Student canteens of Moscow State University: a look from the inside. Step-by-step algorithm for creating a business

Two sausages - twenty forks

Students are an eternally hungry brethren. Parents are far away, scholarships are tiny, it is hard to gnaw at the granite of science, and all the time you want to gnaw, or rather, eat something else. At all times, there were cheap canteens on the territory of universities, where students could eat plenty. Let it be cheap pasta or buckwheat with thin sauce, but it was still satisfying and tasty.

How about now?

"MK" asked how and what students of Moscow universities eat today. We went to have lunch at several leading universities: the famous Moscow State University, the international RUDN University, the prestigious MGIMO. And we found a lot of interesting things.

Between classes, MGIMO students spend time in comfortable coffee houses with excellent service.

African grasshoppers in their own juice

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia is an unusual university. Students come here from the farthest corners of the world: from Burkina Faso, India, China, Vietnam, Nepal, Mongolia, Lebanon... It is not an easy task for the canteen chefs of the Peoples' Friendship University to please everyone. Africans love fried grasshoppers, Indians don't eat meat.

The RUDN University campus is perhaps one of the most colorful. And thanks in large part to the food! The fact is that here you can try a lot of world cuisines, and they will be prepared at a very good level.

We at RUDN University have such an unspoken policy, - they explain in the press service of the university, - that each student should eat as if he were visiting his grandmother.

And the grandmothers of African students often seem to send parcels of fried grasshoppers and pickled maggots to their granddaughters. Because, if desired, any person can really try all this - it is enough to come to the campus on Miklukho-Maklay Street and communicate with the people. Believe me, there will be a lot of people who want to treat you with exotic delicacies.

The hostel of RUDN University has 13 buildings. And each has one or two national cafes. Usually they are organized by former RUDN University graduates.

What is especially pleasant, in order to get into these cafes, you do not need special passes: the passage is free for absolutely everyone.

Peruvian, Chinese, Indian, Ethiopian, Lebanese - what kind of cuisines are there. Of course, you won’t try everything, but something is definitely needed.

First, it was decided to go to a cafe with a Peruvian and Mexican menu. Of course, it is best to start your acquaintance with the cuisine of this country with traditional ceviche - a kind of assorted seafood. It would seem, where is Moscow, and where is the sea? However, surprisingly, all seafood was fresh, not frozen, and most importantly, there were a lot of them. This whole gastronomic feast was seasoned with a very simple but very tasty spicy sauce. And although the price of ceviche is biting by student standards - as much as 400 rubles, but this money was not spent in vain. With a scholarship once a month, this can be afforded. In general, having glanced at the menu, it became clear that ceviche is one of the most expensive dishes. It is quite possible to dine on a budget. The establishment itself looks quite modest: no white tablecloths, no complicated serving - simple, but cozy.

In the RUDN canteen, a dish cannot cost more than 150 rubles.

After tasting Latin American dishes, we set off in search of even more exotic delicacies. There are many students from Arab countries in RUDN University, and, accordingly, in almost every cafe you will find Lebanese dishes on the menu. In the very back of the campus, a pretty Arabic-style cafe was discovered. We order chickpea hummus with pine nuts and shawarma on a plate. Price - 130 rubles. But the portion is somehow small for hungry, exhausted by cramming students, and besides, there are two of us. We have to add shawarma - it is officially declared that it is Lebanese: everything is the same, only disassembled and with french fries, which is very strange, but tasty. Total lunch: 350 rubles for two.

And we have not yet visited the Chinese edals, widely known in the narrow circles of RUDN University. They say they serve chic desserts - fried milk and fruit in caramel.

But this is all on the territory of the campus, and in the educational building there are ordinary institute canteens, - the press service explains. - They are in great demand among students from all countries without exception. What do they love the most? Shchi is perhaps the most popular dish (15 rubles a serving), pickle (18 rubles), pea soup (16 rubles), rich borscht (25 rubles). The casserole is insanely popular, we also call it Russian cheesecake (depending on the filling - from 30 to 60 rubles). In the morning, our chefs bake donuts with cottage cheese, which are sorted out just at the moment (22 rubles apiece). The cheapest dish is regular pasta (7 rubles a plate). Buckwheat - 9 rubles. And although the menu is focused on Russian cuisine, there is also something exotic in it. For example, an African omelet with minced meat (about 70 rubles) or a French mushroom cream soup (the most expensive option costs about 40 rubles). The most expensive dish is meat in French (133 rubles). In general, there cannot be dishes more expensive than 150 rubles in our institute canteens, such is the request of the student council to the rector.

On the campus of RUDN University you can eat real Indian curry.

But that's more! It turns out that once a month a real freebie is generally arranged - a favorite concept of students. It's called National Week. This is when representatives of some country arrange their holiday in the institute's Interclub. They unfold a real buffet with national dishes. This is a favorite event of all students, as the food is absolutely free and everyone can come and eat to their heart's content. In short, you won't go hungry.

Cabbage soup at Moscow State University

And how do students of the country's main university, Moscow State University, eat?

The Moscow State University catering complex has existed since 1953 and includes 12 canteens, 2 snack bars, a cookery, and 20 buffets. Canteens, according to the students themselves, are very tasty and cheap. The pricing policy is very pleasant: the cost of a full meal is 130-160 rubles.

We decided to inspect the canteens in the Main Building on Sparrow Hills. It turns out that there are three of them here: two main ones and one professorial one (the only difference of the latter is that the room is smaller and teachers often have lunch there). But the menu and the cost are the same in ordinary student canteens, in this one. Carrots in Korean - 18 rubles. Mimosa salad - 50 rubles. Green cabbage soup with egg, chicken fillet and sour cream - 45 rubles. Cabbage soup - 30 rubles. The second choice is generally rich. For example, we ate chopped turkey cutlets for 65 rubles. City rump steak costs 82 rubles, and boiled sausage is only 26 rubles. For dessert, melon sprinkled with sugar for 40 rubles.

In the canteens of Moscow State University, professors often eat with students.

The most popular among students is the newly renovated canteen in sector "B". In the big break, 10 minutes after the call, there is already nowhere for the apple to fall. Salads and meatballs fly off the shelves at the speed of sound.

What's more, the chefs smile. - In the morning, everyone flocks to our branded pancakes. No matter how much we bake, they are taken apart in a matter of minutes.

On the ground floor there is a so-called "washer". There are four buffets in a circle. Usually there everyone takes coffee before couples or use it as a snack on the run if there is no time to dine in the dining room. Plus, at the entrances to each dining room there is a buffet with sandwiches and desserts.

Salads from the canteen of Moscow State University

Many graduates of the country's main university fondly recall the days of their studies.

Students were always fed very well at Moscow State University, ”recalls Dmitry Rogovitsky, a graduate of the Faculty of History. - But I especially miss the famous carrot pizza. We were often sent to the State Public Historical Library. It was and remains the main library of the history department of Moscow State University. Everyone wrote reports there, term papers, dissertations, prepared for tests and exams. Sometimes I had to stand in line for 3-4 hours, which stretched along the picturesque Starosadsky Lane, to get inside. But I often went there myself solely because of the buffet. His highlight was the carrot pizza. The feeling that all the ingredients left in the kitchen by the end of the day were put on an ordinary small bun. Each time, most of all there turned out to be grated carrots, hence the name. Surprisingly, it was very tasty! It's probably a fresh test...

The dining room in the Main Building of Moscow State University has preserved interiors from the last century.

I also remember a giant pot of cheap spinach soup. In recent years, the old library building is under restoration, the cafeteria is closed. In the new building there is not even a decent place to eat: there is only one vending machine with chocolates and chips in the lobby. I hope when the renovation is over, the pizza will return.

Quesadilla with shrimp at MGIMO

As expected, the most pompous student catering can be seen at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. They don’t even dare to call them canteens. Restaurants! Coffee houses! Pizzerias! The university, which trains future diplomats, apparently teaches its students to a beautiful life from an early age. Probably, this is correct. And then such a diplomat will come abroad, go to a meeting with his foreign colleagues in a restaurant, open the menu, but there is no borscht in it, all sorts of quesadillas and dorado fillets. He will be taken aback and face the foreigners in the dirt. Disorder.

Let's start with the fact that at MGIMO a whole separate three-story building is set aside for cafes and canteens, the people call it that - "three-story building". On the first floor there are fast food stalls. There is a burger, and a pizzeria, and Viennese waffles, and sushi. Coffee corners with all sorts of different varieties of invigorating drink cappuccino strong, cappuccino light, ginger latte, almond latte, raf coffee. The prices are biting, such as in Moscow cafes. For example, ice latte - 180 rubles, espresso - 120, restretto - 140 rubles.

What about food? Here, for example, is the so-called "Pancake Station": a regular pancake costs 40 rubles, and one with mushroom and chicken filling costs 190 rubles. For 200 rubles, you can eat a pancake with shrimp. Move on. Meat pizza - 580 rubles, but you can take a quarter for 150. "Margarita" - 220 rubles (a quarter - 60 rubles). Burgers and cheeseburgers - from 70 to 150. In a word, not student prices. But credit cards are accepted everywhere.

But, to be honest, we did not notice the excitement at the counters with fast food. But in the dining room, which is on the second floor, there was absolutely nowhere to sit. It is understandable, the prices there are lower and the food is more familiar. Herring under a fur coat - 50 rubles. Soups for 50-60 rubles. For the second, they give, for example, chicken fillet with vegetables for 150 rubles, a beef cutlet for 120, fried fish for 140. And a beef rump steak will cost 190 rubles, which is 100 rubles more expensive than at Moscow State University! Teachers eat there, but they have a separate room on the third floor.

Well, if it’s quite modest, only soup and salad, then you can meet 100 rubles with a little, ”says Svetlana, a second-year student at MGIMO. - But if you want a full meal, then in our dining room you will spend about 500 rubles. For example, Caesar salad alone costs 250. I myself am from St. Petersburg, I live in a hostel, and my parents are ordinary, not rich. For everything about everything, mom and dad send me 12-15 thousand rubles a month. I live on them. Of course, I cook for myself, often I bring sandwiches with me to classes (the hostel is an hour away). In all these fast foods, I sometimes look. But I go to our MGIMO restaurant only if some kind of event is planned there. For example, quite recently there was a Greek evening - the ambassador of this country came to meet with students.

So here it is - it turns out that MGIMO has a restaurant, a real one, with a pretentious interior and white tablecloths (it is not in the "three-story building", but in another building). And many students stay in it after (and sometimes instead of) classes. What can I say, if you compare the price tag with an institution of a similar level in the city, then it is, of course, lower. But if we take into account that this is still a university where poor students study, then how often can they afford a quesadilla with shrimp (160 grams) for 360 rubles, or beef medallions (160 grams) for 390 rubles with their scholarship , or look at "barbecue time"?

Student canteens can be a profitable business if done right. The profit here is not associated with high margins, but with high turnover. The main thing is to feed more people and do it quickly and tasty.

Entrepreneurs Vitaly Ivanchenko and Elena Bekesheva, who were able to breathe life into the collapsed student canteens in Pushkin, tell about the secrets of student catering.

Now ProPitanie LLC serves two student canteens - at the Clothing Engineering School and at St. Petersburg State Agrarian University.

It took over a year to set up the company. During this time, the company has created its own confectionery shop, where it bakes pies and cakes, organized a cafe for teachers and plans to expand by opening canteens in all dormitory buildings. Today, 4,000 students a day are fed in the canteen of ProPitanie LLC.

When entrepreneurs started, they did not know anything about public catering, but they had experience in trade (their TD ‘Elite Product’ is a supplier of meat products).

The first step of the company was a complete replacement of personnel. According to Elena, the main problem of public catering is that chefs who have been working in canteens for 30 years work without enthusiasm. They searched for their employees through acquaintances and ads. The main selection criterion was a positive attitude to the case.

The company managed to find good staff and suppliers. When they opened the second canteen, they already had the necessary experience and knowledge.

Student canteen can be a lucrative business if done right. The most important thing here is manufacturability. You need to feed a large number of people and do it quickly, satisfyingly and without consequences. We need not decommissioned products, but fresh ones, and the variety of dishes should be large. The kitchen should be simple, homely.

Business success is determined by three criteria: lack of competition, inexpensive rent and the correct distribution of labor. When all three are present, then in terms of turnover, the dining room can be comparable to a bistro in a passing place. At the same time, the total income of the student canteen can be higher, and the costs are lower: since if the staff is involved in the bistro all day, then the staff can be released in the student canteen in the evening.

Step-by-step algorithm for creating a business:

Renting premises in an educational institution.

Here the main thing is to agree with the management of the institution and convey the idea that they will only benefit and relieve themselves of unnecessary worries if a separate company takes care of their dining room. Inexpensive rent is offset by partial payment of utilities.


Interior design matters. It is better to make it modern and fashionable, taking into account the tastes and preferences of students. You can equip a bar counter and a Wi-Fi zone, which will attract additional visitors. The cost of repairing a dining room with a dining area of ​​300-400 m2 will be from $ 100 thousand.


The staff of the canteen is from 25 people: shop chefs, confectioners, barmaids, cleaners, movers, etc. It is better to select people for the team who know how to communicate with students.

By the way, it is better to dress the staff in a uniform that matches the interior design of the dining room.


It is necessary to organize all kinds of promotions, attracting students during low attendance hours. For example, ‘2 pizzas for the price of one’, etc. Additional services can be introduced, such as ordering food to the hostel, serving birthdays and parties, etc.

Development of special programs

It is possible to develop special social programs for certain categories of students, for example, a complex lunch for 60 rubles or porridge for 1 ruble. In this case, the educational institution compensates the canteen for the rest of the cost by redeeming coupons for lunch.

Calculating the cost of starting a business

Investments in the opening of a student canteen with an area of ​​300-400 m2 will be from $ 100 thousand.

Monthly expenses for the maintenance of the canteen will amount to 450 thousand rubles (staff salaries, canteen rent, transport and other expenses).

Monthly profit in the first year of operation will be 300-400 thousand rubles.

In RSUH, as in any serious university, there is a real canteen - with columns, a hall for teachers and long queues in the middle of the day. But the most interesting thing happens not in it, but in a cafe located on the ground floor. The usual student cafeteria offering a modest assortment of buns, sandwiches and soda at the university tried to turn into a modern Internet cafe with comfortable bright yellow sofas, photographs on the walls and free Wi-Fi. Here you can work at the computer or recharge your mobile phone, besides, the buffet serves delicious food.

It is difficult to expect special gastronomic revelations from plastic plates covered with a film of food, which should be heated in a microwave standing right there. All the more pleasant is the surprise when you discover that cheesecakes with dried apricots and pastries are almost perfect, and drinking coffee from a coffee machine is quite pleasant.

From time to time, in the evenings, live concerts are held on the stage of the cafe - the main thing is to follow the schedule or come in for a bite to eat on time.

Set lunch: no.

Availability for non-students: at security, you can say that you are going to a bookstore or a graduate school.

Maria, a graduate of the Russian State University for the Humanities:

The dining room is when you want to eat, and we always went to the buffet to chat. It was also possible to sleep there for half an hour, if it overcame. It's a pity, now there, they say, there are almost no computers left, and many chargers do not work.

Canteen of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University

It is worth visiting the old building on Mokhovaya Street if only to climb the wide stairs, stand near the portrait of Lomonosov and at the same time have lunch in the dining room located in the right wing.

The canteen of the faculty of journalism does not belong to the catering complex of Moscow State University. Whether it did her any good is an open question, but the interiors here are much more reminiscent of a good city cafe than an average student canteen. From the dishes displayed in the windows, it is clear that in this matter, the canteen workers are trying to match the level of the central cafe. Two types of soup, seven types of hot dishes, fruit drinks, inexpensive early breakfasts, which is especially important before lectures - everything looks quite appetizing and edible. In the salad section, there was a place for both the inevitable democratic beetroot with mayonnaise and the Caesar with chicken, which claims to be relevant. Journalism students especially praise local pastries and desserts. After seven in the evening, it's time for 30 percent discounts.

The fashion for burgers was able to penetrate even the walls of Moscow State University: among fire cutlets, mimosa salads and pancakes with cottage cheese, burgers with trendy black buns are displayed in the window. However, it would still be worth working on the taste of the latter: the meat seems a bit dry, and the bread is frankly tough - perhaps the students did not like the burgers and spent too much time in the window.

The most democratic option offered in the dining room of Moscow State University is a set lunch. If you want even cheaper, you can use free boiling water and bread. Or buy coffee and go to drink it in the square near the monument to Lomonosov. Coffee overlooking the Kremlin - what could be better?

Complex lunch: 165 rubles.

Availability for non-students: there are frames at the entrance and imposing guards sit, but they are little interested in checking documents. In extreme cases, you can say that you are going to a cafe.

Alena, a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University:

I remember when I entered the Faculty of Journalism, in the dining room there were amazingly delicious puff buns with raspberry jam. I then thought that it was necessary to do it: where else can I find such!

And when I was in my third year, the cafe was closed for reconstruction, but in the hall, under the stairs, there was a buffet and tables next to it. And at the top hung a clock showing the time of the four capitals of the world. I remember that we liked to buy one pizza for two or sandwiches there, but we ate them not at the tables, but at the Lomonosov monument, drinking champagne.

Canteen VGIK

With the advent of a new educational building on Wilhelm Pieck Street, the nutrition of students has also changed. If earlier the main place of gathering - and not so much for food, but for the sake of conversations - was a dining room with columns in the old building, now the first floor of the new building was taken away for meals for students. There is a cafe on the same floor, but it is more expensive and less interesting.

This is what an ideal modern student canteen should look like: cheerful multi-colored chairs and walls are pleasing to the eye, bowls with food shine with metal, everything is clean, beautiful and spacious, there is Wi-Fi.

The standard student menu is ennobled with fashionable borrowings from restaurant life: there are quesadillas with ham and cheese and chicken wings in honey sauce, there is even a Caesar salad "from the chef" - they turned out to be one of the most expensive dishes on the menu. But there are also familiar, well-established positions decades ago: coleslaw with carrots, casserole, pasta with fried meat and the inevitable classic chicken noodle soup. Everything is quite edible, and the watery, but tasty cheese soup is sharply reminiscent of childhood. In the morning, students are fed with free porridge "Friendship".

As an addition to lunch and a kind of "dessert", you can go up to the upper floors of the building - through the panoramic windows there opens a magical view of the VDNKh buildings. Yes, and a ride on elevators with glass walls - no small pleasure.

Set lunch: no.

Availability for non-students: you need an electronic pass, but you can say that you are going to the dean's office - then a passport is enough.

Julia, VGIK graduate:

I don’t remember at all what and how they fed in the dining room of VGIK when I studied there, I can’t even remember now how it looked, but I still remember how we gathered there as a group. It was never boring: students from the acting school often came to the dining room to rehearse, they showed some sketches, sketches. And how many brilliant ideas were born at the tables of this dining room!

Canteen of VMK MSU

In order to feed the students of the most famous university in the country, a whole food factory is working. In the main building alone, there are so many canteens and buffets that you can move from floor to floor, from sector to sector, having lunch in a new place every day for more than two weeks. In addition to the skyscraper with a spire, there are other university buildings, and there students also need something to eat! There are canteens with wood-panelled walls and high ceilings, others where it's good to prepare for a lecture, and others where you can gather in a large company in the evening. There is even a cookery for students and teachers who want to eat at home.

Students of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics got perhaps the most ordinary canteen of all. Nevertheless, with its main function - to feed students starved of knowledge - the canteen does an excellent job: it's cozy, inexpensive, quite tasty, and the menu even has a section of dietary dishes. Tempted by steam chicken meatballs, one hundred grams of which cost one hundred rubles, I want to continue in the same vein: instead of coffee with a bun, take hibiscus or fruit smoothie for dessert - the latter is not immediately found in the window between salads, meat baked with mushrooms and borscht. And in vain - the smoothies here are excellent!

And in this university, they decided to diversify the menu in the dining room with burgers. But, alas, the Black burger loses to its brothers from the neighboring journalism department, at least outwardly. Perhaps because it is packed in cling film and, judging by the appearance, it has been cooked some time ago.

The VMK canteen turned out to be one of the few where they accept not only cash, but also cards.

Complex lunch: 160 rubles.

Availability for non-students: You need a student ID card or a pre-ordered pass.

Irina, student of the Moscow State University:

On the second floor we have two dining rooms. I prefer the vegetarian one, but you can eat well in both.

Canteen MGSU

If you enter the building of the Construction University, to the left of the entrance on the first floor, recognizable interiors in green tones immediately catch your eye. MGSU is that rare case when students can dine in a recognized "delicious" institution, but at quite "student" democratic prices.

A miracle happened when Roman Rozhnikovsky, the owner of the Rake restaurant chain, took over the feeding of students and teachers. The MGSU dining room has turned into another restaurant of the chain: the same wooden tables, multi-colored trays, floral motifs in the interior, mirrors on the walls. But the cost of dishes differs from the prices of the "Rakes" located in the city by about half.

But for some reason, the students of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering were deprived of the decent dishes that rely on visitors to other restaurants of the chain - instead, they got cheap plastic plates and the same appliances. However, if this is the price of a huge selection of inexpensive dishes - it's worth it. The menu occupies two pages and will satisfy everyone: meat-eaters, vegetarians, those who want to save money, and those who plan to take a walk, having received a scholarship. Appetizers and salads, 11 types of hot dishes and side dishes, Margherita pizza and many pastries, delicious ginger tea in plastic bottles. Everything is fresh, hot: the factory-kitchen, where food for the Rake is prepared, is very close by.

Clean, beautiful, delicious, from the room through the panoramic windows offer a beautiful view. True, for some reason there is only one type of soup on the menu, and horseradish is not served with boiled tongue.

Complex lunch: special offer "Rich student" for 229 rubles.

Availability for non-students: there are guards at the entrance, and whether they want to let a person "from the street" through is impossible to guess in advance.

Canteen ISAA

If in order to get to other institute canteens, you need a student ID or friendship with security, then the Institute of Asian and African countries not only welcomes guests from the street, but also greets you with a sign "Canteen" and the promise of a varied menu. It is difficult to get lost: the arrow confidently points to the courtyard, where the dining room itself is located.

Before us is not a standard student "canteen", but a cafe-dining room "Shuvalov". If you are lucky, you will be able to dine in the most beautiful hall, where the ceiling is decorated with stucco, the chandelier shines with crystal, and the seats of the chairs are upholstered with fabric, like in good restaurants.

Students here are ready to feed deliciously, but nothing more. There are not so many tables in the two halls, the "professor's" hall is completely closed for special services, and a sign on the wall warns menacingly that doing homework, writing lectures, and even just using a computer is strictly prohibited. If you ignore the ban, the waitresses can politely remind you of it.

Since the canteen is still located on the territory of the institute, upon presentation of an ISAA student card, a discount is provided, however, only in the amount of 10–20 rubles per dish. A little for students. But the surrounding clerks are quite satisfied with the prices in the dining room. Where in the very center of Moscow can you find a full meal at very affordable prices? Yes, even in such interiors: rich multi-layered curtains, gilding on wooden doors and vaulted ceilings. Even though you have to pay extra for bread separately.

Complex lunch: 240 rubles (160 rubles for students).

Availability for non-students: Yes.

Canteen RUDN University

Those who have visited the University of Peoples' Friendship know that it is a "city within a city" - with its own hairdressers, shops, photo studios, even its own police department. And, of course, numerous student cafes and canteens. On their menu, you can study the geography of the globe and the favorite dishes of the peoples of the world. Peruvian and Indian, Chinese and Mexican - RUDN ethnic cafes have become a treasure trove of gastronomic experiences for those who are not afraid of cuisine that is not familiar with sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

One of the cheapest places to eat on the territory of RUDN University is the Indian restaurant "Devi". Unusual food, a basement and the interiors of a cheap dining room can scare you away, but in the evening half of the hall is occupied by Indians - isn't this a sign of quality for an ethnic cafe?

It is worth setting yourself up in advance for a spontaneous choice of food: the menu does not contain descriptions of all dishes, and the waiters, as well as the cooks in the kitchen, come from India. Not all of them speak Russian confidently.

For those new to Indian cuisine, one thing remains: read the menu. Whatever you choose, the plate you bring will almost certainly be curry rice with vegetables and possibly chicken. They cook here not such spicy food as in India, but if you ask when ordering, they can make it hotter. Each dish comes with a set of three sauces. Desserts (about 70 rubles per serving) are on display in the hall in a showcase. It is better to order several dishes at once, because the portions in Devi are small.

Set lunch: no.

Availability for non-students: Yes; if you say that you are going to a cafe, they will let you into the territory of RUDN University even by car.

Alexandra, RUDN University graduate:

In Lumumba, they cooked amazing shawarma in the Mirage, and the old-timers can also tell about the legendary coffee house in the Cross - there was such an aunt Zina! All men were her "sons-in-law", all women were enemies. She could not pour coffee for a particularly disliked fife. And it was useless to complain. The deans and vice-rectors were also "sons-in-law".

Study by study, and lunch according to the schedule - after all, even Pushkin said that "the stomach of an enlightened person has the best qualities of a kind heart: sensitivity and gratitude." Where, what and for what money you can eat at Moscow State University, Anastasia Proshchenko, a graduate student of the Faculty of Journalism, figured out.

There is no bad canteen at Moscow State University, just as there are no ugly women!

Igor, Faculty of History

There is an old joke about how fat and thin flies tell each other about their lives. Tolstaya boasts: “I live in a restaurant. Seeing me on a plate, visitors refuse to eat, and the whole plate goes to me. The thin one complains: “And I live in a student canteen: when a student sees me in a plate, the student will not only refuse to eat, but also, having taken me out, he will lick and suck me all over.”

Be that as it may, today it is very possible to eat tasty and a lot in the student canteen of Moscow State University. A whole division of the university is working on this - a food plant.

What is a food plant?

Signboard of the Moscow State University food plant

An organization that unites 9 canteens, 19 buffets, 2 snack bars and several coffee houses on the territory of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The food factory has existed since 1953 and serves a total of about seven thousand people a day.

The canteens of the plant include all canteens in the Main Building, including the professorial and dietary canteens, the canteens of the First Humanitarian Building, the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies, the Shuvalov Building, the Faculty of Biology and Physics, the “Student's House” on Vernadsky Avenue (DSV). Canteens of the Institute of Asian and African Countries (ISAA), Faculty of Journalism, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law and the Second Humanitarian Corps do not belong to the food complex.

Buffets differ from canteens in that food is brought there, while canteens prepare it themselves. Eateries are the same canteens, but with a narrower range of dishes.

More than 300 employees work in the Moscow State University catering plant: canteen managers, cooks, confectioners, cashiers, cleaners, loaders.

What is the most popular canteen in Moscow State University?

Diet in the Main building (sector "B"). This is how the majority of students answer - from the Faculty of Biology, the Faculty of Journalism, the Faculty of Geology, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (VMC) and even from the ISAA, which is located in the center of Moscow.

“We have a canteen on the ground floor called Biosphere, which is quite expensive for students,” says Evgeny, a 2015 graduate of the Faculty of Biology. - Lunch comes out no cheaper than 300 rubles, or even more, besides, the food is not to say that outstanding. We go to eat in the canteen of the chemistry department on the third floor, where it is tastier and cheaper, or in the canteens of sectors "B" and "C" of the Main building. There I advise you to try Kiev cutlets, although, in my opinion, in these canteens they add too much butter. Fatty food is unhealthy, which is why I love the dietary canteen the most. It has healthy, tasty and cheap food, they serve turkey and steamed cutlets. The only downside is the huge queues.

And 4th-year students of the Faculty of Geology Ulyana and Anastasia believe that standing in line is worth it if you want a healthy, tasty and cheap meal. Girls eat in the canteens of Moscow State University every day, and if time is short, buffets and canteens of sectors "B" and "C" help them out a lot. According to the Moscow State University food plant, they are the most visited - in the autumn, each of these two canteens feeds one and a half thousand people a day!

Where to have a get-together?

In the second dining room (sector "B") of the Main building. Our interlocutors say that it has been popular at all times, and especially now. With the filing of Anna Bulanova, the new director of the food plant, canteen No. 2 became round-the-clock and free Wi-Fi appeared in it.

“When I came here, I realized that the guys living in the GZ do not always have the opportunity to get together to discuss something or prepare for school,” says Anna Bulanova. - During the day they study and work, and at night all the canteens are already closed. Then I proposed to solve this problem with the help of a round-the-clock canteen, where it would be light, warm and spacious, you can access the Internet. And this idea worked. In our dining room there is free tea, bread.

It is the canteen of sector "B" that Aleksey, an ISAA undergraduate, advises for friendly meetings.

“It’s not only tasty and inexpensive, it’s also a meeting place for couples and companies, as well as all sorts of student groups, unions, and so on,” he notes. - The canteen is especially popular because they give food stamps to it when you sign up for a dispensary. Signature dishes known to all generations of Moscow State University students are pizza and tubes with cream.

ISAA canteen is very popular on Mokhovaya Street. The food there is tasty and satisfying, while for students a full meal costs from 130 rubles. The advantage of the dining room is that in the main hall you can sit on velvet chairs at elaborate tables a la "the house of the "new Russian"". Here they listen to the latest gossip, ask for notes and prepare for couples, despite strict signs prohibiting the educational process in the dining room.

“Guys from the journalism faculty and the psychology faculty come to us, as well as local traffic cops and officials,” Alexey continues. - Probably, this is an indicator of quality. In general, it seems to me that the canteen reflects the spirit of the building or faculty where it is located. From it you can understand who is studying: "overdressed fifas" or future scientists, "majors" or half-starved and always in a hurry students.

A graduate student of the Faculty of Political Science, Sergey, considers buffets to be more "party" places.

“In our Shuvalov building, buffets are student cafes in the truest sense of the word: there is such an atmosphere that students constantly want to sit in a big company and discuss something,” he explains. - It's like a free space where you can discuss the moments of study and life at the university. In these cafes, they usually do not touch on other topics. Buffets, as it were, perform the function of free zones for communication and exchange of ideas. The food in the buffets is different: sometimes it tastes better in one today, and tomorrow in another, so the probability of getting into the right buffet is 50/50. Dining rooms are also different. On the fourth floor there is also an atmosphere like in a cafe, but it still feels like a dining room. And on the first floor - everything is like in a classic Soviet dining room of the highest level. And the food is always delicious.

What canteen dishes are worth trying?

The already mentioned pizza is a truly legendary dish.

“Our colleague, who prepares pizza for the second dining room, used to work in an Italian restaurant, and he is a true professional,” explains Marina Kuznetsova, head of dining room No. 8. - According to the reviews of students and teachers, his pizza comes out chic - and this is in a 24-hour canteen! The closed Calzone pizza is especially good. It turns out a real author's cuisine, and much cheaper than in a restaurant.

According to Kuznetsova, in all canteens of the catering plant, the assortment of dishes is different. The menu every evening is at the discretion of the head of the dining room. The first dining room is distinguished by richer food, the second - by a large number of vegetable salads.

— I love canteens at Moscow State University. There is no bad canteen at Moscow State University, just as there are no ugly women! - Igor, a 5th year student of the Faculty of History, does not hide his enthusiasm. “The quality of the food is excellent everywhere. I eat every day in the dining room, because there the atmosphere is "sharpened" for a normal hearty lunch. You don't need to heat anything in the microwave. I can’t choose the best dining room, but personally I like the DSV where I live the most: they serve portions from the heart! For example, pork in French is a huge piece of meat with cheese and onions.

“Which shisha have belyashi?”

“In general, the most expensive food is meat,” Igor continues. - It always costs about 100 rubles, despite the fact that very often it is a small piece that is only good for smelling. My friend, who does not count money, eats every day for 300 rubles, or even 350 rubles. The scholarship now is 2,600 rubles. I fit into 150 rubles and remain satisfied with myself.

According to Anna Bulanova, there is an agreement with some faculties on partial payment for meals for those in need. Under this social program, some students get food for free: 50% is paid by the faculty, 50% by the food factory. However, there are only two such faculties at Moscow State University so far (Anna refused to name them), and there are only a few dozen students who fell into the category of those in need.

Despite the fact that each canteen of the plant has its own assortment, the pricing policy is the same for everyone. A complex lunch costs 150 rubles, the prices of dishes and the output in grams are calculated strictly according to the state standard. Products are purchased centrally, delivered to a single warehouse, which is located in the Main Building, and distributed to canteens in the amount specified in pre-filed applications.

- There is no food left by the end of the day - even sometimes there is not enough, - says Anna. - There is an approximate calculation of how many people a day eat in this dining room, what portion falls on one. If the food remained, the managers would be severely punished. Everything should be clear, because the next day yesterday's food is absolutely impossible to put. Therefore, we try to calculate correctly, and we succeed: by the end of the day they eat everything ...

Students and cooks especially love the days of national cuisines. Their canteens of the plant have been held for many years, but recently they have begun to turn into days of culture. Now the day of national cuisine is timed to coincide with the public holiday of a particular country - in this way, among other things, the educational process is organized. Over the years, the canteens of the food plant have held days of German, Japanese, French, Czech, Korean, Italian, Kazakh and other cultures.

“This is a whole extravaganza with dances, songs, quests,” says Marina Kuznetsova. - The program is prepared by the students themselves: for example, on the day of Japanese culture in our dining room, they taught how to write hieroglyphs. The task of managers and cooks is to provide a kitchen. These events are held irregularly, but very often: sometimes four or five times a month! There is a lot of excitement around such events, and we do not always have time to prepare. And I want it to be really tasty, good and professional.

An interesting story was told in the food factory about the professorial dining room in the GZ.

- This is a historic place. For a long time, long before us, there was crystal, porcelain, silver coasters and waitresses, and even alcohol was poured for teachers - in Soviet times it was the privilege of professors (students and other employees of Moscow State University were not allowed there). In the 90s, this practice ceased, although there were still waiters in the dining room. And then they started letting students in.

But those canteens that are not served by a food factory are also popular. In addition to the aforementioned canteen at ISAA, students actively visit the neighboring one - at the Faculty of Journalism. A graduate student of this faculty, Alina, sometimes even orders takeaway food.

“When you study and work all day, there is not always enough time to cook something at home,” she emphasizes. - And you want homemade food, and you won’t have dinner every evening in a cafe. To be honest, eating in our canteen is also a little expensive, but in any case, cheaper than in restaurants.

Coursework on the topic:

Student canteen for 400 seats

1. Introduction

1.1. Characteristics of the projected enterprise

1.2. Characteristics of the designed workshop

2. Technological calculations

2.1. Calculation of the production program of the enterprise

2.2. Breakdown of dishes by assortment, determination of their quantity

2.3. Menu planning

2.4. Meal delivery schedule

2.5. raw material list

2.6. Technological calculations and selection of equipment

2.7. Labor Force Calculation

2.8. Making a work schedule

2.9. Calculation of production tables

2.10. Selection of kitchen utensils

3. Graphic part

4. Literature

1. Introduction

Forecast and state of enterprise development

Currently, there is a tendency to reduce the network of catering establishments. If before that there were 130 thousand enterprises in the industry, now there are 77-88 thousand enterprises. During the years of economic reform, i.e. Since the 1980s, there has been a process of transferring enterprises to private ownership. And today in Russia 85% in public catering and 87% in trade have been privatized. And the share of these enterprises accounts for up to 90% of the turnover. The network of school canteens at vocational schools, at industrial enterprises and wholesale enterprises and warehouses in trade remained in municipal ownership. At the second stage of privatization, buildings, structures and land of enterprises become the property.

Currently, the method of working with the right to use a foreign trademark - franchising - has become widespread. Russian bistros work according to such a system, work on such a system is predicted, and their expansion.

Approaches to the regulatory and legal framework of the enterprise have changed. If earlier there were about 100 documents regulating the activities of public catering enterprises, now there are about 20 of them, and some of them are advisory in nature.

In the future, the development of public catering is planned to develop in the following areas:

Develop a public network.

Small and medium businesses.

Attract 1-2 thousand enterprises to the franchise network.

To establish the work of specialized workshops that sell products to offices, etc.

Develop entrepreneurship in the countryside.

1.1. Characteristics of the projected enterprise

Currently, canteens are a common type of catering establishments.

The dining room can be both an independent enterprise and a branch of the enterprise. Depending on the contingent served and the location, canteens are divided into canteens at industrial enterprises, educational institutions, public, dietary, school. When designing a student canteen for 400 seats, the composition of teachers and the number of students are taken into account.

The work order of the student canteen is established by the regional or city public catering department in order to provide students with: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Of particular importance is the introduction of set meals, as well as the choice of a free menu. With a free choice of dishes during the organization of the menu, a limited assortment of dishes is compiled.

In catering establishments of student canteens, automatic check-printing cash desks are used. They allow you to prevent errors in settlements with visitors, improve the culture of service, and free up cashiers.

An example of a student canteen located in a separate building is a canteen with 400 seats. The dining room has a vestibule, an administrative group of premises, storage and technical premises. All rooms are equipped with technological equipment. Washing utensils are located on the same floor with the hall. The halls are equipped with four-seater tables. Equipped with ventilation and heating. Evaporation from the kitchen should not enter the hall.

1.2. Characteristics of the designed workshop

Hot shops are industrial premises, technological processes in which are accompanied by a significant release of heat.

The hot shop is the most critical production site. In this workshop, the technological process of cooking is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, boiling of broths, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, 2 dishes is carried out. In addition, hot drinks are prepared in the workshop.

From the hot shop, finished products go directly to the distribution rooms for sale to consumers. The hot shop should be located on the same floor as the blank shops and have a convenient relationship with the premises of the production manager, with the cold shop, and the distribution room. trading floor, washing.

The production programs of the hot shop are compiled on the basis of the range of dishes sold through the trading floor. The working hours of the hot shop depend on the mode of the trading floor and the forms of dispensing finished products. The working hours of the hot shop are from 7 00 to 19 00 hours.

The hot shop should be equipped with stoves, cooking pots of various sizes, ovens, electric fryers, refrigerators, tables with built-in bathtubs, and shelving.

The equipment for the hot shop is selected according to the standards for equipping public catering establishments, trade and technological and refrigeration equipment in accordance with the type and capacity of the enterprise, its mode of operation, the maximum load of the trading floor, as well as forms of service.

The linear arrangement of technological equipment in the hot shop increases the productivity of workers by 8-10%.

2. Technological calculations

2.1. Calculation of the production program of the enterprise

The loading table of the trading floor is compiled taking into account the operating mode of the enterprise, the degree of loading of the trading floor during the day and the turnover of one seat within 1 hour.

Table 1

Sales floor loading table

opening hours

number of landings per hour

average % load of the hall (C, %)

number of consumers per hour (n)

coeff enum. dishes (N)

Number of consumers per hour

Nhour \u003d P * C * G / 100% (people), where

P-number of seats in the projected enterprise

C-average percentage of loading of the trading floor

G-turnover of one place per hour

N 7-8 = 400*4*30%/100%=480

N 8-9 = 400*4*40%/100%=640

N 9-10 = 400*4*20%/100%=320

N 10-11 = 300*4*40%/100%=640

N 11-12 = 300*3*60%/100%=720

N 12-13 = 300*3*80%/100%=980

N 13-14 = 300*3*100%/100%=1200

N 14-15 = 300*3*100%/100%=1200

N 15-16 = 300*3*80%/100%=960

N 16-17 = 300*3*70%/100%= 840

N 17-18 = 300*4*60%/100%=960

N 18-19 = 300*4*50%/100%=800

Meal enumeration factor

N hour/n day, where

Nhour - the number of consumers who passed through the trading floor for 1 hour (persons).

n day is the total number of consumers.

N 7-8 \u003d 480/9720 \u003d 0.05

N 8-9 \u003d 640/9720 \u003d 0.07

N 9-10 \u003d 320/9720 \u003d 0.03

N 10-11 \u003d 640/9720 \u003d 0.07

N 11-12 \u003d 720/9720 \u003d 0.07

N 12-13 \u003d 980/9720 \u003d 0.1

N 13-14 \u003d 1200/9720 \u003d 0.12

N 14-15 \u003d 1200/9720 \u003d 0.12

N 15-16 \u003d 960/9720 \u003d 0.1

N 16-17 \u003d 840/9720 \u003d 0.09

N 17-18 \u003d 960/9720 \u003d 0.1

N 18-19 \u003d 800/9720 \u003d 0.08

2.2. Breakdown of dishes by assortment, determination of their quantity

The number of dishes produced per day (n) is determined by the following formula:

n=N*m (bl), where

N - the number of consumers served by this enterprise per day, (persons);

m - coefficient of consumption of dishes by one visitor in enterprises of various types, m = 2.5.

n=9720*2.5=24300 people.

After calculating the total number of dishes sold by the enterprise per day, they are broken down by type (cold, first, second and sweet). This takes into account that the consumption coefficient of dishes (m) is the sum of the consumption coefficients of their individual types.

m \u003d m cold + m lane + m w + m sl

n cold =N* m cold

n lane \u003d N * m lane

n W = N* m W

n sl = N* m sl

n cold \u003d 9720 * 0.5 \u003d 4862 bl.

n lane \u003d 9720 * 0.75 \u003d 7293 bl.

n W \u003d 9720 * 1 \u003d 9724 bl.

n sl \u003d 9720 * 0.25 \u003d 2431 bl.

m = 4862 bl. + 7293 bl. + 9724 bl. + 2431 bl. = 24310 bl.

These calculations are summarized in Table 2.

table 2
Breakdown of dishes by assortment

Name of dishes

Number of consumers (N) people

Meal Consumption Rate

Number of dishes

cold dishes

First meal

Main courses

Sweet dishes

The number of hot and cold drinks, flour, confectionery and bakery products, bread are determined according to consumption rates per 1 person per day. The calculations are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3

Name of drinks

Number of consumers (N) people

Consumption rate for 1 person. in a day


in portions

Hot drinks

Cold drinks

flour products

Rye bread

wheat bread

Gor. drinks \u003d 9724 * 0.1 \u003d 972.4 / 0.2l \u003d 4862 servings

Hol. drinks \u003d 9724 * 0.06 \u003d 583.44 / 0.2 l. = 2917.2 servings

much. products = 9724 * 1 = 9724 pcs.

Rye bread = 9724 * 0.15 = 1458.6 pcs.

Wheat bread \u003d 9724 * 0.25 \u003d 2431 pcs.

2.3. Menu planning

The menu plan is the production program of the enterprise, developing with a full technological cycle and for enterprises on the p / f. The menu plan indicates: the number of the recipe, the output of the dish, the name and number of dishes of each type, as well as the person responsible for the implementation.

Table 4

Menu plan of the student canteen

Output of one dish, g.

Recipe number according to the collection

Name of dishes

Number of dishes, pcs

Responsibility face for the invitation of dishes

Cold meals and snacks

Salad "Spring"

Salad "Fish"

Sandwich with carrots and cheese

raw vegetable salad

First meal

Homemade noodle soup

Ukrainian borscht

Rassolnik Leningrad

Milk soup with pasta

Potato soup with cereal

Second hot dishes

Beefsteak with onions

Cutlets chops

Vegetable ragout

Vegetable cabbage rolls

Noodles with cottage cheese

Omelet with cheese

Fried fish

Boiled potatoes

Sweet dishes

Raspberry with sour cream

Pears with syrup

Charlotte with apples

Hot drinks

Tea with lemon

Black coffee

Cocoa with condensed milk

Cold drinks

Cranberry drink

dried apricot drink

Dried fruits compote

Bakery and flour products


wheat bread

Rye bread

Head Prod: Director:

2.4. Meal delivery schedule

The schedule for the implementation of dishes is compiled on the basis of the schedule for loading the trading floor of the projected enterprise and the menu plan. The number of dishes of a certain type sold in each hour of the enterprise (n hour) is determined by the formula:

n hour = n day *K,

where n is the total number of dishes of a given item according to the menu plan,

K - coefficient of conversion of dishes from table 1.

The calculations that determine the schedule for the implementation of dishes in the hot shop are summarized in Table 5.

Table 5

Schedule for the implementation of dishes in the hot shop

Name of dishes

Number of real meals per day

shop hours

conversion factor

Hot dishes

Homemade noodle soup

Ukrainian borscht

Main courses

Cutlets chops

Vegetable cabbage rolls

Hot drinks

Tea with lemon

Black coffee

2.5. raw material list

Raw material set

Homemade noodle soup

Ukrainian borscht

Cutlets chops


Cooking fat

fresh cabbage



tomato puree

Wheat flour

Vinegar 3%

Pepper is sweet.

Rice groats


Tea brew (dry)

Natural coffee.

Vegetable cabbage rolls

Tea with lemon

Black coffee

2.6. Technological calculations and selection of equipment

When designing a hot shop, cooking equipment is calculated, which includes determining the volume, the number of boilers for boiling broths, 1 course, sauces, 2 courses, side dishes, hot drinks.

Roasting equipment is selected according to equipment standards.

Calculation of the volume of boilers for cooking broths is made according to the formula:

Vk \u003d (Vprod. + Vv. - Vprom.) / K (cubic dm.),

where Vk is the volume of the boiler for cooking broth;

Vв - the volume of water, dm 3;

Vprod. - the volume occupied by the products;

Vprom - the volume occupied by the gaps between the products, dm 3;

K - filling factor of boilers = 0.85;

Vprod \u003d Q / g (dm 3),

where Q is the amount of the main product;

Q \u003d 0.1 * 2.200 \u003d 220 kg, where 0.1 is the norm of bones for 1 portion. soup (according to the collection of recipes)

g - volumetric weight of the product, kg / dm 3.

Vprod. \u003d 220 / 0.57 \u003d 386 dm 3 - the volume occupied by the products.

When cooking broth of normal concentration:

Vv \u003d Q * n (dm 3),

n is the rate of water per 1 kg.

Vv \u003d 220 * 1.25 \u003d 275 dm 3

Vprom \u003d Vprod * b (dm 3),

where b \u003d 1- g \u003d 1-0.57 \u003d 0.43

Vprom \u003d 386 * 0.43 \u003d 166 dm 3

Vk \u003d (386 + 275-166) / 0.85 \u003d 582.3 dm 3

We select cooking boilers: 2 boilers KPI - 250 and 1 KPI - 100. The volume of the boiler for cooking for 1st courses for every 2 hours of operation of the trading floor is calculated by the formula:

Vk \u003d Ac * Ms / K,

Ac - the number of dishes sold in 2 hours;

Ms - the rate of output of the dish for 1 serving.

Vk \u003d 187 * 0.5 / 0.85 \u003d 110 dm 3 - 2 boilers KPI - 60.

The volume of boilers required for cooking non-swelling products (fish, meat, vegetables) according to the formula

Vk \u003d (Q / V + Vv) / K, where

Q - net weight of the boiled product, kg / dm 3;

V - volumetric mass of the product, kg / dm 3;

Vv - the volume of water for cooking vegetables, meat, dm 3;

The volume of water is determined by the formula:

Vv \u003d 1.15 * Q / V * b, where

1.15 - coefficient taking into account the coverage of the product;

b - coefficient taking into account the gaps between the product.

The volume of boilers for products that swell during cooking is calculated by the formula:

Vk \u003d Vprod * Vv / K, where

Vprod - the volume of the product, dm 3;

Vв - the volume of water, dm 3.

The volume of boilers for preparing hot drinks is determined by the formula:

Vk \u003d Vgn * Ag / K, where

Vgn - the norm of a hot drink for 1 serving, dm 3;

Agn is the number of servings.

Vk \u003d 0.2 * 4862 / 0.85 \u003d 1144 dm 3.

2.7. Labor Force Calculation

The calculation of the labor force is carried out on the basis of the menu plan and the norms of time for preparing dishes of each type is carried out according to the formula:

N 1 \u003d n * Hvr / 3600 * Tcm * l (person), where

N 1 - the number of workers in the shop;

Hvr - the norm of time;

Tsm - the duration of the shift per hour;

l - coefficient taking into account the growth of labor productivity. The calculations are summarized in a table.

Name of dishes

Number of meals per day

Norm of time, sec.

Number of persons

Homemade noodle soup

Ukrainian borscht

Cutlets chops

Vegetable cabbage rolls

Tea with lemon

Black coffee

N1=711630/(3600*12*1.13)=15 people

2.8. Making a work schedule

A schedule for going to work is drawn up for the total number of workers in the hot shop.

Schedule dates the ability to determine the number of people simultaneously working in the shop.

When drawing up a schedule, at the beginning, the efficiency of working time is calculated, i.e. the number of hours each cook must work per month. The most convenient is the step chart.

In September, the number of calendar days is 30, of which 26 are working days (4 days off), as cooks work every other day, then 15 working days (30/2), and the duration of the shift is 12 hours. A chef must work 12*15=180 hours per month. All chefs are divided into 2 teams.

Days of the week

1 brigade

2 brigade


2.9. Calculation of production tables.

The calculation is made by the number of salespeople simultaneously working in the shop during the maximum shift according to the formula:

h=l*k p (m), where

h - linear length;

Kr - the largest number of wall tables of cooks working in the workshop, Kp = 5 people;

l is the norm of linear length. It is taken from the schedule for one employee to work at the table in one shift, l = 1.25 m.

h=1.25*5=6.25 m.

2.10. Selection of kitchen utensils and equipment

Name of dishes and utensils


Boilers from 20-30 l

Fish Boiler

Pots 1.5 - 2.3 l

Knives "chef's three"

baking sheets

cutting boards

Food waste tank

pouring spoon


Spatula for cutlets

//-// for fish

//-// for semi-finished products

Root knives

//-// for sausage

frying pans

3. Graphic part

Workshop layout

Workshop layout - a graphic image performed in the accepted building grid (6 by 6 m) with an image of all process equipment and non-mechanical.

When placing equipment, consider the following:

The sequence of the technological process;

Compliance with labor protection rules;


Equipment in production shops should be placed in a linear way, i.e. group it by technological processes broken down into lines.

1. Between non-mechanical equipment with two-way arrangement of places 1.2-1.5 m.

2. Between the wall and the line of non-mechanical equipment from the side of the workplaces 1 m.

3. Between mechanical and non-mechanical equipment 1.5 m.

4. Between heating equipment and distributing equipment 1.5 m.

5. Between two lines of thermal equipment 1.8-2 m.

6. Between stationary boilers - 0.75 m.

7. From the wall to the stationary table - 0.4 m.

8. Between the sections of the digesters - 2 m.

9. Between refrigerated cabinets with a line of non-mechanical equipment 1.5-2 m.

Permissible distance when arranging a non-mechanical

equipment the following:

From non-mechanical equipment to the wall with windows - 0.2 m.

Between non-mechanical equipment 0.1 m.

Workshop plan in scale 1:50

1. universal drive PG-0.6

2. electric stove PSM-4 Sh

3. production table SP-1050

4. industrial table with built-in bathtub

5. refrigerator

6. coffee maker

7. boiler KME - 100

8. baking cabinet ШП-3М

9. fryer FSEM-20

10. cooking kettle KESM-250

11. cooking kettle KPE-160

12. oven ShZHSEM - 2

13. Electric frying pan SESM-0.2

4. Literature

1 Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

2. Rules for the production and sale of products (services) of public catering. 1993.

3. Agranovsky E. D. Organization of production at public catering enterprises. - M.: Economics, 1990.

4. Anosova M. M., Kucher L. S. Organization of production at public catering enterprises - M .: Economics, 1985.

5. Collection of technological standards. - M.: LLP "Bee", 1996.

6. GOST 50647-94 “Public catering. Terms and Definitions".

7. GOST 50763-95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the population.

8. GOST 50762-95 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises.