Sample schedule for a parent-teacher conference. Techniques for a successful parent-teacher meeting

Kochetova Alexandra Nikolaevna
Parent meeting plan

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution No. 120.

Development plan-outline of the parent meeting on adaptation in the second junior group.

Theme "Hello Kindergarten

senior educator MBDOU No. 120

Shamshina S.V.

Target: get to know parents, learn the strengths and weaknesses of children, their character traits.

The form: conversation.

Preliminary preparation for assembly:

.Conduct a survey.

Prepare notes for parents.

Making invitations with the children Parent meeting.

Learn poetry with children.



Adaptation, what is it.

Playing with parents"Chamomile wishes"

Survey results.

Reading poetry.

Reminder for parents.

Decision parent meeting.

Meeting progress:


Good evening dear parents. The topic of today's meeting "Adaptation of children". How should the child be prepared for the period of adaptation. Everyone knows that the beginning of the school year is a difficult period for young children, as it is a time of getting used to new conditions for them. From the familiar world of the family, kids get into completely new conditions of the children's environment. Therefore, it is quite understandable why children cry from the first days of visiting, they are hard going through separation from their mother.

adaptation, what is it?: - the process of a person entering a new environment for him and adapting to its conditions. The time when a child adapts to kindergarten is a crisis. According to how children get used to preschool, the adaptation period is divided into 3 groups:

Light medium and heavy. Easy adaptation - almost half of the children make up the most prosperous group - they attend the kindergarten without much loss.

Temporary sleep disturbance (normalizes within 7-10 days) ;

Temporary loss of appetite (norm after 10 days) ;

Inadequate emotional reactions (whims, isolation, aggression, depression, etc., changes in speech, orientation and play activity return to normal in 20-30 days;

The nature of relationships with adults and motor activity practically do not change;

Functional disorders are practically not expressed, they normalize in 2-4 weeks, no diseases occur. Major symptoms disappear within a month (2-3 weeks standard) .

2. Average adaptation: all violations are more pronounced and for a long time:

Sleep, appetite are restored within 20-40 days,

Orientation activity (20 days,

Speech activity (30-40 days,

Emotional state (30 days,

Motor activity, which undergoes significant changes, returns to normal in 30-35 days.

Interaction with adults and peers is not disturbed.

Functional changes are clearly expressed, diseases are fixed.

3. Heavy adaptation

(from 2 to 6 months) accompanied gross violation of all manifestations and reactions of the child.

This type of adaptation characterized:

Decreased appetite (sometimes vomiting occurs during feeding,

Severe sleep disturbance

The child often avoids contact with peers, tries to retire, there is a manifestation of aggression, a depressed state for a long time (the child cries, is passive, sometimes there is a wave-like change of mood). - Usually visible changes occur in speech and motor activity, a temporary delay in mental development is possible.

With severe adaptation, as a rule, children fall ill within the first 10 days and continue to get sick again during the entire time of getting used to the peer group.

4. Very difficult adaptation: about six months or more. The question arises - is it worth the child to stay in kindergarten, perhaps he "not garden" child. Each child is individual. For everyone, the period of adaptation in the garden is different. The duration of addiction depends on different factors:

The nature of the child, the personality of the educator, the state of health of the baby,

The atmosphere in the family, the relationship between parents, even the degree of preparation parents Sending your child to kindergarten also plays an important role.

Full adaptation occurs within 2-3 months, and during this period it is necessary to pay as much attention to the child as possible. Before taking him out of the kindergarten, if the child has lunch in the garden, then at home you should pay special attention to dinner and cook only your baby’s favorite dishes, be interested in the child’s affairs, what he did in the kindergarten, whether he made friends with other children, admire his drawings that he brings home.

Your sensitive attitude and kind participation will soon bear fruit, and

the child will be happy to go to kindergarten.

Playing with parents"Chamomile wishes"

Dear parents, we want to invite you to write wishes for your children.

Survey results:

One week before meeting, we conducted a survey. The questionnaire contained five questions on this topic. Now I propose to get acquainted with the results of the survey.

1. The prevailing mood of your child:

(13 people - cheerful, 5 - balanced, 2 - unstable.

2. The nature of falling asleep:

13 people - fast sleep, 6 - slow, 1 - very slow.

3. Nature and duration sleep:

(18 people - calm, 2 - restless

4. Child's appetite:

(10 people - good, 5 - unstable, 5 - bad)

5. The attitude of the child to landing on pot:

(18 people - negative, 2 - abstained).

Reading poetry.

But what our children will tell us about the kindergarten children:

1st child:

Kindergarten is good

You won't find a better garden.

2nd child:

The children live in the kindergarten

Here they play and sing

Find friends here

They go for a walk with them.

Reminder for parents on adaptation.

So that everything said on this meeting you remember. To do this, each of you will receive "Memo on adaptation".

1. Prepare your child for garden on a positive note. Tell more good things about the kindergarten to the baby, how great it will be there, what he can do there, what is not at home, praise the baby more often and say that he has already grown and become big and is ready to go to the garden.

2. Don't drag out goodbye. When you leave and leave your child in the garden, do it quickly and easily. Do not show your feelings, because children feel emotions very clearly. parents. If all of you cannot hide your excitement, then instruct someone else to take the child to the garden, grandmother or father, for example.

3. During the period of adaptation of the child in kindergarten, take the child home as early as possible.

4. At home there should be an atmosphere of love, trust and tranquility.

5. Do not load the baby's nervous system during adaptation. Try to reduce cartoon viewing, do not visit noisy places such as a circus, a zoo, where a child can easily become aroused.

6. Do not dress your child too warmly in kindergarten.

7. Do not change the schedule of kindergarten during the weekend.

8. Ignore the whims of the child, do not succumb to his antics of manipulation.

9. If something worries you in the psyche or health of the child, then do not postpone the visit to the doctor.

Decision parent meeting:

Take note of the information about adaptation in kindergarten. Observe the daily routine in kindergarten and at home. Teach children self-care skills.






Prepared by:

Head of ShMO

primary school teachers

Sigareva I.V.

August 2016



TYPES OF PARENT MEETINGS…………………………………………………………..4







TOPICS OF CONVERSATIONS AND PARENT MEETINGS:…………………………………………….9 - Grades 1-4……………………………………………………… …………………............................. 9 - 5 – 6 grades……………………………… ………………………………………............................. 9 - 7 - 9 grades ... …………………………………………………………………........................... .10 -10 - 11 grades…………………………………………………………………………………………10

ADVICE TO TEACHERS AND PARENTS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10

TEN TIPS FOR GOOD PARENTS………………………...........................................11


THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE EDUCATOR…………………………………………………………………...14

COMMANDMENTS OF EDUCATION from David Lewis……………………………...........................................14

Sample topics for THEMATIC CONSULTATIONS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….15

STAGES OF CARRYING OUT PARENT READINGS ……………………………………………………………………15



WORKING WITH PARENTS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….19


AT At present, the interest of teachers and heads of educational institutions in the problems of education has noticeably increased. In turn, the strengthening of the educational function of an educational institution necessitates the improvement of the forms and methods of interaction between the school and the family, teachers and parents.

The parent meeting is the main form of joint work of parents, where decisions are discussed and made on the most important issues of the life of the class community and the education of students at school and at home. Its main purpose is to harmonize, coordinate and unite the efforts of the school and family in creating conditions for the development of a spiritually rich, morally clean and physically healthy personality of the child. Parent meetings are also held in order to improve the pedagogical culture of parents, activate their role in the life of the class, and increase responsibility for the upbringing of their children.

The teacher's classroom management consists not only in organizing a children's team, but also, having understood, accept their parents. And the teacher’s task is not to teach parents, but to share with them the experience of raising children accumulated over the years of work, since by the nature of his activity, the teacher reads more literature on education than parents, and his circle of communication with children is much wider and multilateral. Everything must be done so that fathers and mothers believe the teacher and listen to his advice. Therefore, at the parent meeting it is always necessary to create an atmosphere of trust. Parents should be introduced to the main areas of educational work so that they realize the importance of cooperation between the family and the school. This is an ongoing process, which depends both on the demands of today's society and on the situation that has developed in the classroom. Of course, one should not understand parent-teacher meetings as an educational program for parents, it is not necessary to lecture parents in a mentoring tone, who usually come to parent-teacher meetings after work tired, and sometimes irritated.

All informational material should be packed in 15-20 minutes. If parents want to learn more about something, break the material into several blocks, into several meetings, where you can not only tell them the material that interests them, but also hold a discussion where everyone can express their point of view on this issue. Parents (sometimes they are our former students) remain children in their hearts. In fact, they are not opposed to advice in the difficult matter of education. But their adult shell protests against the teaching. Therefore, we sometimes notice their sarcastic looks.

I do not advise scolding children at the parent meeting. Try to talk about the successes and deeds of the whole class, focus on the best sides of the character of each child. After all, for mom and dad, their child is the best. Information about the progress of students should be read out without edification, but with sympathy and understanding. Be sure to emphasize that tomorrow everything will be fine if we all try. After all, every parent deep down expects the best results from their child. And it's very good when parents believe in it, love their child consciously. In our time, it is not easy to stop and think about the fact that children are our only wealth. But we must try to look into the soul of the child, speak the same language with him, and he will definitely respond.

Parent meetings are required:

    to quickly obtain a variety of information about children;

    as orientation, instructive meetings with changes in the life and activities of the class team, its mode of operation, etc.;

    to familiarize parents with the analysis of academic performance, attendance, the results of medical examinations, etc. But this should be analytical material (without naming the specific names of parents and children);

    as advisory on the vacation program, on employment in the system of additional education, etc.;

    as an emergency, emergency in an acute conflict situation, in an extremely difficult case with one of the children. This is a collective council of adults deciding how to help a child in trouble or a mother in need of help;

    creative meetings, when children show their parents their creative abilities, sports achievements, applied skills, etc.;

    lecture meetings, psychological trainings, role-playing games on various topics and problems of education and training. Such meetings can be held quite often (once a month), like a school for parents.


1. Organizational:- drawing up and approval of work plans; - election of the parent committee; -distribution of public assignments; -development of activities with the participation of parents

2. Meetings according to the plan of classroom general education of parents.


4. Meetings-disputes (at least two points of view on the problem).

5. Meetings-workshops.

6. Final, etc.

1. The parent meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children in their studies.

2. The theme of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of children.

3. The meeting should be both theoretical and practical: analysis of situations, trainings, discussions, etc.

4. The meeting should not engage in discussion and condemnation of the personalities of students.


    you can arrange tables and chairs in a circle: everyone can see and hear each other well;

    prepare business cards with the names of the parents, especially if they do not know each other yet;

    call parents by name and patronymic, and not “Tanya's mother”, “Vitin's father”, etc .;

    use the form of conversation over a cup of tea, especially at the beginning of the 1st grade;

    use group forms of work with parents, game elements;

    skillfully determine the day and hour of the parent meeting (when there are no important events, interesting TV shows, etc.);

    rigidly determine the rules of the meeting, save the time of parents;

    it is necessary to end the meeting with the adoption of a specific decision.


1.Choose the topic of the meeting.

2. Determining the goals of the parent meeting.

3. Study by the class teacher and other organizers of the collection of scientific and methodological literature on the problem under consideration.

4. Conducting micro-research in the community of children and parents (questionnaires, conversations, testing).

5.Determination of the type, form and stages of the parent meeting. Ways and methods of joint work of its participants.

6.Invitation of parents and other participants of the meeting.

7. Development of the decision of the meeting, its recommendations, memos to parents.

8. Equipment and design of the venue for the parent meeting.


Improving the pedagogical culture of parents, replenishing their arsenal of knowledge on the specific issue of raising a child in a family and school;

Contributing to the rallying of the parent team, involving them in the life of the class community;

Development of collective decisions and uniform requirements for the upbringing of children, the integration of the efforts of the family and teachers in activities for the development of the child's personality;

Promotion of the experience of successful family upbringing, prevention of incorrect actions towards children by parents;

Summing up the results of the joint activities of teachers, students and parents for a certain period of time


Parent meeting is a necessary attribute of school life. How to make it interesting and productive? They can be especially useful to a beginning class teacher.

1. To hold a parent meeting, select the most favorable day and hour and try to ensure that neither you nor the parents of your students have any important business, interesting TV shows, etc. planned for this time.

2. Identify the one most important issue for the students in your class and build a conversation with the parents around it.

3. Pay special attention to the placement of parents in the classroom. For example, you can arrange tables and chairs in a circle so that all participants in the parent meeting can see and hear each other well.

4. Prepare business cards with the names of the parents, especially if they do not yet know each other well enough.

5. Work with your parents to come up with rules for meeting attendees. For example: it is obligatory to take off outerwear; silence is not allowed when discussing the problem; rejecting the proposal (opinion), it is necessary to make a counter; call each other by name and patronymic or only by name, etc.

6. Take care of the time of the people invited to the meeting. For this purpose, establish a regulation and strictly monitor its observance.

7. During the meeting, use games and group forms of organizing parent interaction.

8. A cup of tea can help make communication in a meeting casual and frank.

9. When discussing problematic issues, rely on the life and pedagogical experience of the most authoritative parents, on the opinion of members of the parent committee and the school council.

10. Strive for concrete decisions to be made at the meeting.


The start of the meeting must be at a fixed time. Parents get used to such a requirement and try not to linger. The maximum duration is 1–1.5 hours.

    Opening speech of the class teacher (5 min).

    Parent questionnaire analysis; is carried out in order to more clearly expose the problem of the meeting (5-7 minutes).

    Speech on the topic: specialist or class teacher. The presentation should be bright, concise and accessible (10-20 minutes).

    Discussion of the problem (20 min).

    Class performance analysis. Never give the names of lagging, undisciplined children, do not “stigmatize”. The analysis should express confidence that joint work will correct the situation.

In conclusion, the teacher thanks the parents for their joint work. He asks those parents whose children have problems in learning and behavior to stay for a moment to find out the reasons and jointly solve them.


1. The teacher needs to relieve his own tension and anxiety before meeting with the parents. 2. Through speech, intonation, gestures and other means, let your parents feel your respect and attention to them. 3. Try to understand your parents; correctly identify the issues that concern them most. Convince them that the school and the family have the same problems, the same tasks, the same children. 4. Talk to your parents calmly and kindly. It is important that the parents of all students - both well-to-do and at-risk children - leave the meeting with faith in their child. 5. The result of your joint work at the parent meeting should be the confidence of parents that in raising children they can always count on your support and the help of other school teachers.


1-4 classes.

1. The beginning of schooling is an important stage in a child's life. 2. Raising respect and love for parents, native land and the history of their people (according to national education). 3. Junior school age and its features. 4. I want and I must (for the prevention of offenses). 5. How to identify and develop children's abilities. 6. Creating an atmosphere of emotional security, warmth and love in the family. 7. Play and work in the life of children of primary school age. 8. Education of the character of the child in the family. 9.Rezhim for younger students as a way to protect health. 10. Law, family, child (moral and legal education of children in the family). 11. Fathers and children (the role of personal example of parents in the legal education of younger students). 12. New in the system of national education. 13. The use of various types of art in the aesthetic education of children at school. 14. Family walks in nature as an important factor in the environmental and physical education of children. 15. Preservation of family traditions, family heirlooms.

5 - 6 classes.

.New in the system of national education. 2. The role of the family in the formation of a conscious need for adolescents in the labor system. 3. The content of the moral and aesthetic education of adolescents in the family. 4. Organization of summer work and recreation of children in the family. 5. Raising a healthy child in the family. Preservation of the genotype. 6. Opportunities of the family in the development of cognitive independence of students7. The use of family traditions and holidays in patriotic education.8. Harm of alcohol and smoking.

7 - 9 grades.

1. An example of parents in raising children. 2. Features of the upbringing of adolescents in the family. 3. Sexual development and methods of sexual education. 4. A book in the family. Formation of reading interests in children. 5.Active forms of recreation in your family. 6.Methods of professional orientation of schoolchildren in the family. 7.Features of adolescence and their consideration in family education. 8. Educational activity of a senior student and its management in the family. 9. The role of the family in the readiness of the younger generation to work. 10. Instilling love for the beauty of native nature, creations of art, painting, literature and music in the family. 11. Studying the roots of the family genus. 12. Approval of the principles of universal morality in the family.

10 - 11 classes.

1. The main directions of education in the family.

2. Psychological and pedagogical self-education of parents as an important factor in improving their pedagogical competence.

3. The role of family relationships and traditions in preparing high school students for family life.


if: - the child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate- the child is ridiculed, he becomes withdrawn- the child is praised, he learns to be noble- the child is supported, he learns to value himself- the child grows up in reproaches, he learns to live with guilt- the child grows in tolerance, he learns to understand others- the child grows in honesty, he learns to be fair- the child grows up in safety, he learns to believe in people- the child lives in enmity, he learns to be aggressive- the child lives in understanding and friendliness, he learns to find love in this world


1. Accept the child as he is.

2. Never order on a whim. No pointless orders. Not interfering in a child's life is just as dangerous as interfering constantly.

3. Never make decisions alone. The golden rule of family life is diarchy. When father and mother contradict each other, this is an entertaining sight for a child.

4. Keep trust in someone who will contradict you.

5. In terms of gifts - no frills. We have forgotten how to refuse children. Refusal brings more benefit, because it teaches you to distinguish the necessary from the excess.

6. Lead by example in everything. You can only get from a child what you do yourself.

7. Talk about everything without fear. Speech is gold and silence is lead.

8. Connect with your loved ones. The family is a private republic. Everything should be done together: washing dishes, shopping, cleaning, choosing entertainment, travel routes.

9. Keep the door open. Sooner or later you will not keep children, teenagers, youth in the house. It's never too early to learn freedom.

10. Get out at the right time! This commandment invariably evokes sadness. Sooner or later parents will be left alone. There's nothing to be done, any parenting career involves this sacrifice


Traditional forms of work with parents:parent-teacher conferences class-wide and school-wide conferences individual teacher consultations home visits

Classroom parent-teacher meetings are held at least once a quarter and should become a school for educating parents, expanding their pedagogical horizons, and stimulating the desire to become good parents. Parent meeting is an opportunity to demonstrate the progress made by the child. The topics and methods of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of students, the level of education and interest of parents, the goals and objectives of education facing the school.

School-wide parent meetings are held no more than twice a year and are in the nature of a report on the work of the school for a certain period of time. The director, his deputies speak at them, the parent committee of the school reports on their work. Can be used to demonstrate a positive parenting experience.

Parents' conferences should discuss the pressing problems of society, in which children will become active participants. They are prepared very carefully, with the participation of psychologists, social educators who work at the school.

A distinctive feature of the conference is that it makes certain decisions and outlines activities on the stated problem.

Individual consultations are especially needed when the teacher is recruiting a class. In preparation for the consultation, it is necessary to identify a number of questions, the answers to which will help plan educational work with the class. The teacher should give parents the opportunity to tell him everything that will help in professional work with the child: the characteristics of the child's health; his hobbies, interests; preferences in communication in the family; behavioral responses; character traits; motivation for learning; moral values ​​of the family.

During an individual consultation, you can use the My Child questionnaire, which is filled out by the teacher, together with the parents.

Questionnaire "My child"

1. When he was born, then ________________________________________________

2. The most interesting thing in the first years of his life was ____________________


3. The following can be said about health _________________________________


4. When the question arose of preparing for school, we _______________________


5. His attitude towards school was _____________________________________________


6. Difficulties in education are associated with _____________________________________


7. I would like teachers to pay attention to ____________________


Visiting the student at home is possible after obtaining the permission of the parents. The teacher must warn about the intended visit, indicating the day and purpose of the visit.

Non-traditional forms of work with parents

thematic consultations parental readings parental evenings

Thematic consultations provide recommendations on a problem that worries parents. There are students and families in every class who are experiencing the same problem. Sometimes these problems are so confidential that they can be solved only in the circle of those people whom this problem unites.


Accept everything that is in the child (except for what threatens his life and health).

Seek the truth with your child

Try not to teach the child directly - learn yourself.

Sincerely admire everything beautiful that is around.

Consider mindful observation of the child as your main pedagogical method.

Remember, the serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter by seriousness.

Remember that you exist for the sake of the child, not him for you.


by David Lewis-Take your child's questions and statements seriously. -Show the child that he is loved and accepted unconditionally, i.e. as he is, and not for success and achievement. -Help him make his own plans and make decisions. -Do not humiliate the child, do not let him feel that he is somehow worse than you. - Teach your child to think independently. -Praise the child only for specific successes and deeds and do it sincerely. Give your child the opportunity to make their own decisions and be responsible for them. -Teach your child to communicate with adults of all ages. -Cultivate in your child a positive perception of his abilities. Encourage your child to be as independent as possible from adults.Trust in the common sense of the child and trust him.

Sample Topics


1. The child does not want to study.

2. How to develop a child's bad memory.

3. The only child in the family.

4. What can children's anxiety lead to?

5. A talented child in the family.

Parental readings give parents the opportunity not only to listen to teachers' lectures, but also to study the literature on the problem and participate in its discussion.


at the first meeting, parents determine the issues of pedagogy and psychology;

the teacher collects and analyzes information;

a list of literature on this issue is determined;

study of literature by parents;

presentation of their own understanding of the issue by parents at the readings.

Parental evenings are aimed at rallying the parent team. They are held two or three times a year without the presence of children. The topics of parenting evenings can be varied. Most importantly, they must teach to listen and hear each other, themselves, their inner voice.

Sample topic:

1. The first year of the child, as he was.

2. How do I see the future of my child.

3. Friends of my child.

4. Holidays of our family.

Rules for the work of the class teacher with student diaries

1. The diary must be checked by the class teacher once a week

2. Students should clearly know the requirements that the leader makes for keeping a diary

3. The student's diary should reflect the results of his educational achievements without focusing on the student's personal qualities.

4. Student diaries should reflect the active participation of the student in the life of the class and the effectiveness of his participation in school life.

5. We can offer class teachers another innovation that will help to use the diary in a positive way. At the end of the week, students can count and record the number of positive marks for the past week. it is pleasant for the students themselves and no less pleasant for parents to look into the student's diary and see the achievements of their child in a week.

6. Diaries can and should be used to support a student in a difficult moment of his life, to sincerely note with his record the successes and achievements that he has achieved.

Entries in student diaries made by the class teacher should not be of the same type and standard. After all, students, especially at the middle stage of education, are very jealous of what the teacher wrote in the diary, what words he found, to note his achievements, whether he repeated these words in another diary. Speaking about the school diary, we can offer several interesting activities related to the school diary. In many families, school diaries are a family heirloom. The family archives contain diaries of several generations. An interesting class hour “Diary Stories” can be interesting, to which parents of students, grandparents can be invited, who will talk about the importance of the diary in school life when they were children, share interesting stories related to school and the school diary. An interesting activity in the classroom as part of a classy humor can be “Ode to a Diary”. The guys come up with aphorisms for the word "diary", tell fantastic stories about the life of the diary with different owners, compose dedication poems to the diary, defend the project of the diary of the 21st century.



meeting theme,

Issues for discussion


Preparation period

1. Acquaintance with the school.

2. Rules for the admission of children to the first grade.

3. Getting ready for school.

School administration, psychologist, speech therapist

Familiarization of parents with the educational route of the class.

First grade


1. Features of the adaptation period.

2. On the tasks for the academic year (approval of the work plan for the year).

3. Election of the parent committee of the class.

Teacher, psychologist

1. Junior student: features of development.

2. Evaluation of the learning outcomes and development of the child's personality in the first grade. Familiarization with the sheet of achievements of the student.

Teacher, psychologist

1. Results of the adaptation period.

2. Children and television (dispute).

Results of the first half of the year

parent committee, teacher

We sit down for lessons (organizational and activity game).

parent committee, teacher

1. On the results of the academic year.

2. Organization of summer holidays for children.

parent committee, teacher

Second class


1. On the tasks for the new academic year (approval of the work plan for the year).

2. Basic requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of a 2nd grade student. Standards for assessing learning outcomes and student development.

How to instill a love of reading in your child.

Parents' Committee, teacher, librarian

The role of family traditions in the upbringing of the student.

Teacher, psychologist

1. Results of the first half of the year.

2. About children's friendship (together with students).

Parents' committee, teacher, psychologist

What does it mean to love your child (dispute).

Teacher, scientific consultant

Education of conscious discipline.

Parents' committee, teacher, psychologist

The results of the second year of study (a solemn meeting together with the children).

parent committee, teacher

Third class


2. Basic requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities in the third grade.

Speech of younger schoolchildren and ways of its development.

Teacher speech therapist

How to overcome school difficulties.

Parents' committee, teacher, psychologist

Family traditions (organizational and activity game).

parent committee, teacher

On the role of the family in the labor education of younger schoolchildren.

parent committee, teacher

Children and computers (communication workshop).

Teacher, psychologist

The results of the third year of study (a solemn meeting together with students).

parent committee, teacher

fourth grade


1. Tasks for the new academic year (approval of the work plan for the year).

2. Basic requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of fourth-graders.

Emotional well-being of children in the family.

Parents' committee, teacher, psychologist, social pedagogue

1. Results of the first half of the year.

2. Dispute and quarrel (workshop with students).

parent committee, teacher

Accounting for age and gender characteristics of children in their upbringing.

Teacher, health worker, psychologist

Problems of the continuity of education in primary and secondary school: ways and means of solution.

Parents' Committee, teacher, future class teacher of the 5th grade

Farewell, elementary school (a solemn meeting - a holiday together with children).

parent committee, teacher



The main activities of the class teacher:

Ensuring the normal physical health of schoolchildren;

Solving the problem of communication;

Expansion of the cognitive sphere of the child;

Increasing the educational potential of the family.

Professional skills of the class teacher:

1.Reflexive-analytical abilities:

The ability to analyze their activities;

The ability to foresee the results and consequences of their activities;

The ability to master the methods of diagnosing the state of the individual and the team;

The ability to observe and evaluate the level of individual development of the student.

2. Organizational skills:

Set before the children only such tasks that will give the expected result;

Plan work with those who will carry it out;

Divide the goal into smaller tasks and turn them into differentiated tasks for group and individual class work;

Create a positive mindset for future activities;

Use various methods to stimulate the individual self-realization of children;

Coordinate the efforts of the family, teachers in the education of schoolchildren.

3. Communication skills.

1 CLASS First meeting
Topic: Getting to know the parents of first-graders

Teachers meet with parents of first-graders before the start of the school year, it is most appropriate to hold such a meeting at the end of August. The teacher uses the first meeting to get to know the parents, set the family up for the need to communicate with the school, teachers, create an optimistic attitude towards learning activities, remove the family's fear of school.

Meeting tasks: 1. Introduce parents to teachers, school, administration, school services and each other. 2. Help prepare the family for the child's education in the first grade.

Issues for discussion*: 1.Where can parents get advice on raising a child? 2. According to what laws should education in the family go? 3. What is interesting in a single family: traditions and customs (exchange of experience)?

Meeting Plan (approximate) 1. Acquaintance with the director of the school and the school administration. 2. Presentation of the teacher who will work with the class. 3. Tour of the school building. 4. Mini-lecture “Laws of education in the family. What should they be?" 5. Questioning of parents on the topic of the meeting. 6. Self-representation is the visiting card of the family. 7. Parent training "Child in the mirror of parents."

The course of the meeting

The meeting is held in the classroom where the children's classes will be held. The class is festively decorated (you can place wishes, creative works of students who have graduated from elementary school on the stand). On the board are photographs of graduates who studied with a teacher who is gaining a class.

    Introductory remarks by the director of the school (option).
    – Dear fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, all adults who came to the first meeting with the school, the threshold of which will be crossed by your kids in September! Today we announce you and ourselves as members of one big ship team called "School". Our voyage starts today and ends in 12 years. We will be together for so long, and while our ship will sail on the ocean of Knowledge, we will experience storms and storms, sorrows and joys. I want this voyage to be interesting, joyful and significant in the life of every child and every family.
    How to learn to overcome difficulties, how to learn to fall, stuffing as few bumps as possible, where to get advice, an exhaustive answer to an insoluble question - all this can be found in the office of the deputy director of elementary school.

    Speech by the Deputy Director of Primary School.
    The performance should contain information about the traditions and customs of the elementary school, about the requirements for students. It is necessary to acquaint parents with the charter of the school, give each family a business card of the school, indicate the days of consultations of the deputy director of primary school, introduce the primary school teacher who will work with a particular class.

    Self-representation of the teacher. The teacher introduces himself:

    1. A story about yourself, about choosing the profession of a teacher.

      A story about my graduate students, about plans for the future in working with a new class.

    Families self-representation.
    Self-representation of families takes place at the parent meeting-meeting very interestingly. This is a kind of visiting card of the family. It is advisable to tape record the speeches of parents talking about themselves at the meeting. Such work will immediately determine the characteristics of families, the degree of their openness, the system of family values ​​and relationships. It will be important for the class teacher to analyze mini-stories about the family.
    Family Presentation Plan

    1. Surname, name, patronymic of parents.

      Age of parents, birthday of the family.

      Family interests and hobbies.

      Family traditions and customs.

      Family motto.

    Tour of the school building.
    After the self-representation of parents, teachers and the establishment of a warm atmosphere, a tour of the school is held. It is very important to show the parents the office of the psychological service, to acquaint them with the schedule of its work, to offer to write down the helpline of the psychological service.

    Tips for parents.
    At the end of the meeting, each family receives a mandate in the form of a scroll, which contains the laws of raising a child in a family. Parents are given the opportunity to read the laws and ask questions to the teacher.

    Parent survey.
    Held at the end of the meeting on a designated topic.
    You can take a common photo in memory of the first "school" day of the parents.

Second meeting
Topic: The problem of adaptation of first-graders in school
Conduct form: round table.

Meeting tasks: 1. Introduce the parent team to the possible problems of adaptation of children in the first year of study. 2. Develop recommendations for creating a system of comfortable relationships with a first grader.

Issues for discussion: 1. Physiological difficulties of adaptation of first-graders at school. 2Psychological difficulties of adaptation of first-graders at school. 3. The system of relationships between children in the classroom.

Proceedings of the meeting

    Discussion of the child's first day of school.
    Parents share their impressions with each other and teachers: in what mood the child came home, how family members congratulated him, what gifts he received.

Parent workshop-game "Basket of feelings". It might look something like this.
Teacher's word . Dear moms and dads! I have a basket in my hands, at the bottom of it are a wide variety of feelings, positive and negative, that a person can experience. After your child crossed the school threshold, feelings and emotions settled firmly in your soul, in your heart, which filled your entire existence. Put your hand in the basket and take the "feeling" that has overwhelmed you the most for a long period of time, name it.
Parents name the feelings that overwhelm them, which they painfully experience.
This activity allows you to emphasize the importance of the event, identify problems and difficulties that arise in families, and discuss these problems during the consideration of the topic of the meeting. Physiological conditions of adaptation of the child to school. Discussion of the issue. Familiarization of the teacher and doctor with the health problems of the child. Changing the daily routine of the child in comparison with kindergarten. The need to alternate games with the educational activities of the child. Observation of parents for the correct posture during homework (prevention of myopia, curvature of the spine). Organization of proper nutrition of the child. Parents' concern for the hardening of the child, the maximum development of motor activity (the creation of a sports corner in the house). Education in children of independence and responsibility as the main qualities of maintaining their own health.

Psychological difficulties of adaptation of the child to school. When discussing this problem, it is necessary to pay attention to the following important conditions for psychological comfort in the life of a first grader:
- creation of a favorable psychological climate in relation to the child by all family members;
- the role of the child's self-esteem in adapting to school (the lower the self-esteem, the more difficulties the child has at school);
- the formation of interest in the school, the school day lived;
- obligatory acquaintance with the guys in the class and the possibility of their communication after school;
- the inadmissibility of physical measures of influence, intimidation, criticism of the child, especially in the presence of third parties (grandparents, peers);
- the exclusion of such punishments as deprivation of pleasure, physical and mental punishment;
- taking into account temperament during the period of adaptation to schooling;
- providing the child with independence in educational work and organizing control over his educational activities;
- encouraging the child not only for academic success, but also moral stimulation of his achievements;
- development of self-control and self-esteem, self-sufficiency of the child.
Relationships between classmates. The well-known teacher and psychologist Simon Soloveichik, whose name is significant for a whole generation of students, parents and teachers, has published rules that can help parents prepare their child for communication with classmates at school. Parents need to explain these rules to the child and use them to prepare the child for adulthood.

    1. Don't take someone else's, but don't give yours either.

      They asked - give, they try to take away - try to defend yourself.

      Don't fight for no reason.

      Call to play - go, do not call - ask permission to play together, it's not a shame.

      Play fair, don't let your comrades down.

      Don't tease anyone, don't beg, don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone for anything twice.

      Don't cry over grades, be proud. Do not argue with the teacher because of the grades and do not be offended by the teacher for grades. Try to do everything on time and think about good results, you will definitely have them.

      Don't snitch and don't slander anyone.

      Try to be careful.

      Say more often: let's be friends, let's play, let's go home together.

      Remember: you are not the best, you are not the worst! You are unique for yourself, parents, teachers, friends!

It is very good if parents place a set of these rules in the room or in the working corner of their child in a conspicuous place. It is advisable at the end of the week to draw the child's attention to which rules he manages to follow and which he does not, and why. You can try to come up with your own rules with your child.

Third meeting
Topic: TV in the life of a family and a first grader

Meeting tasks: 1. Determine together with parents the advantages and disadvantages of having a TV in a child's life. 2. Determine the names and number of programs for viewing by children.

Issues for discussion: 1. The role of television in a child's life. 2. The influence of television programs on the formation of the character and cognitive sphere of the child.

Questions for discussion: 1. Do you think that the TV should be among the main household items? 2. What TV shows, in your opinion, shape the personality of a child? 3. How, in your opinion, should a child watch TV? Suggest possible options.

Proceedings of the meeting

    Introductory speech of the teacher (option).
    - TV in a child's life - is it good or bad? How much time and what programs should children watch? Do we need to turn off the TV if we think that the transfer to the child will not be interesting? These and other questions today require answers.
    some statistics:
    · Two-thirds of our children aged 6 to 12 watch TV every day.
    · A child spends more than two hours a day watching TV every day.
    · 50% of children watch TV programs in a row, without any choice and exceptions.
    · 25% of children aged 6 to 10 watch the same TV shows 5 to 40 times in a row.
    · 38% of children aged 6 to 12 put the TV in the first place when determining the rating of the use of free time, while excluding sports, outdoor walks and communication with the family.
    But perhaps you think that these statistics do not apply to our children? In vain. Here are the results of a class survey conducted approximately on the following questions:

    1. How many times a week do you watch TV?

      Do you watch TV alone or with your family?

      Do you like to watch everything in a row or do you prefer some individual programs?

      If you were on a desert island, what items would you order a good wizard to make your life interesting and not boring?

    Discussion of the results of the analysis of children's answers to the proposed questions.

    1. What to do and whether it is necessary to do something? Perhaps you should just ban watching TV or limit your child to certain programs?

      What gives the child a TV? Is there anything positive about watching TV, especially for first graders?

The problems are discussed and opinions are exchanged.
The opinions of 10-year-old students about watching television.
Watching TV allows you to:
- relax, forget daily problems, get away from fears and worries;
- find answers to questions that adults do not answer because of employment;
- to understand with the help of TV what is “good” and what is “bad”;
- learn about various phenomena in different fields of knowledge;
- develop imagination, fantasy, emotional sphere.
Teacher's commentary, discussion.
For this parent meeting, you can prepare an exhibition of children's drawings "I watch TV."

    Recommendations for parents:
    1) Together with the children, determine TV shows for adults and children to watch for the next week.
    2) Discuss favorite TV shows of adults and children after watching.
    3) Listen to children's opinions about adult programs and express their opinions about children's programs.
    4) TV should not be a significant part in the life of parents, then it will become a positive example for the child.
    5) It is necessary to understand that a child who watches scenes of violence and murder every day gets used to them and can even experience pleasure from such episodes. It is necessary to exclude them from viewing by kids.

    Homework for parents : determine for yourself the answers to the questions:

    1. How much time does your child spend watching TV?

      Does he ask questions after watching the programs, does he want to discuss the program with you?

      What shows do you prefer?

      What show would you like to take part in?

      How to make sure that children do not hear from their parents: “Are you doing homework in the evening again?”, “What were you doing, were you sitting at the TV again?” etc.

Note to parents: It must be remembered that the effect of television on the psyche of children is very different from the similar effect on adults. for example, first-graders, according to the results of research, cannot clearly determine where is the truth and where is the lie. They blindly trust everything that happens on the screen. They are easy to manage, manipulate their emotions and feelings. Only from the age of 11, the guys begin to consciously perceive what television offers.

Fourth meeting
Topic: Positive and negative emotions
Conduct form: family council.

Meeting tasks: 1. Familiarize yourself with the self-esteem of class students. 2. Determine the reasons for the predominance of negative or positive emotions among students.

Proceedings of the meeting

    Introductory speech of the teacher (option).
    - Dear mothers and fathers! Today we have a parent meeting, which we hold in the form of a family council. The family council meets when the matter is urgent and requires a comprehensive analysis. Before we move on to the advice on the declared problem, please listen to the tape recording of the children's answers to the question: What am I? (For example, I am kind, beautiful, smart, etc.)
    After listening to the recording, parents should answer the question about the motives for the child's choice of adjectives denoting positive and negative qualities. An exchange occurs.
    Today we will talk about human emotions. I would like to draw your attention to those emotions that stimulate the development of neuroses and destroy the health of a child. These are the emotions of destruction - anger, anger, aggression and the emotions of suffering - pain, fear, resentment. Observing children, we have to admit that the emotions of suffering and destruction are closer to them than the emotions of joy and kindness.

    Parent training.

    1. Give examples of situations from your life, from the life of your family, or observed situations associated with negative and positive emotions.

      Can you say that you heard echoes of negative emotions in the answers of the guys on the tape? (According to psychologists, positive emotions appear in a person when they are loved, understood, recognized, accepted, and negative emotions appear when needs are not met.) How to form positive emotions? Where to start?

      There are pieces of paper in front of you. Write down on them expressions that are forbidden in communication with a child in your family, as well as expressions recommended and desirable.

Conclusion. When communicating with children, you should not use such expressions, for example:
· I told you a thousand times that...
· How many times do you have to repeat...
· What are you thinking about...
· Is it hard for you to remember that...
· You become…
· You are just like...
· Leave me alone, I don't have time...
· Why is Lena (Nastya, Vasya, etc.) like this, but you are not ...
When communicating with children, it is desirable to use the following expressions:
You are my smartest (beautiful, etc.).
· It's good that I have you.
· You are my good guy.
· I love you very much .
· How well you did it, teach me.
· Thank you, I am very grateful to you.
· If it wasn't for you, I would never have made it.
Try to use the above desirable expressions as often as possible.

Fifth meeting
Topic: Results of the past academic year - "Turning the pages ..."
Conduct form: oral journal.

oral journal - these are sheets of drawing paper, folded in the form of a large book, intertwined with a ribbon. Each sheet is a page of the life of the class for the year.

I want to make a special mention of this meeting. Here is a summary of the work of parents, students for the year. The meeting should be solemn, interesting, unusual. The meeting is held with the students.

Proceedings of the meeting

    Overview of the pages of the oral journal.
    Page one . "Our life in the classroom" (fragments of lessons).
    Page two . "Our breaks" (physical education break, games, etc.).
    Page three . "Our life after school" (the highlights of the events held in the classroom during the year).
    Page Four . "Our creativity" (review of students' creativity: reading poems, songs, circle activities).
    Page five. "We and our parents" (rewarding parents for their work in the classroom).
    The medal is a child's hand, painted and painted by children.
    Page six . “Our plans for the summer” (each student receives a task for the summer that he must complete for the whole class).

    The results of the work of parents, students for the year.
    The class teacher, a representative from the parent committee, makes a presentation.
    At the end of the meeting, students are photographed with their parents and teachers. Photographs taken previously at other meetings and class activities are awarded.

2nd class First meeting
Topic: Physical development of a younger student
at school and at home

Meeting tasks: 1. Discuss with parents a new stage in the physical and mental development of children. 2. Increase parental control over physical fitness.

Issues for discussion: 1. The value of physical culture for the full development of the individual. 2. Physical education lesson and its requirements for the student.

Meeting Plan

    Parent survey (at the beginning of the meeting, the teacher conducts).

    Communication of data on the influence of physical culture on personality development (it is possible to involve a teacher of physical culture and medical workers).

    Operational analysis of survey results (given at the end of the meeting).

    1. Does your child enjoy physical education lessons?
    2. Do you ask your child about physical education at home?
    3. How would you like to see a physical education lesson?
    An exhibition of drawings “I am in a physical education lesson” can be prepared for the meeting.

Second meeting
Subject: Aggressive children. Causes and consequences of child aggression

Meeting tasks:

    To determine the level of aggression of students in the class, using the observations of the teacher and the results of the parent survey.

    Help parents understand the causes of aggression in children and find ways to overcome them.

Issues for discussion:

    Causes of child aggression.

    Parental power, its types and ways of influencing the child.

    ways to overcome child aggression. Recommendations for overcoming child aggression.

Meeting Plan

    Parent survey.

    Communication of the results of the analysis of the causes of child aggression (teacher's speech, recommendations to parents).

    Operational analysis of parent responses.

    Exchange of views on the topic of the meeting.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. Does your child get aggressive?
    2. In what situations does he show aggression?
    3. Against whom does he show aggression?
    4. What do you do in the family to overcome the aggressiveness of the child?

Third meeting
Topic: Punishment and encouragement in the family

Meeting tasks: 1. Determine the optimal positions of parents on the topic of the meeting. 2. Consider the proposed pedagogical situations in practice.

Issues for discussion: 1. Types of punishments and rewards in family education. 2. The meaning of punishment and encouragement in the family (analysis of pedagogical situations and the results of the survey).

Meeting Plan

    Speech by the class teacher based on the results of the survey.

    Sharing experiences of parents.
    Using the materials of special literature and the results of a survey of parents on the topic of the meeting held in advance, the teacher organizes an active parental exchange of experience and makes recommendations based on his teaching experience.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. What measures of punishment and encouragement are used in the family?
    2. What do you punish and encourage the child for?
    3. How does the child react to rewards and punishments?

Fourth meeting
Topic: Results of the past academic year
Conducted traditionally.

3rd class First meeting
Topic: The value of communication in the development of a child's personal qualities

Meeting tasks: 1. Determine the value of communication for children and adults. 2. Consider the problems identified as a result of the survey of children and parents, and conduct a discussion on the topic of the meeting.

Issues for discussion: 1.Communication and its role in human life. 2.Communication of the child in the family. The results of this process for adults and children.

Meeting Plan

    teacher's speech prepared according to the data of special literature.

    Operational questioning and analysis of the answers of parents and students if they answered similar questions.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. How much time a day do you spend with your child?
    2. Do you know from the child himself about his academic success, about school friends and friends outside of school, what is the name of his neighbor or desk mate?
    3. What are the problems your child has?

Second meeting
Topic: Labor participation of the child in family life. Its role in the development of working capacity and personal qualities

Meeting tasks: 1. Familiarization of parents with the forms of labor participation of the child in family life. 2. Determine the role of the family in the upbringing of the child's industriousness.

Issues for discussion: 1. Labor and its importance in the life of a child. 2. Intellectual work and efficiency. 3. The role of the family in the development of the child's working capacity and industriousness.

Meeting Plan

    Analysis of situations (teacher's speech). Using the results of a survey of parents conducted before the meeting, the teacher dwells on specific pedagogical situations.

    Introduction to the exhibition. Parents get acquainted with the photo exhibition “Work in our family” prepared by the students for the meeting.

    Recommendations to parents. The teacher gives recommendations on the physiological aspects of child labor, as well as advice on the development of working capacity and the education of diligence.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. Does your child like to work?
    2. What does he like to do?
    3. Does he know how to do the work on his own or only with your help?
    4. How long can your child work?
    5. Is the job done enthusiastically or reluctantly?

Third meeting
Topic: Imagination and its role
in a child's life

Meeting tasks:

    Emphasize the importance of imagination in the general and aesthetic development of the child.

    Help parents develop creativity in their children.

Issues for discussion:

    The role of imagination in human life.

    The role of imagination in the development of the aesthetic culture of the child. Meeting of parents with a music teacher, music school teachers, art teacher and specialists working in the field of other arts.

Meeting Plan

    Parent survey.

    The teacher considers the problems of imagination in the life of the child, reports the data of the analysis of the questionnaires filled out by the parents for the meeting. The teacher uses the results of the survey in further work in the classroom.

    Speeches of representatives of creative professions.
    It is advisable to organize consultations with them for parents after the meeting.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. Can your child fantasize and dream?
    2. Does your child like to transform?
    3. Is the desire of the child to show imagination, fiction (composing poems, congratulations for the holiday, keeping diaries, decorating the house, etc.) stimulated in the family?

Fourth meeting
Topic: Results of the past academic year -
musical celebration "We and our talents"

Such a meeting is traditionally held.

Topic: Physiological maturation and its influence on the formation of the cognitive and personal qualities of the child

Meeting tasks: 1. Familiarize parents with the problems of the physiological maturation of children. 2. Outline ways of influencing the child's personal qualities.

Issues for discussion: 1. Physiological maturation and its impact on the behavioral reactions of the child. 2. Pedagogical situations on the topic of the meeting.

Meeting Plan

    Parent survey.

    Speech of the class teacher on the problem. The teacher introduces parents to the general problems of physiological maturation.

    Speeches of the school doctor and psychologist.

    Teacher's message based on the results of questionnaire analysis that parents filled out during the meeting.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. What has changed in your child lately?
    2. How did he start behaving at home?
    3. Does he show his independence? (How and in what?)
    4. Are you afraid of the upcoming conversation with your child about gender?

Second meeting
Topic: Learning abilities of the child. Ways of their development in the classroom and in extracurricular activities
The meeting is held with the students.
Conduct form: cognitive "Olympic" games to determine the best (in writing, counting, reading, reciting, singing, etc.).

Meeting tasks: The main task of games is to give each child the opportunity to show their abilities, their uniqueness and uniqueness.

Issues for discussion: 1. Abilities, their types and significance in human life. 2. The abilities of students in our class and their implementation in educational activities.

Plan of the meeting (games)

    Introductory speech by the class teacher.

    "Olympic" competitions. Having made a short introduction about human abilities and their development, the teacher organizes "Olympic" competitions, taking into account the specific abilities of children. The panel of judges includes members of the administration, subject teachers and parents, they reward the “Olympians”.

Third meeting
Topic: Speech skills and their importance in the further education of schoolchildren

Meeting tasks:

    Assess the language skills and abilities of students.

Issues for discussion:

    The urgency of the problem. The influence of speech skills on the mental work of schoolchildren.

    The role of parents in the development of speech skills. Features of colloquial speech at home.

Meeting Plan

    Introductory remarks by the teacher based on the results of the analysis of students' speech skills (compositions, burime, etc.).

    Speech by specialist teachers based on the results of the analysis of the psychological and pedagogical council (following the results of four years of study) and formulating recommendations for the development of speech skills of children in the family.

Questionnaire for students

    Did you enjoy being in your class?

    What subjects did you enjoy the most and why?

    What do you remember the most?

    How do you imagine fifth grade teachers?

    How do you imagine your class teacher?

    What should he be like so that you want to communicate with him?

    What would you like to wish future first graders?

    What would you like to wish your first teacher?

Questionnaire for parents

    How do you see the future teachers of your son or daughter? What character traits should they have?

    What professional qualities should they have?

    What qualities do you want to develop in your child with the help of teachers who will work in the fifth grade?

    What qualities would you like to change in your child with the help of teachers who will work with him?

    What could your child do besides academic work?

    What do you expect from the class teacher who will work with your child?

    How can you help the class to have an interesting life for your child in this class?

Target :

Introduce parents to each other.

Acquaintance of parents with the regime, rules and work of the kindergarten.

Adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution.

Building partnerships between parents.

Association of parents to outline the prospects for the work of the parent committee.


To acquaint parents with the tasks of the kindergarten for the new academic year, with the group's plans for the near future;

Update the personal data of the families of pupils;

To teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop.

Mutual communication between teachers and parents

Exchange of necessary information for the successful stay of the child in kindergarten;

Preliminary work:

Arrange chairs in a semicircle, prepare seats for parents;

Make a memo for parents "First time in kindergarten";

Meeting agenda:

Meeting topic and purpose message

Getting to know the parents

Questions and answers

Elections of the parent committee.

About different things.

Summary of the meeting


Produce visual and handout material:

proverb cards:

“You can’t raise a child with caresses alone”

"Rot the tree while it bends, teach the child while it obeys"

“What you bring up in childhood, you will rely on in old age”

“Not the mother that gives birth, but the one that rewards with a heart”

"Educate with affection, not with dragging"

"Example is a good teacher"

"A kind word is half the happiness"

"Don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do"


Dear Parents! We are very glad to see you at the first parent meeting, because we understand that without an alliance with children, without your support and help, raising and creating a cozy and joyful environment for them in kindergarten is an impossible task. We must be partners.

In the coming year, kindergarten will become a part of your life, and the development, health, and mental well-being of the child will largely depend on it. Therefore, it is very important whether your child can successfully adapt to kindergarten, and helping him with this is not only the task of educators. First of all, this is the concern of parents.

If you have a negative attitude towards the kindergarten, feel guilty for bringing your child there, and do not expect anything good from the kindergarten, your child will definitely feel the same way. Then the process of getting used to and adapting to new conditions will be delayed for him and become more painful.

It often happens that children do not want to go to kindergarten, just like adults do not want to go to work. But if an adult's "must" overpowers "I don't want to", then the baby's sense of duty is not developed. However, the reluctance to go to the garden can be a lot of other reasons besides laziness.

The main problem of "home" children is the inability to live by the rules of a large team. After all, you have to eat and sleep at a certain time, wait your turn to go to the toilet or wash your hands, and in the classroom do what the teacher requires, and not what you want.

Help your child get used to, teach him self-care skills at home. Let him change his clothes, clean up his toys, wash his face and hands. Stick to the daily routine, it is better if it repeats the routine in kindergarten. Expand your social circle - invite friends with children more often, go to visit yourself. Play situations from kindergarten life at home. Let the doll become a teacher, and the bear a child.

Find out what they do with children in kindergarten. Take care of your child at home. Regularly ask how the day went, what you liked and what you didn’t. The attention of adults is important for your child, and he will always tell you about his impressions with great pleasure. Show genuine interest! Then the child, perhaps, will go to kindergarten, at least in order to have something to tell you about.

If your child is quiet and calm, the constant noise, din and intrusive peers will quickly tire him. These are features of the character and nervous system of the child. In such a situation, ask the caregiver so that the child has the opportunity to do what they love, for example, play with the designer away from the children. Warn the teacher not to be forced to eat unloved dishes and not stuffed in the morning, when at this time his appetite is reduced. These little things will to some extent compensate for the discomfort of visiting kindergarten.

If early in the morning a child throws an unreasonable tantrum at you, just not to go to kindergarten - most likely, he is just trying to manipulate you. For him, a morning tantrum is an opportunity to gain benefits for himself. For example, promises that they will buy him a new toy if he calms down. Always remain calm, equanimous and consistent. If tantrums occur for the slightest reason, contact a psychologist. “Mom, will you take me home? » This question is asked to parents by all kids, even those who are older. Cause for concern is given, without realizing it, by parents. “If you behave badly, I’ll leave you in the kindergarten,” my mother often says. Or, “I'll pick you up first,” and they themselves come after him last, referring to business. And the child firmly believes in what he was promised. Children do not have enough communication with their parents, so the baby clings to any opportunity to be with them, and kindergarten is the main obstacle to this.

Work with your child to work out the process of getting up in the morning. For example, you approach the child, gently wake him up, kiss him and allow him to lie in bed for another 10 minutes. Then you help him get dressed, wondering along the way what he dreamed about. On the way, talk to your child about something pleasant and interesting. If the child does not let you go already in the kindergarten, do not run away, waiting for the moment when the child turns away. Hug the child, kiss him, say that you love him very much and be sure to come back in the evening for them. You brought your children to kindergarten and we have one common goal, to make their stay here comfortable, safe, interesting, exciting, educational, etc.

Now, we will tell you what we have already learned. And we have learned a lot. Our group has a variety of activities. These are: drawing, modeling, speech development, music, physical education. All classes are held in the form of a game. Children have become more sociable, begin to learn to play together, share toys. All children know where their locker, towel, crib is located. Learned some rules of behavior in the group. They know that after washing their hands, they need to squeeze out some water and only then go to their towel. Almost all children eat on their own. Undress and dress, but not all. Many have learned to do elementary errands, to put away toys. As you can see, we have learned a lot, but we still have to learn more and, most importantly, teach children self-service. And in this process you should take the most active part. It often happens that a child in the kindergarten eats, undresses and partially dresses on his own, but after some stay at home he comes to kindergarten and we again teach him to eat, dress, etc.

And when communicating with you, it turns out that at home you did everything for him, because it’s faster, more convenient, more accurate, etc.

Children are different. There are children who are fidgety, there are mischievous children, there are children who are why they want to know a lot.

Kindergarten is not only children, but also educators. I would very much like to know what you invest in the concept of "modern educator."

(parents' comments)

During the child's stay in kindergarten (children, teachers and parents) we make a triangle.

At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. He, learning new things, discovers himself (what I can, what I can do, what I am capable of).

The task of adults is to help him in this difficult matter. We should not forget about the society, which plays a big role in the development of the child.

What do you think will happen to a tripod stool if one leg breaks? (falls) Remember I. Krylov’s fable “The Swan, Cancer and Pike”: “When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not work out, and nothing will come out of it, only flour.” This leads to the conclusion that we should combine our efforts to make children feel comfortable and interesting in kindergarten.

In order for your child to adapt more easily in our kindergarten, get used to the teachers, new living conditions, daily routine, we need your support and cooperation. To get started, try to follow a few simple rules:

Bring your child to kindergarten at the same time, do not be late, because you violate the kindergarten regime. You can meet him at the stand for parents. According to the schedule, charging should end at 8.15 o'clock. In addition, we need to mark the children before charging. Latecomers distract us from holding sensitive moments, from working with children. Therefore, dear parents, please be more organized.

To educators, to the assistant educator, address by name and patronymic.

A calm, attentive attitude to the child at home during the adaptation period is the key to success!

Put your child to bed early in the evening.

Child's clothing: Make sure that the child's clothing is not too large or restricts his movements.

Children should be dressed according to the season and according to the weather. Excessive wrapping or insufficiently warm clothing can lead to illness in the child. In properly selected clothes, the child moves freely and gets less tired.

Ties and fasteners should be located so that the child can serve himself.

A big request to have mittens instead of gloves, be sure to sew on an elastic band.

Shoes should be light, warm, exactly match the size of the child's feet, easy to put on and take off. Learn to put on and take off your own shoes.

A handkerchief is necessary for a child, both indoors and on a walk. Have spare clothes.

Order in the locker: Put things in a certain order. When dressing and undressing, the child must do it himself.

Spare items should be in a bag on a hanger so that the child has somewhere to put things.

For a sports uniform, there is also a package, strong, small, with handles. (For sports uniforms, we need pure white T-shirts, no graphics, black shorts, Czechs.)

Education of cultural and hygienic skills:

Watch at home how the child washes his hands (without splashing water, using soap correctly, do not wet clothes, dry with a towel);

Watch how he dresses and undresses (let him do it himself, in a certain sequence, determine where in front of the clothes, turn inside out; fold clothes, hang them on a chair, unbutton - fasten buttons, before putting on shoes, sandals or boots should be put in such a way so that they look at each other, and not "quarrel");

Drink from a cup, eat, chewing food well with your mouth closed, use a spoon, napkin correctly; in the second half of the year we will teach how to eat with a fork;

Teach self-service in the toilet.

Do not discuss your fears, claims and worries about the kindergarten with the child at home, but be sure to share them, especially with the teachers.

The main thing for successful adaptation is your positive attitude, adherence to the daily routine and the recommendations of teachers. Before expecting independence from a child, he must be taught the actions necessary in the process of dressing, washing, eating. We look forward to fruitful cooperation!

1. When leaving a child in kindergarten, do not forget to say that you will definitely return for him.

2. Keep fakes at home, drawings that the child brings from kindergarten.

3. You can play kindergarten at home. To do this, you can use existing toys.

4. Show your child that attending kindergarten is important. You go to work, and he goes to kindergarten.

5. If children are very attached to mom, a little less to dad. In this case, it is better to take the child to the kindergarten for dad at first. Then the parting will be a little - a little calmer.

6. Tell your child about the positive aspects of attending kindergarten.

7. Before starting to visit the kindergarten, you can begin to enter the elements of the regime that is used in kindergarten.

8. Walk with your child on playgrounds more often. Play in the sandbox. Let your child interact with other children.

9. Help your child learn self care skills. Encourage your child's independence.

10. Get to know the teacher. Tell the teacher about your child.

11. Pick up your child from kindergarten at the time you promised. Don't be late.

12. Give your child a favorite toy with you to kindergarten. This will alleviate the feeling of loneliness.

13. Leaving your child in kindergarten, do not show him your anxiety.

14. In the presence of a child, proudly tell your friends that your child is already so old that he goes to kindergarten. Children pick up on such conversations very quickly.

15. Encourage your child to make friends with other children.

17. Make sure your child gets enough sleep at night. A well-sleeping child feels good in kindergarten.

18. In communication with the child, emphasize that he is still dear to you, and you love him.

19. It is better to come to kindergarten only when you are healthy. A healthy child feels more confident.

20. Do gymnastics with your child. Teach your child to play.

21. Together with your child, you can buy two beautiful pajamas. He will use one set while sleeping at home, and the second in kindergarten. Having the same kind of pajamas in the kindergarten as at home will help your child cope better with daytime sleep.

22. Do not promise your child a reward for attending kindergarten. This approach may give a temporary result, but, in the long run, will have a bad effect on the motivation of the child.

23. Dress your child comfortably. Not cold and not hot.

24. There is no need to punish and scare the child with kindergarten.

25. Your trust in the teacher, your positive attitude - your peace of mind for the condition of your child.

Questionnaire No. 1

1. What forms of joint work do you consider the most effective:

Parent meeting,

Visual-textual information,

open classes,

Pedagogical conferences in preschool educational institutions,

Joint events (eg, holidays, entertainment) of children and parents,

2. What forms of joint work with parents would you like to see in kindergarten, in your group?

3. List the most commonly used teaching methods in your family.

4. By what criteria do you define success:

Your child's education

raising your child

5. In your opinion, if a child is guilty, can he be punished?

6. Do you encounter difficulties in the upbringing and development of your child?

If so, which ones?

7. Are you ready to work together to overcome these difficulties?

The next question is our choice of the parent committee.

At first glance, it may seem that the responsibilities of the parent committee are limited to financial matters, but this is far from the case. The regulation on the parent committee in the preschool educational institution contains many clauses regulating the rights, duties and functions of this self-government body. Let's try to make a basic list of what the parent committee does:

1. Finds out what children need

2. Initiates and carries out the purchase of the necessary - stationery, materials for repairs, interior items, toys.

3. Determines the list of events for which it will be necessary to purchase gifts for children, educators, nannies (teacher's day, children's birthdays, new year)

4. Helps organize activities and assists caregivers in the process of working with children.

5. And, of course, the parent committee in the kindergarten is engaged in the calculation and collection of the necessary funds for the implementation of the above.

The parent committee usually consists of 3 to 6 people, this issue is resolved individually. Since it is necessary to choose a parent committee at the very beginning of the school year, and this issue is decided by voting, the composition usually includes the most active mothers and fathers who have enough free time. This is a gratuitous activity, and you can become a member of the parent committee only on a voluntary basis. Also, in order for the work of the parent committee in the preschool educational institution to be clearly organized and well-established, a chairman is elected.

Parents Committee work plan

After determining the composition, a work plan is drawn up for the parent committee in the preschool educational institution and the distribution of responsibilities. For example, a person is appointed who will keep in touch with the rest of the parents, call if necessary and inform, another representative of the committee may be responsible for choosing gifts, a third for repair work, etc. Obviously, meetings of the parent committee in the preschool educational institution are held more often than general parent meetings. Their minimum frequency is agreed with the kindergarten administration. During the meeting, the protocol of the parent committee in the preschool educational institution is necessarily kept, where the date, the number of those present, the main issues of discussion, the proposals of the committee members and the decisions made are recorded.

Tips for novice parent committee members

First of all, it is worth noting that the representative of the parent committee is not only responsible, but also quite nervous work, so learn to be calm about the situation. From practical recommendations, the following can be advised:

Write down the phone numbers of educators and all parents;

And do not forget that the parent committee in the garden is also a creative group, feel free to offer interesting ideas!

Well, I want to end the meeting with a comic poem "They took the butuz to the garden."

They took the butuz to the garden -

Mom is happy, dad is happy:

Nobody bothers them

Do this, do that!

You can sleep until ten

Don't go for a walk

Knife to forget in a conspicuous place

Drink two hundred grams of coffee

It is possible, not to the detriment of the tail,

Get off the mezzanine cat!

You can chat with a friend for an hour,

You can bake cheesecakes for half a day,

You can lie in the bath

Or with a book on the couch,

It is possible - what would I die! -

Watch TV!

Go to the market for cheese

And clean the whole apartment!

(This is possible with a butuz,

Only very, very difficult).

An hour passed, and two, and three

Something heavy inside.

Without a boot, the house is empty,

It's sad without a butuz in the house.

Come on, dad, quickly into the garden -

Bring the baby back!

… And again the whole house is trembling.

Let's drive again tomorrow!

6. Summing up the results of the meeting.

This concludes our meeting. Thank you for your attention! See you again.

At parting, each of you will take a red paper heart and write on it any good wish that you can give us. On the heart, you can also write a few words about your attitude to the meeting or wishes for the educators.



Parent meeting in the senior group on the topic: "Let's get to know each other!"

Target :

Introduce parents to each other.

Acquaintance of parents with the regime, rules and work of the kindergarten.

Adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution.

Building partnerships between parents.

Association of parents to outline the prospects for the work of the parent committee.


To acquaint parents with the tasks of the kindergarten for the new academic year, with the group's plans for the near future;

Update the personal data of the families of pupils;

To teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop.

Mutual communication between teachers and parents

Exchange of necessary information for the successful stay of the child in kindergarten;

Preliminary work:

Arrange chairs in a semicircle, prepare seats for parents;

Make a memo for parents "First time in kindergarten";

Meeting agenda:

Meeting topic and purpose message

Getting to know the parents

A game

Questions and answers

Elections of the parent committee.

About different things.

Summary of the meeting


Produce visual and handout material:

proverb cards:

“You can’t raise a child with caresses alone”

"Rot the tree while it bends, teach the child while it obeys"

“What you bring up in childhood, you will rely on in old age”

“Not the mother that gives birth, but the one that rewards with a heart”

"Educate with affection, not with dragging"

"Example is a good teacher"

"A kind word is half the happiness"

"Don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do"


Dear Parents! We are very glad to see you at the first parent meeting, because we understand that without an alliance with children, without your support and help, raising and creating a cozy and joyful environment for them in kindergarten is an impossible task. We must be partners.

In the coming year, kindergarten will become a part of your life, and the development, health, and mental well-being of the child will largely depend on it. Therefore, it is very important whether your child can successfully adapt to kindergarten, and helping him with this is not only the task of educators. First of all, this is the concern of parents.

If you have a negative attitude towards the kindergarten, feel guilty for bringing your child there, and do not expect anything good from the kindergarten, your child will definitely feel the same way. Then the process of getting used to and adapting to new conditions will be delayed for him and become more painful.

It often happens that children do not want to go to kindergarten, just like adults do not want to go to work. But if an adult's "must" overpowers "I don't want to", then the baby's sense of duty is not developed. However, the reluctance to go to the garden can be a lot of other reasons besides laziness.

The main problem of "home" children is the inability to live by the rules of a large team. After all, you have to eat and sleep at a certain time, wait your turn to go to the toilet or wash your hands, and in the classroom do what the teacher requires, and not what you want.

Help your child get used to, teach him self-care skills at home. Let him change his clothes, clean up his toys, wash his face and hands. Stick to the daily routine, it is better if it repeats the routine in kindergarten. Expand your social circle - invite friends with children more often, go to visit yourself. Play situations from kindergarten life at home. Let the doll become a teacher, and the bear a child.

Find out what they do with children in kindergarten. Take care of your child at home. Regularly ask how the day went, what you liked and what you didn’t. The attention of adults is important for your child, and he will always tell you about his impressions with great pleasure. Show genuine interest! Then the child, perhaps, will go to kindergarten, at least in order to have something to tell you about.

If your child is quiet and calm, the constant noise, din and intrusive peers will quickly tire him. These are features of the character and nervous system of the child. In such a situation, ask the caregiver so that the child has the opportunity to do what they love, for example, play with the designer away from the children. Warn the teacher not to be forced to eat unloved dishes and not stuffed in the morning, when at this time his appetite is reduced. These little things will to some extent compensate for the discomfort of visiting kindergarten.

If early in the morning a child throws an unreasonable tantrum at you, just not to go to kindergarten - most likely, he is just trying to manipulate you. For him, a morning tantrum is an opportunity to gain benefits for himself. For example, promises that they will buy him a new toy if he calms down. Always remain calm, equanimous and consistent. If tantrums occur for the slightest reason, contact a psychologist. “Mom, will you take me home? » This question is asked to parents by all kids, even those who are older. Cause for concern is given, without realizing it, by parents. “If you behave badly, I’ll leave you in the kindergarten,” my mother often says. Or, “I'll pick you up first,” and they themselves come after him last, referring to business. And the child firmly believes in what he was promised. Children do not have enough communication with their parents, so the baby clings to any opportunity to be with them, and kindergarten is the main obstacle to this.

Work with your child to work out the process of getting up in the morning. For example, you approach the child, gently wake him up, kiss him and allow him to lie in bed for another 10 minutes. Then you help him get dressed, wondering along the way what he dreamed about. On the way, talk to your child about something pleasant and interesting. If the child does not let you go already in the kindergarten, do not run away, waiting for the moment when the child turns away. Hug the child, kiss him, say that you love him very much and be sure to come back in the evening for them. You brought your children to kindergarten and we have one common goal, to make their stay here comfortable, safe, interesting, exciting, educational, etc.

Now, we will tell you what we have already learned. And we have learned a lot. Our group has a variety of activities. These are: drawing, modeling, speech development, music, physical education. All classes are held in the form of a game. Children have become more sociable, begin to learn to play together, share toys. All children know where their locker, towel, crib is located. Learned some rules of behavior in the group. They know that after washing their hands, they need to squeeze out some water and only then go to their towel. Almost all children eat on their own. Undress and dress, but not all. Many have learned to do elementary errands, to put away toys. As you can see, we have learned a lot, but we still have to learn more and, most importantly, teach children self-service. And in this process you should take the most active part. It often happens that a child in the kindergarten eats, undresses and partially dresses on his own, but after some stay at home he comes to kindergarten and we again teach him to eat, dress, etc.

And when communicating with you, it turns out that at home you did everything for him, because it’s faster, more convenient, more accurate, etc.

Children are different. There are children who are fidgety, there are mischievous children, there are children who are why they want to know a lot.

Children are calm, quiet and modest, they love to play with their mothers all day.

Friends are not offended and adults are respected. One can only dream of such children.

Kindergarten is not only children, but also educators. I would very much like to know what you invest in the concept of "modern educator."

(parents' comments)

During the child's stay in kindergarten (children, teachers and parents) we make a triangle.

At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. He, learning new things, discovers himself (what I can, what I can do, what I am capable of).

The task of adults is to help him in this difficult matter. We should not forget about the society, which plays a big role in the development of the child.

What do you think will happen to a tripod stool if one leg breaks? (falls) Remember I. Krylov’s fable “The Swan, Cancer and Pike”: “When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not work out, and nothing will come out of it, only flour.” This leads to the conclusion that we should combine our efforts to make children feel comfortable and interesting in kindergarten.


In order for your child to adapt more easily in our kindergarten, get used to the teachers, new living conditions, daily routine, we need your support and cooperation. To get started, try to follow a few simple rules:

Bring your child to kindergarten at the same time, do not be late, because you violate the kindergarten regime. You can meet him at the stand for parents. According to the schedule, charging should end at 8.15 o'clock. In addition, we need to mark the children before charging. Latecomers distract us from holding sensitive moments, from working with children. Therefore, dear parents, please be more organized.

To educators, to the assistant educator, address by name and patronymic.

A calm, attentive attitude to the child at home during the adaptation period is the key to success!

Put your child to bed early in the evening.

Child's clothing: Make sure that the child's clothing is not too large or restricts his movements.

Children should be dressed according to the season and according to the weather. Excessive wrapping or insufficiently warm clothing can lead to illness in the child. In properly selected clothes, the child moves freely and gets less tired.

Ties and fasteners should be located so that the child can serve himself.

A big request to have mittens instead of gloves, be sure to sew on an elastic band.

Shoes should be light, warm, exactly match the size of the child's feet, easy to put on and take off. Learn to put on and take off your own shoes.

A handkerchief is necessary for a child, both indoors and on a walk. Have spare clothes.

Order in the locker: Put things in a certain order. When dressing and undressing, the child must do it himself.

Spare items should be in a bag on a hanger so that the child has somewhere to put things.

For a sports uniform, there is also a package, strong, small, with handles. (For sports uniforms, we need pure white T-shirts, no graphics, black shorts, Czechs.)

Education of cultural and hygienic skills:

Watch at home how the child washes his hands (without splashing water, using soap correctly, do not wet clothes, dry with a towel);

Watch how he dresses and undresses (let him do it himself, in a certain sequence, determine where in front of the clothes, turn inside out; fold clothes, hang them on a chair, unbutton - fasten buttons, before putting on shoes, sandals or boots should be put in such a way so that they look at each other, and not "quarrel");

Drink from a cup, eat, chewing food well with your mouth closed, use a spoon, napkin correctly; in the second half of the year we will teach how to eat with a fork;

Teach self-service in the toilet.

Do not discuss your fears, claims and worries about the kindergarten with the child at home, but be sure to share them, especially with the teachers.

The main thing for successful adaptation is your positive attitude, adherence to the daily routine and the recommendations of teachers. Before expecting independence from a child, he must be taught the actions necessary in the process of dressing, washing, eating. We look forward to fruitful cooperation!

1. When leaving a child in kindergarten, do not forget to say that you will definitely return for him.

2. Keep fakes at home, drawings that the child brings from kindergarten.

3. You can play kindergarten at home. To do this, you can use existing toys.

4. Show your child that attending kindergarten is important. You go to work, and he goes to kindergarten.

5. If children are very attached to mom, a little less to dad. In this case, it is better to take the child to the kindergarten for dad at first. Then the parting will be a little - a little calmer.

6. Tell your child about the positive aspects of attending kindergarten.

7. Before starting to visit the kindergarten, you can begin to enter the elements of the regime that is used in kindergarten.

8. Walk with your child on playgrounds more often. Play in the sandbox. Let your child interact with other children.

9. Help your child learn self care skills. Encourage your child's independence.

10. Get to know the teacher. Tell the teacher about your child.

11. Pick up your child from kindergarten at the time you promised. Don't be late.

12. Give your child a favorite toy with you to kindergarten. This will alleviate the feeling of loneliness.

13. Leaving your child in kindergarten, do not show him your anxiety.

14. In the presence of a child, proudly tell your friends that your child is already so old that he goes to kindergarten. Children pick up on such conversations very quickly.

15. Encourage your child to make friends with other children.

17. Make sure your child gets enough sleep at night. A well-sleeping child feels good in kindergarten.

18. In communication with the child, emphasize that he is still dear to you, and you love him.

19. It is better to come to kindergarten only when you are healthy. A healthy child feels more confident.

20. Do gymnastics with your child. Teach your child to play.

21. Together with your child, you can buy two beautiful pajamas. He will use one set while sleeping at home, and the second in kindergarten. Having the same kind of pajamas in the kindergarten as at home will help your child cope better with daytime sleep.

22. Do not promise your child a reward for attending kindergarten. This approach may give a temporary result, but, in the long run, will have a bad effect on the motivation of the child.

23. Dress your child comfortably. Not cold and not hot.

24. There is no need to punish and scare the child with kindergarten.

25. Your trust in the teacher, your positive attitude - your peace of mind for the condition of your child.

Questionnaire No. 1

1. What forms of joint work do you consider the most effective:

Parent meeting,

Visual-textual information,

open classes,

Pedagogical conferences in preschool educational institutions,

Joint events (eg, holidays, entertainment) of children and parents,


2. What forms of joint work with parents would you like to see in kindergarten, in your group?

3. List the most commonly used teaching methods in your family.

4. By what criteria do you define success:

  • your child's education
  • raising your child

5. In your opinion, if a child is guilty, can he be punished?

6. Do you encounter difficulties in the upbringing and development of your child?

If so, which ones?

7. Are you ready to work together to overcome these difficulties?

The next question is our choice of the parent committee.

At first glance, it may seem that the responsibilities of the parent committee are limited to financial matters, but this is far from the case. The regulation on the parent committee in the preschool educational institution contains many clauses regulating the rights, duties and functions of this self-government body. Let's try to make a basic list of what the parent committee does:

1. Finds out what children need

2. Initiates and carries out the purchase of the necessary - stationery, materials for repairs, interior items, toys.

3. Determines the list of events for which it will be necessary to purchase gifts for children, educators, nannies (teacher's day, children's birthdays, new year)

4. Helps organize activities and assists caregivers in the process of working with children.

5. And, of course, the parent committee in the kindergarten is engaged in the calculation and collection of the necessary funds for the implementation of the above.

The parent committee usually consists of 3 to 6 people, this issue is resolved individually. Since it is necessary to choose a parent committee at the very beginning of the school year, and this issue is decided by voting, the composition usually includes the most active mothers and fathers who have enough free time. This is a gratuitous activity, and you can become a member of the parent committee only on a voluntary basis. Also, in order for the work of the parent committee in the preschool educational institution to be clearly organized and well-established, a chairman is elected.

Parents Committee work plan

After determining the composition, a work plan is drawn up for the parent committee in the preschool educational institution and the distribution of responsibilities. For example, a person is appointed who will keep in touch with the rest of the parents, call if necessary and inform, another representative of the committee may be responsible for choosing gifts, a third for repair work, etc. Obviously, meetings of the parent committee in the preschool educational institution are held more often than general parent meetings. Their minimum frequency is agreed with the kindergarten administration. During the meeting, the protocol of the parent committee in the preschool educational institution is necessarily kept, where the date, the number of those present, the main issues of discussion, the proposals of the committee members and the decisions made are recorded.

Tips for novice parent committee members

First of all, it is worth noting that the representative of the parent committee is not only responsible, but also quite nervous work, so learn to be calm about the situation. From practical recommendations, the following can be advised:

Write down the phone numbers of educators and all parents;

And do not forget that the parent committee in the garden is also a creative group, feel free to offer interesting ideas!

Well, I want to end the meeting with a comic poem "They took the butuz to the garden."

They took the butuz to the garden -

Mom is happy, dad is happy:

Nobody bothers them

Do this, do that!

You can sleep until ten

Don't go for a walk

Knife to forget in a conspicuous place

Drink two hundred grams of coffee

It is possible, not to the detriment of the tail,

Get off the mezzanine cat!

You can chat with a friend for an hour,

You can bake cheesecakes for half a day,

You can lie in the bath

Or with a book on the couch,

It is possible - what would I die! -

Watch TV!

Go to the market for cheese

And clean the whole apartment!

(This is possible with a butuz,

Only very, very difficult).

An hour passed, and two, and three

Something heavy inside.

Without a boot, the house is empty,

It's sad without a butuz in the house.

Come on, dad, quickly into the garden -

Bring the baby back!

… And again the whole house is trembling.

Let's drive again tomorrow!

6. Summing up the results of the meeting.

This concludes our meeting. Thank you for your attention! See you again.

At parting, each of you will take a red paper heart and write on it any good wish that you can give us. On the heart, you can also write a few words about your attitude to the meeting or wishes for the educators.

At present, the interest of teachers and heads of educational institutions in the problems of education has noticeably increased. In turn, the strengthening of the educational function of an educational institution necessitates the improvement of the forms and methods of interaction between the school and the family, teachers and parents.

The parent meeting is the main form of joint work of parents, where decisions are discussed and made on the most important issues of the life of the class community and the education of students at school and at home. Its main purpose is to harmonize, coordinate and unite the efforts of the school and family in creating conditions for the development of a spiritually rich, morally clean and physically healthy personality of the child. Parent meetings are also held in order to improve the pedagogical culture of parents, activate their role in the life of the class, and increase responsibility for the upbringing of their children.

The teacher's classroom management consists not only in organizing a children's team, but also, having understood, accept their parents. And the teacher’s task is not to teach parents, but to share with them the experience of raising children accumulated over the years of work, since by the nature of his activity, the teacher reads more literature on education than parents, and his circle of communication with children is much wider and multilateral. Everything must be done so that fathers and mothers believe the teacher and listen to his advice. Therefore, at the parent meeting it is always necessary to create an atmosphere of trust. Parents should be introduced to the main areas of educational work so that they realize the importance of cooperation between the family and the school. This is an ongoing process, which depends both on the demands of today's society and on the situation that has developed in the classroom. Of course, one should not understand parent-teacher meetings as an educational program for parents, it is not necessary to lecture parents in a mentoring tone, who usually come to parent-teacher meetings after work tired, and sometimes irritated.

All informational material should be packed in 15-20 minutes. If parents want to learn more about something, break the material into several blocks, into several meetings, where you can not only tell them the material that interests them, but also hold a discussion where everyone can express their point of view on this issue. Parents (sometimes they are our former students) remain children in their hearts. In fact, they are not opposed to advice in the difficult matter of education. But their adult shell protests against the teaching. Therefore, we sometimes notice their sarcastic looks.

I do not advise scolding children at the parent meeting. Try to talk about the successes and deeds of the whole class, focus on the best sides of the character of each child. After all, for mom and dad, their child is the best. Information about the progress of students should be read out without edification, but with sympathy and understanding. Be sure to emphasize that tomorrow everything will be fine if we all try. After all, every parent deep down expects the best results from their child. And it's very good when parents believe in it, love their child consciously. In our time, it is not easy to stop and think about the fact that children are our only wealth. But we must try to look into the soul of the child, speak the same language with him, and he will definitely respond.

Parent meetings are required:

  • to quickly obtain a variety of information about children;
  • as orientation, instructive meetings with changes in the life and activities of the class team, its mode of operation, etc.;
  • to familiarize parents with the analysis of academic performance, attendance, the results of medical examinations, etc. But this should be analytical material (without naming the specific names of parents and children);
  • as advisory on the vacation program, on employment in the system of additional education, etc.;
  • as an emergency, emergency in an acute conflict situation, in an extremely difficult case with one of the children. This is a collective council of adults deciding how to help a child in trouble or a mother in need of help;
  • creative meetings, when children show their parents their creative abilities, sports achievements, applied skills, etc.;
  • lecture meetings, psychological trainings, role-playing games on various topics and problems of education and training. Such meetings can be held quite often (once a month), like a school for parents.

Meeting preparation:

  • determine the topic, main problem and main objectives of the meeting;
  • clarify the rules, think over the course of the meeting;
  • send invitations to parents in a polite manner, indicating the issues to be submitted to the meeting;
  • think over where the parents will undress, who and how will meet them at school;
  • to think over exhibition or informational material;
  • determine which specialists can be invited;
  • to think over your appearance is an important detail: after all, every time a meeting is an event and a little bit of a holiday.

Sample schedule for a parent-teacher conference.

The start of the meeting must be at a fixed time. Parents get used to such a requirement and try not to linger. The maximum duration is 1–1.5 hours.

    Opening speech of the class teacher (5 min).

    Parent questionnaire analysis; is carried out in order to more clearly expose the problem of the meeting (5-7 minutes).

    Speech on the topic: specialist or class teacher. The presentation should be bright, concise and accessible (10-20 minutes).

    Discussion of the problem (20 min).

    Class performance analysis. Never give the names of lagging, undisciplined children, do not “stigmatize”. The analysis should express confidence that joint work will correct the situation.

In conclusion, the teacher thanks the parents for their joint work. He asks those parents whose children have problems in learning and behavior to stay for a moment to find out the reasons and jointly solve them.

Rules of conduct for the class teacher at the parent meeting:

    It is unacceptable to hold a parent-teacher meeting “according to the class journal”. Parents value the teacher not as an informant about the educational successes or failures of children, but as a benevolent adviser, a person who is knowledgeable in learning and, most importantly, in raising children.

    Relieve stress, anxiety, expectation of an unpleasant conversation.

    To show that the school and the family have the same problems, the same tasks, the same children.

    Suggest how to find ways out of problem situations. Find these paths together.

    Try to understand your parents, put yourself in their place.

    Be able to speak with parents calmly, respectfully, kindly, interested. It is important that parents of both good students and underachieving children leave the meeting with faith in their child.

Tips for a successful parent-teacher conference:

  • you can arrange tables and chairs in a circle: everyone can see and hear each other well;
  • prepare business cards with the names of the parents, especially if they do not know each other yet;
  • call parents by name and patronymic, and not “Tanya's mother”, “Vitin's father”, etc .;
  • use the form of conversation over a cup of tea, especially at the beginning of the 1st grade;
  • use group forms of work with parents, game elements;
  • rely on experience, opinions of authoritative parents;
  • skillfully determine the day and hour of the parent meeting (when there are no important events, interesting TV shows, etc.);
  • rigidly determine the rules of the meeting, save the time of parents;
  • it is necessary to end the meeting with the adoption of a specific decision.

Helpful tips for parents.

    Whether parenting is good or bad can be reliably judged by whether your child can say: “I am happy!”.

    Do not rely too much on your own example, alas, only bad examples are contagious. An example, of course, is important, but only if you respect your child.

    Is your child seeking freedom from their parents? It means that something is wrong in the family, in a good family the children feel free, it never occurs to them to rebel against their parents.

    We are not the masters of our children's lives, we cannot know their fate. We do not fully know what is good and what is bad for their future, so we will be more careful in all decisions that may affect the path of the child.

    When we talk to children, we are always sure that this is the truth, but we do not notice that sometimes we are embarrassed in the eyes of our children. Do not be afraid of children's doubts about your rightness.

    It is necessary to look after children, neglected children can be in trouble.

    Learn to control your intonation, an unmistakable intonation can even smooth out a pedagogical mistake.

    Say the main words to your child more often: “Do not worry! Cheer up! Do not be afraid! Not food!”

    Protecting or not protecting your child from bullies is one of the most difficult parenting questions, but don't leave him alone if you feel that he is offended.

    Sometimes children take all school troubles too close to their hearts. Constantly teach them to distinguish between what is important and what is not.

    If the children are too addicted to the TV: they don't go out and have lost friends, then the TV must... break. At least for 2-3 months, until the children come to their senses. But what about adults? Raising children, like an art, requires sacrifice.

    Remember, how long have you heard laughter in your house? The more often children laugh, the better education goes.

    John Steinbeck said, "A boy becomes a man when the need for a man arises." If you want to raise a man, create such a need in the house.

    You came home and saw that your eight-year-old son and his guests literally trashed the house. We will understand that there was no malicious intent: the children were just playing hide and seek, we will use this opportunity to say: “Nothing, let's clean up together.”

    Tell your son or daughter, "People should be easy with you." Don't be afraid to repeat it.

    Never reproach a child with either age: “You are already big!”, Or sex: “And also a boy!”, Or a piece of bread: “We feed you, give you water.”

    Try not to criticize anyone in front of the children. Today you will say bad things about your neighbor, and tomorrow the children will say bad things about you.

    The most difficult thing in upbringing is to teach children philanthropy. Loving children can be difficult. Praise the child, but even more often praise people in his presence.

    Rousseau believed that the child should know: how good he will be with others, so they will be good with him.

    Parents are annoyed when their children do not obey them from the first word. Learn to repeat the request without irritation and see how calm it will become in your house.

    When you scold a child, do not use the words: “You always”, “You in general”, “Forever you” ... Your child is generally and always good, he just did something wrong today, tell him about it.

    There are children whom you will not take with either punishment or kindness, but a generous attitude, in the end, saves them.

    How? Do you still put the child in the corner? This is no longer done by anyone in Europe. You are hopelessly behind pedagogical fashion.

    When the child leaves the house, be sure to walk him to the door and say to the road: “Take your time, be careful.” This should be repeated as many times as the child leaves the house.

    They say: “As the first day of the year passes, so the whole year will pass.” Praise your child from morning to evening!

    Instill in your child the well-known formula of mental health: “You are good, but not better than others.”

    Tell the child: “Don't be clean - they don't like clean people in the class, don't be dirty - they don't like dirty people in the class. Just be careful."

    Usually, when a child returns from school, he is asked: “Did you get called? What grade did you get?" Better ask him: “What was interesting today?”

Reminder to parents from a child:

  • Don't spoil me, you spoil me with it. I know very well that it is not necessary to provide me with everything I request. I'm just testing you.
  • Don't be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer this approach. This allows me to define my place.
  • Do not rely on force in dealing with me. It teaches me that only force must be reckoned with.
  • Don't make promises that you can't keep. It will weaken my faith in you.
  • Don't make me feel younger than I really am. Otherwise, I will become a “crybaby” and a “whiner”.
  • Do not do for me and for me what I can do for myself. I can continue to use you as a servant.
  • Do not correct me in front of strangers. I pay much more attention to your remarks if you tell me everything calmly in private.
  • Do not try to discuss my behavior in the midst of a conflict. My hearing is dulled at this time, and I have little desire to cooperate with you. It will be better if we talk about it later.
  • Don't try to lecture me and lecture me. You will be surprised how well I know what is good and what is bad.
  • Don't make me feel like my actions are a mortal sin. I have to learn to make mistakes without feeling like I'm good for nothing.
  • Don't pick on me and don't yell at me. If you do this, then I will be forced to defend myself, to pretend to be deaf.
  • Don't forget that I love to experiment. This is my way of knowing the world, so please put up with it.
  • Don't protect me from the consequences of my mistakes. I am learning from my own experience.
  • Don't pay too much attention to my little ailments. I can learn to enjoy feeling bad if it gets me a lot of attention.
  • Don't try to get rid of me when I ask frank questions. If you do not answer them, I will generally stop asking you questions and will look for information on the side.
  • Never even hint that you are perfect and infallible. This makes my attempts to match you in vain.
  • Do not forget that I cannot develop successfully without your attention and encouragement.
  • Treat me the same way you treat your friends. Then I'll be your friend too.

And the most important thing, I love you so much! Please answer me the same...

Exemplary designs
parent meetings in elementary school
(grades 1–4)
First meeting
Topic: Getting to know the parents of first-graders

Teachers meet with parents of first-graders before the start of the school year, it is most appropriate to hold such a meeting at the end of August. The teacher uses the first meeting to get to know the parents, set the family up for the need to communicate with the school, teachers, create an optimistic attitude towards learning activities, remove the family's fear of school.

Meeting tasks:

  1. To acquaint parents with teachers, school, administration, school services and with each other.
  2. Help prepare families for their child's first grade.

Issues for discussion*:

  1. Where can parents get advice on raising a child?
  2. What laws should be followed in the upbringing in the family?
  3. What is interesting in a single family: traditions and customs (exchange of experience)?

Meeting Plan(exemplary)

  1. Getting to know the school principal and school administration.
  2. A representation of the educator who will be working with the class.
  3. Mini-lecture “Laws of education in the family. What should they be?"
  4. Survey of parents on the topic of the meeting.
  5. Self-representation is the calling card of the family.
  6. Parent training "Child in the mirror of parents".

The course of the meeting

The meeting is held in the classroom where the children's classes will be held. The class is festively decorated (you can place wishes, creative works of students who have graduated from elementary school on the stand). On the board are photographs of graduates who studied with a teacher who is gaining a class.

  1. Introductory remarks by the director of the school(option).
    – Dear fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, all adults who came to the first meeting with the school, the threshold of which will be crossed by your kids in September!
    Today we announce you and ourselves as members of one big ship team called "School". Our voyage starts today and ends in 12 years. We will be together for so long, and while our ship will sail on the ocean of Knowledge, we will experience storms and storms, sorrows and joys. I want this voyage to be interesting, joyful and significant in the life of every child and every family.
    How to learn to overcome difficulties, how to learn to fall, stuffing as few bumps as possible, where to get advice, an exhaustive answer to an insoluble question - all this can be found in the office of the deputy director of elementary school.
  2. Speech by the Deputy Director of Primary School.
    The performance should contain information about the traditions and customs of the elementary school, about the requirements for students. It is necessary to acquaint parents with the charter of the school, give each family a business card of the school, indicate the days of consultations of the deputy director of primary school, introduce the primary school teacher who will work with a particular class.
  3. Self-representation of the teacher.
    The teacher conducts a self-presentation (option):
  1. A story about yourself, about choosing the profession of a teacher.
  2. A story about my graduate students, about plans for the future in working with a new class.
  1. Families self-representation.
    Self-representation of families takes place at the parent meeting-meeting very interestingly. This is a kind of visiting card of the family. It is advisable to tape record the speeches of parents talking about themselves at the meeting. Such work will immediately determine the characteristics of families, the degree of their openness, the system of family values ​​and relationships. It will be important for the class teacher to analyze mini-stories about the family.
    Family Presentation Plan
  1. Surname, name, patronymic of parents.
  2. Age of parents, birthday of the family.
  3. Family interests and hobbies.
  4. Family traditions and customs.
  5. Family motto.

You can write the motto of the families on a sheet of paper, which is attached to the board in the classroom. This material can be successfully used in working with students.

  1. Tour of the school building.
    After the self-representation of parents, teachers and the establishment of a warm atmosphere, a tour of the school is held. It is very important to show the parents the office of the psychological service, to acquaint them with the schedule of its work, to offer to write down the helpline of the psychological service.
  2. Tips for parents.
    At the end of the meeting, each family receives a mandate in the form of a scroll, which contains the laws of raising a child in a family. Parents are given the opportunity to read the laws and ask questions to the teacher.
  3. Parent survey.
    Held at the end of the meeting on a designated topic.
    You can take a common photo in memory of the first "school" day of the parents.

Second meeting
Topic: The problem of adaptation of first-graders in school
Conduct form: round table.

Meeting tasks:

  1. To acquaint the parent team with the possible problems of adaptation of children in the first year of study.
  2. To develop recommendations for creating a system of comfortable relationships with a first-grader.

Issues for discussion:

  1. Physiological difficulties of adaptation of first-graders at school.
  2. Psychological difficulties of adaptation of first-graders at school.
  3. The system of relationships between children in the classroom.

Proceedings of the meeting

  1. Discussion of the child's first day of school.
    Parents share their impressions with each other and teachers: in what mood the child came home, how family members congratulated him, what gifts he received.
  2. Parent workshop-game "Basket of feelings".
    It might look something like this.
    Teacher's word . Dear moms and dads! I have a basket in my hands, at the bottom of it are a wide variety of feelings, positive and negative, that a person can experience. After your child crossed the school threshold, feelings and emotions settled firmly in your soul, in your heart, which filled your entire existence. Put your hand in the basket and take the "feeling" that has overwhelmed you the most for a long period of time, name it.
    Parents name the feelings that overwhelm them, which they painfully experience.
    This activity allows you to emphasize the importance of the event, identify problems and difficulties that arise in families, and discuss these problems during the consideration of the topic of the meeting.

Physiological conditions of adaptation of the child to school.

Discussion of the issue.

Familiarization of the teacher and doctor with the health problems of the child. Changing the daily routine of the child in comparison with kindergarten. The need to alternate games with the educational activities of the child. Observation of parents for the correct posture during homework (prevention of myopia, curvature of the spine). Organization of proper nutrition of the child. Parents' concern for the hardening of the child, the maximum development of motor activity (the creation of a sports corner in the house). Education in children of independence and responsibility as the main qualities of maintaining their own health.

Psychological difficulties of adaptation of the child to school.

When discussing this problem, it is necessary to pay attention to the following important conditions for psychological comfort in the life of a first grader:
- creation of a favorable psychological climate in relation to the child by all family members;
- the role of the child's self-esteem in adapting to school (the lower the self-esteem, the more difficulties the child has at school);
- the formation of interest in the school, the school day lived;
- obligatory acquaintance with the guys in the class and the possibility of their communication after school;
- the inadmissibility of physical measures of influence, intimidation, criticism of the child, especially in the presence of third parties (grandparents, peers);
- the exclusion of such punishments as deprivation of pleasure, physical and mental punishment;
- taking into account temperament during the period of adaptation to schooling;
- providing the child with independence in educational work and organizing control over his educational activities;
- encouraging the child not only for academic success, but also moral stimulation of his achievements;
- development of self-control and self-esteem, self-sufficiency of the child.

Relationships between classmates.

The well-known teacher and psychologist Simon Soloveichik, whose name is significant for a whole generation of students, parents and teachers, has published rules that can help parents prepare their child for communication with classmates at school. Parents need to explain these rules to the child and use them to prepare the child for adulthood.

  1. Don't take someone else's, but don't give yours either.
  2. They asked - give, they try to take away - try to defend yourself.
  3. Don't fight for no reason.
  4. Call to play - go, do not call - ask permission to play together, it's not a shame.
  5. Play fair, don't let your comrades down.
  6. Don't tease anyone, don't beg, don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone for anything twice.
  7. Don't cry over grades, be proud. Do not argue with the teacher because of the grades and do not be offended by the teacher for grades. Try to do everything on time and think about good results, you will definitely have them.
  8. Don't snitch and don't slander anyone.
  9. Try to be careful.
  10. Say more often: let's be friends, let's play, let's go home together.
  11. Remember: you are not the best, you are not the worst! You are unique for yourself, parents, teachers, friends!

It is very good if parents place a set of these rules in the room or in the working corner of their child in a conspicuous place. It is advisable at the end of the week to draw the child's attention to which rules he manages to follow and which he does not, and why. You can try to come up with your own rules with your child.

Third meeting
Topic: TV in the life of a family and a first grader

Meeting tasks:

  1. Determine together with parents the advantages and disadvantages of having a TV in a child's life.
  2. Determine the names and number of programs for children to watch.

Issues for discussion:

  1. The role of television in the life of a child.
  2. The influence of television programs on the formation of the character and cognitive sphere of the child.

Questions for discussion:

  1. Do you think that the TV should be among the main household items?
  2. What TV shows, in your opinion, shape the personality of a child?
  3. How do you think children should watch TV? Suggest possible options.

Proceedings of the meeting

  1. Introductory speech of the teacher(option).
    - TV in a child's life - is it good or bad? How much time and what programs should children watch? Do we need to turn off the TV if we think that the transfer to the child will not be interesting? These and other questions today require answers.
    some statistics:
    · Two-thirds of our children aged 6 to 12 watch TV every day.
    · A child spends more than two hours a day watching TV every day.
    · 50% of children watch TV programs in a row, without any choice and exceptions.
    · 25% of children aged 6 to 10 watch the same TV shows 5 to 40 times in a row.
    · 38% of children aged 6 to 12 put the TV in the first place when determining the rating of the use of free time, while excluding sports, outdoor walks and communication with the family.
    But perhaps you think that these statistics do not apply to our children? In vain. Here are the results of a class survey conducted approximately on the following questions:
  1. How many times a week do you watch TV?
  2. Do you watch TV alone or with your family?
  3. Do you like to watch everything in a row or do you prefer some individual programs?
  4. If you were on a desert island, what items would you order a good wizard to make your life interesting and not boring?
  1. Discussion of the results of the analysis of children's answers to the proposed questions.
  2. Discussion.
    Further discussion on questions is possible:
  1. What to do and whether it is necessary to do something? Perhaps you should just ban watching TV or limit your child to certain programs?
  2. What gives the child a TV? Is there anything positive about watching TV, especially for first graders?

The problems are discussed and opinions are exchanged.
The opinions of 10-year-old students about watching television.
Watching TV allows you to:
- relax, forget daily problems, get away from fears and worries;
- find answers to questions that adults do not answer because of employment;
- to understand with the help of TV what is “good” and what is “bad”;
- learn about various phenomena in different fields of knowledge;
- develop imagination, fantasy, emotional sphere.
Teacher's commentary, discussion.
For this parent meeting, you can prepare an exhibition of children's drawings "I watch TV."

  1. Recommendations for parents:
    1) Together with the children, determine TV shows for adults and children to watch for the next week.
    2) Discuss favorite TV shows of adults and children after watching.
    3) Listen to children's opinions about adult programs and express their opinions about children's programs.
    4) TV should not be a significant part in the life of parents, then it will become a positive example for the child.
    5) It is necessary to understand that a child who watches scenes of violence and murder every day gets used to them and can even experience pleasure from such episodes. It is necessary to exclude them from viewing by kids.
  2. Homework for parents:determine for yourself the answers to the questions:
  1. How much time does your child spend watching TV?
  2. Does he ask questions after watching the programs, does he want to discuss the program with you?
  3. What shows do you prefer?
  4. What show would you like to take part in?
  5. How to make sure that children do not hear from their parents: “Are you doing homework in the evening again?”, “What were you doing, were you sitting at the TV again?” etc.

Note to parents:
It must be remembered that the effect of television on the psyche of children is very different from the similar effect on adults. for example, first-graders, according to the results of research, cannot clearly determine where is the truth and where is the lie. They blindly trust everything that happens on the screen. They are easy to manage, manipulate their emotions and feelings. Only from the age of 11, the guys begin to consciously perceive what television offers.

Fourth meeting
Topic: Positive and negative emotions
Conduct form: family council.

Meeting tasks:

  1. Review student self-assessment.
  2. Determine the reasons for the predominance of negative or positive emotions in students.

Proceedings of the meeting

  1. Introductory speech of the teacher(option).
    - Dear mothers and fathers! Today we have a parent meeting, which we hold in the form of a family council. The family council meets when the matter is urgent and requires a comprehensive analysis. Before we move on to the advice on the declared problem, please listen to the tape recording of the children's answers to the question: What am I? (For example, I am kind, beautiful, smart, etc.)
    After listening to the recording, parents should answer the question about the motives for the child's choice of adjectives denoting positive and negative qualities. An exchange occurs.
    Today we will talk about human emotions. I would like to draw your attention to those emotions that stimulate the development of neuroses and destroy the health of a child. These are the emotions of destruction - anger, anger, aggression and the emotions of suffering - pain, fear, resentment. Observing children, we have to admit that the emotions of suffering and destruction are closer to them than the emotions of joy and kindness.
  2. Parent training.
  1. Give examples of situations from your life, from the life of your family, or observed situations associated with negative and positive emotions.
  2. Can you say that you heard echoes of negative emotions in the answers of the guys on the tape? (According to psychologists, positive emotions appear in a person when they are loved, understood, recognized, accepted, and negative emotions appear when needs are not met.) How to form positive emotions? Where to start?
  3. There are pieces of paper in front of you. Write down on them expressions that are forbidden in communication with a child in your family, as well as expressions recommended and desirable.

Conclusion. When communicating with children, you should not use such expressions, for example:
· I told you a thousand times that...
· How many times do you have to repeat...
· What are you thinking about...
· Is it hard for you to remember that...
· You become…
· You are just like...
· Leave me alone, I don't have time...
· Why is Lena (Nastya, Vasya, etc.) like this, but you are not ...
When communicating with children, it is desirable to use the following expressions:
You are my smartest (beautiful, etc.).
· It's good that I have you.
· You are my good guy.
· I love you very much.
· How well you did it, teach me.
· Thank you, I am very grateful to you.
· If it wasn't for you, I would never have made it.
Try to use the above desirable expressions as often as possible.

  1. Recommendations for parents:
    1) Unconditionally accept your child.
    2) Actively listen to his experiences, opinions.
    3) Communicate with him as often as possible, study, read, play, write letters and notes to each other.
    4) Do not interfere in his activities, which he can handle.
    5) Help when asked.
    6) Support and celebrate his successes.
    7) Talk about your problems, share your feelings.
    8) Resolve conflicts peacefully.
    9) Use phrases that evoke positive emotions in communication.
    10) Hug and kiss each other at least four times a day.
  2. Homework for parents:write a letter to your child to be opened in the senior year of school.

    1. Do you encourage positive emotions in your child? How do you do it?
    2. Does your child show negative emotions? Why do you think they occur?
    3. How do you develop positive emotions in your child? Give examples.
    Questioning is carried out during the course of the meeting, the teacher allocates 10-15 minutes for this. Parents give the answer sheets to the teacher, who uses them in further work with parents and students.

Fifth meeting
Topic: Results of the past academic year - "Turning the pages ..."
Conduct form: oral journal.

oral journal - these are sheets of drawing paper, folded in the form of a large book, intertwined with a ribbon. Each sheet is a page of the life of the class for the year.

I want to make a special mention of this meeting. Here is a summary of the work of parents, students for the year. The meeting should be solemn, interesting, unusual. The meeting is held with the students.

Proceedings of the meeting

  1. Overview of the pages of the oral journal.
    Page one . "Our life in the classroom" (fragments of lessons).
    Page two . "Our breaks" (physical education break, games, etc.).
    Page three . "Our life after school" (the highlights of the events held in the classroom during the year).
    Page Four. "Our creativity" (review of students' creativity: reading poems, songs, circle activities).
    Page five. "We and our parents" (rewarding parents for their work in the classroom).
    The medal is a child's hand, painted and painted by children.
    Page six . “Our plans for the summer” (each student receives a task for the summer that he must complete for the whole class).
  2. The results of the work of parents, students for the year.
    The class teacher, a representative from the parent committee, makes a presentation.
    At the end of the meeting, students are photographed with their parents and teachers. Photographs taken previously at other meetings and class activities are awarded.

2nd class
First meeting
Topic: Physical development of a younger student
at school and at home

Meeting tasks:

  1. Discuss with parents a new stage in the physical and mental development of children.
  2. Increase parental control over physical fitness.

Issues for discussion:

  1. The value of physical culture for the full development of personality.
  2. Physical education lesson and its requirements for the student.

Meeting Plan

  1. Parent survey(at the beginning of the meeting, the teacher conducts).
  2. Communication of data on the influence of physical culture on personality development(it is possible to involve a teacher of physical culture and medical workers).
  3. Operational analysis of survey results(given at the end of the meeting).
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. Does your child enjoy physical education lessons?
    2. Do you ask your child about physical education at home?
    3. How would you like to see a physical education lesson?
    An exhibition of drawings “I am in a physical education lesson” can be prepared for the meeting.

Second meeting
Subject: Aggressive children. Causes and consequences of child aggression

Meeting tasks:

  1. To determine the level of aggression of students in the class, using the observations of the teacher and the results of the parent survey.
  2. Help parents understand the causes of aggression in children and find ways to overcome them.

Issues for discussion:

  1. Causes of child aggression.
  2. Parental power, its types and ways of influencing the child.
  3. ways to overcome child aggression. Recommendations for overcoming child aggression.

Meeting Plan

  1. Parent survey.
  2. Communication of the results of the analysis of the causes of child aggression(teacher's speech, recommendations to parents).
  3. Operational analysis of parent responses.
  4. Exchange of views on the topic of the meeting.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. Does your child get aggressive?
    2. In what situations does he show aggression?
    3. Against whom does he show aggression?
    4. What do you do in the family to overcome the aggressiveness of the child?

Third meeting
Topic: Punishment and encouragement in the family

Meeting tasks:

  1. Determine the optimal positions of parents on the topic of the meeting.
  2. Consider the proposed pedagogical situations in practice.

Issues for discussion:

  1. Types of punishments and rewards in family education.
  2. The meaning of punishment and encouragement in the family (analysis of pedagogical situations and survey results).

Meeting Plan

  1. Speech by the class teacher based on the results of the survey.
  2. Sharing experiences of parents.
    Using the materials of special literature and the results of a survey of parents on the topic of the meeting held in advance, the teacher organizes an active parental exchange of experience and makes recommendations based on his teaching experience.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. What measures of punishment and encouragement are used in the family?
    2. What do you punish and encourage the child for?
    3. How does the child react to rewards and punishments?

Fourth meeting
Topic: Results of the past academic year
Conducted traditionally.
3rd class
First meeting
Topic: The value of communication in the development of a child's personal qualities

Meeting tasks:

  1. Determine the importance of communication for children and adults.
  2. Review the issues identified by the children and parents survey and lead a discussion on the topic of the meeting.

Issues for discussion:

  1. Communication and its role in human life.
  2. Communication of the child in the family. The results of this process for adults and children.

Meeting Plan

  1. teacher's speechprepared according to the data of special literature.
  2. Operational questioning and analysis of the answers of parents and studentsif they answered similar questions.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. How much time a day do you spend with your child?
    2. Do you know from the child himself about his academic success, about school friends and friends outside of school, what is the name of his neighbor or desk mate?
    3. What are the problems your child has?

Second meeting
Topic: Labor participation of the child in family life.
Its role in the development of performance
and personal qualities

Meeting tasks:

  1. Familiarization of parents with the forms of labor participation of the child in family life.
  2. Determine the role of the family in raising the child's industriousness.

Issues for discussion:

  1. Labor and its importance in the life of a child.
  2. Intellectual work and efficiency.
  3. The role of the family in the development of working capacity and diligence of the child.

Meeting Plan

  1. Analysis of situations (teacher's speech).
    Using the results of a survey of parents conducted before the meeting, the teacher dwells on specific pedagogical situations.
  2. Introduction to the exhibition.
    Parents get acquainted with the photo exhibition “Work in our family” prepared by the students for the meeting.
  3. Recommendations to parents.
    The teacher gives recommendations on the physiological aspects of child labor, as well as advice on the development of working capacity and the education of diligence.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. Does your child like to work?
    2. What does he like to do?
    3. Does he know how to do the work on his own or only with your help?
    4. How long can your child work?
    5. Is the job done enthusiastically or reluctantly?

Third meeting
Topic: Imagination and its role
in a child's life

Meeting tasks:

  1. Emphasize the importance of imagination in the general and aesthetic development of the child.
  2. Help parents develop creativity in their children.

Issues for discussion:

  1. The role of imagination in human life.
  2. The role of imagination in the development of the aesthetic culture of the child. Meeting of parents with a music teacher, music school teachers, art teacher and specialists working in the field of other arts.

Meeting Plan

  1. Parent survey.

  2. The teacher considers the problems of imagination in the life of the child, reports the data of the analysis of the questionnaires filled out by the parents for the meeting. The teacher uses the results of the survey in further work in the classroom.
  3. Speeches of representatives of creative professions.
    It is advisable to organize consultations with them for parents after the meeting.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. Can your child fantasize and dream?
    2. Does your child like to transform?
    3. Is the desire of the child to show imagination, fiction (composing poems, congratulations for the holiday, keeping diaries, decorating the house, etc.) stimulated in the family?

Fourth meeting
Topic: Results of the past academic year -
musical celebration "We and our talents"

Such a meeting is traditionally held.

Topic: Physiological maturation and its impact on the formation of cognitive
and personality traits of the child

Meeting tasks:

  1. To acquaint parents with the problems of physiological maturation of children.
  2. To outline ways of influencing the personal qualities of the child.

Issues for discussion:

  1. Physiological maturation and its impact on the child's behavioral responses.
  2. Pedagogical situations on the topic of the meeting.

Meeting Plan

  1. Parent survey.
  2. Speech of the class teacher on the problem.
    The teacher introduces parents to the general problems of physiological maturation.
  3. Speeches of the school doctor and psychologist.
  4. Teacher's message based on the results of questionnaire analysisthat parents filled out during the meeting.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. What has changed in your child lately?
    2. How did he start behaving at home?
    3. Does he show his independence? (How and in what?)
    4. Are you afraid of the upcoming conversation with your child about gender?

Second meeting
Topic: Learning abilities of the child. Ways of their development in the classroom and in extracurricular activities
The meeting is held with the students.
Conduct form: cognitive "Olympic" games to determine the best (in writing, counting, reading, reciting, singing, etc.).

Meeting tasks:

The main task of games is to give each child the opportunity to show their abilities, their uniqueness and uniqueness.

Issues for discussion:

  1. Abilities, their types and significance in human life.
  2. The abilities of students in our class and their implementation in educational activities.

Plan of the meeting (games)

  1. Introductory speech by the class teacher.
  2. "Olympic" competitions.
    Having made a short introduction about human abilities and their development, the teacher organizes "Olympic" competitions, taking into account the specific abilities of children. The panel of judges includes members of the administration, subject teachers and parents, they reward the “Olympians”.

Third meeting
Topic: Speech skills and their importance in the further education of schoolchildren

Meeting tasks:

  1. Assess the language skills and abilities of students.
  2. To give recommendations to parents based on the results of the analysis of the results of training for 4 years.

Issues for discussion:

  1. The urgency of the problem. The influence of speech skills on the mental work of schoolchildren.
  2. The role of parents in the development of speech skills. Features of colloquial speech at home.

Meeting Plan

  1. Introductory remarks by the teacher based on the results of the analysis of students' speech skills(compositions, burime, etc.).
  2. Speech by specialist teachers based on the results of the analysis of the psychological and pedagogical council(following the results of four years of study) and formulating recommendations for the development of speech skills of children in the family.
  3. Acquaintance with the class teacher and teacherswho will teach children in the fifth grade.

Fourth meeting
Topic: Results of four years of study
Preparatory work for the meeting.

A week before the meeting, it is necessary to conduct a survey of students and parents.

The analyzed results of the survey are used by the class teacher in preparing the final meeting, which is held with the participation of students.

The meeting should be festive and memorable for both children and parents.

Issues for discussion:

  1. summing up the results of four years of study.
  2. features (psychological and physiological) of the upcoming adaptation of primary school graduates to secondary school.

Questionnaire for students

  1. Did you enjoy being in your class?
  2. What subjects did you enjoy the most and why?
  3. Do you want to study further?
  4. What do you remember the most?
  5. How do you imagine fifth grade teachers?
  6. What do you want to become as you study further?
  7. How do you imagine your class teacher?
  8. What should he be like so that you want to communicate with him?
  9. What would you like to wish future first graders?
  10. What would you like to wish your first teacher?

Questionnaire for parents

  1. How do you see the future teachers of your son or daughter? What character traits should they have?
  2. What professional qualities should they have?
  3. What qualities do you want to develop in your child with the help of teachers who will work in the fifth grade?
  4. What qualities would you like to change in your child with the help of teachers who will work with him?
  5. What could your child do besides academic work?
  6. What do you expect from the class teacher who will work with your child?
  7. How can you help the class to make your child's life in this class interesting?