Open events in primary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Organization of extracurricular activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Teachers of the school, carrying out education, rely, of course, on the natural forces of development, try to focus on the ultimate goal of education, which involves preparing the graduate for entry into society.

The task of education in the understanding of the pupil lies in the positive attitude of the student to the requirements of the educator, in the adequate behavior of the graduate, in the ability to communicate, integrate into the society of people who accept its norms, laws, morality.

One of the features of education is that any behavioral act is formed slowly and with difficulty. The first condition for its formation is the patience of an adult, his tact. The act is the result of the combined efforts of children and educators. Even more difficult is the generalization of behavioral acts, their transfer even to a similar situation, not to mention a different situation, new to the child. It must be specially taught to transfer previous knowledge, experience to other situations that life is so rich in. You can't rely on spontaneity.

Pedagogical practice shows once again that the verbal form of education is not very effective. Verbal flows are only partially perceived by our wards. Part of the words slides on the surface of consciousness, the other part passes by the student. The specified features of the teacher, educators should be taken into account in the process of preparing and conducting extra-curricular educational activities, classes. The role of the word is not rejected, it is reinforced by demonstrations, exercises, actions, modeling of various life situations in which students take an active part. Accessible content, moderate in all respects, excluding quantitative and qualitative overloads, includes role-playing games, dialogic speech. Certain requirements are also imposed on the duration of the event, the number of its participants. Excessive duration negatively affects the quality of the event, provokes fatigue of everyone, loss of interest in it.

Teachers should strive for the correct implementation of the principle of visibility, which encourages children to make statements, verbal reactions. Each event held affirms something new, expands the boundaries of knowledge, provides intellectual activity. The elements of novelty and competition included in it make it attractive. Everything is done taking into account the capabilities, abilities, interests, inclinations, requests of children, their age, typological characteristics.

In the proposed activities, there is a cognitive, correctional, social, communicative and, of course, educational orientation.

Educational work in the classroom must be carried out continuously, systematically and consistently, in parallel with the educational process, in accordance with the activities of the school-wide plan for educational work in the classroom in the following areas: sanitary and hygienic, civil and patriotic, legal, environmental, physical, economic, moral, social domestic, aesthetic. Each of them is important in its own way.

The presented developments of extra-curricular activities from the experience of the teachers of our site, they were successfully tested, were accepted by the children and had a positive response from both students and their parents.

I would like to believe that the materials of the manual will be used and creatively implemented by colleagues.

Extracurricular activities for younger students

Scenario of staging the Spanish folk tale "The Magician's Apprentice" in elementary schoolAuthor: Changian Asya Sergeevna, teacher-organizer, teacher of additional education, MU DO "Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth of the Voroshilovsky District of the City of Volgograd". Description of the material: The script for staging the Spanish folk tale "The Magician's Apprentice" was developed for schools and institutions of additional education for elementary school students. It is aimed at the spiritual and moral education of students ...

Author: Changian Asya Sergeevna, teacher-organizer, teacher of additional education, MU DO "Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth of the Voroshilovsky District of the City of Volgograd". Description of the material: The script for staging the Caucasian fairy tale "Sheydulla the Lazy" was developed for schools and institutions of additional education for elementary school students. Aimed at the spiritual and moral education of students and the development of their acting abilities. The Caucasian fairy tale "Sheydulla the lazy" It sounds like a beautiful Caucasian ...

Negative emotions and ways of expressing them ”The purpose of the lesson: to teach a variety of ways to express negative emotions. Tasks: - to help the child understand how anger accumulates in a person and how it then, breaking out, can injure others, and even the person himself; - activate the sensory channels of perception so that the child can see, feel, “hear”, irritation and anger, and thus better understand their nature and meaning; - show and teach children safe sports...

Scenario of the event for the Day of Cosmonautics for primary school students "Star hour" Purpose: to introduce the children to the holiday dedicated to April 12 "Cosmonautics Day". Tasks: - to acquaint children with the history of space exploration and with the first cosmonauts; - to instill interest in the study of space and the history of astronautics; - to cultivate a sense of patriotism and citizenship. Equipment: accessories for competitions. The course of the holiday “Let's not envy the people of the future. Of course, they will be very lucky ...

Scenario of the event for March 8 for elementary grades “Our girls are the best!” Purpose: to acquaint the children with the holiday dedicated to March 8, International Women's Day. Tasks: - to form knowledge about the holiday on March 8, to enrich children's knowledge about the world of plants; - develop thinking, emotionality and attention, promote the development of curiosity; - foster a sense of camaraderie, joy; Equipment: multimedia equipment, accessories for competitions, presentation. The course of the holiday...

The script of the literary living room for schoolchildren of the 1st grade "Meet the heroes of Eduard Uspensky" for preschoolers, first graders. Author: Lutkovskaya Viktoria Alexandrovna, head of the branch, MUK "TsSDB Yaroslavl", children's library-branch No. 5, leisure center "Zhuravlik". The material will be useful to educators, teachers, librarians. Event for preschoolers, students of the 1st grade. Aimed at introducing children to the work of E. Uspensky. Purpose: to encourage reading, to introduce...

An event for junior schoolchildren on the environmental theme "Journey to the Kingdom of Nature"Author: Zubar Olga Andreevna, head of the educational and methodological office of the state educational institution "Center for Creativity of Children and Youth of the Novobelitsky District of Gomel" Description: The material is intended for junior schoolchildren, is of interest to preschool teachers, elementary school teachers, additional education teachers and can be used in environmental education classes.

The game is a quiz for 2nd grade students. Russian folklore "Riddles, proverbs and sayings" Objectives: Personal: creating conditions for the readiness of children to feel and understand the general meaning in proverbs and sayings; to attach to the riches of the national language, to educate culture work on the formation of moral values ​​in children; Subject: show students how people appear in riddles, proverbs, sayings ...

Conversation for students in grades 4-5. Children's reading in Ancient Russia Purpose: Personal: To acquaint with the origins of Old Russian literature To draw up a picture of the development of Old Russian literature for children. Development of students' cognitive interest in ancient Russian literature. Consolidation of educational material in literature lessons. Equipment: Multimedia, Presentation. Presenter's lecture: In 988. Christianity was adopted, which led to a wider spread of writing. For...

Abstract of a class hour in elementary school (Grade 3) on the topic "Why does a person need a mirror?" Description: This material is useful for primary school teachers, for educators. Purpose: to educate children in goodwill, respect for each other. Tasks: 1. promote team building; 2. motivate children to do good deeds; 3. reveal the concept of "beauty" from different angles, consider the meaning of the mirror; 4. to form moral and value orientations. Equipment: theater screen...

An entertainment program for elementary school children "The Holiday of Princes and Princesses". Scenario The work contains the development of an extracurricular activity (entertainment competitive program) for younger students. Such an event can be held in the third academic quarter to congratulate boys and girls on the holidays. You can also use the material for a celebration at a school camp. Objectives: - to promote the formation of a close-knit friendly classroom team; - develop skills...

Extracurricular educational event in grade 1 "Let's sit side by side and talk in a friendly manner" Purpose: to spend interesting leisure time. Hostess 1 Hello, dear guests, welcome guests! Here for you, for dear guests, there will be a big holiday, a joyful holiday! The hostess 2 On the rubble, in the room Or on the logs of which Gathered gatherings of the elderly and the young. Whether they sat by the torch, Or under the bright sky - They spoke, they sang songs And they danced. And we will lead a round dance "Meeting". I...

Scenario of the competitive and educational program for the Defender of the Fatherland Day for elementary grades "Heroic Fun"Slide 1. Presenter: Hello, dear friends. We are glad to see you in this festive hall. And we gathered for a reason. Today, on the eve of the holiday, Defenders of the Fatherland Day, we honor our dear defenders: all those who protect our country - our grandfathers, uncles, dads, and, of course, our boys. From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate all of you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you to be well...

Educational and entertaining event on the environmental theme "Journey to the Kingdom of Nature" for younger schoolchildrenAuthor: Zubar Olga Andreevna, head of the educational and methodological office of the state educational institution "Creativity Center for Children and Youth of the Novobelitsky District of Gomel" Description: The material is of interest to preschool teachers , elementary school teachers, teachers of additional education, can be used at environmental events at ...

Planning extracurricular activities

1-4 grades



Sports and recreation

general intellectual

general cultural


Spiritual and moral


Week 1

event title

Conversation. "Attention - children!" (SDA).

Competition "Who is faster"

Class hour "300 years of the Nizhny Novgorod province"

Quiz "If

You are polite"

Solemn line "Knowledge Day"

Watching the film "Nizhny Novgorod Province"

Photo exhibition "Parental home - the beginning of the beginnings"


2 weeks

event title

Class hour "My road from home to school, from school to home."

Practical lesson "Mode of the day"

Excursion to the station of Young naturalists

Campaign "Cinema for a healthy lifestyle"

Waste paper collection

Drawing competition "Attention, fire!"

The game "The world of my fantasies"


3 week

event title

Conversation "How to avoid injuries at school, at home and on the street"

Game "Me and my health"

Business game "How do I know the Constitution of the Russian Federation"

Literary hour "Introduction to the fables of I. Krylov

Swap Shoes Raid

Class hour "Let's learn to live together."

Master class "Making paper dolls"


4 week

event title

Practical lesson "Why do we need vitamins?"

Literary quiz based on the book by Odoevsky "Town in a snuffbox"

Conversation: "Appearance is the key to success"

Competition of fairy tales "Magic Hours"

Excursion to the Exhibition Hall "Exotic Fish"

Training evacuation

Class hour "How do you value your time?"




Sports and recreation

general intellectual

general cultural


Spiritual and moral


Week 1

event title

health day

Class hour "Charter of the school - the law of our life."

Congratulations for grandparents. Making gifts with your own hands.

Participation in the preparation of the concert for Teacher's Day

Conversation "My work assignments in the classroom and at home"

Historical digression "What is rich and famous for our region."

Conversation "The wisdom of folk proverbs and sayings about work"


2 weeks

event title

Mini football competition

Quiz in mathematics "I want to know everything."

Quiz "Interesting account"

Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials "Colors of autumn".

Training "My good deeds"

Campaign "For the health and safety of our children"

Class hour "The secret always becomes clear"


3 week

event title

Health center visit

Campaign "For the safety and health of our children"

Quiz in Russian "I want to know everything"

Conversation "What were the schools like before?"

Class hour "Be neat, clean, neat."

Decade of the elderly

Literary hour "Dedicated to the memory of A. Gaidar!"


4 week

event title

Class hour "Proper nutrition is the key to health."

Family Spartakiad

Quiz on literary reading "I want to know everything."

Visiting the Youth Theater

Drawing competition "Attention, road"

Family skill competition "Come on, grandmothers!"

Essay competition "My teacher is the best!"




Sports and recreation

general intellectual

general cultural


Spiritual and moral


Week 1

event title

Practical lesson "How to eat" (food hygiene)

The game"Happy Starts"

Participation in the competition "Russian Bear"

Presentation "Home Machines of the 21st Century"

Classroom hour

"Mothers Day"

Textbook safety raid.

Practical exercise "My phone rang." Telephone rules.


2 weeks

event title

Practical lesson “What is porridge made of? How to make porridge delicious?

Game "Student on the move"

Literary quiz based on the works of E. Uspensky

Participation in the photo exhibition "I am for a healthy lifestyle"

Class hour "Week of kindness"

Legal game "Who am I? What are we? (everyone is equal in their rights)

Conversation "Politeness is needed?"


3 week

event title

Participation in the action "I choose sport as an alternative to addictions"

Meeting with high school students who are actively involved in sports.

Intellectual game in mathematics "Clever and clever"

Class hour "Homework and how we treat them."

Promotion "Hand in hand"

Social orientation. economic game

Competition of songs and poems "To be lazy is not good!".


4 week

event title

Class hour “Measures of safe behavior on ice-covered reservoirs. Methods of self-rescue.

Campaign "I choose sport as an alternative to bad habits"

Quiz on the book "The Adventures of a Prehistoric Boy"

Participation in the festival of art TV-va "All trades out of boredom"

Photo exhibition "My favorite toy"

Literary hour L. Panteleev. Honest (discussion)




Sports and recreation

general intellectual

general cultural


Spiritual and moral


Week 1

event title

Conversation on traffic rules "On the streets of our city"

Game-journey "In the science city".

Conversation "There are no comrades for the taste and color."

Viewing and discussion of video clips "ERALASH".

Unified class hour "I choose life"

Historical digression "Lunch is bad if there is no bread."

KTD"Where does the Motherland begin?"


2 weeks

event title

Conversation "Fireworks and firecrackers, what is the danger."

"Game library" learning outdoor games.

Class hour "Feelings ... What do we know about them?"

Participation in the competition "New Year's serpentine"

Operation Feeder

Literary hour of V. Oseev Magic word. (discussion)

Campaign "I am a citizen"


3 week

event title

Practical lesson "First aid for frostbite."

Conversation"Great athletes of my country and the world"

Class hour "Constitution Day"

Learning Russian games, songs, fun.

Campaign "Decorate our Christmas tree"

Historical digression "Russian traditions in song, games, fun."

Competition "Creative Christmas Tree"


4 week

event title

Competition "I want to be healthy"

Operation Vacation

Practical lesson “Winter phenomena. December 22 is the winter solstice.

Visiting the Youth Theater

Campaign "I am a citizen"

Competition program "Minute of Glory".

Class hour "How did you celebrate the New Year many years ago?"




Sports and recreation

general intellectual

general cultural


Spiritual and moral


Week 1

event title

Conversation “To not be afraid of the flu. brothers, you need to be tempered

Presentation"Sport in my family"

Game-journey "Forest dangers"

Conversation "Rules of conduct at the festive table"

Questionnaire "Who is your friend?" (regulations


Campaign "Be attentive to a friend"

Conversation "Give people joy with good deeds"


2 weeks

event title

Class hour "What should you eat if you want to become stronger?"

Fortress game

Participation in Gaidar Week

Conversation "School etiquette".

Competition "Family Album"

Campaign "Let's make our class cozy"

Competition of readers "Hello, winter-winter!"


3 week

event title

Practical lesson "Where to find vitamins in winter?"

Drawing competition "I draw the world"

Literary hour "What are dictionaries"

Class hour "What can a handkerchief do?"

Campaign "Feed the birds"

Participation in the competition "Family Album"

Exhibition of drawings "My favorite land"


4 week

event title

Participation in the school game "Zarnitsa"

The game "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family"

The game "Friendly, not heavy, but apart, at least drop it" (about the family)

Exhibition of drawings "Winter fun".

Class hour "My future profession"

Business game "With the law on you!"

Conversation "Strong friendship will not break .."




Sports and recreation

general intellectual

general cultural


Spiritual and moral


Week 1

event title

Conversation “Caution, icicles! Attention, thin ice!

Practical lesson “The human body. Organ system".

The game "Everything has its place"

Classroom hour« A culture of mental work in the classroom and at home.

KTD"Family for Brownie Kuzi"

Historical digression "Winter in the life of our ancestors."

Feast of cleaners.


2 weeks

event title

Fun starts "Dad, mom, I am a sports family"

Congratulations on Valentine's Day.

Making Valentines.

Preparation of newspapers and congratulations for the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland

Class hour "Good word".

Presentation "My school is the best"

Lessons of Kindness "Learning to understand each other's feelings"


3 week

event title

The game "Forward to new records"

Game "I want to be healthy"

Quiz based on the works of P. Bazhov.

Class hour "Glory to the Russian army."

Exhibition of drawings for the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Historical digression "How were our ancestors treated?"

Game "Affectionate Name"


4 week

event title

health day

Merry starts "Mom and dad, sports and family"

Class hour "All work is good."

Musical journey. P. Tchaikovsky. Children's album.

Legal week "Kind word"

Sports and entertainment hour. "In a healthy body healthy mind".

Conversation "Friendship comes first"




Sports and recreation

general intellectual

general cultural


Spiritual and moral


Week 1

event title

Health center visit

Conversation "Take care of your teeth from a young age"

Class hour "Our school bears his name."

Competition of drawings for the works of M. Gorky

Conversation "How to dress?"

Campaign "We will transplant indoor plants"

Historical excursion "Madame Shrovetide". (Horseback riding)


2 weeks

event title

Conversation "Be careful on the roads."

Conversation "Care of hands and feet"

A trip to the planetarium (Cosmonautics Day)

Visit to the museum of A. Gaidar

Photo contest "Early Spring"

Making gifts for mothers.

Class hour "I choose a profession"


3 week

event title

Conversation "Temper if you want to be healthy"

Operation Vacation

Holiday "Congratulations to our mothers."

Conversation "Diary - the face of a schoolboy"

Amateur art show

Operation "Alarm Clock"

Quiz "In harmony with nature."


4 week

event title

Class hour "Food is the basis of life."

Interview with a pediatrician"Clean hands, body - feel free to take on any business"

Conversation "Slavic alphabet"

Conversation "Requirements for pedestrians and drivers"

Practice "Help yourself"

(How to learn lessons easily)

Lessons of Kindness "How to deal with stubbornness?"

Conversation "Learning to speak politely"




Sports and recreation

general intellectual

general cultural


Spiritual and moral


Week 1

event title

Class hour "For a healthy lifestyle"

Excursion "Spring changes".

Historical digression “Games in the life of A.P. Gaidar"

Day of laughter.

"Make a friend laugh"

Promotion "Birdhouse"

Photo exhibition "Favorite parents"

Presentation "The street where I live."


2 weeks

event title

Conversation "What dangers lie in wait for us at home and on the street."

Class hour "Flight to the stars."

Participation in the school and city competition "Fantasy and Creativity"

KVN "This is the glorious name of Pushkin."

Historical excursion "Feast of Easter".


3 week

event title

The game "We are against!"

Drawing competition "We are against!"

The game "Lucky case".

Conversation "Tolerance - what is it?"

Exhibition of drawings "Flight to the stars".

Auction "Do it yourself"

Class hour "What does it mean to be happy"


4 week

event title

Practical lesson "Where to find vitamins in the spring?"

The game "We are dodgers!"

Quiz "Do you know birds?"

Class hour "Culture of my clothes".

Conversation "My pets".

Exhibition of drawings "My favorite animal"

Business game "Kingdom of Law, Kingdom of Lawlessness".




Sports and recreation

general intellectual

general cultural


Spiritual and moral


Week 1

event title

Conversation "How not to become a victim of a criminal?"

Campaign "We choose sport"

Class hour "I remember, I'm proud"

Presentation "A friend in my life".

Promotion "Postcard to a Veteran"

Laying flowers


2 weeks

event title

Conversation "The harm of alcoholism, tobacco and drugs."

Weekend hike.

Class hour "In the club of connoisseurs."

Reading competition "WE remember you ..."

Conversation"Newspapers and magazines of our house"

Historical digression ""Four years there was a war ..."


3 week

event title

Practical exercise “If you are thirsty… What is thirst?”

World No Tobacco Day

Class hour "My favorite school subjects"

Drawing competition "Nature's unique beauty"

Waste paper collection

KTD"Learning to Enjoy Life"

Literary hour "B. Field. The last day of Matvey Kuzmin "(discussion)


4 week

event title

Operation Vacation.

Sports marathon

The game "We are visiting road signs"

Visiting the Youth Theater

Class hour "Fathers and Sons"

Conversation "The rights and obligations of each student."

Competition - exhibition "Doll - amulet"


The development of inquisitiveness, curiosity of each student, education of love for cognitive activity is an important and necessary task facing the school and the teacher. The solution of this problem is carried out both in the classroom and in extracurricular work in any subject. Subject weeks as a traditional part of extracurricular activities are familiar to any general education school. The increase in the teaching load in the classroom makes us think about how to maintain the interest of younger students in learning. An important role is given to didactic games - a modern and recognized method of education and upbringing. In conducting the subject week, the method of projects is used, which helps to activate students, to form skills.

General provisions for conducting subject weeks

  1. Subject weeks are introduced into the educational process of elementary school in order to increase interest in studying the subject of any cycle.
  2. Events held within the subject days should correspond to the goals and themes.
  3. When scheduling subject weeks are taken into account:
    • employment of all teachers
    • various forms of events
    • design of stands and cabinets
    • a clear schedule of events indicating the date, time and person responsible for the event.

Tasks of the subject week:

  • Involve all students in organizing and running the week.
  • Conduct activities in each class that promote the development of cognitive activity of students.
  • Develop students' interest in the subject being studied.
  • Contribute to the improvement of the educational level.
  • Teach children independence and creativity.
  • Increase the level of motivation for the subjects studied.

At present, the school is increasingly introducing into practice the organization scientifically-research students' activities. Every year the school holds a scientific-practical conference of schoolchildren.

For the development of children's creativity at school works 22 mugs, the range of their activities is diverse - it is theatrical, computer, dance, sports, etc.

The modern system of education can be considered as a system of social development of the individual. More and more space in it is given to active methods and means of education, such as games, competitions, holidays, contests. Famous teachers of the past and present Pestalozzi, Ushinsky, Piaget, Sukhomlinsky and others treated the game as a unique phenomenon of childhood.

« The game- not an imitation of life, this is a very serious activity that helps the child to assert himself, to fulfill himself.

Participation in the life of the class outside of school lessons is of great importance for the child. For many children, this is the main motive for attending school, as there is an opportunity to show initiative and independence, responsibility and openness.

The complexity, versatility of the goals and objectives of education requires not only the richness of the content of individual events, but also the clarity and expressiveness of organizational forms. They should be flexible, simple, helping to make the life of children joyful and interesting. It is especially important to create situations of voluntary choice by students of certain forms of extracurricular activities. The most favorite of them is the game. Difficulties are overcome in the game, energy is released; the element of competition awakens ingenuity, aims at creativity. It is important to teach children Fair play rules:

  1. Only a fair game on an equal footing, otherwise the victory is not interesting.
  2. Of course, it’s a shame when you lose, but you can’t be angry at the one whose fault, perhaps, the defeat happened.
  3. Don't gloat when others lose.
  4. If you win - rejoice, but do not be arrogant. Teach others what you know.
  5. Don't be discouraged by failures. Learn from others. If something does not work out, be patient and you will succeed.

Learning to rejoice in victories and accept defeats, gaining public speaking and improvisation skills, being carried away by searching for material for a common cause or creating a class newspaper - in this process, the cognitive activity of schoolchildren develops, the skills and abilities acquired in the classroom are consolidated.

The organization of school-wide events on the basis of the school makes it possible to use the free time of schoolchildren for creative, developmental recreation aimed at psychological rehabilitation, spiritual and physical recovery of children.

aim school-wide activities is to create conditions for the physical, intellectual and emotional recreation of children.


  • Development of the personality of each child through self-realization in the conditions of game and creative situations.
  • Development of initiative and creativity of children.
  • Education of love for the native land based on elements of folk art.
  • Promotion of healthy lifestyles.
  • Educational and educational activities;
  • Leisure activities;
  • Sports and recreation activities.

Educational activities includes the organization and holding of creative workshops, fair games, gatherings of interest. At events dedicated to winter fun, children will get acquainted with folk games and amusements, will be able to realize their energy, keep themselves in good physical shape, temper themselves and just get a charge of good mood and positive emotions.

Leisure activities involves holding various events based on the game plot: intellectual, competitive programs, musical, literary, entertainment, sports and other games and matinees.

Wellness activities ensures the organization and holding of sports and mobile events, games, outdoor walks, sports relay races and competitions.

Expected results of organizational work and implementation of the proposed activities:

  • creation of optimal conditions for the development and recreation of children;
  • creative self-realization of children;
  • formation of skills of collective and organizational activity;
  • psychological comfort and social security of each child;
  • implementation of the game plot in the activities of children.

Organization and holding of entertainment and educational events

In the organization of extracurricular activities with younger students, entertainment and educational activities are of great importance, helping children to have a good rest and unite the team. Leisure activities have the following advantages over other types of school work.

1. Communication with students can be polylogical. Such communication involves feedback from students, allows the teacher to observe the reaction of students.

2. In elementary school, children are extremely imitative. This gives the class teacher the opportunity to influence the opinion and behavior of individual students in the presence of the whole class. After all, the opinion expressed by classmates is sometimes more important than the opinion of the teacher.

3. Such events create conditions that contribute to the improvement of the effectiveness of working with the class, as well as create a natural atmosphere of communication. Entertaining and educational events should not be instructive.

When preparing an event, the class teacher must strictly follow his methods of organizing and conducting:

  1. Definition of the topic and tasks.
  2. Determining the time and place of the event.
  3. Development of a plan for the preparation and holding of such an event.
  4. Identification of the key points of the event.
  5. Determination of participants in the preparation and holding of the event.
  6. Distribution of tasks between participants and groups.
  7. Performance analysis.

In order for the activities to be interesting to all students in the class, the guys need to be introduced to their topics. Children have the right to choose which one they can participate in.

Forms of leisure activities can be very different. The choice of form depends on the age of the students, the level of development of the team, on the characteristics of the class.

In elementary school, you can use the following forms of leisure activities:

  • conversation (ethical, moral)
  • discussion (in grade 4)
  • meeting interesting people
  • quizzes in various fields of knowledge
  • theatricalization
  • interactive games
  • trainings
  • reader conferences.

Organization and holding of quizzes

Quizzes are of great importance in educational work with younger students. A quiz is a game whose purpose is to develop the cognitive sphere of students. The quiz consists of questions and answers from various fields of knowledge: science, technology, art, literature, music. Quizzes can be used both in educational work and in educational activities.

Rules for preparing quizzes

  1. Quiz topics should be relevant.
  2. Questions should be clear and understandable to students.
  3. Quiz questions should be designed for a certain age of the participants.
  4. Finding answers to questions doesn't have to be very difficult.
  5. Students should have time to prepare their answer.
  6. Quizzes must have winners.
  7. The topics of the quizzes should be determined by the students.
  8. Quizzes can be survey and thematic.

Organization and holding of a reader's conference

Reader conferences are very popular with younger students. It should be noted that not many schools consider reader conferences for younger students to be a necessary means of educational work. But teachers note that today's schoolchildren, growing up in the period of scientific and technological progress, read little. This is a very alarming symptom, which should serve as a serious reason to form an interest in reading books in children. The main goals of reading conferences are the development of students' interest in books and reading, the formation of students' reading skills, traditions and customs of reading.

Reading conferences contribute to the development of intellectual skills, outlook, cognitive interests of students, and also form a reading culture.

The sequence of preparation of the reader's conference

  1. The study of priorities in reading younger students.
  2. Determination of the theme of the conference and selection of works.
  3. Determination of the dates of the conference.
  4. Identification of issues to be discussed during the conference.
  5. Watching performances, visiting museums and exhibitions related to the theme of the reader's conference.
  6. Distribution of students into groups to participate in the conference.
  7. Analysis of the readiness of class students for the conference.
  8. Discussion of the results of the conference.

Forms of holding reader's conferences

  1. Tournament of literary heroes.
  2. Theater of theatrical miniatures.
  3. literary ring.
  4. Writer's living room.
  5. Literary holiday.

Younger students really like it if during the reader's conference they can play episodes from works, portray literary heroes. This contributes to the formation of positive emotions in children, overcoming isolation, uncertainty, the desire to open the book they have read again, and the development of students' erudition.

Guided tours at the elementary school

Collective trips to the theater, cinema, and excursions are of great importance. Such events form the worldview of students, moral and ethical culture, develop observation, influence the formation of attitudes, habits, help to choose a line of behavior.

However, unprepared and ill-conceived extracurricular activities can be immoral and even harmful. Sometimes in schools one can observe, for example, how children are forced to go to a meeting of a music lovers club. Students are not prepared for the perception of musical works. It becomes a shame for adults who bring an unprepared audience to the concert. There is no talk of positive emotions in children, nor of a benevolent atmosphere in such a situation. In order for the children to be interested in participating in events of this kind, it is necessary to adhere to the following requirements:

  • Students need to be prepared for a future trip to the theater, to the cinema and on an excursion.
  • Excursions, trips to the theater should take into account the interests of students, their tastes.
  • The age and individual characteristics of students should be taken into account.
  • Excursions should be related to the learning interests of students.
  • Each event should be analyzed by children, and the opinion of students should be taken into account when organizing subsequent viewings, trips and excursions.

New state standards - benchmarks for new results

Our school has already developed a curriculum based on the second generation standard, which is based on the priority of personal development, student-centered learning and education of students.

In the new basic plan, in contrast to the current lesson, the second half of the day is called not extracurricular, but extracurricular work, which is also included in the hours grid.

The organization of classes in the areas of extracurricular activities is an integral part of the educational process. Extracurricular activities in our school are represented by the following areas:

Sports and recreation direction represented by circles:

"Flying Ball" in order to improve health, develop the motor abilities of students.

"School of Doctors of Nature" is focused on the formation of a student's position of recognizing the value of health, a sense of responsibility for maintaining and strengthening their health, expanding knowledge and skills in a hygienic culture.

"Health Journey" in order to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Artistic and aesthetic direction presented:

Theater Studio

Purpose: to develop children's interest in special classes in the theory and history of theatrical art, to help the child express himself in communication, and then in creativity.

Art Studio "Magic Pencil" in order to reveal new abilities of students in the field of creativity.

Creative workshops "Bead" and "Samodelkin" contribute to the development of independence and the ability of students to solve creative and inventive problems

The scientific and educational direction is represented by circles:

"In the world of unknown words" and "In the Labyrinth of Numbers"

Purpose: disclosure and implementation of cognitive abilities of students.

Military-patriotic direction presented:

Club "I am a citizen of Russia" introduces a holistic elementary scientific picture of the world.

Public benefit activity represented by a circle

"Culture of work", the purpose of which is the education of thrift, responsibility, respect for work, for working people.

Project activity

Project "Kuzbass is our native land"

Target: acquaintance of students with their native land, its features. history.


  1. Gin A.A. Methods of pedagogical technique: Freedom of choice. Openness. Activity. Feedback. Ideality. A guide for the teacher. – M.: Vita-Press, 2002.
  2. Derekleeva N.I. Research activities of the class teacher at school. – M.: Verbum-M, 2000.
  3. Derekleeva N.I. Handbook of the class teacher. - M .: "Wako", 2007
  4. Reshetnikov P.E. Organization of pedagogical practice in elementary grades. – M.: GIC Vlados, 2002.
  5. Rozhkov M.I. The class leader. Teaching aid. - M .: GIC Vlados, 2001
  6. Rozhkov M.I., Baiborodova L.V. Organization of the educational process at school. – M.: GIC Vlados, 2001.

With the introduction of new standards in Russian schools, the place of extracurricular activities has radically changed, since it has received the status of an almost equal member of the educational process along with the classical curriculum. In addition, it became mandatory, which emphasized its importance in the new educational concept. One of the main tasks that extracurricular work at school was supposed to solve was the opportunity to open access to additional forms of education for primary school children who, for various reasons, could not attend sports, music, and art schools. In addition, it is the extracurricular process that makes it possible to implement the notorious individual approach to the child, giving him the right to choose classes in terms of content and form, taking into account his desires and interests.

Organization of extracurricular activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

A student who learns without desire is a bird without wings.


Legal and Regulatory Issues

  • The federal state standard of education in paragraph 16 considers extracurricular activities as a full part of the educational process along with the mandatory curriculum.

Extracurricular activities - all types of educational work that are not implemented in the form of a lesson.

  • The methodological guidance indicating the goals, content and algorithm for organizing and conducting extracurricular activities is the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2015 No. 09–3564 “On extracurricular activities and the implementation of additional general educational programs”.
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 6, 2009 N 373 "On approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard for primary general education" establishes the total number of hours of extracurricular activities at the level of primary education in the amount of up to 1350 hours.
  • Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2015 No. 81 “On Amendments No. 3 to SanPiN–10 “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Conditions and Organization of Training, Maintenance in General Educational Organizations” regulates the maximum allowable weekly load.

Please note that 10 hours is the maximum allowable weekly load, unfortunately, the lower limit is not indicated, therefore, locally, parents may encounter a situation where an educational institution plans extracurricular activities, focusing on the maximum load level, referring to the requirements of the new standard. At the same time, the letter clearly states that the school itself determines and regulates the amount of hours allotted for extracurricular activities in accordance with the features and requirements of the general education program, taking into account the interests of students and the capabilities of the educational organization, as well as the amount of funding, using both educational and vacation time.

To create optimal conditions for the harmonious development of pupils, all areas of extracurricular work should be reflected in the basic general educational program of the school, while it is important to note that the participants in educational activities, which are students, the teaching staff, as well as parents as legal representatives of children, have the right to choose directions and forms of work.

Extracurricular activities are mandatory for an educational organization and are implemented in the interests of the harmonious and comprehensive development of the student's personality.

Please note that for some categories of students an exception can be made and they can take advantage of selective or full exemption from compulsory attendance of extracurricular activities.

  • In accordance with clause 7 of part 1 of article 34 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"
  • Children attending institutions of additional education, for example, sports, music, art schools, in this case, in these areas, the child may not attend extracurricular activities. The class teacher develops an individual route for the student's extracurricular activities, after which a local act is drawn up or, in other words, an agreement between the parents (legal representatives) of the child and the school administration represented by the director.
  • A student's health condition that requires a special diet or control of the general educational load. In such a situation, the release is issued at the request of the parents in the name of the school principal and medical certificates confirming the child's need for a special approach to organizing the educational process.

Sample letter to school principal.

  • Director ________ No.


    I, ____________________________________________________________, parent of ______________________________________________, student(s)

    The class, taking into account the opinion of the child, chose the following classes as extracurricular activities for the 2016–2017 academic year:


    Also, my child has already made his free choice of the type of extracurricular activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, and attends


  • In accordance with Parts 1 and 3 of Article 44 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ, the parents of a minor have the primary right to education and upbringing and are obliged to ensure the intellectual, moral and physical development of the child.

Thus, the student or his parents (legal representatives) retain the right to review the programs offered by the school and choose areas and forms of extracurricular activities based on their requests.

If the school administration ignores the student's legal right to make a choice and insists on the mandatory attendance of all extracurricular activities, i.e. violates the child's legal rights and interests, parents can apply to the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for clarification.

Directions and forms of extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities are implemented by the educational organization according to the key vectors of student personality development:

  • general intellectual;
  • general cultural;
  • spiritual and moral;
  • social;
  • sports and recreation.

The forms of extracurricular work should differ from the class-lesson form of organization of the educational process. The most popular forms of extracurricular activities:

  • excursions;
  • class hours;
  • electives and circle work;
  • round tables and scientific sections;
  • role-playing and business games;
  • olympiads, quizzes and competitions;
  • exhibitions and concerts;
  • sports competitions and Health Days;
  • holidays and theatrical performances;
  • visiting the theater and art exhibitions;
  • socially useful activity;
  • social projects, for example, within the framework of environmental education.

According to the scale of the form of extracurricular work, they are divided into:

  • Individual - the main goal is to develop the child's skills of self-organization and self-control, this can be the development of an individual project, the preparation of a story, a report, an amateur performance number, construction, etc. items.
  • Kruzhkovaya - visiting circles and sections on interests, disclosure and improvement of the intellectual and creative potential of students.
  • Mass traditional school events aimed at the moral and civic-patriotic education of students (Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, calendar national holidays).

Tasks and ways of implementing the extracurricular process in elementary school

The main tasks that are designed to solve extracurricular activities:

  • improve the conditions for the development of the child's personality by expanding and enriching the standard range of programs and forms of work;
  • effectively distribute the teaching load, taking into account the individual intellectual and creative needs of students;
  • contribute to the favorable passage by the child of the stage of adaptation to school life;
  • provide assistance to children with learning difficulties.

Ways to implement extracurricular activities:

  • a variable part of the basic curriculum (20%) in the format of modules, special courses, extracurricular activities;
  • the system of extracurricular education of the school, based on additional programs that are developed by school teachers on the basis of author's or exemplary programs recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and approved by order of the director;
  • the work of institutions of additional education, such as sports, music, art schools;
  • activity of extended day groups;
  • activities of a teacher-organizer, a teacher-psychologist, a social pedagogue;
  • class management (socially useful activities, excursions, competitions, projects).

The extracurricular educational process is subject to a separate work plan approved by the school administration and agreed with the parents (in the form of a survey), according to which a schedule of classes is developed, evenly distributed during the working week or on Saturdays. Classes have a pronounced individual focus, since when choosing the forms of conducting, it is recommended to rely on modern innovative technologies, such as project activities of students, research, experiment, etc.

An example of the selection of extracurricular activities for grades 1–2.

Directions of personality development Name of the work program Number of hours per week Class Total
Sports and recreationABC of health
Outdoor games
Rhythmic mosaic
3 o'clock1st and 2nd grades6 hours
Spiritual and moralgood road
We are patriots
school etiquette
me and the world
2 o'clock1st and 2nd grades4 o'clock
socialPsychology and us1 hour.1st and 2nd grades2 o'clock
general intellectualDevelopment of cognitive abilities1 hour1 class
Entertaining computer science grade 2
Informatics in games
1 hourGrade 2
Entertaining English1 hour1 class
general culturalMuseum in your classroom
From game to performance
Nature and artist
The magic of creativity
2 hours

1 hour
1 hour

1.2 class

Grade 2
1 class

Total 20h.

Algorithm for the implementation of an individual approach in the choice of priority areas and forms of extracurricular activities of the child.

  • Stage 1. Parent meeting, the purpose of which is the presentation of programs in all areas of extracurricular activities.
  • Stage 2. The school psychologist diagnoses (tests) the level of intellectual and psychological readiness of students for systematic learning, as well as the individual abilities and inclinations of the child.
  • Stage 3. Consultations of parents on the results of a test study, provision of psychologist's recommendations, individual discussion of the optimal program for the development of the child.
  • Stage 4. Based on the recommendations of the psychologist and the study of programs, parents make a voluntary conscious choice of the volume and content of extracurricular activities for their child.

To exclude possible overloads, an individual plan for extracurricular activities is drawn up taking into account the sections and circles that the child attends outside the general education school. The teacher has an electronic version of the extracurricular work schedule for each student and can make the necessary adjustments. Parents of students also have an individual itinerary for their child, so they have complete information about the whereabouts of the child during the day.

An example of an individual route for an elementary school student.

Days of the week/destinations
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
general intellectual My first
13.45 - 14.25
general culturalStudio Theater
13.45 - 14.20
Studio Theater
13.00 - 13.35
Spiritual and moralYoung journalist
13.00 - 13.35
Our native land
13.45 - 14.20
Sports and recreation FOK "Karate"
FOK "Karate"
FOK "Karate"

Parents are also given a kind of "homework assignments", i.e. recommendations on family education of a child in different directions, taking into account the individual interests or needs of their son or daughter, for example, visiting art museums, exhibitions, cycling, family reading, viewing children's developing broadcasts, documentaries. Control is carried out with the help of conversations and observation of the child.

At planned parent-teacher meetings, the teacher conducts a survey in order to monitor the level of satisfaction of parents with the quality of teaching and the results of extracurricular work. A similar survey is also carried out among children, the forms and areas of work that arouse the greatest interest among the pupils are clarified. Based on the final conclusions, the teacher makes changes to the planning of extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities are recorded in a special journal that contains information about the teacher, the composition of students, time, form and content of classes. If an educational organization cannot implement extracurricular activities due to understaffing, then it is possible to attract the help of parents, use the opportunities of sports, music or art schools. Extracurricular work can also be carried out within the framework of school summer playgrounds or thematic shifts for children during the holidays, as well as combined with the work of an extended day group, but in this case their schedule should not coincide.

Supervises extracurricular activities carried out by class teachers and teachers of the school, the head teacher for educational work or the head teacher for additional education, and he, in turn, is accountable to the director of the school.

Report forms:

  • A report that includes a teacher's work plan indicating the hours, topics, forms, content and results of the classes or activities; individual route list of extracurricular activities of the child; journal of extracurricular activities.
  • Report of the teacher-organizer, teacher-psychologist, social teacher indicating the activities and results of the work carried out.
  • Open classes, reporting concerts, exhibitions of works, presentations of all teachers involved in the extracurricular process.

Extracurricular benefits

Within the framework of the modern concept of education, sets of textbooks and additional manuals for extracurricular activities on developing learning systems by L.V. Zankova, D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydov, a set of textbooks "School of the XXI century" edited by Academician N.F. Vinogradova, a set of textbooks "Harmony". The manuals are independent textbooks for optional subjects (“Theater”, “Economics in fairy tales”, etc.), as well as additional materials for extracurricular reading and workbooks for individual work in the disciplines of the basic curriculum (book for reading on the subject “Environmental world"). A set of benefits is not mandatory, the teacher himself decides on the appropriateness of their use.

The team of authors proceeded from the humanistic conviction that every child can succeed in school if the necessary conditions are created. The main thing is the implementation of an individual approach to the personality of the child based on his life experience. The concept of a child's life experience includes not only the features of developmental psychology, but also the worldview, which is formed under the influence of the natural and social environment. Such an environment can be a modern city with a high-speed rhythm of life and a developed information infrastructure, or maybe a village in the outback, respectively, with a calm, often patriarchal way of life in natural conditions. As conceived by the authors, each child should feel that the textbook was written personally for him, so that he can find answers to his questions in a language that is understandable to him.

Description of several benefits for extracurricular activities for the 2nd grade (textbooks, workbooks).

Polyakova A.M. Word transformations, Russian language in crosswords and puzzles.
1–4 grade
The book contains task cards on the main topics of the Russian language course in elementary school. The game form, diverse language material, non-standard formulation of questions allows children to test themselves: their knowledge, ingenuity, attention, determination, and the teacher - to diversify the teaching of the subject.
Benenson E.P., Volnova E.V.
World of lines. Workbook
Prepares junior schoolchildren for the study of geometry in the main element of the school. This workbook introduces younger students to lines considered on a plane and in space. Interesting creative tasks are aimed at the development of logical thinking, the formation of initial knowledge and skills in geometry. The notebook can be used for independent work at home, as well as in the classroom at school.
Benenson E.P., Volnova E.V.
plane and space. Workbook.
Children get an idea of ​​such concepts as planar and volumetric figures, learn to work with sweeps, develop spatial thinking. Interesting creative tasks are aimed at the development of logic, the formation of initial knowledge and skills in geometry.
Smirnova T.V.
Amazing adventures of Anya in the land of Oznobysh. Book for reading. The world
In a fascinating fairy-tale form, the book tells about the amazing journey of a little girl, teaches to overcome unforeseen life situations, not to lose heart, not to stop in front of difficulties, to be able to make friends... . The book can be used for extracurricular reading lessons in elementary grades.
Tsirulik N.A., Prosnyakova T.N. TechnologyStudents work with different materials, textbook assignments vary in difficulty level. The book consists of four thematic blocks - "The World of Nature", "A Gift with Your Own Hands", "The World of Fairy-tale Heroes", "A Cozy House", within which there are the following sections: "Modeling", "Application", "Mosaic", "Origami" , "Weaving", "Modeling and design from geometric shapes", "Sewing and embroidery", "3D modeling and design".
Smirnova T.V. Belka and company. Economics for children in fairy tales, gamesIn the form of fairy tales accessible for children's education, the basic concepts of the economy are revealed. To consolidate and assimilate the material, game tasks, riddles and tasks are used.
Generalova I.A.
A textbook for additional education in the optional course "Theater", developed within the framework of the Educational System "School 2100", is focused on the development of the child's creative abilities through introducing him to the world of theater.
Prosnyakova T.N. Butterflies. Encyclopedia of applied art technologiesThe book in a fascinating form offers interesting natural science information, fairy tales, riddles about butterflies. But the main thing is that it tells and shows how children can embody their images in various techniques (appliqué, mosaic, modeling, weaving, origami, etc.) from a variety of materials.
Savenkov A.I. I am a researcher. WorkbookThe manual is designed specifically for dialogue with the child and allows not only teaching observation and experimentation, but also contains a full range of research activities - from identifying the problem to presenting and defending the results.
Prosnyakova T.N. Magic secrets. WorkbookDuring the classes, children learn new techniques for working with paper: tearing, corrugating various geometric shapes, rolling paper into a ball and twisting it into a bundle, learn new weaving techniques, perform origami compositions from squares and circles.

Photo gallery of benefits for extracurricular activities for the 2nd grade

Tsirulik N.A., Prosnyakova T.N. Technology Prosnyakova T.N. Magic secrets. Workbook Savenkov A.I. I am a researcher. Workbook of Generalov I.A. Theater Benenson E.P., Volnova E.V. Density and space Benenson E.P., Volnova E.V. The world of lines Polyakova A.M. Transformations of words Smirnova T.V. Amazing adventures of Anya in the land of Oznobysh Smirnova T.V. Belka and company. Economics for children in fairy tales, games Prosnyakova T.N. Butterflies. Encyclopedia of applied art technologies

Determination of the results of extracurricular activities

Evaluation of the results of extracurricular activities is not recorded in the journal, since the result of extracurricular activities is not subject to mandatory and systematic control. The implementation of student development programs is aimed at achieving the three levels that the NOU GEF focuses on.

  • The first stage provides for the acquisition by children of knowledge about the permissible norms of social behavior, the structure of society, the formation of students' understanding of everyday reality and the world around them of social relations between people. Of great importance is the relationship with teachers, who in the eyes of children are an authoritative source of social knowledge, it is important that the personality of the teacher be respected by the pupils. Only under such conditions is it possible for the student to adopt the life experience of the teacher.
  • The second stage determines the level of understanding of the significance of basic moral and spiritual values ​​that are the semantic core of the life of society, such as the family, the value of human life, peace and stability, love for the Fatherland, respect for work, respect for nature, etc. To achieve the pupil level of the second stage, it is important to create a friendly social environment built on the principles of solidarity and mutual understanding, the priority of democratic relations, and respect for the interests of the child. It is at school that the child receives the first serious experience of social adaptation, at this age his self-esteem and picture of the world are formed, therefore it is extremely important that he gain a full experience that allows him to form the qualities of a worthy personality.
  • The third stage raises to the level of independent and responsible social action. The child goes beyond school life into the big social world, faces new challenges, learns to overcome new problems, solve the problems of self-realization and self-determination, and search for his place in society.

An effective method for evaluating student achievements can be the Portfolio technique, which involves creating an individual folder with a description of personal character traits, indicating interests and inclinations, and creative success of each child. Such a portfolio may include sections "My hobbies", "My projects", "Family", "Friends", "What am I", "Travel", "My achievements". An interesting and indicative will be a collection of works that will clearly demonstrate the progress of the child's skills and mastery in one form or another of cognitive or artistic activity, search work and can become a source of pride and a source of inspiration. Note that the student himself takes part in the choice of materials that will make up his report, teachers and parents only help him, thus, the skills of introspection, an objective perception of the results of his efforts and adequate self-esteem, which are so necessary in adult life, are laid down.

Diagnostics is carried out at the beginning and end of the academic year in each area and includes the following list of criteria:

  • The degree of personal participation and activity in the affairs of the school.
  • The general level of behavioral culture, good breeding.
  • Assessment of the degree of adequacy of self-assessment.
  • The level of openness and sociability.
  • Assessment of the level of physical and psychomotor development.
  • Development of thinking, skills of mental operations of observation, synthesis and analysis, comparison, the ability to highlight the main thing.
  • Development of creative imagination, aesthetic perception of the world.

In the process of research, they resort to the help of author's testing methods:

  • V.V.'s technique Sinyavsky to identify organizational skills;
  • A. Kriulina's test for the formation of interaction skills;
  • game methods (game "Leader");
  • sociometric methods for assessing the psychological climate of the class.

Extracurricular activities programs developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

School teachers develop programs for extracurricular activities based on copyright programs or other exemplary programs that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, then the programs are approved by order of the school principal.

A set of programs developed by the educational and methodological center "School 2100":

  1. “I will be a real reader” (authors E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Chindilova).
  2. “I open knowledge” (authors E.L. Melnikova, I.V. Kuznetsova).
  3. “I am learning to evaluate myself” (authors D.D. Danilov, I.V. Kuznetsova, E.V. Sizova).
  4. “I know everything, I can do everything” (authors A.V. Goryachev, N.I. Iglina).
  5. "Theater" (author I.A. Generalova).
  6. "Rhetoric" (authors T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.V. Ladyzhenskaya and others)

Programs of the educational and methodological complex (curricula, methodological recommendations, textbooks, workbooks for independent and additional work) "Promising primary school":

  • "Museum in your class" - a course in museum pedagogy, will prepare the child for the skills of independent perception and analysis of a painting (images in the form of a reproduction).
  • Clubs of scientific experimentation "We and the surrounding world" - the awakening of interest in research activities.
  • "Calculation and Design Bureau" - implements the tasks of acquaintance with the laws of the world around with the help of mathematical tools (diagrams, drawings, construction from different materials). “What's inside volcanoes?”, “Is there a lot of salt in sea water?”, “Is it far from Mars?”.
  • "Journey to the computer valley" - the development of modern projects based on information technology. "Who am I?", "Family Tree", "Funny Letters".
  • "Nature of the native land" - acquaintance with the natural world of the small motherland.
  • "The world of ecology" - the formation of ecological consciousness, the use of interdisciplinary connections.
  • "City of Masters" - a complex of creative laboratories, mastering the skills of modeling, origami, designing, studying the basics of design.

Basic provisions:

  • the relationship of the lesson and non-class parts of the program as a variable;
  • expansion of the base level;
  • it is possible to develop other programs by school teachers, but with a focus on the content of the teaching materials of the “Promising Primary School”.

Program "City of Masters".

1 classGrade 23rd grade4th grade
Toy library workshop2 3 3 2
Sculpting workshop5 4 2 3
Floristry workshop4 5
Workshop of Santa Claus6 4 4 4
Idea collection workshop8 10 3 7
Origami workshop4 4
Design workshop and
4 4 3
Puppet theater workshop 5
Design Workshop 11 5
Isothread workshop 3
Soft Toy Workshop 4
Magic Web Workshop 5
Paper plastic workshop 4
Total:33 34 34 34

An example of a set of manuals developed by a team of authors of the teaching materials "Promising School" (R.G. Churakova, N.A. Churakova, N.M. Lavrova, O.A. Zakharova, A.G. Pautova, T.M. Ragozina, etc. d.)

This set of manuals can be used in the classroom of a literary or mathematical circle, for independent work of students of the whole class, as well as in individual work in order to consolidate and deepen the educational material of the general educational program, to prepare for olympiads, competitions.

Literary reading grade 3
Reader, ed. ON THE. Churakova
The goal is to arouse interest in the knowledge of the world through reading, to introduce exotic plants and animals. Illustrations, tasks and questions to texts contribute to the formation of a culture of meaningful reading.
Literary reading. Grade 3 Notebook number 1Acquaintance with the history and genre differences of the fable, the aesthetic nature of the comic, the peculiarities of the poetic worldview. The study of the genre of the story, practical skills in describing the character of the main character of a fairy tale. Through the selection and demonstration of paintings, listening to music, reading stories and fairy tales, an understanding of the integrity of the world of artistic culture is laid.
Literary reading. Grade 3 Notebook number 2Included in the EMC "Literary Reading", includes questions that develop attention, analytical thinking, the ability to draw independent conclusions, instill the skills of perceiving the text as a useful and interesting source of information, and teach how to work with text.
Maths. Grade 2 Notebook number 1Trains the ability to perform addition and subtraction operations within a hundred, teaches a short method for writing a problem, introduces the arithmetic operation of multiplication. "Multiplication Table".
Maths. Grade 2 Notebook number 2Designed for individual work in order to consolidate skills, develops the ability to bitwise addition and subtraction, multiplication.
Maths. Grade 2 Notebook number 3It is aimed at the formation of practical skills in arithmetic operations of subtraction and addition, multiplication and division of single-digit numbers, gives initial geometric representations.
Maths. Grade 2 School Olympiad.Notebook for extracurricular activities.
Tasks for mathematical olympiads, circles, individual forms of work with gifted students are included.
Maths. Grade 2 Practical tasksNotebook
Teaches how to work with diagrams, tables, measurements, constructions. It is recommended for work in extracurricular activities and in preparation for olympiads of various levels.

Photo gallery of teaching aids for extracurricular activities of the teaching materials "Perspective School"

T.A. Baikova Russian language O.V. Malakhovskaya Literary reading O.V. Malakhovskaya Literary reading O.V. Malakhovskaya Literary reading O.V. Zakharova Mathematics in questions and assignments O.V. Zakharova Mathematics in practical tasks R.G. Churakova Mathematics. School Olympiad O.A. Zakharova Practical problems in mathematics

Examples of classes in areas of extracurricular activities

The game "The Way of Kindness" (based on the story of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" by G.Kh. Andersen) is a spiritual and moral direction

Purpose: the formation of ethical ideas, awareness of the importance of the moral qualities of a person, understanding the importance of confirming kind words and wishes with good deeds.

  • the formation of the ability to communicate, the development of the correct perception of a real life situation, adequate assessment and reaction;
  • to promote the manifestation of a sense of friendly participation, support and mutual assistance, to teach to value friendship and cherish warm relations;
  • to cultivate tolerant relations with each other, built on respect and mercy and the desire to help others, to do good deeds;
  • involvement in the world of universal values.

Event plan:

  • Guess the hero. The teacher describes the character of the fairy tale and asks the children to name his name.
  • Each team is given a set of cards with the names of the heroes that need to be characterized.
  • The children are offered to look at illustrations depicting scenes from life, and are asked to sort them according to the good-bad principle and explain their decision.
  • The next stage of the game will require the children to connect fragments of proverbs or aphorisms about good and evil in meaning.
  • Children will have to write a wish on a postcard to their relatives, friends, teacher or fairy-tale hero.

Video: Class hour for the 4th grade "We are different - this is our wealth" - social direction

"Opening a children's cafe" - research direction, 2nd grade

Purpose: development of children's initiative, creative imagination and modeling skills.

  • formation of the ability to set a task, plan activities, dividing it into stages;
  • training in the skills of organizing teamwork in a group;
  • development of attention, thinking, ability to reason, compare, see the reason for what is happening;
  • improvement of intellectual, communication skills, awakening of creative potential, research activity.
  • The guys got an important and interesting task to design a cafe where children from all over the city could have fun celebrating holidays. The teacher precedes the receipt of the assignment with a story in which the context is a problem that the children must independently identify and formulate.
  • The planning stage is designed as a game of cards, which must be placed in the correct sequence (the issue of land lease, the conclusion of contracts for the right to build, building materials, equipment, a team of builders, design, advertising, etc.).
  • Children are given large sheets of drawing paper and pictures with furniture, flowers, dishes, interiors, etc. Cheerfully and provocatively, to energetic music, the guys model their cafe, and then present their stage of work.

Video: Class hour on the topic "Conflict" - social direction

"Healthy Eating" project-presentation of the course "ABC of Health", 2nd grade - health direction

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the principles and rules of healthy eating.

  • develop the skills of attentive perception of the speech of the interlocutor, the ability to listen to the teacher or classmates;
  • to promote the acquisition of experience of self-assessment and introspection, free initiative and responsible behavior;
  • to form the ability to conduct a conversation correctly, the ability to listen, to enter into a dialogue in time, to keep the thread of the conversation, to track the logic;
  • to teach how to plan their actions, adjust preliminary plans depending on the situation, exercise control over their behavior and emotional reactions, look for effective ways to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.

Conduct scenario:

  • The teacher reads a letter from Carlson, in which he reports that he is extremely ill and asks the children to help him become cheerful and cheerful again.
  • Determining the causes of the illness of a literary hero, discussing the problem of malnutrition and lifestyle.
  • Recommendations to Carlson for a speedy recovery: daily routine, healthy eating, physical activity, hygiene, etc.
  • Guessing riddles, holding a discussion about harmful and healthy cuisine.
  • Summing up, systematization and generalization of the acquired experience.

Video: Circle "Technical modeling" - general intellectual direction

“Open space and architecture” - general cultural direction

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​such an art form as architecture, to master the skills of artistic drawing technique using cardboard.

  • to study the concept of open space and architecture;
  • learn to depict the nature of native places;
  • master the search skills of working with information;
  • learn to express your opinion about works of art, to show an emotional reaction;
  • analyze the reasons for success or failure in achieving the goal;
  • soberly assess their actions and make timely adjustments to plans, taking into account previously made mistakes.

Task: draw a picture on the theme "My favorite corner of nature."

Game scenario:

  • An exposition of children's works in various genres of art is being prepared.
  • "Who is bigger?". The children must carefully analyze the exhibited works and correctly determine their genre affiliation (natural, rural, urban, architectural landscape, open space). The title of each term is accompanied by a demonstration of the corresponding slide.
  • Working with explanatory dictionaries, the teacher asks to find the word architecture.
  • Discussion of future work, a conversation around the topic of landscape, thinking over a suitable name for your drawing.
  • The kids are starting to get creative. With the thickest brushes, paint over the surface of the sheet, passing the horizon line separating the sky and the earth. The teacher suggests experimenting with cardboard as a drawing tool, for example, a wide strip of cardboard will help to draw a house with a slight movement of the hand, and narrower ones will be useful for drawing a window, door or fence. Finally, with thin brushes, we complete the drawing of the details of the landscape.

Homework: draw a sea or mountain landscape.

Video: Occupation of the "Little Genius" circle, solving inventive problems - a general intellectual direction

Unfortunately, many parents perceive electives, class hours, game methods and children's creative projects as a secondary and burdensome burden on the child. However, it is worth noting that it is the student’s activity outside the traditional form of the lesson that liberates and opens up new horizons of knowledge and experimentation for the child, interests and captivates, inspires confidence and helps him to successfully realize himself, find his self, allows the school to get away from the routine of daily monotony of monotonously replacing each other. friend lessons. Let's hope that this promising innovation will nevertheless successfully overcome the period of misunderstanding and, thanks to the enthusiasm and skill of teachers, will take root in the Russian school, to the delight of children and their parents.

Any extra-curricular activity in the subject should, first of all, contribute to the deepening and expansion of knowledge, creativity and initiative of students. For this, an individual approach to students is important. It is an individual approach to students that makes the subject week not only informative and meaningful, but also not forgotten for students. When conducting a subject week, a variety of forms, methods and techniques are used, which makes it also informative and meaningful.

We start preparing for the subject week in advance, somewhere in 10 days. This period is considered optimal. If you start earlier, then the students may lose interest. And in the preparatory period, this is the most difficult thing - to interest students and maintain this interest with creative invention, originality, even personal example. The success of the event reinforces interest. And here it is very important to sum up and announce the results daily. We are preparing small and inexpensive gifts for active participants and winners of the contest.

So, 10 days before the start of the subject week, I acquaint each group with the plan for its implementation, and invite them to participate. The plan of the subject week and the announcement of its holding is posted on the bulletin board for students. /Appendix 1 , Appendix 1.2 ./. In each group, I hold organizational meetings, at which I determine the inclinations of students, introduce them to the conditions of competitions and form teams to participate in KVN or some other event.

In the preparatory period, teacher assistants are determined. Usually these are students attending the subject circle “Fundamentals of Agronomy”. They assist in organizing events, publishing wall newspapers, quizzes, etc.

I want to note that the preparatory period is not easy for the teacher. For example, I have to sing songs myself, read poetry, and tell stories. I draw, design, photograph, etc. Well, the reward for all this is the active participation of students in my events, their help and interest.

And here comes the subject week. On Monday, in the foyer of the lyceum, a corner of the subject week is being drawn up, where all information on the week will be posted /Appendix 1, Appendix 1.2 ./. The initiative group published a newspaper containing interesting information on agronomy and horticulture.

On Tuesday, the “Best Abstract” competition and the wall newspaper competition were held /Appendix 3.1, Appendix 3.2 ./. The initiative group in each group held a competition for the best abstract, after which the best abstracts were exhibited in the “Fundamentals of Agronomy” room. Each group publishes a wall newspaper, all wall newspapers are hung out in the foyer of the lyceum.

On Wednesday for all groups we hold an evening-KVN.

Event progress

Introductory speech of the teacher:

fruit and garden country
It's in one of the books.

This country can not be found on the map, but it exists. Sometimes you can see it huge, you can’t cover it with your eyes, sometimes it’s tiny, such that it fits on the windowsill. This country is full of silence. It is very interesting to visit this country. It is only traveled on foot. And this country is called a garden. And we begin our journey with you. And two teams will travel around the country “Garden”. Before we start traveling, we must choose our jury.

The jury is selected from senior students.

I give the floor to the teams.

Teams introduce themselves - team name and team emblem.

Host: We continue our competition. Each team did their homework. Teams must show (act) a fairy tale about a vegetable.

Teams show a small performance about a vegetable on a modern topic.

Host: And now let's compete. Competition “Who is faster, who is smarter, who is friendlier?”. Question and answer competition. The conditions of the competition - each team receives five riddles, the answers must be given very quickly.

The fruit was green all summer
And sometimes it became autumn with a white peel. (Zucchini)

The fruit was green, did not ask in the mouth
They put him in bed, he changed clothes
He put on red, ripened for food. (Tomato)

Red, not viburnum
bitter, not aspen
round, not spiky
there is a tail, not a cat (radish)

Curious red nose
Rooted into the ground
Only stick out in the garden
Green heels (Carrot)

Oh and angry, though small
Shooting arrows into the sun
We'll break arrows
Let's make whistles (Bow)

Which vegetable changes its name three times? (Onion)

Red boot looks out of the ground
Red, smooth, sweet
Grows in beds
Green above, red below
It has grown into the ground. (Beet)

Mustachioed, striped, but not a cat. (Watermelon)

Round, but not a girl
With a tail, but not a mouse
Itself in a ball, and the tail under itself (Turnip)

What kind of berry: bitter, but not mountain ash,
Black, but not blueberries, does not grow in the forest, but in the garden
And it doesn't fit in your mouth. (Eggplant)

Host: Well, now it's time for the Captains contest.

Captains competition.

Captains answer questions. The condition of the competition is that if the captain does not know the answer to the question, then the team can help.

1) Specialist in growing agricultural plants. /Agronomist/

2) Which plant juice helps with mosquito bites? /Parsley/

3) What two notes grow in the garden? /Beans/

4) What is the largest berry /Watermelon/

5) How many peas can go into one glass?

/ None, peas do not go /

6) What was called the “second bread” in Russia in the old days? /Turnip/

Moderator: Contest “Hurry up”.

Two participants from each team, blindfolded, must collect the spilled potatoes.

Moderator: And now the most important task. Each team must, within 5 minutes, draw up a scheme of cultivation technology -

I team - cabbage;

II team - tomato.

Leading: So our journey through the country "Garden" has come to an end. Who travelled? What progress has he made? Let's summarize. Jury word.

The jury summarizes, announces the results and rewards the teams /Appendix 2.1, Appendix 2.2, Appendix 2.3, Appendix 2.4 and Figure 1/.

Leading: Finishing our evening, I want to say goodbye to the verses of R. Rozhdestvensky:

I am talking about
That the whole Earth is our common home, -
Our good house, spacious house, -
We all live in it from birth!
Also, I'm talking about
That we must save our house
Let's prove that it's not in vain
The Earth is counting on us!

On Thursday we hold a riddle contest, but on Friday, at the final line for students, we sum up the results of the entire subject week. We reward, announce the names of all students who took an active part in the subject week.


  1. Nadezhdina N.A. “Around the world in the country of Legumia”, M.: Det. Lit., 1994 - 95s.
  2. Biology at school, magazine No. 6, 1995
  3. Belik V.F. "Vegetable" M "Enlightenment", 1984