Physics. A new complete guide to preparing for the OGE

Physics. A new complete guide to preparing for the OGE. Purysheva N.S.

2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2016 - 288 p.

This handbook contains all the theoretical material on the course of physics required to pass the main state exam in the 9th grade. It includes all elements of the content, checked by control and measuring materials, and helps to generalize and systematize knowledge and skills for the basic school course. The theoretical material is presented in a concise, accessible form. Each section is accompanied by examples of test tasks. Practical tasks correspond to the OGE format. Answers to the tests are given at the end of the manual. The manual is addressed to schoolchildren and teachers.

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Preface 5
mechanical movement. Trajectory. Way.
Move 7
Uniform rectilinear motion 15
Speed. Acceleration. Uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion 21
Free fall 31
Uniform motion of a body in a circle 36
Weight. Matter density 40
Force. Composition of forces 44
Newton's laws 49
Friction force 55
Elastic force. Body weight 60
The law of universal gravitation. Gravity 66
body momentum. Law of conservation of momentum 71
Mechanical work. Power 76
Potential and kinetic energy. Law of conservation of mechanical energy 82
simple mechanisms. Efficiency of simple mechanisms 88
Pressure. Atmosphere pressure. Pascal's law. Archimedes' Law 94
Mechanical vibrations and waves 105
The structure of matter. Models of gas, liquid and solid structure 116
Thermal motion of atoms and molecules. Relationship between the temperature of a substance and the speed of the chaotic motion of particles. Brownian motion. Diffusion.
Thermal equilibrium 125
Internal energy. Work and heat transfer as ways to change internal energy 133
Types of heat transfer: conduction, convection, radiation 138
Quantity of heat. Specific heat capacity 146
The law of conservation of energy in thermal processes.
Energy conversion in heat engines 153
Evaporation and condensation. Boiling liquid 161
Melting and crystallization 169
Electrification of tel. Two types of electric charges. Interaction of electric charges. The law of conservation of electric charge 176
Electric field. The action of an electric field on electric charges. Conductors and dielectrics 182
Constant electric current. Current strength. Voltage. Electrical resistance. Ohm's law for the plot
electrical circuit 188
Series and parallel connections of conductors 200
Work and power of electric current. Joule-Lenz law 206
Oersted's experience. The magnetic field of the current. Interaction of magnets. The action of a magnetic field on a conductor with current 210
Electromagnetic induction. Faraday's experiments.
Electromagnetic oscillations and waves 220
The law of rectilinear propagation of light. Law
reflections of light. Flat mirror. Refraction of light 229
Light dispersion Lens. Focal length of the lens.
The eye as an optical system. Optical instruments 234
Radioactivity. Alpha, beta, gamma radiation.
Rutherford's experiments. Planetary model of the atom 241
The composition of the atomic nucleus. Nuclear reactions 246
Reference materials 252
An example of a variant of control and measuring materials OGE (GIA) 255
Answers 268

The handbook contains all the theoretical material on the basic school physics course and is designed to prepare 9th grade students for the main state exam (OGE).
The content of the main sections of the reference book - "Mechanical phenomena", "Thermal phenomena", "Electromagnetic phenomena", "Quantum phenomena", corresponds to the modern codifier of content elements in the subject, on the basis of which the control and measuring materials (KIMs) of the OGE are compiled.
The theoretical material is presented in a concise and accessible form. The clarity of presentation and clarity of the educational material will allow you to effectively prepare for the exam.
The practical part of the handbook includes samples of test tasks, which, both in form and in content, fully correspond to the real options offered at the main state exam in physics.

The inductive approach underlying the course guides students from observations of everyday phenomena and simple experiments to theoretical constructions and generalizations. The textbooks consistently consider the methodological foundations of physics, the phenomena of the macrocosm, the foundations of molecular-kinetic theory, mechanics, electromagnetic phenomena and the foundations of quantum physics. The course ends with the topic "The Universe", which includes basic astronomical information. The material is divided into two levels: in addition to the mandatory minimum, the textbook includes topics on the history of physics, as well as sections that require a high level of knowledge of mathematics and the development of abstract thinking.

The course is based on an inductive approach: from the particular, observed in everyday life or when setting up experiments, to the general - theoretical justifications for observations and experiments.

The course begins with an introduction that is methodological in nature. It gives an idea of ​​what physics studies (physical phenomena occurring in the micro-, macro- and mega world), discusses theoretical and experimental methods for studying physical phenomena, the structure of physical knowledge (concepts, laws, theories).

Then the phenomena of the macroworld are studied, the explanation of which does not require the involvement of knowledge about the structure of matter (topics "Mechanical phenomena", "Sound phenomena", "Light phenomena"). In the topic "Initial information about the structure of matter" the main provisions of the molecular kinetic theory are considered, which are then used to explain thermal phenomena, mechanical and thermal properties of gases, liquids and solids.

In the 9th grade, students again return to the study of mechanics, but at this stage, mechanics is presented as an integral fundamental physical theory; the study of all the structural elements of this theory, including Newton's laws and conservation laws, is envisaged. The limits of applicability of classical mechanics, its explanatory and predictive functions are discussed. This is followed by the topic "Mechanical oscillations and waves", which allows you to show the application of the laws of mechanics to the analysis of oscillatory and wave processes and creates a basis for the study of electromagnetic oscillations and waves. The topic “Electromagnetic Oscillations and Waves” is followed by the topic “Elements of Quantum Physics”, the content of which is aimed at developing in students some quantum ideas, in particular, ideas about dualism and quantization as integral properties of the microworld, knowledge about the structural features of the atom and atomic nucleus.

The course ends with the topic "Universe", which allows students to form a system of astronomical knowledge and show the effect of physical laws in the mega world.

The physics course is experimental in nature; Much attention is paid to the demonstration experiment and practical work of students. The course implements the idea of ​​level differentiation. The theoretical material of the second level, in addition to the mandatory, i.e., the material of the first level, includes some questions of the history of physics, topics whose study requires a good mathematical background and developed abstract thinking, and applied topics.

The electronic form of the textbook contains multimedia objects of informational, practical and control type. Line textbooks provide an opportunity to organize both independent and group work of students, as a result of which they accumulate experience of cooperation in the process of learning activities.

The book is the completion of the line of textbooks by N. S. Purysheva and N. E. Vazheevskaya “Physics. Grade 7" and "Physics. Grade 8”, complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
The textbook includes the following sections: "Laws of Mechanics", "Mechanical Oscillations and Waves", "Electromagnetic Oscillations and Waves", "Elements of Quantum Physics", "Universe".
This textbook is a multi-level manual: material intended for students with an interest in physics is marked with an asterisk. The methodological apparatus of the textbook consists of questions for self-examination, a system of tasks, including qualitative, graphic, computational and experimental tasks, and laboratory work.

§ 1. Basic concepts of mechanics.

1. Mechanical movement is one of the most common and easily observed types of movement. Examples of mechanical movement can be: the movement of vehicles, machine parts and mechanisms, the pendulum and clock hands, celestial bodies and molecules, the movement of animals and the growth of plants, etc.
Mechanical motion is a change in the position of a body in space relative to other bodies over time.
2. The same body can, while remaining motionless relative to some bodies, move relative to others. For example, passengers sitting in a bus are motionless relative to the body of the bus and move with it relative to people on the street, houses, trees (Fig. 1). Thus, when talking about the movement of a body, it is necessary to indicate the body with respect to which this movement is considered.
The body relative to which the movement of bodies is considered is called the body of reference.

Table of contents
Chapter 1. Laws of mechanics
§ 1. Basic concepts of mechanics.
§ 2. Uniform rectilinear motion.
§ 3. Relativity of mechanical motion.
§ 4. The speed of the body in non-uniform motion.
§ 5. Acceleration. Uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion.
§ 6. Graphs of the dependence of speed on time for uniformly accelerated motion.
§ 7. Movement with uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion.
Lab #1
Study of uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion.
§ 8. Free fall.
§ 9. Displacement and speed in curvilinear motion.
§ 10. Movement of a body along a circle with a constant speed in absolute value.
§ 11. Newton's first law.
§ 12. Interaction of bodies. Mass and strength.
§ 13. Newton's second law.
§ 14. Newton's third law.
§ 15. Movement of artificial satellites of the Earth.
§ 16. Weightlessness and overloads.
§ 17. Motion of a body under the action of several forces.
§ 18. Momentum of the body. Law of conservation of momentum.
§ 19. Jet propulsion.
§ 20. Mechanical work and power.
§ 21. Work and potential energy.
§ 22. Work and kinetic energy.
§ 23. The law of conservation of mechanical energy.
Key points in chapter 1.
Chapter 2. Mechanical oscillations and waves
§ 24. Mathematical and spring pendulums.
§ 25. Oscillation period of mathematical and spring pendulums.
Lab #2
Study of oscillations of mathematical and spring pendulums.
Lab #3
Measurement of free fall acceleration using a mathematical pendulum.
§ 26. Forced vibrations. Resonance.
§ 27. Mechanical waves.
§ 28. Properties of mechanical waves.
Main chapter 2.
Chapter 3
§ 29. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.
§ 30. Magnetic flux.
§ 31. The direction of the inductive current. Lenz's rule.
Lab #4
Study of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.
§ 32. Self-induction.
§ 33. Capacitor.
§ 34. Oscillatory circuit. Free electromagnetic oscillations.
§ 35. Forced electromagnetic oscillations.
§ 36. Alternating electric current.
§ 37. Transformer.
§ 38. Transmission of electrical energy.
§ 39. Electromagnetic waves.
§ 40. The use of electromagnetic waves for the transmission of information.
§ 41. Properties of electromagnetic waves.
§ 42. The electromagnetic nature of light.
§ 43. Scale of electromagnetic waves.
Main chapter 3.
Chapter 4. Elements of Quantum Physics
§ 44. Photoelectric effect.
§ 45. The structure of the atom.
§ 46. Emission and absorption spectra.
§ 47. Radioactivity.
§ 48. The composition of the atomic nucleus.
§ 49. Radioactive transformations.
§ 50. Nuclear forces.
§ 51. Nuclear reactions.
§ 52. Mass defect. Energy yield of nuclear reactions.
§ 53. Fission of uranium nuclei. Chain reaction.
§ 53. Nuclear fission uraya. Chain reaction.
§ 54. Nuclear reactor. Nuclear energy.
§ 55. Thermonuclear reactions.
§ 56. Effects of radioactive radiation and their application
§ 57. Elementary particles.
Main chapter 4.
Chapter 5
§ 58. Structure and scales of the Universe.
§ 59. Development of ideas about the system of the world.
The structure and scale of the solar system.
§ 60. System "Earth-Moon".
§ 61. The physical nature of the planet Earth and its natural satellite, the Moon.
Lab #5
Determining the size of lunar craters.
§ 62. Planets.
Lab #6
Determination of the height and velocity of the ejection of matter from a volcano on Jupiter's moon Io.
§ 63. Small bodies of the solar system.
§ 64. The solar system is a complex of bodies having a common origin.
§ 65. Use of the results of space research in science, technology and the national economy.
Main chapter 5.
Answers to tasks.
Subject index.

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