What are emotions for? Why do we need emotions at all? How to distinguish one emotion from another

Grigory Efimovich Rasputin is an outstanding personality in history. His image is quite ambiguous and mysterious. Disputes about this man have been going on for almost a century.

Birth of Rasputin

Many still have not been able to decide who Rasputin is and what he actually became famous for in the history of Russia. He was born in 1869 in the village of Pokrovsky. Official data on the date of his birth are quite contradictory. Some historians believe that Grigory Rasputin has years of life - 1864-1917. In his mature years, he himself did not clarify, reporting various false data about the date of his birth. Historians believe that Rasputin liked to exaggerate his age in order to match the image of an old man he created.

In addition, many explained such a strong influence on the royal family precisely by the presence of hypnotic abilities. Rumors about the healing abilities of Rasputin have been spreading since his youth, but even his parents did not believe in it. The father believed that he became a pilgrim only because he was very lazy.

Assassination attempt on Rasputin

There were several attempts on the life of Grigory Rasputin. In 1914, he was stabbed in the stomach and seriously wounded by Khioniya Guseva, who came from Tsaritsyn. At that time, she was under the influence of Hieromonk Iliodor, who was an opponent of Rasputin, since he saw him as his main competitor. Guseva was placed in a psychiatric hospital, considering her mentally ill, and after a while she was released.

Iliodor himself more than once chased Rasputin with an ax, threatening to kill him, and also prepared 120 bombs for this purpose. In addition, there were also several more attempts on the "holy elder", but they were all unsuccessful.

Predicting one's own death

Rasputin had an amazing gift of providence, so he not only predicted his own death, but also the death of the royal family, and many other events. The confessor of the Empress, Bishop Feofan, recalled that Rasputin was once asked what the outcome of the meeting with the Japanese would be. He replied that Admiral Rozhdestvensky's squadron would sink, which happened in the battle of Tsushima.

Once, being with the imperial family in Tsarskoe Selo, Rasputin did not allow them to dine in the dining room, saying that the chandelier might fall. They obeyed him, and literally after 2 days the chandelier really fell.

They say that he left behind 11 more prophecies, which are gradually coming true. He also predicted his own death. Shortly before the murder, Rasputin wrote a will with terrible prophecies. He said that if peasants or hired killers kill him, then nothing threatens the imperial family and the Romanovs will remain in power for many years. And if the nobles and boyars kill him, then this will bring death to the Romanov dynasty and there will be no nobility in Russia for another 25 years.

The story of the assassination of Rasputin

Many are interested in who Rasputin is and what he is famous for in history. In addition, his death was unusual and surprising. A group of conspirators were from wealthy families, under the leadership of Prince Yusupov and Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, they decided to put an end to the unlimited power of Rasputin.

In December 1916, they lured him to a late dinner, where they tried to poison him by slipping cyanide into his cakes and wine. However, potassium cyanide did not work. Yusupov was tired of waiting and shot Rasputin in the back, but the shot only angered the old man more, and he rushed at the prince, trying to strangle him. Yusupov was helped by his friends, who fired several more shots at Rasputin and beat him severely. After that, they tied his hands, wrapped him in cloth and threw him into the hole.

According to some reports, Rasputin fell into the water while still alive, but could not get out, became cold and choked, from which he died. However, there are records that he received mortal wounds during his lifetime and was already dead in the water of the Neva.

Information about, as well as the testimony of his killers, is quite contradictory, so it is not known exactly how this happened.

The series "Grigory Rasputin" is not entirely true, since in the film he was made a tall and powerful man, although, in fact, he was short and sickly in his youth. According to historical facts, he was a pale, frail man with a haggard look and sunken eyes. This is confirmed by the records of police documents.

There are quite contradictory and interesting facts of the biography of Grigory Rasputin, according to which he did not have any outstanding abilities. Rasputin is not the real surname of the elder, it is only his pseudonym. The real name is Wilkin. Many believed that he was a womanizer, constantly changing women, but contemporaries noted that Rasputin sincerely loved his wife and constantly remembered her.

There is an opinion that the "holy old man" was fabulously rich. Since he had influence at court, he was often approached with requests for a large reward. Rasputin spent part of the money on himself, as he built a 2-storey house in his native village and bought an expensive fur coat. He spent most of the money on charity, built churches. After his death, the special services checked the accounts, but they did not find any money on them.

Many said that Rasputin was actually the ruler of Russia, but this is absolutely not true, because Nicholas II had his own opinion on everything, and the elder was only allowed to occasionally advise. These and many other interesting facts about Grigory Rasputin say that he was completely different from what he was considered to be.

According to the main version, on December 29, 1916, Prince Felix Yusupov lured Rasputin to his palace in St. Petersburg by cunning. There he was regaled with poisoned treats, but the poison did not work, and then Yusupov and Purishkevich simply shot the royal favorite.

Conspiracy against the Empress

The organizers of the assassination, in addition to them, were also Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, cousin of Nicholas II, and the famous lawyer and State Duma deputy Vasily Maklakov. The conspirators set themselves the goal of freeing the emperor, as Yusupov admitted, "from the influence of Rasputin and his wife," which should have made the tsar "a good constitutional monarch." The emperor's cousin Dmitry Pavlovich, in turn, believed that the assassination of Rasputin would give "the opportunity for the sovereign to openly change course." It is not known what course the Grand Duke was talking about, but it can be argued who, in the opinion of the conspirators, was the main obstacle - the elder and the empress. Having removed the elder, the killers wanted to remove Alexandra Fedorovna, who favored Rasputin.

It must be said that the Romanov family did not really like Empress Alexandra Feodorovna: for example, the tsar's cousin, Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich almost openly spoke about the "German policy" of the empress, dismissively calling her "Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt" on the sidelines.

Almost the entire year of 1916 was spent in the newspaper persecution of Rasputin, which looked like organized defamation. There were even publications that led readers to the specific conclusion that the Empress was in love with her "confessor". All this hype was focused on the king, but he was silent. Then the conspirators resorted to at least...

Main beneficiaries

As you know, Rasputin opposed Russia's entry into the First World War, and even after Russia's entry into the conflict, he tried to convince the royal family to go to peace negotiations with the Germans. Most of the Romanovs (Grand Dukes) supported the war with Germany and oriented themselves towards England. For the latter, a separate peace between Russia and Germany threatened defeat in the war.

London tried to influence the emperor with the help of his relatives, the Romanov family. In 1916, the grand dukes suddenly began to convince the emperor to create a liberal government, which was called upon to "save the country from revolution." In November 1916, Grand Duke Mikhail Mikhailovich Romanov, who lived in London, wrote to Nicholas II: “I have just returned from Buckingham Palace. Georges (King George of Great Britain) is very upset by the political situation in Russia. Intelligence Service agents are usually very knowledgeable and predict a revolution in Russia in the near future. I sincerely hope, Nikki, that you will find it possible to meet the people's just demands before it is too late." But the king held on, more and more immersed in plans to exit the First World War. The British in such a situation had to come up with some non-standard moves. The death of Rasputin was a real gift for them. Nicholas II was demoralized, ideas and concepts for a possible peace with the Germans were shelved.

What was Rasputin wearing?

The details of the murder of Rasputin are set out in the memoirs of its direct participants - Felix Yusupov and the "monarchist" Vladimir Purishkevich. They almost repeat each other in detail, but for some reason they do not coincide at some points with the documents of the investigation into the murder of Rasputin. So, in the expert report of the autopsy, it is described that the elder was dressed in a blue silk shirt embroidered with golden ears of corn. Yusupov writes that Rasputin was wearing a white shirt embroidered with cornflowers.

Shot in the heart

Another controversy has to do with the nature of the gunshot wounds: Yusupov claims to have shot Rasputin after he suddenly "revived" after being shot twice by Purishkevich. Allegedly, the last, fatal, shot was made in the region of the heart. However, the autopsy reports mention three wounds on the body of the deceased - in the areas of the liver, back and head. Death came after a shot in the liver.

Control shot

However, this is not even the most important thing. The fact is that, according to the existing version of the murder of Rasputin, only two people shot at him - Yusupov and Purishkevich. The first is from Browning, the second is from Sauvage. However, the hole in the victim's head does not match the caliber of these two pistols. In 2004, the BBC released the documentary Who Killed Rasputin?, based on the investigation of a certain researcher Richard Cullen. In the film, it is proved in every detail that a professional shot him in the head. The program even called the name of this man - Oswald Reiner, an officer of the British Intelligence Service, a friend of Felix Yusupov.

The last "blessing" of the elder

Grigory Rasputin was buried in the chapel of St. Seraphim under construction in Tsarskoye Selo. His killers escaped severe punishment: Yusupov went into exile to his own estate in the Kursk region, and Nicholas II sent his cousin to serve in Persia. Soon a revolution broke out, the tsar was overthrown, and Kerensky gave written permission for Felix Yusupov to return to St. Petersburg. The criminal case was dropped.

In March 1917, during the days of Great Lent, Rasputin's body was removed from the grave, transported to Petrograd, to Poklonnaya Gora, and burned there. There is an urban legend that when the coffin with the old man was set on fire, the corpse, probably under the influence of the flame, rose from the coffin and even made a gesture to the crowd. Since then, the place near Poklonnaya Gora has been considered cursed.

fatal coincidence

At various times, there were legends about the so-called curse of Rasputin, which allegedly hangs over both St. Petersburg and all of Russia. But this, of course, is the fruit of "folk mythology." By the way, all the participants in the murder, except for Purishkevich, lived, perhaps not the happiest, but a long life.

The only thing is that sometimes there were some fatal coincidences associated with Rasputin. For example, the sudden death of Bobby Farrell, a member of the band Bonny M, who performed the famous hit Rasputin. On the night of January 29, 2010, on the anniversary of Rasputin's assassination, the showman's heart stopped in a hotel room after performing at a Gazprom corporate party, which, of course, sounded the famous song about the old man. ..

Saint or black magician, ascetic or libertine, friend or avenger? History can hardly name such a controversial and mystical character as Grigory Rasputin. Hundreds of books and thousands of paintings have been written about him, kilometers of films have been shot, but questions and secrets around this person have not exhausted themselves.

On the birthday of the most mysterious old man of the 19th century, Grigory Rasputin, on January 21, Sputnik Georgia invites you to remember the difficult path of this personality.

Who is he?

Grigory Efimovich Novykh - this is exactly what Rasputin's real name sounds like - was born on January 21, 1871 (according to various sources in 1864, 1865 or 1872) in the village of Pokrovskoye, Tyumen province, into a peasant family. There is no exact data on the date of his birth, and Rasputin himself in his mature years called conflicting information about his birth. Biographers tend to believe that Rasputin exaggerated his true age in order to better match the image of the "old man".

Rasputin was the only child in the family, from childhood he was sick a lot. Later, in his memoirs, he wrote about his youth as follows: "I urinated at night, every spring I did not sleep for forty nights, suffering from insomnia." At the same time, he added that he was no different from his peers - he drank, smoked, cursed, like everyone else, worked a lot.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

A striking change in Rasputin's behavior occurred at a more mature age. He left his father's house and set off on a journey - he went around the holy places of Russia, visited Mount Athos in Greece, then in Jerusalem. I met and talked with many monks, wanderers, in a word, completely went into religion.

In 1890, Rasputin married the religious person Praskovya Fedorovna Dubrovina, who bore him three children: Matryona, Varvara and Dimitri.


Grigory Novykh received the nickname Rasputin in his youth - for his rampant lifestyle, but there is evidence that the elder continued to "sin" as a minister of the Orthodox Church. In Internet search engines, you can even find such a query: which word appeared earlier - Rasputin or libertine.

Rasputin, as an outstanding personality, had a striking effect on those around him, especially on the fairer sex. Among his admirers were high-ranking noble persons. According to data from the book of the famous historian Edward Radzinsky "Rasputin: Life and Death", the elder liked to have fun at parties, which sometimes took on the character of orgies.

So, Alexei Filippov, publisher and admirer of Rasputin, stated: “In 1914, when he fell into a period of madness and orgies ... Rasputin sat with me from 12 noon to 12 at night, and drank a lot, sang, danced, talked with the public, which Then, having taken several people to Gorokhovaya, he continued to drink sweet wines with them until 4 in the morning ... At the same time, he drank amazingly - without any bestiality, so common in a drunken Russian peasant. "

Rasputin and the Romanovs

Rasputin gained worldwide fame due to his close friendship with the family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II. He was invited to the court in 1907, after three years in the circles of St. Petersburg society he had a reputation as a "royal friend", "old man" and healer. Even then, Rasputin somehow miraculously gained a huge influence on the royal couple.

Proof of this was a phenomenon called "ministerial leapfrog" - on the recommendations of the illiterate Rasputin and the insistence of the empress, the tsar handed ministerial portfolios to incompetent people. According to one version, Rasputin received bribes for the appointment of officials. According to some reports, the elder earned 100 thousand rubles when Nikolai Dobrovolsky became the Minister of Justice.

Rasputin not only dismissed and appointed ministers, but also pushed Tsar Nicholas II to make a number of crucial decisions for Russia.

© photo: Sputnik / RIA Novosti

Many contemporaries of Rasputin and Nicholas II tried to understand why the elder had such a strong influence on the imperial family. Some believed that the peasant had an affair with Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. The testimony of one of Rasputin's close associates has been preserved, which states that the woman was struck by his personality.

“I personally had to hear from Rasputin that he made an impression on the former Empress at the first meeting with her. The sovereign fell under his influence only after Rasputin puzzled him with something,” Bishop Feofan wrote in his memoirs.

The figure of Rasputin at the throne for many years became the personification of obscurantism that had eaten into royal power. The soldiers of the Semyonovsky regiment said with laughter: "The Tsar is with Yegoriy, and the Tsaritsa is with Grigory."

Newspaper articles were also full of the harmful influence of Rasputin and his wild life. However, the support of the royal family was unconditional - the imperial couple believed that Rasputin's name was being denigrated in the newspapers at the behest of ill-wishers.

Saint or mage?

In many references to Rasputin, he is portrayed as an evil sorcerer. Rumors that the elder performed rites of black magic also circulated during his lifetime. Gregory was caricatured and called a cunning "devil", who won the trust of the royal family with the help of evil forces.

A number of information says that Rasputin really had some abilities with which he helped his high-ranking friends heal. According to some reports, only the elder could influence the well-being of Tsarevich Alexei, whose illness was carefully hidden from outsiders. The boy suffered from hemophilia, a rare genetic disease associated with impaired blood clotting.

© photo: Sputnik / Empress Alexandra Feodorovna

Despite all these rumors, many of his entourage considered Rasputin a saint. He was admired, considering his way of life correct. This opinion was also shared by secular lady Olga Lokhtina, who, under the influence of Rasputin, abandoned worldly values.

Death of Rasputin

The death of Rasputin is shrouded in the same ambiguous secrets as his life. It is known that after the power of the elder over the imperial family became practically unlimited, the personal composition of the government provoked a sharp protest from the whole society, and a conspiracy against Rasputin arose among the imperial environment.

© photo: Sputnik / RIA Novosti

In December 1916, the husband of the imperial niece, Prince Felix Yusupov, politician Vladimir Purishkevich and cousin of Emperor Nicholas, Prince Dmitry Romanov invited Rasputin to Yusupov's mansion to meet with the emperor's niece, a famous St. Petersburg beauty. The cakes and drinks served to the guest contained potassium cyanide. However, the poison did not work.

Then the conspirators decided to use a 100% remedy - Yusupov shot Rasputin. But he managed to escape again. When he ran out of the palace, he was met by Purishkevich and the Grand Duke, who shot the elder point-blank.

According to sources, this did not immediately kill Rasputin - he was still trying to get to his feet when they tied him up, put him in a bag with a load and threw him into the hole. Later, an autopsy showed that the elder, already at the bottom of the Neva, was desperately fighting for his life, but eventually choked.

“As long as I am alive, the dynasty will also live,” Rasputin said more than once that his death would lead to the death of the Romanov dynasty. Nineteen months after his death, the entire royal family was shot in Yekaterinburg.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

The life of Grigory Rasputin causes a lot of speculation and assumptions. For some, he was a swindler who “I don’t know how he clung to the king”, for others an Elder, others simply idolized him. But there were also many who saw their own threat in Rasputin's friendship with the tsar. Trying to eliminate the hated Elder, many tried to kill him.

There were a lot of attempts to deprive Grigory Rasputin of his life. Rumor has it that Rasputin himself treated them rather condescendingly, forgiving a lot, which caused even more anger among the haters. They tell a case when a group of armed officers burst into his office. The Elder himself remained calmly sitting on his chair. Naked sabers, loaded pistols and drunken excited officers did not at all cause fear in Rasputin. Seeing the imperturbable calm, the officers were embarrassed by his behavior. And they stood aside, in the corner of the room. To which he said to them: "Go to yourselves." The astonished conspirators quickly left.

There was an assassination attempt by a very attractive lady who, out of personal motives, decided to kill a libertine and molester. When she came to see him, she was full of determination. But Grigory simply asked her to give him the revolver.

They sent food poisoned with potassium cyanide, tried to throw him off a cliff or kill him on the street, even tried to drown him in the depths of the sea. Rasputin remained alive.

Only one attempt almost brought him to the grave, although his act towards the performer caused mixed reviews from everyone. Some were offended by his behavior, others were indignant, others called him a Saint.

What happened on June 29, 1914, in the village of Pokrovskoye, the place where Rasputin was resting at that time?

Under the guidance of the defrocked monk Iliodor, Nikolai Nikolaevich and Minister Dzhunkovsky planned an evil deed - an attempt on Rasputin himself. The execution of the sentence was entrusted to the Syzran bourgeois Khionia Guseva, "a woman with a fallen off nose." Rasputin was kind to her and she freely entered the house of the Elder, she was trusted.

The careful planning of the murder is also confirmed by the fact that the journalist Davidson comes to the same village, allegedly in order to inform the whole world about the death of Rasputin.

How did it happen

On that day, Rasputin went to the post office to give a telegram to the Empress that he could not come. Although the latter insisted on this very much, she asked not to let Russia start a war. At the same moment, Guseva asked for alms, and when Rasputin reached into her wallet and got her three rubles, Rasputin's former adherent and lover stabbed him in the stomach.

The people who were nearby were ready to tear her to pieces right there on the spot. But Rasputin did not allow. A little later, at the trial, he will give evidence that will allow Chionia to avoid hard labor and go to the hospital for treatment.

The wound was very severe, there was no chance of survival, given the state of medicine at that time. The paramedic who came by the light of a candle performed the most difficult operation on Grigory Rasputin. No one believed that the Elder would remain alive, but Rasputin, not relying on doctors, independently cured himself with medicinal decoctions.

Murder of Rasputin

Why this man caused fear among the nobility - no one can understand, perhaps they were frightened by his friendship with the Sovereign. Maybe his absolute authority among the people. Nevertheless, after his death, many said that they had rid the country of "this terrible man." As his great-granddaughter Laurence Huo-Solowioff later said:

“The distance between two worlds, two castes is still physically palpable. Aristocrats do not mix with the common people, with the "muzhiks" to whom Rasputin also belonged. Aristocrats live by their legends, jealously defending their exclusive rights, eager to keep them for themselves. The conspirators used Prince Yusupov as a tool, as a weapon - for their own purposes. Rasputin was removed. But what good did it do them? "That terrible man" is dead. The revolution took place after his death. Civil War. The death of the royal family. Stalin. The Second World War. But what does Rasputin have to do with these events? He is credited with too much of a role in Russia's troubles. I don't think he was that big of a figure."

The residence of the Yusupov princes, on the Moika, on December 17 (29) was waiting for a great guest. Felix Yusupov personally led the operation to eliminate the Elder. Under the pretext of meeting with Felix's wife, he was lured into the palaces of the prince.

Almond cakes with potassium cyanide failed to kill Georgy Rasputin, as did the ensuing 10 bullets from revolvers. Grigory Efimovich Rasputin rushed to run, climbed over the fence, where he was immediately seized.

He was beaten and drowned in Malaya Nevka near Kamenny Island. The body was found almost immediately, following the traces of blood on the bridge. pulled out from under the ice. The elder was dead, but even dead he terrified his enemies.

His body was embalmed and buried in Alexander Park in Tsarskoe Selo, near the temple of Seraphim of Sarov. A year later, Kerensky's soldiers burned Rasputin's body in the steam boiler of the Polytechnic University. They say that during the burning of the body, the Elder sat down, which frightened the observers to death. The ashes of the great and mysterious Grigory Rasputin were scattered to the wind.

Was he the devil, as his opponents called him, or the Holy Elder, as his associates called him - no one knows. But the fact that he was a key figure in the history of Russia is undeniable.

Throughout its history, mankind has sung and cultivated a variety of qualities - intelligence, physical strength, beauty and courage. But with emotionality, on the contrary, they constantly fought and “worked out” more and more new ways to contain and suppress their feelings. But this “battle” was obviously lost: emotions were, are and will remain with us forever. Because they have great biological significance for the human body. To feel and experience no matter what - this is the motto of homo sapiens.

Photo © RAWinterest

How do emotions work?

Emotions are a very specific and at the same time universal mechanism for all mammals, with the help of which we can understand the value of an object, phenomenon or event. If we did not experience pleasure, we would have died of hunger long ago and would not continue our race. Emotions and only emotions help us understand each other (and not words at all, as it may seem at first glance), sympathize with loved ones, support friends.

Nevertheless, sometimes we meet people who categorically do not perceive us and refuse sympathy and support. Of course, it may be that we simply do not suit them with something. But there are people for whom it is generally very difficult to be close to others, to withstand someone's presence. They prefer the loneliness of any, the warmest company.

There is nothing more pleasant for a child than hearing parental praise. However, children need to be encouraged in the right way. Many parents praise the baby for every little thing. The result - helplessness, often neglectful attitude towards parents. Praise is a serious matter, scientists say.
Reward your child for really meaningful successes, not trifles.
Do not overdo it in expressing delight - this will take away the incentive for the baby to achieve further success.
Do not over-praise the child in the presence of brothers and sisters, hoping that they will take an example from him. In fact, this can lead to competition and rivalry.

Does that mean they don't need emotions? In no case! It's just that such individuals draw their joys and sorrows from completely different sources. It can be books, music, a collection of badges or cars, a herbarium, computer games. Many of them realize that communication with others is necessary, they try to enter into some kind of interaction, but at the same time they experience great discomfort.

Yes, and you have probably come across such characters: they, as a rule, look selfish, are in no hurry to respond to someone else's misfortune and can make a scandal over a trifle. Needless to say, it is very difficult for these people to live in society, because it is almost impossible to establish full-fledged human relations with them. But mutual misunderstanding is not only social difficulties, but also a potential danger. If you have misunderstood the intentions of another, then you start where it is not necessary at all. And if you are misunderstood, you can face aggression that is unmotivated from your point of view.

Alone, all alone...

People who cannot find mutual understanding with others, as a rule, have a non-optimal state of the nervous system. First of all, those of its structures that are associated with the perception, evaluation and regulation of emotions. These structures, some of which are combined into the so-called limbic system, need to be launched in a timely manner.

Such a launch occurs in the first two months of a child's life - primarily due to the emotional activity of loved ones. Parents should take the baby in their arms not only to feed or change clothes, but to hug and caress. Talk to your baby, smile at him and look into his eyes, and after a while he begins to show activity himself when family members appear - he will jerk his legs and arms, make inviting sounds, enjoy the meeting. So there is "". During the first months of life, the child learns to distinguish friends from strangers, women from men, and to recognize different emotional manifestations. This is necessary so that in the future he can "feel" other people. If the system is not started, deep emotional disturbances will remain for life, and the intuitive understanding of another person will never form.

A striking example of this kind of violations is called "hospitalism". This is a developmental pathology that occurs due to the limitation or complete absence of emotional contacts (a typical case is a long stay of a child in a hospital without parents, in an orphanage, in a nursery for five days). Hospitalism is characterized by a delay in physical and mental development, and after returning to society - difficulties in adapting to the social environment and disorders of the emotional sphere. Baby monkeys that were weaned from their mothers and transplanted to an artificial "mother" exhibited autistic behavior traits as adults, found themselves at the bottom of the social ladder and were unable to establish partnerships for procreation.

Of course, the social factor in the occurrence of emotional disorders is not the only one. Experts talk about the influence of heredity, as well as injuries and diseases of the brain, leading to damage to the limbic system.

Beyond the Feelings

Children and adults suffering from these disorders may experience significant difficulties in recognizing social signs - emotional facial expressions, postures, gestures, intonations.

They have problems identifying negative emotions. If such an adult or child is shown an angry face and asked what mood this character is in, they may answer that the person, for example, was just thinking. In ordinary life, these people do not feel the boundary that cannot be crossed, and bring the situation to a conflict.

Instilling good habits and discipline in children is a must for parents. But it is becoming increasingly difficult to control modern children. Parents will be helped by the recommendations of specialists in the field of child psychology.
Reward. Encouragement for success in discipline (for example, a month without remarks at school) is a powerful incentive for a child.
Basic rules. Make a clear list of rules, and also explain that failure to follow these rules leads to punishment.
A clear daily routine teaches the child to be responsible, leaves no time for laziness and pranks.

In the course of life, they, as a rule, find some mutual understanding with someone close, but this is still not enough for full communication. Adults and children with disorders of the limbic system cannot correlate their reaction to a particular event with the impression that it will make on others. The behavior of those around them is not clear, they cannot assess the situation from the standpoint of another person. As a result of the constant negative feedback that others give to such people, various protective forms of behavior are formed, one of which is avoiding social interactions. An additional contribution to the choice of loneliness is made by increased sensitivity to sounds and touch, noted in some representatives of this social group, poor tolerance of noise and direct bodily contact.

The best "medicine"

Is it possible to develop a person's emotional sphere, make it more sensitive to the nuances of other people's experiences and resistant to external intense influences? You can, but depending on age, the methods will be different.

If we are talking about a baby, then, as we have already said, the main thing here is positive attention during the period of active development of “emotional” brain structures, that is, during the first year of life. This is an excellent prevention of disorders of emotional development. In order not to break the attachment that has arisen and not to undermine the child's confidence in the world, it is important not to leave him without parental warmth for at least two years. During this period, being in a nursery or kindergarten will do more harm than good.

If we are talking about a toddler and primary school age who has obvious difficulties in communicating with other adults and children, then it is important to try to understand what hinders development. To do this, we advise you to undergo a medical examination, check the functioning of the brain using electroencephalography, find out if there are any problems with blood circulation and if the child has increased intracranial pressure. If there are problems, you need to get the help of a neurologist in a timely manner.

In addition, it is necessary to come to grips with the development of emotionality, and a professional psychologist can help here. First of all, it is important to teach the child to distinguish visible emotions. Try to make out photos of different people with him, try to find and describe the features that are common to each of the emotions. You can depict feelings on your face and ask the baby to guess what you want to say.

Then help your child to understand himself. Give him adequate feedback, tell him how you understood what is happening to him, be his “mirror”. If he is angry, say: “I see you are angry,” if he is happy, support him: “It’s good that you are having fun.” It is equally important to “tell” the baby about what you experience when he behaves in one way or another.

Also, be sure to teach the little person socially acceptable ways to express their negative emotions. Finally, such children are often helped by a clear system of rules, based on which they can interact with other people.

If the baby learns to greet at a meeting, ask standard questions (“What is your name?”), This will facilitate his contact with others. But teenagers and adults, who already have a long history of social problems, are the most difficult option. First of all, because of the resistance. This is where psychotherapy can help. Through work with a psychologist, they become more sensitive to their condition, better aware of what is happening and take control of their emotional reactions.