If a woman has a low voice. Female voice - what and how do we say? How to develop pleasant literate speech? What does timbre depend on?

Another secret of female charm and charm - woman's voice. It can be sonorous, sexy, thin, breathy, gentle, but never hoarse, smoky, shrill, deaf, or grouchy. It may be different, but it must be natural, because it is yours.

The voice of any person - male or female - is not only our means of communication with people, the disclosure of our creative potential, but the voice is also associated with our sexuality. Can we control our sexuality and our voice?

Through the voice, a woman expresses the power of love. If she often swears, swears, she destroys the harmony in herself and around herself. In a conversation with a man, it is better for a woman to speak in a quiet, soft, calm voice. Such a female voice fascinates men, and evokes romantic dreams and fantasies in them. Negative voice vibrations can destroy a man and your relationship. And it's not about what to say, but how to say it.

Words with voice work wonders. They can inspire a man and move him to exploits. But here you can't do without trust. When a woman loves and trusts a man, her voice sounds very penetrating. And a man understands a woman from a half-word, from a half-look, even when she is silent, her facial expressions express all emotions.

The woman enjoys the process of communication. This is her essence. Therefore, long phone calls are so important for a woman.

To reveal her sexuality, her voice, a woman needs to sing. This is not necessarily choral or a cappella singing. A woman can simply hum songs to a child, or hum melodies under her breath. If a woman does not sing and talks little, she blocks her emotions. A very good outburst of emotions occurs at weddings, in companies - even if there is no voice, no one will hear you anyway in the general choir of voices.

But in the old days, women always sang: at weddings, lullabies to their children. The mother's voice affects the child in a special way. If you are talking to him, but he does not listen, then when you start to sing, the child usually falls silent and listens with great attention - this is exactly what happens to me.

And songs can also inspire a man to exploits. It's a pity that not all men can appreciate women's songs. The song is not only the transmission of words by voice. This is the expression of your thoughts. And if the voice comes from the heart, it resounds in the hidden corners of a man. No wonder they say that a word can kill a person, but you can raise it to heaven.

How to speak so that a man hears you? Try talking to a man in a low voice coming from the heart - and he will hear you. A real woman will never stoop to squealing or grumbling.

If you're arguing, yelling at each other, and feeling like you're on the verge of a breakdown, try this: stop, breathe in three times, and say the phrase in a low, quiet voice. The reaction will be stunning. You can forget about the quarrel.

There is another little trick - nothing has such a magical effect on men as a whisper. It makes a woman seductive and allows you to approach a man, touch his cheek or ear. It will not leave indifferent any man. Just do not hiss at him, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect and pass for a witch.

And one more thing: laugh more often. Laughter brings good luck. A laughing woman is nothing more joyful for a man. It's because he amused you (so he thinks)!

Speak sincerely, speak from the heart - you will be heard and you are provided with men.

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April 9th, 2014 , 04:57 pm

Voice inappropriate for gender and age.
Mutational falsetto or puberphonia - a condition in which men retain a high female voice even after adolescence. People with this disease, even in adulthood, speak in a high voice, which happens in little boys.

1. Functional factor
In most cases, functional factors arise as a result of any psychological problems. It often happens that when a voice begins to change in adolescence, a person on a subconscious level experiences opposition to a low tone, and specifically begins to speak in a high voice.

2. Organic factor
Organic abnormalities are usually caused by damage to the mucous membrane of the vocal folds, such as scarring, or developmental disorders of the endocrine system. In such cases, the larynx has a structure similar to that of a woman.

Symptoms of puberphonia

If, with a normal structure of the larynx, only a high voice comes out, and the frequency of the voice coincides with the frequency of the female voice, this indicates puberphonia. In this case, the voice quickly gets tired, and during singing it often breaks and higher notes are “not taken”.
Also, with puberphonia, the tone of the voice is constantly high, it is impossible to speak in a low tone.
If puberphonia is caused by organic changes, the appearance of scarring of the mucous membrane of the vocal folds, or disturbances in the development of the larynx, then hoarseness, a weak or rough high voice, which comes out with the air, is noted.

Diagnosis of puberphonia

If puberphonia is caused by a functional factor, a fibrolaryngoscope and laryngeal stroboscopy will reveal normal vocal folds. During sound production, excessive tension of the external muscles of the larynx can be noted.
With organic puberphonia, damage to the mucous membrane of the vocal folds or a violation of the development of the larynx are observed.

Treatment of puberphonia

Treatment of functional puberphonia is possible with voice training, but it will take a long time. Recently, the method of introducing Botox into the muscles of the larynx responsible for the high tone has been used. Thus, the tone is lowered, and then, in the course of training with a phoniator, a way of voice formation is formed so that it becomes a habit. Foniator exercises carried out after Botox injection significantly shorten the treatment period, and the voice recovers faster.

Organic puberphonia may require percutaneous injection laryngoplasty,

16/06/08, Merit6
Here, in my opinion, psychology works, because. people react more seriously to people (God, how clumsily I said!) with low voices, and girls are no exception. In low female voices there is some special charm.

18/06/08, black monk
The voice is a unique feature of each person. Therefore, one cannot blame a person for having a voice that is somehow not like that. As for girls, I like it less when they have a very high voice. It just makes my ears wilt.

19/06/08, Princess Viper
Because I have a low voice, although at the institute they told me that I artificially lowered it ... (and in this they say that I have a wooden tone from some province) yes, sometimes I write, but who is now without sin? )

19/08/08, Polimeraza
Low voices are more pleasing to the ear, not annoying, and such a person is taken more seriously. I also have a low voice, sometimes I even lower it on purpose - then it turns out to be a bass! But I can for fun and squeak like a 2-month-old. kitty, so everyone is freaking out :)))

19/08/08, Ravenheart
I have always dreamed of a low voice in control, but nature has deprived me of a stupid mezzo-soprano... Look, now almost everyone has high voices! And list those who have low voices? Well? That's right, there are VERY few of them now, especially in music. I don’t know about sexuality, but when a low female voice sings (however, when she speaks), it sounds very beautiful and cool. Ehh, make me a low voice...(((((

05/01/09, Letzte Instanz
Low, velvety, enticing and sexy. Well, not a squeal and not a squeak! I have a low voice, I didn't like it before, but they convinced me) By the way, most of the singers that I like are with low voices, or they sing best low (Lisa Gerrard's solo album - Mirror Pool - is a great example).

05/01/09, Spongebob's girlfriend
Yes ... Such a low, chesty, erotic ... Such a voice will not only decorate a girl, and a guy will decorate, without talking) By the way, girls with such voices are hired to work in an organization for phone sex, and then they understand must be an erotic voice...)

14/05/09, Too lazy to invent a nickname
It's me and I like my voice. As a child, I was constantly confused with my mother on the phone, because it was strange to hear a hoarse low voice on the phone from a 10-13-year-old girl. True, there is a drawback - as a child I sang well, I had an ear for music and a voice (for this, however, I was almost forcibly dragged into the choir at school - it was so infuriating!), Therefore, both disappeared. At the age of 12, I could still sing in a high voice, and by 13, this opportunity was gone altogether. Then I also started smoking, but this did not affect my voice, as it was low and has remained to this day. Some people say that my voice does not suit me - I'm so fragile, make-up, the image is often a la Barbie, they expect to hear a half-childish squeak. This is my piquant feature that pleases me - the contrast of appearance and voice. This is my highlight. I also read that many actresses started smoking for the sake of a rougher voice, it is considered sexy ... So I was lucky.

25/07/09, animalize
Girls with a low voice are more pleasant to listen to, because. it doesn't hurt the ear. For example, I have a very low voice, and no one has complained yet! I have to tense up a little when talking to strangers, but I still think that this is more of a plus than a minus ...

22/10/09, Anemic Royalty
Sexy :) Individually. I especially like it when a girl is fragile, small, and she has such a voice.

25/04/10, Jenya999
Most likely respect. I am 16 years old. My voice started to drop when I was 12, but it wasn't as noticeable yet. I am quite satisfied with my voice, I even want it to be a little lower. To be honest, I don't like a female high voice.

01/06/11, Dima V B
Because a low voice gives some authority to the listeners. I do not want to say that I discriminate against people by their voice - and a girl with a high voice can be a strong personality. But it seems to me that it is easier for women with low voices to be public people, doing, say, business or politics. I also like to listen to singers, especially singers of Russian chanson, with low voices - it gives charisma. But I don't like too low a male voice - it's too rude.

11/12/11, liza love
If the voice is low but at the same time soft, deep and velvety, then it is very beautiful, but if the voice is just rough, then it is annoying!!!

02/09/13, Caramel with Vanilla
My co-worker who smokes has a rather deep voice, but she is also sweet. responsive and experienced lady. I like her "buzz" with hoarseness.

04/11/13, SovaAlesha
That my voice is low for a girl. I began to suspect at the age of 14, when I started singing - and I couldn’t sing high parts, but low voices like those of Arbenina or even Cher, for example, with a bang. When I came to the vocal studio, as soon as I said hello, they told me: "Oooh, and here the contralto came to us," and they gave the lowest parts. This year (I'm 19), a girl friend told me that I have a rough voice. I have already developed a complex in myself. Then I met an old acquaintance with whom I had not communicated for a long time - he later complimented me that I had a gorgeous voice, so pleasant, low, velvety. Then another friend said that my voice is sexy (I was embarrassed, but it was nice). And today a new acquaintance also told me that such voices used to be his weakness (now he is married). From the foregoing, I concluded that he can confuse girls. but men prefer a low, velvety and insinuating voice more than a high one.))

11/01/14, Incorruptible Themis
I have a rather low voice myself. I don’t see any sexuality or other nonsense in this - it just sounds good, meaningful, calm, pleasant, without any vile woman’s squeals and tpsh intonations. Moreover, if I have a conversation in which something annoys me, angers me and I somehow scold the interlocutor, then the voice becomes lower and lower)

11/01/14, summer breeze
If only natural low timbre. Not smoky, not hoarse, just low. Such a person is much more pleasant to listen to than a voice that is too high. Itself would like to have a pleasant low timbre. I myself have a rather high voice, there are squeaky notes when I start raising my voice. In general, I love the low voices of both women and men.

11/01/14, Egor Akhmelyuk
Not hoarse, just low. Calm, cool. Against the background of the fact that the girl herself is not a gopota and is not smoky. She had such a voice, yes. And it suited her very well. But her essence did not justify her voice. A pleasantly rattling instrument of torture.

19/01/14, Anita32
I am 15 years old, everyone says that I have a deep voice. I don't really like listening to recordings of my own voice (probably because I hear a completely different voice). But after reading so many nice reviews, my complex began to recede. I don't smoke, I don't drink, just a low voice, even a little velvety. Just like many others, I can’t sing high songs, I don’t do vocals. But when I shout at someone and get annoyed, there is such a nasty squeak that everyone literally covers their ears with their hands. Maybe I can break glasses with my voice? But anyway, thank you all for such feedback =)

07/04/14, Frigg av Skogen
I have the deepest voice. I don't smoke, he's like that by nature. Indeed, low voices are more pleasant to listen to. When I was at school, I had 3 classmates whose voices were simply impossible to listen to - they were too squeaky.

07/04/14, Maritbjorgen
To me, it's much better to have a contralto than to have a squeaky voice. I also have a rather low voice, more precisely, it is average in itself, but if I wish, I can lower it almost to a masculine one. And speak and sing, almost like a man. I like low voices in music. In particular, the vocalists of gothic and metal bands. Like Francesca Nicolli, Morgan Lacroix, Eliza Martin... I think it's very beautiful. A low, rough voice in a woman immediately creates the impression of a strong nature, not a weak, not fragile, not a pampered refined young lady, but a strong, self-sufficient, respectable woman who will be spoken to as an equal, and not nursed. Although, of course, all sorts of votes are needed. And high and gentle voices often sound very beautiful too. But for me, according to my inner state, a low voice definitely suits me better.

15/04/14, Pencil
When I don’t like very low, but I like medium-low (I don’t know how else to put it) very much. I also like it when women do not chatter. The insinuating low voice of women fascinates me.

09/07/14, NOTDEAD
I have a very low voice. I used to be embarrassed about this, and when I spoke, I deliberately raised my voice, it was not easy. Then it became clear, if by nature I am like that, then why break myself? True, gifted guys often ask: "What's wrong with your voice? Do you smoke?" That's when such idiots meet on the way, then self-esteem falls. And by the way, I don't smoke.

22/07/14, Catshredder
In general, this is part of the evolution: women used to have more feminine voices, as well as, on average, more feminine figures. Now women's voices have become lower, and there are many not very feminine figures, and there are fewer and fewer areas of activity in which there are no women. Is this good or bad? Neither one nor the other is just evolution, the development of mankind along such a path. It is believed that in men, on the contrary, on average, the level of testosterone decreases from generation to generation - that is, men, as it were, become less masculine. Maybe it is, but why then is society becoming more and more corrupt? Returning to the subject, I will say that if a girl is sexy, then I don’t care what her voice is. My hottest girl had a deep voice and I was great with her. The voice is far from the most important thing. After all, there are no voices so low that they are comparable to men's, healthy non-smoking and non-drinking girls still do not exist - so this factor does not matter at all.

If a woman has a rough, hoarse voice, and a man has a squeaky one, this is unusual. And, most likely, it causes complexes in humans. Today in Asian countries, operations have become very fashionable, allowing you to make your voice more feminine or, conversely, masculine. For example, to lower the voice, the surgeon removes part of the cartilage of the larynx and injects Botox into the vocal cords. Ligaments shorten, become looser and flatter. To raise the voice, doctors suggest placing titanium plates in the muscles of the throat - and the ligaments are stretched. It happens that part of the ligament is burned out with a laser. As a result, a scar appears, the ligament becomes rigid, and the voice is high. But with any operation, complications are possible. For example, Botox temporarily paralyzes the ligaments, and the lungs become vulnerable, and pneumonia may even develop. But patients are not afraid. About whether such operations are carried out in our country, we asked to tell otolaryngologist of the Kyiv Clinical Hospital No. 9 Vladimir Dints.

- In order to simply improve the voice, operations are usually not performed,- says Vladimir Yakovlevich. — If necessary, intervention on the vocal cords is performed on patients who have had their thyroid gland removed so that the person does not suffocate. There are also cases when the vocal cords do not close for some reason. Then a special gel is injected into them with the help of microinstruments. With hoarseness, hoarseness and other problems, specialists (otolaryngologists, phoniatrists, speech therapists) can help by prescribing drugs or using special techniques.

- Everyone knows that it changes during a cold. With laryngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx), for example, the voice may disappear altogether. You should not be afraid, after five to ten days of treatment, he usually recovers. For a patient whose voice has disappeared or changed due to a cold, it is useful to drink warm (not hot!) Teas with honey, viburnum, raspberries, linden, milk with cocoa butter. It is recommended to chew propolis. Inhalations with herbs are good: calendula, eucalyptus, chamomile, as well as Borjomi mineral water. With laryngitis, it is important to be silent, and not try to say something. It is better to write notes to household members. Aphonia, in which a person can only speak in a whisper, occurs not only with laryngitis, but also with other inflammatory diseases, as well as with the appearance of tumors.

The voice can change with pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. By the way, in people suffering from chronic sinusitis, during an exacerbation, the temperature does not always rise and the state of health worsens, but their condition gives out a French pronunciation. Sometimes a change in voice is associated with a deviated septum.

- Certainly. If a woman does not produce enough female sex hormones, then her voice becomes rougher and lower. And in the representatives of the stronger sex with a deficiency of male hormones, the timbre rises. The production of hormones is disrupted in endocrine pathologies, diseases of the urogenital area.

Voice disorders (dysphonia) are more likely to affect people in speech professions: teachers, announcers, dispatchers, translators, and also singers. The voice at the same time becomes hoarse, weak, trembling, breaking. And mostly women face this problem. You see, the emotional state of a person also affects the vocal cords. And women are more stressed. Smoking harms the vocal cords, work in hazardous chemical industries. The voice may change in athletes who overexert the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and neck, such as weightlifters. After all, the muscles of the larynx also tense up, as a result, the vocal cords stop moving.

- What tests can the doctor prescribe for diagnosis?

- In case of violation of the functions of the vocal cords, the otolaryngologist recommends laryngoscopy or stroboscopy, which help to identify inflammation, anatomical changes. If a specialist suspects a tumor, he may order an ultrasound, x-ray, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

- Everything is very individual, because the timbre can change for various reasons. It is important for people of speech professions to try to be silent after work. Those who work in hazardous industries should definitely use a respirator. You can make your voice louder by using eggnog (egg yolks whipped with sugar). But before you break a chicken egg, you need to wash the shell with soap or pour boiling water over it: in order to avoid infection with salmonellosis.

It is important to know that the voice arises not only with the participation of the vocal cords, but also with breathing. It is necessary to learn how to breathe correctly: deeply, freely and ... with the stomach. Some experts recommend singing and shouting, but this also needs to be done correctly and not during periods of exacerbations. There are special exercises to improve the voice. They can be found on the Internet. For example, you should take some text and read first only vowels, and then only consonants. Exercise is recommended to be performed daily for five to ten minutes.

But if a person has serious problems with his voice, there is some kind of discomfort, you should consult an otolaryngologist or phoniatrist. You may also need the help of an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, oncologist and other specialists.

What voices do men like?

Romantic ideas about the perfect couple draw us a tall man with a low, hoarse voice, and a fragile woman with a high, gentle voice. This picture has a real biological basis. According to statistics, men with deep voices have more children than "tenors": with an increase in testosterone levels in men, the tone of voice drops. In women, during ovulation (that is, at a time favorable for conception), the general tone of the voice rises (as a result of an increase in the level of estradiol, the female sex hormone). That is, by virtue of ancient natural laws, women subconsciously look for partners with a low voice, and men are “drawn” to the owners of high voices.

And (oh, how often I hear this!) men break their voices, trying to sound lower, "sexier", and women, in the presence of a potential partner, unconsciously "raise" their voice. But the result, alas, most often does not meet expectations. A man artificially lowering his natural tone of voice looks ridiculous: such attempts to give himself masculinity are like the desire of a frog to swell up to the size of an ox, and can only cause a smile in women.

And an artificially high female voice, as a rule, irritates men: instead of “cute chirping”, you get lisping, and hysteria is heard in rising intonations. How to bring your voice closer to the “ideal”, so that it attracts, rather than repels your partner?

First of all, allow yourself to speak naturally. What does your voice sound like when you sigh in relief, or moan, or yawn? This is your natural voice: get used to it! Perhaps you don’t like it, it seems “rude”, not “corresponding to standards”, but when you believe that this is your voice, it will already be possible to “agree” with it. Teach him to obey, to sound louder, quieter, higher, lower, louder, more transparent ... A natural voice will never cause irritation or ridicule in your interlocutor, because he, the voice, is a reflection of your soul, broadcasts your openness, sincerity, readiness for contact.

Can you change your voice? (voice exercises)

Change - no, adjust - yes.

How technically to achieve such a sound?

1. Hold your palms in front of your open mouth and, as in the cold, warm them with your breath: the hotter your breath, the more open your larynx and, accordingly, the closer access to the lower resonators, which give depth and volume to your voice. Do not try to breathe loudly and strongly, let your breath be light and hot.

2. Then, keeping the same feeling, add some sound to the breath. Gradually turn up the volume as long as the warm breath persists.

4. When you master this exercise, add separate syllables to the voice stream, into the vowels O, A, then E, U, I. Do not forget about the “hot spring”!

5. And finally, move on to words and phrases. Your speech will be not only gentle, but deep and melodious.

Give your voice at least ten minutes a day, and the result will not be slow to affect. A voice filled with breath sounds penetrating, echoes in the depths of your interlocutor's consciousness, awakens feelings and desires, remains in memory for a long time, along with the words that he utters.

Of course, in addition to breathing, its timbre, intonation, and rhythm of speech are no less important for the sexual attractiveness of the voice. Having mastered the whole complex of voice skills, you will not only increase your “sexual rating”, but also acquire a powerful communication tool - for love, for business, for understanding yourself as a full-fledged person.

How to please the man of your dreams?

By ear. Develop your ear, and you will be able to hear his speech, like a song, "learn" it and sing it to him, but with your own voice!
Hear how he speaks: at what pace, how often he pauses, what intonations he uses, how smooth his speech is, how and where he puts accents ....
If you can hear this, adjust the natural sound of your voice to this tempo, rhythm, intonation ....
And a beautiful stranger will in some unknown way feel that he knows you, as if, a long time ago, almost like himself, he will feel affection and trust and will certainly want to continue communication!