The origin of the term Rus presentation. Presentation on the history of Russia on the topic "the origin of the word "Rus"

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

SEI VPO "Volgograd State Technical University"

Faculty of Economics and Management

Department of History, Culture and Sociology

History abstract

Topic: The origin of the word "Rus".


Student: Manskov K.S.

Groups: MS-129

Work manager:

Assoc. Samchuk M.M.

Volgograd 2012

Introduction …………………………………………………………3

Version 1 ……………………………………………………… 4

Version 2 ……………………………………………………… 5

Version 3 ……………………………………………………… 7

Version 4 ……………………………………………………… 8

Version 5 ……………………………………………………… 8

Version 6 ……………………………………………………… 17

Conclusion …………………………………………………... 24

Bibliography …………………………. 25


There are many studies and hypotheses regarding the origin of the name Rus, Russian.

Slavic, Old Russian, Gothic, Swedish, Iranian, Japhetic and other variants of the origin of the name, traditionally associated with the ancient East Slavic states, and also with the ethnos (ethnoses) that inhabited them, were assumed.

The starting point for the study of the onym "Rus" is its word-formation structure. It is considered by linguists as an indicator of the ethnic and linguistic affiliation of its speakers. According to Yu.A. Karpenko, exactly

"the word-formation structure of the name reflects its history, tells in code about its origin."

This path leads to some rather interesting conclusions. It has long been noted that the word-formation structure of the ethnonym "Rus" (if, of course, it is really an ethnonym) is identical to the structure of collective ethnonyms ending in a softened final consonant (graphically rendered by the final -b): kors, lib, chud, all, perm, yam, sum, etc. However, all these names are associated with non-Slavic (Baltic and Finno-Ugric) peoples, which seems to prove the originally non-Slavic origin of Russia. Indeed, in The Tale of Bygone Years, such collective ethnic terms “are the Slavic transfer of self-names” and “do not go beyond the forest zone” (G. A. Khaburgaev). More A.A. Shakhmatov noted:

“Form ^ Rus... relates to Ruotsi in the same way as Old Russian Sum... to Finnish Suomi. It seems to me that elementary methodological considerations do not allow us to separate the modern Finnish Ruotsi from the name of Rus.

Therefore, we can conclude that the chronicle "Rus" should be based on the Finno-Ugric root. However, linguists could not offer any convincing Finno-Ugric etymology of the word ruotsi.

It is also alarming that in the Finno-Ugric linguistic environment proper, this term was used to name representatives of various ethnic groups: Swedes, Norwegians, Russians, and, finally, the Finns themselves (cf.: Finnish-Suomi Ruotsi "Swedes", Ruotsalsinen "Sweden"; Estonian Roots "Swedes", Rootslane "Sweden", Votian Rotsi "Swedes", Lithuanian Ruoli "Sweden", etc.). Some linguists have proposed compromise options, which, however, did not remove the problem in essence. I will give a typical example. I.P. Shaskolsky writes:

“It remains to be assumed that this word (ruotsi. - I.D.) refers to the general original vocabulary of this language family, i.e. to the vocabulary of the Baltic-Finnish parent language that existed in the II-I millennium BC. and was the common ancestor of all the Baltic-Finnish languages.

Despite the unresolved problem of the origin of the ethnonym we are interested in, its study led to two very important "negative" conclusions:

the word "Rus" could hardly be the self-name of the Slavs;

during the formation of early state associations, the word "Rus" could hardly be used as the name of any of the southern unions of East Slavic tribes.

September 21, 862 is considered the day of foundation of Russian statehood. We unhesitatingly call ourselves Russians, argue about the Russian idea and consider Russia the heir of Ancient Russia, not even knowing the origin of the word "Rus". We'll figure out.
Slavic version
The evidence base is as follows. In the VIII-IX centuries. among the Eastern Slavs, a tribe began to stand out living along the middle course of the Dnieper: south of Kyiv to the Ros River and along the course of this river and its tributary Rossava. Here, at the confluence of the Ros with the Dnieper, there was the annalistic city of Rodnya, the remains of which are seen in the Knyazhaya Gora, rich in archaeological finds. Several centuries later, Yaropolk fled from Kyiv to the city of Rodnya “at the mouth of the Ros”, running away from his brother St. Vladimir. Thus, Ros, Rossava, Rodnya are connected in one place. The Varangians who came to these places, without further ado, called the land of the natives Rus.

Swedish version
Ruotsi, Roots, Rotsi - so the Finnish tribes (Suomi, Karelians, Vod, Chud, etc.), inhabiting the territory of North-Western Russia, called the Swedes. The latter (in Norman and Varangian guise) from the 6th to the 9th centuries were frequent guests in those places. Not always called.

"Sarmatian" version
The defender of this hypothesis was Mikhailo Lomonosov, who believed that the Rus are direct descendants of the warlike Sarmatian tribes of Roxolans or Rosomans (these self-names evolved over time into the word "Rus"). By the way, the Polish gentry were also competitors of Russia for the right to bear the title of the descendants of the Sarmatians.

"tax" version
A number of historians argue that "Rus" was not called a separate tribe, but a profession - tribute collectors. Remember the term "polyudie"? Among some Finno-Ugric peoples, the word "people" meant those who were forced to pay tribute, and those who collected this tribute were probably called Rus. Among the collectors of that time there were many Viking warriors, so the social term, apparently, was also transferred to the ethnic name of the Vikings. Interestingly, the word "people" even became the self-name of one of the Finno-Ugric peoples (Ljudi)

"Rowing" version
Recently, the hypothesis has spread that there was no “Rus” tribe at all. And there were international (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish) rowers, participants in rowing boat trips, who called themselves “robs” in Norman maritime jargon. Well, the locals (Slavs and Finno-Ugric peoples) for convenience renamed them to the more euphonious "Rus".

"Military" version
In the early stages of the formation of the Old Russian state, "Rus" was called the military estate. A little later, “Rus” began to be called the form of state government (like a military republic), and only then the name passed to the whole people.

"Red-faced" version
As you know, the Byzantines called the aggressors who periodically raided Constantinople, having traveled the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks", "Russians" (that is, "red" or "red"). This gave rise to hypotheses that the guests from Kievan Rus received their nickname for their complexion (whether for a blush, or for a tendency to burn in the southern sun is unclear). Interestingly, Ibn Fadlan, who met the Varangians in 922, said of them: "They are like palm trees, ruddy, red."
In principle, it is not so important which version is closer to the truth. The main thing is that this does not affect the love for the Motherland!

Version 1 Slavic VIII-IX centuries. among the Eastern Slavs, a tribe began to stand out living along the middle course of the Dnieper: south of Kyiv to the Ros River and along the course of this river and its tributary Rossava. Here, at the confluence of the Ros with the Dnieper, there was the annalistic city of Rodnya, the remains of which are seen in the Knyazhaya Gora, rich in archaeological finds. Several centuries later, Yaropolk fled from Kyiv to the city of Rodnya “at the mouth of the Ros”, taking his feet away from his brother St. Vladimir. Thus, Ros, Rossava, Rodnya are connected in one place. The Varangians who came to these places, without further ado, called the land of the natives Rus.

Version 2 Swedish Ruotsi, Roots, Rotsi - so the Finnish tribes (Suomi, Karelians, Vod, Chud, etc.), inhabiting the territory of North-Western Russia, called the Swedes. The latter (in Norman and Varangian guise) from the 6th to the 9th centuries were frequent guests in those places. Not always called.

Version 3 Sarmatian The defender of this hypothesis was Mikhailo Lomonosov, who believed that the Rus are the direct descendants of the warlike Sarmatian tribes of Roxolans or Rosomans. By the way, the Polish gentry were also competitors of Russia for the right to bear the title of the descendants of the Sarmatians.

Version 4 "Tax" A number of historians argue that "Rus" was not called a separate tribe, but a profession - tribute collectors. Remember the term "polyudie"? Among some Finno-Ugric peoples, the word "people" meant those who were forced to pay tribute, and those who collected this tribute were probably called Rus. Among the collectors of that time there were many Viking warriors, so the social term, apparently, was also transferred to the ethnic name of the Vikings. Interestingly, the word "people" even became the self-name of one of the Finno-Ugric peoples (Ljudi)

Version 5 "Rowing" Recently, the hypothesis has spread that there was no "Rus" tribe at all. And there were international (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish) rowers, participants in rowing boat trips, who called themselves “robs” in Norman maritime jargon. Well, the locals (Slavs and Finno-Ugrians) for convenience renamed them to a more harmonious "Rus".

Version 6 "Military" In the early stages of the formation of the Old Russian state, "Rus" was called the military estate. By the way, among the then vigilantes there were many people from Scandinavia. A little later, “Rus” began to be called the form of state government (like a military republic), and only then, the name passed to the whole people.

Version 7 "Red-faced" As you know, the Byzantines called the aggressors who periodically raided Constantinople, having traveled the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks", "Russians" (that is, "red" or "red"). This gave rise to hypotheses that the guests from Kievan Rus received their nickname for their complexion (whether for a blush, or for a tendency to burn in the southern sun is unclear). Interestingly, Ibn Fadlan, who met the Varangians in 922, said of them: "They are like palm trees, ruddy, red."

Version 8 Hyperborean The Russian language is the most ancient language of the Hyperboreans, the single Proto-language of all mankind. So, a simple stick "I" stands for a person. A wand, and on top a circle - a dot "i" - a reasonable person. "O" is the sign of the human aura. P - a stick with an attached part of the Universe, - the sign of God b - a soft sign, a mirror image of the sign "P". This is a sign of the Holy Spirit. C - sign of an oval with an outgoing point. The Holy Spirit begins with the human mind.

Two lines emanating from the same source: "Y" - light Light connected inside the AXIS: "A", is the sign of YUSA Greater, which is currently deformed into the letter "A" - the sign of God Thus, "RA" is read as GOD of the Universe. "YARA" - God of the Small Universe, - Small God. Because, the sign "I" used to mean YUS Small. Thus, the ancient cry of the Slavs: "Hurray!", - the LIGHT of the God of the Universe is read. That is, the Slavs at all times went into battle for a just cause with the Light of God"

In the old days, Russia was called: "RUS". That is, one must understand in the name "RUS" - the Light of God and the Holy Spirit. RUSSIA is the Glory of the Hyperboreans. The Slavs are the descendants and bearers of the glory of the Hyperboreans and the most ancient single Proto-language. Why then did "RUS" change to "RUSSIA"? It is immediately clear that in the name "Russia" the sign of the Big, Great God, - YUS Big - "A" is lost. The LIGHT and the Holy Spirit in the name "Russia" are also lost. But there was a double sign "SS". Thus, the double sign "SS" in the name "Russia" symbolizes the substitution of the Holy Spirit by a monster - the she-devil Dog Star Algol.

YUS Maly was added to the name "Rus" - "I". From the country of the Universal Big God, Russia turned into a small fiefdom of the Little God. Moreover, two traits have been added that do not have a mind with an oblique "I" bar. The sign "I" denotes a breakdown and bitterness. Thus, since the name of Russia has changed, bitterness and breakdown began to haunt the whole country and the Russian people.

In principle, it is not so important which version is closer to the truth. The main thing is that this does not affect the love for the Motherland!

The presentation used material from sites 1. 2. 3. 4.

The formation of the Old Russian state The concept of the origin of the state The class contractual state arises during the period of the collapse of tribal relations as a result of the emergence of property inequality, social differentiation, ownership of tools and land. The state arises as a result of a contract between people.

Theories of the emergence of the state among the Eastern Slavs Slavic (anti-Norman) Centrist Norman The role of the Varangians in the formation of the Old Russian state and calling them to reign is denied. The Old Russian state arose as a result of the internal social development of the Slavs, but also with the participation of the Varangians. M.V. Lomonosov B.A. Rybakov A.L. Yurganov L.A. Katsva and most modern historians G.Z. Bayer A.L. Shletser XVIII G.F. Miller N.M. Karamzin S.M. Solovyov XIX

Rurik dynasty (IX-XII centuries) Rurik (Truvor, Sineus) Oleg Igor I Olga Svyatoslav Oleg d.977 Yaropolk Vladimir Saint Gleb d.1015 Boris um Yaroslav the Wise Svyatopolk I Accursed

Yaroslav the Wise Vladimir d.1032 Svyatoslav II Izyaslav I, Vsevolod I Rostislav Oleg d.

Izyaslav Mstislav the Great Yuri Dolgoruky, Izyaslav II Rostislav Andrei Bogolyubsky Mikhail Vsevolod the Big Nest Mstislav II Yaroslav mind Roman Galitsky mind Vasilko mind 1271 Daniil Galitsky mind Konstantin Yuri II Svyatoslav Yaroslav II Mikhail Andrey Alexander Nevsky Yaroslav III Vasily Kostroma

THE FIRST PRINCES The founder of the Rurik dynasty, the first ancient Russian prince According to The Tale of Bygone Years, he was called to reign in 862 by the Ilmen Slovenes, the Chud and all of the Varangian lands. He reigned in Ladoga, and then in all Novgorod lands. combatant) - Oleg Rurik

Oleg Mr. The first real ruler of Ancient Russia, who united the lands of the Slavic tribes along the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks." In 882, he captured Kyiv and made it the capital of the ancient Russian state, killing Askold and Dir, who had previously reigned there. He subjugated the tribes of the Drevlyans, Northerners, Radimichi. Strengthened the foreign policy position. In 907 he made a successful military campaign against Constantinople, which resulted in two peace treaties beneficial for Russia (907 and 911)

Igor Mr. He expanded the boundaries of the Old Russian state, subduing the tribe of Easter cakes and contributed to the foundation of Russian settlements on the Taman Peninsula. Repulsed the raids of the nomadic Pechenegs. He organized military campaigns against Byzantium - ended in failure - the conclusion of a mutually beneficial agreement Killed by the Drevlyans while collecting tribute in 945

Olga Mrs. The wife of Prince Igor, ruled in Russia during the childhood of his son Svyatoslav and during his campaigns. For the first time, she established a clear procedure for collecting tribute (“polyudya”) by introducing: 1) lessons - determining the exact amount of tribute. 2) graveyards - establishing places of tribute collection. A trip to Byzantium (957) and the adoption of Christianity under the name Elena In 968, she led the defense of Kyiv from the Pechenegs.

1 version. Slavic.

2 version. Swedish version.

In the VIII-IX centuries. among the Eastern Slavs, a tribe began to stand out living along the middle course of the Dnieper: south of Kyiv to the Ros River and along the course of this river and its tributary Rossava. Here, at the confluence of the Ros with the Dnieper, there was the annalistic city of Rodnya, the remains of which are seen in the Knyazhaya Gora, rich in archaeological finds. Several centuries later, Yaropolk fled from Kyiv to the city of Rodnya ʼʼat the mouth of the Rosʼʼ, running away from his brother St. Vladimir. Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, Ros, Rossava, Relatives are united in one place. The Varangians who came to these places, without further ado, called the land of the natives Rus.

3 version. Sarmatian version.

The defender of this hypothesis was Mikhailo Lomonosov, who believed that the Rus are direct descendants of the warlike Sarmatian tribes of Roxolans or Rosomans (these self-names evolved over time into the word ʼʼRusʼʼ). By the way, the Polish gentry were also competitors of Russia for the right to bear the title of the descendants of the Sarmatians.

4 version. tax version.

A number of historians argue that ʼʼʼʼʼ was not called a separate tribe, but a profession - tribute collectors. Remember the term ʼʼpoludieʼʼ? Among some Finno-Ugric peoples, the word ʼʼ peopleʼʼ denoted those who were forced to pay tribute, and those who collected this tribute were probably called Rus. Among the collectors of that time there were many Varangians-combatants, in connection with this, the social term, apparently, was transferred to the ethnic name of the Varangians. Interestingly, the word ʼʼpeopleʼʼ even became the self-name of one of the Finno-Ugric peoples (Ljudi).

5 Version. Rowing version.

Recently, a hypothesis has spread that there was no ʼʼʼʼʼ tribe at all. And there were international (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish) rowers, participants in rowing boat trips, who called themselves ʼʼrobsʼʼ in the Norman maritime jargon. Well, the locals (Slavs and Finno-Ugrians) for convenience renamed them to a more harmonious ʼʼRusʼʼ.

6 version. Military version.

In the early stages of the formation of the Old Russian state, ʼʼʼʼʼ was called the military estate. By the way, among the then vigilantes there were many people from Scandinavia (this is in support of other versions. Ed.). A little later, ʼʼʼʼʼ began to be called the form of government (like a military republic), and only then, the name passed to the whole people.

7 version. Red-faced version.

As you know, the Byzantines called the aggressors who periodically raided Constantinople, having passed the path ʼʼfrom the Varangians to the Greeksʼʼ, ʼʼRussiansʼʼ (that is, ʼʼredʼʼ or ʼʼredʼʼ). This gave rise to hypotheses that the guests from Kievan Rus received their nickname for their complexion (whether for a blush, or for a tendency to burn in the southern sun is unclear). Interestingly, Ibn-Fadlan, who met the Varangians in 922, spoke of them: ʼʼΟʜᴎ are like palm trees, ruddy, redʼʼ.

One of the early versions, deriving the name "Rus" from the name of the right tributary of the Dnieper river Ros in the Kyiv region. Unpopular today.

There are many hypotheses that derive the name "Rus" from foreign sources:

a) In the II-III centuries AD. between the Balts, Slavs and Germans lived some ruts (rugs), which even Tacitus called "Reudignii" (reudignii). Scholars trace this tribal name to a term meaning "forest uprooters"; b) There is a proposal to take the word "bear" as the initial concept that formed the ethnonym "Rus", ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ in many Western European languages ​​has a common root urs;

c) Finns and Karelians used the word ruotsi to call warriors among the Varangians. The semantic base of this term was based on the concepts of "oar people", "rowing warriors", but it equally applied to the Slavs and Swedes;

Moreover, the very possibility of transforming the name of a social group into an ethnonym is highly doubtful.

d) some researchers deduce the name "Rus" from the Latin word rus, meaning countryside;

Strictly speaking, the words "reudiginii", "rugi", "ruts", ruotsi" or "roksolany", from which D.I. Ilovaisky derived the name of our ancestors, are phonetically still quite far from the word "Rus".

An interesting and sufficiently substantiated version is expressed by the writer Vladimir Chivilikhin in the book Memory, Book 2, chapter 28, according to which it is presented here.

The oldest settlements of the Eastern Slavs, from which the first Russian cities later formed, all, without a single exception, settled on the rivers. The river to a large extent ensured the livelihoods of our ancestors: it provided water for cooking and housekeeping, supplied fish and water birds, provided an easy, ideally smooth path through the water in summer, over ice in winter; the river also formed a natural defense on steep banks cut by tributaries ...

Our distant ancestors deified the river, and the first evidence of the veneration of rivers and water deities (nymphs) by the Slavs was recorded by the Byzantine Procopius in the 6th century AD. Nestor also wrote that in the pagan era we worshiped rivers, lakes, springs instead of gods.

The Slovak linguist and ethnographer Pavel Szafranek (1795-1860) noted in his writings that in the Proto-Slavic language the river was called Rusa (rusa). He wrote:

"This root Slavic word, as a common noun, has already remained in use only among Russians in the word channel, denoting a hollow, riverbed, depth, vir; but as a proper name for rivers, cities and villages, more or less near them lying, is used by almost all Slavs.

The famous Russian historian of the last century D.I. Ilovaisky wrote:

The popular name Ros or Rus, like many other names, is in direct connection with the names of rivers. Eastern Europe is replete with rivers that bear or once bore this name. So the Neman in the old days was called Ros; one of its sleeves retained the name Rus; and the bay into which it flows was called Rusna. Then follow: Ros or Rusa, a river in the Novgorod province, Rus, a tributary of the Nareva; Ros, the famous tributary of the Dnieper in the Ukraine; Rusa, a tributary of the Seven; Ros-Embach; Ros-Oskol; Porusie, Polist tributary and others. But most importantly, the name Ros or Ras belonged to our Volga."

(Ilovaisky D. Research on the beginning of Russia, M. 1882, p. 70-71)

From the same Proto-Slavic root "rus" the word mermaid is formed, many pagan beliefs and pagan rites of mermaid are associated with her ancient cult.

V.I.Dal recorded in his dictionary many dialectal Russian words derived from the same original root "rus": ruslen - a shed overboard, for which the shrouds are attached; ruslina - rapid, rod; rust - "water is rustling", which means it goes in a stream, a stream; own name Rus - "a fabulous monster of the Dnieper rapids"; the male name Ruslan, remembered from a Pushkin poem;

The main guiding word for us remains "channel", inherent only in the Russian language and formed from the root "rus" with a final Russian inflection, very common in our language: weight-lo, wind-lo, draft-lo, sus-lo, we -lo, mas-lo, rocker-lo, tochi-lo and so on.

A great many tribes and peoples on earth were named after the place of their predominant habitat. The self-name of the Primorye Chukchi is an kalyn ("sea dwellers"), the Bedouins are "desert dwellers", the Selkups are shesh kul ("taiga man"), the Seneca Indians are nunda-ve-o-no ("the great people of the hills").

Let's proceed to the main conclusion: If "rusa" is a "river" - the eternal place of settlements of our ancestors, with which their way of life and beliefs have always been so closely connected, "rus" is the Proto-Slavic root that formed such a large nest of words only in the Russian language, Rus is already a half-forgotten mythical Dnieper deity, then the generalized ethnonym "Rus" or "Russ" - from ancient times meant "living on the rivers", "river dwellers", "river people".

Addition to version 3

In the publication of Professor F.I. ", flowing in the far northwest, in the old homeland (See On the origin of the Slavs).

And in the "Avesta", the sacred book of the ancient Persians, attributed to Zarathustra himself, speaks of the river Ranha, where people live without leaders, where winter reigns and the earth is covered with snow; later among the Persians it is the river Raha, separating Europe from Asia.

With a meticulous philological analysis, F. Knauer proves the etymological identity of these names with the ancient name of the Volga - Ra, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ later acquired such forms as Ros among the Greeks and Arabs, Ros, Rus, Rosa, Rusa among the Slavs. The last toponyms were the numerous northwestern rivers in the new places of settlement of the people, who in ancient times took their historical paths from the Volga, just as other ancient Indo-Europeans who moved from it to the far southeast named one of the tributaries of the Indus after that same river-progenitor Rasa. Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, the author believes that "... the name of the people Rus is of purely Slavic-Russian origin" and "in the exact rendering of the word means nothing more than the Volga people.

Version 4. Another version is expressed by Viktor Ivanovich Paranin in the book Historical Geography of Chronicle Russia. Petrozavodsk, "Karelia", 1990.

Based on the provisions of the so-called Nostratic theory, V.I. Paranin concludes: "firstly, in the north of Europe there is a group of languages, on the basis of which the name Rus with the meaning "riding", "southern country" could appear, these are the Baltic-Finnish languages, and Karelian appears to be the most likely basis language; secondly, in this region there are numerous traces of the systems of territorial organization of society that existed in the past, one of which the name Rus goes back to.

Explanation by V.I. Paranin: "The Nostratic theory makes it possible to see a single meaning in the names of geographical objects close in transcription located in the vast Euro-Afro-Asian region. And this, in turn, makes it possible, firstly, to decipher the extensive toponymic material on the basis of languages, sometimes quite remote from the object whose name we are trying to comprehend; secondly, to extrapolate the deciphered data or the system of formation of geographical names found in a certain region to other territories.

It should be noted that the conclusions based on the provisions of the Nostratic theory seem to be very unreliable, since the probability of "far-fetched" comparisons is exceptionally high.