Defeated Arthas. History of the Lich King: Everything you need to know about this legendary character

Lyanna Menethil and King Terenas had two children: Princess Calia Menethil and Prince Arthas. Arthas was the future heir to the throne, and his childhood passed in ideal conditions. He was born four years before the First War between humans and orcs, which forced the inhabitants to flee north. If anyone had a golden childhood, full of greatness and lack of pain from the loss of loved ones, it was Arthas Menethil.

Arthas came of age surrounded by those who suffered from the war. His childhood friend was Varian Wrynn, heir to Stormwind and future king after Llane's death. His mentor in combat training was Muradin Bronzebeard, hero of the Second War and staff of Ironforge in Lordaeron. The prince also learned the art of chivalry from Uther the Lightbringer of the Order of the Silver Hand himself.

First and Second Wars

Arthas was born in peacetime. Lordaeron did not have much conflict for many years and was the largest and most powerful among the seven kingdoms. Yes, Stromgarde was much older and held the title of the first kingdom, Alterac was located more centrally, Dalaran was the kingdom of magic, Stormwind defended the border, Kul Tiras had the most powerful fleet, and Gilneas was proud of its autonomy and developed industry. But no one could dispute Lordaeron's role as a human kingdom.

Arthas' childhood fell on the First and Second Wars. Unlike his future friend Varian Wrynn, Terenas did not raise his son as a warrior. The kings of Stormwind have always ruled "on horseback", fighting alongside their armies. But Stormwind was on the border and under constant threat from Stranglethorn trolls. Lordaeron last saw the trolls when their remnants retreated north beyond the walls of Zul'Aman, and east into Zul'Mashar. And while Lordaeron still upheld military traditions, Terenas was too preoccupied with diplomacy and other managerial tasks to train his son in the art of combat.

When the refugees from Stormwind arrived, Arthas befriended Varian Wrynn. Varian was a few years older than he, but as heirs to the throne, they were equals. Frustrated by the death of his parents, Varian befriended Arthas, but the two princes lived in completely different worlds. Varian witnessed the fall of his kingdom and the death of his father, and was trained in the use of weapons from an early age. Arthas was younger and less experienced. His kingdom was still prosperous and his father was safe on his throne. After the end of the Second War, Varian eventually returned home to Stormwind, partly rebuilt due to Terenas' influence over the other kingdoms. The two kingdoms became strong allies, and Stormwind often voted in favor of Terenas' plans.

But it robbed Arthas of his closest friend during his teenage years. In truth, Varian had already taken on the burden of adult responsibility that Arthas wasn't ready to take on for years to come. He was still unprepared and still unaware of his future responsibilities.

Muradin, Uther and Jaina

Over time, Arthas met three people who directed his life in a different direction. One of them became more than a friend to him, while the other two became mentors and taught him valuable skills. With Varian gone, Arthas needed someone who could understand what it meant to be heir to the throne and bear the burden of responsibility for an entire kingdom. And he met such a person in Lady Jaina Proudmoore, daughter of Admiral Daelin Proudmoore of Kul Tiras. At the same time, Arthas finally began training with weapons with Muradin Bronzebeard, who had befriended Terenas during the Second War and served as ambassador to Lordaeron. In addition, Arthas also studied religion under the auspices of Uther the Lightbringer, the first of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

It was these people who determined the future fate of the young prince. A romantic connection developed between Arthas and Jaina when he accompanied her to study at the Kirin Tor in Dalaran, but they have not seen each other for many years since. He saw Uther and Muradin every day. As he grew older, Arthas constantly learned from both, each of whom was a walking legend. It was during this period that Arthas also first learned what was expected of him as king in the future.

King Terenas ordered Calia to become engaged to her unloved Lord Daval Prestor, despite all her pleas. Arthas never found out that Daval Prestor was the dragon Deathwing in disguise, and the engagement to Calia was just part of a plan to use Alterac and Lordaeron to his advantage. But due to Calia's grief and her request to never give her children in marriage for political gain, Arthas realized that someday he, too, might be forced to marry not for love, but for convenience. It wasn't the first time his duties as a prince overrode his desires, but it was on those duties that the future of the kingdom depended.


At the age of nineteen, Arthas traveled south to the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind for a ceremony that would change his life forever. The golden child of Lyanna and Terenas has grown into a grown man. His childhood friend Varian also grew up, recently married and became a father. Varian received guests from all seven kingdoms to see the ascension of Prince Arthas Menethil. That untrained boy, trained by Muradin Bronzebeard, now became a skilled fighter who could hand-to-hand defeat even an experienced dwarf. He could even stand up to Varian, who had begun his training much earlier.

However, Arthas himself had doubts about his worthiness to become a knight of the Silver Hand. But Uther reassured him, telling Arthas a simple truth. He felt unworthy because he was unworthy. No paladin is worthy on his own. The reason why the Light chooses them is that they may strive to become worthy in the process of spreading the word of Light throughout the world. A paladin comes to the Light by his deeds, not by title.

Surrounded by his father and sister, mentors and his brothers and sisters from the Silver Hand, as well as members of the nobility and Lady Jaina Proudmoore, Arthas entered the Cathedral of Light, swore allegiance to the order, and was declared a member of the Silver Hand by Archbishop Alonsus Faol. Gavinrad the Terrible, one of the first paladins, gave him the "Vengeance of the Light" - a sacred war hammer. Arthas emerged from the cathedral already a paladin, a warrior of his kingdom, a defender of his people.

Arthas always went to the end and reached heights in everything. But maybe if he had been a less skilled warrior, a less responsible prince, and a less glorious paladin, then he would not have suffered such a sad fate.

Arthas Menethil was the heir to royalty in Lordaeron. From an early age, as a prince, he was taught everything that was required to rule. However, no one took it upon himself to teach him how to fight.

One day, the ambassador of the dwarven kingdom arrived at the castle -. He noticed that the boy did not know how to use weapons at all, and took him for training, tormenting him with tedious training and long hikes. There Arthas got stronger and eventually even managed to even defeat the teacher.

A special mention is worth the faithful horse - Invincible, who was born literally in the prince's arms. He accompanied the young heir to the throne everywhere. In those same years, the prince first met the daughter of the ruler of the union state of Kul Tiras, Jaina Proudmoore.

A little older, Arthas decided to follow the path of the paladin, learning the light and knightly honor from the head of the Silver Hand paladin order - . When the young prince reached certain heights in this matter, the head of the church of light, Alonsus Faol, and four of the five first paladins personally initiated him into the order.

It seemed that the life of the young prince is developing remarkably. A high title, success in studies and diplomacy, the consent of his parents (his and Jaina) to a future marriage, and in fact an intimate relationship with a sorceress.

Through Arthas' stupidity, the Invincible was mortally wounded, and the prince had to finish off the animal. Then guilt began to grow in his mind, doubt and guilt began to take possession of his mind.

The Scourge Appears in Lordaeron

A little later, when Arthasa, along with Jaina and a band of warriors, patrolled the local lands, he first encountered the brutality of the orcs that escaped from the reservations in which they were kept after defeating them. In pursuit of the orcs, the brave prince fought against the enemies of the kingdom and even with simple robbers. But one day there was a fatal meeting. Arthas met a man who called himself Kel'Thuzad. It was one of the exiled magicians who constantly talked about some kind of master and a great goal in which the prince would play an important role. This magician possessed necromancy and called the dead to his side. In righteous anger, Arthas dealt with the dead and even killed Kel'Thuzad himself. But before his death, he said that it was so conceived, that the master foresaw everything, and that Arthas was already involuntarily serving them.

Horrified that the curse that turns the living into minions of the necromancer turned out to be a plague, which was saturated with grain to be sent throughout the kingdom, the prince realized that his people were in terrible danger.

Having reached the city of Stratholme, the prince saw that he was late - all the townspeople were already doomed, and Arthas made a fatal decision for himself. In order to save the entire kingdom, he decided to cleanse the city by putting to the sword all its inhabitants. Jaina and Uther condemned his decision, by no means agreeing with what the prince intended. But he was adamant. After the first murder of the innocent Arthas, he left the world, and at the same time he ceased to be a member of the Order of the Silver Hand.

Having stained his hammer with blood, the prince learned that the Dreadlord Malganis was behind everything. And when the city was actually destroyed, in a thirst for revenge, Arthas set off in pursuit of him to the snowy continent of Northrend, because Malganis himself said where to look for him.

Expedition to Northrend

The evil prophecy of Ner'zhul, Lord of Kel'Thuzad, was coming true. And Arthas was a few steps from the abyss. Even Medivh, the great magician who calls himself the Prophet, failed to convince the prince to flee to Kalimdor, saving his people. Arthas stepped into the path of darkness.

Arriving in Northrend, the prince saw in a dream a runeblade that could rid him of his weaknesses, that could help pay Malganis what he deserved. Muradin, who was on this continent just in search of the sword, which according to legend was called Frostmourne, undertook to help his old student, being one of the founders of the League of Explorers. He, like any other dwarf, valued treasure and hunting for it.

However, when the two of them finally reached the cave and overpowered the guard, Muradin realized that the sword was cursed. And despite the fact that he tried to dissuade Arthas not to take it, he did not listen and took the sword for himself. Frostmourne, the sword of the king of the dead Ner'zhul, found its new owner, embodying his plan. Muradin, seriously wounded by a fragment of the ice block in which the blade was chained, remained in the cave. The prince did not even pay attention to him, his soul had already merged with the blade, and now he was driven only by revenge. After destroying the dumbfounded Malganis, reducing him and his army to nothing, Arthas headed home for his own army.

Death Knight

In Lordaeron, the prince was welcomed as a hero. He and his two closest associates, Falric and Marvin, stepped into the chambers of their father, King Terenas. Arthas killed him by piercing his heart with his blade. The death knight turned the entire city, all friends and family into an army of the dead.

Arriving at the grave of the Invincible, he resurrected him, the good old horse, and from now on they were together again.

As you can see, Arthas had almost no will of his own. He served the king of the dead, and his first order was to resurrect Kel'Thuzad, who was personally killed by Arthas. In order to deliver the decomposing body of the renegade mage, the prince had to seek out an enchanted urn containing his father's ashes, which Uther and other paladins of the Silver Hand escorted to the burial site.

Having caught up with the funeral procession, he finished with another person who was previously close to him. Uther fell, and Arthas' path lay in Quel'Thalas, the kingdom of the high elves, where the Sunwell was located, the source of magic that fed the race of these creatures, capable of resurrecting a faithful servant and powerful ally of Kel'Thuzad.

No one could resist the march of the army of the dead. The death knight's army was left with nothing but corruption and decay. The Scourge of Retribution left a rotting scar of death in the forests of Quel'Thalas. The elite rangers led by Arthas fell at the hands of Arthas, and he personally turned her into a banshee, a wailing shadow that feels only pain and agony.

After a betrayal among the high elves, the magical barrier of the city was destroyed, and the high elf king Anasterian Sunstrider, the father, fell in battle with the death knight. The Sunwell was corrupted and Kel'Thuzad was brought back to life.

The next part of the plan was the mage city of Dalaran. It was there that an artifact was contained that could summon the Burning Legion to Azeroth. And the city of wizards could not resist, many magicians died, and Kel'Thuzad performed a ritual, as a result of which Archimonde, the general of the Burning Legion, came into the world. On this, as Archimonde himself said, the mission of the Lich King and his servants is over, and they are free to do what they want. However, Ner'zhul's plan was only gaining momentum. The hour of retribution drew near.

As Archimonde's forces devoured the lands of the night elves at the foot of Mount Hyjal, where the world tree was located, Arthas met with. He told him where the Skull of Gul'dan artifact was kept and persuaded the elf to steal it. Thanks to this, Archimonde lost a key advantage and fell. Azeroth remained intact, but for how long?

Fusion with Ner'zhul

The Lich King had gained his freedom from the Burning Legion, who held him as a puppet, and Second General Kil'jaeden sought revenge for this betrayal. He contacted the same Illidan and ordered, in atonement for the betrayal he had committed, to destroy the Frozen Throne on which Ner'zhul sat. When the elf practically carried out the order, the Lich King began to lose strength. He called to Arthas. The death knight had to report urgently to Northrend.

Fleeing from Sylvanas, who gained her freedom as a result of the weakening of Ner'zhul, over which the king of the dead lost control, Arthas fled to Northrend, leaving Kel'Thuzad to rule his kingdom from heaven on the flying necropolis of Naxxramas.

Arriving in Northrend, he met Kael'thas, who sought to kill Arthas in vengeance for his father. He was already the leader of the blood elves, who named themselves so in memory of their fallen brethren. But the thirst for revenge did not help him defeat the death knight. Kael'thas fled to Illidan, who was besieging Icecrown.

Arthas himself, in desperation, sought help, because everything was at stake. He came to the rescue, the dead king of the nerubians - a race of insect-like creatures, who was once defeated by Ner'zhul with the help of his dead warriors and turned into a servant. The Prince charged into Icecrown through the ancient subterranean realm of Azjol-Nerub, defeating unseen nightmarish creatures along the way, but still making it before his master died.

Ner'zhul empowered Arthas with all the powers he still had left, and the death knight wrested victory from the hands of Illidan, the blood elves, and the nagas besieging the Frozen Throne. Rising up, he saw his master - an empty armor, which contained the spirit of a powerful and dark creature - the Lich King.

Arthas broke the block of ice and donned the crown. His soul merged with Ner'zhul's, and for six long years the Lich King fell asleep on the throne. A battle was going on in his soul between Ner'zhul's mind, the prince's light side, and Arthas, the death knight, which was eventually won by the Arthas who had slaughtered Stratholme. Thirsty for revenge, ruthless monster.

Awakening of the Lich King

The Lich King awakened after six years. During this time, his minions built a huge impregnable citadel around Icecrown Glacier. The conflict in Azeroth flared up with renewed vigor. First of all, Arthas, along with an army of newly converted death knights, slaughtered the Scarlet Order of fanatics who hunted the servants of the Cult of the Damned, not shunning by any means. But there, at Light's Hope Chapel, he suffered his first defeat.

Tirion Fordring, the surviving paladin of the Order of the Silver Hand, broke the shackles that kept some of the death knights under the control of the Lich King with the power of light. So the minions freed from his will formed the order, speaking as a united front against Arthas, who managed to escape. Tirion Fordring himself cleansed the blade Ashbringer, which became a formidable force in battle with the minions of darkness.

But the battle wasn't over yet. The Lich King has infiltrated all his organizations with his agents and enlisted the support of an entire legion of terrible creatures. He resurrected the mighty dragon Sindragosa in the form of an ice wyrm, raised the vrykul warriors, taking control of the val'kyr, recruited some of the vrykul, endowing them with great power, and also turned the troll leader Drakkari to his side.

Consumed by memories, Arthas was forced to rip out his own heart and throw it into the dark depths beneath his citadel. It was unacceptable to maintain any connection with one's past.

War in Northrend

A war broke out. The Alliance, under the leadership of Highlord Bolvar Fordragon, and the Horde, under their leadership, rushed to the campaign, gathering their forces in two fronts in order to resist the darkness that could destroy the whole world. Even the surviving mages of the ruined city of Dalaran regained their strength, and realizing the gravity of the situation, they moved their entire city to Northrend in order to support the ground operation against Arthas.

Attacks went on all fronts, but it was not possible to simply defeat the king of the dead. In the heat of battle before the Wrathgate, when the forces opposing the Lich King went on a serious offensive, due to treachery in the ranks of the Forsaken, when Arthas had already personally entered the battle, the shock troops of the resistance forces were destroyed. Bolvar Fordragon also fell there, his body dragged by the undead into the halls of the Lich King's citadel.

However, the light continued the war. The Argent Dawn, educated and supplemented by the best warriors from all over the world, having passed the severe test in the tournament, has risen with new forces of the Argent Vanguard.

The citadel of Arthas was again besieged by the forces of their alliance with the Knights of the Ebon Blade, called the Ashen. At the cost of many losses and heroic actions of the heroes, the defense of the citadel fell. And they had only to overcome all the horrors that inhabited the stronghold of the king of the dead. On the other hand, Jaina Proudmoore led warriors to attack her former lover. She hoped to the last that goodness remained in his soul, but how wrong she was.

Barely escaping Arthas' wrath, she and Muradin Bronzebeard, who miraculously survived a shrapnel wound in Frostmourne Cavern, continued their attack from the other side. Breaking through to the very top, to the Frozen Throne, the heroes of the Horde and the Alliance, as well as the leaders of the Ashen Union, defeated all the servants of the Lich King.

last fight

At the top, Tirion Fordring was already waiting for them. Bolvar Fordragon was also there. Arthas tortured him, intending to find an ally, but he remained true to the light. When the battle began and the Lich King imprisoned Tyrion in an ice block, the heroes were left alone with him. Arthas toyed with them, giving the illusion of a quick victory. But just as it seemed that the King was defeated, Frostmourne, the runeblade in his hand, rose into the sky, and a single terrible spell killed all who fought with him. Arthas was pleased with himself. He kept saying that the best of the best had fallen, and from now on his invincible army would be formed from them. He intended to raise them as undead.

But when it seemed that everything was over, Tirion Fordring said the last prayer to the light, and a miracle happened - a block of ice broke. And in the final push, Frostmourne was shattered by Ashbringer. The souls of everyone Arthas had slain burst forth, even the spirit of his father Terenas. The former king of Lordaeron restored life to the bodies of the heroes, and they ended the tyranny of one of the most feared creatures on Azeroth.

But what to do next? The undead legions raised by Arthas were left unchecked and could become a significant problem in the coming future. Bolvar Fordragon took on this burden. The life of the High Lord was only sustained in this world by the fire of the red dragons that burned out the plague, the result of the betrayal of the Forsaken. This fire also became a guarantee that Bolvar's mind would not be affected by darkness. Tyrion personally crowned his former brother in the order, and now a new Lich King sits atop the Frozen Citadel.

Many consider Arthas a monster, but the spirit of Uther, with whom Jaina spoke when she entered the Halls of Reflection, said that if not for a small spark of good in Arthas, the Scourge would have captured Azeroth a long time ago.

The Story of Arthas Menethil (The Lich King) - video open close

Oh great Lordaeron, your walls are mighty,
The radiance of golden spiers drives away evil clouds!
Here the king rules, happy is the age of his glory,
But an excess of happiness brings the bitterness of poison.
O king, how great is this joyful occasion!
Your son was born, he sleeps in a melodious cradle,
He will become a support, your faithful joy,
And he will eclipse your crown with his glory.
From a baby, he quickly grew into a prince, became young,
Blood boils, blood boils, visible as a strong figure,
And then the father decided, inspired by advice,
Train your pride in the teachings of Light.
Uther the Light Bearer, a paladin in the rays of glory,
Teaches the young prince to repel evil blows,
And our prince, glorious Arthas with his smiting right hand,
He cleansed Azeroth with his thundering thunder.
Where joy rages, trouble follows,
An inanimate hand hung over the throne,
That is Ner "Zul, an insidious lich, seeing a grain of weakness,
Carries a plan on how to destroy the ice dungeon.
Mal "Ganis the Terrible, Lord of Shadows,
He is the Demon of the Abyss, the servant of the Lich King,
Infected with a rot-plague all Stratholme, its citizens,
Arthas is obsessed with anger, he must burn everything to the ground.
Poor prince, young Arthas, you took a wrong turn,
I lured your mind to Ner'Zhul.
After a long chase, killing and cold,
You grasped the handle of the mediator of darkness.
O great king, your son has returned,
So meet the hero with an abundance of wine!
But the heir is so gloomy, in a cloak and with a sword,
What are you doing son? - Become the King!
The blade of ice conquered you, proud warrior,
Taking your soul, he penetrated into your hand.
The dead spirit has corrupted the abode of your thoughts,
All love, all accomplishments forcing to forget.
And the pale Lich stands, clutching the hilt of his sword,
Below are the hordes of the dead, waiting for the order to kill,
There is no fear, no pain, no pitiful tears,
No feelings, no heart, no joyful dreams.
You stand in the realm of ice, snow and winter are all around,
But from somewhere came the petal of a flower,
Stretched out his hand to crush the insolent,
Petal only gave rise to the murder of his father


While still a young man, Arthas was born in Lordaeron, and then met another young prince who sailed from Stormwind - Varian Wrynn. They became best friends and spent time together at the time. But as they grew up, their paths diverged.

Arthas was trained by Uther Lightbringer and Muradin Goldenbeard as a teenager. Uther taught the Light to Arthas, and Muradin taught how to wield a weapon. Arthas took an oath to become a paladin, and also attended Tirion Fordring's trial. When the second war ended, and the remnants of the Blackrock Orcs continued to plague the people, Arthas actively defended the people. After some time, they destroyed the demon-worshipping orcs, and after Arthas learned about the plague, he went with Jaina to find out what kind of plague was roaming the lands of Lordaeron. It later turned out to be the Cult of the Damned, led by Kel'Thuzad. Then, nevertheless, it was possible to stop the plague, and kill the necromancer.

After, Arthas went to protect the village, which was called Harglen. Protect, not suspecting that the grain has already been taken apart by the peasants. But later, Uther arrived with the troops. A little later, already at Stratholme, Arthas ordered to clear this city. But Uther refused, believing there was another way. However, Arthas did not listen to this, and without Uther and Jaina, he began to cleanse Stratholme. But there was also the Dreadlord, Mal'Ganis. After clearing the city, Arthas traveled to Northrend to retrieve the Dreadlord. In the same place, he meets his old friend - Muradin. And along with Muradin, he learns about the runeblade - Frostmourne. Arthas, thinking about how to save his people, becomes interested in this blade, and is going to look for it. However, an ambassador arrives and reports that Uther is withdrawing his troops, and Arthas is returning to Lordaeron. However, Arthas does not want to return as he is not finished with his main enemy. And he destroys ships. Then, along with Muradin, he goes to the cave, for Frostmourne. There, Muradin is knocked unconscious by a shard of ice, and Arthas takes Frostmourne and kills Mal'Ganis with it. After leaving Northrend, Arthas returns to Lordaeron, where he kills his father. Waking up as a Death Knight, Arthas meets Tichondrius in front of him, realizing that this is Mal'Ganis. After, he gathers novices, and together with them, a new path of Arthas begins. Arthas needs to resurrect Kel'Thuzad. In doing so, he obtains his father's ashes by killing Uther and the rest of the paladins, retrieves the key to the gate to Silvermoon City, kills Sylvanas by turning her into a banshee, and desecrates the Sunwell. Thus, he resurrects Kel'Thuzad, already in a new guise. Along with Kel'Thuzad, Arthas goes to summon Archimonde by killing the Blackrock Orcs. After that, Arthas goes to Dalaran, and by doing so, summons the Legion of Demons to Azeroth.

Some time later, Arthas returns to Lordaeron, encounters the Nathrezim, and kills the refugees. Arthas is then betrayed by Sylvanas, who poisons him with an arrow. Arthas is also called upon by Ner'zhul, and Arthas is forced to leave Lordaeron for Northrend. In Northrend, he runs into the Blood Elves and cuts them all out with Anubarak. In the end, along with Anubarak, Arthas reaches the Frozen Throne, but there is also a problem on the other side. Illidan. But, ultimately, Arthas slays Illidan and ascends to the throne.

After a long time, Arthas wakes up from his long sleep and begins another genocide on Azeroth. But the heroes of Azeroth begin to fight the Lich King, and Tirion Fordring defeats the Lich King. Realizing that the Scourge needs a king, Fordring sets out to put the crown on himself. But a moment later, Tyrion is dissuaded by Bolvar Fordragon, having been burned by the fire of the dragons of Life, and Tyrion puts the crown of the Lich King on Bolvar.

This concludes the story of Arthas Menethil.


Prince Arthas Menethil was born four years before the First War to King Terenas Menethil II. The young prince grew up in a time when the lands of Azeroth were riddled with war, the Alliance was in turmoil, and dark clouds still loomed on the horizon.

As a child, Arthas befriended Varian Wrynn. Arthas was taught martial arts by Muradin Bronzebeard, brother of the dwarven king Magni Bronzebeard. Arthas succeeded in this endeavor and became an expert swordsman. Under the auspices of Uther the Lightbringer, Arthas entered the Order of the Knights of the Silver Hand at the age of 19. Despite his recklessness and stubbornness, Arthas became a renowned warrior. One of his most famous exploits was counterattacking the trolls who were attacking Quel'Thalas from Zul'Aman.

During these times, Arthas met the youngest daughter of Daelin Proudmoore, the sorceress Jaina. For several years they grew up side by side with each other, and it all ended in a romantic relationship. They loved each other very much. But over time, Arthas began to wonder: are they ready to be together? And he decided to part ways with Jaina so that she could focus on her magical training and he on his obligations to Lordaeron. But soon after, they decided to resume their relationship, but it happened at the very beginning of the invasion of the Scourge - an event that forever changed their lives.

The coming of the plague

Difficulties began to overwhelm Azeroth. Orcs broke out of their camps, and news quickly spread of the Plague that had struck the northern lands. Arthas and Uther were sent to Strahnbrad to protect the city from orc raids. The young prince defeated the black dragon Sirinox and took his heart, which he later gave to the dwarf Feranor Stilto, who forged a fiery sphere for him. Arthas used this magical orb to kill the leader of the orc raids.

However, a far greater threat came from the Plague. Jaina and Captain Luke Valonfort were sent as reinforcements to Arthas, who was already 23 years old; together they were to investigate the mysterious Plague. Fighting the army of the dead, they met with the necromancer Kel "Thuzad near the town of Brill and pursued him all the way to Andorhal.

Kel'Thuzad had already infected all the grain stored in Andorhal and sent it to the nearest villages. Before his death at the hands of Arthas, Kel'Thuzad mentioned Mal "Ganis, who led the Scourge. Jaina and Arthas went north to fight him in Stratholme.

Along the way, Arthas and Jaina stopped at Hearthglen hoping to rest. Instead of resting, they were warned of the advancing Scourge army. Arthas ordered Jaina to find Uther and ask him for help, while he himself remained to defend the city. To his horror, Arthas discovered that the Plague was not a means of mass murder, it turned innocent citizens into the living dead. Arthas' army was exhausted and on the brink of defeat when Uther arrived with reinforcements and saved the village.

On the way to Stratholme, Arthas met the mysterious prophet Medivh. He gave him the same advice he had given his father Terenas shortly before: to head west to Kalimdor. Arthas objected, assuring that his place was with the people and swore that he would never disown him. Jaina told Arthas that perhaps the prophet was right, but Arthas did not think to listen to her. Arthas continued on to Stratholme.

Purification of Stratholme

Upon arrival in Stratholme, Arthas found that the grain had already been distributed among the inhabitants of the city and realized that soon they would all turn into the living dead. He ordered Uther and his knights to destroy the entire city. Horrified by what he heard, Uther denounced Arthas, saying that he would not have carried out such an order even if Arthas had been "at least thrice king". Accusing Uther of betrayal, Arthas dismissed the knights of the Order of the Silver Hand. Several of his knights remained with Uther, and so did Jaina. The remaining knights assisted Arthas in destroying the infected townspeople.

As soon as the young prince began to destroy the inhabitants of Stratholme, Mal'Ganis himself appeared before him, trying to take the souls of the townspeople. Arthas tried to destroy the people before their souls fell into the clutches of Mal'Ganis. In the end, Arthas challenged the Dreadlord to single combat. However, Mal'Ganis slipped away, promising to meet Arthas in Northrend.


Arthas pursued him with the rest of his army. A month later, he arrived at the Bay of Blades. While the prince and his men were looking for a suitable place to camp, the troops came under fire from the dwarves from the explorers' guild, as they could not recognize them and simply made a mistake. Arthas was shocked to meet his good friend and former mentor Muradin Bronzebeard. At first, the dwarf thought that Arthas had come to the continent to rescue Muradin and his men, who were surrounded by an undead army while searching for the fabled runesword of Frostmourne. Arthas said that the meeting was just a coincidence. Together they destroyed the nearby undead camp, but no trace of Mal'Ganis was found.

While Muradin and Arthas searched for Frostmourne, an emissary arrived from the distant lands of Lordaeron to speak with Captain Luke Valonfort. He brought orders from Uther and Terenas, ordering Arthas to return home with his army. By the time Arthas returned to camp, the troops had already left their posts and were making their way through the woods to the ships. Arthas did not intend to leave the lands of Northrend until the victory over Mal'Ganis. Enlisting the support of local mercenaries, he reached the ships before his warriors and burned them. When warriors arrived at the remains of the ships, Arthas betrayed the mercenaries, accusing them of arson, and the captain, despite Muradin's displeasure, killed the loyal mercenaries. Arthas informed his warriors that there was no turning back and that the only way to leave Northrend was to win.


In search of Frostmourne, Arthas and his forces continued to fight their way to Draktharon Hold. As soon as the prince reached the fortress, Mal'Ganis himself appeared before him and predicted his imminent death. Arthas and Muradin, leaving Captain Luke Valonfort to defend the fortress, went in search of the rune sword.

After passing through the ancient gates, Arthas, Muradin and a small band of warriors found themselves very close to the legendary blade. Arthas was soon confronted by the Keeper, who tried to keep the young prince out of Frostmourne. The Keeper fell, and Arthas and Muradin received their well-deserved reward. However, after reading the runes, Muradin reported that the sword was cursed and begged Arthas to leave everything as it was, forget about the sword and take his people back to Lordaeron as soon as possible. Arthas was adamant, calling on the spirits of the cave to release the sword from its icy prison, assuring that he would "give everything or pay any price if only the spirits would allow him to protect his people." As the sword freed itself from the icy chains, Muradin was hit by a bouncing ice shard, but Arthas felt no remorse. He took Frostmourne and returned to the camp, leaving Muradin to die.

With the enchanted sword in hand, Arthas defeated all of Mal'Ganis' servants and finally came face to face with him. Mal'Ganis revealed that the voice Arthas began to hear was that of the Lich King. Despite this, to the demon's surprise, Arthas replied that the voice was calling him to destroy Mal'Ganis. After slaying the Dreadlord, Arthas traveled north, leaving his troops behind. Arthas soon lost the last vestiges of his sanity.


A few months later, Arthas returned to Lordaeron, who rejoiced at the return of his champion, the slayer of the undead. Entering the throne room, Arthas knelt before the throne of his father, King Terenas. However, he then got up, unsheathed Frostmourne, and killed his stunned father with it.

Arthas disappeared and there was no news from him for a week. Unexpectedly, he appeared in the vicinity of the village of Vandermar, obeying his new master, the King of the Dead. There he met the Dreadlord Tichondrius. Mistaking him for Mal'Ganis, Arthas began to threaten, but then realized that he had appeared to congratulate the prince. In a conversation, the fallen prince said that he no longer felt compassion for people and guilt for what he had done. Tichondrius explained that the sword obtained in Northrend was forged by the Lich King himself and was intended to draw souls from living people. Arthas' soul came first.

Arthas gathered the members of the Cult of the Damned who were hiding in the village of Vandermar, and their magical abilities served him on the way to Andorhal, where he needed to find the body of Kel'Thuzad. Arthas killed the paladin Canivrad the Grim, who guarded the crypt, and got the ashes of the necromancer. This returned Kel'Thuzad's spirit to the world of the living, and he secretly informed Arthas that the Dreadlords could not be trusted.

The remains of Kel'Thuzad were extremely poorly preserved and, in order to restore them, it was necessary to take them to the mystical Sunwell located in Quel'Thalas. Tichondrius sent Arthas in search of a mystical urn with which to transport the remains of Kel'Thuzad. Arthas slew Ballador the Light and Sage the Truthbearer, both of whom condemned his betrayal. and replaced his father's ashes with the remains of Kel'Thuzad, after which he began his long journey to Quel'Thalas.

Fall of Quel'Thalas

Arthas met with serious resistance from the elves, led by Sylvanas Windrunner. She desperately resisted the impending forces of the undead and tried to warn the inhabitants and rulers of the large elven capital - Silvermoon - about the impending threat, but Arthas managed to destroy the camps of her army and kill Sylvanas herself. As "payment" for her defiance, Arthas enslaved the elven soul, turning it into a terrifying form of a banshee. By subordinating the banshee to the will of the Lich King, Arthas forced her to kill her own people. Arthas destroyed Silvermoon City and used the Sunwell to restore Kel'Thuzad to life as a lich.

Destruction of Dalaran

On the way to Alterac, Kel'Thuzad told Arthas about the Burning Legion, as well as the plans of the Lich King and the Scourge. Kel'Thuzad traveled to Alterac in order to destroy the Blackrock orcs' camp, which had taken control of a demonic gate through which he sought to contact the demon lord, Archimonde the Defiler. The Scourge armies defeated the orcs, and after Kel'Thuzad received instructions from Archimonde, the Scourge advanced to the stronghold of Lordaeron's mages - the city of Dalaran. Archimonde demanded at all costs to get Medivh's spell book, with which Kel'Thuzad would summon the demon to Azeroth.

Despite the valiant efforts of the Kirin Tor's magical council to repel the invasion, the Scourge broke through the defenses and all the fortifications, killed the Archmage Antonidas and got their hands on the Book of Medivh.

Arthas and his troops repulsed the counterattacks of the mages, and at this time Kel'Thuzad began the call of the demon lord to the world of Azeroth. After the appearance, Archimonde declared that the Lich King had become useless to the Legion and appointed Tichondrius as commander of the Scourge. Arthas did not understand what was happening to him and Kel'Thuzad, but he reported that everything was going exactly as the King himself had predicted. While Archimonde wiped Dalaran from the face of the earth with a powerful ritual, Arthas and Kel'Thuzad had already disappeared.

A few months later, Arthas appeared in the lands of Kalimdor, where Tichondrius used the arcane magic of the Skull of Gul "dan. Arthas told the recently released demon hunter Illidan how to get the full power of this skull, after which he could destroy Tichondrius. Illidan accepted Arthas' plan, and the fallen the prince immediately disappeared.

Return to Lordaeron

Archimonde left three Dreadlords in the ruins of Lordaeron. Their task was to keep the defeated nation under control and monitor the insidious servants of Ner'zhul. When the demon lord was defeated, his servants did not know about it for a long time. All this changed when Arthas appeared in order to regain the throne. He began to threaten the Lords The Horror, who hurried to retreat, and then called Sylvanas and Kel'Thuzad to his side. Together they were able to defeat the remaining forces of people under the command of Dagren the Orc Slayer, Halakhk the Lightbringer and Magroth the Protector. However, during the battle, Arthas suffered a painful attack, during which he felt the Lich King calling to him.Despite his weakness, Arthas fought to the end, until all the forces of the people fell before him.

Unbeknownst to Arthas, Ner'zhul's powers were so exhausted that Sylvanas broke free of his control. Maintaining the strictest secrecy, she met with the three Dreadlords, who informed her that the Lich King's powers were waning and that it was time for retribution.

In the capital, Arthas was ambushed, and he had to look for allies who would help him break through the troops of the Lords of Dread, because among them was the powerful abomination Soulbreaker. On the outskirts of the city, Arthas encountered several banshees who said they were sent by Sylvanas to keep Arthas safe. However, once they were in the deserted forest, Arthas was attacked by Sylvanas, who hit him with a poisoned arrow. At the very last moment, Kel'Thuzad intervened in the course of the battle and prevented the insidious plans of Sylvanas.

The Lich King's mental anguish continued to pierce Arthas' consciousness and called him to Northrend, where demonic forces (later revealed to be Illidan and the naga) were attempting to destroy the Frozen Throne and end the reign of the self-proclaimed king. Arthas immediately prepared a fleet and sailed for Northrend, leaving Kel'Thuzad as his lieutenant in Lordaeron.

Back to Northrend

Three weeks later, Arthas's fleet landed on the familiar shores of Northrend, and the fallen prince was surprised to find himself under attack by blood elves, led by Kael'thas Sunstrider, seeking retribution for the destruction of his homelands. Unexpectedly, Arthas was saved by the Lord of the Crypt, who introduced himself as Anub "arak, the former king of Azjol-Nerub. Kael'thas warned that the main army of blood elves was much stronger than this small fallen detachment and the battle would be more fierce. After these words, he teleported to a safe place.

Arthas was worried that he was probably right and they would never reach Icecrown Citadel before Illidan, but Anub'arak thought otherwise. To overtake Illidan, he suggested using the underground routes of Azjol-Nerub. Seeing no other choice, Arthas agreed.

Anub'arak also offered to attack the treasure chest of Sapphiron, a powerful blue dragon servant of Malygos, and use the dragon's reserves for his own purposes. Not only did they slay the dragon - Arthas used all of his remaining powers and turned Sapphiron into a powerful Ice Wyrm.

Race to the Frozen Throne

Arriving at the gates of Azjol-Nerub, Arthas found himself under attack by dwarves, followers of Muradin who had remained in Northrend after his death. They were led into battle by Muradin's second-in-command Belgan Firebeard. Leaving Sapphiron outside, Arthas fought his way through Belgan's troops as well as the nerubians in the spider kingdom. Anub'arak's help proved invaluable, as he showed Arthas hundreds of traps that would have easily ended the life of a fallen prince.

When Arthas came face to face with Belgan, the dwarf warned that an ancient evil had awakened in the bowels of the underground kingdom of spiders. Moving deeper into the realm, Arthas and Anub'arak encountered this evil, which turned out to be the Faceless: a powerful race previously only found in legend. Arthas and Anub'arak were even able to defeat the incredibly strong Forgotten One.

Advancing towards the upper parts of the kingdom, they were caught in a terrible earthquake that collapsed the passage, leaving Arthas and Anub'arak on opposite sides of the rubble. The young king had to rely on his own strength, bypassing numerous traps, until Anub'arak got to him. Reunited, the Lord of the Crypt admired Arthas, saying that he realized the true reasons that led Ner'zhul to make him his supporter.

On his way out of Azjol-Nerub, the Lich King informed Arthas that he was losing his powers as the Frozen Throne had cracked and the energy was slowly draining away. Ner'zhul restored Arthas's strength, knowing that they would be useful to him in the coming battle.

Upon reaching the surface, Arthas and Anub'arak had to immediately face off against Illidan's forces. Lady Vashj's nagas and Kael'thas' blood elves were also already there, thwarting every move of Arthas' servants, who, with the help of the Crypt Lord, was able to cut through the hordes of enemies and activate the four Icecrown Obelisks located around the glacier. Four obelisks opened the gate to the Frozen Throne. Illidan was already waiting for him.

Triumph of the Lich King

After a short but hard fight, Illidan weakened his defenses, and Arthas immediately took advantage of this and cut the demon hunter's chest with Frostmourne's blade, and he fell to the snow, and Arthas headed for the gates of Icecrown.

Arthas stepped onto the lands of the glacier and saw a winding road chained to the ice. As he rose to meet his destiny, the voices of his loyal people filled his mind. He heard Muradin Bronzebeard, Uther and Jaina calling to him. But Arthas ignored those voices as he continued his ascent. Arthas eventually reached the summit and found a block of ice in front of him. It contained an ice armor set in the form of a figure sitting on a massive throne. Only one voice spoke to him now, the raspy whisper of Ner'zhul.

"Bring the sword... close the circle... give me back my freedom!"

With a loud battle cry, Arthas directed Frostmourne against the King's icy prison and with a deafening explosion, the Frozen Throne exploded, and crystal shards scattered across the ground. Arthas took a few steps forward, picked up Ner'zhul's helmet, and put this unimaginably powerful artifact on his head.

At that moment, the souls of Ner'zhul and Arthas united, forming a single powerful being, as the Lich King had always planned. Arthas as something separate ceased to exist, now he has become half of one of the most powerful creatures that Azeroth has ever known. He became part of the new Lich King.

The outer wall of Icecrown has fallen and only one peak remains. The Lich King silently sat on the shattered throne, surveying his new kingdom and waiting...

In part, the Lich King was aware that his heart, the last reminder of Arthas's humanity, was holding him back. He got rid of his heart and threw it into the crevice, where it remained until it was discovered and destroyed by the paladin Tirion Fordring.

The Lich King sat on his throne for five years, gaining strength and subjugating the inhabitants of Northrend. Awakening, he sent his army to Azeroth. In a fierce struggle, the heroes of the Alliance and the Horde, with the help of the knights of the Argent Crusade, were able to defeat the King. But the Scourge must be controlled by someone, and Tirion Fordring almost took the crown. However, the Alliance hero Bolvar Fordragon, who went missing in the battle at the Wrathgate, became the new King, convincing the paladin that it was he, and not Tyrion, who should sacrifice himself. The eyes of the new King blazed with fire, which will henceforth be an insurmountable barrier between the destructive power of the Scourge and our world.

With the death of Arthas, an entire era in the history of the Warcraft universe ended.


In Warcraft III, in the human campaign, Arthas is shown as a man of action, brave, impulsive, and extremely direct. He is a charismatic leader, an example for his subjects. In conversations with other characters, he is witty and good-natured, but firmly stands his ground, and those around him have to put up with it. The letters below also state that he is vindictive and lacks control, which together led to his downfall.

During the Scouring of Stratholme and the events that follow, Arthas justifies everything he does by wanting revenge on Mal'Ganis. It is implied that the cleansing itself was not Arthas' worst crime in Stratholme (after all, the zombie-turned townspeople would still have to be killed), but the worst thing is that he has no compassion, he just rushes to massacre the infected townspeople without even trying think about other possibilities.

After his fall, in the undead campaigns of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, Arthas retains his leadership qualities and his wit, but his sense of humor becomes quite dark as he becomes the exact opposite of his past self. - an extremely ruthless and cynical person. As a soulless Death Knight, Arthas seems to enjoy what he does: he taunts his enemies, taunts them, and gloats when they are defeated. At the very beginning of the undead campaign, he is surprised that he no longer feels pity or remorse, and it is explained to him that this is all because of Frostmourne, who absorbed his soul.

In World of Warcraft

A purple flowering plant, Tears of Arthas, is named after the prince. The elixir "Gift of Arthas" is made from it. What a prince is like a gift: the potion only slightly increases the resistance of dark magic and slightly increases the damage to everyone who hits the character. The elixir has only two uses at level 80: the first is as a weak damage booster against monsters hitting the tank. The second application is based on the fact that the effect of the elixir, which increases damage to anyone who hits the drinker, is considered a disease. As a result, Dark Priests and Death Knights can use this elixir to make it difficult to use healing spells in PvP - the first such spell will remove the low-value effect from the elixir, instead of dispelling a powerful DoT.

In the throne room of Lordaeron, you can hear (if you turn up the volume well) the voice of Terenas Menethil II arguing with his advisors, as well as his anger at what Arthas intends to do...

In World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

The unfallen Arthas can be seen in the Caverns of Time ("Cleansing of Stratholme"). The players help him kill the infected inhabitants of the city (and agents of the Kind of Infinity try to kill him).

Players can also see him in scenes from the past in the Forgotten Strand when the Alliance Emissary arrives to order the troops back home, and in Frostmourne's Cavern where he obtains the cursed runesword. This scene from the past is the same as in Warcraft III, where Arthas receives Frostmourne, and the ending shows that, after Arthas left, Muradin, presumed dead, wakes up with amnesia and walks out of the cave.

In the quest chain given by Matthias Netler (an anagram of "Arthas Menethil") in Icecrown, the player can play as Arthas during two critical moments in his story: when he killed his own soldiers and turned them into undead ("Army of the Damned") and during his famous duel with Illidan (The Hunter and the Prince).

With the release of 3.3.0 The Fall of the Lich King, a new raid dungeon, Icecrown Citadel, becomes available, where Arthas is the main boss. The fight with him is quite difficult due to the large amount of health and other characteristics, and after defeating him, all members of the raid are shown an epic video, where the already completely dying Arthas talks with the spirit of his father, released from Frostmourne, and the paladin Tyrion witnesses the ascension to the Frozen Throne of a new The Lich King.

Prince Arthas first appears in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos as a young paladin and crown prince of the kingdom of Lordaeron trying to save his people from a plague that turns people into undead. However, later, the Lich King's insidious trap forced Arthas to take the rune sword. Frostmourne(eng. Frostmourne), lose his soul and become a Death Knight in the service of the undead, who brought many troubles to his native land. In the end Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne Arthas himself becomes the Lich King and dominates the undead until he dies in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.

Arthas' portrayal has received positive reviews from players and critics alike, being repeatedly cited as one of the most compelling villains in video games. Film magazine Empire called Arthas Menethil the most tragic figure in the history of Warcraft. In English, Arthas was voiced by Justin Gross in Warcraft III and Patrick Saitz World of Warcraft, in Russian translation - Vladimir Vikhrov ( Warcraft III) and Artyom Kretov ( World of Warcraft and Heroes of the Storm).

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Prince Arthas Menethil was born four years before the First War to King Terenas Menethil II. The young prince grew up in a time when the lands of Azeroth were riddled with war, the Alliance was in turmoil, and dark clouds still loomed on the horizon.

As a child, Arthas befriended Varian Wrynn. Arthas was taught martial arts by Muradin Bronzebeard, brother of the dwarven king Magni Bronzebeard. Arthas succeeded in this endeavor and became an expert swordsman. Under the auspices of Uther the Lightbringer, Arthas entered the Order of the Knights of the Silver Hand at the age of 19. Despite his recklessness and stubbornness, Arthas became a renowned warrior. One of his most famous exploits was counterattacking the trolls who were attacking Quel'Thalas from Zul'Aman.

During these times, Arthas met the youngest daughter of Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, the sorceress Jaina. For several years they grew up side by side with each other, and it all ended in a romantic relationship. They loved each other very much. But over time, Arthas began to wonder: are they ready to be together? And he decided to part ways with Jaina so that she could focus on her magical training and he on his obligations to Lordaeron. But soon after, they decided to resume their relationship, but it happened at the very beginning of the invasion of the Scourge - an event that forever changed their lives.

In Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos

Like a paladin

Arthas is first introduced to players as a paladin hero, who can be controlled throughout the human campaign chapters. Early on, he is on a mission from his father, King Terenas Menethil II, to protect subjects from orc raids. Arthas is then assigned to accompany his romantic interest, the Dalaran sorceress Jaina Proudmoore, as she investigates the emergence of a mysterious plague in Lordaeron. During the investigation, they meet more and more undead and find out that the disease spreads through infected grain and does not just kill people, but turns them into zombies. Arthas and Jaina manage to kill the necromancer Kel'Thuzad responsible for this atrocity, but they soon arrive in the city of Stratholme and discover that its population is completely infected with the plague. Arthas orders to kill all the inhabitants, preventing them from turning into the living dead, after which Jaina, the head of the order of Uther paladins and part of the knights of the Silver Hand, struck by such cruelty, leave the prince. In Stratholme, Arthas encounters the Nathrezim demon Mal'Ganis, who controls the plague, who walks away from the fight and offers to meet on the frigid northern continent of Northrend. Ignoring Jaina's warning, Arthas sets off in pursuit of the demon.

In Northrend, Arthas encounters an expedition of dwarves led by his old friend and mentor Muradin Bronzebeard; the dwarves were looking for the rune sword Frostmourne, but were attacked by the undead. Shortly after Arthas begins his search for Mal'Ganis, the King's order comes for the return of his forces to Lordaeron; the prince, in order not to interrupt the hunt for the demon, burns the ships on which people sailed to Northrend, and shifts the blame for this on the mercenaries who carried out his own order. As the situation becomes stalemate, Arthas and Muradin decide to attempt to capture the legendary runesword Frostmourne; when they approach the sword, the powerful guardian spirit warns Arthas of the danger of the blade, and when they finally make their way to the weapon, Muradin learns from the runes that the sword is cursed and also advises Arthas not to touch it. The prince, however, does not heed his friend's advice and takes the sword, while Muradin is seriously injured, and Arthas leaves him to die. Using a powerful new sword, Arthas defeats Mal'Ganis, but he himself falls under the influence of the Lich King. Upon returning to Lordaeron, he is greeted as a hero, but during an audience with his father, the prince kills King Terenas and proclaims the fall of Lordaeron.

Like a death knight

In the campaign for the undead, Arthas is also a controllable hero in all missions as a hero of the Death Knight class. Upon meeting the Dreadlord Tichondrius, the fallen prince learns that his sword was created by the Lich King to capture souls. He stole the soul of Arthas first, and now the former paladin has become a servant of the undead. Tichondrius gives Arthas the task of digging up the body of Kel'Thuzad, whom the prince himself killed, and getting the urn containing the ashes of King Terenas to carry his remains. After killing former brothers from the Order of the Silver Hand (including Uther), the death knight completes the task, after which he goes to resurrect the magician in the country of the high elves of Quel'Thalas, having received a warning from the spirit of Kel'Thuzad not to trust the demons along the way. Despite the fierce resistance of the elves, led by Sylvanas Windrunner, Arthas makes his way to a powerful source of magic - the Sunwell in the elven capital of Silvermoon, turns Sylvanas herself into a banshee and resurrects Kel'Thuzad as a lich. Kel'Thuzad also tells Arthas about the true purpose of the undead - the elimination of all forces that could interfere with the massive invasion of the army of demons known as the Burning Legion. Kel'Thuzad himself is entrusted with the ritual of summoning the demon commander Archimonde, for which the army of the undead makes its way to Dalaran. After the end of the call, Arthas realizes with indignation that the Scourge and the Lich King himself are no longer needed by the demons, but Kel'Thuzad calls him to calmness.

Arthas next appears in the night elf campaign, meeting with the recently released Illidan. After a short duel, the heroes admit the futility of the fight, and Arthas informs the elf about the discovery of the skull of Gul'dan nearby - a powerful magical artifact that the demons use to infect the forests of Kalimdor - and admits that Illidan can use it to kill Tichondrius, one of the strongest Dreadlords . Illidan accepts the death knight's plan, thus Arthas betrays the Burning Legion.

In Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne

Arthas appears in the game only in the chronologically last campaign of the undead, but almost the entire plot Frozen Throne is a consequence of the assassination of Tichondrius arranged by him. As it turns out during the Human Campaign, after the defeat of the Burning Legion, Illidan was contacted by the demon lord Kil'Jaeden. Grieved by the betrayal of the undead, the demon orders the elf to destroy the Frozen Throne, in which the former orc shaman, and now the Lich King Ner'zhul, is imprisoned. Illidan fails, only succeeding in damaging the Frozen Throne, not completely destroying it.

Returning from Kalimdor, Arthas demands to be named king and comes into direct confrontation with the Nathrezim demons who have been left to rule Lordaeron. However, during the battle with the humans, Arthas felt his strength dwindle and felt the call of the Lich King, ordering him to immediately return to Northrend. Fighting his way out of the capital and surviving the assassination attempt by the out-of-control Lich King Sylvanas, Arthas sails to the northern continent, where he encounters the forces of nagas and blood elves under the command of an old enemy - Prince Kael'thas - and learns that they serve Illidan, who arrived in Northrend with the goal of still fulfilling Kil'Jaeden's order and destroying the Frozen Throne. Although his strength continues to dwindle due to the damage Illidan inflicted on the Frozen Throne, Arthas leads his army and with the help of the grave lord Anub'arak fights his way to Icecrown Glacier, where the Frozen Throne is located almost simultaneously with Illidan's forces. The undead win the battle, and Arthas himself defeats Illidan in a duel, after which he breaks Ner'zhul's dungeon and becomes one entity with the Lich King.

In World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

The Lich King sat on his throne for five years, gaining strength and subjugating the inhabitants of Northrend. Awakening, he sent his army to Azeroth. The path of the heroes of Azeroth to the destruction of the Lich King was difficult, for this they needed to make from the cursed saronite and the shaft of the hammer of Arthas, which he left in the cave of Frostmourne, a frightening weapon that is not inferior in strength to the blade of the Lich King - Frostmourne (Frostmourne) In a brutal struggle, the heroes of the Alliance and Horde, with the help of the knights of the Ashen Alliance, were able to defeat the King, storm Icecrown Citadel, and defeat the Fallen Prince. In the last seconds of "life", Arthas' soul, along with the rest of the souls that Frostmourne had absorbed, was freed, as was the soul of his father, Terenas. Arthas died as a human, not part of the Lich King's mind. But the Scourge must be controlled by someone, and Tirion Fordring almost took the crown. However, the Alliance hero Bolvar Fordragon, who went missing in the battle at the Wrathgate, became the new King, convincing the paladin that it was he, and not Tyrion, who should sacrifice himself. The eyes of the new King blazed with fire, which will henceforth be an insurmountable barrier between the destructive power of the Scourge and our world.

With the death of Arthas, an entire era in the history of the Warcraft universe ended.

The unfallen Arthas can be seen in the Caverns of Time ("Cleansing of Stratholme"). The players help him kill the infected inhabitants of the city (and agents of the Kind of Infinity try to kill him).

Players can also see him in scenes from the past in the Forgotten Strand when the Alliance Emissary arrives to order the troops back home, and in Frostmourne's Cavern where he obtains the cursed runesword. This scene from the past is the same as in Warcraft III, where Arthas receives Frostmourne, and the ending shows that, after Arthas left, Muradin, presumed dead, wakes up with amnesia and walks out of the cave.

In the quest chain given by Matthias Netler (an anagram of "Arthas Menethil") in Icecrown, the player can play as Arthas during two critical moments in his story: when he killed his own soldiers and turned them into undead ("Army of the Damned") and during his famous duel with Illidan (The Hunter and the Prince).

With the release of DLC 3.3.0 The Fall of the Lich King, a new raid dungeon becomes available - Icecrown Citadel - where Arthas is the main boss. The fight with him is quite difficult due to the large amount of health and other characteristics, and after defeating him, all members of the raid are shown an epic video.

A purple flowering plant, Tears of Arthas, is named after the prince. The elixir "Gift of Arthas" is made from it. What a prince is like a gift: the potion only slightly increases the resistance of dark magic and slightly increases the damage to everyone who hits the character. The elixir has only two uses at level 90: the first is as a weak damage booster against monsters hitting the tank. The second application is based on the fact that the effect of the elixir, which increases damage to anyone who hits the drinker, is considered a disease. As a result, Dark Priests and Death Knights can use this elixir to make it difficult to use healing spells in PvP - the first such spell will remove the low-value effect from the elixir, instead of dispelling a powerful DoT.

In the throne room of Lordaeron, you can hear (if you turn up the volume well) the voice of Terenas Menethil II arguing with his advisors, as well as his anger at what Arthas intends to do...

In Heroes of the Storm

In the crossover game Heroes of the Storm, Arthas is available as a playable character for in-game currency (7,000 gold coins) or for real money (349 rubles). Arthas is a fighter hero (a hero capable of taking a huge amount of damage) and has the following abilities:

Death Coil: Damage an enemy or heal yourself.

Howling Wind: Roots enemies in an area and deals damage.

Ice Storm: Surrounds itself with a shield of ice, damaging and slowing enemies.

Army of the Dead (Special): Summons several ghouls to the battlefield. Using the ability again kills one ghoul and heals Arthas.

Summon Sindragosa (Special): Summons a frost wyrm that damages and slows enemies.

Frostmourne Lust: When activated, Arthas unleashes an attack that deals more damage and restores mana.

  • As part of the anniversary event, which marked the 15-year history of the world of Warcraft and the 5-year anniversary of World of Warcraft, on the January 22nd Battle Shout page of Invincible (World of Warcraft) (eng. Invincible).