Characteristics of a boy with bad behavior. Characteristics of a student with inappropriate behavior

Title: "Characteristics per student" - a selection of psychological and pedagogical characteristics (more than 50 pieces), as well as instructions and recommendations for writing your own characteristics.
Year of publication: 2009 - 12
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Number of pages: many
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Characteristics per student- one of the most demanded documents in the work of a class teacher, head teacher, teacher-psychologist or social pedagogue.

Har-ki used in educational practice are divided into three main types - psychological, pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical. In this collection, we have collected all three types of characteristics, as well as samples, templates and recommendations for writing them.

In the archive, which is available for download at the link located at the end of this article, you will find examples of ready-made characteristics for students of different classes, samples of positive characteristics for successful students and negative ones for weak ones, recommendations and templates for writing any type of hacks on your own.

Total included in the collection more than 70 ready-made characteristics + Forms, templates and recommendations for their writing.

In most cases, the chart includes the following sections:

1. General information about the student. (Last name, first name, patronymic, age, grade, nationality, information about parents, etc.).
2. State of health and physical development.
3. Conditions of family education.
4. Interests of the student.
5. Intellectual development.
6. Features of temperament.
7. Volitional qualities.
8. Communication skills in relation to the class team and teachers.
9. The level of claims and self-esteem
10. Moral and ethical qualities

  • Pedagogical and psychological characteristics (more than 70 items)
  • The article “How to write a characterization for a student (school, college, university)? "
  • Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student's personality. Methodical instructions. (21 pages)
  • Scheme for compiling the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child for admission to school
  • Template "Characteristics of the student"
  • Brief description of the "difficult" child
  • The scheme of drawing up a psychological and pedagogical characterization.
  • Map of the psychological characteristics of the personality development of a teenager
  • Blank diagram "Characteristics of the student."

Over 100 documents in total!

Feature samples:

A sample of the psychological characteristics of a first grader:

Characteristics of a 1st grade student

General information about the student:
FULL NAME. student: Michael K.
Date of birth: 19.09.2003

Child's family:
Family composition: social orphan, pupil of an orphanage

Health status: normal

Class teacher complaints: at the lessons he is engaged in extraneous matters, walks around the class. The main time of the educational process can run around the classroom, crawl under tables, climb into boxes. Behavior is often inadequate: screaming for no apparent reason. The program material does not assimilate, does not keep up with the general pace of the class, experiences difficulties in learning.

During the psychological examination of K. M., the following features were noted:
Makes contact with difficulty; closedness, passivity is observed. Does not show interest in communication, contact is superficial. Cognitive interest in the tasks presented is unstable, the volume of stable working capacity is narrowed. The reaction to the comments is present, but expressed in a weak form. Study skills are developed to a very low degree. Reading skills are also very poor. He often gives incorrect answers to questions regarding awareness of the world around him (the amount of knowledge about the world around him does not correspond to the age norm; this knowledge is fragmentary and unsystematic).

Characteristics of verbal intelligence:
Needs simplification of questions and instructions for assignments. Dialogic speech is poorly developed. The conceptual vocabulary is poor; has difficulty explaining abstract concepts. The general outlook is limited, knowledge about the surrounding world is fragmentary and unsystematic. The ability to perform simple counting operations is poorly developed, it is difficult to perform arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.

Emotional-volitional sphere: active, active, motor disinhibition is observed.

Attention: attention is superficial, quickly depleted.

Memory: the level of memory development is low (the volume of short-term operative memory is narrowed), however, there were no gross memory impairments.

Thinking: visually effective. A psychological examination revealed a low level of verbal-logical and visual-figurative thinking. Has difficulty making logical connections.

performance: low

Nature of activity: activity is unstable. In the situation of the examination, inhibition is noted (slowness, rigidity of mental processes; he does not perform some tasks or performs slowly, thinks for a long time, is silent, he refused to perform the “graphic dictation”, then began to perform); in other separate situations (the educational process and during breaks), disinhibition is observed (the child is active).

Learnability: low, help uses insufficiently.

In order to provide comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical support for the child, K. Mikhail is sent to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Teachers-psychologists MOU secondary school No.


Sample: pedagogical characteristics for the average student

Pupils 10 "G" of secondary school No. 192 in Minsk
Kharchuk Anna Sergeevna
date of birth 01/09/1990,
residing at:
st. 50 years of Victory 18-73
phone 000-01-20

Kharchuk Anna has been studying at school No. 196 since the first grade under the 12-year program. During her studies, she established herself as a student with average abilities. The average score of training is 5-6.

Does homework regularly.

Anna has sufficiently developed educational skills and abilities. Vocabulary, literacy level correspond to the age norm. Spoken language prevails over written language. Occasionally distracted in the classroom, the average level of learning material, is interested in the humanities, loves to read books. Anna knows how to plan educational work, highlight the main thing in the educational material and systematize it.

There are no absenteeisms without a valid reason.

In the classroom, he does not create conflict situations, but strives to be the center of attention of others. Anna shows interest in school and classroom activities and takes part in them. Attends preparatory courses at the College of Communications.

Anna is brought up in a complete, prosperous family. The child has all the conditions for the formation of him as a person.

Director of School No. 192

Cl. supervisor


Characteristics for a 4th grade student:

Ivanov D. (11 years old)

Pupil 4 "a" class MOU secondary school No. Bobruisk, 05.08.98 born, residing at: st. house sq.

Dmitry has been studying at secondary school No. for the third year. Grades 1-2 studied at secondary school no. The second class was duplicated.
Parents create conditions for the development of the child. Assist with homework assignments on a regular basis. The boy is always well-groomed and prepared for schoolwork.

D. easily and quickly establishes contact, shows interest, willingly fulfills instructions, and asks questions in case of misunderstanding.

The child experiences constant difficulties in learning, does not cope with the educational material, does not keep up with the general pace of the class.

performance: extremely low; during the lesson he often experiences drowsiness, complains of a headache. By the end of the lesson, the number of errors increases. Does not always understand the requirements of the teacher.

Attention insufficiently stable, quickly depleted.

Memory does not meet conventionally accepted age norms.

Reading technique low. Reading unfamiliar and complex words is syllabic. Answers questions in monosyllables, does not give detailed answers. Can't cope with tasks of increased difficulty. Does not have time to write assignments "from dictation". He does not have time to complete tests together with the whole class, he constantly needs individual help.

The teacher used various types of assistance to overcome the difficulties found, the most effective was the facilitation and individualization of tasks (without time limits).

Learnability: low, help uses insufficiently. Can perform a simple task according to the model, however, the transfer of knowledge is difficult.

Thinking: visually effective. A psychological examination revealed a low level of verbal-logical and visual-figurative thinking. Experiencing difficulties in establishing logical connections, generalization.

The stock of general ideas corresponds to the age.

Shortcomings of the lexical and grammatical side of speech are noted. The boy is brought up in a bilingual environment.
Extract from the protocol of psychological research according to the method of Veksler dated 28.02.06.

The child is emotionally stable, very friendly. There are no comments on behavior at school. Relationships with peers are smooth.

criticality: adequate (rejoices at approval, waits for it; corrects behavior in accordance with the remark).

In order to provide comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical support for the child, D. is sent to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

4th grade teacher

per student ___ class

MOU "Secondary School No. ___", _________


The year of birth

The student has been studying at school No. __ since ___ years.

During his studies, he showed weak abilities in many disciplines of the school curriculum, due to the fact that the teenager has absolutely no desire to learn. The student does not prepare homework, he works in the classroom only when it is necessary to urgently correct unsatisfactory grades, and then with repeated reminders from the teacher. It is almost impossible to convince a teenager of the need for systematic work, since he does not respond to all the teacher's comments. He is systematically late for classes, motivated by poor health, leaves the lessons when he pleases. She does not wear school supplies, explaining this by forgetfulness. The state of health is unsatisfactory, the teenager often gets sick.

Repeated conversations with the student, with the student's mother, discussion of behavior at councils for the prevention of offenses, meetings with the director do not give positive results. The teenager is on the intra-school record due to the presence of absences from classes without a good reason.

Emotionally labile, tense, anxious, exhausted, rigid, irritable. The student repeatedly attended conversations with the school psychologist. Relationships with peers are superficial. Good-natured, ready to help a friend. Self-esteem is inadequate, does not notice the ridicule of classmates, uncritically assesses his status in the team. He is indifferent to the social life of the class. Participation in school and classroom activities is mediocre. He spends his free time with friends, despite repeated conversations and offers to organize employment after classes.

The student is brought up in an incomplete family, the parents are divorced. Mother PhD, works as a teacher at the university. The relationship with the mother is conflicted. The mother regularly visits the school on the call of the class teacher and principal. The family was visited at home, where there is everything necessary for successful education and upbringing.

per student ___ class

MOU "Secondary School No. __", _____


The year of birth

The student has been studying at school No. ___ since the first grade.

During his studies, he showed weak abilities in many disciplines of the school curriculum, due to the fact that the teenager has absolutely no desire to learn. The student does not prepare homework, he works in the classroom only when it is necessary to urgently correct unsatisfactory grades, and then with repeated reminders from the teacher. Misses school for no good reason. She does not wear school supplies, explaining this by forgetfulness. The state of health is satisfactory.

Repeated conversations with the student, with the student's mother, discussion of behavior at councils for the prevention of offenses, meetings with the director do not give positive results. The teenager is registered with the school.

At school, the Student does not show aggression, there are no conflicts with teachers, he is on friendly terms with classmates. The student repeatedly attended conversations with the school psychologist. He is indifferent to the social life of the class. Participation in school and classroom activities is mediocre. He spends his free time with friends, despite repeated conversations and offers to organize employment after classes.

The student is brought up in a complete family. Mother regularly visits the school on the call of the class teacher and administration. The family was visited at home, where there is everything necessary for successful education and upbringing.

The characteristic is written for an overgrown student of the 2nd grade, registered in the Higher School of Education, PDN, drug office, with poor academic performance.

The FI has been studying at the MBOU "Secondary School No." since September 1, 2015 at the age of 15, until that moment he did not study (due to the issue of determining guardianship and place of residence). Currently studying in 2nd grade. I did not master the program material of the 1st grade due to missing lessons, lack of desire to study, control and assistance to the school by the guardian.

Gregory started classes on 09/01/2016. For the first month of training, he did not attend classes from 09/07/16. On 09/15/16, for health reasons, there is a certificate from a doctor. He was also absent ..., at the moment there are no supporting documents about the absence. According to the results of the first quarter, the FI was not certified in the main (Russian language, reading, mathematics, the world around) subjects.

He does not try to master the program material in the main subjects, especially in the Russian language, since he is not interested in either the process of obtaining knowledge or the end result. Regularly late for classes, does not consider it necessary to bring school supplies to school, even if some of them are available.

Reading skills are practically not formed: he does not know letters, cannot merge into syllables, confuses letters, cannot follow the text. Does not retell, does not learn program works by heart. Written skills are poorly formed: can write individual letters, words; cannot correctly write off a small text, makes spelling mistakes when copying. Cannot translate from printed to written text, write from dictation. Math Skills: Can count to 100 or more. Solve simple problems if the teacher reads them. Does not know the names of the components when adding and subtracting. He behaves passively in class, does not answer questions, does not consider it necessary to take part in the lesson. Grigory does not complete the full amount of work in the lesson, he has difficulty doing written work, since academic debt for missed classes is not eliminated.

Speech is undeveloped, vocabulary is meager, does not know how to select synonyms, antonyms, finds it difficult to interpret some words. Mental development at a low level. The program material does not assimilate. The physical development of Gregory corresponds to his age, at the moment he has an exemption from physical education lessons.

Gregory practically does not communicate with classmates, conflicts periodically arise, with students from other classes, school staff; ignores generally accepted rules of behavior in public places.

He is friends with high school students who are on the intra-school register and registered with the OPDN in the Kuibyshev district.

Does not recognize social activity, ignores its implementation.

If there are sports, artistic, aesthetic, scientific circles, as well as extracurricular activities in 5 areas, the FI is not involved in any of them.

Has bad habits: smoking, foul language.

Brought up by guardian full name, pensioner. The guardian does not enjoy authority and respect among the teenager; he cannot have a positive influence on Gregory. He comes to school only after numerous requests from the class teacher.

Grigory is registered at the OPDN, at the Higher School of Education, in a teenage drug office.

Currently registered with the Inspectorate for ... district of the city ...

To download material or !

A characteristic for a difficult student requires from the teacher who composes it not only psychological knowledge, but also the ability to analyze the situation from different angles. Such a document is intended to provide the most complete information about the student's personality and help plan developmental assistance to the child himself.

In what cases is a characteristic required for a difficult teenager?

A characterization for a difficult student is usually compiled as planned (when moving to the next stage of education, when transferring to another educational institution, visiting a military registration and enlistment office) or at the request (requirement) of other authorities: law enforcement agencies, social services, other services working with minors.

In this case, the document provides the requesting authority with information about the child and the opportunity to draw conclusions: what is the reason for the problematic behavior, absenteeism or poor academic performance of the student. The information obtained is usually used in planning appropriate assistance - holding parents accountable, corrective and preventive measures with the child, medical treatment, etc.

Characteristics for a difficult student: plan

Any characteristic is an official document, so it must be correctly drawn up. Information should be presented in chunks, with each paragraph describing one aspect of the child's development. The document must be certified by persons from among the teachers who have the greatest experience in communicating with the child (class teacher, teacher-psychologist, teacher-defectologist) and the head (director or his deputy). If the characteristic is not printed on the letterhead of the institution, then at the top, in front of the "cap", all the details of the school are indicated.

A characteristic for a student (a difficult teenager or an exemplary excellent student) is also compiled according to a certain algorithm, which includes the following information:

  • general data about the student (name, age, where he lives and in what conditions, state of health);
  • (social well-being, status, material standard of living);
  • pedagogical information: academic performance, peculiarities of behavior in the classroom, cognitive interest, attitude to social activities;
  • psychosocial development of the child (development of mental functions, personality traits, sociometric status in the group, social influence on development, tendency to deviant behavior: delinquency, self-destructive actions);
  • extracurricular interests and aptitudes.

Student Social Information

The characterization of a difficult student implies the disclosure of the reasons for his poor academic performance or difficult education. A great influence in such negative moments is given to the social situation of development. This is:

  • family influence (incomplete and large families, the presence of addictions in parents, criminal records, violence and conflicts in the family);
  • low material well-being in the family;
  • the presence of seriously ill close relatives who are in direct contact with the child;
  • difficult life circumstances (for example, resettlement from "hot spots").

A characteristic of a difficult elementary school student should also include information about the child's visits to kindergartens, correctional groups (whether he was registered with defectologists), how the development of basic physical and mental functions corresponds to the norm. Thus, organic features of development are excluded from the causes of poor progress and a conclusion is made about pedagogical neglect, which will become the subject of correction in the future.

deviant teenager

In the language of psychologists, "difficult teenager" is a fairly broad designation. Specialists single out deviant adolescents (whose personality and social situation of development lead them to deviant behavior) and pedagogically neglected children who do not have an interest in learning, do not have the skill of learning activities, and academic performance suffers. In order for the characteristic to give an idea of ​​a particular child, these psychological moments should be analyzed in it:

  • development of motivation for learning, cognitive functions (thinking, speech, attention, memory);
  • normal emotional state of the child;
  • personality traits, character;
  • physical and psychological traces of child abuse;
  • the presence of cases of deviant behavior (bad habits, offenses);
  • communication with peers in the classroom, a group of friends);
  • interests and useful activities.

An example of a characteristic for a difficult student

Vasilisa Vasilyeva started her studies at... (school) 2 years ago. Before that, she was a student of ... (school), from where she transferred due to a conflict situation in the class. In this educational institution, Vasilisa showed herself as a difficult student with reduced motivation for the educational process.

Vasilisa lives in an incomplete father, is in prison, mother, Vasilyeva V.V., is unemployed, has an alcohol addiction. Raising a child is occasionally engaged, most of the time the girl is left to herself. The material well-being of the family is low: Vasilisa does not have all the necessary items of seasonal clothing (in winter she wears autumn boots), sometimes she asks her classmates for money for lunch. The girl left the previous educational institution because she created a conflict situation in the team - she stole money from a classmate.

During the lessons, Vasilisa behaves passively, does not delve into the learning process, does not do her homework. Progress is low, there are no favorite subjects. Often skips classes, sometimes for a good reason (sick, has chronic bronchitis).

By nature, Vasilisa is a closed, uncommunicative, distrustful girl. With classmates behaves detachedly, tries to avoid them. He reacts coldly to comments, without interest, but not aggressively.

With Vasilisa, it is planned to conduct remedial classes with a psychologist, as well as bringing to social services information about the child's family situation as unfavorable for full development.

At the end put the date and signature.


student 7 B class MBOU secondary school No. 2

Nefedov Danila Ruslanovich

2003 year of birth.

Danil has been studying at this school since the 5th grade.

Student Health and Development:

The child is physically and mentally developed, completely healthy.

There are no signs of increased nervousness; outbursts of anger, aggressiveness towards peers, towards teachers are not observed, there is also no tendency to destructive actions.

In terms of pathological desires, Danil does not smoke, does not drink alcohol, but in September 2016 he was convicted of trying to use toxic drugs, specifically gasoline.

The teenager is not registered at the dispensary.

Information about parents, family:

Mom - Nefedova Alina Vladimirovna, has an incomplete higher education, works as a seller in a store.

Daniel has a younger brother , Nefedov Yegor Ruslanovich, born on September 1, 2016, who lives in the city of Rzhev with his grandmother (in connection with his studies at the gymnasium).

The family belongs to the category of socially stable, well-to-do. The child's parents are divorced. Children are raised by their mother. The father does not provide financial support, the children do not keep in touch with him.

family type:

Mom is morally stable, has a culture of upbringing, the emotional atmosphere of the family is positive;

The family belongs to the category of prosperous, pedagogically competent (the parent owns the culture of education); the child is under constant control by the mother, constant awareness of the interests, the behavior of the child in and out of school).

The family is non-conflict, a prosperous emotional atmosphere reigns in the family.

Relationship between parent and child:

In the family, there is an attitude of mutual respect, a joint experience of joys, grief, care from the mother, interest in the successes and failures of the child, readiness to help in solving any situations. There is a trusting relationship between mother and Danilo.

Organization of the regime of work and rest:

The child helps around the house. Follows the daily routine. The mother of the child regularly helps and supervises the completion of homework.

During leisure, the child spends time with his mother, during the holidays he goes to his grandmother in the city of Rzhev.

Features of educational activities:

The student manages to "3" and "4", is not engaged in full force.

Attitude towards teaching: neutral.

Teaching motives: cognitive interest in certain subjects (Russian language and literature, physical education), seeks to earn the approval of adults, in particular from mothers and grandmothers.

Position in the class team, attitude to the team:

The position of the student in the team: accepted.

In the class, he is closest to Artur Semerenko. The nature of mutual influence is observed.

Relations with other classmates: equal. Danil is influenced by his environment. By nature: extrovert (constantly focused on communication, easy to contact, curious, open, full of attention to others).

Attitude towards public opinion: active-positive (strives to correct shortcomings, take into account comments).

5. Attitude towards social activities and socially useful work:

He always performs public assignments with readiness, conscientiously.

He always takes an active part in the labor affairs of the class, always makes presentations at class hours.

In the 6th grade, he participated in the reading competition "Literary Readings" (school level). But he lacks confidence - he is embarrassed to speak in front of a large audience.

Danil is interested in the following activities: physical, organizational, sports.

At the beginning of the school year, he attended a boxing club.

Actively visits parks and libraries with the class during the holidays.

Responsible for public assignments. Interested in sports. Actively participates in the social life of the school and class.

7. Features of the sphere of free communication of the student:

“Street” communication during the week is allocated 8-9 hours. You should be home by 8 or 9 pm.

Outside the class, he had friendly relations with Alexei (a housemate, studying in the 8th grade of MBOU secondary school No. 2). At the moment, he stopped close communication with him at the request of Daniel's mother, since Alexei exerted a negative influence on Danil.

Preferred place of street communication (yard);

8. Personal self-esteem:

Level of self-esteem: adequate (correctly evaluates his positive and negative qualities, personal capabilities and achievements).

9. Features of behavior:

Daniel is very responsive, helps elders and everyone around him.

The negative actions (misconduct) of the student had the following character: at the beginning of the school year he was late for classes, after a conversation with his mother he corrected himself.

10. What educational measures were used by whom, when, their results: Interviews with the child's mother were regularly and continue to be conducted as needed (eg, being late for lessons, poor academic performance). Results: the child adequately responds to all comments and strives to correct his shortcomings.

11. Proposed measures necessary for the correction of a minor:

Constant cooperation with the parents of the child in terms of organizing the education and upbringing of the child. Monitoring school attendance, academic performance, homework.

School Principal (signature, full name, seal) ______________________

Cl. head (signature, full name)____________________