Useful tips for school. Useful tips for students for successful study and personal growth

Helpful Hints

There are many important details that help in learning.

Of course, parental support and hard work may play a major role, but there are a few secrets that can make the learning process easier.

3. Organizer for convenient work.

You can use a regular basket in which you need to put several cans (glass or empty cans) and store things necessary for work in these containers.

4. Use organizers that mount on the door to store the things you need to work in one convenient place.

5. In order not to forget which books you need to return to the library, keep all these books in one place, for example, in a basket.

6. At the beginning of the school year, it is always difficult to remember the schedule. You can take a photo of it and put the photo on your phone's lock screen.

7. If you are writing a report or abstract, thenit will be very difficult to avoiderrors, and even text editors don't always help. Google translator ( will come to the rescue: just copy this or that text into the translator and click the "listen" button - the robot will start reading your text, and you can hear the errors, if any.

8. Here is an easy way to do well on a test:

While preparing for the test, chew gum of a certain flavor, and when you come to the test, take gum with the same flavor with you, and it will be easier for you to remember.

Read also:15 ways to clean up the little things

9. You can motivate yourself. If you have a lot of text to study, place colored gummies in certain places on the pages. When you get to the right place - eat one candy, eat another one in the next place, and so on.

10. If all your notebooks are the same color, then you can color the tips of the pages (on the side of the notebook) in the desired color. Each item will have its own color.

15. How best to learn a particular topic:

25 minutes of hard work

5 minutes rest

Every 3rd rest should last 20 minutes.

16. To make it easier to remember new material, read it on the same day you learned it. The same goes for abstracts.

17. To better learn the material you need, imagine that you will teach it to others - this way you will be able to remember more information.

18. Chocolate, mints and grapes during work improve brain activity. Also, homework is best done before 19-30, when the brain is still working well. At night, its functionality is about 20%, while during the day it is 50-70%. The brain works best early in the morning.

19. If you want to remember something better, write it down. One entry is the same as reading 7 times. It's also more likely that you'll remember your entry better if you wrote it in blue instead of black or whatever.

How to get your child to school

20. Make a list of necessary purchases in advance, without leaving everything for the last day.

21. It is advisable to conduct an inventory at home in order to know exactly what is and what needs to be bought in addition.

22. If the student is old enough, he can take them with him to the store or school fair, so that he himself chooses what he likes.

23. Do not buy everything you need in the first store. If you start preparing in advance, you can go around several places and find something more suitable in terms of price and quality.

24. To find the necessary books and textbooks, ask your relatives and friends if they can lend them to you. You can also buy books cheaply from used textbook stores. You can also find textbook sharing sites, including social media.

25. If you didn't have time to buy some things before the end of summer, you can buy them between September and October, when the hype subsides and prices drop a little.

26. If you find it hard to get everything ready in the morning and get to class, create your own list of songs that will play while you get ready. When the last song on the list plays, you'll know how much time is left. This way you can better manage your time.

27. Studies have shown that students who eat a nutritious breakfast perform better in school, have greater concentration and more energy. And if you drink enough liquid in the morning, then during the day you will feel happier or more energetic.

Choosing the right backpack

28. Choose a backpack with padded shoulder straps and a hard back. R Yukzak must sit so that its lower part is at the level of the belt.

29. Use your backpack to was busy as many branches as possible. Store the heaviest items towards the center of the back of the backpack.

Ideally, the weight of the backpack should not exceed 20% of the person's weight. If the school allows, use a backpack with wheels. This is especially important for those who often have to carry a lot of weight.

30. Check your backpack regularly and remove unnecessary items from it.

How to start making friends
I exchanged phone numbers and VKontakte data with new classmates. We found common interests. These are football, skating and computer games.
Now we can exchange news, jokes and homework.
Many in our class go to school on their own. We go home together and walk a little along the road.
We walk in the yard after homework, go skating and even play hockey.
I'm glad I moved to a new school.

Tips on how to behave in a new school
I have moved to a new class and now, on my mistakes, I will begin to write advice to those who are passing. Although the old class did not have such close friends, but there were good relations with the whole class and almost friendship with someone. There was someone to quarrel with, fight, who to ask what I didn’t understand in class or about homework. And here is a new class and everyone knows each other. I'm new and don't know anyone. And nobody cares who I am, and I don't know who they are.
I try to get acquainted and I will write what happened to make it easier for others.
Tips for a first grader
Do not be afraid of anything. Behave quietly, calmly, in the early days it is better not to stray far from the teacher. Look around. Get to know your roommate. Do not quarrel with him - you will help each other in the lesson, share paints or an eraser. In general, it is better not to quarrel with anyone in the class, at least at the beginning of the year. Then you yourself will understand when you can joke in the classroom, run around during the break, or with whom to quarrel. At first, be careful with food in the dining room - try, look, smell. If you like it, you can eat. If the food doesn't like it, smells bad or looks bad, don't risk it. If the teacher scolds you and promises to talk to your parents, it's better to talk to them first.

How to dress for gym class
From the first to the third grade for the physical education lesson, we change clothes in the same class. Both boys and girls. In the first grade, many people forgot their physical education form. In the second grade, many forgot to wear shorts under their uniforms. If you have a gym class, put everything you need - pants, a T-shirt, socks in advance. Don't forget to wear underwear. Change your clothes carefully so that you don’t pull off too much along with your pants.
No one will laugh, most likely. But the nastiest guys can remember a naked ass and then tell everyone. Maybe nonsense, but unpleasant. In our first grade, a boy in pantyhose walked, until now he is sometimes remembered for this.
Put everything taken in one pile, do not scatter.

How to use the toilet

When you come in, be sure to look around - high school students can smoke in the toilet, guys from other classes can fight there. If you see a company, it is better to wait until they come out or use another toilet. Therefore, never endure until the last moment, so that there is an opportunity to be in time for another place.
The toilet at school should be used in the same way as the elevator at home - do not enter together with other adults and unfamiliar companies of any age.
Please note that the toilet doors do not close. Always remember this. Stupid students take stupid photos and post them on the Internet.
Don't think the teacher can't go into the men's room, she can. Or she might call a high school student to get the younger boys out of the closet.
Toilet paper is usually given out in the classroom, but it's better to do it all at home - it's cleaner and quieter there.
Be sure to wash your hands.

How to find friends

There are guys who can come up and offer to be friends. Most likely, they are so suitable for everyone, but still do not refuse. You can approach someone yourself. Even if this someone refuses, nothing bad or terrible, you can go to another.
Look who's into what. Choose someone who enjoys the same things as you. Offer to get involved together - to collect, change, discuss, show off, consider, and so on.
If there are none, try to get carried away by other people's hobbies. Explain to your parents why you suddenly needed bokugans, collectible cars, a Winx notebook and other attributes. It doesn't have to be a big collection. Just bring something to school and play during recess, or better yet, offer it to those who are interested in it.
If you can just join a company, do it boldly, as if you have always been friends with them and were part of the team. Even if they came to school from the same kindergarten.
Participate in competitions. Decide for yourself when and to whom you need to give in, and when to win with all your might.
Ask, be interested, congratulate, say hello and say goodbye to classmates. It's always nice and they will definitely say something in return. Here is the conversation. And from conversation to friendship close.

What to do if you urgently need to leave the classroom

For example, you urgently need to go to the toilet. Raise your hand, ask "Can I go out?"
Most likely the teacher will let you.
If you suddenly ask why or forbid, say "I need to go out."
And get out. They won't catch you and keep you out. In any case, it's much better than pissing or crap one's pants in front of everyone. If the teacher starts scolding, call your mother. Or tell about this case in the evening. Remember that you did everything right. And nothing bad will happen. Most importantly, explain everything to your parents. If they have the opportunity and time, they will talk to the teacher and such problems will not happen again.

What do you do if you still can't get out?

If the pants become wet, pour some liquid on them in front of everyone, as if by accident. If the drawing lesson - you're lucky - carefully pour water from the brush glass onto the table. "Oh, I accidentally spilled the water!"
Even if you don't have time, try to get out of the class. Go to the toilet, wipe wet places, change clothes, if you have something, for example, gym pants. Tell everyone that you accidentally wet it. Or leave it like that. Call your parents, ask for advice. Your main task is not to panic, not to blush and not to be afraid of anything. Even if someone understands everything, they start laughing, this is stupid, feel free to call names in response. Or approach your teacher for advice. But the teacher can start saving you in front of the whole class and loudly. So decide for yourself..

There are many important details that help in learning.

Of course, parental support and hard work may play a major role, but there are a few secrets that can make the learning process easier.

It is important to properly organize your workplace, as well as to know effective ways to cope with stress, fatigue and other problems.

1. Use a spare pen or paper clip to ensure that the book is always open to the correct page.

2. Using a regular cardboard sleeve, you can store pens and pencils in one place. You can also collect several of these bushings in one box, store at home and have all the necessary things at hand.

3. Organizer for convenient work.

You can use a regular basket in which you need to put several cans (glass or empty cans) and store things necessary for work in these containers.

4. Use organizers that mount on the door to store the things you need to work in one convenient place.

5. In order not to forget which books you need to return to the library, keep all these books in one place, for example, in a basket.

6. At the beginning of the school year, it is always difficult to remember the schedule. You can take a photo of it and put the photo on your phone's lock screen.

7. If you are writing a report or abstract, it will be very difficult to avoid mistakes, and even text editors do not always help. Google translator ( will come to the rescue: just copy this or that text into the translator and click the "listen" button - the robot will start reading your text, and you can hear the errors, if any.

8. Here is an easy way to do well on a test:

While preparing for the test, chew gum of a certain flavor, and when you come to the test, take gum with the same flavor with you, and it will be easier for you to remember.

9. You can motivate yourself. If you have a lot of text to study, place colored gummies in certain places on the pages. When you get to the right place - eat one candy, eat another one in the next place, and so on.

10. If all your notebooks are the same color, then you can color the tips of the pages (on the side of the notebook) in the desired color. Each item will have its own color.

11. The Mathway website will help you solve any problems in algebra, trigonometry, chemistry and other subjects, as well as give step-by-step explanations of the solutions. The Wolfram|Alpha database can also help you with math.

12. If you need to write something in a text editor (in Word, for example), use the weirdest font. According to research, being unique can help you remember things better.

How to do lessons

13. Before starting work, choose the most difficult tasks, and do them first, leaving the simple tasks for last. It will also not be superfluous to ask for help in preparing for the test.

14. If there are problems with foreign languages, don't worry, as there are a few simple rules to fix this problem:

Read the text in a foreign language aloud, slowly, focusing on the correct pronunciation.

Use picture cards to learn unfamiliar words - this is the fastest way.

Try to use new rules in grammar in practice. Repeat them several times for several days in a row, right after school.

Practice! Watch films in a foreign language (preferably with subtitles), read foreign websites, communicate with foreigners online and even talk to yourself.

15. How best to learn a particular topic:

25 minutes of hard work

5 minutes rest

Every 3rd rest should last 20 minutes.

16. To make it easier to remember new material, read it on the same day you learned it. The same goes for abstracts.

17. To better learn the material you need, imagine that you will teach it to others - this way you will be able to remember more information.

18. Chocolate, mints and grapes during work improve brain activity. Also, homework is best done before 19-30, when the brain is still working well. At night, its functionality is about 20%, while during the day it is 50-70%. The brain works best early in the morning.

19. If you want to remember something better, write it down. One entry is the same as reading 7 times. It's also more likely that you'll remember your entry better if you wrote it in blue instead of black or whatever.

How to get your child to school

20. Make a list of necessary purchases in advance, without leaving everything for the last day.

21. It is advisable to conduct an inventory at home in order to know exactly what is and what needs to be bought in addition.

22. If the student is old enough, he can take them with him to the store or school fair, so that he himself chooses what he likes.

23. Do not buy everything you need in the first store. If you start preparing in advance, you can go around several places and find something more suitable in terms of price and quality.

24. To find the necessary books and textbooks, ask your relatives and friends if they can lend them to you. You can also buy books cheaply from used textbook stores. You can also find textbook sharing sites, including social media.

25. If you didn't have time to buy some things before the end of summer, you can buy them between September and October, when the hype subsides and prices drop a little.

26. If you find it hard to get everything ready in the morning and get to class, create your own list of songs that will play while you get ready. When the last song on the list plays, you'll know how much time is left. This way you can better manage your time.

27. Studies have shown that students who eat a nutritious breakfast perform better in school, have greater concentration and more energy. And if you drink enough liquid in the morning, then during the day you will feel happier or more energetic.

Ideally, the weight of the backpack should not exceed 20% of the person's weight. If the school allows, use a backpack with wheels. This is especially important for those who often have to carry a lot of weight.

30. Check your backpack regularly and remove unnecessary items from it.

Backpacks are packed, notebooks are bought, white shirts and blouses are ironed - the new school year has successfully begun. But, despite all the preparations and the long-awaited meeting with friends, September is always stressful for students and schoolchildren. New activities, people, schedule... We hope that these life hacks will help you get involved in your studies faster and easier, and at the same time get a lot of good grades. By the way, these tips can also be useful for adults.

1. Having trouble remembering your new schedule? Take a picture of it with your smartphone and put the photo on the lock screen or "Home"

Yes, this is not a photo of your favorite rock star or just your favorite. But in a couple of days you will find the right audience without errors and the slightest effort and always remember which couples or lessons are on Thursday afternoon. Visual memory is power.

2. Are you used to underlining the right places in your abstract? Do it with a "rainbow" marker

Simple, but such a cute life hack. Customize any marker by putting a few dots on the tip of its rod with markers of different colors. Now he emphasizes several shades at once. By the way, such an upgrade is very reversible: just “paint” the marker well and it will return to its original color.

3. Need to quickly sharpen a lot of pencils? Use... a drill!

Effectively, but you should not forget about labor lessons, life safety and just safety precautions.

4. Do you carry your sportswear in your backpack? Don't let the smell of "sneakers after the cross" settle in it forever

And tea bags will help with this. Of course, dry and unused. Just put them inside your shoes and they absorb bad odors.

5. Did the zipper on the backpack or pencil case break? Clip to help!

6. To immediately pull out the desired notebook from a backpack or bag, mark the spines of the notes with markers of different colors.

7. To better remember the material of the lesson or lecture, reread it on the same day. For example, in the evening before going to bed.

This is much more effective than the “first acquaintance” on the night before the test or control.

8. To remember about extra classes or workouts, schedule yourself for the week using sticky notes

Hi friends! In the fall, someone will have to go to school, someone to the university. For many, studying presents difficulties associated with doing homework, tests, coursework. And now I will give you tips for studying that will help make your life easier, tune in to a working mood. So....


It's no secret what is the main meal of the day. Breakfast should be balanced, you need to eat fruits or vegetables, it is better to combine vitamins with cereals. You can choose any porridge, it all depends on your personal preferences. The porridge that needs to be cooked is more useful. Add your favorite fruits, berries, nuts to the finished product. Honey can be added if desired. Porridge will help recharge with energy and strength for important things.


For this trick, you only need a regular band-aid. If you have problems with some subject, then you can write a small cheat sheet (better to learn everything in advance and not worry again!). Write information on a narrow piece of paper, fold the sheet into an accordion shape and place it under the band-aid. Just glue it very tightly so that nothing falls out.


I advise you to refuse to do your homework on the couch, because it makes you feel relaxed. It is better to sit at the table, because this is how your body is set to work. You definitely won't want to take a nap!


A problem that is familiar to many girls is the blouse on the chest. It's embarrassing when someone sees your underwear. Take a piece of double sided tape and stick it on the inside of your shirt. Ready! Now you will avoid unpleasant situations and feel confident.


To be good, say it out loud. You can study with friends and share lessons with each other! And if you prefer to study alone, you can just talk to yourself. So you will quickly feel and understand even complex material.


Almonds are a valuable nut for students. It reduces headache and improves concentration. Carry some almonds with you to use as a healthy snack.

heavy awakening

If you constantly feel tired after waking up, drink a glass of water. This will help the body wake up. Water speeds up metabolic processes and improves mood.

Notebooks by subject

Everyone likes to choose beautiful notebooks. In order not to confuse objects, write the name on top in bright colors. So you will not confuse the right notebook! It will be visible from the bag.

Memory cards

Use flashcards to remember information. Write the question on the cards and the correct answer on the back. Teach material in such a way that you see and reread it over and over again. Many students now use cards, considering this method one of the most effective.