Fairy tale "Two elements" (fire safety). Ecological fairy tale for children of senior preschool age "Air, water, fire" Compose a fairy tale about water, fire and air

Irina Bogdanova
Tale "Two Elements" (fire safety)

Two elements.

Long ago there lived two elements: Fire and Water. Since ancient times, they have been bitter enemies. They could not decide which of them is the most important on Earth. Everyone considered himself the most necessary and the most important.

The fire was very quick-tempered and fast, and the Water was calm and quiet. But then one day a man appeared on earth. Both elements wanted to please the Man and tried to please him. A man did without fire for a long time, did not pay attention to it, but he immediately became friends with Water. For this, Fire became even more angry with Water. Man began to use Water in his own interests, and from this it became even cleaner and more useful.

Time passed, and the Fire kept rushing between the Man and the Water. But here on Earth came severe cold. The man was cold and hungry. The Man remembered about Fire. Began to look for him everywhere, to call. But the Fire went far away and hid in a cave. The water froze, covered with thick ice and became silent. The man was alone again.

One day, walking through his possessions, the Man heard the voice of Fire. The Man was delighted, he began to call Fire and ask his forgiveness. Although the Fire was quick-tempered and touchy, nevertheless he took pity on the man decided to save him from certain death.

But taught him a lesson. “Only in labor, you will receive my tongues of flame, from which then I will appear - Fire” - he said. He suggested to the Man from two stones to get the tongues of flame. For a long time Man worked until the stones finally turned red and the first sparks appeared, and then Fire appeared. The Man rejoiced. The fire warmed him and fed him, even the water thawed from the cheerful, kind and warm Fire.

They remembered all the grievances and sorrows of Fire and Water, they again began to find out which of them is more necessary for Man. Only now the Man intervened in their dispute. He offered friendship between them. Said that he needs them both. rejoiced elements became friends and began to live together happily and happily. When Fire flared up and argued passionately, calm Water came to its aid.

Since that time, they began to live three times m: Man, Water and Fire, complementing and helping each other.

Fairy tale Fire, InOh yeah,ATair andWearth Natalya Gurkina As you know, there are four elements in the world: Fire, Water, Air and Earth. They used to live in the same house until they quarreled and parted ways. And everything turned out like this... *** A long time ago, in the middle of the ocean, where the kingdom of ice and polar bears, at the very top of the largest iceberg, there was a house. The walls in it were made of fire, the windows were made of air, and the floor was made of earth. Water surrounded the house with a reliable wall. It was in this house that two brothers and two sisters lived: Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Every morning, the four elements on the wings of the wind flew away on their business. The air rushed to where people needed it so much: to deep mines, to submarines... Fire rushed to cold yurts: in them it was the dearest guest. He was always looked forward to and hospitably treated to delicious delicacies. Do you know where the two sisters were in a hurry? Not? So, Water flew every morning to rivers, seas, lakes... She filled them with life, and then flew away to the desert, where people and animals were already waiting for her. And, only after that, the Water rose up - into the sky, to spill on the earth as a blessed rain. The youngest sister - the Earth, flying over the planet, distributed crops to people. She knew how much everyone loves her, and therefore she always generously gave the planet with joy. And it happened that one of the elements was sick, and then troubles fell on the earth: rivers dried up, forests burned, all living things perished .... This is how two brothers and two sisters lived for many, many millennia. And they quarreled because of nonsense! One evening, the elements started talking about which of them is more needed. At first, everyone joked together, and then they began to argue and swear. Each proved that she was more important than the rest and that without her the whole planet would die. So they argued all night until dawn. ...the quarrel continued in the evening... The walls of the house were trembling, and the first cracks appeared on the windows. At this time, snowfalls and tsunamis began on the planet, the planet was dying. But the elements did not notice anything: each wanted to prove their own. So they would have cursed until now, if the Sun and the Moon had not intervened. Unable to stand it, they came to the elements in the house. The sisters and brothers fell silent. Although they were annoyed, they listened to the Sun and the Moon. The elements understood that they were wrong, but their quarrel had gone so far that no one wanted to give in. Four days was not over the planet of the Sun. For four nights the sky was black. Everything slowly died. People prayed to the gods in hope, and the cries of birds and animals were a heartbreaking echo ... On the morning of the fifth day, the elements agreed that they would live separately. With this decision, they scattered in different directions. The earth built a house for itself in the middle of the field, the air chose clouds for its life, and the fire settled in the volcano. And only water for a long time could not find a place to your liking. Having circled the planet several times, she chose the ocean for her life. Since that time, Water, Earth, Air and Fire have lived separately. You do not think that they are in a quarrel today - no! They just realized that each of them should have their own, separate house, and that there is no one more important because each of them is unique in its own way. After all, it is impossible for a living being to live on the planet without water, it is impossible to be without air for a long time, just as all living things cannot be without fire and earth. This is what the elements understood after some time. Since then, when evening comes, they flock to their old home on top of the iceberg. There they share news with each other, and then fly away in different directions: each to their own house. And when a new day comes, Water flies to fill the rivers and seas, fire rushes to yurts and stoves, and air rushes to those who need it so much. Where is the Earth, you ask? Don't worry, she brings harvests to the planet every morning. Such a story happened many - many years ago on our planet, in a house that stands in the middle of the ice kingdom. Goodnight.

Lived Fire and Water in the same kitchen. The fire is in the hearth near the wall, and the Water is nearby, in a large wooden barrel. They always lived together, took care of the housework together and chatted merrily when they had a free minute.

But one day, Fire, who had just finished preparing a big dinner, unexpectedly announced to Water:

And yet, dear neighbor, I am much more useful than you. Well, judge for yourself, I warm not only the kitchen, but the whole house, I cook food, dry clothes, light up everything around. It is near me in the evenings that the family gathers to admire the play of my flame and spend time in a warm and pleasant conversation. And besides, what would you be if it wasn't for me?! Only thanks to me you become tea, compote or soup. Whatever you say, people need me a lot more.

The water was extremely surprised at these words, but since it was restrained and well-mannered, it politely answered the fire:

Of course, dear neighbor, you are of great benefit to people, you work hard and deserve all respect, but so far we have done everything together, creating comfort and prosperity in this house. And you will not deny that I am the necessary basis for everything you cook. What would you dry if I didn't wash the clothes. And the family gathers in the evenings also to drink a cup of tea made from me. Therefore, let's not argue, dear neighbor, but continue to work peacefully for the joy of our hosts.

But the Fire was extremely quick-tempered and did not let up. Terribly offended that Water considered their work equally useful, he began to swell with indignation, throwing flames into the kitchen.

Be careful, dear neighbor, - Water warned him, - you can inadvertently set fire to something.

Don't talk nonsense! Fire was outraged. - Everything I do, everything brings only joy and benefit.

From the consciousness of his own importance, he flared up more and more, furtively admiring his own reflections on the walls of the kitchen.

Suddenly, a flock of small bright hot sparks separated from him and darted around the kitchen. One spark fell to the floor and went out, another sat on the table and also went out, and two sparks jumped onto the tablecloth that covered the stool on which stood a barrel of water.

The tablecloth was lace, so it instantly flared up, and flames ran across it straight to the curtains hanging nearby.

Not a little scared of the fire. He knew that now a terrible thing could happen and he could not cope with it. Hiding behind a large smoldering log in the depths of the hearth, he fell silent and watched what was happening with horror.

And the fire, meanwhile, flared up and flared up. Already the flames were running up the curtains, threatening to spread to the large cupboard. All the kitchen utensils that lived in this cupboard looked with despair at the flames approaching them. Plates and cups tried to snuggle closer to each other so that it was not so scary.

But then the Water, having swayed well, splashed out of the barrel and flooded all the restless sparks and the fire that flared up. With a hiss of displeasure and dousing everything around with trickles of steam, the flame went out.

How glad the Fire was:

Thank you, my dear neighbor,” he said gratefully. - You saved not only the whole house, but also my reputation. Let's forget about our stupid argument and let's work together in this kitchen, as before.

Of course, dear neighbor, of course, - the water answered modestly. After all, she was much wiser than Fire and understood that they were absolutely necessary for each other, and only their friendly work could bring benefit and joy.

Irina Chubko
Thematic fairy tale "Fire and Water"

With preschool children, you need to talk as much as possible about the phenomena of this world, about events, relationships, since at this time they are especially inquisitive and are looking for answers to all the questions that arise in their head. Story, proved to be the best way to convey useful information to the mind of the child, while this conversation is moralizing, short in time and always associated with positive emotions in children. That is why my daughter Masha and I decided to compose fairy tale, which, subsequently, I shared with my children in the group! Perhaps, in your work, dear colleagues, it will be useful!

« Fire and Water»

Once upon a time there were two irreconcilable elements - Fire and Water. All their meetings or quarrels ended with the fact that The water turned into steam, a The fire is extinguished...

One day an old man needed Fire and Water. Fire- to cook food Water- to quench your thirst. Each of these elements wanted to be more important for a person, they began to argue again, leaving the old man without food and drink.

Wise old man told them: “Each of you is very important, necessary and valuable for us - people! You - Fire, you give warmth, thanks to you, I am full, managing you, people have reached technological progress. You - Water give life to all living things! Everything that exists on our planet has been created thanks to your actions. Both of you are needed by people and the planet Earth!”

Since then and Fire, and Water-two irreconcilable elements are aware of their significance and serve for the benefit of all mankind.

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Ecological fairy tale for children of senior preschool age

"Air, Water, Fire"

A long time ago, three sisters lived on planet Earth. The oldest was called Air, the middle one was Water, the youngest was called Fire. The sisters were inseparable and friendly. But once a dispute arose between them, which of them is more important and more necessary for a person.

Sister Air says:

I am the first who appeared on planet Earth, life began to emerge with me: plants, animals, birds, insects, and, of course, man. Without air, a living organism cannot live more than three minutes.

The middle sister objected - Water.

I am more important than anyone in the world. Even every blade of grass, the smallest bird, will not live long without me. What can we say about fish and animals whose home is water. And a person starts every morning by washing his face and brushing his teeth, preparing food and drinks, washing clothes, watering plants, and all thanks to me. I am the most needed on the planet!

In order for a person to cook food and not freeze in a severe frost, fire is needed, the younger sister said. - When a person appeared on planet Earth, air and water were available to him, and he invented me himself. So I am more important for a person.

For a long time the sisters argued about their importance, but did not come to any decision. Then the sisters turned to the planet Earth:

Mother planet Earth, judge which of us is more important and necessary?

Planet Earth answered:

My dear daughters, the three elements - Air, Water and Fire, do not quarrel, but rather look at how a person treats each of you. The one who sees a caring attitude towards herself, the one who will be the most important.

The sisters began to think about the words of the mother of the planet, and decided to observe human behavior in the city. The first volunteered to see the older sister - Air.

A man will take care of me, where can he be without clean air.

But suddenly she saw how the cars released exhaust gas, and coughed. In the distance stood large plants and factories, exhaling puffs of black, blue, green smoke. The older sister wept.

A person does not protect me at all, he does not need me, apparently.

The middle sister, Water, chuckled:

I know for sure that a person is obliged to protect me. Where would he be without me?

As soon as she said the last word, as from the same plant, chemical waste began to pour directly into a clean river. Before the eyes of the middle sister, fish, crayfish and other river animals began to die. The person who drank such water was sick.

Angry Water:

How is it possible: they themselves poison the water, and then they drink it !!!

The middle sister was completely desperate. And only the youngest still hoped for the championship. But when she saw how the fire was not extinguished in the forest, and the flame embraced all living things around, she prayed:

Mother, planet Earth, I don’t want to be in a person’s life, but I was created to bring benefit, not harm.

The sisters Air, Water and Fire have completely drooped, they no longer remember their disagreements.

Maybe we don't need a person at all? Maybe it's better that we weren't in his life at all?

Wait! Do not hurry! - called out to them the planet Earth. You have seen only the worst deeds of man, but there are other people. There are many children on the planet, and they appreciate your participation in their lives. For example, they see off the winter and meet the spring on the Shrovetide holiday. Children prepare a doll from multi-colored fabric, burning it on the street. Everyone sings, dances, rejoices, eat pancakes, which cannot be cooked without fire. In the summer, when it is very hot, kids celebrate "Neptune's Day". They joyfully water each other from watering cans, sprinklers, glorifying water. With the help of air, the children blow soap bubbles, the teacher helps them organize games with a kite and spinners.

Kindergarten teachers teach children to protect nature. Even the smallest children know that water quenches thirst not only for humans and animals, but plants also need it. To be healthy children need to walk more in the fresh air. And you can’t play with matches, otherwise trouble will happen!

The sisters looked at each other, wiped away their tears, and decided:

If there are children on planet Earth, then they equally need air, water and fire.

Since then, the three sisters Air, Water and Fire began to live together.