Saturn and Neptune in mutual reception. John Frawley


In a detective film, it is not enough for the detective to prove that the suspect had the opportunity to commit the crime; he must establish the motive for this crime. It's the same with the horary chart. If we want to fully understand the situation described in the map and draw the right conclusions, we must have a good understanding of the motives of the people involved in the situation.

In event horaries, the main thing is actions, and people do not act without motives. In situational horaries, an exhaustive answer to the question can often be obtained by analyzing the opinions and motives of a person (“How does he really feel about me?”). So the ability to identify and evaluate the motives, opinions and values ​​​​of a person is essential for making the right judgment on the map. This skill is based on the study of receptions.

The information of interest to us is extracted from the Table of Merits. When we evaluate the essential dignity of a planet, we are only interested in its own merits and demerits. When evaluating receptions, we are interested in all the advantages and disadvantages in which it is located.

The language of astrological texts that speak of reception confuses the reader. Planets "receive" EACH other or "give dignity" to each other. It would be much easier to say "Venus is in Jupiter's house" or "Mars exalts Saturn".

Let's go through the table again, column by column, assuming that the significator of interest to us is the Moon at 3 Aries in the daily chart. She is in the mansion of Mars (first column). It is in the exaltation of the Sun, that is, it exalts it * (second column). It is in the triplicity of the Sun (because our chart is diurnal). It is in the term of Jupiter.

Exaltation \u003d exaltation \u003d delight, exaltation, exaltation.

Note. per.

and the face of Mars. She is in the detriment of Venus and the fall of Saturn.

"What does this tell us?" In most contexts, reception can be seen as sympathy or love. The significator - in this case, the Moon - loves (or likes), in varying degrees, the planets in whose place of dignity she is. In the most simplified interpretation, we see in our example that the Moon loves Mars and the Sun. She also has moderate sympathy for the Sun, being placed in its triplicity. She likes Jupiter a little and Mars a little bit. And she hates Venus and Saturn.

The concept of sympathy, or love, may seem limiting in some contexts, but it is not. Suppose I ask when I will receive the money I earn. If I see that my earnings love me (his significator is in the place of my great dignity), then this encourages me: if he loves me, then he wants to be with me. Traditional science considered as love a lot of phenomena that modern science explains differently. The semantic range of the word "love" was once much wider than it is today. A piece of iron, for example, loves a magnet.

The nature of receptions changes in exactly the same way as the nature of virtues.


The planet loves the planet that rules the sign in which the first planet is located. She sees her for who she is, and she loves it. Simple and clear. The Moon (or any other planet) in 3 Aries loves what Mars stands for in the chart.


If one planet is in the sign of exaltation of another, then this means that the first planet exalts the planet in whose sign of exaltation it is: it places this planet on a pedestal. The exalted planet refers to the planet in the exaltation sign of which it is located. This exalted attitude carries the same sense of exaggerated "goodness" as exaltation proper. That is, the Moon, whoever she denotes in our example, refers to what the Sun signifies as something super-wonderful. You should be familiar with this feeling: it is exactly what you felt every time you fell in love. The object of our love seems to us a truly wonderful creature, and we close our eyes to his clay feet. It can also be compared to an honored guest: he is treated as if he is the wonderful person he should be; we do not treat our honored guests according to their true merit.

But this feeling of exaggeration should not be exaggerated: it does not mean that the person who is admired is bad; it only means that he is being looked at through rose-colored glasses. Reception with exaltation is common in horaries built at the beginning of a relationship. Exaltation, as you should be well aware, tends to be fleeting: the miraculous bubble bursts.

Querent asked about the job she was trying to get. Her significator was in the exaltation of work (Jupiter, Lord I, was in Pisces, exaltation sign of Venus, Lord X). Querent was delighted with this work. Note especially (this is important!) that the exaltation of the work by the querent tells us nothing about the quality of the work: Lord X tells us about it. But it tells us that no matter how good this work is, it is unlikely to live up to the exaggerated expectations of the querent .

This sense of excess can prove to be a valuable element of judgment, not only for admonishing lovers who have lost their minds. Suppose our querent exalts the one he is about to sue: the querent thinks that his opponent is stronger than he really is. In such a case, we should evaluate the opponent's significator in order to find out exactly how strong his position in the litigation is.


If the sign's rule is like love and exaltation is like infatuation, the triplicity is friendship: it's comfortable and warm, but without much passion. In most relationship questions, the querents would like to hope for something more, but in many situations this is quite enough. "Will I like this job?" with Lord I (querent) in the triplicity of Lord X (work): “Yes. This job is not the best job in the world, but you will like it enough.”

Due to the exaltation inherent in exaltation, it is desirable to have an additional reception that supports reception in exaltation. In our example, the Moon admires the Sun and is also in its triplicity. Thus, in the feelings of the Moon to the Sun, under the shaky cover of passion, there is something solid.

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Discussing the virtues, we have already said that these two are not so much something positive, but the absence of a negative: they are better than nothing. Same with the reception. In our example, the Moon is in Jupiter's term: what the Moon stands for has little interest in what Jupiter stands for. It's more than complete indifference, but not by much. “Will she meet me?”, and her significator in the term or face of the querent: “Yes, she will meet - if her lover is away, the refrigerator is empty and there is nothing interesting on TV.” The face indicates even less interest than the term.

However, taken together, they can be significant. "Does he love me?" with its significator in the triplicity and term of her planet: although this may not be the great love she desires, if she wants a relationship, this option is quite acceptable.


Being in a planet's detrimental sign is the opposite of being in its abode and thus indicates hatred. In this example, the Moon is in the exile of Venus: what the Moon stands for has a good idea of ​​what Venus stands for and hates it.

The fall

Falling is the opposite of exaltation, so it carries a similar sense of excess, indicating disgust rather than hatred. Like mutual delight (exaltation), typical for cards built at the beginning of a relationship, in cards built

For the duration of the deterioration of these relations, we often see significators in the fall of each other: the fall well describes the exaggerated disgust that the spouses feel for each other at this time.

The absence of everything

The location of the planet in the place of the absence of everything, both the advantages and disadvantages of another planet, does not have a name. This position indicates complete indifference to what the other planet means. But this is not necessarily the end of the story: the motives are not always obvious. Perhaps she does not love him, but wants to get his money (her significator is in the monastery or exaltation of Lord II).


There are many places in the Table where a planet is both in the place of merit and in the place of inferiority of another planet at the same time. For example, any planet in Cancer is both in triplicity and in the fall of Mars; a planet in 4 Leo is in detriment of Saturn, but also its term and face. As already discussed in the chapter on essential virtues, there is no contradiction here: such a state reflects the ambiguity that is part of our daily experience of relationships with people, and this must be well understood if we really want to understand the situation. For example: she is disgusted by her husband, but appreciates that he is a good father; he hates his wife, but he likes the coziness and comfort that she creates in the house.

Metaphors of sympathy and love usually work quite well, but in some cases, concepts of power, dominance, or influence make more sense. On the-

For example, in cards about love triangles, the significators of the lover and the deceived spouse are often in a mutual abode: this does not mean that they love each other, but indicates the balance of power - who depends on whom. Sometimes being in someone's house (astronomical house, i.e. sign) indicates just that: being in their house.

Reception example

Study the judgments referring to the table above. Suppose the querent stands for Mars. She is courted by Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio, designated respectively by the Sun and Saturn.

Let's say her significator, Mars, is at 15 Leo, in the daily chart. Which of the two does she prefer?

At 15 Leo her planet is in the sign and triplicity of the Sun. Who does the sun represent? Depp. She loves Depp.

At 15 Leo Mars is also in detriment of Saturn. Who does Saturn represent? DiCaprio. She hates DiCaprio.

N V: It tells us only about her feelings. This tells us nothing about how mutual they are.

What do they feel for her? Let's say the Sun is at 4 Scorpio and Saturn is at 1 Aquarius.

What does Depp (the Sun) feel for her (Mars)? AT

Scorpio, he is in her house, triplicity, terma and face: he is intoxicated by her.

And how does DiCaprio (Saturn) feel about her? In 1 Aquarius, Saturn is not in any dignity of Mars: she is indifferent to him.

Hm. But then why is he courting her? What does she mean to him? Saturn is in a sign

triplicity and term of Saturn. Who does Saturn represent? DiCaprio. So who does DiCaprio love? Himself. Perhaps he looks at the querent more as a prey than a subject of feelings. A very common situation, especially in cards relating to love relationships.

But look! In Aquarius, Saturn is in exile from the Sun. Who does the sun represent? Depp. DiCaprio hates Johnny Depp. Perhaps this is the reason for his courtship of our querent: he wants to recapture the girl Depp is crazy about in order to annoy him.

Note that a negative reception, as in this example, can serve as a motive and is just as important as a positive reception. As we have just seen, the main receptions will, as a rule, give us all the information we need, and we will not have to resort to the help of minor receptions very often.

Mutual reception

So far, we have considered receptions. The various virtues and demerits in which Mars is located tell us about the opinions and feelings of the person indicated by Mars in the chart. If Mars is in the sign of the dignity or inferiority of Venus, and Venus is in the sign of the dignity or inferiority of Mars, then such a reception is called mutual. In essence, this is all that mutual reception means: it is a reception with the presence of certain counter feelings.

Reciprocal feelings do not have to be expressed in the same merits or demerits (Mars in the abode of Venus, Venus in the abode of Mars); it can be any combination of advantages or disadvantages

stay. Mars in the abode of Venus: he loves her. Venus in exaltation of Mars: she is also crazy about him. Venus is only in the face of Mars: his love is unrequited - he is practically indifferent to her. Venus in exile of Mars: his love is less than unrequited - she actively hates him. Counter feelings can be ambiguous: Mars in the abode of Venus, Venus in triplicity and the fall of Mars. He loves her; she, on the whole, finds him disgusting, but she still likes his individual qualities. As shown in all the examples given, consideration of specific receptions between planets gives us an accurate idea of ​​the feelings between two people.

Negative receptions (exile and fall) are usually ignored. Do not do that! They are extremely important. The following map will show us how they work.

Mutual reception on dignity indicates to us that the planets like each other. And if they like each other, they will want to help each other. Thus, mutual reception strengthens the planets. Negative mutual reception weakens them.

We cannot, however, determine the exact value of the strength or inferiority acquired by the planets, because this value varies depending on the strength of the reception and the strength of both planets.

The stronger the virtues in which the planets accept each other, the more they strengthen each other. The planets that are in each other's abodes experience a strong mutual affection, and therefore they readily rush to the rescue of each other; planets in front of each other are reluctant to help each other when it is absolutely necessary. If Mars is in the abode of Venus, and Venus is in the face of Mars, Mars is on fire

enthusiasm to help Venus; the willingness of Venus to help Mars is very moderate. But if Venus is only in the face of Mars, the help of Mars may not be entirely to her liking: the less significant the dignity of reception, the less the planet is able to both receive and give help. There is nothing abstract about this: it is the most ordinary human experience. If I find myself in an awkward position, I will gladly accept the help of my best friend, but I will not want to let a hated acquaintance see my need.

In order for mutual reception to provide significant support, both planets must be strong. They have to be essentially strong: the good guys help each other more than the bad guys. And they also need to be accidental strong in order to be able to give and (this is important!) to receive help.

Judge. A positive mutual reception is like a friendship. I have a great friend (significant mutual reception), but if he is a scoundrel (his significator is in the sign of his exile), then he will not help me in difficult times. Or he may be a wonderful person (his significator is in the sign of his significant essential dignity), but he does not have the opportunity to prove his friendship by action (accidental weakness): I ask him to lend me some money, he wants to help me, but cannot because he doesn't have any. Also, I myself may be so weak that it is impossible to help me: I ask a friend to lend me money to pay rent; he lends me money, I go to the nearest bar and drink it all down. His money did not help me because of my own inferiority.

So, despite the fact that Mars in Taurus and Venus in Aries are in mutual reception according to the monastery, this does little for them: both planets are too weak to provide and receive help. The seemingly weaker mutual reception by triplicity between Mars in Capricorn and Venus in Pisces is actually much more fruitful (ceteris paribus, in terms of accidental force), because in this case both planets are in their exaltation and thus able to help and accept help.

If you have read other modern books on horary astrology, you may have already come across the idea that the planets in mutual reception can change places, so that Mars in Taurus and Venus in Aries can be regarded as Mars in Aries and Venus in Corpuscle. Such an opinion is based on a blatantly misreading of Ptolemy, it makes no sense (I can be friends with someone, but on this basis I do not move to live in his house, and he in mine) and should be ignored.

There is also an opinion that peregrine planets cannot be in mutual reception. Of course they can. A peregrine planet is like a homeless wanderer, and mutual reception is like friendship. A homeless wanderer may well have friends. He may not be able to help them much, but such a friendship is still better than nothing.

Reception in action

It's time for another card. I'm getting ahead of myself because there are many things in this map that are explained in subsequent chapters. For now, focus on explaining receptions. After studying further sections of this textbook, return to this card again and consider the other components of the judgment. I advise you to read this discussion several times, keeping track of everything you already know, and trying to understand the rest of the points. Work it through with constant reference to the Merit Chart: You will learn much more by actively working with the text below than by passively reading it.

Querent wrote about her early marriage, which took place only because of pregnancy. She then met another man who "said so many wonderful things about me." She subsequently discovered that he was sleeping with another woman. He did not want it, but that woman forced him through blackmail. “Did he really love me? Do we have a future together?

The map is based on the place and time when I read her letter. As a querent she receives the Ascendant and Lord I, Venus. Like any querent, the Moon is its co-significator. Since the question concerns love relationships - and this rule applies only to questions of this kind - we must additionally

Did he really love me?

February 17, 2000, 9:12 GMT, London to give the querent significator Venus as the natural ruler of women; but she already got it.

Since the question concerns love relationships, we turn to the 7th house. Two people related to this house are involved in the situation of the question: the husband and the lover. They cannot both be designated by Lord VII, so it is necessary to determine who is who. First of all, we turn to the one about whom the question is directly asked, in this case, this is the lover: he receives Lord VII (Mars) and, which also applies only to

questions about love relationships, the Sun, because he is a man.

The lover's main significator, Mars, is in the twelfth house. So is the Sun, its second significator, since a planet within about 5 degrees of the next house cusp is in that house if it is in the same sign as the cusp. With both significators of the lover in XII, the house of what is hidden from the querent, there is no doubt that his account of blackmail is a lie.

What does he think of the querent? To determine this, we must look to see if any of its significators are in the place of merit or demerit of any of the querent's significators. Neither Mars nor the Sun has a reception with the Moon. The Sun has no reception with Venus. Mars is in exile of Venus: he hates her.

But she does not ask about his attitude towards her at the moment; she asks how he treated her in the past. To do this, we need to look into the past, which is done by bringing the planets back, sending them back to where they came from.

Mars, now at 4 Aries, has recently changed sign. He had recently entered into the exile of Venus: he had only recently come to hate her. Before that, he was in Pisces. And how did he treat her then? Mars in Pisces is delighted with Venus. He idolized her!

Throughout his stay in Pisces, Mars bowed to the querent, so yes, he really loved her: his confessions were completely sincere. But exaltation is prone to transience, and as soon as the bubble burst, he became not only indifferent to her, but began to hate her - she was unable to support

vot his delightful illusion. This change of attitude is shown in the chart by the change of reception in the passage of Mars from Pisces to Aries.

When I say "the whole time I'm in Pisces" I don't mean real time transit of Mars in Pisces. In this case, the passage of Mars through this sign should be understood as "for a long time."

As you gain experience, you will begin to notice that you know what the map will look like, based on the information you have, before it is built. Once we have read "said such wonderful things about me", we can be sure that the card contains exaltation.

"Do we have a future together?" And while one might think that the blackmail story makes this question redundant, the querent's question remains an important question to answer, and to answer from the horary chart, not from our own assumptions and prejudices. What we've seen so far doesn't look promising: he hates her. Mars is not going to turn retrograde and return to worshiping Venus: when the bubble of exaltation bursts, something more durable can take its place, but the bubble itself can no longer be returned. The other significator of the beloved querent, the Sun, is about to enter Pisces, where he will begin to exalt Venus. Perhaps there is hope here.

What does she feel for him? Venus is in Capricorn, the exaltation sign of Mars. She is still drugged by him. Venus and the Moon both signify the querent, but they depict her in different ways: the head and the heart. Lord I shows the querent as a thinking being or, sometimes, as a body; The moon conveys emotion to a greater extent.

tion of the querent. The opposition between these two significators graphically indicates the conflict of heart and mind, which is typical for cards of this kind. People don't ask questions about their relationships when they're happy.

Moon, heart of the querent, in triplicity and the fall of Mars (her lover). She still has warm feelings for him; but this warmth is overshadowed by disgust: it must be very painful for her.

Venus is in the last degree of Capricorn. She is about to change her sign, which means that receptions will also change. This change of reception speaks of a change in her relationship, as already happened to her lover when his significator, Mars, passed from Pisces to Aries. How will her attitude towards her lover change? Mars will cease to delight her. As soon as Venus enters the sign of Aquarius, she will no longer be in any dignity or inferiority of Mars: he will become indifferent to her.

The moon is also about to change its sign. She will leave this painful ambiguity generated by being both in triplicity and the fall of Mars, and will enter the sign of Leo, where she will become indifferent to him. She will fall in love with him very soon. So does this relationship have a future? Not; and to a large extent because she herself would no longer desire it.

We briefly answered the querent's questions. You can try to clothe them in flesh, delving into the situation. What else happens in the life of a querent?

We could already turn our attention to Saturn's big role in the chart. Venus and the Sun are in the houses of Saturn; Mars - in the fall of Saturn; The moon is in his exile. As soon as Venus changes sign and ceases to exalt Mars, Saturn becomes even more important.

Importance for the querent: in the first degrees of Aquarius, Venus enters the house, triplicity and term of Saturn. So what does this Saturn mean that will suddenly become so much more important to the querent as soon as she stops praising her lover?

In the charts of love relationships, where two people of the 7th house appear and the Lord 7th signifies the lover, Saturn can denote the deceived spouse. When a querent idolizes their lover, the spouse is usually perceived by him as a "big pest", upsetting their possible happiness. Is this assumption consistent with the map?

In the first house there is a defective (peregrine) planet - Saturn. She hits the querent. What does this planet mean? Husband.

Venus is in the sign of Saturn. This could mean that the querent loves her husband. But if your heart is already occupied with the adoration of another, there is no room left in it for love for anyone else. Therefore, it is most likely that the husband has a great influence on the querent or controls her, or perhaps this should be interpreted literally: she is in his house.

Saturn in the sign of Venus. The husband loves her. This sign is also the sign of the exaltation of the Moon. What does he desire most? That which idolizes: the hearts of the querent.

What does the querent's heart think of him? Moon in detriment of Saturn: the querent's heart hates him. And also in the term of Saturn: the heart of the querent, however, sees some attractive features in the husband.

Note that the conflict between the heart and mind of the querent, indicated by the opposition of Venus and the Moon, perfectly reflects her attitude towards both her lover and her husband.

As soon as Venus changes sign, losing interest in her lover, she finds herself in a much stronger power of Saturn. The already strong mutual reception between these two planets becomes even stronger. This should mean strengthening the relationship with your husband. Note that there is no need for an aspect between the planets of the querent and her husband because the relationship already exists: we do not need to look for confirmation of the event. Note also that although the querent becomes more focused on her husband (having moved from Saturn's house and term to Saturn's house, triplicity and term), this will not be a sudden burst of ecstasy (both of her planets are moving into signs that do not have an exalted sign in them). planets). As you would expect.

The Moon, meanwhile, is entering Leo, which is also the sign of Saturn's detriment. Her heart will still hate her husband.

Why would her attitude towards these two men change? Our relationships don't change on their own: we don't discover when we wake up one morning that we suddenly love or hate someone. There is a trigger that initiates such changes. A change of relations is indicated by a change of receptions (which we have here with a change of sign). And the trigger is indicated by the aspect that ends immediately before this change of receptions.

What aspect ends just before Venus and the Moon change signs? Opposition of the Moon and Venus. It must be this aspect that is the trigger - the reason for the change in attitudes. What does this aspect mean?

Yes, it can be read as the climax of the conflict between heart and mind; but such an interpretation is of little use: it does not answer the question "why."

When the significator is located on the house cusp itself, there is usually a reason for this. It's as if the card itself is putting it there to get our attention, saying, "Hey, look here!" The Moon is on the very cusp of the 5th house - the house of children. The Moon is the ruler of this house, so it can play a supporting role as Lord V. The Moon is the natural ruler of babies and is in the fertile sign of Cancer. So the Moon in aspect to Venus indicates that the querent will become pregnant. Opposition: She is not happy about it at all. But still, this is what focuses her mind (Venus) on marriage. Despite the fact that her heart (Moon) will continue to hate her husband. Pregnancy also explains the prominent position of Jupiter, the natural ruler of fertility, on the Ascendant.

"But who is the father?" The aspect indicating pregnancy (Moon Opposition Venus) has not yet ended, so this event is still in the future. If the aspect were divergent, (for example, the Moon is at 29 Cancer and Venus is at 28 Capricorn), we would say that the event has already happened, that is, she is already pregnant. But she is not yet pregnant; her lover hates her; she still lives in her husband's house; and the card does not indicate the existence of anyone else: so the husband must be the father.

In passing, we have noted the relation of the beloved to the husband: the Sun is ruled by Saturn; Mars is in the fall of Saturn. As in the case of the mind and heart of our querent, the two significators of the beloved describe different sides of his being. Lord VII (here, Mars) describes him as a human being, a thinking and feeling being. The sun describes him as a man, a male. While lecturing, for fun, I refer to the main significator, the Moon (if we are talking about a querent) and the Sun as a head,

heart and pants. It may not be very subtle, but it is very understandable. If Venus were not the main significator of the querent as Lord I, she would still be her significator, describing her as a woman, a female. But since Venus is Lord I, she plays a double role in this chart.

The Sun, the "male element" of the lover, is ruled by the husband (Saturn). Without a doubt: the existence of a husband means that the lover does not have the opportunity to use his "male element" as often as he would like. His thinking and feeling nature hates her husband (Mars in the sign of the fall of Saturn). And this is not surprising, because he adores his "male element" (Mars in the sign of the exaltation of the Sun), which is under the control of her husband. So the lover is very, very upset by the fact that our querent has a husband and, as a result of all this, feels offended.

As you may have noticed, the impending sign changes will lead to positive receptions between the querent and her lover: the Sun will enter Pisces, where it idealizes Venus, while the Moon will enter Leo, where it is ruled by the Sun. The "masculine element" of the lover (Sun) will begin to idealize Venus, which in this context should most likely be seen as the "feminine nature" of the querent, while her feelings (Moon), still hating her husband, will be in power "masculine nature" of her lover (the Sun). And since, as we have already seen, the relationship between the querent and her lover will end, this can be interpreted as a strong nostalgia for the failed, which they will carry in themselves, fondly remembering the passion that was not given to be realized.


A technique has migrated from horary practice to natal astrology, in which one can mentally swap planets in mutual reception.

Thus, one planet will conditionally have the same aspects as the second.

In horaries, we are limited by the context of the question. But in natal situations there can be countless. And the use of planets in mutual reception is of practical importance.

First, such planets are often the final dispositor in the chain of human motivations. This means that some layer of a person's life, a number of spheres of activity are ultimately subordinate to something very dear and valuable, for the sake of which all this is done.

Mutual reception can be described as a very strong friendship. Your problems are my problems, your joy is my joy. A friend will always come to the rescue. Therefore, if in mutual reception one of the planets is located in the sign of its own weakness, then one way or another it will pull the person down, and the second planet, as far as possible, will try to pull it out.

During rectifications, I often observe that one of the planets can replace another.

Those people whose ruler of the ascendant is in mutual reception with another planet often have two life lines on their hands. This naturally does not indicate schizophrenia and split personality. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that a person can not only think differently about himself, but, apparently, live different lives of his choice.

I know two people with such indicators in the horoscope. And one of them at one time made a choice which way to go, which fundamentally influenced his whole life in the future. Life would be not just a little different, but completely different.

Usually in a pair one of the planets is somehow stronger in the house (angular) and better aspected. Therefore, the events associated with it will outweigh the importance for the person. He will devote more time and energy to the affairs of this planet. The "friend" will get a little less attention, and his help may be needed.

At the same time, when events for one of the planets are included in the forecast, the second one is included in this matter.

For example, if your ruler of the 7th house has a planet in mutual reception, then it is worth tracking not only aspects to the ruler of the 7th house, but also to the planet in reception. The situation that is being formed can directly or indirectly affect the partner and the marriage.

Some horoscopes, without taking into account mutual reception, are not read at all. Especially if we have mixed receptions. For example, Mercury in Scorpio, Pluto in Virgo, Mars in Gemini. Mercury has two mutual receptions, which strongly influence both the thinking of a person and the series of events.

For those who analyze the trends taking place in domestic astrology, it is obvious that the method of chains of dispositions is gaining more and more popularity. This is facilitated by the curricula of some astrological educational institutions, the spread of the soul formula system, as well as side branches of its method. So, if Alexander Astrogor based the formula of the soul on the method of chains of dispositions by possession, then his student Sergei Dresvyannikov decided to christen his author's interpretation of the chains of exaltation as the “career formula”, etc. Recently, the Magi school has also been trying to creatively interpret the chains of exile and fall.

One might get the impression that the method of chains of dispositions is a phenomenon that exists only in Russia. But this, of course, is not the case. One of the works where we find a section on the “tree of dispositors” and examples of the interpretation of control chains is Kevin Burke’s book “Astrology. How to read a birth chart”, published by the American publishing house “Llewellyn” in 2002 and later translated into Russian.

But before proceeding to consideration, let's talk about the views of a foreign astrologer on the various manifestations of the planets, depending on their status, and also touch on the subject of mutual reception.

Motivations by planets

Analyzing Burke's book, we do not find tables where the astrologer would give readers a list of the meanings of the planets that fell into the center by possession, although he analyzes the chains of control themselves. Nevertheless, if we read the descriptions of the planets given by the author, we can identify the following motivations.

  • the desire to express oneself through creativity;
  • motivation to be recognized, to receive admiration;
  • the desire to have power, to lead.
  • the desire to be in comfort and create it;
  • the urge to feel and provide inner support, care;
  • the desire to feel belonging, to perceive.
  • the desire to express one's intellect;
  • motivation to explore the environment;
  • motivation to make connections.
  • the desire to establish relationships, connect different people with each other;
  • motivation to promote the interests of beauty;
  • the desire to achieve perfection through association, partnership.
  • motivation to act, to spend one's energy purposefully;
  • the desire to challenge and endure the test;
  • motivation to defend purely their interests;
  • desire to get involved in a fight and achieve superiority.
  • desire to contribute to the social development of society;
  • the desire to teach, teach others;
  • the tendency to encourage and inspire others to grow.
  • motivation to systematize, establish boundaries and orders;
  • the desire to learn and teach self-discipline, responsibility;
  • desire to bring order and structure to social life.
  • motivation to change, break stable and inert structures, regardless of individual experience or emotions;
  • the desire to learn non-attachment;
  • the tendency to introduce fundamentally new ideas and methods into life.
  • the desire to erase all boundaries between the souls of people or between man and the universe;
  • the desire to merge with the higher, spiritual;
  • motivation to experience a sense of unity with the world;
  • the intention to realize the dreams, ideals and desires of the collective unconscious.
  • motivation to change and evolve; fulfill your cosmic mission;
  • desire to influence people, society;
  • the desire to release in oneself and others a huge hidden potential of opportunities through the breaking of the old and transformation;
  • the desire to destroy all illusions in order to reveal to the world and to oneself only the truth.

While reading Burke's work, I also noticed the following point. Moreover, Burke is not alone here, some other authors, including domestic ones, write the same thing. So the Western astrologer notes that by the position of the Sun, we can study people's motives for self-expression. He also writes that the Sun communicates what we want to express and what we want to be recognized for (p. 31). But after all, chains of dispositions by possession are also an indicator of motivation for self-expression, aren't they? How can two completely different indicators say the same thing? And they often give different answers. What is the difference between them? Burke does not reveal this point. And, alas, I have not yet found an answer to this question in the literature.

Burke's view of the mutual reception of planets in a chart

As the astrologer writes, when mutual reception occurs, both planets will act together, regardless of which planets are in question. These planets will try to help each other. Burke emphasizes: mutual reception does not affect the impact of essential virtues! How much the planets can actually help each other will depend on what virtues each of them has received.

Here it is worth clarifying that Kevin Burke is largely a supporter of the old school of astrology, he believes that the fact that we have a night or day horoscope affects the essential dignity of the planets. When receptions of Jupiter and Mars their position, writes the astrologer, is not so bad. For example, Jupiter is in Aries and Mars is in Pisces. Burke, adhering to the old tradition, decided not to change the ruler of Pisces to the planet Neptune. Of course, we do not agree with this. However, let's continue with his example. (In the system of the formula of the soul, or in the classical Russian approach to chains of dispositions by possession, the mutual reception of Mars and Jupiter is possible when Mars is in Sagittarius, and Jupiter is in Aries.) Burke writes that with the reception of Jupiter-Mars, both planets will be able to provide support to each other: Mars will share with Jupiter its pressure and energy, and Jupiter will endow Mars with luck and luck.

If we take Mars in Capricorn and Saturn in Aries, then the position of Mars will be wonderful, for him it is a sign of exaltation. But the position of Saturn, on the contrary, will be weak - a fall. Since in our example the planets will be connected by mutual reception, they will act together, but Saturn will get a much less advantageous position. Mars in Capricorn has power and can "help" Saturn. But here Saturn in Aries will spoil everything rather than “help”. He may have the best of intentions, but in most cases Mars would prefer Saturn not to pay him a favor for a favor.

Thus, we can reveal an obviously unvoiced sub-conclusion: the planet that is stronger in points will manifest itself in mutual reception much more confidently and constructively than a weak partner. A weaker planet will influence the one that is stronger, but it will rather constrain manifestations, “muddle the waters” than really help.

Next, Burke considers the "ordinary" case - reception of Mercury and Jupiter. Jupiter, for example, is in Gemini, and Mercury is in Sagittarius. Both planets will be in exile, and neither of them will be able to be useful to the other, the astrologer writes. The simultaneous participation of these two planets only complicates the situation. The "help" of Jupiter in Gemini can only increase the problem, and the "help" of Mercury in Sagittarius is likely to inflate the importance of each particular, but will not be able to do anything for the big picture. Burke notes that some call this situation "mutual deception", ie. mutual deceit. As the astrologer says, this situation happens between the following pairs of planets: Mercury-Jupiter, Venus-Mars, Sun-Saturn, Moon-Saturn. The Sun-Uranus, Mercury-Neptune, Pluto-Venus pairs could be added to this list.

Kevin Burke on the essential virtues of the planets

Burke, being a supporter of tradition, relies on the classical idea of ​​the essential virtues of the planets. So, he writes about the five virtues of the planets and two positions without them. Governance is 5 points, exaltation is 4, triplicity is 3, terma is 2, face is 1. While in exile or fall, the planets do not receive points in this system *. These are positions of "weakness".

  • Planet in the monastery(6 points according to Weisberg; 5 points according to Burke) is a master of his talent. She can do whatever she wants and doesn't have to answer to anyone. At the same time, no one will say "no" to her - no matter how stupid, selfish and dangerous or potentially destructive her ideas are. In their own signs, the planets are able to express their true nature, their highest purpose as it is (p. 90-93).
  • Planets in exaltation(5 Weisberg; 4 Burke) are very strong and in many ways easier to deal with than the planets in their respective signs. These planets strive to show their best side, they want to be active and generous. But they are still shackled, unlike the planet in the monastery, which no one controls. The exalted planet seems to be striving to curry favor (p. 93).
  • The four-point planets in the Weisberg system, which was later adopted by other domestic astrologers, including A. Astrogor, correspond to triplicity Burke (in his system it is 3 points). This is also a pretty strong position. Although a planet in this position does not have the same strength as a planet in a sign or exaltation, it is still quite fortunate. As Burke writes, although triplicity planets are not that talented, they seem to be lucky and know how to be in the right place at the right time.
  • Weisberg's three-point planets correspond to position in terma Burke (2 points). Such a planet makes great efforts to get a good result, but to some extent it is already “out of the game”. Such planets show a keen interest in the subject, but do not have sufficient strength, skill and luck to gain support and achieve the goal.
  • face for Burke (1 point) are two-point planets for Weisberg. Such a planet is concerned about its position. Domestic astrologers call this situation "enmity." It is difficult for a planet in the face position to receive support from the outside. According to the logic of the astrologer, fear and anxiety keep the planet focused on its goal, but do not give it the opportunity to achieve it.
  • planets in fall weak because they are in a position where they have no influence - like a person who finds himself penniless in a foreign country, without knowledge of the language and local customs. And in such a situation, the planets find themselves not through their own fault, but due to circumstances. Burke writes that if we cannot express the energy of a planet that is in decline, we cannot overcome difficulties by responding to its challenge, then all this will be reflected at the level of our physical body, giving rise to injuries and diseases (p. 95-96). Accordingly, if we continue to argue: we are downright obliged to unlock the potential of such planets!
  • Planet in exile viewed by the astrologer as flawed, but not necessarily weak. He writes that the exiled planets are in fact strong, but their strength is used inappropriately for the situation. As a result, this puts the planet in a very difficult position. The astrologer writes that people with planets in exile tend to be overly anxious about their manifestations in the sphere of influence of these planets and are often too awkward in expressing its energy.

It should be clarified here that according to Burke, not every planet receives its essential dignity. In this case, she is called a peregrine and has no powers, no resources, no talent. According to domestic astrologers, such a position is already outdated and any planet in the cosmogram has some kind of score, status.

Kevin Burke points out that weakened planet It's not the scariest thing in the world. It does not mean that a person will have a difficult experience associated with it. She is will not prevent a person from achieving what she has to do in life, including those areas that are under the influence of this planet. However, essential virtues are still important. Why? The astrologer writes that they help to understand how the planet seeks to express itself in a given sign and - more importantly - why it expresses itself in this way. The challenges set before the "flawed" planet express the most important problems that need to be solved for personal growth and life experience of a person.

Likewise, a natal chart filled with strong planets in essential virtues presents a set of tasks of its own. The more a planet can express its own nature, the more significant the experience we have gained in managing its energies and maintaining the proper course set by our horoscope and our life (p. 98).

* Fortunately, in domestic astrology, in relation to essential virtues, everything is simpler. Thanks to V. Weisberg, we have the embodiment of an idea that lay in plain sight: all seven types of positions (abode, exaltation, kinship, etc.) received their points. Above, possession and exaltation were still found, and below, exile and fall. We again have 7 options for the positions of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac, only “pointless”, weak positions fit into this scheme. And now we have a system where a planet in possession gets 6 points, in exaltation - 5 points, in debilitation - 1 point, and in detriment - 0 points.

Today I want to write about how receptions work in the natal chart.
A friend recently wrote:

About some Russian men I would like to say separately. Boys, you are so handsome, so handsome, why do you walk under the heels of your wives and girls? I was so amazed, unpleasantly amazed, how can one be so weak-willed, soft-bodied??? The girls, almost all without exception, threw tantrums, were capricious, the men silently endured with their heads down and lisping. This is f**k. A man must be a man. And point.

The girl is hysterical and lights a cigarette a meter before the bus in which she will sit right now, the guy, lowering his head, wanders after her in silence.

The girl is naughty - you knew, I wanted to see it toooooo, you knew, she’s hysterical for the whole bus, the bus is already on its way, the man lowers his head and goes to the driver and says - open the door, we’re coming back.

A man carries his wife's green handbag behind his wife. Not because she is heavy or her wife is tired, but as something trained, behind her with her bag, you know, kick-ass. And my wife's face is a bitch. It's physically tiring. Such disappointment from such men is indescribable.

Arabs - those are tougher, it was very evident in their attitude towards their wives, towards children, they behaved with dignity, and they were so cute, aaaaaaah. Still, the Eastern peoples, traditional, they have certain rules. And a man does not lose his face - a man's.

Which in my free translation sounds something like: if a man shows love, respect and care for a woman, he is a sucker, causing irritation; if a man behaves harshly, putting his interests first and not paying attention to what his woman cares about, he is a real man. Arab men are role models.

And now look how the reception map shows all this psychology.

The relations of mas in the chart show the ruling planets of the 1st house = F, and the 7th house = M.
Not even like that. The idea of ​​the owner of the natal chart about how relations between a woman and a man should be built is shown by the ruling planets Asc and Dsc, respectively.

What do we see in this case? The ruler of the 1st house of the horoscope, or the "I" principle for a girl, is Venus. Ruler of the 7th house of the horoscope, or principle "He" - Mars (Scorpio). Moreover, it is important to note that Mars does not show what kind of men fate will drive the girl. And what kind of men a girl will choose from all the variety.

Venus is in Capricorn, where Saturn rules and Mars exalts. This means that the heroine is psychologically looking for situations in which she will be under the control of a man (Mars), and at the same time she will exaggerate his qualities, attribute to him some additional characteristics that do not exist in reality (exaltation of Mars). Naturally, she will be rejected by such a relationship when a man is under the heel of a woman. This is absolutely not her, she is disgusting and such men are not men. For her, a man is the boss, the first violin, the giver of orders, the owner and everything else that falls under the concept of "management".

Now let's go from the second side. How, in her opinion, should a man treat her? This shows the position and reception of the ruler of the 7th house of the horoscope. Mars is in the sign of this chart, with Scorpio. Very strong. That is, again, the owner in his house, where he is in full control of all affairs. Mars = strength, aggression, will, action. Such men.

But, in Scorpio, Venus is in exile. That is, translating from the language of receptions, Mars in Scorpio treats the energy of Venus badly, it is alien to him, he does not understand and does not accept it. Mars in Scorpio loves only himself, and does not like either the manifestations of Venus or the manifestations of the Moon = the heroine of the horoscope is looking for such men who experience something similar to hatred and rejection towards her. Men who feel and consider themselves masters in their circle, and in this circle they consider her "an exile = it is not clear by whom, who came from nowhere and for no reason." They do not like this energy. I remind you that we are talking about a specific card, where Venus is the significator of the girl, Mars is the significator of the young people whom she chooses.

Will such a Mars show tenderness towards Venus? Of course not. Will he care for her, groom and cherish? No. Will he humiliate her? Yes. Will he show aggression towards her and indicate who is the boss in the house? Yes.

The owner of this horoscope is looking for such relationships and such men. Because other relationships, in principle, do not turn her on and do not satisfy her. Because the planets and their receptions so ordered. And that is why she considers the good attitude of men towards their women and the desire to please them, to forgive them for their tantrums, nurses, cry and others like them, as the lowest manifestations, unworthy of respect. And she considers the Arab version of relations to be the highest manifestation of the masculine principle. Which, I think, no one needs to talk about here.

That's how many interesting things can be seen in the map just by analyzing the receptions. And also aspects, and houses. Uuuuu)))

So far, we have considered receptions. The various virtues and demerits in which Mars is located tell us about the opinions and feelings of the person indicated by Mars in the chart. If Mars is in the sign of the dignity or inferiority of Venus, and Venus is in the sign of the dignity or inferiority of Mars, then such a reception is called mutual. In essence, this is all that mutual reception means: it is a reception with the presence of certain counter feelings.
Reciprocal feelings do not have to be expressed in the same merits or demerits (Mars in the abode of Venus, Venus in the abode of Mars); it can be any combination of advantages or disadvantages. Mars in the abode of Venus: he loves her. Venus in exaltation of Mars: she is also crazy about him. Venus is only in the face of Mars: his love is unrequited - he is practically indifferent to her. Venus in exile of Mars: his love is less than unrequited - she actively hates him. Counter feelings can be ambiguous: Mars in the abode of Venus, Venus in triplicity and the fall of Mars. He loves her; she, on the whole, finds him disgusting, but she still likes his individual qualities. As shown in all the examples given, consideration of specific receptions between planets gives us an accurate idea of ​​the feelings between two people.
Negative receptions (exile and fall) are usually ignored. Do not do that! They are extremely important. The following map will show us how they work.
Mutual reception on dignity indicates to us that the planets like each other. And if they like each other, they will want to help each other. Thus, mutual reception strengthens the planets. Negative mutual reception weakens them.
We cannot, however, determine the exact value of the strength or inferiority acquired by the planets, because this value varies depending on the strength of the reception and the strength of both planets.
The stronger the virtues in which the planets accept each other, the more they strengthen each other. The planets that are in each other's abodes experience a strong mutual affection, and therefore they readily rush to the rescue of each other; planets in front of each other are reluctant to help each other when it is absolutely necessary. If Mars is in the abode of Venus, and Venus is in the face of Mars, Mars is on fire

enthusiasm to help Venus; the willingness of Venus to help Mars is very moderate. But if Venus is only in the face of Mars, the help of Mars may not be entirely to her liking: the less significant the dignity of reception, the less the planet is able to both receive and give help. There is nothing abstract about this: it is the most ordinary human experience. If I find myself in an awkward position, I will gladly accept the help of my best friend, but I will not want to let a hated acquaintance see my need.
In order for mutual reception to provide significant support, both planets must be strong. They have to be essentially strong: the good guys help each other more than the bad guys. And they also need to be accidental strong in order to be able to give and (this is important!) to receive help.
Judge. A positive mutual reception is like a friendship. I have a great friend (significant mutual reception), but if he is a scoundrel (his significator is in the sign of his exile), then he will not help me in difficult times. Or he may be a wonderful person (his significator is in the sign of his significant essential dignity), but he does not have the opportunity to prove his friendship by action (accidental weakness): I ask him to lend me some money, he wants to help me, but cannot because he doesn't have any. Also, I myself may be so weak that it is impossible to help me: I ask a friend to lend me money to pay rent; he lends me money, I go to the nearest bar and drink it all down. His money did not help me because of my own inferiority.
So, despite the fact that Mars in Taurus and Venus in Aries are in mutual reception according to the monastery, this does little for them: both planets are too weak to provide and receive help. The seemingly weaker mutual reception by triplicity between Mars in Capricorn and Venus in Pisces is actually much more fruitful (ceteris paribus, in terms of accidental force), because in this case both planets are in their exaltation and thus able to help and accept help.
If you have read other modern books on horary astrology, you may have already come across the idea that the planets in mutual reception are able to change places, so that Mars in Taurus and Venus in Aries can be regarded as Mars in Aries and Venus in Taurus. Such an opinion is based on a blatantly misreading of Ptolemy, it makes no sense (I can be friends with someone, but on this basis I do not move to live in his house, and he in mine) and should be ignored.
There is also an opinion that peregrine planets cannot be in mutual reception. Of course they can. A peregrine planet is like a homeless wanderer, and mutual reception is like friendship. A homeless wanderer may well have friends. He may not be able to help them much, but such friendship is still better than nothing.