The first substantiated the idea of ​​social progress. Which of the judgments more accurately reflects the relationship between nature and society? a) universal harmony

In the first millennium BC. e. as society developed, there was a leap in spiritual culture and humanity took the first steps towards rational self-consciousness within the framework of philosophy. The true pinnacle of the political thought of the ancient world is considered to be the political philosophy of ancient Greece. It initially developed as an ideology of free people, so its main value is freedom. The peculiarities of the geographical position of Hellas made it possible for the close coexistence of various forms of government, the variety of interstate relations, cultural styles gave a genuine wealth of political life. In many cities-policies, citizens actively participated in political life, the power was not religious, the whole of Hellas was the scene of a struggle for power not by priests, but by ordinary citizens. That is, the development of political science reflected the objective needs of social life.

One of the first attempts to consider the emergence and formation of man and society as part of a natural process, as a result of adaptation and imitation, was the ideas of Democritus (460-370). That is, the policy and laws are artificial formations, but created in the course of the natural evolution of man and society as part of nature. From this follows the criterion of justice for society: everything that corresponds to nature is fair (sense of proportion, mutual assistance, protection, brotherhood, etc.). Democritus was one of the first to substantiate the idea of ​​a democratic social order built on the principles of equality and justice. At the same time, he cannot be presented as an unconditional supporter of the mandatory participation of all citizens in the management of the policy. He, like many others, selects for this the best people, the most capable of managing.

Sophism (5th century BC) became another trend justifying the democratic structure of the state. For example, Protagoras (481-411) justified this by the fact that the gods gave people the same opportunity to be involved in wisdom, virtues

the art of public life. The main task of the policy is to educate citizens in such virtues as justice, prudence and piety.

Socrates (469-399) was one of the first to lay the foundation for all subsequent political science the idea that those who know should govern. Political knowledge is achieved by the hard work of a person worthy of this truth, moral and politically virtuous.

The political ideas of Plato (427-347) are most fully set forth in the dialogue "State". The participants in the dialogue are trying to model the appearance of an ideal state where true justice would reign. Plato considers the diversity of human material needs, the inability to satisfy them alone, to be the motivating reason for the creation of the state. The key to the stability of the state is the division of labor according to the inclination of the soul. The three principles of the human soul - rational, furious and lustful - in the state correspond to three similar principles - deliberative, protective and business. These last correspond to three estates: rulers, warriors and producers, who should not interfere in each other's affairs. The state should be governed by a special class of philosophers specially trained for this role.

Plato describes 7 types of government: one - described above - is ideal, which did not exist in reality; two - correct (monarchy

aristocracy) and four imperfect political forms: timocracy, oligarchy, democracy and tyranny. Moreover, he calls democracy the main trouble of politics, because it

- not the power of the masses, which will inevitably lead to the tyranny of the majority. In a democracy,

in his opinion, morals are corrupted, prudence is expelled, impudence and shamelessness are installed. Democracy is short-lived, the crowd very soon yields power to a one-man tyrant.

In the political ideal of Plato, the individual, society and the state are combined in the policy. He believed that true knowledge was not inherent in an ordinary individual, and sought to subordinate it to the state. To do this, he introduces a strict hierarchy of estates: philosophers-rulers (upper class); guards and warriors; artisans and peasants (physical labor). The subjects have nothing of their own - no family, no property - everything is in common. But even the upper classes do not have the right to appropriate state property. “We are sculpting the state,” Plato wrote, “not so that only a few people in it are happy, but so that it is happy in general” (see Plato. “State”). In the political doctrine of Plato, many see the origins of totalitarianism.

Another outstanding scientist of ancient Greece was Aristotle (384-322), who analyzed many political concepts. In his opinion, political science deals with the state, the policy. He argued that the state is a natural formation; the development of society goes from the family to the community (village), and from it to the state (city-polis). The natural origin of the state is due to the fact that “man by nature is a political being” and carries an instinctive desire for “joint cohabitation”. However, the priority is the state - it, in his opinion, by nature stands ahead of the family and the individual. The state exists for the better life of its citizens. In his book Politics, Aristotle did not single out the state from society, emphasizing that "it is necessary that the whole precede the part." The state should be the embodiment of justice and law, an expression of the common interest of citizens.

Aristotle's teachings also have totalitarian tendencies: a person is a part of the state, his interests are subordinated to the public good. He called citizens free people, but he understood freedom only as the opposite of slavery: citizens are not slaves, no one owns them; they are engaged in military, legislative, judicial affairs, and agriculture and industrial production are the lot of slaves.

Comparing the forms of government, Aristotle divides them on two grounds: the number of rulers and the goal, that is, the moral significance of government. As a result, we got three "correct" (monarchy, aristocracy, polity) and three "wrong" (tyranny, oligarchy and democracy). He considered the best form of polity, which should unite three elements: virtue, wealth, freedom - and thus combine the interests of the rich and the poor.

A certain contribution to the interpretation of the state was made by the famous Roman orator and thinker Mark Cicero (106-43 BC). For him, the state appears as a coordinated legal communication, he considered it the embodiment of justice and law. Plato and Aristotle considered natural law and the state to be inseparable. Cicero said that natural law arose before any written law, before the creation of the state. In this regard, Cicero stood at the origins of the understanding of the idea of ​​a “lawful state”. He considered the most reasonable a mixed form of the state, in which royal power, aristocracy and democracy would be combined.

Thus, the main problems of the political philosophy of antiquity were the forms of statehood, the nature of power, the position of the individual in the state.

N. A. Luchkov. "Answers to Exam Questions in Political Science"

Kit 1


Test tasks

1. Complete the definition: "Society is...":

a. a certain group of people united for joint activity

b. a certain stage in the historical development of mankind

in. humanity as a whole

G. all definitions are correct

2. Which of the judgments more accurately reflects the relationship between nature and society?

a. society is part of nature

b. nature is part of society

in. society and nature in interconnection a single real world

G. society, having created a culture, has lost touch with nature

3. Name wrong statements:

a. person - no society




4. Who was the creator of the doctrine of the noosphere?

a. I. Vernadsky

b. C. Darwin

in. L. N. Gumilyov

G. O. Comte

5. Choose the correct definition. In Greek, the word "economy" means:

a. organization of the economy on a territorial basis;

b. the art of housekeeping;

in. rational distribution of wealth.

economic activity.

6. Which of the statements is true?

a. society is made up of people, therefore it is enough to study an individual person in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe society as a whole

b. society and nature are inextricably linked and subject to common laws

in. society has isolated itself from nature and is not subject to the action of natural

7. Match the name of the sphere of public life and its institutions:

a. spiritual sphere of society

b. social sphere of society

in the economic sphere of society

d. political sphere of society

1) power, state, suffrage

2) production of material goods, finance, trade

3) classes, nations, primary collectives

4) theater, religion, science, moral standards, education

8. The activity of state organizations, political parties refers to:

a. spiritual sphere of public life

b. social sphere of public life

in. political sphere of public life

G. economic sphere of public life

9. Complete the definition: "Social progress is ...";





10. What signs characterize the phenomenon of elite culture?





11. What problems of our time are called global?

a. problems facing all mankind, requiring the collective efforts of peoples to resolve them

b. problems of economic interaction between different countries

in. problems of liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl explosion

G. ecological problem

12. Mass culture is:

a. a type of cultural product that is produced daily in large volumes

b. a culture of everyday life presented to the widest possible audience through various channels, including media and communications

in. focused on individuals

G. Definitions a and b are correct.

13. What is the process of humanization of education manifested in?

a. in increasing humanitarian knowledge and disciplines in teaching



14. What provisions characterize the features of modern science?

a. science is a priority in the activities of developed countries in the conditions of modern scientific and technological revolution

b. state investments in science are being reduced

in. scientific information develops, science moves from the sphere of purely spiritual life to the sphere of material production

G. rejection of the ideologization of education

15. The production of cultural: values ​​in a modern industrial society, designed for mass consumption is:

a. elite culture

b. material culture

in. Mass culture

G. spiritual culture

16. The original meaning of the word "culture" is:


b. land cultivation methods


G. human creation of goods

14. The book "The Decline of Europe" was written by:

a. N. Ya. Danilevsky

b.O. Spengler

in. P. Sorokin

G. M. Weber

17. Align the spheres of public life and the features of traditional societies that characterize them:

a. economic sphere sphere

in. political sphere

G. spiritual realm

1) figurative, contemplative thinking

2) estate-caste, hierarchical structure of society

3) the dominance of the state form of ownership

4) the state intervenes in all spheres of society

18. Choose the correct definition. The structure of the political system includes:




19. Choose the correct answer. The system of generalized views on the surrounding reality is ...

a. philosophy;

b. worldview;

in. the science.

G. education

20 . Choose the correct answer. The current Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted in:

a. 1991

b. 1992

in. 1993

G. 1990

a. experience and practice

b. expert opinion


G.compliance with the laws of logic

Kit 1.

Test in the discipline "SOCIAL STUDIES"


Test tasks

1. Choose the correct answer. spiritual culture does not include:

a. science;

b. art;

in. technique.

G. inventions

2. Choose the correct answer. Align the spheres of public life and the features of traditional societies that characterize them:

a sphere 2) domination of private property




3. Choose the correct answers. What provisions characterize the features of modern science?


b. government investments in science are being reduced;

in Scientific information develops, science moves from the sphere of purely spiritual life to the sphere of material production.

4. What is the name of the complex of universal human problems, on the solution of which the survival of mankind, the fate of civilization depends?


b. scientific and technological revolution


G. health protection

5. The global problems of our time include:

a. prevention of the threat of an ecological crisis

b. prevention of negative consequences of scientific and technological revolution

in. providing humanity with the necessary resources

G. all of the above

6. Critics refer to the films of this Russian director as a phenomenon of elite culture:

a. N. Mikhalkov

b. E. Ryazanov

in. A. Tarkovsky

7. The main functions of culture are:

a. regulatory function (regulation of human behavior, patterns of behavior and values)

b. educational function (the level of culture of the individual is determined by familiarization with the cultural heritage)

in. integrative function (culture unites people, ensures the integrity of society)

G. all of the above

8. Which provisions are incorrect?

a. all elements of material and spiritual culture are inextricably linked

b. culture represents the measure of the human in a person

in. each generation selects cultural traditions and values, accumulates and preserves them

G. each generation creates its own samples of culture, not relying on the experience of previous generations

9 .Cooperation is called:



in. cooperation for the solution of a common problem


10. The process by which an individual acquires symbols, values, norms in society is called:

a. adaptation

B b.socialization

B) with in.self improvement

G) G.integration

11. Establish a correspondence between the types of society and the key social values ​​that characterize them:

a. traditional society 1) money and capital

B b. industrial society 2) power and tradition

AT) in in

12. The main manifestations of the ecological crisis include:

a. gradual depletion of natural resources

b. pollution of the atmosphere, soils and the oceans.

in. increase in diseases

G. extinction of many plant species

13. Choose the correct statement:

a. society is a part of the world isolated from nature

b. society is inextricably linked with nature

in. no nature, no society.

14. Social institutions include:

a. political institutions

b.spiritual institutions

in. family and marriage institutions

G. economic institutions

d. religious institutions

15. What refers to material culture:

a. knowledge



G. symbols

d. Houseware

e. equipment

16. Which scientist first used the term "individual":

a. Cicero

b. Plato

in. Socrates


1 set

1 option



Option 2

2-1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a

11-a-2, b-1, c-3

Kit 2

Test in the discipline "SOCIAL STUDIES"


Test tasks

1.Choose the correct answer. What are the sciences that study social life called?

a. humanitarian sciences;

b.natural Sciences;

in. social Sciences

G Technical science.

2. Choose the correct answer. One of the first to substantiate the idea of ​​social progress:

a.ancient Greek poet Hesiod (VIII-VII centuries BC);

b.French philosopher A. Turgot (XVIII century);

in.German scientist K. Marx (XIX century).

G. French scientist O. Comte

3. Choose the correct answer. The ancient Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle viewed history as:

a. cyclic cycle;

b. forward movement;

in. spiral movement.

G. backward movement

4. The fall in the purchasing power of money is called:


b. deflation

in. emission

G. default

5 He defended the idea of ​​the sovereignty of the people or the principle of democracy in his work:

a. Machiavelli

b Hobbes

in. Locke

G. Rousseau.

6. Choose the correct answers. Which of the following not applicable to the main features of the nation?

a. common citizenship;

b. nationality;


G. responsibility

7. The main issue that the economy decides:

a.what to produce?

b. how to produce?

in. for whom to produce?

G. all of the above

8. Choose the correct answer. The owners of the joint-stock company are:

a. shareholder;

b. company employees;

in.director of the firm.

G. entrepreneurs

9. Choose the correct definition. Social communities are...

a. relationships between people in society;

b. set of social classes;

in. real-life collections of people united by common features.

G. set of groups.

10. Choose the correct answers. The level of national self-consciousness, in particular, is evidenced by:

a. the ability not only to speak, but also to write in the national language;

b. knowledge of the history of their people;

in. a sense of national dignity.

G. belonging to a nation

11. Choose the correct definition. The mentality is:

a. a set of attitudes and predispositions of an individual or a social group to act, think, feel and perceive the world in a certain way;

b. unequal social status of people;

in. recognition by society or its majority of the power, rights, and powers of any person, body, organization.

G. pride

12. Choose the correct answer. What is the name of the position that a person occupies in the primary social group, depending on his human qualities:

a. personal status;

b. social status;

in. social prestige.

G. social mobility

13. Choose the correct answer. Lumpenized layers are:

a. artisans;

b. declassed layers;

in. skilled workers.

G. upper strata

14. Choose the correct answer. The Constitution of the Russian Federation contains ... articles.

15. Choose the correct answer. Recognition by society or its majority of the existing power characterizes it:

a. legality;

b. legitimacy;

in. statism.

G. sovereignty

16. Choose the correct definition. The legal status of a person is...

a. her political status;

b. its political role;

in. her personal status.

G. her party affiliation

17. The type of stable social association of people that has historically emerged, represented by a tribe, nationality, nation, is:

a. ethnos

b. community

in. Class

G. commonality

18. Choose the correct answer. The social basis for the formation of the rule of law is:

a. the formation of civil society;

b. adoption of the constitution;

in. holding a referendum on human rights.

G. development of various forms of ownership

19. Choose the correct answer. The earliest world religion is:




G. Shintoism

20. Choose the correct answer. What is the rule of law?




G. state in which the institution of presidential power operates

21. Choose the correct definition. The structure of the political system includes:

a. political relations and political organizations;

b. political relations, political organizations and political norms;

in. political relations, political organizations, political norms, political ideas, attitudes and political culture

22. Match the names of parties and social and political movements with the names of their leaders:

a.V.V. Zhirinovsky 1) The Communist Party of the Russian

b. G.A.Zyuganov Federation (KPRF)

in.G.A. Yavlinsky 2) Liberal Democratic Party

3) "Apple"

23. Choose the correct answer. The system of generalized views on the surrounding reality is ...


b. worldview;

in. the science.

G. education

24. Choose the correct answers. Which of the following is the content of religious psychology?

a. theology (theology);

b. religious feelings;

in. religious sentiments.

G. consciousness

25. The science of general and specific social patterns of organization, functioning and development of society is:

a. story

b. sociology

in. political science

G. philosophy

Set 2.

Test in the discipline "SOCIAL STUDIES"


Test tasks

1. Choose the correct answer. What concept does the definition of “a part of the material world that is isolated from nature, closely connected with it, which includes the ways of interaction between people and the forms of their association” refer to?

a. culture;

b. society;

in. civilization;

G. the science

2. Choose the correct answer. Who was the creator of the doctrine of the noosphere?

a. L.N. Gumilyov;

b. IN AND. Vernadsky;

in. C. Darwin.

G. K. Marx

3. Choose the correct answer. Social progress is...

a. level of development of society;

b. the state of society as a whole at a certain stage of historical development;

in.the direction of social development, in which there is a progressive movement of society from simple forms of social life to more complex and higher ones.

4. Choose the correct answer. The idea of ​​the world and a person's place in it is called:

a. worldview;

b. ideology;

in philosophy.

G. the science

5. The state influences the economy through:

a. government orders collection

in.regulation of money circulation

G. all of the above

6. Choose the correct answer. The main goal of a market economy is:

a. in meeting people's needs

b. in environmental protection

in. in strengthening the state

G. in demand management

7. Choose the correct answer. What problems of our time are called global?

a. problems of elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl explosion;

b. problems facing all mankind, requiring the collective efforts of peoples to resolve them;

in. problems of economic interaction between different countries.

G. health problems

8. Choose the correct definition.




G. country income

9. Choose the correct answers. World religions are:

a. Hinduism;

b. Buddhism;

in. Christianity.

G. Islam

10. Choose the correct answer. What is the process of humanization of education?

a. in increasing humanitarian knowledge and disciplines in teaching

b. in a turn towards universal human values ​​in education

in. in the rejection of the ideologization of education

G. in deep study of history

11. Choose the correct answer. The means of introducing a person to the way of life and culture of society is:

a. the science;

b. education;

in. worldview.

G. philosophy

12. Choose the correct answer. The President of the Russian Federation is elected:

a. for six years

b. for five years

in. for seven years

G. for four years

a. 1991

b. 1992

in. 1993

G. 1990

14. Choose the correct answer. The ability and ability to have a certain impact on the activities and behavior of people:

a. politics;

b. dictatorship;

in. power.

G. mode

15. Choose the correct definition. To the elements of society not applicable:

a. university

b. fertile land

in. nation

G. social strata of the population

16. Choose the correct answer. The participation of the individual in politics can manifest itself in the role of:

a. family man ;

b. buyer;

in. picket participant.

G. educator

17. Choose the correct answer.

Legislative power in the Russian Federation is exercised by:

a. the Federal Assembly;

b. the Government of the Russian Federation;

in. President of the Russian Federation .

G. Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

18. Choose the correct answer. spiritual culture does not include:

a. science;

b. art;

in. technique.

G. education

19. Choose the correct answer. Align the spheres of public life and the features of traditional societies that characterize them:

a.economic sphere 1) figurative, contemplative thinking

b. social sphere 2) the dominance of private property

in. political sphere 3) class-caste, hierarchical


G.spiritual sphere 4) legal state

20. Choose the correct answer. Human Rights Day is celebrated around the world:

21. Match the concept and its definition:

a. social state 1) state on the territory

which is inhabited by various

ethnic groups (nations, nationalities)

b. multinational

state 2) state, political

whose regime is based on

strict adherence to legal regulations state 3) a state conducting an active

social policy

22. Choose the correct answers. What provisions characterize the features of modern science?

a. Science is a priority in the activities of developed countries in the conditions of modern scientific and technological revolution;

b.decrease on the part of the state investments in science;

in. scientific information develops, science moves from the sphere of purely spiritual life to the sphere of material production.


2 set

1 option

6-c, d










19th century



22-a-2, b-1, c-3




9-b, c, d



Option 2





16th century


18th century

19-1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a


21-a-3, b-1, c-2

22-a, in

Bundle 3

Test in the discipline "SOCIAL STUDIES"


Test tasks

1. What motivates people to take action?

a. need

b. motive

in. goal

G. result

2. Align the spheres of public life and the features of an industrial society that characterize them:

a. economic sphere

b.political sphere

in. social sphere

G.spiritual realm

1) consolidation of the principle of equality of citizens before the law, the formation of the rule of law and civil society

2) destruction of class boundaries, openness and mobility of social structures

3) rationalization of spiritual life, recognition of the autonomy of the individual from the state as the most important value

4) the rapid development of industry, the dominance of private property and market relations.

3. The essence of a person forms the unity of his two sides:

a. class

b. biological

in. social

G. economic

4. The basis of human existence is:

a. consumption

b. activity

in. love

G. friendship

5. Knowledge is:

a. form of leisure

b. reflection of reality in the human mind

in. comprehension by the forces of nature themselves

G.way of human existence

6. Activity consists of:

a. action

b. intentions

in. deeds

G. goals

7. The criteria of truth are:

a. experience and practice

b. expert opinion

in. compliance with the prevailing teaching in society

G.compliance with the laws of logic

8. Return to old, obsolete forms, stagnation and degradation are:

a."bad" progress

b. inconsistent progress

in. regression

G. progress

9 .Initially, the term "culture" was used in the sense of:

a. veneration quality

in. cultivation

G. activity

10. Name wrong statements:

a. Man's freedom consists in his ability to live outside of society. person - no society

in. each new generation is included in the already established social relations

G. society is not subject to change

d. knowledge, labor skills, moral standards are products of social development

11. What signs characterize the phenomenon of elite culture?

a. each elite creates its own cultural values ​​and ideals

b. the rise of art over politics, science, morality

in. dissemination of spiritual values ​​among a large number of people, entertainment and democracy

G. works created within the framework of this culture are designed for a narrow circle of people who are finely versed in art

12. The foundations of the economic doctrine of A. Smith are:

a. freedom of competition

b. the need for economic and political freedom

in. active government intervention in the economy

G.development of monopolies

13. The political regime is:

b. the atmosphere of secrecy and secrecy surrounding the work of government

in. methods and means of exercising state power.

G. work schedule of state institutions

14. The production of cultural: values ​​in a modern industrial society, designed for mass consumption is:

a. elite culture

b. material culture

in. Mass culture

G. spiritual culture

15. What is the name of the complex of universal problems on the solution of which the survival of mankind, the fate of civilization depends?

a. averting the threat of a new world war

b. scientific and technological revolution

in. global problems of our time

G. health protection

16 .Establish a correspondence between the types of society and the key social values ​​that characterize them:

a. traditional society 1) money and capital

B b. industrial society 2) power and tradition

AT in. information society 3) information and knowledge

17. The process by which an individual acquires symbols, values, norms in society is called:

a. adaptation

B b. socialization

C) with c. self-improvement


18. Conscience can be defined as:

a. values ​​and ideals of society

in. individual's ability to distinguish between good and evil

G. awareness of the individual's rights and freedoms

19. Ethnos is:

a. any social group

b.national minority

in. a set of people living in a certain territory, having common features of culture and psyche, a consciousness of unity

G. community of people

20. In which of the countries the processes of social mobility were most difficult:

a. in ancient Egypt

b. in ancient India

in. in ancient China

G. in ancient rome

Bundle 3

Test in the discipline "SOCIAL STUDIES"


Test tasks

1. Choose the correct answer. Align the spheres of public life and the features of traditional societies that characterize them:

a.economic sphere 1) figurative, contemplative thinking

b. social sphere 2) domination of private property

in.political sphere 3) estate-caste, hierarchical


G.spiritual sphere 4) rule of law

2 He defended the idea of ​​the sovereignty of the people or the principle of democracy in his work:

a. Machiavelli

b Hobbes

in. Locke

G. Rousseau.

3. Choose the correct answers. Which of the following is not one of the main characteristics of a nation?

a. common citizenship;

b. nationality;

in. common rights and obligations towards each other.

G. National language

4. Choose the correct answer. The process and result of mastering systematized knowledge and skills is:

a. upbringing

b. education

in. education

G. culture

5. Choose the correct answers. Which of the following is the content of religious psychology?

a. theology (theology);

b. religious feelings;

in. religious sentiments.

G. consciousness

6.Choose the correct answer. The system of generalized views on the surrounding reality is ...


b. worldview;

in. the science.

G. education

7. Match the names of parties and social and political movements with the names of their leaders:

a. V.V. Zhirinovsky 1) The Communist Party of the Russian

b. G.A.Zyuganov Federation (KPRF)

in. G.A. Yavlinsky 2) Liberal Democratic Party

3) "Apple"

8.Choose the correct answer. What is the rule of law?

a. the state in which the constitution exists and actually operates;

b. the state, the main principle of which is the rule of law (law);

in. state with a republican form of government.

9. Choose the correct definition. The legal status of a person is...

a. her political status;

b. its political role;

in. her personal status.

G. her party affiliation

10. Who was the creator of the doctrine of the noosphere?

a. L.N. Gumilyov;

b. IN AND. Vernadsky;

in. C. Darwin.

G. K. Marx

11. Choose the correct answer. What is the main feature of a market economy?

a. high quality products;

b. freedom of enterprise and trade;

in. no shortage of goods.

G. mass production

12. Choose the correct definition.

The state budget is...

a. the amount of material goods produced for a certain period;

b. a general indicator of the country's economic development;

in. the main financial plan of the country.

G. country income

13. Choose the correct answer. The current Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted in:

a. 1991

b. 1992

in. 1993

G. 1990

14. The main factors of human origin include

a. natural selection and the struggle for existence

b. work

in. religion

G. thinking

e. the custom of burying the dead

15. The social structure of society is ...

a. the structure of society as a whole;

b.a set of interconnected and interacting classes, social strata and groups;

in. social ties, social institutions providing social ties

G. all of the above is correct.

16. Cooperation is called:

a. individual or group wrestling

b. set of unidirectional and repetitive actions

in.collaboration to solve a common problem

G. the process of temporary residence, as a result of which the common culture of the group is formed

17. The central concept of the theory of social stratification - the concept of "stratum" - means:

a. stratification of society;

b. a large group of people, differing in their position in the social structure;

in. the process of differentiation of society.

G. movement of people

18. The production of cultural: values ​​in a modern industrial society, designed for mass consumption is:

a. elite culture

b. material culture

in. Mass culture

G. spiritual culture

19. The original meaning of the word "culture" is:

a. creation of artificial materials

b. land cultivation methods

in. rules of conduct in society

G. human creation of goods

20. Finish the definition: "Social progress is ...";

a. level (stage) of development of society, its culture

b. the state of society as a whole at a certain stage of historical development

in. the direction of social development, in which there is a progressive movement of society from simple and lower forms of social life to more complex and higher


21. The criteria for truth are:

a. experience and practice

b. expert opinion

in. compliance with the prevailing teaching in society

G.compliance with the laws of logic


3 set

1 option

2-a-4, b-1, c-2, d-3


10-d, a





15th century

16-a-2, b-1, c-3



19th century


Option 2

1-a-2, b-3, c-4, d-1

3-a, c


7-a-2, b-1, c-3







16th century


18th century



The concept of social progress

1. Progress means:

a) the decline of culture;

b) moving forward;

c) cyclic development;

d) a state of stability.

2. The "Golden Age" called the ancient society:

a) Plato

b) Aristotle;

c) Lucretius Car;

d) Hesiod

3. The French Enlighteners included the following criteria for progress:

a) the development of reason and morality;

b) the complication of legal institutions;

c) the development of productive forces;

d) the conquest of nature.

4. Revolution is:

a) rapid, qualitative changes in the life of society;

b) slow, gradual development;

c) a state of stagnation;

d) return to the original state.

5. Is the judgment correct?

A. The progressive development of society is always an irreversible movement forward.

B. Social progress is contradictory, does not exclude return movements and regression.

a) only A is true;

b) only B is true;

c) A and B are correct;

d) both are wrong.

6. K. Popper believed that:

A. The historical process is progressive.

B. Progress is only possible for the individual.

a) only A is true;

b) only B is true;

c) both are wrong;

d) A and B are correct.

7. The criterion for the development of society is not:

a) the level of development of science:

b) the degree to which a person satisfies his needs;

c) religious preferences of society;

d) the state of the economy.

8. The thinker who called the development of morality the main criterion for progress:

a) F. Schelling;

b) G. Hegel;

c) A. Saint-Simon;

d) C. Fourier.

9. Reform is transformation:

a) changing the political structure of society;

b) liquidating old social structures;

c) changing any aspect of public life;

d) leading to the regression of society.

10. A necessary condition for the self-realization of a person is:

a) freedom;

b) technique;

c) morality;

d) culture.

11. A complete change in all aspects of public life, including the foundations of the existing system, is:

a) reform;

b) innovation;

c) revolution;

d) progress.

12. One of the first to substantiate the idea of ​​social progress:

a) the ancient Greek poet Hesiod;

b) French philosopher A. Turgot;

c) German philosopher G. Hegel;

d) the founder of Marxism K. Marx

13. Complete the definition: "Social progress is ...":

a) the level (stage) of development of society, its culture;

b) the state of society as a whole at a certain stage of historical development;

c) the direction of social development, in which there is a progressive movement of society from simple and lower forms of social life to more complex and higher ones;

d) the development and transition of society from higher to lower.

14. Saint-Simon believed that society was the highest achievement of social progress:

a) universal harmony;

b) feudal estate;

c) industrial-industrial;

d) socioethical.

15. The idea that society develops along the path of regression was defended by:

a) the ancient Greek philosopher Plato;

b) the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle;

c) the ancient Greek poet Hesiod;

d) French educator J.A. Condorcet.

16. The highest criterion of social progress, according to K. Marx, is:

a) the development of productive forces;

b) the moral, spiritual and moral state of society;

c) the degree of increase in human freedom;

d) the development of the human mind.

17. Which of the following can be attributed to the causes of social changes:

a) external factors, the influence of the natural environment;

b) contradictions that arise between various social forces within society;

c) the desire of people for a new, more perfect;

d) all of the above.

18. What is the highest criterion of social progress?

a) the interests of the development of productive forces;

b) the moral, spiritual state of society;

c) a person, the quality of his life (progressive is what contributes to the elevation of humanism);

d) all of the above

19. Ancient Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle viewed history as:

a) a cyclic cycle;

b) moving forward;

c) spiral movement;

d) development from complex to simple.

20. The criterion of social progress can be considered:

a) the development of the mind;

b) development of production, science and technology;

c) the development of morality;

d) all of the above.

21. Are the following statements correct?

A. The development of science and technology is a universal criterion of social progress.

B. The development of humanism is the universal criterion of social progress.

a) only A is true;

b) only B is true;

c) A and B are correct;

d) both statements are wrong.

22. Are the following statements correct?

A. Progress is characterized by a transition from higher to lower.

B. Progress is characterized by processes of degradation, a return to lower forms and structures.

a) only A is true;

b) only B is true;

c) A and B are correct;

d) both statements are wrong.

Resources used:

1. Sorokina E.N. Pourochnye development in social science. Profile level: 10th grade. - M.: VAKO, 2008. - 512 p. -


1. Are the judgments correct?

A. The task of morality is to evaluate human actions in terms of good and evil.

B. The task of morality is to regulate human relations

a) only A is true

b) only B is true

c) both A and B are true

d) both statements are wrong

2. The "Golden Rule" of morality proclaims the principle:

a) act, guided not by personal interests, but by the interests of society

b) live yourself, let others live

c) treat others the way they treat you

d) don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do

3. Both morality and law

1) are expressed in official form

2) are created by the state

3) regulate social relations

4) are provided by the power of the state

4. Moral standards are

1) patterns of human behavior in society associated with the idea of ​​good and evil

2) examples of ideas about the beautiful and the ugly in art

3) norms for the violation of which a person is legally responsible

4) rules of conduct secured by the power of state coercion

5. The relationship of people from the standpoint of good and evil regulates:

1) right

2) morality

3) science

4) art

6. Are the following judgments about moral qualities correct?

A. Conscience is the highest form of a person's ability to moral self-control

B. Honor is an individual's awareness of his social significance and recognition of this significance by society

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

7. Complete the phrase.

The set of norms that determine human behavior in society and are based on public opinion is: _____ morality __________________

8. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of "morality".

Social norm, law, good and evil, spirituality, sanctions.

Find and indicate a term that is related to another concept.

Answer: ________right_______________

9. Illustrate with three examples the unity of morality and law.

Answer: As examples illustrating the unity of morality and law, the following can be given: In the system of social norms, morality and law are the most universal, extending to the whole society. The norms of morality and law have a single object of regulation - public relations. Both moral norms and legal norms come from society. The norms of morality and law stood out from the mononorms of primitive society. The norms of morality and law have a similar structure, etc.

1) activity and activity

2) profit and loss

3) wealth and poverty

4) honor and dignity

12. Norms of morality in contrast to the norms of law

1) regulated by the state

2) relate to the relations of only a certain group of people

3) regulate the behavior of all people

4) change due to the change of government

1) science

2) art

3) education

4) morality

1) art

2) morality

3) education

4) religions

15. Moral standards, as opposed to legal ones

1) regulate people's behavior

3) are provided exclusively by the power of public opinion

4) are mastered in the process of socialization

16. Social norms that reflect ideas of good and evil are

1) customs and traditions

2) moral standards

3) aesthetic standards

The disadvantages of the system-functional approach include the fact that individual factors in politics, personal conflicts, which political life is full of, remain without attention. The individual is considered only as a performer of functions, playing a certain role within the framework of this system. In addition, supporters of this approach are criticized for excessive schematism and formalism in the study of complex political phenomena.
Along with the methods discussed above, many others are used in political science: logical (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, experiment, modeling, etc.), comparative, historical, methods of empirical research.
All this variety of approaches and methods in political science, with all their advantages and disadvantages, indicates that the knowledge of the essence of political phenomena and processes cannot be one-dimensional and one-linear. It is necessary to take into account and use the richness of the accumulated methodology so that knowledge can give a practical and targeted return.
The diversity of approaches is enhanced by the peculiarities of political science in different countries. At the same time, especially in recent decades, as a result of the strengthening of communication links, computerization, the leading directions and methodologies of political science are mutually influenced and mutually enriched.
If in the first half of the XX century. in the development of political science the idea of ​​improving the methods and methods of research prevailed, in the second half the development went along the path of specifying the subjects of research. What remains common is the strengthening of the pragmatic orientation of political science and the increasing role of its applied branches.

Question 5. Main approaches to understanding policy

The concept of "politics" is not as simple as it seems. Its definition was first given in Ancient Greece, where the word polis denoted the state, and the word politics denoted state or public affairs, more precisely, the art of government. This understanding of politics is still true today, but only in the most general sense.
At the modern scientific level, there are several main approaches to understanding politics.
First of all, this is a historically established idea of ​​politics as the management of society; and since this is most of all done by the state, then politics in this approach is reduced to state activity.
There is a widespread view of politics as the regulation of relations between various social strata, ethnic groups, and state formations. Depending on the ideas about their interests, in this variant, politics is considered either as a struggle or cooperation between them, or as a complex interaction.
The understanding of politics as a struggle of various social groups and individuals for power is widely cultivated. A major theorist of political science, the American scientist G. Lasswell (1902-1978) argued that politics is connected with the formation of power. Lasswell, the founder of political psychoanalysis, introduced the concept of "imperious person". Its internal spring is the desire to overcome the feeling of inferiority by acquiring power. The allocation of the category of power as a determining one follows from the fact that the sphere of politics not only covers the state, the political system, but also goes beyond them. This is especially evident in domestic politics, where informal, hidden mechanisms for the implementation of public goals are clearly revealed.
There is also a tendency in modern science to reduce politics to the expression of economic or ideological interests. This approach comes from Marxism, from Lenin's statement: "... Politics is the most concentrated expression of the economy" (V. I. Lenin, Poln. sobr. soch. Vol. 42. P. 216).
There is a definition of politics as a characteristic of a course of action aimed at achieving certain goals in the relationship of people among themselves.
A variety of approaches to explaining the meaning of politics complicates the expression of its concept, a clear formulation. Without pretending to be an exhaustive interpretation, let's say that politics is a sphere of activity between social groups, the purpose of which is to conquer, retain and use state power to satisfy their interests and needs. Such a definition points to the state as the central element of politics, and the state itself is considered as the main category of the science of politics. This approach originates from Aristotle, who inextricably linked politics with the state. But it also corresponds to modern ideas, because it combines such key elements as activity - the state - power.

Question 6: Policy structure

Modern politics has a complex structure. Its most important elements are the following.
Objects of policy - a constantly changing set of social problems of this level, the solution of which requires political intervention, reforms and structural changes.
The subjects of politics are direct participants in political activity: people, their organizations, parties, movements pursuing political goals, solving political problems.
Political power is the ability of certain political forces to have a decisive influence on society, to develop and implement policies based on a balance of forces and interests, subordinating people to this.
Political processes - the interaction of various political forces, political subjects in solving political problems, their impact on policy objects.
Political ideas and concepts - theoretical understanding of the political development of society, reflection of the interests and sentiments of various social groups, development of solutions to political problems.
Listing only the main components of politics shows that as a phenomenon it is huge. Politics covers almost all spheres of modern life. It is no coincidence that the following concepts are widely used: economic policy, technical policy, military policy, social policy, cultural policy, educational policy, etc. Politics is also diverse in its form. This is management, the exercise of power, and the struggle for power, for influence in society, and activities about political problems, and the art of political relations, and theoretical work to put forward ideas and programs for their implementation.
The breadth and diversity of the political spectrum dictate the need for many sciences that develop certain aspects of politics as a social phenomenon. And such a variety of sciences has long existed in reality. Many sciences have their own types in the study of various aspects of politics (methodological, concrete applied, sociological, historical, legal, etc.). These are history and geography, law and sociology, philosophy and economic theory, psychology and cybernetics, praxeology and logic, etc. Each of them has as its subject the study of one or another form of politics, starting from the methodological aspect and ending with specific applied issues.
History studies real socio-political processes, different points of view on these processes, and thus allows us to find out and explain the causes of current political processes. Political and economic geography deals in detail with the conditions (spatial and economic conditioning of political processes, the role of the environment, the natural foundations for the formation of political activity, etc.) that are important for the analysis of the political process. Philosophy creates a general picture of the world, clarifies the place of a person and his activities in this world, at the same time gives general concepts about the principles and conditions of knowledge, the development of theoretical concepts in general, political ones in particular. Law outlines the general framework for the activities of all state structures, as well as other organizations, citizens and their associations, that is, the framework for the formation of phenomena that are central to politics. Sociology studies the structure and functioning of both society as a whole and individual groups that make it up, as well as socio-political relations in this society. Praxeology studies the conditions and trends of all types of human activity, including political.
Each of these sciences has its own subject and its own angle of view in the study of politics. And only political science studies politics in general. Most domestic and foreign scientists consider political science as a general, integrative science of politics in all its manifestations. It interacts with other sciences of the socio-political cycle, using their scientific achievements in the interests of a more complete knowledge of politics.

Question 7. Political thought of the Ancient East

Political science has a rich long history in the form of the evolution of political ideas. It is based on the ideas and concepts that the best thinkers of the past developed throughout the history of mankind. The political and legal ideology arose together with the state and went through a centuries-old path of development. The comprehension of social problems and moral and political values ​​began in ancient times. A variety of ideas related to power and rights, the state and the individual, democracy and despotism are found in the works of thinkers of Ancient China, the Arab East, the Muslim world, and European civilization. They were tested by historical practice, polished into clear formulas of political documents. There was a constant search for optimal models of social structure, relationships between the individual, society and the state, and for a long time it was carried out within the framework of philosophical and religious teachings.
In the III-II millennium BC. e. people's thinking was still dominated by mythological ideas about the world around them. This was also reflected in political thought: it was based on the idea of ​​the divine origin of political orders. True, the relationship between earthly and heavenly rulers was interpreted in different ways.
For the ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Indians, the gods under any circumstances themselves remained the arbiters of earthly affairs, the first legislators and rulers. For example, God was in a special contractual relationship with the Jewish people and was considered their main ruler, legislator and judge. The ancient Chinese had a slightly different idea: for them, the emperor was the only conductor of the will of the heavenly forces. The gods endowed him with all the fullness of earthly power, giving him special internal forces and opportunities for its implementation.
Emphasizing the divine nature of power for a long time was a cross-cutting theme of both mythological and religious worldview. They illuminated the existing social structure with the indisputable authority of higher powers - the hierarchy of gods or a single god. For example, in ancient Babylon in the XVIII century. BC e. King Hammurabi portrayed his legislation as the implementation of the will of the gods. Therefore, the division into slaves and free, the economic, legal inequality of the free themselves had to be perceived as fair, given by the will of the gods.
In ancient Iran around the 8th century. BC e. the religious doctrine of Zoroastrianism (Zoroaster, Zarathushtra) was born. This doctrine had a great influence on the ideological and religious concepts of both the East and the West (including the formation of Christianity). The essence of Zoroastrianism is the struggle in the world of two principles: good and evil. Good personifies the light god - Ormuzd, evil - the dark god - Ahriman. Light and darkness are fighting each other, and the meaning of the existence of each person lies in the active struggle against darkness and evil. Zarathushtra was convinced of the final victory of good, although evil can triumph temporarily. The state, according to Zarathushtra, should be the earthly incarnation of the bright god Ormuzd. The monarch acts as his servant and must fight against evil in the state, instilling good.
In ancient India, the beginnings of the ideology of Brahminism were already set forth in the Vedas in the 2nd millennium BC. BC), which substantiate the division of society into 4 varnas, i.e. estates: brahmins, kshatriyas, vaishyas and sudras. These estates and their various positions are predetermined by dharma, i.e., world law and duty. The Laws of Manu (2nd millennium BC) justified the leading role of the Brahmins and their exclusive right to interpret the dharma. In addition to sophisticated earthly punishments for violating the dharma by representatives of other classes, the laws of Manu introduced the fear of the transmigration of the soul into a lower being.
Against the Brahmanist ideology and the system of varnas was directed in the VI century. BC e. the teachings of Siddhartha, nicknamed the Buddha (Enlightened One). Dharma among Buddhists acts as a regularity governing the world, a natural law. Reasonable behavior requires the knowledge and application of this law: the path of legality is at the same time the path of justice and wisdom. The main thing in - unlike Brahmanism, Buddhism proclaimed an installation on an individual path of salvation.
Certain rationalistic interpretations of the state and law are observed in the Arthashastra (4th-3rd centuries BC), the author of which is Kautilya (Chanakya), adviser and minister of King Chandragupta I. In addition to moral standards, the emphasis was on practical benefits (arthe) and the political events and administrative-imperious establishments caused by it.
The great thinker of Ancient China, Confucius (VI-V centuries BC), recognized the Divine origin of the emperor's power, but refused the Divine origin of the state. According to his teaching, it arose from the union of families. That is, the state is a large patriarchal family, where the emperor is a strict but fair father, and his subjects are his obedient children. Relations in the state should be regulated primarily by morality. The welfare of the people is one of the central points of the political part of his doctrine. A wise administrator must know well what people love and what they hate; he should always strive for good, and then people will follow him. Following these principles means "tao" (right way). Confucius himself was not particularly successful in trying to put his ideas into practice. However, his doctrine became that starting point, that standard "measuring scale" of political culture, against which the thinkers and reformers of subsequent generations checked their theories.
Within the framework of Taoism, whose founder is considered to be Lao Tzu (6th century BC), the correct path (dao) was considered not as a path in accordance with the requirements of the gods, but as a natural necessity. That is, according to Lao Tzu, the laws of nature are higher than the laws of the gods and carry the highest virtue and natural justice. Thus, he was one of the first to criticize the socio-political structure of China. His calls for abstinence, a return to communal life in its patriarchal nature did not receive wide public support.
The founder of Moism, Mo Tzu (5th century BC), substantiated the idea of ​​the natural equality of people. To do this, he interpreted the concept of "the will of heaven" in a new way, considering it as universality, that is, an equal attitude towards all people. Hence his sharp criticism of the existing order. Mo Tzu became one of the first founders of the contractual concept of the origin of the state. He argued that the lack of governance and a common understanding of justice determined the state of hostility and chaos in society. To eliminate them, people chose the most virtuous and wise person and called him the son of heaven.
The Legists of Ancient China, represented by one of the prominent representatives of this school, Shang-Yang (4th century BC), criticized the views of Confucius for idealism in relation to the moral standards for the ruler, by which he should be guided. Shang-Yang believed that it was possible to govern not with the help of virtues, but with the help of strict laws, to which people must obey under pain of punishment and violence. To do this, the legists substantiated the principle of collective responsibility on the basis of mutual responsibility (five-yards and ten-yards) and introduced the ideas of total denunciation. These ideas played a significant role in the further development of the system of state administration in ancient China and neighboring countries, and later, through the Mongol conquest, in Russia.
Thus, the first attempts to comprehend the socio-political structure within the framework of the religious and mythological worldview consisted in considering the earthly orders as an inseparable part of the cosmic orders that had a Divine origin. Thus, the superiority of order over chaos was affirmed.

Question 8. Political thought of Ancient Greece and Rome

In the first millennium BC. e. as society developed, there was a leap in spiritual culture and humanity took the first steps towards rational self-consciousness within the framework of philosophy. The true pinnacle of the political thought of the ancient world is considered to be the political philosophy of ancient Greece. It initially developed as an ideology of free people, so its main value is freedom. The peculiarities of the geographical position of Hellas made it possible for the close coexistence of various forms of government, the variety of interstate relations, cultural styles gave a genuine wealth of political life. In many city-states, citizens actively participated in political life, the power was not religious, the whole of Hellas was the scene of a struggle for power not by priests, but by ordinary citizens. That is, the development of political science reflected the objective needs of social life.
One of the first attempts to consider the emergence and development of man and society as part of a natural process, as a result of adaptation and imitation, was the ideas of Democritus (460-370). That is, the policy and laws are artificial formations, but created in the course of the natural evolution of man and society as part of nature. From this follows the criterion of justice for society: everything that corresponds to nature is fair (sense of proportion, mutual assistance, protection, brotherhood, etc.). Democritus was one of the first to substantiate the idea of ​​a democratic social order built on the principles of equality and justice. At the same time, he cannot be presented as an unconditional supporter of the mandatory participation of all citizens in the management of the policy. He, like many others, selects for this the best people, the most capable of managing.
Another direction that justifies the democratic structure of the state was sophistry (5th century BC). For example, Protagoras (481-411) justified this by the fact that the gods gave people the same opportunity to be involved in wisdom, virtues and the art of public life. The main task of the policy is to educate citizens in such virtues as justice, prudence and piety.
Socrates (469-399) was one of the first to lay the foundation for all subsequent political science the idea that those who know should govern. Political knowledge is achieved by the hard work of a person worthy of this truth, moral and politically virtuous.
The political ideas of Plato (427-347) are most fully set forth in the dialogue "The State". The participants in the dialogue are trying to model the appearance of an ideal state where true justice would reign. Plato considers the diversity of human material needs, the inability to satisfy them alone, as the motive for the creation of the state. The key to the stability of the state is the division of labor according to the inclination of the soul. The three principles of the human soul - rational, furious and lustful - in the state correspond to three similar principles - deliberative, protective and business. These last correspond to three estates: rulers, warriors and producers, who should not interfere in each other's affairs. The state should be governed by a special class of philosophers specially trained for this role.
Plato describes 7 types of government: one - described above - is ideal, which did not exist in reality; two - correct (monarchy and aristocracy) and four imperfect political forms: timocracy, oligarchy, democracy and tyranny. Moreover, he calls democracy the main trouble of politics, because it is not the power of the masses, which will inevitably lead to the tyranny of the majority. In democracy, in his opinion, morals are corrupted, prudence is driven out, arrogance and shamelessness are installed. Democracy is short-lived, the crowd very soon yields power to a one-man tyrant.
In the political ideal of Plato, the individual, society and the state are combined in the policy. He believed that true knowledge was not inherent in an ordinary individual, and sought to subordinate it to the state. To do this, he introduces a strict hierarchy of estates: philosopher-rulers (upper class); guards and warriors; artisans and peasants (physical labor). The subjects have nothing of their own - no family, no property - everything is in common. But even the upper classes do not have the right to appropriate state property. “We are sculpting the state,” Plato wrote, “not so that only a few people in it are happy, but so that it is happy as a whole” (see Plato. “State”). In the political doctrine of Plato, many see the origins of totalitarianism.
Another prominent scholar of Ancient Greece was Aristotle (384-322), who analyzed many political concepts. In his opinion, political science deals with the state, the policy. He argued that the state is a natural formation; the development of society goes from the family to the community (village), and from it to the state (city-polis). The natural origin of the state is due to the fact that “man by nature is a political being” and carries an instinctive desire for “joint cohabitation”. However, the priority is the state - it, in his opinion, by nature stands ahead of the family and the individual. The state exists for the better life of its citizens. In his book Politics, Aristotle did not single out the state from society, emphasizing that "it is necessary that the whole precede the part." The state should be the embodiment of justice and law, an expression of the common interest of citizens.
There are also totalitarian tendencies in the teachings of Aristotle: a person is a part of the state, his interests are subordinated to the public good. He called citizens free people, but he understood freedom only as the opposite of slavery: citizens are not slaves, no one owns them; they are engaged in military, legislative, judicial affairs, and agriculture and industrial production are the lot of slaves.
Comparing the forms of government, Aristotle divides them on two grounds: the number of rulers and the purpose, that is, the moral significance of government. The result was three "right" (monarchy, aristocracy, polity) and three "wrong" (tyranny, oligarchy and democracy). He considered the best form of polity, which should unite three elements: virtue, wealth, freedom - and thus combine the interests of the rich and the poor.
A certain contribution to the interpretation of the state was made by the famous Roman orator and thinker Mark Cicero (106-43 BC). For him, the state appears as a coordinated legal communication, he considered it the embodiment of justice and law. Plato and Aristotle considered natural law and the state to be inseparable. Cicero said that natural law arose before any written law, before the creation of the state. In this regard, Cicero stood at the origins of the understanding of the idea of ​​a “lawful state”. He considered the most reasonable a mixed form of the state, in which royal power, aristocracy and democracy would be combined.
Thus, the main problems of the political philosophy of antiquity were the forms of statehood, the nature of power, the position of the individual in the state.

Question 9. Political thought of the Middle Ages

The content of political doctrines predetermines the periodization of their history, since the problem of identifying the stages in the development of political thought is primarily of a general theoretical nature. In this sense, the most appropriate is the construction of periodization, coinciding with the civilizational division of the entire history of mankind: the Ancient World, the Middle Ages, the Modern Age, the Modern Age. Accordingly, the content of this chapter is built with one deviation from the scheme. It is an acquaintance with religious ideas about politics.
As already noted, the very first attempts in the history of mankind to understand socio-political problems have come down to us in religious myths and legends. The myth of Noah, which is more than five thousand years old, tells about the solution of a number of social problems. Many issues of power, property, human relationships are reflected in the myths of Ancient Greece and Rome. A systematic approach to the consideration of many issues of statehood, law, social behavior is contained in the documents of world religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam. Religions consecrated the existing social structure with the indisputable authority of higher powers - the hierarchy of gods or a single god.

a) society is part of nature

b) nature is part of society

c) society and nature in interconnection form a single real world

d) society, having created a culture (“second nature”), has lost touch with nature

5. Name the incorrect statements:

a) a person's freedom consists in his ability to live outside society

b) no person - no society

c) each new generation is included in the already established social relations

d) the life of society is not confirmed by changes

e) knowledge, labor skills, moral standards are products of social development

Who was the creator of the doctrine of the noosphere?

a) V.I. Vernadsky c) Ch. Darwin

b) L.N. Gumilyov d) O. Comte

Which of the statements is true?

a) society is made up of people, therefore it is enough to study an individual person in order to have an idea about society as a whole

b) society and nature are inextricably linked and subject to a common law

c) society has become isolated from nature and is not subject to the action of natural laws

8. “The diverse ties that have arisen between social groups, classes, nations, as well as within them in the process of economic, social, political and cultural life and activity are ...”:

a) national relations

b) public relations

c) industrial relations

9. Complete the definition: "Society is ...":

a) dynamic system

b) a set of people united by the historical forms of their relationship and interaction

c) "collective" of collectives

d) all of the above

10. Match the name of the sphere of public life and its institutions:

1) the spiritual sphere of society

3) the economic sphere of society

4) the political sphere of society

a) power, state, suffrage

b) production of material goods, finance, trade

c) classes, nations, primary collectives

d) theater, religion, science, moral standards, education

What are the sciences that study social life called?

a) humanities

b) natural sciences

c) social sciences

12. The economic sphere of public life includes:

a) all relations between classes, social groups

b) relations in the process of material production

c) relations arising on the issue of state power

13. The activity of state organizations, political parties refers to:

a) the spiritual sphere of public life

b) the social sphere of public life

c) the political sphere of public life

14. Match the names of social sciences and the areas of public life they study:

1) the economic sphere of society

2) the social sphere of society

3) the political sphere of society

4) the spiritual sphere of society

a) sociology

b) political science

c) jurisprudence

d) economics

f) aesthetics

One of the first to substantiate the idea of ​​social progress

a) the ancient Greek poet Hesiod (VIII - VII centuries BC)

b) French philosopher A. Turgot (XVIII century)

c) German scientist K. Marx (XIX century)

16. The German philosopher G. Hegel (first half of the 20th century) argued that:

a) social development is a movement forward from imperfect to more perfect

b) social progress is an upward development of the human mind

c) humanity is moving towards ever greater mastery of nature, the development of production and of man himself

17. Complete the definition: "Social progress is ...":

a) the level (stage) of development of society, its culture

b) the state of society as a whole at a certain stage of historical development

c) the direction of social development, in which there is a progressive movement of society from simple and lower forms of social life to more complex and higher ones.

18. The idea that society develops along the path of regression was defended by:

a) Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle

b) the ancient Greek poet Hesiod

c) French educator J.A. Condorcet

Which of the following can be attributed to the causes of social change?

a) external factors, the influence of the natural environment

b) contradictions arising between various social forces within society

c) the desire of people for a new, more perfect

d) all of the above