Untie the karmic knot with a man. Karmic knots: signs

Karmic knot shows a strong connection between two or more people, whose souls from past incarnations are united by mutual claims, unfulfilled obligations and a load of negative actions (or sins). Such connections can stretch for centuries through several incarnations. When people do not want to change, do not solve problems, but accumulate grievances, the knot grows and becomes stronger.

The presence of such nodes gives a strong dependence of 2 or more people, they are forced to endure each other, as appointed by the Higher Forces (karma). Love triangles can be the result of "knots of karma" with wrong actions in the past.

Karmic situations- these are insurmountable circumstances that people cannot solve, but want to change. In this case, people are forced to constantly live together or meet in each incarnation until they pay their debts (material or spiritual), until they are freed from all negative accumulated emotions towards each other.

Higher Forces or karma constantly fixes all our negative and good deeds. With the accumulation of negativity, an invisible thread first appears, if hostility and demands continue, then a knot is tied. It can melt or grow, this knot will have a bad effect on teamwork, relationships with people, problems will appear on their own until each of the participants atones for their guilt, both forgive, reconcile or distribute debts of any level.

How to determine the karmic knot connection with a person

A "node" exists with someone if:
- you have a lot of claims to this person, uncontrollable anger;
- constant conflicts, sometimes because of nonsense;
- if you want to break off relations, the circumstances are such that you have to be together;
- even at a distance, a certain person causes negativity: irritation, distrust, hatred, sometimes subconscious fear...

If you have a person who unconsciously evokes such emotions, then you can safely talk about the presence of a karmic knot with him.

How to untie and remove the karmic knot?

If you found karmic knot with a person, it will be extremely difficult to break it, especially if several people are tied, for example, generic programs. I remember a case when a mother was very worried about her son. In their family, all men at the age of 38 have died in various ways for 4 generations. The panic of wives, grandmothers, sisters was so strong that it provoked the situation even more.

The best way out is for the person himself, in this example, the son, not only to forgive everyone, not to be angry at the “rock of the family”, but to try to sort out related unresolved problems. With awareness, spiritual growth, the study of cosmic laws, a “righteous” life, the knot is basically destroyed. Many years have passed, the man studied the Bible, Buddhism, studied in India and China for many years. He changed himself, his profession, and most importantly, his attitude to life. He stopped being afraid, he is already 50, so everything is in order.

At the birth of a child, it is possible when decoding, but as a rule, this is an indicator of negative karma. Such people need to be especially attentive to their words and actions. Since they often have great destructive power. When the knot is untied, the spots may disappear (or the scar in an adult). Sometimes, with spiritual development, large moles on the face disappear.

Definition of karmic knots

Several diagnostic methods for suspected karmic knots are a session of a clairvoyant or enlightened healer, or reincarnation therapy. For believers only rituals in temples.

There are many schools where they help to communicate with their own subconscious in order to see or learn about problems. It could be an undiagnosed illness, a hidden grudge...

Karmic tasks are the goals for which a person came to this world. If he does not fulfill these tasks, the "vessel of karma" fills up even more. If earlier his karma fell on the shoulders of his descendants, then in the modern world everyone must solve his own problems and help others solve them. A new era and a new century have begun, this is the most difficult period of the transition of people's consciousness to another level. If in this life a person is often offended, angry, able to shout, humiliate another, the cup of "sins" is filled.

How to untie a karmic knot

1. Find out the reason for the formation of a karmic knot.
2. If you have identified the cause, the next stage is work on yourself, you need to increase your own spiritual level.
- be sure to realize and forgive (not in words, but from a pure heart);
- another option is possible to be forgiven (for an abandoned child in an orphanage, for example, or for abortions of unborn souls for women);
- repay all debts (sometimes this is lifelong assistance to parents, relatives or friends);
- sometimes humility (no opportunity to have children due to illness);
- often, those who in the past were afraid of responsibility, one or several incarnations burned their lives, are given into a burden that a disabled parent cannot refuse or can become a burden (change places).
3. The last stage can be a special ritual of an initiated specialist who has reached a certain level (Spiritual teacher), who has been given the “karmic right” of the Higher Forces to remove karmic punishments with the help of the Higher Forces, Karma Keepers, personal Guardian Angel.
An interesting fact, a person swears that he realized, and actually corrected himself after some time. With great difficulty, you remove the “karmic knot”, the problems disappeared, the client calmed down. After a year or two, problems come again: I forgave my parents last time, and now I have become involved in financial scams.

When a person comprehends the laws, he studies himself or is explained to him, responsibility increases, the knot will be tied much faster. After all, he did not know this before, the problems were from a past life, and now he will have to answer for new (conscious) violations, the punishment may be more serious.

When karmic knots disappear, a person is freed from negative emotions and thoughts. People talk about such people, a person who directly shines, that is, with a pure heart. Cheerful people (with positive energy) always bring joy to the team, live longer, help others both in business and in working out karmic knots.

Summing up

Often ten years is not enough for forgiveness. You cannot directly ask a person, go to your temple (regardless of direction), the laws are the same. Ask for help from the Higher powers to give you the opportunity to forgive yourself and others. For this there is a confession, there is a ritual from incurable diseases unction. Usually it is used by old people, but no one will forbid you at any age. The main sin of pride will have to be pacified and repent not only to an unknown person (priest), but possibly also to follow his instructions (several specific prayers a day, etc.).

You may not be able to persuade your friend or partner to go to the world, but your own attitude will change. The knot will begin to untie, it will bother you less. You will become calmer, and this is an indicator of a new life.

To whom to turn in the church (temple) when praying and asking?

In Orthodoxy:
Panteleimon - the doctor of life, healed all the sick;
Fedor is a defender before the Creator in case of greed, a selfish attitude towards people;
Nicholas the Wonderworker - during his lifetime he worked miracles in various areas, it is believed that he helps in trade, travel, etc .;
Matrona of Moscow - with family problems, "female" diseases, infertility;
Each baptized person has his own guardian angel, he also helps in difficult situations. When we say that we accidentally got lucky in a difficult case, this is his help. You can look at your name day (by name at baptism) in the religious calendar or ask in specialized stores. Be sure to carry a small picture of your Angel in your bag for safety.
Creator (Jesus), Virgin Mary - from all troubles and troubles.

There are special prayers for each saint, but you can state the request in your own words, the main thing is that the message is sincere. You can not demand anything and threaten (and this happens!), Only culturally and in a request. Ask for awareness, help the heart forgive (name), give patience, intelligence, wisdom, the ability to understand another, etc.

If you find it difficult to choose an "assistant", you can ask in any temple, no one will refuse you.

In any religion, saints may differ, but the essence is the same. Nicholas the Pleasant (or miracle worker) is also Spiridon (Greece), the creator of miraculous deeds (diseases, any problems).

After realizing the problems, you need to change yourself, sometimes dramatically. Inner harmony, calm, even if not everything is going smoothly.

Please note that charlatans often call themselves healers. You can only contact a trusted person who has already helped your friends. Only through insight, correction of erroneous actions, views on life, the character and actions change. A person with the “right” thoughts and life seems to repel trouble. Occasionally, fate will test your strength, provoke you, but if you do not succumb to temptations, there will be more good news every day.

This is how “karmic knots” are removed. Only your great desire to change your life will give you a chance to fulfill any desire (not selfish!). By the way, it has been proven for thousands of years that the more enlightened a person is, the less material needs he has.

I wish you awareness, and helpers are always there, you just need to sincerely ask and be able to wait.

In contact with

Karma is the natural law of the Universe, and if in general - the law of cause and logical consequence. Good thoughts and deeds lead to good karma and success, and the negative directed at others leads to constant failure. Only sometimes this law has some exceptions, because even good and right people can be persecuted by constant life difficulties and a lot of problems.

Think about it, because quite often in the lives of the people around us there are difficult situations where people really want and try, and, unfortunately, they cannot change certain life circumstances at all.

Often this is embodied in unhappy or not mutual love. This and, later, unsuccessful marriages, families in which the wife and husband constantly quarrel and often cannot stand each other, but still remain together, unable to disperse. This is also a career relationship, where colleagues at work constantly swear and quarrel, but they cannot somehow influence this. In life, at every step, we meet many options for embodying such situations.

In the highest spiritual practice, this is called the "Karmic knot", or rather its consequences. A person ties them when he does not pass the necessary lessons, and when doing the right deed, he does not accept it as a duty, but waits for gratitude, or when the deed simply contradicts the world Law of Love. In a narrower sense of the term, a Karmic knot is two, two lost souls closely tied to a common past and unfulfilled obligations, negative actions or mutual claims. So, by not paying tribute to the offender, by committing a wrong deed in relation to another, you bring misfortunes and problems to yourself, as well as a close relationship in future lives. Until the situation is resolved peacefully, until there is no anger left and until the model is worked out to the end, the karmic knot, and with it the problems, will constantly grow.

In such a "knot" sometimes not only 2 people are involved, but also 3 or more. Traditional love polygons with constant cheating are a classic example of such karmic knots from past lives or incarnations.

Why "knot" and why exactly karmic? Knot - due to the fact that the relationship is confused and implicated in a tight intricacies, which is quite difficult to disassemble later. And it is the Laws of Karma (or the Higher Universal Forces) that are the chronicler of all moral violations and spiritual crimes and the punishing hand that firmly binds people until the moment of full return of debts to each other. And only Karma itself can subsequently destroy the knot, after a complete apology, revenge and compensation, freeing the tormented souls from failures, problems and mutual hardships.

Untying karmic knots: how it happens
Steps to destroy the karmic knot:

There are many parties involved in the ceremony:

  • spiritual healer,
  • forces of karma,
  • Patrons of a person (guardian angels),
  • Higher power.

They remove the knot itself and nullify all possible karmic penalties - only representatives of Karma.

Work on your own character and moral code of laws, contact specialists, and may a karmic knot never fall on you!
Additionally, I advise you to watch this video about the essence of karmic knots

Sometimes we encounter situations that we cannot resolve for many years. Problematic relationships with relatives, a series of failures and illnesses, loneliness or lack of money may be the result of a negative experience of a past life - a karmic knot. By untying it, you can get rid of problems and achieve what you want.

According to Eastern teachings, every person has karma. This is the experience of past incarnations, remembered by our soul and transferred from life to life. It can be both positive and negative, embodied in relationships, fate and karmic marriage, but in any case, such an experience is always aimed at benefiting our soul.

However, there are situations that cannot be resolved: they bother us for a long time and are constantly present in our lives. Such phenomena are called karmic lessons, or karmic knots. Unlike natural karmic experiences, they are working off the mistakes we made in a past life.

Signs of karmic knots

There are several signs by which one can distinguish ordinary negative events from a karmic lesson that needs to be worked out. If the first is the usual course of human life with all the sorrows and joys, then the second is past mistakes that will haunt a person from life to life until a way is found to solve the problem and untie the karmic knot.

Signs indicating the presence of karmic knots:

  • negative emotions associated with a situation, place or person since childhood;
  • extremely difficult relationship with one of the relatives;
  • serious illness;
  • extremely negative love relationships that do not bring joy;
  • obsessive fear haunting you.

All these signs indicate that a karmic lesson plays a major role in your life, which you need to live and let go, getting rid of the problem. Practitioners and esotericists name three sure ways to untie karmic knots on an energy level and allow life to take its course without exposing you to endless trials.

Learn and teach. You can look at any situation and any relationship from different angles. The doctrine of karma tells you to put yourself in the place of another in order to understand him. The same can be done with any situation. For example, the claims and endless accusations of relatives can be answered with the understanding that each person does not like in others what he himself suffers from.

To help a loved one get rid of his bad character trait, to accept and love him as he is, means to untie the karmic knot, having learned to look from the other side and teaching the other to love.

Forgive and let go. Often a tragic event in which another person is guilty becomes a serious life lesson. Such situations never happen just like that, and from the point of view of karmic teachers, they are working off your deeds in past incarnations. A difficult, but the only true way in such a situation is to forgive the offender in your heart and the ability to find the strength in yourself to live on without blaming or cursing.

Get over yourself. Often we ourselves are the main karmic knot in our destiny. Flaws in appearance that drive us crazy, a complex character or illnesses are also working off past experience. In this situation, it is necessary to learn a difficult but possible thing: to accept and love yourself. Meditations, bodily practices, or advice from people who love and appreciate you can help with this.

Knowing how to change Fate and clear karma, you can achieve serious changes for the better and attract joy, prosperity and happiness into your life. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.01.2017 05:04

Karma binds people, forcing them to correct the mistakes of the past or experience some emotions that are echoes of the past...

Karma binds people, forcing them to correct the mistakes of the past or experience some emotions that are echoes of past lives. Every person has karmic knots.

A karmic knot is a connection between two or more people that has arisen due to unresolved issues in past lives. Perhaps you violated one of the laws of the universe, betrayed someone, or, conversely, became a victim of betrayal. Karmic knots bring huge problems to those people who in past lives did not deal with their debts, did not overcome difficulties. Because of this, the negative connection only becomes stronger.

How to determine the presence of a karmic knot

Calculations by date of birth are necessary in order to understand which knot connects you, if it does not yet appear in any way. There are also situations where the problem resolves itself. This may be a coincidence rather than a knot.

A karmic knot is never untied just like that. Its main feature is the repetition of problems. Here are the main things that indicate that you are related to someone:

  • you want to solve a problem in a relationship by running away from a person or removing him from your life, but he comes back, and not always on purpose;
  • your relationship is constantly improving and deteriorating - you hate a person, but still communicate with him;
  • you dislike or even despise a person for no particular reason.

There are harmless karmic knots, and there are really destructive and dangerous connections that can turn your life into a nightmare.

Numerological calculation

Let's carry out a numerological calculation of the karmic knot using the date 02/27/1980 as an example. You will need to add up all the digits of your date of birth: 2+7+0+2+1+9+8+0=29. Numerology works only with numbers from 1 to 9, so the resulting number will need to be reduced to this form by re-adding its constituent digits: 2 + 9 = 11. Let's add it up again: 1+1=2. The desired karmic number is 2.

Deciphering the karmic number

Each number shows what your karmic knots are. The number indicates the possible reason for your connection, its strength and impact on a person or group of people.

1. If during the calculations you got a Unit, this indicates that a tyrant person can constantly appear in your life who will manipulate you and hurt you. It will be very difficult for you to kick this person out of your life. There is a possibility that you yourself will be in his place if you want to completely possess some person. The manifestation of your karmic knot is jealousy. Effective conspiracies can help to cope with it.

2. Two is the number of egoists, so your problems may be based on loneliness. If you do not have friends, love, and people often betray you, this will last a lifetime if you do not realize the cause of such a problem. The reason may be hidden, so deep introspection in your case can help to understand everything to the smallest detail.

3. Three is an indicator that three people are constantly to blame for your problems. It can be a karmic knot with parents, with children, or a love triangle. A knot can be associated with a lot of misunderstanding, with very divergent views. Two people who know each other can play a big role in your life. Beware of change.

4. Four indicates that the nodes connect you with many people. You have a constant conflict with the whole world, which, like a quagmire, draws you in more and more. If this conflict has not yet manifested itself, it may appear later. There is a chance that you got rid of the problem when it was still in its infancy.

5. Five says that you always have people in your life for whom you want to do something. They take your kindness for granted or as something empty, meaningless. Perhaps you have something that prevents you from properly prioritizing. You constantly run into people who give you nothing but a negative experience.

6. Perhaps in past lives you have committed some crimes against people, so many may consider you an outcast or simply hate you for no reason. These are the same people you have hurt in the past. You can get rid of this only with the help of kindness. You need to try to accept this and correct the cause of people's hatred. This is an extremely difficult karmic task.

7. For those whose karmic number is Seven, the knot is incredibly powerful, but hidden. It lies in the distrust of people. Probably, in past lives you were an overly selfish person, so those whom you trust immensely can turn away from you very often.

8 . The number 8 is a symbol that your karmic knot is like a vicious circle. You may get the impression that everything is repeating itself. You hope for happiness in love and friendship, and then the Universe deceives you again. When you stop hoping for something, a black streak sets in, a period of loneliness. This curse of the past can be broken only by willpower.

9. The karmic knot connects you with one person who can feed on your problems, fears and troubles. In your immediate environment there could be a hidden energy vampire, from whom at first glance no negative impulses come from. There is a very close connection between you that needs to be broken, and mutually.

How to get rid of karmic knots

First you need to figure out what led to the appearance of a karmic knot. Numerological calculation should have helped you with this. First you realize the cause of the problem, and then you just start to start solving it.

You and your “partner” in the node need to understand each other and the tasks that the Universe sets for you. When your debts are worked off, you will be free from them. If this is not done, then in the next life the problems will be even stronger. You need to get rid of resentment, negativity, claims ..

Sometimes people need to endure each other only for a while. Such a karmic knot is pleasant in that you only need patience. It is not necessary to make efforts to untie such a karmic knot. The Universe must lead you through hardships to the stars, through problems to happiness. Usually this does not happen for a very long time - a maximum of a couple of years. A longer connection can already be interrupted. If you have problems in friendship or love for a couple of years, you should think about how to solve them, because without your intervention they will not disappear.

When the karmic knot is untied, you will immediately understand this. There will be peace and even euphoria. You will become strong and internally free. You will no longer be afraid of troubles, because you will learn how to solve them. The universe will make you wiser. Sometimes you need to read between the lines to determine the purpose of the universe. For example, if you live with a tyrant, you need to find the inner strength and courage to leave this person. So you will untie the knot, return your debts of the past and begin to live happily.

Karmic debt leads to the appearance of knots that connect a person with someone. Thus, the Universe is trying to cleanse the human soul, wash away the stigma of the past. Everyone has karmic knots, just someone gets rid of them in childhood or adolescence, while others have to wait for a more mature age to realize the problem. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Apollinaria Batyushkina, meditation and esoteric expert

Difficult, confusing relationships have certainly been or are almost everyone. Moreover, it can be relationships with both parents, friends, colleagues, and partners in their personal lives. If there are cyclical negative situations in a relationship, constant destructiveness, misunderstandings, this means that you are tied by karmic knots. Usually, karmic knots are understood as the relationship between two people (more precisely, their souls), which are interconnected by karmic debts.

The problem can drag on from life to life, the participants in the situation change the roles of aggressor and victim, but do not want to make concessions to each other, further aggravating the situation. As a result - mutual resentment, anger, shifting responsibility and guilt on each other.

Problems grow like a snowball, and this can continue indefinitely until one of the two realizes the absurdity of the situation and decides to untie this karmic knot.

This can be done through past life regression meditation.

Read also:

Turning to Past Lives for Help

As a rule, if you start to analyze relationships through meditation, the most unexpected facts may come up that shed light on the essence of the situation in the current life: karmic debts, promises, obligations assumed in past lives. In this life, we do not remember them, so we cannot understand why certain relationships lead to a dead end. We do not understand that we are bound by karmic knots.

If we realize the cause of the difficulties that have arisen in time, we can correct the situation in the present. Often it is enough to fully understand the essence of the problem in meditation and work with a person at the level of the Oversoul for the situation to change in an unexpected way for the better. To do this, it is important to turn inward to see our past lives and understand where the problem arose in reality. This is called regression.

Before untying karmic knots through meditation, it is important to understand that regression may not happen immediately. It may take you a few tries before you clear your mind enough to show pictures from past lives. My first attempts at such regressions were in the 9th grade. Then I had not yet observed any karmic knots in relations with others, but after reading my father's esoteric books, I really wanted to know who I was in a past life.

I usually do meditation before bed. The first attempts were unsuccessful, but I decided not to stop my practice. And, finally, it happened!

I saw a very clear picture of the city through which an old Cossack was driving. Information appeared in my mind - St. Petersburg, 1980.

Then my consciousness was transferred to many years ago, I opened the door and saw myself in an empty school class with high ceilings and realized that I was a teacher of Russian language and literature, and this was my first day at school. Then I saw myself on the banks of the Moika River near the black visor, surrounded by a crowd of students, and realized that we were going on an excursion to Pushkin's apartment. This adventure ended, and I fell asleep. The next morning, I did not even remember that I had seen anything, I was sure that the attempt was again unsuccessful. But as soon as I arrived at school and opened the door to the geography class, memories popped up in my head at once. The opening of the real door resurrected the moment with the opening of the door in meditation, and all the accompanying memories automatically surfaced. It's kind of like deja vu.

Read also:

How to understand that this is not a game of imagination

Of course, I had my doubts. But I understood that the experience of that life is very clearly manifested in the current one - from childhood I had good abilities for the Russian language and literature, and I really dreamed of visiting St. This city aroused a strange interest in me. In order to somehow verify the authenticity of what I saw, I climbed into a large encyclopedia and found a picture of Pushkin, who was brought home after a duel. In the picture was the same black visor that I saw in meditation. I did not find a more detailed image of the entrance to the apartment on the Moika, and at that time I did not have the Internet yet. But only later, when I visited St. Petersburg for the first time, I saw this very black visor in front of the entrance on the very side of the river that was in meditation. Such is the coincidence.

But it is not always possible to find real matches. Over time, I learned to distinguish the fruits of my imagination from real situations - they usually pop up brightly and unexpectedly and have nothing to do with a sluggish thought process.

When you begin to dive into meditation, thoughts about pressing matters may not leave consciousness for a very long time. Try not to pay attention to them, just let them float by and dissolve into a stream of light.

The information you need usually appears in the form of a picture, image, text, or phrase that suddenly pops into your head. You will immediately understand that these are not the consequences of your thought process and you may be very surprised by what you hear or see. So, now we will untie karmic knots with the help of meditation. Go!

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Untie karmic knots with meditation

In order for the current situation in the relationship to change dramatically, and for you to untie the karmic knots, sometimes it’s enough just to realize the reason, and then the negative attitude towards the person, resentment, painful emotions disappears as if by hand. This practice helped me a lot when I was trying to figure out my grievances and problems in a relationship with an ex-boyfriend.

After, when I remembered a few episodes from our past joint lives, I was able to easily and without negativity let the person go home.

By the way, in one of my lives I saw him as my inquisitor, who burned me at the stake on charges of witchcraft. =) I even shared this story with him, but it only amused him.

By doing the meditation that I share with you at the end of the article, you can not only remember situations from past lives related to specific people, but also work through and harmonize them right during meditation. Working with another person is at the level of his Higher Self, so after practice he can suddenly change his behavior and even apologize, as my friend did. During the day, we did a meditation on the karmic knots in our personal lives, and in the evening, the former, with whom they had not communicated for several years, wrote to her and suddenly asked for forgiveness for their jambs. Thus, by untying the karmic knots, you can even return your loved one!

In a word, get ready for sudden twists of fate and positive transformations!

Tip: Before watching the meditation video, play soft, relaxing music in the background.

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