Ready-made portfolio of a primary student. Portfolio Templates for Primary School Students

Today I want to show you a sample of filling out a student's portfolio. I will describe what photos and texts to place on the pages. In this article, I will use .

The portfolio template consists of 42 pages. Of course, you can fill in all the pages that are included in the portfolio, but this is a lot. We create universal templates from various pages. We strive to meet all the requirements of schools and kindergartens. Also, do not forget that the pages must be printed, and the price of each A4 sheet varies from 30 to 50 rubles.


On the title page it is necessary to write: The name of the educational institution in full. (For example: " Municipal budgetaryeducational institution"Secondary school No. 35"); Surname Name Patronymic of the child; date of birth; city, the beginning of maintaining a portfolio and its end. The photo of the child can be placed in a frame, or it can be completely cut out from the background and the photo of the child can be placed in full growth (depending on the template).


  • My portrait

On the page "My portrait" or "Meet me, it's me!", we place the most beautiful photo that reflects the character of the child. We write an interesting story about the child, his autobiography, character, hobbies, habits.

  • My name

On the “My Name” page, we write the meaning of the child’s name (can be downloaded on the Internet) or the story - Why did they call their baby that. Photo of your child.

On the My Family page, write a story about your family, traditions, travels, hobbies, whatever you love to do together. Or just describe each member of your family, grandparents, siblings. Post a family photo here as well.

  • My parents

On this page we talk about mom and dad. What they do, are interested in and who they work with. We talk about common activities with children.
For example: “My mom and I do yoga”, “we go to football with dad”, “Mom taught me how to cook”, etc.
It will also be interesting to write a short story about your family, about family traditions and customs.
This includes photos of parents with a child, and general photos of the whole family.

  • My city; My village

Page "My city", "My village", "My little homeland". You can call it in different ways, depending on where you live.

What do we write on this page? Of course, all the most interesting things about your city, village, region. Historical facts, interesting stories that happened in your city, everything that your favorite city or village is famous for. If you do not know how to write, then feel free to find a lot of information on the Internet!
It is possible that you yourself will learn a lot about your city!
And of course, on this page you need to put photos of all or only the most beautiful places in your city.

This page should make your kid proud of his city!

  • My friends

My friends page. One of the most interesting portfolio pages. Put pictures of cheerful playing children on this page. if there are a lot of friends, then you can simply limit yourself to writing the name and surname of the children. Well, if there is a place on the page, then be sure to write interesting stories of the acquaintance of children or some kind of joint adventure. Children quickly forget such events, and after reading this story in a couple of years, the kid seems to live it again.

  • My hobbies

On the "My Hobbies" page, write a short story about what your child is interested in. Here you can also write about classes in the sports section, studying at a music school or other educational institutions of additional education. And pictures, the more the better.

How to fill in the rest of the pages, read the next article.

The word “portfolio”, which is still incomprehensible to many, is firmly entering our lives. Now it accompanies a person from early childhood. We will try to tell what it is and why a student needs it. The term "portfolio" itself came to us from the Italian language: portfolio in translation means "folder with documents", "specialist's folder".

When to start building a portfolio?

In recent years, the practice of designing a student's portfolio has become widespread. Today it is mandatory in many educational institutions. Even preschool institutions are introducing into their work activities to collect the success of the child. The first-grader already needs to start designing his folder of achievements. Of course, it is very difficult for a child who is studying in elementary school to do this on his own, so more often the preparation of this folder is done by parents. Parents' questions and surprises are quite natural, because at one time they did not encounter such a requirement. In our article we will try to answer the question of how to make a portfolio for a student.

Why does a student need a “folder with documents”, and what should be in it?

Tracking all the successes and results of any activity of the child is a good practice, because it helps adults to reveal the versatility of the child's personality. Yes, and it is important for a small person to be aware of his first achievements in order to develop further. Information about the child, his family, environment, school success, certificates and diplomas received for participating in various school and extracurricular activities, photographs, creative works that show the knowledge, skills, skills of the child - all this is a kind of presentation of skills, interests, hobbies and abilities of the child. The collected information will be useful when moving to another school or further choosing specialized classes and when entering a higher educational institution. The main goal of the primary school student's portfolio is to reveal all the advantages of the child and reveal his inner potential through a structural collection of his work, grades and achievements. This helps to form a child's motivation for activity, teach him to set goals and achieve success.

Portfolio is a creative product

Having decided to start designing a portfolio of a 1st grade student, you first need to think through its components, decide which sections or chapters will be included in it, what they will be called. Very often, primary school teachers prefer a uniform structure for all students, and therefore, informing you that you need to draw up a portfolio, at the same time they will offer its approximate plan. In this case, parents do not have to puzzle over the components on their own. By and large, a student's portfolio is a creative document, and not a single regulatory act contains clear requirements for it prescribed by the state.

Every parent understands that the first grade is an important period in a child's life: getting to know teachers and classmates, gradually growing up and increasing independence. Moving from kindergarten to school, where everything is new and unusual, the child experiences a little stress, the student's portfolio helps to quickly get used to the new place. The sample of its compilation may vary depending on the class and school, but it must contain information about the child and his parents (legal representatives), about his hobbies and hobbies. All this data will help children quickly find new friends and common interests with classmates, and it will be easier for the teacher to organize the learning process and conversations with children.

General form - individual content

Each school or even each class can develop its own student portfolio, a sample of which will be offered by the teacher to children and parents, but still this folder is something like a “calling card” of the child, and therefore it should reflect his personality.

Template selection

Children will not be interested in simple sheets, notes, photographs, they will be much more attracted to a cheerful colorful design. Therefore, to begin with, select templates for the student's portfolio that can be easily found today. And then, together with the child, choose the appropriate one. If you couldn’t find anything you need, then you can create a template yourself that will best meet your plan. Not every parent will be able to create a template on their own, and even if they cope with this task, they will have to spend a lot of time. That is why ready-made templates for student portfolios, which can be edited quickly and easily, are so popular.

Characters adored by children can be used in the design. Boys, for example, love cars. Portfolios with racing cars are just right for those who love racing and speed. Girls prefer princesses or fairies as a design element. It must be remembered that pictures with your favorite characters should not distract from the content, their role is to tune in a positive way when opening a folder.

What to tell about yourself

The first section of a primary school student's portfolio usually includes personal information. This is the title page, where the name, surname are indicated, and a photograph of the child is placed, which he must choose himself. Also, this section may include an CV, a story about yourself, a list of long-term and short-term study plans. The child must be involved in filling out, encouraging his initiative. Let him write about the qualities of character that he has, about his favorite activities and hobbies, talk about the city in which he lives, about relatives and friends, about those with whom he is friends, about his name or surname, about school and class . You can also write a dream about what the student wants to be when he grows up. The student can even place the routine of the day he follows. He should describe everything he is interested in and what he considers important.

The child, filling out the folder, can make small discoveries - for example, read for the first time about the origin of the name and surname.

Describing your world is not easy.

The first part may have its own subsections. Perhaps they will be included in the finished student portfolio, which you will create yourself, taking into account the individuality of the child. If your child is passionate about reading, create a section called "My Favorite Books". Passion for nature can be reflected in the "My Pets" part.

The portfolio is not filled out forever, it will be replenished and changed over time. If a child writes answers to the question “What can I do and love to do”, then by the fourth grade the information entered by the first grader will definitely lose its relevance. Therefore, regular filling work at least several times a year will bring more benefits.

Section of successes and achievements

If the child has already accumulated letters and diplomas received for participating in various school competitions, then parents have no choice but to make a portfolio for the student. You can place them in chronological order or divide them into sections, for example, "Success in studies" and "Merit in sports", although all his accomplishments are important for a younger student. This part will contain information relating mainly to studies and creative activities. These data will be replenished gradually over the years of study at school.

In the achievement of a first grader, you can attach the first prescription, a successful drawing or application.

If the event the child participated in was covered by the media, newspaper clippings or web pages with the message can be printed for the student's portfolio.

Children choose their own classes and attend classes in circles, sections and clubs. Information about them can also be taken out in a separate section. There may be information about the institution that the student attends.

How do I learn?

Educational activity, as the main one in the life of a child of primary school age, should be given a separate section. There may be not only a table like a school report card, but also successfully completed test papers, the first notebooks, a sheet with the first five. Reading metrics can also be included here.

Already in elementary school in the modern education system, children are encouraged to make a portfolio. How many comments can be heard from parents about this. Indeed, education is often shifted to parents, who need to have modern printers (color), scanners, etc. at home.

From the experience of a teacher, the situation is such that not all parents understand what e-mail is, not to mention the presence of color printing devices. Let's try to figure out how to design the title page of a primary school student's portfolio on this page.

Usually the teacher voices his requirements for registration, but if the child was absent or missed this information, you can use the following recommendations.

The title page of the portfolio contains information:

  • the name of the institution;
  • surname, name, patronymic of the student;
  • photo (optional) - at the request of the child.

The class is not indicated, since the portfolio can represent the achievements of the student over several years.

In fact, an elementary school student's portfolio represents a folder of your child's achievements. It is very convenient to use folders - files and a folder - folder.

In separate folders, you can put: letters, drawings, applications, etc. In the end, as the student grows up, mostly letters are needed. They are used to participate in various competitions and olympiads. As a rule, there are restrictions on a certain period of time. The word "student" cuts the ear a little, suggests a student or a student, but the education standard of the Federal State Educational Standard defines it that way. The child is studying at school.

You can add a section like autobiography. The child can briefly write about himself. The achievements folder contains information not only about diplomas, but also about participation in various competitions and events.

And if you do not have a color printer, but your child is active and is engaged in sections and circles, believe me, his portfolio will be more valuable than a bright one printed from the Internet, although it looks simpler. But these will be his personal achievements, which both you and your child have the right to be proud of, and complete the design of the title page of the portfolio on a black and white printer.

Not every school has made it a rule to start a portfolio for a student. So far, the idea is carried out as an experiment. However, most likely the portfolio will still become a mandatory attribute of each student. I want to suggest options:

1. Where to start?

The personal portfolio of a high school student of a specialized school is presented in the form of personal diaries. With their help, boys and girls, together with a psychologist, teacher, class teacher, conduct a reflexive analysis of the changes taking place with them at the stage of transition from school childhood to adulthood. These changes relate to strengthening individual resources, strengthening the leadership position as the basis of the future sphere of professional activity, focusing activity to ensure future success in life. The text of the manual is presented in such a way that its individual pages can be reproduced and used as a visual handout for working in class hours and elective courses. Based on the content of the proposed materials, the teacher and psychologist can form various portfolio options at their discretion. For class teachers, psychologists, organizers of educational work in the system of school and additional education.

Portfolio writing is indeed most relevant in middle and elementary school. And the question is: does a portfolio have a right to exist in elementary school, and if so, in what form can it be presented? Of course, many sections from Portfolio-9 are not suitable. What can replace them? Should the portfolio be complex or limited to one part of it? All these questions can be answered by reflecting on what are the main goals and objectives of maintaining a portfolio in the primary grades.

2. Goals and objectives.

One of the main tasks of education and upbringing in elementary school (I hope!) Is to identify and develop the individual creative abilities of the child. And here is how Olga Ukhanova1, a teacher from St. Petersburg, defines the main goals and objectives of maintaining a portfolio in primary grades:
- creating a situation of success for each student, increasing self-esteem and confidence in their own abilities;
- maximum disclosure of the individual abilities of each child;
- development of cognitive interests of students and the formation of readiness for independent knowledge;
- formation of an orientation towards creative activity and skills of creative activity, development of motivation for further creative growth;
- the formation of positive moral and ethical qualities of the individual;
- acquisition of reflection skills2, the formation of the ability to analyze one's own interests, inclinations, needs and correlate them with the available opportunities (“I am real”, “I am ideal”);
- formation of life ideals, stimulation of the desire for self-improvement.
To solve these problems (in the opinion of many experts), it is necessary to shift the focus, focusing not on the portfolio of documents, but on the portfolio of creative works. In other words, the "CREATIVE WORKS" section should become the main and main one, the "Official Documents" section should fade into the background and be used only as an application!

"The daily creative process of the student must be recorded." This is the portfolio motto recommended in elementary school.

2 Reflection - a tendency to analyze one's experiences, to reflect on one's inner state. Reflection on oneself, knowledge and analysis of one's own mental processes and states. It disrupts a person's life and reduces his adaptation both in case of excess and lack of self-knowledge.

3. The main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation!

The absolute value of the portfolio lies in the fact that it helps to increase the student's self-esteem, maximize the disclosure of the individual capabilities of each child, and develop motivation for further creative growth. Therefore, it is extremely important to learn for yourself and explain to the child that compiling a portfolio is not a race for diplomas and all kinds of certificates! It is the process of participation in educational activities or creative work that is important, and not its result.

Long-term studies of psychologists have forced many specialists in the field of education to accept the point of view, according to which the leading characteristic of a creative person should be considered not “outstanding abilities” (high intelligence, creativity, etc.), but her motivation3 (life goals). It is she who is considered by many as a decisive factor in the realization of the creative potential of the individual.

3 Motivation - incentives that cause activity and determine its direction.

4. What does an elementary school student's portfolio look like?

There are no strict requirements (state standard) at the moment. And it pleases! After all, working on a portfolio is a good opportunity to express yourself, approach this task creatively, come up with something of your own, original. As a rule, the school administration gives advice, recommendations on design. The only thing to be wary of is that the portfolio of an elementary school student is not called “Portfolio of My Achievements” (“My Achievements”, etc.) and that a section documenting these achievements (all kinds of diplomas and certificates). We will talk about the dangers of this approach a little further. In the meantime, let me remind you that in order to “fight” against this kind of obligation and other “administrative distortions”, there is such a body as the school board of trustees. Protect the interests of your children. Take action!

5. A possible option for compiling a portfolio of an elementary school student.

5.1. Approximate portfolio structure

(for self coloring)

1. Download the separator sheets and insert sheets and print them out.

2. Coloring black and white sheets.

3. Fill out the title page.

4. We put the title page, dividers and inserts into the folder, supplement it with suitable materials (see detailed recommendations below in chapter 5.3).

5. Fill in the last sheet "Contents".

5.3. How and with what to fill the portfolio of an elementary school student


Contains basic information (last name, first name and patronymic; educational institution, class), contact information and photo of the student.

We consider it important to let the child choose a photo for the title page. Do not put pressure on him and persuade him to choose a strict portrait. Give him the opportunity to show himself as he presents himself and wants to introduce himself to others.


Here you can put any information that is interesting and important for the child. Possible sheet titles:
"My name" - information about what the name means, you can write about famous people who bore and bear this name. If the child has a rare or interesting surname, you can find information about what it means.
"My family" - here you can tell about each family member or write a short story about your family.
"My city" - a story about his native city (village, village), about its interesting places. Here you can also place a route diagram drawn with the child from home to school. It is important that dangerous places (crossings, traffic lights) are marked on it.
"My friends" - photos of friends, information about their interests, hobbies.
"My Hobbies" - a short story about what the child is fond of. Here you can also write about classes in the sports section, studying at a music school or other educational institutions of additional education.
"My school" - a story about the school and teachers.
"My favorite school subjects" - short notes about my favorite school subjects, built on the principle "I like ... because ...". Also a good option with the name "School subjects". At the same time, the child can speak about each subject, finding in it something important and necessary for himself.


In this section, the headings of the sheets are dedicated to a specific school subject. The student fills this section with well-written test papers, interesting projects, reviews of books read, reading speed growth charts, and creative work.


All activities that are carried out outside the framework of educational activities can be attributed to social work (assignments). Maybe the child played a role in a school play, or read poetry at a solemn line, or designed a wall newspaper for the holiday, or performed at a matinee ... There are a lot of options. It is desirable to design this section using photographs and short messages on the topic.


In this section, the child puts his creative work: drawings, fairy tales, poems. If a bulky work (handicraft) has been completed, you need to place a photo of it. Parents need to give complete freedom to the child when filling this section!

Important! If the work took part in an exhibition or participated in a competition, it is also necessary to provide information about this event: name, when, where and by whom it was held.

It would be nice to add a photo to this post. If the event was covered in the media or the Internet - you need to find this information. If carried out by the Internet portal, make a printout of the thematic page


In primary school, children take an active part in excursion and educational programs, go to the theater, to exhibitions, visit museums. At the end of the excursion or hike, it is necessary to offer the child a creative homework, completing which, he will not only remember the content of the excursion, but also get the opportunity to express his impressions. If this is not practiced at school, it makes sense for parents to come to the aid of the teacher and develop and reproduce a standard form of the "Creative Assignment". At the end of the academic year, it is possible to hold a presentation of creative tasks with the obligatory awarding of the best works in several categories.


Letters, certificates, diplomas, letters of thanks, as well as final attestation sheets are placed here. Moreover, in elementary school, one should not separate the importance of academic success (commendation sheet) and success, for example, in sports (diploma). It is better to choose the location not in order of importance, but, for example, in chronological order.


In the portfolio of an elementary school student, this section is not often included. It's a pity! Nothing boosts a child's self-esteem like a teacher's positive assessment of his efforts. Unfortunately, schoolchildren's diaries are full of either unpleasant remarks like "Not ready for the lesson!", Or nothing reflective praise like "Well done!". But what if instead of the same "Well done!" to give a small review in the portfolio? For example: “I took an active part in preparing for the extra-curricular event “The Price of Victory”. Learned and recited the poem. I independently prepared a wall newspaper, while involving my comrades in the design.

We consider it important to add a feedback sheet, as well as a form where teachers can express their recommendations and wishes, for example, at the end of the school year.


At the beginning of the new academic year, it is necessary to carefully study the portfolio, analyze the material collected in it. When moving to the senior class, the contents of all sections must be completely updated.
Less significant works and documents are extracted (can be placed in a separate folder), and what is of greater value is placed in a special section. It could be titled "WORK I'M PROUD OF"


Do not get carried away with the design of this sheet, as it will have to be updated quite often.

6. Important to remember.

In the first grade, when a child is just starting to work on compiling a portfolio, he cannot do without the help of his parents. But as he grows older, this help should be minimized. From the very beginning, try to build the work of the child in such a way that he himself makes some efforts to form a portfolio. In the process of work, the process of comprehending one's achievements, forming a personal attitude to the results obtained and realizing one's capabilities inevitably takes place.

Gradually, "man for the community" gives way to "man for himself." Noticed? Therefore, one of the goals of pedagogy has now become the education in the child not of social abstract needs, but of what he needs personally for his self-realization.

How to fill out a portfolio of a primary school student? A portfolio template can be filled out using graphic editors, and then completely finished pages with photos and text content are printed out. To do this, you need to know how to: crop (insert, change) the size of the picture (photo) and enter the necessary text on the portfolio page, save (without damaging the template). If you have at least a basic knowledge of special programs, then this may be one of the options.

Only here you need to take into account that you print out the portfolio, collect it in a folder and give it to the school (including sheets that have not yet been filled out), where the portfolio will be collected gradually and the children will make changes and additions to it already with the teachers. All this, respectively, is done by hand. And for this, ready-made templates have an empty template design, you can write on it by hand or fill it out using graphic programs. Now most portfolios for schoolchildren are made according to this principle - they are printed according to a template with a colorful design, and the children fill them in with their answers and notes. And in order to fill out the portfolio manually, it is better to take a gel pen so that there is no undue pressure on the paper.
But which way of filling is closer to you is up to you to choose. Who likes which one more. Ideally, it would be great if the child himself participated in filling it out, because the idea of ​​​​the portfolio itself is the development and identification of the individual creative abilities of the child.
The blank template in the portfolio is specially designed so that it can be filled both in a graphic editor and manually. For this, the color and tone of the template and pictures are specially selected.

The second question is what to fill in? ...

To do this, you need to know what a portfolio is.

A portfolio is a way of recording, accumulating and evaluating the individual achievements of a student in a certain period of his education. The portfolio allows taking into account the results achieved by the student in various types of activities (educational, creative, social communication, etc.) and is an important element of a practice-oriented approach to education.
The purpose of the portfolio is to act as an individual cumulative assessment and, along with the results of the exams, to determine the ranking of the graduates of the basic school.

One of the main tasks of education and upbringing in elementary school is the identification and development of the individual creative abilities of the child.

The motto of working with the portfolio of an elementary school student is "The daily creative process of the student must be recorded."

From all of the above, it follows that the portfolio is, as it were, a piggy bank of the child's achievements in the learning process. According to teachers, the main emphasis should be placed not on the portfolio of documents, but on the portfolio of creative works. In other words, the "CREATIVE WORKS" section should become the main and main one, the "Official Documents" section should fade into the background and be used only as an application!

An approximate variant of how and with what to fill a portfolio!


Contains basic information (last name, first name and patronymic; educational institution, class), contact information and photo of the student.

It is important to let the child choose a photo for the title page. Do not put pressure on him and persuade him to choose a strict portrait. Give him the opportunity to show himself as he presents himself and wants to introduce himself to others.


Here you can put any information that is interesting and important for the child. Possible sheet titles:
· "My name" - information about what the name means, you can write about famous people who bore and bear this name. If the child has a rare or interesting surname, you can find information about what it means.
· "My family" - here you can tell about each family member or write a short story about your family.
· "My city" - a story about his native city (village, village), about its interesting places. Here you can also place a route diagram drawn with the child from home to school. It is important that dangerous places (crossings, traffic lights) are marked on it.
· "My friends" - photos of friends, information about their interests, hobbies.
· "My hobbies" - a short story about what the child is fond of. Here you can also write about classes in the sports section, studying at a music school or other educational institutions of additional education.
· "My school" - a story about the school and teachers.
· "My favorite school subjects" - short notes about my favorite school subjects, built on the principle "I like ... because ...". Also a good option with the name "School subjects". At the same time, the child can speak about each subject, finding in it something important and necessary for himself.
"My zodiac sign" Here you can tell what the zodiac sign is and what abilities and personal qualities people born under this sign have.


In this section, the headings of the sheets are dedicated to a specific school subject. The student fills this section with well-written tests, interesting projects, reviews of books read, reading speed growth charts, creative work, essays and dictations

Literary reading - Literature
Here the child writes the authors and the title of the books he has read. Also, this section can be supplemented with a brief description of what was read and a small “review”.

Russian language
Section for written essays, literary works, dictations, etc.

Section for written work in mathematics

Foreign language
This section is filled with works on the study of a foreign language.

The world
In the portfolio of a first-grader, this section is filled with works on the subject of "the world around us."

Here are printouts of works performed on the computer.

This section can be supplemented with photographs or originals of the work performed in the labor lesson

Physical culture - Physical education
In this section, the results of the child's sports development are noted.

Fine Arts - IZO
This section can be supplemented with photographs or originals of works made in the fine arts class.

This section celebrates the musical achievements of the student


All activities that are carried out outside the framework of educational activities can be attributed to social work - assignments. Maybe the child played a role in a school play, or read poetry at a solemn line, or designed a wall newspaper for the holiday, or performed at a matinee ... There are a lot of options. It is desirable to design this section using photographs and short messages on the topic.


In this section, the child puts his creative work: drawings, fairy tales, poems. If a bulky work is done - a handicraft, you need to place a photo of it. Parents need to give complete freedom to the child when filling this section!

Important! If the work took part in an exhibition or participated in a competition, it is also necessary to provide information about this event: name, when, where and by whom it was held.

It would be nice to add a photo to this post. If the event was covered in the media or the Internet - you need to find this information. If carried out by the Internet portal, make a printout of the thematic page


In elementary school, children take an active part in sightseeing and educational programs, go to the theater, to exhibitions, visit museums. At the end of the excursion or hike, it is necessary to offer the child a creative homework, completing which, he will not only remember the content of the excursion, but also get the opportunity to express his impressions. If this is not practiced at school, it makes sense for parents to come to the aid of the teacher and develop and reproduce a standard form of the "Creative Assignment". At the end of the academic year, it is possible to hold a presentation of creative tasks with the obligatory awarding of the best works in several categories.


Letters, certificates, diplomas, letters of thanks, as well as final attestation sheets are placed here. Moreover, in elementary school one should not separate the importance of academic success - a commendable list and success, for example, in sports - a diploma. It is better to choose the location not in order of importance, but, for example, in chronological order.


In the portfolio of an elementary school student, this section is not often included. It's a pity! Nothing boosts a child's self-esteem like a teacher's positive assessment of his efforts. Unfortunately, schoolchildren's diaries are full of either unpleasant remarks like "Not ready for the lesson!", Or nothing reflective praise like "Well done!". But what if instead of the same "Well done!" to give a small review in the portfolio? For example: “I took an active part in preparing for the extra-curricular event “The Price of Victory”. Learned and recited the poem. I independently prepared a wall newspaper, while involving my comrades in the design.

I consider it important to add a feedback sheet, as well as a form - an empty template where teachers can express their recommendations and wishes, for example, at the end of the school year.


At the beginning of the new academic year, it is necessary to carefully study the portfolio, analyze the material collected in it. When moving to the senior class, the contents of all sections must be completely updated.
Less significant works and documents are extracted (can be placed in a separate folder), and what is of great value is placed in a special section. It could be titled "WORK I'M PROUD OF"

And this is not the limit, since no one limits us here and you can come up with many more pages that help discover your child's abilities and knowledge!