Krikalev Sergey Konstantinovich family. Krikalev Sergey Konstantinovich

In February 1994, the first flight of a Russian cosmonaut on an American spacecraft took place. It was Sergei Krikalev's flight on the Discovery shuttle as part of the STS-60 space flight. In orbit, the shuttle's ventilation system failed. The Americans had clear instructions: to report to Earth about the breakdown and wait for instructions. While Houston was deciding what to do, the condensate accumulated in the air ducts began to freeze, something had to be done.

Krikalev did not want to interfere. When the astronauts asked: “What would you do?” - Sergey answered: "I would fix it." And then he took it and fixed it.

In December 1990, Krikalev began preparations for participation in the ninth expedition to the Mir station. Soyuz TM-12 was launched on May 19, 1991 with commander Anatoly Pavlovich Artsebarsky, flight engineer Krikalev and British astronaut Helen Sharman. A week later, Sharman returned to Earth with the previous crew, while Krikalev and Artsebarsky remained on Mir. During the summer, they carried out six spacewalks, while conducting numerous scientific experiments, as well as maintenance work on the station.

Before his second flight in May 1991, Sergei Krikalev could not have imagined that the events on Earth would make him a "cosmic long-liver." On May 19, 1991, as part of the Soyuz TM-12 crew, he launched to the Mir orbital station. The crew of the space expedition successfully completed all flight tasks and was about to return home. But the August events made their own adjustments to the flight plan. The collapse of the Soviet Union brought with it a chain of changes that were devastating for our country. The budgets of space programs have been significantly reduced, while obligations to other countries have not disappeared. According to the program of international cooperation, cosmonauts from Austria and Kazakhstan were supposed to go into space. It was planned that they would fly as part of different crews, but at that moment there was no money to launch two spacecraft. It was decided to combine the flights, and one spacecraft went into orbit, in which everyone did not get a place to return to Earth.

Krikalev is known and admired all over the world (in some countries there are entire museum stands dedicated to our cosmonaut). In 1998, the American director Michael Bay made the film "Armageddon", where the Russian cosmonaut Colonel Lev Andropov was shown in a caricature form, living alone on the space station (insane, unshaven, drunk, in a hat with earflaps and a quilted jacket, hitting instruments, opens the fuel supply valve with a crowbar, blows up the Mir space station) - however, in the end, it is he who, by his actions, saves all American astronauts by hitting the computer of the "non-starting" shuttle with a wrench. It is not at all necessary that Krikalev was taken as the basis of the character, of course, but there are too many coincidences.

In a training suit, June 30, 2004

Today Sergey Krikalev works as the first deputy general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering" for manned programs and is the most famous cosmonaut in the world, after Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

His cosmic destiny is worthy of a thrilling novel or adventure film. In total, over six starts, he flew 803 days

The whole world knows him - he is almost as popular as the first astronaut Yuri Gagarin. Not only that Sergey Krikalev- a real space long-liver: on one of his trips to orbit, he had to spend a year in space instead of 5 months, and in total, during six launches, he “flew” 803 days. Krikalev is also a master of all trades, who impressed the American astronauts with his skills.

Sergei Krikalev was included in the 9th expedition, which launched from Earth to the Mir space station. The launch took place on May 19, 1991. On board were the commander of the ship - Anatoly Artsebarsky, flight engineer Sergey Krikalev and an astronaut from the UK Helen Sharman. A few days later, the British woman returned to Earth, she was taken by members of the previous crew.

Krikalev and Artsebarsky remained at the Mir station. They carried out serious scientific work, set up experiments, several spacewalks were carried out. This was Krikalev's second flight.

In August, when it was time to return home, shocking news arrived from Earth. The Soviet Union was no more. The budgets of space programs, which had previously spared no expense, were greatly reduced. However, the program of international space cooperation had to be carried out - the refusal of Russia's obligations to other countries was not allowed.

In order to somehow save money, instead of two ships - with crews from Kazakhstan and Austria - one was sent into orbit, uniting the crews. When returning in this ship, there was not enough space for Krikalev. The astronaut had to stay and wait for the next ship to arrive. This happened only six months later. Altogether Sergei Krikalev spent almost a year in space. The country failed to ensure his return in time. And when he finally returned in March 1992, he ended up in another country - not the one he left a year ago ...

For this long flight, Sergei Krikalev, who by that time was already a Hero of the Soviet Union, received the honorary title of Hero of Russia and the Gold Star medal. He is one of the few who holds both of these titles at the same time.

Russian "Kulibin"

Krikalev's career continued. In the fall of 1992, it was decided to include him in the US-Russian space expedition. He was the first Russian to fly with the Americans on a shuttle. The expedition started on February 3, 1994. The Discovery shuttle made 130 orbits around the Earth and landed in Florida on February 11, 1994.

During the flight, an emergency situation arose. The electronic life support system suddenly failed, and then the air duct failed. The Americans, strictly following the instructions received, reported the incident to Earth and began to wait for instructions.

Everyone was very nervous. Condensate began to accumulate in the air ducts, it slowly froze, it was necessary to urgently do something, but the Earth could not make a decision. Krikalev at first silently watched - after all, he was part of the American crew on the sidelines. When the situation approached critical, the Americans asked him: “What would you do?” Our cosmonaut shrugged his shoulders and replied: "I would fix it."

And fixed it. Without waiting for instructions from Houston. The astronauts were against it - they wanted to wait for help to come from Earth. But Sergei Krikalev did it his own way: he found the cause of the malfunction, restored and restarted the shuttle's complex instruments.

His decisive and professional actions were the cause of extreme surprise and admiration of the Americans: it would never have occurred to anyone that it was possible, without relying on help from the Mission Control Center, to fix the breakdown on their own.

Russian cosmonaut from "Armageddon"

The style of work of Sergey Krikalev, as well as his decisive character, made an indelible impression on the Americans - however, as well as on everyone else, when this became known. It is assumed that the prototype of the Russian cosmonaut Lev Andropov from the movie Michael Bay"Armageddon" to some extent became exactly Krikalev.

Of course, the image of Lev Andropov turned out to be grotesque and caricatured - a Russian cosmonaut, flying alone in a spaceship, wears a padded jacket and earflaps, is constantly drunk and unshaven, gives the impression of being insane, because he hits instruments with iron, opens the fuel supply system with a crowbar, and then and completely blows up the station. Ultimately, however, it is Andropov who saves the American astronauts - by tapping the shuttle's computer with a wrench and thus turning it on.

Today's work of Sergei Krikalev takes place on Earth. He is the first deputy general director of the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering for manned programs. On August 27, 2018, he will turn 60 years old.

Full member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

Sergey Krikalev was born on August 27, 1958 in St. Petersburg. In 1975, he graduated from the tenth grade of secondary school No. 77. Since 1977, he has been involved in aircraft sports at the local flying club. Four years later, he graduated with honors from the Baltic State Technical University with a degree in Design and Production of Aircraft.

From September 14, 1981, Krikalev worked as an engineer in the 111th department of the Main Design Bureau of the Energy Research and Production Association. He was engaged in the development of instructions for astronauts. A year later he became an engineer, and from June 1, 1985, a senior engineer of the 191st department of the Main Design Bureau of NPO Energia.

On September 2, 1985, by decision of the state interdepartmental commission, Krikalev was selected for the cosmonaut corps of NPO Energia. During the following year, he underwent general space training. At the end of November 1986, he was qualified as a test cosmonaut. Further, for two years he was trained under the Buran program.

On March 22, 1988, Sergey Krikalev replaced Kaleri in the main crew of the Soyuz TM-7 spacecraft, who was suspended from training for health reasons. Until November 11, 1988, he was trained as a flight engineer for the main crew of the Soyuz TM-7 spacecraft under the Aragats program at the Mir orbital complex, together with Volkov and Jean-Loup Chretien. He also underwent training as the first tester of the cosmonaut's vehicle and was preparing to work with the Kvant-2 module, but the flight program was changed.

Krikalev made his first space flight from November 26, 1988 to April 27, 1989 as a flight engineer of the Soyuz TM-7 spacecraft and the Mir orbital complex under the program of the fourth main expedition and the Soviet-French program Aragats. Launched together with the spacecraft commander Volkov and cosmonaut researcher Jean-Loup Chretien, a citizen of the French Republic. Having completed the flight program, the station was prepared for operation in unmanned mode and landed on April 27, 1989. The duration of the space flight was 151 days 11 hours 08 minutes 24 seconds.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 27, 1989, for the successful implementation of a space flight on the Mir orbital research complex and for the courage and heroism shown, Krikalev Sergey Konstantinovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

In 1990, Krikalev was preparing for his second flight as a member of the backup crew for the eighth long-term expedition to the Mir station. In December 1990, Krikalev began preparations for participation in the ninth expedition to the Mir station. Soyuz TM-12 launched on May 18, 1991 with commander Anatoly Pavlovich Artsebarsky, flight engineer Krikalev, and British female cosmonaut Helen Sharman. A week later, Sharman returned to Earth with the previous crew, while Krikalev and Artsebarsky remained on Mir. Over the summer, six spacewalks were carried out, while numerous scientific experiments were carried out, as well as maintenance work on the station.

According to the plan, Krikalev's return was supposed to take place in five months, but in July 1991 Krikalev agreed to remain at the Mir station as a flight engineer with another crew due to arrive in October. This flight is interesting because the cosmonauts flew away from the USSR, and returned to Russia: during their flight, the Soviet Union ceased to exist. The flight duration was 311 days 20 h 00 min 34 s.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 387 of April 11, 1992, for courage and heroism shown during a long space flight on the Mir orbital station, the USSR pilot-cosmonaut Sergei Konstantinovich Krikalev was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the award of a special distinction of the Gold Star medal » № 1.

In October 1992, NASA officials announced that a Russian cosmonaut with space flight experience would fly on an American space shuttle. Krikalev was one of two candidates, the other being Vladimir Titov, sent by the Russian Space Agency to train with the STS-60 crew. In April 1993, Krikalev was announced as the main candidate.

Krikalev made his third space flight from February 3 to February 11, 1994 as a specialist in the crew aboard the STS-60 Discovery reusable transport spacecraft. This was the first U.S.-Russian joint space shuttle flight in the history of manned space exploration. The flight duration was 8 days 7 hours 10 minutes 13 seconds.

Krikalev made his fourth space flight from December 4 to 16, 1998 as part of the STS-88 mission as a flight-4 specialist. Together with the shuttle commander Robert Kabana, Sergey Krikalev opened the hatch to the International Space Station for the first time. The flight duration was 11 days 19 hours 18 minutes 47 seconds.

Krikalev made his fifth space flight from October 31, 2000 to March 21, 2001 as a flight engineer of the Soyuz TM-31 spacecraft and the ISS under the program of the first main expedition of the ISS. He landed on the Discovery shuttle STS-102 as a flight specialist. The flight duration was 140 days 23 hours 40 minutes 19 seconds.

In his sixth space flight, Krikalev led the prime crew of the first expedition to the International Space Station, launching into space on April 15, 2005 on the Soyuz TM6 spacecraft with crew members: NASA astronaut John Phillips and European Space Agency astronaut Roberto Vittori. During the flight, Krikalev made one spacewalk: on August 18, 2005, lasting 4 hours and 57 minutes. On October 11, 2005, together with NASA astronaut John Phillips and space tourist, US citizen Gregory Olsen, he returned to Earth on the Soyuz TMA-6 spacecraft. The flight duration was 179 days 0 hours 22 minutes 35 seconds.

Sergey Krikalev is the record holder for the total stay in space. For six flights, it amounted to 803 days 09 hours 41 minutes 12 seconds. Performed eight spacewalks, the total duration of work in open space was 41 hours and 26 minutes.

At the end of March 2009, Krikalev was relieved of his post as "test cosmonaut instructor" first class. By order of the head of Roscosmos dated March 27, 2009, he was appointed head of the Yury Gagarin Research and Testing Cosmonaut Training Center. At the end of March 2014, he left this position.

Since March 2014, Krikalev has been appointed First Deputy General Director of the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering for manned space programs, as well as Executive Director of the State Corporation Roscosmos for manned space programs. Since April 2014, the representative of the city of Sevastopol in Moscow and St. Petersburg. From August 2014, he took the position of First Deputy General Director of the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering.

At a meeting of the Board of Directors of PJSC Rocket and Space Complex Energia on January 24, 2019, it was decided to appoint Sergey Konstantinovich Krikalev as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Rocket and Space Complex Energia.

Sergei Konstantinovich, in addition to space, also has sports achievements. For a long time he was engaged in aircraft sports. He played at the USSR Championship for the team of the Central Aeroclub and was a candidate for the USSR national team in aircraft sports. In this sport, he became the champion of the USSR, the champion of Europe and the world champion in the team event.

At the First World Air Games in Turkey, he was a member of the Russian national team in aerobatics on gliders. He took first place in the team competition, and also became the silver medalist in the individual competition. At the Second World Air Games in Spain, he was the head coach of the Russian team. Krikalev was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe November 7, 2019 awarded Sergei Krikalev with one of the highest awards in the country: the Order of the Rising Sun on a neck ribbon with a star. The award ceremony took place at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.

Sergey Krikalev's awards

Hero of the Russian Federation (April 11, 1992) - for courage and heroism shown during a long space flight on the Mir orbital station (Gold Star medal No. 1).

Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (April 5, 2002) - for courage and high professionalism shown during a long-term space flight on the International Space Station.

Order of Honor (April 15, 1998) - for successful participation and achievement of high sports results in the First World Air Games.

Order of Friendship of Peoples (March 25, 1992) - for the successful implementation of a space flight on the Mir orbital station and the courage and heroism shown in this.

Order of Lenin (1989).

Order of the Rising Sun II degree (7.11.2019).

Medal "For Merit in Space Exploration" (April 12, 2011) - for great merits in the field of exploration, exploration and use of outer space, many years of conscientious work, active social activity.

Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg" (2005).

Honorary title "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR" (1989).

Officer of the Order of the Legion of Honor (France, 1989).

Three NASA Space Flight Medals (1996, 1998, 2001).

NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal (2003)

Honorary citizen of St. Petersburg (2007).

Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Lifetime Honorary Member of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain.

Laureate of the national award "Golden Eye of Russia".

Laureate of the national award "Russian of the Year" (2011).

Merit recognition

Bust on the Alley of Heroes of the Moscow Victory Park (St. Petersburg)

Full member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

Sergey Krikalev was born on August 27, 1958 in St. Petersburg. In 1975, he graduated from the tenth grade of secondary school No. 77. Since 1977, he has been involved in aircraft sports at the local flying club. Four years later, he graduated with honors from the Baltic State Technical University with a degree in Design and Production of Aircraft.

From September 14, 1981, Krikalev worked as an engineer in the 111th department of the Main Design Bureau of the Energy Research and Production Association. He was engaged in the development of instructions for astronauts. A year later he became an engineer, and from June 1, 1985, a senior engineer of the 191st department of the Main Design Bureau of NPO Energia.

On September 2, 1985, by decision of the state interdepartmental commission, Krikalev was selected for the cosmonaut corps of NPO Energia. During the following year, he underwent general space training. At the end of November 1986, he was qualified as a test cosmonaut. Further, for two years he was trained under the Buran program.

On March 22, 1988, Sergey Krikalev replaced Kaleri in the main crew of the Soyuz TM-7 spacecraft, who was suspended from training for health reasons. Until November 11, 1988, he was trained as a flight engineer for the main crew of the Soyuz TM-7 spacecraft under the Aragats program at the Mir orbital complex, together with Volkov and Jean-Loup Chretien. He also underwent training as the first tester of the cosmonaut's vehicle and was preparing to work with the Kvant-2 module, but the flight program was changed.

Krikalev made his first space flight from November 26, 1988 to April 27, 1989 as a flight engineer of the Soyuz TM-7 spacecraft and the Mir orbital complex under the program of the fourth main expedition and the Soviet-French program Aragats. Launched together with the spacecraft commander Volkov and cosmonaut researcher Jean-Loup Chretien, a citizen of the French Republic. Having completed the flight program, the station was prepared for operation in unmanned mode and landed on April 27, 1989. The duration of the space flight was 151 days 11 hours 08 minutes 24 seconds.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 27, 1989, for the successful implementation of a space flight on the Mir orbital research complex and for the courage and heroism shown, Krikalev Sergey Konstantinovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

In 1990, Krikalev was preparing for his second flight as a member of the backup crew for the eighth long-term expedition to the Mir station. In December 1990, Krikalev began preparations for participation in the ninth expedition to the Mir station. Soyuz TM-12 launched on May 18, 1991 with commander Anatoly Pavlovich Artsebarsky, flight engineer Krikalev, and British female cosmonaut Helen Sharman. A week later, Sharman returned to Earth with the previous crew, while Krikalev and Artsebarsky remained on Mir. Over the summer, six spacewalks were carried out, while numerous scientific experiments were carried out, as well as maintenance work on the station.

According to the plan, Krikalev's return was supposed to take place in five months, but in July 1991 Krikalev agreed to remain at the Mir station as a flight engineer with another crew due to arrive in October. This flight is interesting because the cosmonauts flew away from the USSR, and returned to Russia: during their flight, the Soviet Union ceased to exist. The flight duration was 311 days 20 h 00 min 34 s.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 387 of April 11, 1992, for courage and heroism shown during a long space flight on the Mir orbital station, the USSR pilot-cosmonaut Sergei Konstantinovich Krikalev was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the award of a special distinction of the Gold Star medal » № 1.

In October 1992, NASA officials announced that a Russian cosmonaut with space flight experience would fly on an American space shuttle. Krikalev was one of two candidates, the other being Vladimir Titov, sent by the Russian Space Agency to train with the STS-60 crew. In April 1993, Krikalev was announced as the main candidate.

Krikalev made his third space flight from February 3 to February 11, 1994 as a specialist in the crew aboard the STS-60 Discovery reusable transport spacecraft. This was the first U.S.-Russian joint space shuttle flight in the history of manned space exploration. The flight duration was 8 days 7 hours 10 minutes 13 seconds.

Krikalev made his fourth space flight from December 4 to 16, 1998 as part of the STS-88 mission as a flight-4 specialist. Together with the shuttle commander Robert Kabana, Sergey Krikalev opened the hatch to the International Space Station for the first time. The flight duration was 11 days 19 hours 18 minutes 47 seconds.

Krikalev made his fifth space flight from October 31, 2000 to March 21, 2001 as a flight engineer of the Soyuz TM-31 spacecraft and the ISS under the program of the first main expedition of the ISS. He landed on the Discovery shuttle STS-102 as a flight specialist. The flight duration was 140 days 23 hours 40 minutes 19 seconds.

In his sixth space flight, Krikalev led the prime crew of the first expedition to the International Space Station, launching into space on April 15, 2005 on the Soyuz TM6 spacecraft with crew members: NASA astronaut John Phillips and European Space Agency astronaut Roberto Vittori. During the flight, Krikalev made one spacewalk: on August 18, 2005, lasting 4 hours and 57 minutes. On October 11, 2005, together with NASA astronaut John Phillips and space tourist, US citizen Gregory Olsen, he returned to Earth on the Soyuz TMA-6 spacecraft. The flight duration was 179 days 0 hours 22 minutes 35 seconds.

Sergey Krikalev is the record holder for the total stay in space. For six flights, it amounted to 803 days 09 hours 41 minutes 12 seconds. Performed eight spacewalks, the total duration of work in open space was 41 hours and 26 minutes.

At the end of March 2009, Krikalev was relieved of his post as "test cosmonaut instructor" first class. By order of the head of Roscosmos dated March 27, 2009, he was appointed head of the Yury Gagarin Research and Testing Cosmonaut Training Center. At the end of March 2014, he left this position.

Since March 2014, Krikalev has been appointed First Deputy General Director of the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering for manned space programs, as well as Executive Director of the State Corporation Roscosmos for manned space programs. Since April 2014, the representative of the city of Sevastopol in Moscow and St. Petersburg. From August 2014, he took the position of First Deputy General Director of the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering.

At a meeting of the Board of Directors of PJSC Rocket and Space Complex Energia on January 24, 2019, it was decided to appoint Sergey Konstantinovich Krikalev as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Rocket and Space Complex Energia.

Sergei Konstantinovich, in addition to space, also has sports achievements. For a long time he was engaged in aircraft sports. He played at the USSR Championship for the team of the Central Aeroclub and was a candidate for the USSR national team in aircraft sports. In this sport, he became the champion of the USSR, the champion of Europe and the world champion in the team event.

At the First World Air Games in Turkey, he was a member of the Russian national team in aerobatics on gliders. He took first place in the team competition, and also became the silver medalist in the individual competition. At the Second World Air Games in Spain, he was the head coach of the Russian team. Krikalev was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe November 7, 2019 awarded Sergei Krikalev with one of the highest awards in the country: the Order of the Rising Sun on a neck ribbon with a star. The award ceremony took place at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.

Sergey Krikalev's awards

Hero of the Russian Federation (April 11, 1992) - for courage and heroism shown during a long space flight on the Mir orbital station (Gold Star medal No. 1).

Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (April 5, 2002) - for courage and high professionalism shown during a long-term space flight on the International Space Station.

Order of Honor (April 15, 1998) - for successful participation and achievement of high sports results in the First World Air Games.

Order of Friendship of Peoples (March 25, 1992) - for the successful implementation of a space flight on the Mir orbital station and the courage and heroism shown in this.

Order of Lenin (1989).

Order of the Rising Sun II degree (7.11.2019).

Medal "For Merit in Space Exploration" (April 12, 2011) - for great merits in the field of exploration, exploration and use of outer space, many years of conscientious work, active social activity.

Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg" (2005).

Honorary title "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR" (1989).

Officer of the Order of the Legion of Honor (France, 1989).

Three NASA Space Flight Medals (1996, 1998, 2001).

NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal (2003)

Honorary citizen of St. Petersburg (2007).

Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Lifetime Honorary Member of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain.

Laureate of the national award "Golden Eye of Russia".

Laureate of the national award "Russian of the Year" (2011).

Merit recognition

Bust on the Alley of Heroes of the Moscow Victory Park (St. Petersburg)

PLAQUE: 803 days 09 o'clock 41 min. 23 sec.
EVAs: 8
TOTAL DURATION: 41 hours. 26 min.

in 1975 graduated from 10 classes of secondary school No. 77 of the city of Leningrad;

since 1977 began to go in for airplane sports at the Leningrad flying club DOSAAF;

in 1981 graduated with honors from the Leningrad Mechanical Institute (LMI) (Voenmekh), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, specialty - "design and production of aircraft", received a diploma in mechanical engineering.


1981-1983- engineer, senior engineer of the 111th department of the head design bureau (GKB) of NPO Energia;

in 1983 passed the medical selection and in February 1984, after passing the necessary exams, he was selected for the cosmonaut corps of NPO Energia;

1983-1985 - head of the group of State Design Bureau NPO Energia. He was engaged in the development of instructions for astronauts, working out the actions of the crews of manned spacecraft. He worked at the MCC as a methodologist for the actions of the crews, in 1985 - in the group for restoring the working capacity of the Salyut-7 station from May 1990 to April 1992 - deputy head of the 191st department (former 111th department) of NPO Energia;

from April1992. to November1994. - Deputy Head of the 115th department of NPO Energia;

from February2007. to august2007. - Vice President of RSC Energia;

since august2007. to March2009. - Deputy General Designer of RSC Energia;

since March2009. to March 2014- was the head of the Yu.A. Gagarin” (FGBU “NII TsPK named after Yu.A. Gagarin”).


August 21985. - by the decision of the State Interdepartmental Commission, he was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps of NPO Energia;

in September1985. - by order of the Minister of General Mechanical Engineering No. 384, he was appointed as a candidate for test cosmonauts of the cosmonaut corps of NPO Energia (291st department);

November 281986. - by the decision of the MVKK, the qualification "test cosmonaut" was awarded;

in 1986 successfully completed a general space training course;

in 1986 - 1988 - was trained as part of a group of cosmonauts under the Buran program;

from March 22 to November 111988. - was trained as a flight engineer for the main crew of the Soyuz TM-7 spacecraft under the EO-4 / Aragats program at the Mir OK, together with A. Volkov and J.-L. Chretien (France);

February 11th1987. - was appointed to the post of test cosmonaut of the cosmonaut corps of NPO Energia;

in1990. - trained as a flight engineer for the backup crew of the Soyuz TM-11 spacecraft under the EO-8 program and the joint Soviet-Japanese flight to OK Mir together with A. Artsebarsky and R. Kikuchi (Japan);

from March to November 1988 he was trained as a flight engineer for the main crew of the Soyuz TM-7 spacecraft under the EO-4 / Aragats program at Mir, together with A. Volkov and J.-L. Chretien (France);

April 71992. - was appointed to the post of instructor-test cosmonaut, deputy head of the department of NPO Energia;

from November 51992. to January1994. - trained at the Center L. Johnson as an understudy for V. Titov - Flight-4 Specialist (Mission Specialist) of the crew of the Discovery spacecraft under the STS-60 program. Received a certificate for working with a shuttle manipulator, was trained to fly a T-38 aircraft as a co-pilot;

from April1994. to January1995. - trained at the Center L. Johnson as an understudy for V. Titov, a flight-4 specialist of the crew of the Discovery spacecraft under the STS-63 program, took part in the work of the ISS team of the NASA astronauts office, including the development of station assembly methods;

Trained to work in an American weekend suit;

During the STS-63 flight, as well as the STS-71, STS-74 and STS-76 flights, he was the head of the 1st Advisory Group of Experts of the Moscow Mission Control Center in Houston, helped to establish interaction between the Russian and American Mission Control Centers;

in 1995 -1996 worked in the MCC as a deputy flight director for crew actions;

in February 1996 d. assigned to the first crew of the ISS;

since October1996. - was trained as a flight engineer for the main crew of the first expedition to the International Space Station (ISS-1), together with Yu. Gidzenko and William Shepherd (USA);

September - November1998. - was trained at the Johnson Center as part of the STS-88 crew;

since October2000. - February 2003- was the backup crew commander of Expedition 7 to the ISS (ISS-7d) together with M. Suraev (replaced by S. Volkov) and Paul Richards (replaced by John Phillips) (USA);

2003 - 2005- Trained as the prime crew commander of Expedition 11 to the ISS together with John Phillips (USA).

Full member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky (2011).


3rd class test cosmonaut (October 16, 1989);
1st class test cosmonaut, 1st class instructor-test cosmonaut (04/07/1992).


1 flight - from November 26 1988 . to April 27 1989 . as a flight engineer of TC "Soyuz-TM-7" and OK "Mir" under the EO-4 program and the Soviet-French program "Aragats". Launched together with Alexander Volkov and Jean-Loup Chretien (France) on the Soyuz TM-7 spacecraft. Due to a change in the flight program, together with other crew members, he carried out the conservation of the station. He landed together with Alexander Volkov and Valery Polyakov.
Flight duration: 151 days 11 hours 08 minutes 24 seconds Callsign: "Donbas-2".

2 flight- from May 18 1991 . to March 25 1992 . as a flight engineer for Soyuz TM-12 and Mir under the EO-9 programs together with Anatoly Artsebarsky and EO-10 ​​together with Alexander Volkov. He landed on the Soyuz TM-13 spacecraft. Together with him, H. Sharman (Great Britain), T. Aubakirov, F. Fieböck (Austria), K.-D. Flade (Germany) worked in space. He landed on the Soyuz TM-13 spacecraft. During the flight, he performed 7 spacewalks with a total duration of 36 hours 29 minutes - set a record for the duration of stay in open space.
Flight duration: 311 days 20 h 00 min 54 sec. Callsign: "Ozone-2" / "Donbas-2".

3 flight -from 3 to 11 February 1994 . as part of the STS-60 crew aboard the Discovery spacecraft as Mission Specialist-4.
Flight duration: 8 days 07 h 09 min 22 sec.

4 flight -from 4 to 16 December 1998 . as a flight-4 specialist on the Endeavor spacecraft under the STS-88 program. It was the first manned flight under the International Space Station assembly program. During the flight, the American node module NODE 1 Unity was docked to the Zarya functional cargo block. Together with the shuttle commander R. Kabana, he opened the hatch in the ISS for the first time. As part of the first crew of the ISS, he carried out work to prepare the station for the start of operation
Flight duration: 11 days 19 hours 17 minutes 55 seconds

5 flight -from October 31 2000 . to March 21 2001 . under the program of the first prime crew of the ISS (ISS-1) as a Soyuz TM-31 flight engineer and a Discovery flight-3 specialist (STS-102) at the reentry stage.
Flight duration: 140 days 23 hours 38 minutes 55 seconds

6 flight -from April 15 2005 . to October 10 2005 . on the Soyuz TMA-6 SC as the crew commander of the ISS Prime Expedition 11 crew. During the flight, he performed one spacewalk, lasting 4 hours 57 minutes.
Flight duration: 179 days 00 h 23 min 35 sec.


candidate of psychological sciences (2008);
full member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky (2011) .


He has the 1st category in swimming, a candidate for master of sports in all-around;
"Master of Sports of the USSR" in aerobatics (1981);
"Master of Sports of International Class" in aerobatics (1995);
"Honored Master of Sports of Russia" (2007).


Since 1977, he has been involved in aircraft sports. In 1980 - 1981 he was a member of the Leningrad aerobatics team.

Since 1981, he was engaged in aircraft sports at the Central Aeroclub named after. V.P. Chkalov in Moscow. In 1982, he played at the USSR Championship for the team of the Central Aeroclub and became a candidate for the USSR national team in aircraft sports.

In 1983 he became the absolute champion of the city of Moscow in aerobatics. In the finals of the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR and the USSR Championship, he played for the RSFSR national team, where he took 3rd place in the team and 8th place in the individual competition.

In 1985, he competed at the aerobatics championship of the socialist countries as part of the 2nd USSR team. In 1986 he became the champion of the USSR in the team event, as well as a prize-winner in exercises. In 1996, he became the winner of the European Championship in the team event and the champion in the exercise.

In 1997, at the First World Air Games in Turkey, he was a member of the Russian team in glider aerobatics. He took first place in the team competition, became the silver medalist in the individual competition.

He mastered the piloting of Yak-18A, Yak-50, Yak-52, Yak-55, Yak-55M, Su-26, Su-29, L-39, Tsesna. As part of the training under the Buran program, he flew the MiG-21, MiG-25 and Tu-134. On a T-38 aircraft (USA) he flew more than 140 hours as a co-pilot.

Medal "Gold Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 27, 1989).

Medal "Gold Star" of the Hero of the Russian Federation (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 11, 1992).

Order of Honor (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 204 of April 15, 1998, for achieving high sports results at the First World Air Games).

Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 353 of April 5, 2002).


Order of the Legion of Honor (Legion d'Honneur) (France, 1989)
NASA Space Flight Medal (1996, 1998, 2001)
Medal for Distinguished Public Service (NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal, 2003).


Order "For Diligence for the Good of the Fatherland" (established by the Foundation "For the Good of the Fatherland") (2006).
Order "Pride of Russia" (established by the Pride of Russia Foundation and positioned as the highest public award of the Russian Federation) (2008).
Honorary Life Membership of the Royal Photographic Society (UK) (2009).


Aerobatics, swimming, scuba diving, skiing, windsurfing, tennis, amateur radio (call sign - U5MIR).