If life deceives you the history of creation. Analysis of the poem "If life deceives you" by Pushkin

Analysis of the poem Pushkin A. S. "If life deceives you ..."

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Analysis of the poem - If life deceives you ...

I like the poetry of A. S. Pushkin. When you read his poems, you understand that this is not just a reflection of the poet's inner world, but also a way of communicating with readers. The poet not only tells us about his experiences, thoughts, but also shares his experience, gives wise advice. So, when I read the poem "If life deceives you ...", there is a feeling that a kind and sensitive person is talking to you, who has seen and experienced a lot.

If life deceives you

Don't be sad, don't be angry!

On the day of despondency, humble yourself:

Day of fun, believe it will come

It is true what they say: you cannot help grief with tears. The author of the poem also believes that sadness and despondency are bad helpers in trouble, and patience and hope for the best can support strength and self-confidence in a person.

The heart lives in the future;

Real sad:

Everything is instant, everything will pass;

Whatever passes will be nice.

Of course, "the present is sad" is not always, but sometimes it happens that everything falls out of hand, problems arise one after another and it seems that the black streak of life will never end. But many troubles, after a while, can be remembered with a smile and you begin to understand: everything was not as scary as you thought before. I think that this is exactly what A. S. Pushkin had in mind when he said that our heart lives in the future. The poet sets the reader up for an optimistic perception of reality and says: you should not lose heart in any situation and, perhaps, even the most difficult issues will be resolved over time.

The poem “If life deceives you” was written in a difficult period for Pushkin, but it is impossible not to notice that the poet is still optimistic. A brief analysis of “If life deceives you” according to a plan that can be used in a literature lesson in grade 7 explains the reasons for this attitude of the author and his philosophical motives.

Brief analysis

History of creation- the poem was written in 1825, approximately from January to August. It was written for the album of Evpraksia Vulf and was published in the same year in the Moscow Telegraph.

Theme of the poem– Alexander Sergeevich talks about the complexity of life, in which, if you try, you can always find something good.

Composition It is a one-part composition consisting of two stanzas.

Genre- Philosophical lyrics.

Poetic size- iambic with a ring rhyme.

Metaphors – “the heart lives in the future”, “a day of despondency”, a day of fun”.

History of creation

Alexander Sergeevich wrote this short poem in 1825, when he was in exile on his estate in Mikhailovsky. The neighboring estate, Trigorskoye, was adjacent to the estate of the Wulfs. For the album of their daughter Eupraxia, this work was intended. Philosophical discourse is a strange topic for a young girl's album, and yet for some reason Pushkin chose it.


The author talks about the complexity of life, saying that something bad can happen to a person one day, another will be destined for fun. In any case, you need to be ready to accept everything that fate will give. The lyrical hero of the work is optimistic and conveys this mood to the reader.


In this simple two-line work, Pushkin uses a one-part composition, developing one idea.

In the first stanza, he argues that life can deceive a person, but this is not a reason to be angry and sad. You just need to wait out the day of gloom, because it will certainly be followed by a day of fun.

The second stanza is a continuation of philosophical discussions about life, but in a different vein. Pushkin says that the present is always dull. A person will see what was good in him only when it becomes the past. And he anticipates this good while it waits for him somewhere in the future.

It's human nature to believe in the best. The poet himself believes in him, reflecting on his life. He says that all trials must be taken philosophically, because they will someday become the past.


This is a philosophical lyric - the author discusses issues that are considered eternal: the meaning of life (including his own), about how a person relates to the present and future. He says that life is very difficult, but this complexity consists not only of days of despondency, but also of days of fun. Philosophical verse sets the reader in an optimistic mood.

It is written in one of the favorite poetic meters of the mature Pushkin - iambic. The poet also uses ring rhymes, showing that each stanza contains a complete thought.

means of expression

Of the usual tropes, the poet uses only metaphors- “the heart lives in the future”, “the day of despondency”, the day of fun”. But these are far from all the artistic means that help him express the main idea of ​​the work.

So, in the first stanza, the poet uses a lot of verbs, showing that the life of the soul should be treated actively. The second stanza is filled with words that speak of time - past, present, future. Thus, the author shows that a person, as it were, lives in three times at once: the present seems dull to him, so he always strives to look into the future, while constantly looking back at the past.

Poem Test

Analysis Rating

Average rating: 4.5. Total ratings received: 11.

To the question Please give a complete analysis of the poem by A. S. Pushkin "If life deceives you ..." given by the author Nastya Titova the best answer is The poet says that there is no reason to be angry and upset if something does not work out or does not work out as intended. After all, there is nothing permanent in life, and the black stripe will definitely be replaced by a white one. Every person has a goal to which he aspires. If on the way there are obstacles and obstacles, even if they are insurmountable, then they should be treated as a test of strength. And in general, after some time, many troubles are remembered with humor and a smile. It even becomes nice that we managed to overcome all the difficulties. there is a feeling that a kind and sensitive person is talking to you, who has seen and experienced a lot.
If life deceives you
Don't be sad, don't be angry!
On the day of despondency, humble yourself:
Day of fun, believe it will come
It is true what they say: you cannot help grief with tears. The author of the poem also believes that sadness and despondency are bad helpers in trouble, and patience and hope for the best can support strength and self-confidence in a person.
The heart lives in the future;
Real sad:
Everything is instant, everything will pass;
Whatever passes will be nice.
Of course, the “real dull” is not always, but sometimes it happens that everything falls out of hand, problems arise one after another and it seems that the black streak of life will never end. But many troubles, after a while, can be remembered with a smile and you begin to understand: everything was not as scary as you thought before. This is exactly what A. S. Pushkin had in mind in 1825, arguing that our heart lives in the future. The poet sets the reader up for an optimistic perception of reality and says: you should not lose heart in any situation and, perhaps, even the most difficult issues will be resolved over time.
“If life deceives you ...” can be attributed to philosophical lyrics. Here we see the author's thoughts on the eternal questions that concern every person: about joy and sorrow, about the meaning of life, about the present and the future. Fate. How much hope we place on her. We have our plans, she has hers. There are only two stanzas in this poem, but both the bitter present and the hope for a blessed future are intertwined in it. Life is a very complicated thing. Something bad or, conversely, good can happen to us every day. And if there are difficulties on the path of life, then you cannot retreat before them. You have to accept life as it is. You also need to remember that "everything is instantaneous, everything will pass." Someday, all hardships will come to an end. We look back and realize that it wasn't all that bad ("what passes, it will be nice"). Struggling with troubles, we gained some life experience, new friends, discovered something new for ourselves, or, conversely, said goodbye to some bad habit. The author urges us to look to the future with optimism: "The day of fun, believe, will come." After all, "the heart lives in the future." Human nature is such that people always live in hope and faith. And this is a wonderful quality, it helps in the fight against life's adversities, helps to improve and strive for the best. The poem by A. S. Pushkin “If life deceives you ...” is optimistic and helps us in adversity. Reading Pushkin, we learn to treat life philosophically. Under the influence of his poems, the brightest hopes are awakened.

Help the story of the creation of the poem, to whom he wrote: if life deceives you, do not be sad, do not be sad ..

  1. Published in the Moscow Telegraph, 1825, 17.
    It is curious to note that Pushkin wrote this poem during his exile (1824-1826) in the album of a teenage girl, 15-year-old Zizi, as her family called her. Zizi (Evpraksia Nikolaevna Vulf) was the youngest daughter of P. A. Osipova, who owned the Trigorskoye estate next to Mikhailovsky. As a wise adult, the poet advises her:

    If life deceives you
    Don't be sad, don't get mad!
    On the day of despondency, humble yourself:
    The day of fun, believe me, will come.

    The heart lives in the future;
    Real sad:
    Everything is instant, everything will pass;
    Whatever passes will be nice.

    Later, Pushkin dedicated a few playful lines to her in Eugene Onegin (Chapter V: Tsimlyanskoye is already being carried; behind it is a line of narrow, long glasses, like your waist, Zizi, the crystal of my soul). The poet's friendly feelings for Evpraksia Nikolaevna (married - Baroness Vrevskaya) did not weaken until the end of his life. She was unusually responsive and Pushkin could speak openly to her about his life's troubles. He only told her about the upcoming duel with Dantes the next day.

  2. Evpraksia Nikolaevna Vrevskaya (maiden name Wulf) made acquaintance with Pushkin at a young age. The fact is that the Mikhailovsky estate of Alexander Sergeevich was adjacent to the Trigorsky possessions of the girl's mother. At one time, the poet was in love with Evpraksia Nikolaevna, but in the end their relationship came down to a strong friendship. Vrevskaya graced the last days of Pushkin with her presence, as if trying to fulfill his desire expressed in the Elegy:
    And maybe my sunset is sad
    Love will shine with a farewell smile.
    Under the house name Zizi Evpraksia Nikolaevna appears in the fifth chapter of Eugene Onegin. According to some literary critics, her features are reflected in the image of Olga Larina. Vrevskaya is addressed to the poem If life deceives you, created in 1825.

    Among the researchers of Pushkin's work, there is an interesting and not unfounded point of view regarding the lyrics of the mid-1820s and early 1830s. According to her, a peculiar cycle of works related to this period, united by the theme of the search for the meaning of life. Often the hero in them is aware of his own dependence on rock and tries to find reliable support in the world around him. This series includes poems A vain gift, an accidental gift, Talisman, Winter Road, Rhyme, a sonorous friend, Road complaints and others. To them it is worth adding a miniature If life deceives you. With its help, Pushkin says that time passes, changes, and the human soul is subject to change along with it. An interesting feature of the work, the author does not use spatial reference points. In addition, Alexander Sergeevich uses many verbs, but none of them denotes movement. It turns out that the plot of the poem unfolds only in time: from the unsightly present, which will someday turn into a sweet past, to the future, which at the moment seems to be cheerful. However, he is also destined to become a dull present, and then again a sweet past. Time is cyclical, everything repeats, there is no way out of the circle.

    The poem If Life Fools You inspired several composers. A wonderful romance that has become a classic was written by Alexander Alexandrovich Alyabyev (1787-1851). Also, the work was set to music by Caesar Antonovich Cui (1835-1918) and Reinhold Moritsevich Gliere (1875-1956).

« You, as the first love, the heart will not forget Russia! .. ”- Tyutchev wrote about A. S. Pushkin. And these words turned out to be prophetic. The first Russian national poet, the ancestor of all subsequent Russian literature - such is the recognized place and significance of A.

S. Pushkin in its development. Readers love his poetry not only for its gentle lyricism and beauty of style. In addition, we find in it something that helps us to move more confidently through life: optimism, love for beauty, striving for freedom, courage. Poem by A. S. Pushkin"If life deceives you ..." can be attributed to philosophical lyrics.

  • If life deceives you
  • Don't be sad, don't be angry!
  • On the day of despondency, humble yourself ...

Life is a very complicated thing. Something bad or, conversely, good can happen to us every day. And if there are difficulties on the path of life, then you cannot retreat before them. You have to accept life as it is. You also need to remember that "everything is instantaneous, everything will pass." Someday, all hardships will come to an end. We look back and realize that it wasn't all that bad ("what passes, it will be nice").

Struggling with troubles, we gained some life experience, new friends, discovered something new for ourselves, or, conversely, said goodbye to some bad habit. The author encourages us to look to the future with optimism: "The day of fun, believe, will come." After all, "the heart lives in the future." Human nature is such that people always live in hope and faith. And this is a wonderful quality, it helps in the fight against life's adversities, helps to improve and strive for the best.

A poem by A.S.

Pushkin "If life deceives you ..." optimistically and in adversity helps us. Reading Pushkin, we learn to treat life philosophically. Under the influence of his poems, the brightest hopes are awakened.