How to put protection on a radionics device. Overview of radionics instrument designs

This page is unlikely to ever take on a finished look - it's sick of being a weirdo in the eyes of others - the further you plunge into this fucking rabbit hole, the less you have left of the average person ... Well, what a gift in FIG if even some minuscule you can't use for yourself - everything is only for others - this is not a fucking gift - this is a curse ...

However - all this is true - not quite sober emotions ... Now I have a lot of time and one person asked me to talk about the device that interested my cat so much that he did not part with it all night.

For some reason, the adherents of radionics call this product the “Tesla Coil”, which in my opinion is not particularly correct, well, yes, as they say, God be their judge - if they call it that, then someone needs it ... :o) I repeated it just like that - so that something to occupy my hands with while watching a movie and gave it to my cat - well, he begged me too much for this product ...

Proponents of radionics believe that information also rules the world, and in order to change the world, it is necessary to send the right informational impulse to it. To this end, they create the so-called "generators of desires", which, in their opinion, by strengthening the thought forms generated by man, change reality...

I disagree with them a little, believing that information does not rule the world, but the world itself is information, and I believe that their machines do not work as signal amplifiers, but as signal modulators of other living beings. It's simple: If objective reality is a superposition of thought forms of trillions of living beings, then to change it, it is necessary to create at least a comparable number of thought forms of the desired change in reality. A person is able to generate no more than 1 thought form in a few seconds and therefore it is unrealistic to expect that his dreams will change the world ... On the other hand, there are living beings in our world whose frequency of thought form generation exceeds that of a person by several orders of magnitude, something neutral - we call these creatures "crystals" and do not assume the existence of intelligent life in them ...

"Radionics" believe that their cars amplify their thought forms, which leads to a change in the existing reality ....

My opinion is that "radionics" devices use the property of crystals to generate millions of thought forms per second to change the surrounding reality - their "wish fulfillment machines" modulate the thought forms generated by crystals with the information of the operator, which seems to make it possible to achieve a change in the existing reality in favor of the operator (wish fulfillment). Modulate, not amplify. With the existing density of the universe, a person is not able to generate objective reality - he can only exist in it. Crystals, on the contrary, are still capable of influencing reality, but due to natural features, they do not need this at all ...

I believe that religious buildings, for example, churches, work on this principle:

Many "generators of thought forms" - people - come to the church. For the practical use of this fact, you just need:

  1. Carry out primary filtering of visitors, grouping them according to the "setting" of the thought forms they generate (For convenience, I'll call this setting "frequency", but this is not a frequency in our understanding)
  2. Tune the frequencies of each group to a common "resonant" frequency
  3. Clear the stream of thought forms from the individual information component
  4. Collect cleaned streams from different groups into one by aligning their frequencies
  5. Simulate the powerful cumulative flow of operator information

Clause 1 is carried out by the distribution of visitors to places specially allocated for each type of thought forms - to different icons or different places for installing candles.

P.2 Performed by appropriately selecting the external surroundings of each zone and the entire room as a whole and forcing the "generators" to perform the same type of rituals

P.p. 3-5 are performed by building structural elements and possibly powerful "resonators" of thought forms embedded in the structure (Taken from "places of power" "living" stones?)

The "modulator" is most likely "charged" by clearly not grassroots clergymen, who may not even suspect what kind of objective reality the machine they serve is generating ...

On the other hand, you can do it even easier - to gather a large crowd, make it chant something and let it pass by a special device that collects and purifies the synchronous stream of thought forms from information and the information of the operator that modulates it, as is done in a mausoleum or in any pyramids ...

"Radionics" as a device for collecting and cleaning thought forms often use orgonites, again making them almost always "from the bulldozer" in accordance with their aesthetic preferences and without thinking for what purpose they put this or that object into the orgonite they make.

In general, I give an example of a product that, according to "radio specialists", is capable of taking information from crystals and transmitting it to electrical networks ... When transferring this product to your cat, do not forget to short-circuit the coil contacts: o)

Wish generator, radionics machine, Atlantean healing ring, orgone perfumery,
And also, a unique method of getting answers to all your questions !!!


The principle of operation of all devices is reduced to the concentration of spin energy that carries a bioenergetic charge (positive or negative) in a specific place, and at the time you need, which you choose. In other words, the energy charge of desire is transferred with the help of a torsion signal to the subject of influence. At the same time, the speed of the torsion signal has no speed at all: the signal is transmitted instantly and over an infinite distance. That is, a kind of standing wave is created. By the way, it is with the help of torsion fields that people feel whether this or that person is suitable for them or not. Here, like magnetism, only the other way around: ++ or - - are attracted. This technology, so far, is used only by a narrow circle of initiates. Well, and also astronomers, to determine the location of the star in real time, the light of which we see now, but the star has long been in a different place. More recently, geologists (torsion geology, detection without drilling, only from photographs of the area), treasure hunters, signalmen, doctors (diagnostics and treatment), metallurgists (obtaining new properties of alloys at will), etc. have begun to use them.
In a word, this is a new, but promising direction!

1.) Wish Generator.

The device consists of a small electrical circuit and a receiver, in the circuit of which the means of influence and the object of influence are placed. An ordinary photograph can serve as an object. For example, if you take a photograph of a potato field in which Colorado beetles rage, spray this photograph with poison from these beetles, and place it in the generator circuit, then the beetles will die on the field. It should be noted that the device can be located in a room, many kilometers from the location of the field itself.
As an experiment, they took a group of fruit trees, which were devoured by caterpillars. They photographed only one tree, processed this photo with a pesticide, and placed it in a generator. Caterpillars on this tree died, although they continued to feast on neighboring trees.
What is going on? The generator enhances and transfers the torsion field of the pesticide, which has a charge that affects the change of matter in the space indicated in the photograph. That is, the torsion field transfers information about the poison to the thought form (in our case, this is a specific tree in the garden). A working generator, through photography, creates an instantaneous connection, the so-called standing wave between the poison and the tree, projecting the substance onto the object of influence.
This can be compared to a radio wave: an orchestra plays in a studio, and people from tens of thousands of kilometers away turn on the radio and dance to this music. That is, the orchestra affects people at a distance.
Another experience. The sick person could not take medicine due to allergies. The body did not tolerate. It was enough to put this medicine and a photograph of this sick person into the generator, and the symptoms of the disease disappeared. Blood tests confirmed the presence of a healing substance in the blood, although the person did not take it, and was 2 thousand km away.
Third experience. Two test tubes were soldered. One with sterile water and the other with bacteria. The generator transferred bacteria from one tube to another at a distance, acting only on photographs of these tubes.
You can also put in the generator, for example, a photo of the lottery drum, and the numbers of those balls that should fall out. And win the loto.
The generator is compact and easy to use. It works from a 220 V network. It can be made at home, with only a soldering iron, foam plastic, and a few radio components.
Diagrams of all radionics machines and wish generators known to me can be downloaded

2.) Radionics machine.

It is very similar to the wish generator, but it works a little differently.
The principle is as follows: machine-target-goal. The results of her work are:
If you put a bottle, for example, beer, and next to it (in the middle between the generator and beer) a bottle with plain plain water, then after half an hour of operation of the machine, the water will turn into beer. Well, not for long, just a few hours. This is just enough to sit with friends.
The torsion field of beer transfers information about it to a bottle of water, changing the structure of matter (water).
You can also make milk, or vodka, or fruit juice out of water by putting some kind of fruit between the car and the water... You can also pour ordinary water into the gas tank of the motorcycle, put the motorcycle between the turned on radionics machine and a canister of gasoline. In half an hour the motorcycle will ride on the water ...
They only experimented with liquids, so no one knows what will happen with solids ... Maybe it will be necessary to select according to density and weight?
It is convenient that the starting material is not consumed. Something like homeopathy, where ordinary chalk is turned into medicine.
It turns out that the biblical theory of how God created the world no longer seems such nonsense. See the latest theoretical model for the origin of the universe, at the bottom of the page. fig.1
By the way, this machine also works in the photo (the same experience with medicines). If you place a photo of a person who needs this medicine between the car and the medicine, then it will certainly get into his body, wherever he is. Even on the moon. Distance doesn't matter. And, most importantly, that the medicines will remain intact. With the current prices for medicines - this is very important!
The machine is also very easy to use and make. Operates on 220 volt power supply. Needs a little tweaking. I want to combine it with a wish generator. I'll try what comes out of it.

3.) The simplest thought amplifier.

A thought is a weak electrical discharge in the cerebral cortex. In other words, thought is energy. It has an energy charge, which forms a torsion (orgone) field. Man thinks in images or words. If you transfer your thought and fix it on paper, for example, draw a picture, or type text on a computer, then the piece of paper will be charged with the energy of this thought. A torsion signal will be transmitted to the object. And if you then strengthen this image, or word, by repeatedly copying and pasting on top of each other, in a large layer, then the charge of this thought will increase as many times as there are copies of the text on top of each other.
The Japanese in New York lived in the winter in an unheated room. On the walls they hung a lot of pictures, which depicted fire. And the room was warm!
You can also make a refrigerator: multiply a photograph of Antarctica, or an iceberg, and paste over any box from the inside with such pictures. It will be cold in there. The more copies, the colder.
Incredible, but it works! I tried it myself. Once I had a very sore throat (pharyngitis). I sat down at the computer, wrote in CorelDraw: “Cure for pharyngitis”, copied and pasted this text on top of each other 50 thousand times, then printed it out on a printer, and put this piece of paper to my throat. In 10 minutes. the pain went away, and, after that incident, my throat still does not hurt.
Now I don't need to go to the pharmacy. If something hurts, I wrote it, copied it, attached a piece of paper to the sore spot, (or ate it) and that's it. Healthy as a bull. What I wish you all!
By the way, if you print on a printer with an empty cartridge, then the charge is also transferred to paper, although the image is not visible. So you can print various medicines on paper for yourself, and eat them without worrying about your liver or the body's allergic reactions to ink or toner.


For radio amateurs, developed schemes of devices that remotely affect the human psyche and physiology are available.

According to the book by American Bob Yannini " Amazing Electronic Devices", You can assemble an ultrasonic "pain field phaser" at home that affects dogs (with appropriate settings, and people), a sound "protective system with the creation of a pain field" to protect territories from strangers , an example of a non-lethal weapon is an electromagnetic pulse generator that disables electronics at a distance, Tesla's plasma and ion generators.

A talented researcher from Kazakhstan, Alexander Shpilman, offers real axion generators of his own design "Comfort", and for radio amateurs who have unlimited perseverance in making complex devices, Shpilman on his website also talks about how to make his own devices.

Axion generator "Comfort" by Alexander Shpilman

Experimenters' comments on the use of this generator are also interesting - here you can control the weather and disable the computer and give the properties of vodka to ordinary water, which intoxicates, but does not contain a single molecule of alcohol ...

The top psychotronic technology available today to the common man is real technical magic, albeit in a simple execution - radionics machines or orgone generators. In finished form, these machines are sold for hundreds and thousands of dollars, but thanks to radio amateurs who combine their interests with magic, simple schemes of such machines are posted on the Internet and are available for repetition even by blondes. Three variable resistors, copper foil, wire, you buy a piece of white quartz in an online store, an evening of work, and you are already head and shoulders above the profane.

Radionics machines work as follows: a photograph of the object of influence is placed on the target, and an object containing information about the necessary effect is placed on the desire target. When working, the machine sucks energy from the ether and enhances the effect of desire on the target. With the help of such a technique, any maniac can easily exceed the "achievements" of Chikatilo, since law enforcement officers do not undertake to investigate crimes committed with the help of torsion psychotronic devices.

And the most affordable solution is to turn your computer into a simple, but real combat torsion generator, just by installing and running one of the radionic programs: Cybershaman, SpellKaster, EnchanterX, Tele Hypnosis, Orgone Condensation Unit, Self Hypnosis Engineering Studio Pro, Ultra Spiritual Protection, Chaos Magick Spell Caster, Radionics Workstation.

With a soldering iron and a tester, you can conduct experiments on the detection and registration of a torsion field using the collection of works by Andrey Vladimirovich Bobrov "Field information interactions".

And you can be convinced of the reality of the ether and the inferiority of modern orthodox "science" thanks to the work of Vladimir Akimovich Atsyukovsky "12 experiments on aether dynamics".

Amateur radio enthusiasts have successfully used EH antennas that work both underground and underwater, and are not limited by distance. This type of connection, both in practical and theoretical aspects, is developed by Vladimir Ivanovich Korobeinikov, who calls it connection on a spin electromagnetic field.

Actually, to work with torsion fields and implement psychotronic effects, one does not need to be an expert in electronics, or even understand technology. The fact is that all magic is entirely built on working with a torsion field. White, gray and black magic - casting, talismans, rituals, religion with its prayer, envolting in the voodoo religion, astrology, divination on cards, coffee grounds and runes, extrasensory perception, telepathy, telekinesis, spiritualism, homeopathy, feng shui and etc. etc., all this works with the informational torsion field of the universe.

The methods of all these teachings have been developed in detail and even organically fit into our everyday life - unremarkable toasts, in fact, are banal magical conspiracies for water. From the same series and widely used in our country in the pre-revolutionary period, the rite of praying before eating. Folk customs and signs have been developed for centuries, on the basis of healers and magicians of knowledge, statistics, and insights passed down from generation to generation. I think everyone is aware that the one who has a "light hand" should pour vodka into glasses. The profane do not even suspect how effective such rituals with water can be performed correctly.

Magic is one of the ancient ways of working with the torsion field and is often used as a weapon. In order to influence a person in magic, it is necessary to connect his informational torsion field with another field, which will act.

At the scientific level, this principle was confirmed by the research of Peter Garyaev, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences. In his work, the scientist determined that after the death of the molten DNA nuclei, in the place where these nuclei were, their phantoms remain, which are recorded by the spectrometer as if the same real DNA exists in this place. In other experiments, the living cell nucleus, placed in place of the molten DNA, behaved in the same way as the previous molten DNA - the scientists recorded the same bursts of graphs, although living DNA did not cause harm.

Magically, you can influence directly the person himself and his field - for this, various objects that carry negative information are thrown into the house. These can be rags, pieces of paper, ropes, etc., which are charged with negative information by magicians, these can be the fetters of the deceased - the ropes that bind the hands and feet of the deceased before the funeral, these can be nails, needles driven into the jamb of a door or thrown into bed, etc.

It is possible to influence the informational body of a person, remaining on various objects that a person had in use. In the Haitian Voodoo religion, dolls are made - volts, into which various remnants from a person are added - saliva, hair, nails, his burned letters, etc. person. Photographs also influence - often a photo of a person is buried in a fresh grave, while the information of the decay of the corpse is transmitted through the photo to the person himself, who, as a result of such magical influence, dies.

Just like a person, you can influence absolutely everything that exists in this world - an idea, a galaxy, love, success, money, weather, etc. It is possible to treat, that is, to use psychotronic weapons against the disease.

Here is an ancient magical ritual against warts ... they take an apple, touch the wart, uttering a plot:

Which apple is eaten

And which apples dry out.

So do you, wart, dry out

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Bury the apple.

What happens in this case? The plot helps the brain to transfer the information of the wart to the apple, then the buried apple slowly rots, transferring the information of death to the wart.

Not always magical rituals can work. But, this does not mean that magic does not work in principle. Magical actions may not give results for many reasons: an incorrect ritual, a weak force of influence, another influencing force interferes, etc. If someone cannot drive a nail into a wall, this does not mean that the wall does not exist, not everyone can jump over a 2-meter hole, but this does not mean that no one can jump over it at all.

Although, if everyone on earth could successfully use magic, the hell would be happening here. However, even now, in general, this is happening. Most of us are absolutely unprotected if, all of a sudden, someone is going to use psychotronic weapons against us. Today, the time has come when we should simply shake the deputies by the collar with the demand to develop an effective law and measures against psychotronic influence on the population. We must be taught how to defend ourselves against the use of psi-weapons and magic. And it is even better to develop and issue devices that protect against psychological influences. Moreover, there are such timid attempts.

There are already on sale household torsion autogenerators of the types Gamma, Efir, Forpost, Antor, etc., which protect against the harmful information component of consumer electronics.

The Gamma Neutralizer was also created as a defense against psychotronic weapons.

But, the development of torsion psychotronic weapons has taken a significant step forward

and now we need new specialized protective devices to protect

from torsion generators

The theoretical basis for technical magic, and in particular for radionics, was laid by the famous Soviet and Russian scientist Chiang Kang-zhen in the mid-40s of the last century. Its main idea is that by manipulating the biofield it is possible to obtain changes at the subtle level of a biological object, changing it at will. At the same time, in the future, changes are also obtained on the physical plane. The methods of modern techniques for changing a person’s karma are based on his idea by changing the fingerprint lines on a person’s hand, changing the shape of the ear. and some other parts of the human body. He also developed methods for rejuvenating the body: slowing down time in other dimensions, we can get a change in the flow of biological time of the biological object itself.

What is radionics

Radionics is a fairly young science that arose in the 60s of the last century After the discoveries of Hieronymus in the 60s of rapid development in the 70-80s, mainly in the USA and the Soviet Union, radionics began to be widely used in the military industry, as well as in psychology and medicine. Although dogmatic medicine denies the very essence of radionics, considering it a pseudoscience, however, its elements were used in the Soviet Union to treat high-ranking officials and other elites. Radionics has always been used by the military for the successful conduct of military operations and by the police to disperse demonstrations. None of the pre-election events of presidents in various countries is complete without the use of radionics to obtain the necessary results of voting and brainwashing the voters.

The meaning of the action is that due to the multidimensionality of our space, any changes in the three-dimensional world at a given point through various structural connections entail changes in the three-dimensional world at another point, while distances and times do not matter. Everything is determined by structural connections.
If we have a desire expressed in any way, for example, with the help of a sound manifestation, an inscription, a thought form, or in any other expression, then we can send this desire, that is, with the help of a chain of structural connections, bring this desire to a specific object. For this, special radionics machines are used.

Machine radionics

The first radionics machines were invented by German scientist Karl Hans Welz. He was born in Tyrol, a small town in Austria, not far from Innsbruck. At a very early age, he showed a penchant for science in general and for the study of the stars in particular. As a result, he eagerly read any book on astronomy, astrophysics, mathematics and physics that he could get his hands on. At the age of 16, Welz became interested in hypnosis. He began to study this discipline, later he began to improve the technique of Autogenic Training and gradually, by the age of 19, became seriously interested in the study of Hatha Yoga. This practice for several weeks strengthened his then weak body, and generally greatly improved his state of health. It is only natural that such remarkable results gave Karl an impetus to study other sciences that were not included in the academic curriculum.

The study and practice in astrology, practical magic, rune magic and the practice of life energy technologies such as astral travel took one year. He studied the work of Mesmer, Korschelt, von Reichenbach, Tesla, Lahkowski, and others. At the age of 19, Welz began studying mathematics and physics at the university. Several times he interrupted his studies for the sake of traveling, as a result of which he received valuable information on practical magic and the use of vital energy in the cultural traditions of many nations, and also communicated with many talented teachers and specialists in this field.

During his stays in South America, West Berlin, Switzerland and, since 1974, in the United States of America, he continued his studies in this field, culminating in general semantics, radio electronics, Reich psychoanalysis and orgone physics.

Principles of orgone physics

The first known Western scientist in history to develop a scientific model of life energy was Franz Anton Mesmer. He called life energy "animal magnetism". Mesmer developed methods of hypnotizing people for the purpose of healing. He also developed designs for healing. These structures were wooden barrels filled with iron filings and iron rods sticking out. People who wanted to be cured of the disease held onto these rods with their hands.
Baron von Reichenbach called life energy "odic force". He has done hundreds of experiments with over a hundred sensitive individuals and developed a comprehensive theory regarding this energy.
Wilhelm Reich used the term "orgone" to refer to life energy. His scientific theory was the most advanced scientific model of life energy until the development of hyperdimensional mathematics. Wilhelm Reich invented the orgone accumulator. With the help of this device, he charged people for healing. He also expanded the description of the characteristics of vital energy.

Shortly after his arrival in the United States, Welz built the first orgone accumulators and conducted many experiments with these devices, mostly on plants. It became apparent that what Reich called orgone was the same form of energy that Welz had explored ten years before he knew about Reich. In fact, the device that he built a few years earlier according to the project of Korschelt (Korschelt) was an orgone accumulator. Korschelt called his device the Solar Ether Radiation Apparatus, and its design dates back to 1897.

Wizards also knew that they needed life energy in order to perform their magical actions. They knew it "intuitively". Wizards usually sense life energy. Based on centuries of experience, they developed various practices to enhance this energy. Such practices include chants, strong outbursts of emotion, group rituals, sexual magical practices, development of religious feelings, animal sacrifices. A great way to get a pump of life energy is to use the orgone generator invented by Welz.

Today, based on the research of Welz and others, we can define magic:


Properties of life energy

Velz's orgone generator is a generator of vital energy (orgone). This energy has many uses. Looking at the pulse frequencies can be used for relaxation, self-hypnosis and autogenic training efforts. Filling with vitality and youth is a further quality of the introduced vital energy. The obvious advantage of the organ generator is its influence at a distance. The transfer of vital energy occurs through structural connections.

We know about two properties of life energy:
1. If two fields of vital energy are in opposite contact (near each other or with the help of a structural connection), one is stronger than the other, then the field with a strong potential draws the energy of a weak field. We call this energy "negative energy".
2. The second property determines the transfer of energy. The space-time-dependence of electromagnetic vibration has nothing to do with the transfer of vital energy. Identical and equivalent structural connections allow transfer almost without energy consumption and over long distances. Equivalent structures are the basis for radionics and magical sigils.

The design principle of the Welz organ generator

Welz's orthogenerato is based on the following design principles: If the fields of vital energy are relatively moved towards each other, then additional vital energy is produced. There are two reservoirs of organic energy in the organ generator, which are moved magnetically against each other. The speed of movement determines the frequency of the pulsating orgone. A person near the organ generator or with a structural connection to the orgone generator draws vital energy from it.

Here's how it really happens. On the field of manifestation of the radionics machine, this manifestation is placed, best done in a symbolic-graphic form, or in the form of a text “My weight is now 90 kg, and I am losing weight, without compromising my health, and dropping 5 kg per month, until that moment how my weight will be 60 kg. The manifestation is compiled according to certain rules. A photo of this person is placed on the target of the radionics machine. Next, the machine is electronically tuned to the operator and the machine turns on. The Welz generator has the advantage of continuous operation. In addition, he can develop energy of such power that no group of magicians is capable of!

Make a sacrifice to the temple of Satan, make in your soul an oath of allegiance to Him who rules this world,


Express your innermost desire, serve the Master,



For radio amateurs, developed schemes of devices that remotely affect the human psyche and physiology are available.

According to the book by American Bob Yannini " Amazing Electronic Devices", You can assemble an ultrasonic "pain field phaser" at home that affects dogs (with appropriate settings, and people), a sound "protective system with the creation of a pain field" to protect territories from strangers , an example of a non-lethal weapon is an electromagnetic pulse generator that disables electronics at a distance, Tesla's plasma and ion generators.

A talented researcher from Kazakhstan, Alexander Shpilman, offers real axion generators of his own design "Comfort", and for radio amateurs who have unlimited perseverance in making complex devices, Shpilman on his website also talks about how to make his own devices.

Axion generator "Comfort" by Alexander Shpilman

Experimenters' comments on the use of this generator are also interesting - here you can control the weather and disable the computer and give the properties of vodka to ordinary water, which intoxicates, but does not contain a single molecule of alcohol ...

The top psychotronic technology available today to the common man is real technical magic, albeit in a simple execution - radionics machines or orgone generators. In finished form, these machines are sold for hundreds and thousands of dollars, but thanks to radio amateurs who combine their interests with magic, simple schemes of such machines are posted on the Internet and are available for repetition even by blondes. Three variable resistors, copper foil, wire, you buy a piece of white quartz in an online store, an evening of work, and you are already head and shoulders above the profane.

Radionics machines work as follows: a photograph of the object of influence is placed on the target, and an object containing information about the necessary effect is placed on the desire target. When working, the machine sucks energy from the ether and enhances the effect of desire on the target. With the help of such a technique, any maniac can easily exceed the "achievements" of Chikatilo, since law enforcement officers do not undertake to investigate crimes committed with the help of torsion psychotronic devices.

And the most affordable solution is to turn your computer into a simple, but real combat torsion generator, just by installing and running one of the radionic programs: Cybershaman, SpellKaster, EnchanterX, Tele Hypnosis, Orgone Condensation Unit, Self Hypnosis Engineering Studio Pro, Ultra Spiritual Protection, Chaos Magick Spell Caster, Radionics Workstation.

With a soldering iron and a tester, you can conduct experiments on the detection and registration of a torsion field using the collection of works by Andrey Vladimirovich Bobrov "Field information interactions".

And you can be convinced of the reality of the ether and the inferiority of modern orthodox "science" thanks to the work of Vladimir Akimovich Atsyukovsky "12 experiments on aether dynamics".

Amateur radio enthusiasts have successfully used EH antennas that work both underground and underwater, and are not limited by distance. This type of connection, both in practical and theoretical aspects, is developed by Vladimir Ivanovich Korobeinikov, who calls it connection on a spin electromagnetic field.

Actually, to work with torsion fields and implement psychotronic effects, one does not need to be an expert in electronics, or even understand technology. The fact is that all magic is entirely built on working with a torsion field. White, gray and black magic - casting, talismans, rituals, religion with its prayer, envolting in the voodoo religion, astrology, divination on cards, coffee grounds and runes, extrasensory perception, telepathy, telekinesis, spiritualism, homeopathy, feng shui and etc. etc., all this works with the informational torsion field of the universe.

The methods of all these teachings have been developed in detail and even organically fit into our everyday life - unremarkable toasts, in fact, are banal magical conspiracies for water. From the same series and widely used in our country in the pre-revolutionary period, the rite of praying before eating. Folk customs and signs have been developed for centuries, on the basis of healers and magicians of knowledge, statistics, and insights passed down from generation to generation. I think everyone is aware that the one who has a "light hand" should pour vodka into glasses. The profane do not even suspect how effective such rituals with water can be performed correctly.

Magic is one of the ancient ways of working with the torsion field and is often used as a weapon. In order to influence a person in magic, it is necessary to connect his informational torsion field with another field, which will act.

At the scientific level, this principle was confirmed by the research of Peter Garyaev, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences. In his work, the scientist determined that after the death of the molten DNA nuclei, in the place where these nuclei were, their phantoms remain, which are recorded by the spectrometer as if the same real DNA exists in this place. In other experiments, the living cell nucleus, placed in place of the molten DNA, behaved in the same way as the previous molten DNA - the scientists recorded the same bursts of graphs, although living DNA did not cause harm.

Magically, you can influence directly the person himself and his field - for this, various objects that carry negative information are thrown into the house. These can be rags, pieces of paper, ropes, etc., which are charged with negative information by magicians, these can be the fetters of the deceased - the ropes that bind the hands and feet of the deceased before the funeral, these can be nails, needles driven into the jamb of a door or thrown into bed, etc.

It is possible to influence the informational body of a person, remaining on various objects that a person had in use. In the Haitian Voodoo religion, dolls are made - volts, into which various remnants from a person are added - saliva, hair, nails, his burned letters, etc. person. Photographs also influence - often a photo of a person is buried in a fresh grave, while the information of the decay of the corpse is transmitted through the photo to the person himself, who, as a result of such magical influence, dies.

Just like a person, you can influence absolutely everything that exists in this world - an idea, a galaxy, love, success, money, weather, etc. It is possible to treat, that is, to use psychotronic weapons against the disease.

Here is an ancient magical ritual against warts ... they take an apple, touch the wart, uttering a plot:

Which apple is eaten

And which apples dry out.

So do you, wart, dry out

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Bury the apple.

What happens in this case? The plot helps the brain to transfer the information of the wart to the apple, then the buried apple slowly rots, transferring the information of death to the wart.

Not always magical rituals can work. But, this does not mean that magic does not work in principle. Magical actions may not give results for many reasons: an incorrect ritual, a weak force of influence, another influencing force interferes, etc. If someone cannot drive a nail into a wall, this does not mean that the wall does not exist, not everyone can jump over a 2-meter hole, but this does not mean that no one can jump over it at all.

Although, if everyone on earth could successfully use magic, the hell would be happening here. However, even now, in general, this is happening. Most of us are absolutely unprotected if, all of a sudden, someone is going to use psychotronic weapons against us. Today, the time has come when we should simply shake the deputies by the collar with the demand to develop an effective law and measures against psychotronic influence on the population. We must be taught how to defend ourselves against the use of psi-weapons and magic. And it is even better to develop and issue devices that protect against psychological influences. Moreover, there are such timid attempts.

There are already on sale household torsion autogenerators of the types Gamma, Efir, Forpost, Antor, etc., which protect against the harmful information component of consumer electronics.

The Gamma Neutralizer was also created as a defense against psychotronic weapons.

But, the development of torsion psychotronic weapons has taken a significant step forward

and now we need new specialized protective devices to protect

from torsion generators