Quick homework. How to quickly learn lessons with a child: effective tips

It's already late in the evening, and the lessons haven't been done yet? Just don't panic. Now I will share with you the secrets that will help you quickly solve your "homework".

Take a deep breath, sit back, and carefully study these 3 homework tips.

You wake up to school in the morning not from insomnia, but from your “favorite” alarm clock. Make time for class and set an alarm. This way you will know when to start doing homework and when to finish.

When you hear the alarm clock, you will begin to tune in to work. In addition, when you hear the signal to start, you can complete all the tasks and start solving the lessons. And then I myself know how it happens - " now I’ll chat with my girlfriend for another 5 and go do my homework”, “oh, cool clip, I’ll watch it - and immediately for the lessons” etc.

Also, the alarm clock will help you take a break. Set a timer for 45-60 minutes and take a break from work for 10 minutes when you call. After even such a short break, you will feel that your head has become fresher and the material is remembered faster and easier.

Mobile phone, radio and television should be in another room and not distract you. The less distractions you have, the faster you will learn your lessons.

If you are working on a computer, close all tabs in your browser that you do not need to do your homework (even " "). So you can fully focus on doing your homework and spend significantly less time.

Good luck to you! And remember, the more productive you work, the more time you will have for fun (for example, ;))

The school year has begun, and with it everyone's favorite pastime - doing homework. Sometimes a child does not cope or does not want to cope with the lessons due to the wrong approach to this process. And in this matter, a lot depends on the parents, especially if your child is in elementary school.

Read our simple tips on how to do homework correctly:

  • Let your child rest after school for at least 2 hours. If you force a student to do homework after a 5-hour load, you should not assume that this will be effective;
  • the right attitude. Parents who do not allow the child to go outside or play until he has done his homework, thereby educate him to hate this process. Does your child want to take a walk before doing homework? Let him, but explain that in 2 hours he will have to return home to do his homework. Always look for a compromise and communicate with the child as with a peer;

  • complete tasks according to the degree of difficulty. Start with the easiest - written. Thus, the brain will gradually be included in the work;
  • take small breaks, but not for computer games. As an option - you can do a simple exercise to distract from mental work;
  • how to quickly learn a text? Break it into several even parts, learn each part separately, and then try to retell everything together several times. The same applies to poetry - teach them in quatrains;
  • if the child does not understand, do not pressure him. Put the textbook aside and let it switch. Try to give him confidence in himself and that he will succeed. Together, try again to understand the material;

The question is how to quickly learn lessons? given by the author Anisimov Vladislav the best answer is Once, in high school, I read an article in a magazine, it was just about how to reduce the time for homework. This is what was suggested.
After school, forget about homework, relax to the fullest and go to bed at 9 o'clock, it seems. Or at 10 pm - I do not remember.
In the morning, the alarm clock at 5.30 - and for the lessons!
I succeeded because no material was launched and I read quickly. Indeed, in the morning the head worked faster. But this may not suit everyone, even for the reason that if the student is not a Lark, but an Owl, then he does not like going to bed and waking up at such a time.
- To learn quickly, you need to learn everything in class every day (without leaving a single topic, not a single formula misunderstood) and do your homework every day with high quality.
- You need to be able to read quickly (in order to spend a minimum of time on oral).
- You need to be able to force yourself to do it (if there is no desire).

Answer from Yovetlana Kapustina[newbie]
If your child does not like to do homework for the reason that he can not wait to sit down at the computer as soon as possible, in no case do not tell him that the faster he does the work, the sooner he will be able to take a seat at the monitor. Better tell him that the computer is not a hindrance here. You can do your homework with it. Even if the school only accepts them in handwritten form, the machine can be used as a handy electronic draft that can be quickly corrected. Yes, and modern children can type text on the keyboard much faster than write on paper. You will have to rewrite the final version in a notebook only once - when it is completely ready.
If your child insists that the TV be turned on during homework, do not interfere with this. Practice shows that the sound background is capable of not distracting if it is not loud at all.
Many children find it difficult to memorize anything from poems to chapters in a history textbook. A computer or any device with a voice recorder function will also help here - at least a mobile phone. Let the child, having come from school, once dictate the text that he will have to remember. Then turn on the playback of the recorded recording every ten minutes, and so on until the moment when it is time to sleep. The child himself will not notice how he will learn everything by heart.
Teach your child to use mnemonics to memorize dates. This skill will be very useful to him in the study of history.
If any school subject seems boring to your child, get him interested. For example, when helping him do his homework in physics, try with him to repeat the experience he saw before in the lesson (provided, of course, that this experience is safe), even if it was not given. Tell him in a fascinating way which of the values ​​measured in the course of the experiment corresponds to which seemingly faceless letter in the formula

Answer from Alisa Rodionova[newbie]
I'm an excellent student and I quickly do my homework 🙂

E. I. Ignatiev

Memory is of great importance for the acquisition of sound knowledge. For some students it is better, for others it is worse. But it turns out that even the worst memory can be developed and improved if practiced correctly.
About how to study in order to acquire solid knowledge, I want to talk with you today.

What is memory

When we listen to music, look at a picture, read a book, feel the scent of a flower, our sense organs are always involved in these processes: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin, and certain parts of our brain.
A beam of light entering the eye irritates the optic nerve. This irritation is instantly transmitted along the nerve fibers to the brain and causes irritation in a certain part of it, where the idea of ​​the world around us is formed.
Everything we learn can be stored in the storerooms of our brain for a long time. But the brain not only stores our knowledge about the world around us, but also has the ability to restore this knowledge at our request. We can clearly imagine pictures we have seen in a museum or gallery, recall previously heard explanations from a teacher in class, repeat pieces of music, and so on.
If you do any work: build a model or knit a scarf, then you will forever remember how the model or scarf is made, and you can make them again. Having solved one mathematical problem, you can easily solve all problems of the same type.
The process of memorizing, preserving and then recalling or recognizing what we used to get acquainted with, what we experienced and did, is called memory.
Imagine what would happen to people if they forgot everything they knew! Memory stores knowledge. And without knowledge, no fruitful work is possible.

How do we remember

I had to watch how one girl was preparing a lesson in history. She read one page of the textbook five or six times, then the next page the same number of times, and so on. In class, the girl smoothly recounted what was written in the textbook, but could not answer the teacher's simplest questions.
“I’d better tell you everything, it’s difficult for me to answer questions,” she said.
This happened because the girl memorized the lesson mechanically, without thinking and without delving into the content.
There are times when students, like this girl, memorize theorems. They smartly "prove" the theorem on the blackboard, but when the teacher asks them to explain what is written, they immediately get lost, because they did not understand anything in the theorems, they do not have real knowledge. And, of course, such students will not be able to apply the "proven" theorem to solving problems: after all, here, first of all, the ability to reason is required.
We gain solid knowledge through deep thinking. Science says: "What is well understood is easily remembered for a long time." Most good students adhere to this rule: do not memorize anything until you understand everything to the end.
How do they prepare lessons? First of all, they recall the teacher's explanation and try to understand the task that he set for them in the lesson, to understand all unfamiliar words and new concepts, incomprehensible places.
In the material they read, they highlight the main, the main thing and remember it first of all, briefly write down the main thing in a notebook, draw up a lesson plan, come up with examples and solve problems based on the rules learned in the lesson. This is no longer a mechanical, but a semantic way of remembering, which is based on understanding.
It is very important to connect new material with what you have learned before, to find similarities and differences. When studying, for example, mammals in zoology lessons, it is good to compare them with other animals that you have already studied before, to find how they are similar and how they differ from each other. Such comparisons will force you to think deeper into the material.
If you, studying the uprising of slaves in Rome under the leadership of Spartacus, compare the position of these slaves with the position of slaves in Greece and Egypt and clearly imagine the similarities and differences, then this comparison will help you understand both the characteristic features of Roman slavery and the essence of the socio-economic system, existing in these countries.
Connect what you study at school with the reality around you. If you memorize the lesson, think it through well, you will make many different connections between new and old material, between what you are learning and modern life, and this will greatly facilitate recall. What you remember meaningfully, you can easily apply in life.
Semantic memorization is the most reasonable. This memory needs to be learned. Many students spend a lot of time preparing lessons. Often they complain about a bad memory, but in fact it’s not the fault of the kneading at all, but the students themselves, because they don’t know how to teach lessons correctly.
Semantic memorization should be supported by mechanical: when you understand and think through the material well, read it several times for better memorization, write down the dates, names, formulas and memorize them.

The secret to lasting memory

I once set the following task for my students: I asked one of my students to learn a poem by tomorrow, but I told them that I would not ask the poem again later. I warned another group of guys that I would ask for a poem in a week and a month. Two months later I asked for this poem. Those guys who taught only by tomorrow forgot the poem completely, and the schoolchildren who taught "forever" could read it by heart.
If you want to have solid knowledge, then study lessons "forever", and not just to answer the teacher. And always study carefully. No wonder they say that memory and attention are twins. The more carefully you learn, the deeper and more firmly you remember. However, there are some guys who are even proud of the fact that, they say, I just looked into the book - and I already know everything! And if you check the knowledge of such a braggart, especially after some time, it turns out that he really doesn’t know anything, but remembers only separate thoughts.
The slovenliness in the notes, sketches that you make in the classroom and at home greatly hinders the assimilation. Many people write neatly and without errors in the notebooks that the teacher looks at, and make many mistakes in their home notebooks and notebooks. Did you know that mistakes in your drafts often cause mistakes in your classwork as well? If you have repeated the same mistake several times, you have already learned the wrong spelling of the word.
Often schoolchildren do not remember well because they learn lessons to the sound of TV, radio or loud conversations at home.
They do two things at once: they try to read a textbook, and they listen to a broadcast or a conversation. But the Russian proverb correctly states: "If you chase two hares, you will not catch one." This is what usually happens in such cases.
A strong memorization of the material requires an effort of will from you.
Spare no effort to teach all the lessons "forever". It often happens like this: a person figured out the material, read it again and slammed the book shut. It seems that he understood and remembered everything, but if he tries to tell himself a lesson, it will turn out that much has not yet been learned. Therefore, make it a rule for yourself: always tell yourself the lesson you have learned. If you can’t sensibly tell, force yourself to read the material again and tell it again. So you will develop your ability to remember.
And how often it happens that you want to run around, play football at a time when you need to practice. And then you must definitely make an effort on yourself and say to yourself: “I don’t want to study, but I will still overcome myself.”
Willpower helps to fight even with fatigue. It happens that the student is tired, and the lessons have not yet been learned. You have to pull yourself together, overcome fatigue and force yourself to finish the work.
Fatigue, of course, does not always need to be overcome with the help of willpower. It is best to take a 10-15 minute break every 50 minutes or an hour, go outside or walk around the room, run a little, but you should not play football or any other games that are very physically tiring. Some people play chess during the break. This should not be done: after all, chess is also mental work.
It does not matter what you do immediately after memorization. For example, you have learned a poem. But if immediately after that you begin to solve difficult and complex mathematical problems, then the poem will be remembered poorly. It is necessary to rest after memorization (at least a few minutes), and then the verses will be remembered firmly. If, after you have memorized one poem, you immediately begin to learn another, you will not remember both poems well. You don't have to study the same subjects one after the other.
In order to make it easier and faster to assimilate the material, it is necessary to alternate difficult and easy subjects, start with difficult ones (mathematics, Russian, etc.) and move on to easier ones.
Not everything that we remember once is forever preserved in our memory. We forget a lot.
And this is where repetition comes in. Knowledge that is not fixed by repetition is gradually forgotten. "Repetition is the mother of learning," says the proverb.
Learning should not be repeated when it has already been forgotten. You need to review and remember the material covered throughout the year, and not just before the exams.


1. Sitting down to teach lessons, try to focus on this work, do not be distracted by extraneous things.
2. Try to learn the lesson so that you remember the material "forever", and not just for quizzes or exams.
3. Start preparing lessons with the most difficult. First, try to recall the teacher's story as fully as possible. Then slowly and thoughtfully read the desired section in the textbook and highlight the main and most important. Write down the main questions in the form of a short outline. Then read the textbook again. Large sections of the textbook, consisting of independent chapters, can be read in parts, but you can never divide the material into random fragments that are not complete in content.
4. If you feel that the lesson has already been learned, check yourself. Close the book and try to tell yourself the lesson.
5. Write down the dates in your chronological table.
6. Think about how the lesson you learned is related to past material. Remember what else you have read on this topic or seen in the cinema and theater. Try to imagine where this material can be useful in life.

The school year is in full swing: the post-holiday stress has passed, the repetition of the past has passed. You need to seriously take up books and really learn the lessons. Here are most of the questions about homework that parents send to the editorial office.

"What if the child prefers to cry for an hour instead of sitting down and memorizing a little paragraph on history in fifteen minutes?" - asked the mother of a sixth grader.

“He doesn’t want to learn lessons, he’s ready to do anything: help around the house, go to the store, if only he doesn’t sit down for lessons ...” - a question from another mother.

And here is the grandmother’s question: “What to do, the daughter-in-law and granddaughter are learning lessons, but almost every day everything ends in tears. Both cry, I calm one and the other.”

All of these questions are typical. They were asked by parents concerned about "laziness", "unwillingness to do homework", "scandals and punishments" because of twos for unlearned lessons or unfulfilled exercises.

Let's try to figure it out, and start with the first very small homework assignments that a first-grader must complete. Let's make a reservation right away: for him they are no less difficult than the tasks of high school students.

First-graders can work for 10-15 minutes without being distracted

There are several options for parents to think about when and how lessons should be taught. The first - according to the principle "did the job - walk boldly." At the same time, the child immediately after school, at best having lunch, but it happens that lunch is postponed, sits down for lessons. The explanation is simple - "there is nothing to delay, then you will not get together" and the excuse - "the task is simple, half an hour, and you will get off." As a rule, quickly and efficiently does not work. And this is quite understandable. The child is very tired after school, not less than adults after a working day. For example, in the first weeks of school classes, the tension of the cardiovascular system can be compared with the workload of astronauts, and this is not an exaggeration, but the real data of scientific research. Fatigue does not allow the child to concentrate, be attentive and, most importantly, makes it difficult to perform complex and precise movements.

Written work is an indispensable component of homework. When tired, even the simplest sticks and hooks do not turn out to be clear, even, beautiful. Remember how an adult's handwriting is broken when a person is tired or absent-minded. And the child is not only tired, but very quickly understands that everything "does not work out", and the mother often sits behind her back, saying: "Try not to be distracted, you will have to rewrite!" They rewrite, but always the next version is worse than the previous one. "Don't try!" - Mom is indignant and is not far from chagrin, resentment, tears.

It is not difficult to imagine how such a situation is repeated every day, forming in the child not only the fear of a mistake, another dissatisfaction of adults, but also gradually an aversion to homework.

Another, but equally unfortunate option is lessons in the evening when adults return from work. The situation is different, but the problems are the same. By evening, the child gets even more tired, even if after school he “beat the buckets”, and everything repeats: failures, tears, resentment.

The endless repetition of failures and the incessant dissatisfaction of parents will discourage even the most diligent student from doing homework. Moreover, parents are unshakable in their confidence: "Maybe, but he doesn't want to!"

Let's recall the lines from the first letter: "A child prefers (?!) to cry for an hour instead of sitting down and learning in fifteen minutes." Most likely, the boy has long been convinced that he will not cope in 15 or 30 minutes. Moreover, he is afraid of failure. Meanwhile, it should be remembered that the expectation of failure, increased anxiety disrupts all cognitive processes: attention, thinking, memory, and, therefore, the more a child is worried, afraid of failure or discontent of adults, the more difficult it is to learn lessons, remember something, beautifully and competently. write exercises, solve the problem.

I have no doubt that if your child "prefers" an hour to cry, this is no longer just a fear of punishment, but a serious violation of the state of the nervous system. I can assume that this child has not only "tears close", but there are other manifestations of nervous tension: long falling asleep, restless sleep, poor appetite, complaints of headache and abdominal pain, speech tempo disturbance, hesitation, difficulty concentrating, fast fatiguability. Perhaps there are so-called "obsessive movements": twitching of the muscles of the face, biting the lips, grunting or coughing. All these symptoms do not appear together, and if you do not carefully observe the child, they are not always noticeable, but I repeat, all this is a manifestation of trouble in the state of the nervous system.

So, unwillingness to learn lessons, tears, attempts to delay time and other tricks of our children do not arise suddenly or from the first days of study, but the fear of failure very quickly forms a desire to avoid trouble in any way. The reactions of babies are simple and understandable, and as they get older, they are looking for more and more sophisticated ways of protection.

What about those whose children are just starting to learn lessons? By the way, there should be no homework in the first half of the first grade.

So, the best time to do homework is from 15:00 to 17:00. After school, the child should have lunch and rest (it is better to take a walk). It is not recommended for primary school students to prepare lessons in the evening.

You need to start doing homework with the easiest, most enjoyable, with what will definitely work out. This allows not only to quickly get involved in work, but will give positive emotions, will allow you to believe in yourself.

The time of continuous work in children of different ages is different. First-graders can work for 10-15 minutes without being distracted. Therefore, you should not restrain them - "do not turn around, do not be distracted." It is better to teach them to change their posture: stretch out, stand up, do a few simple exercises that relieve eye strain (look away, squint, relax).

Older children will be able not to be distracted for about 20 minutes. But it depends on the condition of the child. For example, if he is upset about something, if he feels bad or tense, then the time for effective work is sharply reduced. Adolescents are also not very diligent, and this is due to the peculiarities of the psychological and functional changes that occur at this age. Fifteen-sixteen-year-olds will be able to work hard for 30-40 minutes, but then they also need to take a break. Working in one sitting, on the principle of "you won't get up until you're done," is ineffective and creates additional stress.

And further. Do not stand behind your back, tracking every movement. It’s better to sort out the tasks together and leave (go about your own business), but the child must be sure that you will definitely help if something is not clear. In addition, let him know that you will calmly explain one, two, and three, without showing impatience and irritation. Then your baby will not be afraid to ask you for help.

Prepared by Elena Novoselova