Section I. Language sign definition

The language used by a person in everyday communication is not only a historically established form of culture that unites human society, but also a complex sign system. Understanding the sign properties of the language is necessary in order to better understand the structure of the language and the rules for its use.

The words of the human language are signs of objects and concepts. Words are the most numerous and main characters in the language. Other units of the language are also signs.

Sign represents a substitute for an object for the purposes of communication, a sign allows the speaker to evoke in the mind of the interlocutor the image of an object or concept.

  • The sign has the following properties:
    • the sign must be material, accessible to perception;
    • the sign is directed to the meaning;
    • the content of the sign does not coincide with its material characteristics, while the content of the thing is exhausted by its material properties;
    • the content and form of the sign are determined by distinctive features;
    • a sign is always a member of the system, and its content largely depends on the place of the given sign in the system.
  • The above properties of the sign determine a number of requirements of the culture of speech.
    • Firstly, the speaker (writer) must take care that the signs of his speech (sounding words or signs of writing) are convenient for perception: they are quite clearly audible, visible.
    • Secondly, it is necessary that speech signs express some content, convey meaning, and in such a way that the form of speech makes it easier to understand the content of speech.
    • Thirdly, it must be borne in mind that the interlocutor may be less aware of the subject of the conversation, which means that it is necessary to provide him with the missing information, which only in the opinion of the speaker is already contained in the spoken words.
    • Fourth, it is important to ensure that the sounds of oral speech and the letters of the letter are clearly distinguished from each other.
    • Fifth, it is important to remember the systemic connections of a word with other words, take into account polysemy, use synonymy, keep in mind the associative links of words.

Thus, knowledge from the field semiotics(sciences of signs) contribute to the improvement of speech culture.

  • language sign maybe code sign and text sign.
    • Code signs exist in the form of a system of units opposed in the language, connected by a relation of significance, which determines the content of signs specific to each language.
    • Text signs exist as a formally and semantically connected sequence of units. The culture of speech implies the attentive attitude of the speaker to the coherence of the spoken or written text.

Meaning - this is the content of a linguistic sign, which is formed as a result of the reflection of extralinguistic reality in the minds of people. The meaning of the language unit in the language system virtually, i.e. determined by what the unit can stand for. In a particular utterance, the meaning of the language unit becomes relevant, since the unit corresponds to a specific object, to what it really means in the statement. From the point of view of the culture of speech, it is important for the speaker to clearly direct the interlocutor's attention to the actualization of the meaning of the statement, to help him correlate the statement with the situation, and for the listener it is important to show maximum attention to the speaker's communicative intentions.

  • Distinguish subject and conceptual meaning.
    • subject meaning consists in the correlation of the word with the object, in the designation of the object.
    • conceptual value serves to express a concept that reflects an object, to specify a class of objects denoted by a sign.


The language that a person uses in everyday communication is not only a historically established form of culture that unites human society, but also a complex sign system. Understanding the sign properties of a language is necessary in order to better understand the structure of the language and the rules for its use.

The theme of the proposed work is “The evolution of ideas about the sign character of language”.

The relevance of the work is associated with an increased interest in the chosen topic, as well as the fact that the language throughout its history remains a central topic.

The purpose of this study is to depict the sign as a sign system.

The objectives of the study are the definition of a linguistic sign, its representation in the language, as well as the image of the sign as a sign system of the language.

The object of research is the language system of the language.

The subject of research is the sign in the language system.

The novelty of the work lies in the study and presentation of the sign in the language system of the language.

The theoretical and methodological basis is made up of research on the theory of the question: J. Grima, L. Hjelmslev, F. Saussure.

The structure of the work consists of an introduction, three sections, conclusions and a list of references. The first section defines the language sign. In the second section of the work, the essence of the representation of the sign in the language is considered. In the third section, the image of a sign is considered as a sign system of a language.

The list of used literature consists of eight positions. The volume of the work is eighteen pages.

Language sign definition

The sign character of human language is one of its universal features and main features. The ancient Greeks, nominalists and realists, followers of two diametrically opposed philosophical trends of the Middle Ages, the classics of comparative and typological linguistics, inexpressively proceeded from the concept of a sign in their scientific disputes about the essence of things and their names. Since the time of Baudouin de Courtenay and F. de Saussure, all the any significant theories of language in modern linguistic science have been based on the concept of a sign.

Language is one of the functions of the human organism in the broadest sense of the word” (J. A. Baudouin de Courtenay).

What is considered symbolic in a language? The sign aspect of natural language is usually understood as the correlation of linguistic elements (morphemes, words, phrases, sentences, etc.). The sign function of language units includes, further, their property to generalize the results of a person's cognitive activity, to consolidate and store the results of his socio-historical experience.

Under the sign aspect of the language, the ability of language elements to carry certain information, to perform various communicative and expressive tasks in the process of communication is summed up. Consequently, the term "sign", as well as the term "semiotic" synonymous with it, are polysemantic, different content is embedded in it and, in relation to natural language, it can be attributed to four different functions of linguistic elements: the designation function (representative), generalizing (epistemological), communicative and pragmatic. The direct connection of language with thinking, with the mechanism and logic of cognition, the unique property of human language to serve as a universal system for designating the entire diversity of the objective world - all this has made the sign aspect of language a subject of study for various sciences (philosophy, semiotics, logic, psychology, linguistics, etc.), due to the generality of the object, they are not always clearly delimited from each other.

The semiotic concepts formulated in the logical analysis of language, being applied for various research purposes in linguistics, somewhat advanced the study of the sign aspect of language, giving rise to new linguistic directions, starting with the creation of L. Hjelmslev's "algebraic" theory of language, where the language is reduced to a formal logical construction, and ending with the generative grammar of N. Chomsky, the theoretical foundations of which, in a certain sense, go back to the same source.

The concepts of "sign system", "sign" in relation to natural language have a certain meaning only when they are defined purely linguistically and when behind the presumption about the sign character of the language as a whole or its individual level is a holistic theory of language, built on the results of the study of these its properties and formulated as a result of clear implications of the concept of a linguistic sign. Where these terms are used without a system of linguistic definitions attached to them, they remain empty labels. It is this fact that often creates a situation of mutual misunderstanding in linguistics: the less reasonably and definitely one uses the terms "sign", "sign", "sign system" without studying their specifics, the more categorically others reject the very idea of ​​sign representation - the main property of natural language, - also without referring to the study of this property of the language.

The division of the signifier and the signified sign into components, the opposition of signs and non-signs (figures) occupies a significant place in the development of the problem of the sign nature of language. In addition to the large range of issues associated with the name of F. de Saussure, in the development of the theory of the sign essence of natural language, the following problems are currently being discussed: the difference between linguistic signs and "natural signs", typology of signs, types of meanings, the creation of the foundations of linguistic semiotics, and much more. other. The linguistic development of the problem of the sign nature of language, begun by F. de Saussure, is represented today by a wide variety of points of view, which will be touched upon to one degree or another in the course of the discussion of individual problems.


1. The sign character of the language

The language used by a person in everyday communication is not only a historically established form of culture that unites human society, but also a complex sign system. Understanding the sign properties of the language is necessary in order to better understand the structure of the language and the rules for its use.

The words of the human language are signs of objects and concepts. Words are the most numerous and main characters in the language. Other units of the language are also signs.

A sign is a substitute for an object for the purposes of communication; a sign allows the speaker to evoke in the mind of the interlocutor the image of an object or concept.

The sign has the following properties:

o the sign must be material, accessible to perception;

o the sign is directed to the value;

o a sign is always a member of the system, and its content largely depends on the place of the given sign in the system.

· The above properties of the sign determine a number of requirements of the culture of speech.

o Firstly, the speaker (writer) must make sure that the signs of his speech (sounding words or signs of writing) are convenient for perception: they are quite clearly audible, visible.

o Secondly, it is necessary that speech signs express some content, convey meaning, and in such a way that the form of speech makes it easier to understand the content of speech.

o Thirdly, it must be borne in mind that the interlocutor may be less aware of the subject of the conversation, which means that it is necessary to provide him with the missing information, which only in the opinion of the speaker is already contained in the words spoken.

o Fourth, it is important to ensure that the sounds of spoken language and the letters of the letter are clearly distinguished from each other.

o Fifthly, it is important to remember the systemic connections of a word with other words, take into account polysemy, use synonymy, keep in mind the associative links of words.

Thus, knowledge from the field of semiotics (the science of signs) contributes to the improvement of speech culture.

· A language mark can be a code mark and a text mark.

o The signs of the code exist as a system of units opposed in the language, connected by a significance relation that determines the content of the signs specific to each language.

o Text characters exist as a formally and semantically linked sequence of units. The culture of speech implies the attentive attitude of the speaker to the coherence of the spoken or written text.

Meaning is the content of a linguistic sign, which is formed as a result of the reflection of extralinguistic reality in the minds of people. The value of a language unit in the language system is virtual, i.e. determined by what the unit can stand for. In a specific utterance, the meaning of a linguistic unit becomes relevant, since the unit is related to a specific object, to what it actually means in the utterance. From the point of view of the culture of speech, it is important for the speaker to clearly direct the interlocutor's attention to the actualization of the meaning of the statement, to help him correlate the statement with the situation, and for the listener it is important to show maximum attention to the speaker's communicative intentions.

Distinguish between subject and conceptual meaning.

o Objective meaning consists in correlating a word with an object, in designating an object.

o The conceptual meaning is used to express a concept that reflects an object, to specify a class of objects denoted by a sign.

2. Natural and artificial languages

Signs that are part of languages ​​as means of communication in society are called signs of communication. Communication signs are divided into signs of natural languages ​​and signs of artificial sign systems (artificial languages).

The signs of natural languages ​​consist of both sound signs and the corresponding signs of writing (handwritten, typographic, typewritten, printer, screen).

In the natural languages ​​of communication - national languages ​​- there are rules of grammar in a more or less explicit form, and the rules of meaning and use are in an implicit form. For the written form of speech, there are also spelling and punctuation rules fixed in codes and reference books.

In artificial languages, both the rules of grammar and the rules of meaning and usage are set explicitly in the corresponding descriptions of these languages.

Artificial languages ​​arose in connection with the development of science and technology, they are used in the professional activities of specialists. Artificial languages ​​include systems of mathematical and chemical symbols. They serve as a means of not only communication, but also the derivation of new knowledge.

Among artificial sign systems, one can single out code systems designed to encode ordinary speech. These include Morse code, marine flag signaling of letters of the alphabet, and various ciphers.

A special group is made up of artificial languages ​​designed to control the operation of computer systems - programming languages. They have a strict system structure and formalized rules for correlating code signs and meaning, providing for the computer system to perform exactly those operations that are required.

Signs of artificial languages ​​can themselves constitute texts or be included in written texts in natural language. Many artificial languages ​​have international usage and are included in texts in various natural national languages. Of course, it is appropriate to include signs of artificial languages ​​only in texts addressed to specialists familiar with these languages.

The natural spoken language of humans is the most complete and perfect of all communication systems. Other human-made sign systems embody only some of the properties of natural language. These systems can significantly enhance the language and surpass it in one or more respects, but at the same time be inferior to it in others (Yu. S. Stepanov. Language and method. - M .: 1998. P. 52).

So, for example, the system of mathematical symbols surpasses the natural language in the brevity of information recording, the minimality of code signs. Programming languages ​​are characterized by clear rules and unambiguous correspondence between meaning and form.

In turn, natural language is much more flexible, open and dynamic.

Natural language is applicable to describe any situations, including those that have not yet been the object of description using this language.

Natural language allows the speaker to generate new signs that are understandable to the interlocutor, as well as to use existing signs in new meanings, which is impossible in artificial languages.

The natural language is known within the entire national society, and not only to a narrow circle of specialists.

Natural language quickly adapts to the diverse needs of interpersonal interaction between people and therefore is the main and generally indispensable means of human communication.

3. Basic functions of the language

"Being the most important means of communication, language unites people, regulates their interpersonal and social interaction, coordinates their practical activities, participates in the formation of worldview systems and national images of the world, ensures the accumulation and storage of information, including information related to the history and historical experience of the people and personal to the experience of the individual, dismembers, classifies and consolidates concepts, forms the consciousness and self-consciousness of a person, serves as a material and form of artistic creativity "(N.D. Arutyunova. Functions of language. // Russian language. Encyclopedia. - M .: 1997. P. 609) .

The main functions of the language are:

o Communicative (communication function);

o Thought-forming (function of embodiment and expression of thought);

o Expressive (the function of expressing the internal state of the speaker);

o Aesthetic (the function of creating beauty by means of language).

The communicative function is the ability of language to serve as a means of communication between people. The language has the units necessary for constructing messages, the rules for their organization, and ensures the emergence of similar images in the minds of the participants in communication.

Language also has special means of establishing and maintaining contact between the participants in communication.

From the point of view of the culture of speech, the communicative function involves the installation of participants in speech communication on the fruitfulness and mutual usefulness of communication, as well as a general focus on the adequacy of speech understanding.

Achieving the functional effectiveness of communication is impossible without knowledge and compliance with the norms of the literary language.

The thought-forming function lies in the fact that language serves as a means of designing and expressing thoughts. The structure of the language is organically connected with the categories of thinking.

"The word, which alone is capable of making a concept an independent unit in the world of thoughts, adds to it a lot of itself," wrote the founder of linguistics W. von Humboldt (W. Humboldt. Selected Works on Linguistics. M .: 1984, p. 318).

This means that the word singles out and shapes the concept, and at the same time, a relationship is established between the units of thinking and the sign units of the language. That is why W. Humboldt believed that "language should accompany thought. Thought, keeping up with the language, should follow from one of its elements to another and find in the language a designation for everything that makes it coherent" (ibid., p. 345) . According to Humboldt, "in order to correspond to thinking, language, as far as possible, by its structure must correspond to the internal organization of thinking" (ibid.).

The speech of an educated person is distinguished by the clarity of the presentation of his own thoughts, the accuracy of retelling other people's thoughts, consistency and informativeness.

The expressive function allows the language to serve as a means of expressing the internal state of the speaker, not only to communicate some information, but also to express the speaker's attitude to the content of the message, to the interlocutor, to the situation of communication. Language expresses not only thoughts, but also emotions of a person.

The expressive function involves the emotional brightness of speech within the framework of etiquette accepted in society.

Artificial languages ​​do not have an expressive function.

The aesthetic function is to ensure that the message in its form, in unity with the content, satisfies the aesthetic sense of the addressee. The aesthetic function is characteristic primarily for poetic speech (folklore, fiction), but not only for it - journalistic, scientific speech, and everyday colloquial speech can be aesthetically perfect.

The aesthetic function implies the richness and expressiveness of speech, its correspondence to the aesthetic tastes of the educated part of society.

4. Russian as a world language

Russian language and electronic written speech in computer technologies

At the beginning of the 21st century, more than 250 million people in the world speak Russian to some extent. The bulk of Russian speakers live in Russia (143.7 million according to the 1989 All-Union Population Census) and in other states (88.8 million) that were part of the USSR.

Representatives of different peoples of the world speak Russian, communicating not only with Russians, but also among themselves.

Just like English and some other languages, Russian is widely spoken outside of Russia. It is used in various areas of international communication: at the negotiations of the CIS member states, at the forums of international organizations, including the UN, in world communication systems (on television, on the Internet), in international aviation and space communications. Russian is the language of international scientific communication and is used at many international scientific conferences in the humanities and natural sciences.

The Russian language ranks fifth in the world in terms of the absolute number of those who speak it (after Chinese, Hindi and Urdu together, English and Spanish), but this feature is not the main one in determining the world language. For a "world language" it is not the number of those who speak it, especially as a native language, but the global distribution of native speakers, the coverage of different countries, the maximum number of countries, as well as the most influential social strata of the population in different countries. Of great importance is the universal significance of fiction, the entire culture created in this language (Kostomarov V.G. Russian language in international communication.//Russian language. Encyclopedia. M .: 1997. P. 445).

Russian is studied as a foreign language in many countries of the world. Russian language and literature are studied at leading universities in the USA, Germany, France, China and other countries.

The Russian language, like other "world languages", is highly informative, i. wide possibilities of expression and transmission of thought. The informational value of a language depends on the quality and quantity of information presented in that language in original and translated publications.

The traditional sphere of use of the Russian language outside the Russian Federation was the republics within the Soviet Union; it was studied in the countries of Eastern Europe (Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, East Germany), as well as by students from around the world who studied in the USSR.

After the start of reforms in Russia, the country became more open to international contacts. Citizens of Russia began to visit abroad more often, and foreigners more often visit Russia. The Russian language began to attract more attention in some foreign countries. It is studied in Europe and the USA, India and China.

Interest in the Russian language abroad largely depends on both political factors (the stability of the social situation in Russia, the development of democratic institutions, readiness for dialogue with foreign partners) and cultural factors (interest in Russia in foreign languages ​​and cultures, improvement of forms and methods Russian language teaching).

In the context of the expansion of international communication in Russian, the quality of speech of people for whom Russian is their native language becomes a significant factor in its further development, since the speech errors of native speakers are perceived by people who study Russian as a language of interethnic communication or as a foreign language, as correct speech patterns, as the norm of Russian speech.

The integration processes taking place in the modern world contribute to increasing the role of "world languages", deepening the interaction between them. An international fund of scientific, technical and cultural vocabulary is growing, common to many languages. Computer terms, vocabulary related to sports, tourism, goods and services are gaining worldwide distribution.

In the process of interaction between languages, the Russian language is replenished with international vocabulary, and is itself a source of lexical borrowings for the languages ​​of neighboring countries.

Russian language and electronic written speech in computer technologies

The globalization of the processes of communicative cooperation in the modern world as a result of the spread of computer networks leads to an increase in the number of people who use "world" languages ​​in communication. This leads, on the one hand, to the universalization and standardization of means of communication, language use skills, and, on the other hand, to the rapid spread of individual and regional characteristics of speech as a result of the lack of editorial and proofreading checks in the electronic communication environment. The inconsistency of these trends, caused by the new conditions of communication, leads to the emergence of new factors that affect the development of the language, contributes both to its enrichment and the decrease in speech culture. In these new conditions, it becomes especially important to take care of the correctness of electronic written speech, observe the traditions of written communication, and pay attention to the functional and stylistic differentiation of speech genres.

The new conditions of communication increase the responsibility of each person for the fate of his native language and other languages ​​that he uses in communication, the correctness of their use, and the technical capabilities of computer technology help a modern person to check the spelling and accuracy of the use of words, edit and beautifully arrange the text. However, no technology will help to fill the text with the necessary content, to make a person’s speech spiritual, beautiful, not only in form, but also in essence.

Freedom of speech is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the word to improve people's lives. Therefore, in the new conditions of oral (public, television, interactive) and written (electronic) communication, the role of the culture of speech should increase, and, above all, due to the deep inner awareness of the participants in the information exchange of their personal role and responsibility for how their native language and other languages ​​will develop. the languages ​​people use.

5. Russian language as a state language

The connection of the Russian language with the history and culture of the people

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993), Russian is the state language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory. At the same time, Russian is the state or official language of a number of republics that are part of the Russian Federation, along with the language of the indigenous population of these republics.

Knowledge of the state language is mandatory for officials of state institutions, it is in it that all official documentation is drawn up.

As the state language, the Russian language actively functions in all spheres of public life that have all-Russian significance. Central and local institutions of the federal level work in Russian, communication between the subjects of the federation is carried out. The Russian language is used in the army, the central and local press, on television, in education and science, in culture and sports.

Russian is the second state language in Belarus and the official language in Kazakhstan.

The connection of the Russian language with the history and culture of the people

Language is not only a system of signs, but also a historical form of the culture of the people. According to W. Humboldt, "language is not a dead clockwork, but a living creation emanating from itself" (W. Humboldt. Selected Works on Linguistics. M.: 1984. P. 275). Natural language arises not as a result of mathematical calculation of a group of "language creators", but as a result of centuries-old efforts of people belonging to the same national community to make their speech generally intelligible within the national community.

The Russian language has evolved over many centuries. His vocabulary and grammatical structure were not formed immediately. The dictionary gradually included new lexical units, the appearance of which was dictated by the new needs of social development. The grammatical structure gradually adapted to a more accurate and subtle transmission of thought following the development of national social and scientific thinking. Thus, the needs of cultural development became the engine of the development of the language, and the language reflected and preserved the history of the cultural life of the nation, including those stages that have already passed into the past.

Thanks to this, the language is for the people a unique means of preserving national identity, the largest source-cultural value.

As W. Humboldt wrote, "language, no matter what form it takes, is always the spiritual embodiment of the individual life of the nation" (W. Humboldt. Selected Works on Linguistics. M .: 1984, p. 72) and moreover, "language is breath , the very soul of the nation" (ibid., p. 303). Thus, the culture of speech is an important part of the national culture as a whole.

Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University. 2015. No. 27 (382). Philological Sciences. Issue. 98. S. 175-178.

A.Zh. Suyunbayeva


The symbolic nature of the language and its main features in the system of signs are explained. The emergence of natural and artificial languages ​​and their functions are revealed. The composition of the language as a means of communication in society, the main functions of the language are determined.

Key words: sign system, language units, semiotics, linguistic sign, natural languages, artificial languages, programming languages, communicative, expressive, aesthetic function, professional situation, operational languages.

The language used in the daily relations of people is not only a form of culture that unites human society, rooted from a historical point of view, but also a complex sign system. Understanding the sign features of the language is necessary in order to understand the structure of the language and the rules for using this structure. Words in the language of mankind are signs of objects and concepts. The word is an extensive and basic sign of the language. The ancient units of the language are also considered a sign. A sign in human communication names an object, enables the speaker to create an image or concept in the mind of the interlocutor. The main features of signs: in material reproduction, the sign should be light, based on the message of the concept; the content of the sign does not correspond to the material description, but spectacularly gives a manifestation, is determined by a variety of signs, the sign is always part of the system, therefore its content is associated with a place in the system.

A sign system is a system of uniformly interpreted and interpreted messages of signals that can be exchanged in the process of communication. Sometimes sign systems help to structure the process of communication in order to give it some adequacy in terms of the reactions of its participants to certain signs. Language is usually cited as an example of a sign system (both in written form and, in the case of natural languages, in the form of speech).

These features of the signs set the following conditions for the culture of the speaker's speech. First, the speaker (writer) when speaking (writing) should strive so that the signs (sound words or written signs) are

easy to understand, sound clear, express clearly in writing. Second, the signs of speech must reproduce a certain content; the concept and form of speech should be oriented towards easy understanding. Thirdly, you need to take into account that, perhaps, the interlocutor has little awareness of the topic of conversation, you need to give specific missing information about the conversation. Fourth, you need to pay attention to the fact that in oral and written speech, letters should be clearly distinguished. Fifth, you need to remember the systemic connection of words with other words, pay attention to the ambiguity of words, use synonyms, associative links of words. Knowledge in the field of semiotics (the science of signs) helps to improve the culture of speech.

A language character can be a code character or a text character. Code signs are used by the opposite system in the units of the language, associated with the definition of the content of semantic relations. Code signs are used to determine the content of the peculiar signs of each language, they are used for the opposite system of the language unit. Text signs are used in the form of a formal and meaningful sequence of units. The culture of communication requires the speaker to pay attention to the connection of oral or written text.

Meaning is the content of a linguistic sign that reflects the true truth in the mind of a person outside of language. The meaning of a linguistic unit is determined virtually, that is, what value this unit gives. The meaning of the language unit in a particular communication will become relevant, because the language unit in a conversation with the informer coincides in a particular object. In terms of culture of communication,

for the speaker, it is important to draw the attention of the interlocutor to the essence of the problem, and he (the interlocutor) needs to be helped to understand the connection between communication and situations, the main thing for the listener is to understand the communicative goal of the speaker. There is the concept of the essence and the concept of the subject. The subject concept denotes the name of the subject, the compatibility of the word with the subject. The concept of essence serves to communicate the concept of an object, a group of objects denoted by signs.

The signs that make up the language as a means of communication in society are all signs of communication. The signs of natural languages ​​consist of sound signs and written signs (handwritten, typographic, typewritten, printed, shown on the screen). In natural languages ​​of communication - in national languages ​​- there are rules at a certain level, and the rules for the use of semantic language units are not particularly noticed. In written communication, in collections and reference books, there are spelling and punctuation rules. Artificial languages ​​are sign systems that are the result of the purposeful activity of people, which distinguishes them from natural languages ​​that were formed spontaneously along with the development of human society.

Artificial languages ​​appear in connection with the development of science and technology and are used in the professional service of specialists. Artificial languages ​​include mathematical and chemical sign systems. They are not only a language of communication, but also a means of mastering new knowledge. Among artificial sign systems, one can define code systems for coding ordinary communication. These include Morse code, signs transmitted by flags at sea, and various ciphers.

A special group is made up of artificial programming languages ​​- managing the operation of a computer system. They obey the structures of a strict sequence of computer systems, requiring the execution of operations directed by a code mark and brought in accordance with formal rules. The signs of artificial languages ​​themselves form the text or are part of the written texts of natural languages. It would be correct to use signs of artificial languages ​​in the text for specialists familiar with this language. Natural sound language is the most full-blooded and modern

kind of human communication systems. Yu. S. Stepanov writes about this: “Other sign systems created by mankind fulfill only some of the possibilities of natural language. Such systems strengthen the language, but on the other hand create disadvantages. Mathematical systems of symbols are isolated by the written transmission of information and the small number of code signs. Programming languages ​​are characterized by the accuracy of the rules, the content and type of boundaries correspond to the same. Natural language stands out for its adaptability, clarity and dynamism. Natural language tends to be used in any situation, including those not described through this language. If a natural language generates understandable signs, makes it possible to use the used signs in a new concept, then an artificial language cannot do this. Natural language is familiar not only to language specialists, but to the entire national society. Natural language quickly adapts to the fulfillment of interpersonal relationships, therefore it is the main and invaluable tool of mankind. N. D. Arutyunova in her work “The Functions of Language” writes: “Language, being the most important tool for communication of mankind, unites people, establishes their interpersonal and social relations, brings practical services into line, participates in the system of worldview and the image of the national world, provides the collection and preservation of information related to history, to the historical experience of the people, to the personal experience of the individual, separates the concept in the mind, groups and places, improves the mind and oneself, serves as a form and material of artistic creativity. The main functions of the language are: communicative (service of communication), restoration of thoughts (inference and service of bringing to the interlocutor), expressive (service of revealing the internal state of the speaker), aesthetic (service of understanding beauty through language).

The communicative function is a means of communication between people. The language consists of units, building information and the use of organized rules, ensures the appearance of similar patterns in the minds of the speakers. Also in the language there are special means that establish a connection between the participants in communications to enliven the conversation. From the point of view of the culture of speech,

The sign character of language: natural and artificial languages

the communicative function seeks to ensure that the communication of the participants in communication is fruitful, understandable to each other. Functional-rational relations are impossible without observing the norms of the literary language. The thought recovery service shows that language is a means of concentrating thoughts and bringing them to the interlocutor. The structure of the language is connected with the mental category and with the organic point of view. “In the world of thoughts, a word that shows a concept as a special unit can add a lot,” writes the founder of general linguistics, W. Humboldt.

Due to the great importance of speech, this quote shows that the word, explaining, restores the connection between the unit of thought and the sign units of the language. Therefore, language should be the basis for the improvement of thoughts. Further, W. Humboldt said: “Thoughts should not go far from language, covering elements one after another, they should give verbal names in thoughts.” In his opinion, “in order to correspond to thought, language must, as far as possible of its structure, internally organize thought” .

The words of an educated person are distinguished by a clear explanation of their thoughts, accurate transmission of thoughts to others, compliance with the sequence of communication, transmission of complete, clear information. An expressive service not only conveys certain information to the speaker, but also becomes a means of relating him to the content of the information, to the interlocutor, that is, it informs his internal state. Language expresses not only thoughts, but also emotions of a person. Expressive service provides, within the framework of accepted etiquette, the clarity of the emotional state of communication. Is-

artificial languages ​​cannot perform an expressive service. The aesthetic function is aimed at satisfying the aesthetic sense of the addressee within the content types. The aesthetic function is characteristic, first of all, of the poetic style (folklore, fiction), but it does not stop there - there cannot be an aesthetic meaning in the journalistic, scientific style and in oral communication. Aesthetic service is aimed at the great wealth and convenience of communication, the aesthetic taste of the learned environment in society.

Languages ​​specially formed for use in a particular system are called operational languages. The use of natural languages ​​is convenient in solving specific duties, beneficial in professional situations. The universality of operational languages ​​is not strong, but in comparison with natural languages ​​it is convenient in the performance of specific duties. There are specific limitations of operational languages: rare words and certain lexical units are used here. A word in operational languages ​​usually has only one meaning. A peculiar grammatical feature of operational languages ​​is visible in the set of restricted rules.

Thus, we can say that understanding the sign properties of a language is necessary in order to better understand the structure of the language and the rules for its use. It also requires attention and further research of its lexico-semantic, functional aspects. The material analyzed by us is due to an attempt to systematize, as well as to expand views on their functional actions.


1. Stepanov, Yu. S. Language and method / Yu. S. Stepanov. - M.: Progress, 1998. - 52 p.

2. Solomonik, A. Semiotics and linguistics / A. Solomonik. - M.: Aspect Press, 1995. - 12 p.

3. Arutyunova, N. D. Language functions / N. D. Arutyunova // Russian language. Encyclopedia. - M.: Dialogue, 1997. - 609 p.

4. Humboldt, V. Selected works on linguistics / V. Humboldt. - M.: Progress, 2000. -400 p.

5. Morris, C.W. Foundations of the theory of signs / C.W. Morris // Semiotics. -M.: Rainbow, 1983. - 63 p.

6. Kozhin, A. N. Functional types of Russian speech / A. N. Kozhin, O. A. Krylova, V. V. Odintsov. - M.: Higher. school, 1982. - 156 p.

7. Vasilyeva, A. N. Functional direction in linguistics and its significance in teaching Russian as a foreign language: author. dis. ... Dr. Philol. Sciences / A. N. Vasilyeva. - M.: Nauka, 1981.-45 p.

Suyunbaeva Altyngul Zhakipovna - Senior Lecturer of the State Language Department of the Military Institute of the Air Defense Forces (Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktobe). [email protected]

Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University. 2015. No. 27 (382). Philology Sciences. Issue 98. Pp. 175-178.


A. Zh. Sujnbayeva

Airforces defenseMilitary institute, Republic ofKazakhstan, Aktobe. [email protected]

Explain significant features of the language, the main features of characters and its systems, language signs. Describes the occurrence of natural and artificial languages ​​and their functions. The structure of a language as a means of communication in society, basic functions of language.

Keywords: semiotic system, units of language, semiotics, linguistic sign, natural languages, artificial languages, programming languages, communicative, expressive, aesthetic function, professional situation, operating languages.

1. Stepanov J.S. Jazyk i method. Moscow, 1998. 52 p. (In Russ.).

2. Solomonik A. Semiotika i Ungvistika. Moscow, 1995. 12 p. (In Russ.).

3. Arutjunova N.D. Funkciijazyka. Russkijjazyk. Jenciklopedija. Moscow, 1997. 609 p. (In Russ.).

4. Gumbol "dt V. Izbrannye trudypojazykoznaniju. Moscow, 2000. 400 p. (InRuss.).

5 Morris Ch.U. Osnovanijateorii znakov. Semiotika. Moscow, 1983. 63 p. (In Russ.).

6. Kozhin A.N., Krylova O.A., Odincov V.V. Funkcional "nye tipy russkoj rechi, Moscow, 1982. 156 p. (In Russ.).

7. Vasil "eva A.N. Funkcional" noe napravlenie v Ungvistike i ego znachenie v prepodavanii russk-ogojazyka kak inostrannogo. Moscow, 1981. 45 p. (In Russ.).

Before proceeding to the solution of the problem of the sign character of language, it is necessary to define and establish as precisely as possible the nature and essence of the phenomena in question.

First, of course, it is necessary to define what a sign is. Apparently, this concept can be interpreted in different aspects (including philosophical ones); we are only interested in its linguistic definition here. It is also not uniform.

Sometimes only the external and accessible to sensory perception of the discovery or indication of some conceptual content is called a sign. But such an interpretation of the sign is impossible to accept, because without correlation with the content or, as they sometimes say, with its inner side, the sign is not a sign - it does not mean anything. Therefore, it is more correct, together with Saussure, to interpret the sign as a combination of internal and external sides, or as a whole, the constituent elements of which are the signifier and the signified.

At the same time, in the linguistic disclosure of these particular concepts (signifier and signified), it seems necessary to make significant adjustments to Saussure's explanation of them. He says that “a linguistic sign connects not a thing and a name, but a concept and an acoustic image”, he tries to deprive the sign of all the qualities of materiality (rather unsuccessfully, since he himself speaks of the sensibility of an acoustic image) and calls it “a two-sided mental essence ".

In the further development of linguistics, this necessary correction was made. When people talk about the sign nature of a language, they usually mean the nature of the relationship between the sound shell of a word and its semantic content or meaning. Consequently, the question of the sign character of the language is most closely intertwined with the question of the essence of lexical meaning.

It is quite obvious that in principle and inevitably the question of the sign nature of language should be resolved differently, depending on whether the lexical meaning of a word is defined as a part of the linguistic structure that is specific in its features, i.e., as a purely linguistic phenomenon, or whether it is taken out of limits of proper linguistic phenomena. In this last case, we say that the word serves to designate concepts or objects, which, therefore, constitute the meaning of the word.

V.A. Zvegintsev. Essays on General Linguistics - Moscow, 1962