Psychological tests blots. Adaptations and modifications

In 1921, in terms of its popularity in psychodiagnostic studies of personality, this test occupies a leading position among other projective methods. The stimulus material for the test consists of 10 standard tables with black-and-white and color symmetrical amorphous (weakly structured) images (the so-called Rorschach "spots").

The subject is asked to answer the question of what, in his opinion, each image looks like. A verbatim record is kept of all the statements of the subject, the time from the moment the table was presented to the beginning of the answer, the position in which the image is viewed, and any behavioral features are taken into account. The examination ends with a survey, which is carried out by the experimenter according to a certain scheme (clarification of the details of the image, according to which associations arose, etc.). Sometimes the procedure of “limit determination” is additionally applied, the essence of which is the direct “call” of the subject to certain reactions-answers.

Each answer is formalized using a specially designed symbol system for the following five counting categories:

  1. localization (selection for the answer of the entire image or its individual details);
  2. determinants (the shape of the image, color, shape together with color, etc. can be used to form the answer;
  3. level of form (assessment of how adequately the form of the image is reflected in the answer, while the most frequently received interpretations are used as a criterion);
  4. content (the answer may concern people, animals, inanimate objects, etc.);
  5. originality-popularity (very rare answers are considered original, and those that are found in at least 30% of the surveyed are considered popular).

These enumeration categories have elaborate classifications and interpretive characteristics. Usually, "total estimates" are studied, i.e. sums of the same type of assessments, the relationship between them. The totality of all obtained relationships allows you to create a single and unique structure of interrelated personality traits.

The Rorschach test diagnoses the structural characteristics of a personality: individual characteristics of the affective-need sphere and cognitive activity (cognitive style), intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts and measures to deal with them (defense mechanisms), the general orientation of the personality (type of experience), etc.

Theoretical basis

The main theoretical installations of Rorschach were as follows.

If a person operates with the whole spot, then he is able to perceive the main relationships and is inclined to systematized thinking. If he is fixed on small details, then he is picky and petty, if on rare ones, it means that he is prone to "extraordinary" and is capable of heightened powers of observation. Responses to a white background, according to Rorschach, indicate the presence of an oppositional attitude: in healthy people - a tendency to debate, stubbornness and self-will, and in mentally ill people - about negativism and strange behavior. In all these interpretations, there is a tendency to direct analogies and the idea of ​​the uniqueness of the way of seeing and the nature of thinking. You see every little thing, which means you are a pedant; you see not the spots themselves, like most people, but the adjacent white background, which means you think unconventionally.

Rorschach considered the ability to clearly perceive the shape of spots as an indicator of the stability of attention and one of the most important signs of intelligence. Responses to movement, arising with the assistance of ideas about movements previously seen or experienced by the subject himself, he considered as an indicator of intelligence, a measure of inner life (introversion) and emotional stability. He regarded a large number of color responses as a manifestation of emotional lability.

Rorschach called the ratio of responses by movement and color "the type of experience." He associated the predominance of responses by movement with the introversive type of experience, the predominance of color responses - with extratensive. He saw the main difference between introversion and extratension in a greater dependence on internal experiences than on external impressions.

Paying special attention to the peculiarities of the perception of spots, Rorschach dwelled relatively little on what kind of objects were seen in them. He believed that the content of the answers only accidentally reflects the experiences of the subjects.

Despite the fact that there is still no complete theory linking the features of stimulus interpretation with personality characteristics, the validity of the test has been proven by numerous studies. Special studies 80-90 years. the high retest reliability of both individual groups of test indicators and the methodology as a whole was also confirmed. The development of the Rorschach test has led to the emergence of the six most well-known schemes for analyzing the results obtained in the world psychodiagnostic practice, which have both formal and interpretive differences. Known tests of "ink spots", developed on the model of the Rorschach test, its modification for group examination.

After the death of the author of the technique, the Rorschach test was further developed in the USA, where, starting from the 30s, interest in it began to grow, and it began to gain popularity. In total, 5 main approaches to using the Rorschach test were formed in the USA.

The first two approaches were created by S. Beck and M. Hertz, who adhered to the traditional Rorschach view of this technique. These researchers emphasized the standardization of testing and data collection using the Rorschach method.

The next well-known approach, proposed by B. Klopfer, was based on the psychoanalytic interpretation of the formal characteristics of the subject's response.

Another system for using the test (the system of Z. Piotrovsky) was focused on the study of neurological patients with organic pathology of the brain using the Rorschach method.

Another psychoanalytic approach to using the Rorschach test was developed by D. Rapaport. His ideas about the Rorschach test were developed by R. Schafer, who presented the first attempt to interpret the content of the answers from the point of view of the psychodynamics of the subject's personality.

In Europe, the most prominent scientist who worked with the Rorschach test was E. Bohm. Unfortunately, in the 70s, the further systematic development of the European School on the application of the Rorschach test practically ceased.

History of creation

Adaptations and modifications


The study should be conducted in a calm and relaxed atmosphere in the absence of strangers. If the presence of a third person is necessary, it is advisable to warn the subject about this and obtain his consent. It is necessary to ensure the continuity of the experiment in advance, to exclude phone calls and other distractions. If the subject uses glasses, care must be taken in advance that they are at hand. The test is best done in daylight. In cases where a detailed psychological study is being carried out, it is recommended to offer the Rorschach test to the subject in the first place.

The experimenter sits down at the table at a right angle to the subject or next to him so that he can see the tables at the same time as the subject. The tables are preliminarily placed to the left of the experimenter face down.

Before starting the experiment, it is necessary to ask the subject whether he is familiar with the technique, heard or read about it. Before showing the tables in a preliminary conversation, you should establish contact with the subject. It is also extremely important to be aware of the subject's physical (fatigue, illness) and mental state at the time the tables are shown.

The origin of the tables is usually not explained. If the subject asks if this experiment is an intelligence test, the answer should be negative, but one can agree with the opinion that the test is a fantasy test. Questions of the subject during the experiment should be avoided and their resolution “until later”.

Work with the subject consists of four stages: 1) the actual execution, 2) a survey, 3) the use of analogies, 4) the definition of sensitivity limits.

1st stage

The tables are given to the subject in the hands in the main position, in a certain sequence - according to the number on the back of the table. The subject is asked what the spots remind him of, what they look like. The instruction can be repeated several times. If the subject doubts the correctness of his answers, then he is told that there are no erroneous answers, since all people see different things on the tables. Bohm proposes to supplement the instructions with the following phrase: "You can rotate the tables as you like." According to Kloepfer et al., remarks about table rotation should not be included in the initial instruction, but when the subject himself begins to rotate the table, he is not interfered with. We recommend using Bohm's instructions.

Any clue as to the interpretation of spots should be avoided. Permissible rewards: "Yes", "Excellent", "See how well you do." If it is difficult to answer the first table, the experimenter behaves expectantly, but if the interpretation is still not given, one must proceed to the next table. If after the first answer there is a long pause, they ask: “What else? You can give several answers."

Time is not limited. It is allowed to interrupt work with one table after 8-10 answers.

All responses of the subject are recorded in the study protocol. Exclamations, facial expressions, the behavior of the subject and all the comments of the experimenter are recorded. The position of the table is marked with an angle, the vertex of which means the upper edge of the table, or with the letters: Λ - the main position of the table (a), > - the upper edge of the table on the right (b), v - the table is turned upside down (c),< - верхний край таблицы слева (d). Локализация ответов описывается словесно или отмечается на специальной дополнительной схеме, где таблицы изображены в уменьшенном виде. Если речь идет не об основном положении таблицы, то обозначения типа «снизу», «сверху», «справа» рекомендуется заключать в скобки. Временные показатели фиксируются при помощи часов с секундной стрелкой; секундомер нежелателен, так как может вызвать экзаменационный стресс.

2nd stage

The survey required to clarify the answers. The main orientation of the survey is in the words: "where?", "How?" and why?" (“Show where it is”, “How did you get such an impression?”, “Why is this such and such an image?”). In this case, it is better to use the terminology of the subject himself. If, for example, the answer is "beautiful butterfly", one might ask what makes the spot look like a butterfly and why it looks beautiful. The wording of subsequent questions will depend on the responses received. Leading questions should not inspire the subject with answers that do not reflect his personal perception.

If the subject finds it difficult to verbally designate the localization, he is offered to make a copy of the specified part of the spot using transparent paper or draw the image he sees. To clarify whether a human image is visible in motion, the experimenter asks the subject to tell in more detail about the perceived. Questions like: "Are we talking about the living or the dead?" - not recommended. To find out if color was used in the answer, they ask if the same image can be seen on the reduced achromatic diagrams.

If additional answers are given at this stage, they may be used for the overall score, but are not included in the calculation.

3rd stage

The use of analogies is optional and is used only where the survey did not reveal what features of the spots the subject relied on in his answers. They ask whether one or another determinant (color, movement, shades) indicated in one answer can be applied to other answers. The results obtained are referred to additional estimates.

4th stage

Determination of sensitivity limits. The need for it is less, the richer the initial protocol. At this stage, it is determined: 1) whether the subject can see the details and integrate them into the whole, 2) whether he can perceive human images and project movement on them, 3) whether he can perceive color, chiaroscuro and popular images.

The subject's answers are provoked by more and more specific questions. If the subject gives only complete answers, they say: “Some people can see something in certain parts of the table. Try it, maybe you can do it too." If the subject finds it difficult to fulfill this request, point to the usual detail (D) and ask: "What does it look like?". If this does not help to see the image in the detail of the spot, it can be said that some people see "animals" in the lateral pink areas of the table. VIII and "spiders" in the upper lateral blue spots of pl. x.

If the subject does not give popular answers, then he is shown several popular images and asked: “Do you think this looks like ...?”

When there are no color answers in the protocol, it is suggested to decompose all tables into groups according to some criterion. When separating groups, for example, by content, they are asked to divide the tables again according to another attribute. For the third time, you can offer to decompose the tables into pleasant and unpleasant. If within three Attempts the subject does not select a group of color tables, it is concluded that he does not respond to the color stimulus.

Response Encryption

Encryption is the designation and classification of responses, taking into account five main categories: localization, determinants, content, popularity / originality, form quality.

The main purpose of encryption is to establish a connection between the response and the spot element, as well as to formalize the response for subsequent analysis and interpretation operations.

The answer is considered a statement corresponding to the whole inkblot or its parts. Distinguish between the main answers (spontaneous) and additional (received during the survey); the latter are calculated separately and are taken into account in the calculation formulas with special coefficients.

Answer Definition

Answers are such statements that the subject himself evaluates as an answer, and not as a remark or comment. (Here and below: E. - experimenter, I. - test subject.)

Tab. X"There's a sense of balance here."

E. "Do you consider this a remark or an answer, like the 'spiders' you saw here?" I. "That's the answer... They're all in balance." Evaluation of W mF Abs. 0.5

Comments are not rated as an answer.

Tab. VII."This table gives the impression of something furry."

E. "When you mentioned the general 'fury impression,' did you mean an answer or a remark?" I. “That was a remark.” E. “Could it be a piece of fur?” I. "No..."

If the subject considers the naming of a color (for example, Table IX: “Here is red, green, yellow”) as the answer, it is encrypted:

W Cn (color naming) Color 0.0

If the subject does not consider his statement an answer, it is marked with des (color description) and is not encrypted.

Two or more responses to the same spot are encrypted separately, unless the subject subsequently rejects one of them or if he does not say that they are different descriptions of the same image.

Tab. v."Butterfly. Bat".

E. "Do you think it's a butterfly or a bat, or maybe it's both?" I. "It's more like a bat."

This is one answer.

Tab. v."On the wings and legs it is a bat, and on the antennae it is an insect."

These are two answers.

If the subject connects two or more answers with the word “or”, they are all encrypted separately. If the subject replaces one answer with another and at the same time uses different determinants, then the rejected answer is taken into account only in additional marks. If the answer is given as a question or rejected without replacement, it is also scored as an additional one.

E. "What part of the spot did you use for this answer?" I. “I meant the whole spot, but now it does not seem to me the skin of an animal. I don't know why I said that."

Tab. VI."It might be the skin of an animal."

Score (W Fc Aobj P 1.0).

Here parentheses mean that all elements should be classified as additional. With localization difficulties, such additional answers should be completely excluded from the rating system.

When the subject corrects his answer spontaneously, this is considered the development of the original answer. Such developments (specifications) should be distinguished from individual responses. Specifications are elements that form essential parts of the seen image. For example, legs, arms, and head belonging to the same person are not scored as separate responses. The main criterion that distinguishes a specification from an answer is that it cannot be seen if taken separately, by itself. "Hats" can be considered as specifications for "heads", although they may be seen separately. "Rivers" and "forests" are specifications for "landscapes". When in the upper central dark areas of the table. X see "two animals gnawing a tree", then "tree" should be considered a specification. On the other hand, the "butterfly" or "bow" seen in Table. III, and "spiders" or "caterpillars" in Table. X's are so often seen separately that they are evaluated as independent interpretations, even when they are part of a more complex answer.

With a "dense organization" of interpretations, individual parts are not regarded as independent answers if they do not belong to popular images.

Tab. I."Three dancers. Two men in cloaks and hoods circle around the woman in the center with their arms raised. The woman is wearing a transparent shirt.

This "dense organization" cannot be broken down into its component parts.

Rating W M Fc H 4.5

Tab. VIII."A multicolored shield with animals standing on their hind legs."

Here, despite being "densely organized", animal images are among the popular responses and are therefore scored separately.

W Fc Ernbl 2.0 D FM (A) P 1.5

The parenthesis indicates the relationship between the answers.

With “free organization”, individual parts receive an independent localization assessment. If they are only mentioned in the survey, they receive an additional score.

Tab. VIII.“These are underwater creatures and corals. Green and pink are water and flowers. Sea lizards clamber along the sides.

W CF N 0.5 D FM A 1.5

Tab. IX."Marine". (When questioned, "claws of cancer" and "oyster shell" are indicated.)

W CF N 0.5

Add. 1 D Fc Ad 1.0

Add. 2 D Fc" Aobj 1.0

In cases where relatively formless determinants are part of a larger response characterized by good form, they are not separately coded. Tab. III. “Two natives are beating a drum; from the ashes left after the fire, smoldering embers fly out.

W M CF Fc Fc" mF Nigre R  O 4.5

Here, the “ember” response to red details would not have arisen if it had not been subordinated to a holistic organization. Therefore, the use of color is not reflected in a separate assessment, but in an additional one.

Each answer receives five ratings: according to the localization of the image, according to the determinants, that is, those features of the spot on which the subject relies when giving an answer, according to the content, according to the degree of originality of the answer, and according to the level of form.

Response Localization

Holistic Answers

When the entire table is interpreted, the answers are called complete and are denoted by W (from the English. Whole). Among them, four groups are distinguished: W, W, DW and WS.

An example of a holistic answer W for Table. I can be either a "bat" or the "three dancers" described above. The first answer is simple, the second is simultaneous-combinatorial. Both of them reflect an instantaneous act of perception.

The successive-combinatorial holistic answer does not appear at first glance, but gradually. One image follows another until they merge. For example, in Table. III: “Two people stand bent over. They are cooking something in a cauldron... The red is discarded bones.”

The answer is given as W and in those cases when, when using the entire spot, individual small parts of it are ignored. If one symmetrical half is seen as a reflection of the other, this is also a holistic interpretation. It is more difficult to evaluate the answer in those cases where it focuses on one half of the table, and says about the other: "It's the same."

Where only a part of the spot is clearly perceived, but the subject strives to use the entire spot (these answers should be distinguished from confabulatory ones), the symbol “ W” is used, denoting a tendency to the whole.

Tab. VIII."Mice climbing the wall."

E. "Where is the wall?" I. "Here" (points to the middle part). E. "What makes it look like a wall?" I. "Exactly what they are climbing on it." D  W F M A R 1.5

An assessment of W as an additional one (D  W) will also be given in those cases when a holistic answer is indicated for the first time not during the execution itself, but at the stage of the survey, or when the subject refuses the originally holistic answer expressed.

Tab. I."Bat Wings"

I. "At first I saw only the wings, now I see that the whole spot looks like a bat." D  W F A R 1.0

Truncated W(cut-off Whole) is used in cases where the subject uses almost the entire spot (at least 2/3 of it) and indicates that he omits some elements that do not correspond to the concept of the image. The red details in Table 1 are often excluded. II and III. The subject should spontaneously mention any missing parts of the spot. If the fact of non-use of some parts is revealed only during the survey in response to questions like: "Did you use this part?", then such answers are rated as ordinary W.

Confabulatory Holistic Responses D.W. In these cases, one detail is clearly perceived, and everything else is conjectured to the whole without taking into account the configuration of the entire spot or the location of individual parts relative to each other. Examples are "butterfly" (in Plate VI) due to the "antennae" located at the top, or the answer "chest" (in Plate VIII) resulting from the assessment of the blue squares as "lungs".

DW answers are always in bad shape. Some authors propose to consider interpretations not only with bad form (DW-), but also with good form (DW+) as confabulatory. This does not correspond to the point of view of Rorschach and most other researchers who considered confabulatory responses as an important pathological feature. Therefore, solid images with good shape, based on the initial highlighting of any detail, should not be assessed as DW+, but simply as W+.

Holistic responses that take white gaps into account, such as the "mask" in Table. I are rated as WS.

Answers to the usual details

Parts of the spot that are clearly visible and most often perceived are called ordinary details. Images based on them are denoted D. Most Ds are large fragments, but small details also fall into this category if they have a distinct shape and immediately catch the eye. (Such small, but quite often perceived details are distinguished by American authors as a special variety of ordinary details, denoted by the symbol d). Rorschach did not indicate the frequency of responses sufficient to highlight D. Lepfe suggested referring to them those parts of the spots for which at least 4.5% of responses are given. Beck and I. G. Bespalko used a 2% level of D isolation in their works.

In view of the dependence of the perception of Rorschach tables on the ethnic factor noted by many researchers, Losley-Usteri recommended compiling localization maps for each country separately. In our country, such work was carried out by I. G. Bespalko. Below is his list D, and in fig. 2.1 - localization tables.

Table I

  1. The entire middle region ("beetle", "man").
  2. The entire side section ("mythical animal"),
  3. Upper half of the lateral region ("dog's head"),
  4. Lower half of lateral region without clear outer borders; the choice of this area is not due to the external borders, but due to the texture (“teddy bear head”, “owl head”).
  5. Lateral contour of the lower half of the lateral area ("doll profile").
  6. The most pronounced lateral protrusion ("wing"),
  7. Upper central claw-like protrusions ("deer antlers").
  8. The upper half of the central region ("crab").
  9. The dark part of the lower half of the central region ("thighs"),

Table II.

  1. The entire dark area ("bears").
  2. Lower red spot ("butterfly").
  3. Intermediate white central spot ("yula"),
  4. Upper red areas.
  5. Upper central conical region ("rocket", "castle", "knight"),
  6. Lower side protrusion ("rooster's head"),

Table III.

  1. Everything is dark ("two people").
  2. Upper-lateral red spots ("monkeys").
  3. Central red spot ("butterfly"),
  4. Inferior-laterally oblong areas ("fish"; in the D1 concept - "people's legs"),
  5. Center-lower dark rounded areas ("heads of blacks").
  6. The entire lower dark center.
  7. "Head and torso of a man" from D1 ("man"; in the c-D1 position - "bird"),
  8. The entire gray center of the lower central dark area D6.
  9. "Head of a Man" by D1.
  10. The lower part of the "human torso" (in the b-position - "mouse head").
  11. "One of the people."
  12. The lower endings are D4 ("shoes with heels", "hooves").

Table IV.

  1. Central lower region ("snail's head").
  2. Inferior-lateral protrusion, outer part of the light gray area ("head of a dog", "profile of a man with a forelock").
  3. The entire lower-lateral part ("boot").
  4. Upper oblong ledge ("snake", "roots").
  5. The entire lower lateral light gray area, the light part of the "boot" (in the b-position - "dog").
  6. Dark in the "boot" ("walrus").
  7. Small protrusion at the top of the spot ("clown profile" in b-position, "gymnast's head" in D8).
  8. The entire upper lateral protrusion, which includes D4, as well as its dark base and a connecting strip from the base to D4 ("bird's head").
  9. The entire central dark strip ("spine"),
  10. The entire upper half of the spot ("dog's head").
  11. The uppermost central light area, taken either as a whole (“human head”), or only in its protruding part (“flower”).

Table V

  1. Lower central oblong protrusions ("snakes"),
  2. Lateral area, including about a third of the "wing" and the outer side protrusions ("ham", "running animal"),
  3. The outermost side part ("crocodile head"),
  4. Central upper area ("hare's head"),
  5. Half of the entire spot or almost the entire half ("wing"),
  6. The whole center ("hare"),
  7. Upper protrusions ("hare ears").
  8. Outermost superior lateral process ("leg").
  9. The upper contour of the wing ("profile") with the possible inclusion of lateral processes D3, forming a beard or profile horns.
  10. The lower contour of the wing ("profile in a high cap"),

Table VI.

  1. The entire lower part ("skin"),
  2. The entire upper part ("bird").
  3. One of the halves of the lower part ("head with a long nose"; in the d-position - "iceberg"),
  4. Upper projections on D2 ("bird's wings").
  5. The uppermost part of the spot is in the form of a rounded protrusion with thin lines extending from it on the sides (“whiskers”) or without them (“snake's head”).
  6. The upper central oblong part, remaining from two, after the exclusion of the lateral D4 ("wings").
  7. Lower central small protrusions, two central and two slightly lateral ("flower organs", "insect mouth").
  8. Large lateral ledge ("walrus head"),
  9. The entire dark central stripe, starting from the very top ("spine").

Table VII.

  1. Middle area ("monster's head"),
  2. One or both upper areas with or without the uppermost protrusions ("hairstyles") or without them ("women's heads"),
  3. The upper or middle region as a whole (in the d-position - "dog").
  4. The entire lower region, with or without indication of the dark center (“butterfly”),
  5. Intermediate white area ("head in triangular hat").
  6. Dark lower central part with or without a gray central area below ("man", "well section").
  7. The uppermost ledge ("cat's tail").
  8. One of the symmetrical halves of the entire lower area D4 ("chess knight").
  9. Small light gray spiky protrusions on the upper region ("icicles").
  10. The lowermost light gray center, taken on its own, i.e. outside D6 ("dog's head").

Table VIII.

  1. Lateral pink areas ("walking animal").
  2. The entire lower orange-pink center (“butterfly”, “flower”).
  3. The upper gray-green conical part ("mountain") with the possible addition of a central dark stripe and underlying blue squares ("spruce"),
  4. Light skeletal formation between blue squares with possible inclusion of above and below central dark stripes (“spine”, “thorax”).
  5. Blue squares, one or both.
  6. Most lateral projections on D2 ("dog's head").
  7. Lowermost orange part (lower half of D2).
  8. Upper pink half of D2.
  9. The apical part on D3 (two pointed protrusions at the very top of the table - "two people from afar", "beak").

Table IX.

  1. One of the symmetrical green areas.
  2. One or both of the top orange areas.
  3. The entire central light area with or without the central stripe and two eye-like spots ("dress", "violin"),
  4. Only the lateral parts of the lower pink area ("human head"),
  5. The entire central line or only part of it, enclosed in area D3, but called independently ("fountain", "cane"),
  6. The entire lower pink area ("clouds", "swaddled baby"),
  7. Largest brown projection on medial side of D2 ("claws of cancer").
  8. All branched brown on the medial side of D2 (when it is isolated, the answer should include at least two of the three protrusions that make it up - “deer horns”, “two people and a tree”).
  9. A small area in D1, partly bordering D2 ("moose's head").
  10. Pinkish area together with central stripe (i.e. D6 and D5 taken as a whole; in c-position "tree").
  11. Both green halves taken as a whole ("pelvic bones").
  12. Central light rounded area (lower part of D3) with or without two eye-like spots (“owl heads”) included in it.
  13. Orange top and green middle areas as a whole (D1 + D2).
  14. The uppermost of the three protrusions included in D8 (in the d-position it resembles a “key”, “boot”).

Table X.

  1. Upper lateral blue spots ("crab"),
  2. Lower green oblong areas without a center (“caterpillar”) that unites them,
  3. Dark dense areas, approximately at the middle level of the map, outside the pink areas ("beetle"), sometimes with the inclusion of a dark spot associated with the main area in the yellow neighboring spot ("doe").
  4. The lower central part is light green in color with or without the inclusion of lateral dark dots (“rabbit head”, “man”).
  5. Inner yellow areas ("amoeba", "sitting dog"),
  6. One or both upper-central dark areas ("insects").
  7. All dark upper center.
  8. Large oblong pink areas.
  9. Blue small areas on the inside of pink spots with or without a small blue spot that unites them ("climbers")
  10. Underside outer brown spots ("furry dog"),
  11. Small, centrally located slingshot-like part of the orange center ("cherries").
  12. Green upper spots ("grasshopper").
  13. The entire green lower horseshoe region, i.e. D2 + D4, taken as a whole ("lyre").
  14. The uppermost dark central "pillar" ("chopped off trunk").
  15. Yellow side areas ("autumn leaves").
  16. Both pink parts are shared with the upper dark center, with or without the inclusion of the dark central pillar D14.
  17. The upper white central region, bounded by pink areas) from the sides and blue D9 from below with the inclusion of D1 inside it or without carried (“white owl”, “tortoise”).
  18. The entire intermediate area between the oblong pink areas includes the colored areas located in it, forming the eyes (D5) whiskers (D13), etc. (“human face”, “goat head”).

Sometimes the subject may add to D or, conversely, omit small patches of spots. If such changes form an insignificant part of the concept, the answers are still scored as D. A combination of several ordinary answers is also scored, except in cases where this combination is unusual.

Answers to unusual details

Those interpretations that are neither integral nor ordinary and are not responses to white space are evaluated as responses to the unusual details of Dd. They fall into several categories:

  • dd - small or tiny details that are separated from the rest of the spot by space, shades or color;
  • de - edge details, in which only contours are used; most often these are "profiles" or "coastlines";
  • di - internal details, which use the inner shadow part of the spots without specifying the edges;
  • dr - unusually demarcated details that do not fall into any of the categories listed above; in size, they can be large, close to W, or, conversely, small, approaching dd (unlike dd, their boundaries are debatable). Among them, two types are distinguished: with unusual outlines, not limited by the structural qualities of spots, and with an unusual combination of D details.

Bohm's manual uses a single symbol, Dd, to represent all of these categories of responses to unusual details.

Answers to white space

In the rating system of Klopfer and co-authors, they are denoted by the symbol S. Bohm suggests dividing them into ordinary DZw and unusual DdZw (here "Zw" from German "Zwischenfiguren", similar to English "S"). Beck, who paid much attention to the frequency assessment of answers, came to the conclusion that the large white spots in tables II, VII and X are true D. According to the above list of I. G. Bespalko, D-answers should include not only interpretations of the indicated Beck high-frequency white details, but also indications of the white central region of Table. X. In our work, responses to white space areas listed in the list of D-answers by I. G. Bespalko were rated as D, and indications to any other background fragments as S.

Where white spaces are indicated in combination with main spots, two designations are used to assess localization and the leading one is placed first.

Tab. VII."It's an ocean with islands on it" (here "islands" is the whole blur, and "ocean" is the white space around it).

S W F Geo 1.0

Tab. I."Mask with holes for the eyes."

W S F Mask 1.5

Rorschach and Bohm used a special designation for the so-called oligophrenic details - parts of a human or animal figure, which are given where most healthy subjects easily see a whole person or a whole animal. For example, in Table III, the subject points not to the figure of the whole person, but to his head or leg. Rorschach initially assumed that such responses were found only in oligophrenics and people with low intelligence, but this assumption turned out to be incorrect. Following the American authors, we did not use a special designation for such details.


These include qualitative characteristics of the response in form, kinesthesia, color and light and shade. Only one determinant can be the main one, the rest are considered additional. The first place is given to the determinant, which is emphasized by the subject in the description and development of the answer. A determinant that is applicable only to a part of the specified spot, for example, and in the answer "Bears with red hats", or is due to a prompt, is evaluated as additional. In difficult cases, preference is given to the determinant already mentioned, and not to the one that first appeared during the survey. In other cases, kinesthesia comes first, color comes second, and texture comes third. Because shape always has a place in kinesthetic responses and is included in chiaroscuro and color scores, it is never considered as an additional determinant.

Shaped responses (F)

A form score is given to all responses where there is no other primary determinant (movement, hue, color). This estimate is also applied in those cases where the form is imprecise, indefinite abstract.

Tab. I."Mask" (during the survey, the eyes, nose and cheekbones are indicated).

W F+ Mask 2.0

Tab. IX."It's an abstract thing, a balance" (when questioned, it is indicated that this is the answer).

W F- Abs 0.5

Rorschach singled out responses with a good F+ and a bad F-. He proposed to define good forms in a statistical way and to attribute to them those shaped answers that are most often given by healthy subjects. “Anything that is better than these uniform answers is also rated as F+, everything that is less clearly seen is designated as F-.” Here, the word "better" implies a good match between the image concept that the subject proposes and the spot configuration that he uses.

Among shaped responses with bad form, inaccurate F- and indefinite F- are distinguished. The former, with a certain statement, lacks resemblance to a spot (for example, the answer “bear” to a spot that looks completely different). This category includes most anatomical responses, such as "pelvis" or "thorax" in Table. I. In the second case, there is no certainty of reasoning: "Something anatomical", "Some kind of prehistoric animal." For geographic answers such as “country”, “some kind of archipelago”, when there is no concretization, but there is some similarity to the image in the spot, the F± score is applied.

If the subject determines the side spots on the table. VIII as “two animals”, when questioning it should be clarified: “What kind of animals are these?”. When concretizing the answer, F + is put, otherwise - F-.

An approximate list of good and bad answers, intended for beginning Rorschachists, is available in the monographs of Losley-Usteri and Bohm.

Movement responses (M)

They arise with the assistance of kinesthetic engrams, i.e., ideas about movements previously seen or experienced by the subject himself. Often, the subject himself makes the appropriate movements with his arms and torso. Bohm believes that responses to movement are always empathized by the subjects and there is always identification behind them. He refers to kinesthetic responses not only human movements, but also the movements of anthropomorphic and anthropomorphized animals. Anthropomorphic animals include bears, monkeys, sloths. But their movements are encrypted as M only if they resemble human ones. "Climbing the wall bears" on the table. VIII are not encrypted as M, because their movements do not resemble human ones. (It should be noted that American authors evaluate the humanoid actions of animals not as M, but as FM.) Anthropomorphized animals include popular characters from books and films (Cheburashka, the Hare and the Wolf from the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!"), whose actions are experienced as humanoid.

M-responses do not always reflect a person in motion. Getting used to a specific body position, such as in the "sleeping women" response, is also associated with kinesthetic sensation. M-answers also include indications of parts of human figures visible in action (“two hands with raised index fingers”). American authors refer to M and descriptions of human facial expressions (“someone stuck out their tongue”, “distorted faces”), but a number of authors recommend not to encrypt such facial interpretations as kinesthetic. According to Shakhtel, the descriptions of facial expressions do not reflect the projection of one's own feelings, but the attitude of other people expected by the subject towards him.

In cases where movements or posture appear during questioning in response to leading questions, or are attributed to a human figure expressed in a drawing, caricature or statue, or are noted in tiny human beings that occupy an insignificant place in the overall concept, M is given as an additional assessment.

Animal movements are encrypted as FM.

Movements of inanimate objects ("flying carpet", "falling vase") are evaluated by the symbol m.

Answers by color

Depending on the combination with the form, they are encrypted as FC, CF, C.

Shape and color answers FC are noted when the form dominates and the color is secondary, for example, "boiled crayfish" - on a yellow spot (Plate IX) and "grasshopper" - on a green upper spot (Plate X). The answer "butterfly" to the central red spot (Table III) is in most cases an answer in the form F +, but "tropical butterfly" to the same spot is encrypted as FC. The response "red polar bears" to lateral pink areas (Table VIII) is an F+ response because the color used is not the color of the object in its natural state. (American authors categorize such responses as "forced color" and designate them as F ↔ C.)

FC responses can also be in bad shape. In this case, the subject names a certain colored object, the shape of which does not correspond to the outlines of the spot used.

If the shape-and-color answer is applicable only to part of the concept (“colored clown hats” in Table II) or if the entire indicated spot is colored, and the color is used only for part of the concept (for example, “roosters” to the upper-side red spots of Table III, “ as they have a red crest"), then the FC counts as an additional mark. One should never take for granted the use or non-use of color in the response, a survey is always needed, aimed at revealing attitudes towards color.

Color Form Answers CFs are defined primarily by color, while form recedes into the background and is indefinite ("clouds", "flowers", "rocks", etc.). Typical CF responses are "guts" or "explosion" in Table 1. IX. "Ice floes" and "lakes" into blue squares in Table. VIII.

Tab. VIII. "Corals".

W CF N 0.5

Tab. VIII, lateral pink area. "Strawberry ice cream".

DCF Food 0.5

Primary responses for color C are determined only by color. This is "blood" and "fire" for any red spot, "sky" for any blue "forest" for any green. But if there is any form element ("bloodstains", "a forest on a geographical map", "paints on an artist's palette"), the answer is encrypted as CF.

American authors offer even more stringent criteria for this category of answers and designate with the symbol “C” only those undifferentiated color answers that, when presented with tables, repeat several times. They encode the single response "blood" as CF. Therefore, in their protocols, the symbol "C" is rare and has a special pathological meaning.

If the answer consists in naming or listing various colors, it is encrypted as "naming a color" - Cn. In this case, the survey should establish that this is a response, and not a remark.

Tab. x."Here are two blue things, two yellow and two red."

E. “Can you tell us anything else about what you see on this table?” I. "No." E. "What could it be (upper side blue spot)?" I. "It's blue." W Cn Color 0.0

Color naming is rarely seen in healthy adults, but is more common in epilepsy, organic dementia, or schizophrenic dementia.

Achromatic color responses- those where black, white or gray parts of the tables are used as color characteristics of the object. They are encrypted as FC", C" F and C" depending on the combination with the form.

Tab. v."Bat".

E. "What makes her look like a bat?" I. “She is black. The ribs holding the wings are visible. W FC" A P 2.0

Tab. VII. "Black smoke".

W K C- Smoke 0.0

Chiaroscuro Answers

The interpretation of darker and lighter shades of gray and chromatic fields by Bohm and by American authors differs significantly from each other. We will first outline the basic principles for interpreting hue responses according to Bohm, and then we will analyze in more detail the more detailed ways in which American authors classify these responses.

Bohm divides hue responses into two main groups: F(C) tint responses and Ch chiaroscuro responses. The former are characterized by the fact that the subjects inside the selected area of ​​the spot highlight each shade and consider first of all its borders, and secondly, its color. Often these interpretations are perspectives, for example, in Table. II: “Park alley under the bright sun, bordered by dark trees hanging over the alley. The street narrows in perspective and becomes a narrow path in the distance.

With the answers of the second group, individual shades are not perceived, but there is a general diffuse impression of the perception of light and dark on the table. Depending on the combination with the shape, they are coded as FCh ("animal skin" in Tables IV and VI), ChF ("coal" in Table I, "X-ray" in Table IV, "storm clouds" in Table VII ) and Ch ("smoke", "steam", "dirty snow", "fog").

Kloepfer and co-authors divide responses on chiaroscuro into three main categories: C - hue gives the impression of surface or texture, K - hue gives the impression of three-dimensionality or depth, k - hue gives the impression of a three-dimensional space projected onto a two-dimensional plane. Depending on the combination of these categories with the form, different types of tint responses are formed.

The FC score is applied where the surface or texture is highly differentiated, or an object with surface or texture qualities has a specific shape. This includes answers naming animal fur, silk or satin clothing, objects made of marble or steel.

Tab. VII, middle area. "Teddy bear".

D FC (A) 1.5

Tab. II, top red area. "Red wool socks".

D F C Fc Obj 2.0

Tab. VI,"Fur rug" (sees thin curls).

W Fc Aobj P 1.0

The same rating is given for "cellophane transparency", for a light effect on a polished surface, for responses where subtle chiaroscuro differentiation is used to specify parts of objects, such as facial features, and where it creates a low-differentiated bas-relief-like three-dimensional effect. On the contrary, in those cases where the difference between the surfaces is more emphasized, the score "FK" is given.

Tab. I the entire middle region. "Dancer in a transparent shirt."

D M Fc H 2.5

The answer "dummy" to the same spot (the subject sees the tree through the clothes) is evaluated

D FK (H) 2.0,

since the distance between the surfaces is emphasized here.

Tab. III, light processes in the lower part. "Icicles" (in the survey indicates that the effect of transparency makes them icicles).

Dd Fc Icicle 1.5

Tab. VI, upper central elongated part. "A gleaming bedpost with a carved knob."

D Fc Obj 2.0

Tab. VII, left middle area. "The court clown. He says something funny and evil” (sees the hat, open mouth, lip, teeth).

D Fc Hd 3.0

Tab. VII."Carved busts of women with feathers on their heads, directed forward."

W Fc  M (Hd) 3.0

Tab. VIII, central red spot. "Vertebra" (sees shades).

D Fc At 1.0

In cases where the effect of texture is denied by the subjects or the answer is given along the contours, the Fc score is not used. Tab. VIII, lateral pink areas. "Furry animals climbing something" ("furry" because of the irregularity of the outlines, in which he sees small standing hairs of fur).

D → W F M A R 2.5

It uses an outer line, not chiaroscuro, and no texture is implied.

The cF estimate is given in cases where the skin effect itself is not highly differentiated. These are indefinitely outlined pieces of fur, rocks, grass, corals, snow.

Tab. VI."Rock" (in the survey it is indicated that it is rough and has the color of a rock).

WcF C"F Rock 0.5

Here the texture effect is combined with an object of indefinite shape. A mark of c is given in those cases where the subject completely ignores any element of the form, focuses only on the surface effect, and repeats this type of answer more than twice. Examples of such answers: "snow", "something metallic". This rare variety of tint responses occurs only in severe pathology.

The FK score is applied when chiaroscuro contributes to the depth effect. This requires at least three adjacent fields, the tint difference of which is used to form the concept. These responses include bushes and trees reflected in the water, views of the terrain seen horizontally or from an airplane, and all responses where one object is in front of another and the distance between them is emphasized.

Tab. II, top red area. "Spiral staircase" (points to shades).

D FK Arch 1.5

The KF estimate is used where a specific shape is included in the concept of diffusion.

Tab. VII."Clouds".

W KF Clouds 0.5

Tab. VII."Smoke Spirals".

W KF mF Smoke 0.5

If clouds are defined only by vague outlines and no hues are used, the KF score does not apply.

The K score refers to space-filling responses of light and dark (eg, "Northern Lights" in Table VI), or diffusion without form.

Diffusion criterion: it can be pierced with a knife without being divided into parts. These are completely undifferentiated "darkness", "fog", "smoke" and "clouds".

The Fk score is mainly used to refer to topographic maps and X-rays when they refer to a specific entity (a country of a certain geographic shape, a chest x-ray with ribs). If the indicated part of the map does not belong to a certain country, and certain anatomical formations are not distinguished on the x-ray, then such answers are encrypted as RF. And, finally, if the answer “X-ray” does not imply a form at all and is given for at least three tables, then such an answer is denoted as k.

  • H - human figures, whole or almost whole,
  • (H) - human figures devoid of reality, i.e. presented as drawings, caricatures, sculptures, or as mythological creatures (monsters, witches),
  • (Hd) - parts of human figures,
  • A - the figure of an animal, whole or almost whole,
  • (A) - mythological animal, monster, caricature, animal drawing,
  • Ad - parts of an animal, usually the head or paws,
  • At - human internal organs (heart, liver, etc.),
  • Sex - references to the genitals or sexual activity, or * references to the pelvis or lower body,
  • Obj - objects made by people,
  • Aobj - items made from animal material (skin, fur),
  • Aat - internal organs of animals,
  • Food - food, such as meat, ice cream, eggs (fruits and vegetables are plants),
  • N - landscapes, aerial view, sunset,
  • Geo - maps, islands, bays, rivers,
  • Pl - plants of all kinds, including flowers, trees, fruits, vegetables and parts of plants,
  • Arch - architectural structures: houses, bridges, churches, etc.,
  • Art - children's drawing, watercolor, where what is drawn has no specific content; landscape drawing will be N, etc.,
  • Abs - abstract concepts: "power", "strength", "love", etc.,
  • Bl - blood,
  • Ti - fire,
  • Cl - clouds.

Rarer types of content are indicated by whole words: Smoke, Mask, Emblem, etc.

Originality of answers

According to the frequency of answers, only two extremes are noted: the most common, or popular, and the rarest - original answers. By popular answers, R Rorschach meant the interpretations that are given by every third subject. Most authors consider the answers of every sixth subject to be popular.

The popularity of the answers is largely determined by ethnographic factors, so the lists of P by different authors differ somewhat from each other. Below we provide a list of answers received by I. G. Bespalko on a sample of 204 adults, indicating the percentage of subjects who named them. The minimum frequency limit P is equal to 16%, i.e. 1/6 of the number of subjects.

Table R-answers %
I 1. Bat (all spot) 38.2
2. Butterfly (all spot) 25.5
3. Beetle (the entire central region) 22.5
II 4. Any quadruped in normal or lateral position 31.5
III 5. Two people (whole dark area in normal position). One of the "people" is also R 66.7
6. Butterfly or bow tie (central red area) 46.1
7. A person or humanoid creature with arms raised (for the entire

dark area upside down) || 20.6

8. The front of the insect, fly, beetle (over the entire dark area upside down) 20.6
IV 9. Fur skin or fur carpet (all stain) 21.6
V 10. Bat (all slick) 60.8
11. Butterfly (all spot) 48.5
VI 12. Skin, fur clothing, fur carpet (all stain or no top D) 40.2
VII 13. Heads or faces of women (both or one upper region, called independently or included in larger localizations) 33.3
14. Head of the animal in the usual position of the table (on the middle area) 24.5
VIII 15. Any kind of mammal (side pink areas) 82.4 x 16. Any multi-legged animal: spider, octopus, beetle (upper side blue spots) 60.8
17. Head of a hare (lower central area in light green) 16.2
18. Seahorse upside down (central green oblong areas) 30.0
19. Beetles, insects (two symmetrical central dark spots in the upper central region, taken with or without a stem-like region uniting them) 17.2
20. Beetle, crab, tick (side dark area on the middle level of the table) 27.5

Original responses occur approximately once in 100 responses in healthy individuals. Depending on the clarity of perception, the original responses are divided into Orig+ and Orig-. There are originally developed answers and original answers, due to the peculiarities of perception. The latter reflect deviations from the usual ways of perception: often there is a mixture of figure and background.

Interpretation of the main categories of encryption

The psychological meaning of localization indicators

The localization of the answer (a whole spot or detail) indicates a way of approaching the cognition of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, the desire to cover the situation in all its complexity, the interdependence of its components, or interest in the particular, specific, concrete.

Well-articulated, integrated holistic responses combined with a clear form (WF+) are indicators of high intelligence with a theoretical focus. On the contrary, syncretic or confabulatory responses (DW) that do not correspond to the shape of the spot (WF-) indicate intellectual impairments, for example, in schizophrenia or uncriticality, “subjectivism” and excessive ambition. Normally, holistic answers make up 20-30% of the total number of answers to all tables. The use of large and ordinary small details characterizes a specific piitic orientation of thinking (the norm is D - 45-55%, d - 5-15%). A significant predominance of small details (d> 15%) may indicate excessive pedantry or a symptom of obsession. Rare flying (Dd), as a rule, indicates uncertainty, anxiety and attempts to cope with them (in particular, on tables IV-VI). In the absence of other indicators of affective distress (Dd), they indicate curiosity, originality of thinking (at F +).

Interpretation of the white background(5, WS, DS) is interpreted by extroverts as evidence of negativity, a desire to resist the influence of the environment, or by introverts - opposition to oneself, insecurity, a sense of inferiority.

Normally, the subject, as a rule, begins with the interpretation of the whole spot, then its elements, and finally the background. This sequence (W-D-d-Dd-S) indicates a systematic, logically ordered approach to reality. At the same time, if it remains unchanged during the interpretation of all tables, we can talk about rigidity, stereotyped thinking and adaptation in general. A sequence is considered to be ordered if, while maintaining the indicated order in most tables, it varies depending on the structure of the spot itself. The chaotic chaotic sequence is obviously associated with adaptation disorders or (rarely) occurs in especially gifted individuals of the “artistic” type.

Psychological meaning of the main determinants

The form

Form (F) is one of the most popular determinants of the answer and, more than all the others, it characterizes the actual process of structuring, organizing indefinite material. Luzley-Usteri interprets F+ as a manifestation of the conscious constructive tendencies of the personality, the ability to intelligently control one's affective urges. Klopfer also considers F+ to be an indicator of intellectual control and "ego strength", that is, the degree and quality of adaptation to reality. The more F+ (the norm is 20-50%), the more “impartially” a person is able to resolve life problems and adhere to objectivity, without falling under the influence of situational emotions. At the same time, with a small amount of M, FC ', Fc, an increase in F above the norm indicates rigidity, “overcontrol”, a lack of spontaneity, in some cases acting as a defense mechanism against excessive affectivity and a predisposition to conflicts. Low percentage F (<20%) на фоне М, Fc, FC’ говорит о недостаточно эффективном интеллектуальном контроле и возможных “прорывах” субъективности.

A clear “good” form testifies to observation accuracy, realism of thinking; normally, such answers are 80-90%, a lower percentage of clear forms is noted in schizophrenia and hysterical neuroses; in the latter case, it is interpreted as a neurotic inhibition of thinking.

Kinesthetic indicators (M, FM, t)

The psychological interpretation of kinesthetic indicators is the most difficult and controversial part of working with the Rorschach test. It is believed that this indicator is most intimately connected with the inner world of the individual, although there are different points of view on exactly what trends M represents. spots, the movement is, as it were, introduced by the subject himself. Based on this, kinesthesia is often associated with creativity, high intelligence, and a developed imagination. Rorschach considered M in connection with the introversive orientation of the personality, i.e., the ability of a person to “withdraw into himself”, creatively process (sublimate) affective conflicts and thereby achieve internal stability .. Such an interpretation of the meaning of M seemed to be confirmed by a study of a certain contingent of subjects - actors, artists, people of mental labor. At the same time, subsequent experimental tests demonstrated the dependence of this indicator on a number of other factors, for example, adaptability, the degree of differentiation of the “I”, the possibility of openly responding to affective urges in external behavior, etc. There is also data on the relationship of M with the characteristics of interpersonal relationships, in in particular, a person's idea of ​​himself and his social environment, the ability to empathize and understand other people. According to these data, M is a multidimensional variable, the specific value of which determines the context, i.e., a combination of all other indicators that is unique for a given person. The ambiguity of M partly stems from the fact that this determinant implicitly contains two other determinants, F and H. Apparently, therefore, Klopfer considers human kinesthesia to be a sign of a conscious, well-controlled, internal life accepted by the subject - his own needs, fantasies and self-esteem. Rorschach also differentiated M into active (body in expansive movement) and passive kinesthesias (bent, tilted postures). The former speak of an active benevolent-cooperative life attitude, the latter indicate passivity, a tendency to avoid difficulties, up to the position “away from the world”.

Thus, human kinesthesia indicates:

1) introversion; 2) the maturity of the "I", expressed in the conscious acceptance of one's own inner world and good control over emotions; 3) creative intelligence (with. F +); 4) affective stability and adaptability; 5) the ability to empathize.

Records of healthy, well-adjusted, mature subjects should contain at least SM. As mentioned above, M should be diagnosed only in the case of experiencing movement, i.e., identification with a moving object. Rorschach and some modern authors consider as M movements, postures, facial expressions only human beings or anthropomorphic animals. Klopfer formulates this idea more precisely: the symbol M denotes movements that convey human activity, for example, talking animals, quarreling caterpillars, etc.

Animal Movement (FM)

With the symbol FM, American psychologists designate the movements of animals, parts of the bodies of animals or their caricatures in the activities inherent in animals. Identification with FM kinesthesias is usually indicative of the immaturity of the individual. In contrast to M, animal kinesthesia reflects less conscious, less controlled drives that are not fully accepted by the individual. The complete absence of FM indicates the suppression of primitive drives, perhaps due to their unacceptable content.

Movement of inanimate objects (Fm, mF, m)

These symbols denote the movements of objects, mechanical or abstract forces, for example, a running stream, developing tails, etc. Obviously, identification with inanimate objects indicates deep unconscious, uncontrolled impulses, unfulfilled desires. Their inaccessibility to consciousness is often experienced by the subject as a feeling of anxiety, fear, indicating a high internal conflict. At the same time, a certain amount of FM and m in a certain ratio with M is acceptable and characterizes the richness and liveliness of the inner world of the individual, the spontaneity of its affective manifestations, developed imagination against the background of good control and adaptability.


BUT. texture, surface(Fc, cF, c). The use of shades in the answers indicates a person's sensitivity to the subtle nuances of interpersonal relationships.

In combination. with the form, shades indicate a way to manage the need for affection, dependence, guardianship from other people.

Fc means not only the need for such connections, but also the ability to take into account the needs of others. The need for contacts is controlled and takes socialized forms. The optimal amount of Fc indicates sensitivity, sensitivity; too large number of Fc indicates lack of independence, passivity, dependence; a lack of Fc indicates the absence of these feelings.

cF characterizes a less mature, rudely manifested need for contacts, up to physical, sometimes sexual ones.

c is a symptom of an uncontrolled, undifferentiated need for tutelage and physical contact.

B. depth, perspective(FK, KF, K,). As a rule, this determinant is considered as a reflection of ways to deal with anxiety. Sufficiently numerous FKs are found in the realization and effective overcoming of fear; at the same time, the absence of FK is practically insignificant.

KF and K. refer to indicators of anxiety as a consequence of the frustration of the need for attachment. More than ZK. indicate a high degree of frustration and the absence of mechanisms to overcome it.

C. Projection of three-dimensional objects onto the plane (Fk, kF, k). According to Klopfer, this determinant indicates anxiety, a search for contacts, which can be masked by intellectualization. Answers Fk mean more successful rationalization than kF and k.

Color (C&C")

Colored responses, starting with Rorschach, were seen as a sign of affective responsiveness to the environment, as an extroverted personality orientation. This determinant is usually taken into account in combination with the form; the latter indicates the degree of controllability, sociality, maturity of affect.

FC is a sign of well-controlled emotionality, which determines the adequacy of interpersonal relationships.

CF - less controlled emotionality, affective spontaneity with an element of egocentrism, suggestibility, infantilism.

C - explosiveness, impulsiveness, as a rule, a pathological symptom. Сn - attempts to influence the emotional situation in a more magical than realistic way.

Cdes - an intellectual approach, a conscious attitude to emotional situations.

Csym - creativity, aesthetic inclinations.

The achromatic color FC', C'F, C" is interpreted similarly to the chromatic one, considered as a sign of "softened nuanced affectivity." Anzier and Luzley-Usteri, however, associate the reaction to light and dark spots with deep primitive mechanisms of distinguishing light and dark, by virtue of what C" indicates deep dysphoria, sadness, lack of self-confidence, pessimism and anxiety. Rorschach also saw C's as a sign of underadaptedness.

Qualitative analysis of responses has attracted the attention of researchers relatively recently, since it was believed that it characterizes the categorical apparatus of thinking rather than personality traits. According to some authors, content analysis involves a symbolic interpretation of the answers (Schafer, Luzli-Usteri); Klopfer considers the content of the answers, first of all, an indicator of the breadth of the interests of the individual, the direction of his motives. The category “animals” (A) is most common in the responses of both healthy and mentally ill people. In moderate amounts, it indicates the possibility of mutual understanding, cooperation in the field of thinking; over 50% A indicates stereotypy, poverty of interests. It is believed that the images of predatory animals reflect aggressive tendencies, domestic animals - passivity and dependence.

The category "people" (H) is associated with the perception of oneself, one's body and one's relationships with other people. The perception of exclusively individual parts of the body often indicates possible conflicts, for example, in the field of sexual relations. Of great importance are the posture, facial expressions, affective coloring of the image: for example, fighting people can reflect the hostility of the feelings and attitudes of the subject, while laughing, dancing figures, on the contrary, satisfaction and optimism. Similarity with fairy-tale, fantastic characters is often found with the inability to identify oneself with real people, difficulties in the field of interpersonal relationships. Normally, the protocol contains about 15% of N answers. There is data on the projection in the content of answers I of personally significant experiences and conflicts. For example, a woman suffering from loneliness sees the figures of men and women distant from each other.

Of the answers of other categories, “anatomy”, “geography” are noted, which, if they are not a reflection of professional interests, indicate an “intelligence complex”, a desire to shine. A large number of responses of sexual content, as a rule, is observed in persons with difficulties in sexual adaptation; the complete absence of responses of sexual content in tables IV, VI, VII indicates a deep suppression of the conflict in this area, which can give itself out in symbolic images. Abstract interpretations are considered as a manifestation of a certain intellectual inclination, but sometimes (on tables IX, X) - as a protection against excessive affectivity, its processing through rationalization.

There are known attempts to identify the symbolic nature of the content: for example, “eyes” are interpreted as suspicion, surveillance, “tongs” - deprivation of strength, “open mouth” - devouring mother, “mask” - the desire to hide one’s “true face”, hide, etc. . Luzley-Usteri considers it necessary to symbolically interpret also the localization of the response relative to the horizontal and vertical axes. According to psychoanalytic ideas, the vertical symbolizes the masculine, the horizontal symbolizes the feminine; then the answers located along the vertical axis will indicate the search for support from the father, the desire for power; answers along the horizontal axis symbolize the search for shelter from the mother, the need for security, carelessness. A tendency to interpret the edges of the spot indicates an escape from anxiety; the preference for the upper part of the spot reflects the desire for spiritual power, the lower part - a tendency to depression, passivity, submission.

Popular-original answers

The popularity (banality) of the answer is interpreted as an expression of normal intellectual conformism - a person sees the world like everyone else. The absence of popular answers may indicate pathological negativism, autism, and adaptation disorders. There is no statistically verified list of popular responses, which, of course, vary somewhat in different populations. As a rule, data obtained by the most famous researchers in the field of Rorschach technique (Beck, Klopfer) are used. The original answers testify to creative abilities, but O- is a pathological sign of disorganization of thinking, loss of contact with reality.

Interpretation of results

The data obtained by the Rorschach test are interpreted depending on the theoretical settings of the researcher. We can talk about the existence of at least two directions in the development of Rorschach technique: the first, represented by the Swiss and French clinical schools (Luzley-Usteri, Orr, Bohm), is based on the postulates of orthodox psychoanalysis and sees in the test a means of identifying various instinctive drives and their symbolic expression ; the second direction (Klopfer, Rapaport) with its theoretical origins goes to the psychology of "Ego", experimental studies of New Look, and considers the cognitive style of the individual as the main category of interpretation. In the latter case, the test acts as a kind of "task", "adaptation" to which is determined both by the subject's own intellectual capabilities and by the means of control and regulation of affective life available to him. In connection with the New Look research, the process of spot structuring began to be interpreted based on the interaction of “external” and “internal” factors. According to this approach, the interpretation of the spot is an act of "categorization"; this or that answer is considered as a “hypothesis”, determined by the properties of the stimulus - spots and subjective factors - needs, affective conflicts, individual cognitive style. Thus, the authors conclude, the process of structuring indefinite stimulus material reflects the formal structure of the inner world of the individual, the way of seeing oneself and one's social environment inherent in it.

The interpretation of a test may involve several steps; its “depth” depends both on the tasks facing the experimenter and on his theoretical attitudes. so-called formulas. The formulas are primarily based on clinical empirical experience, and are also based on a number of theoretical positions adopted by the author. The second stage consists in correlating individual test indicators with each other and creating a kind of their “ensemble”, patterns. It is believed that an isolated indicator cannot serve as a reliable indicator, while the “ensemble” provides sufficient validity of the conclusion. The last step is the transition from the description of certain spheres of personality to the characterization of its integral structure. According to Bohm, the higher the qualification of a psychologist, the more he is capable of intuitive synthetic thinking, the more “deep” the interpretation will be. Given the methodological nature of this article, we will restrict ourselves to describing the initial stages of working with the test material; the parameters and processing methods proposed here are given with slight abbreviations.

Interpretation of the main indicators of the test and their ratios

Type of experience

Recall that the concept of “type of experience” as a ratio of introversion and extra-intense personality tendencies was introduced by Rorschach on the basis of an empirical comparison of two types of perception: the so-called color type (Fb-type) and motor (B-type). According to Rorschach, there are 5 groups of types of experience. The type of experience is co-arted when the scores of both sides are 0 or 1 (types: 0:0, 1:0, 0:1, 1:1). With indicators not higher than three on each side, the type of experience is called coartative. The type of experience with an approximate balance of the sides with indicators above three is called ambiequal (for example, 5:6, 8:8, 9:11). If M significantly predominates, Rorschach calls the type of experience introversion; with an advantage on the C side - extratensive. For the last two types, it is still necessary to distinguish whether the weakly expressed side has only smaller indicators or they are completely absent; if one of the parties is completely absent, one speaks of introversion without extra-intensity or egocentric extra-intensity. The type of experience is calculated by the formula M: Sum C, where M is the number of responses with human kinesthesia, Sum C is the number of responses using chromatic color. Considering that the color determinant can act in combination with the shape, Sum C is derived with the following coefficients:

Sum С= 3C+2CF+1FC

The formula M: Sum C is sometimes called primary, in contrast to it, the secondary formula developed by Klopfer takes into account all types of kinesthesia, as well as determinants of achromatic color (C ") and chiaroscuro (c) -FM + m: Fc + c + C1 where everything determinants are included in absolute values, according to the psychogram. From the ratio of the primary and secondary formulas, the type of experience of the personality is derived as the relative predominance of introversive or extra-intense tendencies. The opposite direction of the formulas (for example, introversion in the primary, and extra-intensity in the secondary, or vice versa), as a rule, indicates actual conflict experiences of the individual.

According to Rorschach, one or another orientation of the personality should not be considered as a frozen property, but as a dynamic balance of different tendencies. Introversion type characterizes people whose behavior is motivated mainly by internal stimuli - their own motives, and not the requirements of the environment. With a relatively reduced responsiveness to external influences, introversion is not equivalent to autistic immersion in the inner world and escape from reality. At the same time, introversion presupposes a developed ability for creative imagination, which, in the event of frustration, performs compensatory-protective functions. At extratension type experiences, the stimuli of the external environment have the greatest motive force; the individual is characterized by labile affectivity, open expression, wide, but somewhat superficial social contacts. In people with ambiequal type experiences of intra- and extra-intense tendencies alternate: a person can withdraw into himself for a while, as if drawing new strength in his own inner world, and then again turns to activity in the outside world.

Coarted and coarted types experiences often characterize dry, stiff people, prone to teaching, having neither originality of thought nor liveliness of feelings, but persistent and reliable. Along with the norm, these types are found in depressive neurotics or compensated patients with schizophrenia. Additional characteristics of one or another type of experience, for example, stability, affect lability, degree of awareness, controllability of needs and drives, are derived from a comparison of the primary and secondary formulas with other numerical ratios.

Efficiency and the degree of its controllability

General emotional reactivity determined based on a number of indicators:

A) Sum C - open emotional reactivity to external stimuli; normally Sum C=3; b) the percentage of responses to the last three (VIII-X) color tables must be equal to or greater than 40%; at R7-10<30°/о испытуемый заторможен, недоста­точно спонтанно реагирует на эмоциогенные характеристики окружения; в) если латентное время на хромати­ческие таблицы превышает латентное вре­мя на ахроматические более чем на 10 се­кунд, это означает, что испытуемый пло­хо контролирует свои эмоции, которые вно­сят дезорганизацию в его деятельность.

Control over affect in the broad sense of the word includes the regulation of the process of satisfying needs in accordance with the "barriers" of reality. The Rorschach test distinguishes between "external" control - the inclusion of affective processes in intellectual ones (a kind of intellectual mediation of affect), and "internal" control, carried out by reorganizing needs into a hierarchical system, where higher needs control lower ones.

External control diagnosed by the following ensemble of indicators:

A) percentage of F+ answers; normally should not exceed 20-50%, which indicates the effectiveness of control. Over 80% of F+ answers with a small number of M, FC and C" means increased control, "overcontrol" by intellectual, arbitrarily controlled processes, lack of spontaneity; b) the percentage of F- answers shows a weakness of control due to insufficient connection with reality; c ) the percentage of responses using differentiated (including form) determinants of chiaroscuro: (FK + F + Fc)%, characterizes the degree of control over the need for contact and emotional attachment to other people. An increase in FK + F + Fc over 75% indicates a lack of emotional spontaneity; d) the degree of maturity of affect, its adaptation in accordance with the requirements of reality is derived from the ratio FC: (CF + C), where FC stands for controlled, socially acceptable affectivity; CF - egocentrism, suggestibility, weak social control, C-impulsivity, lack of control. Normal control is defined at FC>CF+C if CF+C¹0.

Internal control can be defined as the possibility of "delay" in the satisfaction of lower needs (drives), indicates the degree of structuring of the motivational system and regulation of drives by higher needs; diagnosed by the ratio of indicators of kinesthesia.

A) When M>2>FM (FM¹0) direct discharge of drives gives way to their control by conscious motives; this ratio characterizes a mature personality with a relatively stable and harmonious affective life. b) FM+m>M indicates the predominance of unconscious, usually suppressed impulsive tendencies that create a high level of anxiety; characterizes an infantile immature personality with poorly controlled affectivity and deep conflicts.

Assessment of intellectual abilities

The Rorschach test is not, as you know, a means of measuring intelligence, but it allows you to evaluate the cognitive capabilities of the subject in a situation of affective difficulties.

According to the test, such characteristics of intelligence as high - low, clear - vague, flexible - rigid, theoretical - practical, etc. are obtained. Let us indicate the signs of some of these qualities. Rorschach considered M and F to be signs of high creative intelligence. Although subsequently M began to be attributed relevance to other areas of mental functioning, most authors consider the complete absence of M as an indicator of low intelligence or intellectual degradation; the presence of 3-5 M - indicates intelligence above average. High intelligence is characterized by the presence of at least 80% of answers of the “form” type, and the clarity or vagueness of intelligence is reflected in the form quality indicator (F+ or F~). High intelligence is also distinguished by high productivity (at least 20-45 answers to 10 tables), the absence of stereotypy (no more than 50% of answers “animals”), the presence of original answers (if they are combined with good form).

The indefinite shape of the spot, bizarre combinations of chiaroscuro, bright and pastel colors create, as a rule, a state of emotional tension, sometimes reaching a feeling of discomfort. In the process of structuring the spot, this negative emotional state is overcome - in this sense, they say that the way the subject works with the test is a model of his behavior in an "extreme situation".

Flexibility of intelligent tactics can be traced by analyzing the sequence of localization indicators for each of the 10 tables (succession). Usually, the subjects begin with the interpretation of the whole spot, then gradually move on to isolating the details - large, small, rare, and finally interpret the white gaps. The sequence W-D-d-Dd-S is called ordered and indicates a systematic and disciplined intellect. However, this sequence should not be rigid, since the variety of spot configurations on tables IX-X requires sufficient freedom in the choice of interpretation tactics. Intellectual rigidity will manifest itself in an invariable sequence of localization indicators, uncorrected by the objective qualities of the spot itself.

According to the percentage of holistic (W) and detailed (D and d) answers, the theoretical or practical orientation of intelligence is judged, respectively. The ratio of holistic answers and kinesthesia is important, giving an idea of ​​the degree of realization of intellectual capabilities:

W>2M means that intellectual data is not fully used, which can lead to an underestimated level of claims and lead to conflict experiences.

The representation of answers differing in content characterizes the intellectual orientation of interests.

The extent to which the intellect is resistant to emotional influences can be traced by analyzing the following indicators:

  1. the quality of the form in responses to color tables - the appearance of F- indicates the disorganization of cognitive processes;
  2. the impact of “shocks” 4 on the quality and quantity of follow-up responses;
  3. "good" (O+) or "bad" (O-) original responses to color tables or after "shocks".
  4. indication of affective conflicts and defense mechanisms.

Special Phenomena

In contrast to interpretative techniques such as the TAT, the Rorschach test, as a rule, does not reveal the content of the conflicting experiences of the individual. However, not being directly represented in the answers of the subject, they can nevertheless be diagnosed indirectly - by studying the dynamics of interpretation in the process of research. The object of analysis is any "deviations" in the behavior of the subject, his comments, features of working with each table, changes in latent time and the number of answers to especially significant tables, and much more. The violations of control described above, as well as special phenomena - shocks and refusals, also indicate the presence of a conflict. All of these phenomena make it possible to diagnose, firstly, the conflict zone, and secondly, individual ways of dealing with it, i.e., defense mechanisms. Rejections and shocks are the most crude defense mechanisms, analogous to suppression.

failure call such a behavioral reaction when the subject does not give any interpretation to a particular table. Refusal as a neurotic reaction should not be confused with rejection as evidence of gross intellectual decline. The psychogenic nature of the failure is often revealed by comparing a poor, unproductive protocol in the main part of the experiment and a large number of additions during a survey or determination of sensitivity limits. Most often, failures are encountered in the interpretation of II, IV, VI and IX tables.

shocks are a neurotic reaction of defense against an affect, as a rule, the repression of an affect or its conversion into a phobia.

Shock is diagnosed in the presence of the following "abnormalities":

1) decrease in productivity or deterioration in the quality of responses (appearance of responses of poor form (F~), confabulatory (DW) or poor original responses O-); 2) the absence of color determinants when interpreting color tables; 3) the absence of the usual popular responses; 4) a sudden change in the mode of perception, for example, ignoring whole or colored parts of the spot and "flight" into a white background; 5) increase in latent response time; 6) negative affective assessments (discrediting the test or one's own abilities), mimic, intonation changes, silence, exclamation, and the like.

The most powerful sign of shock is a decrease in the quantitative and qualitative productivity of the response. There are color, kinesthetic currents, shock to red, to emptiness, and some other types. As a rule, a meaningful interpretation of shock is carried out in the spirit of psychoanalysis: a shock to red is a symbol of repressed aggression, a shock to emptiness is a denial of femininity, etc.

Diagnosis of conflict and defense mechanisms

Conflict, diagnosed according to the Rorschach test, may have a different nature. In its most general form, an external conflict is generated by a contradiction between direct affectivity - needs that require immediate, immediate satisfaction and the social and social need for their "delay" and mediation. At the same time, conflict can be caused by a clash of opposing tendencies within the system of needs itself. In both cases, the means of resolving the conflict will be the mechanisms of protection and control. The difference between these types of regulatory mechanisms is not always explicit. Theoretically, it is pointed out that defense mechanisms come into play only in a situation of affective conflict, while control also operates in an affectively neutral situation. If defense mechanisms are called upon indirectly to satisfy "lower" instinctive needs, then control mechanisms ensure the satisfaction of "higher" motives - internalized conscious goals and relate to the regulation of more developed socialized forms of cognitive motivation.

In the Rorschach test, various deviations from the normal ratio of certain indicators, the appearance of “special phenomena”, a high level of anxiety, a decrease in the effectiveness of control mechanisms, and the inclusion of certain defense mechanisms are considered as “symptoms” of the conflict. Below we list the indicators of conflict; Let us recall that the presence of one of them in the protocol does not give grounds for reliable conclusions; on the contrary, the more conflict indicators are found in the protocol, the more reliable the conclusion.

Some conflict indicators:

  1. CF+C>FC
  2. FM+m>M
  3. F+%> 80
  4. FK+F+Fc>75%
  5. Sometimes the complete absence of kinesthesia;
  6. Different orientation of the primary and secondary formulas of the type of experience.
  7. The ratio of differentiated and undifferentiated indicators of chiaroscuro: K+KF+k+kF+c+cF>FK+Fk+Fc. The predominance of undifferentiated indicators indicates an egocentric, little conscious, insufficiently controlled need for affection, physical contacts. Failure to satisfy this need leads to a sharp increase in the level of anxiety, the main symptom of conflict.
  8. The ratio of achromatic and chromatic indicators: Fc + c + C '> FC + CF + C - the predominance of achromatic indicators indicates autistic tendencies, sometimes depression.
  9. Conflict indicators (together with other indicators) can also be refusals, shocks, openly expressed phobias, sudden changes in the usual perceptual strategy.

Some authors carry out special diagnostics of protective mechanisms. This problem is solved by comparing the clinical manifestations of a particular protective mechanism with its counterparts in the Rorschach test. We emphasize, however, that this part of the interpretation of the test has not yet been sufficiently developed, so the data presented here are of interest not so much in terms of practical diagnostics, but in terms of research.

As an example, we give signs of displacement and isolation.

Signs of repression are considered:

1) an extremely "poor" protocol in the main procedure and a significant number of additions during the survey or determination of sensitivity limits; 2) a large number of failures; 3) the presence of shocks; 4) few answers to color tables; 5) devitalization - sculpture, bust, statue of a person.

Signs of isolation are found in:

1) the predominance of content-neutral responses; 2) minimum or complete absence of M, C, C "; 3) F +\u003e 85-90%; F\u003e 80%; 4) A\u003e 45%; 5) the prevailing interpretation of details, especially rare ones; 6) in humorous interpretations unpleasant or dysphoric content, as well as allegedly shameless sexual interpretations; 7) in the content of answers - objects, cars, ice and snow, statues.

For a more subtle understanding of the reasons for the maladaptation of the subject, it is useful to conduct a sequential analysis of the answers to each table. Attention should be paid to the presence or absence of commonly produced popular responses in the protocol (see the list of popular responses in appendix III), their absence is often a symptom of autism, lack of contact with reality, or neurotic inhibition.

Analysis of the sequence of determinants, latent time and response time in Table I will allow you to see the spontaneous tactics of behavior and response of the subject in new situations. In addition, some responses may be of particular relevance to understanding "problems" of personality. Note, however, that the meaningful interpretation of the answers is the most controversial and poorly substantiated point of analysis, since the latter, as a rule, relies on the psychoanalytic interpretation of certain "symbols". Thus, it is believed that the answer “cat's head” (W) in Table I may indicate a fear of the outside world, “a man in transparent clothes” (D central) - an interest in people's hidden motives.

According to table II, for the first time, the reaction to color and red color is diagnosed, in particular: it makes sense to compare the latent reaction time to tables I and II, to note if there are signs of shock. When analyzing the answers to Table III, attention is paid to the content of the interpretations: the perception of the extreme figures as dolls, and not living people (devitalization) may indicate affective poverty or a pathological syndrome of mental automatism; the perception of the central lower part of the spot as "forceps" sometimes indicates paranoia and phobia.

Tables IV, V, VI often provoke "tempo shock", phobias, depression and suicidal tendencies, responses of sexual content (IV and VI especially) or, on the contrary, a stupor to the sexual content of images.

Table VII is considered "feminine" and can reveal conflicts in the field of female sexual adaptation. Table VIII analyzes the subject's reactions to a newly emerging color. Saturated with pastel colors, made up of scattered spots, tables IX-X present difficulties for holistic interpretation; therefore, holistic answers (W) indicate a productive creative intelligence and effective control of emotions. Table X elicits the highest number of popular responses, the absence of which may be diagnostically significant.

Stimulus material

The stimulus material for the test consists of 10 standard tables with black-and-white and color symmetrical amorphous (weakly structured) images (the so-called Rorschach "spots").



  1. Bely B.I. Rorschach test: practice and theory / Ed. L.N. Sobchik. - St. Petersburg: Dorval, 1992. - 200 p.
  2. Burlachuk L.F. Introduction to projective psychology. - Kyiv: Nika-center; Vist-S, 1997. - 128 p.
  3. Burlachuk L.F. Personality research in clinical psychology. - Kyiv: Vishcha school, 1978. - 174 p.
  4. Rausch de Traubenberg N.K. Rorschach Test: A Practical Guide. - M: Kogito-Centre, 2005. - 255 p.
  5. Sokolova E.T. Projective methods of personality research. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow. un-ta, 1980. - 176 p.

The Rorschach test or the Rorschach inkblot technique is one of the most famous psychodiagnostic personality tests. Each of us has seen at least one picture with blots that resemble ... And here, in fact, the test begins, since the answer determines the individual properties and inclinations of a particular person. Recently, due to mass distribution in social networks, the Rorschach test is often presented in much simplified versions, but in fact it is a powerful psychological tool.

I often glimpsed these pictures and heard about this test, but I didn’t have to pass it myself, and even more so I didn’t quite understand the methodology and specifics of this test. Let's all find out about it together now, and at the same time remember about its author and the history of the creation of the Rorschach test

HERMANN RORSCHACH WAS BORN ON NOVEMBER 8, 1884 IN ZURICH (SWITZERLAND). He was the eldest son of an unsuccessful painter who was forced to earn his living by giving art lessons at school. From childhood, Herman was fascinated by color spots (in all likelihood, the result of the creative efforts of his father and the boy's own love for painting), and his school friends nicknamed him Blob. When Herman was twelve, his mother died, and when the young man was eighteen, his father also died. After graduating with honors from high school, Rorschach decided to study medicine. In 1912, he received his doctorate in medicine from the University of Zurich, after which he worked in a number of psychiatric hospitals. In 1911, while still at university, Rorschach conducted a series of curious experiments to test whether artistically gifted schoolchildren were more imaginative when interpreting ordinary inkblots. This study had a huge impact not only on the future career of a scientist, but also on the development of psychology as a science in general. It must be said that Rorschach was not the first to use color spots in his research.

It is unequivocal to say how the Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Hermann Rorschach came up with the idea of ​​​​creating such a test is a very difficult task. PhD Jane Framingham, for example, believes that the children's game "Klecksographie" popular at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, charades based on ink spots, could have prompted such an idea. Blots as a psychological tool could be used by Rorschach's teacher and friend Konrad Goering.

The history of the test itself can be started from 1911, when E. Bleuler first introduced the term "schizophrenia" into scientific use, and G. Rorschach became interested in this disease and devoted his dissertation to its study. In the process of conducting the experimental part, he noticed that patients interpret spots from the Klecksographie game in different ways. But then he made only a small report on his observation.

Several years of practice followed, during which G. Rorschach actively tested the inkblot technique on his patients in order to determine personal behavioral factors. As a result, 40 cards with inkblots were created and theoretical material was collected to present the methodology. But there were difficulties with the publication. Now it's hard to believe, but not a single publishing house of that time wanted to take on the printing of Rorschach's book. And the reason for this was not the fantastic or anti-scientific nature of his ideas, but the banal technical complexity in printing so many blot drawings. As a result, they had to be reduced first to 15, and then to 10. Only after that one of the publishers agreed to release the book. It was published in 1921 under the title "Psychodiagnostik". In it, the author outlined his theory about the personal characteristics of people. One of the main provisions is that in the personality of each person such qualities as introversion and extroversion are represented - in other words, that we are motivated by both external and internal factors. According to the scientist, the test with ink spots allows you to evaluate the relative ratio of these properties and identify any mental deviation or, on the contrary, the strengths of the personality. The first edition of Rorschach's book was largely ignored by the psychological scientific community, because at that time the opinion prevailed that it was impossible to measure or test what a person's personality consisted of. However, over time, colleagues began to understand the benefits of the Rorschach test, and in 1922 the psychiatrist discussed the possibilities of improving his technique at a meeting of the Psychoanalytic Society. Unfortunately, on April 1, 1922, after suffering for a week with severe abdominal pain, Hermann Rorschach was hospitalized with suspected appendicitis, and on April 2 he died of peritonitis. He was only thirty-seven years old, and he never saw the huge success of the psychological tool he invented.

In it, in addition to introducing the concept of “psychodiagnostics” into science, the results of studies with inkblots and the test itself with explanations were presented. Rorschach's own scoring system (in other words, explaining how to interpret the results) focused on the classification of possible answers, and paid little attention to their content. The author of the test died the following year. Despite the weakness of certain aspects of the test (it is not clear to which category of the proposed classification all possible answers should be attributed due to the lack of their description in the work), its developments were highly valued for a long time and were the main diagnostic tools in clinical psychology (for 40-50 years). 1900s). In the 1960s, the Rorschach test was criticized, mainly due to the lack of a unified methodology for assessing answers (there are several of the most common scoring systems: Beck, Piotrovsky, Klopfer, etc.).

But complete discrediting was avoided. Mainly thanks to the work of John Exner. He compared 5 dominant rating systems and created something like a unifying system (The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System). Today, many psychologists use the Rorschach test precisely within the Exner Integrative System. It is used for diagnosis in correctional facilities in the United States and some other countries, in forensic science, for the diagnosis of personality disorders in clinical psychology. Also, the test finds validity in understanding the personality and emotional state of a person in cases where the patient does not want or cannot (due to dementia, for example, as in the case of Charlie Gordon in "Flowers for Algernon") talk about it directly. Globally, based on the answers, one can judge the psychology of a person, understand his past and predict future behavior.

Rorschach ink blots

The Rorschach test uses ten inkblots: five black and white, two black and red, and three colored. The psychologist shows the cards in strict order, asking the patient the same question: “What does it look like?”. After the patient has seen all the pictures and given answers, the psychologist shows the cards again, again in strict order. The patient is asked to name everything that he sees on them, in which place of the picture he sees this or that image, and what in it makes him give just such an answer. Cards can be flipped, tilted, manipulated in any other way. The psychologist must accurately record everything the patient says and does during the test, as well as the timing of each response. The responses are then analyzed and scores are calculated. Then, by mathematical calculations, the result is displayed according to the test data, which is interpreted by a specialist. If some ink spot does not evoke any associations in a person or he cannot describe what he sees on it, this may mean that the object depicted on the card is blocked in his mind, or that the image on it is associated in his subconscious with a topic that at the moment he would not like to discuss.


ON THE FIRST CARD WE SEE A SPOT OF BLACK INK. It is shown first, and the answer to it allows the psychologist to suggest how this person performs new tasks for him - therefore, associated with a certain stress. Usually people say that the image reminds them of a bat, a moth, a butterfly, or the face of some animal, such as an elephant or a rabbit. The response reflects the respondent's personality type as a whole.

For some people, the image of a bat is associated with something unpleasant and even demonic; for others, it is a symbol of rebirth and the ability to navigate in the dark. Butterflies can symbolize transition and transformation, as well as the ability to grow, change, and overcome difficulties. The moth symbolizes a sense of abandonment and ugliness, as well as weakness and anxiety. The face of an animal, in particular an elephant, often symbolizes the way we face adversity and the fear of inner problems. It can also mean "an elephant in a china shop", that is, to convey a feeling of discomfort, and indicate some kind of problem that a person is currently trying to get rid of.


THIS CARD SHOWS A RED AND BLACK SPOT, and people often see something sexy in it. Parts of the red color are usually interpreted as blood, and the reaction to it reflects how a person manages his feelings and anger and how he copes with physical damage. Respondents most often say that this spot reminds them of an act of supplication, two people, a person looking in a mirror, or some kind of long-legged animal, such as a dog, a bear, or an elephant.

If a person sees two people in the spot, this can symbolize interdependence, an obsession with sex, an ambivalent attitude towards sexual contact, or a focus on connection and close relationships with others. If the spot resembles a person reflected in a mirror, this can symbolize self-centeredness or, on the contrary, a tendency to self-criticism. In each of the two options, either a negative or a positive personality characteristic is expressed, depending on what feelings the image evokes in a person. If the respondent sees a dog in the spot, this may mean that he is a faithful and loving friend. If he perceives the stain as something negative, then he needs to face his fears face to face and recognize his inner feelings. If the spot reminds a person of an elephant, this can symbolize a tendency to think, a developed intellect and a good memory; however, sometimes such a vision indicates a negative perception of one's own body. The bear, imprinted in the spot, symbolizes aggression, rivalry, independence, disobedience. In the case of English-speaking patients, a play on words can play a role: bear (bear) and bare (bare), which means a feeling of insecurity, vulnerability, as well as the sincerity and honesty of the responder. The spot on this card is reminiscent of something sexual, and if the respondent sees it as a person praying, this may indicate an attitude towards sex in the context of religion. If at the same time the respondent sees blood in the stain, it means that he associates physical pain with religion or, experiencing complex emotions like anger, resorts to prayer, or associates anger with religion.


THE THIRD CARD DESIGNS A SPOT OF RED AND BLACK INK, and its perception symbolizes the patient's relationship to other people within the framework of social interaction. Most often, respondents see on it the image of two people looking in the mirror of a person, a butterfly or a moth.

If a person sees two people having lunch in a spot, this means that he leads an active social life. A stain that looks like two people washing their hands indicates insecurity, a feeling of impurity, or paranoid fear. If the respondent saw two people playing a game in the spot, this often indicates that he takes the position of a rival in social interactions. If the spot resembles a person looking at his reflection in the mirror, this may indicate self-centeredness, inattention to others and inability to understand people.


THE SPECIALISTS CALL THE FOURTH CARD "FATHER'S". The spot on it is black, and some of its parts are fuzzy, blurry. Many people see something big and frightening in this picture - an image that is usually perceived not as feminine, but as masculine. The reaction to this stain makes it possible to reveal a person's attitude to authorities and the peculiarities of his upbringing. Most often, the spot reminds the respondents of a huge animal or monster, or the hole of some animal or its skin.

If the patient sees a large animal or monster in the spot, this may symbolize a sense of inferiority and admiration for authority, as well as an exaggerated fear of people in positions of power, including his own father. If the spot resembles the skin of an animal responding, this often symbolizes the strongest internal discomfort when discussing topics related to the father. However, this may also indicate that the problem of one's own inferiority or worship of authorities is irrelevant for this respondent.


ON THIS CARD WE SEE THE BLACK SPOT AGAIN. The association caused by him, like the image on the first card, reflects our true "I". Looking at this image, people usually do not feel threatened, and since the previous cards caused them completely different emotions, this time the person does not feel much tension or discomfort - therefore, a deeply personal reaction will be characteristic. If the image he sees is very different from the answer given when he saw the first card, this means that cards two through four most likely made a big impression on him. Most often, this image reminds people of a bat, butterfly or moth.


THE PICTURE ON THIS CARD IS ALSO SINGLE COLOR, BLACK; it is distinguished by the texture of the spot. This image evokes in a person associations with interpersonal intimacy, which is why it is called the “sex card”. Most often, people say that the stain reminds them of a hole or an animal skin, which may indicate a reluctance to enter into close relationships with other people and, as a result, a feeling of inner emptiness and isolation from society.


THE SPOT ON THIS CARD IS ALSO BLACK and is usually associated with the feminine. Since people most often see images of women and children in this spot, it is called "motherly". If a person has difficulty describing what is shown on the card, this may indicate that he has difficult relationships with women in his life. Respondents often say that the stain reminds them of the heads or faces of women or children; it can also evoke memories of a kiss.

If the spot looks like the heads of women, this symbolizes the feelings associated with the mother of the respondent, which also affect his attitude towards the female sex in general. If the spot resembles children's heads, this symbolizes feelings associated with childhood and the need to take care of the child that lives in the soul of the respondent, or that the patient's relationship with the mother needs close attention and, possibly, correction. If a person sees two heads bowed for a kiss in a spot, this indicates his desire to be loved and reunite with his mother, or that he seeks to reproduce the once close relationship with his mother in other relationships, including romantic or social.


THIS CARD IS IN GREY AND PINK AND ORANGE AND BLUE COLORS. Not only is this the first multi-color card in the test, it is also particularly difficult to interpret. If it is precisely when demonstrating it or changing the pace of displaying pictures that the respondent experiences obvious discomfort, it is very likely that in life he has difficulty processing difficult situations or emotional stimuli. Most often, people say that they see a four-legged animal, a butterfly or a moth here.


THE SPOT ON THIS CARD INCLUDES GREEN, PINK AND ORANGE. It has a vague outline, so most people find it difficult to understand what this image reminds them of. For this reason, this card allows you to evaluate how well a person copes with the lack of a clear structure and uncertainty. Most often, patients see on it either the general outlines of a person, or some indefinite form of evil.

If the respondent sees a person, then the feelings experienced at the same time convey how successfully he copes with the disorganization of time and information. If the stain resembles some abstract image of evil, this may indicate that a person needs to have a clear routine in order to feel comfortable, and that he does not cope well with uncertainty.


THE LAST RORSCHACH TEST CARD HAS THE MOST COLORS: there are orange, and yellow, and green, and pink, and gray, and blue. In form, it is somewhat similar to the eighth card, but in terms of complexity it is more similar to the ninth. Many people experience quite pleasant feelings when they see this card, except for those who were very puzzled by the difficulty of identifying the image depicted on the previous card; when they look at this picture, they feel the same way. This may indicate that they have difficulty coping with similar, synchronous, or overlapping stimuli. Most often, people see crab, lobster, spider, rabbit head, snakes or caterpillars on this card.

The image of a crab symbolizes the respondent's tendency to become too attached to things and people, or such a quality as tolerance. If a person sees a lobster in a picture, this may indicate their strength, tolerance and ability to cope with minor problems, as well as the fear of harming themselves or being harmed by someone else. If the spot resembles a spider, it may be a symbol of fear, a feeling that a person has been dragged into a difficult situation by force or deceit. In addition, the image of a spider symbolizes an overprotective and caring mother and the power of a woman. If a person sees the head of a rabbit, it can symbolize reproductive ability and a positive attitude towards life. Snakes reflect a sense of danger or a feeling that a person has been deceived, as well as a fear of the unknown. The snake is also often regarded as a phallic symbol and associated with unacceptable or forbidden sexual desires. Since this is the last card in the test, if the patient sees caterpillars on it, this indicates the prospects for his growth and the understanding that people are constantly changing and developing.

sources 85%D0%B0/

Here are some more interesting tests: for example, and here is a controversial one. Let's remember about and here is such an unusual The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy is made -

The Rorschach test is one of the most famous, widely used and objective projective techniques.

The inkblot technique of G. Rorschach is used to diagnose the properties and qualities of a personality. This technique serves as one of the best indicators of those personality traits that are manifested in synthetic activity under conditions of non-directed association. That is, testing is based on the analysis of creative products, which reflect (project) some individual characteristics of a person.

This projective technique for the study of personality was created by Hermann Rorschach in 1921.

The stimulus material for the test consists of 10 standard tables with black-and-white and color symmetrical images that bear little resemblance to anything specific. The test-taker is asked to answer the question of what, in his opinion, each image looks like.

Rorschach test. Inkblot technique:


Look at the pictures in turn and answer the following questions for each of them.

What does this stain look like? Indicate what you see on it: in whole or in parts. What resembles a spot in shape or color, is it static or moving?

There is no time limit for viewing each drawing. Having finished with one drawing, move on to another, remembering or fixing your answer.

Stimulus material for the Rorschach technique.

The key to the Rorschach test.

As an objective basis for identifying specific personal qualities, Rorschach uses the sphere of perception. Based on the material of individual construction of the image, he develops his own system of personality diagnostics. The researcher believes that individual personal properties and qualities stand behind the individual features of the construction of representations. In his opinion, information about individual qualities is provided both by selectivity in perception, and the method of subsequent integration of selected elements into a particular image, and the content of the image itself.

Thus, the subject must see in each indefinite spot (or group of spots) some specific object, image or picture, which are further considered as projections of individual qualities of his personality.

It is assumed that a number of mental acts and those mental characteristics of a person that bear the most vivid stamp of individuality are involved in the creation of such an image or a detailed picture. First of all, this is the selectivity of perception, the features of the flow of associative processes and the features of the installation. From the moment the spot is presented to the creation of the image, a connected chain of processes occurs. First of all, the very indeterminacy of the spot gives impetus to associations that are only partially realized. The resulting vague associations are combined into complex images. Finally, the defined image gives a new direction to the associations, as a result of which complete, logically sound pictures are created.

This is the main scheme of the Rorschach test, which distinguishes it from other projective tests in terms of system and structure in the projection. By the nature of the projection, by its type, the Rorschach test is considered the purest test, independent of external influences. It is assumed that the indefiniteness and shapelessness of the spot (unconstructed stimulus) excludes the external objective orientation of associations leading to the creation of an image - a picture. Therefore, the features of the projections according to the Rorschach test are solely due to subjective factors.

The material obtained by the Rorschach test is evaluated sequentially by two types of assessments (characteristics): formal assessment and content assessment. Formal assessments are based on an analysis of the characteristics of the organization of perception, assessments by content - on an analysis of the material of specific associations.

The principle of separate assessments plays an essential role in the diagnosis of personality, since each of them has a different mechanism that forms the answer. Therefore, the same answer should be consistently evaluated both from the formal and from the content side.

According to formal assessments, the answers reflect one of the following features of the organization of perception:

A) features of operation and orientation in space (in one case, the entire spot as a whole is taken to build the image, in the other, only part of it);
b) selectivity of reactions (for example, an exceptionally strong reaction to color or predominantly to color);
c) the sequence of the reaction (for example, a reaction consisting of a number of categories always begins with a form);
d) static or dynamic or motionless, or movement is seen in the pictures).

Content ratings fall into one of four categories - people, animals, objects, and fantastic images - and testify to those features of the associative process, as a result of which one of the typical images is formed on the basis of the action of prevailing ideas and concepts. Separate links between the categories of responses and their diagnostic values ​​(according to formal assessments and assessments by content) are summarized in the tables below.

Explanations for the encryption of answers in the study according to the Rorschach test (types of answers).

Formal characteristics

C (integrity) - this is how answers are encrypted, based on the perception of the entire spot of the table as a whole, with a clear limitation of the spot from the background of the tables.
D (detail) - answers based on the perception of a part of the spot without taking into account its other parts.
Ф (form) - a clearly expressed form (description of people, animals, plants, etc.).
Fn is an indistinctly perceived form.
Ftsv (shape-color) - answers in which the form predominates and color is mentioned.
Tsvf (color-form) - answers in which color predominates, but the form is also mentioned.

Characteristics by content

G - category "animals". This includes references to any representatives of the animal world - mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, insects.
H - category "human figures". Mentions of human beings in any form - naming gender (man, woman, little girl, boys), age (old man, old woman, young man); professions (blacksmith, ballerina); with the replacement of a pronoun (someone bent over, dancing here) or participle (working, fighting, pointing); with grouping (fight, demonstration, auditorium full of people).
P - category "objects". Mentions of objects of any purpose, size, property, material, position.
Fan - category "fantastic images" - fantastic creatures mentioned by the subjects, etc. (witch, sorcerer, centaurs, king of the underworld).
Dv - category "movement". It includes movement, posture shifting, sometimes foreshortening, state, less often mimic movements.

Results processing

1. All responses are encrypted (see encryption above and table below).
2. The number of responses of various categories is counted.
3. The percentage of responses of various categories from the total number of all responses is calculated.
4. Combinations of responses according to formal assessments and assessments by content are revealed.
5. The individual characteristics of the test person and the number of deviations from the norm are determined.
6. A conclusion is drawn up about the personality of the person being tested.

Interpretation (decoding) of the Rorschach test.


Formal characteristics

Characteristics by content

D (detail)

F (clear form)

Fn (fuzzy form)

F - Tsv (shape - color)

Tsv - F (color - shape)

Dv (movement)

F (animal)

H (person)

P (subject)

Fan (fantasy)

Number of responses

Expression (in%)

Norm indicators

Diagnostic indicators
(according to formal estimates - "the meaning of the Rorschach ink")

C (whole) - a large number of integral images - an indicator of the ability and desire for integration, surveying, covering the type of perception, a synthetic way of thinking, the ability to abstract.

D (detail) - a) a large number of details - an indicator of the "fractionality" of attention, its narrowness, fragmentation and illogical thinking; b) the perception of white gaps and the construction of images on them - an indicator of negativism or the defensive position of the subject.

Ф (form) - a large number of answers with a predominance of indications of forms: a) an indicator of the dominance of thought over feeling; b) an indicator of compensatory phenomena, when, through reflection, reasoning "extinguish" or try to extinguish an affect or emotion. In this case, hidden fear, anxiety, fear of "dissolving" emotions can be diagnosed. A very high percentage of responses F, on the contrary, is an indicator of impulsivity.

Dv (movement) - answers with the discretion of movement - an indicator of the subject's introversion tendency, an indicator of the wealth and flexibility of the associative process. A sign of independent associative work, often without external impulses.

Cv (color) - answers with a high percentage of Cv are indicators of a person's capture by affect and emotions. Evidence of the predominance of affective processes over other mental processes. A sign of "narrowed consciousness", impulsiveness and lack of control.

Here is a short interpretation of the answers, Rorschach's "blot meanings". A detailed interpretation of the test can be found in the following literature:

Note: The interpretation of the test must be carried out by a specialist, otherwise the results may be invalid.

Back in 1921, Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Hermann Rorschach created a personality test named after him - Rorschach test, also known under the names: “Spots or Rorschach blots”, as well as the “ink stain technique”, which is still quite in demand and popular with psychologists and psychotherapists in diagnosing the psyche, its disorders and disorders.

The term "Psychodiagnostics" was also coined by Rorschach.

The stimulus material of the Rorschach projective test consists of 10 amorphous (weakly structured) black-and-white and color pictures, the so-called. Rorschach spots, symmetrical along the axis and arranged in a certain order from 1 to 10.

Rorschach test online

Rorschach test online is possible only in a truncated form, because to get real psychodiagnostic results, it is necessary to have an examination in the presence of a psychologist, and even in combination with others, including clinical studies and a survey of the subject. In this case, the tested person, looking at the image, the Rorschach spot, uses free associations and says the first thing that comes to mind: a word, an image, a representation…

What a person "sees" in a blot (ink stain) will help determine the characteristics of his personality and psyche - the norm and deviations, up to personal, neurotic disorders and pathology.

So, the Rorschach test online, pass for free

Now, if you're ready, you can go Rorschach test online, free in a truncated version…
You are invited to answer questions about what you think each picture looks like, a Rorschach inkblot.

Attention! For the purity of the Rorschach test, first, in order, look at each inkblot and, based on personal associations, tell yourself (preferably write down) what comes to your mind: what does the Rorschach stain remind you of, what does it look like ...
Then, at the end of the content (page), select the definitions that suit your associations by the number of each blot. Click on the result button and find out a lot about your personality.

Those who wish to take the famous Rorschach test with the participation of a psychologist, for example, via Skype, and receive the most reliable personality research together with psychoanalysis, can SIGN UP for online psychodiagnostics from the main page of the site.

Rorschach inkblot technique - take the test

Blob №1

Blob №2

Blob #3

Blob №4

Blob №5

Blob №6

Blob №7

Blob №8

Blob #9

Blob №10

Ecology of life. Psychology: In the personality of each person, such qualities as introversion and extroversion are presented ...

Hermann Rorschach was born on November 8, 1884 in Zurich (Switzerland). He was the eldest son of an unsuccessful painter who was forced to earn his living by giving art lessons at school. From childhood, Herman was fascinated by color spots (in all likelihood, the result of the creative efforts of his father and the boy's own love for painting), and his school friends nicknamed him Blob.

When Herman was twelve, his mother died, and when the young man was eighteen, his father also died. After graduating with honors from high school, Rorschach decided to study medicine. In 1912, he received his doctorate in medicine from the University of Zurich, after which he worked in a number of psychiatric hospitals.

In 1911, while still at university, Rorschach conducted a series of curious experiments to test whether artistically gifted schoolchildren were more imaginative when interpreting ordinary inkblots. This study had a huge impact not only on the future career of a scientist, but also on the development of psychology as a science in general.

It must be said that Rorschach was not the first to use color spots in his research, but in his experiment they were first used as part of an analytical approach. The results of the scientist's first experiment were lost over time, but over the next ten years, Rorschach conducted a large-scale study and developed a systematic methodology that allows psychologists to determine people's personality types using ordinary inkblots. Thanks to his work in a psychiatric clinic, he had free access to her patients. Thus, Rorschach studied both mentally ill people and emotionally healthy people, which allowed him to develop a systematic test using inkblots, with which you can analyze the personal characteristics of a person, determine the type of his personality and, if necessary, correct it.

In 1921, Rorschach presented the results of his large-scale work to the world by publishing a book called Psychodiagnostics. In it, the author outlined his theory about the personal characteristics of people.

One of the main provisions is that in the personality of each person such qualities as introversion and extroversion are represented - in other words, that we are motivated by both external and internal factors. According to the scientist, the test with ink spots allows you to evaluate the relative ratio of these properties and identify any mental deviation or, on the contrary, the strengths of the personality. The first edition of Rorschach's book was largely ignored by the psychological scientific community, because at that time the opinion prevailed that it was impossible to measure or test what a person's personality consisted of.

However, over time, colleagues began to understand the benefits of the Rorschach test, and in 1922 the psychiatrist discussed the possibilities of improving his technique at a meeting of the Psychoanalytic Society. Unfortunately, on April 1, 1922, after suffering for a week with severe abdominal pain, Hermann Rorschach was hospitalized with suspected appendicitis, and on April 2 he died of peritonitis. He was only thirty-seven years old, and he never saw the huge success of the psychological tool he invented.

Rorschach ink blots

The Rorschach test uses ten inkblots: five black and white, two black and red and three color. The psychologist shows the cards in strict order, asking the patient the same question: “What does it look like?”. After the patient has seen all the pictures and given answers, the psychologist shows the cards again, again in strict order. The patient is asked to name everything that he sees on them, in which place of the picture he sees this or that image, and what in it makes him give just such an answer.

Cards can be flipped, tilted, manipulated in any other way. The psychologist must accurately record everything the patient says and does during the test, as well as the timing of each response. The responses are then analyzed and scores are calculated. Then, by mathematical calculations, the result is displayed according to the test data, which is interpreted by a specialist.

If some ink spot does not evoke any associations in a person or he cannot describe what he sees on it, this may mean that the object depicted on the card is blocked in his mind, or that the image on it is associated in his subconscious with a topic that at the moment he would not like to discuss.

Card 1

On the first card we see a spot of black ink. It is shown first, and the answer to it allows the psychologist to suggest how this person performs new tasks for him - therefore, associated with a certain stress. Usually people say that the image reminds them of a bat, a moth, a butterfly, or the face of some animal, such as an elephant or a rabbit. The response reflects the respondent's personality type as a whole.

For some people, the image of a bat is associated with something unpleasant and even demonic; for others, it is a symbol of rebirth and the ability to navigate in the dark. Butterflies can symbolize transition and transformation, as well as the ability to grow, change, and overcome difficulties. The moth symbolizes a sense of abandonment and ugliness, as well as weakness and anxiety.

The face of an animal, in particular an elephant, often symbolizes the way we face adversity and the fear of inner problems. It can also mean "an elephant in a china shop", that is, to convey a feeling of discomfort, and indicate some kind of problem that a person is currently trying to get rid of.

Card 2

This card has a spot of red and black, and people often see something sexy in it. Parts of the red color are usually interpreted as blood, and the reaction to it reflects how a person manages his feelings and anger and how he copes with physical damage. Respondents most often say that this spot reminds them of an act of supplication, two people, a person looking in a mirror, or some kind of long-legged animal, such as a dog, a bear, or an elephant.

If a person sees two people in the spot, this can symbolize interdependence, an obsession with sex, an ambivalent attitude towards sexual contact, or a focus on connection and close relationships with others. If the spot resembles a person reflected in a mirror, this can symbolize self-centeredness or, on the contrary, a tendency to self-criticism.

In each of the two options, either a negative or a positive personality characteristic is expressed, depending on what feelings the image evokes in a person. If the respondent sees a dog in the spot, this may mean that he is a faithful and loving friend. If he perceives the stain as something negative, then he needs to face his fears face to face and recognize his inner feelings.

If the spot reminds a person of an elephant, this can symbolize a tendency to think, a developed intellect and a good memory; however, sometimes such a vision indicates a negative perception of one's own body.

The bear, imprinted in the spot, symbolizes aggression, rivalry, independence, disobedience. In the case of English-speaking patients, a play on words can play a role: bear (bear) and bare (bare), which means a feeling of insecurity, vulnerability, as well as the sincerity and honesty of the responder.

The spot on this card is reminiscent of something sexual, and if the respondent sees it as a person praying, this may indicate an attitude towards sex in the context of religion. If at the same time the respondent sees blood in the stain, it means that he associates physical pain with religion or, experiencing complex emotions like anger, resorts to prayer, or associates anger with religion.

Card 3

The third card shows a spot of red and black ink, and its perception symbolizes the relationship of the patient to other people within the framework of social interaction. Most often, respondents see on it the image of two people looking in the mirror of a person, a butterfly or a moth.

If a person sees two people having lunch in a spot, this means that he leads an active social life. A stain that looks like two people washing their hands indicates insecurity, a feeling of impurity, or paranoid fear. If the respondent saw two people playing a game in the spot, this often indicates that he takes the position of a rival in social interactions. If the spot resembles a person looking at his reflection in the mirror, this may indicate self-centeredness, inattention to others and inability to understand people.

Card 4

Experts call the fourth card "father's". The spot on it is black, and some of its parts are fuzzy, blurry. Many people see something big and frightening in this picture - an image that is usually perceived not as feminine, but as masculine. The reaction to this stain makes it possible to reveal a person's attitude to authorities and the peculiarities of his upbringing. Most often, the spot reminds the respondents of a huge animal or monster, or the hole of some animal or its skin.

If the patient sees a large animal or monster in the spot, this may symbolize a sense of inferiority and admiration for authority, as well as an exaggerated fear of people in positions of power, including his own father. If the spot resembles the skin of an animal responding, this often symbolizes the strongest internal discomfort when discussing topics related to the father. However, this may also indicate that the problem of one's own inferiority or worship of authorities is irrelevant for this respondent.

Card 5

On this card, we again see a black spot. The association caused by him, like the image on the first card, reflects our true "I". Looking at this image, people usually do not feel threatened, and since the previous cards caused them completely different emotions, this time the person does not feel much tension or discomfort - therefore, a deeply personal reaction will be characteristic. If the image he sees is very different from the answer given when he saw the first card, this means that cards two through four most likely made a big impression on him. Most often, this image reminds people of a bat, butterfly or moth.

Card 6

The picture on this card is also monochrome, black; it is distinguished by the texture of the spot. This image evokes in a person associations with interpersonal intimacy, which is why it is called the “sex card”. Most often, people say that the stain reminds them of a hole or an animal skin, which may indicate a reluctance to enter into close relationships with other people and, as a result, a feeling of inner emptiness and isolation from society.

Card 7

The spot on this card is also black and is usually associated with the feminine. Since people most often see images of women and children in this spot, it is called "motherly". If a person has difficulty describing what is shown on the card, this may indicate that he has difficult relationships with women in his life. Respondents often say that the stain reminds them of the heads or faces of women or children; it can also evoke memories of a kiss.

If the spot looks like the heads of women, this symbolizes the feelings associated with the mother of the respondent, which also affect his attitude towards the female sex in general. If the spot resembles children's heads, this symbolizes feelings associated with childhood and the need to take care of the child that lives in the soul of the respondent, or that the patient's relationship with the mother needs close attention and, possibly, correction. If a person sees two heads bowed for a kiss in a spot, this indicates his desire to be loved and reunite with his mother, or that he seeks to reproduce the once close relationship with his mother in other relationships, including romantic or social.

Card 8

This card has gray, and pink, and orange, and blue colors. Not only is this the first multi-colored card in the test, it is also particularly difficult to interpret. If it is precisely when demonstrating it or changing the pace of displaying pictures that the respondent experiences obvious discomfort, it is very likely that in life he has difficulty processing difficult situations or emotional stimuli. Most often, people say that they see a four-legged animal, a butterfly or a moth here.

Card 9

The spot on this card includes green, pink, and orange. It has a vague outline, so most people find it difficult to understand what this image reminds them of. For this reason, this card allows you to evaluate how well a person copes with the lack of a clear structure and uncertainty. Most often, patients see on it either the general outlines of a person, or some indefinite form of evil.

If the respondent sees a person, then the feelings experienced at the same time convey how successfully he copes with the disorganization of time and information. If the stain resembles some abstract image of evil, this may indicate that a person needs to have a clear routine in order to feel comfortable, and that he does not cope well with uncertainty.

Card 10

The last card of the Rorschach test has the most colors: there are orange, and yellow, and green, and pink, and gray, and blue. In form, it is somewhat similar to the eighth card, but in terms of complexity it is more similar to the ninth.

Many people experience quite pleasant feelings when they see this card, except for those who were very puzzled by the difficulty of identifying the image depicted on the previous card; when they look at this picture, they feel the same way. This may indicate that they have difficulty coping with similar, synchronous, or overlapping stimuli. Most often, people see crab, lobster, spider, rabbit head, snakes or caterpillars on this card.

The image of a crab symbolizes the respondent's tendency to become too attached to things and people, or such a quality as tolerance. If a person sees a lobster in a picture, this may indicate their strength, tolerance and ability to cope with minor problems, as well as the fear of harming themselves or being harmed by someone else. If the spot resembles a spider, it may be a symbol of fear, a feeling that a person has been dragged into a difficult situation by force or deceit. In addition, the image of a spider symbolizes an overprotective and caring mother and the power of a woman.

If a person sees the head of a rabbit, it can symbolize reproductive ability and a positive attitude towards life. Snakes reflect a sense of danger or a feeling that a person has been deceived, as well as a fear of the unknown. The snake is also often regarded as a phallic symbol and associated with unacceptable or forbidden sexual desires. Since this is the last card in the test, if the patient sees caterpillars on it, this indicates the prospects for his growth and the understanding that people are constantly changing and developing. published

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