Evidence that aliens exist. Evidence for the existence of aliens

In addition to people, other creatures live in our galaxy. Several decades ago, humanity denied the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial civilizations. However, over the past 10 years, organizations have been created in the world that are now studying the life and varieties of alien creatures, as well as the history of alien contacts with humans.

In the Soviet Union, it was dangerous to talk about contact with aliens, because. the person was immediately recognized as mentally ill and sent to a psychiatric dispensary. But the old days have passed, and people started talking. Now the victim will not be closed behind bars in a mental hospital. On the contrary, they will conduct an examination and find out the details of the contact with the help of a hypnosis session.

If earlier alien civilizations, and even more so “visits” to Earth, were considered fiction, now the relevant committees and organizations are conducting their own research, which is replenished from year to year with new real cases. All information is regularly published in the media and supported by documentary facts, and sometimes even videos with unknown flying objects.

Who are the aliens

Scientists who study unidentified flying objects are divided into two types:

  • Ufologists - fully explore UFOs;
  • Exobiologists are engaged in the study of varieties of extraterrestrial beings, their features and differences.

Ufologists interpret the term "aliens" as follows:

UFOs are representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations; living intelligent beings, which in all respects differ from earthly man.

It is interesting that in society it is customary to say "alien", meaning friendly creatures, and "alien" or "alien" - hostile. However, researchers in this area do not subdivide the concepts according to the mood of beings in relation to humans.

Many scientists "paid" for research with their own mysterious death. There have been cases when 8 ufologists died in one year. This fact was taken up by Sidney Sheldon, who identified the following deaths:

  1. January - Avtar Sing-Gada disappeared;
  2. February - Peter Pigegel is crushed by his own car;
  3. March - David Sanyas crashed his car, losing control and crashing into a restaurant building;
  4. April - Mark Wiesner committed suicide in a noose; killed under unknown circumstances by Steward Gooding; fell off the bridge David Greenhalgh; Shani Warren drowned himself.
  5. May - Michael Baker crashed to death.

All deaths occurred in 1987, which suggests a suspicious coincidence. Or is it really not accidental deaths, but retribution for interfering in the life of other planets and galaxies?

The history of alien contact with humans

"Tours" of humanoids to the planet Earth are documented by a whole list of cases when people became witnesses of unidentified objects in the sky or even were abducted by aliens.

By the way, such situations are divided into types:

  1. A moving or hovering alien object is observed by eyewitnesses in the sky.
  2. A UFO is landing on Earth.
  3. Aliens contact humans or animals, but do not abduct earthly creatures.
  4. People are being abducted by aliens.

There are many cases recorded in history that reflect each of the types of visits by unidentified creatures. Sometimes one person several times in his life became a victim of UFO abduction!

In the 70s, an American farmer had the opportunity to experience an evening that a man will remember for a lifetime. Having finished his business on the farm, he went home. However, the future victim's car broke down and the farmer was forced to walk home across the field. When the guy approached the house, an alien object blinded him, and then the victim does not remember anything.

The next morning, the American woke up near the house, however, realizing the complexity of the situation, he did not go to the hospital and the police. Only when his health worsened did he decide to ask the doctors for help. Hearing about the farmer's nightmare, the doctors suggested that the poor fellow take a test for alcohol and drugs in his blood. But in that clinic there was one specialist who believed the words of the man and offered to conduct a hypnosis session.

The words of an American under the influence of hypnosis shocked the clinic staff. The farmer described the appearance of the creature that interacted with him. Moreover, he described in detail the figure, facial features and voice, which, according to the victim, was grunting and unintelligible.

“She was slender, with a beautiful face, thin waist and wide hips. However, I would rather have sex with an ugly earthly woman than with this incomprehensible humanoid, ”this is how the creature that kidnapped the guy was described.

And although there were those who took these words as nonsense and a sick fantasy, the researchers put forward irrefutable evidence of the fact of extraterrestrial contact. So, having carefully examined the farmer, they found an enormous level of radiation on his clothes and in his body. It is noteworthy that in the district of the house and farm there is not a single enterprise that emits radioactive substances. Otherwise, where could this guy get such a dose of radiation in less than a night?

This is just one story out of many documented facts. In addition, some people are still afraid to talk about participation in experiments with aliens, because. afraid of being ridiculed or incomprehensible.

Virginia Norton is a girl who twice became a test subject in the experiments of foreign inhabitants. For the first time, aliens took a six-year-old girl aboard a ship right from the barn, where little Virginia went to see her favorite animals. Two hours later, the aliens returned the baby to Earth, but 10 years later, the incident repeated itself.

When Virginia spent a weekend in France, an unknown force dragged her away for an hour and a half. According to Norton, she was attracted by a deer with big eyes, for which the girl went. After that, Virginia does not remember anything.

During a hypnotherapy session, the girl remembered a similar incident from childhood, and also described the appearance of strangers. “They had bright, shining clothes and big heads,” Virginia described the alien inhabitants as such. After a visit to an extraterrestrial ship, the girl was left with two blood stains and traces of surgical sutures. But, as the examination showed, the woman's organs are in place, and the state of blood and health has not worsened.

Brief facts about the "tour" of UFOs on Earth

1. February 24, 1942, Los Angeles. An unidentified aircraft hovered in the sky over the coast. The military fired 1,400 rounds at the flying saucer, but it remained unscathed. After the military assured the residents of the city that it was a weather balloon. Even if that's true, why didn't the missile salvos destroy the structure of the probe? Most likely, such a statement was made in order to reassure the townspeople.

2. January 29, 1986, Dalnegorsk, Russia. Hundreds of Russians at one moment watched the crash of an extraterrestrial ship. The accident was accompanied by bright flashes and red rays that remained in the sky until the object hit the ground. Studies have shown that ship fragments contain rare metals and substances that are mined on other planets.

3. November 5, 1975 The five day kidnapping of Travis Walton. When Travis was working in the mountains, there was a bright flash of light. After that, a deafening sound appeared, incomprehensible vibrations and swings. The man managed to see the outlines of the aliens, but under the influence of hypnosis it was not possible to find out other facts. Travis was shocked when he learned that he was "visiting" a UFO for five days.

Varieties of aliens

Exobiologists say that not all forms of extraterrestrial life have visited the Earth yet, and therefore it is still impossible to fully list all types of aliens. However, based on the facts, when unidentified objects were seen on Earth, astrologers, ufologists and exobiologists compiled the following list of alien varieties:

Essassani. Representatives of this space civilization live in the constellation of Orion. The Essassani race is 300 years ahead of our planet. The type of evolution is similar to homo sapiens. Appearance: Height 150-160 cm, gray skin, larger than human skull size, as well as large black eyes and small mouth and nose.

Lyrans. Little is known about this civilization: a height of up to three meters and features reminiscent of birds and animals from Egyptian myths. They live in the constellation Lyra, from which they got their name.

Orions. Outwardly, they are similar to humans and have dark skin, and a tenth of this civilization is completely blondes of the Caucasoid type. By nature, they are distinguished by aggressiveness and irascibility. According to exobiologists, representatives of this species are accustomed to resolving issues through confrontation.

Alpha Centauri. The height of the "Centauri" is higher than that of the average person. This race is interested in travel, science, space experiments and high technology. Communication between the inhabitants of Alpha Centauri takes place on a telepathic level.

Arcturians. These are intelligent creatures that are superior in development to all the inhabitants of the galaxy. The Arcturians live 36 light years from Earth, in the constellation Bootes. Outwardly, representatives of Arcturus are fragile, height - 90-120 cm, almond-shaped eyes. Life expectancy up to 400 years. Communication occurs through telepathy, which is a hundred times faster than the thinking of homo sapiens!

Martians. Due to the increased interest in civilization, the Martians have evolved and now live in dimensions inaccessible to us. In appearance, the Martians are similar to large ants and praying mantises.

  • The first documented UFO kidnapping was recorded in 1961, when Betty and Barney Hill's family were dragged onto a flying saucer on a highway in New Hampshire by unknown creatures.
  • José Bonnila is a Mexican astronomer who took the first photographs of an unidentified flying object.
  • In the USSR, the dates of the facts of UFO sightings coincide with the dates of testing of new military weapons.
  • The secrets of the Bermuda Triangle are associated with the alleged location under water at this mysterious place of the alien base.

  • Previously, alien ships were called "flying saucers". Only in 1953 was the term "UFO" introduced - after nine unknown objects were recorded in the sky. Now this abbreviation refers to all aircraft of unknown (futuristic) design and origin.
  • A survey conducted among Americans in 1996 showed that 71% of people are sure that the authorities are hiding the truth about UFOs from ordinary citizens.
  • The phenomenon of unknown objects is being studied by the organizations "MUFON" - "Cooperative UFO Network" and "CUFOS" - "Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Objects".
  • In 1953, an attempt to intercept an alien "saucer" failed in Michigan. Pilot Felix Eugene Moncla went to intercept the alien ship. However, after approaching an unknown object, Felix's plane was lost from radar, and he went missing.
  • The pyramids of the ancient Mayan tribe are considered examples of the creations of extraterrestrial civilizations.
  • In order to reach Earth, alien ships must travel faster than the speed of light. By the way, the rays of the sun reach our planet in 8 minutes, and UFOs do it ten times faster.

There are many hypotheses and theories that say that aliens are among us: hiding, disguised as ordinary people, and sometimes almost indistinguishable from them. The purpose of such an invasion is explained in different ways. Some ufologists believe that this is how colonization begins, and very soon an alien attack can be expected. Others are sure that thousands of years ago the inhabitants of other galaxies became direct participants in the origin of life on Earth and are now observing their creation from the inside, studying it. We offer you to get acquainted with various positions that prove or disprove the theory that aliens live among us.

Opinions against

It is possible to single out a large number of facts that indicate that there are no aliens on Earth and never have been. Consider them:

  • Even the most serious scientists are sure that several types of life are possible in the galaxy, and do not even deny that it can be intelligent. Everything is possible, but at the moment there is no irrefutable evidence of the existence of an alien mind.
  • There is also no physical evidence that the creatures inhabiting other planets have such advanced technology that allows them to travel in outer space.
  • Many hypotheses and theories are based on the stories of individual eyewitnesses, unreliable sources. A reputable scientist who could explain everything that happens from a scientific point of view has not yet become a victim of "abduction" or other contact with aliens.

So, those who do not believe that there are aliens among people, first of all, point out that there is no irrefutable evidence of such a neighborhood and reliable, verified facts. However, there are also such ufologists who are sure that the inhabitants of other planets have been inhabiting the Earth for a long time, they are just very well disguised.

gray aliens

This is the most common type of alien. So, most of the abducted (or claiming to have been abducted) said that the aliens had earthy skin, large eyes and medium-sized nostrils, their body was completely devoid of hair, and the proportions of the head and body differ from the usual human ones. In addition, these aliens are distinguished by the absence of pupils and ears, small mouths, more reminiscent of cracks. They have the ability to communicate with each other telepathically, and in a similar way affect people.

There are even photos of aliens among us humans, but there is not a single piece of evidence that they are genuine. There are also specific stories that give food for thought.


Consider a real story about an alien, which causes a lot of controversy and controversy: not everyone believes that an ordinary woman had a chance to face a representative of another civilization. In 1996, Tamara Vasilievna Prosvirina, a resident of the Chelyabinsk region, heard a "telepathic voice" that called her. Having come to the call, the woman found a strange creature that outwardly resembled a man, but also had significant differences. She took the stranger home, began to take care of him as if he were a child, and even named him Alyoshenka. People who saw an unusual creature said that his appearance was somewhat unusual for a person:

  • The head is in the form of a helmet.
  • Complete absence of sexual characteristics.
  • Small growth.
  • Huge eyes.

Unfortunately, the alien (or mutant, as some believe) died. Tamara Vasilievna was registered with a psychiatrist, so when she began to brag to her neighbors that her “son” was now living with her, people thought that the woman had completely lost her mind. She was sent to a clinic, and Alyoshenka, in whose existence no one believed, died of starvation. Later, his mummified corpse was discovered, which raised more questions than it answered.


Considering the question of whether there are aliens among us, it is impossible not to note that not everyone believed even in the "alien" Alyoshenka. The following versions have been put forward:

  • This is an animal unknown to science.
  • A premature human baby, born as a result of a terrible mutation, suffering from numerous congenital deformities. A possible reason is that his parents were close relatives, each of whom also suffered from certain deviations.
  • Inhabitant of hell (yes, even such assumptions were made).
  • Alien. Relatives of Tamara Prosvirina later said that Japanese researchers offered them a lot of money for Alyoshenka's mummy, but his body was gone.

Of course, there are many blank spots in this story, it is also interesting that a mentally ill woman encountered a representative of other worlds, and no one believed in the authenticity of her words. But perhaps this is precisely the proof that aliens are among us: they deliberately choose as their assistants such people who look crazy in the eyes of society.

By the way, Prosvirina herself died under very strange circumstances: she went out into the street at night and became a victim of a car accident. The woman was barefoot, it seems that someone called her.

alien ships now

Many are sure that aliens live among people, and offer as an argument the unusual activity of UFOs, which was recorded in the United States in 2018, in the states of California and Florida. Eyewitnesses say that in the sky you can observe a large number of unidentified objects that form groups. Their "behavior" seems reasonable and consistent.

There are no reasons for the appearance of such objects; they have nothing to do with meteorology or civil and military aviation. The US government refrains from official comments.

Interestingly, something even more frightening was discovered in the skies over Florida - large UFOs. Of course, we can only speculate that these objects are alien ships, but it is possible that such activity is evidence that aliens are among us. Some ufologists even talked about the possibility of an invasion and recommend not to panic in any case - such sentiments can be used by aliens against earthlings.

How to expose

Learn how to recognize an alien among people. Experts say that there are several ways:

  • First of all, these are the features of appearance that give out the alien: a larger head than that of earthlings, small foot size, tall stature, narrow hips and a thin physique.
  • Hypersensitivity to products of the earth's industry, which is expressed in allergies to cosmetics, drugs.
  • Tendency to attacks of suffocation and asthmatic diseases.
  • Increased energy. In the presence of such humanoid creatures, light bulbs constantly burn out and household appliances fail.
  • Indifference to the opposite sex and carnal pleasures.
  • Often low voice and correct, literate speech.

However, not everyone who meets the list of signs can be considered a native of other galaxies, so it is important to remain objective in your assessments and not classify a person as an alien just because he seems strange.

Non-obvious signs

Many people believe that aliens are among us. How to recognize them, we discussed above. However, there are other signs that are not so noticeable to the naked eye. You can expose a resident of other planets with the help of special equipment. Ufologists note that aliens can be recognized by their following features:

  • Their body temperature is slightly lower than that of humans.
  • Bones are strong, fractures, wounds and abrasions heal very quickly on such creatures.
  • Aliens from other planets are able to survive terrible catastrophes, escaping with just a couple of scratches, while fragile earthlings will inevitably die.

Among famous people

Information that the inhabitants of the galaxy settled on our planet for a long time is contained in the works of the past, for example, in the Bible, the Vedas, which say that the shape of the universe is ovoid, includes 14 planetary systems:

  • 7 lower;
  • 7 higher.

Each of them is inhabited by its inhabitants, some have significantly surpassed people in development, others are just beginning the path of evolutionary development. Aliens from other planets, having settled on Earth, are trying to teach people what has long been available to them, which is why some ufologists include among them outstanding figures of art and science who are significantly ahead of their time: Leonardo da Vinci, Mendeleev, Voltaire, Elvis Presley. Some users of specific Internet forums are sure that even Alla Pugacheva and Vladimir Putin can be attributed to the number of guests from another planet. Of course, not everyone believes in this.

Negative influence

The brightest representative of dark aliens is Adolf Hitler, no doubt, a talented and gifted, excellent speaker who managed to subjugate almost half the world. The task of such negative-minded guests from other worlds is to harm humanity, creating all the conditions for the death of the Earth. Ufologists who believe that Hitler was an alien make the following arguments:

  • He had great energy and the ability to convince.
  • The wounds on his body healed very quickly, many assassination attempts were made on the Fuhrer, but he always remained alive.
  • In concentration camps and prisons, on his orders, people were experimented with to explore the capabilities of the human body and mind.

Researchers believe that all this says: Hitler was sent to Earth for certain purposes (exploration and enslavement), but he did not cope with his task, therefore he was destroyed. And the version of his suicide is still controversial. Some are convinced that he managed to survive, but this version has not been proven.

Strange things also allegedly happened to the Fuhrer's body. One version says that his corpse was burned so that it would not get to the enemies (and, accordingly, was not studied). Another hypothesis is this: the corpse of Hitler was transported by the Americans to the so-called zone 59, where it is being studied to this day.

The following video presents 5 more arguments that aliens are among us.

Until now, the question of whether aliens exist at all and whether they are on our planet remains open. We have to learn many more new facts in order to finally put an end to this difficult, mystical topic.

A little over 80 years ago, humanity first began broadcasting radio and television signals strong enough to leave Earth's atmosphere and travel deep into interstellar space. If someone living in a distant star system keeps a vigilant eye on these signals, he will not only be able to pick them up, but will immediately identify their sender as an intelligent species. In 1960, Frank Drake pioneered the idea of ​​searching for such signals from other star systems using large radio dishes, which led to the SETI initiative: the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. But over the past half century, we have developed much more effective means of communication for the entire globe than radio and television signals. Does this mean that the search for aliens in the electromagnetic spectrum no longer makes sense?

This question is, of course, extraordinarily speculative, but it gives us the opportunity to look at our own technological progress and consider how it could take place elsewhere in the universe. In the end, if someone from a society that communicates by the signals of drums and fires finds himself deep in the forest, he may come to the conclusion that intelligent life does not exist around. But give him a phone and he can contact his relatives. Our conclusions can be just as biased as the methods we apply.

The mechanism of electricity began to be understood only at the end of the 18th century, thanks to the work of Ben Franklin. The power of electricity began to power our wires and other devices only in the 19th century, and the phenomena of classical electromagnetism began to be understood only in the second half of this century. The first transmissions of electromagnetic signals did not take place until 1895, and broadcasting took us into the interstellar medium only by the 1930s.

It is also very limited: if our radio signals travel through interstellar space for only 80 years, this means that only civilizations within a radius of 80 light years can pick up these signals and only civilizations within a radius of 40 light years can pick up the signal and send back a response that is to date would have come. If the Fermi paradox poses the question "where is everyone?", the answer is "not within 40 light-years of us." But what does this say about intelligent life in the universe? Never mind.

While there may be hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy and about two trillion galaxies in the observable universe, there are fewer than 1,000 stars within 40 light-years of Earth.

In addition, the electromagnetic signals escaping from the Earth into interstellar space decrease rather than increase. Television and radio broadcasting signals are increasingly carried by cables or transmitted via satellite, rather than broadcasting towers on Earth. Another century will pass, and, most likely, the signals that we sent throughout the 20th century will cease to leave the Earth at all. Perhaps an alien civilization will conclude that this blue, watery planet with life has reached a certain stage of development, and then it was destroyed, and the signals stopped sending.

In other words, to draw conclusions about what is and what is not, according to a certain form of an electromagnetic signal, is a completely erroneous strategy.

If we were to look at the Earth at close range in visible light, we would undoubtedly conclude that it is inhabited: the glow of cities at night is an unmistakable sign of activity. But such light pollution is a relatively new phenomenon. We are constantly learning and investing money, effort and time to get rid of it. There is no reason to believe that by the end of the 21st-22nd century the Earth will look the same as it does now, and not the way it looked billions of years before: dark, lit up in places by auroras, thunderstorms or volcanoes.

But if you are looking for non-electromagnetic signals, then what? Everything in the universe is limited by the speed of light, and any signal created on another planet must somehow manifest itself in order for us to notice it. These signals fall into four categories:

  • Electromagnetic signals that include any form of light of any wavelength that could indicate the presence of intelligent life
  • Gravitational wave signals that - if we belong to intelligent life - we can detect with sufficiently sensitive equipment from anywhere in the universe
  • Neutrino signals - which, although extremely scattered over long distances - could be a sure sign under certain conditions
  • Finally, macroscopic space probes, whether robotic, computerized, autonomous or inhabited, that approach the Earth

Surprisingly, our fantastic imagination is focused almost exclusively on the fourth possibility, which is the least likely.

When you think about the huge distances between stars, how many stars have potentially habitable planets (or even satellites), and how many resources it takes to physically send a space probe from one planet to another planet, from another star, this method of communication seems completely insane. . It is much easier to build a detector that could explore different regions of the sky and find signals that will absolutely indicate the existence of intelligent life.

In terms of the electromagnetic spectrum, we know how our living world reacts to the seasons. In winter and summer, our planet "glows" in different ways. Along with the change of times, the colors in different parts of our planet also change. With a sufficiently large telescope (or an array of telescopes), one could see individual signs of our civilization: cities, satellites, airplanes, and so on. But perhaps the best we could find is changes in the natural environment, consistent with what only an intelligent civilization would create.

We haven't done that yet, but perhaps large-scale planet modifications are what we should look for. Don't forget that the civilization we find is unlikely to be a technological baby like us. If she survived and survived all the catastrophes, she will be tens or hundreds of thousands of years older and more advanced than us. Just remember how we were only 200 years ago.

Perhaps as our gravitational wave technology becomes advanced enough to detect the first signals of the universe, we will begin to discover more subtle manifestations of activity in space. Perhaps we can identify a planet with tens of thousands of satellites in orbit by its unique gravitational wave fingerprint. Now this area is very young, so it has a long way to go. But these signals do not disappear the way electromagnetic signals do, and there is no way to hide them. Perhaps in a hundred or two years it will be our main tool for space exploration.

But there is another option. What source of energy will a sufficiently advanced civilization use? Maybe nuclear. More likely it will be fusion energy, a special type of energy that is different from what goes on in the cores of stars, and emits a very, very specific neutrino signature as a by-product. And these neutrinos will directly indicate that energy is born not in a natural, but in a man-made process.

If we can predict what the signature is, understand it, build a detector for it, and measure it, we can find a fusion-powered civilization anywhere, and we won't have to worry about whether it's transmitting radio signals or not. As long as it generates energy, we can find it.

Given that there are about 200 billion stars in just one galaxy, it would be foolish to say that we are alone in the universe. But so far there is no exact confirmation of the existence of aliens. Unusual pictures appear, but scientists also find a reasonable explanation for them.

Within the framework of the Kepler program alone, scientists have discovered 3,848 confirmed planets where aliens can live. Of course, there is no complete certainty that there is life there, but is the Earth really the only such one in the entire Universe?

We imagine space as a dark, cold and quiet place where there is nothing but the infinite universe around. However, one can argue about the silence of outer space. Thousands of different radio signals travel throughout the universe. They are emitted by various space objects and most of these signals are nothing more than noise and interference. But there are also those among them that cannot be attributed to interference. And

Each of us is made up of atoms that were once part of an exploding star, including atomic carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, the fundamental ingredients of life. Over billions of years, these ingredients have condensed, forming gas clouds, new stars, planets, which suggests that all this - and therefore potential life - exists outside the Earth, scattered throughout the Universe. If you were expecting questionable eyewitness photographs, wild theories, and the ravings of crazy people in this article, don't be discouraged: we have more solid evidence in favor of the existence of extraterrestrial life.

A number of recent discoveries not only allow us to confidently assume that we are not alone in the Universe, but also admit that ours may be teeming with life, intelligent and not very. The question is no longer so much whether there is life outside the Earth, but whether we will ever find it.

Here's what we know.

  1. Earlier this year, a team of scientists estimated that 4.5 billion years ago, at least one-fifth of Mars was covered by an ocean more than 100 meters deep. Any sign of life that has swum in these waters can be found in the Martian soil. And on Mars, the flow of liquid water allows us to make bolder assumptions: perhaps life is still nesting on the Red Planet.
  2. One water is not enough. It takes time. Last August, a study emerged that concluded that the water on Mars was as much as 200 million years longer than previously thought. In addition, life on Earth was at the same time as the last lakes on Mars.
  1. Asteroids and comets are the key to the formation of life on Earth, scientists believe. In particular, comet collisions, according to a paper published last August, likely led to the association of amino acids and the formation of the building blocks of life. Based on what we know about the formation of the solar system, other comets in other planetary systems continue to perhaps do their fruitful deeds.
  2. Jupiter's tiny moon Europa is littered with brown-veined scars that are thought to indicate places where warm, dirty, liquid water from the moon's mantle seeps through its crust. Europe can, which is why America and Europe are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in future mission projects to find water beneath Europe's surface.
  3. In addition to Europa, there is Saturn's moon Enceladus, and scientists confirmed this month that it hides a giant world ocean under its icy crust. Like Europe, Enceladus's ocean is the perfect place for life outside of Earth to live.
  4. The search for possible evidence of life on Enceladus continues. The satellite has powerful hydrothermal vents - the kind that could have triggered the formation of life on Earth - that lie on the ocean floor.

  1. In addition to Europa and Enceladus, at least ten objects in our solar system could have underground oceans, planetologists suspect. The problem with detecting life on these bodies is that it is quite difficult to reach the water mantle, which lies at a depth of hundreds of kilometers.
  2. Besides Earth, Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is the only body in the solar system with lakes on its surface. These lakes could not allow the development of terrestrial life, because they are composed of liquid methane, not water. However, earlier this year, a group of Cornell scientists showed that methane-based cellular life could exist on Titan.
  3. It is possible that life could form and flourish only on terrestrial planets; it follows that we have a chance of detecting life only outside our solar system. Last July, scientists discovered an Earth-like planet 1,400 light-years away. Its size, orbit, luminary and age lead to "the possibility of life developing on its surface, since all the ingredients and conditions necessary for life are present."
  4. The famous Drake equation allows us to estimate how many alien civilizations could exist in the Milky Way. It looks like this: N = R*(fp)(ne)(fl)(fi)(fc)L, explanation of each variable is below. Based on the simplest statistics, it is not difficult to calculate that thousands, even millions of alien civilizations may exist somewhere out there:

R*: The rate of star formation in our galaxy.

fp: percentage of stars that have planets.

ne: The number of terrestrial planets around each star that has planets.

fl: percentage of terrestrial planets that have evolved life.

fi: percentage of planets with life that have developed intelligent life.

fc: The percentage of intelligent species that have gone as far as creating technologies that can be discovered by the forces of an external civilization like ours. For example, radio signals.

L: The average number of years it takes for an advanced civilization to detect detectable signals.

  1. Many people ask themselves: if there are intelligent civilizations out there, why haven't we heard anything from them? Perhaps our own Milky Way galaxy is far from the most hospitable galaxy for life, according to a scientific report. The study found that other galaxies in the universe may have 10,000 times more habitable planets than the Milky Way.
  2. We are all made up of heavy atoms created from the explosions of supermassive stars. This not only connects us to the universe, but also highlights the possibility of the existence of alien life. These ingredients became part of a gas cloud that condensed, collapsed, and formed the next generation of solar systems - stars with planets in orbit. And these planets also have a young creator of life starter kit.