The message about fushakov is brief. Message about F

Ferdinand Magellan was born on November 20 (in some sources October 17) 1480 in the Portuguese city of Sabrosa into a noble family. His first known sea expedition was a voyage to India in 1505 with the squadron of the Portuguese Viceroy Francisco de Almeida. In 1506, Magellan went to Mozambique, and then back to India.

Participation in wars. Emigration to Spain

In 1508-1513, the already interesting biography of Ferdinand Magellan was replenished with such events as participation in various expeditions, battles with the Moors, Indians and Arabs. In 1511, the navigator was among those who took Mallaka, in 1514 he participated in the capture of Morocco.

Upon returning to Portugal, Ferdinand Magellan firmly decided to reach the Moluccas (Indonesia). The navigator turned to the Portuguese king Manuel I for help, but the monarch did not approve of this expedition.

Magellan soon emigrated to Spain. In 1517, the Spanish king Charles I gave permission to organize a trip to the Molucco Islands. The navigator's flotilla consisted of five ships: "Trinidad", "San Antonio", "Concepción", "Victoria", "Santiago".

Trip around the world

On September 20, 1519, Magellan's five ships set off. The team circled the eastern coast of South America. In March 1520, part of the sailors expressed a desire to return to Spain, but Magellan managed to calm the impending rebellion. In May 1520, the ship "Santiago" was lost, so the expedition continued on four ships. In September, Fernando Magellan, together with the flotilla, passed the Strait, later called Magellanic. Immediately after this, the ship "San Antonio" returned to Spain.

The flotilla of Magellan went to the Pacific Ocean and passed it for more than three months. Arriving at the islands (later called the Philippine), the navigator decided to subordinate the population to the Spanish king. In a skirmish with the natives, April 27, 1521, Magellan was killed.

For his brief biography, Magellan showed himself to be a brave warrior and was awarded the rank of sea captain.

End of the expedition

Without Magellan, the remaining ships of the flotilla reached the Moluccas, where they bought spices. Two ships left the islands - "Trinidad" and "Victoria". The first went east, but was forced to return to the Molucco Islands, where he was captured by the Portuguese on the orders of the king, who called the navigator Magellan a deserter. And only the ship "Victoria" returned to its homeland, rounding Africa.

Other biography options

  • In his youth, Magellan was a page under Queen Leonor of Avisa (wife of João III).
  • The main reason for Magellan's move to Spain was a quarrel with the Portuguese king, who did not pay the navigator for his devoted service.
  • Magellan called the Pacific Ocean, because during the entire voyage the ships never got into a storm.
  • In memory of Magellan's discoveries, his monument was erected on Mactan Island. Many writers (S. Zweig, A. Pigafetta, I. Nozdrin and others) created works based on the data of the legendary expedition, including books for children.

And his commander. Developed and applied maneuver tactics, scoring a number of major victories over the Turkish fleet. He successfully conducted the Mediterranean campaign of the Russian fleet during the war against France. He proved himself as a politician and diplomat during the creation of the Greek Republic of the Seven Islands.

Admiral Ushakov is a naval figure who glorified the still young Black Sea Fleet at that time. The Turks respectfully called him "Ushak Pasha". Not having a noble origin (his father was a collegiate registrar and an impoverished landowner), Fedor Fedorovich walked to the admiral's flag slowly and persistently, mastering maritime science and military art with perseverance. Ushakov, as a naval figure, highly raised the authority of the Russian fleet.


early years

The future admiral was born on February 24, 1744 in the village of Burnakovo, Romano-Borisoglebsky district (now the Rybinsk district of the Yaroslavl region). Father - Fedor Ignatievich Ushakov (1710-1781), a retired sergeant and nobleman, uncle - the elder Feodor Sanaksarsky.

Carier start

At the age of sixteen, Ushakov was sent to St. Petersburg, where he studied in the Naval Corps. After two years in the rank of midshipman, he made his first training voyage, which took place on the ship St. Eustathius. He graduated from the corps in 1766 - an officer, midshipman. In the same year he was enlisted in the galley fleet in the Baltic. For the first time, F.F. Ushakov got acquainted with the expanses of the sea on the Nargin kick, on which he sailed from Kronstadt to Arkhangelsk around Scandinavia.

At the end of the campaign of 1768, he was sent to the Don expedition, whose tasks included the opening of the Taganrog port and the establishment of a flotilla on the Don, which followed from the break in relations with Turkey. Ushakov was promoted to lieutenant in 1769, and already sailed along the Don, on ferries, to Taganrog. Until the conclusion of the Kyuchuk-Kaynarji peace, he participated in protecting the coast of Crimea from the landings of the Turkish army and from the indignation of the Tatars (the key event was 1773, the battle near Balaklava).

The year 1776 for F. F. Ushakov was marked by a campaign to Livorno, in which he participated in the rank of lieutenant commander, and at the end of it he received the command of the frigate Pavel. Until 1779 he continued campaigns in the Adriatic Sea and the Archipelago. In 1780 he commanded the imperial yacht. The following year, he went to the Mediterranean for the second time, in the squadron of Rear Admiral Sukhotin, as commander of the Victor ship. After this campaign, Ushakov was appointed, in 1783, to Kherson, where he was during the construction of ships and managed to stop the infection brought there from Constantinople on merchant ships, for which in 1785, already a captain of the 1st rank, he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir of the 4th class and received gratitude from the Admiralty Board.

Russo-Turkish War

In 1787, at the beginning of the war with Turkey, Ushakov was a captain of the brigadier rank. Having the ship Pavel in command, he participated in the first campaigns of the Black Sea Fleet, under the command of Rear Admiral Voinovich, including the battle of Fidonisi Island on July 8, 1788. The military glory of this admiral began in 1790, after Prince Potemkin entrusted Rear Admiral Ushakov with command of the Black Sea Fleet. At the beginning of the campaign of that year, he went around the eastern coast of the Black Sea from Sinop to Anapa and destroyed more than 26 enemy ships.

On July 8, commanding a fleet of 10 ships, 6 frigates, 2 firewalls and several small vessels, he repulsed the attack of the Turkish fleet near the Yenikol Strait, and finally defeated it near Hadji Bay on August 28 and 29. These victories brought Ushakov the orders of St. Vladimir 1st and St. George 2nd class. In 1791, he defeated the Turkish fleet at Kaliakria, and on December 29, 1791, upon the conclusion of peace in Iasi, he was awarded the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky. In 1793, Ushakov was promoted to vice admiral and in peacetime commanded practical squadrons on the Black Sea.

In August 1798, he received the highest order to go to Constantinople and, in conjunction with the Turkish squadron, go to the Archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea. Upon completion of the Russian-Turkish expedition in the Mediterranean Sea, Ushakov was awarded the rank of admiral, diamond signs of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky and the commander's cross of St. John of Jerusalem. For his assistance, Sultan Selim III sent him two diamond snuffboxes, two diamond feathers and a fur coat rich in sable. After the capture of Corfu by Admiral Ushakov, two squadrons were sent to Ancona and to the shores of the Kingdom of Naples. Ushakov arrived in Palermo on 21 August. Having released from there his violent companions, the Turks, back home, accompanied by a squadron that came from the Baltic Sea (consisting of three ships and one frigate, under the command of Rear Admiral Kartsov), he sailed to Naples and back to Corfu, while Vice Admirals P. V. Pustoshkin and P.K. Kartsov cruised off the coast of Sicily.

End of career

In July 1800, Ushakov, with the consent of the military council he had assembled, decided to return to Russia. The reason for this was both the poor condition of the ships of his fleet and the lack of food, as well as various political reasons. The government of the new Republic of the Seven United Islands, for their liberation from the enemy and the restoration of order, presented Fyodor Fedorovich from the island of Corfu with a golden sword with diamonds and with the inscription: "Corfu, deliverer of Ushakov." Ushakov left Corfu on 6 July. Upon arrival with the squadron in Constantinople, F.F. Ushakov was awarded honors from the Sultan, including an expensive diamond cheleng and five copper landing guns. His two-year campaign in the Mediterranean Sea was completed on October 26, in Sevastopol. Its result was the liberation from the enemy of such territories as the Ionian Islands, the Kingdom of Naples and the possessions of the pope. The King of the Two Sicilies awarded Ushakov the Order of St. Januarius, which, when worn, was ordered to be considered higher than the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky.

Last years

After such an active and commendable service, it was time for Admiral Ushakov to rest and rest. Since 1801, he has been in charge of the Baltic Rowing Fleet and all naval teams in St. Petersburg. On January 21, 1807, he was dismissed from service, due to illness, with a uniform and a half-pay pension. At the end of his service, he settled in the Temnikovsky district of the Tambov province, where he died in October 1817. He was buried there, in the Sanaksar monastery founded by his grandfather.

Personal characteristics according to the memoirs of contemporaries

It was said about F.F. Ushakov that he was very pious and kind, but quick-tempered, persistent and fair. He was very strict with the officers, but loved by the sailors. He also had respect among the Turks, who called him Pasha Usak. His eminent contemporaries Suvorov and Nelson spoke of him in a very original way, emphasizing his independence in actions and decisions, as well as the unprecedented courage of the admiral.

perpetuation of memory

Along with the image of the hero of the defense of Sevastopol, Admiral Nakhimov, the image of the naval commander, Admiral F.F. Ushakov, was made in the Soviet period a symbol of the glory and victorious traditions of the Russian fleet.

Coastal defense battleship "Admiral Ushakov"

  • A bay in the southeastern part of the Barents Sea and a cape on the northern coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are named after the naval commander.
  • The name of Ushakov was carried by warships of the Navy:
  • The coastal defense battleship Admiral Ushakov was built in 1893 and died in the Battle of Tsushima (1905).
  • Cruiser "Admiral Ushakov" (1953-1987).
  • In 1992, the Kirov heavy nuclear missile cruiser, which by that time had been withdrawn from the fleet, was renamed the Admiral Ushakov.
  • Since 2004, the project 956 destroyer Admiral Ushakov has been named after Ushakov.
  • Self-elevating modular platform, engineering vessel "Fedor Ushakov", designed for various engineering works in coastal waters. The vessel is capable of carrying out any exploration and prospecting work in coastal waters at a maximum depth of 24 m, as well as laying pipelines.

Light cruiser "Admiral Ushakov"

  • In Temnikovo there is a local history museum named after Ushakov. In the museum, the admiral is dedicated to a separate room with rare exhibits (for example, the only surviving lifetime portrait). The museum, by the way, is located in the building of the former hospital for soldiers of the Patriotic War of 1812, built by Ushakov himself. There is also Ushakov Street in Temnikovo.
  • FGOU VPO Maritime State Academy named after Admiral F. F. Ushakov Russia, Novorossiysk, Lenin Ave., 93.
  • In Moscow there is Admiral Ushakov Boulevard and the metro station of the same name.
  • In St. Petersburg, an embankment and a bridge were named in honor of Admiral Ushakov, and a monument was erected.
  • In the city of Sevastopol, one of the squares was named after Ushakov (Commune Square was renamed in October 1954).
  • In Minsk, a street is named after Ushakov.
  • In the city of Aleksandrov in 1963, by the decision of the executive committee of the Aleksandrovsky city SND, 2nd Zagorodnaya Street was renamed Ushakov Street.

Destroyer "Admiral Ushakov"

  • On March 3, 1944, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established the military order of Ushakov of two degrees and the Ushakov medal.
  • In the city of Rybinsk, in the vicinity of which the birthplace of the admiral is located, his bust was erected.
  • In October 2002, a monument to Admiral Fyodor Ushakov was erected in Greece on the island of Corfu. There is also Ushakov street. Every year since 2002, the Days of memory of F. Ushakov have been held on the island of Corfu.
  • On August 5, 2006, the Cathedral of the Holy Righteous Warrior Theodore Ushakov was opened in the city of Saransk.
  • In the village of Alekseevka, the family estate of the Ushakov family, a monument was erected on the site where the estate of F. F. Ushakov was located.
  • On August 10, 2006, in Bulgaria, the Bulgarian government, the commander of the Bulgarian Black Sea Fleet and the Russian ambassador opened, and the patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, in concelebration with the Metropolitan of Varna, consecrated a new monument to Admiral Theodore Ushakov at Cape Kaliakra.
  • The asteroid 3010 Ushakov is named after Ushakov.
  • In the city of Sarov (Arzamas-16), Nizhny Novgorod region, on November 1, 1953, a street was named after Admiral Ushakov (the first street named after Admiral Ushakov in Russia-USSR), on August 4, 2006, a monument to the admiral was erected. On November 2, 2009, the Public Organization of Navy Veterans of the city of Sarov was named after Admiral F. F. Ushakov. On April 25, 2011, the veterans opened the museum exposition "The City and Ushakov", where the reconstructed uniform of F. Ushakov of the 1803 model, in which he was buried in the Sanaksar Monastery, is exhibited.
  • In Kherson, the main avenue and the Kherson State Maritime Institute are named after Ushakov. In 1957, a monument to the naval commander was erected in front of the building of the ship-mechanical technical school. In 2002, a small church named after St. Fedor Ushakov was built.
  • In Kerch on April 11, 2009, on the Day of the city's liberation from Nazi invaders, a monument to Admiral Fyodor Ushakov was erected.
  • In Yaroslavl, a flotilla of young sailors was named after Ushakov.
  • In Kaliningrad, the naval institute is named after the admiral.
  • In the village of Molochkovo, Soletsky District, Novgorod Region, in 2000, a font in the name of St. Fedor Ushakov.
  • In the city of Anapa, on the territory of the Institute of the Coast Guard of the FSB of Russia, on June 4, 2010, a temple-chapel was opened in honor of the righteous warrior Fyodor Ushakov, admiral of the Russian fleet, patron saint of military sailors.
  • November 22, 2011 in Kaliningrad, the company "Arktikmorgeo" launched a unique multi-purpose engineering vessel "Fyodor Ushakov"News on the official website.
  • Near the city of Temnikova (Mordovia) there is the village of Ushakovka.
  • In Chelyabinsk, the street is named after Admiral F.F. Ushakov.
  • In 2001, a bust was erected in Rostov-on-Don (Beregovaya Street).
  • In 2006 in the city of Tutaev, Yaroslavl region. A monument (bust) was erected to Admiral Ushakov, which was erected on the site of the demolished monument to the revolutionary Panin. Also in Tutaev, the central street of the left-bank part of the city bears his name. Also in Tutaev, on Lunacharsky Street, a museum of the holy righteous Admiral Fyodor Ushakov and the Russian Navy was opened.[
  • On April 24, 2013 in Messina, Sicily, Italy, the opening ceremony of the bust of the Russian Admiral Feodor Ushakov and the Square of Russian Sailors took place. FSUE "Marka" issued a postcard with the letter "B" for this reason (catalogue number 2013-106/1).
  • On June 6, 2013, near the village of Hopylevo, where Fyodor Ushakov was baptized, a stele dedicated to the admiral was opened.

Image in art and media

  • "Admiral Ushakov"- Soviet feature historical and biographical film dedicated to the life and work of Admiral Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov (1745-1817).
  • Admiral Ushakov / Ed. and with entry. article by R. N. Mordvinov. T. 1-3.-M.: Voenmorizdat, 1951-1956.
  • Ganichev V. N. Ushakov. - M.: Mol. guard, 1990. - 462 p.: ill. - (Life of remarkable people. Ser. biogr.; Issue 712).
  • Ganichev V.N. Fleet Leader: About F.F. Ushakov. - M.: Patriot, 1994. - 463 p.: ill.
  • Garmash P. E. Storming Corfu. - M .: Military Publishing, 1990.? 110 p. - (The heroic past of our Motherland).
  • Zonin A. I. Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov. - M.: Mol. guard, 1944. - 88 p.
  • Lebedev A. A. Frigates against ships. The inevitable and invaluable episode of the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791. SPb. IPK Gangut. 2011.
  • Lebedev A.A. At the origins of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia. Azov flotilla in the struggle for the Crimea and in the creation of the Black Sea Fleet (1768-1783). SPb. IPK: Gangut. 2011.
  • Lebedev A. A. From Fidonisi to Corfu. Behind the scenes of F. F. Ushakov's big victories // Gangut 2011-2012. No. 66 - 67
  • Lebedev A. A. Events of July 12-15, 1791 on the Black Sea and their role in the history of the victories of F. F. Ushakov // Gangut. 2013. No. 75
  • Lebedev A. A. Black Sea battles of F. F. Ushakov: unknown results of famous victories // Gangut. 2013. No. 76
  • “Glory not to me, but to our people…”: To the 250th anniversary of the birth of F. F. Ushakov // Geopolitika i bezopasnost'. - 1994. - No. 2. - S. 180-196.
  • Ovchinnikov V. D. Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov. - M.: Andreevsky flag, 1995. - 127 p.: ill.
  • Ovchinnikov V.D. In service to the Fatherland. (Admiral F.F. Ushakov: unknown pages of life). Yaroslavl, 1993;
  • Ovchinnikov V.D. Holy Righteous Admiral Fedor Ushakov. M.: MGF "Veteran of Moscow", 2001. - 376 p.
  • Ovchinnikov V. D. Saint Admiral Ushakov (1745-1817). Historical narrative about the earthly path of the holy righteous warrior. M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2003. - 511 p.
  • Ovchinnikov V. D. Pedigree of the Ushakovs // Marine collection, 1991. No. 9.
  • Ovchinnikov V.D. Diamond crown of a naval commander // Russian House, 2001. No. 9.
  • Ovchinnikov V.D. The son of the Fatherland is the son of God // Military History Journal, 2003. No. 2.
  • Ovchinnikov V. D. “Akhtiyar is the best harbor in the world”: On the 220th anniversary of Sevastopol and the Black Sea Fleet // Military History Journal, 2003. No. 5.
  • Ovchinnikov V.D. Naval legacy of Admiral F.F. Ushakov // Military History Journal, 2009. No. 2. P. 22-26.
  • Ovchinnikov V. D. Spiritual and moral heritage of Admiral F. F. Ushakov // Military History Journal, 2009. No. 3. P. 43-45.
  • Ovchinnikov V. D. Naval heritage of Admiral F. F. Ushakov and theoretical activity of M. A. Petrov to substantiate the tactics of naval battle // Marine collection, 2009. No. 3. P. 69-75.
  • Ovchinnikov V.D. Admiral F.F. Ushakov. Homeland and holiness. Rybinsk: RMP, 2009. - 64 p.
  • Petrov M. T. Admiral Ushakov. - M.: Armada, 1996.
  • Rakovsky L. I. Admiral Ushakov: A novel. - Simferopol: Tavria, 1990. - 228 p.: ill. - (Mor. Library; Book 63).
  • Sergeev-Tsensky S. N. Admiral F. F. Ushakov: East. essay // Sergeev-Tsensky S. N. Knights of the Seas: Ist. essays, short stories, short stories, articles. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1985. -S. 36-63.
  • Snegirev V. L. Admiral Ushakov. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1947. - 361 p.: ill. - (Remarkable Russian military figures).
  • Stanislavskaya A. M. Political activities of F. F. Ushakov in Greece, 1798-1800. - M.: Nauka, 1983. - 302 p.
  • Tarle E.V. Admiral Ushakov on the Mediterranean Sea // Under the St. Andrew's Flag: Century XVIII. - M.: Patriot, 1994. - S. 514-525.
  • Stanislavskaya A. M. Political activities of F. F. Ushakov in Greece. 1798-1800. M., 1983.
  • Yakhontova M. S. "Ships go to the bastions"
  • Lyubavin-Bogaevsky Yu.I., Ushakov-Bogaevsky O.V. City on the Midnight Mountains. Novocherkassk, 2011.
  • Potrashkov S History of the Russian fleet. Eksmo, 2006

Chronological table

1743 (1745) year- Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov was born.
1766- Graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps.
1769- Assigned to the Don (Azov) flotilla.
1768-1774 years- Participates in the Russian-Turkish war.
1775- Commands a frigate.
1780- Appointed commander of the imperial yacht, but soon abandons the court career.
1780-1782 years- Commands the battleship "Victor", makes several trips from the Baltic to the Mediterranean Sea, protects Russian merchant ships from the piratical actions of the English fleet.
1783- Transferred to the Black Sea Fleet, oversees the construction of ships in Kherson, participates in the construction of the main fleet base in Sevastopol, fights against the plague.
1787- Commands the battleship "St. Paul". The Black Sea Fleet under the command of Ushakov wins over the Turkish fleet near the island of Fidonisi.
1789- Receives the rank of Rear Admiral.
1790- Commands the Black Sea Fleet. The Black Sea Fleet under the command of F.F. Ushakov wins in the battle of Kerch and near the island of Tendra over the Turkish fleet.
1791- Defeats the Turkish fleet at Cape Kaliakria.
1793- Receives the rank of vice admiral.
1798-1800 years- A squadron under the command of F. F. Ushakov makes a Mediterranean campaign to liberate the Ionian Islands from French occupation.
1799- Receives the rank of admiral. A squadron under the command of F. F. Ushakov storms a fortress on the island of Corfu.
1807- Resigns.
1812- He is elected head of the people's militia of the Tambov province, but due to illness he refuses the post.
1817 October 2- F. F. Ushakov died and was buried in the Sanaksar Monastery near the town of Temnikov.

Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov was born on February 24, 1745, into a noble family. The family did not live richly. At the age of 16, Fedor Ushakov entered the Naval Corps in St. Petersburg. At this time, Catherine II sat on the Russian throne. Russia was preparing for a war with Turkey, so the country needed to create a powerful fleet in the Azov and Black Seas.

The construction of the fleet was entrusted to Vice Admiral Senyavin, who in the early spring of 1769 began to create a naval base in Taganrog. Ushakov arrived at Senyavin's location among seconded officers.

In the spring of 1773, the Russian fleet began to dominate the Sea of ​​Azov. After the final defeat of the Turks in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, hostilities moved to the Black. The fleet dealt sensitive blows to the Turks, and the position of the Russian army in the war with the Turks improved significantly.

After four years of the war, Ushakov began to command the messenger bot "Courier". Subsequently, he became the commander of a large 16-gun ship. In the final part of the Russian-Turkish war, he participated in the defense of the Russian military base on the Crimean coast - Balakva.

In the second Russian-Turkish war, during a major battle on the Black Sea in 1788, he brilliantly proved himself as the head of the vanguard. The battle of Fidonisia ended with the defeat of the Turkish fleet. Many well-known military leaders highly appreciated Fedor Fedorovich.

A year later he became rear admiral, and in 1790 became commander of the Black Sea Fleet. The Turks launched large-scale military operations and planned to land a large landing of troops in the Crimea. These plans, thanks to the skillful actions of the fleet under the leadership of Fyodor Ushakov, were not destined to come true.

On July 8, 1790, the Battle of Kerch took place, where the Russian fleet won and secured the Crimea from the Turkish landing. In August 1791, a major naval battle took place off Cape Kaliaria. The Russian fleet was outnumbered, but due to the effect of surprise, Ushakov managed to put the Turks to flight.

In 1793, Fedor Ushakov received the next military rank of vice admiral. In 1798 he successfully led the action of the Mediterranean campaign. Before him was a difficult task: the liberation of the Ionian Islands from the French. The governor brilliantly coped with this task in a short time, capturing the necessary islands. In 1799 he returned to his homeland. A year later he left for Sevastopol, a little later he became the commander of the Baltic Rowing Fleet. In 1807 he retired. Died in 1817.

Fedor Fedorovich was a contemporary. Ushakov is a fearless, courageous, talented Russian naval commander who laid down his life for the glory of Russian weapons. He is the pride and glory of the Russian fleet and army. Fedor Ushakov was directly involved in the construction of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. He is one of the creators of Russia's success in the fight against Turkey. Under his command, the Russian fleet entered the Mediterranean for the first time, where it conducted a number of successful operations with Russia's allies.

Football(from English. foot- sole, ball- ball) - the most popular team sport in the world, in which the goal is to score the ball into the opponent's goal more times than the opposing team does in a set time. The ball into the goal can be scored with the feet or any other parts of the body (except the hands).

The history of the emergence and development of football (briefly)

The exact date of the emergence of football is not known, but it is safe to say that the history of football has more than one century and has affected many countries. Ball games were popular on all continents, as evidenced by the ubiquitous finds of archaeologists.

In ancient China, there was a game known as "Cuju", the mention of which was dated back to the second century BC. According to FIFA in 2004, it is considered to be the most ancient of the predecessors of modern football.

In Japan, such a game was called "Kemari" (in some sources, "Kenatt"). The first mention of Kemari occurs in 644 AD. Kemari is still played today at Shinto shrines during festivals.

In Australia, balls were made from the skins of rats, the bladders of large animals, and twisted hair. Unfortunately, the rules of the game have not been preserved.

In North America, too, there was an ancestor of football, the game was called "pasuckuakohowog", which means "they gathered to play the ball with their feet." Usually the games were played on the beaches, they tried to score the ball into a goal about half a mile wide, while the field itself was twice as long. The number of participants in the game reached 1000 people.

Who Invented Football?

Modern football was invented in England in the 1860s.

Basic rules of football (briefly)

The first rules of football were introduced on December 7, 1863 by the Football Association of England. Today, the rules of football are established by the International Football Association Board (IFAB), which includes FIFA (4 votes), as well as representatives of the English, Scottish, Northern Irish and Welsh football associations. The latest edition of the official football rules is dated June 1, 2013 and consists of 17 rules, here is a summary:

  • Rule 1: Referee
  • Rule 2: Assistant referees
  • Rule 3: Duration of the game
  • Rule 4: Start and Resumption of Play
  • Law 5: Ball in play and out of play
  • Law 6: Definition of a Goal
  • Law 11: Offside
  • Law 12: Fouls and misconduct by players
  • Law 13: Free Kick and Free Kick
  • Rule 14: penalty kick
  • Rule 15: Throwing the Ball
  • Law 16: Goal kick
  • Law 17: Corner kick

Each football team must consist of a maximum of eleven players (that's how many can be on the field at the same time), one of whom is the goalkeeper and he is the only player who is allowed to play with his hands within the penalty area at his goal.

How many players are on the team?

The team consists of 11 players: ten field players and one goalkeeper.

A football match consists of two halves of 45 minutes each. Between halves there is a 15-minute rest break, after which the teams change gates. This is done to ensure that the teams were on an equal footing.

The football game is won by the team that scores more goals against the opponent.

If the teams finished the match with the same score of goals, then a draw is fixed, or two extra halves of 15 minutes are assigned. If extra time ends in a draw, then a penalty shoot-out is awarded.

Football penalty rules

A penalty kick or penalty kick is the most serious penalty in football and is taken from the corresponding mark. When performing a 11-meter kick, the goalkeeper must be in the goal.

Punishment of post-match penalties in football is carried out according to the following rules: teams take 5 shots at the opponent's goal from a distance of 11 meters, all shots must be taken by different players. If after 5 kicks the score is tied on penalties, then the teams continue to take one pair of penalties until a winner is determined.

Offside in football

A player is considered offside or offside if he is closer to the opponent's goal line than the ball and the opponent's penultimate player, including the goalkeeper.

In order not to be offside, players must adhere to the following rules:

  • it is forbidden to interfere with the game (touching the ball that was passed to him or that touched a teammate);
  • it is forbidden to interfere with the opponent;
  • it is forbidden to take advantage of one's position (touching the ball that bounces off the goal post or crossbar or on an opponent).

handball in football

Football rules allow field players to touch the ball with any part of the body other than the hands. For handballing, a team is awarded a free kick or penalty kick, which is taken by a player from the opposing team.

Two more very important points belong to the rules of handball in football:

  • accidentally hitting the ball in the hand is not a violation of the rules;
  • rebounding from the ball is not a foul.

Yellow and red cards

Yellow and red cards are signs that the referee shows the players for breaking the rules and unsportsmanlike behavior.

A yellow card is a warning and is given to a player in the following cases:

  • for intentional handplay;
  • for delaying time;
  • for disrupting an attack;
  • for hitting before the whistle / going out of the wall (free kick);
  • for blow after whistle;
  • for rough play;
  • for unsportsmanlike conduct;
  • for disputes with an arbitrator;
  • for simulation;
  • for leaving or entering the game without the permission of the arbiter.

A red card in football is shown by a referee for particularly gross violations or unsportsmanlike conduct. The player who receives a red card must leave the field before the end of the match.

Football field size and marking lines

The standard field for big football is a rectangular area in which the goal lines (front lines) are necessarily shorter than the side lines. Next, we will consider the parameters of the football field.

The size of a football field in meters is not clearly regulated, but there are certain boundary indicators. For national level matches, the standard length of a football field from gate to gate must be between 90-120 meters, and a width of 45-90 meters. The football field area ranges from 4050 m2 to 10800 m2. For comparison, 1 hectare \u003d 10,000 m 2. For international matches, the length of the touchlines must not exceed the interval of 100-110 meters, and the length of the goal lines beyond the limits of 64-75 meters. There are FIFA-recommended football field dimensions of 105 by 68 meters (area of ​​7140 square meters).

How long is a football field?

The length of the football field from goal to goal must be between 90-120 meters.

The marking of the field is carried out with the same lines, the width of the marking should not exceed 12 centimeters (the lines are included in the areas they limit). The sideline or edge of the football field is commonly referred to as the "edge".

Football field markings

  • Middle line - a line that divides the field into two equal halves. In the middle of the center line is the center of the field with a diameter of 0.3 meters. The circumference around the center of the field is 9.15 meters. A kick or a pass from the center of the field starts both halves of the match, as well as extra time. After each goal scored, the ball is also placed in the center of the field.
  • The goal line in football is held on the lawn parallel to the crossbar.
  • Football goal area - a line that is drawn at a distance of 5.5 meters from the outside of the goalpost. Two lanes 5.5 meters long are drawn perpendicular to the goal line, directed deep into the field. Their end points are connected by a line parallel to the goal line.
  • Penalty area - from points at a distance of 16.5 m from the inside of each goal post, at right angles to the goal line, two lines are drawn deep into the field. At a distance of 16.5 m, these lines are connected by another line parallel to the goal line. In the center of the goal line and at a distance of 11 meters from it, a penalty mark is applied, it is marked with a solid circle with a diameter of 0.3 meters. The goalkeeper may play with his hands within the penalty area.
  • Corner sectors - arcs with a radius of 1 meter centered on the corners of the football field. This line forms a limited area for corner kicks. In the corners of the field, flags are set at least 1.5 meters high and 35x45 centimeters in size.

The marking of the field is carried out using lines, the width of which must be the same and not exceed 12 centimeters. The image below shows the layout of the football field.

Football goal

The goal is placed exactly in the middle of the goal line. The standard soccer goal size is as follows:

  • the length or width of the goal in big football - the distance between the vertical posts (bars) - 7.73 meters;
  • goal height - the distance from the lawn to the crossbar - 2.44 meters.

The diameter of the racks and the crossbar should not exceed 12 centimeters. The gates are made of wood or metal and are painted white, and also have a rectangular, elliptical, square or circle shape in cross section.

A soccer goal net must fit the size of the goal and must be strong. It is customary to use football nets of the following size 2.50 x 7.50 x 1.00 x 2.00 m.

Football field construction

The standard design of a football field is as follows:

  • Grass lawn.
  • Substrate of sand and gravel.
  • Heating pipes.
  • Drainage pipes.
  • Aeration pipes.

Football field surfaces can be natural or artificial. Grass requires additional care, namely watering and fertilizing. Grass does not allow for more than two games per week. Grass is brought to the field in special turf rolls. Very often on the football field you can see the grass of two colors (striped field), so it turns out, because of the peculiarities of lawn care. When mowing the lawn, the machine first moves in one direction, and then in the other, and the grass falls in different directions (multidirectional lawn mowing). This is done for the convenience of determining distances and offsides, as well as for beauty. The height of the grass on the football field is usually 2.5 - 3.5 cm. The maximum speed of the ball in football at the moment is 214 km / h.

Artificial turf for a football field is a carpet made of synthetic material. Each blade of grass is not just a strip of plastic, but a product of complex shape. In order for the artificial turf to be suitable for playing, it is covered with a filler of sand and crumb rubber.

soccer ball

What kind of ball is played in football? A professional soccer ball consists of three main components: the inner tube, the lining, and the tire. The bladder is usually made from synthetic butyl or natural latex. The lining is the inner layer between the tire and the chamber. The lining directly affects the quality of the ball. The thicker it is, the better the ball is. Usually the lining is made of polyester or compressed cotton. The tire consists of 32 synthetic waterproof pieces, 12 of which are pentagonal, 20 are hexagonal.

Football ball size:

  • circumference - 68-70 cm;
  • weight - no more than 450 gr.

The speed of the ball in football reaches 200 km / h.

football kit

Mandatory elements of a player's football kit are:

  • Shirt or T-shirt with sleeves.
  • Underpants. If underpants are used, they must be of the same color.
  • Gaiters.
  • Shields. Must be fully covered by gaiters and provide adequate protection.
  • Boots.

Why do football players need socks?

Gaiters perform a protective function, supporting the leg and protecting against minor injuries. Thanks to them, shields are held.

The goalkeeper's football uniform must differ in color from the uniforms of other players and referees.

Players may not wear any equipment that could be dangerous to them or other players, such as jewelry and watches.

What do footballers wear under their shorts?

Underpants are tight-fitting compression shorts. The color and length of the underpants must not differ from the color and length of the shorts.

Set pieces in football

  • Initial hit. In football, the ball is played in three cases: at the beginning of the match, at the beginning of the second half, and after a goal is scored. All players of the kick-off team must be in their own half of the field, with their opponents at least nine meters away from the ball. The player taking the kickoff may not touch the ball again before the other players have done so.
  • Goal kick and throw-in by the goalkeeper. Putting the ball into play after it went over the goal line (to the side of the post or over the crossbar), due to the fault of the player of the attacking team.
  • Throwing in the ball from behind the sideline. It is made by a field player after the ball has crossed the touchline and left the field. It is necessary to throw in the ball from the place where it was in the “out”. The receiving player must be facing the field of play on or behind the sideline. At the time of the throw, both feet of the player must be in contact with the ground. The ball is put into play without the referee's signal.
  • Corner kick. Putting the ball into play from the corner sector. It is a punishment for the players of the defending team who kicked the ball over the goal line.
  • Free kick and free kick. Penalty for deliberately touching the ball with the hand or using foul techniques against players of the opposing team.
  • Penalty kick (penalty).
  • Offside position.

Refereeing in football

Referees monitor compliance with the established rules on the football field. For each match, a main referee and two assistants are appointed.

The duties of a judge include:

  • Match timing.
  • Recording match events.
  • Ensuring that the ball meets requirements.
  • Ensuring the equipment of the players requirements.
  • Ensuring the absence of unauthorized persons on the field.
  • Ensuring the care / removal of injured players off the field.
  • Submission of a match report to the relevant authorities, including information on any disciplinary action taken against players and/or team officials, as well as on all other incidents that occurred before, during or after the match.

Judge's rights:

  • Stop, temporarily interrupt or stop the match in case of any violation of the rules, outside interference, injury to players;
  • Take action against team officials behaving incorrectly;
  • Continue play until the ball is out of play if the player, in his opinion, has received only a minor injury;
  • Continue play when the offending team benefits from such an advantage (remaining with the ball) and penalize the original offense if the team did not take advantage of the intended advantage;
  • Punish a player for a more serious violation of the Rules in the event that he simultaneously commits more than one violation;
  • Act on the advice of his assistants and fourth referee.


Competitions are organized by the federation, each tournament has its own regulations, which usually prescribe the composition of the participants, the tournament scheme, and the rules for determining the winners.


National teams

  • The World Cup is the main international football competition. The championship is held once every four years, the men's national teams of FIFA member countries from all continents can take part in the tournament.
  • The Confederations Cup is a football competition among national teams that is held a year before the World Cup. Held in the host country of the World Cup. 8 teams take part in the championship: the winners of the continental championships, the winner of the world championship and the team of the host country.
  • Olympic Games
  • The FIFA Club World Cup is an annual competition between the strongest representatives of the six continental confederations.


National teams

  • The European Championship is the main competition for national teams under the leadership of UEFA. The championship is held every four years.
  • The UEFA Champions League is the most prestigious annual European club football competition.
  • The UEFA Europa League is the second most important competition for European football clubs belonging to UEFA.
  • The UEFA Super Cup is a one-leg championship between the winners of the previous season's UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League.


National teams

  • The America's Cup is a championship held under the auspices of CONMEBOL among the national teams of the countries of the region.
  • The Libertadores Cup is named after the historical leaders of the Spanish colonial wars of independence in the Americas. Held among the best clubs in the countries of the region.
  • The Copa Sudamericana is the second most important club tournament in South America after the Copa Libertadores.
  • The South American Recopa is an analogue of the continental Super Bowl. The tournament is attended by the winners of the two most important club competitions - the Copa Libertadores and the Copa Sudamericana of the previous season.


National teams

  • The CONCACAF Gold Cup is a football tournament for the countries of North, Central America and the Caribbean.
  • The CONCACAF Champions League is an annual football championship among the best clubs in North and Central America and the Caribbean.

Football structures

The main football structure is FIFA (Fédération internationale de football association), located in Zurich, Switzerland. It organizes international tournaments on a global scale.

Continental Organizations:

  • CONCACAF (СConfederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football) is the football confederation of North and Central America and the Caribbean,
  • CONMEFBOL (CONfederacion sudaMERicana de FutBOL) - South American Football Confederation,
  • UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) is a union of European football associations,

Famous for its representatives. Their names, together with unforgettable works, are known to everyone who even considers himself a connoisseur of literature. There are poets whose poems are remembered against their will. These include Fedor Sologub. A brief biography, an overview of creativity and a description of the direction in which the poems were created are waiting for you below.

About the writer

Fedor Sologub is a Russian writer, poet, publicist, translator and teacher. He was one of the brightest representatives of the Silver Age and an apologist for Russian symbolism. His work is so extraordinary and ambiguous that many critics still cannot come to the only true interpretation of the images and heroes created by the poet. Sologub, whose biography and work are still the subject of study and the search for new symbols, is a multifaceted creator of poetry and prose. His poems amaze with their motifs of loneliness, mysticism and mystery, and his novels attract attention, shock and do not let go until their last page.

Alias ​​history

The real name of the poet is Fyodor Kuzmich Teternikov.

The Severny Vestnik magazine became a launching pad for the poet. In the 90s of the 19th century, Sologub's poetry was published in this particular edition, and in large volumes.

The role of the symbolist poet required a sonorous name. The editors of the journal came up with the first versions of pseudonyms, among which the variant "Sollogub" was proposed. This surname was worn by a noble family, a prominent representative of which was Vladimir Sollogub, a writer and prose writer. To have differences, Fedor decides to remove one letter.

In 1893, the magazine published the poem "Creativity", signed by the pseudonym Fyodor Sologub. The biography of the writer hides many events in which members of the editorial board of this magazine took part. The Severny Vestnik gave the poet a worthy stimulus for development and growth.

Fedor Sologub, short biography. Childhood

The writer was born on March 1, 1863 in St. Petersburg. His father was from the Poltava province.

The family lived very poorly, the father was a serf and earned a living as a tailor.

The parents of the future poet were educated, there were books in the house, and the father taught children to read, played for them, talked about the theater and passed on those bits of knowledge about world culture and literature that he had.

When two years after the birth of Fedor, his little sister was born, family life became more difficult financially. The death of his father in 1867 finally drove the family into poverty. The mother was left with the children in her arms, without a livelihood. She was forced to become a servant in a rich family. In this noble family of the Agapovs, the young poet also grew up, to whom the aristocrats treated favorably, helped his self-education, shared rare books, which Sologub was very keen on. The poet's biography will continue to be rich in random people and meetings that helped him overcome life's obstacles and look for himself.

However, there were also dark sides in the poet's childhood at the Agapovs' house. The world of books, science and music, to which young Fyodor joined in the house, contrasted insanely sharply with the atmosphere of a smoky kitchen and laundry in a heavy steam, where his mother worked until she was completely exhausted in order to feed her children. Sometimes she took out her fatigue on the children, it even went as far as beatings for the slightest disobedience. Later, the writer will write the story "Consolation", in which he will express the full severity of his split children's world. Sologub reluctantly recalled this in his memoirs, a brief biography of the poet often misses these moments, but they are necessary to depict a complete picture of his life and formation.

Works that pointed the way to the poet

The poet's wife, compiling his biography, talked about three books that Fedor read in his childhood.

These are "Don Quixote" by Cervantes, Shakespeare and "Robinson Crusoe" by Defoe. The impression of what he read on a very young boy was so strong that it gave rise to a talent that was destined to flourish in adulthood and create a great poet who works under the pseudonym Sologub. A short biography written by his wife said that the books were "a kind of gospel."

But the work of Pushkin and Lermontov, his main motives were alien to the young Sologub. N. was much closer to him in spirit, the images of the poor man and his hard fate were transformed and found their place and reflection in the future poetry of his successor. Fyodor Sologub in his youth was struck by the realism with which Nekrasov described the experiences and sufferings of an ordinary person.

S. Nadson's work also had a significant influence on the formation of the writer's worldview and talent.

Youth and self-discovery

The poet's youth passed under the influence of world literature and Russian classics, which he had the opportunity to read. It was thanks to this opportunity that the young Sologub was able to develop his talent (the biography written by the poet's wife gives a very clear idea of ​​​​this).

At the age of fifteen, Fedor Sologub became a student at the Teachers' Institute in St. Petersburg. A young poet came here with ambiguous thoughts and thanks to the patronage of the Agapov family and teacher Fyodor, he saw in the boy a sharp mind and a talent that required cutting. Literally, the first classes opened up a completely new world of creativity and freedom for the poet.

The director of the institute was K. K. St. Iller, a highly educated man with progressive and innovative views. Thanks to his enthusiasm, the most advanced teachers of the time were attracted to teaching. Among students, most of whom were from wealthy families, Fedor was a complete stranger. He was not attracted to student gatherings and festivities. While his classmates had fun, he translated the classics and took his first steps in prose. With the beginning of training at the institute, Sologub will begin the novel "Night Dew". The poet's biography will tell us that he will never finish this novel, but it will be a good attempt, enriching his experience.

In 1882, the future symbolist writer graduated with honors from the institute and left for the remote village of Kresttsy. He will take his mother and sister Olga with him. Here he was waiting for the work of a teacher, as well as ten years of wandering around the provinces: Velikiye Luki and Vytegra were the temporary home of the writer and his family.

Here, in the “bear corner”, the writer suffered madly from his loneliness and “provincial swamp”. Later he would write about it, saying that the teacher is doomed to loneliness and misunderstanding.

First steps in poetry

The first poems of the poet were born, according to some sources, when he was a twelve-year-old boy. Fedor Sologub (whose biography tells little about his formation as an author) in adulthood often recalled with bitterness the hardships of his youthful period, when there was no support and understanding, and everything had to be achieved by himself.

With all his strength, young Fedor was sure that he was destined to become a poet, and he swore to himself that he would not deviate from his vocation, no matter how difficult it was for him. And fate did not skimp on trials. If we do not talk about the material difficulties in which the orphaned family of the writer lived, there were also many moral torments for the gifted young man. He lived with his mother and sister in a provincial town, where there were fewer opportunities than obstacles. His poems were published in weak provincial magazines with a limited number of readers, fame and recognition did not go to the poet.

"Northern Bulletin"

The year 1891 became a turning point for the poet, when fate threw him into the capital and presented him with a completely accidental meeting with Nikolai Maksimovich Minsky, a representative of the so-called mystical symbolism. The significance of this meeting was that, despite a short communication, F. Sologub (a biography written by the poet's wife vividly describes this meeting) would leave Minsky his small collection of poems (literally a couple of hundred early poems). This year was the year of the birth and transformation of the magazine Severny Vestnik, already known to us. Its creators: N. Minsky, Z. Gippius and A. Volynsky were busy searching for works that would be a worthy illustration of the newly appeared manifesto of N. Minsky "In the light of conscience ...". Surprisingly, the young poetry of Sologub turned out to be in place, which helped to shape the editorial journal, and finally allowed the young poet to establish himself in the mainstream of symbolism.


In the autumn of 1892, Fyodor Sologub moved to St. Petersburg. After the province that almost killed him, he breaks into the symbolist society with his innovation and desire to create.

Here he finds a position as a teacher in the city's Christmas school. Reviving here, the writer softened many scenes of his brilliant, but difficult novels "Small Demon" and "Bad Dreams". And the place of action of his works was transferred to the “provincial cities”, but for some reason not to the capital, in which he spent all his maturity and loved with all his heart.

The Severny Vestnik becomes for the writer both a place of learning and a means by which his poems finally become known.

In 1908, Sologub Fyodor Kuzmich (the biography of the writer does not describe this stage of life fully enough) leaves his career as a teacher and marries Anastasia Chebotarevskaya, a writer and translator.

In 1913, with his wife, he went on a trip to the cities of Russia, visiting them in the amount of almost four dozen.

In 1918, the poet had the honor of being chairman of the Union of Workers of Fiction.

On December 5, 1927, the writer passes away at the age of sixty-four, leaving behind a huge legacy of the brightest poetry and prose of symbolism.

Brief overview of creativity

The work of the poet and writer is rich and multifaceted. Although the critics themselves later attributed his poetry and prose to symbolism, many features of his works go beyond this direction.

Fedor Kuzmich began his Sologub (a brief biography written by Anastasia Chebotareva tells about this) from poetry.

Later, at the teacher's institute, he makes an attempt to create a prose epic "Night Dew". Around the same time, the poem "Loneliness" was born, which was never destined to be published.

The poet's poems are published in the St. Petersburg Severny Vestnik.

In 1902, the writer completes work on his novel The Little Demon. The work tells about the insane unhealthy soul of a sadistic teacher Ardalyon Peredonov. Because of its frankness and "riskyness", the novel was doomed to "life in the table." However, in 1905 the journal "Questions of Life" undertakes to publish the work. In connection with the closure of the journal, publications were interrupted, which did not allow the novel to fully reveal itself.

In 1907, The Little Demon finally comes out in its entirety, and from that time to the present day it has remained one of the most famous and studied books in Russian literature.

The main motives of the poetry of F. Sologub

Despite the fact that the writer's novels occupy a worthy place in the world of literature, his poetry is no less interesting for its originality and unusually light, airy style.

It is this lightness of style that strikes Sologub. The biography of the writer is full of his creative searches and experiences, which are reflected in poetry, they are light and read in one breath.

The main theme of the poems is the themes of sadness, suffering, existence without meaning and purpose of life, characteristic of symbolism and decadence.

The mystical themes of influence on the life of higher powers can be traced in the poems "Damn's Swing" and "One-Eyed Dashing". Also, the weakness of a person, his impotence in the face of life's obstacles run through all of Sologub's poetry.


We briefly told you about the writer who left a literary legacy that can be safely put on a par with Blok, Tolstoy. Fedor Sologub (biography and creativity, photo of the writer - all this is in the article) is a writer and poet, prose writer and playwright who displayed the dark sides of life in his work. But he did it so skillfully and interestingly that his works are read in one breath and remain in memory forever.