How to get a colleague. How to take revenge on the offender - smart ways to take revenge on the misbehavior of people

Showdowns and intrigues at work are a common thing. Almost no company can do without them. What to do if you suddenly find yourself involved in such a “battle”, and one of your colleagues has become your worst enemy? How to harm a colleague at work if he bothers you with his malicious and impudent behavior, stupidity or endless mockery? It's time to take revenge by letting you know that the impudent lunges have got you in order. Learn the intricacies of the "office war" strategy and let your offenders get it in full.

3 harmless ways

  1. The simplest thing is, of course, not to pay any attention to the barbs of a colleague. If the opponent does not find a response, it often causes much more damage than retaliatory aggression.

  1. If you are a quick-tempered person, and you can’t keep calm and equanimity, then you can experience such a method as “mirroring”. Try to "parrot" - copy the opponent's actions, behave in the same dismissive way, say all kinds of nonsense, make fun of him, and offer some nonsense as advice. Let him understand that he is not running into that one.
  2. Pretend that you want to make peace with your enemy. Offer him buns with mayonnaise spread on top of them. The main thing is that it looks like a white cream. Another option is to sprinkle donuts with toothpowder instead of powdered sugar.

If the relationship heats up

  1. In the case when a nasty colleague got not only you, but also the rest of your colleagues, arrange a boycott for him. Let no one pay attention to his presence and answer questions. The effect can be enhanced by hiding his documents for a while. This will make your opponent pretty nervous and break his morale.

  1. When a colleague leaves for a couple of minutes, quickly type the document they are working on into Google Translate and translate it into Arabic or Chinese. And at the same time hide the original in some folder for a while. Let be surprised.

  1. Of the more serious ways to mess up, try the following - use a syringe to pump some Vaseline into the mouse from his laptop. When the enemy gets to work, his hands will become oily due to the evaporation of the vaseline.
  2. Another option for a mouse joke is to put a transparent film under it. The mouse will not react, which will enrage your opponent.
  3. Make a colleague panic by taking a screenshot of their desktop and then waiting for them to go out for lunch or on business. At this time, put a screenshot on his splash screen, and then select the "Turn off showing icons" function. Can you imagine how scared he will be when he starts clicking on the icons? If his suspicion immediately falls on you - make an innocent and stunned face, pretend that you are not in the know. For persuasiveness, start creating the appearance of active assistance to the “victim”, trying to deal with the problem and at the same time dialing the number of the “IT specialist”.
  4. A good old trick, familiar to us from school, is to put a button on the chair. Use this method in the fight against your opponents at work, but after what you have done, be extremely careful when sitting down at your workplace.
  5. The following original and ingenious maneuver is suitable if the chair of a colleague bothering you is light-colored upholstery. Wait for the day when your opponent has a dark bottom and draw a target on the surface of the seat using white chalk.
  6. Sign the enemy's work mail to all conceivable and unthinkable mailing lists. Coming to work in the morning, he will have to spend a lot of time to "rake" mail from all kinds of advertisements and offers. Choose mailing lists as interesting as possible - maybe some tempting offer will catch his eye? At the same time, it will be distracted from work - sometimes it is useful to relax.

When your patience has run out

  1. A more risky way is suitable if the passions were played out in earnest, and the next trick of the hated colleague served as the last straw. Fill the door handles of the car belonging to your worst enemy with superglue - in this case, the only way to open it will be to remove the door. But remember that these are already extreme measures.
  2. If the enemy works in a separate office, quietly close it with a key. It will be funny to hear with what swearing he will begin to try to break out of the lock.
  3. In the case when a colleague behaves rudely and boorishly, saying all sorts of nasty things to you or even threatening you, record this case on a voice recorder. You can do this secretly and then tell the leader about what is happening, providing evidence, but it’s better to do it defiantly first - this way you will intimidate the adversary employee, and he is unlikely to have a desire to swear with you in the future.

Work plays an important role in our life - for each his own. For some, it serves only as a means of making money, while for others it becomes a matter of a lifetime. If you are doing what you really love - you are a real lucky person! What could be better than an activity that helps you realize your potential and reveal all your talents? However, sometimes it happens that a fly in the ointment is found in a barrel of honey, which can spoil the enjoyment of the working process. An important component of life is society, and our mood often depends on the people around us. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to gather employees in one company, each of which would have only positive qualities. This is especially true for large corporations with a large staff. The authorities have to make a difficult choice between character and professionalism, and most often the latter is preferred - while the manager can only turn a blind eye to the difficult character of a colleague. As a result, such colleagues use their position and do what they want. It is they who are able to spoil our lives in order, being the cause of daily spoiled mood and constant stress. How to teach a lesson to a work colleague who is annoying with his rudeness and arrogance? There are several effective ways to help you put down an annoying employee.

If a colleague is a “thorn”

  1. Try taking a picky co-worker out to lunch, and over a cup of coffee, calmly discuss the situation, talking face-to-face about the issue that concerns you. Directness and frankness on your part, coupled with a trusting attitude, in most cases is a very effective technique.
  2. Reduce tense situations and skirmishes with a colleague to a joke, or even "poke fun" at him, showing that you are not offended by his attacks. Faced with your calmness and equanimity, he will understand that you are “too tough for him”, and he will quickly get bored with this business.
  3. If the bully begins, among other things, to speak negatively about the work, listen to him to the end. Then, if you're lucky, you can turn that information against him.
  4. If your colleague is smart and experienced, and finds fault with you on business, do not rush to bicker and argue. Take note of his opinion and think - maybe he only wants the best for you, but due to his persistent or even harsh nature, did you take the behavior of a colleague for aggression? This also often happens. Watch him, maybe he just has a peculiar "bully" manner of communication. In this case, you will have to get used to it. The main thing is not to create negativity in your relationship on your part. Be balanced and reasonable.

How to teach a whistleblower a lesson?

  1. If your colleague is extremely hostile and tries to get you fired by denunciations to superiors, he clearly sees you as a competitor. This behavior needs to be rooted out. In order for the spiteful critic not to have a chance to “wash your bones” again and again, reduce communication with him to a minimum, or better be completely silent. No wonder they say that silence is golden. Discuss all personal matters outside the office, and at work, try to be as less talkative as possible. Don't give the slightest reason for gossip.
  2. A good way to put a slanderer in his place or even get him demoted is a method of disinformation. Inform the scammer knowingly false information, and the more absurd they are, the better. When the authorities realize that they are trying to fool him, your ill-wisher will definitely be unhappy.
  3. Do not try to repay a vile colleague with the “same coin” by complaining about him to the manager. It will not lead to anything good, moreover, it is likely that both of you will get a “cap”. Much more reasonable behavior in relation to the informer would be to ignore his antics.
  4. Put the slanderer in an unfavorable light in front of the team - tell everyone about his behavior. Scammers are not favored, so perhaps this will discourage him from further doing this.
  5. If you like to act decisively and boldly, use harsh, evil humor and irony. So you show the offender that he made a mistake with the choice of the “victim”.

How to behave with boors

  1. Mocking and a condescending smile is the best option for dealing with boors. If you hear rudeness, condemnation, or even name-calling, deliberately confirm the words of the offender and repeat them in relation to yourself, only in an exaggerated form. The opponent will immediately feel hurt and powerless, and in an instant he will “go out”.
  2. Treat your impudent colleague with emphatic affection and kindness, as if you were dealing with a patient in a psychiatric clinic. Agree with him in everything and speak in a deliberately sweet voice. Such a psychological "straitjacket" will instantly lay siege to a violent colleague.
  3. Make an effort and try to overtake a colleague on the career ladder, having achieved a promotion. Then his rudeness will seem like baby talk to you, and you can simply “crush” him like a bug.

How can you take revenge on a colleague at work with the help of magic and independent conspiracies. After all, our every day is connected with work and with the people who surround us there. Almost any work is connected with the communication of a large number of colleagues. Everywhere the law of meanness operates, and here it is not without precedents. In any team, there will definitely be someone who will create trouble for you. Why do they do it? Maybe they envy your success, age, career growth. Maybe they like your place or they are subordinate to you. Well, I really want to take revenge on this harmful colleague or even teach him a lesson. You can often hear employees complaining about their bosses and employers. Yes, very often they behave incorrectly towards their subordinates, and sometimes illegally. But the employees are no better. The boss needs to find an approach to all employees, and he can have tens, hundreds, or even thousands of them. And of course, sometimes you have to resort to punitive measures.

But how to take revenge on a colleague, there are many ways

For example, you can hide important documents, turn the team against him, or enter into an open fight with him. In this case, you will only pat your nerves. Human psychology is such that once a person starts a struggle, it is difficult to stop, and from a simple struggle, the situation can turn into a real tragedy. Therefore, the method of revenge must be chosen deliberately, in accordance with the fault of the person.

I am very familiar with practical magic and find it a great way to get revenge on a colleague at work.

Revenge may not necessarily consist in deteriorating health or appearance. You can direct the power of acting magic to business or career growth. But everywhere there are limits and in magic too. The limit lies in the magic itself. When performing rituals, conspiracies, the performer must be confident, otherwise troubles cannot be avoided. In order for everything to go as you planned, you need the help of a black magician.

  • Magic can be strong get revenge on a work colleague, but you yourself can also fall under its powers.
  • This is possible only if you yourself take responsibility for doing spells, conspiracies.
  • If you turned to a practicing magician for help to take revenge on a work colleague, you have nothing to fear.
  • Your enemy will be punished, and you will be freed from the torment that tormented you.

If your conflict with a colleague has reached its climax, you should not be like his actions and deeds. Choose way to get revenge on people at work, which is used by people who do not want to stir up conflict and spoil their nerves.

Ideally, you should maintain smooth and friendly relations with all employees in the team. However, this is not always possible. People are different, one of them treats you well, while the other can do harm. If you were set up at work, it is insulting and extremely unpleasant, but first of all, you need to minimize the consequences.

If you were set up at work, what to do?

You were framed - a conversation with the boss

The boss calls you to his office and defiantly puts before you a report with errors or a summary of real data that differs markedly from those indicated by you, and you understand that you don’t know where these papers came from, yesterday they looked like -other. It doesn't matter if you suspected that cunning colleagues were going to harm you, or if it really came as a surprise to you, be surprised. Throw up your hands and say that all this is a misunderstanding, the correct report is saved on your computer, and the accountant submitted other information yesterday - here is the paper, seal and signature. Don't yell about being set up and don't point your fingers at your co-workers. A smart leader will come to this conclusion himself. If he asks about your detractors, you can delicately speculate (which you yourself will be sure of) about who could have done this.

Don't give the names of people you suspect of setting you up unless you're sure of it. If you make a mistake, you will be ashamed

Work will not go to Fedot

You are not to blame for the fact that you were set up, but if you did not grab the ill-wisher by the hand, you still have to correct the mistakes. Try to do it as quickly as possible, without moaning about cunning colleagues and without complaining to clients and bosses. The people involved in this story will appreciate both your professionalism and personal qualities.

How to deal with the person who set you up

You may know who set you up, but it is not certain that the boss will decide to fire this person. It is likely that you will continue to work with him in the same company and even in the same office. Despite all your anger and resentment, don't fight. Best of all, do not pay any attention to the colleague who has sat you down - do not help him, do not communicate with him, do not offer to familiarize yourself with the new report form, let someone else do it, do not share sugar with him.

For example, one girl had a colleague who fired everyone who tried to leave ahead of time, even if the deeds were done and the immediate boss let her go - she pawned the higher authorities. P ryam went in the evenings to open space, and everyone sat like that and gnashed their teeth.

One madam was not too lazy to find a package with shoes of a hated colleague in the wardrobe closet, and poured the remains of a salad with mayanesic into this package. On Friday evening, so that by Monday it will be stronger. How calculated? Yes, few people in this office ate such salads, well, it was not difficult to calculate who left in what order on Friday. Colleague cat, in its purest form.

The secretary of the dissertation council had an opinion about who should and who should not be a candidate of science. Only this can explain the fact that in the archive of document templates that he sent me, as well as to all other dissertators, there was not one important template. For 14 pages. Which on my knee, swearing, was made by other colleagues in half an hour, while I stood on defense. It could be taken as a mistake. If two weeks earlier it had not turned out that he “forgot” to tell me (and only me) about the recent change in the standard for linking (they had to be made not 10, but 11 in size), as a result of which I had to reformat in 6 hours layout while maintaining the number of pages (increase the font of links. Remove the overgrown 5 pages of text without changing the meaning and, of course, the numbering of the table of contents), print 6 new copies, sign in three different cabinets, bind them in accordance with the requirements and distribute them to six other cabinets . Our common boss eventually broke him, but my gray hair did not disappear from this.

They never knew who it was. My colleague had a neat box of floppy disks on his desk (yes, that was a long time ago). Someone was not too lazy to find and put a strong industrial magnet in the box.

I had a boss who, in a playful mood, drove up in a chair from behind and jokingly poked me with his nose in the clave. I was 19 years old then, and I couldn’t figure out my feelings - is it funny or should I turn around and punch him in the face

Another grimace of the general wardrobe. A hole was cut in the back of the new fur coat. From the inside, lifting the lining. The girl was driving home in a young man's car, so the option "in the subway" is excluded. She cried, took it down to sew up, went to work in a down jacket and kept her eyes open.

The chief's secretary arbitrarily canceled the girl's performance at the presentation, told everyone that she was sick, she would not be there, the organizers hardly replayed the program. When the girl found where the legs grow from, the secretary, smiling serenely, said that she had warned her by phone. There really were calls, because organizational issues were constantly resolved. The chief preferred not to understand, the monthly preparation of the performance went to waste.

I had a joker at work. Once I saw an open computer with someone else's code, I climbed in and set different signs in a random order. We already knew that he had a strange sense of humor, and when the owner of the computer realized why the hell was going on in his work, we decided the issue in the smoking room. But a piece of code had to be redone.

We had one. I went into the common kitchen, saw a mug of a colleague girl with hot coffee, and with a broad gesture splashed cognac from the cupboard into it. The girl returned for a mug and went with her to the negotiation room, not sensing a set-up - young, non-drinking, unfamiliar spirit. Not only did half of those sitting at the table sniff the air with great bewilderment, but they also took a sip, coughed and drenched themselves. And he didn't even hide it. “Why, she could use some extra courage, haha”

The guy worked in a telephone sales network and left, did not contact when he realized that his replacement was changing new phones in boxes for worn ones (which he had for some reason apparently invisible), but he does not sell such boxes, but puts them on ordinary ones , above. A young man approached the boss, he - “Can you prove it? You can't, so shut up."

The girl came to work from vacation, and found out that her desk was taken by another, and her work materials were thrown out. All. And personal items too. To the logical question “What the hell?” the invader exchanged glances with her friend and cheerfully announced that there was nothing in the boxes. The same couple took another colleague's office laptop for reformatting under some far-fetched pretext. The laptop was listed at the office, the IT people did not specify whose it was specifically.

Appreciate co-workers who are just swearing, sweating loudly, or eating noisily. Let this be the worst thing we all have to face!