How self-education helped a person in life. What gives a person self-education and why is it impossible to achieve success without it? How to switch to self-education at school

Our world is rapidly changing. Every second something happens. Every day, every hour we learn something new, the volume of our knowledge grows. At the same time, huge amount of information becomes irrelevant.

And in our fast-paced age, when it appears new information, appear new technologies in all branches of knowledge, many people strive for self-development, looking for ways to independently acquire knowledge, for self-education.

Everyone has some education: school, college, institute, university, academy. Many are satisfied with the knowledge they have received and are relieved to think: “That's it, my studies are over and now I am a free bird. Now I don’t have to sit at the books” — alas, this is true and it’s very sad, because a person stops in his development.

He is not just standing on the sidelines, he is rolling back in relation to the world moving forward at cosmic speed.

To become and remain successful, you need to not just keep up with the times, but be one step ahead. And The best way for this self-education.

What is self-education and why is it necessary to succeed.

self-education it is a means of self-education, as it contributes to the development of purposefulness, internal organization and self-discipline, perseverance in achieving the goal. And above all, it is a regular, systematic, continuous and endless process, which provides for an interest in independent study of the subject.

In our information age, there is not only an increase in the amount of information, but also the quality of information is rapidly changing.

The positive side of self-education is that we are free to choose what to study, how much time to spend on studying, how to organize our schedule for studying. Thus, the process is fully adapted to us. I plan, I execute. And another important plus: in the process of obtaining new knowledge, it improves memory, develops creative thinking, the ability to analyze and generate new ideas.

In self-education, you need to answer yourself the following questions:

  1. What knowledge do I already have in this area?
  2. What goal do I want to achieve and what results do I expect from acquiring new knowledge?
  3. How will I get new knowledge?

It is very important to develop self-education plan.

And most importantly remember, Any education means not just the accumulation of knowledge, but the ability to apply it effectively. Only actions will bring results. By itself, knowledge, your education in a particular field of activity is not needed by anyone. They are ready to pay money only for how effectively you can apply your knowledge and get result.

The modern world is a whirlpool of novelties, changes and constant, never ending development. Under these conditions, the principle and process of self-development and self-improvement is incredibly important.

A person who stops at an achieved, even a high level, runs the risk of becoming an anachronism sooner or later - losing touch with the present and future, losing the ability to effectively express oneself and, perhaps, even forget how to solve new problems.

What is self-education?

Self-education is a process of voluntary and conscious cognitive activity, which is carried out according to individual desire and is motivated by personal motives. Self-education can be of a professional or personal nature and pursue relevant goals, for example, improving professional skills and accelerating career growth or acquiring new knowledge, skills and expanding personal horizons and worldview.

A characteristic feature is the lack of systemic control from the outside. The plan of self-education of a teacher, physician, lawyer or temporarily unemployed person is absolutely unique for everyone. A person involved in professional and personal development has full control over the entire process - from the timing and content to the results and their effectiveness.

Self-education in pedagogy

Pedagogy is a field of activity that does not tolerate stagnation. A teacher who is unable to change, accept the new and make it a part of his life, cannot give the new generation of people the necessary experience and even knowledge.

In today's world, everything is changing with great speed, except, perhaps, the recognized classics. Any educator, be it a school teacher or a kindergarten teacher, faces several generations of people during his career. Who, if not him, should understand the process of inexorable change, development and renewal? Who, if not a teacher, should strive to become a part of the same world as the people for whom he is responsible to society?

Pedagogical activity is extremely complex and specific, its high social influence and social role dictate its requirements for conformity to the profession. The reality of upbringing and educational work is such that the educator, teacher, lecturer face frequent and fundamental changes in the process of organizing their own activities and working conditions.

Changing social requirements, high rates of development of sciences, teaching methods and means pose more and more complex tasks for the modern teacher and challenge his creative thinking, ability to respond to surprises, restructure his activities in response to a change in the social situation and scientific and social discoveries.

The plan for self-education of the educator should cover all possible areas of interest for children. It is quite likely that the teacher cannot express a considered opinion or a reasonable point of view on a particular issue. However, curiosity and the desire to know everything about the interests of their wards motivate them to continuous self-development.

Attempts to regulate self-education

Not a single specialized educational institution will be able to give young professionals the most important topics for self-education. First, it is a highly individualized and subjective process; secondly, there is no standard set of topics, the spectrum of which would cover the entire depth and diversity of the modern world. Such concepts as "self-education according to the Federal State Educational Standard" and "mandatory refresher courses" are familiar to every teacher. But, despite the existence of norms, regulations and external control, the process of professional self-education remains a personal choice for everyone.

Pedagogical universities focus on how important and necessary the constant self-education of the teacher is. However, the skills and abilities necessary for organizing this process are not laid down during lectures and seminars on pedagogy and teaching methods. The ability to draw up a plan for self-education of an educator or teacher comes with work experience, as well as in the process of analyzing one's own activities, comparing it with the work of colleagues and studying new developments in the field of methodology.

The influence of self-education on general intellectual development

The human brain is often compared to a computer, despite the fact that there are practically no similar features. However, there is a moment that makes our brain extremely similar to a computer - the desire for automation. The brain tries to spend as little energy as possible on certain processes, sometimes bringing them to automatism. On the one hand, it is convenient, you can do routine work and at the same time make plans for a vacation. On the other hand, nothing good comes easy.

Over time, the brain “freezes”, calms down and stiffens in the routine processes created by it, and when the moment comes to face something new, to make the necessary changes, the human consciousness refuses to perceive the world outside the usual framework. This is how a person with a limited outlook appears, the same one who travels to Tula with his samovar and refuses to live otherwise.

The psychological function of self-education

Every few years, the brain should get a “shake”, consciousness should go beyond the usual, and comfort zones should expand. It is in this way that a person maintains his activity at a high level, this is the value of constant development. Self-education is an action that maintains a person's cognitive processes in a constant tone.

The psychological function of self-education is that this process creates a series of obstacles that keep the human brain and consciousness in a state of alertness and readiness. Such a person has a much greater professional and personal value for the macro- and microsociety.

The need for self-improvement

Self-education is a composite process of self-improvement, which is motivated by the discrepancy between a real person and his ideal image. The moment when a person realizes the possibility and the need to become better is the main motivation for working on oneself - a life-long process.

Self-improvement is an independent, conscious process of developing moral, intellectual and physical qualities through constant work on oneself, setting and solving new problems, completing more complex tasks and forming a better version of oneself - one that can not only navigate, but also manifest itself as much as possible in rapidly changing world.

Self-improvement leads to an increase in self-esteem, expansion of the comfort zone, personal and professional development. There are a number of professions whose representatives cannot imagine the effective performance of duties without a constant process of self-education. Doctors, teachers, psychologists, lawyers and many other professionals need constant self-development of both personal and professional qualities.

Personal growth

The ability for self-development, self-education and constant personal growth is the key to the formation of a successful person, the main features of which will be responsibility, independence, self-confidence and perseverance in achieving goals. It is these individuals who are especially valuable to society and enjoy great success in all spheres of life.

Psychologists characterize the human personality as the sum of three components - emotional, cognitive and behavioral. Personal qualities are evaluated by how developed each of the three components. In fact, this is what a person knows about himself and the world around him, what he feels, and how he expresses and uses it.

Constant personal growth is especially important in pedagogy. Teachers, kindergarten teachers and university lecturers prepare future generations for life, and do this not only by passing on a certain set of knowledge and skills, but also by their own example and life experience. A teacher who is able to practically demonstrate the benefits of self-development and self-education influences the worldview of his students much stronger and deeper.

Professional growth

Every professional at some stage of his career finds himself at a crossroads, where he is waiting for a signpost describing three possible paths for his professional development:

  • self improvement;
  • stagnation;
  • adaptation.

The path of self-improvement is the most difficult, it has many obstacles, bogs and unexpected twists and turns, but it is this path that is able to lead the person walking to the most complete self-realization, disclosure and use of one's potential.

The path of adaptation is a well-worn road leading from point A to point B, with a certain number of holes, bumps and sharp turns. As a result, a worthy middle-level professional arrives at point B, orienting himself along the way according to road signs and a collection of rules.

The path of stagnation is a flat isolated path leading in a circle. In fact, stagnation is stagnation. The brain seeks to spend a minimum of energy and automates habitual actions to the point where anything new or unusual is perceived with hostility.

Self-education of kindergarten teachers, teachers, university professors, methodologists and even officials in the field of education should always follow the path of self-improvement.

What is needed for self-education?

To get tangible results from the process of self-education, self-development and self-improvement, we need, first of all, desire and willpower. However, the number of necessary prerequisites, personal qualities and required actions is not limited to this.

A successful process requires external and internal incentives. External professional motivators may include:

  • competition;
  • professional requirements;
  • public opinion;
  • career;
  • financial reward.

Internal professional and personal incentives that motivate teacher self-education are:

  • professional ambitions;
  • interest and dedication;
  • creativity;
  • desire for self-improvement;
  • the need for new knowledge and experience.

Among the personal qualities and skills necessary for the successful process of self-education, it is worth highlighting:

  • the ability to see and evaluate the final result of the process;
  • perseverance and scrupulousness;
  • curiosity;
  • ability to plan and evaluate the process of self-education;
  • ability to think critically and analytically;
  • developed processes of perception and processing of new information.


It is not easy to combine professional activities, personal and social life and at the same time engage in a constant process of self-improvement and self-education. That is why motivation plays a major role in this process.

Self-education of an educator, teacher or any other professional is a long process, and its results often manifest themselves implicitly and not immediately, therefore, in order to successfully achieve the goals of professional and personal development, it is necessary to remember the goals and motives that prompted a person to self-education.

“Seeing the goal” and “imagining the end result” are, of course, effective methods, however, they sound much simpler than they are implemented. Motivation of oneself should be the same long and effective process as the self-education of an educator or other professional.

Motivational techniques

To encourage prolonged cognitive, psychological and physical activity, motivational techniques are used, which are divided into two groups - stimulation and forcing oneself. Self-stimulation techniques include:

  • belief;
  • encouragement;
  • suggestion.

Self-compulsion is divided into:

  • condemnation;
  • ban;
  • order.

The teacher's self-education plan does not have to be written on paper, but, nevertheless, it is necessary to strictly and strictly follow its points. Accountability is important to keep you motivated. If a person is able to give himself an objective report on the work done, the knowledge acquired and the experience gained, this in itself is an excellent incentive to continue activities.

Self-education is an integral part of pedagogical activity, because the teacher is not only a carrier of knowledge, but also a personal example. The knowledge and erudite opinion of a teacher should not be limited to his subject and academic knowledge in general, but cover the entire scope of possible interests of his students.

Lipetsk State Pedagogical University

Department of Design, Technical and Computer Graphics

Abstract on the topic:

"The role of self-education in human life"


5th year student

54 "design" groups

Grishko D.M.


Horoshilova T. B.

Lipetsk, 2010



What is self-education? “Self-education is education,

acquired outside educational institutions, through independent work.

Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge by students, taking into account their interests and inclinations, from various sources in addition to those obtained in stationary or correspondence educational institutions.

Self-education as a process of mastering knowledge is closely related to

self-education and is considered its integral part.

How to understand this connection? What is it? For a large part

high school students tend to constantly

self-improvement, the desire to develop certain qualities in oneself

personality, eradicate negative behavior and character traits. In other words, students are engaged in self-education, self-education. But students not only set themselves a certain goal, they strive to achieve it. To solve the task set for themselves, various ways are used, including an independent search for knowledge by reading additional scientific, technical and fiction literature that goes beyond the mandatory curriculum. Therefore, in the process of self-education, schoolchildren develop the ability to independently organize their activities to acquire new knowledge.

Self-education of students is the key to solving a number of problems

school education.

It is known that the knowledge gained in the classroom, especially in high school, needs to be consolidated and deepened. At home, the student must independently, without outside help, understand the new material presented in textbooks or other sources, perform creative exercises, and solve mathematical problems.

In recent years, a new form of classroom studies - seminars - has become widespread in the school. In order to speak at a seminar with a report or message, you need to thoroughly prepare for it.

In the upper grades, a credit system is used, the essence of which is

in that the student not only repeats what has been covered in certain sections of the course, but also attracts additional literature and independently studies it.

It should be borne in mind that the school provides students with knowledge only of the basics of science. It is unable to give young people the complex of scientific information they need in their practical work. If any of the students thinks that school knowledge is enough forever, that after graduating from school or another educational institution, there is no need to study anymore, he is deeply mistaken. D. I. Pisarev pointed out that one must learn at school, but one must learn much more after leaving school, and this second teaching is immeasurably more important than the first in terms of its results, its impact on a person and society.

What makes people constantly work on themselves, replenish and

expand your knowledge? The fact is that in the age of the scientific and technological revolution, in the age of nuclear power plants and the conquest of space, science, technology, production do not stand still, but are constantly developing and improving. The volume of scientific knowledge is increasing every year. Scientists say that the knowledge that humanity has is doubling every ten years. This obliges any specialist, regardless of previous education, profession, age, if he wants to be at the level of modern achievements in science and technology and does not want to lag behind in spiritual development, to engage in self-education.

Why does a person study? The answer to this question was clearly

formulated in the leading article of Pravda: “A person armed with knowledge becomes richer himself, brings more benefits to people. The ability to determine one's place in the general ranks, to apply one's strength where one is most needed, to learn how to build correct relations with people, to combine one's actions with the tasks set by the Party today, is impossible without knowledge, without a book. This is equally necessary for a turner and a scientist, a doctor and a milkmaid, a young man entering life, and a veteran, whitened with gray hairs.

Independent educational and cognitive activity includes semantic, target and performing components. Mastering more and more complex intellectual actions, the student comes to an active semantic orientation, which allows him to work out his own approaches to solving the problem of self-education. The target and performance components include goal setting, task definition, action planning, choice of methods and means of their implementation, self-analysis and self-control of results, correction of prospects for further activities.

Knowledge and skills need to be mastered purposefully, but step by step, and in order to consolidate them, constantly actively use them in practice. For the formation of professional skills, it is important to acquaint the student with the functional content of this method of work, and then teach how to apply it in specific conditions.

In solving this problem effectively helps context learning, management of practical activities in the context of the student's future profession. The main criterion in this case is the possibility of inducing the level of activity, there is a stable internal focus on work, self-criticism. Certain communicative, organizational, constructive, gnostic qualities develop.

The passage of successive didactic steps to master the basics of professional work can be carried out with the help of specific practical exercises in the process of preparing a part-time student for a seminar, workshop, laboratory work, active practice. Working through these materials, the student updates and uses in active creative practice a whole range of theoretical knowledge of different disciplines, and then he can independently prepare both a training session and its methodological development.


Kolbasko I. I. Students O; self-education. Mn., Nar. asveta",

Self-education can become a worthy and in many ways better alternative to formal education, whether it is a second higher education or advanced training courses.

Why self-education is better?

  1. Self-education provides more relevant knowledge. Now most of the new ideas that appear in people's minds are first discussed in conversations, blogs and articles, then they "ripen" into books, translated into Russian (if the book is foreign), included in educational programs and only then taught to students. The described process takes at least 3-5 years. Self-education gives you the opportunity to catch ideas in the bud. This is especially important when teaching everything related to information technology - by the time they reach textbooks, knowledge is already hopelessly outdated.
  2. Self-education allows you to create a personalized training program. In formal education, the program is made up of a lot of material that you don't need. It is not memorable, but it takes time, effort and money. Attempts to remember unnecessary material crowd out the necessary knowledge from the head. And with self-education, you draw up a training program in full accordance with your needs.
  3. Self-education gives more motivation for learning. Although self-education does not have the effect of a “coach” (in the role of teachers) and material involvement (it’s not a pity to quit), the motivation for learning is still greater with it. Due to the relevance and individuality, self-learning is more effective. You understand how to apply each letter of the acquired knowledge. You clearly feel the benefits of learning, and this gives you the strength to continue it.
  4. Self-education expands the circle of communication. With the second highest, the circle of your like-minded people is limited to your group, and with self-study, you exchange ideas via the Internet with the whole world.
  5. Self-education gives you the opportunity to learn from the best. Everyone who has gone through our educational system has fully felt the validity of the expression "Who can - does, and who cannot - teaches." Collecting sources of knowledge on your own, you can learn from people who have suffered material through their own experience, and not from aunts retrained from teachers in the history of the CPSU.
  6. Self-education makes it possible to manage the schedule. The existence of a schedule, imposed in formal learning, is also necessary in self-study to achieve stable results. However, with self-study, you choose the most convenient time for yourself.
  7. Self-education for free. Both in courses and in self-study, your development takes time. With traditional training, you have to lay out more money. But for the amount you pay for a formal education, you can fill up an entire apartment with books. For example, Executive MBA courses in Skolkovo cost 95,000 euros. With this money, you can make a stack of 13,700 books 274 meters high - about half the Ostankino tower.

So, where to start your self-education and how to make it effective?

your plan

1. Learn Albanian English

Most new ideas appear first in English. And not because the most advanced people live in English-speaking countries (although in many ways this is true), but also because this language has become modern Latin - whether you are a Swede, an Israeli or a Chinese, if you claim to participate in an international discussion of interest to you topics, you will write in English. The universal language of the Internet is English, and the chances of finding answers to questions in English are much greater than in Russian or any other language.

Another reason to learn English is that Russian translations are often terrible. I say not because I could do better, but because this work is really difficult to do well. For most of the terms in management, Russian translations have not yet settled down, and specialists simply use Anglicisms. You can still get used to it by ear, but in writing it looks heartbreaking.

4. Use hidden time reserves for self-education

If you ride the subway, then your format is printed text and video, and an extra hour or two for self-development just appeared in your schedule.

If you run, walk your dog, drive to work, then your format is podcasts and audiobooks. Make it a rule to use time in transport and on walks / jogs for self-education.

5. Find sources of periodicals

  • Use lists made by others. Follow in the footsteps of others - search the Internet for ready-made lists of sources. For example:
  • Set up delivery of knowledge to your home. Subscribe to blogs or use blog subscription programs:
  • Conduct periodic maintenance of information sources. The further you go, the more sources you will use and the more difficult it will be to choose the right one. Therefore, periodically put things in order in them: remove the excess and add new ones in accordance with your changing needs.

6. Google it / Ask Yandex

Self-education can take many forms - any problem can be turned into a chance to learn something. Never sit down to solve a new problem without doing at least a superficial search for a solution on the Internet. Yes, reinventing the wheel can be fun, but smart people tend to learn from the mistakes of others rather than their own.

11. Apply!

Scientists have proven that the application of knowledge is an obligatory stage in the assimilation of information and an indispensable condition for the growth of competence. Since your self-education program is tailored to your needs, there should be no problem with the immediate application of your new knowledge.

Education - it would not be an exaggeration to say that in this word people of different eras and times saw not only the knowledge that a person receives in schools, institutes, universities and other educational institutions, but found joy, spiritual consolation and even in it.

Naturally, getting an education is necessary, because for this educational institutions have been created and educational programs are provided. But can we answer the question of whether we have enough of the base that is contained in secondary and even higher education in the affirmative?

Of course, for many people this may be quite enough - if they have enough diploma, some kind of work (and quite in their specialty), ; if they are content with a standard working week, social package and seeming stability. However, there is another category of people - these are people striving for constant personal and professional development, self-improvement and improving the quality of life, relentless career advancement, increasing income levels,; people who “pump” themselves and their lives, who do not know boundaries and limits, who reject restrictions, frames and stereotypes.

And can the usual educational system give such people what they need? The answer is obvious - of course not. For this reason, they choose for themselves a more difficult, but more interesting path in life - self-education.

Self-education is a trend of the present and the future. But even today, finding worthy material that would fully reveal all the subtleties and “pitfalls” of this process is worth a lot of work, which is why people spend hundreds of hours and billions of neuron impulses to develop at least some kind of system for self-receiving knowledge that would be effective and produce tangible results. This led us to the idea of ​​creating a self-education training. As a result, we have an excellent material, which includes the basic aspects of independent education, which you can use right now.

This course will reveal to you, first of all, what self-education is in general, what are its foundations, what features it is characterized by and what it includes. Each lesson of self-education reveals a separate topic, thanks to which you can clearly understand for yourself what methods and means of self-education exist, what are its goals and objectives. You will learn how an individual self-education plan is developed, what skills can be useful for this, how personal efficiency is increased, creative, personal and professional qualities are developed. We will also talk about what ways of self-education exist. And given that self-education and self-education of a person in general always require the involvement of third-party materials in activities, we will consider some materials on self-education that will provide you with significant support in your work.

We can assure you that after completing this training, personal, professional, creative and intellectual self-improvement through your own efforts will be guaranteed. It also contributes to the fact that the training provides a huge number of practical exercises, methods, tips and recommendations. The training itself will be useful to any person for whom, from a pupil or student to a manager, teacher and businessman.

What is self-education?

One of the signs of a truly thinking and developing person, striving to know himself, the world around him and its phenomena, is the craving for obtaining new knowledge, skills, experience, expanding his boundaries and horizons. And if we cite as an example traditional education, where there is a teacher, and compare it with independent education, where there is none, then the second will be much more effective than the first. But here the question itself arises: “Why is it so?”.

The fact is that the knowledge acquired by a person on his own, the skills that he mastered himself, the experience that he received through his actions, successes and mistakes - all this is priceless and integrated into him - becomes part of his nature. Absolutely everything that a person could achieve on his own is much better imprinted in his memory, and also transforms his personality and transfers theoretical knowledge to a practical plane.

This is such a form of individual human activity, which is motivated by his own professional and personal interests and needs and is aimed at acquiring the necessary baggage of knowledge, skills and abilities and improving them, as well as developing and improving the qualities of his personality. Self-education is an integral part of the life and work of a developing person.

The main feature of self-education is the absence of an educational institution and a teaching person, the absolute freedom of action of a self-taught person in choosing a subject of study, sources and methods.

Even if you go to advanced training courses or sign up for some kind of training, this is still (or already) not self-education, because by studying on your own, you exclusively choose the area that you want to master, and then you also create a training plan yourself and follow him as you please.

The main and main motivating force in the process of self-education is not some external factor, cause or effect, but only the internal need of a person - this is precisely why self-education is so effective.

The uniqueness of the knowledge obtained using this method lies, first of all, in the fact that a person completely passes it through himself and makes it a part of his life. The subject here can be anything, for example, foreign languages, and much more, up to compiling scanwords and playing the violin.

From the point of view of psychology, the effectiveness of self-education is very, very simple to explain: what a person receives on his own, no matter whether it is knowledge, money, fame, success or material objects, he appreciates much more than what he received without any there was no effort. For the same reason, you want to implement and apply the knowledge and skills you acquired on your own as soon as possible, and our training, in fact, is designed for this.

Self-education in practice

As we understand, if you are already reading the introductory lesson to the training on self-education, then you have a need to gain knowledge through independent research. Accordingly, the question "Where to start?" you surely have.

By and large, practical recommendations on the topic of self-study are in the full sense - recommendations, because. the program of classes, their form, sequence, etc. - it's your own business. However, before starting, you must certainly set a goal for yourself - why are you doing all this? Otherwise, your efforts may be in vain.

The purpose of self-education can be:

  • Ensuring the continuity and consistency of their activities to master new knowledge and skills
  • Maximum consideration of their individual characteristics and cognitive needs in the learning process
  • Solving tasks at a convenient time, without prejudice to other activities

In the practice of everyday life, the idea of ​​professional and personal growth outside of self-education simply cannot be implemented. According to sociologists, along with the development of the individual, activity develops into amateur performance, development becomes self-development, and education becomes self-education. And self-education in this context should be interpreted as a person's own activity aimed at revealing and enriching their needs of a personal, professional, creative and spiritual nature, as well as at the maximum and comprehensive disclosure of one's potential.

The main characteristics of self-education are independence, continuity, discipline, purposefulness, focus on results. In addition, self-education is a process that lasts not for a specific period of time, but for the whole life of a person, if he shows a keen interest in everything that is outside him and what is happening inside him. Otherwise, personal growth and development become much more difficult or stop altogether.

If you master the skills of self-study and apply them systematically and regularly to consolidate, you can become not only a more educated, erudite and informed person, but also a stronger personality in general, thanks to which you can give odds to both intellectuals and people with two or even three higher educations. But the main thing is that you will be able to fulfill your potential, achieve your goals and implement the most daring plans and ideas.

It would not be superfluous to note also that any of your actions aimed at obtaining new knowledge, mastering new skills, obtaining information of interest is already self-education. Note: after hearing a conversation on an interesting topic between strangers, you come home and look for what interests you on the Internet; not coping with some functions at work, you turn to the Charter or job description, etc. But such self-education is "parochial", unsystematized and ineffective. If you are deeply interested in how to make it quality and productive, you have a great opportunity to do it today. And do not hesitate - you can do it, because here, as elsewhere in life, everything is in your hands.

How to learn it?

There is no doubt that someone has a craving for knowledge from an early age - he looks at encyclopedias and atlases, solves crossword puzzles, reads a lot and watches educational programs. It is somewhat easier for such people to systematize the process of self-education than for those who have “lame” self-discipline, who have to make an effort on themselves to take up a book or abstract, in whom the craving for a pleasant pastime prevails, and not for working on themselves and moving along the path development. But this does not mean that the first is better than the second, and the second way to success is “ordered”, because a person is capable of great achievements, especially if he really wants something. You are quite able to master the secrets of self-education, no matter what the features are, how strong, etc., and without anyone's active help and support - by yourself and with your own efforts, which, by the way, this training is designed for.

In the process of mastering the material, you will encounter two components - theoretical and practical.

Theoretical component will be represented by a knowledge base that requires reflection and assimilation at the level of the mind.

Practical component will be presented with exercises, methods, techniques and recommendations that require application at the level of practice - in ordinary everyday life.

Based on this, we want to protect you from making the mistake that people often make when studying any valuable material. This error lies in the fact that absolutely all information remains only information and does not find application, although it should be used for its intended purpose. This is partly the fault of the compilers and authors, because. they present knowledge in such a way that it is difficult to translate it into a practical plane, and in part those who absorb this knowledge, because they either do not understand how, or simply do not want to take action.

With this in mind, our training "Self-education" was created. Its goal is not a continuous flow of theoretical information or tricks that are difficult to understand and apply, but a clear explanation of how to build the process of independent education, and intelligibly stated methods for application. In addition, all this is presented in such a way that the reader does not lose motivation, but, on the contrary, retains the desire to study the material and use it as soon as possible.

Do you want to test your knowledge?

If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how it suits you, you can take our test. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question.

Self-education lessons

After conducting our own research within the framework of this topic, identifying its most and least important components, as well as adapting what we have learned and found for practical application, we have developed a set of lessons on self-education.

Each of the lessons is devoted to a separate topic related to self-education. They dismantle the main components of this process that you will need to study, and, of course, as we have already said more than once, many practical elements are given - it is on them that the main bias is made.

In the first lesson, introspection will be touched upon, first of all, as a diagnosis by a person of his true aspirations, desires and actions - this is necessary in order to understand how to “charge” oneself for actions. You will learn how introspection and learning motivation are related, how to conduct introspection and set goals for self-study, get acquainted with several effective techniques on the topic of motivating yourself and others.

In the fourth lesson you will find answers to all questions related to self-organization and self-discipline: you will learn about which ones are for self-education and which are not, how to get rid of and how to instill productive ones, how you can learn to discipline yourself and what is needed for this. Particular attention will be paid to styles of self-organization, some basics and the development of perseverance. We will talk about and about openness to the new.

How to take classes?

The knowledge that is available to you from our training is maximally adapted for practical application, and can be used by anyone. But we always emphasize that in any training, as in any business, the transition from receiving information and thinking about it to practice is fundamental. Yes, you yourself perfectly understand that you can re-read a thousand textbooks, articles and smart books, you can go through dozens of trainings, but still stay in the same place if everything newly learned and gleaned is not used in practice - in life.

So how do you get training?

Mastering each of the lessons can be distributed by you over several periods. You can, for example, create such a schedule for yourself: study one lesson for three days: 1 day - reading the material, 2 day - understanding what was read, 3 day - practicing what you have learned. Then one day of rest and then learning a new lesson. It turns out that you will be able to study two lessons in a week and the entire course in about three weeks, because. days of rest and study will shift forward.

Always keep in mind that the lessons should not just be studied, but carefully studied in order to understand the meaning of what is written. And it is important to make those exercises and techniques that become available to you a part of your everyday life so that they gain a foothold. A single success is not yet an indicator. The indicator is systematic success.

Over time, your life will no longer be possible without self-education - the craving for learning something new will constantly transform into actions, and given that you will already be taught by experience, studying any subject that interests you will be simple and exciting.