Methods of differentiated teaching in different types of lessons. What is differentiated learning? Planning for differentiated learning in school mathematics lessons

Example of a differentiated learning lesson

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Article subject: Example of a differentiated learning lesson
Rubric (thematic category) Technology

Spelling not with participles

Lesson Objectives: introduce students to the spelling not with participles; to form the ability to distinguish between a particle and a prefix not in sacraments.

1. Organizing time.

2. Punctuation dictation:

1) An (un)forgettable impression was left by a thunderstorm in the village.

2) A bright streak, still (not) covered by a black cloud, illuminated our bedroom.

3) Suddenly it began to rain, (not) stopping for a whole hour.

4) Lightning was constantly visible through the (not) curtained windows.

5) The peals of thunder, (not) ceasing for a minute, kept us in a state of (un)ceasing fear.

The student goes to the blackboard, the teacher reads the sentences again, the student explains how many punctuation marks he put and why. The class asks 2–3 questions on the topic ʼʼCommunionʼʼ, comments on the student's answer. The teacher gives the grade.

Students receive a printed text of the punctuation dictation. The teacher asks: ʼʼIn the words of what part of speech do you need to open brackets? Do we have sufficient knowledge to do this correctly? What will be the purpose of our today's lesson?ʼʼ

3. Work in groups to study new material.

I group

1. Name the conditions when not written together, and when separately. 2. Formulate a rule.

Clouds were moving in from the sea, they were dark purple, not translucent. Thunderclaps kept us in a state of unceasing fear. It seemed that some kind of force was carrying our house, standing on the high bank of the river and not protected from the winds.

II group

1. Rewrite the table in your notebook. 2. Complete it with examples from the exercise. 3. Prepare a coherent answer about spelling rules not with sacraments.

The wind blew in through the open window. In the distance, thunder is heard, not rolling, but dull rumbling. Rain that doesn't stop all day long.

The earth not dried out after a rain. A storm at sea left an indelible impression.

III group

1. Write down the words hateful, clumsy, indignant, absurd, wrong, hating. Which of these words is superfluous and why? (Word wrong redundant, as it can be used without not. In case of difficulty, students can be asked the question: ʼʼWhat words are used without not, and which ones are not?ʼʼ)

2. Determine what part of speech each word is. How do you do it?

3. Why are these adjectives written with not together? Why verbs hate, resent are written with not together? Make a conclusion.

4. Read the sentences on the board:

It was not a deep, but a shallow river. He is not my friend, but my enemy.

- Why not with nouns and adjectives in these examples is written separately?

5. Write examples in your notebook:

Unclear sky. The sky that did not clear up after the storm.

Dry land. The earth not dried out after a rain.

- In which case not participles are written separately? Make a conclusion, check yourself in the textbook.

6. Rewrite, expand the brackets:

The air, which has not yet become sultry, is pleasantly refreshing. In autumn, it rains (un)ceasingly. Lightning, (not) enraged, but exhausted, blazed across the river.

Let's check what we got in the course of the work of each group.

Group I gives a coherent answer with examples. Group II - a sample reasoning with examples. Group III explains examples worked out independently.

4. Consolidation of new material.

What case is causing you the most trouble? Let's consider this case in detail. (One of the exercises in the textbook or an assignment compiled by the teacher is being performed).

5. Summing up the lesson.

- Can we now write without errors those sentences that were made at the beginning of the lesson?

Please answer, guys, and this question: ʼʼWhy do we use participles in speech?ʼʼ Look carefully at your notes and try to draw a conclusion. (The teacher can ask leading questions: ʼʼ What is the theme of the sentences with which we worked today? What helps the authors to make the description of a thunderstorm reliable? By what means is this achieved? Why? ʼʼ)

6. Homework.

Make a fairy tale miniature about spelling not with participles (optional). Weak students perform the exercise from the textbook.

An example of a differentiated learning lesson - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "An example of a differentiated learning lesson" 2017, 2018.

Differentiated education is education that takes into account the individual characteristics, capabilities and abilities of children. In the context of the Federal State Educational Standard, this is the most demanded technology, because it is focused on the personality of the student.

Features of differentiated learning

Differentiated learning involves the division of students into groups according to one of the criteria:

By the level of intellectual development;

By type of thinking;

By temperament;

By interests and inclinations.

As a result of the diagnostics, groups are formed. For example, when differentiating according to the level of mental development, students are grouped as follows:

1. Students with a high level of cognitive activity. They are characterized by creative non-standard thinking, steady attention, good performance. These students have the skills of independent analysis and generalization of information.

2. Students with average academic ability. Due to the low level of analytical thinking, they are not capable of creative generalization; repeated repetition is important for them. Master the material with the help of a teacher according to reference schemes.

3. Students with a low level of learning activity. They are distinguished by slowness, fatigue, lack of motivation. They require an individual approach from the teacher. For these students, additional tasks, an algorithm for completing tasks, and detailed instructions are required.

This technology allows to differentiate the content of education for students of different levels of development. One educational material within the framework of one program is assimilated at different levels. Methods and forms of work are selected that are most effective for the activities of different groups.

The leading forms of work in the lesson are group and individual.

Assigning a student to a group of a certain level is conditional. A student may choose to leave one group and join another.

Types of differentiated learning

internal differentiation. The division of students of one class team according to the level of intellectual development. Effective multi-level education in the main school (from 5 to 9 grade).

External differentiation associated with specialized training. The basis for dividing into profiles is the student's self-determination, teachers' recommendations, and psychological diagnostics. Profile training (division by area of ​​interest) is organized in high school.

Goals of using differentiated learning in secondary school

Creation of optimal conditions for the development of the child in accordance with his individual characteristics and interests.

Improving the quality of the educational process.

Eliminate student overload during class.

Identification of gifted students.

Situation of success for students of different levels.


Accounting for the individual capabilities of students.

Variability of educational material for groups with different levels of mental development.

Variability of educational and cognitive activity (from reproductive to creative).

Orientation to the adaptation and development of students.

The role of the teacher

The teacher diagnoses the level of development of thinking, memory, attention of each student.

Defines the criteria for grouping students into groups of different levels.

Develops different types of tasks for each group.

Systematically analyzes the work of students and organizes feedback.

Student Benefit

Each child is taught at their own pace.

The motivation of strong students who master the material at a deeper level increases, increasing the pace of work.

A situation of success is created for weak children.

Teacher Benefit

Individual work with strong and weak students.

Main difficulties for students

Decreased self-esteem in weak students working collaboratively in a group. The lack of competition hinders the development of these students.

There are no tasks to improve communicative competencies, oral speech is not trained.

Differentiation according to the level of intellectual development does not take into account other properties of the student's personality.

Main difficulties for the teacher

Lack of didactic materials.

A lot of time is required for the development of multi-level tasks.

The Structure of a Differentiated Learning Lesson

1. Joint goal setting for the whole class. motivation stage.

2. Actualization of the studied material. Organization of multi-level repetition for each group.

3. Discovery of new knowledge. It is carried out both for the whole class and differentiated by groups. Depending on the level of development of students, different ways of presenting information are used:

problem situation,

Drawing up an algorithm of actions,

Reference circuit analysis,

Studying new material with additional consulting help from a teacher or on your own.

4. Consolidation using didactic materials of different levels. Individual teacher consultation for students with a low level of mental development.

5. Final control on the topic. Test or independent work.

6. Reflection. Organization of verification of the assignment (check by the teacher, self-check or mutual check).

7. Differentiated homework.

Levels of didactic material

In the technology of differentiated learning, much attention is paid to the content and form of presenting tasks for training and control work. Educational material is selected in accordance with the level of intellectual development of students. Buildings are given taking into account the principle of increasing difficulty and complexity.

Level A memorization and reproduction. Sample work. The use of information cards, including a theoretical block and detailed instructions for completing the task.

Level B Work according to the finished scheme, algorithm. Partial search tasks, including comparison, selection of independent examples.

Level B. Creative application of knowledge in an unfamiliar situation, answering a problematic question. Independent search and analysis of information.

Development prospects

Active introduction of differentiated learning technology into education is possible under two conditions:

1. Methodological assistance to the teacher in the development of multi-level tasks for each stage of the lesson. A bank of ready-made differentiated tasks included in the educational and methodological set for each subject will become an incentive for the teacher to work in this technology.

2. The division of students into levels will be carried out not only at the initiative of the teacher, but also at the request of students and parents.


Isenova G.U.,

mathematic teacher

What is differentiated learning?

Under differentiated learning understand the organization

educational activity of the student, which provides the teacher with the specialization of the educational process for various groups of students, created taking into account the presence of common qualities that are essential for educational activity.

Learning differentiation- creation of a variety of learning conditions for various schools, classes, groups in order to take into account the characteristics of their contingent.

Differentiated learning is a form of dividing a class into groups that are relatively equal in terms of learning ability.

In my practice, I use the stratum class division system. The class is divided into three groups (strata).

First stratum (high level) is made up of students with a high level of learning opportunities and high academic performance.

Second stratum (middle level) includes students with average indicators of learning ability, intellectual performance, educational motivation, interest, average academic performance.

Third stratum (low level) are students with low cognitive abilities, a low level of formation of cognitive interest and a low level of learning motivation, low academic performance in the subject.

For strat system learning also characteristically:

a) in the high-level stratum:

Teaching the technology of searching for new knowledge, working with additional sources of information;

Involvement in search activities, the use of creative knowledge, the solution of non-standard tasks;

Formation of skills of self-control over the assimilation of knowledge.

b) in the middle level stratum:

Teaching the technology of searching for new knowledge, working with a textbook;

Organization of independent activities of a reproductive and partially exploratory nature, self-control over the assimilation of knowledge;

Selection of methods that contribute to the assimilation of knowledge at a partially search and search level;

c) at low level start:

Creation of positive motivation through the practical orientation of training, connection with life, orientation to success, registration of real progress in learning;

Creating conditions that allow each student to assess their situation and consider the possibilities for improving it;

Selection of methods that contribute to the assimilation of basic knowledge at the reproductive level, but also the use of partially exploratory and problem-based teaching methods;

The formation of mental actions and operations, teaching subject skills and abilities not only at the empirical, but also, if possible, at the theoretical level.

Consider the topic "Evaluation of the private."

In the first stratum (high level), students:

a) the following properties are derived: “with an increase in the dividend, the quotient increases”, “with an increase in the divisor, the quotient decreases”;

b) find the boundaries of the private.

In the second stratum, students:

a) display the named properties;

b) determine whether the boundaries of the particular are found correctly.

In the third stratum, students:

a) study the named properties;

b) compare quotients without performing calculations;

c) prove, using properties, that 698: 2 > 300, 784: 2  400.

Strat technology dictates the need to analyze the educational achievements and interests of each student, which makes it possible to more effectively build the educational process based on a student-centered approach and improve the quality of education.

In classes with a stratum learning systemsuccessful are the following conditions for monitoring the educational and cognitive activity of students :

Creating a situation of success and confidence for the student;

Cooperation between teacher and students;

Creating situations for the student in which he can choose the level of difficulty and difficulty of the control task;

The possibility for the teacher to choose the form of the control procedure;

Accounting for the time factor depending on the individual capabilities of the student;

Thematic accounting of knowledge;

Using the small group method;

Logical conditionality of timeliness of control;

Guaranteeing the student the right to an increase in grade;

Compliance with the principle of humanization in the implementation of control;

Encouragement of the student;

Compliance of control goals with the goals of the educational process.

A differentiated approach is the main way to implement the individualization of learning. Even a novice teacher knows that in any collective or frontal learning, the assimilation of knowledge and skills occurs individually, in accordance with the individual characteristics of mental activity, personal qualities. Accounting individual characteristics one of the leading principles of didactics. The teacher voluntarily or involuntarily seeks to single out groups of children with more or less the same characteristics. The fewer such groups, the easier it is to work, to apply various methods and teaching techniques.

Differentiated Approach organizationally consists of a combination

individual, group and frontal work, using CSR technologies (collective learning methods) and GSO (group learning methods).

Before implementing a differentiated approach in grade 1, it is important

to form in children some skills of independent educational activity.

I use a differentiated approach at all stages of learning, or rather, at all stages of mastering knowledge and skills. This is also an essential provision of the method of differentiated learning.

Stage of presentation of new knowledge and skills.

We are talking about the stage of primary perception of the material. It is easy to see that an undifferentiated approach at the first stage generates "blank spots" in the knowledge of some students. Why? If only because the new is always linked to the well-defined old. That is why the teacher prepares for the assimilation of the new. He asks questions about the past, checks whether they have in their memory what they will now rely on.

For example, when preparing to explain the addition technique a + 4, you need to check the strength of knowledge of the composition of the number 4. If you limit yourself to a brief frontal work, you can’t make sure that everyone in the class really knows the composition of the number 4, there may be students who learn the new technique unconsciously and unstable.

Implementing a differentiated approach, it is necessary, firstly, to conduct a more thorough preparation for the assimilation of new material with those children who need it. And secondly, after the primary frontal explanation, you need to repeat it, and maybe more than once, for individual groups.

Somewhere in the second half of the school year, you can also use the following technique: explain the material briefly on high material complexity, based on a group of children with increased learning ability. Then, explain the same material in a more detailed and accessible way, and offer the children of the first group tasks for the primary test of knowledge.

The stage of consolidation and application of knowledge and skills.

At this stage, the basis of a differentiated approach is the organization of independent work. It contains the most opportunities to take into account the characteristics of students.

The teacher can prepare two or three options for tasks. Students choose an option, or the teacher pre-assigns each option to a specific group of students.

Individual groups are given an explanation of possible difficulties in order to prevent errors. This technique is typical for the stage of primary consolidation, when, in fact, the “additional assimilation” of new material takes place and gaps are identified.

For independent work, weak students are often given lightweight task cards of an algorithmic type, strong students are given tasks to transfer knowledge and skills to a changed or new situation.

Thus, a differentiated approach at the stage of consolidating and applying knowledge is carried out mainly in the form of tasks of varying difficulty and nature.

The stage of testing and evaluating knowledge and skills.

At this stage, it is important to clearly find out at what level each student mastered the same knowledge and skill. Based on this, it is possible to compose a series of tasks of increasing or decreasing difficulty. Each series of tasks can reflect a certain level of assimilation of the material. You should not hide from the students the level of difficulty of the task, let them clearly imagine at what level the material was learned.

In my teaching practice, for several years now, I have been using the technology of modular learning. Modular learning is based on multi-level learning, a differentiated approach to students.

In working with younger students, it is advisable, in my opinion, to use two main criteria differentiation: learning and learning.

To test learning, I use a training card, and to test learning, a developing card. Such cards have a direct impact on the nature of the development of educational activities. They are used depending on the structure and type of the modular lesson. Cards are compiled at three levels:

reproductive, constructive, creative.

In modular classes for the organization of independent activities of students, I offer modular training and development cards. They are built on the basis of elements of modular learning and collective ways of learning.

Modular cards are: educational, developing and multi-level.




Contains rules, schemes, supports, theoretical material.

Does not contain theoretical material.

Tasks of different difficulty levels.

Reproductive and constructive tasks.

Tasks of a reproductive, constructive and creative nature.

It is used in the lesson for the primary study of new knowledge, in the lesson for consolidating knowledge (if the block module is divided into a large number of block modules)

It is used in the lessons of generalization and systematization.

It is used in lessons of complex application or lessons of generalization and systematization

This card is used to test learning.

This card is used to test learning.

The student chooses the task according to his abilities.

The card allows the student to work in a pair of permanent composition, in a group, individually, independently.

But there is another approach to testing the knowledge and skills of students. In the lessons of consolidation of knowledge, you can use a card with a free choice of a task by a color signal (students choose the task themselves):

Yellow - reproductive

Blue - constructive

Green - creative

A differentiated approach to students in the learning process contributes to the preparation of weak students for the perception of new material, to fill gaps in knowledge in time, to make wider use of the cognitive abilities of students, especially strong ones, and to constantly maintain interest in the subject.

When implementing a differentiated approach, I rely on the following conditions:

    Knowledge of the individual and typological characteristics of individual

students and groups of students.

    Ability to analyze educational material, identify possible

difficulties faced by different groups of students.

    Drawing up a detailed lesson plan, including questions from different

groups and individual students.

    The ability to "program" the training of different groups of students (in

ideally for each student).

    Providing immediate feedback.

    Compliance with pedagogical tact.

In mathematics lessons, I pay great attention to teaching students how to solve problems on their own. And here differentiated tasks help.

In order to organize multi-level work on a task in the same

the time allotted for this in the lesson, you can use task cards that are prepared in advance in three versions (for three levels). The cards contain task systems related to the analysis and solution of the same problem, but at different levels. They are presented to students in duplicate form. The level is not indicated, and the difference between the options is indicated by circles of different colors in the upper right corner of the card.

For example, from two piers, the distance between which is 117 km, two boats set off simultaneously towards each other. One was walking at a speed of 17 km / h, and the other - 24 km / h. What is the distance between the boats 2 hours after the start of the movement?

1 - level:

1. Consider the drawing for the task and complete the tasks:

17 km/h 24 km/h

a) draw a line with a blue pencil indicating the distance traveled by the first boat in 2 hours. Calculate this distance;

b) draw a line with a red pencil indicating the distance traveled by the second boat in 2 hours. Calculate this distance;

c) consider the segments denoting the distance traveled by two boats during this time. Calculate this distance;

d) read the question of the problem and mark another segment in the drawing corresponding to the desired one. Calculate this distance.

If the problem is solved, then write down the answer.

2. Consider task (1) again and write down a plan for solving this problem (without calculations).

3. Test yourself! Answer: 35 km.

4. Additional task: consider another way to solve this problem. Write explanations for each action and calculate the answer:

1) 17 + 24 = …

2) … x 2 = …

3) 117 - … = …

2nd level:

1. Finish the drawing for the task. Mark on it the given and the desired:

17 km/h 24 km/h

2. Consider the "reasoning tree" from the data to the question. Indicate on it the sequence of actions and the arithmetic signs of each action:

17 km/h 24 km/h

Approach speed 2 h

Distance traveled by two boats 117 km

distance between boats

3. Using the "reasoning tree", write down a plan for solving the problem.

4. Write down the solution to the problem:

a) by actions;

b) an expression.

Additional task:

5. Using the drawing, find another way to solve the problem and write it down:

a) by actions;

b) an expression.

6. Test yourself! Compare the answers obtained in different ways.

3rd level.

1. Complete the drawing.

2. Using the drawing, find the most rational way to solve. Make a "reasoning tree" for this method.

3. Write down a plan for solving the problem in accordance with the "reasoning tree".

4. Using the plan, write down the solution to the problem:

a) by actions;

b) an expression.

5. Test yourself! Answer of the problem: 35 km.

Additional task:

6. Find out what distance will be between the boats at the same speed and direction of movement after 3 hours? 4 hours?

So, for example, I suggest that all students independently solve the problem “Tourists went on a hike. First they traveled 2 hours by train at a speed of 60 km/h, then they walked for 3 hours at a speed of 4 km/h. what is the total distance traveled by tourists?

For those who coped with the solution of the problem, I offer additional tasks: put other questions to the condition of this problem and answer them; find out how many times the speed of the train is greater than the speed of the pedestrian; Calculate how many hours it would take for a cyclist to travel the whole distance at a speed of 12 km/h.

For those who have not coped with the solution of the problem, I illustrate the entire path traveled by tourists. The distance that the tourists traveled by train is marked with a green stripe; the path traveled by tourists on foot is blue. The entire path consists of these two sections. For this illustration, for the weakest students, I propose a solution plan:

First, find the distance traveled by the tourists on the train;

Then find out the distance that the tourists walked on foot;

Finally, find out what the entire path is.

Weak students explained the solution of the problem according to the plan. Even average students coped with the first additional task. They told how they completed this task. The second additional task was completed by fewer students. During the test, students proved the choice of action. The last task was completed by a few, and they also explained their decision.

In solving this problem, each student completed the part of the work that corresponded to his capabilities.

I will give examples of differentiated works.

Given expressions:

81 – 29 + 37 400 + 200 + 300 – 100

72: 9 – 3 400 + 200 + 30 – 100

8 x 6: 8 x 7 27: 3 - 2 x 6: 4

84 - 9 x 8 54 + 6 x 3 - 72: 8

Task for group 1:

Remember the rules about the order in which actions are performed in expressions and do the calculations.

Task for group 2:

Break the expressions into three groups. Find the meaning of expressions.

Task for group 3:

Complete the task for group 2. Think about how you can divide expressions into 2 groups.

This approach can be used in the lessons of the Russian language, mathematics, literary reading and natural history when checking homework, when studying new material, when consolidating knowledge, working out the material and when choosing homework.

A differentiated approach creates favorable conditions for the development of students and contributes to their better learning.


The problem of forming strong conscious computational skills interested me as a teacher when I had to work with students with poor health, and, consequently, with a low level of working capacity.

In the elementary grades, a special place is occupied by the work on the formation of oral computing skills, since during the 4 years of study, students must not only consciously master the techniques of oral calculations, but also acquire solid computing skills. Mastering the skills of oral calculations is of great educational and practical importance, as they help to master many issues of the theory of arithmetic operations.

I think that oral calculations in combination with other types of exercises activate mental activity, develop logical thinking, ingenuity, memory, creativity and volitional qualities, observation and mathematical vigilance, contribute to the development of students' speech, if from the very beginning of training they are introduced into the texts of tasks and used when discussing exercises in mathematical terms.

Systematic and targeted oral exercises play an important role in the development of students' thinking in mathematics lessons.

Feedback is of great importance when conducting oral exercises. The response does not have to be oral. You can show the answer on sticks, using split numbers, using a signal pad, or in notepads for short notes. All forms of writeback are acceptable as long as they help the teacher effectively manage the children's work.

I help students to actively engage with educational material, awaken in them the desire to improve the ways of computing and solving problems, replacing less rational with more modern ones.

I introduce such kind of oral exercises as a game. After all, the purposeful inclusion of the game increases the interest of children in work, enhances the effect of learning itself. The creation of a game situation leads to the fact that children who are passionate about the game, imperceptibly and without much effort and stress, acquire certain skills, knowledge and skills. The game makes individual elements of the lesson emotionally saturated, brings a cheerful mood to the children's team.

In didactic games, the child observes, compares, compares, classifies objects according to one or another feature, makes analysis, synthesis available to him, draws conclusions, generalizations.

Didactic game is an opportunity to develop children's attention, memory, develop ingenuity, resourcefulness, quick wit.

I think that the most difficult topic in the assimilation of elementary school students is the multiplication table.

Table She is always right in everything:

Multiplication Whatever happens in the world, -

Worthy And yet it will be twice two

Respect. Still four.

Having studied the article by Nina Vladimirovna Petkevich about a new technology for studying the multiplication table, having received a package of material on this technology, I decided to test this technology in mathematics lessons and diagnose


The method of working with tables is built taking into account the psychological characteristics of primary school students and allows the teacher to repeat each column of the multiplication table in different ways and associate it with pictures, poems, fairy tales and games.

The basis of technology is learning tools, which, in my opinion, give e the effectiveness of its application:

    in saving time (by 2 - 3 times);

    in the strength and correctness of the assimilation of knowledge and their creative application by students

    in creating psychological comfort, allowing to spare the physical and moral strength of the teacher and students;

    in the possibility of transferring some topics from secondary school to primary school.

I believe that the achievement of these goals contribute:

    widespread use of the algorithm as a learning method (learning algorithm);

    integration of mathematics lessons with the lessons of the Russian language, labor training, fine arts, music; production of didactic games and toys;

    modeling of mathematical concepts.

The leading principle of the pedagogical technology of studying the multiplication table is learning through action, and its motto is "learning by playing, and teaching by playing".

The originality and novelty of the technique lies in the fact that the works are “attached” to their location in the natural series of numbers and correspond to a certain color code (the colors of the rainbow are taken).

Table "Rainbow flower" makes it possible to conduct observations based on digital material, and when solving problems of multiplication and division - on graphic strips, traveling along the "petal of a flower" and "arc-rainbow".

All tables are multifunctional, some of them are the basis for studying topics such as "Measurement of area", "Divisibility of numbers" and more.

I note that in this pedagogical technology, teaching aids are used in a certain sequence. Each case of multiplication is studied according to a single algorithm, which students get acquainted with when studying the multiplication of the number 1.

The structure of the algorithm is as follows:

    Compilation and writing by the teacher on the board of a column of the multiplication table of a number using an abacus. Students at this time focus, observe.

    Analysis of the compiled table, search for “memory knots” based on theoretical knowledge (replacement of addition by multiplication, commutative and associative properties of the product).


    Consolidation of knowledge of the results of tabular multiplication. The teacher names and shows examples, leading students from easy to difficult, and thereby preparing them to act as a teacher during the "School" game. The children answer in chorus.

    Independent work on compiling a column of the multiplication table and filling in the “house” in the “Magic Notebook” with the products of the natural series of numbers.

    Work in pairs. Using recorded material to organize the game "School". Mutual testing, self-testing, knowledge assessment.

    Finding familiar works in the "Color Coded Works Summary Table". Collective work. The game "Claps".

    Checking the teacher's knowledge of each student's tabular results using color signal notebooks. Pedestrian game.


Despite the fact that all cases of multiplication are studied according to a single algorithm, the lessons are lively and exciting, with the unflagging attention of students and even creative passion. The fact that the children know the plan for working on the column of the table is an excellent stimulus in the learning process. Throughout the work, students have a feeling of success, which is confirmed by the Infik robot.

A distinctive feature of each lesson is "Knots for memory". So, when studying the multiplication table for the number 3, children become decorators. They are preparing props for the production of the fairy tale "Three Bears". They learn funny poems by D. Kharms and S. Marshak and memorize multiplication examples with the numbers 4 and 8, and a mischievous tongue twister helps to learn the multiplication table for the number 7. “Counting machines”, consisting of the fingers of little students, are restored to their memory columns for multiplying the numbers 5 and 9. Counting shoes for different insects, students memorize the multiplication table for the number 6.

Thus, in the lessons there are broad interdisciplinary connections. But the greatest effect is achieved by the integration of mathematics lessons and labor training.

At the lessons of labor training, students make individual visual aids. The manufacturing process allows you to consolidate labor skills in children and at the same time contributes to the assimilation of tabular multiplication and division, which confirms the meaning of the proverb “Skillful hands are assistants to science”.

Even the ancient Greeks said that of the three ways to gain knowledge, the best is to do it yourself, the second is to see how someone else does it, the third, the least productive, is to hear about it from someone.

A variety of tables allows students to apply knowledge not only at the reproductive level, but also in new, more complex situations. A huge influence on the development of visual orientation of students has the ability to determine the product not only by its location in the natural series of numbers, but also by the color code.

Great joy is given to children by working with didactic toys, such as a “phone-guidebook” by which you can “call” and find out the answer, or a “wonderful transformations” guidebook, in the manufacture of which children find a relationship between the components of multiplication and division and their results.

In this pedagogical technology, students each lesson work with a notebook for independent work, which they make up individually, developing their abilities and capabilities. This notebook has several functions:

1. Its production allows for interdisciplinary communication with labor training lessons, which consists in the fact that students read the drawing, make markings in notebooks in a cage, bend and cut off excess parts of the sheet.

2. On circles and cells "in the house" you can demonstrate the specific meaning of multiplication, the associative and commutative properties of multiplication.

3. Used as a demonstration aid for the organization of the game "School".

4. It is the simplest computer, as it has input data (examples) and information output (answers), which gives students the opportunity to exercise self-control.

To fix the multiplication table of two, you can play a game

"Forest School".

Hares and squirrels studied at the forest school, hares spoke loudly, and squirrels spoke quietly. At a math lesson, the teacher, Owl, suggested that they count to 20. The hares start counting, and the squirrels continue, and so on, alternating. Try it, guys, and you will count in the same way as the students of the "forest school". Children speak in turn: loudly: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19; quiet: 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

What numbers did the squirrels name? Students repeat several times the numbers that are the result of multiplying two.

To memorize the multiplication table by 3, it is interesting to play the Claps game. Students count in chorus from 1 to 30, but instead of numbers that are divisible by 3, they clap their hands. For example, 1, 2, claps, 4, 5, claps, etc. The teacher asks one of the students to repeat those numbers that were not named by the choir. The student calls them: 3, 6, 9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30. Then the children repeat the numbers in unison.

To consolidate the skills of tabular multiplication and division, it is interesting to play the "Sieve" game.

Students in one row stand up and take turns saying the multiplication table, for example, by 4: the first student is 4 X 4 = 16

second student - 4 X 5 = 20

the third student - 4 X 6 \u003d 24, etc.

The student who correctly named the example from the table and the answer sits down, and the one who made a mistake stands, that is, remains in the sieve.

This game helps to identify a student who has not learned this or that multiplication table.

To better understand the terminology, that is, the names of the components and the results of multiplication, you can role-play.

The students of the first row are the first multipliers, the second row are the second multipliers, and the third are the products.

The first student from the first row stands up and says: "The first factor is 5" The first student from the second row stands up and says: "The second factor is 3." The first student of the third row stands up and says: "Product 15."

Then the second students from each row stand up, and so on.

Such games activate the mental activity of children and provide an opportunity to work at this stage of the lesson for the whole class.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the technology of N. B. Petkevich is effective, because, firstly, it is interesting for students; secondly, it evokes an emotional and psychological mood in students. The main thing that is at the heart of this technique is the game. The formation of strong computing skills occurs through gaming moments. This technology should be used regularly in the system.

At each lesson, the student’s abilities are gradually determined, he goes through all the stages of “Self ...”, learns to evaluate, reflect, use various types of control (self-control, mutual control, verification with a sample, etc.), and most importantly, that this technology is student-oriented , as it is aimed not only at the formation of ZUNs on the topic "Multiply", but at the development and self-development of the child, creates a favorable emotional background in the lesson, the child is interested and comfortable, and also transfers his activity to the subject - subject relations, to cooperation with each other , lays the ability to learn independently.

It seems that the topic is boring, uninteresting, but you can captivate students, but how?

This will help new techniques, a variety of techniques, CSR technology and games. The game is the main activity of a student in elementary school, I organize work in a pair of permanent composition, in dynamic pairs, in small groups, etc.

What are the results of work on this technology:

    students develop organizational skills;

    the foundations of communicative communication and communicative culture are laid;

the cognitive sphere of students develops (memory, attention, thinking);

Strong multiplication table skills are formed.

Much has changed in education in recent years. It seems to me that today there is no such teacher who would not think about the questions: How to make the lesson interesting, bright? How to captivate children with your subject? How to create a situation of success in the classroom for each student? What modern teacher does not dream of the children in his lesson working voluntarily, creatively; learned the subject at the maximum for each level of success?

The teacher must remember that the child needs to be helped to achieve results in learning activities, and for this it is necessary to create situations of success. Using the situation of success should help to improve the quality of knowledge of educational material, as well as help students to realize themselves as a full-fledged personality.

Therefore, I was faced with the task of how to organize the educational process so that children of different levels of assimilation of educational material, temperament, physical health master the same standards of education and at the same time maintain physical and mental health.

No child comes to school as a failure. He comes to school full of desire to learn. Without a sense of success, the child loses interest in school and learning activities.

Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions under which the child, performing a learning task, would unexpectedly come to a conclusion that reveals previously unknown opportunities for him. He should get an interesting result that stimulates knowledge.

One of the possible ways to create a situation of success in the educational activity of a student is such an organization of the teacher's work, which takes into account the individual characteristics of students. The most optimal result in this situation will be given by the technology of differentiated learning. The principle of a differentiated educational process is the best way to promote the personal development of students and confirms the essence and goals of general secondary education.

The purpose of differentiated learning is to provide each student with the conditions for the maximum development of his abilities, the satisfaction of his cognitive needs. Every child must learn at his own level and at his own pace.

The principles of differentiated learning include the most important element of education - the creation of psychologically comfortable conditions. The mode of work on this technology allows the teacher to work with all students in the class without averaging the level of knowledge of students, allowing a weak student to see the prospect of success, and a strong one to have the opportunity for creative growth. The student becomes the subject of the learning process. He is given an active role.

This is achieved by differentiating tasks in terms of volume and complexity, as well as by implementing various forms and methods of organizing students' activities in the lesson, i.e. . The goal of differentiated learning is to provide psychological and methodological assistance to students so that they are successful in their educational activities. The advantage of this method of teaching is that to some extent the problem of poor progress is solved, the psychological discomfort of students is removed - this allows you to reduce overload, relieves anxiety, forms students' self-esteem, increases learning motivation.

The formation of groups is proposed as the main way to implement the differentiation of training. The division into groups is carried out, first of all, on the basis of the criterion of reaching the level of compulsory training.

Most often, there are three groups of students.

Students of the first group have gaps in the knowledge of the program material, they can independently complete tasks in one or two steps, they start performing more complex tasks with blind trials, they are not able to conduct a targeted search for a way to complete the exercise. This group may include students with gaps in knowledge and developmental delays due to frequent absences from classes due to illness, due to systematic poor preparation for lessons.

Students of the second group have sufficient knowledge of the program material, they can apply them in solving standard tasks. Difficulty in the transition to a new type of exercise; do not cope independently with the solution of complex (atypical) tasks.

The third group consists of students who can reduce a complex task to a chain of simple actions, master new material on their own, and find several ways to complete the task.

Knowledge of the level of formation of schoolchildren's skills and abilities helps the teacher in preparing for the lesson, allows you to plan in advance all types of differentiated influences, select appropriate tasks and think over the forms of assistance for each group of students, focusing on the zone of proximal development.

The work of these groups can take place within the framework of regular lessons. They can also be temporarily allocated to individual classes.

I carry out a differentiated approach to students at all stages of the lesson.

1. Poll

In the written survey I use cards of varying degrees of complexity, tests of three levels. I often use non-traditional forms for the survey: crosswords, rebuses, chainwords of varying degrees of complexity. If, during a written survey, I offer everyone a task of the same difficulty, then for each group I differentiate the amount of information indicating how to perform it: for group 1 - only the goal, for group 2 - some points that you should pay attention to, for group 3 - detailed instructions for performing tasks.

Oral knowledge test: first I call students of groups 1 and 2, while strong children correct and supplement the answers. Often for this I give tasks to students of the 3rd group, to find additional information on a particular issue (elements of research activity), or I give material to provide some interesting information, as a supplement to the children's answers.

At the end of the study of the section, I conduct tests with differentiated tasks, and at the end of the year, final control testing at three levels.

2. Explanation of new material

When explaining new material, I pose problematic questions, I try to have strong children answer them, I suggest that children in groups 1 and 2 answer questions known from the previously studied, and I ask the weak to repeat after the strong. Children from group 1 are sometimes asked to prepare some questions of new material on their own and tell classmates about it themselves, while they prepare visual aids (drawings, tables, diagrams, etc.).

3. Consolidation of new material

When fixing new material, I differentiate questions for consolidation. For children of group 3, I immediately propose to complete a practical task. For children of the 2nd group, I offer work with a textbook. With weak children, I repeat the main points, dwelling on each in detail. Often, when fixing new material, I conduct independent work. The number of tasks, as well as the time to complete them, is different for different groups. I tell strong children the purpose of the task, and I describe tasks in more detail to medium and weak children. Over time, I complicate the tasks in all groups, which contributes to the development of mental activity.

If the material is difficult, then I form pairs, which include one of the students of groups 1 or 2 and 3, and work in pairs of shifts. At first, the material is spoken by a strong student to his partner, the second listens to him and corrects him, then the material is spoken by a weak student, the strong one controls and corrects him.

When consolidating the material, in order to develop skills for solving practical problems for students, I select tasks with a gradually increasing degree of difficulty.

I carry out differentiation in carrying out practical work. I use mutual assistance when strong children help weak ones cope with a practical task.

4. Homework

The first group is given homework assignments that exactly correspond to the required results. The second group had the same tasks plus more complex tasks and exercises from the textbook. For the third group, tasks from the textbook are supplemented with tasks from various manuals. When determining the amount of work, one should proceed from the average norm of time spent on preparing the task, the day of the week, and the workload of students with other subjects.

Children of the 3rd group, I teach to work with additional literature, perform additional tasks of a creative nature, and also conduct small studies. These children often come up with additional messages and reports. I also invite the middle and weak to speak, but for preparation I give literature or indicate the source. To overcome knowledge gaps, children in groups 1 and 2 are given small additional exercises.

Such elements of a differentiated approach activate children's desire for knowledge. Students feel responsible for the learning process, they are accustomed to self-organization of educational work. A differentiated form of learning activity of students provides for their independent work on differentiated tasks. A differentiated task should be built taking into account the characteristics of a group of students united by the “same” level of knowledge and skills on the topic, section and level of their development.

In accordance with the groups, when organizing differentiated forms of educational activity, I develop options for differentiated tasks. In this case, two types of differentiated forms of educational activity can be used: group differentiated and individual differentiated work of students. In the first case, students of one group perform their differentiated task collectively (3-4 people each), in the second - individually. With a group form of activity in the lesson, a report is organized for each group, and with an individual form, the work of each student is checked and evaluated

The use of differentiated teaching helps the teacher to achieve the following goals:

For the first group:

  • Arouse interest in the subject by using basic level tasks that allow them to work in accordance with their individual characteristics;
  • Eliminate gaps in knowledge and skills;
  • To form the ability to carry out independent activities according to the model.

For the second group:

  • Develop a sustained interest in the subject;
  • Consolidate and repeat existing knowledge and methods of action;
  • Update existing knowledge for the successful study of new material;
  • To form the ability to work independently on the task;
  • Develop students' intellectual skills

For the third group:

  • Develop a generalized interest in the subject;
  • To form new ways of action, the ability to perform tasks of increased complexity;

So, differentiated training is the most difficult kind of work. It requires thoughtful, painstaking work from the teacher, creative preparation for lessons, good knowledge of his students. This teaching method requires consistency and systematization. Only on the basis of these factors it is possible to achieve positive results in the assimilation of program material, to achieve high efficiency in the formation of the cognitive activity of students with different individual abilities, the development of their creative activity and independence.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the child comes to school full of desire to learn. If a child loses interest in learning, not only the family, but also the school and its teaching methods should be blamed.

Success is the source of the child's inner strength, giving rise to energy to overcome difficulties, the desire to learn. The child experiences self-confidence and inner satisfaction. Based on all this, we can conclude: success in studies is tomorrow's success in life.

Master Class

Lesson topic: Spelling prefixes. Prepositions and prepositions.

Berezina Marina Sergeevna

Place of work: MBU secondary school No. 58 g.o. Tolyatti

Position: Primary school teacher

Subject: Russian language

Theme and number of the lesson in the topic: The composition of the word. (Lesson 13)

Basic textbook: N.V. Nechaeva "Russian language", Grade 3, Fedorov Publishing House, Educational Literature Publishing House, 2012

The purpose of the lesson: to teach to distinguish between words with prefixes and prepositions

Tasks: 1. To form the skills to use them correctly in speech and write.

2. Continue work on the development of speech activity, cognitive activity of students.

3. Raise interest in the subject, accuracy of writing.

Lesson type: combined.

Forms of work of students: frontal, work in pairs, differentiated group work.

Equipment: textbook, cards for work in pairs and for work in groups, computer, projector.

According to Sh.A. Amonashvili, education should be "variable to the individual characteristics of schoolchildren." A differentiated approach to teaching is one of the means of implementing student-centered education. The task of the teacher is to build the process of education and upbringing in such a way as to ensure the full development of the child's readiness for self-education. For this, not much is needed: to recognize the child's right to individuality, self-worth, the desire to independently acquire knowledge and apply it. Here is a fragment of the lesson where students work in pairs on assignments on cards.

Open the brackets, determining where the prefixes are given, and where the prepositions are.

The foxes decided to bake the rabbit (for) the oven, and the rabbit jumped out of the oven (for) the oven.

It would depend (on) soap, freckles I would (on) soap.

Snowdrifts of snow blizzards (on) aground, and a truck like a barge (on) aground.

Here (to) the garden, I did not reach (to) the garden.

We work in pairs on the sheets.

In this task, not only the ability to write prefixes and prepositions is tested, but also the ability to determine the lexical meaning of words.

When consolidating this material, students are offered differentiated group work.

The 1st group of students is working with material of great complexity, requiring the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and independently creatively approach the solution of educational problems.

Write the words in 2 columns, opening the brackets. Explain how the groups of words differ.

(By) harmed, (in) harm, (by) salted, (with) salt, (from) carried, (from) the nose, (from) screwed, (from) the screw, (for) paid, (for) a fee, (under) drew, (under) the drawing, (in) the forest, (in) climbed, (at) flew, (at) the pilot, (c) cut, (with) carving, (for) took, (for) brother, (on) a move, (on) a walker, (on) a flight.

(Words with prepositions are written in one column, nouns and verbs with prefixes are written in the other.)

2 - group - students with average abilities.

Write off. Replace the dots with appropriate prefixes and prepositions.

... our school ... was driving a car. The guys ... ran ... to the car. ... cars ... the driver was walking. He greeted ... the guys and ... asked ... to carry water. Misha ... ran ... to the pond and brought a bucket of water.

3-group-weak students.

Indicate the words in which there is a prefix: move out, birch tree, inscription, kind, brave.

It is impossible to talk about differentiation without touching on the issue of homework. A single homework does not contribute to the advancement in the development of children. Orientation to the average student uses only 15% of the capabilities of the strong, and the overload of the weak is 50%. Homework for a strong student pushes a weak student to immorality, to failure to do what is inaccessible. The availability of homework strengthens the child's faith in himself, puts him in a situation of success, contributes to the development of his personal qualities, and increases motivation for learning. Therefore, an important task of the teacher is a well-thought-out differentiated homework, where the children can choose the exercise that corresponds to their real capabilities.

Differentiated homework in the topic “Spelling prefixes. Prepositions and Prefixes.

1. Indicate the rows in which the words are written separately:

(y) we (y) carried (for) water (for) water (above) the forest

2. Indicate the rows of words where all words are written together:

(you) ran (to) the yard (for) went (for) a book (you) went (on) to play (y) went (abroad) (on) buying (on) a gift

3. Read and explain what is in brackets: preposition, prefix or part of the root.

The fork once stumbled (o) baby,

Falling, the fork (on) the spoon hit.

Spoon, taking off, landed in (o) crumbs,

Splashes on a book sat (about) a spoon.

Write by opening brackets.