Forms of cultural and educational activities of museums. The concept of "Museum - education space Cultural educational space of the museum

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Various forms of work with visitors can be reduced to a few basic ones. It is they who serve as material for the constant updating of work with the audience. Among these we include the following:

  1. excursion,
  2. lecture,
  3. consultation,
  4. scientific readings (conferences, sessions, meetings),
  5. club (circle, studio),
  6. competition (olympiad, quiz),
  7. meeting with an interesting person,
  8. concert (literary evening, theatrical performance, film show),
  9. museum holiday,
  10. historical game.

Each of these forms can be described using a number of stable characteristics, some of which we will consider basic, affecting their essence, and some additional.

The main ones include the following alternative characteristics:

  • traditional, new
  • dynamic - static
  • group - individual,
  • satisfying the need for knowledge/recreation,
  • suggesting passive / active behavior of the audience.

Additional characteristics of the forms of cultural and educational activities of the museum include:

  • intended for a homogeneous/diverse audience,
  • in-museum - out-of-museum,
  • commercial - non-commercial,
  • one-time - cyclic,
  • simple - complex.


The excursion is an example of one of those traditional forms, from which the formation of the cultural and educational activities of the museum began. One of its main features is dynamism, and in this sense, the tour falls into a very small number of forms that require the visitor to move. This is an example of a group form, since individual excursions are relatively rare. True, a new version of excursion services has appeared in museums - an autoguide. Having received headphones, the visitor has the opportunity to listen to an individual tour, but this tour is outside of eye-to-eye communication, outside of a collective experience, and therefore is somehow inferior. The excursion basically satisfies the audience's need for knowledge and assumes, despite the need to use the methods of activating the excursionists, the passive behavior of the audience.


The lecture is one of the traditional and, moreover, the earliest forms in terms of time. The first museum lectures, satisfying the need for knowledge, became a noticeable fact of social life and were usually held with a large crowd of people, since they were often read by "luminaries of science." Over time, museum lectures have lost their significance as a form that has such a wide public resonance; museum employees began to read them, but as a result, they won in terms of their museum value. The use of museum objects as attributes (even if they are only "invisibly" present) has become an important requirement for lectures. Lectures still occupy a strong place in the repertoire of museums, many of which have permanent lecture halls.


Another basic form, also quite traditional for a museum, is consultation, which is practically the only one that has an individual character (whether we are talking about consultations related to the exposition or carried out in scientific departments). This form has never had a significant distribution, but it is especially promising now, due to the trend of an increase in visitors visiting the exposition without a guide.

Scientific readings

Scientific readings (conferences, sessions, meetings) are also among the classical, traditional forms that arose during the formation of the cultural and educational activities of the museum. They are a means of "publishing" and discussing the results of research conducted by museum staff by a group of competent persons, a way of establishing and developing contacts with the scientific community. Such scientific meetings not only satisfy the cognitive interests of the public, but also greatly enhance the prestige of the museum as a research institution.

Club, studio, circle

Opportunities for identifying and developing the creative abilities of the individual provide such forms of cultural and educational activities as circles, studios, clubs. The circle is usually a small group of children or teenagers, united by interests and working under the guidance of a museum employee. In history circles, children study historical events, biographies of prominent people; in artistic and technical circles - they make models, are engaged in drawing, modeling, arts and crafts; museology circles prepare to become guides and researchers.

In the work of the circles, educational elements are combined with creative ones: participants make sketches of museum items, illustrate historical events, create the necessary props for theatrical performances, etc. Almost all circles instill the skills of museum work.

A wealth of experience in working with high school students in the field of museology and historical source studies has been accumulated by the State Historical Museum. Over the course of one or two years, schoolchildren not only comprehend the theoretical foundations of museum work, but also acquire practical skills in various types of museum work. For example, they learn to attribute museum objects, attend classes on paper and cardboard restoration, perform creative tasks based on the exposition material, prepare excursions, and choose a topic, develop a route, select exhibits and adapt the tour for a certain category of visitors.

Contests, olympiads, quizzes

Contests, olympiads, quizzes related to the theme of the museum are also forms that are a means of identifying the activity of the audience, uniting experts and introducing people to the work of the museum. These competitions are organized in such a way as to bring visitors as close as possible to the museum collections: as a rule, tasks require knowledge not only of facts, but of expositions and exhibits on display.

Meeting with an interesting person

The forms that are more focused on meeting the needs of people in recreation include a meeting with an interesting person. The actualization of this form falls on the 1960s-1970s, when the processes of liberating the museum from the shackles of ideologization and politicization began, and at the same time there was an increase in its attendance. People were attracted not only by the collections, but also by the possibility of communication, a personal meeting with a remarkable person - a participant in the event, an expert on the topic, a collector.

Concert, literary evening, theatrical performance, film screening

The satisfaction of the need for recreation also corresponds to such forms as a concert, a literary evening, a theatrical performance, and a film screening. Like most basic forms, they, above all concerts and literary evenings, have always been part of the life of the museum. However, these forms acquire a truly museum significance when the idea of ​​synthesis of the objective environment and art is embodied with their help. An example of this is the "December Evenings" in the State Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin, which began to be held in 1981 on the initiative of Svyatoslav Richter and supported by the director of the museum I. A. Antonova. The interest of the public and the museums themselves in them testifies to the recognition of the importance of non-objective forms of existence of cultural heritage, which include the spiritual experience of a person, and the sounding word, and music, and the movie.

Museum holiday

The introduction of the holiday into the sphere of museum activity is usually attributed to the 1980s, which allows us to consider it a new form. However, she had predecessors. It's extremely common back in the 1950s. rituals: admission to the pioneers and Komsomol, presentation of passports, initiation into workers and students, which took place in the halls of the museum and were accompanied by a solemn removal of relics. And yet, only the actions of the 1980s and subsequent years are associated with the term "holiday", which fixed something in common that was inherent in all these actions. Commonality and novelty lie in the informal atmosphere of festivity (which distinguishes this form from previous ceremonies), in the effect of personal involvement, complicity in what is happening due to theatricalization, play, direct communication with the "characters" of the holiday, the use of special paraphernalia.

The effect of a museum festival depends on how much you manage to activate the audience, involve the audience in the action, destroy the boundaries between the "auditorium" and the "stage". Organically, this happens during children's holidays, especially those that complete classes in circles or studios. They are preceded by joint preparatory work, a long wait for the holiday, no less exciting than he himself.

historical game

A historical game can by no means be called an excursion (or an activity) using a game technique. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is built on the role behavior of the participants, provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in the past, gaining experience of direct contact with historical realities. This makes the historical game unlike any other form, which serves as the basis for singling it out as an independent one. It is as promising as it is difficult to perform, because it requires a number of conditions and components: a special space, special attributes (including costumes), a well-trained leader with acting skills, and finally, the desire and ability of the audience to join the game, to accept it. terms.

Simple and complex forms of cultural and educational activities

Since most of the basic forms, with the exception of the holiday and the historical game, belong to the category of simple ones, their combinations and combinations make it possible to create complex forms.

These, for example, include an extremely common form, called " thematic event". This is, as a rule, a one-time action that is dedicated to a specific topic, event, person and may include a tour and a meeting with an interesting person, a lecture and a concert. The concept of “program” is also being actively introduced into the museum terminology, in which the synthesis technology receives its most vivid embodiment.

Very promising, for example, programs called " Exhibition Events Calendar". They are carried out throughout the entire time when the exhibition is open, encouraging people to come to the museum repeatedly and for various reasons.

In the context of the discussion of the “museum and school” problem, it is worth noting that such a form as museum lesson, the first mention of which dates back to 1934.

The modern reform of education contributed to the transformation of the traditional form of the lesson: lessons-discussions, lessons-tests, lessons-research appeared in the school. The museum also went through the synthesis of educational models. In working with children, museum lessons began to be used, which were called lessons-games, excursions-quizzes, excursions-research and involving in-depth study of the material, setting educational tasks, checking the level of assimilation of knowledge. To conduct such classes in some museums, special museum classes are created.

New synthetic forms are also used in work with an adult audience. One of these forms is creative workshops which involve the participation of artists, craftsmen, museum specialists, who combine their efforts to familiarize the widest sections of the population with the values ​​of culture. Workshops include popular science lectures, internships, plein airs, environmental and restoration camps for high school students, students and everyone.

Museum internet class, internet cafe- this is another example of the synthesis of new information technologies and museum education. Visitors can get additional information about the museum exposition here, get acquainted with museum pages on the Internet, computer programs, and master the museum game computer systems. The arsenal of Internet classes includes virtual museums that allow you to get acquainted with the collections of museums in other countries and cities.

Museum Festival as a synthesis of the methods of profile and museum science has also recently appeared in the list of forms of cultural and educational activities of the museum. As a rule, this is "a solemn event in a museum with a wide range of participants, accompanied by a display and review of various types of art or works performed by members of studios, circles, ensembles, other creative groups and organizations."

Love for the native land, for the native culture, for the native village or city,

to native speech begins with small things - with love for one's family, for one's home, for one's school.

Gradually expanding, this love for the native turns into love for one's country -

to its history, its past and present, and then to all mankind, to human culture.

D. S. Likhachev

Modern socio-economic conditions that are declaring themselves in our country speak of a change in the need for the quality of preparation of children in school. An increasingly urgent task is the formation of a creative personality. The implementation of the transition to federal state educational standards at all levels of education has intensified interest in the use of modern technologies by all participants in the educational process, which contribute to the formation of universal educational activities. The cultural and educational space of the school as a set of values ​​and examples of successful solution of life tasks serves as a source of development of the student's personality.

In addition, the development of the Russian Federation at the present stage is characterized by increased public attention to culture. In the Concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 N 1662-r, culture is assigned a leading role in the formation of human capital.

Therefore, the communication of schools with cultural institutions, the development and implementation of new ways of interaction becomes especially relevant.

This issue is in several planes, in our opinion, which should be combined into a single model, system.

1. Museum pedagogy is a scientific discipline at the intersection of museology, pedagogy and psychology, the subject of which is the cultural and educational aspects of museum communication.

2. Local history is the study by the population of geographical, historical, cultural, natural, socio-economic and other factors that characterize the complex formation and development of any particular territory of the country (village, city, district, region, etc.).

Thus, local history and museum pedagogy are elements of applied cultural studies, which, in turn, helps to educate a deeply moral person who knows and understands the history, cultural characteristics of his country, language, mentality of the people, who is able to preserve heritage and resources and transfer knowledge to future generations.

In accordance with the existing regulatory and legal documentation and the need to combine efforts in the field of educating the younger generation, there are a number of methodological contradictions that show the unwillingness to fully implement the partnership.

School teachers and museum staff cannot always work in a single team, as they belong to different ministries. This leads to inconsistency in the work plans for organizing the upbringing and educational activities of museums and schools. In addition, contradictions arise between the planning of the educational process and the lack or inadequacy of the educational and methodological base, educational resources for organizing joint activities and a single information space.

Thanks to the developed form of interaction between the school and the museum through the practice of humanitarian and natural science education, conditions have been created for the development of subjects of activity, which will allow uniting efforts to achieve cultural and educational goals.

A system has been created for the work of the joint educational space of the museum and the school (Fig. No. 1,), which is built on the basis of the principles of democratization, differentiation, humanization, as well as system-activity, personality-oriented and local history approaches.

The organizational and functional structure is represented by the target, content, organizational and activity, need and result components. This allows the elements of this model to work optimally, balanced and interconnected. Procedural and activity relations within the framework of interaction imply effective work at each stage, monitoring the quality of educational services.

As a result, the main idea of ​​interaction is to bring together interested social partners to develop and test innovations related to the formation of social and cultural competencies among students. As well as the upbringing of a zealous owner, a patriot and a citizen of Russia, who takes care of his home, city, region, country.

The social partners of the project have been identified:

– Museum “Zaeltsovka” – a branch of MKUK “Museums of Novosibirsk”, a cooperation agreement was signed (No. 1 of 09/01/2017);

– Universities of Novosibirsk: FGBO VPO NSPU, Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals SB RAS;

- Protected Area "Dendrological Park".

The conditions for assistance in the implementation of cognitive, cultural and educational activities and in solving statutory tasks aimed at the patriotic, cultural and moral education of students in the Zaeltsovsky district were stipulated.

The main consumers of the project results are identified: social partners (schools, museums, libraries, organizations of additional education, parents), who, by combining educational resources, will solve the tasks.

Parents and representatives of the local community were surveyed for their interest in joint projects of the school and other participants in educational relations.

As a result of joint activities, programs between participants in educational relations were compared for use in the process of work. The museum staff has vast experience in conducting museum and pedagogical classes in all areas reflected in the program of educational work of the school. In this regard, the program of educational work of the school was supplemented by a set of new activities aimed at educating students in the spirit of respect for cultural and historical heritage.

In order to form the abilities for research activities and the creative potential of students in accordance with the program of work, the project leaders organized meetings with representatives of science.

The joint work of the Zaeltsovka Museum, the Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, teachers of MBOU Secondary School No. 77 made it possible for students to seriously engage in environmental work. In 2017-2018, on the basis of the museum, a course of lectures on the topic “Fundamentals of Ecology for Students” is conducted by Viktor Vyacheslavovich Glupov, Director of the Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, writer. V. V. Glupov also presents author's photographs of animals from different parts of the world, shares his travel experience. Of particular interest to the students was the book by Viktor Ch. Stasevich (pseudonym V.V., Glupov) “Cypress Rain”, where each story contains a system of ecological relationships.

Currently, the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Novosibirsk Region, together with the regional public organization "Born in Siberia", MBOU secondary school No. 77 and the Zaeltsovka Museum, a branch of the MKUK "Museum of Novosibirsk", in commemoration of the year of ecology and the upcoming 125th anniversary of the city of Novosibirsk, a project is being developed under the working title "Novosibirsk trails". The goal of the project is to update, popularize and broadcast the historical and natural heritage of the city of Novosibirsk.

Work is underway on the project "Specially protected natural areas of my region", "Flora and fauna of my region". The place of study is the PA "Dendrological Park".

The result of student projects will be presentations, videos, articles about specially protected natural areas, which will not only glorify the nature of their native land, but also carry out educational work among peers and adults. Taking into account the historical features of the Siberian region, the museum and the school are planning a series of programs dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the city.

School teachers and museum staff organized joint classes in local history for students. Thus, the integration takes place:

as part of the lesson activities of such subjects as geography, biology, history, astronomy, literature;

within the framework of extracurricular activities, joint events of a spiritual-patriotic, environmental direction are held;

within the framework of project activities, students are included in district, city and regional projects, which arouses interest and motivates them for further work.

The issue of the possibility of combining the efforts of the museum of the microdistrict "Rodnichok", which is located on the territory of MBOU secondary school No. 77, and the museum "Zaeltsovka" in order to create a single educational space is being considered. With the help of school teachers (from personal collections) collections will be presented in the school and city museums:

– rocks and minerals of Russia and the Novosibirsk region;

- stamps, postcards for various holidays for viewing by all visitors.

Such an opportunity to exchange materials of the museum exposition (school museum, city museum, individual collections) will arouse the interest of all project participants. In addition, this material can be combined into the exposition "The world of hobbies of the inhabitants of Novosibirsk", which will be dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the city. Preparations for the anniversary celebrations will enable school students to prepare project work on this topic and act as guides at the site of the microdistrict museum and the Zaeltsovka museum.

Since projects must satisfy not only the needs and interests of the project team members, but also be in demand in the external environment, project managers of MBOU secondary school No. 77, the Zaeltsovka Museum organize the process of public presentation of completed projects through project competitions, fairs, exhibitions, festivals. In addition, projects are broadcast through the information infrastructure of the school, the media: TV, radio, Internet space, website, social networks. As a result, students' project activities are subject to internal and external evaluation, which is part of the school's monitoring system.

Using all the previously mentioned elements of work in the system, we will be able to form an active student team that is successful in learning and creative activities. We are convinced that the educational and educational system is created not only by the school, but by the joint efforts of all participants in the process: teachers, children, parents, partners.

“It depends on how we educate the youth, will Russia be able to save and multiply itself. Can it be modern, promising, effectively developing, but at the same time do not lose yourself as a nation, do not lose your identity in a very difficult modern environment”.

V. V. Putin


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The innovative program is devoted to the role of the museum in teaching children with disabilities by hearing, the importance of the museum for mastering historical ideas, for updating and improving the quality of education, and creating conditions for the development of a free creative personality. The program reveals the features of the lesson in the museum, the problems that are solved during such a lesson, the expected results.



State public educational institution of the city of Moscow "Special (correctional) general education boarding school No. 52"

Innovation program

"Museum as an educational space in teaching the history of children with disabilities by hearing"

Teachers of history and social science Artemova G.P.


Explanatory note

Rationale for the relevance of the program.

At present, a situation has developed when the educational reform and the new Federal State Educational Standards have clearly defined the direction of the state order associated with the challenges of the time. The school is losing its monopoly on the organization of the main educational process. today teacher must organize the learning activities of schoolchildren in such a way that it is connected with life, and include classes in nature, in an urban environment, in a library, in a theater and, of course, in museums.

Since 2012, the project of the Moscow Department of Education "Lesson in Moscow" has contributed to the fulfillment of these tasks.The Lesson in Moscow project includes more than 430 lessons in various subjects prepared by methodologists from the City Methodological Center and Moscow teachers. Parks, exhibition grounds, libraries, museums and experiment centers, school museums and school grounds are educational spaces used in the project.

Since September 1, 2017, at the initiative of the Moscow government and personally S.S. Sobyanin in our city started the program " Museums - for children ”, which allows teachers of the city to conduct not just an excursion in the museum, but also a lesson at a convenient time for them.

In introducing the child to the values ​​accumulated and sacredly preserved by humanity in world culture, a special role belongs to the museum, it is he who comes to the aid of education. Merging into a single whole, the museum and education form the spirituality of a person.

The lesson in the museum is very important in the practice of spiritual and moral, civil and patriotic, historical and local history education of the individual.

Museum items - things, values ​​- act as a source of information about people and events, are able to influence emotionally, evoke a sense of belonging, as they allow one to penetrate into the spirit of the past, into the world of the creator. This is how a bridge is laid to the heart of a child, this is how the correct life guidelines are formed, and initiation to the eternal values ​​​​of life takes place.

Especially important the role of the museum for children with disabilities, in particular, with HVD by ear.

In children with hearing impairments, deviations in the development of mental processes are observed: the processes of analysis and synthesis are disturbed, there is a large delay in the development of verbal memory, meaningful memorization of material is difficult, judgments are simplified and excessively specific, the ability to generalize to express thoughts is not sufficiently developed, hearing-impaired children often find it difficult to correctly establish logical connections between phenomena and events. In this regard, such students face significant difficulties in mastering historical knowledge.

A necessary condition and, at the same time, one of the results of studying history is the formation of historical ideas in students, created on the basis of vivid and impressive images of past events. This is especially important for deaf and hard of hearing students, whose thinking is predominantly concrete in nature, and who, in their knowledge of the world, rely more on a system of images than on a system of abstract concepts.

Imagery is very important for the conscious and lasting assimilation of historical concepts and ideas by hearing-impaired students, it is a necessary prerequisite for the scientific nature and strength of historical knowledge, and lessons in the museum help to solve this problem.

The use of visual aids in teaching affects the positive emotional coloring of the lessons. Emotional activation is a necessary condition for productive intellectual activity. Higher nervous activity of the deafand hearing impaired childrenrelies heavily on direct sensations and ideas received from historical objects, paintings, drawings- everything that the child will see in the museum.

The purpose of the program isupdating and improving the quality of education,creation of conditions for the development of a free, creative, initiative personality of a schoolchild by means of museum space and territories in the city of Moscow.

Program objectives:

A lesson in a museum has broader objectives than just the assimilation of knowledge on a specific topic of the school curriculum. Students should not only acquire knowledge, but also train skills:

  • use data from various historical and modern sources (text, diagrams, illustrations),
  • work with a historical map,
  • use knowledge in writing creative works,
  • determine the causes and consequences of major historical events.

Do not forget about the meta-subject results of the lesson, during which students master universal learning activities (ULA).

Tasks of the teacher when working on this program:

  • Expansion of the sphere of education through the familiarization of students with museum values;
  • Raising love for the native land and people who care about its prosperity;
  • Formation of self-awareness, the ability to successfully adapt to the world around;
  • Development of creative abilities of students, providing them with the opportunity to realize themselves in accordance with their inclinations and interests;
  • Formation of joint activities for children and adults on the basis of museum practice;
  • The development of a new type of training sessions, the formation of professional competence of the teacher.

If the educational process at school is organized using museum pedagogical technologies, then higher results will be achieved in the formation ofstudents with hearing disabilitieshistorical ideas, in the artistic and aesthetic development of children, their self-realization.

During the work it is planned:

  • approbation of non-traditional forms of conducting lessons;
  • organization of local history work on the basis of the museum as a comprehensive means of teaching and educating the younger generation;
  • creation of memory albums, presentations, stands;
  • expansion of the methodological field through the use of Internet technologies;
  • verification of the effectiveness of the influence of museum pedagogy tools on the formation of a value attitude to the cultural and historical heritage of children with disabilities by hearing.

Program Implementation Stages:

  • Preparing students for a lesson in a museum;
  • Development of a didactic scheme for a training session (creation of a research sheet);
  • Creation of a scenario for a training session (description of the interaction between a teacher and students in a learning-learning situation);
  • Logistics (building a route of movement in the space of the museum, creating a route sheet);
  • Organization of excursions;
  • Excursion to the museum
  • Summing up (answers to a problematic task, tests, questions, preparation of an essay, essay, drawings, projects).

Features of the program implementation:

When preparing a lesson (lesson) in a museum, it is necessary, on the one hand, to distinguish it from a museum excursion, and on the other hand, from a lesson at school. The difference between a training session in a museum and a museum tour is that the training session has a learning task, behind which is the development of a specific unit of educational content (concepts, phenomena, methods of action, etc.), and the tour is aimed at transmitting certain information. Unlike an excursion led by a guide, a training session (lesson) is conducted by a professional teacher who is competent in the field of subject knowledge and knows the specifics of the museum space.

A lesson in a museum differs from a lesson in school primarily in the organization of space. At school, this is a standardly equipped classroom, in a museum, these are open halls with exhibits, where keeping the attention of a group of students (class) requires certain teacher skills to include students in meaningful communication.

A lesson in a museum should be guided by a system-activity approach (search, research and elements of children's project activities), which is aimed at obtaining meta-subject and personal results by schoolchildren.

The most successful form for a lesson in a museum ispractical workstudents in the museum exhibition.

The main content of the lesson is the solution formulated by schoolchildren together with the teacher Problems , searching for answers to their own questions by referring to the museum's original. A lesson in a museum allows students to do things that are not possible in a barrier classroom environment.

When conducting a lesson in a museum, such pedagogical technology asresearch activitiesstudents. It implies the rejection of the direct transmission of knowledge, students independently examine, study museum exhibits and entire exhibition complexes. The function of the leading lesson (it can be a museum employee together with a teacher) is reduced to modeling the work process. In order for the research process to be streamlined, schoolchildren work according to a plan, which is set out in the so-called "route sheet". It consists of several points: each corresponds to a specific exhibit (exposition complex) that is to be studied. Pupils should very briefly (in one or two sentences) describe the exhibit, revealing the essence of his research. In the "route sheet" the teacher must put one or more questions to this exhibit, which indicate what kind of information needs to be extracted. The wording of the question should be chosen very carefully: it should be short and clear, avoiding double interpretation. In addition, questions should not be narrow, private, insignificant. The information extracted from each exhibit should form an important part of mastering the topic.

The main stage of the program implementationassociated with the development and conduct of planned classes, lessons and activities. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that each museum visit is considered as an organic part of the educational process, closely linked to the educational program, which implies:

  • preparing schoolchildren to visit the museum (acquaintance with concepts and terms, introduction to the event context, etc.), which can be carried out both as part of lessons (history, social science) and during extracurricular activities;
  • Creating a scenario for a lesson (a description of the interaction between a teacher and students in a learning-learning situation),
  • Preparation of route sheets. Route sheet - this is not a plan of the museum, according to which students should move, it should contain such tasks that, having completed, the student will receive informational reference material, consisting of new knowledge or discoveries. Moreover, the sheet itself should be compact and convenient for storage and long-term use. This sheet should not contain many tasks or difficult questions. Route sheet may contain illustrative material that will help children with disabilities navigate the museum HVD by ear.
  • organization of work at the exposition with didactic materials ( Route sheet ), aiming students to comprehend the tasks that are significant for achieving educational goals;
  • reflection after the visit, which allows not only to generalize the impression of the museum, but also to rethink the experience acquired by the museum and use it to create a new creative product.

Thus, holistic educational blocks are formed, including both a visit to the museum and class hours, extracurricular activities, classes related to the project and research activities of students.

An important task of the program is the development of didactic materials that allow students to organize active activities in the museum space, which involves determining the theme (idea) of visiting the museum, selecting exhibits for its disclosure, creating an algorithm of questions and tasks designed to help the child in his research activities. Some of these materials are currently developed by teachers in Moscow, but for work with childrenwith hearing impairments, these materials need to be improved.

Features of creating a lesson in the museum.

A lesson in a museum should correspond to the core of the school curriculum and new educational standards, take into account CESs (controlled content elements), which each student should have left in a kind of “dry residue” after the lesson in order to objectively measure its effectiveness.

Topic. The lesson in the museum should be related to the theme of the school curriculum. And in this case, in order to form a “picture of the world” among schoolchildren, it is proposed to focus on interdisciplinary connections and metasubject and personal results.

Age. The age characteristics of the school group determine the perspective of the problem, it will help to determine what is the attractiveness of this topic for this particular age.

Problem. When the topic of the lesson is found, the most difficult thing is to formulate, so far only for oneself, the problem of the lesson so that it meets both the needs of the child and the educational tasks of the teacher - then the lesson will acquire a more accurate name.

An example is the lesson "Copper Riot of 1662 and Kolomenskoye" in the Moscow State United Museum-Reserve (Kolomenskoye territory) - as part of this lesson, students get acquainted with the stages of development of the Copper Riot, consistently visiting historical places where events took place and the teacher constantly puts before them the question: "Why was the Copper Riot called "Copper"?"

Intrigue. In order to “build” a lesson in a museum, you need to start from the “point of surprise”, this makes it possible to involve children in the learning process of searching. And

here you need to take care that intrigue appears in the lesson script. It is she who gives motivation an impetus that leads to the final result, helps to find ways to solve the problem, when the child proves not so much

the teacher, as much as himself, that he can independently cope with the task. In a lesson at the Museum of Moscow, for example, schoolchildren can try on the skills of the ancient Slavs, they must guess what certain tools were used for, and offer their hypotheses for their purpose.

Methods. When developing a scenario for a lesson, the basic methodological component becomessubject method.This means that when developing questions for the lesson, the teacher starts, first of all, from the museum object. Oral or declared in the route sheet questions should:

  • arouse curiosity and draw the attention of the student to the subject;
  • make you think and cause intellectual tension;
  • to encourage him to look for his own answers to the questions posed and to independently formulate conclusions based on the information collected in the museum, since the answers to them cannot be found in the textbook.

When developing a lesson, it is necessary to abandon the excursion approach and minimize the presentation of information through a monologue. It is recommended to allocate no more than 30% of the lesson duration to it. With a system-activity approach, which underlies the lesson, the student must be clearly aware of:why does he do somethinginteractive action.

Modeling problem and search situations, teachers can use the following traditional and modern pedagogical technologies:

  • offer to consider the phenomenon from different (role) positions;
  • lead students to a contradiction and encourage them to find a way to resolve it themselves;
  • offer problematic assignments (for example, with insufficient or redundant initial data, with uncertainty in the formulation of the question, conflicting data, deliberately made mistakes).
  • encourage to make comparisons, generalizations, conclusions from the situation, compare facts;
  • to acquaint with different points of view on the same issue;
  • design method;
  • Role-playing method;

Lesson time. The peculiarities of conducting a lesson in a museum dictate an increase in its time beyond the traditional 40 minutes. Changing the types of activities allows, in our opinion, to bring its duration up to 1 hour 20 minutes.

The temporary model of the lesson can be presented in the following form: the teacher's presentation of the image of this museum, setting up groups for work, updating their previous knowledge, discussing the problem, getting to know the museum component of the lesson. At the end of the lesson, it is very important that students, under the guidance of a teacher or on their own, come to a conclusion that will help them understand the problem and find a way to solve it.

A lesson in a museum should give impetus to the subsequent project activities of schoolchildren. Since the school guides and requires the teacher to organize this project activity, the museum becomes an essential educational resource for the school. After visiting the museum, students can receive homework assignments, which should be as specific as possible. For example, after visiting the Museum of Defense of Moscow, you can offer to write a report on behalf of the "front correspondent" about the events of 1941-1942.

Program activities:

Lesson topic



Summary of the lesson


the date

Culture of Russia in the 16th century: architecture, painting. Gen.

What are the differences between architecture and painting in Russia in the 16th century? from architecture, painting of the Western European Renaissance?

Manor "Kolomenskoye"

Creation of presentations.

December 2017

Russia in the first quarter of the 18th century

Find features of Russian architecture of the 17th century.

Manor "Izmailovo"

Creation of drawings, stand design

January 2018

"Copper Riot" of 1662

Why are the events of 1662 called"Copper Riot"?

Manor "Kolomenskoye"

Conversation in the class, answers to the test

March 2018

European artistic culture of the 19th-n.20th century.

Find paintings related to impressionism, classicism, realism, prove your choice

Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin

Create projects

9 a, 9b

September 2017

Moscow battle

"1941: the birth of Victory?"

Moscow Defense Museum

Writings on behalf of the people of that time

10a, 10b

November December

Patriotic War of 1812

Who won the Battle of Borodino?

Borodino panorama

Preparing information for the school website

9 a, 9b

December 2017

Artistic culture of Russia in the first half of the 19th century.

Define genres of paintings

Tretyakov Gallery

Create presentations

9 a, 9b

January 2018

Liberal reforms of the 60-70s.

Why the reforms of the 60-70s. called liberal?

Conversation in class

9 a, 9b

March 2018

Artistic culture of Russia in the 19th century.

Identify the most popular painting theme of the 19th century

Tretyakov Gallery

Preparation of a thematic exhibition

9 a, 9b

April 2018

Revolutionary upheavals in Russia

Museum of Modern History

Historical essay.

10a, 10b

November 2017

Features of domestic policy, the totalitarian model of socialism.

10a, 10b

December 2017

"Soviet country in the 50s-n.80s"

“Life has become better!?”

Museum of Modern History

Presentation preparation

10a, 10b

January 2018

Russia and the Horde

Was there a yoke?

Historical Park "Russia - My History"

Test Answers


October 2017

Culture of Russia at the end of the 20th century. 21st century

Do you agree with the wordsN.V. Gogol "Art is a magnifying glass"?

Moscow State Art Gallery of People's Artist of the USSR Ilya Glazunov

Compilation of a map-guide to the works of I.S. Glazunov, reflecting the social functions of art.


January 2018

The heyday of the noble empire in Russia

Why was the exposition dedicated to the reign of Catherine the Great called the "Golden Age of the Russian Empire"? Was he like that? For whom? And if not, why not?

Manor "Tsaritsino"

Creating a stand


February 2017

Artistic culture of Russia at the end of the nineteenth century. 20th century

Define art styles

Tretyakov Gallery

Creation of a thematic exhibition


October 2017

Revolution in Russia 1917

Was a revolution inevitable? Prove your opinion.

Museum of Modern History

Essay preparation


October 2017

I. V. Stalin's personality cult, mass repressions and the political system of the USSR.

Was the Soviet state of the 1930s really totalitarian, and how did this affect the fate of people?

State Museum of the History of the Gulag

Historical essay-reasoning


November 2017

Material and technical resources.

The school has a technical base for the implementation of creative and project activities of students and itspresentations. Photo and video equipment, computers and multimedia projectors make it possible to expand the scope of cognitive and creative activity of students, to make it more rich and varied.

There are buses in the school for organizing trips related to the development of the museum space and museum expositions.

Formed universal learning activities of students during the implementation of the program:

Museum activities contribute to the acquisition of new competencies in students:

research(the ability to independently find the missing information in the information field; the ability to request the missing information from a specialist; the ability to find several options for solving a problem, the ability to use modeling, real and thought experiments, observation, work with primary sources; the ability to adequately exercise self-assessment and self-control);

regulatory (the ability to set a goal; the ability to plan activities, time,resources; the ability to make decisions and predict their consequences; skills of research of own activity; self-regulation skills in activities);

communicative(the ability to initiate interaction - enter into a dialogue, askquestions; the ability to lead a discussion; the ability to defend one's point of view; the ability to find a compromise; interviewing skills; oral questioning);

Planned results of the program implementation:


– will learn to see the historical and cultural context of the surrounding things, i.e. evaluate them from the point of view of cultural development;
– will understand the relationship of historical eras and their involvement in modern culture, inextricably linked with the past;
- be respectful of other cultures;
- will have an increased level of education, understand the system of spiritual and cultural values ​​of the people,

Students with hearing disabilities will:

- develop auditory perception,

Develop the ability to consciously usespeech meansin accordance with the task of communication to express their feelings, thoughts and needs;

Develop oral and written speech, monologue contextual speech.

List of used literature:

  1. Materials of the project Lesson in the Museum of the Department of Education of Moscow.
  2. "Lesson in the Museum" Moscow Center for Museum Development. Digest of articles. M.2015
  3. Guralnik, Yu. U. Museum Pedagogy and Museum Sociology: A Collaboration of Sciences that Benefits the Visitor. M., 2011.
  4. Dolgikh, E. V. The project "Museum Pedagogy" - the space of civil formation Director of the school. 2012
  5. Makarova, N. P. Educational environment in the museum? Yes, if this museum is for children. School technologies. 2012.
  6. Tatyana Rodina. Museum Pedagogy Algorithms. Lyceum and gymnasium education. 2010
  7. Sapanzha, O. S. Fundamentals of museum communication. St. Petersburg, 2007
  8. Kroshkina, T. A. Resource Center for Museum Pedagogy in the Context of Interaction between the Educational System of the Krasnoselsky District of St. Petersburg and the Russian Museum. Museum pedagogy at school. Issue. IV. - St. Petersburg, 2005.

"Cultural and educational space of the museum as a resource for the personal development of modern students"

teacher of history and philosophy

GBPOU VO "Voronezh Law College" Remizova N.A.

Modern cultural and educational policy of the Russian state

is focused on the spiritual revival of society, its important component is

the trend of humanization and humanitarization of education. Become relevant

issues of purposeful education of a cultural personality, possessing not only

a certain level of knowledge, but also mastered cultural forms, norms, values ​​and

social experience of generations. At the same time, the task is realized not through the formation

a certain comprehensively and harmoniously developed type of personality according to a given

model, but with the preservation of the individuality of a person, his own identity.

Given these trends, the relevance of the socio-cultural functions of the museum in the educational process is obvious:

Firstly, the museum is the primary source of knowledge, social experience of generations and

cultural heritage of the society. It can help the modern student

navigate the information flow, focus on the important,

develop the skill of critical thinking, the ability to distinguish true information from false;

Secondly, the student, through communication with museum exhibits and reading their cultural code, develops the emotional and sensual side of the personality, and a visual connection with

for generations forms a sense of citizenship and patriotism;

Thirdly, the possibilities of museum pedagogy offer a wide range of interactive classes and active teaching methods, which are so necessary in the formation, in particular, of students' professional competencies.

To understand the essence and significance of the museum, today we turn to the historical interpretation of this concept.

Aristotle begins his "Metaphysics" with the thesis that all people by nature strive for knowledge, and the source of knowledge is feelings and memory, which together form experience. It is museums that embody such an emotional memory - an experience that they turn into knowledge.

According to the ideas of the Russian philosopher N. F. Fedorov: “A museum is not a collection of things, butcathedral faces . Indeed, the museum is a cathedral (from - collection, cathedral, unity) of all persons of the past, present and future; a cathedral of scientists and figures, teachers and researchers, students and their mentors, fathers and children, people of all generations. Thiscatholicityand defines the concept of a museum. Conciliarity - in the broadest sense of the word. The cathedral is understood both as a temple and as a meeting, unity, a common cause of all living for the sake of the future.

What the museum is today is still a debatable question. The Russian Museum Encyclopedia calls the museum a historically determined multifunctional institution of social memory...

The most universal is the view of the museum as an expression of a person's special relationship to reality, realized in the preservation of cultural and natural heritage and its use for scientific and educational purposes, the education of humanism and respect for the culture of other peoples.

The museum today continues to play a very important role in the life of society. Moreover, the trend of today is an ever-increasing interest in the museum as such. In order to continue this trend, it is necessary to instill the appropriate culture in the younger generation.For a modern person, a museum should be part of the lifestyle and space of personal development, and visiting a museum should become a habitual activity.

As part of solving this problem, teachers of the Voronezh Law College actively practice museum excursions. Every year, as part of the teaching of the disciplines of the humanities cycle, excursions are held to the museums of the city of Voronezh: local history, the Regional Art Museum. Kramskoy, Arsenal (Museum of the Great Patriotic War), diorama museum, etc.

The practice of conducting interactive forms of excursion activities (virtual excursions) has also become interesting.

In order to popularize museum culture, meetings were organized with museum workers.

Modern museum pedagogy is aimed primarily at developing the creative abilities of the individual, which is a priority for any educational institution. In addition, being one of the forms of additional education, the museum allows you to create optimal conditions for the intellectual and spiritual growth of students, the formation of their artistic taste, spiritual culture, civic-patriotic position, and helps maintain the historical connection of generations.

The museum of the history of our educational institution has existed since 2012. The main values ​​that characterize the museum's work program are humanity, tolerance, active citizenship, and a sense of pride in one's Fatherland.

The museum interacts and cooperates within the framework of the technical school with circles and

public associations:

Military Patriotic Club "Heirs of Russia";

Student self-government bodies;

The editors of the technical school newspaper "Zerkalo".

College Museum - this is one of the ways to comprehend love for the place where the guys get a specialty and profession. Museum activities involve the formation of a center for creative cooperation between teachers and students for the preservation and continuity of the best traditions of technical school life.

Museum funds include a unique collection of materials reflecting the formation and development of the technical school. The main task of the museum is to preserve and increase the glorious traditions of the educational institution of the vocational education system.

The activities of the museum are carried out in the following areas:

Search and research work consists in the search, collection and processing of museum material. This type of activity includes work on the search, and then on the acquisition of funds, i.e. collection, processing, study and systematization of museum objects, as well as replenishment of the main fund with new exhibits and materials. All this work is carried out with the aim of creating a museum collection that comprehensively reflects the history of our educational institution. It runs in the following areas:

Educational institution in different years of its existence;

Photos of employees, student groups, students of past years;

Attributes of the life of an educational institution of different times (books, textbooks,

notebooks, stationery).

As part ofeducational activities museum lessons, lectures, thematic class hours, conversations, exhibitions are included in the educational process.

So, for the 40th anniversary of the technical school, the exhibition "History of VYuT" was organized.

At the exhibition "This is our fate with you, this is our biography with you ..." one could recall the history of VYuT in faces.Meetings with graduates of the technical school are held on the basis of the museum. For the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol, an exhibition of attributes of the Komsomol life of students of the technical school was organized.

Karamanov A.V. Museum as a center of learning in the modern educational space // Culture and Education - March 2014. - No. 3.

Mastenitsa E.N. Museum in the context of globalization // Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts No. 4 (25), December 2015, pp. 118-122.

Milovanov K.Yu. The pedagogical role of museums in the socio-cultural space of modern Russia // Values ​​and meanings. -2013. No. 6, - P.84-100.

Reshetnikov N.I. Museum and museology problems of the present. EPI "Open Text", 2015.[Electronic resource]

Fedorov N.F. Museum, its meaning and purpose // Museum business and protection of monuments: Express-inform. Issue. 3-4. M., 1992. S. 10.