International Literacy Day script game program. Methodological development in the Russian language (Grade 10) on the topic: Methodological development of the extracurricular event "International Literacy Day"

Class hour for students in grades 1-4. International Literacy Day

Lyapina Vera Valerievna primary school teacher MBOU School No. 47 Samara city district
Description: This material can be used by primary and secondary teachers to conduct an extracurricular activity dedicated to International Literacy Day.
Target: Acquaintance of children with this holiday.
- to acquaint children with the holiday "Literacy Day";
- contribute to the development of oral speech of children, the ability to clearly answer the questions;
- contribute to the formation of the need and desire for knowledge.
- develop curiosity and interest in the processes and phenomena of a global scale.

Class hour progress

International Literacy Day has been celebrated by UNESCO since 1966 on September 8th. It is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in many countries of the world.
The society is making every effort to spread literacy in the world. Today we are holding a lesson dedicated to this date.
Guess the riddle:
They sow with a feather
They reap their eyes.
They eat with their heads.
Memory is digested.
What does it mean to you to be literate?
(children's answers)
1 reader
There is a day of literacy in the world.
So we will meet him.
He is dear to us, very much,
This day is the most important.

There is no doubt about it.
Everyone needs literacy.
Can't sign without her
This subtlety is so important!

We wish everyone in the world
Learn the rules of the mountain.
Let knowledge grow.
Time to open the book!
2 reader
On international literacy day
I wish you the best is not too lazy:
To replenish vocabulary,
Don't forget about your literacy!
Congratulations on Literacy Day!
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
To have to face
With intelligent people!
3 reader
So that speech is always pleasant,
To make it sound complicated
And for the best to happen -
So that people know their

Always tried to increase
After all, it is easy for us to do this -
All you need to do is read more
Both speech and mind develop!

On the holiday of literacy now
We wish you not to make mistakes
Neither in words, nor in deeds in life,
Well, expand your knowledge baggage!

1 reader
What could be more important in the world,
How to communicate with your soul mate?
Words will be clear even to children,
After all, the rules of the code are still within our power.

No, literates will not be translated,
Although mistakes surprise everyone.

You can smile on this holiday.
We can overpower this nut.

We congratulate everyone on this holiday.
We wish you literacy - a whole feast!
We wish that, akin to buds in a vase,
She could fill our world.

2 reader
Letters are taught at school
At school, the rules are crammed.
It's important, everyone knows.
There is no need to hide your eyes.

Congratulations on this holiday.
We are quick to admit:
This rule is immortal!
We must conquer the mountains!
3 reader
We wish on the day that has come:
Don't be afraid of the words.
The power of our literacy
As usual, you're right here!
1 reader
In an email, or in a regular
Making mistakes is completely indecent!
So that everyone remembers these rules
There is a literacy day on our planet!
I congratulate everyone on this holiday
I wish you to write without mistakes with all my heart!
2 reader
Let the text be typed and written with a pen
According to the rules, and not just as it sounds!
Without a diploma, my friends, yes, yes, yes,
I tell you for sure - nowhere.
3 reader
Everyone wants to be literate and want to learn.
In this case, it is very important not to be lazy at all.
And then all the doors are just for you!
Smile gently, affectionately fate.
Anything you want, just don't be lazy
Life will offer you everything on a silver platter.
Continue the proverbs about literacy
Choose a book (as you choose a friend.)
Literacy to learn - (always come in handy.)
Gold is mined from the earth, (and knowledge from books.)

The world is illuminated by the sun, (and the world by knowledge.)
The illiterate is like a blind man (and the book opens his eyes.)
A good book is (best friend.)

And without what it is impossible to become literate?
What will help us in overcoming illiteracy? Solve riddles.
Jackdaws flew into the field
And sat down in the snow...
I will go to school -
I can understand them.

What kind of water is suitable for the literate?

On the page of the primer -
Thirty-three heroes.
Wise men-bogatyrs
Every literate knows.

By the wall is big and important
The house is multi-storey.
We're downstairs
All tenants have already been read.

The wise men settled
In glassed-in palaces, in silence alone
Reveal secrets to me.

She herself is silent
A hundred friends can teach.
1 reader
Terribly interesting read:
You can sit, lie
And - without leaving the place -
Through the eyes of the book RUNNING!
Yes Yes! Read - WALKS WITH EYES:
Hand in hand with mom, after - themselves.
Walking - it's a trifle,
Don't be afraid to take the first step!
Stumbled once
And suddenly you
Read four letters in a row
And you went, went, went -
And read the first word!
From word to word - as if over bumps -
Rush merrily along the lines ...
And so learn to read -
How to run
How to fly!
I know soon across the page
You will flutter like birds...
After all, immense and great,
Like the sky
world of magical books!
A big problem is facing the world. This is the fight against illiteracy. In many countries, 860 million adults remain illiterate and over 100 million children are out of school.
Literacy is the degree of a person's ability to write and read in their native language. Traditionally, the word "literate" means a person who can read and write or only read in any language. People who can only read are also called "semi-literate". Why is it important to be literate?
And many children and adults attend school, but they cannot be called literate. Since in the modern world computer literacy has become no less important than writing and reading.
Literacy Day has become one of the main ones in schools and higher institutions of Russia. Quizzes, olympiads, KVN in various subjects are arranged for students, because literacy is not only the ability to write, count and read correctly. This is a whole set of knowledge and skills in various scientific fields that help a person to be successful. . People will be drawn to such a person. And now you have a choice: make every effort to reach this height or remain the one whose words will be laughed at. And remember that the main thing on the way to the light is self-development and self-education.
I suggest you show your level of literacy.
Try to fix the errors:

Match the words in the left column with the words in the right column

Explain the meaning of phraseological units

3 reader
Let the diploma correct mistakes
And don't stop teaching her
Who learns, he learns a lot,
And it will be easier for us to live in Russia.
Work with punctuation more often
Sit down for a book in the evening, read,
May your life be more varied
Only knowledge, do not be afraid - absorb.

Presentation on the topic: International Literacy Day

Library lesson for students in grades 3.4.

International Literacy Day.

Target: to acquaint children with the holiday "International Literacy Day".
- to acquaint children with the holiday "Literacy Day";
- to promote the development of oral speech of children, the ability to clearly answer the questions;
- contribute to the formation of the need and desire for knowledge.
- develop curiosity and interest in the processes and phenomena of a global scale.

During the classes.

International Literacy Day has been celebrated by UNESCO since 1966 on September 8th. It is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in many countries of the world.
The society is making every effort to spread literacy in the world. Today we are holding a lesson dedicated to this date.
Guess the riddle:
They sow with a feather
They reap their eyes.
They eat with their heads.
Memory is digested.
What does it mean to you to be literate?
(children's answers)

By email or regular
Making mistakes is completely indecent!
So that everyone remembers these rules
There is a literacy day on our planet!
I congratulate everyone on this holiday
I wish you all to write without errors!

Exercise .There are words in Russian that are spelled the same, but depending on where we put the stress, they have a different meaning. Put the stress and tell what this word means.

So I write on the board:castle-castle, road-road, spark-spark, devil-devil, village-village, flour-flour, cotton-cotton, stands-stands, vein-vein, abyss-abyss, cowards-cowards, spirits-spirits, etc. e.(phonenyms).

And there are words in which the same word has different meanings:glasses, braid, key, butterfly, pen, bow, etc.( homonyms).

In the language of good words
Very much.
To spoil them is a great evil.
Same words
They write occasionally.
And you can barely change the sound -
Hear something else.

lock is, but islock .
There is
spark and spark .
If the kettle cooks -
You'll figure it out quickly.
Commas put at once
It's hard to learn.
But without them the meaning of phrases
It is possible to lose!
They say: "
You can't execute
"... Make up your mind.
With punctuation in friends -
Useful in life.

Exercise. Continue the proverbs about literacy.

Choose a book as you choose ... (friend.)
Learning to read and write is always ... (useful.)
Gold is mined from the earth, and knowledge ... (from books.)

The world is illuminated by the sun, and the world ... (knowledge.)
An illiterate person is like a blind man, but a book has his eyes ... (opens.)
A good book is the best ... (friend.)

And without what it is impossible to become literate? What will help us in overcoming illiteracy? Children's answers.

Exercise. Guess the riddles.

Jackdaws flew into the field
And sat down in the snow...
I will study at school -
I can understand them.

What kind of water is suitable for the literate?

On the page of the primer -
Thirty-three heroes.
Wise men-bogatyrs
Every literate knows.

By the wall is big and important
The house is multi-storey.
We're downstairs
All tenants have already been read.

The wise men settled
In glassed-in palaces, in silence alone
Reveal secrets to me.

She herself is silent
A hundred friends can teach.

A big problem is facing the world. This is the fight against illiteracy. In many countries, 860 million adults and more than 100 million children remain illiterate.
So what is literacy?

Literacy - the degree of a person's proficiency in writing and reading in their native language.

Traditionally, the word "literate" means a person who can read and write or only read in any language. People who can only read are also called "semi-literate".

Why is it important to be literate? Children's answers.
And many children and adults attend school, but they cannot be called literate. Since in the modern world computer literacy has become no less important than writing and reading.
Literacy Day has become one of the main ones in schools and higher institutions of Russia. Quizzes, olympiads, KVN in various subjects are arranged for students, because literacy is not only the ability to write, count and read correctly. This is a whole set of knowledge and skills in various scientific fields that help a person to be successful. . People will be drawn to such a person. And now you have a choice: make every effort to reach this height or remain the one whose words will be laughed at.

I offer youshow your level of literacy.
1.Competition. .

1. Who, according to the Russian proverb, does the feet feed?
a) a horse
b) a runner;
c) a shoemaker
G)wolf .

2. Who has to whistle on the mountain for something impossible to happen?
a) nightingale the robber;
b) the president;
in) cancer ;
d) a police officer.

3. Who is smooth because he ate and on his side?
a) bedbug;
b) a wolf;
c) a bear;
G) cat .

4. What berry is compared to a very good, free life?
a) strawberry;
b) raspberry ;
c) cherry;
d) gooseberry.

4. What plant exists?
a) Petka-i-Vasily Ivanovich;
b) Tom and Jerry;
c) Sasha-and-Masha;
G)Ivan da Marya .

5. What banks do milk rivers usually have?
a) cottage cheese;
b) sour cream;
in) jelly ;
d) oils.

6. Which bunny jumped under the Christmas tree?
a) white;
b) small;
in) greyish ;
d) chocolate.

4. What breed of shepherd dogs does not exist?
a) Scottish
b) German;
c) Caucasian;
G) antarctic .

2. Game-choral pronunciation.

There are words in Russian in which if one letter is taken away from the beginning or end, then the rest of the word also makes sense.

For example, the word-VICTORY.

What hotel did you stay in?


What were you waiting for?


What happened?


What's missing?


Did you scream?

- YES.

What were they shouting?

- BUT!

3. The game "Collect the word"

Trail + experience = tracker

Hall + hedgehogs = deposits

Gas + spruce = gazelle

Fa + salt = beans


Bank + mouth = bankrupt

Buoy + ox = buffalo

4. The game "Letters got lost."

Now I will read a poem in which the letters got lost. You must correct the mistake, name the correct word and say which letter is lost.

It is not known how it happened

Only the letter got lost:

Jumped into someone's house

And - hosts in it!

But as soon as I entered

Letter - mischievous,

very strange things

Began to happen.

The hunter shouted: - Oh!

doors are chasing me! (animals)

In front of the kids

Rat painters paint. (roof)

Take a look guys:

crayfish grew up in the garden. (poppies)

Dropped the doll from my hands

Masha rushes to her mother:

There creeps greenonion ( bug)

With a long mustache!

They say one fisherman

I fished out a shoe in the river.

But then he

Got hookedhouse. (som)

Snow is melting. A stream flows.

The branches are fulldoctors. (rooks)

We collected cornflowers

On our headspuppies. (wreaths)

Old Grandpa Pahom

On thegoat rode on horseback. (horse)

bugbooth didn’t finish: (bun)

Reluctance. Tired.

On the yellowed grass

dropsa lion its foliage. (forest)

Mom withbarrels went (daughters)

On the road along the village.

Misha did not cut firewood,

stovecaps drowned. (slivers)

The sea turns blue before us

flyT-shirts over the waves. (gulls)

A. Shibaev

4. Task.

I say the word in the singular, and you have to say it in the plural.



Trouble - troubles


Mole - moles


Arc - arcs




Mane - manes


Bottom line: not every word has a plural.

And I would like to conclude our lesson with the following poem:

Let the diploma correct mistakes
And don't stop teaching her
Who learns, he learns a lot,
And it will be easier for us to live in Russia.
Work with punctuation more often
Sit down for a book in the evening, read,
May your life be more varied
Only knowledge, do not be afraid - absorb.


Role reading. Linguistic joke "Awkward things".

Linguistic joke "Awkward things".

- Hey!
- What are you carrying?
- I carry different things.
- Absurd? Why are they awkward?
- You yourself are absurd, as I see it. I carry different things. Various! Understood? Here I bring chalk ...

- What failed?
- Leave me alone.
- Why, you say: "I failed!" What failed something?

- I'm bringing the chalk!!! Need to listen. I carry chalk. Mishka. He will need to.
- Well, if his wife gets him, why are you talking?
- What wife? Is this Mishka's wife?! And you are a joker! I said, "He'll have to." Needed, that is.
- That's it...
- And I also have good news for Mishka: I found the brand that he has been looking for for a long time.

- Tamarka?
- Yeah.
- And nothing, pretty?

- Beautiful! Green like that.
- So how?
- Green colour.
- Wait, wait... What is it: her hair, perhaps, is green?

- Who has hair?
- Yes, Tamarka has something.
- What-oh?!
- Well, you yourself said: "Tamarka was found."
- Ta! Brand! Mark, do you understand? The one Mishka has been looking for for a long time. Understood? Green such... There the arch is drawn.
- Yeah, is Tamarka still drawn? On the stamp, it means that Tamarka is drawn, right? That's what I would say!
- Yes, get off with your Tamarka, stupid head! There is an arch! Arch!!! Can't you even understand it? For now, I have no time.
- Till! Look, don't lose your awkward things.
- Well, you ...
- Yes! Stop, stop!
- What else?
- Say to him hello.
- To whom?
- It is known to whom: Tamarka, Mishka and Mishka's wife.

Material used:

2. http://xn--i1abbnckbmcl9fb.xn--p1ai/%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%D0%B8/553050/

3.Calendar, folklore, thematic holidays 1-4 classes, Moscow. "VAKO", 2006. Series "Mosaic of children's recreation".

4. Development of children's memory. L.V. Cheremoshkina. A popular guide for parents and teachers. Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1997. Series "Learn, play together."

Berezina Galina Valentinovna
Stimulate interest in learning the Russian language;
Create conditions for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills;
Raise respect for the Russian language.
Hardware: projector, screen, computer.
Additional material: dictionaries, presentation, handouts.
Teacher: Hello guys. Hello guests!
HOD Events
Turn to each other, look into each other's eyes, smile at each other
friend, wish each other a good working mood at the game. Now
look at me. I also wish you to work together, to discover something
slide 1
Teacher: Read the proverbs and say what we are going to talk about.
Who is much more literate, that will not be an abyss.
Literacy is always useful to learn.
A spoon is needed to sip soup, and a letter is needed to draw knowledge.
Not the one who knows how to read is literate, but the one who listens and understands.
Student responses.
Teacher: How do you understand what literacy is?
slide 2
- the degree of a person's proficiency in writing and reading
native language. Traditionally, the word "literate" means
a person who can read and write or only read in a language.
In the modern sense, this means the ability to write according to
established rules of grammar and spelling. People who can only
read are called semi-literate.

Berezina Galina Valentinovna
Teacher: Have people always been literate? Student responses
Teacher: Indeed, people were not always and not all literate. So
The UN in 1966 established the date of International Literacy Day -
8 September.
slide 3
International Literacy Day is an international holiday celebrated
in the UN system on 8 September. This date was adopted in 1966 by UNESCO
according to the recommendation of the World Conference of Ministers of Education
for the eradication of illiteracy.
slide 4
The elimination of illiteracy in the USSR began in 1918. Then
massively began to open schools for teenagers, as well as the illiterate
adults. Special courses were created to train teachers for
work with the illiterate population. financial support for this
direction was provided by such people as V. Mayakovsky, V. Bryusov, M.
Gorky and others. By the age of 30, the problem of illiteracy had ceased to be acute
social character, by the age of 40 the task of eradicating illiteracy was
almost solved, and already in the 50s the USSR became almost completely
literate country.
slide 5
Today, the number of literate people in the world is
an average of four billion. Despite these advances, more
860 million adults still remain
illiterate. Also, approximately 100 million children and young
people don't go to school.
slide 6
So that modern man can be categorized
literate people, it is not enough for him to be able only to count and write. In our
time it is necessary to be a comprehensively developed personality.

Berezina Galina Valentinovna
Teacher: Our game consists of a prologue, several nominations and an epilogue.
Team game. There are 2 teams on the playing field: Literates and Smarties. Teams
select commanders.
Selection of the jury (from among the guests).

By the way
He said, among other things,
"More beautiful", "We want it that way",
"Leisure, driver, interest, loan,

"Above the plan we carry out",
The agent has been calling all day.
V. Mass, M. Chervinsky
Time - 1 minute.
The jury evaluates the correctness of the task (Max. - 3 points)
The teacher reads the correct answer.
By the way
He said, among other things,
“More beautiful”, “We want it that way”,
"Leisure, driver, interest, loan,
Quarter, portfolio, bulletin,
"Above the plan we carry out",
"The agent has been calling all day."
Slide 7
Vocabulary is a section of the science of language that studies the vocabulary of the Russian language.

Berezina Galina Valentinovna
1.1.Say in one word
∙ In all spirit. (Fast)
∙ At your fingertips. (Close)
∙ Head over heels. (Fast)
∙ Bite your tongue. (Shut up)
For each correct answer - 1 point (Max. 4 points)
1.2. "Prove phraseology"
1. More friendly than these two guys
You won't find it in the world.
They are usually referred to as:
... (“You won’t spill it with water”).

2. We started the town
Literally ... (along and across).

3. And we are so tired on the road,
What is barely ... (dragging their feet)

4. Fake, confuse words,
They sing ... (some in the forest, some for firewood)

Proverbs are not in vain they say,
You can't live without them!
They are great helpers.
And true friends in life.
Sometimes they guide us
The wise give advice
Sometimes they teach
And save us from trouble.
The proverb will never break -
After all, grief is not a problem with her.
And our speech is red with a proverb!
So let's get started, gentlemen.
And now we begin the competition of experts in folk wisdom.

Berezina Galina Valentinovna
1 team
A book in a village is like a window in a hut.
The book is not red in writing, it is red in mind.
The book will help in work, help out in trouble.
Read books, but don't forget things.
Who reads a lot, he knows a lot.
2 team
Knowledge is needed in life, like a rifle in battle.
Don't talk about what you've learned, but talk about what you've learned.
The more you learn, the stronger you become.
Where there is no knowledge, there is no courage.
Knows not the one who has lived a lot, but the one who has acquired knowledge.
For the correct performance of the task - 1 point.
Slide 8
Dictionaries are the whole universe in alphabetical order. If well
think, a dictionary is a book of books. Other books need only be extracted from it.
(A. France)
Exhibition of dictionaries
Teacher: Do we really need a dictionary in life, as Anatole France thought?
Then let's start the competition. I will determine the purpose of the dictionary, and you
determine its name. For each correct answer you get 1 point.
Teams take turns answering questions.
It gives the lexical meaning of the word. (Explanatory)
He selects words that are close in meaning (Dictionary of synonyms)
He selects words that are opposite in lexical meaning. (Vocabulary
It contains information about the history of the word.
It contains information about set phrases used
in a figurative sense. (Phraseological).
It indicates the correct pronunciation of words. (Orthoepic).
It has the correct spelling of the word. (Orthographic).
Questions: What group do the words belong to?

Berezina Galina Valentinovna
Correct answer - 1 point
Task 2 command:
The root is in the word YOUNG.
The suffix is ​​in the word KOSTS.
The ending is in the word HERBS.
(well done)
slide 11
Morphology is a branch of the science of language in which the word is studied as part of
5.1. Restore Text. Define Parts of Speech.


Summer has come. It's quiet in the forest. Bears eat raspberries. Proteins are collected
nuts. Bunnies in gray fur coats frolic in the clearing. The wolves hunt them. (ten
nouns, 5 verbs).
5.2. Names
On the board are the faces of a boy and a girl. Under them are indicated nn, ll, mm.
What names can be given to them?
Task: write down as many male and female names as possible with
the indicated double consonant.
Whichever team names the most names gets 1 point.

Berezina Galina Valentinovna
John (obsolete from Ivan)


(Greenhouse, parterre, password, party, guy, parquet)
slide 12
Phonetics is a branch of the science of language that studies the sound composition of speech.
Assignment to the teams: distribute the words in 3 columns so that it is:

Berezina Galina Valentinovna

The team gets 1 point for correctness.

slide 13
Spelling is a branch of the science of language that studies the correct spelling of words.

1 team

my portion ... yu. (5 letters Y)
For a correct answer - 1 point, if there are errors - 0 points.
2 team
C ... films in the c ... rk performed,
He played on the c ... mbals,
On motorcycle ... glue once ... sting,
And c…fr he knew a lot.
He got out of the c ... lindra
Carrot and cucumber...
And only one did not know
Where and, and where are you. (2 letters Y)
Teacher: As an epilogue, I offer you a quiz. Teams by
questions will be asked. For each correct answer - 1 point.
If a team gives an incorrect answer, the question moves to another team.
1. The name of the apostle Peter in Hebrew means exactly this.
It happens to be a cornerstone, and sometimes it is a stumbling block. Bad man wear it
bosom. In a dispute, a scythe can find him. (A rock)
2. She is very small, but with her help you can end the life of one
fairy-tale hero, distinguished by his excessive thinness. Stupid man

Berezina Galina Valentinovna
will look for it in a haystack, and the one who is very worried will sit on them.
New clothes just off of her. What is this item? (Needle)
3. You can move a waterfowl into it, but everything will be
to no avail. It can be crushed in a mortar and carried in a sieve. can be hidden in
its ends and drive along it with a pitchfork. She is dead, alive and on jelly. BUT
if you do not want to answer my question, then you can type it into your mouth. But in
your own interests to answer it. What is it? (Water)
4. She needs to eat a pood in order to learn something. Long time ago she
was almost worth its weight in gold. She was placed to the guest directly in the dishes. If a guest
respected, then they put a lot of it, and if not, then they didn’t put it at all. What is this
for an edible item? (Salt)
5. She has the strange ability to ignite on whoever is involved.
in a theft. It can be removed, broken, grabbed in an armful; they can even
throw up! You can’t do without it in ordinary life, given the features
our climate. And for fairy-tale heroes, it is often invisible. And what
is this a necessary item? (A cap)
6. Strange, for some reason everyone is afraid to find out where he spends the winter, but impatiently
They are waiting for him to whistle when he climbs the mountain. When a person is ashamed or
after the bath, it becomes exactly like him. It's freshwater
the invertebrate is immortalized in one of the fables of I. A. Krylov. You guessed it
who is it? (Cancer)
7. It is the fifth in the cart, contrary to all common sense. And what's the most
surprisingly, some pranksters like to stick sticks in it. On it even
you can live, but you can spin in it. But for some reason they especially love him
proteins. What is it? (Wheel)
8. The newlyweds know him very well, because he is whole next to them.
month. And when it's a whole barrel, then they are, I'm not afraid to say this word,
pests that are ready to spoil it by adding a fly in the ointment. His
adored by one representative of mammals, who loves to pretend to be a cloud.
And what is it? (Honey)
9. He can beat, or he can open the door. It may or may not be wet.
be dry. Sometimes you can touch it, and sometimes it's just a tool.
to unravel or understand something. What is it? (Key)
10. Hercules followed them to the gardens of the Hesperides. It has become the subject
discord between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. And, imagine, because of him
Even the war started! When it's crowded, he has nowhere to fall. What do you think
is this an item? (Apple)
11. It is vital, but it is someone else's; sometimes they ask him not to be, but
sometimes they interrupt from him to kvass; and he is friends with salt. What is it? (Bread)
12. With her help, the ancient Greek hero Theseus found a way out of the labyrinth
Minotaur, and Ariadne gave it to him. It is red and white, and bad weather
none of it remains dry. What is this item? (A thread)

Berezina Galina Valentinovna
13. He can provide a service, or he can step on the ear. But in general for him
one of the characters in the immortal poem by N. V. Gogol looks like. Who is it?
14. They are poor, unfortunate! And they chase after them, and they immediately strive for
two, and they kill, again - out of greed, two. And they talk about them
like they suffer from an inferiority complex. And in all folk
fairy tales they fools remain. Who is this? (Hare)
The game gave me life....
It was interesting…..
I wanted….
Summing up the game. Announcement of the winning team.
The poem "Mother tongue".
Our beautiful language
Rich and resonant
That powerful and passionate
That is gentle - melodious.
It also has a smile.
And accuracy, and affection.
Written by him
And stories, and fairy tales -
magical pages,
Exciting books!
Love and keep
Our great language!
1 competition "Speak correctly"
Task: correct mistakes in the poem, put stress in words.
By the way
He said, among other things,
"More beautiful", "We want it that way",
"Leisure, driver, interest, loan,
Quarter, portfolio, bulletin,
"Above the plan we carry out",
The agent has been calling all day.
V. Mass, M. Chervinsky.

Berezina Galina Valentinovna
"Find a Pair"
1 team
book in the village
Not a red book with a letter,
The book will help in work,
read books,
Who reads a lot

help out in trouble.
he knows a lot.
that the window is in the hut.
red in mind.
don't forget things.
"Learn the Word"
origin (2 points).
1 team
Latin "discere" "to learn", "discipulus" "student". "……………."
at first it meant "science", "training", then it also acquired the meaning of "strict
order", "restraint" these are the qualities necessary for doing science.
"Restore text"
Assignment to the teams: restore the proposed text.
1st team to count how many nouns in the text.
2nd team to count how many verbs are in the text.
Nstuoipla hotel. In lseu hoit. Mdvdeei layatmko loynima. blkei ryutbaoshi
rhoei. Zykai in khyres bushkhak ryazveyats en lopyane. Vlkoy htotosya an hin.

Berezina Galina Valentinovna
Task for the teams: come up with 5 words of 6 letters that begin with a syllable
par. The team receives 1 point for speed and 1 point for correctness and
Yula, sewing, coal, her, nightingales, line, entrance, thawed, story, stump, bridge,



Assignment to the teams: how many letters Y are in this text?
1 team
Puffing on a c...garka, a c...gan c...dil swill in a c...nk trough. "C...c,
chickens ... n son! - c ... he yelled at the running c ... film, you'll get more
my portion ... yu.
1 competition "Speak correctly"
Task: correct mistakes in the poem, put stress in words.

Berezina Galina Valentinovna
By the way
He said, among other things,
"More beautiful", "We want it that way",
"Leisure, driver, interest, loan,
Quarter, portfolio, bulletin,
"Above the plan we carry out",
The agent has been calling all day.
V. Mass, M. Chervinsky
"Find a Pair"
2 team
Knowledge is needed in life
Don't talk about what you learned
Learn more
Where there is no knowledge
Knows not the one who lived a lot
but the one who has acquired knowledge.
there is no courage.
like a rifle in combat.
and talk about what you know
you will become stronger
"Learn the Word"
Task for the teams: identify the word (1 point), give information about
origin (2 points).
2 team
One of the words that seem purely Russian, Slavic, but in fact
actually borrowed, only a very long time ago. Came in ancient times from
Gothic "kaldings" "cold spring" (remember the German "kalt"
"cold"). An exact copy of the Gothic word also lived in the Old Russian language:
instead of "………." You could say "student".
"Restore text"
Assignment to the teams: restore the proposed text.
1st team to count how many nouns in the text.
2nd team to count how many verbs are in the text.

Berezina Galina Valentinovna
Nstuoipla hotel. In lseu hoit. Mdvdeei layatmko loynima. blkei ryutbaoshi
rhoei. Zykai in khyres bushkhak ryazveyats en lopyane. Vlkoy htotosya an hin.

Berezina Galina Valentinovna

Berezina Galina Valentinovna
No. Competition name
"Speak Right"
Say in one word
"Prove phraseology"
define a word
Restore Text. Define
Parts of speech.
distribute the words
how many letters are in this text
Total points

Classroom hour:

"International Literacy Day".

Lesson objectives:

To instill love for the Russian language, develop interest in the Russian language as an academic subject.

Cultivate a sense of patriotism, tolerance;

Expand the horizons of students.

Lesson objectives:

Formation of a complete answer to the question;

Formation of the ability to work in a group.

Contribute to the education of moral qualities in students;

Encourage students to improve themselves.

Registration: Posters with statements about the Russian language, cards.

1. Teacher's introductory word:

- V. Berestov has a wonderful poem that I have known since childhood:

How good it is to be able to read!
You don't have to go to your mom
No need to go to grandma
- Read, please! Read!
You don't have to beg your sister.
- Well, read another page!
You don't have to call.
No need to wait.
Can you take
And read!

Agree, it’s better not to say about the need to be a literate person!

Today the first school bell rang for you guys. Pupils of different ages sat down at their desks to start or continue the hard journey to the Land of Knowledge. And already on September 8, the whole world will celebrate another date related to education - International Literacy Day.

Therefore, our class hour is called “International Literacy Day.

2. History and traditions.

The holiday owes its origin to the ministers of education of various countries (Russia, America, France, etc.), who half a century ago - in 1965 - gathered in Tehran at the World Conference to discuss the problem of illiteracy of the planet's population. By that time, the situation was deplorable: 44% of adults alone around the world remained illiterate. On September 19, the members of the completed conference prepared over 80 recommendations, among which was the establishment of a literacy day. And a year later, for the first time, International Literacy Day was celebrated on September 8th.

Gradually, the celebration of this day has its own traditions. At the world level, in addition to the annual conferences held at the headquarters of UNESCO, the prizes in the amount of 20 thousand dollars named after King Sejong and Confucius for the promotion of literacy are awarded.

And of course, various educational centers, exhibitions, film screenings are opening in different parts of the world. Master classes, open lessons, competitions, etc. are held.

In Russia, Literacy Day is just gaining popularity. For example, since 2011 there has been an action that has already become international, "Total Dictation". In schools, universities and other educational institutions, Literacy Day has also become one of the main ones. Quizzes, olympiads, KVN in various subjects are arranged for students, because literacy is not only the ability to write, count and read correctly. This is a whole set of knowledge and skills in various scientific fields that help a person to be successful.

Literacy Day.

(competitive program for students in grades 1-4)

Goals: to acquaint children with the holiday "Literacy Day", contributing to the development of children's oral speech, the ability to clearly answer the questions posed.

1 .Teacher: Every year more and more people learn to read and write, in the world now over 4 billion people are considered literate. But more than 860 million adults remain illiterate and about 100 million children do not go to school.

What is literacy? "Literacy is a person's ability to meaningfully read and write simple texts in their native language. For a child, regular attendance at primary school is considered the minimum degree of literacy" (Great Soviet Encyclopedia).

International Literacy Day is one of the international days celebrated in the United Nations system. It was established by UNESCO in 1966 on the recommendation of the "World Conference of Ministers of Education for the Eradication of Illiteracy", held in Tehran in September 1965.


Literacy is always important

This is not new to us.

Changed one letter

And another word.

Happy literacy, friends,

I want to congratulate you

Wish you commas

Put in the right place.

For there to be no doubt

How to write correctly

And in a good mood

Stay constantly.

2 .Despite notable progress in many countries, more than 860 million adults remain illiterate and more than 100 million children do not go to school. Countless children, young people and adults enrolled in school or other educational programs do not meet the standard required to be considered literate in today's increasingly complex world.
Fewer than 50 countries provide universal access to primary education.
About 20% of the adult population of the world is illiterate.

The elimination of illiteracy in the USSR began in 1918. Then schools began to open en masse for teenagers, as well as illiterate adults. Special courses were created to train teachers to work with the illiterate population. By the 1930s, the problem of illiteracy had ceased to be of an acute social nature, by the 1940s the task of eradicating illiteracy was almost solved, and already in the 1950s the USSR had become an almost completely literate country.

Recall that every year the International Literacy Day is held under different slogans.This year the motto of International Literacy Day is The Power of Literacy (we will translate it into Russian, paraphrasing Francis Bacon, as follows: “Literacy is power!”In order for a modern person to be classified as a literate person, it is not enough for him to only be able to count and write. In our time, it is necessary to be a comprehensively developed personality.


You don't have to go to your mom

No need to go to grandma

Please read! Read!

You don't have to beg your sister.

Well, read another page!

You don't have to call.

No need to wait.

Can you take

3 .Literacy is a human right, a means of expanding individual freedoms and opportunities, as well as a tool for the development of individual human potential and society as a whole. Opportunities for further education are also determined by the level of literacy.

Literacy is at the core of basic education for all, it is a sine qua non for eradicating poverty, limiting population growth, achieving gender equality and achieving sustainable development, peace and democracy. Education for All (EFA) is based on literacy, and for good reason.

A quality basic education gives students the skills they need for later life and for further learning. Literate parents are more likely to send their children to school. A literate person has more opportunities for lifelong, continuing education, and literate societies have better mechanisms to adapt to emerging development challenges.


To be smart -


And the illiterate


If to school

Do not walk,

You can become

At all


4. LITERATURE, grammar well. ability to read and write; sometimes only the first, the ability to read. The people say: know literacy. || Gramata name any royal letter, the writing of a sovereign person; now rescript; || a certificate for granting rights, possessions, awards, distinctions to a person or community. || The people are calling gramma or grammar any letter or note, and even any piece of paper. Live in silence, and write grammar to us. He writes grammar, but asks for memos. Learning to read and write is always useful. Literacy is firm, but the tongue is lisping. From old memory, that according to grammar. According to the letter, he stopped short, the figure was not given. And he himself is not happy that he is much literate. Literacy is not dry. living letter, oral speech. dead grammar(fortress) not free

The alphabet is science, and the guys are beech (flour).

Choose a book like you choose a friend.

Learning to read and write is always useful.

Gold is mined from the earth, and knowledge from books.

From time immemorial, the book raises a person.

The book is not gingerbread, but beckons to itself.

The book is not an airplane, but it will take away thirty lands.

Reading a book is like flying on wings.

The world is illuminated by the sun, and the world by knowledge.

An illiterate person is like a blind man, but a book opens his eyes.

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.

One good book is better than many treasures.

To know books - to gain mind.

A good book is your best friend.

5. The most ancient Russian books that have come down to our time date back to the 11th century. But handwritten books, of course, existed before. They came to us along with the adoption of Christianity. Russia needed literate people. At that time, children learned to read and write in parochial schools from books that were in Russia: the Apostle, the Gospel and the Psalter. Here is how the poetess N. Konchalovskaya writes:

Reader. And in the old days children studied -

They were taught by a church clerk, -

Came at dawn

And they repeated the letters like this:

A yes B - like Az and Buki,

V - as Vedi, G - Verbs

And a teacher for science

On Saturdays, he flogged everyone.

That's how wonderful at the beginning

Our letter was!

TEACHER: Dedication to first-graders as readers. (Give booklets)

Riddles for first graders:

1. Thirty-three sisters -

Small growth.

If you know our secret

We will show the whole world. (Letters.)

2 I don't know the letter, but I've been writing all my life. (Pencil, fountain pen.)

3 .has no language,

And who will visit

He knows a lot. (Book.)

4 .At the wall is large and important

The house is multi-storey.

We're downstairs

All tenants have already been read. (Bookshelf.)

5. Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn

Not a person, but tells. (Book.)

Competitive program. Presentation.


1.V.I.Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people. Moscow: I. "EKSMO", 2007.

2. My school holiday: scripts, competitions, quizzes. - Donetsk: I. "Donechchina", 2006.

3. Presentation "International Literacy Day" and "Competition program"