Organization of the work of the library of the settlement social order of the administration. Regulations on the rural library

Law “On Librarianship in the Chelyabinsk Region”, Law “On the Legal Copies of Documents in the Chelyabinsk Region”).

Article 3-1. Accessibility for the disabled of libraries and library services Conditions for the accessibility of libraries and library services for disabled people are provided in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the social protection of disabled people. The blind, visually impaired have the right to library services and to receive copies of documents in special accessible formats on various media in libraries.Article 3-2. Powers of the executive authority of the Chelyabinsk region authorized in the field of culture (introduced by the Law of the Chelyabinsk Region dated August 31, 2015 N 216-ZO) The executive authority of the Chelyabinsk region, authorized in the field of culture, provides conditions for the accessibility of regional state libraries for the disabled.

2. Model standard for the activities of the municipal public library.
3. Financial activities of the head of the library. Budget.
4. Organization of the work of the settlement library. The social order of the administration.
5. Profiling and specialization of libraries.

6. Corporate identity of the library.

8. Comfortable environment for readers and librarians.

9. Planning the work of the library. Types of plans. Annual plan and its structure.

10. Grant studies. Project activities of libraries.

11. Program activities. Types of library programs.

12. Accounting for the work of the library. Basic accounting documents and their maintenance.

13. Reporting. Types of reports. Information analysis of activity.

14. Work with a potential reader. Library service plan.

15. Non-stationary library services to the population. Work forms.

16. Priority groups of readers. Features of working with different groups (pensioners, disabled people, teenagers).

17. Studying the interests of readers.

18. Individual work with readers.

19. Mass work at the present stage. Forms and methods.

20. Organization of exhibition work. Types of exhibitions are their feature.

21. Organization of leisure. Interest clubs.

22. The work of the library to help the educational process.

23. Coordination of the activities of the library and preschool institutions.

24. Working with the family as a complex object of library activities.

25. Work with high school students on career guidance at the present stage.

26. Organization of "free reading" of readers-children.

27. The work of the library to promote a healthy lifestyle. Fight against smoking, alcoholism.

28. Local history work in the library.

29. Environmental education in the library.

30. Reference and bibliographic service in the library. types of references.

31. Electronic databases as a source for fulfilling readers' requests.

32. Information and bibliographic service at the present stage. Working with local governments.

34. Promotion of library and bibliographic knowledge.

35. Reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library.

36. Alphabetical catalogue, its organization and maintenance.

37. Library and bibliographic classification. Systematic catalog.

38. System of file cabinets of the library. Systematic file of articles.

39. Organization of library collections in the library. Open access.

40. Work on the safety of the fund.

41. Acquisition of the book fund of the library.

42. Checking the book fund.

43. Periodicals in the library. Work with periodicals.

44. Continuing Library Education
45. Automation of library processes.
Professional certification of employees of library workers in the Russian Federation

A test offered to librarians for knowledge of narrow professional terminology, general cultural development, digital literacy.

Who is the author of this picture:
a) Repin
b) Savrasov
c) Kuindzhi
d) Polenov

1) What is a frontispiece,
2)LitRes mobile app is available (choose the correct answer):
a) only for readers of state and corporate libraries connected to the Litres library service
b) For everyone free of charge and without restrictions
c) For everyone on a paid basis
3) When receiving a letter with an attached file from a stranger, the most acceptable course of action:
a) Sending a letter to the return address with a request for its contents
b) Deleting the letter without opening, followed by emptying the trash
c) Saving the application on the computer for later use

A book edition, released in mass circulation, designed for the widest range of readers and in the greatest demand?
An element of bibliographic information that fixes information about a document in documentary form, allowing it to be identified, its composition and content disclosed for the purposes of bibliographic search?
Who is the first Russian professional bibliographer, that is, who lived entirely on income from professional bibliographic activities:
a) V. S. Sopikov
b) Mezhov V.I.
c) Zdobnov N.V.
d) Rubakin N. A.
Founder of the first library in Ancient Russia:
a) Ivan the Terrible
b) Yaroslav the Wise
c) Vladimir Monomakh
d) Yuri Dolgoruky

The first library in Russia

Compliance of the information received with the information request is:

a) pertinence

b) accuracy factor

c) relevance

d) coefficient of completeness.

Which of the following writers won the Nobel Prize in Literature:

"For the moral force with which he followed the immutable traditions of Russian literature"

a) I. A. Bunin

b) I. A. Brodsky

c) M. A. Sholokhov

d) A. I. Solzhenitsyn

Modern writer, winner of the literary prize "Cherished Dream", author of the cycle "Liss Ullis":

a) James Joyce

b) E. N. Uspensky

c) V. P. Krapivin

d) Fred Adra

Cloud technologies are:

a) A security system or a combination of security systems that makes the difference between two or more networks

b) technologies that provide an exchange between a computer and equipment connected to it

c) the latest technologies for high-speed wireless data transmission

d) distributed data processing technology, in which computer resources and capacities are provided to users as an Internet service

Who is the author of the poem?

Indeed, Postumus, a chicken is not a bird,

but with chicken brains enough grief.

If it happened to be born in the Empire, it is better to live in a remote province, by the sea.

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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library information electronic management


1. Normative documents on librarianship

2. General characteristics and activities of MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library"

3. Participation in the development and holding of the evening dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of V.M. Shukshina

4. Additional activity


List of sources used


The idea of ​​the tasks of libraries, their place in the cultural, scientific, educational and information infrastructure in the modern world has changed. Their most important task today is to provide free and unrestricted access to information.

To date, libraries in the Altai Territory are not just book repositories, but also information centers, centers of the intellectual and spiritual life of the population. The services provided by the library are focused on information support for the economic and social renewal of the local community, the exchange of ideas and knowledge that help people to feel their potential and increase their intellectual level, which, in turn, should contribute to the modernization of our country as a whole.

So, the purpose of my work experience report is to collect and study materials that characterize the activities of the library institution under study.

The main tasks of work within the framework of the goal:

Give a general description of the organization under study;

To study the legal acts in the field of librarianship;

Analyze the library management system;

Develop a script for a themed evening for library users;

Learn about additional services provided by the library.

The object of study of this work is MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library", the subject of organizational and library and information activities of this institution.

During my internship, I studied the methods of collecting, analyzing, summarizing theoretical and empirical information in the field of library, information and bibliographic services, namely:

Organizational structure of library user service;

Methods and technology of serving readers at the subscription and in the reading room;

Specificity of individual service;

Visual and oral forms of informing;

Structure, composition, design of the SPA: a reference and bibliographic fund, electronic and card catalogs and card files, a fund of completed references, electronic databases, etc.

In the course of the study, general scientific and special research methods were used: the dialectical method of cognition, system and process approaches, comparative methods, analysis of scientific and special literature.

When writing the report, the works of domestic authors on librarianship were used.

During the internship at the MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" as an assistant librarian, the necessary information for the report was collected, in particular, the sources of specific information for conducting research in the library are its Charter, internal regulations on working with users, a program plan for cultural and leisure activities for users.

1. Normative documents on librarianship

According to the Law of the Altai Territory dated April 10, 2007 No. 22-ZS (as amended on December 31, 2013) “On librarianship in the Altai Territory” (adopted by the Decree of the AKSND dated April 5, 2007 No. 193), librarianship is a branch of information, cultural, educational and educational activities, the tasks of which include the creation and development of a network of libraries, the formation and processing of their funds, the organization of library, information and reference and bibliographic services for library users, the training of library workers, scientific and methodological support for the development of libraries.

In turn, a library is an information, cultural, educational organization or a structural subdivision of an organization that has an organized fund of documents and provides them for temporary use to individuals and legal entities.

According to the Decree of the Board of the Altai Territory Administration for Culture dated October 30, 2008 No. 10 “On Approval of the Model Standard for the Activities of the Municipal Public Library of the Altai Territory”, there are two levels of libraries in the Altai Territory:

First central libraries of the municipality (inter-settlement, central libraries of the urban district);

The second is the settlement libraries, the libraries of the urban district (excluding the central libraries of the urban district).

The Inter-Settlement Library (including the researched Rodinsky Library) is a municipal library established by the local self-government bodies of the municipal district (respectively, the Administration of the Rodinsky District).

According to the above Resolution, MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" performs the following functions:

1) library services for the population of the municipal district;

2) implementation of information and cultural and educational activities;

3) acquisition and processing of collections of libraries of settlements on the basis of agreements concluded between local governments of settlements that are part of the Rodinsky district, with local governments of this area;

4) ensuring the safety of library funds;

5) introduction of library and information computer technologies;

6) coordination in the field of creating and sharing the resources of libraries located on the territory of the municipal district;

7) servicing remote users on the basis of interlibrary loan and electronic delivery of documents;

8) providing methodological assistance to libraries of settlements;

9) advanced training of library workers in settlements;

10) collection of statistical data on the activities of settlement libraries;

11) other functions that do not contradict the law.

The library also has the right to:

1) independently determine the content and specific forms of its activities in accordance with the goals and objectives specified in its charter;

2) to approve, in agreement with the founder (municipal formation Rodinsky district), the rules for using the library;

3) determine the amount of the deposit when providing book monuments, rare and valuable publications, as well as in other cases determined by the rules for using the library;

3.1) establish restrictions on copying, exhibiting and issuing book monuments and other documents intended for permanent storage, in accordance with the rules for using the library;

4) determine, in accordance with the rules for using libraries, the types and amounts of compensation for damage caused by library users;

5) to carry out economic activities in order to expand the list of services provided to users of the library and the social and creative development of the library, provided that this does not prejudice its core activities;

6) determine the conditions for the use of library funds on the basis of agreements with legal entities and individuals;

7) to form, in the manner prescribed by the current legislation, library associations;

8) participate on a competitive or other basis in the implementation of federal and regional programs for the development of librarianship;

9) to carry out, in accordance with the established procedure, cooperation with libraries and other institutions and organizations of foreign states, including conducting international book exchange, joining international organizations in accordance with the established procedure, participating in the implementation of international library and other programs;

10) independently determine the sources of acquisition of their funds;

11) withdraw and sell documents from their funds in accordance with the procedure for exclusion of documents agreed with the founder in accordance with the current regulatory legal acts. At the same time, the library does not have the right to write off and sell documents classified as book monuments;

11.1) carry out informational, cultural, educational, scientific, educational activities in accordance with the law, with its charter or with local regulations;

12) perform other actions that do not contradict the current legislation.

In its activities, MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" ensures the implementation of the rights of users established by the Federal law dated December 29, 1994 No. 78-FZ "On librarianship". The library serves users in accordance with the law, the charter, as well as the rules for using the library.

The library is also required to:

1) report to the founder, state statistics bodies in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and constituent documents;

2) to provide, at the request of users, information about their activities in the formation and use of funds;

3) if there are book monuments in the library collections, ensure their safety and be responsible for the timely submission of information about them for registration in the register of book monuments. So, the regulatory documents that are guided by MMK "Rodinsky District Library" are as follows:

Law of the Altai Territory dated April 10, 2007 No. 22-ЗС (as amended on December 31, 2013) “On librarianship in the Altai Territory”;

Decree of the Board of the Altai Territory Administration for Culture of October 30, 2008 No. 10 “On Approval of the Model Standard for the Activities of the Municipal Public Library of the Altai Territory”.

Thus, in accordance with the law, the main goal of MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" is to provide resources and services to meet the needs of citizens in the field of education

2. General characteristics and activities of MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library"

MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" is a non-profit organization that performs work and provides services in order to ensure the implementation of the powers provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Altai Territory in the field of library activities.

Full name of the Institution: inter-settlement municipal state cultural institution "Rodinsky District Library", abbreviated name MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library".

Location of the library: 659780, Altai Territory, Rodinsky district, s. Rodino, st. Sovetskaya, d. 6.

The founder of the library is the municipality Rodinsky district. The founder coordinates and regulates the activities of the library, including on issues of preservation, maintenance and use of municipal property for its intended purpose. The owner of the property of the library is the municipality Rodinsky district.

The institution is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, settlement and personal accounts with the federal treasury (financial bodies), a seal of the established form, as well as other seals and stamps necessary for the implementation of its activities, its own symbols.

Financial support for the activities of MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" is carried out at the expense of the local budget on the basis of the budget estimate. The institution, on its own behalf, acquires property and non-property rights, bears obligations, acts as a plaintiff and defendant in court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and is also liable for its obligations with the funds at its disposal. In case of their insufficiency, the owner of its property bears subsidiary responsibility for the obligations of the library.

MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" is a library serving the general population - adults and children, both individuals and legal entities.

The library is also a methodological information center on library services for libraries in the settlements of the Rodinsky district, carries out management accounting, reporting and quality control of their activities. It disseminates best practices, contributes to the preservation of a unified system of library services, and conducts research work on librarianship issues.

The objectives of the creation of the MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" are: the performance of work, the provision of services in the field of librarianship, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Altai Territory.

To achieve these goals, the library carries out the following main activities:

Library, bibliographic and information services for users;

Work on the formation and accounting of funds;

Work on bibliographic processing of documents and organization of catalogs;

Work on the safety and security of MMKUK funds;

Methodological, research work;

Consulting services (monitoring, preparation of information materials, formation, provision for use of data banks, music libraries, video libraries, photographic materials, etc.);

Work on holding festivals, exhibitions, reviews, competitions, conferences and other program cultural, mass, cultural and educational events.

The analysis of the organizational structure of the management of MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" showed that it was built according to the linear-headquarters principle. In this case, the full power is assumed by the line manager who leads the team. In this institution, this is the director of the library. Its main task is to coordinate the activities of the services and direct them in line with the common interests of the institution. Nevertheless, the linear-staff management structure provides for the creation of specialized departments and services (headquarters) to implement the functions of a line manager. These services are designed to help make decisions for the line manager to whom they report. Such divisions do not have the right to make decisions and manage this division, but they form these decisions, while freeing up the manager's time for strategic decisions.

According to the above structure of the governing bodies (Appendix 1), the following main divisions can be distinguished in MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library":

Reader Services Department;

Department of formation and storage of funds;

Methodical department;

Information and Bibliographic Department;

Department of Automation and Publishing.

These divisions are subordinate to the chief line manager. They carry out their decisions through the director of the library.

In general, the competence of the library director includes the implementation of the current management of the activities of the institution, with the exception of issues related to the competence of the founder of the municipality Rodinsky District (Committee for Culture and Education of the Administration of the Rodinsky District).

The director, without a power of attorney, acts on behalf of the library, including representing its interests and making transactions on its behalf, approves the staffing table, the financial and economic activity plan of the library, its annual financial statements and internal documents regulating the activities of the institution, issues orders and gives instructions, mandatory for all library staff.

I got acquainted in more detail with the departments of MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library".

The reader service department includes the information sector, a reader's subscription, a media information room, a hall for periodicals and cultural and leisure activities.

In particular, in the media information room you can work independently on a personal computer, use the resources of the Internet and legal information systems, receive additional services: text printing, assistance in preparing information materials, etc.

The department for the formation and storage of funds is working on the acquisition of library funds on various media, accounting, processing and cataloging, controls the safety of the fund. Creates a system of reader and service catalogs, organizes subscriptions to periodicals, provides methodological assistance to the libraries of the settlements of the Rodinsky district on the formation of funds and the organization of catalogs.

The methodological department is an innovative, analytical, methodological and creative center for the problems of library services in the region. The department develops and implements a continuous system of advanced training for library workers of the MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" and library specialists from the settlements of the Rodinsky District. He conducts research work on reading issues, is responsible for developing programs for the library to participate in competitions for grants, targeted complex and author programs, and is the organizer of regional creative competitions for users and library specialists. Organizes regional, seminars and conferences on librarianship problems, develops and publishes methodological and bibliographic manuals to help specialists of settlement libraries.

The main priorities of the information and bibliographic department are the introduction of advanced information technologies, the maintenance of electronic card indexes for periodicals, meeting the needs of readers for bibliographic information, up-to-date information about book novelties and publications, coordinating the bibliographic activities of all departments of the library, methodological and practical assistance to the district libraries, information culture of readers.

For children and adults, the department publishes bibliographic aids: calendars of significant and memorable dates, recommendatory indexes and digests, memos, bookmarks, bibliographic publications of regional subjects.

The Department of Automation and Publishing provides software and technical support for the activities of library processes.

Develops and implements a system of continuous computer education for library staff, creates its own electronic resources, organizes training of library specialists in the settlements of the region in new information technologies. In addition, the department is engaged in editorial and publishing activities and printing design of exhibitions and events held by the library.

Thus, the main activity of the MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" is the organization of recreation and entertainment, culture and sports, the activities of libraries, archives, club-type institutions.

3. Participation in the development and implementationevening dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of V.M. Shukshin

Currently, the largest contingent of readers MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" are children and youth (about 68% of the total number of users). Improving the service to these readers requires a deeper specialization in service, the formation of the spiritual and moral value qualities of the younger generation.

It should be noted that the subscriptions for junior and senior school age of the library have a large selection of literature for business and free reading: classical Russian and foreign literature, science fiction, adventures and detective stories. There is literature on the school curriculum, books for the little ones. For parents, educators and teachers there is a large selection of didactic and methodological aids for the development and organization of children's leisure. The scope of the sector's activities includes issues of information support for expectant mothers and young families on prenatal education and early childhood development.

In the hall of periodicals and cultural and leisure activities, performances and concerts for children, performances by children's creative groups, literary holidays, and presentations of new books are held. Meetings are held with writers, poets, artists, actors. There are book and illustration exhibitions, master classes, awards for the best readers, winners of regional children's creative competitions. The hall is equipped with modern projection equipment; here you can watch a video film or an electronic presentation. The department has a collection of audio and video materials for children. More than 50 titles of mass, popular science periodicals for children and their parents are provided to users. The Foreign Literature Zone helps children learn foreign languages, expand their knowledge of the history and culture of foreign countries, and helps children prepare for schoolwork. Ethnic tolerance events are being developed with the design of scenario materials.

Meanwhile, the main goals of the district library are the development of citizenship and patriotism in children and adolescents as the most important spiritual, moral and social values, the study of history and native culture, the formation of professionally significant qualities, skills and readiness for their active manifestation in various spheres of society .

To achieve these goals and improve work in these areas, the MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" has developed a special program - "Native Land", which includes a series of various events. The object of the program are children and adolescents of the Rodinsky district. The program is based on an analysis of the previous experience of the library in the field of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation, as well as on the results of studying the positive experience of other library institutions in the Altai Territory (in particular, the Altai Regional Children's Library named after N.K. Krupskaya).

The organizational goal of the program is to improve and increase the effectiveness of both educational and leisure activities of the younger generation.

The pedagogical goal of the program is the satisfaction of spiritual needs, the formation of a civil position of the individual among the younger generation, the development of creative abilities and respect for the native land.

Program objectives:

1. Formation in the younger generation of the need for meaningful leisure activities, participation in cultural events, holidays, their involvement in cultural and leisure institutions (in particular, the library), involvement in interest clubs and amateur associations, familiarizing children and adolescents with art.

2. Promoting the spiritual, cultural, intellectual development of the younger generation. Creation of conditions for the development of youth creativity, appropriate organization of leisure.

3. Purposeful carrying out of individual and informational work (conducting seminars, thematic meetings, excursions, etc.).

4. Combining the efforts, material resources of various departments and organizations: educational institutions, culture, the use of various forms of sponsorship and patronage (direct assistance should be provided by the Administration of the Rodinsky District, in particular the Committee on Youth Affairs, the Committee on Culture and Education, as well as representatives of the business district able to provide material support for the implementation of the programme).

Priority areas of the program:

Organization of free time for children and adolescents through cultural events (concert programs, exhibitions, classes in creative workshops, literary and musical living rooms, game programs, etc.);

Implementation of educational work and propaganda of patriotism, the history of the Small Motherland, etc. (holding seminars, scientific-practical and thematic conferences, round tables).

To implement the program and conduct all organizational and cultural and leisure activities in MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library", specialists in social work, socio-cultural activities, psychologists, representatives of public organizations of the district are involved in cooperation.

The main sources of funding for the program are:

District budget (50 thousand rubles allocated from the district budget for 2014);

Voluntary donations of legal entities and individuals;

Sponsor help.

The social partners of the program are:

1. Department of education of city and district administrations of the Altai Territory;

2. Committee for Youth Affairs of the city and district administrations of the Altai Territory;

3. Administration of the Rodinsky district;

4. Editorial office of the regional newspaper "October Matter";

5. Organizations and institutions of various forms of ownership interested in the implementation of the program activities (commercial and non-commercial organizations, municipal institutions, namely all enterprises wishing to assist in the implementation of the program as sponsors, patrons, organizers, as well as general education schools of the district, the center of aesthetic education and etc.).

The main targets of the program are:

1. Creation of a favorable cultural and leisure situation in the Rodinsky district for the organization of leisure for the younger generation;

2. An increase in the total number of library users among students;

3. Increase in the number of club formations, creative associations and other forms of independent organization of cultural and leisure pastime of the younger generation (by 30%).

The program includes cultural and leisure activities presented in Appendix 2.

Further, within the framework of the "Native Land" program, a scenario and director's decision is proposed for the evening dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of V.M. Shukshin. The evening is held for senior students of a comprehensive school by the students themselves, their teachers and library workers. The library staff is directly involved in the organization of the evening, its technical side, and writes the script.

Goals of this event:

1) to acquaint students with the biography of the writer-countryman, the originality of his work;

2) to cultivate love for the native land;

3) develop the creative abilities of students.

Required props: materials for a photo exhibition, a video film "Stove-shops", a CD recording of songs.

The course of the event is as follows.

The epigraph is written on the board:

“We should not forget about the soul.

We should be a little kinder."

(V.M. Shukshin)

1. The song “Kalina Krasnaya” (musical epigraph) sounds (performed), folk words and music:

Viburnum red, viburnum ripe.

And he went with the other, but I did not argue

So it means he's good, but I wasn't worth it

And I went with another, he can't believe it

He came up to me to make sure

Convinced, but did not achieve words

And I say one thing: you lost love

You lost love, it is found

Transferred to another boy.

Viburnum red, viburnum ripe

I found out the character of the zaletochka

I recognized the character, oh what a character!

I did not respect, but he went with the other.

(the song is accompanied by shots from Shukshin's films)

2. Foreword by the librarian.

38 years separate us from the day when the heart of Vasily Makarovich Shukshin stopped. 38 years old ... And his art, his human talent continues to live, disturb ... The phenomenon of Shukshin. It cannot be understood outside the space of the earth and air of the native Altai. By his very personality, by his very appearance, "He looked like his homeland."

Here it is the village of Srostki

Where over the hushed grass

Katun that smoke from a cigarette

Silently glowing blue

What a view! And for fun

And in edification - in the clouds

The moon shines like a hole

On old fashioned shoes

The trills of the songbird have ceased,

Silence of the night rings

Kalina in a pink shirt

Walking along the Shukshin path.

... “Is it mine - my homeland, where I was born and raised. My. I say this with a feeling of deep rightness, because all my life I have been carrying my homeland in my soul, I love it, I live by it, it gives me strength when it happens, it is difficult and bitter ... I do not pronounce this feeling to myself, I do not apologize for it to my fellow countrymen - it is mine , it is me. I won’t explain to anyone what is in this world, as long as it is, pardon the clumsiness, a fact.

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin was born in the village of Srostki, Biysk district of the Altai Territory on July 25, 1929. He studied at the Srostinskaya secondary school, graduated from the 7th grade. After leaving school, he studied at the Biysk Autotechnical College. Already at this time, he secretly wrote poetry, and by the end of the war, small humorous stories from village life. They were not accepted for publication.

In search of work, Shukshin moves from city to city. He was both a laborer and a loader, he worked at a construction site. In 1949, he was drafted into the army, but because of a stomach ulcer, he was demobilized ahead of schedule.

Having healed at home with his mother's herbs, Shukshin takes an external examination for a matriculation certificate, works as a village teacher for some time, and then, having received his mother's blessing, goes to Moscow to study further. Arriving in Moscow, Shukshin submits documents to VGIK, where he studies in the class of the famous film director Mikhail Romm. In August 1958, his first story appeared in print - "Two in a Cart".

3 student (as Vasily Shukshin):


Many difficulties and hardships will still fall to the lot of Vasily Shukshin, but the main thing is that the birth of the writer has happened.

Shukshin wrote that he knew very well what he had experienced. His stories, collected together, are combined into a clever and truthful, sometimes funny, but more often deeply dramatic story about a Russian peasant, about Russia.

V.M. Shukshin said: “Never, never in my life have I allowed to live relaxed, falling apart ...” 15 years of active creative activity fell to his lot. During these years, two novels, novellas, short stories, plays were written, films were made.


With Shukshin, an unusual hero came to literature, he is called a "freak". Shukshin's hero is " awkward, benevolent to the point of improbability, while being shy, compliant and proud, unhappy and resilient".

They are “freaks”, because when confronted with reality, they can only blamelessly rub the bruises they have received and ask themselves bewildered woeful questions: why am I like this?

These are people who yearn for what is not there and annoy others with their oddities. For all their ambiguity, “freaks” arouse anxiety and conscience in us, sympathy for them and concern for ourselves.


When describing his heroes, Shukshin uses expressive means: the vocabulary and intonation of the villagers: vernacular, dialectisms, interjections, the significance of pauses, interrupting each other. There are almost no portraits in the stories, no detailed biographies of the heroes.

Now you will watch a dramatization of V.M. Shukshin's story "Microscope" (student presentation).

For the fee from the novel "Lubaviny" V. Shukshin bought his mother's house in the village of Srostki. Now here is the House-museum (a photograph of the house-museum is shown).

Reading A. Sorokin's poem "House under Picket".


Shukshin is not only a writer, but also a film director and actor. He starred in the films “Two Fedoras”, “Golden Echelon”, “Your Son and Brother”, “Such a Guy Lives”, “By the Lake”, “Stove-Shops”, “Kalina Krasnaya”, “They Fought for the Motherland”.

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin died on the set of the film "They Fought for the Motherland" from acute heart failure on October 2, 1974. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Those who accompanied him on his last journey will never forget this. And they saw off, said goodbye to thousands. Sergei Gerasimov said at one of the first evenings in memory of Shukshin that Russia does not remember such a funeral for a cultural figure since the farewell to Leo Tolstoy. Not so little ... But everything stands, stands before the eyes of the nationwide, silently sworn farewell to him, flaming on the cramped grave of the Novodevichy cemetery, red viburnum ...

Moscow, Russia said goodbye to one of its best sons and left him forever as a shrine in her memory, in her heart.

Reading a poem by V. Vysotsky "No cold weather, no ice floes yet."

Siberia in autumn gold

Tire noise in Moscow.

In Moscow, in Siberia, in Vologda

Trembling and tearing in the wire:

Shukshin… Shukshin…

Under the sobs of an abandoned pipe

I'm losing ground...

What is she, what is she

Blind, death?!

What a long round and round

Wandered - lying!

I took such a falcon

Killed the takeoff.

He was ready to fight

But not under the knife

He did not live on the decline,

All the way up!

Nothing to him who fell

To the warmth of the earth

But what are we ... but how are we

Didn't save.

Witnesses and spectators

We are hundreds of hundreds!

Didn't think, didn't see

What is going on

Carrying our burdens

On your spine...

Compliant -

There is no other …

Many years have passed... And again, at the end of July, thousands from all over Russia and guests from abroad will gather at the "Mountains". And again there will be verses and songs and kind heartfelt words about Shukshin, Siberia, Russia, for all people and for the soul.

Splices, Splices.

Akin Splices

For many, you have become relatives, cousins, relatives. The path is a narrow lane. Nettle above the head. And the melody is spinning, spinning, songs that I have heard since childhood, from northern drivers:

There is a road along the Chuisky tract ... There was such a road, it will be and is. And she will call someone else, lure.

Who knew him

Can't come

Who saw -

He can't come

The recording of the song “There is a road along the Chuisky tract” sounds.

So, the scenario and director's plan of this event is presented in Table 3.1

Table 3.1 Scenario-director's plan of the evening

List of events


Period of execution

Collection of material for the script, its processing

Script writing, development of the director's concept, selection of musical accompaniment

With the help of teachers

June-July, 2014

Props preparation

Specialists of the Motherland Library

Reading room decoration

Specialists of the Motherland Library

Carrying out the event on time

Specialists of the Rodinskaya Library, teachers and students

Scenario and director's idea of ​​the evening dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of V.M. Shukshin.

Theme: love for the Small Motherland, creativity.

Idea: development of patriotism, love for the native land, acquaintance with the life of a famous countryman, active and interesting leisure, communication with peers.

Scenario and director's move: to activate the audience, such techniques as appeal, invitation, creative and performing techniques (poetry reading, acting) are used.

Type of montage: the montage is based on the alternation of the following episodes: stories about the life of V.M. Shukshin are replaced by reading poetry, dramatizations, showing photographs, everything ends with listening to a song from the movie.

During the event, such means of ideological and emotional expressiveness are used as musical accompaniment, game props, living word, scenery, decoration, etc.

Thus, 3 library specialists were involved in the evening dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of V.M. Shukshin. The event was held in the reading room of the library.

Duration: from 16-00 to 18-30.

Thus, the scenario and director's decision of the evening dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of V.M. Shukshin, is designed to solve the main tasks within the framework of the “Native Land” Program of the MMKUK “Rodinsky District Library”, namely, to diversify the leisure of the younger generation, to interest them in an active and interesting pastime, to enable children and adolescents to show individual freedom and creativity, and, most importantly, to form the value orientations of the younger generation in modern conditions by referring to the spiritual, historical and creative heritage of the native land.

4. Additional activity

As I have already mentioned, the main activity of the MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" is the organization of recreation and entertainment, culture and sports, the activities of libraries, archives, club-type institutions.

Meanwhile, the library has the right to carry out other types of activities (including income-generating ones):

Provide interlibrary loan services;

Engage in the preparation and compilation of scenario and methodological materials for holding holidays and other social order events in organizations and institutions, more than the main activities;

Preparation and holding of mass events for social order, more than the main activities;

Perform computer typing;

Make photocopies of documents from the library collections for educational and other purposes;

Engage in compiling lists, references, catalogs of documents that make up the library fund;

Print the text of the document at the request of the user;

Provide Internet access services and the ability to work on a computer both independently and with the help of a consultant;

Engage in binding and restoration of documents and books;

Engage in the creation of multimedia presentations and other digital projects for the social order, over and above the main activities;

To produce lamination and stitching of documents for the social order, above the main activities;

Implement penalties in relation to violators of the rules for using the library.

Thus, MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" can carry out the following types of additional (paid) library and information services: preparation of a bibliographic list of references on the topic of the customer; compilation of factographic, information and analytical reports; lecturing; contractual maintenance of user groups; copying services; communication services, etc.


Based on the study conducted by the MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library", we can summarize:

In the course of work practice, the following legal acts were studied, namely, the Federal Law of December 29, 1994 No. 78-FZ “On Library Science”; Law of the Altai Territory dated April 10, 2007 No. 22-ЗС (as amended on December 31, 2013) “On librarianship in the Altai Territory”; Decree of the Collegium of the Altai Territory Administration for Culture dated October 30, 2008 No. 10 “On Approval of the Model Standard for the Activities of the Municipal Public Library of the Altai Territory”;

It was found out that the organizational structure of the MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" was built according to the linear-staff principle, the job descriptions of specialists, the activities of the departments of the institution were studied;

Along with card catalogs and card indexes, the electronic catalog of the library fund was studied, namely, bibliographic, full-text, factual databases;

Also, a scenario and director's decision was developed for the evening dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of V.M. Shukshin, designed to solve the main task within the framework of the "Native Land" Program of the MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" to form the value orientations of the younger generation in modern conditions by referring to the spiritual, historical and creative heritage of the native land;

It was found that MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" can carry out the following types of additional (paid) library and information services: preparation of a bibliographic list of references on the topic of the customer; compilation of factographic, information and analytical reports; lecturing; contractual maintenance of user groups; copying services; communication services, etc.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that despite the systematic and effective work of the library staff in the field of development of children and youth, the MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library" needs to take the following measures to improve and develop its activities (to which, first of all, close attention should be paid Administration of the Rodinsky district - the founder of the library):

Improvement of material and technical equipment, capital repairs of the building, improvement of software;

The most complete acquisition of the library fund;

Financial motivation of library staff, since, unfortunately, in the rural areas of the Altai Territory, there is a decline in the prestige of the profession of a librarian and a shortage of personnel due to rather low wages.

Thus, special attention should be paid to the personnel management of the MMKUK "Rodinsky District Library", in turn, its main tasks should be:

Creation of motivational incentives and working conditions that focus on the development of personnel;

Ensuring constant updating of the professional level of the staff;

Formation of a strong corporate culture of the staff;

Implementation of a strategic approach to the formation of human resources of the library;

Implementation of innovations in management practice.

List of sources used

1. Federal Law of December 29, 1994 No. 78-FZ “On Librarianship” // Consultant Plus Legal Reference System: / Consultant Plus Company. Last updated 11/01/2014.

2. Law of the Altai Territory dated April 10, 2007 No. 22-ZS (as amended on December 31, 2013) “On librarianship in the Altai Territory” // Consultant Plus Legal Reference System: / Consultant Plus Company. Last updated 11/01/2014.

3. Decree of the Collegium of the Altai Territory Administration for Culture dated October 30, 2008 No. 10 “On Approval of the Model Standard for the Activities of the Municipal Public Library of the Altai Territory” // Consultant Plus Legal Reference System: / Consultant Plus Company. Last updated 11/01/2014.

4. Vokhrysheva M.M. Theory of bibliography: textbook. allowance / M.G. Vokhryshev. - Samara: SGAKI Publishing House, 2009. - 368 p.

5. Dvorkina M.Ya. Library and information activities: theoretical foundations and features of development in the traditional and electronic environment. - M.: Infra-M, 2009. - 256 p.

6. Drygailo V.G. Fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor in the library: textbook.-method. allowance / V. G. Drygailo. - M.: Liberea-Bibinform, 2011. - 424 p.

7. Zharkov A.D. Technology of cultural and leisure activities of the library: teaching aid. - M.: Delo, 2010. - 240 p.

8. Zharkova L.S. Methodology for organizing the work of the library in the field of social and cultural activities: a scientific and practical guide / L.S. Zharkov. - M.: Litera, 2009. - 111 p.

9. Klyuev V.K. Marketing orientation of library and information activities: (Marketing in the library management system): Proc. allowance / V.K. Klyuev, E.M. Yastrebova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Profizdat, Publishing House of MGUKI, 2011. - 143 p.

10. Kogotkov D.Ya. Bibliographic activity of the library: organization, management, technology: textbook / D. Ya. Kogotkov; scientific ed. dr. ped. Sciences G. V. Mikheev; under total ed. Dr. ped. Sciences O. P. Korshunova. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2010. - 304 p.

11. Kuzmin E. Library Russia: a new paradigm / E. Kuzmin. - M.: Profession, 2010. - 105 p.

12. Public state and municipal libraries of the Altai Territory in 2011: Sat. stat. and analyt. materials on the state of the bibl. spheres / comp. L.A. Medvedeva, T.A. Startseva; ed. T.V. Smelov. - Barnaul: RIO AKUNB, 2012. - 128 p.

13. Parshukova G.B. Strategic design of library activities / G.B. Parshukov. - Siberian Regional Center for Continuous Education. - Novosibirsk, 2012. - 110 p.

14. Pashin A.I. Library as a socio-cultural system: management issues: teaching aid / Pashin A.I. - M.: Liberea-Bibinform, 2012. - 216 p.

15. Rudich L.I. Management of the socio-cultural sphere. Basic technologies / L.I. Rudich. Kemerovo: Kuzbass vuzizdat, 2009. 268 p.

16. Reference book of the bibliographer / scientific. ed. A. N. Vaneev, V. A. Minkina. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2010. - 592 p.

17. Directory of rural librarian / Alt. Regional Univ. scientific b-ka them. V.Ya. Shishkov; comp. L.A. Medvedeva, T.A. Startsev. - Barnaul: RIO AKUNB, 2010. - 144 p.

18. Suslova I.M. Fundamentals of library management: Study.-pract. allowance. M.: Liberea, 2010. - 232 p.

Hosted on


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6.1. Fulfilling the most important mission to ensure free access to knowledge, information and cultural values, the municipal libraries of the Voznesensky district focus their activities on meeting the diverse interests and needs of the population of their rural settlements.

The work of libraries on the organization of cultural, leisure, educational activities is traditionally carried out in accordance with the calendar of significant and memorable dates and socio-political events. Libraries held events dedicated to important socially significant dates and events in the life of our country and the world community, anniversaries of famous writers were celebrated. In carrying out all these events, the main task of libraries is not forgotten - the promotion of books and reading.

6.2. Program and design activities of libraries

The program-targeted activities of the libraries of the MBU “VTsBS” contributed to attracting new readers, the development of library and information services for the population of the Voznesensky district, as well as the social demand for libraries and library resources.

In 2017, MBU "Voznesensk Centralized Library System" worked on the implementation of the following projects and programs:

"Live thread" project for 2015 - 2017 Bakhtyzinskaya SB

Long-term specialized project "Let's enter the world of books together "(2015-2017) Bakhtyzinskaya SB

"LIFE" (2017) a project aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle. central Library

"Let me touch your heart with your heart" (2016-2017) a comprehensive program for the rehabilitation of the disabled, the Central Library

"My land, a drop of Russia" (2016-2018) Naryshkinskaya SB

"Folk crafts and crafts of the village" (2017-2020) Polkh-Maidanskaya SB

"The path to revival" (2016-2018) Kriushinsky village library

"Time, book, school, me" (2016-2018) Sar-Maidan rural library

6.3. Civic-patriotic education

The issues of education of patriotism and respect for the history of the Fatherland were the main ones in the activities of the libraries of the MBU "VTsBS". Public events, book exhibitions, creative exhibitions are the most effective forms of attracting the attention of readers that libraries have used in their work. Spectacular information was well perceived by the audience, encouraged many people to turn to literary primary sources, and improved the image of the library. By socially significant dates: Victory Day, Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repressions, Unity Day and others, 205 events were held, 2647 people were present.

In January, discussions, lessons, hours of courage dedicated to

- besieged Leningrad. The librarians prepared stories about the war, about the blockade, about the courage and dedication of the inhabitants of the city on the Neva. So on January 27, a lesson of courage was held in the Novoselskaya rural library “There was a city front, there was a blockade”,

The lesson of courage "Unconquered Leningrad" was held on January 27 by the employees of the Central Bank. Students of the 1st year of the technical school were shown a film about the ice "road of life" and a military chronicle "900 days of courage". The book exhibition “WAR. BLOCKADE. LENINGRAD”, where documentary, fiction, poetry, letters and illustrations are presented.

- memory of the Battle of Stalingrad. Young people were presented with the exhibition "The Battle of Stalingrad in Literature", the presentation "The Battle of Stalingrad".

On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, a decade of the military-patriotic book "The Book as a Memory of the War" was held. On February 20, employees of the Central Bank with students of the Regional Diversified Technical School held a lesson in patriotism "Russian military prowess".

Paying tribute to those who showed the highest strength of mind, selflessness, heroism, performing combat duty in Afghanistan, on February 22, an event dedicated to the 28th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was held in the Motyzlei village library - an hour of history "Afghanistan in our memory".

On the occasion of the 775th anniversary of the battle on Lake Peipus, a lesson of courage “And there was a battle” was held in the Bakhtyzin Security Council. The story about the heroic events of 1242 was accompanied by an electronic presentation, fragments of video films.

On the eve of the May 9 holiday, dedicated to the Victory Day, a cycle of joint events was held in all libraries of the district: rallies and wreath-laying at the memorial to fallen soldiers; the action “We must not forget these heroes”: distribution of booklets “Your feat will live for centuries” (Heroes-compatriots), presentation of the St. George ribbon; Action "Immortal Regiment".

On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Great Russian Revolution of 1917, a cycle of events was launched in the libraries, the purpose of which is to maintain and develop interest in the history of the country, instill a sense of patriotism and respect for the great achievements and worthy pages of the past of our Motherland. An overview of the book exhibition-dispute "Great October in Our History" with historical and fiction literature about the events of the early 20th century and their consequences was presented to users of the Central Library.

On September 4, as part of the “Under the Sign of Alarm” action dedicated to the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism, the librarians of the Central Library held an information hour “Terrorism is a threat to humanity”.

On the Day of the Unknown Soldier, the employees of the Central Library for 1st year students of the regional multidisciplinary technical school held a memory lesson "No one goes into oblivion ...".

In order to attract readers' attention to the history of our country and the role of Russia in the world historical process, library staff have prepared a series of book exhibitions: "On the Front Roads"; exhibition-excursion “Era and faces. 1812"; "In unity is our strength"; "Great October in our history"; “There are names, and there are such dates”, etc.

6.4. Promotion of the book and reading.

Advertising libraries and popularizing reading is an integral part of the work of librarians. The activities of libraries to promote reading are yielding results: by disclosing the funds of their libraries, librarians help to maintain the interest of readers in the work of writers, in the traditions of world literature, thereby raising the prestige of the book.

Libraries are actively developing the Internet space in order to promote reading, information and library services, as well as advertising the library as a cultural institution. The Central Library has its own official website, portal, group and community in Odnoklassniki.

Libraries have accumulated rich experience in popularizing books and reading, and are actively using both traditional and new forms and methods of work. In the arsenal of proven tools: conducting information reviews and recommendatory conversations, literary games and quizzes, literary and musical compositions.

On January 24, employees of the Central Bank's service department reviewed the rating of the most anticipated books of 2017 "Book and youth of the XXI century", and also presented an information dossier with free electronic library sites.

On February 21, in honor of the celebration of the International Mother Language Day, librarians and students of the technical school discussed the problems of eco-linguistics in the conversation-reflection "Ecology of the Word": the use of jargon, swear words, unreasonable borrowing of foreign words, a decrease in the general literacy of the population.

Libraries hold cycles of events to popularize classical literature, for example, on anniversaries of writers and poets. So, on January 25, on the birthday of the poet V. Vysotsky, an evening of memory "I will certainly return ..." was held in the Sarma rural library. For some young people, this evening was the discovery of a new name, a new look at poetry, a new attitude to life.

On February 2, young men and women took part in the literary and game quiz "Classics-interlocutor", prepared by the Sumorye rural library.

On February 26, the literary cafe “That's who they call a genius” based on the work of V. Hugo was opened in the Sarmina rural library.

March 1st is World Read Aloud Day. Libraries of the district for the first time took part in the campaign "Read together, read aloud!". Loud readings were held throughout the day. Libraries and other organized venues featured the best works of writers - from classics to modern times.

Evening-thinking "French Lessons" - Life Lessons "based on the work of V. Rasputin, held in the Kriushinsky rural library on March 21.

On March 23, in the reading room of the Ascension Library, the 2nd stage of the regional competition of readers "Live Classics" was held.

On April 22, the libraries of the district took part in the all-Russian action in support of reading "Library Night-2017". The theme of this year's action is "New Reading: There are names, and there are such dates", dedicated to writers and books - anniversaries of 2017. That evening, the halls of the libraries turned into theater salons and karaoke cafes. Workshops and quest games were organized at various venues.

On May 15, the Week of Readings started with the exhibition-rating “A Book for Everyone and for All Times”. The exhibition presents books for home reading, for organizing interesting joint leisure activities for children and adults.

On June 5, on the eve of the Day of the Russian Language and the birthday of A. S. Pushkin, a cultural action Literary Night “His Pen Breathes with Love” was held in the Voznesenskaya Central Library. The subscription included an exhibition-portrait (A. S. Pushkin) “The Sun of Russian Poetry”, an exhibition-installation “At the Seaside”. In the reading room, those present were fascinated by the virtual tour "Journey through Pushkin's places." Fun and enthusiasm were added by team games in the literary assortment "Whoever reads a lot knows a lot." In the final block “Open Microphone”, the participants of the action against the background of the presentation “Destinations of the love lyrics of A. S. Pushkin” read excerpts from the works of their favorite poet “Talisman”, “I loved you ...”, “Madonna”, “I remember a wonderful moment ... " and etc.

6.5. Spiritual and moral education and enlightenment.

Spiritual and moral education is also one of the priorities in the work of libraries in the Voznesensky district. And this is not accidental, because the moral development in a person is connected with his spiritual development. The work of the district libraries was built within the framework of the comprehensive educational program "Blessed Land of Voznesenskaya 2016-2020". Our partners in this work are employees of the local history museum, cultural centers, school teachers, and clergy. The interaction of libraries with the church, educational institutions develops into close fruitful cooperation based on mutual understanding and awareness of common tasks in the field of spiritual and moral education.

On the eve of the holidays: Tatyana's Day and the Day of Russian Students On January 24, employees of the Central Bank held an information kaleidoscope "The patroness of Russian students - Tatyana."

Librarians always take an active part in the celebration of Orthodox Book Day, prepare and conduct many educational events. The libraries have prepared exhibitions and hours of Orthodox books, video lessons and presentations of books.

For example, on March 14, an hour of Orthodoxy “The Living Word of Spiritual Wisdom” was held in the Bakhtyzin rural library. The hour of kindness “Rise for goodness” was held in the Polkh-Maidanskaya rural library. On March 15, a lesson in Orthodoxy "Spiritual Fortress" was held for students of the regional multidisciplinary technical school.

In the reading room of the Central Bank for library users, an information review “For good through the word” was held on the history of the establishment of the holiday and the history of printing. Within the framework of the decade, the library displayed an exhibition of Orthodox publications "The Secret World of Orthodoxy".

Events dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture are designed to demonstrate the importance of the Russian language and literature, the richness and traditions of Slavic culture. So, in memory of the creation of the Slavic alphabet by the Thessalonica brothers Cyril and Methodius, the holiday “Slavic Heritage!” was held in the Sarma rural library. The following events were organized for library users: spirituality lesson “Slavic Primal Teachers” (Sumorievskaya SB); lesson of kindness and love "Miracle of fidelity" (Naryshkinskaya SB); conversation “With a book on the roads of childhood” (Kriushinsky Security Council); educational program "Memorial Day of Cyril and Methodius" (Sar-Maidanskaya Sat), etc.

As part of the action "Az - the Light of the World", the Central Library, together with the Ascension Deanery, held an educational hour "To the Origins of Russian Orthodoxy".

The Central Library regularly hosts workshops organized by the Voznesensky Deanery and the Vyksa Diocese for the clergy of rural churches. An Orthodox lecture hall for adults was organized.

Libraries pay great attention to the revival of folk customs, rituals and holidays.

On January 13, in the reading room of the Central Bank, the library staff held Christmas gatherings called "The Bright Holiday of Christmas", where readers and members of the "Garden, Vegetable Garden" club gathered. The guests were presented with an electronic presentation "Christmas goes around the world", where they could get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating Christmas in different countries of the world.

In the libraries of the MBU "VTsBS" interesting events are held to organize family leisure and revive the traditions of family reading. As part of the week of readings "Family Reading Parade" on May 18, the mothers of the village met in the reading room of the Central Library. A conversation-workshop "Family traditions - family reading" was held with them.

On the eve of the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Blessed Peter and Fevronia and the All-Russian Day of Family and Fidelity on July 7, a regional event was held. The Central Library was one of the organizers of the Orthodox holiday "God bless the family - the crown of creation."

In the decade “Let's warm each other with a kind word”, librarians of the Central Bank organized a literary and musical program “Hurry up to start the day with kindness” for orphans who were left without parental care, as well as those with a disability group.

Book and illustrative exhibitions attract the attention of readers to literature of spiritual content, classical literature, to the best examples of folk art: “And this is a miracle - the New Year!”; "Madame Maslenitsa!"; exhibition-installation "Easter chime"; "The Light of Orthodoxy", etc.

As part of the XI Christmas educational readings “1917 - 2017: Lessons of the century. History is an image of the future in the mirror of the past” since January 3, the book exhibition “Outstanding people of Russia of the 20th century” has functioned in the central library.

6.6. Ecological education and education of the population

Environmental education of the population has firmly taken its place among the important and relevant activities of the library. What we do today determines what our planet will be like in the future.

2017 was declared the Year of Ecology by the Decree of the President of Russia. (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On holding the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation" dated January 5, 2016 N 7)

In pursuance of the decree, the seminar "Ecological education and environmental problems: the role of libraries" was held at the Central Bank. The main objective of this seminar is to improve the activities of the libraries of the Voznesensky district in the formation of the ecological consciousness of the population, through the creation and accumulation of resources on environmental topics in libraries. All structural subdivisions of the CBS received a methodological manual “Learn. Understand. Save."

The opening of the Year of Ecology began with a big holiday "Let's say yes" to our planet Earth", which brought together workers of culture, education, and creative people of the region. The theme of the events held for youth is varied. Especially often used are such forms of work as ecology hours, information hours, disputes, etc.

On April 14, 2017, within the framework of the International Day of Environmental Knowledge, the central library held an hour of environmental knowledge "Environmental problems of our time". The following events were held in the libraries: ecological hour “There is one planet named Earth for all” (Sumoryevskaya SB); ecological health evening "Harmony of the World and Nature" (Polkh-Maidanskaya Sat); informative conversation "Blue decoration of the earth" (Motyzleyskaya SB), etc.

On April 27, on the Day of Remembrance of those killed in radiation accidents and catastrophes, an information hour "Chernobyl - an echo of the nuclear age" was held for students of the regional multidisciplinary technical school. The information hour "Chernobyl: a look through the years" is organized for users of the Naryshkino rural library; an ecological lesson "Chernobyl - an echo of the nuclear age" was held in the Butakovskaya rural library, etc.

On the month of environmental education of the population “We have only one Earth” and on the occasion of World Environment Day, the employees of the Central Library held a debate “How we see our planet”.

On the occasion of the World Animal Protection Day, the eco-tribune “Red Book of the Nizhny Novgorod Region” was designed and enjoyed success in the reading room, on the occasion of the World Forest Day, the exhibition-call “To love, appreciate and protect!”

In the Year of Ecology, environmental campaigns were held under different names: “Let's make the village flourish”; "A flower bed is a flower kaleidoscope"; “We are cleaning the world”, “We are for a clean village”, etc.

On April 12, Voznesensky District joined the international environmental action "March of Parks". Eco-landings took place throughout the region.

On December 19, at the solemn closing ceremony of the Year of Ecology, the Central Library presented a summary report on environmental activities carried out by various institutions and structural divisions of the administration of the Voznesensky municipal district. The report was accompanied by a display of a media album. In general, 152 events were held at the MBU "VTsBS", 2373 participants were involved.

6.7. Activities in support of agricultural production and the development of personal subsidiary plots

The work of the MBU "VTsBS" to help agricultural production and the development of personal subsidiary plots is mainly aimed at fans of household plots. This is evidenced by the results of the activities of libraries, presented by book and illustrative exhibitions and events of a different nature.

One of the conditions for effective work in this direction is the availability in the libraries of the fund, especially periodicals (“Plant farming”, “Selskaya nov”, “Peasant”, “Flower gardens”, “Hunting and hunting economy”) that meet the information needs of readers.

Libraries have created and constantly replenished thematic folders with collections of materials from periodicals. Libraries carry out group informing of users. Sections of SCS are regularly replenished, we publish the bulletin "New Books".

For several years now, the employees of the Central Library, together with the employees of the RDK, have been conducting classes in the club "Garden - Garden". The residents of the village have the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people, share experiences, learn new things. For owners of personal subsidiary farms, almost all libraries organized seasonal exhibitions-tips: “Phytotherapy” of the Central Bank; "Homestead" (Kriushinskaya SB); "Language of science and technology" (Naryshkinskaya SB); “Whether in the garden, in the garden” (Novoselskaya SB), etc.

On September 27, the presentation of the exhibition took place in the reading room with a tasting of healing drinks and herbal tea from herbs, berries and fruits. A booklet "There is a healing power in herbs and flowers" with recommendations for brewing therapeutic and prophylactic drinks is proposed.

The collection of agricultural literature is morally obsolete, acquisitions on agricultural topics in the Central Library are extremely limited, and practically absent in the branches. However, there are also positive aspects. Even in the face of such an information deficit, the library staff of the district find new forms of bibliographic services for users, actively master computer technologies, strive to make the most of all the possibilities, showing outstanding creative abilities. We widely use Internet resources for individual and group information.

6.8. Formation of a healthy lifestyle

In MBU "VTsBS" work on the prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking among schoolchildren and students is consistent and systematic. With a large information base and experience in mass work to promote a healthy lifestyle, prevent drug addiction, libraries are planning to organize book exhibitions and library events.

The work of the Central Bank with young people was carried out within the framework of its own project on the prevention of drug addiction, alcohol, tobacco addiction and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle "LIFE - we wish to have a healthy nation!" for 2017

On March 21, as part of the Nizhny Novgorod anti-drug campaign “We choose life!” in the reading room of the central library, a lecture hall "The price of dependence is life" was held with the participation of students of the Regional Diversified Technical School. The following events were held in rural libraries: information hour “Sweet Trap” (Alamasovskaya SB); conversation "Don't break your destiny" (Butakovskaya Security Council); an hour of reflection “We say “NO” to bad habits” (Motyzlei Sat); health hour “We are for the fight against bad habits” (Sar-Maidanskaya Sat), etc.

On April 7, within the framework of the World Health Day, an action “Create your own health” was held in the libraries of the district. The motto of the action was the words "Do not give in to depression, go in for sports!". Exhibitions of information materials were launched in the libraries, where books on a healthy lifestyle, sports, and proper nutrition were presented.

On May 30, within the framework of the international anti-smoking campaign - "World No Tobacco Day", librarians of the Voznesenskaya Central Library held a conversation with students about the dangers of smoking "Life without fog". On May 31, a role-playing game "Trial of Alcohol and Tobacco" was held in the Alamasov Library; conversation-dialogue "No way to hell" was held in the Novoselskaya library.

On June 29, on the occasion of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, the Voznesenskaya Central Library held a talk “Red Summer – Safe Summer”. The positive action "Hobby against drugs" for young people was held in the Naryshkinskaya Security Council; shock - the lesson "It's dangerous - do not take risks in vain" was held in Blagodatovskaya Security Council, etc.

On September 11, on the occasion of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety, the MBU "VTsBS" hosted the action "Live actively! Think positive!". As part of the action, the employees of the Central Bank of the Library held a conversation - a discussion "Landmark - a healthy lifestyle."

Sobriety hour "Alcohol: Personality and Health" for high school students was held in Bakhtyzinskaya Sat; an hour of information “I choose sobriety” was held in the Sumoryevskaya Security Council and others.

As part of the II stage of the interdepartmental complex operational and preventive operation "Children of Russia", a conversation was held at the Central Bank about bad habits "Temptation of Curiosity".

From November 1 to December 1, a decade of prevention of "AIDS, drug addiction, alcoholism "Know so as not to be mistaken" was held.

Libraries organize exhibitions of thematic literature: “AIDS is not a myth, but a reality” (CB); "The Road to Nowhere" (Butakovskaya SB); "Beware of AIDS"

(Varnaevskaya SB); "An ominous shadow over the world" (Kriushinskaya SB), etc.

On December 1, a preventive conversation “Know so as not to be mistaken” was held with young people. A set of measures was also carried out to increase the motivation of the population for a healthy lifestyle, the need for sports.

On March 30, on the eve of World Health Day, a conference of members of the Health club was held in the reading room of the central library.

On June 24, on the eve of the International Olympic Games, sports events were held in almost all libraries of the region. So the information-sports cross "Energy of Victories" was held by the employees of the Central Bank.

On July 20, in the reading room of the central library for the International Chess Day, a positive action "Hobby against addiction" was held. Human health is the most important value of life and depends on many factors. MBU "VTsBS" chooses a modern approach to solving this problem. Along with active education in the prevention of various types of addictions, library activities are aimed at teaching safe behavior for health.

6.9. Youth work

One of the priorities at MBU "VTsBS" is information and library services for youth and adolescents, where the most interesting, relevant forms of work are used: disputes, theme evenings, round tables, exhibitions, conversations, recommendation lists, reviews of new books are compiled. At the service of young readers are not only books and magazines, but also the Internet, e-mail, legal consulting systems.

One of the most demanded forms of work with the youth audience is holding library campaigns in support of reading. The most successful and massive events in the libraries of the region were: the All-Russian action "Library Night", the Literary Night "His pen breathes love", the All-Russian action "Night of the Arts".

For more information, see the section Libraries Working to Promote Reading.

As part of the celebration of the Great Victory, work with youth on patriotic education has intensified.

A lesson of patriotism was held at the Central Bank for high school students “Spring is coming in victorious May; hour of courage “Let's people not forget the heroic deed of fellow countrymen” (Sumorievskaya Security Council); Courage Lesson War. Victory. Memory "(Alamasovskaya SB); memory lesson “Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal” (Novoselskaya SB); the conversation "There is a war in victorious May" (Polkh-Maidanskaya Security Council), etc.

For more details, see the section "Civil-Patriotic Education"

Much attention is paid to the spiritual and moral education of young people. Such events are often held in conjunction with the Ascension Deanery.

On the eve of the holidays: Tatyana's Day and Russian Students' Day in January, library staff held: information kaleidoscope "Patron of Russian students - Tatyana" of the Central Bank; game-conversation "Tatyana's day" (Sar-Maidanskaya SB); an hour of communication “She was called Tatyana” (Polkh-Maidansaya SB); game program "Tatiana's Day - Student's Day" (Kriushinskaya SB), etc.

On March 15, a lesson in Orthodoxy "Spiritual Fortress" was held for students of the regional multidisciplinary technical school.

For more details, see the section "Spiritual and moral education and enlightenment".

One of the leading areas of work of the Central Library of the Voznesensky District last year was the formation of a healthy lifestyle for the population and the prevention of drug addiction. On March 21, as part of the Nizhny Novgorod anti-drug campaign “We choose life!” in the reading room of the central library, a lecture hall "The price of dependence is life" was held. There was a viewing and discussion of the film "Lesson against drugs".

On April 7, as part of the World Health Day, the action "Create your own health" was held in the libraries of the district.

From November 1 to December 1, a decade of prevention of "AIDS, drug addiction, alcoholism "Know so as not to be mistaken" was held. In all libraries, exhibitions of thematic literature “AIDS is not a myth, but a reality” are organized, information booklets “Your behavior is your health!”

For more details, see the section "Formation of a healthy lifestyle"

A large amount of work on the prevention of drug addiction, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, carried out by the library, not only forms clear anti-drug guidelines, but also contributes to the organization of a system of developing leisure for the population, attracts a large number of people, especially young people, to a healthy lifestyle, contributes to the development of spiritual and moral values and ideals.

6.10. Library Services for People with Disabilities

An important task of libraries is to help socially unprotected groups of users adapt to society, ensure the development of their creative abilities, provide the necessary information, and introduce them to books and cultural life. On the official website of the MBU "VTsBS" there is a version for the visually impaired.

The site has become more convenient for perception, and viewing content is more understandable.

During the reporting year, 493 people with disabilities used the services of libraries. Readers with vision problems - 2 people. For those who, due to their physical condition, are not able to visit the library on their own, books were brought home. Home service was organized for 283 readers, visits - 2177, book lending amounted to 4663 copies.

A lot of work is being done to organize interesting, rich leisure activities for the elderly, which contributes to their familiarization with culture, reading, and self-realization of creative potential. In the reading room of the Central Bank, a book exhibition "The world around is accessible to everyone" for the visually impaired has been arranged. These are books with enlarged type, books with embossed dot type.

On January 7, on a holiday, a meeting of chess lovers “Checkmate” took place.

The festive competitive game program “Come on, grandmothers” was held on March 6 in the reading room of the Central Library. The pensioners' clubs "Golden Autumn" and "Garden, Vegetable Garden" were invited to participate in the program.

The day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War is declared the Day of Memory and Sorrow. On this day, June 22, the action "We will not forget, we will not forget" was held in the libraries of the district.

Library staff held: a conversation-remembrance "Remember the life of those who defended ..." (CB); hour of memory "Remember this day" (Sumoryevskaya Sat); memory lesson "Memory, which is not oblivion" (Naryshkinskaya SB); memorial day "Immortal memory of the war" (Sarma Security Council), etc.

On the eve of World Health Day, a conference of members of the Health club was held in the reading room of the central library. Information and sports cross "Energy of Victories" (on the International Olympic Day)

Librarians, together with social workers, organize events within the framework of the campaign “Joy enters the house with a book” - home visits to people with disabilities. In a special library service are people who have vision problems - the blind and visually impaired. According to the concluded agreement on cooperation with NGOUNB for servicing blind and visually impaired citizens, 3 orders were made for literature on MBA.

MBU "VTSBS" created a comfortable psychological environment for the elderly, people with disabilities. Information and leisure activities contribute to the adaptation of people with special needs not only in the library space, but also in society as a whole.

6.11. Cultural and leisure activities

One of the most popular forms of communication in the library, which contributes to the unification of people of different ages and professions, is the work of interest clubs. Their activities cover a wide variety of areas of library work. In total, there are 16 interest clubs operating at the libraries. Of these, 6 for youth and youth.

As part of the association, literary hours are held to help the school curriculum. Classes for high school students:

On February 2, the literary hour "Great of the galaxy of French romantics" was dedicated to the 215th anniversary of the birth of the remarkable French poet, writer Victor-Marie Hugo.

On March 28, within the framework of the week of children's and youth books "The Land of Reading Childhood", a literary dialogue "Lessons of Courage and Kindness by Valentin Rasputin.

On April 10, the next lesson of the club "Inspiration" was held. Literary and musical composition "My friends beautiful features ..." was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding poetess of the 20th century Bella Akhmadulina, Soviet and Russian poetess, writer and translator.

On August 7, an erudite cruise “Following the Traditions of Great Britain” was held to mark the 125th anniversary of the book “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” by C. Doyle.

September 12 to the 200th anniversary of A. K. Tolstoy; Alexey Tolstoy. His time, life and poetry. "Muse of the Silver Age" literary promenade for the 125th anniversary of the birth of Marina Tsvetaeva; "Book and youth of the XXI century" review of modern literature for the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students, etc.

Since 1994, the literary poetic association “Live, Spring!” has continued to work, created with the aim of uniting amateur poets, promoting their work and identifying new talents.

Since 2017 is the Year of Ecology, the first meeting of the literary lounge “Eternal beauty enchants the soul…”, which took place on February 14, was dedicated to nature, as well as to the day of memory of A.S. Pushkin.

On October 3, 2017, the members of the "Live, spring" club met in the "Autumn Mood" literary lounge. Poets shared new poems dedicated to the beauty of autumn nature.

The Young Voter Club “Civic Position” continues to operate on the basis of the PCLI for youth

6.12. Application of non-stationary forms of service helps to solve the problems of differentiated service to readers, more complete satisfaction of reader requests and attracting the population to use the library. Non-stationary form of service covered 876 people (2016 - 525 hours).

Services are provided by 91 booksellers.

Included in the practice of libraries service at home (most often veterans, disabled people). They are offered magazines, newspapers, as well as books that they can order in advance. The local newspaper Nasha Zhizn is very popular among them. In the reporting year, 374 people were served at home by librarians, 502 by booksellers (social workers and volunteers).

IBA services were used by 3 users, at the request of which 34 books were ordered.

6.13. Promotion of libraries and library services

In 2017, MBU "VTsBS" took part in a number of actions aimed at promoting reading, forming a positive image of a reading person, advertising books and libraries: the All-Russian action "Library Night", the Literary Night "His pen breathes love", the All-Russian action "Night of the Arts" .

For this purpose, on the Day of Knowledge - September 1, the employees of the central library held a PR campaign "Advertising leaf fall".

The advertising activity of the library is an active participation in the organization and holding of regional events: the opening of the year of ecology, the Day of the village, the Loginovo local history readings, the regional gathering of young book lovers, as well as in organizing and conducting advertising campaigns of a social nature: related to environmental protection, election campaigns, prevention AIDS, the fight against alcoholism, tobacco smoking and drug addiction, etc.

Publishing is also an important area in the work of libraries and is multifaceted. Publishing products are created on current topics of the year, support all areas of library activities, contribute to the positive image of the library, solving the problems of attracting readers and activating reading.

In order to promote reading, information and library services, as well as advertising libraries, we are actively developing the Internet space. We provide information about our activities (announcements, press releases, post-releases with photographic material) to the websites of the Ministry of Culture of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the district administration, as well as through publication on the website pages. The site address is posted on all library products, along with other library imprints.

Libraries also announce events on Kultura.rf, the Russian cultural heritage portal, and on the popular network Odnoklassniki.

Rural library - a library located on the territory of a rural settlement.

Rural area - settlements on the territory of which activities related to the production and processing of agricultural products predominate.

The work of the library in the countryside has its own pronounced specifics, the rural library, both public and school, is much weaker in material terms, etc., however, it is designed to solve the same tasks that are faced by libraries operating in the city, and therefore, they can build their work on the same model.

As Antonenko S.A. writes, “In modern Russian library science, there are various approaches to determining the functions of libraries, divided into internal (technological) and external (social). Internal functions are essential, regardless of the historical period and the conditions for the existence of libraries, they remain unchanged” (4, p.26). According to A.V. Sokolov, the number of social functions is not limited, they are secondary and aimed at meeting the needs of society (47, p. 4). According to A.I. Pashin, the social functions of libraries are manifested in specific historical conditions, and their content depends on the tasks that society solves (42, p.34).

The list of social functions of the library is extensive. According to S.A. Antonenko, it is the external functions that should interest us when studying the rural library as an agent of the socio-cultural development of the village (4, p. 28). Let us turn to the analysis of their content in a historical retrospective.

From the middle of the XIX century. The educational function is manifested in the library service of the rural population of Russia. The public library during this period was seen as a source of spiritual food for the people. The reader found in it answers to questions of interest to him, developed a worldview, and finally, simply rested behind a book from daytime worries. The book distracted a person from bad society, helped to keep from drunkenness and prevent crimes. The public library was one of the most effective means of educating the people (34, p. 24).

At the end of XIX - beginning of XX century. the rural library acted as an integral part of the educational process, a social institution that has a significant impact on the cultural atmosphere of the village, the closest partner of the school, which together with it forms the educational space of the village. Thus, she realized the educational function.

In the pre-revolutionary and in the first years after the revolution, many libraries, including rural ones, actively participated in political life (37, p. 44). After 1917, it became natural to assign to the rural library such a function as propaganda. Analysis of articles from the journal "Red Librarian" for the period 1925-1941. clearly demonstrates the priority of this function. In the 1920s-1930s. N.K. often published in the journal. Krupskaya. She considered library work an important sector of socialist construction, and the rural library a militant educational organization in the countryside, designed to help overcome its economic and cultural backwardness. The library participated in the liquidation of the illiteracy of the people. Among the main activities of rural libraries are overcoming the cultural and economic backwardness of the village, organizing the leisure of the villagers, participating in cooperative educational propaganda, etc. (32, p. 29).

Publications in the "Red Librarian" of the period of the 1930s - early 1940s. give reason to point out such functions of the rural library as political and educational, cultural and educational, leisure and educational. The rural library became the political and educational body in the countryside. Libraries were entrusted with the task of helping the collective farmers to become on a par with the leading workers. The need for cultural and educational work was emphasized. People turned to the village library not only for a book, a newspaper, a magazine, “they also come here for information, for advice, to check government bonds, to write an application, and the librarian tries to help everyone.” During these years, the rural librarian was a collectivist, contributing to the development of collective farms "through the organization of red corners, reading rooms." Libraries taught how to fight for the harvest in a Bolshevik way, promoted the introduction of the best examples of work, raising the culture of production, rationalizing the technological process, and improving the organization of labor. The libraries created "a cultural environment in which collective farmers could engage in self-education, culturally relax with a book." Cult trips in 1930-1934 helped to educate millions of peasants.

In the 1950s-1960s. the work of the rural library was aimed at solving the problems facing the country: the restoration of the destroyed village after the war, the emergence of state farms, the development of new lands. The description of the activities of rural libraries in the journal "Librarian" in these years does not contain the rationale for any new social functions. The role of libraries in the rise of the working masses for the restoration of the national economy of the country is noted (in fact, propaganda and political and educational functions); the role of the rural library in organizing the cultural leisure of the population (cultural, educational and leisure functions) is emphasized.

In the 1970s-1980s. the socio-cultural sphere of the Soviet countryside has undergone changes. Comfortable residential buildings, consumer service complexes, shopping centers, first-aid posts, schools, kindergartens, sports halls, stadiums, houses of culture with branches of art schools, public museums and even art galleries - these were the central estates of collective farms and state farms (3, p. thirty). The introduction of industrial technologies helped to turn peasant labor into a kind of industrial one. The cultural level of the inhabitants has increased, their socio-cultural interests and needs have become more diverse. At the same time, the village library continued to be regarded as a "combat assistant to the party organization in the countryside"; the propaganda function was transformed into an ideological or ideological-educational function. The tasks of the rural library were: the formation of an active life position, civic maturity, political culture of rural residents; assistance in the transformation of a conscious communist attitude to work into the norm for every worker. Leisure, cultural, educational, educational functions were recognized as relevant. Justified and such a function as information. The rural library was supposed to acquaint its readers with the latest achievements of science and technology, to promote the introduction of scientific and technological progress in agriculture (16, p. 2).

At the beginning of the XXI century. the list of social functions of rural libraries continued to grow. Among the functions of rural libraries in the publications of various authors, educational, leisure, entertainment, self-education, cultural and educational, memorial, local history, museum, as well as the function of social assistance to the population are noted.

The modern village is going through a process of changing the social structure and the entire social image.

T.I. Zaslavskaya, characterizing the social structure of the modern village, writes that a significant part of rural residents are beginning to comprehend the basics of a market economy, a social group is being formed that has the ability to survive in a competitive environment. More and more people are guided by the individualistic model of social development (24, p.54). The social structure of the village has not yet been formed, but one can point to such strata as the political and economic elite, large and medium-sized entrepreneurs; middle layer - farmers, private sector managers, part of the creative intelligentsia; the base layer is the majority of people in mental professions (teachers, doctors, cultural workers), workers in the sphere of trade and services, etc.; the bottom layer is the least qualified workers and employees, pensioners, the disabled, internally displaced persons, persons without a profession, chronically unemployed, mothers with many children; marginal groups of the rural population - alcoholics, beggars (24, p. 55)

Today, the functions of a rural library are determined by the development needs of all aspects of the local community. Such well-known functions as informational, educational, cultural and leisure continue to play an important role. To identify new social functions, it is necessary to analyze the rural library as an element of the socio-cultural environment of the village in all the diversity of its structural ties. The principle of the relevance of the activities of the library to its external environment should be decisive in determining the tasks of a particular library.

As an example of the functions of rural libraries, illustrating the needs of the modern village as a local society, one can name local history, as well as the functions of social support and consolidation.

Local history has always been one of the traditional areas of work of the state library, even the concept of “library local history” has been formed.

Local history function - the activities of the rural library to study the nature, population, economy, history and culture of their settlement. The presence of such a function is proved by the existence of scientific works of rural librarians in the form of unpublished documents, articles in scientific journals and collections, participation in scientific conferences of various levels.

The local history work of each library is very diverse, each library has its own face, finds its own “zest”, direction, etc.

In general, in the local history activities of libraries, including rural ones, the following areas can be distinguished:

  • - study of the history of the emergence of its own library and libraries of the region;
  • - studying the history of your settlement;
  • - study of the pedigree of representatives of the local community, compilation of the genealogy of childbirth.

It is clear that in a real study these areas can be intertwined and combined.

The second direction of local history work of a rural library - the study of the history of their settlement - is carried out by almost every rural library.

Many rural libraries are doing a very serious job of studying their small motherland. People want to feel like the true owners of the village, to know their history, to preserve national-ethnic, natural-geographical, cultural-historical, linguistic traditions, etc. (29, p.51)

Thus, rural libraries are creating their own mini-museums, ethnographic corners, folk archives. On this material, work is carried out on the patriotic education of the younger generation.

Educational activities in the field of local history find expression in various forms: the creation of clubs, the organization of local history corners at the library, the discussion of local history books, evening meetings with writers, local historians, interesting people, fellow countrymen who have reached certain peaks in life, as well as holding quizzes and competitions for the best connoisseur of the region, travel games, local history readings, village holidays, etc.

The function of social support is to provide library facilities with all forms of support for villagers in overcoming the difficulties of life. Assistance in the preparation of documents for the elderly to receive social benefits, search for information on the possibilities of material support for low-income families, assistance in the social adaptation of migrants - all these are forms of implementing such a function.

The consolidation function is perhaps one of the most requested and specific to the modern rural library. Consolidation is understood as strengthening, strengthening something; unification, rallying of individuals, groups, organizations to strengthen the struggle for common goals. The rural library today is often the only socio-cultural institution that promotes communication and rapprochement of the villagers, uniting different social status and nationality segments of the population on the basis of the implementation of common tasks.

The modern rural library, on the one hand, develops in the conditions of local self-government, and on the other hand, it becomes a subject of local self-government, capable of helping its development. Now many libraries are trying to organize their activities in such a way that the local community would see a partner in the library, which can be very useful in solving social problems.

Based on this, the main directions of the work of a modern rural library, as well as the forms of providing information and the range of services are determined by priority user groups, their information needs, as well as the needs of local governments.

The rural library is today a link with the system of libraries of the region, region, country, and finally the world, helping local residents to overcome informational and psychological isolation. From generation to generation people come to the rural library with their needs and requests, in the rural library the inner world of every villager and the cultural spirit of the village itself, the entire society are formed.

The inclusion of a rural library in the process of building a local community is a completely natural situation. The local community cannot do without a library. The school remains the most closely connected with the library; it is these social institutions that form the educational space in the field ().

Traditionally, the rural library has always paid considerable attention not only to teachers, but also to other representatives of the rural intelligentsia - doctors, rural specialists, managers, etc.

However, it should be noted that the information needs of these groups of library users have also changed markedly recently, and there is a strong desire for self-education in various fields of knowledge.

Changes in the economic conditions of work in the countryside, the emergence of a multistructural structure, various forms of ownership and management have led to the fact that, in addition to purely special, technological issues, rural specialists (physicians, entrepreneurs, etc.) have become interested in the economic and legal aspects of their professional activities.

The peculiarity of the work of the rural library - close, everyday contact with the inhabitants of the village - allows you to constantly refine and deepen the request and maximize the individualization of information. In addition, under these conditions, the librarian is able to give the so-called. "preemptive information" that appeared at his disposal.

A special place among the users of the rural library today is occupied by the so-called. managers.

This group includes rural akims, economic leaders, etc. These people have to solve a wide range of economic, social, socio-cultural, legal, environmental and other issues, which requires constant work with legislative documents, tracking the necessary information in periodicals, etc. Solving personnel problems, resolving conflict situations in production requires knowledge of psychology and management. It is also necessary to know the experience of local self-government in other regions of the country and abroad.

Managers need information of a permanent nature, both analytical and factual.

It should be noted that the degree of usefulness of the library to the management staff will necessarily affect their attitude to the needs of the library itself. Only by constantly proving its usefulness to the rural community, the library has the right to count on its support.

Farmers and entrepreneurs have become a significant readership group in the countryside.

Farmers are people of various social strata. Among them there are both indigenous villagers and townspeople who moved to the village. All of them need self-education.

Objectively, the need for new knowledge is especially experienced by people who, having their own small household, kept it "the old fashioned way", never turned to the library, production information. Having become farmers, they feel the need for more thorough training in production, legal and economic issues.

Understanding their situation, the rural librarian can form in these people a strong interest in self-educational reading, in the library.

A study of the situation shows that often good, mutually beneficial relations develop between them and rural structures (including the school and the library): the library tries to fulfill their requests, first of all, of course, business ones, and they provide sponsorship to the library, for example, pay for a subscription periodicals, purchase of new literature, purchase of equipment and software, etc.

The rural library is also trying to provide its services to part-time students, who are many among rural specialists and graduates of rural schools.

The library tries to select the necessary literature to complete the educational task, provide information about the available bibliographic sources, etc. The possibility of educational assistance to part-time students increases many times, even if a small library has a computer and a modem, thanks to which it can access information and document resources of large domestic libraries and world information centers, order an electronic copy of a necessary article or even an entire book.

Today, there are quite a lot of unemployed people among the villagers.

Among them are people of pre-retirement age and young people. It is the library, using all its capabilities, that can give them the most comprehensive and complete data on the possibilities of education, retraining, the availability of jobs, both in the region and beyond, about employment for the summer period, in their free time, for part-time working day, as well as the conditions for obtaining an early pension, the rules for registering as an unemployed person and his rights, etc. In the library, they can find out how and where to take an aptitude test, as well as what official legislative documents they can rely on when looking for a job.

As a rule, pensioners, veterans, and the disabled make up a significant group of rural library users.

These people especially need the help of the library. They are concerned about issues of pension provision, medical, household and social services, changes in pension legislation, and the provision on rights and benefits. They also need legal information, books on fishing and canning, and magazines, for example, Peasant Woman, Your 6 Acres, etc. The rural library, working with these groups of readers, performs not only an informational, but also a social function.

The rural library, working in a closed socio-cultural environment, with a permanent readership, knowing its not only informational, but also social needs, and being the most socially stable and information-rich institution, cannot but help its users. In practice, this is often implemented in the following way: along with the book, the librarian brings home to the disabled person the medicine bought for him, and sometimes food (24, p. 58).

Many libraries are deeply aware of this new function of theirs and have developed special programs such as Charity and the Book.

One of the most important tasks of the library working in the village is the information and cultural saturation of the leisure of rural residents. Visiting the library gives people the opportunity to communicate, which is extremely important in the conditions of the village, where there are no other opportunities (cinemas, restaurants, theatre, museum and even, often, a club). The library becomes the "living room of the community," as American librarians say. It is known that now the library has remained, in fact, the only cultural center that works for free. Despite all the difficulties, circles, interest clubs, lecture halls, etc. are actively working on the basis of many rural and school libraries.

One of the most important tasks of the library working in the village is the information and cultural saturation of the leisure of rural residents. Visiting the library gives people the opportunity to communicate, which is extremely important in the conditions of the village, where there are no other opportunities (cinemas, restaurants, theatre, museum and even, often, a club).

The role of a comforter, a calmer, that is, a relaxation function, has increased the demand for rural libraries in recent post-reform years.

The library becomes the "living room of the community," as American librarians say. It is known that now the library has remained, in fact, the only cultural center that works for free. Despite all the difficulties, circles, interest clubs, etc. are actively working on the basis of many rural and school libraries.

Organization of evenings, competitions, amateur concerts and theatrical performances, etc. often arranged by the library in conjunction with the club and school libraries. This work requires both great organizational efforts and certain theoretical preparation: familiarity with methodological developments, scenarios, etc.

Help for student youth. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this area of ​​work of the rural library. Famous words of Academician D.S. Likhachev that “library is the foundation of culture” means that both the culture of society as a whole and the culture of each individual member of it are based on this foundation: as studies show, it is books and reading that form a spiritually mature, educated and socially valuable person .

The opportunity to "lean" on this foundation - the library - is especially important, of course, for young people. It is necessary that young people, students, especially those living in rural areas, where the cultural infrastructure is not rich, could receive the necessary information, help, advice in the library.

On the other hand, the library's attention to students and youth largely determines the future life of the village, the possibility of its development, both economic and social.

The help of the library for young students today is not only in its help in mastering educational subjects, but it also manifests itself in a wider context.

Today, library services are interpreted by specialists as an activity that contributes to the successful entry of an individual into society, helps in solving the main problems of a given period of life, i.e. in socialization.

This allows us to consider library services as an activity that helps to increase the level of social security of a young person, which is determined by the value of the information available to the library; and also as a means of “strengthening” the personality, increasing its capabilities and potentialities.

The readers of this group themselves consider the library, first of all, as a source of obtaining information necessary in the process of education and obtaining a profession, as a place for comfortable communication with peers, as an opportunity to receive help from a qualified and friendly librarian in solving many life and everyday issues.

That is, the library, including, of course, the rural one, acts today as the most important institution of socialization, operating in conditions where the influence of traditional institutions of socialization (for example, the family) has noticeably weakened. This trend in rural areas is only increasing. Obviously, the work of the library should be closely linked with the work of the school.

Taking into account the current situation and the needs of users, the library today is trying to build its work based on the parameters of the so-called "information-educational" and "socializing" model.

The information and educational model was formed under the influence of the general informatization of society, the introduction (although not as decisive as we would like) of computer technology into the real life of the library, which opened up great opportunities for it. The formation of this model also proceeded under the influence of a change in the ideology and philosophy of library services, the library's awareness of its generic qualities: first of all, as a cumulator of knowledge, a collector (and holder) of information.

The library can also establish public relations to promote a healthy lifestyle for young people, protection from drugs, alcohol, AIDS, etc. young family, etc.

It should be noted that, while meaningfully revealing each of the stages of socialization of the individual, the library should be, according to Yu.P. Markova, free from political and any other conjuncture, fashion. It should stand on the position of morality, decency, morality, not be tempted by supposedly "advanced" views on life values. Such a “conservative” position of the library is due, in its opinion, primarily to the generic features of the book as a form of printing that prevails in its funds, as an accumulator of established social experience.

By preserving traditional values ​​and rallying users around itself, the rural library will be able to contribute to the stabilization of the moral climate in the local society.

The services provided by the library, including the rural one in the course of serving the student youth, are very diverse.

Most clearly in the activities of libraries are services for the organization of communication. In many libraries, especially school libraries, including rural schools, there are clubs, for example, the Young Historian's Club, the Science Fiction Lovers' Club, etc. Video clubs have appeared in some rural libraries, which significantly change the library atmosphere and library environment.

In the process of library services for the rural population, a significant place is occupied by current information services, when the library constantly provides information on an issue of interest to someone: a subject teacher, a school principal, a household director, an entrepreneur, etc. A number of rural libraries constantly publish informational lists of new literature (as a rule, quarterly), bulletins of novelties ("News of publishing houses", "Read in magazines", etc.).

Individual service is widely practiced in the practice of the rural library. Knowing well the problems of the villagers, the librarian can provide ongoing or occasional assistance, for example, inform about a newly acquired book, select lists of books and articles on the topic, carry out preliminary information, etc., i.e. provide operational reference and bibliographic services.

As a rule, those to whom the rural library provides individual information (including legal) support include the head of the farm, top-level specialists (chief livestock specialist, chief agronomist, etc.), school director, entrepreneurs, etc., depending on real situation in the countryside. The library can provide them with thematic, factual, personal and other references.

In addition, legal information libraries offer comprehensive services that combine bibliographic, analytical and documentary information.

In general, the resources at the disposal of legal information centers at fairly large libraries allow us to offer users the following range of services:

  • - search for legal acts in electronic databases;
  • - providing information on the display for a brief introduction;
  • - issuance of a certificate of the place and time of publication of the document;
  • - thematic information;
  • - providing the text of the document;
  • -transfer of information to paper and magnetic media;
  • -search for legal and legal literature in the electronic catalog of the library;
  • - acceptance of orders for the search for a legal act by phone, fax, e-mail;
  • - selection of legislative acts on the requested topic;
  • - implementation of all types of references: factual, bibliographic, annotated, analytical;
  • - provision of periodicals for temporary use;
  • - provision of audio and video materials with lectures on jurisprudence by leading teachers of Moscow universities;
  • - provision of legal information on CD-ROM;
  • - scanning;
  • - computer translation of the text from/into a foreign language;
  • - access to legal Internet sites;
  • - photocopying and printouts of legal acts in black and white and color;
  • - prompt informing about new arrivals;
  • -reservation of the publication for a specific user;
  • - provision of electronic disks coming to the library as an attachment to books and magazines
  • - "night subscription";
  • - opening of "mailboxes" of e-mail;
  • - legal advice;
  • - compiling lists of references for term papers and diploma papers;
  • - advising on the search for legal information;
  • - provision of sample forms of standard documents (contracts, complaints, etc.);
  • - advising on independent work with the legal bases "Lawyer", "Law";
  • - quick search in the presence of the customer;
  • - current address references;
  • - retrospective search;
  • - formation of a package of documents at the request of the user;
  • - provision of details of legal services;
  • - provision of text and spreadsheet editors;
  • - search for information on pre-order;
  • - provision of a PC for independent work;
  • - creation of a title page for written works;
  • - creating ads;
  • - printout from a floppy disk, etc. (35, p.38)

Of course, small rural libraries are unable to provide all these services. However, it is very important that rural librarians be aware of these opportunities and orient their users towards them.

The importance of the problem of legal education attracts the attention of local media to the activities of legal centers. Here, too, the contacts are mutually beneficial. On the one hand, representatives of the local newspaper, radio, etc. they themselves can get the necessary information in the center, for example, on copyright issues, on the other hand, the activities of the legal center are covered in their publications.

Thus, by providing legal assistance to the population, the library also contributes to the formation of local self-government. This area of ​​activity of libraries, which was formed relatively recently, is quite clearly manifested in the experience of rural libraries.

The above list of functions is not exhaustive. The study of the social functions of a modern rural library should be carried out on the basis of a systematic approach, through the analysis of the socio-cultural space of the village as an environment for the functioning of the library. Such a study involves the active involvement of data from representative sociological and cultural studies of the modern village and has great scientific potential for enriching domestic library science.

Thus, a modern library operating in the countryside, regardless of its type and type, covers with its activities, in fact, all social groups of the villagers, helping them solve their numerous educational and self-educational problems, which fully meets the requirements for public libraries, provided by the International Library Association (IFLA).