Who are they, Novgorod ushkuyniki? Ushkuiniki - Russian dashing people who burned down both the capital of Sweden and the capital of the Golden Horde (20 photos).


Memo to the Russian Man


Almost all of the historical facts mentioned in this book are undeniable.
And the FACTS, as Lenin said, are "a stubborn thing," but each reader can draw conclusions from them in his own way if he is not satisfied with what the author has done.

Oceans of blood have already flowed under the bridge of history since that accursed time when the insurgent company of the reserve battalion of the Volyn Guards Regiment joined the rebellious mob and raised an uprising in "Brilliant St. Petersburg" ...

The “bread riot”, insignificant in itself, which could be easily localized and did not represent anything serious at first, turned into a colossal explosion. Its terrible consequences affected all of humanity, starting with the New York Jewish banker and ending with the now independent and free, but still a pantsless Papuan.
No one ever imagined in those distant times that “wild, backward, poor and despotic” Russia was the “Cornerstone” on which peace, tranquility and well-being of all the peoples of our small globe were based. Many do not understand (or do not want to understand) this simple truth to this day. The fog of all sorts of idle fabrications (and deliberate distortions) has dragged out the history of Russia so much that not only foreigners, but Russian people themselves have long lost all orientation and do not understand the true meaning of either past or present events.

Despite the "ministerial leapfrog" and all sorts of other malfunctions and interruptions in the Russian state mechanism, the victory of Russia and its allies over Germany and Austria was already completely secured at the end of 1916. The army was well supplied, completely calm and confident from the general to the last private in a close victory. There were no "revolutionary sentiments" dangerous for the state, even in the rear. It was clear to everyone that after so many victims and hardships, on the eve of victory, it would be senseless and criminal to start a revolution.

But to our common misfortune, the revolution not only happened and wrested a well-deserved victory from the hands of the Russian people, but was also greeted with wild enthusiasm by many, especially in the capitals of the Empire. The audience, decorated with red bows, sang vulgar songs:
“Praise to you, freedom, Tra-la-la-la-la-la After all, you removed the burden from the Russian people!” Not realizing in their childish delight that this "burden" was the necessary ballast for the ship, which gave it stability and resistance to storms. The ship freed itself from its "ballast" and immediately capsized...

"The Great Bloodless Revolution", as everyone knows, was neither an agrarian nor a proletarian revolution. Analyzing this period of Russian history, one can easily draw the false conclusion that the imperial government, which brought the country to the threshold of victory, "suddenly" weakened, did not find strength in itself to cross this threshold and handed power over to random “amateurs.” Is this true?
After many years of complete silence, a completely exhaustive answer to this question was given by the Jew Grigory Aronson in his long article, published in October 1959 in the newspaper Novoe Russkoye Slovo. Without any reservations and quite frankly, Aronson confirmed in this article of exceptional importance and fairness that the February revolution in Russia was the work of the Russian secret Masonic lodges, "subsidiary" lodges of the Judeo-French "Lodge of the Great Orient". Kerensky, who was still alive at that time, not only fully confirmed Aronson's words, but also added that, being under the "Masonic Oath", he himself had no right to speak about this issue. According to Aronson, ALL members of the Provisional Government without exception, not excluding, of course, Kerensky himself, were Freemasons. In other words, the “winners” had pre-trained cadres at hand, who immediately seized power.

The sphere of activity of the Masonic lodges in Russia before the first revolution was completely invisible to the average layman, but it captured wide circles of the population, especially among those groups whose activities could influence the functions of the state apparatus. Being a secret Mason was considered very "advanced", fashionable and, of course, useful in terms of promotion and the acquisition of various earthly goods. Masons occupied key positions in the administrative apparatus of the Empire and had every opportunity to influence the course of events. In fact, there were no state secrets that were not immediately known to the Masons and were not transmitted by them “on command” to Paris, to their “Mother Lodge”.

What secrets could escape their attention when even such a person as a close relative of the Emperor, Vel. Book. Nikolai Mikhailovich, a well-known historian who had access to all the important archives of the state, was a member of one of the Russian Masonic lodges?
In the book of his memoirs, Vel. Book. , brother Nikolai Mikhailovich, mentions one extraordinary fact, little known to the general public, that thirteen guards cavalry regiments, on the personal order of the Sovereign, should be transferred from the front to Petrograd to suppress unrest. Further, the Grand Duke writes as follows:

“Later I learned that the traitors who were sitting in the Headquarters, under the influence of the leaders of the State Duma, dared to cancel this order.”

In other words, the Freemasons who sat in the Duma ordered their Freemason brothers, who held prominent positions at headquarters, to cancel the order of the Sovereign and thereby open the way for the February Revolution and all the “benefits” that it brought to Russia and the whole world.
The words of the Sovereign from his diary that “treason, cowardice and deceit are all around, probably referred to this episode, which changed the whole course of history and ultimately killed the Emperor himself, his entire Family and many traitors, including Vel. Book. Nikolai Mikhailovich...

Freemasons - these invisible enemies of the Russian Empire, began their work of destruction from the beginning of the last century, when the Guards, who returned from France, brought back to their homeland those seeds from which the February Revolution grew. Of course, separate Masonic lodges existed in Russia before, but their activities were insignificant and inconspicuous. The organization of the North and South lodges and their ramifications can be traced back to the period 1815-20.

In December 1825, when the unpublished abdication of the throne by V. Kn. Constantine created confusion in St. Petersburg, the Masons decided that the time for a coup had come and brought some guards units to Senate Square. As you know, the ill-prepared uprising was suppressed mainly due to the personal energetic actions of the young Emperor. Nicholas I. The Masonic organization was crushed and went underground. Hidden in darkness and surrounded by mystery, she tirelessly continued her subversive work under the motto: "The worse for Russia, the better the day for us."

In the person of Stolypin, a man of exceptional will, administrative talent and fearlessness, the Masons saw their mortal enemy like Lenin, they perfectly understood that while Stolypin was in power, no "Great upheavals" were possible. They hunted him like a wild animal. He was killed in Kyiv on September 1, 1911.

Attorney at Law Mordka (Mikhail) Bogrov, the son of very wealthy Kyiv Jews, in some very incomprehensible and mysterious way, became a secret agent of the Kyiv police and was appointed (it is also not clear by whom) among those agents who were supposed to protect the Emperor and Stolypin who were present at the performance, which became tragic.
Bogrov approached Stolypin, who was sitting in the stalls, and wounded him with a fatal shot from a state-owned Browning. Clamping his wound with his right hand, Stolypin turned to the Emperor's bed and with his left hand blessed him with the Sign of the Cross.

Who knows, maybe in those dying moments he had a presentiment that his Sovereign, to whom he had been devoted all his life, would die in the near future at the hands of the same “dark forces”, and sent him his last blessing.
Bogrov did not betray anyone during interrogation and was soon hanged in the Oblique Caponier. The enraged population of Kyiv was preparing to kill the Jews, and only the energetic measures of the government, which called in three Cossack regiments, stopped this attempt.

As it turned out later, on the morning of the day of the murder, Bogrov had a meeting with Bronstein ( Trotsky) in one of the Kyiv cafes, apparently to receive the latest instructions. It should be pointed out that at the beginning of his political career, Trotsky was a Mason of the 9th degree.
The fact of a more than strange appointment of a deliberately suspicious person as Bogrov to the bodyguard of the Emperor and Stolypin leads to gloomy reflections. This appointment was, of course, deliberately set up by someone? Lopukhin, head of the Police Department, was a freemason.

The assassination of Stolypin was the first ring of the bell, announcing to the world the imminent death of Imperial Russia. It is quite possible that Stolypin, who understood better than anyone the danger of war for Russia, could have avoided it if he had been alive in the summer of 1914, when others - or the same! - "dark forces" organized the assassination of the heir to the Austrian throne in Sarajevo. As claimed at one time, the terrorists of the Black Hand, to which the boy Gabriel Princip belonged, who killed Franz Ferdinand, had at the top a connection with the Masonic lodges of Europe. The St. Petersburg "Masonic coup" was a complete surprise for the active army, which in its mass accepted it with great distrust, bewilderment and fear for the future. The writer of these lines almost fell from his bunk in a dugout on the Northern Front, when the monotonous voice of a brigade communications soldier began to transmit to him a “small telephone message” about the abdication of the Sovereign from the throne. The next very revealing episode may give an idea of ​​how the most conscious officers of the Russian Army reacted to this criminal revolution. In the first division of the artillery brigade, where the writer of these lines served, there was lieutenant Kurdyumov, who was promoted to officer from volunteers. He was a scientific agronomist by profession, having graduated from a university in Germany. Already elderly, calm, tall and a little gloomy, he was very popular among the soldiers, and after the revolution he was immediately elected by them as a delegate from the brigade and sent to some army congress in Pskov. At one of the very first meetings of the congress, Kurdyumov asked for the floor, ascended on the stage and instead of the usual praises of “freedom” and all the benefits that it brought to the motherland, he began to revile this freedom, all its “achievements”, its defenders and all the bastard that stuck to it with a thunderous voice. At the end of the speech, in a state of some kind of prophetic clairvoyance, Kurdyumov predicted the entire future course of the revolution, civil war, and so on. and warned his stupefied listeners that most of them would soon fall victim to the "freedom" they so lauded. The effect of this fiery speech was amazing, according to witnesses. Kurdyumov, who was not detained by anyone, calmly went to the hotel room where he was staying, took his revolver and shot himself ...

The army in the first days after the revolution was simply stunned by unexpected news and instinctively felt that something terrible awaited everyone in the near future. A select few, like Lieutenant Kurdyumov, understood this clearly, while others only felt the impending great disaster, but did not fully imagine it.

By the way, long before Aronson, namely in 1955, Ekaterina Kuskova, who was closely associated with the Masonic circles in Russia, also pointed out their influence on the revolution in the following phrase, published in the Rossiya newspaper of June 30, 1971: “ Freemasonry played an enormous role in preparing the revolution with its influence in the highest circles and in the military."

The preparation was carried out systematically and continuously. The unfortunate empress was chosen as the main object, on whom tubs of the most vile slops were poured, which, as was later proved, were a blatant lie. The venomous gossip spread by the Freemasons in the "higher circles" quickly penetrated the "lower classes" and prepared for their decay.

The culminating point of this struggle against the Dynasty was the treacherous assassination Rasputin Prince Yusupov and his accomplices. Although it still remains unknown whether Yusupov himself was a Freemason or not, there can be no doubt that, being married to the Mason's niece V. Kn. Nikolai Mikhailovich and belonging to the very top of the Russian aristocracy, he could not help but know about the activities of Freemasonry in Russia and what tasks it pursues. Now, more than half a century later, it is hard to imagine what a “psychological shock” this vile crime, committed by people who, due to their high position, could count on impunity, produced on the broad masses of the Russian population.

The majority regarded the murder of the “old man” as a clear indication that the motherland was on the verge of destruction due to the fault of some “internal enemies” surrounding the Empress, and that the “patriots”, driven to the extreme, were forced to remove one of these enemies. The “simple people” understood this murder even more simply: “Since the most noble bar begin to beat the peasants in St. Petersburg on their own initiative, then the thing is rubbish at all seams, everything is gone, there are no more laws - and everything is allowed!

Furious attacks on the government of the left deputies of the State Duma and, especially, Kerensky, inflated by the "progressive press", almost all of whose employees in those years were Jews, also exerted their influence on the disintegration of the masses. The most important factor that influenced the collapse of the government apparatus in the capital of the Empire was the poison of Freemasonry, systematically introduced into all administrative bodies, which simply refused to function at the most critical moment and quite deliberately made it possible for a tiny revolt of the "edge of bread" to develop into an all-Russian, all-encompassing revolution. . That the Freemasons expected it and were fully prepared for it, is proved by the very fact of the composition of the "Provisional Government", which included only and exclusively Freemasons. It was no longer possible to wait: a war won on the external front would have been a mortal defeat for the internal enemies of the Empire and would have nullified all their subversive work, which had lasted for about a century. In 1825 the Freemasons took advantage of the moment of confusion over the issue of succession. In 1917 - confusion in the transport of flour. The reason was the most insignificant, but time could not stand it. A victorious Russia would soon become the first world power, and all the millions spent by the "Forces" on its collapse would have to be written off as an expense as a net loss. No wonder the famous American Jewish banker Yakov Shif often boasted after the collapse of Russia that this was mainly the work of his hands (rather, his pocket), which cost him a big penny ...
On the Russian side, the main part in the death of the Empire was taken by the highest circles and the military, just those elements whose well-being and even life were entirely connected with this very empire, which gave them everything they had ... Paradoxical, but true! Many years ago, Count Rostopchin noted this in his famous epigram:

“In Europe, a shoemaker, in order to become a gentleman, rebels - of course! Our nobility is making a revolution... Do you want to be a shoemaker, or something?”

On Senate Square, Nicholas 1 saved most of the ancestors of our nobility from the sad fate of being shoemakers in a foreign land, although he expelled some to Siberia to clear their minds. I believe, however, that in general, the life of these exiles in distant Siberia was much better and easier than their great-grandchildren in exile. Many of them really became shoemakers, and one of the descendants of the famous Freemason of the beginning of the last century, Prince Trubetskoy, who was in exile in Siberia, worked as a carpenter in America.

As you know, the task of the Provisional Government, headed by the empty, arrogant and narcissistic talker Kerensky, was to bring the country to the Constituent Assembly. It would be more accurate to call this stillborn assembly not "Constituent", but "Dismemberment", since according to the plans outlined in advance, separatists of various stripes supported by Masons were to vote for the division of the Empire into its constituent parts. The well-known American political commentator, the Jew Weinthal, once said quite definitely in the pages of Newsweek magazine that the world, i.e., of course, the Jewish world, cannot be calm as long as Russia remains indivisible.

What in America is called the “Institution”, or, in other words, the “World Government”, received through Russian Masons control over the largest country in the world in terms of territory. It goes without saying, but, unfortunately, far from being for everyone, that it would be in the most direct interests of the "Institution" to keep this country safe and sound, as they say, without subjecting it to any dangerous socialist experiments. It was supposed to turn Russia into a conglomerate of small "democratic" (of course!) Republics and quietly manage them from the outside with great benefit and benefit for the "Institution". But, as often happens in our life, it turned out not at all what was expected ...

Masons, who had vast experience in secret subversive work to destroy their homeland, had no idea about creative work and about that internal discipline that should bind the entire administrative structure of the state into one whole. In their rapture of "freedoms" they completely forgot about the existence of the famous "Kamarinsky Man", who soon went on stage, got naked and showed himself in all his glory. It was said that Kerensky himself, in the last days of his “reign”, exclaimed in complete despair that only now did he understand what administrative experience the Imperial Government had, which knew how to keep all of Russia in order.

As expected, one of the first acts of the Masonic government in Russia was the granting of full citizenship rights to all Jews who lived in those years on the territory of the country, whose number reached 3 percent of the entire population of the Empire. In addition, a special commission was immediately organized, consisting mainly of the Jews themselves, to find those persons from among the administration who, according to the “Jewish legend” that had long been rooted throughout the world, were guilty of organizing Jewish pogroms in southern Russia. But there was an embarrassment: there were no such people, and the matter was quickly hushed up. However, the legend, like many other legends from the same source, is very tenacious and sometimes appears on the pages of the Western press of the present. Now there is another interesting version of Russian history in use. The February Masonic Revolution, which granted the Jews full rights, is completely erased from the annals of history by some American "experts on Russian affairs", and the active participation of the Jews in the communist coup is explained by the fact that Lenin and the KO for the first time, allegedly in Russia, granted all citizenship rights to the Jews and thereby won their grateful hearts.

With the help of the Kamarinsky Muzhiks, what had been created for centuries, Masons managed to destroy in six months. The bacilli of communism, alien to the Russian organism, would not have had any chance of success if the Freemasons, completely unwillingly, had not prepared for them a suitable “culture of decomposition - like those artificial cultures on which microorganisms are bred in laboratories. But, according to Lenin himself, even in these most favorable conditions for them, the Bolsheviks had no chance of victory if they did not find full support and sympathy among the hundreds of thousands of so-called "parochial Zhids" evacuated from the western provinces to central Russia. during the first world war. Their cadres created the administrative framework that saved communism in the most critical period of its existence and ensured its ultimate victory.

With the same complete frankness as Aronson wrote about the participation of Freemasons in the February Revolution, another Jew, Professor Samuil Goldelman, also wrote a wonderful article about how "parochial Jews" supported and saved Lenin's revolution, and with what black ingratitude Lenin's heirs repaid them for this is. The articles were published in the bulletin of the "Institute for the Study of the USSR", N 4/32 1959, Munich. It contains the following words of Lenin, spoken by him to his friend the Jew Dimanshtein. The articles of Professor Goldelman and the journalist Aronson are "key" articles that rarely appear on the pages of the modern press. For a moment, like flashes of magnesium, they light up the dark corners of history, but the flash faded, the eyes of the public became accustomed to the murky darkness, and everything was forgotten.
The task of the author of these lines is, so to speak, summing up these outbreaks and bringing them to the same denominator. In this form, one can hope that they will be better preserved in the memory of posterity.

The real words of Lenin, cited in Goldelman's landmark article, were: "These Jewish elements were mobilized against sabotage (by the Russians) and thus they were able to take over the administrative apparatus only because we had this stock of intelligent and educated labor at hand.
Everything is clear and quite accurate. The few who are still alive, who saw with their own eyes the days of the revolution in Russia, remember well this "force" and how it dealt with the Russian people. The number of "mobilized" Jews reached 1.4 million people, and a very significant part of the "recruits" rushed into the ranks of the "Cheka" being formed and occupied all command posts in it ...
A certain Novak, a former communist and possibly a Jew, fully confirmed Lenin's words in an article that appeared in Sat. Evening. Post" (May 28, 1960).

He wrote like this:
“Russian Jews, oppressed by the tsars, linked their fate with the revolution of 1917 from the very beginning and supported the ideals of communism.
The Jewish intelligentsia became at the head of the revolution and was its leader in the most difficult period.
But the Soviet Revolution, like others, devoured its children.”

Here it is necessary to note another "paradox" of Russian history, which no one has ever mentioned anywhere. The Jewish-French "Lodge of the Great East" through its Russian "daughters" seized power over a huge country - Russia. The dizziness of success, of course, was proportional to the size of the prey. But it was not possible to swallow it, and the tidbit was roughly torn out of the throat at the very last minute.

Lenin from Europe, with the help of the Germans, and Trotsky from New York, with the help of Jewish bankers, they brought to Russia several hundred qualified revolutionaries, no less than 9/10 of whom were Jews. Russian soil. Once in St. Petersburg, this "small leaven" developed a frantic activity, attracted to its side the semi-literate or completely illiterate masses of the "Kamarin Muzhiks" and led them to storm the ear of the rotting Masonic Provisional Government. All democratic props fell apart at the first click. Kerensky, disguised as a woman, fled to Finland, and a terrible and bloody era of war communism, civil war and the complete destruction of the state began.

As it was clear now, the Jewish elite had lost Russia due to the intervention of a small handful of renegade Jews, supported by their relatives, the “parochial Jews”, who, in their political innocence, had no idea who they were raising their hands against. In other words, the sweet fruit of the victory of world Freemasonry over the Russian Empire after a silent war that lasted more than a century was wrested from them by an ethnic group that lived at that time on the territory of the country and brought as travel luggage by Lenin and Trotsky.
Is this not a bitter and hurtful paradox of history?

The "higher circles" of the Jews, who lost their heads from such an unexpected affront, even resorted to terror: the founder of Che-Ka, the Jew Uritsky, was killed by the young rich Jew Kannegiser, and Lenin himself was seriously wounded by the Jew Dora Kaplan.
The transition of the entire mass of "parochial Zhids" to the side of the "Bolsheviks", which gave them victory, did not have any ideological lining. From the "most democratic government in the world", as Kerensky called his handful of Masons, the Jews had already received all civil they opened up the widest possibilities of penetration into all branches of commerce and the national economy of the country.As a magnet irresistibly attracts iron filings to its poles, so the Jews from all over Russia clung from all sides to the new authorities and gave them stability and resistance during the cruel and bloody years of civil war.

It is difficult to imagine that some kind of conspiracy existed among the Jews in those troubled times, and that they had one common leadership for all. Rather, it can be assumed that their mass was under the influence of a kind of "racial instinct", which, like a magnet , pulled them to the poles of power. The Provisional Government made them "equal among equals", communism promised a much more tempting prospect: not equality, but domination over the goyim and complete power over their lives and property. This coincided with the cherished dreams of Judaism, expressed in the following "Formula":

“The firm hope of Israel has two facets: first, that he will someday return to the promised land of Canaan and, second, that the Prince Messiah will appear in Israel, who will make the whole world worship his God and make his people the ruler of the world.” No, this phrase is not taken from the Protocols of Zion, but from the Columbian Encyclopedia, which is very common in America, where it can be found under the word "Judaism" on page 1026, ed. 1950.

If the first Russian revolution was the result of a Masonic conspiracy and was based on lengthy preparatory work, then the second, communist, was just its opposite: there was no conspiracy, everything was done completely openly, and instead of preparing actions, the authorities very often improvised on the ground without any plan. .
As you might guess, the total conversion of all the Jewish masses to the side of the Bolsheviks, associated with an enormous risk for them, was an unexpected phenomenon for everyone. Of course, both Lenin and Trotsky hoped to win over a certain part of the young Jewish "activists", but none of the leaders of Bolshevism could dream of getting almost one and a half million Jewish employees. No one could predict the future then either. The Bolsheviks more than once stood on the verge of destruction, and their destruction would inevitably entail the almost complete extermination of the Jews throughout Russia, and especially in Ukraine. "Jew and Bolshevik" were almost synonymous for the Whites, and they were not given mercy.

On the other hand, without any risk to itself, all Russian Judaism could provide organized support to the Provisional Government and thereby give it a decisive advantage in its struggle against the Bolsheviks.

Therefore, it can be asserted with almost complete certainty that in this case the Jewish masses were dominated not by reason, but by feeling. For many centuries, an insatiable thirst for power over the goyim, firmly promised to them by the Talmud, was cultivated in their souls, the Russian collapse presented them with an absolutely exceptional case for the realization of this passionate dream of Israel and gave them the opportunity to “be everything” where they had just been “nothing.” "... The die was cast and, obeying not reason, but the instinct of hatred and contempt for the goyim, sucked from childhood with the poisonous milk of the Talmud, the Jews, headlong, rushed into the maelstrom of the Russian bloody stream, not on the side of those who had already given them equality, but those who promised to give something much more important. The material side also had its own very attractive force for the Jewish cadres who seized power and found themselves in the new government. It is hard to even imagine the scale of the squandering of people's property by the Jewish masters who seized power. They dragged everything and everything and wherever they could. No, even the most approximate, calculations of this organized robbery of the nation by the "winners", of course, are impossible.

It suffices to give a few examples.

The priceless collection of stamps of the murdered Emperor was stolen from the palace personally by "himself" Bronstein-Trotsky. According to rumors, this collection is still in the vaults of one of the Jewish banks in New York. The best collection of Russian coins in the world, collected by V. Kn. Georgy Mikhailovich, was stolen by a group of Jews, secretly taken to America and sold there in parts to rich numismatists. The Codex Sinaiti-kus, accidentally found by Baron Tischendorf in one of the monasteries of Sinai just at the moment when the monks were about to burn it along with the accumulated rubbish, was sold by the Jews for 100,000 pounds to the British Museum.
This codex and the Koran of Omar, covered with his blood, were kept in the Hermitage library and were considered among the most precious books in the world. The "Code" was sold openly, and the Koran disappeared without a trace and it is still unknown who has it. The famous Jew Sol Barnato was the main intermediary for the sale of various jewelry stolen from churches and private individuals. There were such an incredible number that the measuring unit of precious stones was not a carat, as is usually customary, but wooden cigar boxes ... Having seized the entire administrative apparatus of the country in their hands, the Jews became its full masters. Robert Wilton, an Englishman living in Russia and a former correspondent for The Times, reported that after the Bolsheviks seized power, out of the 556 persons who held the highest administrative posts in Russia, 447 were Jews. Once having seized power in their tenacious paws, the Jews had no intention of releasing it, which proves the ethnic composition of the Soviet government before the Second World War:
of the 500 members of the highest Soviet administration, 83% were Jews, 5% Russians, 6% Latvians and 6% other nationalities. That is, the percentage of Jews in the Soviet government apparatus was even slightly higher (by 3%) than in the first post-revolutionary period.

Those readers who are interested in Russian-Jewish relations are strongly advised to read carefully the very objective book by Andrey Dikiy "Jews in Russia and in the USSR", published in New York in 1967. It is interesting to note that the buyers of this book were also employees of Soviet institutions in The US and dozens of volumes went to the Soviet Union.

The next paradox of history will seem even stranger to many. The ratio of the number of "cadre" communists, that is, those who were brought by Trotsky from America and Lenin from Europe, to the number of "mobilized" "parochial Zhids" was approximately 1:2000 (700:1,400,000). It would be completely absurd to assume that these Jews “all of a sudden”, as if by magic of Lenin, turned into convinced “Marxist atheists”. Without a doubt, the vast majority of them have remained what they were before: "parochial kikes" with all their traditions, culture and beliefs. They were just as pseudo-Bolsheviks as the Portuguese and Spanish Marans remained pseudo-Catholics after hundreds of years. Brand new party cards, like fig leaves, only slightly covered their true Jewish essence.

Calling on these "new Varangians" to reign and rule Russia, Lenin could not imagine what a pig he had planted on his old guard - out of necessity, of course, because he had no other choice.
As is known, the attitude of the Jewish masses towards the goyim cannot be called benevolent. But they hate their own renegades who have betrayed Judaism with much more intensity than the Gentiles. The "real" communists - the Jews were just these traitors to Judaism. For them, Zionism was only a national prejudice, and the worship of Jehovah was false religious fanaticism, harmful to the people.

Lev Bronstein-Trotsky, the son of a Ukrainian Jewish miller, was the hero of all the Jews of the world, who lifted him up to the skies and compared - not without reason - with Napoleon. To tell the truth, he was a man of exceptional intelligence, resourcefulness and energy.
He was the first to understand the importance of large cavalry formations in the war in southern Russia, and the horse armies he created brought the Bolsheviks victory over the Whites. His name has always stood next to the name of Lenin and, without a doubt, no one did so much for the victory of communism in Russia as Trotsky. But - another paradox of history! - when Lenin died in 1924 at the age of 54, according to completely incomprehensible and still inexplicable reasons, not Trotsky was chosen to replace Lenin, as everyone expected, but a little-known Stalin, who did not particularly glorify himself. The Jewish Napoleon Trotsky was expelled in disgrace to Central Asia, then expelled from the USSR and died, in the end, at the hands of an anonymous Jew in Mexico, where the killer, after long preparations, managed to treacherously make his way. Most of the other associates of Lenin and Trotsky were brutally and mercilessly destroyed in the cellars of the GPU by their own relatives, who accused them of the most incredible crimes.

When the old Bolshevik Kamenev (Rosenfeld) was brought to trial, his accusers were: Oldberg, David, Reingold and Pikel, and the judges were the heads of the NKVD departments - Slutsky, Frinovsky, Packer and Redens, all nine - Jews.

Strange, isn't it?

Another ally of Lenin, Bukharin, declared in court that the country was now controlled not by the party, but by the secret police, which was, of course, the true truth. Bukharin might have added that at the head of this very police are mobilized "parochial kikes", and then everything would be perfectly clear and understandable!

By the day Lenin died, who, by the way, was quite possibly poisoned, the Jewish pseudo-Bolsheviks had already realized their strength and began to pursue their policy. As a double traitor to Freemasonry and Judaism, Trotsky was an odious and completely unacceptable person for them; Stalin, who had a "dark past" (he at one time served as a police agent under the tsarist government), was the most suitable person, who was easy to handle. The fact that the Jews had known for a long time about this side of Stalin's life, they somehow wrote a long, documented article published in Life magazine shortly after the death of "Leader". It remains only without an explanation WHY they kept this story a complete secret for so long ... The authors of the article were Levin and Krivitsky.

Just as the victorious Freemasons had done before them by putting their representatives at the head of the state, the victorious Jews placed their republic in all the most important posts in the new government.

Understanding the exceptional importance for their power of the internal security bodies, they set as their goal the penetration into their ranks, which soon became a kind of "state within a state", which had its own completely autonomous organization and even a branch of the army, directly subordinate to the head of the security.
The well-known English political commentator E. Crankshaw, who at one time was considered the best expert on the Soviet Union, repeatedly mentioned in his articles that the secret police is the KEY to the highest power in the USSR.

And this "key" was entirely in the pocket of the Jews, which they used to strengthen and maintain their power.

Another "secular expert", himself a former communist and a Jew by origin, Isaac Deitscher, once made a very interesting confession when he mourned the untimely death of Beria, a "liberal" as he called him, and a "brilliant administrator". As it turns out, after the victorious war, the Soviet armed forces became, “according to the old tradition, the bearers of the ideas of chauvinism and nationalism” and the enemies of Beria’s liberal principles ... We will return to this topic later, but for now we can mention additionally that the same magazine published once an article by a certain Claire Sterling, in which she mentioned that in all Soviet satellites the secret police were under the control of the Jews, which greatly influenced the strengthening of "anti-Semitism" in these countries. Sterling even prophetically warned (this was back in 1956) that in Hungary, where 70 percent of the secret police and ALL of its chiefs were Jews at that time, the case ended in a big pogrom, which happened during the Hungarian uprising. The crowd caught the Jews in the streets, killed them on the spot, and hung them like dogs from poles and fences...

The old "Leninist" Bolsheviks did not pose a great danger to the "parochial Zhids". It is possible that the brutal destruction of these founders of communism in Russia, attributed, as expected, to the account of the "scapegoat" Stalin, was done by order from above, as punishment and revenge for their anti-Masonic rebellion, which, of course, was impossible to forgive.

It can be said with certainty that this was a continuation of the terror launched by Kannegiser and Kaplan at the very beginning of the revolution. The Jewish executioners tortured and mocked their relatives in the meanest and meanest way, which, of course, they would never have done if they were only executors of the will of the "Asiatic despot" Stalin.
But a huge conspiracy in parts of the Soviet armed forces was the most real and mortal danger for the "small-town ZhIDKOV".

What happened in the summer of 1953 could have happened fifteen years earlier and changed the entire course of world history. The spearhead of the army conspiracy was, of course, directed not against the "Dictator", but against Beria with his communists and all the "small-town Zhids" headed by Kaganovich. The Masons, of course, provided significant support to the two Jews, Beria and his closest associate Izrailovich, in preparing various evidence that led to the death of many thousands of people.

By the end of 1938, when the Jews had already completed the purge of the Soviet army, its losses in personnel were estimated at approximately 30,000 officers. Among them were: 186 out of 220 brigade commanders; 110 out of 195 division chiefs; 57 out of 85 corps chiefs; 13 out of 15 army commanders; all without exception the heads of military districts, etc.
As can be seen from the figures, the purge was deep and radical and, as everyone understands, should have significantly undermined the combat effectiveness of the army.

It would be surprising if Hitler missed such a completely exceptional opportunity. Who could have imagined that a potential enemy of Germany would suddenly decapitate his army himself and thereby open the gates for the enemy to invade.

Paradox, and what else!

Foreign historians, who no longer dare to speak the truth “for fear of the Jews,” cannot solve the problem of these bloody purges of the army in the face of a mortal enemy and Stalin’s attempt to conclude an agreement with Hitler to appease him.
The true lining of this story lies much deeper.
As Deitscher rightly notes, already in the pre-war years, among the "conservative" military circles, there was a strong movement against the "Jewish yoke", which was many times worse than the Tatar one. The Jews faced two enemies: internal and external. With the external enemy there was little hope of somehow agreeing and delaying his attack for a while. The internal enemy represented a very real and immediate danger. There was simply no choice: either we (Jews) or the army (i.e. Russians).

The version that the conspiracy was directed against the person of Stalin, and not against those who led him and stood behind him, of course, is completely absurd and can only deceive those whom the famous American publicist and writer Heinrich Menckeny called "Bubus Americanus" or, loosely translated, "American Bolthead".

Can you admit that, being in front of the formidable danger that Nazi Germany posed for them, the Soviet armed forces to save Stalin? If the issue had not been about their own skin, the "Praetorian Guard" in the Union would have immediately strangled their "leader", if he had dared, in the face of the merciless enemy of the Jews - Hitler, to destroy the best cadres of his army.

Now, no matter how “paradoxical” it may sound, in order to better understand the events that took place in Russia in our years, we will have to make a small excursion into the distant past, when Russia, as such, did not yet exist on the map. In the lower reaches of the Volga in those days existed on the map. In the lower reaches of the Volga in those days there was a very rich and strong Khazar Khanate. The Khazars were Turko-Tatars by origin. Remaining semi-nomads, they still had large cities for that time and conducted extensive trade with all their neighbors. Trade in "manpower", i.e. slaves was their main specialty. To replenish supplies, the Khazars often had to raid Slavic tribes and steal captives for sale. In the seventh and eighth centuries of our era, Judaism, through the rabbis of Constantinople, began to penetrate into Khazaria, first into the upper classes of the population, and then spread among the people. It is interesting to note that Russian epics sometimes mention the "Great Zhidovin", with whom the Russian heroes had battles in the "Wild Field". It goes without saying that this "Zhidovin" was not a Palestinian Semitic Jew, but a dashing Khazar horseman who plundered Slavic villages.

Driven to despair, the Slavs, under the command of the Kyiv prince Svyatoslav and with the financial help of Byzantium, which the Khazars also caused a lot of trouble, did in 965. "deep raid" on Khazaria, burned and plundered the main cities -. Itil, Belaya Vezha and Semender, and with rich booty returned to their home.

It is impossible to assume that, contrary to the law and customs of those times, the Slavs did not repay their Khazar tormentors with the same coin and did not steal as many Khazar captives after the raid as they could be caught and captured. If dragging black slaves from Africa to the plantations of America was a difficult task, then overtaking the crowds of Khazar successors, putting them on their own carts and horses, through the steppes of South Russia was the simplest and most easily accomplished task. It must be assumed that the “loan” made from Byzantium by Svyatoslav was also paid in the same coin, i.e. Khazar slaves thrown into the market in huge numbers after a brilliant raid.

More than 80 percent of all Jews living in the world belong to the so-called "Ashkenazim", a group of Eastern Jews who differ in many ways from their Western group - "Sephardim" not only in customs but also in appearance.

As some Russian historians have long assumed, most of the "Eastern" Jews are not Semites, but Turko-Tatars, descendants of those Khazars who were first defeated by Svyatoslav, and then finished off by Genghis Khan and fled to Eastern Europe under the onslaught of his hordes.
Even in Israel itself, there are now small groups of people who are convinced of the veracity of this story. Since without exception all prominent figures of Judaism and Zionism belong to the number of "Eastern" Jews, then, for obvious reasons, this historical truth is not very popular among them.

But, to their great chagrin, the writer Arthur Koestler, very famous in the circles of the European intelligentsia, himself an Eastern Jew, recently published his new book entitled The Thirteenth Knee, in which he clearly and convincingly proves that he himself and all his relatives Jews - "Ashkenazim" cannot be Semites in any way, but are direct descendants of the Khazars. As Koestler rightly asserts, such a strong and viable tribe as the Khazars could not disappear from the face of the earth completely without a trace. As nomads, they simply moved west under the onslaught of the Mongols and settled in central Europe, increasing the number of their relatives, who were forcibly taken away by Svyatoslav. Known in Poland and Ukraine as "Yids", these settlers from the lower reaches of the Volga were precisely those "Kids" that our epics mention.

As often happens, the neophytes, having accepted the new faith, began to perform all its rites with even greater zeal than the Jews themselves of Semitic origin did, adding to these rites their own, Khazar customs. It is difficult to assume, of course, that the Eastern Jews do not have Semitic admixture blood. Many Semitic Jews lived in Khazaria, and part of the Western Jews, fleeing from the Crusaders, moved to Eastern Europe and took turns with their co-religionists, the Khazars. But the Turko-Tatar blood remained dominant among the so-called "Ashkenazim" Jews.
Without suspecting it himself, of course, Koestler, with his historical research, opened a corner of the veil that had so far hidden from the eyes of the uninitiated some strange “customs” of the Khazar rulers of the Kremlin.

So, on page 54 of his book there is the following phrase: “Arab and modern historians agree that the Khazar system of government was of a dual nature: Kagan was a representative of religious power, and Bek was civil”

Koestler adds that Kagan, almost never invisible to the eyes of ordinary mortals, was, in fact, the full ruler of Khazaria, and Bek was only his assistant, who performed administrative functions.

Having seized power in their hands, the descendants Khazar, following their old customs, not only introduced the same dual system of government in the country they enslaved, but - which is already quite incredible and surprising - planted Lazarus, a descendant of the Khazar khans, with their KAGAN KAGANnovich(“The Pale Guardian of the Kremlin,” as the emigrants called him) and appointed Stalin as his “Bek” ... Kaganovich was one of the few Jewish communists who never changed his true surname, consisting of two parts: Kagan, i.e. Khazar Khan, and the suffix "ovich", meaning origin from, such as "Rurik-ovich". In other words, and, without any doubt, Lazar Kaganovich was the direct heir in the male line of the last khans of Khazaria and was "restored in his rights" under the guise of the Party Secretary.

On page 369 of the aforementioned book by Dikiy, section "The Ruling Class of the USSR before the 2nd World War 1936-1939." begins like this: Secretariat of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) - I.V. Stalin (Dzhugashvili), L.M. Kaganovich.

How many people now remember this dual power in the USSR, that at the head of the party was not one secretary, the well-known Stalin, but there was another Khazar Khan Kaganovich, hidden in a deep shadow?

Although he was almost invisible, but the supreme power was in his hands, and "Beck" - Stalin was only his administrative assistant.
Trotsky, of course, was in no way suited for such a role and could only be dangerous, since the "key to power", the entire complex apparatus of the secret police, was in the hands of Kaganovich's cousin, the Georgian half-Jew Lavrenty Beria, who was also the head of the commission atomic weapons.

Koestler also writes that the Khazars had a custom of ritual killings, and in some cases they even ritually killed their own khan. Here it would be appropriate to note that in our years the Khazars, or, in other words, the Jews of Eastern Europe, to which almost the entire Jewish population of New York belongs, the number of which reaches more than three million, continue to observe the bloody customs of their ancestors. and they eat only the "kosher" meat of ritually slaughtered animals, whose throats are cut crosswise in the presence of special "tzaddiks" who collect a monetary bribe for this.

Perhaps even more curious is the fact that in New York itself and its environs, for fear of "desecrating" Jewish meat consumers, no other meat than "kosher" is sold at all and is not served in restaurants. In other words, the non-Jewish population of this giant city, whose population is several times greater than the number of "Khazars" living in it, must obey the will of the minority and eat what their "masters" eat...
On page 41 of his book, Kesler says of these murders: "We will see that human sacrifice was also practiced by the Khazars, including the RITUAL MURDER of kings at the end of their reign."

These words make it possible to understand the true meaning and meaning of the most heinous crime of our bloody century - the murder of the last Russian Emperor and his family on the night of July 17, 1918. in the city of Yekaterinburg. The official version, adopted in encyclopedias and various "scientific" historical works, which says that the Bolsheviks of the city were afraid of the release of the captives by the advancing units of the whites and therefore decided to destroy them, is contrary to the truth. In fact, the city was not surrounded by enemies at this time, all the ways to the west were in the hands of the Bolsheviks, and they could just as easily get the prisoners out as they got out on their own. In addition, the telegraph connection with Moscow was not interrupted for a minute, and the authorities in Yekaterinburg would never have dared to act independently in such an important matter.

At the very beginning of this century, even before the First World War, small shops in the Kingdom of Poland sold from under the floor rather crudely printed postcards with the image of a Jewish “tzadik” with the Torah in one hand and a white bird in the other. The bird had the head of Emperor Nicholas II, with an imperial crown. At the bottom, in Hebrew, was the following inscription: “Let THIS sacrificial animal be my purification; it will be my substitute and purgatory.” This is not fiction or slander: the author himself saw such a postcard, and when he wrote about it in one of the Australian magazines, some reader confirmed its existence and added that he held it in his hands when he lived in his youth in Poland, where his father served as an officer,

During the investigation into the murder of the Emperor and his family, it was established that the day before this crime, a special train arrived in Yekaterinburg from central Russia, consisting of a steam locomotive and one passenger car. In it came a person in black clothes, similar to a Jewish rabbi. This person examined the basement of the house and left a Kabbalistic inscription on the wall, which some decipher as follows:

“THE KING HAS BEEN SACRIFICED. THE KINGDOM IS DESTROYED." As Soviet history textbooks now confirm, the order to kill the Emperor, his family and those close to him, including eleven people in all, came personally from the Jew Yakov Sverdlov and was handed over to Shaya Goloshchekin, who at that time was chairman of the Ural Council, for execution. Ekaterinburg "in honor" of the killer was renamed "Sverdlovsk", and one of the cruisers of the Soviet fleet also bore his name. Sverdlov survived his victims by less than a year. As was reported, he was beaten during a rally by the workers of one of the Morozov manufactories, and he died in 1919, thirty-five years old, from the consequences of these beatings. Officially, his death was attributed to pneumonia.

Goloshchekin appointed a Jew, Yankel Yurovsky, the son of Chaim Yurovsky, who was exiled to Siberia for a settlement for theft, as the executor of the crime. Yankel picked up a gang of professional KGB assassins, consisting of three Russians, seven Hungarians and one person of unknown nationality. It is said that among these Hungarians who took part in the assassination was Imre Nagy, a favorite of the Western press, who was shot by Soviet troops after the 1956 uprising.

Yurovsky PERSONALLY shot the Emperor and the heir, whom his father held in his arms, from a revolver. Tsarevich Alexei, who suffered from hemophilia, was at that time 14 years old.
There is a document signed by Lenin, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Bukharin, Dzerzhinsky, Kamenev and Peterson and dated July 1918 about receiving the head of the Emperor and identifying it.

In the light of the aforementioned facts, it becomes quite obvious that the Yekaterinburg crime is a PREVENTED RITUAL MURDER, thought over many years before its execution and committed exclusively by Jews - Sverdlov, Goloshchekin and Yurovsky. The Eastern Jew Yurovsky was the "tzadik" who, with his own hand, "sacrificed" the Emperor of the largest Christian Empire in the world and his Heir.

As was customary for the Khazars, all the activities of their Kaganovich usually remained a deep secret. "Beck" Stalin was always in sight and as unlimited in his rights for the foreign and domestic policy of the state.
Trained for years on this primitive lie, the average reader, both Russian and foreign, simply cannot imagine the true picture of what actually happened behind the scenes of Soviet history.

The foreign press almost never mentioned the name of the second - or, more correctly, the first - secretary of the Party, and the emigrants rather felt that this mysterious secretary was doing SOMETHING, but could never determine what exactly. Koestler, in his wonderful book, gave a very clear answer to this: before his (unsuccessful) attempt to overthrow the "Kagan", his "Bek" was only a MASK of the true ruler of the country and his Jewish environment.
From further events, the reader will understand the truth of these words, if, of course, he has completely lost the ability to think independently. Personally, only two events are attributed to Kaganovich, which had a certain hidden ritual meaning, which, apparently, required the application of their own khan's "seal".

They were ordered to destroy the magnificent and grandiose Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, built in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. Decorated by the best artists of the country, it was an invaluable historical monument and, so to speak, the "heart" not only of Moscow, but of all of Russia, like the Cathedral of Our Lady in Paris. Built “to last”, the temple was difficult to destroy, and only with the help of explosives it was possible, after much effort, to break it into its component parts and use some of the materials for the construction of the “metro”. There was ABSOLUTELY NO NEED for this destruction, just as there was no point in killing eleven people in the basement of the Ipatiev house in Yekaterinburg. A swimming pool was made on the site of the temple, and nothing more. The temple was destroyed solely because it was a SYMBOL of the lost Christian Empire, over which the Khazars seized power.
The second visible act of "Khan" was the extermination of the best part of the South Russian (Ukrainian) population, carried out under the guise of "dispossession". The result was a terrible famine and the death of millions of people.

The signature of “Khan” under this measure can only be explained by the fact that for the “initiates” this defeat of Ukraine was a millennium belated revenge of the Khazars on their primordial enemies, whose prince Svyatoslav so cruelly defeated their country. For those who doubt that such things are possible in the twentieth century, let us recall once again that the Khazars, scattered all over the world, still sacredly observe their ancient ritual of killing the animals they eat. The Jews of America are considered the most "cultural", advanced and free-thinking ethnic group in the country, however, as has already been said from above, these "liberals" and, very often, atheists stubbornly obey the "ritual code" that has passed to them from their distant steppe ancestors who adopted Judaism many hundreds of years ago. As Koestler confirms in his book, the Khazars, i.e. Jews of Eastern Europe were not alien to ritual murders. This "blood libel" always drives the Jews into a wild frenzy, and the goyim, frightened by them, now very rarely dare to touch upon this issue. Ritual murders are often mentioned in the history of Europe, and in Switzerland there is still a monument to one of the victims of such a murder.

At the beginning of this century there was a "classic" case of ritual murder in Kyiv, Ukraine. The victim, the boy Yushchinsky, was found dead from multiple jabs, apparently inflicted with some kind of sharp weapon, like an awl. The Jew Beilis, who was seen in the company of the boy, was suspected of the murder. The learned priest Pranaitis, who read the Talmud in the original, was summoned by the prosecution as an expert and proved in court that ritual murders are not a myth, but do happen among the Jewish Hasidic sect. The Jews of the whole world raised a terrible cry and threatened the Russian Government with all sorts of troubles, which had absolutely nothing to do with this story. They collected huge sums of money to help Beilis, who became among them a "hero" and a victim of the goyim. For 200,000 rubles - a fantastic figure for those times - they hired the best lawyer V.A. Maklakov, who managed, although not without difficulty, to win the case.

Beilis, showered with money, was taken by the Jews to America (of course!) Where, as they say, his descendants still live ... But WHO killed Yushchinsky in such a strange way, remained unknown forever ... The brutal extermination of Lenin's associates and the purge of army personnel strengthened to a large extent the power of the "parochial Zhids" in the Soviet Union. In general terms, the picture of the administrative apparatus of the country before the Second World War was as follows:
In a hidden form, the supreme power was in the hands of the Kagan - Kaganovich and his closest Jewish entourage.

Executive power belonged to his BEK, Dzhugashvili, who could also serve as a "scapegoat" in case of need. He could NOT make any independent decisions, and his boundless "despotism" was only an illusion "for the common people", as the Poles say.
The unlimited power of the Kagan was entirely based not on the Communist Party of the country, and not on its Central Committee, which were also screens - very transparent, we add - but on the monstrous in complexity and strength of the organization of internal security, whose main headquarters was in Moscow, on Lubyanskaya street near the Kremlin in a huge building that used to belong to an insurance company.

For sixteen years, this organization was headed by the Georgian semi-Jewish Lavrenty Beria, whom, as Deitscher once said, the country fiercely hated and feared. It can be said with full confidence that in the entire history of mankind, no one has ever been able to create anything like the Soviet secret police system, which penetrated into all corners of life and had its agents, the so-called "sexots", in every cell of the government apparatus.
In charge of this police were also all the workers' camps of the Union, in which the country's manpower was so effectively crushed and HUMAN SOULS were crippled. The "honor" of the invention of these famous camps belongs to the Jew Frenkel, which, out of modesty, the Western press never mentions. Frankly speaking, Frenkel should also have been given the Nobel Peace Prize, which he deserved no less than his brother, Henry Kissinger, who betrayed in Asia to death and camp life, i.e. to slow destruction, millions of people...

The entire ethnic group of "parochial Zhids" stood, of course, completely on the side of "our" government and provided it with all possible support and assistance, mainly by vigilantly monitoring the "goyim" and reporting "to the authorities" if they noticed anything suspicious in their behavior.

That is, no matter how “super paradoxical” these may sound, in the middle of the 20th century the Eastern Jews managed to restore the system of government that existed in their native Khazaria around the 10th century AD, but under the guise of Russian quasi-communism! The entire backbone of power was there, but only covered in red leather: the Kagan, as the highest, almost invisible power, followed by Bek, the executor of his will, the Khan's guard under the command of a relative of the Kagan, and the "grateful population" supporting their Khan against the enslaved "foreigners" . As the Jew prof. Jacob Markus:
"tremendous efforts have been made to crush outlawed anti-Semitism."
The punishment for this "crime" was THREE years of forced labor in camps, which for people with poor health was tantamount to death.

It may be recalled that in “despotic” Russia, insulting the Emperor was punishable by one month in prison or a fine of 300 rubles. There is nothing surprising, therefore, that such prominent Eastern Jews as Ben Gurion, Golda Meyer, Moishe Shertog and others experienced "chronic admiration" for the Soviet system of government, as the well-known American writer wrote in the Reader's Digest (December 1968). Lester Vely.
Being the descendants of the Khazars themselves and understanding the essence of the Soviet system, they could not help but be delighted to see how their brothers rule the largest country in the world.

Let us repeat once again: the Soviet army was beheaded in the face of the enemy not by the wild Asian despot Stalin, but by the Eastern Jews, who were saving their system (and their skin) in the face of an impending formidable danger not from the West, but from the very country of which they were rulers.

It is beyond the scope of this book to describe the course of the Second World War. We note only a few interesting episodes.

Hitler's treacherous attack was a terrible blow to the "parochial Jews". As you know, the Kremlin did not even want to believe this unexpected news, which meant certain death for all Eastern Jews, not even at the hands of Hitler, but at the hands of all the nations inhabiting the Soviet Union. If in old Russia the so-called "anti-Semitism" was a sporadic phenomenon and did not have such an acute form, now, according to the Jews themselves, ALL the entire population of the Union treats them with hatred and contempt, with the exception of "dissidents", of course! The paradox of losing the war to Germany already won is still a mystery. The Germans, following the example of Napoleon, now often blame the frosts that killed them near Moscow. Soviet historians, before the debunking of Stalin, attributed the victory to the genius of the "Generalissimo", and now to the Communist Party as a whole.

Let's try to find a partial explanation for the outcome of the campaign in the nature of those two persons on whom the most important decisions related to the conduct of this grandiose operation depended.
As Koestler reports in his book on the Khazars, their Bek, but not the Kagan, became the head of the country's armed forces at the outbreak of hostilities. Following this custom, Bek-Stalin was declared Supreme Commander of the Union Troops.

WHO appointed the Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov to the post of Chief of Staff of the Commander-in-Chief, we do not know. Most likely, it was the choice of Stalin himself, and the choice was exceptionally successful. As the author heard personally from people who served under Zhukov, he was known in military circles as an "anti-Semite" and therefore his appointment to such a responsible position could not have come from Stalin's "Khazar" environment. In these first moments of the war, all the Jews, without exception, were in complete panic and confusion and preferred, as far as possible, not to be an eyesore with their presence.

Stalin, who, according to Zhukov himself, was not at all some kind of semi-literate fool, unable even to read geographical maps, quite reasonably transferred all the conduct of military operations to his Chief of Staff and only reinforced his decisions with his authority.
Zhukov, like Suvorov, perfectly understood the psychology of a soldier. In addition to the "beheading", the spirit of the army was undermined by the hatred of the soldiers for their Jewish masters, whose privileged position in the country was known to everyone.

When the Germans were already not far from Moscow, many of the city's commissary warehouses were looted by the population, as the city's guards fled. At that moment, Zhukov was given an order only with his signature for the immediate execution of about half a dozen officers, mostly colonels, the former heads of these plundered warehouses and who had fled from their posts. WITHOUT EXCEPTION, ALL THE NAMES of the executed were of Jewish origin, like Rosenberg, Blumenthal, etc. The author himself read this TASS telegram in Shanghai newspapers. As a general rule, Soviet agencies never reported such executions. It was clear that Zhukov published this order. Of course, on his personal orders, I wanted to emphasize that now there will be no descent for the Jews and they cannot expect any concessions. Without a doubt, this order immediately raised the prestige of the Chief of Staff to a great height and ensured the confidence of soldiers and officers.

Not without the influence of Zhukov, of course, shoulder straps, orders, etc. were introduced.
All this threatened the dominion of the Khazars, but for the duration of the war, on the outcome of which their very future and life itself depended, they had to put up with it. In addition, as long as the "key to power", the secret police, was in their hands, there was no need to fear especially for the future. Beria was also the head of the Soviet military counterintelligence and through it kept the entire army under his direct control.

The brutal extermination of Polish officers at Katyn, which was first attributed to the Germans and then to the Russians, was in fact organized by Beria and his Jewish counterintelligence agents. The aforementioned Claire Sterling called Polish anti-Semitism "classic" in her article. Polish officers were just the carriers of this "classic anti-Semitism" and were destroyed as potential enemies of the Jews.

The defeat of the Soviet military personnel before the war and the murder of Polish officers in Katyn were a phenomenon of the same order. The victory, which decided the fate of the world, cost monstrous sacrifices and claimed millions of human lives. Of the all-ethnic groups of the Union, the Russians suffered the most: the Great Russians and Ukrainians, and least of all the Jews, reserved in the commissariat, guard units and, of course, in the ranks of the secret police, which further expanded its activities to include military intelligence.

But, as inevitably happens after victorious wars, a stormy wave of feelings of patriotism and national pride rose up among the masses of the population, or, as Deitscher calls them, a feeling of chauvinism. Here it can be noted in brackets that the Western press NEVER calls the wildest actions of the Zionists by this name, but never misses an opportunity to call Russian patriotism "chauvinism" ...

The clash of "Russian chauvinism" with "Khazar patriotism" was only a matter of time.
The suffocating dominance of the "parochial Zhids" became simply unbearable, and the Russians, who were beginning to realize their strength, inspired by the victory over the external enemy, took up seriously the overthrow of the internal enemy.

Thanks to the concentrated efforts of the Western press, which is under complete Jewish control, the period of Russian history from about 1945 to 1950 remains shrouded in mist.

The reason for this reticence is the simplest: it was simply impossible to tell the truth without mentioning the struggle of the Russian beginning with the Jewish one, and it was strictly forbidden to mention this, as this could lead to a number of the most “sensitive” questions, for example, WHERE did the Jewish power, WHOM AND WHAT it is supported by, WHO actually controls the USSR, etc., etc.

However, as they say, "you can't hide an awl in a bag." There is a serious political magazine published in America called U.S. News end World Report, which was previously published by a Jewish man, David Lawrence. So, when the famous defector Nikolai Khokhlov, an agent of the Soviet secret police, appeared for the first time in America, he was invited to the editorial office of this magazine for an interview, recorded on tape and then transmitted literally (Issue of January 21, 1955).

It is possible that Khokhlov was drunk or intoxicated with importance, but he blurted out such things that day that he never dared to repeat later. Of course, for such frankness someone kicked his tail hard, and he remembered this lesson forever.
Below is part of the interview, translated into Russian:

Answer. (Khokhlov) In 1938, when Beria became Minister of the NKVD, he created around him a group of people devoted to him.

Question. Were they Chekists?

A. Most of them were Chekists. In 1940 Abakumov became his assistant. He served Beria faithfully. In fact, Beria held in his hands the entire force of the secret police. He appointed Abakumov head of a special department that had agents in every army unit. These agents watched the army and fought the spies and all others who deviated from the party line.

Q. How did Abakumov get into trouble?

A. Now we come to the Jewish question in the Soviet Union. Jews often consider themselves not only citizens of the country where they live, BUT ALSO MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ZIONIST MOVEMENT. They have their own history and traditions, and in the Soviet Union even then they are more interested in their people than in questions of world communism. Zhdanov and his group could not forgive the Jews for this. Therefore, in 1948, he and some others STARTED THE FIGHT AGAINST THE JEWS.

Q. What happened to this fight?

O. Zhdanov died in 1948, and immediately Beria and Abakumov organized a trial in Leningrad. They said that the group that accused the Jews of COSMOPOLITISM were not real communists, BUT RUSSIAN chauvinists. Persons occupying very high positions were put on trial. Some of them were shot, while others went to prison.

Q. When was that?

A. At the beginning of 1949, Abakumov was Minister of State Security and was at the head of this process.

Even after the victorious war, they were so strong in the Union that they could OPENLY start a huge process in Leningrad against their enemies, which lasted three years.
Knowing that the court in the Soviet Union at that time was very FAST, although “wrong” and “unmerciful”, one can easily guess HOW many defendants could be “processed” in Leningrad in such a period.

Incidentally, among the condemned "chauvinists" was Khrushchev's friend, Frol Kozlov, who ended up in Vorkuta. He was released in 1954.

Now an interesting comparison: just as these lines are printed, the newspapers report that in the Sov. The Union is trying two Jews, Ginsburg and Sharansky. "The whole world", as expected, was indignant. America threatens with various reprisals, the trip of scientists to the Union is canceled in the form of a protest, and so on. But when not a couple of "small-town Zhids", but TENS OF THOUSANDS of Russian people accused of the "terrible crime of chauvinism" were exterminated by the Jews in Leningrad, NONE of the Western "humanists" uttered a peep in their defense! Even the emigre newspaper somehow managed to leave these very significant "Leningrad Trials" without much attention ...

It was dangerous to openly judge Zhdanov, who was very popular among the masses of the population. Therefore, as they said in the Union, he was poisoned by the Jews. Khokhlov did not say this, but indirectly confirmed it with the careless word "immediately." The violent death of Zhdanov was the expected signal for the beginning of the purge of the party ranks from an element dangerous to the Jews.

In the truthful words of Khokhlov there is an extremely important confession, which usually no one pays attention to. The “cleansing” of the party ranks from “chauvinists” took place during the zenith of the glory of “Generalissimo” Stalin, when, according to ALL, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, “experts on Soviet affairs”, both foreign and Russian, he had to be not only an unlimited “despot”, but also a “super despot”, to whose every sneeze his faithful slaves listened with fear and trembling.

BUT, as Khokhlov quite definitely says, the Leningrad Trial and the liquidation of the enemies of the Jews WAS NOT A VICTORY OF THE DESPOTS - STALIN, BUT A VICTORY OF BERIA and his henchmen!
Zhdanov, as is known, was a friend of Stalin and, no doubt, began his Jewish campaign not without his consent, as subsequent events in the Union clearly confirm.
In other words, the Leningrad reprisal against the enemies of the Jews was also a formidable warning to the "despot" himself: "Beware - it's not that ...,"

Paradoxically, the Jews-Khazars, exterminating the owners of the country where they lived, supported, so to speak, the "traditions" of their spiritual ancestors, the Jewish Semites, who destroyed more than 75,000 "chauvinist" Persians about 2500 years ago (Book of Esther).
In honor of this bloody massacre, the merry holiday of Purim was established, which is still celebrated by all the Jews of the world.

It must be assumed that they would have staged Purim No. 2 in honor of the Leningrad Trials if Zhukov had not turned their victory into defeat.

For a complete analogy between these events, the Union even had its own "Esther", Roza Kaganovich - Stalin's last wife. Rosa was the sister of "Khan" Lazar Kaganovich.
That Stalin, as the Persian king of the time of Esther, was completely in the hands of the Jews who surrounded his “throne”, confirms the following historical fact. By the time of the beginning of the Leningrad Processes, i.e. in 1949, Stalin turned 70 years old. Ben Gurion sent him such an enthusiastic congratulatory telegram that even TIMES could not bear Ben Gurion's enthusiastic praise and called this document the most vile in the history of Israeli diplomacy. This telegram proves that even in this year, i.e. the end of the forties, Stalin was a protege of the Jews and did not begin his struggle with them. The Leningrad trial gives every right to assert, contrary to the opinions of all "experts", that neither the purge of the army in the pre-war years was the work of Stalin, but Kaganovich and Beria, with the active participation of the entire groups of "parochial Zhids" who maintained their power. At one time, obituaries of people who died during the massacre of Beria and Izraelevich often appeared in Soviet military journals. Almost all of these articles contained the same stereotyped phrase: "So-and-so died a victim of Stalin's PERSONALITY CULT." It is strange that so far no one seems to have paid attention to the last three words of this phrase. someone that he fell victim to Stalin, it would be much easier.

But where does the "cult"? In fact, these words have a very definite meaning, namely: "cult" implies the existence of a group of "cultists" who created and maintain it for their own benefit and other considerations. So, for example, among the Semites there was a cult of the god Moloch, into the red-hot womb of which the Semites threw living babies. Everyone understands that these unfortunate children were not victims of Moloch himself, but of his "cultists". Without them, there would be no Moloch, no sacrifices.

Stalin was that “Moloch”, hiding behind the “cult” of which the Jews exterminated their own enemies under the guise of “sacrifice to God”. Both convenient and safe - and diverts the attention of the foolish "humanists" from the dark and bloody deeds of the "cultists" themselves.

It should be noted that the world press, usually very sensitive to everything related to the Jews and Masons, did not react in ANY WAY to either Aronson's article or Khokhlov's revelations. There were no rebuttals or objections. Also, without any "splash", Kessler's pamphlet that Hitler was the grandson of a Jew has sunk into oblivion.

The first attempt after the war to throw off the "Jewish Yoke" ended in failure and the extermination of many thousands of their enemies.

It was decided to change tactics and deliver a new blow to the enemy not from the center, but from the periphery.

In Prague, quite unexpectedly for everyone, in the autumn of 1952, the chief secretary of the party, the Jew Rudolf Slansky, was arrested, along with a group of other prominent Jews. They were tried at lightning speed from November 25th. and 13 people (eleven Jews) were sentenced to death and immediately shot. Among them was Slansky. The process was initiated by Gottwald, a friend of Stalin, and, no doubt, with his consent and on his instructions.

Slantsy's real name was Zaltsman. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE ENTIRE EXISTENCE OF COMMUNISM, it was OFFICIALLY announced that: "The Zionists and the Israeli government are agents of American imperialism."

This was an open declaration of war on world Judaism, which, as usual, went completely unnoticed.

Stalin supported Gottwald immediately, and began the "Trial of the Jewish Doctors". The beginning of the "purges" was announced by TASS on January 13, 1953. Here it is interesting to quote a short excerpt from an article by a certain White, apparently a Jew, published in Reader's Digest in June 1961: Moscow doctors (most of them Jews, it was said) confessed to poisoning their patients in the Kremlin on behalf of the American-Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, working in favor of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy.In the course of three months, LONG number of Jews were arrested. .. Then GRACELY Stalin died on March 5, 1953. It is not so difficult to guess WHO arranged this “act of mercy.” A delegation of French communists who visited Moscow shortly after Stalin’s death said quite openly that the “Dictator” had a light blow to the time of a fit of rage, when he threatened to deport all the Jews to Birobidzhan. Beria's agents surrounding him picked up their "lord", put in bed and smothered with pillows.
On March 9, Stalin's son Vasily suddenly disappeared. TIMS magazine wrote "that he expressed doubts that his father's death was natural." And on March 14, after dinner in the Kremlin, Gottwald died suddenly, poisoned by Beria's agents, as they said.
Now, step by step, we have come to the most important period of modern history, which, by order of the "powers that be", remains still in deep darkness.

After the execution of the traitor Beck, the head of the "Proletarian Guard" Lavrenty Beria was immediately elevated to his post, covered for disguise by Malenkov, who, in fact, had no power.

“Khan” himself, Lazar Kaganovich, continued, as expected, to remain in the shadows, but, according to “unwritten laws”, he was never considered together with them. In America, two Jews, husband and wife Rosenberg, were caught at the scene of a crime, stealing the secrets of a new atomic weapon and passing them on to Moscow, i.e. Beria, who was chairman of the Atomic Weapons Committee of the Soviet Union. As usually happens in such cases, the case was not without betrayal. The Rosenbergs were betrayed by their relative, also a Jew. In America, the chairman of the same Committee was another Jew, "Admiral" Strauss, who had never been a sailor, but for some reason, with the permission of Roosevelt, appropriated the rank of admiral.

The Rosenbergs were caught red-handed, there was no doubt about their crime, but the "public opinion" of the whole world was mobilized by the Jews in their defense. When they were sentenced to death, petitions for their pardon came from all over the globe, including the Vatican. The Lodge of the Great East made the most noise, demanding a review of the case. In the end, Julia and Ethel Rosenberg were offered a choice: either betray those to whom they obeyed, or go to death, leaving two sons, whom they loved very much, as orphans. The Rosenbergs chose the latter - and died heroes...

They preferred death to betrayal.

This alone serves as clear evidence that they were not paid agents, but acted on a deep conviction in the rightness of their act.

In addition - and this is the most remarkable thing - both were deeply religious people, and the rabbi visited them all the time to strengthen their spirit when they were in prison. He, at their request, performed the burial ceremony according to all the rules of the Jewish religion. From this one can draw the direct conclusion that the Rosenbergs WERE NOT COMMUNISTS.

They were also sentenced to death by a Jew, Kaufman by name, which, as they frankly wrote in American newspapers, was a kind of ritual act: not a goy, not his own, a Jew, sacrificed his fellow tribesmen.

Now, for the first time in many years, we will try to find an explanation of WHAT made the Rosenbergs sacrifice themselves and WHY this sacrifice was accepted?

The strengthening of "chauvinism" in the Union after the victorious war threatened the existence of Jewish power in the country. The Zionists understood this perfectly well, and it was decided to support their kinsmen by handing over into their hands the most terrible new weapon, which would immediately give them an enormous advantage in their struggle against the Russians and, mainly, against the army, which, according to Deutscher, was the "bearer" of traditions of "Russian chauvinism".
Reinforced with new weapons of a new type, Khan's "Praetorian Guard" could not be afraid of internal enemies, and any uprising would be easily suppressed.

The Rosenbergs acted on orders from their Jewish upper circles, most likely transmitted through the “admiral” himself, whom they could not betray in any way, and they chose death.
There is no doubt that, having terrible power in their hands, the Jewish "tops" could force the American court to replace the execution with imprisonment for the Rosenberg couple. Apparently, this was considered dangerous, since a long imprisonment could break their will, and they could spill the beans.
They knew too much, and they were sacrificed quite deliberately and with observance of rituals, as required by the "law" ...

After the execution of the “rebellious slave” of Generalissimo Stalin, the era of Beria’s “Hundred Days” began, as Isaac Detshter called it in his wonderful article that appeared in the Reporter magazine of September 1, 1953, i.e. shortly after the death of Beria. Lamenting his death, Deitscher writes that he died just at the moment of carrying out deep reforms, the ultimate goal of which was to decentralize the government of the country and create autonomous entities. In other words, without any delay, the Zionist Jews who had completely seized power in their hands began to carry out their main program of dividing Russia into its constituent parts, which the Constituent Assembly, which had died in the bud, should have done, but did not have time to do. Deitscher in this article does not even mention the name of Malenkov, considering him quite rightly only as a pawn that had no power. In fact, the "reign" of the two-umvirate Kaganovich - Beria did not last "one hundred days", as Deitscher calculated, in order to adjust this figure to the "hundred days" of Napoleon after his return from the island of Elba, but 113 days, from March 6 to March 27. e June 1953. The "global" meaning of these one hundred and thirteen days is hidden from the eyes of the uninitiated by the most impenetrable veil.

As far as is known, only the writer of these lines from all the numerous political observers of the world gave a correct assessment in his articles, which appeared in the now closed journal Common Sense.

The situation was as follows: immediately after the death of Stalin, Beria and Abakumov, as Khokhlov confirms, began the defeat of the "chauvinists", headed by Ignatiev and Ryumin. All Jews were released from prisons, and Russians were put in their places. Thousands were shot, the poisoning doctors were acquitted, and, having strengthened his power with a wave of terror, the "liberal" Beria set about carrying out the above-mentioned internal reforms. All of the above is well known and is part of history, as they say.

But there is another side of the coin, which "mere mortals" do not have the right to look at even with one eye.

The storms of World War II wiped out the military aid of states such as Japan and Germany, weakened France and England, and left only two victorious powers "at the top": the United States and the Soviet Union. In addition, ONLY these two countries had atomic bombs in those years. And "by a strange coincidence" in both of them - the Jews were at the head of the production of this "ultimatum" weapon: Strauss in America and Beria in the Union.

Further: everyone who is interested in international politics has long known that America is captured by the "internal enemy", their Jewish clique (the Soviet press sometimes calls this dark force the "Jewish mafia"), dictating the administration and its will. They put on the “throne” the president they want, and they also overthrow him if he tries to act too independently.

The fates of Kennedy, Nixon and Agnew serve as a striking example of how the "Institution" punishes its disobedient henchmen. The somewhat silly "Jimmy" recently said bluntly that he well understood on whom his position as President of the United States depended, and would never dare to act against the interests of the Jews.
The campaign speeches of Carter and Ford were full of such vile "sycophancy" towards "American kingmakers" that they are simply sickening to read. Nixon often repeated the phrase before his fall: "THE JEWISH CABAL IS GOING TO DESTROY ME."

Don't believe? Read America's most widely circulated weekly magazine, THE TIMES, April 5, 1976. and on page 87 you will find this significant phrase.
"Liberal Senator" Fulbright once said on the radio that two-thirds of all colleagues in the Senate were bribed by the Jewish cabal and blindly do their will. For this, he was kicked out of the Senate, but NOBODY could accuse him of lying and prosecute him for "defamation."
The London TIMES, a very serious magazine and by no means "anti-Semitic," published the following phrase during one of the crises in the Middle East: "A condition for the participation of European states in NATO was never an OBLIGATION TO SUPPORT ZIONIST IMPERATIVES. PRESSURE ON AMERICAN PRESIDENTS." (November 1973).

The word "president" is used in the plural. In other words, this English newspaper quite clearly confirms that a "free, democratic America" ​​exists only in the imagination of the "American Fools", as Mencken called them, and in fact America has been turned into a Jewish colony for decades, blindly obeying the "Master Race" and paying her a huge indemnity under various forms ... The last "independent" American president was Hoover. All subsequent ones were only pawns in the hands of their Jewish meters, of which the most important was the famous "omnipotent" Bernard Baruch, the uncrowned Jewish king, "Counselor of the Five Presidents." His power was unlimited and known to all.

As the reader should remember from a phrase taken from the Columbia Encyclopedia, the ultimate goal of Judaism-Zionism is THE DOMINATION OF THE JEWS OVER THE WORLD.

It is also understood that when this Jewish kingdom on earth comes, it will exist forever, and NO ONE can destroy it. So, no matter how ridiculous it may seem, the moment when Stalin breathed his last breath into a pillow pressed to his mouth by some unknown Chekist Shmul was not only the end of the Dictator, but also the beginning of the DOMINATION OF THE JEWS OVER THE WORLD. Paradoxically, but true!

The two strongest powers in the world, possessing atomic weapons, were completely in their hands, and the prospects for the future opened up the most dizzying. There has never been anything even remotely similar in the entire existence of human history. A small group of "chosen ones" with the help of nuclear weapons could easily keep the whole world in fear and obedience and dictate their will to it.

The idea of ​​a new terrible weapon was born in the brains of their fellow tribesmen and, by right, their "chosen tribe" had to reap the fruits of these labors and enslave the world with them.
ALL enemies of the Jews lay in the dust. There was no organized force in the world that could be dangerous to them.

The combined power of America and the Union was a complete guarantee of the safety of the Jews from all potential enemies.

The armed forces of the Union, saturated to the limit with "sexots", could not be used to prepare a conspiracy. Dangerous elements were cleaned out after the elimination of the Generalissimo. The horizon was absolutely clear and cloudless. It only remained to start rebuilding the world in a new, Jewish fashion and reap the fruits of a colossal victory over the coming centuries... With full right and without any fear, the Jewish Masters of the World could finally exclaim: "L" AVENIR EST A NOUS !!" (The future belongs to us.)

Which, presumably, they repeated more than once during these one hundred and thirteen days ...

What happened next was not a paradox, but something very close to a miracle.

It is possible that this WAS a miracle predicted by one of the Russian Hierarchs, when he mentioned that after great disasters there would come a day “in the middle of summer”, a day of such great deliverance that the people would sing Paschal hymns for joy ...

The beginning was the easiest. It was the season for the usual summer maneuvers, and Marshal Zhukov asked permission to transfer two tank divisions stationed in the Ural region to Moscow. Permission was obtained, and soon both divisions arrived at the capital.

These tank divisions, stationed around Moscow after their transfer from the Urals, served, so to speak, as a "reference point" in the liquidation by Zhukov of the center of Jewish power in the Union, the headquarters of the Secret Police on the Lubyanka.

Without this real power, no attempt to revolt against the hegemony of the Jews would be simply impossible.

Those who have no idea until now what power was concentrated in the hands of Beria should read and think about the following lines published by the American press shortly after his fall.

So, in the issue of the Jewish magazine "Newsweek" dated July 20, 1953. it was printed that by the time of the fall of Beria in "his state" the Ministry of Internal Affairs consisted of UP TO ONE MILLION people, half of whom were organized like a real army, which had its own artillery, tanks, and aircraft. He also headed the production of atomic weapons in the Union.

Beria, as you know, was the sole and complete ruler of this army. To take such a person, as they say, "with bare hands" would be simply impossible.
Although more than a quarter of a century has already passed since the collapse of Jewish power in the Union, and the world is experiencing more and more acutely the direct consequences of this terrible blow, NO ONE yet knows exactly all the details of the Moscow coup.

It is strange to think that we know with all the details about the violent death of Emperor Paul the First, who was killed on March 1, 1801 in the Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg, that is, almost two centuries ago, but what happened during our lifetime "someone" , of course, deliberately tries to obscure and erase from human memory as much as possible.
The version that the author learned from one of the foreign "eyewitnesses" that the center of Moscow was cut off from the world for several days by Zhukov's tanks, standing "back to back" along the Boulevard Ring, should be considered a fabrication based on a small fraction of the truth.

In the American Time Magazine, July 20, 1953. the article under the heading "RUSSIA" begins like this: "cleansing of the one who cleaned." Along Sadovoi Boulevard, a busy wide thoroughfare in northern Moscow, a detachment of Soviet tanks and trucks loaded with soldiers swept past. The time is five in the afternoon, June 27th. Such phenomena do not happen often in Moscow, and therefore foreign diplomats noted this with interest.

A plausible conclusion is made that the purpose of moving this column of tanks was to eliminate Beria. A few days later, the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU formally released Beria from all his posts and ordered that he be put on trial. The accusation is treason. But all this remained hidden from the general public, and it was only on July 6 that Izvestiya briefly reported that one of the prominent members of the government would soon suffer a well-deserved punishment for deviating from the Party line. Newsweek magazine of the same date conveys the events in Moscow in these words:

“June 27, in the afternoon, tanks and trucks with armed troops rumbled along the Garden Ring in Moscow ...
“... Tanks and troops were visible from the windows of the new building of the American Embassy. They were moving towards the Kremlin. Not far from the Kremlin and a few blocks from the Garden Ring is Lubyanskaya Square. On one side is the bulky and gloomy headquarters of the Ministry of the Interior. Somewhere inside the building, Larentiy P. Beria had his official residence, a well-furnished apartment of sixteen rooms ... ”Furthermore, the performance of the opera The Decembrists is mentioned, at which Beria’s absence was noticed. Then comes the following phrase: "... There is every reason to believe that Beria was arrested on June 27 and that the Soviet Army was ordered to overcome the resistance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

And finally, in the most influential newspaper in the world, The New York Times, owned by the Jewish cognates of Ox-Dreyfus-Sulzberger, on July 11, 1953, an article appeared written by Sulzberger himself, where it was said:

“It is assumed that the capture of Beria took place on June 27, when the tanks appeared in Moscow. During several hours of noon, soldiers were also visible on the day when Beria's absence from the opera performance was noticed.

It should be noted that all these three leading organs of the American press at that time had their own correspondents in Moscow and did not use only the news transmitted by telegraph agencies.
In the same newspaper of July 14 there is a significant phrase that the army, i.e. Marshal Zhukov, "is a key factor in the fall of Beria."

London Evening News, July 29th, 1953. they wrote that power in Moscow was in the hands of a military triumvirate headed by Marshal Zhukov.
According to official Soviet data, Beria was “somewhere and by someone” arrested for “treason”, tried a few months later and executed.

An Austrian who spent several years in Soviet camps told the author that Beria was arrested on June 27 in the Kremlin, transferred through an underground passage to Butyrka prison, and killed there in the evening of the same day.

According to other sources, Beria was killed by "someone" in the Kremlin, apparently on June 27, and his entire colossal organization, having lost its leader, fell apart on its own, without any extraneous pressure, which seems unlikely.

Most likely, the situation was as follows: there was, of course, no “big conspiracy” like the Tukhachevsky Conspiracy and could not be. Otherwise, Beria's agents would immediately open it and liquidate all the participants.

It is possible that several officers of two tank divisions, whom he called from the Urals, were privy to Zhukov's plans. One of them, or Zhukov himself, shot Beria at a meeting in the Kremlin, which took place between 4 and 4.30 in the afternoon. Immediately after his assassination, Zhukov's officers seized the Kremlin telegraph station and, on his orders, sent a small detachment of tanks and armored personnel carriers with infantry planted on them to the Lubyanka.

The appearance of this armed force was so unexpected and lightning-fast that none of the command staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs could organize resistance, and the entire headquarters was captured "from a raid", including the right hand of Beria Izraelovich, who had only recently been returned from the Siberian camp, where he sat for many years.

As you know, none of the residents of Moscow heard shooting on the streets of the city that day, there were no riots, and even the premiere of the opera The Decembrists was not canceled.
In other words, the "Great Russian Revolution", unlike Mao Zedong's "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution", which lasted for years with great noise, hubbub and crackling, swept into history "like a thief in the night" and, although its results are visible in all corners of the world , the vast majority of its population does not understand its meaning and does not even want to recognize it as a fait accompli!

Since the power of the Jews in the Union did not have deep roots and was based solely on the terror of the Secret Police, the destruction of its Lubyanka Center by Zhukov's tanks immediately and inevitably led to the complete destruction of this power and the gradual displacement of the Jews from the entire administrative apparatus of the country. It is safe to say that Beria was killed on the spot, and his "trial", which took place several months later, was only a staging. The extremely cautious and far-sighted Marshal Zhukov could not leave alive such a dangerous enemy as Lavrenty Beria was.

And, no doubt, during the sudden raid on the Lubyanka Center of the secret police, Zhukov's officers seized all the most secret archives of this organization of monstrous complexity, including, of course, correspondence with Jewish groups outside the Union.
In the past, the main "liaison officers" between the Soviet Zionist Jews, the Zionists of Europe and America were Molotov and his wife, the famous Zhemchuzhina, who was the Minister of Perfumery and the Fishing Industry. It was jokingly said that her perfume smelled like fish, and the fish smelled like perfume.

Zhemchuzhina was a Jew, born Karp (was that why she was appointed to a fish post?) and had many rich Jewish relatives in America, also Karp, whom she used to visit often. Here it would be appropriate to recall an interesting touch: shortly after the destruction of Beria and the defeat of the Jewish center on the Lubyanka, Molotov appeared in America. His first visit was to Baruch, with whom he had a long interview. Baruch had just broken his leg before and was almost unable to move. But having received this terrible news, he immediately ordered a car to be brought to him and went to Eisenhower, who was then president, with difficulty climbed the stairs and talked privately with the general about something. A completely natural question arises: HOW could the Beria secret police apparatus fail to notice the “conspiracy” of Marshal Zhukov and not destroy him and all the participants, as happened more than once in the past?

The answer to this question, as mentioned above, will be the simplest and also "paradoxical": the conspiracy was not discovered by the ubiquitous "sexots" only because, in fact, there was NO CONSPIRACY! Khrushchev's "Memoirs" published in America mention this "Conspiracy", but these "Memoirs" were, no doubt, fabricated by New York liquids who did not even bother to study properly what they wrote about. So, for example, Stalin's guests SALT "to taste" the herring served to them, and Khrushchev himself is sitting at the table next to Alliluyeva, who at that time had already been in the grave for two years! Soon after Stalin's death, a short report flashed in the Western press that there were uprisings in some garrisons in Siberia, which were soon suppressed by the Chekists, so the rumor spread that the Generalissimo did not die of natural causes, but was killed.

From this we can conclude that the version of Stalin's death, which, no doubt, came from Beria and his "information apparatus" and was accepted in the West without any reservations, was not fully shared by the population of the Union.

It is interesting to note that when Svetlana Stalin appeared on the stage of the "free world", a certain Jew Greenbaum, who met her in London, was immediately sent to her. Having received instructions on what to talk about and what to keep silent about, she limited herself only to calling Beria the “evil genius” of her father, who incited him to all sorts of crimes.
In fact, this "genius" did not "incite" Stalin, but "ordered" him and passed on the orders of "Kagan" Kaganovich and his Jewish entourage, which "Bek" had to strictly follow.

Svetlana even went too far in her zeal to please the Jews when she described the last hours of her father, "dying from a stroke." She reports that Stalin's entire face was covered with BLACK LEECHES!

Can you imagine that the best doctors in Moscow would “treat” the Dictator in the manner of the barbers of the last century, when they wrote on the signs of barbershops: “They cut, they shave and open the blood”?

The custom of “sucking”, like leeches, Jewish “mentors” to those goyim who can be either useful or dangerous, like Svetlana, has been practiced by Jews since time immemorial, as can be seen from the examples of the Bible. The range of these "mentors" is exceptionally wide: from Baruch, the "mentor" of American presidents, to Simanovich, the "mentor" and personal secretary of the "Elder" Rasputin. In addition, Rasputin's close "friends" were two other Jews: the famous adventurer Manusevich-Manuilov and the banker "Mitya" Rubinstein, who was later killed under mysterious circumstances in New York. A certain Rudolf Kummer even wrote the book "Rasputin - a tool of the Jews", which may have been true. Solzhenitsyn, who has now become "noble and rich" by the grace of his Jewish patrons, also has his "secretary-mentor" the Jew Ginzburg.

All of the above has, as it seems at first glance, a special relationship to the REVOLUTION of Marshal Zhukov. In fact, if we continue to take the word of all those who are under the control of "mentors", we will never be able to see the truth. Therefore, the reader is invited to make a certain effort on himself and try to throw out of his mind everything that Jewish and pro-Jewish sources have driven into his head over the past decades and look at events from a completely different angle. Only and ONLY then will he be able to understand the TRUTH and act as his mind and conscience tell him, and not as a disguised Jew whispers, hidden under many guises, sometimes the most unexpected...

Now mentally transport yourself to Moscow and put yourself in the place of Marshal Zhukov, an associate of the Generalissimo, his closest collaborator, the well-known "anti-Semite" (remember his order to shoot Jewish deserters), who of course fully shared the desire of Zhdanov, Ryumin, Ignatiev and many hundreds of thousands other Russian "chauvinists" who dreamed of throwing off the "Jewish Yoke" hated by everyone.
It was perfectly clear to Zhukov himself, and to many other officers of the Soviet army, that soon there would be another, even more radical purge of military cadres than it was during the time of Tukhachevsky.

After the victory over Hitler and Stalin, the need for the Jews to have at hand the armed force of "foreigners" not only completely disappeared, but, as past years have shown, this force was simply dangerous.

As can be assumed, after the creation of autonomous regions and the destruction of the most active "chauvinists", the Jews were going to create on the ground, instead of the regular army, people's militia, directly subordinate to the state security agencies.
Zhukov after the liquidation of Stalin was the first in line for destruction and all the time was under the most vigilant supervision of Beria's agents. It is unlikely that they would dare to judge him openly, but rather, he was supposed to be poisoned at one of the dinners, as was done with Gottwald.
It was simply "technically impossible" to arrange any kind of "conspiracies" in the conditions of Zhukov's life. And he, and everyone else, perfectly understood that EVERYONE of his closest officers and staff soldiers COULD be an agent of Beria, and that a significant percentage of them WERE them.

Most likely, the situation was as follows: Zhukov personally knew the heads of these two tank divisions and was sure that they would fulfill his every order. When the divisions were unloaded from the echelons and ready for maneuvers, Zhukov called their commanders to his headquarters and verbally gave them his order to begin an attack on the Lubyanka immediately upon returning to their units. The risk was enormous, but Zhukov simply had no choice: he was a doomed man and, of course, he was sure of it. It is possible that the first part of the program, namely the encirclement of Moscow, took place under the guise of a "maneuver", which was not so difficult to do. The "throw" of tanks with infantry planted on them from the inner boulevard ring to the Lubyanka could be made with lightning speed. One of the division commanders was in the lead tank and was giving orders to his column by radio. It can be stated with full confidence that until this fateful moment, when “the die was cast” and it was impossible to retreat, NOBODY from the lower command staff and ordinary fighters had any idea that they were taking part in a grandiose and completely exceptional in importance historical event, which was supposed to change the whole fate of the world, and not in trifling "summer maneuvers"!

It is hard to imagine what a truly "mystical" fear the entire population of the Soviet Union, without exception, experienced before Beria and his "state security agencies." They destroyed the "Old Guard" of Lenin and, perhaps, himself; they executed Trotsky, the founder of the Red Army and the winner of the "whites"; they beheaded the Soviet armed forces just before the start of the war with Hitler; they rotted in the "Frenkel camps" millions of the best Russian people; they poisoned Zhdanov and massacred many thousands of "Russian chauvinists" in Leningrad; they strangled the “invincible Generalissimo” himself and staged a massacre of those who supported him in the fight against the Jews ...

To drown out this invincible feeling of fear among the masses was an almost insoluble problem, which the brilliant commander Zhukov understood perfectly well. But, accustomed to his iron discipline, they blindly followed the lead tank and supported him when he burst into the Lubyanka citadel and began to smash Beria's guardsmen.

Since the attack was completely unexpected, the ranks of "state security" could not offer any organized resistance. When the tank teams realized that the seemingly completely impossible victory over the Chekists had been achieved with one blow "from the raid", then, of course, they set about finishing off their primordial enemies with great zeal and pleasure.

The Russian Empire was created by its tsars for three hundred years and was destroyed by the Freemasons within six months.

The Jewish power in the Union, built "on bones and blood", was created by them for thirty-five years; Marshal Zhukov's tanks swept it away in just a few minutes.

Since the power of the Jews did not have any deep roots in the strata of the population and was based only - and exclusively - on the apparatus of the secret police, the blow of steel machines, struck at the very heart of this apparatus, immediately put an end to its beating and caused the fall of power.
The "Lubyansky Bastion" was a heavily fortified point, capable of withstanding for a long time the most violent attack of the crowd. But the possibility of a sudden attack of tanks, and even their appearance in the very center of the city, did not enter into the calculations of the Jews.

The "Lubyansk Pogrom" in its "global" significance is higher than the famous "Battle on the Ice" of Prince Alexander Nevsky, which destroyed the Teutons' dream of defeating the Slavs, and Zhukov killed not a dream, but an already REALIZED FACT of the enslavement of the entire globe by the Zionists.
After the death of Beria, they made an attempt to restore their power through the party, but the same Marshal Zhukov nipped it in the bud, delivering provincial deputies to Moscow on military transport planes, who voted against the Jews and their associates and failed this last attempt.

After the defeat of the Lubyanka, Zhukov presented the Kremlin with a fait accompli and suggested that the “Russian chauvinists” who were still alive should form a new government. The new "Beck" Beria, who replaced Stalin, was expelled to some factory by the director. Molotov was sent to Mongolia, etc.

Since the vast majority of the Soviet administration consisted of Jews and their henchmen, this "process of displacement", of necessity, proceeded rather slowly, especially at the bottom. The entire grand apparatus of the secret police, created mainly by Beria and founded by the Jew Uritsky, had to be rebuilt from top to bottom. And, it goes without saying, the current KGB is only a pale shadow of that ancient institution headed by "the most hated man in the Union," Lavrenty Beria. In the famous "Frenkel camps", where in the "good old days" of Beria's rule the number of prisoners reached many millions, now, according to the "dissident" Sakharov, there are only about two thousand political prisoners. (Newsweek, March 14, 1977).

The blow received by world Judaism was so cruel that its "top" lost its voice for a while and did not know how it should react. The “lower classes” were still poorly versed in the terrible tragedy for them that occurred in the Union, and many continued to treat the country that had just defeated Hitler “with admiration”

Without a doubt, in the first years after the collapse of the Jewish power in the Union, they used all possible means for them to restore it.

And only after making sure that the case was completely lost, they were finally forced to declare official war on "Russia". (It is necessary to note an interesting touch that the world press, which is almost entirely under the control of the Jews, now almost always calls the Soviet Union "Russia", that is, the name that, according to old habit, causes a reflex of hatred in the Jewish souls).

On July 18, 1957, i.e., four full years after the Zhukov Revolution, Ben Gurion, a native Vilna Jew, David Green, said the following significant words transmitted by the U-PI agency: “Although at the beginning of its existence, Israel used moral support from Russia and material support from Czechoslovakia, now, to our great regret and chagrin, both of these countries, without any reason, have turned into the worst enemies of Israel.

This short but quite definite explanation of HOW the Jews should now view the Soviet Union was supplemented two years later, namely on September 8, 1959, by a long editorial in the London TIMES, as usual in this newspaper, not signed, which explained in detail and precisely that the position of the Jews in the Union has completely changed. This article contains, for example, the following sentence:

"There is no doubt that the influence of the Jews in the Soviet hierarchy, SIGNIFICANT in the years after the revolution of 1917, NOW DISAPPEARED."

A few years ago, the famous American writer James Michener said a wonderful phrase, the full meaning of which he himself hardly understood: "The Jews of the whole world hate the new Soviet government with MESSIAN HATRED."

It cannot be said that the Jews as a race were distinguished by a special "abundance of love." Throughout their long history, full of blood and revenge, they have shown their true nature many times.
But even Hitler was not awarded such an “honor” as the Soviet communists of the new formation were awarded.

As you know, there are no pogroms in the Union. Jews are not evicted to Birobidzhan, as Stalin was going to do, they are not robbed and oppressed. Without a doubt, they live in the Union many times better than the Arab Semites in Israel. The Jews are not only not expelled from the country, as happened many times in the long history of the Jewish people, but on the contrary, they are kept from emigration ... How, then, was born in their souls a truly infernal, "messianic" hatred for those whom they consider representatives of RUSSIA?

There can be only one explanation for this strange phenomenon: the object of "messianic" hatred dared to commit some act that caused irreparable harm to the "messianic mission" of the Jewish people as a whole.

This mission was dominion over the world, conquered with such difficulty by the Jewish modern messiah Beria and so cruelly and unexpectedly ruined by the Russian peasant Zhukov. Zhukov carried out the coup on his own, but his amazing victory was achieved only because millions of "Russian chauvinists" stood behind him.

Therefore, the infernal flames of "messianic" hatred are directed at all of Russia as a whole, and its reflections can now be seen daily on the pages of the international press. One cannot even compare the intensity of this hatred with that which the Jews showed in the past towards Imperial Russia. Then, after all, their hostility to the Russian State wore, so to speak, a rational mask.

Now - this is the hatred of madness, which can take any form. It is not for nothing that the well-known, Peace Prize-winning, criminal Jew Kissinger, in his book The Need for Choice, which is now considered “indecent” to talk about, urged the Americans to end Russia without any declaration of war with a massive strike of nuclear missiles. TIMES magazine wrote that this book should be carefully studied by the Pentagon generals and, presumably, the Soviet General Staff too!

The former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the American Army (JCS), the deceased General Brown, said bluntly that in modern nuclear war there WILL BE NO winners, ONLY losers.

Simply put, he called the "peacemaker" Kissinger an idiot talking about things he has no idea about. Kissinger not only swallowed this pill, but also confessed in the pages of the same magazine that he was "wrong" ... Good "mistake"!

Some time later, when another Jew, Schlesinger, was United States Secretary of Defense, all American long-range missiles previously aimed at civilian targets in the Soviet Union were, on Schlesinger's orders, "retargeted" at rocket launchers. In other words, openly and officially, Schlesinger undertook to implement the Kissinger Doctrine. No one even dared to utter a word about this in the American press, but the fact was obvious. Then another absolutely incredible thing happened, which still remains without any logical explanation. It should be noted that the post of Minister of Defense, i.e. The Secretary of War is considered the third most important in the United States and is directly behind the Secretary of State. Suddenly, one fine day, Ford summons the Secretary of Defense, a very impudent, self-confident and rude Jew Schlesinger, to the White House and, without any hesitation, kicks him out of the government.

The American press was completely stunned and could not think of anything better than to make a ridiculous guess that the two Jews did not get along with each other, and Kissinger suddenly forced Ford to kick out Schlesinger. This case had no precedent in the history of America and, it would seem, it was worthy of attention and the most in-depth analysis. But all the press preferred to put a "seal of silence" on him, and everything was "forgotten" after a couple of days ... Strange, isn't it?

Everyone understands that ministers are not thrown out of the cabinet like thieving lackeys, and especially such as Schlesinger. In addition, Ford was all the time a pawn in the hands of the Jews. IF Schlesinger had any differences with Ford or with Kissinger, then, without a doubt, his departure from the cabinet would have been arranged "diplomatically": as is customary in such cases, he himself would have resigned or "on family or "for health". Everything was covered up, and American journalists would not have to come up with various fables under the pressure of circumstances.

To understand the essence of the force that could so easily and simply knock Schlesinger out of his office, like a cork from a bottle of champagne, one need only recall three relatively recent episodes of world history.

In 1956, when the combined forces of Israel, England and France attacked Egypt and almost surrounded it. SUDDENLY hostilities were suspended and Egypt was saved. Anyone who read the newspapers of the time should remember that the intervention of America and the League of Nations took place AFTER the end of the conflict and was only a primitively crude attempt to cover up the very shameful fact that the campaigners were afraid of Moscow's threats to use rockets and abandoned the attack halfway.

When Dillon, a Jew, aka Lanovsky, the American ambassador in Paris, gave a radio interview about this story, he said without any reservations that only the threat of Soviet missiles and nothing else stopped the Allied attack. He was removed from his post a few days later, and when the writer of this line asked the editors of TIME if Dillon was telling the truth, they evaded a direct answer and wrote that he lost his post for not asking the State Cop how he should have responded to this tricky question.
Eden, in his memoirs, explained the failure of the campaign in a completely foolish way: it turns out that the Allies DID NOT ENOUGH MONEY for the war, and therefore they were forced to hastily stop hostilities!

The betrayal of the Cuban rebels by America remains forever a dark spot in the history of this country. For those who have already forgotten how this happened, we can recall the following: American counterintelligence was preparing for a long time the landing of Castro's opponents in Cuba and promised the support of American naval aviation, which, of course, was the decisive factor in the success or failure of the operation. When everything was ready, and the American Boxer aircraft had already taken up position not far from the landing site of the rebels who were on their way to Cuba, President Kennedy, quite suddenly, "under the influence of a bad dream", as they bitterly joked then, suddenly gave the order to stop all support for the rebels and leave them to their own fate, which, as everyone knows, was rather sad.
Kennedy took full responsibility, and his popularity among the population fell catastrophically ...

In fact, this whole bad story had a completely different lining, which “American blockheads are not supposed to know at all. Soviet intelligence knew perfectly well this whole Cuban undertaking and was only biding its time. When the operation had already begun, Kennedy was informed that Soviet aircraft would strike Israel with about the same force as the American was going to do in Cuba.

Kennedy's Jewish entourage went into a wild panic and forced him to immediately suspend all American participation in this adventure. Kennedy could never forgive the Jews for this humiliation, which, in part, was the cause of his own death.
Admiral Elmo Zumwald, a Jew by birth, who was once one of the chiefs of staff in America and knew, of course, the whole lining of military operations in the Middle East, said in his recently published book that the Soviet Union, by its threats of active intervention in hostilities, more than once wrested from the hands of Israel the victory they deserved over the Arabs.

In the Schlesinger case, it is difficult to suspect Soviet direct interference, but rather only indirect. The Soviet Headquarters, as they wrote in the American newspapers, limited themselves to "grunting" and releasing several missiles at a target located in the Pacific Ocean. The hits were very successful, the scattering was insignificant, and that was the end of the matter.
Suppose that the smart, decisive and brave General Georgy Brown (he was a combat pilot and graduated from two faculties) was informed that his immediate superiors, the Jew Schlesinger, were REALLY ready to unleash a nuclear war, the outcome of which Brown himself predicted in advance. Ford, a narrow-minded man, was a pawn in the hands of the Jewish environment and there was no hope for him.

Having received the support of his colleagues at headquarters, Brown delivered an ultimatum to Ford: expel Schlesinger from the service, and expel him IMMEDIATELY, without any ceremony. The military ultimatum was reinforced by threats, the nature of which can only be guessed at.
But the threats were of such a decisive nature that Ford summoned the unsuspecting Secretary of Defense to his White House and immediately kicked him out!

It would be interesting to look at the physiognomy of this arrogant and self-confident Jew when he had to get such a click on his pride and see that all his plans fell apart ...
In order to gild such a bitter pill, the Jews forced the fool “Jimmy” to give them a promise that for their support in the elections he would make the shamefully expelled Schlesinger nothing more, nothing less than the “KING” of all America, which happened, as you know. For him, a previously non-existent and useless institution "ENERGY" was created with a colossal budget and a huge number of employees, corresponding to the "royal" position of the Jewish protege. The TIMES even emphasized that in his new position, Schlesinger would have every opportunity to influence the Pentagon, and to reinforce this influence, the Jews forced "Jimmy" to appoint New York liquid Harold Brown to the post of Secretary of Defense. The Jews repeatedly demanded the expulsion of General Brown and accused him of anti-Semitism. Then doctors allegedly found prostate cancer in him, and under this pretext he was removed from his post. In his place, David Jones was appointed, presumably a more acceptable general to the Jews than he was. Brown. And Brown quickly, suspiciously quickly, died in the hospital.

The “Garmider” of world scale, raised by the Jews in connection with the case of Sharansky and Co. in the Union, the intransigence of Israel in the Middle East, the complete dependence of the weak-willed and very narrow-minded Carter on the Jews, which he spoke about repeatedly, and the departure of General Brown do not bode well.

It is possible that the case is approaching a denouement, the most tragic. It is not known whether there is now a military leader of the caliber of the late Zhukov in the Soviet Union. It is interesting to note that neither in their homeland, nor outside of it, NO ONE and NEVER made a full assessment of the combat activities of this absolutely exceptional commander, who had no equal in history. This is not a typo or an exaggeration. Zhukov's victories radically changed the course of history THREE TIMES and broke * THREE MYTHS, namely:

1. The myth of the invincibility of the brilliant Japanese Army in the bloody battles near Khalkhin Gol in Eastern Mongolia.
2. The same myth about the iron legions of the Nazi "Wehrmacht" in the battles near Moscow and
3. The centuries-old Jewish myth that, once victorious, they are destined to rule the world forever and ever; this myth perished during the Lubyanka Pogrom...

The victory over Germany was a DIRECT RESULT of the Battle of Khalkhin Gol in 1936. This battle, which is absolutely classic in design and execution, is much higher than the famous victory of Hannibal over the Romans at Cannes. But WHO remembers her now, only forty years later?
Hannibal achieved only tactical success with his victory, but Zhukov achieved strategic success, since Japan, remembering the “Mongolian Lesson”, did not dare to launch at least a small sabotage campaign against the Soviet Union after the German attack on the Union, which confused all Hitler’s cards.

Zhukov risked transferring Siberian regiments to Moscow and broke the German offensive with them only because Japan remained passive and, contrary to the most elementary common sense, did not support Hitler from the East. Japan lost about 50,000 of its best fighters in the Mongol battles. As usual, the Japanese fought to the end, and the vast majority of those fifty thousand were killed. The urns with the ashes of the killed officers and soldiers were transported through Harbin at night to their homeland in order to hide the losses from the population. The Soviet army lost about 10,000, many of whom were wounded and then returned to duty.

The point, of course, was not in losses, but in the very fact of the defeat and complete annihilation of the best parts of the Imperial Army under, so to speak, equal conditions for a field battle. Both armies fought on foreign territory, without secured flanks and could bring reinforcements all the time from their rear establishments. It was a maneuverable battle in which Zhukov showed all his skill as a military leader. The stupid Japanese generals simply but could understand Zhukov's plan in time and fell into a trap. Instead of attacking the center of their positions, as they expected, Zhukov outflanked them and completely destroyed them. It turned out to be a shameful "SHO-KU", as the Japanese say, and this cruel lesson, no doubt, greatly influenced the psychology of the Japanese command staff.

If there were any "Napoleonic" features in Zhukov's character, which Tukhachevsky had, then, of course, he could completely change the course of history. Opportunities were there, but he did not use them. The new "post-Beria" Soviet government, which owed its existence solely and exclusively to Zhukov, repaid him with treachery when he was removed from his post "behind the eyes", during his trip to the Balkans. This serves as direct evidence that he was FEARED "at the tops" and for safety they decided to remove that weapon from his hands, i.e. Union armed forces, which he masterfully owned..

Now his name is being slowly erased from the pages of history both in the West and in the East.

The infernal flame of "messianic" Jewish hatred is trying to burn Zhukov's name out of people's memory in the West. On the pages of the American press, he is occasionally mentioned as a "cruel" commander who drove his soldiers recklessly into minefields. By the way, it is unlikely that the Chief of Staff of the Commander-in-Chief of all the armed forces of the Union ever had the opportunity to deal with such small details of operations!
In the East, Soviet historians often replace Zhukov's name with the names of generals subordinate to him and attribute Zhukov's victories to them.

In half a century, it must be assumed, the name of the person who so radically changed the course of historical events will be completely forgotten and disappear from the pages of history, official, of course. But the soldiers who stormed the Lubyanka, smashed the Japanese in Mongolia and took Berlin, will, of course, pass on to their children the legends of modern<Георгии Победоносце», под начальством которого они служили...

It is possible that "Zhukovskaya Sourdough" is still alive in the ranks of the Soviet Army. The fact that the Soviet Navy is at the right height was confirmed by none other than the same American Admiral Elm Zumwald, mentioned above. As reported by the Jewish newspaper Novoe Russkoe Slovo (Aug. 8, 1975), this admiral said the following:

“In our time, the commander-in-chief of the Soviet naval forces, Admiral Sergei Gorshkov, should be considered the most outstanding naval commander in the world. Under the leadership of Gorshkov, the Soviet fleet, which consisted at the end
World War II, predominantly from small coastal defense vessels, turned into a FIRST-CLASS FIGHTING FORCE, capable of challenging the superiority of the American fleet in the waters of the whole world.

“At the moment (1973) when Israeli troops surrounded the 3rd Egyptian Army and threatened it with complete annihilation, the Soviet leaders presented an ULTIMATUM to President Nixon: Israel must withdraw its troops from the encircled Egyptians, otherwise the USSR will send its troops to the rescue of the encircled. Washington put pressure on Israel - and he had to FOLLOW THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SOVIET LEADERS. Sadat, as you know, repaid the betrayal of his saviors. Fidel Castro, saved in the same way, turned out to be more noble! The late prof. E. Messner wrote on the pages of the Rossiya newspaper (November 5, 1971) that “two dreams of world domination could not get along / t. Therefore, now the Zionists (and the Jews in general with them) are conducting anti-Soviet campaigns ALL OVER THE WORLD.

And here we come across another historical paradox that could easily lead the world to a “global” catastrophe: the struggle of the Russian hero Ilya Muromets with the “Great Zhidovin”, begun in the “Wild Field” more than a thousand years ago, continues now with even greater bitterness and bloodshed. The whole world has become a "Wild Field", and only instead of Ilya's "Chubary" tanks crawl and "to intimidate the enemy" they rattle not with swords, but with rockets.

The most terrible symptom for the "Zhidovins" is, of course, the SPIRITUAL REVIVAL of that mighty country, which, somewhat prematurely, they considered almost forever enslaved.

In this sense, the words of the correspondent of the Jewish magazine "Newsweek", published in the issue of September 14, 1970, are very indicative and interesting: "RUSSIA LOOKS INTO ITS PAST"

“The rarest Soviet phenomenon is the search for one's past. The movement comes from the very bottom and enjoys the official blessing of the Kremlin... The renewed interest in the Russian past touched a sensitive string of the masses. It is an intoxicating mix of religious renaissance, patriotism, nationalism, mysticism, and even a dash of Stalinism. Therefore, it is not surprising to meet the most diverse audience among the most zealous participants in this movement: such as students, officers, KGB agents, writers and even dissidents ... But only in recent years has the attempt to rediscover the lost heritage grown into something grandiose, similar to “ NATIONAL PSYCHOSIS".

In the Jewish interpretation, this "psychosis" is the same "Russian chauvinism", the manifestations of which Beria tried to stifle during the "Leningrad Trials".

After many years of the “Jewish Yoke,” the Russian people begin to find not an artificially implanted communist soul with a Jewish essence, but their own, RUSSIAN SOUL, for the full development of which they need to rely on the past. The past, saturated through and through with Orthodoxy, must inevitably lead to FAITH. The Jew, Rabbi Schneider, who wrote an article entitled "The time of the Russian Jews is coming to an end" ("Luke, November 29, 1966)," mentioning that the religion of the Jews is dying out in the Union, said the following significant phrase: "But, surprisingly, the future of Christianity in the USSR now seems better off than at any time since the Bolshevik Revolution.”

Which, of course, is not surprising. With the departure from the scene of such Jewish types as the famous Yemelyan Yaroslavsky (born Gubelman), who invested all his, so to speak, “soul” (the existence of which they, of course, deny) in the fight against Christianity, the position of believers in the Union improved many times over.

But the Yemelyans - Gubelmans left another terrible mark in the history of Russia, which, of course, the people will never forget.
American observers, assessing the military assistance of their country and the power of the Union, for some reason avoid mentioning, apparently deliberately, one very important factor, by the way, well-known.

According to statistics published many times in Soviet newspapers, the number of women in the Union exceeds the number of men by almost 20%. It is sometimes added that among the middle age groups this "imbalance" reaches an incredible FIFTY PERCENT for such a huge country! That is, there are 150 women for every 100 men.
As a direct consequence of this, the number of births is decreasing, and population growth in some parts of the country is approaching zero.

Everyone understands that the Soviet Union, with the existing composition of its population, cannot afford the luxury of yet another "big" war. It would be racial suicide in the truest sense of the word.

As you know, Germany also suffered huge losses, fighting on two fronts during the First and Second World Wars. But, nevertheless, in this country the number of men did not decrease as catastrophically as it happened in the Union.
What's the matter?

"The best of the goyim," as the Talmud says, "should be destroyed." Thus, the population is deprived of both warriors and leaders, and can be subordinated to a small race of masters. "Frenkel's meat grinders" passed through themselves annually millions of the best Russian people, who were destroyed in them systematically and systematically.

All these victims were debited "to Stalin's account", where they remain to this day. It was they who changed the percentage ratio between men and women in the Union so strikingly.
In the article “From the Notes of the Russian Surgeon” by Golyakhovsky, published in the “New Russian Word” on October 13, 1979, there is the following phrase: “In the thirties, a period of mass repressions passed with the loss of tens of millions of men, and women were forced to replace them everywhere.” The new Soviet poet Ivan Rukavitsyn, in just four lines, made a brilliant assessment of this period of Russian history: "The obscuration of the minds led to great confusion, and the power of the Jews arose, merciless in essence."

The "essence" of this terrible power was not the punishment for misdeeds, but the extermination of the goyim, and therefore it was merciless, like a plague.
The Jews, seeking to make the most of the number of their brethren supposedly killed in Hitler's camps, inflated the number of victims by about twenty times.
Speculation on these "Dead Souls" continues to this day, as evidenced by the hype raised around the film "Holocaust" ("Extermination").

But how many Russian people of different ethnic groups were exterminated in the camps of Frenkel and the dungeons of Beria will forever remain a dark secret.
One thing is certain: there were immeasurably more of them than the mythical "six million" victims of Hitler.

Therefore, if Hitler really destroyed such a number of Jews, then this would only be a well-deserved retribution for their crime in Russia ... The "work" of the Jewish executioners of the Russian people was covered "for decency" by the wild Asian despotism of the "Leader", and no one especially but inquired about HOW and with the help of what “mystical forces” the “Leader” himself kept in blind obedience not a dozen of his faithful guardsmen, but HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of armed men, led by very intelligent, very decisive and strong among themselves decline others Jewish elements. As you know, more than 80 percent of the ranks of the highest Soviet administration also consisted of Jews.

Can you imagine that this whole Jewish company WOULD NOT TAKE ACTION to curb their "Leader", as happened in 1953, if the "Stalin Purges" were not inspired by the Jews themselves?
Such a "simplification of history" is possible in our times only with the help of a kind of mass hypnosis of the world press.

The most wild and unbelievable things, systematically repeated on the pages of the periodical press, become over time "dogmas of faith", which no one is allowed to doubt.
The Jews take this into account very well and always use it to their advantage.
The myth of "Hitler's six million victims" can serve as an excellent illustration of such a "dogma".

We repeat once again: before his post-war "rebellion" (early fifties), Stalin was ONLY the "Jewish Moloch", to whom those personalities were sacrificed, whom the Jews considered necessary to destroy for one reason or another.
As Svetlana Stalina rightly said, Beria, the main executor of the will of Khan Kaganovich, was that Jewish priest who threw the names of people whom the Jews had sentenced to death into Stalin’s red-hot brains.

In one of his speeches, Khrushchev also said that Beria and his associates crossed all limits of probability, inventing accusations against those people whom they decided to destroy. All this was done, of course, not with the aim of "pleasing the Despot", but with the aim of protecting one's own skin from a possible attack by "Russian chauvinists".

There is one very intelligent and knowledgeable Jew in America, Professor Daniil Buretin, the chief librarian of the Congress. He once uttered such a significant phrase: "Americans live in a world of pseudo-facts artificially created by their own press." He did not use the word "press", but "media", which means the totality of all media (or, rather, disinformation), i.e. television, radio, press, etc., which are turning American "public opinion" in the direction necessary for the Jews.

One of Nixon's former advisers, I think Haldeman, once said that there was a secret "Center" in New York where prominent representatives of this "media" met weekly to discuss the question of how current news should be presented to the public.
Time magazine of August 7, 1978 wrote that in Washington alone, the processing of "public opinion", i.e. bribery, special highly qualified agents (mainly Jews) spend up to a billion dollars a year.

Many years ago, the well-known American journalist John Swinton, who was one of the editors of the largest and most influential American newspaper, The N. J. TIMES, owned by the Jewish family of Ox-Drey-fus-Sultzberger, one day, probably in a drunken state, blurted out at a banquet press the real truth that there is NO INDEPENDENT, TRUTH-TELLING press in America. No one dares to speak the truth and express his honest opinion. Journalists sell themselves and their homeland for a piece of bread and are only slaves of God who stands behind them. He ended his speech like this:

“These people pull the strings - and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our abilities - all this is the property of these people. We are nothing but intellectual prostitutes." These words, spoken some seventy years ago, not only remain in force of our time, but have taken on even more menacing forms. The population is now simply FORCED to believe in completely obvious lies, no matter how primitively crude no matter how it was filed by "prostitutes" ... There are people who are interested in whether it is possible to turn back the wheel of history and restore the power of the "Chosen People" in the Union.
The answer should probably be negative. The circumstances created after the Masonic revolution in the spring of 1917 were quite exceptional and, of course, cannot be repeated in the future.

If in the pre-revolutionary years only one small group of people saw the clearly impending danger and called it exactly “Jewish-Masonic”, now the Russian people, taught by bitter experience, as a whole understood WHO was to blame for the terrible defeat of the Motherland. As you know, the Jewish press, describing "Russian anti-Semitism", accused it NOT of the people, as such, but of four "dark forces": the government, the Church, the police and the Black Hundred. According to the Jews and the so-called "shabes goy. » (a word put into use from the rostrum of the State Duma by the famous deputy Purishkevich in his time and meaning goyim working for money in favor of the Jews), everything was fine and the Russian people would simply love their Jews with all their hearts and there would be no signs of “damned anti-Semitism” it would be in sight if these "forces" did not exist.

What really happened? The "dark forces of reaction" are a thing of the distant past. A completely new generation of people has grown up in Russia, free from the influence of religion and the Black Hundreds. But a new, very unpleasant paradox for Judaism has turned out: if in the past “anti-Semitism” was a sporadic phenomenon, localized in those areas where there were large concentrations of Jews, as, for example, in Bessarabia, now it has spread to the entire Union, and ALL ethnic groups without exception, they unanimously hate and despise their Jewish fellow citizens. Among the "satellites" the situation is even worse: if the communist governments did not restrain their peoples, then the matter would end in a big pogrom, as happened in Hungary in 1956.

It sounds paradoxical, but hatred of the Jews now unites the peoples of the Union and its satellites, perhaps more than the doctrine of communism. Repeating the old horn, the American press now claims that the movement of "anti-Semitism" is supported for political reasons by the governments of the communist states, or, in other words, goes from top to bottom.
In fact, it turns out quite the opposite. But the truth is difficult to hide, and sometimes it slips even among the Jews themselves. For example, a certain Jew, Elie Wiesel, published an article in an issue of the American magazine Sat. The Evening Post of November 19, 1965, about Jews in the Union ("Jews of Silence"), which contains such a wonderful phrase.

“The Jews of Russia are not leaving their homes because they are opponents of the regime, or because of the difficult living conditions. Many Russians live in exactly the same conditions. The Jews only want to leave because of the anti-Jewish atmosphere that, no matter whose fault it is, now exists in their home country.”
An interesting confession, isn't it? Why did Mr. Vizol turn out to be so modest and did not share with the readers of his magazine, WHO is to blame for the "New Anti-Semitism" both in the Union and the satellite?

The author has heard that many young Jews now marry Russians and take their own names when registering marriages; Their children receive a Russian upbringing and, thus, thousands of Jews simply dissolve among other ethnic groups of the Union. The assimilation reaction proceeds "under the pressure of the 'Ait-Jewish atmosphere' and, apparently, is quite successful.

The same "atmosphere" is perhaps the best guarantee that the revival of Jewish rule in the Union and with the satellites can hardly take place now. The lesson was too obvious, cost a lot and will remain in people's memory for a long time.
Since the Eastern Jews are not Semites, but Turko-Tatars, it turns out another strange paradox, namely, Russia in the middle of the 20th century again experienced the “Tatar yoke”, but only, so to speak, in a modern design.

Is the Third World War possible with the present development of military technology.
Speaking conditionally, of course, NO!

The author fully shared the opinion of General Brown, quoted above, that a nuclear war is meaningless, since there can be no winners in it. Some "American strategists", presumably from the Jews, suggested, however, such a "Gentleman's Combination": "The High Contracting Parties, in this case America and the Union, give their word not to use nuclear weapons against each other, but exclusively against allies of the other side.
Simple and cute, but not very. The mass use of atomic charges can cause the fallout of hazardous products of a nuclear reaction in the most unexpected places, including the territory of the country that fired the rocket salvo.

Many years ago in Indonesia, volcanic ash was transported in large quantities to America. Radioactive particles after the explosion of nuclear missiles can fly back on the heads of the senders and do a lot of trouble, even if the recipient himself is not able to pay back with the same coin ...

There is also a well-known paradox in the possibility of using nuclear weapons. Countries with highly developed industries and densely populated centers can easily construct the most sophisticated long-range missiles, but, by their very structure, they are in no way adapted to withstand even a very small-scale attack by these weapons themselves.
An example is not far off.

A couple of years ago, New York suddenly plunged into pitch darkness.
Something happened at the central power supply point of this colossal city, and its life stopped for only a few hours. The result was this: unbridled crowds of "mob" immediately rushed to the destruction of shops, mainly Jewish ones. The Jews, as you know, are especially popular among the Negroes, and they immediately seized the opportunity to rob their "friends."

The mood of the crowd was so threatening that the authorities did not dare to use armed force and stop the robberies. Losses from the defeat reached a billion dollars, which makes it possible to understand the scale and scope of this raid. The American press, of course, under instructions from above, tried to hush up this sad and shameful story. But, of course, both divisional headquarters both in America and in the Union immediately made a complete analysis of this incident and the corresponding conclusions.

Life in America is almost completely urbanized and entirely dependent on a regular and uninterrupted supply of electricity. They are so accustomed to this that no one even thinks about it, just as no one thinks that tomorrow the sun should appear on the horizon.
Throughout America, electricity is supplied through a relatively small number of distribution centers, the location of which is well known to everyone.

These centers are filled with precise and delicate equipment, which is absolutely impossible to restore in a short time. But blowing all this off the face of the earth with nuclear missiles is as easy as shelling pears, which will take only a fraction of a second. The population of the cities, left without fire, water and food, will immediately rebel and smash to smithereens everything that comes to hand. The American army of mercenaries, now filled to capacity with blacks (up to 30%), of course, will not be able to restore order in the country, rather the opposite: the soldiers themselves will begin to rob the population, and the whole life of the country will be paralyzed in the shortest possible time.

No more than two or three rockets will be needed for each power distribution center, and there will be no large concentrations of nuclear fission products. In other words, the danger of damage by radioactive elements will be localized and will not spread to other countries of the world. It is easy to understand that it is many times easier to destroy the country's energy distribution centers than to destroy ALL long-range missiles of the enemy, as the Jew Kissinger proposed to do and, apparently, another Jew, Schlesinger, tried to do.

In addition, America is in the unenviable position of a parent whose “child” lives all the time under the threat of being destroyed by the enemy. Three, maximum five, large nuclear missile heads can completely demoralize Israel and reduce its resistance to zero. The Arabs will clean up what is left, and the problem of the Middle East will be solved. The big question remains HOW America will respond to such an offensive by the Union. Most likely, NOTHING, except for the usual screams and moans of the press.

Simultaneously with the launch of missiles at Israel, the Soviet Union could warn America that in the event of any opposition from Washington, half a dozen missiles would be fired at New York. A few years ago, the Jewish newspaper Novoe Russkoye Slovo, published in that city, wrote that, according to intelligence reports, New York would be the main target for Soviet missiles. Of which, of course, there is no doubt!

Driven into a dead end and blinded by "Messianic hatred", the Jews MAY decide to start a nuclear war, knowing that they themselves will also die. In the depths of their souls lives what America calls the “Samson Complex”, which could push them to suicide.
But it remains a big question whether the Pentagon will support the Jews and whether the United States and Israel will enter into such a "double suicide pact."
It is quite possible that the opinion of General Brown is shared by many other officials of the headquarters of the American armed forces, who are not at all going to die on the occasion of the "Jewish mafia."

The shameful expulsion of Schlesinger serves as an indirect confirmation of this.
There is still “Chinese Gambit” in reserve, but even here there was some kind of serious problem.
The expulsion of the "Gang of Four" and the untimely death of Lin Biao a few years before mixed all the cards of the Jews.

At the moment, i.e. at the end of 1979, Ilya's world struggle with Moses is in this position: as mentioned above, something is not going well with the Chinese, but the attempt to create a military conflict between China and the Soviet Union has not been abandoned; this idea, by the way, was first put into circulation by Ben Guriok.

Intensive work continues among the Soviet satellites to create "centrifugal forces" that can take them out of the sphere of influence of the Union;
the movement of "dissidents" inside the country is encouraged and supported morally and financially; in America itself, the press was given the task of, so to speak, "inciting" the population against the Union and preparing a "military psychology"; and, finally, all over the world there is a hidden, but stubborn struggle between world Judaism and the Russian principle.

The ultimate goal, as before, is the complete dismemberment of Russia into its constituent parts and the creation of a group of "independent democratic states" on its territory. But now a new threat is on the horizon: China has WAKE UP and, throwing off the heavy chains of a particular "communist heresy" known as "Maoism", has embarked on a more rational path of pragmatism, to which the Chinese have always had a great inclination. Grebenshchikov’s childhood memoirs mention: “grandmother Kasyanikha”, who predicted that Western people would wake up “yellow-footed China”, and then no one could hold him back ...

There is a good chance that the intuition of “grandmother Kasyanikha”, who lived in the Altai village many years ago, will turn out to be more accurate than all the plans of politicians! Who will live - will see!

It will be appropriate to end this article with a completely incredible historical paradox.
At the beginning of this century, Russian "Black Hundred" newspapers, such as "Veche", "Kolokol", "Russian Banner", "Kievlyanin" and others, warned their few readers that Russia was threatened with death from the "Jewish Masons".

The Russian intelligentsia and the highest circles of the population treated these newspapers with the deepest contempt and hatred, never read them and believed that only the mob could believe them - "janitors and labazniks", as they said then.

Even an intelligent person was not supposed to hold such a newspaper in his hands in front of others, so as not to deserve the nickname "reactionary" or "obscurantist". In the "progressive" and revolutionary circles of the population, these organs of the press were the subject of the most malicious ridicule and mockery.

But, as they say, “the wind returns to its circles,” and after more than half a century, the grandchildren of these same Russian intellectuals, who treated the “fantasies of obscurantists” with such contempt, came to the woeful conclusion that not their grandfathers, but “obscurantists” were right one hundred percent, and that the "Jewish-Masons" both were and remain the worst enemies of the Russian People.
The well-known American newspaper "Christian Science Monitor" in its issue of November 9, 1978 provides a translation of the article by prof. Valery Emelyanov, which appeared recently in Komsomolskaya Pravda, which has eight million subscribers, in which this Soviet professor quite correctly and accurately describes the combined activities of the Judeo-Masonic bloc in Western countries and its desire to seize power over the whole world.

This article contains, for example, such a very significant phrase:
"The Carter government represents the largest lair of Jews and Freemasons that America has ever known," which is an indisputable fact.
It is interesting to note that the Jewish newspaper in America, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, on December 6, 19/3, published a long review of this article, and the Russian religious journal Pravoslavnaya Rus (N 22, 1978) also reviewed it.
The writer of these lines has read an article by Prof. Emelyanov with a feeling of deep joy and satisfaction.

The mask of Russia's mortal enemy has finally been publicly torn off, and the masses of the Russian people now understand quite clearly WHO their enemies are and WHERE they are.
This makes the fight easier and MAY bring victory. The diagnosis of the disease of the world was made by the Russian professor absolutely precisely, honor and glory to him!
And the brochure that you just read, written BEFORE the publication of Yemelyanov's article, can serve as an additional illustration of that terrible and irreparable EVIL that the "Jewish-Masons" brought to Russia, and with it to all mankind ...

Published according to the edition: V.Ushkuynik. Memo to the Russian Man. The paradoxes of history. Library of General Sterligov. M., 1993.

A brief editorial afterword on the last cover states the following:

Read further:

Bund, "The General Jewish Workers' Union" (1897-1921), (background article).

Unconquered - this word can be fully applied to all Russian people during the more than a thousand-year history of the Russian people and its state. According to the won courage, military audacity and military deeds, the law recalcitrant and unsubdued in cruel times, called the Mongol-Tatar yoke, remained Russian free people - ushkuyniki(picture 1) . Who were the earwigs? What are they?

According to :

“Ushkuiniki are Russian pirates. Their appearance, except for the raids of the first princes against Byzantium, is attributed to the 11th century. In 1088, the Kama Bulgarians, the chronicle says, took Murom. ... the Bulgarians took revenge on the Russians for the robberies along the Oka and the Volga, which harmed the Bulgarian trade. You can also point to earlier facts that testify to the existence of U. at the beginning of the 11th century. in the heart of ushkuinism, in Novgorod - for example. campaign of Novgorod detachments to Ugra, until 1032.

Figure 1 - Earplugs. Novgorod freemen. Artist S M. Seidenberg, engraving. Schübler

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia supplements and clarifies [ 2]:

“Ushkuiniki (from the Old Russian ushkuy, a river boat with oars), Novgorod detachments (up to several thousand people), formed by the boyars to seize land in the north and carry out trading and robber expeditions on the Volga and Kama in order to enrich themselves and to fight political and trading opponents. Appeared in the 20s. 14th c. The social composition of U. was very complex. U.'s campaigns undermined the economic resources of the Golden Horde, but at the same time caused damage to cities and interfered with the development of trade along the Volga and Kama.

Russian historian Professor Soloviev S.M. (1820 - 1879) repeatedly mentioned the ushkuins in his writings, but wrote about them with a rather romanticized mood. The author of the multi-volume work "Russian History in the Biographies of Its Figures" N.I. Kostomarov (1817-1885) in his work devoted a section of one of the chapters to the Ushkuiniki, where he made many important observations.

But call them pirates they are incorrect - the goal of the ushkuiniks was not only to plunder sea and river trade caravans, but also cities and villages of the enemy. At the same time, the ushkuyniki fought like the most ordinary sea or river landing. Their attacks on cities and river trade routes in the Horde intensified sharply from the 1360s, as soon as the Novgorod land firmly fell into the sphere of influence of Moscow, and the “Great Zamyatnya” began in the Horde.

The Ushkuiniki constantly threatened the security of trade routes on the Volga, thereby reducing the intensity of trade, and robbed everyone indiscriminately - often including Russian merchants. Not only Horde, but also Russian trade suffered from free people - ushkuiniki. And the ushkuyniki robbed not only Tatar, but sometimes Russian lands. In those cruel times, this was more of a norm of behavior, and not an exception to the rule. Captives, including Russians, were sold into slavery or ransomed.

It was difficult to manage them, but by means of military and economic pressure on Veliky Novgorod (the main deliveries of grain to the Novgorod land came from the Moscow principality through the city of Torzhok), the Moscow princes had influence on the actions of the ushkuiniks. The chronicles did not record that the Ushkuins behaved more viciously and meaner than some of the Rurikovichs in relation to their fellow believers.

According to the word ushkuiniki, it is derived from the name of a light sailing and rowing vessel - ushkuya (Figure 2).

At the end of the 13th century, a new type of ship was created in Russia - ushkuy. Perhaps its name comes from the polar bear, called ushkuy in the north of Russia. Often the nose of the ushkuy was decorated with the image of a bear's head.

Ushkui were divided into sea and river. Both of them had one removable mast , located in the central part of the hull, with one oblique or straight sail. Instead of a rudder, a stern oar was used. The dimensions of the ears could be from 12 to 14 m in length, 2.5 m in width, the ship's draft - from 0.4 to 0.6 m, with a side height of up to 1 m.

Novgorod shipbuilders built ears from pine wood, rich in resin. The keel was hewn out of one trunk, after which the ends and frames were attached to it, which were made of thick branches with natural curvature, due to which the frames had great strength. The casing of the hull was assembled from hewn boards and fixed on the frame with wooden nails (the ends of which were wedged).

A b

a - ear in swimming; b - device of the river eye

Figure 3 - Ushkuy

The beams forming the fore and aft ends of the ship were made straight and installed vertically or with a slight outward inclination, with the bow being higher than the stern. They were connected to the keel with knees (angles for rigid connection of the elements of the set of the ship's hull, adjacent to each other at an angle), cut from a tree trunk with a thick branch extending at an angle. With the outer skin and the first frames, the stems were fastened with horizontal brackets, while the upper one simultaneously served as a support for the deck flooring, and the lower one was located at the level of the waterline or slightly higher.

Abalone (unlike river abalones) had a flat deck, but only at the bow and stern. The middle part of the vessel (about a third of the length) remained open. Their carrying capacity ranged from 4 to 4.5 tons. Six or eight benches for rowers rested on the inner lining. Due to the shallow draft and the large ratio of length and width (5:1), the ship had a relatively high speed of navigation.– up to 12 knots (22.2 km/h).

River ears differed in their design from sea ears, and not only in the absence of a deck. River ears were boats with a capacity of up to 30 people. The keel was wide and flat. Equally curved bow and stern beams were connected to the keel with wooden nails or in a hidden spike. The body was recruited from hewn boards. The gunwale (a wooden beam with sockets for oarlocks, running along the side of the boat and covering the upper ends of the frames) was absent. Wedges-kocheti were inserted into the gap between the skins, which served as supports for the oars. The oars at the points of contact with the skin were covered with thick leather.

The thickened last belts of the outer and inner skins provided sufficient board strength for possible boarding or when dragging the eyelet through the portage. There were no shelters either in the bow or in the stern. Due to the symmetrical bow and stern, the ears could instantly move away from the shore without turning around. This had to be done frequently during raids. With a fair wind, a single-pole mast with a direct sail on the yardarm was installed. The simplest, without blocks, the rigging was attached to the benches, and the bow and stern extensions were attached to the corresponding extremities.

River ears were light ships, so they could be dragged from one river to another.

It is categorically not worth representing the ushkuiniki as a crowd of peasants in zipuns with axes and horns. Among the ushkuiniks there were people from various social strata of Russian society, eager people from different Russian lands. The armament of the ushkuiniki, military leaders and ordinary soldiers could well correspond to Figure 3. The armament of the ushkuiniki at that time was first-class, but it was extremely diverse and could have various options (Figure 4).


a - Novgorod boyars. XV century. Artist L.N. Konstantinov; b - Novgorod earpiece. Artist L.N. Konstantinov; c - ship's crossbow

Figure 3 - Armament of the earpieces

Figure 4 - Earpiece. Artist O. Fedorov

The Ushkuyniki skillfully acted both on foot and on horseback. The protective armor of the earpieces was most often chain mail or bayrans (bodans) - chain mail made of flat rings chopped from a steel sheet (Figure 3, b). They also had composite shells (bakhterets), in which steel plates were woven into chain mail (Figure 3, a). The Ushkuiniki had a set of weapons traditional for Russian warriors - spears, swords, sabers; and sabers were preferred. Throwing weapons included bows and crossbows, both carried and shipborne (Figure 3, c), which fired heavy steel arrows.

The Ushkuiniki were cunning, prudent, ruthless and daring warriors. The commanders of the ushkuiniki took only fighters who were equally well prepared for equestrian and foot combat, had the skills of long-term rowing and experience of survival in extreme conditions. They reached the territory of the enemy on the ushkuy, and on land they fought mainly on foot, although there were cases when the enemy was attacked by cavalry units of the ushkuyniks.
According to the Soviet military encyclopedia:

"According to the composition of the troops (forces), means and methods of transferring the landing force, it can be air, sea (river, lake) and combined."

That is, the type of hostilities that the Ushkuyniki carried out falls under the classical definition of sea (river) landing. So it can be argued that The ushkuinik detachments were highly professional volunteer units of the Novgorod army. They were intended for landing operations.

In foreign and Russian chronicles, there is little information about the remote long-distance campaigns of the ferocious Novgorod ushkuiniks. And this is understandable: the illiterate inhabitants of the Scandinavian villages, which were devastated by ushkuyniki, did not keep historical chronicles. The cities of the Golden Horde were mercilessly destroyed and burned by Timur. Well, domestic, for the most part, court chroniclers were busy describing the exploits of "their" princes, but not their rivals or commoners. The earmen themselves did not leave memoirs.

The ushkuyns tried to avoid major sea (river) battles, but with equal forces or, having certain advantages, they could attack enemy warships.

The Ushkuyniki attacked the enemy suddenly, that is, according to the terminology of the Russian chronicles, "exile" [ 8]:

“EXIT, expression in Russian. lѣ topisei, meaning nechayan. attack or start a war. dѣ action without declaring war."

Moreover, the landing of the ushkuiniki could attack the enemy during the day on the move (Figure 5) or at night from the place of the day or night (Figure 6).

A b

a - an attack on the city of Novgorod ushkuiniki. Miniature from the Nikon Chronicle of the 16th century; b - the attack of the ushkuins. Drawing from the cover of the book by Yu. Shcherbakov “Ushkuiniki of Dmitry Donskoy. Special Forces of Ancient Russia»

Figure 5 - Attack of the ushkuins on the move, exile

Military intelligence worked well for the Ushkuiniki. It is very likely that among them were representatives of the Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples (as they were later among the Cossacks). Only this can explain the amazing effectiveness of the campaigns of the ushkuiniks, their capture and plunder of the flourishing cities of the Golden Horde - they knew exactly where and why they were going, and were well oriented in enemy territory.

Cavalry detachments also participated in some campaigns of the Novgorod ushkuiniks at their certain stages.

But things with military discipline in the Ushkuinichi detachments were quite bad. During the campaigns, some units drank en masse, and for this their soldiers paid with their lives. The Novgorod ushkuiniki were one of the main components in the formation of the Russian Cossacks. Perhaps that is why, based on the bitter experience of the Ushkuiniks, during the campaigns among the Cossacks, drunkenness was considered the most serious military crime, for which they mercilessly punished only with cruel death.

Figure 6 - Earplugs. Artist S.V. Pokotilov

In field battles with a professional army, for example, with princely squads, the ushkuyniki, probably, like all irregular military units, did not show much stamina and valor. So, on May 31, 1372, Prince Mikhail of Tverskoy took the city of Torzhok, which belonged to Veliky Novgorod, and before that he defeated a Novgorod detachment under the city in the field under the command of a boyar and a voivode
Alexander Abakumovich.

Chronicler tells about the defeat of the Novgorodians near Torzhok:

“... and the Novogorodsky boyars themselves took up arms against the battle ... fighting with Tverichi. And be withѣ cha is great on poly. And overpoweredѣ Prince Mikhail, and the Novogorodtsy escaped bysh. The same, on the right handѣ , the governor of Novogorodsky Alexander Abakumovich was killed, Ioanya Timofѣ evich, Ioan Shakhov, Grigory Shchebelkov, and other husbandsѣ how much fall.

The chronicles no longer mentioned once about the defeat of the governors of the Ushkuiniki and their detachments in open battle. Maybe there were simply no such battles, since the Novgorodians used the tactics of lightning-fast raids and withdrawals. A number of chronicles and historians call the Ushkuiniki robbers. But their times, the troops in the East and Western Europe in the campaigns were always self-supplied, that is, they provided themselves with everything they needed at the expense of the local population. So, the greatest efficiency in the conduct of hostilities, the detachments of ushkuiniki achieved in those cases when they acted as a landing force - river or sea.

The Ushkuiniki acted independently at a distance of hundreds or even thousands of miles from their operational bases - Novgorod and Vyatka. So with good reason they can also be called the first Russian special forces.

  • TSB. Ushkuiniki. [Electronic resource] - URL: http://slovari.yandex.ru/~books/TSB/Ushkuiniki/
  • Materials of Russian history. CM. Solovyov. History of Russia since ancient times. [Electronic resource] - URL: http://www.magister.msk.ru/library/history/
  • Nikolay Ivanovich Kostomarov. The Russian Republic (Northern Russian People's Rules in the Times of the Specific Veche Way of Life. History of Novgorod, Pskov and Vyatka). [Electronic resource] - URL: http://lib.rus.ec/b/194065
  • Alexander Borisovich Shirokorad. Russian pirates. [Electronic resource] - URL: http://lib.rus.ec/b/92306
  • Electronic Library "Military Literature" Alexander Borisovich Shirokorad. Northern wars of Russia. [Electronic resource] - URL: http://militera.lib.ru/h/shirokorad1/index.html
  • Soviet military encyclopedia. Landing. [Electronic resource] - URL: http://military-encyclopedia.rf/soviet-military-encyclopedia/D/Landing
  • Military Encyclopedia: [In 18 volumes] / Ed. V.F. Novitsky and others - St. Petersburg: T-vo I.D. Sytin, 1911-1915. Exiled. [Electronic resource] - URL: http://slovari.yandex.ru/~books/Military%20encyclopedia/
  • E.P. Saveliev. Ancient history of the Cossacks. [Electronic resource] - URL: http://lib.rus.ec/b/267259/read
  • PSRL. T. 24. Chronicle according to the Typographic list. [Electronic resource] - URL: http://hbar.phys.msu.ru/gorm/chrons/tipograf.htm
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    Really, who is a "smart"? Unfortunately, there are practically no historical fiction books about these brave and desperate people, and the domestic cinematography did not make adventure films about them.

    In order to at least fill this niche a little, we are posting two articles on the site about earplugs and their history.

    The Ushkuyniki made the Golden Horde tremble.

    650 years ago - 1366. The young Moscow prince Dmitry Donskoy receives the envoy of the Golden Horde in his chamber. The ambassador is angry, he shouts at the prince, brandishing his whip menacingly. The Russian prince is surprised, because tribute to the khan is paid regularly and on time. But everything falls into place after the enraged envoy uttered the word "ushkuyniki". What scared and angered the Golden Horde so much?

    It turns out that for two centuries now, Russian fellows who call themselves “ushkuins” have been making not only the Golden Horde, but also the Moscow principality tremble with fear. Interestingly, much earlier than the battle on the Kulikovo field took place, the ushkuyniki utterly defeated the Khan’s troops and showed everyone that the Golden Horde can and should be defeated! They inflicted crushing blows on the largest cities of the Horde and destroyed the myth of the invincibility of the soldiers of the Golden Horde with each victory.

    As soon as these warriors were not called pirates, and robbers, and Russian Vikings. If we analyze the situation that has developed over the centuries in Russia, then the appearance of such a spontaneous free army on the territory of Russia was expected. And he found a name - "freedom". Volniki, as a rule, were free people who were engaged in trade and robbery.


    But the name ushkuinik, the Russian Vikings got from the name of the types of ships on which they raided. These lugs were the fastest among the existing, at that time, oar-sailing ships. They accommodated about 30 people. Due to their low weight, they were easily dragged over the rapids or overland between the beds of nearby rivers.

    The Ushkuyniki behaved like the Vikings. A small, armed, well-trained group, sat on the ears and attacked the nearby cities. Novgorod was considered the most “early” city, since it supported such “fun” for young people, considering them very useful for expanding the influence of the republic.

    Historians believe that since the 11th century, the Ushkuyns have already made their raids on the Bulgars, Yugra, as well as on the Scandinavian countries and Lithuania. But the "Russian Varangians" still preferred to control the most important trade routes along the Volga and Kama. They were especially interested in furs. At that time, Ustyug was the center for the import of furs, then, through the Vyatka lands, it was transported to the Volga or Kama. In order to keep this knot under their control, the ushkuins founded their city, Khlynov-Vyatka, at the intersection of these fur supply routes. Through it, the main part of the expensive furs went further to the countries of Scandinavia and England.

    Having access to cash flows, the earmen were very well equipped and armed. These free fighters wore chain mail from large rings, and those who could pay more for their ammunition wore plate armor. They were armed with swords and spears, but still preferred sabers. The warriors were good at shooting from crossbows and stationary bows.

    The Ushkuins were well versed not only in trade, but also in the politics of that era. They became mercenaries and participated in numerous wars. The Russian Vikings calculated the weakening of the Horde, understood the relationship between the Russian princes, and helped solve the problems of Novgorod. The best Novgorod voevodas wore ushkuiniki, and the merchants of Novgorod helped the ushkuiniki with weapons and equipment free of charge. For this, the freemen generously shared with them the loot.

    The first long-distance campaigns of the Ushkuins began at the end of the 13th century. So in 1320 there was a clash between the Lord of Veliky Novgorod and the Swedes. A squad of Novgorod warriors led by Luka Varfolomeyich on the ears passed the Northern Dvina to the White Sea and entered the Arctic Ocean. And finally got to the Swedish coast. First, the Ushkuyns ravaged the Finmarnen region, and then attacked the neighboring region, Halogaland. The residents were shocked by this unexpected attack. As a result, the Swedes were forced to conclude a compromise Orekhovets peace with Novgorod. The Swedes also tried to attack Novgorod, but suffered a crushing defeat. At this, the "crusades" of the Swedish knights to Russia stopped. And the ushkuyniki turned their attention to the Golden Horde. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. It was to the Golden Horde, which kept all Russian princes at bay, which regularly paid a huge tribute, and which the Orthodox Church declared "God's punishment" sent to Russia for sins.

    The Golden Horde grew richer every day. Nomads became city dwellers. Thousands of slaves built cities for them on the banks of the great rivers - Kama and Volga. The khans grew rich not so much by military robberies as by trade and mediation. The busiest trade route passed along the Volga: ships under the flags of China, the Middle and Near East, India transported goods, and the khans received a duty from them. The Golden Horde understood that the path along the Volga was a source of enormous wealth and protected order and law, severely punishing attacks on merchants.

    The capital of the Khlynov ushkuins on a map of the 14th century

    In 1360 there was such a case. The Ushkuis captured the Tatar city of Zhukotin, which was the center of Volga Bulgaria. Having seized untold riches, the freemen went to Kostroma to drink away the stolen goods. Residents of Kostroma, having seen enough of the "idle" ushkuiniki, complained to the Horde. Khan Khidyr demanded that the Russian princes deal with the earplugs. The princes of Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir and Rostov did not dare to disobey the shout from the Horde and caught some of the earmen. To report to the khan, they sent captives to the Horde. As subsequent events showed, the ushkuins took revenge on Kostroma for their betrayal. But the ushkuins never forgot that their main enemy is the Golden Horde.

    Often the soldiers of the Golden Horde watched with fear the appearance of Russian freemen in the immediate vicinity of their borders. Over the course of fifteen years (1360-1375), the Ushkuyniki made eight large forays into the middle Volga - and this is not counting the many small raids. In 1374, having passed down the river, the Ushkuiniki captured the capital of the Golden Horde - the city of Saray itself.

    The chronicles tell about one of the campaigns of the Russian Vikings led by the voivode Prokop. For helping the Moscow prince in suppressing Tver, Prokop and his army were given a certain carte blanche. First, he took revenge on Kostroma for the fact that its inhabitants gave the Ushkuiniki to the Horde: his soldiers easily dealt with the five thousandth Kostroma army, robbed the city, and took the inhabitants into slavery. They acted similarly with the Volga cities, where many Busurmans lived. According to the already established "tradition", they paid an unexpected visit to Sarai, and the Tatars paid off the ushkuiniki who had descended on them with a huge tribute. But, despite this, the Khan's capital was still plundered by the Novgorodians. The absence of serious resistance turned the heads of the earmen. They moved towards the Caspian Sea. Astrakhan Khan Salgei immediately paid tribute, without even entering into battle with the freemen. In honor of the Russians who arrived, the khan arranged a feast. A detachment of armed Tatars attacked the well-intoxicated ushkuiniks - only a few fellows managed to escape death then. But even this case testified that the Golden Horde were afraid of an open clash with the ushkuyns, and therefore resorted to deception.

    After that, the Ushkuini movement somehow began to fade. Most of the freemen turned to mercenaries. Moscow Prince Ivan III finally closed the issue with the Novgorod freemen: most of the population from the capital of the Ushkuiniki was transferred to Moscow lands. The rest went to the Permian and Vyatka forests, to the Volga and Don.

    Knowing about the existence of ushkuiniki, one gets the impression of a parallel history of Russia. While the Russian princes go to bow to the Horde and pay a rich tribute to the Tatars, the ushkuyniki did not let the Tatars down, defeating them in an open and honest struggle. The Golden Horde, indeed, were afraid of the detachments of the Novgorod freemen, knowing that they could not cope with the Ushkuyns, they demanded that the Russian princes restrain their warlike compatriots.

    One gets the impression that information about the Ushkuiniki was deliberately excluded from Russian history, and only information about how Russian princes “gathered lands” under their own hands remained.

    Surprisingly, it is a fact: they remember the earplugs in .... Kazan. After the 60,000-strong army of the Moscow prince Ivan Kalita dealt with the ushkuyniki, many went to the Don and became the basis of the free Cossacks. And by the way, the countless treasures of ushkuiniki have not yet been found, which means that there is hope to find them!

    Russian Vikings. Who were the Khlynov ushkuyniki and how did they found Vyatka?

    On the occasion of the 835th anniversary of the beginning of the development of the Vyatka land by the Russians, a monument was erected in Kirov to the Khlynovsky ushkuyniki, who founded the capital of this region. The Russian Planet decided to tell who the Ushkuiniki were, what role they played in history, and why the Moscow princes ordered that all mention of them be erased from the annals.

    Terrible dream of dog-knights

    The first earpieces appeared in the 9th-11th centuries in the Novgorod Republic. So they began to call professional soldiers who united in armed squads.

    Some researchers call the ushkuiniki the first Russian special forces that served the Novgorod Republic, protecting it from external threats. Others - the Russian version of the Vikings, who adopted their style of behavior as a result of close contacts, in fact - pirates, guided solely by their own interests and working for profit. Still others see the pioneers and conquerors of new lands, the predecessors of Yermak with his Cossack detachments, in the earpieces. The fourth are professional mercenaries who were financed by Novgorod merchants in order to collect tribute in the territories under their control and guard trade caravans, historian Anatoly Lysenko tells a RP correspondent. - In my opinion, the most reasonable point of view is that the ushkuiniki were a passionate part of the inhabitants of Novgorod the Great, which, depending on the circumstances, could play a variety of roles.

    The ushkuins got their nickname by the name of the ships on which they sailed - the ushkuevs. These were light, maneuverable and fast ships that could be steered both with oars and with the help of sails. Their name, according to one version, comes from the Pomeranian word "oshkuy" - a polar bear. On the high nose of the ears, there was a head carved from wood of this particular animal. Up to 30 people could fit in one boat. On these ships, the ushkuyniki made their swift campaigns, many of which changed the course of history.

    If we list the most impressive deeds of the ushkuins of the early period of their existence, then it was they who forced the Swedish kingdom in 1323 to sign the Orekhov peace treaty with the Novgorod Republic. And a century and a half earlier, in 1187, having teamed up with the Karelians, they plundered the ancient capital of Sweden Sigtun so thoroughly that the city could not fully recover from the destruction. So they took revenge on the Swedes, who were the first to attack Novgorod. Please note: some researchers believe that the ushkuin squads were quite small. - But in this case, could they take cities? - Anatoly Lysenko continues the story. - For several centuries the Ushkuiniki have been a nightmare for all the Scandinavian neighbors of Veliky Novgorod, whose lands they raided with enviable constancy. By the way, there is an opinion that one of their leaders was the posadnik Vasily Buslaev, the main character of the Novgorod epic epic.

    In 1348, the Swedish king Magnus decided to break the peace of Orekhov and again attacked the Novgorod Republic. He even managed to take the Oreshek fortress. And then, in response, the Ushkuins invaded the Swedish province of Halogaland and captured the well-fortified fortress of Bjarkey. This impressed the Swedish king so much that he immediately stopped the war, and in his will he wrote: “I order my children, my brothers, and the whole land of Sweden: do not attack Russia if you kissed the cross in this; we are not lucky in this ... "

    By the middle of the 16th century, largely due to the efforts of the Ushkuins, serious hostilities in the north of Russia had actually ceased. The Livonian Order no longer made any attempts to organize new crusades, as did Sweden, Lithuania and Norway. And then the Novgorod warriors who remained idle found a new enemy for themselves - the Golden Horde.

    In 1360, the Ushkuiniki reached the Horde city of Zhukotin, which was located not far from modern Chistopol, along the Volga, and killed almost all of its inhabitants, - says Anatoly Lysenko. - This campaign of theirs delighted St. Dionysius of Suzdal, but, as expected, it aroused the ardent indignation of the Golden Horde. Khizr Khan, who ruled at that time, demanded that the Grand Duke Dmitry of Suzdal seize and give him the ushkuins. And when they “drank zipuns” on their way home in Kostroma, the Russian princes seized the winners, tied them up and sent them to the Horde, where they were sold into slavery. Of course, such an outcome did not suit their comrades who remained at large. They organized several new campaigns, forcing the Horde khans to regret their decision. And 14 years later, the Ushkuiniki captured the very capital of the Golden Horde, the city of Saray. And in the same year they founded the city of Khlynov, which later became Vyatka, and then Kirov.

    Pirate State

    Ushkuinik. Painting by N. K. Roerich

    Historian Nikolai Kostomarov wrote: “There is nothing in Russian history darker than the fate of Vyatka and its land. The chronicler of the Vyatka Land dates the beginning of this colony to 1174 and somewhat contradicts himself: in one place he says that the inhabitants of Novgorod set off on their own and separated from Veliky Novgorod, and in another - that they set off with the consent of Veliky Novgorod. The first is more likely, because this colony did not recognize the power of Novgorod, was hostile to Novgorod several times, never interacted with it and experienced against itself - according to the same local chronicle - the malice of its metropolis.

    If we do not forget that Khlynov was founded by the ushkuyns, then there is no mystery in this. Novgorod, which used their services for many centuries, of course, could not like that they decided to separate and live independently, - historian Viktor Khokhrin tells the RP correspondent. - Moreover, the free Khlynov grew very quickly. The Ushkuiniki arranged everything in it to their liking: many researchers call the state they created the Vyatka Veche Republic. In fact, the order in Khlynov was the same as in Veliky Novgorod. It had its own veche, but there were no posadniks and princes. In order to maintain independence, the small state periodically united with one or the other princes, but did not submit to them, which categorically did not suit either Veliky Novgorod or Moscow. Having received their own state at their disposal, the ushkuins did not give up their old habits, did not settle down and continued to go hiking. So, in 1471 they made another raid on the capital of the Golden Horde - the city of Saray - led by the voivode Kostya Yuryev. This is even mentioned in the Typographic Chronicle. After the sack of the capital, the economic power of the Sarai horde was finally undermined, and the Moscow princes finally stopped paying tribute to the khans.

    Ancestors of the Don Cossacks

    The Moscow princes put an end to the existence of the Vyatka Veche Republic. In 1489, Grand Duke Ivan III, who had dealt with Veliky Novgorod earlier, sent a 64,000-strong army led by the boyars Daniil Shchenya and Grigory Morozov to capture Vyatka. They laid siege to the city. The Vyatichi tried to bribe the governor, but all they managed to achieve with generous gifts was to delay the surrender. True, this also turned out to be not useless - some of the inhabitants managed to escape during this time. But the rest were waiting for no less severe punishment than earlier residents of Novgorod. Some were executed, the rest were settled in other cities of the Moscow principality. Even the name of the city of Khlynov disappeared from all documents for several decades.

    Some of the Ushkuiniki who survived the defeat went to live in the Don and Volga. Soon, the Volga Cossacks formed there, whose customs were strikingly reminiscent of those of the Ushkuiniki, and the desire for a free life and river trips was no less than theirs. And linguists see similarities in the dialect of Novgorodians, Vyatichi and Don Cossacks. By the way, the very word "Cossack" was first mentioned in chronicles in 1489, which was fatal for Khlynov.

    Historian Vadim Teplitsyn cites another weighty argument - the leaders of the Ushkuiniki were called vatamans, - says Anatoly Lysenko. - This word reminded him of the English word waterman, which can be translated as "rower", "a person living by the water." It is difficult to say how justified the parallel with the English word is, but it is difficult to refute the similarity with the Cossack "ataman".

    In the annals, very few mentions of the ushkuiniki have been preserved - the winners, the Moscow princes, ordered to erase any mention of them from the annals. Therefore, much more information about these warriors can be found in the epics "On the Kulikovo Field" and "Standing on the Ugra River."

    When you write about ushkuiniki, you get the impression that we are talking about a parallel history of Russia, different and independent from the one that is still taught in schools. The Ushkuyniki robbed and ravaged the lands of both Catholics (including the descendants of the legendary Vikings) - the organizers of the crusades against Russia, and the Golden Horde, to which Russia paid tribute.

    Ushkuiniki Russian pirates. Their appearance, except for the raids of the princes against Byzantium, is attributed to the 11th century, for example, the campaign of the Novgorod ushkuiniks to Yugra, until 1032.

    The Volga is a great trade route from the Varangians to the Arabs, which has been known since ancient times. But like any big road associated with the movement of a large amount of goods, it also attracted people who sought to profit at the expense of others, that is, a robber element. In ancient times, they received the name ushkuiniki, from their small rowing vessel - ushkuya. It was they who served as the main means of transportation and unexpected attacks on the chosen object.

    USHKUI is a narrow, light and fast river boat for 20–30 rowers. Usually the ushkuy was built of pine. A bear's head was attached to the high nose of the ushkuy. In the northern dialect "ushkuy" - oshkuy - northern (white) bear. Both sea and river ears carried a single removable mast in the central part of the vessel. There was one oblique or straight sail on the mast.
    Ushkus were used as military and merchant ships.

    1318 boats and ears rose to the city of Abo (now the city of Turku) - the then capital of Finland. The church tax of the Vatican, collected over 5 years, was seized. In 1320 and 1323 ushkuyniki struck at Norway. In 1320, the Novgorodian Luka ravaged the Finmarnen region, located from the southern coast of the Varanger Fjord to the city of Tromso. And in 1323, the Ushkuiniki were already smashing the Halogaland region southwest of Tromso. The Norwegian government, unable to resist the Ushkuiniki, turned in 1325 to the papal throne for help in organizing a "crusade" against the Russians and Karelians. It must be assumed that the campaigns of the Ushkuiniks made a proper impression on the Swedes: in 1323, Sweden concluded a compromise peace of Orekhovets with Veliky Novgorod.

    The Ushkuiniki decided to continue not to trifle with the poor Norwegians, but to force them to pay tribute ... to the Golden Horde. The logic is simple: since the Horde is so big - from the Dnieper to the Yenisei, and even the Golden one is called, then they must have money and, apparently, a lot. The Ushkuyniki undertook the first major campaign against the Tatars in 1360. They fought along the Volga to the Kama mouth, and then stormed the large Tatar city of Zhukotin (Dzhuketau near the modern city of Chistopol). Apparently, having captured untold riches, the ushkuyniki returned back to Kostroma and began to “drink zipuns on drink” (Robber people in Russia called their campaigns for the purpose of robbery - campaigns for zipuns). By order of the next Sarai Khan Khyzr (reigned in 1360), the Suzdal princes secretly approached Kostroma, with the help of some of its inhabitants, captured the unsuspecting ushkuins and hastened to hand them over to the khan for reprisal. But soon the almost annual raids resumed, now on Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod and again on the lower Kama and the Volga. That is, the raids of the Ushkuyns on Russian cities are explained by the betrayal of their princes and inhabitants.


    From 1360 to 1375 The ushkuiniks made eight large campaigns in the Middle Volga, not counting small raids. In 1374, they took the city of Bolgar (not far from Kazan) for the third time, then went down and took Saray itself, the capital of the Great Khan.
    In 1380, Khan Tokhtamysh burned Moscow, Vladimir, Mozhaisk and Dmitrov, and in 1383 the son of Dmitry Donskoy Vasily (future Vasily I) went to bow to the Horde with a large tribute. The Ushkuinikovs did not care much about these matters, and they did not abandon their craft.
    In 1392 they again took Zhukotin and Kazan, in 1398-1399 they fought for the Northern Dvina. In 1409, one hundred ears went up the Kama, and 150 went down the Volga.

    It should be noted that the ushkuyniki had first-class weapons, and they should not be presented as a crowd of peasants in zipuns with axes and horns. They were professional fighters who skillfully acted both on foot and on horseback. They had shells - most often chain mail from rings chopped from a steel sheet (bayrans or butans), they also made combined shells (bakhterets), in which steel plates were woven between the rings. By the way, the elite khan's detachments in heavy protective equipment opposed the ushkuiniki. The offensive weapons of the ushkuiniks consisted of a traditional set: spears, swords, sabers; and sabers were preferred. Throwing weapons included bows and crossbows, both portable and stationary, firing heavy steel arrows - bolts.
    The Ushkuiniki were cunning, prudent, ruthless and daring warriors. The commanders of the ushkuiniki took only fighters who were equally well prepared for equestrian and foot combat, had the skills of long-term rowing and experience of survival in extreme conditions.
    The Ushkuiniki attacked the enemy suddenly, that is, according to the terminology of the Russian chronicles, “exile”: “EXIGN, the expression of the Russian. annals, meaning inadvertent. attack or start a war. action without declaring war." Moreover, the landing of ushkuiniki could attack the enemy during the day on the move or at night from the place of the day or night.

    At the same time, due to the lightness of their ships, they could take them on their shoulders and, thus, quickly retire, meeting a worthy rebuff. Having run several kilometers with this relatively small load, they boarded their ships on the nearest stream or river, and thus left the chase.
    The Ushkuiniki never gathered in large detachments, but if necessary they successfully fought, uniting among themselves not only with the Russian princes, but, later, with the Tatars. The Novgorod merchants also took an active part in financing the Ushkuinism. By his order, the “river robbers” (as the chronicles called the ushkuins) searched for new lands and trade routes. It was they who were the main force in the colonization of new lands for the Novgorod merchants. Ushkuiniki were used to guard the Novgorod trading posts, especially in the newly developed territories. Of great importance in the activities of the ushkuiniks was the fight against the "competitors" of Novgorod in trade. The Upper Volga region was precisely the place where the interests of Novgorod and Rostov intersected, in general, North-Eastern Russia.

    Military intelligence worked well for the Ushkuiniki. It is very likely that among them were representatives of the Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples (as they were later among the Cossacks). Only this can explain the amazing effectiveness of the campaigns of the ushkuiniks, their capture and plunder of the flourishing cities of the Golden Horde - they knew exactly where and why they were going, and were well oriented in enemy territory.
    The Ushkuyniki were practically elusive due to their tactics. Often they acted under the guise of merchants, and attacked only when they were confident in the preponderance of forces in a given territory, and always unexpectedly. Their social composition was varied. Merchants and other categories of the population also entered the detachments of the ushkuiniks, but their bulk was made up of criminal elements, in other words, robbers, who were always numerous on all trade routes, especially on the Volga. True, the Novgorod chronicles called the ushkuiniki “youth”, whose activities mainly boiled down to active robbery on trade routes (water and portage), including on a large scale. The ushkuyniki fought only for money, but they were also distinguished by their great willfulness. It is known that the Ushkuiniki built their fortresses in the controlled territories, which served as a place of constant anxiety for the Russian princes, who were forced to take them in battle, or hire another group of Ushkuiniki. As the chronicles testify, such prisons of the ushkuiniki were the first "outposts" of the Novgorod colonization of the Russian North and the Upper Volga.

    The famous Russian traveler, writer, merchant from Tver, author of the famous travel notes known as "Journey Beyond the Three Seas" Afanasy Nikitin was a direct descendant of the Novgorod ushkuins.
    Ushkuynikov (volunteers), as a phenomenon of Russia, are sufficiently compared with the robber raids of the Varangians and Vikings. The ushkuiniki themselves often called themselves the descendants of the Varangians-Rus, who came from Prince. Vladimir in Novgorod.

    Things with military discipline in the Ushkuinichi detachments were quite bad. During the campaigns, some units drank en masse, and for this their soldiers paid with their lives. Novgorod ushkuiniki were one of the main components in the formation of the Russian Cossacks. Perhaps that is why, based on the bitter experience of the Ushkuiniks, during the campaigns among the Cossacks, drunkenness was considered the most serious military crime, for which they mercilessly punished only with cruel death.
    In the XIV-XV centuries, Moscow chroniclers tried in every possible way to denigrate the Ushkuiniki and, in general, called them robbers, seditious, etc. But then they were ordered to simply forget about the act of the Ushkuiniks. After the final solution of the "Ushkuinist issue", Ivan III was ordered to cut it out of the annals. There is no mention of them either in school or university textbooks of the 19th-20th centuries. But something has been preserved, and something is surprising, for example, the fact that the main one on the ship - ushkuy - was called a vataman, and many ushkuyniks then went to the Don ..
    Ushkuiniki from the Upper Volga will successfully dock with the Volga Cossacks of the 16th century. Ermak's Cossacks are classic earpieces, Razin's Cossacks (Persian campaign) too. Zaporizhzhya Cossacks with their sea trips on the Black Sea are classic ushkuyniki. The Cossacks, mastering Eastern Siberia and the Far East, are classic ushkuyniki.


    1181 the capture of the Cheremis city of Koksharov (now Kotelnich, Kirov region).
    1318 boats and ears passed into the Abo-Aland skerries and along the "Full River" (Aurai-oki) they climbed to the city of Abo (now the city of Turku) - the then capital of Finland. The church tax of the Vatican, collected over 5 years, was seized. As it is said in the annals, "when you come to Novgorod, all is well" (Shirokorad, Alexander Borisovich).
    1320 and 1323 The Ushkuiniki attacked the Norwegians (as a retaliatory measure), devastating the Finnmark and Holugaland regions. The Norwegian rulers turned to the papacy for help. A similar impact on the Swedes forced the latter to speed up the signing of the Orekhovets peace treaty with Novgorod. The Swedish wars for the lands of Veliky Novgorod stopped for a while.
    1349 year. followed by a naval campaign of the Ushkuins to the province of Halogaland, during which the heavily fortified castle of Bjarkei was taken. It was a response to the invasion of the Swedish king Magnus in the Novgorod lands (1348) and 1349. The campaign of King Magnus was the last of the "crusades" of the Swedish knights on the lands of Veliky Novgorod. Then, for over 100 years, there were no serious hostilities in the north of Russia. The Ushkuiniki turned their eyes to the southeast, to the Golden Horde.
    1360 year. The Ushkuiniki, sailing down the Volga, took the Horde city of Zhukotin (not far from modern Chistopol) on the river. Kame and killed the Tatars. This act met with all the approval of Dionysius of Suzdal, who all his life preached a campaign "against the wicked Hagarians." Khan Khyzr demanded from Dmitry Suzdal, as the Grand Duke, the capture and extradition of these ushkuins. Vel. Prince Dmitry, instead of waiting for the change of khan and skipping this extremely unpopular action in Russia, achieved the issuance of ushkuiniki. As a result, by decision of the princes of Suzdal, Nizhny Novgorod and Kostroma, the boyars in Kostroma made the boyars who returned from the campaign ushkuiniki drunk, tied them up and sent them to the Horde. The prisoners taken in Russia were sold in the Horde.
    1363. Campaign in Western Siberia, on the Ob River, under the command of the governor Alexander Abakunovich and Stepan Lyapa.
    1363. Novgorod boyars Osip Varfolomeevich, Vasily Fedorovich and Alexander Abakunovich smashed caravans between Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan. The Khan of the Golden Horde turned for help to his subject of Moscow, Prince Dmitry Ivanovich (the future Donskoy). Dmitry sends a formidable letter to Novgorod. The boyars of Novgorod, they answer, reply: "Young people went to the Volga without our word, but your guests (merchants) were not robbed, only the infidels beat."
    1369 year. Hiking along the river Volga and Kama.
    1369-1370 Ushkuyniki took Kostroma and Yaroslavl. These raids took place in connection with the enmity of Novgorod with the prince of Tver, who planted his deputies in Kostroma and the Novgorod suburb of Bezhetsky-Verkh.
    1398 - 1399 fought for the Northern Dvina.
    1370 year. Walking along the Volga river.
    1371. At the request of Prince Dmitry of Moscow and Suzdal, the Ushkuiniki make a preemptive attack on Saray, the capital of the Golden Horde. "The same summer, at the same time, Vyatchane Kamoy went to the bottom and to the Volgou in the soudeh and walked, taking the city of the tsars Sarai on the Volz and many Tatars from the sekosh, their wives and children in full poimash and many polonou zemsh, returning. Tatars of Kazanstia adopted them on the Volz, while Vyatchane fought with them and went through health with everything full, and many tou from both fell "(Typographic Chronicle. PSRL. T. 24, p. 191); "The same summer, the Vyatchane army went to the Volga. Voivod was with them Kostya Yuryev. Yes, they took Sarai and countless princesses of Sarai were full" (Ustyug Chronicle. PSRL. T. 37, p. 93).
    1374. Hike on 90 ears. Vyatka was plundered, the Bulgars were taken; part of the ushkuiniki descended to the south, the other went to the east;
    1375 year. Under the command of Prokop, out of 1,500 attackers, the Ushkuyniki defeated the five thousandth army of the Kostroma governor Pleshcheev and captured Kostroma, where they rested for some time. Having rested for a couple of weeks in Kostroma, the ushkuyniki moved down the Volga. By tradition, they paid a "visit" to the cities of Bolgar and Saray-Berke. The rulers of Bolgar, taught by bitter experience, paid off with a large tribute, but the Khan's capital Sarai-Berke was taken by storm and plundered.
    1391. Campaign to Zhukotin.
    1409. Voivode Anfal conducted a raid of more than 250 ushkuy along the Volga and Kama.
    1436. At the mouth of Kotorosl, forty Ushkuin-Vyatchans managed to capture Yaroslavl Prince Alexander Fedorovich, nicknamed Belly. The prince at that time was at the head of a seven thousandth army, but had the imprudence to retire with his young wife a little further away, for which he paid. In Russia, this period is associated with the internecine war for the Moscow throne (Internecine war in Muscovite Russia, 1425-1453).
    Further, in the annals, the news about the Ushkuiniki disappears. But this was connected, rather, not with their disappearance, but with the more severe censorship of the chronicles by the Moscow rulers in the 15th-17th centuries.

    The first fighters of Russia against the Golden Horde and Moscow

    In the middle of the 14th century, Novgorod pirates - ushkuyniki unexpectedly revived the practice of raids of their ancestors - on ships "ushkuy". All the cities located on large rivers - Moscow, Bulgar, Horde - became their victims. They robbed and burned Nizhny Novgorod, Ustyug, Yaroslavl several times. The Ushkuiniki were the first in Russia to challenge the Horde, for which they received an answer from the Moscow princes, "watching" from the Tatar-Mongols for Russia. The remnants of the pirates founded the Vyatka Veche Republic.

    Until the middle of the 14th century, the colonization expansion of Novgorod was directed to the Baltic and to the north. But in the Baltic they were soon confronted by the German orders of knights and the nascent Swedish state, and sable, the most valuable and high-margin export commodity, was all but knocked out in the north and northeast. Then the south-east, the Volga river system, became the new colonization direction for the Novgorodians.

    Ushkuiniki are the Russian version of the Varangians and Vikings. So, the historian M. Bogoslovsky brought the Ushkuiniki closer to the Normans of the Viking times. "The initial distributor of Novgorodian dominion in the North," he noted, "should be considered an armed industrial band of ushkuiniki, which was very reminiscent of similar Norman bands led by the Vikings." The historian Vadim Telitsyn tells about how the Novgorodians expanded in a new direction for them in the book "The Russian Yoke, or the Invasion of the Ushkuins on the Golden Horde" (Algorithm Publishing House, 2013).

    How the ear was arranged

    The ships of the ushkuyniks could also be named after the polar bear - "ushkuya" or "oshkuya". "Oshkuy" - northern, polar bear. This name was used by the Pomors in the 19th century. On the high nose of the ushkuy there was a carved head of a bear.

    Usually the ushkuy was built of pine. River ears differed (from sea vessels) in the presence of a solid deck. River ears were boats with a capacity of up to 30 people. The keel was wide and flat. The body was recruited from hewn boards. The gunwale (a wooden beam with sockets for oarlocks, running along the side of the boat and covering the upper ends of the frames) was absent. Wedges-kocheti were inserted into the gap between the skins, which served as supports for the oars. The thickened last belts of the outer and inner skins ensured sufficient strength of the board in case of a possible boarding or when dragging the eyelet through the haulage.

    The river eye had a length of 12-14 m, a width of about 2.5 m, a draft of 0.4-0.6 m and a side height of up to 1 m. The carrying capacity reached 4-4.5 tons. there was no ear. Thanks to the symmetrical formations of the bow and stern, the ushkuy could, without turning around, instantly move away from the coast, which often had to be done during raids. With a fair wind, a single-pole mast with a direct sail on the yardarm was installed. To lift it, the top of the mast was supplied with slaps. The simplest, without blocks, the rigging was attached to the benches, and the bow and stern extensions were attached to the corresponding extremities. The oars at the points of contact with the skin were covered with thick leather.

    Ushkus were convenient for long trips, and they could be dragged from one river system to another. The first mention of the word "ushkuy" is recorded in the ancient Swedish "Eric's Chronicle" for 1320-1321, in the story about the events on Lake Ladoga - "usko" along with its synonym "hapa" (modern Finnish "haapio" - "boat of aspen ").

    Chronology of the raids of the ushkuyns

    1359 year. The "great jam" began - a period of coups, civil wars and anarchy in the Golden Horde. The struggle between numerous contenders for the throne of the Horde in the first years of the "jam" was fought over Saray-Berke. Ushkuiniki, who famously cut through the ears along the mighty river on the Volga trade route, simply ceased to be caught - all the military forces of the khans were directed to the struggle for power.

    This year was marked by the appearance of ushkuiniki in the upper reaches of the Kama. They conducted reconnaissance, penetrating deep into the Kama open spaces, fixing the location of settlements, tributaries of the Kama, fords, crossings.

    The Ushkuiniki, sailing down the Volga, raided the Horde city of Zhukotin (Dzhuketau near the modern city of Chistopol) on the Kama River and killed the local population. Having captured the trophies, the ushkuyniki began to "drink zipunas" in Kostroma. But the Khan of the Golden Horde, Khyzr (Khidyr), demanded that Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich capture and extradite these ushkuins. The boyars got the celebrating pirates drunk and, with the help of the townspeople, captured them, tied them up and sent them to the Horde.

    In 1363, the ushkuyniki, led by governors Alexander Abakunovich and Stepan Lepa (Ayapa), reached the Ob River. Here their army split up - one part went to fight down the Ob to the very Arctic Ocean (Cold Sea), and the other went for a walk along the upper reaches of the Ob at the junction of the borders of the Golden Horde, the Chagatai ulus and China. In terms of the scale of their travels, they will not yield to the adventures of the author of "Journey Beyond the Three Seas", the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin. Returning with booty, the ushkuyniki did not calm down and the following year they undertook a new campaign for the "Stone".

    In 1364, the Novgorod ushkuiniki, wishing to expand their influence in the Urals, undertook a large campaign on the eastern slope of the Stone and in the Ob region. At the same time, the first Russian towns were built here. One of them, on the Sylva River, received the name Lyapin, nicknamed one of the leaders of the campaign, Stepan Lyapa. The campaign turned out to be successful; At the same time, separate fortified towns were founded behind the Stone, in which the Ushkuyns left small garrisons - a kind of transit points at that time.

    The years 1365-1366 were marked by the campaign of the Ushkuiniki to the Volga and Kama - under the leadership of Esif Varfolomeevich, Vasily Fedorovich, Alexander Abakumovich. Having reached the Volga, the ushkuiniki went down to Nizhny Novgorod, and then from the Volga they went to the Kama. The actions of the ushkuiniks were mainly directed against eastern merchants (Tatars, Armenians, Arabs, Bulgarians, merchants from Central Asia).

    The campaign of 1365-1366 caused, as in 1360, a performance by the Grand Duke of Moscow (he was already Dmitry Ivanovich in 1366). According to the story of the Novgorod First Chronicle, "for this, the great prince Dmitry Ivanovich became angry and ruined the world with the people of Novgorod, and rkya taco:" Why did you go to the Volga and my guests were many?

    From words, the Moscow prince immediately turned to deeds: on the orders of the prince, the Novgorod boyar Vasily Danilovich and his son Ivan, who were traveling from the Dvina, were seized in Vologda. The Novgorod embassy next year agreed with the prince on peace. Boyar Vasily with his son, the prince released from Moscow.

    The reconciliation of 1367 did not put an end to the campaigns of the Ushkuins against the Volga. But the raids of 1369-1371 were insignificant, and the chronicles preserved only a brief mention of them:

    1369 year. Campaigns of the ushkuis along the Volga and Kama: "in the autumn 10 ushkuis went along the Volga, and others went along the Kama, and beat them near the Bolgars."

    (Here and below - a modern reconstruction of the Novgorod ushkuy)

    1370 year. The Ushkuiniki plundered Kostroma and Yaroslavl. Thus, the enmity of Veliky Novgorod with the prince of Tver, whose governors ruled in Kostroma and in the Bezhetsky top, was clearly manifested.

    In 1374, the Ushkuiniki captured a number of settlements in the Arsk land, including the old Kolyn (future Khvalyn?) on Chursha (a city at the mouth of the Moloma). In the same year, a detachment of Novgorod ushkuyniks, numbering about 2,700 people, on 90 ushkuyks (exactly thirty people per ship) went down the Volga to the Kama, robbed Vyatka, from there went to the Volga and attacked the city of Bulgar, located not far from the mouth of the Kama. Having plundered it, the ushkuyniki were going to set fire to the city, but the inhabitants gave a ransom of 300 rubles.

    Having received the money, the ushkuis divided into two groups: 50 ushkuis (1,500 freemen) went down the Volga to Saray. Another detachment - up to 1200 volunteers - on 40 ears moved up the Volga, ruining the Chuvash and Mari settlements, reached the mouth of the Vetluga and turned along this river to its upper reaches, from where it went to Vyatka and founded the city of Khlynovitsa (Vyatka) at the mouth of the Khlynovitsa River.

    Here is evidence of the 1374 campaign of the historian S. Solovyov: -50 Ushki went down the Volga to Saray, and 40 went up, reached Obukhov, devastated all of Zasurye and Markvash, landed on the left bank of the Volga, destroyed their ships, went to Vyatka on horses and the road ruined many villages along the banks of the Vetluga.

    The year 1380 was marked by the attack of the Ushkuyns on Zhukotin and Kashan (according to the Bulgarian chronicle). Here is what the chronicles about this campaign have preserved: “And going down the Volga, the ushkuins robbed Nizhny Novgorod, and burned the city; and they robbed many people, and took them captive. And they went to the Kama River, and it was difficult to row, and went on ships, and having come to the Bolgars, they sold all the captives, and they themselves went to Saray, robbing Christian merchants, and killing the infidels.

    The looting of Nizhny Novgorod by the ushkuins is not described in as much detail as Kostroma. This can be explained by the fact that, since they actually took it in 1380, after the Tatars they did not get much food, so they burned the city out of annoyance.

    The first half of the 1380s passed under the flag of the devastating campaigns of the ushkuins on the lands from Kostroma to Astrakhan. Around this time, there was a mass migration of Novgorodians to the northern part of the Arsk (Votsk) land and the construction of their towns here.

    In 1393, the Novgorodians refused to pay tribute to Moscow and to recognize the Moscow metropolitan as a judge in civil cases. In response, the troops of Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich stormed Torzhok. However, when they left the city, its inhabitants immediately rebelled against the Muscovites. Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich ordered to re-capture Torzhok and bring the instigators of the uprising to Moscow. “Seventy people were brought in. The people gathered in the square and witnessed a terrible spectacle. Condemned to death, these criminals bled in agony: their hands and feet were slowly cut off and they were told that the enemies of the sovereign of Moscow were dying like that!”

    Outraged Novgorodians on ships along the rivers invaded the northern limits of the Moscow principality. They took Klichen and Ustyuzhna by storm, burned Ustyug and Belozersk. With a large booty, the Novgorodians returned home.

    The campaign of Anfal in 1409 ends the campaigns of the Ushkuiniki to the Volga, which lasted about 50 years. They are now opposed not only by the Horde, but also by the Moscow principality, which has gained strength. The time of the Vyatka Republic, which was founded by the Ushkuyniki, is coming.