Qualitative reactions of organic and inorganic. Qualitative reactions to organic substances, anions, cations

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov - nihilist, student, studying to be a doctor. In nihilism, he is Arkady's mentor, protesting against the liberal ideas of the Kirsanov brothers and the conservative views of his parents. Revolutionary democrat, raznochinets. By the end of the novel, he falls in love with Odintsova, betraying his nihilistic views on love. Love turned out to be a test for Bazarov. Dies of blood poisoning at the end of the novel.

Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov - landowner, liberal, father of Arkady, widower. Loves music and poetry. Interested in progressive ideas, including in agriculture. At the beginning of the novel, he is ashamed of his love for Fenechka, a woman from the common people, but then marries her.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - the elder brother of Nikolai Petrovich, a retired officer, an aristocrat, a proud, self-confident, ardent supporter of liberalism. Often argues with Bazarov about love, nature, aristocracy, art, science. Lonely. In his youth, he experienced a tragic love. He sees in Fenechka Princess R., with whom he was in love. He hates Bazarov and challenges him to a duel, in which he receives a slight wound in the leg.

Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov is a recent graduate of St. Petersburg University and a friend of Bazarov. Becomes a nihilist under the influence of Bazarov, but then abandons these ideas.

Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov - Bazarov's father, a retired army surgeon. Not rich. Manages his wife's estate. Moderately educated and enlightened, he feels that rural life has left him isolated from modern ideas. He adheres to generally conservative views, is religious, loves his son.

Arina Vlasyevna is Bazarov's mother. It is she who owns the village of the Bazarovs and 22 souls of serfs. A devout follower of Orthodoxy. Very superstitious. Suspicious and sentimental-sensitive. She loves her son, deeply concerned about his renunciation of the faith.

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova is a wealthy widow who hosts nihilist friends on her estate. He sympathizes with Bazarov, but after his confession does not reciprocate.

Ekaterina Sergeevna Lokteva - sister of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, a quiet girl, invisible in the shadow of her sister, plays the clavichord. Arkady spends a lot of time with her, languishing in love with Anna. But later he realizes his love for Katya. At the end of the novel, Catherine marries Arkady.

Fenechka is the mother of Nikolai Petrovich's child. Lives with him in the same house. At the end of the work, she marries Nikolai Petrovich.


Villains, monsters and other fictional creatures from movies, literature, cartoons, myths, legends and comics

Heroes of the work of fathers and children

I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons": description, characters, analysis of the novel

Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" reveals several problems at once. One reflects the conflict of generations and clearly demonstrates a way to get out of it, preserving the main thing - the value of the family. The second one demonstrates the processes taking place in the society of that time. Through dialogues and skillfully crafted images of heroes, a type of public figure that has barely begun to emerge is presented, denying all the foundations of the existing statehood and ridiculing such moral and ethical values ​​as love feelings and sincere affection.

Ivan Sergeevich himself does not take sides in the work. As an author, he condemns both the nobility and representatives of new social and political movements, clearly showing that the value of life and sincere affection is much higher than rebelliousness and political passions.

Of all the works of Turgenev, the novel "Fathers and Sons" was the only one written in a short time. From the moment the idea was born to the first publication of the manuscript, only two years passed.

The first thoughts about the new story came to the writer in August 1860 during his stay in England on the Isle of Wight. This was facilitated by Turgenev's acquaintance with a provincial young doctor. Fate pushed them in bad weather on the railway and under the pressure of circumstances, they talked with Ivan Sergeevich all night. New acquaintances were shown those ideas that the reader could later observe in Bazarov's speeches. The doctor became the prototype of the main character.

In the autumn of the same year, upon his return to Paris, Turgenev worked out the plot of the novel and began writing chapters. Within six months, half of the manuscript was ready, and he finished it after his arrival in Russia, in the middle of the summer of 1861.

Until the spring of 1862, reading his novel to friends and giving the manuscript for reading to the editor of the Russian Messenger, Turgenev made corrections to the work. In March of the same year, the novel was published. This version was slightly different from the edition that was published six months later. In it, Bazarov was presented in a more unsightly light and the image of the main character was a bit repulsive.

The protagonist of the novel, the nihilist Bazarov, together with the young nobleman Arkady Kirsanov, arrives at the Kirsanovs' estate, where the protagonist meets his friend's father and uncle.

Pavel Petrovich is a refined aristocrat who absolutely does not like either Bazarov or the ideas and values ​​​​he shows. Bazarov also does not remain in debt, and no less actively and passionately, he speaks out against the values ​​and morals of the old people.

After that, young people get acquainted with the recently widowed Anna Odintsova. They both fall in love with her, but temporarily hide it not only from the object of adoration, but also from each other. The protagonist is ashamed to admit that he, who spoke vehemently against romanticism and love affection, now suffers from these feelings himself.

The young nobleman begins to be jealous of the lady of the heart for Bazarov, there are omissions between friends and, as a result, Bazarov tells Anna about his feelings. Odintsova prefers him a quiet life and a marriage of convenience.

Gradually, relations between Bazarov and Arkady deteriorate, and Arkady himself is fond of Anna's younger sister Ekaterina.

Relations between the older generation of the Kirsanovs and Bazarov are heating up, it comes to a duel, in which Pavel Petrovich is injured. This puts a bullet between Arkady and Bazarov, and the main character has to return to his father's house. There he becomes infected with a deadly disease and dies in the arms of his own parents.

At the end of the novel, Anna Sergeevna Odintsova marries for convenience, Arkady and Ekaterina, as well as Fenechka and Nikolai Petrovich, marry. They play their weddings on the same day. Uncle Arkady leaves the estate and goes to live abroad.

Bazarov is a medical student, by social status, a simple man, the son of a military doctor. He is seriously interested in the natural sciences, shares the beliefs of nihilists and denies romantic attachments. He is self-confident, proud, ironic and mocking. Bazarov does not like to talk much.

In addition to love, the protagonist does not share admiration for art, has little faith in medicine, regardless of the education he receives. Not referring to himself as a romantic nature, Bazarov loves beautiful women and, at the same time, despises them.

The most interesting moment in the novel is when the hero himself begins to experience those feelings, the existence of which he denied and ridiculed. Turgenev clearly demonstrates the intrapersonal conflict, at the moment when the feelings and beliefs of a person diverge.

One of the central characters of Turgenev's novel is a young and educated nobleman. He is only 23 years old and barely graduated from university. Due to his youth and temperament, he is naive and easily falls under the influence of Bazarov. Outwardly, he shares the beliefs of the nihilists, but in his heart, and further in the story it is clear, he appears as a generous, gentle and very sentimental young man. Over time, the hero himself understands this.

Unlike Bazarov, Arkady likes to speak a lot and beautifully, he is emotional, cheerful and values ​​affection. He believes in marriage. Despite the conflict between fathers and children shown at the beginning of the novel, Arkady loves both his uncle and his father.

Odintsova Anna Sergeevna is an early widowed rich person who at one time married not out of love, but out of calculation in order to save herself from poverty. One of the main characters of the novel loves peace and her own independence. She never loved anyone and never became attached to anyone.

For the main characters, she looks beautiful and inaccessible, because she does not reciprocate with anyone. Even after the death of the hero, she remarries, and again by calculation.

The younger sister of the widow Odintsova, Katya, is very young. She is only 20 years old. Catherine is one of the most endearing and pleasant characters in the novel. She is kind, sociable, observant and at the same time demonstrates independence and obstinacy, which only paint a young lady. She comes from a family of poor nobles. Her parents died when she was only 12 years old. Since then, she has been raised by her older sister, Anna. Ekaterina is afraid of her and feels uncomfortable under the gaze of Odintsova.

The girl loves nature, thinks a lot, she is direct and not flirtatious.

Father of Arkady (brother of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov). Widower. He is 44 years old, he is a completely harmless person and an undemanding owner. He is soft, kind, attached to his son. By nature, he is a romantic, he likes music, nature, poetry. Nikolai Petrovich loves a quiet, calm, measured life in the countryside.

At one time he married for love and lived happily in marriage until his wife died. For many years he could not come to his senses after the death of his beloved, but over the years he found love again and she became Fenechka, a simple and poor girl.

Refined aristocrat, 45 years old, uncle of Arkady. At one time he served as an officer of the guard, but because of Princess R. his life changed. A secular lion in the past, a heartthrob who easily won the love of women. All his life he built in the English style, read newspapers in a foreign language, conducted business and life.

Kirsanov is a clear adherent of liberal views and a man of principles. He is self-confident, proud and mocking. Love at one time knocked him down, and from a lover of noisy companies, he became an ardent misanthrope who in every possible way avoided the company of people. In his heart, the hero is unhappy and at the end of the novel he finds himself far from his loved ones.

The main plot of Turgenev's novel, which has become classic, is Bazarov's conflict with the society in which he found himself by the will of fate. A society that does not support his views and ideals.

The conditional plot of the plot is the appearance of the main character in the Kirsanovs' house. In the course of communication with other characters, conflicts and clashes of views are demonstrated, which test Evgeny's beliefs for stamina. This also happens within the framework of the main love line - in the relationship between Bazarov and Odintsova.

Contradiction is the main technique that the author used when writing the novel. It is reflected not only in its title and is demonstrated in the conflict, but also reflected in the repetition of the protagonist's route. Bazarov ends up twice on the Kirsanovs' estate, visits Odintsova twice, and also returns twice to his parents' house.

The denouement of the plot is the death of the protagonist, with which the writer wanted to demonstrate the collapse of the thoughts expressed by the hero throughout the novel.

In his work, Turgenev clearly showed that in the cycle of all ideologies and political disputes there is a large, complex and diverse life, where traditional values, nature, art, love and sincere, deep affections always win.

Heroes of the work of fathers and children
Analysis of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" with a description of the main characters and characters
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Summary of "Fathers and Sons"

Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" was written in 1861. He was immediately destined to become a symbol of the era. The author especially clearly expressed the problem of the relationship between two generations.

To understand the plot of the work, we suggest reading "Fathers and Sons" in a summary of the chapters. The retelling was made by a teacher of Russian literature, it reflects all the important points of the work.

Average reading time is 8 minutes.

Evgeny Bazarov- a young man, a medical student, a vivid representative of nihilism, a trend when a person denies everything in the world.

Arkady Kirsanov- a recent student who arrived at the estate of his parents. Under the influence of Bazarov, he is fond of nihilism. At the end of the novel, he realizes that he cannot live like this and refuses the idea.

Kirsanov Nikolai Petrovich- landowner, widower, father of Arkady. Lives on the estate with Fenechka, who bore him a son. Adheres to advanced ideas, loves poetry and music.

Kirsanov Pavel Petrovich- Aristocrat, ex-military. Brother of Nikolai Kirsanov and uncle of Arkady. A bright representative of the liberals.

Bazarov Vasily Ivanovich- retired army surgeon, father of Eugene. Lives on his wife's estate, is not rich. Engaged in medical practice.

Bazarova Arina Vlasevna- Eugene's mother, a pious and very superstitious woman. Uneducated.

Odintsova Anna Sergeevna- a rich widow who sympathizes with Bazarov. But he values ​​peace more in his life.

Lokteva Katya- Anna Sergeevna's sister, a modest and quiet girl. Marries Arkady.

bauble- a young woman who has a little son from Nikolai Kirsanov.

Viktor Sitnikov- an acquaintance of Arkady and Bazarov.

Evdokia Kukshina- An acquaintance of Sitnikov, who shares the beliefs of nihilists.

Matvey Kolyazin- city official

The action begins in the spring of 1859. At the inn, the small landowner Kirsanov Nikolai Petrovich is waiting for the arrival of his son. He is a widower, lives on a small estate and has 200 souls. In his youth, he was predicted to have a military career, but a small leg injury prevented him. He studied at the university, got married and began to live in the countryside. 10 years after the birth of his son, his wife dies, and Nikolai Petrovich goes headlong into the household and raising his son. When Arkady grew up, his father sent him to St. Petersburg to study. There he lived with him for three years and returned to his village again. He is very worried before the meeting, especially since his son is not traveling alone.

Arkady introduces his father to a friend and asks him not to stand on ceremony. Eugene is a simple person, and you can not be shy about him. Bazarov decides to go in a tarantass, and Nikolai Petrovich and Arkady sit down in a carriage.

During the journey, the father cannot calm down his joy at meeting his son, all the time he tries to hug him, asks about his friend. Arkady is a little shy. He tries to show his indifference and speaks in a cheeky tone. He keeps turning to Bazarov, as if he is afraid that he will hear his reflections on the beauty of nature, that he is interested in the affairs of the estate.

Nikolai Petrovich says that the estate has not changed. Hesitating a little, he informs his son that the girl Fenya lives with him, and immediately hurries to say that she can leave if Arkady wants it. The son replies that it is not necessary. Both feel awkward and change the topic of conversation.

Looking at the desolation that reigned around, Arkady thinks about the benefits of transformations, but he does not understand how to bring them to life. The conversation smoothly flows to the beauty of nature. Kirsanov Sr. is trying to recite Pushkin's poem. He is interrupted by Yevgeny, who asks Arkady to smoke. Nikolai Petrovich falls silent and is silent until the end of the journey.

No one met them at the manor house, only an old servant and a girl who appeared for a moment. Leaving the carriage, the elder Kirsanov leads the guests into the living room, where he asks the servant to serve dinner. At the door they encounter a handsome and very well-groomed elderly man. This is the elder brother of Nikolai Kirsanov, Pavel Petrovich. His impeccable appearance stands out strongly against the background of the untidy-looking Bazarov. An acquaintance took place, after which the young people went to clean themselves up before dinner. Pavel Petrovich, in their absence, begins to ask his brother about Bazarov, whose appearance he did not like.

During the meal, the conversation did not stick. Everyone spoke little, especially Eugene. After eating, everyone immediately went to their rooms. Bazarov told Arkady his impressions of the meeting with his relatives. They quickly fell asleep. The Kirsanov brothers did not sleep for a long time: Nikolai Petrovich kept thinking about his son, Pavel Petrovich looked thoughtfully at the fire, and Fenechka looked at her little sleeping son, whose father was Nikolai Kirsanov. The summary of the novel "Fathers and Sons" does not convey all the feelings that the characters experience.

Waking up before everyone else, Eugene goes for a walk to explore the surroundings. The boys follow him and everyone goes to the swamp to catch frogs.

The Kirsanovs are going to drink tea on the veranda. Arkady goes to the affected sick Fenichka, learns about the existence of a little brother. He rejoices and blames his father for hiding the fact of the birth of another son. Nikolai Kirsanov is touched and doesn't know what to say.

The older Kirsanovs are interested in the absence of Bazarov and Arkady talks about him, says that he is a nihilist, a person who does not take principles for granted. Bazarov returned with the frogs, which he carried to the experiment room.

During a joint morning tea, a serious dispute flares up in the company between Pavel Petrovich and Evgeny. Both do not try to hide their dislike for each other. Nikolai Kirsanov is trying to turn the conversation in a different direction and asks Bazarov to help him with the choice of fertilizers. He agrees.

In order to somehow change Yevgeny's mockery of Pavel Petrovich, Arkady decides to tell his friend his story.

Pavel Petrovich was a military man. Women adored him, and men envied him. At 28, his career was just beginning and he could go far. But Kirsanov fell in love with one princess. She had no children, but had an old husband. She led the life of a windy coquette, but Pavel fell deeply in love and could not live without her. After parting, he suffered greatly, left the service and traveled all over the world for her for 4 years.

Returning to his homeland, he tried to lead the same way of life as before, but, having learned about the death of his beloved, he left for the village to his brother, who at that time became a widower.

Pavel Petrovich does not know what to do with himself: he is present during the conversation between the manager and Nikolai Kirsanov, he goes to Fenechka to look at little Mitya.

The story of the acquaintance of Nikolai Kirsanov and Fenechka: three years ago he met her in a tavern, where things were going badly for her and her mother. Kirsanov took them to the estate, fell in love with a girl, and after the death of her mother began to live with her.

Bazarov meets Fenechka and the child, says that he is a doctor, and if the need arises, they can contact him without hesitation. Hearing Nikolai Kirsanov playing the cello, Bazarov laughs, which disapproves of Arkady.

In two weeks, everyone got used to Bazarov, but they treated him differently: the courtyards loved him, Pavel Kirsanov hated him, and Nikolai Petrovich doubted his influence on his son. Once, he overheard a conversation between Arkady and Eugene. Bazarov called him a retired man, which offended him very much. Nikolai complained to his brother, who decided to rebuff the young nihilist.

An unpleasant conversation took place during an evening tea party. Calling one landowner "rubbish aristocrat", Bazarov aroused the displeasure of the elder Kirsanov, who began to assert that by following the principles, a person benefits society. Eugene in response accused him of also living meaninglessly, like other aristocrats. Pavel Petrovich objected that the nihilists, by their denial, were only aggravating the situation in Russia.

A serious dispute broke out, which Bazarov called senseless, and the young people left. Nikolai Petrovich suddenly remembered how a long time ago, being just as young, he had quarreled with his mother, who did not understand him. Now the same misunderstanding arose between him and his son. The parallel of fathers and children is the main thing that the author pays attention to.

Before going to bed, all the inhabitants of the estate were occupied with their thoughts. Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov goes to his favorite gazebo, where he remembers his wife and reflects on life. Pavel Petrovich looks into the night sky and thinks about his own. Bazarov invites Arkady to go to the city and visit an old friend.

Friends left for the city, where they spent time in the company of a friend of the Bazarov family, Matvey Ilyin, visited the governor and received an invitation to the ball. An old acquaintance of Bazarov, Sitnikov, invited them to visit Evdokia Kukshina.

They did not like visiting Kukshina, as the hostess looked untidy, carried on meaningless conversations, asked a bunch of questions, but did not expect answers to them. In conversation, she constantly jumped from subject to subject. During this visit, the name of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova was mentioned for the first time.

Arriving at the ball, friends get acquainted with Odintsova, a sweet and attractive woman. She shows attention to Arkady, asking him about everything. He talks about his friend and Anna Sergeevna invites them to visit.

Odintsova interested Evgeny with her dissimilarity to other women, and he agreed to visit her.

Friends come to visit Odintsova. The meeting made an impression on Bazarov and he suddenly became embarrassed.

The story of Odintsova impresses the reader. The girl's father lost and died in the village, leaving his two daughters a ruined estate. Anna did not lose her head and took up the household. I met my future husband and lived with him for 6 years. Then he died, leaving his young wife his fortune. She did not like urban society and most often lived on the estate.

Bazarov did not behave the way he always did, which surprised his friend very much. He talked a lot, talked about medicine, botany. Anna Sergeevna willingly supported the conversation, as she understood the sciences. She treated Arkady like a younger brother. At the end of the conversation, she invited the young people to her estate.

In Nikolskoye, Arkady and Bazarov met other inhabitants. Anna's sister Katya was shy and played the piano. Anna Sergeevna talked a lot with Yevgeny, walked with him in the garden. Arkady, who liked her, seeing her passion for a friend, was a little jealous. A feeling arose between Bazarov and Odintsova.

While living on the estate, Bazarov began to change. He fell in love, despite the fact that he considered this feeling a romantic bilebird. He could not turn away from her and imagined her in his arms. The feeling was mutual, but they did not want to open up to each other.

Bazarov meets his father's manager, who says that his parents are waiting for him, they are worried. Eugene announces the departure. In the evening, a conversation takes place between Bazar and Anna Sergeevna, where they try to understand what each of them wants to get from life.

Bazarov confesses his love to Odintsova. In response, he hears: “You did not understand me,” and feels extremely embarrassed. Anna Sergeevna believes that without Yevgeny she will be calmer and does not accept his confession. Bazarov decides to leave.

There was a not entirely pleasant conversation between Odintsova and Bazarov. He told her that he was leaving, he could stay only on one condition, but it was unrealizable and Anna Sergeevna would never love him.

The next day, Arkady and Bazarov leave for Evgeny's parents. Saying goodbye, Odintsova expresses hope for a meeting. Arkady notices that his friend has changed a lot.

They were received well in the house of the elder Bazarovs. The parents were very happy, but knowing that their son did not approve of such a manifestation of feelings, they tried to be more restrained. During dinner, the father told how he runs the household, and the mother only looked at her son.

After dinner, Eugene refused to talk to his father, citing fatigue. However, he did not fall asleep until morning. In the novel "Fathers and Sons" the description of the relationship between generations is shown better than in other works.

Bazarov spent very little time at his parents' house, as he was bored. He believed that their attention they interfere with his work. There was a dispute between friends, which almost turned into a quarrel. Arkady tried to prove that it was impossible to live like this, Bazarov did not agree with his opinion.

Parents, having learned about Yevgeny's decision to leave, were very upset, but tried not to show their feelings, especially his father. He reassured his son that if he had to leave, then he had to do it. After leaving, the parents were left alone and were very worried that their son had abandoned them.

On the way, Arkady decided to turn into Nikolskoye. Friends were greeted very coldly. Anna Sergeevna did not go down for a long time, and when she appeared, she had a displeased expression on her face and from her speech it was clear that they were not welcome.

In the estate of the Kirsans, the elders were delighted with them. Bazarov began to engage in wholesales and his own frogs. Arkady helped his father in managing the estate, but he constantly thought about the Odintsovs. Finally, having found correspondence between his mothers, his own and Odintsova, he finds an excuse to go to visit them. Arkady is afraid that he will not be welcome, but he alone was greeted warmly and cordially.

Bazarov understands the reason for Arkady's departure and devotes himself completely to work. He retires and no longer argues with the inhabitants of the house. He treats everyone badly, making an exception only for Fenechka.

Once in the gazebo they talked a lot, and, deciding to check their thoughts, Bazarov kissed her on the lips. This was seen by Pavel Petrovich, who silently went into the house. Bazarov felt uncomfortable, his conscience woke up.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is offended by Bazarov's behavior and challenges him to a duel. They do not want to admit to their family the true reasons and say that they shot themselves because of political differences. Yevgeny wounds Kirsanov in the leg.

Having completely ruined his relationship with the Kirsanov seniors, Bazarov leaves for his parents, but on the way he turns into Nikolskoye.

Arkady is more and more interested in Anna Sergeevna's sister, Katya.

Katya talks to Arkady and convinces him that without the influence of a friend, he is completely different, sweet and kind. They try to declare their love to each other, but Arkady gets scared and hurriedly leaves. In his room, he finds Bazarov who has arrived, who told him about what happened in Maryino in his absence. Having met with Odintsova, Bazarov admits his mistakes. They tell each other that they just want to be friends.

Arkady confesses his love to Katya, asks for her hand and she agrees to become his wife. Bazarov says goodbye to his friend, viciously accusing him of being unsuited for decisive matters. Eugene leaves for his parents in the estate.

Living in the parental home, Bazarov does not know what to do. Then he begins to help his father, treats the sick. Opening a peasant who died of typhus, he accidentally wounds himself and becomes infected with typhus. A fever begins, he asks to send for Odintsova. Anna Sergeevna arrives and sees a completely different person. Before dying, Eugene tells her about his real feelings, and then dies.

Six months have passed. Two weddings took place on the same day, Arkady with Katya and Nikolai Petrovich with Fenya. Pavel Petrovich went abroad. Anna Sergeevna also got married, becoming a companion not out of love, but out of conviction.

Life went on and only two old people constantly spent time at the grave of their son, where two Christmas trees grew.

This brief retelling of “Fathers and Sons” will help you understand the main idea and essence of the work; for deeper knowledge, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full version.

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Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was a nobleman whose condition did not cause regret. He had a stable, steady income and was engaged in writing activities for his own realization.

For a long time, the author was limited to writing stories and short stories. He seemed to be saving up strength and life experience for his novels, which brought him worldwide fame. Even his first novel "Rudin", the writer initially defined as a story. Later, the author began to develop everything with novels, and he wrote six works one after another, in ten years.

The history of the creation of the novel "Fathers and Sons"

Turgenev began to publish his novels starting in 1856, and all his works became an integral and important part of Russian literature.

Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" became the fourth novel in the literary activity of the writer. The years of its creation are 1860-1861, when the writer began to feel more confident. By right, this novel is considered the pinnacle of his work, where all the writer's manners are perfectly visible. And today this novel is the most famous work of Ivan Turgenev, and its popularity is still growing, as the plot raises very important issues that are relevant today.

The author tried to convey a lot to the reader. He perfectly depicted how relations develop between people belonging to different social strata. I tried to reflect modern reality, and touched on those topics that people are still interested in. But right there, Ivan Sergeevich himself emphasized more than once that it was very important for him to show his writing skills in the book, and not just gain fame and popularity in the discussion of pressing problems.

A striking example of this is his novel "Fathers and Sons", which was already published in 1862. At this time, the political situation in the country was tense. Finally, serfdom was abolished, Russia and Europe began to draw closer. Hence the various philosophical currents that began to emerge in Russia.

However, the main action of the novel dates back to the time when reforms did not take place in Russia. Approximately the actions of Turgenev's novel can be attributed to 1859. It was Ivan Turgenev who first introduced such a concept as "nihilism", which becomes a new direction in the country's public life and gains popularity.

The protagonist of Turgenev's novel is Evgeny Bazarov. He is just a nihilist. Young people of that time accepted him as an example to follow, highlighting in him such moral qualities as

uncompromising, lack of any respect or admiration for what older or authoritative people say.

Turgenev's hero puts his views above all else. Everything that can be useful or beautiful, but does not coincide with his worldview, everything recedes into the background. This was unusual for the literature of that time, and therefore the phenomenon depicted by the author found such a lively response among readers.

The plot of Turgenev's work "Fathers and Sons"

The action takes place in 1859. Two friends - nihilists come to the Kirsanovs' estate, which is located in Maryino. Arkady met his new friend Yevgeny Bazarov at the institute, where he studied as a doctor. This visit was impatiently awaited by Nikolai Petrovich, who greatly missed his son. But unfortunately, Eugene's relationship with the elder Kirsanovs does not go well, and Eugene decides to leave their hospitable home and moved to a small town in the province.

Arkady leaves with him. Together they have a great time in the company of young people and beautiful girls. But one day at the ball they meet Odintsova, both fall in love with her and go to her estate, accepting the invitation. For some time they live in Nikolskoye, but Evgeny's explanation is not reciprocated, so he leaves. This time he goes to his parents, Arkady goes with him. But the love of the old Bazarovs soon begins to irritate Yevgeny, so they again return to Maryino to the Kirsanov family. Bazarov, who is trying to find an outlet for the love he has for Anna Sergeevna, kisses Fenechka. Pavel Petrovich sees this and challenges him to a duel. All this led to a scandal, and friends part.

But Arkady, who has been visiting Nikolskoye for a long time and is infatuated with Katenka, one day meets Bazarov there as well. After Arkady's explanation and his declaration of love in Katenka, Bazarov returns to his parents. He decides to forget Odintsova, so he begins to act decisively and helps his father treat patients with typhus. Once he became infected when he opened a dead peasant from typhus. He tried to invent a drug that could cure everyone. He gets sick for a long time, and then he dies. Just before his death, he asks Odintsova to come and she fulfills his request. Arkady marries his sister Odintsova, and Nikolai Kirsanov finally decides to legalize relations with Fenechka. His elder brother leaves the country forever and settles abroad.

Heroes of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"

In Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" there are a large number of heroes. Among them are the main characters who influence the entire plot of the novel. There are episodic ones that add color and allow the author to express his thoughts even brighter and more accessible.

The main characters of the work "Fathers and Sons" include the following persons:

★ Bazarov.
★ Brothers Kirsanov: Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich.
★ Arkady Kirsanov.

Bazarov is a student, a nihilist. He plans to become a doctor in the future. Yevgeny Vasilyevich has practically no friends. But now he meets the Kirsanov family. So, he first meets Arkady, who is easily influenced, which is why he tries to impose his nihilist views on him. He does not understand and does not at all want to accept people of the older generation, does not take into account the opinion of his parents. Bazarov is a raznochinets, that is, a person who has broken away from his previously familiar environment. But falling in love with Odintsova, he suddenly changes his views, and it soon turns out that a real romantic lives in his soul. After his death, a religious rite is performed over his body, as a simple and ordinary person.

Nikolai Petrovich is one of the main characters of Turgenev's novel. Kirsanov is a landowner and father of Arkady. He adheres to conservative views, and therefore does not accept Bazarov's nihilism. His wife died a long time ago, but there is another love in his life - for Fenechka, a peasant woman. At the end of the novel, despite all the conventions of society, he marries her. He is romantic, loves music and is good with poetry. His older brother, Pavel Petrovich, is very different in character. Pavel Petrovich was once an officer, but is now retired. He is aristocratic, self-confident, proud. He loves to talk about art and science. Once he was in love, but love ended in tragedy. He has a different attitude towards other heroes: he loves his nephew and brother. He also treats Fenechka well, because she resembles that woman, the princess, with whom he was once in love. But he openly hates Bazarov both for his views and for his behavior, he even challenges him to a duel. In this battle, Pavel Petrovich was slightly wounded.

Arkasha Kirsanov is a friend of Bazarov and the son of the younger brother of the Kirsanovs. He, too, will become a doctor in the future, but for now he is only a student. The nihilist Bazarov has a great influence on him and for some time he adheres to his views and ideas, but, once in his parental home, he refuses them.

There are other characters in Turgenev's novel that cannot be classified as episodic, but they do not have the main role to reveal the plot:

⇒ Bazarov, father of the nihilist Eugene. Vasily Ivanovich was once a surgeon in the army, and is currently retired. He is educated and intelligent, but not rich. He loves his son, but does not share his views, still adhering to conservative ideas.

⇒ Arina Vlasyevna is a pious woman mother of Bazarov. She has a small estate run by her husband and 10-15 serfs. Superstitious and suspicious, she is very worried about her son.

⇒ Odintsov. Anna Sergeevna prefers a calm and measured life. When she listens to a declaration of love from Bazarov, she refuses him, although he was still nice to her. She is rich, and this wealth she inherited from her husband.

⇒ Katenka Lokteva is a quiet and almost invisible girl who is always in the shadow of her sister Odintsova. Arkady is in love with her, who was not immediately able to sort out his feelings, because of the passion for Anna Odintsova. Katenka will marry Arkady.

There are many episodic persons in Turgenev's novel:

Viktor Sitnikov is an adherent of nihilism.
Kukshina is a nihilist, but Eudoxia adheres to these ideas only for her own good.
Fenechka. She gave birth to her master's child, and then became his wife. Because of her, the eldest of the Kirsanovs and Bazarov fights.
Dunya, Fenechka's maid.
Peter, a servant in the Kirsanovs' house.
Princess Nelly R, with whom the elder Kirsanov was once in love.
Kolyazin is a city official.
Loktev is the father of two young and beautiful heroines of Turgenev's novel.
Avdotya Stepanovna is the aunt of young heroines, a princess, but an evil and very harmful old woman.
Timofeevich, clerk.

Critical reviews and ratings

Turgenev's work was perceived differently. For example, readers did not approve of the protagonist of Turgenev's novel, who overstepped many values. But young people, on the contrary, tried their best to support him, believing that the main character of the work is a vivid reflection of the world in which they live.

The opinions of the censors were also divided. An unusual and stormy dispute flared up on the pages of the Sovremennik magazine and the well-known Russian Word. At this time, riots broke out in the city on the Neva, when unknown aggressive young people staged a pogrom. People died as a result of the riots. Many felt that Ivan Turgenev, who wrote the novel Fathers and Sons, was also to blame for this, because only his new phenomenon, like nihilism, could lead to such a result. Some even believed that Turgenev's novel could not be called a work of art.

But there were also those who defended the writer and his novel, believing that these riots would have taken place without Turgenev's work.

Critics agreed on one thing - the novel was written very worthily, from the point of view of artistic literary language. That is why the novel written by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev a century and a half ago for his contemporaries remains relevant today.

Creativity I.S. Turgenev was a huge contribution to the development of Russian literature. Many of his works are well known to readers of different ages. But the most popular was and remains Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons", which became the answer to many questions of the writer's contemporaneity. The history of the creation of the novel "Fathers and Sons" began in 1860, with an idea that visited Ivan Sergeevich.

First stage

Thoughts about creating a new work describing the surrounding reality arose from Turgenev when he was in England on the Isle of Wight. Then he conceives a major story, the hero of which should be a young doctor. The prototype of Bazarov was a young doctor accidentally met by Turgenev while traveling by rail. In it, he saw the beginnings of nihilism, which was only emerging at that time. This struck Ivan Sergeevich. He was simply fascinated by the views of this young man.

Beginning of work

Turgenev begins work directly in 1860. He leaves with his daughter for Paris, settles there and plans to finish work with a new work in a short time. During the first year of work on Fathers and Sons, the writer completes the first half of the novel. He feels great satisfaction from his work. He is madly attracted by the image of Yevgeny Bazarov. But over time, he feels that he can no longer work in Paris. The writer returns home.

Completion of the novel

Returning to Russia gives Turgenev the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of modern social movements. This helps him complete the novel. Shortly before the end of work on Fathers and Sons, a significant event takes place in Russia - the abolition of serfdom. The last chapters of the work are completed by Ivan Sergeevich in his native village of Spassky.

First publications and controversy

For the first time, "Fathers and Sons" appeared to the world on the pages of the popular literary publication "Russian Messenger". As Turgenev feared, Bazarov's ambiguous image provoked a strong reaction in literary circles. His discussion generated a lot of controversy in the press. Many excellent critics devoted their articles to analyzing the ideological content of the novel and characterizing the protagonist. The appearance of a new image, denying everything familiar and beautiful, has become a kind of hymn to the young nihilistic trend.

The last edition of the novel

After the appearance of the novel in the Russian Messenger, Turgenev is engaged in a slight revision of the text of the work. He smooths out some of the particularly sharp character traits of the protagonist, and makes the image of Bazarov more attractive than in the original version. In the autumn of 1862, an edited version of the novel was published. On the title page there is a dedication to Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky. Turgenev and Belinsky were very close friends, and thanks to the influence of Vissarion Grigorievich, some of Ivan Sergeevich's public views were formed.

Roman I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" became a unique work that reflected the eternal confrontation between two generations, not only within the framework of a single family, but also at the level of the socio-political life of the whole country.

In the early 60s of the XIX century, he worked on an essay that excited Russian society. The new book of the writer, where the main characters are fathers and children, tells about the relationship of the old generation with the youth, about the struggle of conservatism with new ideas. The novel is called “Fathers and Sons”.

Features of the writer's work

I.S. Turgenev belongs to the galaxy of great writers of Russian classics. His prose writings are saturated with the aroma of poetics. Popular romances were written to the writer's poems. Turgenev's epistolary heritage is of undoubted value.

Turgenev's novel describes the events that took place on the eve of the tsarist reform, which abolished serfdom. During this period, social groups appear in Russia that assess the past and present of the country in different ways, have their own vision of the future of society.

To understand the idea of ​​the novel, one should study the socio-political situation in Russia in the 19th century and understand the slogans and goals that Westerners and Slavophiles set for themselves.

It is interesting! The author's thoughts about a new novel appeared in August 1860. Then Turgenev was resting on the English Isle of Wight. It was supposed to be a big story. The prototype of the main figure was a doctor from the provinces, with whom the writer happened to once travel by rail.

In autumn, work on the work begins. Ivan Sergeevich plans to finish the novel by April 1861. However, things are going slowly, and by the spring Turgenev manages to write only the first part. The last point in the novel "Fathers and Sons" the writer put in July, being in his native estate.

In September 1861, Turgenev read the manuscript to his friends. Practical statements by P.V. Annenkov encourage him to make changes to the text. In 1862, the novel was published in the March issue of the Russky Vestnik magazine. A separate edition of the novel "Fathers and Sons" with a dedication to V.G. Belinsky saw the light of day six months later.

Storyline of the novel

Arkady Kirsanov, accompanied by a friend of the nihilist Yevgeny Bazarov, arrives at the family estate of Maryino. There is an acquaintance with the father and uncle of Arkady. At dinner, a debate breaks out between young people and the older generation. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich do not find mutual understanding.

At the governor's ball, Yevgeny Bazarov meets Odintsova. Anna Sergeevna invites Bazarov and a friend to come to visit. In Nikolskoye, a nihilist doctor declares his love to a young woman. Odintsova is frightened by the feelings of Eugene in love. Friends leave for the village to Bazarov's father.

The annoying concern of the parents forces Bazarov to leave for Maryino. A duel takes place between Pavel Petrovich and Evgeny Bazarov. The reason was the meaningless kiss of the guest with the young peasant woman Fenechka, who gave birth to Nikolai Petrovich's son Mitya.

Arkady and Eugene realize that they belong to different classes. Kirsanov goes to Nikolskoye, where he proposes to Katya, Odintsova's sister. Bazarov leaves for his parents' village to help his father treat the sick. Anatomizing the corpse of a typhoid patient, Eugene gets blood poisoning. Before his death, Bazarov meets Anna Sergeevna.

Nikolai Petrovich is married to Fenechka. Pavel Petrovich goes abroad. Arkady marries Ekaterina Sergeevna.


Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich are the main characters that determine the title of the novel "Fathers and Sons".

The table, which presents a brief description of the characters, indicates the differences in the images of the two men.

Evgeny BazarovPavel Petrovich
AppearanceLong hair, ugly face with large features, thin lips. Saggy sideburns. Stiff and long fingers.Short gray hair. Attractive, always shaved face of the correct form. Beautiful hands with manicured nails. Uses perfume.
Origin and educationThe son of a regimental doctor, studies at the medical faculty at the university.Hereditary aristocrat, served as an officer in the guards regiment after graduating from the Corps of Pages.
TraitsConfident in his judgments cynic. Not always polite, sometimes behaves defiantly. Hardworking.A shrewd intellectual, distinguished by nobility and honesty. Has a strong will.
Ideological viewsNihilistSlavophile
How was fateDied in the village from blood poisoningHe left for Dresden, where he communicated mainly with the British


One of the main characters in the novel "Fathers and Sons" Yevgeny Bazarov, who receives a medical education at the University of St. Petersburg. A nihilist by conviction, the future doctor does not see the cognitive role of science, does not appreciate art. The young man does not believe in love, romantic relationship between a man and a woman.

Pragmatic principles are proclaimed in disputes with Pavel Petrovich, slipping through in a conversation with Odintsova. The rejection of kindred feelings erects a wall of misunderstanding between Eugene and his parents. The denial of everything and everything is manifested in the untidy appearance of the healer and the old clothes that he wears.

Communicating with people, Evgeny Bazarov wants to look strict and cold-blooded, sometimes mocking and ironic. However, the actions that this hero performs conflict with his words.

All day long, the young doctor Bazarov conducts medical experiments or reads scientific books. Denying love, Eugene falls passionately in love with Anna Sergeevna. Behind the impudent swagger of a debater with ideological opponents lies a vulnerable soul. Bazarov diligently hides tender feelings for his father and mother, who surrounded his son with parental care.

Under the guise of cold practicality hides a living being. A simple peasant woman, Fenechka, who called the doctor a kind person, managed to feel this. In the image of Yevgeny Bazarov, the writer Ivan Turgenev, without realizing it, signs the death sentence for nihilism as a philosophical trend.

Pavel Petrovich

The descendant of the military general Pavel Kirsanov belongs to the category of "fathers" in the novel. Pavel Petrovich received a military education in the Corps of Pages. This prestigious educational institution was graduated from the writer A.N. Radishchev, Decembrist P.I. Pestel, the hero of Borodino, General D.S. Dokhturov and other famous people of Russia.

A brilliant army career is open before the guards officer, but the young man devotes himself to social life. Kirsanov meets Countess R. at one of the receptions. Unrequited love for an eccentric woman makes Pavel Petrovich resign and go abroad.

Having failed to achieve his beloved, the aristocrat returns to his homeland and lives in his brother's village. Pavel Petrovich, a regular in the capital's salons, treats the provincial society of a provincial town with contempt. Liberal Kirsanov likes to talk about lofty matters and does not deal with practical matters.

Important! The image of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is a road to nowhere. All his life the hero of the novel has been chasing chimeras, and boredom constantly looms behind him. Being a highly educated, financially secure person, Paul did not commit a single noble deed.

But something warm and kind is still hidden in the depths of Pavel Petrovich's soul. It is probably no coincidence that Turgenev supplements the last pages of Fathers and Sons with an episode in the church. The old man thinks deeply and for a long time, then he begins to cross himself and pray. Perhaps this is how the writer presents the moments of confessional repentance.

Other characters

The main characters in the novel "Fathers and Sons" interact with several other characters that help to better understand the characters of the central figures of the work.

We list the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Sons":

  1. Nikolai Kirsanov adheres to liberal views. The landowner is interested in art, does not disregard progressive ideas.
  2. Arkady Kirsanov is the eldest son of Nikolai Petrovich. A friend of Bazarov supports the postulates of nihilism. Subsequently, he departs from the fashion trend.
  3. Vasily Bazarov is the father of the protagonist, a former military surgeon. Conservative by conviction.
  4. Arina Vlasyevna Bazarova loves her son immensely.
  5. Anna Sergeevna Odintsova cherishes a calm life extremely, even for the sake of ardent love. Her sister Katerina becomes Arkady's wife.
  6. Fenechka is a village girl who gave birth to Nikolai Kirsanov's second son.

In the novel "Fathers and Sons" there are other characters who appear episodically. Some of them are mentioned in stories about the life of the main characters.

We present a list of them:

  • Victor Sitnikov and Avdotya Kukshina are false adherents of nihilism;
  • Princess R. is the object of Pavel Petrovich's unrequited love;
  • Sergei Nikolaevich Loktev, father of Odintsova, is known as a card player;
  • Avdotya Stepanovna, lives in the house of Anna Sergeevna, her niece.

Criticism about the novel

The publication of the novel "Father and Sons" caused conflicting responses among literary critics. M.A. Antonovich considered Turgenev's work boring and artistically weak work. The critic noticed only the endless reasoning of the characters. The characterization of the heroes represents personalities that the author did not deign to investigate.

The opposite opinion about the novel "Fathers and Sons" is expressed by M.N. Katkov. The publisher and publicist notes the masterful depiction of types, clarity in the presentation of ideas. The novel lacks unnecessary details that slow down the development of the story being told.

N.N. Strakhov compares "Fathers and Sons" with Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector", where laughter is named as the main character. The main character of the novel, according to the literary critic, is life. The critic also notes the poetry of the language of the work.

It is interesting! V.P. Burenin puts Turgenev's work on a par with Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin", Gogol's "Dead Souls", Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time". The critic calls the images of the characters created by the writer alive, woven from flesh and blood.

To understand the versatility of Turgenev's talent, it is recommended to read not only the novel "Fathers and Sons", but also other works of the author in various genres.

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Summing up

I.S. Turgenev is a genius of Russian literature. The writer combines a psychological analysis of a person's character with a response to social processes. Behind the unobtrusive presentation of the plot outline in the novel is a deep study of socio-political relations in the Russian state.

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