanteans, who died due to the misuse of magical powers, which caused destruction on a planetary scale.

There are also currents in esotericism that appeared (or appeared) not so long ago, including in the twentieth century. Of course, such a serious science presupposes serious scientists - Teachers.
Among the greatest mystics of the last century, it is worth considering the following personalities:

George Ivanovich Gurdjieff

The mystic Gurdjieff is considered a rather mysterious person.
It is not even known where he was born - in what year, in what city.
Among the dates they name both 1866 and 1877, and 1872.
Now in the city of Alexandropol (then the former Leninakan, now Gyumri), then in Kars, etc.
Family roots have two branches - Armenian and Greek.

Under the influence of his father and spiritual mentor (rector of the cathedral), the young man became interested in the knowledge of the true purpose of life on Earth.
With a group of like-minded people, he traveled extensively in the countries of the East, Africa and Asia.
The result of these expeditions was a huge experience in studying various spiritual traditions, ancient knowledge, on the basis of which the society of "Seekers of Truth" was created.
In collaboration with the Russian scientist Pyotr Uspensky, the book "The Fourth Way" was written, which contained the main theses of the Gurdjieff system for the development of consciousness (incomplete - from the point of view of P. Uspensky).
In many countries, Georgy Ivanovich created groups of his adherents, among which, in addition to Uspensky, one can name other famous names for that time - Pamela Travers (author of a book about Mary Poppins), artist Paul Reynard, poet Rene Daumal, writer Katherine Mansfield and others.
Died G.I. Gurdjieff in France in 1949.

Aleister Crowley

12.10. 1875 - 12/01/1947

Aleister Crowley - the famous English mystic, educated at Cambridge, tarologist, adherent of Kabbalah, black magician, author of the Tarot Thoth deck of cards, was fond of poetry, chess, astrology and mountaineering.
He was a member of such organizations as the Order of the Temple of the East, the Silver Star and the Order of the Golden Dawn.
Crowley became famous as a very powerful psychic, the author of works on yoga, meditation, ceremonial magic, the teachings of Buddhism, etc.
Having received a large inheritance, Crowley traveled to many countries, devoting his life everywhere to various "mystical" experiments, creating esoteric groups and writing numerous works based on the results of his discoveries.
He believed that any human action performed consciously is magic.
Crowley was so famous that he was the prototype for the heroes of many films and books by various authors, his photo is on one of the albums of The Beatles, and many other famous musicians, one way or another, used his name and image.
It is known that he communicated with high-ranking members of the SS in the company of Hitler, then was expelled as an enemy of the German nation.
The biography of this person is so full of completely different events like no other.
Either he is in favor, then he is in disgrace, then he is friends with someone, then he becomes the worst enemy, then he makes fun of someone, then vice versa.
By the end of his life, having squandered all his fortune, becoming an undesirable person for several countries, he lived in a cheap boarding house, barely finding money for a piece of bread.
On December 1, 1947, Aleister Crowley died at the Netherwood Boarding House in Hastings.

Daniil Andreev

10/20/1906 - 03/30/1959

Daniil Andreev is the author of the book "Rose of the World", which discusses the theory of the cosmic mind, egregors and elementals, the multidimensionality of time and space, based on personal "spiritual" experience.
His father, an outstanding writer, Leonid Andreev was married to a relative of Taras Shevchenko.
Daniel was the second son in the family and was born in Grunwald (Berlin region). After the sudden death of his mother, his grandmother, through the line of the Shevchenko family, took her grandson to Moscow.
The child was sick a lot, several times he was barely out, although there were doctors among his closest relatives. At the age of 6, the child fell ill with diphtheria, his grandmother became infected from him, who later died.
After the death of his grandmother, the boy decided to jump off the bridge in order to quickly get to the next world with his mother and his beloved grandmother - he was saved by a miracle, at the last moment.
The house of his uncle Philip Alexandrovich Dobrov, an influential Moscow doctor, was often visited by such writers as M. Gorky, I. Bunin, composer A. Skryabin, singer F. Chaliapin, actors and other celebrities of that time.
Such an atmosphere influenced the development of the child's literary abilities. Having matured, D. Andreev continues his literary education.
During this period, unusual insights, experiences of a mystical nature occur with him, which later determined the receipt of valuable spiritual experience for the creation of such a monumental work as the "Rose of the World".
The development and experience of life collisions from birth, in the pre-war and post-war period, the years spent in prison, became that difficult, sometimes painful basis from which grew a beautiful, unbearably shaking "flower" of his creative understanding of cosmic awareness, transmitted through Daniil Andreev to all mankind .
The value of such a work as the "Rose of the World" cannot be overestimated.
None of the numerous works was published during the lifetime of the great thinker, poet and writer - Daniil Andreev.

Pavel Florensky

22.01. 1882 - 8.12.1937

The Russian priest, thinker and philosopher, considered religion and science as complementary components, and not as opposed, opposite structures.
The main idea of ​​his works is to define the "Radiant Eye" as the middle of the "Divine Triangle".
In his family, in addition to Russians, there are Armenian (Karabakh) roots, which he was very interested in.
After graduating from the Tiflis Gymnasium, Moscow University (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), Florensky decides to enter the Moscow Theological Academy.
Having accepted the priesthood, in addition to his main activity, he becomes the editor of the Theological Bulletin magazine, on the pages of which he sets out his philosophical and religious ideas.
Taking the times before and after the October Revolution as a historical reality, Florensky works not only as a priest.
Being engaged in mathematics, physics, materials science, technology development, he participates in the GOELRO project in Glavenergo.
In addition, he was interested in museum work, the protection of monuments of antiquity and art, and art history.
Almost naturally for that time, according to numerous denunciations, Florensky was arrested, sent first into exile, and then followed by arrest and imprisonment (02/26/1933 - 11/25/1937), which became for him the next stage of work, as a scientist who committed several scientific discoveries in such sciences as chemistry, physics.
Pavel Florensky was shot by the verdict of the "special troika of the NKVD" in the same place, in the Leningrad region.
The great scientist was buried in a common grave at the place of exile.
The date of his death given to his relatives is not true.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

05/12/1895 - 02/17/1986

This Indian mystic from childhood was distinguished by a sharp mind, prone to philosophy.
Krishnamurti received his education in London, where he became a member of the Theosophical circle.
The talented young man came to the attention of the Theosophist C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant, who were considered the leaders of the Theosophical Society of that time.
These teachers took an active part in his upbringing and education, hoping that this young man is the "Hope" of world-class theosophy.
Krishnamurti founded his own philosophical system and the Order of the Star of the East, which he later closed due to loss of faith in Theosophy.
He traveled widely, lectured everywhere, speaking as an independent speaker, for large groups, and for small ones, or even for one listener.
He published works on philosophy, reflecting his worldview, his most famous work is the book "The First and Last Freedom".
The authority of Krishnamurti was so high that society proclaimed him as the "savior of the West", but he himself did not support this opinion.
Jiddu Krishnamurti died in America, in California at the age of 90.

Rudolf Steiner (Steiner)

02/27/1861 - 03/30/1925

Rudolf Steiner was born in the family of the huntsman Johann Steiner in the town of Kraljevic in the Austrian Empire. To provide the family with daily bread, his father often changed jobs and places of residence.
The boy's education, due to moving, took place in schools of different levels, which, in the end, served him only for the benefit.
Rudolf Steiner received his first experience of spiritual communication at the age of 9, when the spirit of his aunt asked him for help at the time of death, about which none of his family knew then.
When Steiner was already 21 years old, another historic meeting took place - a "random" conversation on a Vienna train with Felix Kogutsky, who told him about the laws of nature, from the point of view of spirituality, not science.
This conversation was the first for the young man about the essence of spiritual development, which he had with a person who understands this issue.
The famous and highly respected philosopher Steiner, after receiving his education, began his career as a specialist in the study of Goethe's worldview.
Further, Steiner created his theories of spiritual knowledge of the world, such as anthroposophy, esoteric Christian philosophy.
For his scientific knowledge, he was honored to become General Secretary of the Theosophical Society in Germany.
The philosopher was looking for a way to combine scientific methods with the knowledge of the spirit and practical exercises in this area.
The result of his research and development was the construction of the Goetheanum - the house of all the arts (Steiner studied drama, the movement of con, painting, architecture, and other types of art), in which the author introduced Waldorf pedagogy, Bothmer gymnastics, anthroposophic medicine, biodynamics of agricultural development and much more.
Such figures as Goethe, Nietzsche, Hegel, Blavatsky, Fichte had a huge influence on his work.
The teachings of Rudolf Steiner himself influenced the worldview of such personalities as Joseph Beuys, Wassily Kandinsky, Andrei Bely, Julian Shchutsky, Albert Schweitzer.

Petr Donov

1864 - 1944

Petr Donov was born in the village of Nikolaevka, near the city of Varna in Bulgaria, in the family of a priest. His father was considered a prominent figure in the Bulgarian revival.
The spiritual name that Donov received is Beinsa Duno.
Petr Donov is the founder of the White Brotherhood society.
Among his main achievements are the religious and philosophical doctrine of "Esoteric Christianity", and Paneurhythmy, as a special spiritual dance, and the teachings of the Sixth Race.
Practical classes with like-minded people and students, when everyone dances in white clothes in huge circles in nature, look very attractive and grandiose.
Comprehension of the secrets of the cosmos, personality, awareness of the inner space, as a continuation of the outside world, with such an unusual "dance" gathered associates around the world around Pyotr Donov.
The sermons of Pyotr Donov (4000 pieces) are still considered healing.
At present, there are numerous groups of followers of his teachings around the world.

Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh (Osho)

12/11/1931 - 01/19/1990

Osho, a Hindu by origin, who received enlightenment at the age of 21, becomes a conductor of a unique teaching about the free choice of methods for understanding the world, up to the use of group “sex meditations” for universal development.
Osho - in Russian it sounds like "dissolved in the ocean", "oceanic". Osho was born in Bhopal (now Madhya Pradesh), Kuchwad, British India. The name given at birth is Chandra Mohan Jain.
The mystic is also known under the pseudonyms Acharya Rajneesh, Rajneesh and Bhagavan Sri Rajneesh.
A new religious doctrine - the "Movement of Rajneesh" (neo-sannyas), was founded by him on September 26, 1970 and is still operating throughout the world.
Osho criticized both the traditionalism of the methods of different religions, and the socialist policies of Mahatma Gandhi, as well as the Puritan restrictions on "freedom of choice" in everything.
Osho, an internationally recognized neo-Hindu mystic and guru, is the inspirer and preacher of the Rajneesh movement, which is recognized as neo-Hindu and unoriented for the 20th century.
Such radically different views on the upbringing and development of the soul and spirit led to the fact that society broke up into irreconcilable opponents and equally ardent admirers all over the world.
In many countries, Osho opened ashrams for his followers; in America, the international settlement "Rajneeshpuram" was created.
However, it is worth noting that some countries considered the activities of these ashrams to be destructive, and ranked them as sects and cults.
In our country, this teaching was banned, as contrary to the positive line of Indian culture and the protest youth movement of Western countries against the laws existing at that time.
Numerous works of Osho (more than 600) have been translated and sold all over the world, and in Russia too.
Here are just a few of the brightest stars of the 20th century who should be known, remembered and thanked for their great work.

Our article contains the best books on esotericism that everyone should read. Of course, this list will be replenished in the future, as this topic is very relevant and affects every person.

Books on esotericism represent a separate area in literature, which presents philosophical works, interesting research, real life stories, mystical practices and descriptions of rituals from all continents. These works make you look at the surrounding reality from a different angle, give impetus to self-development and qualitative changes in life.

Today, at the disposal of those who are engaged in the development of any knowledge, there are many different sources: video and audio recordings, books, memoirs, websites, trainings and training courses. Shelves of bookstores with esoteric literature always attract visitors. People are interested in ways to improve their lives and practical techniques that are described by those who have already walked this path. Today, many are beginning to understand that a huge potential is hidden inside a person and the quality of life can be improved with the help of the power of thought, meditations and certain practices.

And although for someone everything connected with esotericism is still frightening and mystical, people strive for this knowledge, and books help to understand many issues.

The study of yoga and methods of healing with the help of the power of thought also belongs to the field of esotericism, so more and more people are turning to these methods to maintain their health and get rid of various diseases.

In the best books on esotericism, the authors prove that our subconscious is capable of real miracles. If a person is negatively minded, then the best medicines will not be able to help him, and healing comes to those who believe in their inner strength.

The Art of Dreaming book by Carlos Castaneda

After six years of study and meditation, Castaneda wrote one of his most outstanding books, The Art of Dreaming. In it, you will learn how those involved in the spiritual quest can use the "fourth gate of dreaming" as an entrance to other worlds.

The Art of Dreaming is a book that allows anyone to master the art of lucid dreaming. This practice, which makes it possible to control your dreams, embody various fantasies in them. As Castaneda himself states, with the help of this work one can travel "to other worlds." Persistent study and practice can help us learn to change our state of awareness and visit the wonderful worlds that coexist with ours.

Carlos Castaneda is one of the greatest travelers and explorers of these universes of spirit. Millions of readers made amazing journeys of the soul, to which he invited them with his books on the teachings of the great magician don Juan.

By reading The Art of Dreaming, you, like Castaneda, will learn why the search for paths through the control of lucid dreams to other realities is the basis of the art of great magicians; how amazing and sometimes dangerous ancient creatures manage to live among us now; how the method of practice taught by Carlos don Juan allows two or more students to participate in and even act in a shared dream. The adventure that your psyche will be involved in is something you have never experienced before.

However, what will captivate you most of all is the life story of this remarkable man and his journey in the world of the spirit, a journey that could only be made thanks to the teachings of don Juan described by Carlos Castaneda in his books.

Journey Out of the Body by Robert Monroe

Journey Out of the Body is a classic work on out-of-body experiences and astral travel. A successful American businessman, against his will, faced this phenomenon and, guided by amazing courage and sanity, set about studying it.

Unlike the prejudiced occultists, Robert Monroe studied his own experience objectively and dispassionately; from the very beginning he used a scientific approach, engaged in the development of a unique methodology and showed himself to be one of those rare people who are ready for experimental cooperation with scientists. Monroe, with humor and sobriety of reason, describes only what he saw and felt, without resorting to idle conjectures, which are often characteristic of the interpretation of unusual and incomprehensible events.

Robert Monroe for a long time remained almost the only representative of the "scientific school" among the many people who announced that they had unusual psychic abilities. By the time physician Raymond Moody confirmed the prevalence of out-of-body experiences at near-death experiences, the famed Monroe Institute was overflowing with volunteers eager to experience the phenomenon firsthand.

In his book Out-of-Body Journeys, Robert Monroe also describes a technique for developing the ability to experience out-of-body experiences.

The book "Reality Transurfing", author: Vadim Zeland

The book “Reality Transurfing” by Vadim Zeland deals with very strange and unusual things. All this is so shocking that I don't want to believe it. But your faith is not required. Here are methods by which you can check everything yourself. That's when your usual worldview will collapse.

Transurfing is a powerful technique that gives you the power to do things that are impossible from an ordinary point of view, namely, to control fate at your own discretion. There will be no miracles. Something more awaits you. You have to make sure that the unknown reality is much more amazing than any mysticism.

There are many books on esotericism that teach how to succeed, become rich, happy. The prospect is tempting, who doesn’t want this, but you open such a book, and there are some exercises, meditations, work on yourself. It immediately becomes sad. Life is already a continuous test, but here they offer to strain again and squeeze something out of themselves.

You are assured that you are not perfect, and therefore must change, otherwise there is nothing to count on. Perhaps you are not completely satisfied with yourself. But deep down, you don't want to change yourself at all. And you don't really want to. Don't believe anyone who says you are imperfect. Why did you decide that someone knows better than you what you should be? You don't need to change yourself. The exit is not at all where you are looking for it.

We will not engage in exercises, meditations and introspection. Transurfing is not a new method of self-improvement, but a fundamentally different way to think and act in such a way as to get what you want. Not to seek, but to receive. And do not change yourself, but return to yourself.

We all make a lot of mistakes in life, and then dream about how great it would be to return the past and fix everything. No one promises you “a reserved seat ticket to childhood”, but mistakes can be corrected, and it will look like a return to the past. Even, most likely, "forward to the past." The meaning of these words will become clear to you only towards the end of the book. Therefore, prepare for the unexpected, as surprising as it is pleasant.

Runes book. Techniques of magical influence. Money, health, relationships”, author: Nikolai Zhuravlev

Before you is a very ancient Knowledge! Knowledge of an ancient civilization, known to us from the incredible travels of the Vikings, from the fearlessness of the berserkers included in the legends, from the conquerors and rulers who influence the whole world!

This knowledge in the form of various "reflections", ceremonies and rituals spread throughout the world.

Nikolai Zhuravlev, a specialist in the field of esoteric and occult systems, has been collecting bit by bit the ancient secrets of “true Northern knowledge” for many years.

This unique book contains primary, undistorted knowledge about runes. You will learn how to use their power to influence others, influence events, how to heal with their help, how to know the future.

For many hundreds of years, this sacred knowledge remained hidden, but now, collected in one book, it has finally become available!

The book "Shaman's Laughter", author: Vladimir Serkin

Before us is a book by psychologist Vladimir Serkin, who decided to go "to the people." He felt cramped not only within the boundaries of professional academic psychology, but also in a number of completely esoteric new psychological practices: psychoanalysis, transpersonal psychology, transactional analysis, neurolinguistic programming.

In 1997, psychologist Vladimir Serkin accidentally met a man whom everyone around considered a shaman. The result of their rather long communication was the book "Shaman's Laughter", which contains processed fragments of diary entries of dialogues with a person who lives an unusual life and communicates not only with people, but also with other creatures, who owns many amazing practices.

Some readers compare The Shaman's Laughter with Carlos Castaneda's The Teachings of Don Juan. The author points to a fundamental difference in understanding the essence of man: “Don Juan believes that man is a being that perceives the world, and uses “descriptions”; The shaman believes that man and other living things create the world, and uses "practices" (activities). This difference has a clear practical meaning: according to Castaneda, a person, being in one of the states of consciousness, cannot remember the experience in another state. According to Shaman, it is possible to "restore" part of such an experience, since the "reality created by the action" remains and is perceived.

Karmic Healing book by Diana Stein

We are not alone in the healing process. There are simple ways to get rid of karma. They are available to everyone. As a major part of the earth changes, we are also experiencing a unique period of karmic release. The entities of the angelic realm, who control the karma of people and animals, now want to work with us in a comprehensive way in order to save us from suffering and prevent their return. This energetic clearing and deep spiritual healing is the most wonderful facet of the earth change process.

The purpose of Karmic Healing is to teach you the means of healing. They are simple but extremely effective. These include working with the Lords of Karma (call them the Angels of Karma if you will) to help remove suffering and energy blockages from your past lives. By healing the present and past, you remove pain, suffering, and traumatic experiences from your future. With the help of these techniques, you can heal from the effects of trauma at any energy level, relieve suffering from all invisible energy bodies that are an integral part of the human anatomy. Such a complete karmic liberation will be impossible if a person works only on the physical and emotional levels. Although this process is not directed directly at the physical body, it often results in a complete physical recovery. It manifests itself in liberation from suffering, tranquility of the mind and the ability to enjoy existence.

A series of books "Conversations with God. Unusual Dialogue by Neil Donald Walsh

In February 1992, Neil Donald Walsh experienced an extraordinary mystical experience that subsequently took his life in an extraordinary new direction. At the age of 49, Walsh found that his career as a national radio talk show host was falling apart, as was his family relationship, and the same could be said for his health.

In a fit of desperation, one day after a sleepless night, he got up and wrote an angry letter to God in the early morning, which contained such questions as “What, finally, is required in order for life to work?”, “And what did I do to deserve life like a never-ending struggle?

To his surprise, he began to receive answers. The insights contained in them turned out to be so profound that Walsh wrote them down in his notebook.

Walsh published his notes in books called Conversations with God. Unusual dialogue. Some time later, the second, third and fourth books with the same title came out. This edition was a great success in America: it stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for 130 weeks. After "Conversations with God", the books "Friendship with God" and "Union with God" were published, which enjoyed no less success with readers.

Heal Your Life book. Heal your body. The Power Within Us By Louise Hay

Louise Hay is well known to readers in many countries. She has received wide international recognition as a specialist in solving problems of a psychological nature and self-healing from various diseases.

Louise Hay's practical methods are based on extensive material collected in the course of numerous and comprehensive studies of the causes of diseases, as well as on her own experience of healing from cancer. Her advice has already helped thousands of people to discover their creative potential, get rid of fears, overcome ailments of the soul and body. The basic principle of Louise Hay's work is as follows: "Give a task to your mind, and it will cope with all problems." This book contains three works by Louise Hay: Heal Your Life, Heal Your Body, and The Power Within Us. We hope that her advice will help you.

“Everything that I write in this book is the materials of my lectures, which I read for five years. This is another step on your way to knowing and discovering yourself. The book will help you learn a little more about yourself, realize your potential abilities and opportunities - what is yours by right from the moment of birth. You are given an opportunity to love yourself and thus become a part of the immense universal love. Love begins in our hearts and thanks to us. Let your love do its part to heal our planet." — Louise Hay.

The Third Eye by Lobsang Rampa

The Third Eye is an amazing story about a spiritual journey, a wonderful autobiographical tale of an extraordinary childhood in Chakpori Monastery, a stronghold of Tibetan medicine. A seven-year-old boy from an aristocratic Tibetan family, under the guidance of a great Master, comprehends the secrets of seeing the aura, astral travel, and healing.

This is a book about friendship with the Dalai Lama himself, the last Great Incarnation. This is a rich artistic document about Tibet, about its unique nature, about the life and customs of its leading classes - the aristocracy and the clergy, about the system of physical and spiritual education of children and youths in lamaist monasteries, about the history of the country. Finally, it is also an acquaintance with Tibetan Buddhism. Simple, fascinating, but the author deeply reveals all the essentials in this great religion - from traditions, legends and picturesque cult details to the highest moral and spiritual truths.

Journey of the Soul by Michael Newton

Michael Newton, Ph.D., is a certified hypnotherapist and a member of the American Association of Counseling Psychologists. Michael Newton devoted his therapeutic practice to helping people with various behavioral disorders, as well as to discovering the higher self.

Each of us sooner or later thinks about the question: what will happen to us after physical death. Michael Newton's book "Journey of the Soul" is a sensational work that lifts the veil of secrecy from the most mysterious and frightening outcome, whose name is death.

Immediately upon publication, this book became a worldwide bestseller. Thanks to this work, a lot of people have received reliable, detailed scientific information about what happens to a person after death. Perhaps the most significant merit of this book is that it helps us look at death in a completely different way - not as a terrible end to everything, but as an opportunity for an amazing transition to another life.

From the book "Journey of the Soul" you will get answers to questions about how the stage of reincarnation of the soul takes place: who meets us after death, where we are going next, who are our guides and guardian angels, what are our tasks after death, and what hierarchy exists in that other world where each of us will go in due time.
You will also understand how we choose the body in which we should be born, the country in which we will live, our future profession, friends, and even those we do not like. And all this information is not fiction or fantasy, but the result of scientific research conducted by the famous regression hypnotherapist: Dr. Michael Newton.

In the book, information is provided in the form of dialogues with patients who have been immersed in the past through hypnosis. In this superconscious state, patients remembered themselves not only in past incarnations, but also between lives. Their unexpected answers sometimes surprised even the author of the book, Dr. Newton. This book, in fact, is relevant and interesting for absolutely all people living in the world. The information provided in this book by Michael Newton has never been published before.

If you are confused, lost yourself and your meaning and do not know how to live on, then you just need to read this book.

The book "Vedas about a man and a woman", author: Oleg Torsunov

In this book, the problems of relationships in the family and before marriage, as well as the duties of husband and wife, are considered from the point of view of the experience of Vedic culture. And this is no coincidence. Vedic culture still preserves the traditions of past generations, based on knowledge and a deep understanding of the rules of communication and the intricacies of human psychology.

Unfortunately, modern civilization is increasingly relegating the development of a person as a person to the background, so the experience of past generations can greatly help us in solving the problems of any relationship, including family ones. The book is not a philosophical treatise divorced from real life. It contains tips that can really improve your life.

The material of the book is compiled on the basis of the author's lectures on medicine and psychology, read for a wide audience; it is used every day in practical assistance to those who need it, and is intended to provide real help to a person seeking happiness.

Book "Secret" (Secret), author: Rhonda Byrne

Rhonda Byrne is the creator of the documentary The Secret (The Secret), which, when released in 2006, sparked a global movement and changed the lives of millions of people. A little later, in the same year, Rhonda's book "The Secret" was published. The circulation of the book exceeded 25 million copies. It has been translated into over fifty languages ​​and remains one of the longest running bestsellers of this century. Rhonda Byrne went on to write three more bestsellers: Power in 2010, Magic in 2012, and Hero in 2013, making an excellent contribution to humanity.

Once known only to an elite who were reluctant to share their knowledge of power, the "secret" to getting everything you desire is now being revealed by eminent physicists, authors and philosophers as a law based on the universal law of attraction. And the good news is that everyone can access this secret to bring themselves health, wealth and happiness. The components of the overall scheme of the Mystery have been painstakingly collected from oral traditions, literary works, religious teachings and philosophies over the centuries.

Many of the exceptional people who discovered this power have come to be considered the greatest people who ever lived. Among them are Plato, Leonardo, Galileo and Einstein. Now the secret becomes the property of many. Beautiful in its simplicity and mind-blowing in its ability to actually work, The Secret unlocks the potential within each of us. Combining cutting-edge scientific thought with ancient wisdom and spirituality, the exciting practical knowledge will lead readers to a better understanding of how they can take control of their own lives.

The Power Book by Rhonda Byrne

The book, titled "Strength", is a continuation of the author's bold research. What is "Strength"? And what is the secret of a successful life? The life that each of us dreams of. A life that everyone deserves. Anyone can live an amazing life. Happiness in the family, love, self-realization in the profession, success in business, excellent health - there is nothing supernatural in all this. Success is much closer than we think, it is very close. Closer, because the source of strength to achieve this life is always within us. Having understood the “Secret” of the attraction of life success, everyone can and must discover the “power” in themselves, realize the laws of its action, accept the conditions for its implementation and, as a result, get everything that they dreamed and dreamed of.

Book "Magic" by Rhonda Byrne

The author of the book "Magic" is an Australian writer Rhonda Byrne. She is also a successful producer with her own production company. Her shows ranked high in the ratings and received many prizes and awards. In her book, the writer shares her knowledge on how to make your life happy.

To create a book, the writer studied various religious directions. After all, each of them offers its own ways to achieve happiness, following certain rules and commandments. She wondered if it was possible to identify some universal way to find happiness and harmony within oneself, so that it would not require following a particular religion, but would be available to everyone. And she was able to see something in common.

The whole point of the book is to teach a person to look at the world with gratitude. We live in constant discontent, complain about the boss, low salary, spouses, quarrel with relatives, live in the wrong city or in the wrong country, and our appearance could have been better, and we shouldn’t talk about health at all. If, when communicating with people, and even with ourselves, we pay attention to what we say, it turns out that almost all speech consists of complaints. How can we be happy if we only see the negative? Why are we so rarely able to talk for a long time about the good and just for hours about the bad?

Rhonda Byrne's Magic is about the power of gratitude. The power of gratitude and its impact on our lives and destinies cannot be overestimated. Embark on an exciting journey of 28 days and discover how incredible your life can be. Our journey begins over two thousand years ago, when life-changing knowledge was hidden in a sacred text. For twenty centuries this knowledge has been mystified, confused, and misunderstood by many who read it.

The book "VEDAS. Vedas of Russia. Vedas Bulgar. Pra-Vedas, author: Alexander Asov

The Book of the Vedas contains chronicles, Vedic tales and epics of Ancient Russia, Volga Bulgaria, as well as Balkan Bulgaria and is divided into "Vedas of Russia" and "Vedas of Bulgars".

The Vedas of Russia contain the Book of Veles, the sacred scripture of the Slavs of the 9th century; "Yarilin's Book" - a Ruskolan chronicle that tells about the history of Ruskolani, or Rus Alan, late III - early IV century AD; also "Belaya Krynitsa" - a collection of ancient Russian songs and feasts of Zlatoyar and Boyan, telling about the Times of the Busovs.

"Bulgar Vedas" contain the Bulgaro-Tatar chronicle of the beginning times: from the ancestors and the Time of the Busovs to Vladimir Svyatoslavich. The collection also includes the Bulgarian-Pomak Veda of the Slavs (The Golden Book of Kolyada and the Book of Rodovichi), which represents the epic of the Rhodope Bulgarians-Pomaks who moved to the Balkans from the Volga.

Complementing the set of "Pra-Veda: The Book of Kolyada" - recreated according to oral tradition of the Proto-Slavic epic, as well as extracts from Vedic sources about the incarnations of Bus Beloyar.

The book "The Cult of Ancestors. The strength of our blood”, author: Victoria Rydos

One of the best esoteric books worth reading is The Cult of the Ancestors. The strength of our blood." This is the first and very long-awaited book of the winner of the 16th season of the "Battle of Psychics" Victoria Rydos. The author talks about how the actions of distant ancestors continue to influence our destiny. And it answers the most important question: is it possible to change what in the most literal sense is “written by birth”. The ability to learn from mistakes and improve is the basis of both biological and spiritual evolution. One of the most important human tools that help to do this is conscious attention to the plots of one's destiny. This is also very important in relation to the history of the genus: the immediate ancestors affect a person automatically, and in order to somehow change their influence, you must first understand it, and the influence of distant ancestors and the help that they can give is almost impossible to feel and receive without knowledge about their fate and about themselves. Usually, in order to act correctly, you need to have a good understanding of who you are and where you are.
Victoria is convinced that in many respects this understanding comes from knowing one's family, the history of one's ancestors. That force that has been passed down for centuries from one generation to the next, which is in your physics and psyche, adds up to certain plots that affect your very life. If you learn to see and change these stories, you will learn to change your destiny.

What is the book “The Cult of Ancestors. The strength of our blood"

The book consists of eight chapters. In the first, Victoria talks about what the cult of ancestors is, why it is needed and what rituals associated with it must be observed. The topic of the second chapter is the energy in the family: where does it come from and how does it circulate between relatives, what problems can arise in this case and how to solve them. The third is dedicated to the birth of children: the embodiment of the soul and its development in the mother's womb, the period of pregnancy, childbirth and the first days of the newborn and his mother. In the fourth chapter, the author talks about grown-up children: how they are connected with the spirit of the family, how to properly educate them, how to help them find themselves and realize themselves in life. In the fifth - about adults, about love and marriage: how can the spirit of the family relate to the fact that its descendant met his love; is it necessary to get married and how to do it right; how to build relationships in the family. The sixth chapter is devoted to the death of loved ones: what does death mean in the context of the cult of ancestors; how to say goodbye to loved ones; how to bury The seventh chapter continues the theme of death, but death is considered from the inside: what happens to a person after he dies; Is it possible to somehow influence what will happen to us after death. And finally, in the eighth chapter, it is said about individuals in the family who deserved a special memory of their descendants: is it good or bad to have outstanding ancestors; Should I try to stand out?
In Victoria's book, there are many references to folk customs, to various traditional cultures. For her, this is not only a tribute to the culture of our ancestors, but also an effective tool. Victoria is sure that people who have retained a connection with nature (including their own nature) also retain a connection with power.

For whom is the book “The Cult of Ancestors. The strength of our blood"

The book will be of interest to all fans of Victoria Rydos and, of course, to loyal viewers of the TV project "Battle of Psychics". But not only them.
In any political system, in any economic situation, in any cultural environment, the invariable truth is that you are someone's descendant. And someone's ancestor. Knowing your family system, how a person can draw strength from his kind and how to behave correctly so that the connection with the family does not break, but strengthens over time, will be useful to everyone. After all, the clan can give not only a strong family and good children, but also a career, money, social status, successful personal realization.
Ask yourself, what kind of ancestor will you become for your descendants? Will you be the one who will try to forget and who will be considered the cause of all the troubles that occur in the family; or those whom they will thank, whom they will be proud of, whose work will be continued? Who will the grandchildren and great-grandchildren want to be like? In what conditions will those who follow you find themselves?
Victoria's book recalls the most important thing: to change the course of fate, you need to know about the mechanisms that influence its formation.

Why was the book “The Cult of Ancestors. The strength of our blood"

Victoria created a strong, intriguing image on the screen, which riveted our attention for a long time. We have seen how turning to the world of the dead opens up truly unlimited possibilities for her, which seemed completely inaccessible to others. However, after reading the manuscript, we were convinced that each person is able to influence his own destiny by rethinking the generic programs laid down by previous generations.
Sometimes it is difficult to resist what the blood of our ancestors pushes us to - especially when you are not aware of what is happening. Often the actions that a person performs, inexplicable from the point of view of common sense, are explained precisely by the tasks that he needs to solve as a descendant, and if he does not understand the conditions of this task, then, of course, it turns out to be much more difficult, if not impossible, to solve it. If the negative information recorded in the family program is not changed, then it will affect all subsequent generations.
Victoria tells how you can transform generic plots and change your life and the lives of those people who will come after us for the better. The power present in the family does not disappear and seeks to manifest itself in reality.
Perhaps it depends on you whether it will be uncontrollable and dangerous or manageable and bringing good luck - to those who have realized it in their kind and in themselves.

Information about Victoria Rydos

Victoria Rydos is a priestess of the cult of ancestors, the winner of the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics. Her job is to see and hear ghosts and, as their confidant, relay information to the living. Victoria teaches us how to correctly manage this knowledge, which helps us to abandon the destructive patterns of behavior of our ancestors and at the same time draw on the strength and experience of previous generations. Victoria regularly conducts seminars on the energy and magic of the family. The priestess of the cult of ancestors lives in St. Petersburg with her family.

5 Injuries That Keep You From Being Yourself by Liz Bourbeau

The work "Five traumas that prevent you from being yourself", written by Liz Burbo, will allow many to understand themselves. In her book, the writer addresses everyone personally, making it clear that only he himself is responsible for who he is.

In this work, the author talks about the fact that the mental, psychological and even physical state of a person depends on him. Not from some external circumstances, other people, good or bad, but from the perception of a person. Of great importance is the perception of the situation, the problem, the way a person looks at it. You can get hung up on resentment, scrolling through situations, disputes, scandals, reproaches every time in your head, or you can solve the problem, accept and let go of resentment.

The fact is that many traumas come from childhood, and it is almost impossible to realize them. Liz Burbo in her book breaks down each of them in detail so that the reader can see for himself and take action. What do people do when they feel betrayed, abandoned, humiliated? When do they feel like they've been treated unfairly? Almost everyone feels resentment, anger, pain. No one wants to experience such emotions again. And so everyone tries to prove to himself and others that he doesn’t care, thus putting on a mask that prevents a person from being himself, the way he is. A person can no longer experience his real feelings, open up even to himself, and therefore cannot find a way out of his problems, ceases to understand himself.

This is what Liz Burbo is talking about, trying to help each reader understand, understand what injuries are preventing him, work on himself and get rid of them.

The book "Modeling the Future", author: Vitaly Gibert

If you talk to many people about happiness, it becomes clear that few people know what kind of feeling it is in the present. Many were happy in childhood, but gradually lost the ability to be happy. So what happens to us as we grow up? Why does everything turn out the way it does, and can it be changed? In the book Modeling the Future, Vitaly Gibert, a parapsychologist and winner of the 11th season of the Battle of Psychics, says that everything can be changed. He speaks the same language with readers, without forcing them to get confused in incomprehensible terms. There is a feeling that you are having a conversation with a friend over a cup of hot tea in a cozy atmosphere.

The child has the opportunity to live the way he wants, to do and love what he wants. Growing up, everyone experiences the pressure of society. Everywhere you hear advice on what to do right and what not to do, and gradually a person forgets about what his heart is drawn to. He suffers from fears, insecurities, resentment and anger, like all adults. The author of the book is sure that happiness does not have to go far. It is inside each of us - in the very child who knew what he wanted.

There is no need to attend special courses or go to the ends of the earth to enlightened masters for the knowledge that lives inside you from birth. Just open it in yourself - learn to trust the divine plan, live without attachments and fear, consciously choose only the desired experience. This is the key to health, happy relationships, financial abundance, and professional success.

With the help of this book, each reader will be able to listen to himself, penetrate into the depths of his consciousness and subconscious, open his soul to himself. It is worth learning to acquire only the desired experience, to get rid of unnecessary and harmful, such as resentment and fears. After all, everything that is in our life, we attract ourselves. Vitaly Gibert tells how to get rid of the unnecessary and attract what is needed - fulfillment of desires, harmony and happiness.

Placebo Yourself: How to Harness the Power of the Subconscious Mind for Health and Prosperity by Joe Dispenza

Placebo for Your Own: How to Harness the Power of the Subconscious for Health and Prosperity by Joe Dispenza reveals many of the secrets of how our body works.

For a long time, people have been wondering why some recover from even the most serious illness, while others die, although it all started as the most common cold. It has been repeatedly argued that a person's faith in his recovery, his desire to live, his desire to do something else in life is of great importance. People and doctors noticed that those who do not want to live, who are sure that their days are numbered, and the disease is incurable, die much more often than those who believe in life.

Not many people are ready to believe such facts, but when science finds an explanation for this, then, willy-nilly, one has to think. The author of this book explains why this happens, how our brain works, what determines the production of certain substances. It turns out that for our body it is not so important where emotions come from. They can occur as a result of real events, while watching a movie, or even when a person is just thinking about something. Regardless of the source of emotion, a person experiences certain experiences that affect the work of the whole organism. So, for example, pain can be unambiguously destructive for him both from the real death of a loved one, and from the one that a person imagined in his mind and realized the bitterness of loss. This explanation answers many questions.

Our condition always affects our well-being. So, negative emotions destroy us, lead to frequent illnesses, and positive ones can heal not only the soul, but also the body. That's why a lot of people talk about how important a positive attitude is. This explains the placebo effect, when a person who takes a "pacifier" instead of a medicine is miraculously healed. The book describes how our body works, how it is able to renew tissues and heal itself. Perhaps this will allow readers to take a different look at the world and learn to believe in the best.

Human Design book by Chetan Parkin

Human Design is a synthesis of ancient wisdom traditions, including Eastern and Western astrology, the Chinese I Ching, the Indian chakra system and Kabbalah, an esoteric trend in Judaism, as well as two modern branches of science: neutrino physics and understanding of the human genetic code.

This is a technology of self-knowledge that has replaced astrology. As you read, you will discover your true nature. You will find many discoveries about the reasons for your actions, ups and downs. Human Design is a universal and multifaceted system that will teach you how to manage your destiny and make decisions in accordance with your individual Design. By living your Design, you will make your life harmonious and balanced.

You can find out your Design based on calculations based on the date, time and place of birth.

The author - Chetan Parkin - the most famous international researcher of Human Design, a direct student of Ra Uru Hu (the founder of the system). Chetan Parkin trained as a mechanical engineer in the UK but was introduced to the amazing Human Design system in 1993 and has since become an engineer of human souls, striving to introduce the new system to all people. He teaches all over the world. The book has already changed the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world and has become an international bestseller.

Dream Hackers book, author: Andrey Reutov

Surely, many have heard about the possibility of being aware of everything that happens in a dream. It sounds interesting, it seems to some only a fantasy, but someone is seriously studying this topic and practicing it. At the heart of Andrei Reutov's book "Dream Hackers" are real things that happened. A group of people did research, hiding it from others, and then this book was written. Its peculiarity is that here esoteric knowledge is woven into the artistic plot. And perhaps this is the best way to grab the reader's attention.

The book tells about an ordinary guy Maxim, who once witnessed a strange phenomenon. Right in front of his eyes, during a shootout, a man disappeared in an Internet cafe. He didn't die, he just vanished. After some time, Maxim saw him again, and then they managed to talk. This man calls himself a dream hacker.

Boris told Maxim that there are people who can penetrate other people's thoughts and dreams. They see the world from a different angle, describe it from a magical point of view, unlike scientists. And Boris is just one of them. Their opponents are the US-based Legion, which wants to control all countries. It is necessary to protect Russia from members of the Legion and prevent the country from falling under its dictatorship. Maxim decides to become one of the dream hackers, gets trained, learns about lucid dreams and much more.

It is worth noting that the main value of this book is not the artistic component, but the dialogues and the learning process of the protagonist. There is a lot of theory and practice on esoteric topics here, I want to translate all this into reality in order to feel for myself what lucid dreams are. Fortunately, there is such an opportunity, because the book talks about methods that actually exist.

The book "Rose of the World", author: Daniil Andreev

The Rose of the World is the main work of Russian esoteric literature, created by Daniil Andreev, a poet and an outstanding mystic thinker, the son of the famous writer of the early 20th century, Leonid Andreev. Written on the basis of the author's personal spiritual experience, this original religious and philosophical treatise is marked by an inspired vision of world unity. In his insights of what lies "beyond" ordinary experience, the author seeks to convey to the reader the image of the coming global culture, which the author of the book calls the Rose of the World.

Many books have been written about the structure of the world, at all times there have been people who want to know its secrets. Various studies, experiments were carried out, and someone was guided by the knowledge of sages and philosophers, and drew conclusions. There were also those who said they had a special gift. Any person who has studied the most popular books on esotericism about the structure of our and other worlds has heard of Daniil Andreev's book "The Rose of the World". It tells about an unusual system that has not been described anywhere before. This book is not only esoteric, but also philosophical, it makes a person think about the meaning of life and the consequences of their actions.

The book can be considered a textbook of an alternative world outlook. First, the author talks about the basis of his ideas and methods of cognition of being. Then he proceeds to describe the structure of the worlds, speaks not only about the earthly worlds, but also about the light and dark worlds. Then he talks about the course of our history, about the spiritual vision of everything that happened. The book ends with predictions, they reflect the alternative, so that people can think and choose the path that will lead to prosperity, not destruction. The best option, according to the author, is spiritual rebirth.

Inlirangi's Dawn book, author: Victoria Novak

The Dawn of Inlirangi is a 2018 bestseller. This book tells about the relationship of one couple (Arthur-Alice), which goes through difficult ups and downs that have arisen due to the hostile actions of dark forces, and develops and improves through these situations. Alice discovers the healing and all-encompassing power of prayer. And Arthur, going through truly masculine trials in the mountains, for the sake of saving his beloved, gets a deep experience of spiritual insights. They learn from various followers of the teachings of Inliranga, and they discover the wonderful direction of the Field of Love, which is ideal for creating a harmonious spiritual family, which they dream of creating for the most successful upbringing of their children. They will learn the best way to find a partner, the amazing mystery of marriage, the wonderful ancient method of conception, in which you can attract the highly developed soul of the unborn child, they will learn important points of education using ancient forgotten practices for revealing the talents and abilities of the child.

During their training, they come into contact with places of power, mounds, dolmens, caves and ancient observatories, where amazing knowledge is revealed to them. Contact with this place of Power makes a miracle a reality for them and allows them to gain spiritual experience, to transform their individuality. They come into contact with ancient civilizations, the souls of the dead. Enlightened teachers come to them in the subtle body. The heroes themselves achieve, at the same time, deep spiritual insights and gain important experience for them.

In ancient times, a real initiate was considered to be one who, passing the mysteries of various schools, got acquainted with the subtle plane and the creatures inhabiting it. Even the word "trance" meant the transition from our world to the world of the dead - the other world. A person who visited there completely changed his worldview and could no longer live and think like ordinary people.

The book is written based on the real experience of several independent trainers and contains ancient knowledge and practices that will be useful to everyone.

The book "Love your disease", author: Valery Sinelnikov

Valery Sinelnikov is a well-known practicing psychotherapist, psychologist, homeopath, author of healing psychological techniques that are unique in their simplicity and effectiveness and have helped thousands of people regain their health, improve their well-being, and experience the joy of life. From his book, you will learn how to learn how to use the powers of your subconscious in order to forgive and get rid of guilt, cope with depression and expel jealousy, recover from many diseases and become successful.

The book "Love your disease" is a kind of "trigger" for the consciousness that begins to work. And this is the most important effect, since any change begins with the energy of thought. Since the first publication of the book, there have been many changes both in the country and in the world. And the author, being a creative person, also changed and improved along with the era, confirming his methodology with fruitful practice.

The Power of Intention book. How to realize your dreams and desires”, author: Valery Sinelnikov

How to make dreams and desires come true? It seems that it is very difficult, because dreams are somewhere very far away, and we live in the real world, where there are so many difficulties. But it all just seems. After reading the book by Valery Sinelnikov “The Power of Intention. How to realize your dreams and desires” there is a rethinking of one’s own life.

When we were still children, we constantly dreamed about something. Gradually, as we grew older, we began to pay more and more attention to what we see and what we should do, and think less and less about what we would like. If you ask yourself what is your biggest dream, then it may turn out that the big dream does not exist at all. The author of this book says that it is useful and necessary to dream. Just under the influence of attitudes, upbringing, life experience, for some reason we stop believing that the dream is feasible.

This book contains tips that will help you realize your dream, bring it closer to reality. In the course of the story, the author tells stories that inspire the first steps towards the realization of a dream. The book will be an excellent occasion to reflect on your own thoughts, no matter how unusual this phrase may sound. After all, how we live, what we achieve depends on our thoughts. Valery Sinelnikov explains how it works, why it happens and, most importantly, he tells how to change it, how to manage your life in order to get everything you want.

The book "The Highest Taste of Life. Way out of the material game, author: Alexander Usanin

The Absolute Truth is that we are all particles of the Supreme, Supreme Personality, God. We are "cells in His body." At the same time, both He and each of us have an eternal individual consciousness, which He endowed us with for His enjoyment. Although we are all different and occupy a different position in society, we all have the same purpose - to serve the One Whole, God, of which we are all parts.

The diseases of the soul, from which we are cured in this world and which are the source of wars and all other problems, arise when the soul begins to oppose its own interests to the interests of others, to God. Holiness is a healthy state of the psyche, a state of C-PART-I in unity with God, in harmony with the outside world - this is a state when people stop opposing themselves to each other on religious, national and racial grounds, realizing their connection with the Almighty, with each other .

When a person begins to consider the well-being of everyone as part of his well-being, he comes into contact with eternity, leaves the material game, having felt the Highest Taste of Life - selfless love for everyone as a part of the Almighty.

The book "Schedule of the school of life", author: Alexander Usanin

The material world is a school of elevated relationships. This school has its own schedule, which is written in the energy structure of our body. Every seven years, a certain energy center — a chakra — is consistently activated in the human body, causing a vibration that attracts certain lessons of fate into our lives, which encourage us to increase our perception of the world, improve the qualities of our character, and raise the level of our aspirations a step higher. If this does not happen, lessons of a certain level haunt a person all his life.

For the lessons, exams of life, for the tests that we go through at each stage, we need to prepare in advance, because it is impossible to escape from them - they are attracted to us by the vibration of the chakras, which are activated by time and our consciousness.

Businessmen keep a diary, planning meetings. Students look at the schedule while preparing for lessons so they know what lesson they need to learn now. And it will also be useful for everyone to know what will be taught to us at a certain time. We need to know about this, so as not to be afraid of the lessons that will come to us each in its own time. Knowing when what lessons will come is very important in order to learn them correctly and in a timely manner - after all, if we do not keep up with the educational process, for the changes that life will push us to, we will have problems - bad grades, which are called "crises".

A crisis is a dead end that we run into if we do not evolve spiritually. The way out of life's impasse becomes possible if we leave something (our former egoism) and rise to a higher level of perception of the world - and find that it was not a dead end, but a stage, having ascended to which, we received the possibilities of a new level.

There are two types of people - those who learn in "autopilot" mode - who develop good qualities through various situations that they find themselves in and those who change themselves for the better themselves - their educational program - fate becomes better thanks to this - they are in the mode "manual control" leads the shortest way to perfection God Himself.

The Magical Transition book by Taisha Abelar

Before you is a completely "Castanedian" book - "Magical Transition" by Taisha Abelard - a female stalker from the party of the nagual Carlos Castaneda. This is not only another fascinating journey into the world of don Juan's magic in relation to the training of a female warrior, but also a valuable practical guide. Here are described in detail the so-called "Magic techniques" - exercises with which you can achieve the disclosure of energy resources, health, youth and, in addition, understanding of many amazing things hidden from us in everyday life.

The Subconscious Can Do Anything by John Kehoe

John Kehoe is a man who once decided to study the abilities of the human brain. He spent three years in isolation, and when he went out into the world again, he began to conduct seminars and share his knowledge with people through books. His books become bestsellers and are sold all over the world. One such popular book is “The Subconscious Can Do Anything!”

People are used to believing that everything depends on some external factors, character traits or luck. But what if the embodiment of what we want depends largely on our subconscious? The author of this book believes that thoughts have energy, so it is important that they are clearly formulated, and not wander randomly in the head. The more clearly a person thinks, knows what he wants, sees a picture of what he wants, the more likely it is to come true.

Much of the book focuses on positive attitudes. It is important to focus on the positive. You need to stop complaining, blaming fate, remembering mistakes. If you constantly think about the bad, draw pictures of terrible events in your fantasies, then this will not be slow to happen. And if you imagine your success, then it will definitely be. You need to think about what you want, not about what you DON'T want. The writer talks about the importance of visualization, which means taking a few minutes a day to close your eyes and visualize clearly what you want to achieve. The brain will gradually rebuild itself and will strive to achieve the desired.

The subconscious plays a huge role in human life. It can store in itself the most significant moments of life, can affect the physical and emotional state, and hence the activity of a person. This book will teach you how to work with your subconscious, how to set yourself up to achieve your goal, and not to make mistakes and get negative experiences. This book will show that if you learn to understand how the subconscious mind works, and use it correctly, then you can achieve a lot of your desires!

Heal Yourself book by Louise Hay

The book "Heal Yourself" will help to improve your life not only in physiological terms, it will come in handy in any areas of life. How often do we live without feeling happy, do not have time for anything, hurry somewhere, not knowing why all this. The author of this book says that we ourselves are the cause of many of our problems. And therefore, in order to eliminate them, you need to pay attention inside yourself, you need to work on yourself.

Perhaps at one time you decided that you were not worthy of success, that you would not be able to become someone outstanding. Then already internally you doomed yourself to failure. Even if it seems to you that you are doing something in the direction of your dream, but subconsciously assume that you will not be able to realize it. So that's what will happen.

Perhaps you are suffering from the fact that you cannot build strong relationships. At the same time, you yourself do not suspect that you once decided that you were not beautiful enough, not slim enough, or simply not good enough to be loved. Now just don't let yourself be loved. It also happens that problems in adults, their complexes and fears originate in childhood, are the cause of improper education, dooming to failure.

The author of this book believes that all this is fixable. Our emotions and thoughts affect our lives much more than it seems at first glance. So, for example, Louise Hay, having learned that she had a cancerous tumor, decided that this was the result of resentment in her soul. And she began to work on her emotions. And six months later, her tests shocked the doctors. This convinced her of the loyalty of the theory of positive thinking. In her book, she gives advice that will help a person change perception, maintain strength of mind. She will teach you to overcome obstacles with a smile and believe in yourself. Louise Hay wants to convey to every reader that healing is within himself. You just need to allow yourself to be happy!

The book "The Course of the Beginner Wizard", authors: Vadim Gurangov, Vladimir Dolokhov

The book outlines the basics of game esoteric psycho-training Simoron. This is an original domestic purely practical system that answers the question: “what and how to do?” When we have life problems. The system has developed simple and effective methods for changing the circumstances of life, available to any person. Moreover, these methods are universal, i.e. the same remedies apply to illnesses, and to fears, and to emotional problems, and to insecurity, and to money problems, and so on.

The book contains many real stories from the practice of wizards that encourage you to take on the transformation of your life on your own. These stories make learning practical magic easy and fun. The book is addressed to a wide range of readers who want to live a full joyful life in harmony with the world around them and themselves. The book is also designed for those interested in psychology, magic, esotericism, and those who seek self-improvement.

The book "Life without limits. The Secret Hawaiian System for Acquiring Health, Wealth, Love and Happiness by Joe Vitale, Ihaliakala Hugh Lin

This book has completely changed the worldview of hundreds of thousands of people around the world! The author of the world bestsellers "The Key" and "The Secret of Attraction" Joe Vitale reveals to us the secret of the system of the ancient Hawaiians to improve their lives, heal themselves and others. You will be able to understand why certain problems arise, what prevents you from finding the love of your life, achieving success, becoming absolutely healthy, wealthy and being in harmony with the world around you. You can get rid of negative attitudes and acquire a positive attitude for a long time.

The training takes place in the form of a retelling of conversations with the Hawaiian healer Hugh Lin. Gradually, from chapter to chapter, a world of amazing possibilities will open before you, available to everyone who returns to the “zero state” and accepts “life without limits”.

The book "Two Lives", author: Konkordia Antarova

The heroes of the book are great souls who completed their spiritual evolution on Earth, but remained here to help people in their spiritual ascent. According to the author, a famous opera singer, student of K.S. Stanislavsky, soloists of the Bolshoi Theater K.E. Antarova (1886-1959) - the book was written by her under dictation and was started during the Second World War. The book "Two Lives" was written down by Konkordia Evgenievna Antarova through communication with the real Author through clairaudience - in the way that the books of "Living Ethics" by E.I. Roerich and N.K. Roerich, "The Secret Doctrine" - E.P. Blavatsky. The unity of the Source of these books is quite evident to those who have read them. The teaching set forth in the Living Ethics books is, as it were, illustrated by the destinies of the heroes of the book Two Lives. This is the same Source of the One Truth, from which came the Teachings of Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ and other Great Teachers. For the first time in a book intended for a wide range of readers, bright and deep Images of the Great Teachers are given, written out with great love, showing Their selfless work to reveal the Spirit of man.

“The real events that formed the basis of the creation of the novel “Two Lives” cannot be made public. Only one thing can be said: they refer to different time periods, but are based on the facts of the fate of real people, the circumstances of their life, the events that accompanied the movement of the energy of the Brotherhood in the forms of the Earth. Do not get attached to dates, names, sequence of presentation and other facts - you will lose the thread of energy. Each hero has a prototype in which we see the image of one or another Ascetic, Collaborator, Herald of the White Brotherhood. The stories of the incarnations of these people were skillfully woven into a single outline of the narrative and created a real idea of ​​the life of the White Brotherhood on Earth.”

Some quotes from the book: "Two Lives"

“In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, what people call love is actually either their prejudices and superstitions, or their selfishness. True love will be only that which reveals all the abilities and talents for creative activity, which frees the human spirit.

“Angry is not an innocent occupation. Every time you get angry, you attract currents of evil from the ether from all sides, which cling to you like leeches, ugly red and black leeches with the most ugly heads and stigmas imaginable. And they are all the product of your passions, your envy, irritation and malice. After it seems to you that you have already calmed down and mastered yourself, the storm in the atmosphere near you will still continue for at least two days.

“Do not give in to doubt and hesitation. Do not break your work with denial and despondency. Cheerfully, easily, cheerfully, be ready for any test and bring joy to everything around you. You have gone along the road of labor and struggle, affirm, always affirm, and do not deny. Never think: "I will not achieve", but think: "I will reach". Don't say to yourself: "I can't", but smile at the childishness of this word and say: "I will overcome it."

“The great wise life knows no punishment. It gives everyone the opportunity to mature and grow stronger precisely in those circumstances that are necessary only for him alone.

"Each person is not your friend or enemy, each person is your teacher."

Book "Ensemble of universal worlds", author: Mikhail Nekrasov

The book summarizes the experience of knowing a person and his connections with the surrounding space through psychophysical teachings, extrasensory perception, Eastern and Western philosophy, physics, and mathematics.

Using the methods and techniques described in the book, the reader can develop psychic abilities, reveal their natural psychic powers: foresight, mind reading. The greatest value and uniqueness of this book is that the author described the effects of working with the chakras, and much you will not find in any other author!

A series of books "Diagnostics of Karma", author: Sergey Lazarev

Books by S. N. Lazarev cover the topic of diagnosing karma, which has recently become more and more popular. It will be of interest to both those who have been studying it for a long time, and beginners. The author offers a special concept of comprehending the laws of the spiritual world, which has a great impact on the material world. He sought to ensure that readers learn to understand the world around them, to see and realize the mechanisms that govern it. Important knowledge will be the concept of bioenergetics and ways to enter into it. Each person should be aware of himself as a part of the big Universe, and then understanding its laws will help to change his spiritual world and his life.

Chakras and Kundalini book. The Hidden Powers of Man, by Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda

Swami Maheshwarananda is one of the most famous modern yoga teachers, the author of the Yoga in Everyday Life system. This book is the best work to date on the Indian understanding of the subtle energies of man. The first part provides an introduction to Hindu philosophy, cosmology and spiritual practices. The eight chakras (including the obscure bindu chakra) and their various attributes are discussed in great detail below. Physical exercises and meditation practices are given to activate each chakra. At the end of the book, the author talks about his line of disciplic succession, going back to the ancient masters of yoga.

The book "Opening the Third Eye", author: Boris Sakharov

Studying the ancient Sanskrit texts of yoga, the author of the book for decades comprehended spiritual and bodily exercises to awaken the inner, little-studied forces of a person, to reveal his clairvoyant capabilities, that is, the ability to see with the so-called “third eye” what is not amenable to ordinary visual perception. The pages of the book describe the ways and methods of awakening and revealing a higher consciousness in a person, his infinite creative forces and spiritual potentialities, the source of which is the cosmic energy embodied in the human body.

The book "Controlled Dreams", author: Elena Mir

Guided Dreams allows the reader to learn ways to consciously enter new worlds in their dreams. Based on his own experience, the author suggests learning to be aware of yourself not only during the day, but also at night in dreams, which will ensure the fullness of existence at every moment of being. The book shows ways to manage dreams that allow a person to gain new life experiences. Having the opportunity to live a second life in a dream, the reader will be able to discover unprecedented parallel worlds, stepping over the boundaries of time and space.

Hands of the Light by Barbara Brennan

An absolute world bestseller that will teach you: to discover the gift of extrasensory perception; to know how the human aura and the energy field of the Universe interact; master the mysterious healing art of influencing the aura.
Read this book - and you will look at the world around you in a new way! Follow this book and you will understand what your spiritual destiny is on Earth!

The book "Beyond the body. Theory and practice of astral travel”, author: Mikhail Raduga

Here is the most comprehensive guide to out-of-body experiences to date. Talking about this phenomenon, Mikhail Raduga pays special attention to two of its aspects: the practical application of this phenomenon and the possibilities of independent sequential mastering of out-of-body techniques. According to the author, the desire for self-improvement lies at the heart of human nature, and the experience of out-of-body experiences provides practically unlimited opportunities for the realization of this desire: from discovering and developing the ability to foresee the future to a more effective way of learning a foreign language and even improving one's physical form. Being in a phase state (a state outside the body), you can learn, heal, have fun and much, much more.

Mikhail Raduga cites and describes a large number of techniques, thanks to which one can undertake an independent out-of-body journey and learn how to work with the sensations and experiences experienced during it. Some practices are for beginners, others for those with some experience. A large number of given techniques makes it possible to choose those that will work most effectively in your case.

Theoretical research and reading books on esotericism are certainly part of the spiritual work. But, most importantly, to implement and put into practice what your heart has responded to. It is very useful to start meditating, to practice mindfulness in the present moment. Explore and listen to yourself, since there are plenty of tools for self-development today.

And what are the best books on esotericism that are worth reading do you know? Share your opinion in the comments.

Esoterics, as a "mystical science", has always been shrouded in a mysterious halo, although in reality this teaching has a practical, applied basis.
The search for hidden mechanisms that drive the events of life, the study of consciousness and subconsciousness has always been considered a priority in the use of esotericism as a mystical teaching.
Most of these teachings have survived from ancient times. According to some reports, they were created by the Atlanteans, who died due to the misuse of magical powers, which caused destruction on a planetary scale.
There are also currents in esotericism that appeared (or appeared) not so long ago, including in the twentieth century. Of course, such a serious science presupposes serious scientists - Teachers.
Among the greatest mystics of the last century, it is worth considering the following personalities:

George Ivanovich Gurdjieff

The mystic Gurdjieff is considered a rather mysterious person.
It is not even known where he was born - in what year, in what city.
Among the dates they name both 1866 and 1877, and 1872.
First in the city of Alexandropol (then the former Leninakan, now Gyumri), then in Kars, etc.
Family roots have two branches - Armenian and Greek.

Under the influence of his father and spiritual mentor (rector of the cathedral), the young man became interested in the knowledge of the true purpose of life on Earth.
With a group of like-minded people, he traveled extensively in the countries of the East, Africa and Asia.
The result of these expeditions was a huge experience in studying various spiritual traditions, ancient knowledge, on the basis of which the society of "Seekers of Truth" was created.
In collaboration with the Russian scientist Pyotr Uspensky, the book "The Fourth Way" was written, which contained the main theses of the Gurdjieff system for the development of consciousness (incomplete - from the point of view of P. Uspensky).
In many countries, Georgy Ivanovich created groups of his adherents, among which, in addition to Uspensky, one can name other famous names for that time - Pamela Travers (author of a book about Mary Poppins), artist Paul Reynard, poet Rene Daumal, writer Katherine Mansfield and others.
Died G.I. Gurdjieff in France in 1949.

Aleister Crowley

12.10. 1875 - 01.12.1947

Aleister Crowley - the famous English mystic, educated at Cambridge, tarologist, adherent of Kabbalah, black magician, author of the Tarot Thoth deck of cards, was fond of poetry, chess, astrology and mountaineering.
He was a member of such organizations as the Order of the Temple of the East, the Silver Star and the Order of the Golden Dawn.
Crowley became famous as a very powerful psychic, the author of works on yoga, meditation, ceremonial magic, the teachings of Buddhism, etc.
Having received a large inheritance, Crowley traveled to many countries, devoting his life everywhere to various "mystical" experiments, creating esoteric groups and writing numerous works based on the results of his discoveries.
He believed that any human action performed consciously is magic.
Crowley was so famous that he was the prototype for the heroes of many films and books by various authors, his photo is on one of the albums of The Beatles, and many other famous musicians, one way or another, used his name and image.
It is known that he communicated with high-ranking members of the SS in the company of Hitler, then was expelled as an enemy of the German nation.
The biography of this person is so full of completely different events like no other.
Either he is in favor, then he is in disgrace, then he is friends with someone, then he becomes the worst enemy, then he makes fun of someone, then vice versa.
By the end of his life, having squandered all his fortune, becoming an undesirable person for several countries, he lived in a cheap boarding house, barely finding money for a piece of bread.
On December 1, 1947, Aleister Crowley died at the Netherwood Boarding House in Hastings.

Daniil Andreev

10/20/1906 - 03/30/1959

Daniil Andreev is the author of the book "Rose of the World", which discusses the theory of the cosmic mind, egregors and elementals, the multidimensionality of time and space, based on personal "spiritual" experience.
His father, an outstanding writer, Leonid Andreev was married to a relative of Taras Shevchenko.
Daniel was the second son in the family and was born in Grunwald (Berlin region). After the sudden death of his mother, his grandmother, through the line of the Shevchenko family, took her grandson to Moscow.
The child was sick a lot, several times he was barely out, although there were doctors among his closest relatives. At the age of 6, the child fell ill with diphtheria, his grandmother became infected from him, who later died.
After the death of his grandmother, the boy decided to jump off the bridge in order to quickly get to the next world with his mother and his beloved grandmother - he was saved by a miracle, at the last moment.
The house of his uncle Philip Alexandrovich Dobrov, an influential Moscow doctor, was often visited by such writers as M. Gorky, I. Bunin, composer A. Skryabin, singer F. Chaliapin, actors and other celebrities of that time.
Such an atmosphere influenced the development of the child's literary abilities. Having matured, D. Andreev continues his literary education.
During this period, unusual insights, experiences of a mystical nature occur with him, which later determined the receipt of valuable spiritual experience for the creation of such a monumental work as the "Rose of the World".
The development and experience of life collisions from birth, in the pre-war and post-war period, the years spent in prison, became that difficult, sometimes painful basis from which grew a beautiful, unbearably shaking "flower" of his creative understanding of cosmic awareness, transmitted through Daniil Andreev to all mankind .
The value of such a work as the "Rose of the World" cannot be overestimated.
None of the many works was published during the lifetime of the great thinker, poet and writer - Daniil Andreev.

Pavel Florensky

22.01. 1882 - 8.12.1937

The Russian priest, thinker and philosopher, considered religion and science as complementary components, and not as opposed, opposite structures.
The main idea of ​​his works is to define the "Radiant Eye" as the middle of the "Divine Triangle".
In his family, in addition to Russians, there are Armenian (Karabakh) roots, which he was very interested in.
After graduating from the Tiflis Gymnasium, Moscow University (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), Florensky decides to enter the Moscow Theological Academy.
Having accepted the priesthood, in addition to his main activity, he becomes the editor of the Theological Bulletin magazine, on the pages of which he sets out his philosophical and religious ideas.
Taking the times before and after the October Revolution as a historical reality, Florensky works not only as a priest.
Being engaged in mathematics, physics, materials science, technology development, he participates in the GOELRO project in Glavenergo.
In addition, he was interested in museum work, the protection of monuments of antiquity and art, and art history.
Almost naturally for that time, according to numerous denunciations, Florensky was arrested, sent first into exile, and then followed by arrest and imprisonment (02/26/1933 - 11/25/1937), which became for him the next stage of work, as a scientist who committed several scientific discoveries in such sciences as chemistry, physics.
Pavel Florensky was shot by the verdict of the "special troika of the NKVD" in the same place, in the Leningrad region.
The great scientist was buried in a common grave at the place of exile.
The date of his death given to his relatives is not true.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

05/12/1895 - 02/17/1986

This Indian mystic from childhood was distinguished by a sharp mind, prone to philosophy.
Krishnamurti received his education in London, where he became a member of the Theosophical circle.
The talented young man came to the attention of the Theosophist C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant, who were considered the leaders of the Theosophical Society of that time.
These teachers took an active part in his upbringing and education, hoping that this young man is the "Hope" of world-class theosophy.
Krishnamurti founded his own philosophical system and the Order of the Star of the East, which he later closed due to loss of faith in Theosophy.
He traveled widely, lectured everywhere, speaking as an independent speaker, for large groups, and for small ones, or even for one listener.
He published works on philosophy that reflected his worldview, his most famous work is the book The First and Last Freedom.
The authority of Krishnamurti was so high that society proclaimed him as the "savior of the West", but he himself did not support this opinion.
Jiddu Krishnamurti died in America, in California at the age of 90.

Rudolf Steiner (Steiner)

02/27/1861 - 03/30/1925

Rudolf Steiner was born in the family of the huntsman Johann Steiner in the town of Kraljevic in the Austrian Empire. To provide the family with daily bread, his father often changed jobs and places of residence.
The boy's education, due to moving, took place in schools of different levels, which, in the end, served him only for the benefit.
Rudolf Steiner received his first experience of spiritual communication at the age of 9, when the spirit of his aunt asked him for help at the time of death, about which none of his family knew then.
When Steiner was already 21 years old, another historic meeting took place - a “random” conversation on a Vienna train with Felix Kogutsky, who told him about the laws of nature, from the point of view of spirituality, not science.
This conversation was the first for the young man about the essence of spiritual development, which he had with a person who understands this issue.
The famous and highly respected philosopher Steiner, after receiving his education, began his career as a specialist in the study of Goethe's worldview.
Further, Steiner created his theories of spiritual knowledge of the world, such as anthroposophy, esoteric Christian philosophy.
For his scientific knowledge, he was honored to become General Secretary of the Theosophical Society in Germany.
The philosopher was looking for a way to combine scientific methods with the knowledge of the spirit and practical exercises in this area.
The result of his research and development was the construction of the Goetheanum - the house of all the arts (Steiner studied drama, the movement of the con, painting, architecture, and other types of art), in which the author introduced Waldorf pedagogy, Bothmer gymnastics, anthroposophic medicine, biodynamics of agricultural development and much more.
Such figures as Goethe, Nietzsche, Hegel, Blavatsky, Fichte had a huge influence on his work.
The teachings of Rudolf Steiner himself influenced the worldview of such personalities as Joseph Beuys, Wassily Kandinsky, Andrei Bely, Julian Shchutsky, Albert Schweitzer.

Petr Donov

1864 - 1944

Petr Donov was born in the village of Nikolaevka, near the city of Varna in Bulgaria, in the family of a priest. His father was considered a prominent figure in the Bulgarian revival.
The spiritual name that Donov received is Beinsa Duno.
Petr Donov is the founder of the White Brotherhood society.
Among his main achievements are the religious and philosophical doctrine of "Esoteric Christianity", and Paneurhythmy, as a special spiritual dance, and the teachings of the Sixth Race.
Practical classes with like-minded people and students, when everyone dances in white clothes in huge circles in nature, look very attractive and grandiose.
Comprehension of the secrets of the cosmos, personality, awareness of the inner space, as a continuation of the outside world, with such an unusual "dance" gathered associates around the world around Pyotr Donov.
The sermons of Pyotr Donov (4000 pieces) are still considered healing.
At present, there are numerous groups of followers of his teachings around the world.

Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh (Osho)

12/11/1931 - 01/19/1990

Osho, a Hindu by origin, who received enlightenment at the age of 21, becomes a conductor of a unique teaching about the free choice of methods for understanding the world, up to the use of group “sex meditations” for universal development.
Osho - in Russian it sounds like “dissolved in the ocean”, “oceanic”. Osho was born in Bhopal (now Madhya Pradesh), Kuchwad, British India. The name given at birth is Chandra Mohan Jain.
The mystic is also known under the pseudonyms Acharya Rajneesh, Rajneesh and Bhagavan Sri Rajneesh.
A new religious doctrine - the "Movement of Rajneesh" (neo-sannyas), was founded by him on September 26, 1970 and is still operating throughout the world.
Osho criticized both the traditionalism of the methods of different religions, and the socialist policies of Mahatma Gandhi, as well as the Puritan restrictions on "freedom of choice" in everything.
Osho, an internationally recognized neo-Hindu mystic and guru, is the inspirer and preacher of the Rajneesh movement, which is recognized as neo-Hindu and unoriented for the 20th century.
Such radically different views on the upbringing and development of the soul and spirit led to the fact that society broke up into irreconcilable opponents and equally ardent admirers all over the world.
In many countries, Osho opened ashrams for his followers; in America, the international settlement "Rajneeshpuram" was created.
However, it is worth noting that some countries considered the activities of these ashrams to be destructive, and ranked them as sects and cults.
In our country, this teaching was banned, as contrary to the positive line of Indian culture and the protest youth movement of Western countries against the laws existing at that time.
Numerous works of Osho (more than 600) have been translated and sold all over the world, and in Russia too.
Here are just a few of the brightest stars of the 20th century who should be known, remembered and thanked for their great work.

Collection of e-books on esotericism

Kabbalah. Magic. Meditations and trance. Wisdom of the East. Feng Shui. Psychology. Energy. TARO. Shamanism. Practices in India.


"10 Lectures on Kabbalah"
"Baal HaSulam - Teachings of the Ten Sefirot"
"Dion Fortune - The Mystical Kabbalah"
"M. Laitman - INSIDE"
"M. Laitman - Fundamentals"
"Michael Laitman - Comprehension of the Higher Worlds (Kabbalah)"
"The Essence of the Science of Kabbalah"


"I and II books of the magic of Moses"
A. Crowley "Crowley - 8 lectures on yoga"
"Crowley - GEMATRIA"
"Crowley - BOOK 777"
"Crowley - THE BOOK OF LIES"
"Crowley - The Book of Wisdom or Folly"
"Crowley - The Book of Wisdom or Folly (The Book of Aleph)"
"Crowley - Moonchild"
"Crowley - Magic Tao"
"Crowley - The Soldier and the Hunchback"
"Crowley - The Thelemic Declaration of Human Rights"
"Albert the Great - Small Alchemy"
"Vseslav Solo - How to become a magician" Astral body-1. Buffoon or the Beginning of Magic
Astral body-2. Isis or Gate of the Sanctuary
Evening school. How to Become a Mage or Stay Alive
"Vseslav Solo - Talisman"
"Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa - OCCULT PHILOSOPHY"
"John Grinder, Richard Bandler. The Structure of Magic"
"Kandyba Viktor Mikhailovich - Magic - Encyclopedia of magic and witchcraft"
Papus "Papus - Practical Magic"
"Papus - Ceremonial Magic"
"Peter de Abano - Gepgamyron or magical elements"
"R.CH.ZENER - TEACHING OF MAGICS Compendium of Zoroastrian Beliefs"
"Scott Cunningham - Power of the Earth"
"FRANZ BARDON - Gate of Initiation"
"Schlakhter V.V., Kholnov S.Yu. Psychodynamics of witchcraft, or an introduction to paralogy"
"Edred Thorsson - Northern magic of the mysteries of the Germanic peoples"

"Meditations and Trance"

"Tik Nat Khan Guide to Walking Meditation"
"Alexander Lyubimov - Immersion"
"Geshe Jampa Tinley - SHAMATHA foundations of Tibetan meditation"
"J. S. Everly, R. Rosenfeld - MEDITATION"
"Levshinov Andrey - Internal drug or healing meditation"
"Meditation and how to master it"
"Meditation inducing inner ecstasy"
"Richard Bandler, John Grinder. Trance Induction"
"S.D. Jagdish Meditation comprehension of the inner space"
"Saraswati Satyananda Swami Tantric Meditations"

"Wisdom of the East"

"101 Zen Stories"
"Vostokov Viktor Fedorovich Art of love"
"Vostokov Viktor Fedorovich Secrets of the Healers of the East"
"Interview in Bodhgaya"
"Selected Chan sayings"
"Kathleen Van de Klyfft Inside Source"
"LO JONG - with explanations of the practice of White Tara"
"Beyond 1-10"
"Selected chapters from the book LIT THE FIRE"
"Saffron Robe"
"Lu Yuya Taoist Yoga"
"Guide to Usui Reiki"
"Thirty-six initial rules"
"The Tibetan Book of Great Liberation"
"Teachings of Zen Master Seong Sahn - Sprinkling Ashes on the Buddha"
"Hazrat Inayat Khan - The Mysticism of Sound"
Chan Buddhism
"CHEKAVA YESHE DORJE - Seven Point Mind Training"
"Zhizhong Bian - Taoist Health Gymnastics"
"Chia Mantak - Dantian Qigong - Empty Power, Perineum Energy and Second Brain"
"Chia Mantak - Three Dan Tiens in Six Directions"
"Chokyi Nima Rinpoche GUIDE TO LIFE AND DEATH"
"Yudlove Eric 100 days for health and longevity. A guide to Taoist yoga and qigong"

"Feng Shui"

"Lillian Tu - Fundamentals of Feng Shui"
"Lynn Denise - Feng Shui of your home"
"Lo Raymond - Feng Shui and destiny. Prediction of good luck and prosperity, a warning against mistakes and adversity"
"Richard Webster - City Apartment Feng Shui"
"Saveliev K - Feng Shui for every day"
"Symbolism in Feng Shui"
"Feng Shui Housekeeping"
"Styasny Sharon - Feng Shui and Kitchen Interior"

"Practices of India"

"Andre van Lisbet - (9 Pranayama - The path to the mysteries of yoga"
"Arthur Avalon Serpent Power"
"Atreya Prana Yoga Healing Secret"
"Boiko Viktor Sergeevich Yoga. Hidden aspects of practice"
"Boris Sakharov - THE GREAT MYSTERY The Hidden Side of Yoga Exercises"
"BORIS SAKHAROV - Opening the third eye"
"Vladimir Shemshuk Baba Yaga WHO THEY ARE"
"Dwivedi Triguna Maharishi Ayur - Veda Pass to Immortality"
"Deschane J. M. Yoga in ten lessons"
"Johari Harish Tools for Tantra. Chakras are energy centers of transformation"
"Martynova B.V. Upanishads of Yoga and Tantra"
"Maharishi Patanjali. Yoga Sutra"
"Ramacharaka RAJA YOGA"
Saraswati Swami Satyananda Yoga Nidra
"Swami Vivekananda - RAJA YOGA"
"Swami Vivekananda Bhakti Yoga"
"Swami Vivekananda JNYANA YOGA"
"Swami Vivekananda KARMA YOGA"
"Swami Vivekananda Practical Vedanta"
"Tumanova O.T. Tibetan yoga and secret teachings"
"Sri Ramana Maharshi - The Message of Truth and the Straight Path to Yourself"
Sivananda Swami The Golden Book of Yoga
"Sivananda Swami The Science of Pranayama"
"Shivapriyananda Swami The Secret Power of Tantric Breathing, Shiva Swarodnaya or Shiva's Science of Breathing"
"Sri Krishnamacharya - THE YOGA SUTRAS OF PATANJALI"


"Bill Heidrick - Meditation on TAROT"
"Joan Banning - The Fool's Way"
"Evgeny Kolesov. ABC TARO"
"Evgeny Kolesov. Lectures on TARO"
"Kotelnikova A.A. Treasured Lenormand deck"
"Crowley - The Book of Thoth"
"Magic Tarot"
"Madin Ra - Discourses on the II Arcana - Priestess - Tarot decks of Thoth"
"McGregor Mathers - TARO. Occult meaning, use in divination, game methods"
"Numerological Spreads"
"Description of Magic Tarot Cards"
"Definition of occult predisposition by Tarot"
"Divinatory Tarot"
"Abstract on the topic - Classical divination systems"
"Hyo Banzhav. Self-tutor on TARO"
"Hyo Banzhaf Tarot and the Hero's Journey"
"TARO Center - Lectures"


"Aleksey Ksendzyuk - After Castaneda. Further research"
"Alexey Petrovich Ksendzyuk - THE MYSTERY OF CARLOS CASTANEDA"
"Amir Waddah al-Amiri - By the Way of Fire, or Conversation with the Nagual on-line"
"Bruce Wagner - Only You Live Twice"
"Jose Stevens, Lina Sedletsky-Stevens - SECRETS OF SHAMANISM"
"Second Ring of Power"
"Don Juan the Magician"
"NOTES OF WARRIORS July - December 1998"
"From Magic and Dreaming Encounter with Carlos Castaneda"
"Selected Interviews"
"Interview with Carlos Castaneda"
"To Carlos Castaneda, wherever you are"
"Elusive Mysteries"
"Separated Reality"
"Psychoenergetic practices of Carlos Castaneda"
"Journey to Ixtlen"
"Conversations with Don Juan"
"Glowing Encounter"
"Tale of Strength"
"Carlos Castañeda"
"Kenneth Meadows - Rune Magic"
"Kenneth Meadows - The Shamanic Experience"
"Margaret Runyan Castaneda - A Magical Journey with Carlos"
"Norbert Klassen - Toltec Wisdom in a New Age"
"Russian line of magicians"
"Sasha Sherman - Carlos Castaneda"
"Serge Kahili King URBAN SHAMAN"
"Taisha Abelar - Magical Passage (Way of the Warrior Woman)"
"Théun Mahrez - Return of the Warriors"
"Florinda Donner - Life-in-a-Dream"


"Alexander Gorbovsky - Secret power. Invisible power"
"Alexander Lowen. Therapy that works with the body"
"Alexander Tages - OMICRON"
"Annie Besant, Charles Leadbeater - THOUGHT FORMS"
"B.Monosov - Fireball-1"
"Chakra Balancing. Cleansing Exercise"
"Vasiliev L L - Suggestion at a distance"
"Verishchagin D.S. DEIR (all levels)"
"Possession of sensitivity to the biological fields of living objects"
Vladimir Danchenko (#20)
"The first step is honest self-manifestation"
"Psychological mechanism of spiritual development and problems of spiritual practice"
"Evolution of Consciousness in Documents"
"Education of the Occult Forces in Man"
"Dascalos. ESOTERIC PRACTICES. Christian meditations and exercises"
"E. 3. - Telepathy and Energy Exchange Theory and Practice"
"E. F. Pisareva - The power of thought and mental images.doc"
"Chisinevsky - Scheme of the location of the human chakras"
"Leadbeater - The Development of Clairvoyance"
"Olga Tolmacheva - Tree of Angels"
"Where Magic Begins"
"Corruption Removal"
"C. Leadbeater - CHAKRAS"
"Charles Tart - Awakening overcoming obstacles to the realization of human potential"
"Sham Eya Tsikon - Warrior's Path Practical Combat Energy"
"Edgar Cayce and the Akashic Records"
"Yu.M. Levinson - Fundamentals of bioenergetic diagnostics and treatment"


"Atomic. Women's Psychology - A Practitioner's Guide"
"Valery Zelinsky - Dictionary of Analytical Psychology"
"Gerhard Adler Lectures on Analytical Psychology"
"Grigoriev V.N. Videnika"
"Dawley - A Disease Called Man"
"John Gray A Practical Guide to Fulfilling Desires"
"Evgeny Kolesov Secret book for women - how to control a man"
"Linchevsky E.E. - Psychological climate of the tourist group"
"Pervushina O. N. General psychology"
"Prof. S.I. Povarnin THE ART OF DISPUTE"
"T.V.Zaitseva THEORY OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING psychological training as an instrumental action"
"Everett Shostrom Anti-Carnegie"
"Esther Harding - Psychic Energy"

Psychology / A.Adler

"A. Adler Motive of Power"
"Adler A. - Inferiority complex and superiority complex"
"Alfred Adler. The Science of Living"

Psychology / "Dale Carnegie"

"Dale Carnegie. How to overcome feelings of anxiety"
"Dale Carnegie. How to Win Friends and Influence People"

Psychology/ "Maria Louise Von Franz"

"Maria Louise Von Franz Alchemy"
"Maria Louise Von Franz The Redemption Motif in Fairy Tales"
"Maria Louise von Franz Divination and Synchrony"
"Maria Louise von Franz Interpretation of Fairy Tales"

Psychology / "Age psychology"

"A.A. Sakbaev Differences in perceived motives in adolescents with different degrees of computer orientation"
"B. and L. Nikitin. We and our children"
"Byard Robert T., Bayard Jean Your Restless Teenager"
"André Bertin - Raising in the womb, or a story about missed opportunities"
"Vladimir Antonov - Children"
"G.Volkelt - Holistic phenomena in the visual activity of children"
"DEE SNIDER - Teen Survival Course"
"Krukover Vladimir. Raising a teenager"
"L. B. Fesyukova. Education with a fairy tale"
"L.S. Vygotsky The problem of the cultural development of the child"
"L.F. Obukhova. Childhood as a subject of psychological research"
"L.F. Obukhova. Overcoming biogenetic approaches to the study of the child's psyche"
"L.F. Obukhova. Child (age) psychology"
"Lorenza Lorenzini - CHILDREN AND CARTOONS"
"Lyudmila Perelshtein Beware of children!"
"Masaru Ibuka. It's getting late after 3."
"OT3 to 7"
"Why is the baby crying"
"Psychology of the student"
"Child from 1 to 3"
"Simon Lvovich Soloveichik. Teaching with passion"
"Child care up to 1 year old"
"Tsareva L.P. Mom, teach me to read!"
"Eda Le Champ. When Your Baby Drives You Crazy"
"Janusz Korczak. How to love a child"

Psychology / C.G. Jung

"James A. Hall - Jungian Interpretation of Dreams"
"C. G. Jung - Approach to the Unconscious"
"C. G. Jung - The Goals of Psychotherapy"
"K. G. Jung On the Question of the Subconscious"
"C. G. Jung On the Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious"
"K.G. Jung Seven Sermons to the Dead"
"K. G. Jung - Basic questions of psychotherapy"
"K.G. Jung Shadow Fight"
"C.G. Jung Some Fundamental Considerations for Practical Psychotherapy"
"K.G. Jung on REBIRTH"
"C.G. Jung An overview of the theory of complexes"
"C.G. Jung Psychosis and Its Contents"
"C.G. Jung Psychotherapy and Worldview"
"Carl Gustav Jung Man and His Symbols"
"PSYCHOLOGICAL COMMENTARY BY DR. CARL G. JUNG to the Tibetan Book of the Dead"
"Radmila Moakanin - Jungian Psychology and Buddhism"
"Robin Robertson - Introduction to Jungian Psychology"
"Jung K.G. Soul Problems of Our Time"
"Jung K. G. On the Significance of the Unconscious in Psychopathology"
"Jung K. G. Symbols and Metamorphoses of Libido"
"Jung K G Dreams, Reflections"
"Jung Carl Gustav SOUL STRUCTURE"
"Jung Carl Gustav The Conscious Mind"
"Jung Carl Gustav Transcendental Function"

Psychology / "NLP and hypnosis"

"Anvar Bakirov Basic presuppositions - fun about the important or how NLP starts"
"Brian M. Alman SELF-HYPNOSIS A Guide to Changing Yourself"
"Bandler R. Patterns of Hypnotic Techniques by Milton Erickson"
"V. V. Kondrashov All about hypnosis"
"Goncharov Gennady Arkadyevich Suggestion theory and practice"
"Gregory Bateson Mary Katherine Bateson. Angels fear"
"D.V. Melanin - Tutorial of practical hypnosis"
"Joseph O'Connor - An Introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming. The Newest Psychology of Personal Excellence"
"How to get the woman of your dreams into bed. NLP without complexes"
"Konira Andreas Change Your Mind - and Benefit from the Newest NLP Submodal Interventions"
"Kotlyachkov A. Weapon - the word. Defense and attack with the help"
"Buy Me (Hypnosis Book)"
"M.A. Pavlova Intensive course of literacy based on NLP"
"Michael Sparks Basic Ericksonian Hypnosis Skills"
"Mark King, Charles Zitrenbaum EXISTENTIAL HYPNOTHERAPY"
"Milton Erickson - Lessons in Hypnosis"
"Milton Erickson THE MAN OF FEBRUARY Hypnotherapy development of self-awareness of the individual"
"Monsters and Magic Wands"
"Alder Harry, Heather Beryl. NLP. A Complete Practical Guide. Introductory Course"
"R.Brag. Hypnosis. Tutorial"
"R.W. Conner - High Level NLP Techniques"
"Richard Bandler. From Frogs to Princes (Introductory NLP Training Course)"
"Richard Bandler CREATING BELIEF"
"Robert Dilts. Changing Beliefs with NLP"
"Sergey Gorin. Have you tried hypnosis"
"Verbal balancing act"
"Trance Creation Neuro-Linguistic Programming of Hypnotic States"
"Steve Andreas, Connirae Andreas Heart of the Mind Practical Use of NLP Techniques"
"Ian McDermott NLP and Health. Using NLP to Improve Health and Well-Being"

Psychology / "Psychology Gestalt"

"A. N. Mokhovikov - Mental pain nature, diagnosis and principles of gestalt therapy"
"V. Filipenko - GESTALT AND ZEN"
"Galina Pants - Fritz Perls how did Gestalt therapy begin"
Gestalt psychology
"Laura Perls - Some Aspects of Gestalt Therapy"
"Fritz Perls Gestalt Approach and Witness Therapy"

Psychology / "Psychology of breathing"

"Alexander Gubin Theory and practice of conducting breathing sessions of holotropic psychotherapy"
"V.V. Kozlov - Free Breathing. Guidelines"
"Denis P. Solomatin Home Holotropic Breathwork"
"LEONOVA I.B. - Breathing psychotechnics and altered states of consciousness"
"Review of modern integrative respiratory psychotechniques"
"Psychotechniques of Free Breathing"
"Stanislav Grof Beyond the Brain"
"Stanislav Grof Journey in search of himself"
"Stanislav Grof, Joan Halifax. Man in the face of death"
"Thomas Hoyt Drake - An Introduction to Rebirthing"

Psychology / "Medical Psychology"

"Viktor Pavlovich Samokhvalov. Psychiatry"
"David Alexandrovich Kamenetsky. Neurology and psychotherapy"
"Karl Jaspers General Psychopathology"
"L. Burlachuk, A. Kocharyan, M. Zhidko. Psychotherapy"
"N.D. Guryev - Passions and their embodiment in somatic and neuropsychiatric diseases"
"S. Yu. Golovin. Dictionary of practical psychologist"
"Yu.F. Antropov - Psychosomatic disorders"

Psychology/ "Erich Neumann"

"Erich Neumann Depth Psychology and New Ethics. Mystical Man"
"Erich Neumann The Origin and Development of Consciousness"

Psychology / Z. Freud

"Z.FREUD - Works"
"S. Freud Psychology of the masses and analysis of the human self"
"Sigmund Freud. Introduction to Psychoanalysis"
"Sigmund Freud. About a dream"
"Sigmund Freud. The child is beaten"
"Sigmund Freud. This man is Moses"
"Freud Z. I AND IT"

Psychology / "Psychology of Dreams"

"Al. Panov - School of Dreams"
"Vladimir Titov - Owner of the world"
"Jeanette Rainwater - ABOUT DREAMS"
"Judith Malamud - Benefits of Lucid Dreaming"
"Elena Nabatova - Effective sleep system"
"How to manage sleep"
"Kate Harari, Pamela Weintraub - Lucid Dreams"
"Robert BOSNAK - In the world of dreams"
"Stephen LaBerge - Lucid Dreaming"
"Wanderer - Gate of Dreams"
"Wanderer - Underwater Reefs of Lucid Dreaming Practice"
"The Terrible Power of Sleep Deprivation"
"C. W. Leadbeater - S N S"
"Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche - Dream Yoga and Natural Light Practice"
"Ya. I. Levin, S. I. Posokhov, I. G. Khanunov - NIGHT SLEEP IN DEPRESSION"

Psychology / "Body-Oriented Psychology"

"Andrey Ermoshin - THINGS IN THE BODY"
"Bebik Marina - History and basic principles of dance-movement therapy"
"A brief overview of the systems of body-oriented psychotherapy and pedagogy"
"Kathleen Hendrix - DANCE THERAPY"
"Bodily Therapy by W. Reich"

Psychology / "Edward Edinger"

"Edward F. Edinger CREATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS Jung's myth for modern man"
"Edward Edinger - The Christian Archetype Jung's Study of the Life of Christ"
"Edward Edinger - Ego and Archetype"

Psychology/"Eric Bern"

"What to Do with Eric Byrne"
"Eric Berne. Games People Play (Psychology of Human Relations)"
"Eric Berne. Communication Process"
"Eric Bern. The Tale of Little Red Riding Hood"
"Eric Bern. Forms of Human Relations"

Psychology / "Erich Fromm"

"Fromm E. Dianetics for Seekers of Fabricated Happiness"
"Fromm E. HUMAN SOUL Its ability to good and evil"
"Fromm E. Mission of Sigmund Freud"
"E. Fromm. Escape from freedom"
"E. Fromm Dogma about Christ"
"Erich Fromm. To have or to be"
"Erich Fromm. The Art of Loving"
"Erich Fromm. Psychoanalysis and Religion"
"Erich Fromm. Man for himself"
"Erich Fromm Creed"


Fiery "Principles of Efficient Nutrition"
"The Way to Magic - Energy"
"The path to magic first steps"
"Formation and development of the skill of seeing the Aura"
"Alexander Kolesnikov - SEER OF THE FUTURE"
"Alexander Sviyash" "How to receive information from the subtle world"
"Lessons of fate in questions and answers"
"Want to be healthy Be him!"
"Andreev - Rose_of the world"
"Annie Besant" AVATARS
"ANCIENT WISDOM (Essay on Theosophical Teachings)"
"POWER OF THOUGHT its control and culture"
"Richard Webster Astral Travel for Beginners"
"Richard Peach (OFIEL) Astral Projection"
"Robert Allan Monroe - JOURNEY OUT OF THE BODY"
"Vladimir Zhikarentsev" "Rotation of Force (Excerpts from the book)"
"Life without limits - Concentration and Meditation"
"Life Without Borders - The Moral Law"
"Life without borders - Structure and laws of the dual Universe"
"Finding Strength - Man and Woman"
"The Path to Freedom - LOOK INTO YOURSELF"
"The Path to Freedom - GOOD AND EVIL - A GAME OF DUALITY"
"Hans Jonas - Gnosticism"
"D.V. Kandyba" "Higher Yoga"
"The Mysterious Superpowers of Man"
"Fundamentals of SC-THERAPY"
"Fundamentals of SK-Therapy Vol. Z PHYSIOLOGICAL SK-THERAPY"
"Human Power"
"SC-method of human development"
"Mental Hypnosis Technique"
"Evgeny Kolesov - THIRTEEN GATES. The history of esoteric teachings from Adam to the present day"
"The book of E. Berzin - Nostradamus and his predictions"
"Lazarev S.N. Diagnosis of karma. Book one. System of field self-regulation" "Diagnosis of karma. Book one. System of field self-regulation"
"DIAGNOSIS OF KARMA (book five). Answers to questions"
"Lillian Glass - I read your mind"
"Nelubova M.V. - Psychology of color"
"Samuel LURIE - SUCCESS OF clairvoyance"
Satprem "Revolt of the Earth"
"Mother or New Species 1-2 ON THE WAY TO SUPERHUMANITY Evolution II FAIRY KEY"
"My Burning Heart"
"Sri Aurobindo, or the Journey of Consciousness"
"Sexy Secrets"
"C. W. Leadbeater" "ASTRA PLANE"
"S N Y"
"Difficulty in clairvoyance Active double"
"I C O V I D E N I E"


"Alexander Nikonov - The Life and Amazing Adventures of Nurbey Gulia - Professor of Mechanics"
"Alexander Sekatsky - Three steps to the side"
"Arthur Schopenhauer. Aphorisms of worldly wisdom"
"Vit Tsenev Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov"
"Hermann Hesse - Damian"
"Hermann Hesse - The Glass Bead Game"
"Crowley's Diary of an Addict"
"Merezhkovsky Yulian apostate"
"Mikhail Belov. Jesus Christ or the Journey of One Consciousness"
"Richard Davis Bach" "FLIGHT FROM SECURITY"
"There are no distant places"
"A gift to those who are born to fly"
"Illusions or adventures of the Messiah who did not want to be the Messiah"
"Illusions, or the adventures of the Messiah, who did not want to be the Messiah"
"Bridge Over Eternity"
"Letter from a God-fearing man"
"A Seagull Named Jonathal Livingston"
"Alien on Earth"
Poems "Veretennikov Sergey"
"Kandrashov - About love"
"Umberto Eco - The Name of the Rose"
"J.A. Llorente. History of the Spanish Inquisition"
"Edward Dunsany - Pan's Blessing"
"Ellis Peters. Confessions of a Monk"
"Jakov Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer. Hammer of the Witches"

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