What does a critical situation mean? Critical or critical as correct

Critical or crisis situations arise in the life of any social structure or individual. At times, crises of a highly destructive nature erupt. To overcome them, or at least reduce the destructive consequences, you need to be able to take appropriate measures.

It should be noted that a crisis or critical situation is a situation in which the subject is faced with the impossibility of realizing the internal necessities of his life (motives, aspirations, values, etc.). There are four key concepts that modern psychology describes this kind of situation: stress, frustration, conflict and crisis.

Stress- a state of mental stress that occurs in a person in the process of activity in the most difficult, difficult conditions, both in everyday life and under special circumstances.

According to R. Luft, “many consider everything that happens to a person as stress if he is not lying in his bed”

G. Selye believes that “in a state of complete relaxation, a sleeping person experiences some stress”, and equates the absence of stress to death. According to Selye, stress reactions are inherent in all living things, including plants.

frustration(lat. frustratio- deceit, vain expectation) - a mental state caused by failure to satisfy needs, desires.

A person, being frustrated, experiences anxiety and tension, feelings of indifference, apathy and loss of interest, guilt and anxiety, rage and hostility, envy and jealousy, etc.

Conflict(lat. conflictus- clash) - a social phenomenon, a way of interaction between people in the event of a collision of their incompatible views, positions of interests, confrontations between two or more parties that are interconnected, but pursue their goals.

And finally a crisis- extreme aggravation of the contradictions of development; the growing danger of bankruptcy, liquidation; mismatch in the activities of the economic, financial, and other systems; turning point in the process of change.

J. Kaplan described four successive stages of the crisis:

1) the initial increase in tension, stimulating the usual ways of solving problems;

2) further increase in tension in conditions when these methods are ineffective;

3) an even greater increase in tension, requiring the mobilization of external and internal sources;

4) if everything turns out to be in vain, the fourth stage begins, characterized by an increase in anxiety and depression, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, disorganization of the personality.

A crisis can end at any stage if the danger disappears or a solution is found.

Practice shows that crises are not the same not only in their causes and consequences, but also in their essence. The need for a branched classification of crises is associated with the differentiation of means and methods of managing them. If there crisis typology, there are opportunities to reduce its severity, reduce time and ensure the painlessness of the course.

There are general and local crises. General ones cover the entire socio-economic system, local ones - only a part of it. This is the division of crises according to the scale of manifestation.

On the issue of the crisis, macro- and micro-crises can be distinguished. The macrocrisis is characterized by rather large volumes and scales of problems. A microcrisis captures only a single problem or a group of problems.

A feature of the crisis is that, even being a local or microcrisis, like a chain reaction, it can spread to the entire system or the entire development problem, because there is an organic interaction of all elements in the system and problems cannot be solved separately. But this occurs when there is no crisis management, there are no measures to localize the crisis and reduce its severity, or vice versa, when there is a deliberate motivation for the development of the crisis.

According to the structure of relations in the socio-economic system, according to the differentiation of the problems of its development, separate groups of economic, social, organizational, psychological, and technological crises can be distinguished.

Economic crises reflect acute contradictions in the country's economy or the economic condition of an individual enterprise or firm. These are crises of production and sale of goods, relationships between economic agents, crises of non-payments, loss of competitive advantages, bankruptcy, etc.

Social crises arise when contradictions aggravate or clash of interests of various social groups or entities: workers and employers, trade unions and entrepreneurs, workers of various professions, personnel and managers, etc.

Organizational crises manifest themselves as crises of separation and integration of activities, distribution of functions, regulation of the activities of individual units, as a separation of administrative units, regions, branches or subsidiaries.

Psychological crises are also not uncommon in the current conditions of socio-economic development. These are crises of the psychological state of a person. They manifest themselves in the form of stress, which acquires a mass character, in the emergence of a feeling of insecurity, panic, fear for the future, dissatisfaction with work, legal security and social status. These are crises in the socio-psychological climate of society, a collective or a separate group.

A technological crisis arises as a crisis of new technological ideas in the face of a clearly expressed need for new technologies. This may be a crisis of technological incompatibility of products or a crisis of rejection of new technological solutions. In a more generalized sense, such crises can look like crises of scientific and technological progress - an exacerbation of contradictions between its trends, opportunities, and consequences. For example, the idea of ​​the peaceful use of atomic energy, the construction of nuclear power plants and ships, is currently undergoing a clear crisis.

According to the causes of crises, they are divided on natural, social, ecological. The first are caused by the natural conditions of human life and activity. The causes of such crises include earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, climate change, and floods. All this cannot but affect the economy, human psychology, social and political processes. At a certain scale, such natural phenomena give rise to crises.

The cause of crises can be social relations in all their manifestations.

In modern conditions, understanding and recognizing the crises of the relationship between man and nature - environmental crises - is of great importance. These are crises arising from changes in natural conditions caused by human activities - depletion of resources, environmental pollution, the emergence of hazardous technologies, neglect of the requirements of the laws of natural balance.

Crises can be predictable (regular) or unexpected (random). Predictable crises come as a stage of development, they can be predicted and are caused by objective reasons for the accumulation of facts of a crisis - the need to restructure production, change the structure of interests under the influence of scientific and technological progress.

Unexpected crises are often the result of either gross mismanagement, or some kind of natural phenomena, or economic dependence, contributing to the expansion and spread of local crises.

A variety of predictable crises is a cyclical crisis. It can occur periodically and has known phases of its onset and course.

Crises are deep and light. Deep crises often lead to the destruction of various structures of the socio-economic system. They proceed in a complex and uneven way, often accumulating many contradictions in themselves, tying them into a tangled ball. Light, mild crises flow more consistently and painlessly. They are predictable and easier to manage.

The totality of possible crises is also divided into groups of crises, protracted and short-term. The time factor plays an important role in crisis situations. Protracted crises are painful and difficult. They are often the result of inability to manage crisis situations, misunderstanding of the nature and nature of the crisis, its causes and possible consequences.

Recognition of crisis situations is put today on a professional basis. The professionalism of management is not limited to the skills of normal, successful management. It should also manifest itself in conditions of increased risk, extreme situations, crisis.

Critical situation.

Post-traumatic stress disorder.

An analysis of the main approaches to defining the situation as critical, posing a threat to personal development, disrupting the interaction and adaptation of a person in a social environment, allows us to identify the following necessary conditions for its occurrence:

  • an emotional source located in the environment that affects a person, represents a certain “significance” for him and thus creates a conflict-forming soil;
  • individual-typological personality traits that determine the intrapersonal component of the development of critical dynamics. This element can be represented by the orientation of the personality and be expressed in an actively or passively adaptive type of behavior;
  • individual perceptions-cognitions of the situation, which represent a subjective picture of a critical situation. If a person perceives a situation, interprets and typifies it as critical, then this implies that he has ideas that this is a critical situation for him.
Critical situation - it is a kind of social situation; it develops as a result of one-time strong or weak, but long-term psychological traumatization by a combination of events in the external or internal world. These influences are refracted in the human psyche and are accompanied by situational reactions that tend to transform into individual response patterns (behavior stereotypes) in the form of "protective-compensatory" formations.

A critical situation is reflected in the cognitive, emotional and behavioral spheres, and is also projected onto the psychological time of the individual. Its manifestations are: stress, frustration, psychological crisis, intrapersonal conflict, situational reactions to emotional stimuli, etc.

A critical situation is characterized by the fact that it is not always realized by a person. Its presence or experience is judged by indirect signs. This is especially evident in the deviant behavior of adolescents as a form of compensation and protection.

The grounds for highlighting a critical situation can be: the concepts of needs - depending on what need, motive is blocked; internal mental stress; individual situational reactions; individual response patterns - stereotypes of behavior. Getting into a critical situation or perceiving it as such, a person begins to interact with it. He and the situation act for each other as an object and subject of interaction, which can be represented as experience-overcoming critical situation.

At the initial stage of a critical situation, a person acts as an object of its influence. As the situation develops, a person becomes an effective subject of interaction. In the course of this process, the situation changes in the direction of overcoming it or worsening it, deepening it. Therefore, a person either follows the path of formation and development, or degrades as a person.

The critical situation gives rise to the following contradictions that contribute to the development of deviant behavior in adolescents:

  • the contradiction of the image of "I" - arises at the moment of a person's feeling of "losing himself" and the "finding himself" that has not yet come, a contradiction of meanings and their content; as a result, there is meaning loss;
  • the intrapersonal contradiction that arises in a critical situation is accompanied by an experience-overcoming of it and the situation as a whole; it leads to personality transformation;
  • psychological collisions of a teenager and his deviant behavior determined by this transformation rooted in the critical situation of his existence.
When an individual interacts with a situation, a transformation occurs, a restructuring of the inner world of a person (or any part of it): the stability, integrity of the “I-concept” of the subject is violated; his self-consciousness changes, nihilism, moral skepticism, cynicism, moral instability, mental devastation, etc. arise. These phenomena rather reflect the transitional state of a person who finds himself in a situation where it is impossible to live as before, to save the once stable system of the “I” from destruction. This state is "losing yourself."

It must be taken into account that a stable system of "I" can be formed in the process of experiencing and overcoming a critical situation. It depends on the qualitative nature of the experience-overcoming of a critical situation. With a non-constructive experience, the deviant behavior of adolescents acts as a protective-compensatory formation, which, on the one hand, maintains the integrity of the "I", and on the other hand, worsens the adolescent's adaptation to the environment. In addition, difficulties arise in solving problems that confront a teenager in the process of getting out of a critical situation. This explains why adolescents with deviant behavior do not seek to change themselves for the better.

As soon as, under the influence of a critical situation, “losing oneself” occurs, the individual performs intense internal work on restructuring, transforming his inner world, which can be called the process of “finding himself”. At the same time, the reflexive “I” becomes more complex and differentiated, a search is being made to overcome intrapersonal contradictions in order to build a new, complicated, balanced and fairly stable image of the “I”. These contradictions are associated with a violation of the integrity and stability of ideas about oneself.

T.B. Kartseva identifies the following forms of resolving these contradictions:

  • the process of personality development, "finding oneself", the process of "becoming";
  • rapid adaptation, following the lightened path laid by someone;
  • personality involution caused by a person's inability to cope with the increasingly complex, differentiated system of "I";
  • a constructive solution to the contradiction associated with finding the internal resources of the individual;
  • creative creation of an individualized, newly built "I-concept".
The consequence of experiencing a critical situation by a teenager may be the process of rethinking, reassessing his past, changing the goals and meaning of life, as well as the loss or change of leading motives associated with the restructuring of the image of the “I”.

Thus, the stability of the personality, its "I-concept" is for a person a condition for successfully overcoming the difficulties that arise, generated by a critical situation. When stability is threatened, various protective mechanisms are triggered. The traumatic nature of a certain event depends on the meaning it has for the person, i.e. from the "personal meaning" of the influencing stimulus.

A traumatized, survivor of extremely strong and destructive people is very afraid of their repetition. If emotions break out, a person loses control over himself, his behavior and commits irreparable acts. Children who have experienced trauma become absent-minded, their memory and attention deteriorate, which affects their low academic performance. Emotional stress affects physical health, leads to the emergence of psychosomatic disorders, disorders, diseases on a "nervous basis".

With long-term stress, there is a need for artificial sedatives, so children start smoking quite early, use drugs, alcohol, tranquilizers, and toxic substances. The child's perception of the past, present and future changes under the influence of trauma, as a result of which he remains the same age as he was at the time of the trauma. If the trauma was at an earlier age, then the child does not become a psychologically mature person, but remains infantile for a long time. According to statistics, people who have experienced psychological trauma commit suicide more often, are addicted to alcohol, drugs, and accidents happen to them more often.

The collision of a child of any age with a traumatic situation, its experience show the unreality of the existing illusions. The destruction of illusions is a very painful process for any adult, and doubly so for a child. Discovering the experiences received as a result of trauma, the child devalues ​​all his efforts: why study well, try to be good, go to school, if this does not give a sense of security, need for someone. And it is very important what will follow this discovery. If a person chooses the way out of illusions into a dangerous but real world, believes in himself, then he will overcome the difficulties facing him, which means that he will grow up and become higher on the level of his development as a person. If he cannot overcome the barrier of illusions, then a person will become stronger in the belief in the existence of new illusions, and he will believe in them, live in a world of illusions invented by himself.

The duration of the period from the onset of the crisis to the exit from the crisis depends on the severity of the traumatic event, the individual reaction of the child, the complexity of the tasks of the age period that the child must solve at this stage of his life, the resources available to the child and his environment. On average, the state of active imbalance of adaptation lasts up to four to six weeks.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs as a delayed and/or prolonged reaction to a stressful event or critical situation (short or long) of a threatening or catastrophic nature.

The consequences of such situations can be various disorders, they are usually divided into groups: acute PTSD (lasting less than three months), chronic (lasting 3 months or more) and delayed (manifesting at least 6 months after the stress experienced).

Post-traumatic disorders are characterized by:

  • repetition of the traumatic experience in thoughts, dreams and memories;
  • a weakening of connections with life, manifested in the containment of emotions, a feeling of isolation from others and a decrease in activity in meaningful activities;
  • the emergence and development of psychosomatic symptoms (sleep disturbance, memory disorders).

There are no specific childhood features of PTSD, but there is an age specificity, which manifests itself in the fact that certain PTSD symptoms come to the fore at different age stages.

A sample list of stress reactions and post-traumatic disorders in children:

  • Brief psychotic disorder.
  • Nightmares.
  • Separation fear.
  • Violation of the ability to reactive attachment.
  • dissociative amnesia.
  • dissociative fugue.
  • conversion violation.
  • Depersonalization.
  • specific fears.
  • Panic attacks.
  • depressive episodes.
  • Somatization.
  • Borderline personality disorders.

PTSD progresses differently at different ages. It is quite difficult for children who have experienced psychological trauma to understand what happened to them. This is primarily due to their age characteristics, they lack social and psychological maturity. The child is not able to understand the meaning of what is happening, he simply remembers the situation itself and his experiences at that moment.

On the same subject:

"You have a critical situation!", "The situation under your contract is critical!", "You have a very difficult situation" and a lot of different options in one way. To begin with, all these phrases are designed to put pressure on your psyche. It is very difficult to interact with a person on the phone, especially if he doubts and asks questions. If he does not doubt, but stupidly answers and agrees with someone unknown, then it is easier with him, because the only psychotactic of your "interrogation" is to make you an answerer, not a questioner. Are there any parameters when bank employees call your situation "critical". There are none, the word is so informative that it is used both appropriately and out of place. If your debt is equal to two thousand rubles, then bank employees may call the situation critical. There is no gradation either in terms of amount or terms. The most interesting thing is that if you proceed from the fact that the court is a civilized, legal, objective way to resolve disputes, then there can be no criticality in the situation. If you decide to close the debt that the bank has calculated for you, then close it. If you decide not to close out of court, or you simply have nothing to close, and the amounts are already measured not just in thousands, but in tens and hundreds of thousands (if not more), then get ready for the court. Get ready for the fact that the bank will claim not only the amount of debt, but the entire balance of the loan. Words on the phone remain words. Someone is satisfied with the tone of communication that many bank employees choose, someone is not. Someone simply ignores them and or forgets, someone does not. For someone, the phrase "You have a critical situation" has such an effect that his knees begin to shake, but for someone it's just funny. We are all different, and the impact of something or someone on us is different. Everyone draws in his mind his own associations with the word "critical". I would call the situation that bank employees call critical difficult, and difficult for the bank. There is a debt that is inappropriate for judicial recovery. Usually it is determined by a small amount. Simply put, the bank is too lazy to sue you, because it has a lot of callers to whom they pay salaries or call centers, collection agencies with which they have agency agreements. It will not be difficult for them to add your name and number to the list of thousands of problem borrowers. Look, there's a chance you'll get bored with the calls and you'll go and pay off that debt. And they didn’t spend anything, even more, they acquired a disproportionate penalty, and the call center or bank employee didn’t work because he was on a salary, and they didn’t spend any effort, time, or nerves on the court. Every time I hear the word a borrower has a critical situation, I try to ask the voice on the phone, what does that mean? Everyone provides their own version of fantasies, some do not answer at all, since this phrase is stereotyped. Someone is even scared by the court, believing that this is the most critical thing that can happen in the life of a borrower. In my most subjective opinion, the most important thing that I would recommend you to remember is that all the words that you will be told will remain words, they have no legal or practical meaning. And you can either accept them or choose to take legal action. I believe that the bank should hire more literate and cultured callers so that they can not only say the words "difficult", "critical", etc., but also be able to explain something to a person, and not just intimidate or crush morally. There is nothing critical and difficult in the situation, in confirmation of this, if the bank employee did not manage to get anything from you, except for the refusal, which they fix always and everywhere, all they can say (to scare) is that they will call you back again and again.

Problem critical situations in our age of electronics and informatics, it is especially relevant, since it is necessary to process large amounts of information and very often the psyche simply cannot cope with this. critical situations arise most often in the case when a person finds himself in unforeseen circumstances and cannot immediately orient himself in them, pull himself together. In general, the occurrence critical situations associated with the loss of the meaning of life. This is a philosophical concept, however, according to many enlightened writers, it plays a very important role in the life of an individual. For example, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy in his "Confessions" showed that the loss of the meaning of life for a person is tantamount to death.

Let's take a look at what are critical situations and how to get out of them. There are four key concepts critical situations, however, they can be combined in a variety of combinations.

Stress translated from English stress means tension. This is a special state of the body, its reaction to external stimuli, which requires, to a greater or lesser extent, functional restructuring, adaptation to the situation that has arisen. In fact, each new life situation in a person's life causes stress. Life without stress impossible, and complete freedom from stress means death, according to G. Selye. Critical conditions are not stress, a distress, such a state of the human body, which he experiences as grief, exhaustion of strength and which is accompanied by a loss of control over himself. To exit this state, either stress, which in this case will play the role of an antidepressant, or a long rest, perhaps not even without the help of a psychologist.

frustration translated from Latin frustratio like a deceit, a disorder. frustration characterized by two things: a strong desire to achieve the goal and an obstacle to achieving it. The following factors can act as barriers: physical- restriction or deprivation of liberty, biological- sickness or old age psychological- fear or lack of intelligence, socio-cultural- rules and regulations or prohibitions. The severity of this condition can be subtle with minor problems, and very bright when the problems become completely intractable. Outwardly, this can manifest itself as a disorganization of behavior when control over the will is lost, or as a loss of hope when the degree of consciousness is reduced by a lack of motivation. exit state frustrations is possible only if it is possible to put consciousness above circumstances and thus neutralize the problem situation.

Word conflict comes from latin conflictus, meaning a collision. Moreover, this collision is not necessarily associated with the presence of an external factor - another person. Often conflict occurs within the consciousness of the personality itself, when contradictory motivations struggle in it and the person is not able to cope with them on his own. In this case, a very effective measure is additional motivation, which can be a compromise solution to the problems that have arisen. Finding such a solution may require the intervention of an experienced psychologist.

A crisis, oddly enough, comes from the Latin word krisis, which translates as solution. Crisis is a condition when a person faces an insoluble problem that is either completely impossible to get rid of, for example, the death of a loved one, or impossible to get rid of in a short time, such as losing a job. There are two types depending on the specific problem. crisis. In the first case, a serious shock persists for a long time, but leaves a chance for an exit from crisis. In the second case, life plans are irrevocably crossed out, a global restructuring of the psychology of the individual and a rethinking of the very meaning of life takes place. The second case requires a person of great willpower and the ability to adapt to new conditions.

According to some psychologists, critical situations are the inevitable result of the interaction of the individual with other people, with society, with himself. famous psychologist F. E. Vasilyuk gave the process of coping with critical situations the name experiences giving them new meaning. Previously, it was believed that this concept means the contemplation and emotional actions of the individual in response to the prevailing circumstances. Suggested F. E. Vasilyuk wording considers experiences as an internal intellectual-volitional work aimed at overcoming critical situations and restoring peace of mind, understanding life and life position. That is, experiences are a kind of return of a person to life.

In various life situations, emotions provide the primary orientation, it is emotions that encourage the use of the most productive opportunities.
Emotions are the internal organizer of the processes that regulate the external behavior of a person in stressful situations. The emotion of fear that arises in a dangerous situation ensures that this danger is overcome by activating the orienting reflex, quickening of breathing and heartbeat, muscle tension necessary for the fight.

Emotions are associated with instincts, for example, if a person is in a state of anger, then he has the reactions of his ancestors: grinning of teeth, narrowing of the eyelids, clenching of fists, a rush of blood to the face. Emotions are slightly smoothed out due to volitional regulation. In critical situations, emotions almost always take over.

Critical situations are different from ordinary ones. Consequently, the behavior of a person in these cases will not be the same as always.

Critical situations include stress, conflict, frustration and crisis.
Stress is a neuropsychic overstrain, which is caused by a super-strong impact, an adequate response to stress must be found in such a situation. Stress is the mobilization of all the forces of the body to find a way out of a dangerous situation.
Stressful situations arise in all cases of threat to human life.
The concept of stress was introduced by the Canadian scientist G. Selye, who defined stress as a set of protective and adaptive reactions of the human body to influences that cause mental or physical trauma.

Selye identified three stages in the development of stress - this is anxiety, resistance, exhaustion. The alarm reaction consists of a shock phase and a countercurrent phase, this is when disturbed mental functions are restored. The stage of resistance is the emergence of resistance to the action of stressors. If the body is subjected to prolonged exposure to stress, then it is exhausted, dystrophic processes are born.

Frustration is also a state of neuropsychic tension, if obstacles, material or ideal, stand in the way of achieving a certain goal. Conflict is a more complex form of manifestation of critical situations. The conflict is associated with the confrontation of different opinions, positions, and tendencies.

A crisis is a special state in which a person falls. For example: a crisis of age, a crisis of illness, a crisis associated with the loss of a loved one.
A person experiences all critical situations painfully and manifests himself differently at the behavioral level.
We can distinguish ways of responding to such situations - passivity, activity and impulsivity.
With a passive way of responding, a person is removed from the situation, withdraws into himself, and can fall into apathy.
With the active method - a person is looking for a way out of the situation, seeks to overcome difficulties.
With an impulsive way of responding, a person emotionally experiences a certain critical situation, reacts to it inadequately.
It is the active form of response that helps a person to live on, not to dwell on the problem, to overcome difficulties.

A person must learn adequate behavior in various stressful situations, use the means of psychological protection. The way out of a stressful state is associated with the adaptive capabilities of a particular person, his ability to survive in very difficult circumstances. It depends on his strength of the nervous system.

During overcoming stress, two behavioral personality types appear - externals, who rely on the help of other people and internals, who rely only on themselves. There is also the so-called type of "dignified behavior" and "victims". Obviously, a person will either solve the problem, or feel sorry for himself and look for someone to blame.

A separate type of stress is the "stress of life", these are conflict states of the individual, which are caused by strategically significant social stressors: a threat to social status, the collapse of prestige, and others. With socially conditioned stress, inadequacy in communication occurs. Regulation of behavior goes to the emotional level. Some people can become aggressive, vindictive and violent. A non-adaptive escape from a stressful situation is also possible, that is, a person directs his activity to solving secondary tasks, avoids problems.

Therefore, stress can have both a mobilizing effect and a depressing one. For the formation of adaptive human behavior, it is necessary to accumulate experience in difficult situations, as well as mastering ways out of them.
Stress phenomena can also arise in the case of a long stay of a person in conditions of regulatory uncertainty, divergent interests, aspirations.

There are methods of self-defense of a person from traumatic loads in critical situations, such situations can occur gradually or suddenly. If such a situation arises gradually, then the person has time to take measures of psychological protection. For example, rationalizing an approaching negative event, reducing the degree of its uncertainty, getting used to it. You can reduce the traumatic impact by devaluing its value.

Defense mechanisms are unconscious actions or counteractions in human behavior that are aimed at protecting against threats from the outside world or the inner world of a person. With the help of these mechanisms, our "I" defends itself from the limitations of internal and external.
The following ways of human behavior are distinguished when protective mechanisms are included in the work.

Isolation is the separation of negative events. A person tries not to feel feelings about a certain negative situation. At this point, unconscious feelings accumulate, and as a result, tension increases all the time.

Repression is the expulsion of what was conscious into the unconscious. That is, you pretend to forget about some unpleasant incident. This can lead to neurosis, because the problem has not gone away, it has remained with you.
Reaction formation is the substitution of unacceptable impulses for opposite tendencies. For example, a person does not like his work colleague, but will be very friendly with him. However, such a defense mechanism is harmful, as negative emotions accumulate and can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Regression is a return to more primitive ways of thinking. The person begins to behave like a child, offended, naughty.
Rationalization is when a person logically explains his thoughts and actions, but in reality hides their real motives. This is a very common defense mechanism, and it is very dangerous because it is self-deception.

Displacement - with this type of defensive reaction, all negative feelings are transferred to a more convenient and acceptable object. For example, a person who is dissatisfied with his superiors. But he cannot speak out at work, but splashes out aggression at home.

Projection is the assignment to another person of desires, thoughts, feelings and motives that we reject on a conscious level. For example, other people's flaws are visible, but they are not.

All these defense mechanisms are caused by the subconscious.
Whether a person wants it or not, he needs to adapt to the action of factors that affect him. You need to solve the problem, not run away from it.
What to do if you meet boors on the way? How can you protect yourself from aggression?

Try to use different methods of psychological protection.

Take advantage of technology "ventilation" of emotions. When unpleasant words are spoken to you, imagine how you open the door inside yourself, and the wind takes these words away, they do not remain inside, do not stick to the soul.

Another method of psychological protection - bringing the situation to the point of absurdity. Someone says something unpleasant to you - exaggerate these words so that it looks stupid, so you will knock out a psychological weapon from the hands of a boor.

Reception "Glass Wall". Imagine that there is a thick glass wall between your offender and you - you do not see or hear the words that are spoken to you.

Reception "Kindergarten". Treat such people as small children, because you will not be offended by children. Imagine that small children want to piss you off, but you calmly react to their whims.

You can also use the trick "Puppet Theatre", imagine that the people who annoy you are just puppets.

And, of course, don't forget to laugh. Laughter causes relaxation, increases energy, has a positive effect on health, and makes us psychologically more secure.
If you find yourself in a critical situation, mobilize all your strength and try to get out of it with the least harm to yourself.

(Photo credit: paul prescott [photo 1], zentilia [photo 2], Shutterstock.com)