Where the table was food there is a coffin. Where the table was food, there is a coffin

Reply to Lubomir Shiyanov October 23, 2011, 00:07 The world today still lives according to the laws of the jungle and everyone is fighting for a place under the sun. War is the continuation of politics with guns. But when the guns are silent, politics and its goals remain. That's why I say that in war, retribution for stupidity comes quickly and harshly, and in peacetime, retribution is delayed and somewhat less bloody or something, but the ending is always the same.

During the war, the defeated state bears combat human losses, economic destruction due to bombing, territorial losses, dismemberment of the state and loss of sovereignty.
In peacetime, this is political instability, the destruction of the economy as a result of disorganization and deliberately criminal reforms, human losses due to drug addiction, rampant crime, the collapse of medicine and social support, high mortality, low birth rates, etc., dismemberment of the state and loss of sovereignty.
In the first case, the final is in 2-5 years, in the second, the agony lasts 15-25 years.

Final one.

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A I replied to Lubomir Shiyanov October 23, 2011, 00:25 The world is arranged like this:

In the center of the USA. Everything is tough inside the hegemon. Everyone can balabol, but exactly to a certain point called "the interests of state security." In America, Yeltsin could not have appeared in principle because of his sudden, inexplicable death immediately after the first words about "take as much sovereignty as you can take."
The overlord has loyal and obedient vassals - "developed Western democracies". You can call them pots - the essence does not change. They breathe as long as the US allows them to breathe. (and spoiling is not forbidden - the redneck must believe in democracy and that it decides something). The propaganda headquarters runs the "free media" from Washington.
The world feudal elite has colonies. A lot of them. They are nobody and there is no way to call them. We remember some of them every 4 years at the opening of the Olympics.
And there is a bunch of recalcitrant urban lunatics (according to the "West") who dream about some kind of laws, believe in sovereignty and Santa Claus. They want to restrain them with a straitjacket - they snap and are legally recorded in the "Axis of Evil".
Russia today stands in a raskoryak - the redneck believes in Santa Claus, and the elite has already surrendered sovereignty to the "West", but so far they are afraid to confess.

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A I replied to Lubomir Shiyanov October 23, 2011, 00:43 Actually what am I talking about? Where there is unity of command and discipline, there is order, development (whatever it is, but still) and stability. Stability, by the way, is not a bad word when it comes to stable good health, stable income growth, stable safe society... Where there is chaos in the world today, there is democracy. More democracy - more chaos. "Swan, Cancer and Pike." - worth a read! Democracy is a secret weapon that can undermine and destroy the strongest and strongest organization.

And still, no one can answer me why democracy is bad for an army, a factory, a steam locomotive, a ship, a mountaineering detachment, a geological exploration party, but is it good for the state? Why can't oligarchs be regularly re-elected, for example? Pobillionaire Prosh a bit and out! Do we need effective owners? And there is nothing more effective than democracy!

Where the table was food, there is a coffin

From the ode "On the Death of Prince Meshchersky" (1779) by the poet Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin(1743- 1816):

The son of luxury, coolness and neg,

Where, Meshchersky, have you hidden yourself?

You left this life shore,

You have gone to the shores of the dead...

Where the table was food, there is a coffin;

Where feasts were heard clicks,

Tombstones howl there

And pale Death looks at everyone ...

Allegorically about the close proximity of the tragic and the joyful, about the fragile, thin line between life and death.

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Hello everyone and sorry for the long silence. No, no one has died, it’s just that now it’s not up to the repair of radio tape recorders, the critical days that have been postponed for so long have finally come, namely repairs in the apartment. Repair is not planned, but forced. The most offensive thing is that he himself was involved in the tragic events that happened on the old New Year, which ended with filling the apartment with hot water (a palliative troll, you can jump with gloating). There was hope for a miracle, which of course did not happen and still had to do a full renovation of the apartment. No, well, of course, I cheated a little and in those rooms in which life froze after the children grew up, instead of parquet, I laid a laminate. Honestly, I first invited a friend for this procedure, he did everything in half a day, after which I asked myself if my hands grow from there, well, I already laid the second room myself. The crown didn't come off.
But in the main rooms I decided to restore the parquet flooring, God, how long this process takes! This is what my room looks like now, where almost all the radio tape recorders were stored.

He moved some of the radio tape recorders to the next room, placed some on the balcony and covered them with sheets and rags from sunlight, stuffed the rest of the near-magnetic topics wherever he could, to the point that he stuffed a lot of things under the bed.

Of the radio tape recorders in the large room, he left only one, so that the parquet floor would be more fun to work with.

Repair is not only a physical inconvenience - it is also a state of mind. You are just paralyzed at this moment. But when this state drags on, the body wants to do something, well, I could not stand it, I took out the newly acquired device and tried to somehow repair it on my knee, but in fact on the concrete of the screed.

What can I tell you - it's just some kind of nightmare. You don't know where your tools are; I didn’t remember where I put my soldering iron, I found a second huge sixty-watt one, somehow soldered a capacitor to it, in general, flour, not repair.

But I hope that this hell will end someday and life will return to normal.

All this construction lyrics, in theory, should be of little interest to true fans of radio tape recorders, therefore, as a reward, I will tell you one and a half technical tricks that are directly related to the repair of old equipment for those who have read so far.

The other day I came across a good apparatus, everything in it was fine: face and body and soul and thoughts, but for some reason the power transformer was replaced in it with another one. This trance was not at all bad, big, powerful, but it just buzzed like an angry swarm of bees. And this rumble was very audible, especially when the device was plugged into the network, but did not work.

I tried to put soft pads between the trance and the body, the noise was noticeably reduced, but it was not possible to completely expel it. If there was a smaller transformer, it could be boiled in paraffin, this procedure gives an excellent result. But for this trance, I had neither a suitable container nor the right amount of paraffin. I once bought a few candles, but they still would not be enough, here less than a dozen would still not be enough.

The decision came like this. I warmed up the transformer with an industrial hair dryer and covered it with pieces of paraffin. The paraffin melted, turning into a liquid, and filled all the cracks in the transformer. After cooling, the transformer was silent like a proper partisan.

The second story is connected with the restoration of old rubber. During correspondence with one reader, it turned out that he was engaged in the restoration of office equipment. Further, it is easier for me to quote our correspondence in its entirety.

Oh, so you must have a liquid, the so-called "Rubber Restorer", to revive the rollers on office equipment. Heard about its miraculous, downright living water. Or is it only a temporary effect?

Alexander Danchenko:

Yes, the effect is unfortunately temporary, and even very temporary.
About 10 years ago, I myself conducted experiments with various liquids and even loaded professional chemists with this topic.
Were in the hands and modern imported funds. The effect is definitely temporary for 1-2 months maximum.
This should not be applied to thin apiaries at all - it does not work.
"Revitalization" most likely refers to the clutches ... increase traction. And this is achieved by restoring the softness of the surface layer of rubber. Nothing can go deep. Completely rubber is not recoverable.
Since no one has yet expanded the periodic table, all the same components are used in different variations (Well, as in medicine ...)
An elementary old-fashioned way that works:
Castor oil. A roller or rubber is immersed in it for a period of 2 hours to several days.
The oil can be heated to enhance processing speed.
What is the effect? The oil penetrates the microporous surface of the rubber to some depth and returns a certain percentage of elasticity.
There are no proven methods. Everything is strictly individual and is achieved experimentally.
After treatment, the surface is washed with a detergent composition (it’s all the same what to use, but at least with soap).
Everything, Telemarket.

Well, the miracle did not happen, so I thought. The elixir of life and the Makropoulos remedy have not yet been invented.

And at the expense of castor oil - this is interesting, I read about it specially on Wikipedia.

Is the information about castor oil secret or can I make it public? You never know, suddenly this is your know-how that feeds you.)))

Alexander Danchenko:

Yes, as much as you can! I am a person open to communication.
I do not keep secrets and am always ready to share my knowledge and ideas.
And it is not this "feeds me" .... Each person is an individuality and personal experience gained over the years.
No matter how much you look at the master's paintings, you won't become da Vinci.
Honey. institutes produce thousands of "specialists", and doctors in the city can be counted on the fingers of one hand.
Need an idea or a possible solution - ask. I, too, sometimes have questions that I can't find a solution to.
This is the only way to develop.

[Some lyrics]
I remember how in the early 80s I first came across a very simple Japanese car radio. The problems were in the mechanics.
After removing the outer casing, I was extremely puzzled. I didn’t understand how it was sorted out further ... there was no one to ask, the Internet
then it was not in nature. It revealed
- All the mechanics of the input and output of the cassette was fixed with one screw !!!
I was shocked, I walked for a week under the impression of this engineering solution. I admired this decision.
I wanted to be the person who came up with this!
We are all used to unscrewing at least a dozen and a half screws in domestic technology.
And here the design consisted of structural frames, grooves and hooks. There were also springs, of course.
Everything was taken apart in a certain sequence and assembled in the reverse order.
- Kalashnikov assault rifle! Further, only one screw and that's it!

About rubber
New tires are new. For a long time in my work on copiers, I don’t smear videos with anything. I just change them for new ones.
With the opening of borders in our state, everything has become much more accessible. Everything can be bought or ordered. And everything will be sent.
And only a really master can make the job easier, sometimes much cheaper and faster. Sometimes even saferthan in the original design, knowing the materials and their possible compatibility.
This is the da Vinci effect. This is what feeds.

Alexander Danchenko:

Good afternoon, Vladimir!
- I found in my bins a bottle (Xerox Formula A Cleaner 43p48) of a rubber cleaner-restorer.
It is used for cleaning (restoring) rollers, pins, and other rubber friction clutches in org. technique.
- I want to send it to you for experiments and research. Perhaps there will be a topic for writing
next, more optimistic article. ;-)
It will be a gift, I do not need anything in return. Your opinion and your expert judgment is more important to me.


In principle, it would be interesting to experiment, although I am a priori already set up for a negative result. Rubber, like any organic matter, ages, alas. I got excited about videos for a while and now this problem is no longer so relevant, and it is hardly worth subjecting the apiary to this procedure. But it's still interesting.

True, I do not promise that it will be tomorrow, now I am busy with repairs in the hut.))

In general, everything is based on the forces of nature with the permission of the local committee and is based on the teachings of Indian yogis, oppressed by British imperialism.

Secret composition.

I have a bottle of potion, we will wait for the right opportunity, however, without rolling sponges in advance. Miracles do not happen, he is a palliative, yes, my palliative troll. No matter how you pull up Vera Alentova, it turns out to be a monster, time takes its toll.

In the 1980s, I worked as a correspondent for a factory newspaper. The work is hard and the pay is low. I had to look for hack work, in the sense - additional work on the side. Suddenly, they were lucky at their native plant: due to an acute shortage of machine operators, the plant accepted a large batch of foreign workers - citizens of fraternal Vietnam. But first they had to be taught, including the basics of the Russian language, the theory and practice of working on complex machines, as well as basic information about the Soviet Union. This last of these topics was assigned to me. My boss, the editor of the newspaper, did not object to me giving such lectures during my main working hours, as long as it was not at the expense of fulfilling editorial assignments.

And so, according to the schedule, I come to the red corner of one of the workshops, where a group of forty young Vietnamese people is already waiting for me, and through their translator I tell about the history of the USSR, the state structure, industry, and agriculture of the country. I don’t experience any difficulties: they listen, it seems, attentively, occasionally ask questions (there were especially many of them when I had to talk about collectivization in the countryside), behave in a disciplined manner ...

Only one thing immediately puzzled me: as a rule, the previous lesson for some reason ended much earlier than the beginning of my lecture, and when I entered the room, I found all my students peacefully sleeping on the study tables! Each time, the interpreter (who, apparently, also served as the head of the study group) had to spend a few minutes bringing the whole company to some decent shape ...

Finally, one day an idea occurred to me in what way to get rid of an annoying hindrance. I started the next lesson with this explanation:

Dear Vietnamese comrades, I have repeatedly asked you through your interpreter not to lie down on the tables and not to meet me, your teacher, in such inappropriate positions. Of course, you know that in any country a foreigner is obliged to observe, as far as possible, local customs and ethics. I want to explain why Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, and other peoples in our country, are unpleasant to see people lying on the tables, even sleeping.

The fact is, dear friends, that in our country it is customary to put ... the dead on the table.

A person dies - and most often his body, dressed in a suit or dress, is placed on the table! One of the famous Russian poets, Gavriil Derzhavin, even had the following lines in his verses:

"Where the table was food - there is a coffin,
And pale death looks at everyone.

Now you probably better understand what thoughts come to my mind when I enter the room and see your bodies randomly scattered on the tables!

Apparently, the translator adequately conveyed the meaning and content of my appeal, because there was a young and cheerful laughter that did not require translation.

Since then, not once has any of the Vietnamese children tried to lie down on the table while waiting for the teacher. The lesson worked!

And I, the teacher, was pleased to see once again that Vietnamese youths have the same sense of humor as our youth!

In connection with the sudden death (1779) of Prince A. I. Meshchersky, a wealthy St. Petersburg man, a hospitable person, a good friend of the poet. S. V. Perfilyev (1734-1793) - friend of A. I. Meshchersky, major general, one of the educators of the Grand Duke, the future Emperor Paul I. On our site you can also read a summary and analysis of this poem.

Odes by G. R. Derzhavin "On the Death of Prince Meshchersky" and "Felitsa". Lecturer - A. Mashevsky

Verb of time! metal ringing!
Your terrible voice confuses me,
Calls me, calls your moan,
He calls - and brings him closer to the coffin.
As soon as I saw this light,
Death is already gnashing its teeth
Like lightning, oblique shines
And my days, like cereal, flog.

Nothing from fatal claws
No creature escapes:
The monarch and the prisoner are a meal of worms,
The anger of the elements consumes the tombs;
Gaping time to erase the glory:
As fast waters flow into the sea,
So days and years pour into eternity;
Swallows the kingdom greedy death.

We are sliding on the edge of the abyss,
Into which we will fall headlong;
We accept our death with life,
In order to die, we are born.
Without pity all death strikes:
And the stars will be crushed by it,
And the suns will be extinguished by it,
And it threatens all the worlds.

Only a mortal does not imagine dying
And he wants to be himself eternal;
Death comes to him like a thief,
And life suddenly steals.
Alas! where we have less fear,
There death may come sooner;
Her and the thunders are no faster
Fly to the proud heights.

The son of luxury, coolness and neg,
Where, Meshchersky! did you hide?
You left this life shore,
You have gone to the shores of the dead;
Here the dust is yours, but there is no spirit.
Where is he? - He's there. - Where is there? - We don't know.
We only cry and cry:
“Oh, woe to us who are born into the world!”

Joy, joy and love
Where they shone brightly with health,
Everyone's bleeding there
And the spirit is tormented by sadness.
Where the table was food, there is a coffin;
Where feasts were heard faces,
Tombstones there are howling cliques,
And pale death looks at everyone.

Looks at everyone - and at the kings,
To whom the worlds are cramped in the state;
Looks at the lush rich,
What are idols in gold and silver;
Looking at beauty and beauty
Looks at the sublime mind,
Looks at the forces of boldness
And sharpens the blade of the scythe.

Death, trembling of nature and fear!
We are pride, united with poverty;
Today is God, tomorrow is dust;
Today flattering hope is flattering,
And tomorrow: where are you, man?
As soon as the hours passed,
Chaos flew into the abyss,
And all, like a dream, your age has passed.

Like a dream, like a sweet dream
My youth is gone too;
Beauty is not very undead,
Not so much delights joy
Not so much a frivolous mind,
It's not so much that I'm happy;
Tormented by the desire for honor,
Calling, I hear glory noise.

But that's how courage will pass
And together with him the desire for glory;
Wealth acquisition blowjob
And in the heart of all passions excitement
He will pass away, he will pass into his line.
Go away happiness is possible,
You are all changeable and false here:
I stand at the door of eternity.

Die this day or tomorrow
Perfiliev! we owe, of course,
Why torment and mourn,
That your mortal friend did not live forever?
Life is heaven's instant gift;
Set her to rest
And with your pure soul
Bless the fate of the blow.