Units to combat the theft of socialist property. Version

In the late 1930s in the USSR, it became necessary to create specialized bodies to combat crimes that encroach on the economic security of the state.

On March 16, 1937, by order of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, a department was organized in the Main Police Department of the NKVD (People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs) to combat theft of socialist property and speculation - OBKhSS GUM NKVD of the USSR.

The department was created "to ensure the fight against theft of socialist property in organizations and institutions of state trade, consumer, industrial and individual cooperation, procurement bodies and savings banks, as well as to combat speculation" and was staffed from the most trained employees of the criminal investigation department and economic departments of the NKVD.

Previously, some of these tasks were assigned to the Military Revolutionary Committee and the Cheka, in the structure of which departments were created to combat speculation and crime ex officio.

The main task of the BHSS departments in the pre-war period was the organization of special events aimed at reducing waste and theft in organizations, at enterprises of state trade and consumer cooperation.

During the Great Patriotic War, OBKhSS employees, along with direct participation in hostilities, ensured control over the activities of enterprises and organizations, uninterrupted supply of the front and the defense industry with the necessary resources.

In the post-war period, the BHSS services were faced with the task of preventing the theft of material resources allocated for the restoration of destroyed cities and the national economy.

After the collapse of the USSR, in February 1992, the Main Directorate for Economic Crimes (GUEP) was created as part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in 1997 it was renamed the Main Directorate for Combating Economic Crimes (GUBEP) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; local units are called UBEP and OBEP.

In June 2001, GUBEP became part of the Criminal Police Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and two years later, the Federal Service for Economic and Tax Crimes began to operate within the structure of the ministry. In 2005, as a result of administrative reform, it became the Department of Economic Security (DES) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

At the moment, the tasks of the Department include: participation in the formation of the main directions of the state policy in the field of economic security; in improving the normative legal regulation in the field of economic security; adoption within the competence of measures to organize the fight against tax and economic crimes; organizational and methodological management of the activities of units for combating economic crimes and tax crimes of the main departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for federal districts, ministries of internal affairs, main departments, departments of internal affairs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, etc.

The former head of the GUEBiPK (Main Directorate for Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), General Denis Sugrobov, has been in the Lefortovo detention center for a year now. And he hardly even realizes that while he was "soaring on the bunk" - the highest judges reviewed the case of the ancestor of the department, the first head of the OBKhSS (the department for combating the theft of socialist property and speculation of the Main Police Department) Samuil Ratner.
The fate of Sugrobov is still unknown, but even in the worst case scenario, he will survive, since the death penalty is no longer applied in Russia. His "mentor" was less fortunate - he was shot in January 1940.

The history of the economic security service began with Ratner and ended with Sugrobov. What do they have in common? Why did they become the defendants in high-profile police scandals of the 20th and 21st centuries?

Sugrobov is accused of abuse of office and the creation of a criminal community, Ratner is accused of falsifying criminal cases and mass arrests of innocent citizens. Fantastic coincidence, isn't it?! As if history itself suggested what mistakes were to be made after more than half a century.
What was the final posthumous verdict to Ratner handed down the other day by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation? And what fate should Sugrobov expect?

Lieutenant General Sugrobov.

Case No. 201-N15-13ss. Two small letters "ss" - "top secret". All materials are stored in the archives of the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office and still (!) constitute a state secret. Who needed to stir up a case that is exactly 75 years old?
The prosecutor's office explains that they revised it as part of the program for the rehabilitation of victims of Stalin's repressions. Who could guarantee that Samuel Ratner did not fall victim to them, like millions of others?

First, a little about him. Ratner Samuil Viktorovich was born in 1898 in Polotsk. I have never been convicted, in the NKVD since the beginning of the 30s.
In 1935 he received the rank of lieutenant of state security, and two years later - an honorary badge of the Cheka. He worked in the departments of the NKVD in the Moscow, Kalinin and Gorky regions.
According to some reports, he was one of the first to talk about mass theft. At that time, the country was really overwhelmed by economic crimes. They dragged what they could - from cooperatives, shops, savings banks ... Forgery of documents, sorting of goods, counterfeiting, smuggling - the list goes on and on. So Ratner's concern was most welcome.

And partly on his initiative, by order of the NKVD of the USSR dated March 16, 1937, a department for combating theft of socialist property and speculation, the OBKhSS, was formed as part of the Main Police Department.
Samuel Ratner headed it. This fact itself suggests that the leadership of the NKVD trusted him unlimitedly. According to some reports, he was the favorite of the General Commissar of State Security Nikolai Yezhov.
"OBKhSS NKVD is being created to ensure the fight against theft of socialist property in organizations and institutions of state trade, consumer, industrial and disabled cooperation, procurement bodies and savings banks, as well as to combat speculation." From the position on OBKhSS.

Head of OBKhSS Ratner (not even a photo):

You can learn about how Ratner worked from the materials of the criminal case and the checks carried out by the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office (and there were three of them - in 1956-1957, 2002 and 2015).
“About admitted Ratner S.V. Numerous facts of violations of the law during the investigation of criminal cases were testified by his subordinates and colleagues - former employees of the NKVD of the USSR, the documents say. - So, the witness Genkin L.M. testified that Ratner demanded mass arrests of citizens on a national basis, regardless of the presence of compromising materials in relation to them.
Ratner warned his subordinates that if they did not follow his instructions and use violence against arrested persons to obtain confessions, they themselves would be arrested. Ratner S.V. personally in his office he repeatedly beat the arrested.

From the testimony of witness Guzik V.Ya. it is seen that Ratner C.The. daily set limits on arrests for each officer, threatening arrest if they were not met, and also demanded more “active” interrogations, i.e. beat the arrested.
Similar indications about the use of Ratner S.V. illegal methods of investigation gave Novikov K.I., who explained that with the direct participation of Ratner C.The. on a false charge of counter-revolutionary activity, the case of the collective farmer Kolyasov was falsified, subsequently, based on the results of the consideration of the case, he was shot ... "

There are also materials that describe in detail the methods of work of the OBHSS employees (not Ratner personally, but it is unlikely that the boss did not know what was happening in his department).
Among the methods developed (sometimes leading to the murder of the arrested person during interrogation or premature death) were, in particular, the following: the use of various electric machines and even an electric chair specially designed for torture, forcing the arrested to long and exhausting racks on the spot, usually continuous and many hours (sometimes up to three days) without food and drink.
The list also includes requirements to keep heavy objects in an outstretched hand for several hours, locking the interrogated person in a closet or other furniture, and sitting on the leg of an overturned stool.

Some torture had a name. Here, for example, “facing the stove” (with punching “in the back of the head” or “in the head area”), “conveyor line” (interrogation without interruption for several days).
Most often they did this in a “lard oven” chamber, where the walls were upholstered with felt so that screams and groans would not be carried along the corridors. It was not easy to force ordinary employees to torture the detainees, but the Chekist chiefs used their favorite method - bypassing the offices where the arrested were interrogated, and demonstratively inflicting bodily beatings. This gave the staff a reason to be bolder, to hit harder.

Year 2011

And now let's move to the present. Instead of OBKhSS - GUEBiPK. At the time when Elmira Ainullina was detained by the GUEBiPK officers (June 9, 2011), she was 26 years old. She graduated from school with a medal, a university degree with honors, studied at graduate school and worked at Rosstrakhnadzor.

After the arrest, I was placed in some kind of basement without windows,” the girl says. — It was past midnight. I was not allowed to call a lawyer. But they forced me to call my parents and say that I was spending the night with a friend ... This is actually a kidnapping ...
I was alone with a bunch of men who were interrogating. Some came in, others left. Then they did not introduce themselves, but I identified them from the photographs that have now appeared in the media. There were, for example, Kolesnikov (deputy head of the GUEBiPK Boris Kolesnikov committed suicide).
No food, no water. They gave me a drink only once, something that made me stop thinking and passed out. When she came to herself, she whispered: “Whatever you want, just leave it alive.” I was handed a wad of money and told that I should take it to my boss. I did so.

I will make a reservation that Elmira spent a year in a pre-trial detention center and only after the arrests of the GUEBiPK employees decided to tell everything. Personally, Sugrobov was not present when she was forced to testify.
It is unlikely that he even knows about Elvira and many others whom we met in the pre-trial detention center and who spoke about the methods of the GUEBiPK. Sugrobov mostly fiddled with numbers, with reporting, with big strategic plans. But does it justify it? Don't know.

Deputy General Sugrobov - Major General Boris Kolesnikov. (committed suicide by throwing himself out of the window of the Investigative Committee)

The website of the GUEBiPK veterans says that Ratner was the head of the OBKhSS until 1940. In fact, he was arrested on December 21, 1938. The investigation has been going on for a little over a year. And now, by the verdict of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR of January 19, 1940, he was found guilty, sentenced to the highest measure of criminal punishment - execution by firing squad with confiscation of his property. The sentence was final and carried out on January 21, 1940.

On January 16, 1940, Beria presented Stalin with another list of several hundred people. The accompanying note spoke of the arrested "enemies of the CPSU(b) and Soviet power, active participants in the counter-revolutionary, right-wing Trotskyist conspiratorial and espionage organization in the amount of 457 people."
It was said that 346 people should be sentenced to capital punishment, and 111 to terms of at least 15 years. “We ask for your sanction,” Beria concluded the note.
In the attached list, among the 346 people to be shot were Isaac Babel, Mikhail Koltsov, Nadezhda Mikhailovna Bukharina-Lukina, Vsevolod Meyerhold. Beria's proposal was accepted without any amendments or changes.

The same list:

It turns out that Ratner did not even have the opportunity to defend himself. No lawyer, no witnesses, no right to appeal. He was brought to the meeting of the Military Collegium of the court, but he stayed there for exactly 10 minutes.
This time was enough to read him the indictment. A couple of minutes were supposed to be a response speech, no more. After that, the court withdrew ostensibly for a meeting - in fact, a mere formality.

Year 2014

Now let's move back to the present. As soon as Sugrobov was arrested, he wrote an open letter to Putin, where he outlined his version of what had happened.
Only one phrase: “The employees of the internal affairs bodies revealed 36,650 crimes of corruption, and the assessment of the activities of the entire central office is given on 4 facts.”
That is, translating into Russian, the arrested general wanted to say: yes, maybe we screwed up something in 4 cases, but then we have so much success. At the same time, they are talking about a conflict between two departments - the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB (let us recall that the Sugrobovites were arrested after they allegedly caught a Chekist on bribery).
And this is how it turns out: the corruption fighters seemed to honestly carry out the President's order, but at the same time they overdid it a little, the counterintelligence officers tried to stop them, although they overdid it on their part. Doesn't this remind you of the story with Ratner?! Everything is the same, only the characters are different.

Year 1940

Judging by the materials of the case, Ratner was also accused of conducting counter-revolutionary activities. Allegedly, he deliberately ruined the intelligence work of the NKVD and "preserved right-wing Trotskyist cadres and other elements hostile to Soviet power from defeat."
And in general, Ratner, according to the documents, from 1934 to the day of his arrest was an active participant in the anti-Soviet conspiratorial terrorist organization operating in the NKVD system, and "had the goal of creating dissatisfaction with the Soviet government among the population and discrediting the NKVD bodies."
It certainly sounds fantastic. It is difficult to imagine that the head of the OBKhSS was sleeping and seeing how to destroy the Soviet government. The Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Chief Military Prosecutor Sergei Fridinsky is of the same opinion.

In his conclusion, which was received by the Supreme Court, it is indicated that during the checks carried out in this criminal case, Ratner's accusation of counter-revolutionary crimes was not confirmed by the evidence collected in the case, the Supreme Court noted.
But again, let's draw a parallel with Sugrobov. The last time I saw him was in the Lefortovo cell, where he said that his case was essentially political. “If you knew what I know, you would either be in the next cell, or ...”

And yet, neither Sugrobov nor Ratner are now on trial for "counter-revolutionary" activities. Judged for "methods and means" that should not be used.
More precisely, Ratner has already been convicted, this time finally and posthumously. Determination of the Judicial Collegium for Military Personnel of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on May 28, 2015: "Not subject to rehabilitation as having committed crimes against justice." The Supreme Court considered proven the facts of falsification of investigative materials, arrests of innocent people.

Major General Nikitin (also arrested).

What will be the sentence for Denis Sugrobov - now one can only guess. But behind the thick layer of dirt that was and is around the cases of Ratner and Sugrobov, I personally see one thing: these people, voluntarily or involuntarily, encouraged what should not be encouraged. Provocations, pressure.
I read materials on the OBKhSS: “There was authorization and encouragement by the leadership of the units of any illegal methods and techniques of conducting an investigation in order to force them to quickly confess and obtain relevant testimony.
Among them is the creation of unbearable conditions in the prison: the natural oversaturation and overcrowding of the common cells, which is why the prisoners had nowhere to go to bed, there were not enough places on the bunk beds, sometimes an inexplicable or inexplicable delay of up to two or three months ... "

From historical parallels - goosebumps: after all, during the inspections of Moscow pre-trial detention centers, I personally saw scientists, officials and businessmen arrested by the GUEBiPK, to whom even the investigator did not come for a year (!) ...
Who were in such overcrowded cells ... To whom the GUEBiPK employee promised a meeting with relatives only after giving confessions ... Whom the employee would not let go even to the funeral of their parents without these same testimonies ...

And it seems as if there were no these 75 years between two bosses and two cases.

(Note from the Opera: oh, liberals are such liberals .... but in fact there is nothing to object to these generals :)

Russian fighters against economic crime celebrate today, March 16, their professional holiday - the Day of the formation of economic security units in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The predecessor of this service was the famous department for combating theft of socialist property and speculation (OBKhSS), created on March 16, 1937 as part of the Main Police Department of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In the adopted regulation on OBKhSS, in particular, it was said that it was created to "ensure the fight against theft of socialist property in organizations and institutions of state trade, as well as to fight speculation."

Tasks of economic security units

Currently, employees of the economic security units are actively involved in the areas of control over the use of budget funds for their intended purpose, counterfeiting and combating bribery and corruption. The tasks of economic security units in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs include the identification and suppression of violations of laws governing the circulation of national and foreign currency in the field of operations of the external and internal economy. The body is in charge of illegal acts in the theft of precious and non-ferrous metals, the financial and credit system, strategic materials and other state resources, as well as the forgery of securities and state treasury notes.

In February 1992, the Main Directorate for Economic Crimes (GUEP) was created as part of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was renamed GUBEP five years later. In June 2001, it became part of the Criminal Police Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and two years later, the Federal Service for Economic and Tax Crimes began to operate within the structure of the ministry. As a result of administrative reform, it became the Department of Economic Security.

The issues of reliable protection of state and public property in our country, the organization of the fight against acquisitive crimes have always been in the focus of attention of the government and local authorities.

Of course, the specialists of the country's economic security units are only highly qualified employees with higher legal or economic education, who also participate in operational activities. On the holiday of March 16, on the Day of the formation of economic security units in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, solemn events are held to reward specialists, and gratitude is also given to distinguished professionals.

History of service BHSS - BEP

In fact, the beginning of the formation of the BHSS service - BEP fell on 1919, when the NKVD, having examined the state of the security that existed at the enterprises, decided to immediately organize the so-called industrial police, which was entrusted with the task of combating the theft of national property, with the disorganization of the economic and industrial life of the country from illegal use in private interests of nationalized means of production and raw material reserves.

The period 1927-1930 is characterized by the expansion of the functions of the NKVD, the assignment of new tasks to it, due to the deployment of the construction of a new socialist economy throughout the country, the need to strengthen the protection of the national property, and the intensification of the fight against economic and malfeasance.

In March 1920, as part of the Main Police Department of the NKVD of the RSFSR, an industrial police department was formed, whose functions included the protection of objects of the national economy and the fight against theft and petty theft of socialist property.

In May 1922, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR approved the Regulations on the NKVD of the RSFSR, which entrusted the police with the task of protecting civilian institutions and structures of national and exceptional importance: telegraph, post office, water supply, structures on all routes of communication, stations and backwaters, factories, factories, mines , forests, plantations, public nurseries, fuel depots, raw materials, agricultural products, etc.

In August 1932, the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the protection of property of state enterprises, collective farms and cooperatives and the strengthening of public socialist property."

On March 16, 1937, as part of the Main Police Department of the NKVD of the USSR, a department was formed to combat theft of socialist property and speculation - OBKhSS GUM NKVD of the USSR. The Regulation on OBHSS was also adopted. It stated: “OBKhSS is being created to ensure the fight against theft of socialist property in organizations and institutions of state trade, consumer, industrial and disabled cooperation, procurement bodies and savings banks, as well as to combat speculation.”

The apparatus of the BHSS is established in the republican and local police bodies.

During the war years, the protection of the national economy from criminal encroachments acquired vital importance. In this most difficult time, the apparatuses for combating the theft of socialist property and speculation, fully realizing the significance of the tasks assigned to them, focused on strengthening the protection of rationed essentials that go to provide for the army and the population, suppressing the criminal activities of plunderers, speculators, swindlers and counterfeiters. .

Under special control, the BHSS service took procurement and supply organizations, food industry enterprises and a trading network.

A characteristic feature of the theft of that time was that the criminals most often stole not money, but inventory, putting them on sale at speculative prices, resorting in some cases not to large, but to small theft and squandering of products.

The activities carried out by the BHSS employees made it possible to identify shortcomings and put things in order in the distribution of products, improve their accounting and safety, ensure the reliable storage of strict reporting forms, receipts, invoices, warrants, passes for the export of goods and other documents. The security of food warehouses was strengthened, the printing houses where coupons were printed were put in order, and a monthly change in their grid was introduced, which excluded the possibility of their reuse. In general, thanks to the hard, selfless and painstaking work of the BHSS service, during the war years, it was possible to ensure the effective functioning of the entire infrastructure of the region, its employees made a significant contribution to strengthening the economic power of the country, returned significant material assets and funds to the state, created the necessary conditions for achieving victory .

The main task of the militia in the period of the post-war restoration of the national economy was to eliminate the consequences of the war in the field of protecting public order and combating crime.

In the difficult conditions of the post-war period, the fight against speculation, bribery, and abuse in the rationing system acquired particular importance.

An order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs issued in 1947 determined measures to review the staffing of the operational departments, the criminal investigation department, in order to maximize the number of qualified operational workers.

In June 1947, the BHSS department of the GUM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR was transformed into the Directorate for Combating theft of Socialist Property and Speculation (UBHSS). The BHSS service was entrusted with the task of organizing the fight against theft of socialist property in state trade, consumer cooperation, ORS and food supply of industrial enterprises and industrial cooperation, in the supply and marketing departments, in industries manufacturing food and industrial consumer goods. An important task was to combat speculation, bribery, counterfeiting, private business activities and speculation in currency values.

In October 1949, the militia was transferred from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of State Security of the USSR (MGB USSR).

On August 23, 1950, the USSR Ministry of State Security reorganized the Main Police Department. As part of the GUM MGB USSR, three departments were formed, one of them was the department for combating theft of socialist property and speculation (UBKhSS GUM MGB USSR).

On March 6, 1953, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR decided to merge the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of State Security into one ministry - the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In 1954, when the state security agencies were again withdrawn from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the UBKhSS remained part of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On April 11, 1955, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the organization of the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR. The Russian Republic received its own administration to combat the theft of socialist property and speculation.

By order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 0068 of November 24, 1958, the staff and structure of the Main Police Department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs were announced, which also included the BHSS department.

The period of the early 60s was characterized by a significant stabilization of the socio-economic situation in the country. This inevitably affected the criminal situation. In particular, the number of criminal cases initiated by the police decreased (by about 26%), as well as the number of persons prosecuted (by about 34%).

In 1963, the ministries of internal affairs of the union republics were renamed the ministries of public order. The BHSS service became known as the UBHSS MOOP of the RSFSR.

Ponomarenko Hope

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History of OBHSS

Before explaining this, somewhat paradoxical, thought in more detail, I would like to give a brief history of the organization, which stood out significantly against the background of the law enforcement agencies of the USSR.

History reference

The history of the creation of an economic law enforcement system began with the Military Revolutionary Committee and the Cheka (in the structure of which departments were created to combat speculation and crimes by position). During 1918-1920, the main "links" of the workers' and peasants' militia were formed, for example, the Criminal Investigation Department, as well as the industrial, railway and river militia (abolished in 1921).

In February 1924, a departmental militia was formed (commercial and industrial, credit and financial, mining, factory, market, resort, etc.), whose units were created on a contractual basis and maintained at the expense of serviced objects.

In 1926, the organization of a departmental search began. Its functions were similar to the tasks of future OBHSS devices. The formation of departmental militia to protect the property of state farms and collective farms has become widespread.

With the development of the Soviet state, the functions of the police were constantly expanding. In the early 1930s, there was a tendency to increase criminal liability for theft of socialist property and speculation. The USSR Constitution of 1936 established that its economic basis is primarily the socialist economic system, state and cooperative-collective farm ownership of the means of production. In this regard, there is a need to create specialized bodies that ensure the economic security of the state. On March 16, 1937, by order of the NKVD No. 0018, the Department for Combating theft of Socialist Property and Speculation was formed as part of the Main Police Department of the NKVD of the USSR - OBKhSS GUM NKVD of the USSR. The adopted Regulations on the OBKhSS stated that this unit was being created "to ensure the fight against theft of socialist property in organizations and institutions of state trade, consumer, industrial and disabled cooperation, procurement bodies and savings banks, as well as to combat speculation."

In 1947, the process of reorganization of the Main Police Department began, caused by the need to improve law enforcement activities, and the Directorate for Combating theft of Socialist Property and Speculation (UBKhSS GUM NGB of the USSR) was created.

On April 11, 1955, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR was organized, and the Russian Republic for the first time received its Office of the BHSS.

In 1983, the Regulations on the divisions of the BHSS were adopted, which determined the priority areas for their activities: the fight against theft, bribery, illegal currency transactions and speculation. At the same time, special emphasis was placed on identifying, first of all, large-scale, disguised crimes and strengthening operational work.

After the collapse of the USSR in February 1992, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR were merged into the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and the Bureau of Crime in the Economy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and the BEP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR underwent a merger process. The new division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was named the Main Directorate for Economic Crimes (GUEP MIA RF).

If you take a closer look, you can see that the dates of the formation of the system of economic protection of state property in some way coincide with the milestones in the formation of the Soviet state. As soon as the next stage in the consolidation of the achievements of Soviet power took place, the “economic shield” was immediately strengthened, under the protection of which socialist property was hidden. Let's try to compare.

In 1924, the complete confusion caused by the revolution and the Civil War ended, the foundation of the Soviet economy began to be laid - it was this year that the formation of many ministries and departments was dated. A new economic policy was proclaimed and (if you noticed) law enforcement on a contractual basis by object.

1926 - the tightening of the economic policy regime in relation to private entrepreneurship and immediately the creation of a state structure that guards state property.

The infamous 1937. The year of the creation of the BHSS and at the same time the construction of economic crimes in a number of ideology. Since then, private entrepreneurship has been elevated to the rank of an ideological crime.

Postwar 1947. To intimidate marauders and people who can take advantage of the chaos that accompanies the reconstruction of the country after the war, the BHSS Directorate is being created, that is, a system that "protects the guards."

1955 is the year of the final economic recovery in the country after the Second World War and the final prohibition of any kind of private business. It is in this year that ministry whose task is to prevent crimes against the socialist form of the economy.

Until now, the dynamics of development and improvement of this department strikes the imagination with efficiency and timeliness. It is quite obvious that the leadership of the USSR pays close attention to this issue. But after 1955, a symptomatic lull follows - no less than twenty-eight years! It was during these years that the formation of the underground production of consumer goods took place and the theft of state property and the corruption of state officials reached their peak. In this regard, two conclusions can be drawn.

Conclusion one: if until the mid-fifties the problems of protecting socialist property for twenty-five years were dealt with exclusively by professionals - economists and lawyers of the highest class, who worked in close connection with the country's top leadership, then after 1955, specialists, apparently, were transferred to the country.

Second conclusion: after the "watershed" of the fifties, it was in the interests of the country's leadership that the development of the system slowed down. A strange conclusion, but quite in the spirit of the general history of the USSR.

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There was such an anecdote in the Soviet Union. A KGB major is asked what his organization does.

We deal with people who are dissatisfied with the state system.

Are there any who are satisfied?

There are, but OBKhSS deals with them!

Born in the 37th

Until 1937, there was no agency in the country to combat economic crimes. When additional funds were needed for the industrialization of an agrarian country, Stalin decides to create a department under the NKVD to combat the theft of socialist property and speculation. So in March 1937, the legendary OBKhSS was born.

The first department arose in Moscow, and over time, offices spread throughout the country. The most experienced employees of the UGRO and economic departments of the NKVD were accepted into the new departments. Crime fighters began investigating theft at work, counterfeiters and speculators, as well as those who conducted currency transactions.

During the Great Patriotic War, the OBKhSS also had control over the supply of the front. And in the 60s, employees of the department, who had a reputation for being absolutely incorruptible, began a fight with the trading mafia that “ruled” in the markets. Then the guild workers came into their field of vision.

Thanks to the intensive work of the OBHSS, a significant reduction in the production of counterfeit money and the number of illegal foreign exchange transactions was achieved. From the 1960s until the collapse of the USSR, the department concentrated on suppressing criminal activity in trade, leaving behind a string of high-profile cases, on the basis of which television series are filmed in modern Russia.

Trade workers of all ranks, from the lowest to the highest, were afraid of OBKhSS like fire. Moreover, around the clock - no one guaranteed that representatives of the department would not rush home in the middle of the night and begin to find out what income was used to buy furniture, crystal sets in sideboards, and so on. The party bosses were also afraid of the department for combating the theft of socialist property, later even a pun question arose: "Why was the CPSU afraid of the OBKhSS."

ocean of money

In 1976, throughout the Soviet Union, on the personal instructions of the Prime Minister Alexey Kosygin opened fish shops "Ocean". They were intended for the implementation of a comprehensive program for the development of the fishing industry, since in the USSR there was not enough meat for buyers.

On a summer morning in 1978, rumors spread around Moscow that black caviar was being sold in stores under the guise of sprats in tomato. Investigators of the Prosecutor General's Office immediately became interested in the unprecedented canned food.

The revealed criminal scheme turned out to be both simple and large-scale. In the course of a joint investigation by the OBKhSS and the KGB, the director of the Okean network was arrested Feldman and the director of one of these stores Fishman. Both criminals exchanged rubles for currency in large quantities, preparing to flee to the West through the countries of the socialist camp.

The dealers handed over to the investigators all participants in the chain, including senior officials of the USSR. Deputy Minister of the Fishing Industry Vladimir Rytov was shot

In the footsteps of the merchants Eliseevs

The era of the Secretary General Leonid Brezhnev ended on a sad note. Two weeks before his death, the director of the Eliseevsky grocery store in Moscow was arrested. Yuri Sokolov. A case of bribery and embezzlement was initiated against him and the management of the store.

For twenty years in a row, Yuri Sokolov headed grocery store No. 1. Abundance reigned in Eliseevsky and its branches, but not for everyone. Imported products, caviar, sausages, sweets and fruits were distributed among the families of high-ranking officials, generals, creative and sports elite. The enterprising director also entered the family of Leonid Ilyich himself, with whose daughter he lived in the same house.

Yuri Sokolov has built a clear vertical pattern of corruption. From above, he was “covered” by the owner of Moscow, the First Secretary of the City Party Committee Viktor Grishin. From below, the heads of branches were subordinate to him. He met with them on Fridays, like a "godfather", accepting envelopes with money. Part of this money was transferred to the head of the Moscow Main Department of Trade Nikolai Tregubov and other interested parties.

In total, more than 10 thousand people were involved in the investigation of crimes in the trading system of the capital. The heads of Moscow's leading grocery stores were imprisoned: the Novoarbatsky and Smolensky grocery stores, as well as the head of Mosplodovoshprom and the director of the Diettorg chain. A huge number of citizens were caught in bribes and illegal trade - from directors of grocery stores to top managers of industries not related to the food industry.

As a result of the work of the OBKhSS and the investigative team, the unlucky director Sokolov, who became a puppet in the struggle of the Kremlin party clans, was sentenced to death.

black cotton

Among all the corruption cases in which the OBKhSS took part in the investigation, the “cotton case” stands out with a special scope. It dragged on for 10 years. The system of registration in the cotton industry of the USSR ended with the opening of almost 1,000 criminal cases. More than 5,000 people received prison sentences, and sometimes capital punishment. Among them were the Minister of Industry of Uzbekistan, the head of the OBKhSS of the Bukhara region, the son-in-law of Leonid Brezhnev Yuri Churbanov and First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan.