Long love stories. Jojo Moyes

Romance novels have always been and will be popular among the dreamers of the fair sex. Reading romance novels is loved by girls, girls and women of all ages, whether it's teenage novels about first school love or romances full of passion for adults. For those who are looking for the next love stories, we offer you the top 10 romance novels and wish you a pleasant pastime.

Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell

Scarlett O'Hara is rightfully the most recognizable heroine of romance novels. However, do not be mistaken. This massive work intertwines many topics relevant to that, and to some extent even to our time, themes: friendship, jealousy, betrayal, loyalty, self-sacrifice, war and much more. The heroine herself, despite the seeming frivolity, is distinguished by courage and a fairly strong character, which has been admired by more than one generation of women.

The Thorn Birds, Colin McCullough

A touching story about the daughter of a farmer, Maggie Cleary, and a priest, Father Ralph, whose forbidden love melted millions of hearts. This book is first and foremost about love. About the love of a man and a woman. About love for family. About the love of God. About love in all its manifestations.

"Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen

Jane Austen's short romance novels have always stood out for their wit and vitality. Pride and Prejudice is still on the must-read list to this day. Elizabeth Bennet, proud and biting of the tongue, the girl from the first meeting felt hostility to Mr. Darcy. He was in full confidence that the Bennet family decided to get the inheritance of his best friend. However, sometimes first impressions are deceiving.

Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë

No top 10 love books can do without the Brontë sisters. Jane has been through a lot, but throughout the journey she has remained modest and virtuous, strong and independent, which makes her one of the most interesting and original characters in love stories. Her beneficial influence on the gloomy Mr. Rochester, her sincere affection for all the friends she met along the way - all this makes her worry about her and follow her adventures with bated breath.

“P.S. I love you, Cecilia Ahern

Cecilia Ahern's love stories are like a breath of fresh air. Each of them brings something new to an already far from new genre and keeps the hearts of millions in suspense from the first to the very last page. Worthy of its own adaptation with Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler, P.S. I love you” tells a touching story about how to cope with the death of a loved one and move on.

"Three Comrades", Erich Maria Remarque

A poignant novel about friendship, love, death. Three friends, Robert, Otto and Gottfried, are trying to find their place in post-war Germany, leaving behind the ghosts of military service, and to establish their business. Robert meets the charming and daring Patricia, who easily joins their company. However, life is far from being as carefree for young people as it might seem.

"Rebecca", Daphne Du Maurier

A young girl, being on vacation as a companion of a rich American woman, meets the aristocrat Maximilian De Winter. An unexpected friendship blossoms into something more when Max asks her to marry him and takes her to his Manderly estate. The unclouded happiness of the newlyweds is overshadowed by the memories of Max's ex-wife, who died under strange circumstances, whose name, Rebecca, continues to haunt him and his young wife.

Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina is a tragic love story between a married woman, Anna Karenina, and officer Vronsky. Meanwhile, a completely different relationship between Konstantin Levin and Kitty Shcherbatskaya is developing in the background, contrasting with the initially doomed scandalous relationship of the first couple. Beautifully rendered noble customs and prejudices are exactly what makes this book so interesting. And the authorship of Leo Tolstoy proves that romance novels are far from being a waste of time and paper, that they are worth reading and writing.

Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert

A modest life in a small village is not for everyone. However, when the well-married Emma moved with her husband to her new home and became involved in family life, she realized with horror that she had never loved the simpleton Charles Bovary and that the serene life in the province, which the author describes with such skill, sooner or later completely drives her crazy. However, everything changes when she has a lover. Having cheated on her husband, Emma continues to fall lower and lower, causing pity or sincere contempt in the reader.

"The Fault in Our Stars", John Green

Interesting books about love were written not only in the last century. Like Cecilia Ahern, John Green proves over and over again that not everything is said and not everything is written in this seemingly simple genre. The Fault in Our Stars tells the story of 16-year-old Hazel and 17-year-old Augustus. Everything would be fine, but they met at the next meeting of a support group for cancer patients. The sensational film adaptation of this book made not only young girls cry, but also adult women.

Love is the most mysterious and complex feeling. For some it's a chemical reaction, but for some it's more than attraction to another person. Be that as it may, the question of love has always excited mankind, and novels about relationships between a guy and a girl instantly become bestsellers. Many of them have low cultural value. Therefore, we have selected especially for you best romance novels, which are ranked below.

At first glance, an ordinary story about a man from a noble family who is engaged to a rich girl. But he loves a maid with a bad reputation.

John Fowles is not one of those writers who write novels to read on the train. There are three open endings in the finale of the work that opens the top best romance novels. The reader will have to figure out the end of this love story set in the Victorian era.

A book that has many clones. He is a wealthy and successful Harvard student. She is an ordinary, unremarkable girl. Logically, they were not destined to be together. But the couple goes against fate. They fall in love with each other. It seems like it's forever. But the girl is diagnosed with a fatal disease ...

An adventurous novel, which is one of the favorites for screenwriters and directors. Based on the plot of the book, seven films were shot! "Dangerous Liaisons" is a novel in letters exchanged between the beautiful Cecile and the Vicomte de Valmont. According to the writer, all letters are real, he only made the necessary corrections to the text.

The book, which is one of the best romance novels, has many explicit and vicious scenes. But, despite this, she still has great popularity among fans of the genre.

Charlotte Brontë wrote a novel for all time. It is read with rapture by both boys and girls, as well as people of a more mature age. Some find themselves in the main character, admire her prudence, others want to learn to forgive as easily as Jane Eyre. The cult novel does not last long on store shelves. Stably, once a year, they release a new edition of Jane Eyre, a book considered one of the best romance novels.

The most controversial work of the great writer of the Jazz Age. The novel, ranked sixth in the top best love stories, is based on the tragic story of Francis's wife. In the mid-30s, she had a clouding of her mind, as a result of which the woman developed schizophrenia. Fitzgerald showed readers the other side of his life: bleak and hard. Fans of Francis, accustomed to reading about heroes living beautiful lives, did not like the novel. The writer himself called the work “Tender is the Night” his semi-biography.

Fannie Flag's work is an example of classic American literature. It has everything you need for a perfect romance: love, friendship, family problems, racial animosity. The book is set in a small American town.
There are novels in the world that are read when depression, a bad mood, or a black streak in life sets in. With the work of Fanny Flagg, everything is exactly the opposite: it is recommended to read it when everything is fine and life brings happiness. And even if this is not the case, then after reading the novel, which occupies the middle of the top of the best love books, everything will certainly be fine!

The writer was only 19 years old when she wrote this novel. The work caused a wide resonance in society. Many were indignant, and someone was delighted. There were no indifferent people.

How could such a young person write a novel whose content had nothing to do with her life experience? The book, considered one of the best romance novels of our time, tells about a young girl Cecile, who has a hysterical psychotype, and therefore strives to always be in the spotlight. Her selfishness, callousness and immoral behavior eventually causes the death of her father's beloved woman.

When life doesn't bring joy and it seems like it couldn't get any worse, check out the debut novel by Irish writer Cecilia Ahern. It tells about a young couple in love - Jerry and Holly. They often quarrel, but always make up. And after a while, Jerry dies of a brain tumor. Holly becomes depressed until she finds many suicide letters from her lover...
Even the most unemotional and callous person will shed a tear while reading this novel, which took bronze in our ranking of the best love stories. And for those who want to get a double dose of emotions, they shot the film of the same name with Gerald Butler in the lead roles.

The novel by the Australian writer touched upon the theme of love and religion. The book tells about the relationship between the girl Maggie and the holy father Ralph. Their story is so interesting that it does not let go of itself for 700 pages of the novel, which took 2nd place in the list of the best love stories. And only at the very end the reader will know whether this story has a happy ending or not.

The cult novel by Margaret Mitchell naturally becomes the best romance novel. Its popularity is amazing: the Pulitzer Prize, translations into several dozen languages, the film adaptation of the same name, which received 8 Oscars, and much more. The names of the main characters of the book have become common nouns, and some phrases of the heroine of the novel have become the life credo of many girls. Scarlett O'Hara gets into many different life situations throughout the story, but in each of them she behaves like a lady!
"Gone with the Wind" will be a great reference book for all girls. After all, it tells about how to seduce any man, take away her girlfriend's husband, and sew a dress from ordinary curtains.

One of the most sentimental books of the 21st century. Cecilia Ahern's debut novel can be used as shock therapy when it seems like things can't get any worse. The first tears begin to arise after ten pages of reading, by the end of the book the lines are almost unreadable. If this is not enough, then you can watch the film of the same name with the participation of Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler.

"Twilight", Stephenie Meyer

A book about love, which has become a cult for young people not only in English-speaking countries, but also in France, Spain, Scandinavia, Japan and China. A literary debut that critics have compared to Anne Rayet's "Interview with the Vampire" and Barbara Hambley's "Those Who Hunt in the Night". Falling in love with a vampire... Is it scary? It's romantic. It's beautiful and painful. But this cannot end well - especially in the eternal confrontation between vampire clans, where the slightest difference from those around you already turns you into an enemy.

"Delirium", Oliver Lauren

Oliver Lauren's novel "Delirium" has become a real literary sensation and the rights to its film adaptation have already been bought. The plot tells about the near future, in which love is recognized as a dangerous virus, from which every person must be vaccinated. Those who love are punished. But the main character Lina changed her attitude to the world around her and refused to be vaccinated.

Fifty Shades of Grey, Erica James

This novel was written by a British writer in 2011. The novel tells the story of the relationship between wealthy entrepreneur Christian Gray and university graduate Anastasia Steele. The book contains explicit scenes of a sexual nature. After the release, it overtook the speed of sales of "Harry Potter" and "Twilight". The book is the first in a trilogy that also includes Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed.

"Love Story" Eric Segal

The popular plot is incredibly predictable, but still, every time you read or watch a movie, a storm of feelings overcomes. He is a rich and successful student at Harvard, she is an ordinary girl, they meet, fall in love with each other in defiance of everything, and no one is able to separate them except for a serious illness. At the end of the love story, he is left alone again. As soon as this script has not been turned over, it always works flawlessly.

"I do not believe. I do not hope. I love", Cecilia Ahern

Almost fifty years of the life of the main characters fit into this book, consisting of several hundred letters. The second novel by young Irish writer Cecilia Ahern is the story of how long it sometimes takes to find your true love.

"Obsidian", Jennifer Armentraut

This novel is included in the list of the best novels of 2013. The book is written in a love-fiction vein and, of course, will appeal to fans of this genre. The love of the earthling Katie and the alien Damon arises at first sight. But everything turns out to be much more complicated and Damon's family is in danger from outer space. It is difficult to find salvation from this ruthless enemy, but young people do not despair and come to grips with them.

"Diary of Memory", Nicholas Sparks

This book is positioned not as a romance novel, but as a novel about love. About the love of an ordinary man and an ordinary woman. This book has become an absolute bestseller, it touches the soul of readers of all ages. The film based on this novel was a huge success all over the world.

"I'll be back", Elchin Safarli

"I'll be back..." - a true love story of a Russian woman and an Eastern man. Despite the difference in mentalities and the onslaught of circumstances, they overcome despair on the way to each other. This is a novel that recreates the spirit of the times. A novel in which Safarli, through the prism of one story, shows the path of a whole generation of Russian girls who left for happiness in the East.

"Love Lives for Three Years" by Frederic Begbeder

Love lives for three years - this is the law of nature. So says Marc Marronier, familiar to readers from the novels of Begbeder "99 francs" and "Vacation in a coma." But the reason for his divorce from his wife has nothing to do with the laws of nature, just a new love captures him entirely, leaving no room for anything else. However, Mark believes in his theory and therefore, with hidden fear, is waiting for the approach of the fateful date.

"The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffeneger

They met when she was six and he was thirty-six. They married when she was twenty-three and he was thirty-one. Because Henry suffers from a rare genetic disorder called Time Travel Syndrome; his disappearances from Claire's life are unpredictable, his appearances are comical, traumatic and tragic at the same time. This is an incredible story of incredible love, an amazing bestseller, the film rights to which were bought by Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston before the book itself was published; The film was directed by Gus van Sant.

"11 minutes" by Paulo Coelho

An unusual book about love and passion. The story of the main character is non-standard and banal. The beautiful Brazilian Maria, trying to gain independence from her parents, to overcome her everyday life and lack of money, leaves for Amsterdam, where ... she becomes a prostitute. This story would have ended sadly if she had not met an unusual client - an artist who was fed up with social life, deceit, luxury. But until the moment when the couple was finally able to reunite, they had a lot to go through, comprehend, understand.

"A few hasty words about love", Dina Rubina

The theme of the book is love. The heroes greet her sudden appearance in different ways: as a necessity, as a fact, as a mirage. And they inevitably pay for the "hasty words of love." The fact that Rubina chooses the genre of the short story where one can write a novel reflects this modern haste of love. In each novel by Rubina, there is such a concentration of human feelings that one wants to cry. No wonder someone called this collection "the best book for a broken heart ..."

Boiling Chocolate, Laura Esquivel

He loves her, she loves him, but for some complicated reason they cannot be together for many, many years. But then they reunite with such a force of passion that they die in each other's arms. Seasoned all this, to the delight of the reader, with sharp humor. And, to the delight of culinary specialists, endless recipes for dishes prepared by the main character, a born cook, passionate and faithful only love - Tita. Love with pepper - Mexican exotic!

"If you knew..", Elchin Safarli

The novel "If you knew ..." is a story about feelings, doubts, expectations, fears, which most often help to start all over again. A story that can only be told to the snow-white sheets of a diary. I asked before leaving: "Tell me, do you love me?". You were silent for a long time, and then: “I feel good with you. This is not enough?". At that moment, I realized that I was able to embellish absolutely everything in a feminine way: my life, the feelings of a loved one, the world around me. With a brush in hand, women are born artists, and men are just a blank sheet of paper for us - we draw, paint, cover something up. As a result, it turns out that we draw not from nature, but on the occasion of fantasies.

"Just Together", Anna Gavalda

The novel "Just Together" is a wise and bright book about love and loneliness, about life and happiness. She formed the basis of the film of the same name by Claude Berry with Audrey Tautou in the title role.

Runaway, Alice Munro

Runaway is a collection of amazing stories of love and betrayal, unexpected twists of fate and a complex range of personal relationships. There are no banal plots and habitual schemes. From the pen of Alice Munro come characters so alive - women of all ages and positions, their friends, lovers, parents, children - that they could very well be our neighbors. Alice Munro is called the best short story writer in the world, but her books are only coming to our readers now, after the writer received the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Ladies of fashion, which of the following romance novels have you read and what impression did they make on you?

14 rules to help you be yourself Rules to help you be your best version of yourself, not on other people's terms, but on your own. Be yourself. When you try to be someone else, you simply lose yourself. Keep your individuality - your ideas, beliefs, beauty. No one else has it, so why lose them? Be the way you know yourself - the best version of yourself possible, and not on other people's terms, but on your own. Above all, be true to yourself. Start today…1. Get your priorities right. In fact, twenty years from now, you won't care what shoes you wore, what your hair looked like, or what brand of jeans you bought. What will really matter is how you loved what you learned and how you applied that knowledge.2. Take responsibility for your goals. If you want good things to happen in your life, you must contribute to their accomplishment yourself. You can not sit still and hope for someone's help. Do not think that your destiny depends on the activities of other people. Undoubtedly, there is a connection, but only we ourselves decide our future.3. Know your worth. Some people may treat others as a tool to solve their problems. Beneath the request for help lies the desire to relieve oneself of tasks or obligations. That is why you need to look closely at people in order to understand whether you mean as much to a person as he means to you. Don't let anyone take advantage of you. Do not be afraid to refuse - this is not pride, but self-respect. If you surround yourself with selfish, negative people, don't expect positive changes in your life. Know the value of yourself and what you offer people. Never settle for less than you deserve.4. Choose the right perspective. Perspective is in everything. A good example: we often encounter long queues and long traffic jams. Waiting all this time, a person can go two ways. The first option is to get upset, disappointed, or even furious. The second option is to perceive this situation as an occasion to think about your life, dream, or simply concentrate on contemplating the world around you, because in the daily bustle it is not so often possible to admire the same clouds. As a result, in the first case, the pressure from negative emotions will rise in a person, and in the second case, the mood will rise, at the same time the consciousness will expand.5. Don't let old problems get in the way of your dreams. Learn to let go of what you can't control. Avoid outbursts of anger - reckless spontaneous actions can cross out dreams forever. Every time you feel like thinking about an unfair situation, try to redirect your thoughts in a different direction. Don't let problems overwhelm you and you will be on a straight path to a brighter future.6. Focus on what's really important. Some things don't really have the value we can attribute to them. For example, the contents of the car we drive. Does it play any role in your life plan? Not at all. What about the contents of your heart? Plays. And so it is with everything. The problem with most people is that they, realizing what is really important in life, do not attach any importance to it. Instead, they focus on the little things, distracted from real life.7. Love yourself. Let you be loved the way you are. People often mistakenly consider themselves unattractive, feel that they are not worthy of anyone's attention. Whatever flaws you have, remember that you are worthy of love. Let someone give it to you. At first, this someone will be you yourself, then the circle of admirers will expand 8. Accept your strengths and weaknesses as you are. Do not be afraid to be yourself. We often spend time analyzing other people and comparing ourselves to them, wanting to become something we are not. Each person has both advantages and disadvantages, so there is no need to look for an ideal in someone. You yourself must become an ideal, but this will only succeed after you accept yourself as you are.9. Rise for yourself. You were born to be real, not perfect. Each of us is here to be ourselves, not what others want us to be. Do not let others change this setting. Don't be afraid to stand up and fight back. Boldly look into the eyes of your enemies and say: “Do not judge me until you know me. Don't underestimate me until you challenge me. Don't talk about me until you talk to me.”10. Learn from others and move on when needed. Never expect people to change. You either accept them as they are, or start your life without them. Don't be afraid to end a relationship. If something in life ends, then it must be so. Do not be sad because of this - it is better to perceive it as a valuable experience. Any event that is both good and not very enriches you with experience and makes you wiser. It is the same with people: someone comes into your life to bless, and someone to teach a lesson. 11. Be honest in your dealings. Don't cheat. When you are truly in love, loyalty is not a sacrifice, but a pleasure. If you are dissatisfied, have the courage to say so directly - this is the only sure way.12. Learn to find a way out of uncomfortable situations. Everyone knows that life is an unpredictable thing and can change dramatically at the most unexpected moment. Communication that does not portend a warm relationship can develop into a strong friendship, a career that occupies the most important place in life can be lost along with the hope of rehabilitation. Some situations can make you feel uncomfortable, frustrated and devastated, but remember, this is temporary. You won't always feel out of sorts, but it takes effort to get rid of it. Do not be afraid of change, get rid of what causes you discomfort and your life will change.13. Be who you were born to be. It is important to understand as early as possible that the life path has not only length, but also width. No matter how many years we live, a long life will not make sense if it turns out to be empty. In order not to regret later on wasted years, do not deny yourself your desires. Live the way you want. After all, it is better to live a short life according to your own rules than a long one according to someone else's. Follow your heart, but don't forget your mind.14. Never give up. This is your life and you can only live it once. So why let someone decide for you? Be strong and stand up for your interests. Strength lies not only in holding on to your dreams and goals. Strength is also in the ability to start all over again if previous attempts have failed. It is very important to find strength in ourselves and take revenge, because everything we dream about is achievable. Realization of a dream is only a matter of time, so do not try to give up, referring to failures, bad luck or "middle-aged" age. Remember: it is never too late to become who you could be. Keep learning, working, fighting every day, every minute. Maybe you will not immediately find yourself at the goal, but you will be closer to it than you were yesterday.

Books open doors in our minds, allowing us to live entire lives and travel the world without ever leaving our chair. As William Styron said, “A great book should leave you experienced and a little weary. You should live several lifetimes reading it."
Here is a list of 22, at least once in a lifetime.
The story takes place against the background of the changing political environment in Afghanistan in the 1970s in the post-9/11 period. The Wind Runner is the story of an unlikely and complicated friendship between Amir (the son of a wealthy merchant) and Hasan (the son of his father's slave). Cultural and class differences, as well as the upheaval and brutality of war, tear them apart. Each of them has its own tragedy and its own destiny. But they stay connected all their lives. Hosseini shows us the world of ordinary people who live, die, pray, dream and love. This is a story about how long shadows of family secrets fall on decades of descendants, this is a story about enduring friendship and the transformative power of forgiveness.

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This most famous work by Jane Austen is much more than a comedy of manners about marriage and life in high society in 19th century England. Pride and Prejudice remains one of the most enduring works of English literature, not because we get an unforgettable pleasure, watching the sparks of feelings between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy (although this, of course, is a good enough reason). Readers are imbued with this novel because Austin frankly exposes the human character with all its beauties and its shortcomings. "Pride and Prejudice" is a novel about overcoming differences and social class, about being able to laugh through life, even when it becomes extremely unfair. This is a book about how to love someone is to love them in spite of everything, not because of something.

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A richly written novel with catchy and memorable characters, Little Women welcomes us into the warm, comfortable home of a 19th-century American family. Everyone can find among the characters in this book that character trait that would resonate with him, whether it's Joe's character, Meg's vanity, Amy's mischief, or Beth's shyness. The novel is a story that depicts the transition of four sisters from girlhood to womanhood during the American Civil War. Together, they learn about the harsh realities of poverty, sickness, and death, and, like in a dream, they fall in love and laugh as they go through it all. This is a touching novel about the importance of the family and the simplicity and comfort of home, in which no one will ever be alone.

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Although this novel is not light reading, it is still one of the first novels that I suggest reading when someone asks me for a recommendation, because this work really has power. The novel depicts a day in the life of George Falconer, a middle-aged English professor who is dealing with the loss of his beloved Jim. George struggles against depression gripping him and wonders what is important to him in this life, he gradually learns, thanks to dinner with his best friend and a heart-to-heart talk with a student, the gift of life with all its trials and triumphs. Through this description of one day in a person's life, Isherwood reminds us that every moment has its value. His clear and direct prose will grab you, make you think and call you to look death in the face.

Who doesn't love novels about talking animals? This beautiful piece makes us wonder what our world would be like if animals could talk. Taking the meaning of the novel on a more serious note, the author challenges his readers to ask themselves how we would feel about animals if they could talk. How would we behave if they could tell us about their joys and fears? Would then mankind treat four-legged friends more humanely? White's novel is a lesson for children and a reminder for adults about the beauty of nature, life, and the importance of remembering that every creature has its rightful place on this earth.

Bronte's classic novel tells the story of a young girl's struggle for her place in the sun and her happiness in this hard and cruel world. She experiences tyranny as a child, as she remains a poor orphan under the roof of an evil aunt, deplorable conditions in an orphan school, and encounters dark family secrets when, as a governess, she ends up in the house of the enigmatic and alluring Mr. Rochester. Strong-willed and strong, Jane longs for the independence that Victorian England denied to all women. Her tragic story serves as an example of how a woman chooses her own path in life in the face of many difficulties and ridicule. But other than that, Jen Eyre is a wonderful story of true love!

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This is another one of those books filled to the brim with nuggets of truth that you can grind your teeth on. Its essence must be understood and accepted. The novel is about a brief but life-changing adultery between Maurice Bendrix and Sarah Miles. The upheavals of World War II, personal love battles, hatred, guilt and the search for truth - all this is very sharply and poignantly described in the novel. The story of Maurice and Sarah reminds us that what we do for love can cause an inexorable twist of fate that can take our lives on a passionate and sometimes dangerous journey, and that while love doesn't always last forever, we can always extract useful lessons from it.

This novel has received even more attention from the public after the recent announcement that Lee intends to release a prequel, so even if you have read it before, now is a good time to return to it again. Narrated from the perspective of 6-year-old scout Finch, his story concerns an incident that rocked his hometown of Alabama when African-American Tom Robinson was accused of raping a young white woman. Scout's father, Atticus Finch, becomes the attorney assigned to represent Robinson. Intertwining a sense of humor with the utmost honesty and seriousness, the novel takes a critical look at social issues regarding class, race, and gender politics and at the sometimes ironic injustices of the American legal system.

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10. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling

Yes, this is a great book to read! Even if you are already familiar with all the books in the series, this is unlikely to prevent you from plunging into this wonderful world anew, right? The magical world of Harry Potter captivated both children and adults. The story of the Boy-Who-Lived - a downtrodden, emotionally neglected orphan who one day discovers he's a wizard - appeals to people of all ages. This book is about eternal friendship, the pain of loss, the triumph of good over evil, and the reality that sometimes our fiercest battles are within ourselves.

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A favorite of many readers around the world, Mary Lennox travels to her reclusive uncle's English estate after her parents die of cholera. The Secret Garden is a timeless classic about the beauty of nature, the healing power of love and faith in magic. Throughout the incredible adventures of the little girl, you will laugh with her and cry with her. You will empathize with her and live together her lessons of love and trust, as well as see how Mary comprehends herself and the world around her.

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When Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy and slip into the magical land of Narnia, they meet friendly talking animals and the White Witch. In these meetings, the guys understand the true meaning of family ties and courage. This is more than a story about a fantasy world hidden in old furniture. This is a novel about the limitlessness of human imagination. Set against the backdrop of World War II in England, the land of Narnia represents a timeless hope for a better, brighter future.

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13. Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery

When 11-year-old orphan Anya meets up with older siblings Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, she discovers that there has been some sort of mistake and that they actually wanted to adopt a boy, not a girl. Although this fiasco initially brings Anna into a world where she is afraid of being rejected and unloved, in the end, the girl's vivid fantasy and her endlessly kind heart will help her triumph over everything that life will bring. This is a touching story about love and friendship with a bitter reminder that sometimes in life everything does not happen at all the way we want, but in any case, everything always goes the way it should and only for the better.

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A pop icon since her debut in 1996, Bridget Jones has become a symbol of everyday feminism for women all over the world from the UK to Japan. Her self-deprecating and frank description of dating and dieting disasters and failures, her struggles for a beautiful image and body, her desire for personal and financial independence resonates with readers, because we have all experienced something similar at some point in our lives. Humorous and moving, Fielding's novel offers readers a humorous yet critical commentary on what it means to be a woman in today's world, and reminds all women (and men, of course) that feminism is now less and less about bra-burning and provocative attitudes towards marriage. Now it is increasingly associated with the struggle for your happiness and the desire to love yourself for who you are.

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"Uncle Tom's Cabin" is a political and puritanical indictment and condemnation of American slavery. Stowe weaves together the tales of several tough Elise slaves who stop at nothing to save at least their child from the terrible shackles of slavery. This is the story of the humble Uncle Tom, who bears his burden calmly and quietly, serving his masters with the faithful honesty of a man for whom freedom is more a state of mind and soul than a physical state. This is a novel about the endurance of the human spirit and the moral obligation to fight for your rights.

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Under the Glass Jar is a hauntingly realistic novel based on stories from Sylvia's own life. It tells the story of Esther Greenwood, a talented young woman who does a summer internship at a major New York magazine and finds that instead of enjoying the glamorous New York lifestyle, she finds it scary and unsettling. Based on the realities of Plath's own struggle with depression, The Bell Jar provides a genuine insight into the human psyche and sheds light on real mental illnesses.

Before us is a world-famous classic work of Victorian children's fiction. It is a whimsical tale of magic and folly in which Alice finds herself in an imaginary world after chasing a white rabbit she sees sitting quietly on the bank of a river. This brilliant novel invites readers to fall down the proverbial rabbit hole and find themselves in a world of talking animals and magic mushrooms that allow Alice to grow or shrink depending on which side she bites into. This novel is a delight for both children and adults. It blurs any boundaries between reality and fiction.

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In this frightening novel, the main character Dorian Gray becomes the model for a portrait of the artist Basil Hallward, who is simply in love with Dorian's beauty. Knowing that his youth will eventually fade anyway, Dorian wishes to sell his immortal soul in exchange for beauty and youth, and his wish is granted. As Dorian becomes more and more beautiful, his appearance in the portrait becomes more and more monstrous, reflecting all the dark sides of the man's inner world. The hauntingly descriptive nature and delicate writing of Wilde's novel forces us to look at ourselves and recognize the dark side of human nature. This novel tells us about the eternal struggle between good and evil that takes place in the soul of each of us.

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In one of Agatha Christie's most compelling mysteries, a luxurious Orient Express stops in the snowdrifts in the dead of night, and the next morning, a grumpy and unfriendly American passenger is found dead with twelve stab wounds behind a locked door. Only the rest of the passengers can be implicated in the murder, as it's unlikely that the killer came from anywhere else due to the massive snow storm. This strange case is investigated by Detective Hercule Poirot, he finds himself face to face with many horror stories intertwined around the murdered man, and each passenger seems to be connected with him. With her usual burst of intrigue, Agatha Christie gives us a mystery that blurs the lines between legal and moral justice, urging us to decide whether a man who takes the law into his own hands can be justified. .

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The most translated book from French, The Little Prince is the story of a little boy who falls to Earth from an asteroid after visiting several other asteroids to try to understand humanity. In his travels, he meets some strange and wonderful heroes, including a king without any subordinates, a drunkard who drinks to forget the shame of being a drunkard, and a wild fox. The Little Prince is an allegory about the stupidity of man and his tendency to self-destruct through violence, as well as a touching story about the transformative power of friendship, love and trust.

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This compelling and touching story follows the life of Hazel, who has cancer, and her teenage friends. Together they share all the fears and joys, and readers come to understand the fragility of life through these young voices, whose lives are intensely burned day by day and the moment of death is already flickering on the horizon. Green reflects in his book the struggle of a person with an incurable disease with amazing tenderness and amazing authenticity, reminding us that love, friendship and faith can transcend everything, even death itself.

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A classic novel of adventure and magic, The Wizard of Oz tells readers what happens to little Dorothy Gale when she and her dog Toto are caught in a cyclone and end up in Oz, where they meet many colorful characters including the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion. Together they head to the Emerald City to meet the famous Wizard in order to find wisdom, love, courage and a home. This excellent novel is a touching tale of friendship and courage, of being grateful for what you have and never forgetting that your home is where your heart is.

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When we read a book, it's as if we put on someone else's shoes, see the world through someone else's eyes, and visit places that we can never visit in real life, whether it's a small village in India or the green fields of Narnia.

Books are a great achievement of humanity, if only because they tell us about such important things as love, grief, friendship, war, social injustice and the resilience of the human spirit. Read books and leave your feedback and recommendations in the comments!