Technology of dialogue in education. Purpose and essence of dialogue technologies


Modern pedagogical technologies for teaching the Russian language at school

Academic plan

newspaper number Title of the lecture
17 Lecture 1Introduction. What is learning technology. Analysis of the content of the concept of "learning technology". The history of the issue of the emergence of pedagogical educational technologies. Signs of manufacturability of the educational process
18 Lecture 2 Subject-oriented learning technologies. Problem. Reasons for creating these technologies. The main characteristics of domain-specific technologies, options for their implementation
19 Lecture 3 Higher education technologies at school. Features and developing opportunities of university technologies, their specificity. Preparation and conduct of lessons using university technologies, organization of independent work of students. Raising an active, creative attitude to learning, improving the communication and speech skills of schoolchildren
Test No. 1
20–21 Lectures 4–5. Technologies of personality-oriented education. Basic conceptual ideas of personality-oriented education technologies. Technology of pedagogical workshops: reasons for creation, essence of technology, stages of work of a pedagogical workshop. Modular learning technology as an alternative to the class-lesson learning system. The essence of the module. Organization of a modular lesson. project method. The specifics of the project activities of schoolchildren. Teaching as research. Theory and practice of collective mental activity
22 Lecture 6 Dialogue technologies for teaching the Russian language. The essence of dialogue technologies. Functions of the educational dialogue. Methodical development of lessons-dialogues. Discussion and its components. Discussion organization technology and its features
Test No. 2
23 Lecture 7 Game technologies. Goals, objectives and theoretical and methodological foundations of gaming technology. The essence of gaming technology, its components. Organization of gaming technologies
24 Lecture 8 Computer technologies in teaching the Russian language. General information about information technologies of education. Characteristics of information technology education. The need to use computer technology in the practice of a modern teacher. Computer programs-presentations. Information and training programs. Test programs
Final work

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Dialogue technologies for teaching the Russian language

The essence of dialogue technologies. Functions of the educational dialogue. Methodical development of lessons-dialogues. Discussion and its components. Discussion organization technology and its features

Education without dialogue turns
into an artificial, dead system.
MM. Bakhtin

The technology of educational dialogue is one of the leading technologies of student-centered education, and the humanization and communicative orientation of education in recent years has brought interpersonal dialogue to the fore.

The main purpose of this technology is that in the process of dialogic communication in the classroom, students are looking for different ways to express their thoughts, to master and uphold new values. At the same time, the dialogue is considered as a special socio-cultural environment that creates favorable conditions for the adoption of a new experience by a person, changing a number of established meanings.

Dialogue in the classroom is a special didactic and communicative atmosphere that helps the student not only master the dialogic way of thinking, but also provides reflection, develops the intellectual and emotional properties of the personality (sustainability of attention, observation, memory, the ability to analyze the partner’s activity, imagination). At such lessons, the content of the educational material is assimilated both as a result of memorization and as a result of communication, during which there is an appeal to personally significant meanings, to the depths of one's own consciousness.

Dialogical pedagogical activity is aimed at creating by the teacher such an environment that contributes to the accumulation of dialogic experience in solving humanitarian problems by the individual. It is important not just to teach a child declensions and conjugations, not just to convey the knowledge accumulated by mankind, but to help him "fit" into the context of culture, help him find a common language with others (the world, nature, man) and realize interdependence from each other in this world.

Dialogue means seeking the truth together. Educational dialogue is not only a form, but also a way of relationships. It allows you to be heard; the main thing in it is not the reproduction of information, but reflection, discussion of the problem. In dialogue, the most important manifestations of human relations are realized: mutual respect, complementarity, mutual enrichment, empathy, co-creation.

In the course of the dialogue, students acquire the ability and ability to conduct it at different levels. On the first level as a dialogue with one's own I, as communication with oneself, one's own mind - this is a personal level.

On the second level dialogue is understood as a process of interaction of qualitatively different value-intellectual positions ( I and others) is the interpersonal level.

Third level of dialogue- multi-dialogue - multiple simultaneous dialogue that occurs when discussing problems in small groups of 5-7 people.

The dialogue begins when the student makes statements like “I want to say”, “my opinion”, “I want to add”, “my point of view”. The purpose of the dialogue is to create interpersonal dialogic interaction, which is a situation close to natural life activity, in which students forget about the conventions (lesson, teacher, mark) that prevent them from expressing themselves at the personal and interpersonal levels.

Depending on the role of dialogue in the development of personal qualities (personality functions), the following types of dialogue are distinguished, differing from each other in the degree of trust, interpenetration into another.

Types of dialogue and their characteristics

Dialog types Characteristic
Motivational Reflects the interest of its participants in the topic, the dialogical form of communication
Critical Characterizes a critical understanding of the content of the dialogue, a hypothetical consideration of any solutions to the problem
conflict Distinguished by the inconsistency of the attitude of the individual to the subject of the problem
self-presenting Demonstration by a person of a favorable image for her
Autonomous Internal dialogue expressing the holding of a defensive reaction of the personality
reflective Indicates the ability of the individual to conduct introspection
Self-fulfilling It is characterized by the moment of approval, self-disclosure of personality
meaning-creative Characterized by the search for personality values
Spiritual Deep penetration into the content, into each other

However, when organizing interactive learning, some teachers limit themselves to only external manifestations (uninhibited communication with students, free exchange of opinions, etc.), turning it, as E.V. Korotaeva, in a variant of facilitated pedagogy: the process is given easily and freely, and the output results are often unsatisfactory.

We would like to note that the organization of classes using dialogue is a serious and well-thought-out activity of a teacher. The technology for organizing such classes begins with the study space of the classroom. Dialogue forms of interaction are focused on face-to-face communication, so the traditional arrangement of desks, when children see the backs of the heads of those sitting in front and only one face - the teacher, is inappropriate here. Options for arranging study places are needed depending on the number of groups and the number of students in each group. For example these:

Changing the usual arrangement of desks, the ability to solve the questions raised jointly prepare students for non-traditional forms of education. Upon entering the classroom, where the learning space has been modernized, students have a motivational readiness for a non-standard learning situation.

Another important aspect is the content of the dialogue. The educational area "Russian language" has ample opportunities in this regard. The deeply human content of the subjects of this field of knowledge allows you to simultaneously solve three tasks: educational and cognitive, communicative and developing and socially oriented.

The task of dialogue lessons also lies in the fact that schoolchildren need to be taught full and full participation in the dialogue. After all, students will acquire the practice of participating in the discussion of linguistic topics in the lessons of the Russian language, mastering the skills of dialogic speech.

The organization of dialogue lessons is also connected with the fact that the dialogue in such lessons can be of two types: informational (when each partner receives new information in the process of perception) and interpretive (when during the dialogue there is an exchange of opinions, an assessment of the facts known to both partners, their interpretation).

The informational dialogue is usually organized by the teacher in the process of mastering new knowledge, and the interpretive dialogue can be included in any structural element of the lesson (checking homework, consolidating new knowledge, summing up). The purpose of introducing an interpretive dialogue into the educational process is the development of dialogical educational and scientific speech, understanding scientific information, operating it using terms (prepared dialogue), increasing the speed of intellectual speech reactions in spontaneous dialogue.

What exercises provide the content of the dialogue, for example, on the problem "Conditions for successful communication", carried out after studying the topic "Communication"? Let's get acquainted with some of them.

Exercise 1. Your speech in the lesson should be closer to scientific, that is, to be educational and scientific. Such speech includes words-terms (special words used to name phenomena, objects, processes in science), for example:

Communicant- one who enters into communication. Basically the same as the words interlocutor, communication partner.

Communicative intention (task, goal) - the specific goal of the statement (to convince, pity, arouse sympathy, etc.).

Communication contact- communication, consistency in communication.

Write one sentence with each of these terms.

Exercise 2. What communication requirements did the people reflect in proverbs and sayings?

In someone else's conversation, everyone will pick up their minds.

The field is red with millet, and the conversation is with the mind.

When you speak, think.

He talks day to evening, but there is nothing to listen to.

Much has been said, but little has been said.

In verbosity, not without idle talk.

Be able to speak in time, be silent in time.

Sing well together, but speak apart.

You give him a word, and he gives you ten.

I told him about Foma, and he told me about Yerema.

Exercise 3 Read and determine what means of establishing communicative contact the speakers used.

1. “Ancient East… Mystery and mystery in these words. Until now, the unusual way of life and culture of the ancients amazes archaeologists, ethnographers, ethnologists ... "

2. “Listen! Listen! The most original and unique article!” (This is how the author begins his message.)

3. “Poor schoolchildren! Most of them are just pathetic slaves of the textbook!” (This is also the beginning of the message.)

Exercise 4 Read the text. What communication rules do the communicants violate?

Two young men were talking while waiting for transport. Entering the passenger compartment of the trolleybus, they found themselves at a distance of three or four meters. But they continued the conversation they had begun, turning almost to a cry.

- I went to the shooting range! There is a castle!

- I know the coach left for the competition!

The author of the proposed exercises believes that in the process of teaching dialogic speech, including when performing these exercises, schoolchildren will develop the necessary skills: the ability to compose the beginning of a dialogue (lead to a problem); the ability to state the problem in a remark and demand information from the interlocutor; the ability to listen to the interlocutor and show it in their remarks; the ability to use linguistic means of expressing politeness and respect for the opinion of the interlocutor; ability to be informative in dialogue; the ability to establish and maintain communicative contact, using not only verbal (linguistic), but also non-verbal means.

And now let's consider an example of a dialogue lesson in the Russian language in the 6th grade on the topic: “The works of great Russian writers are the best textbook of the native language”, which also forms the skills of participation in the dialogue. Teaching these skills also includes linguistic tasks.

Commentary on the speech behavior of the teacher is given in italics.

Introduction by the teacher. Today's Russian lesson is the first in the academic year, but not the first in your life. Remember who first taught you a lesson in Russian?

The appeal to the “remember” class is an invitation to dialogue, to joint reflection.

Teacher. Whose answer is more accurate and why?

The teacher directs students to search for arguments and counterarguments. The dialogue is built taking into account the communicative and speech skills of schoolchildren of a given age.

Children are unlikely to answer the same question - their opinions will be divided. The teacher did not need an unequivocal answer, the purpose of the initial stage of the dialogue lesson was to evoke a response from the students.

Teacher. So, remembering when you got your first Russian lesson is quite difficult. Your opinions are divided. Let's put the question in a different way: at what age does a person begin to learn Russian?

One more question is introduced, the starting point of reflections in the lesson on the topic “Teaching a person to his native language” is emphasized. An invitation to reflection. The question is controversial.

Teacher. If you started learning Russian from birth, can you say that now, by the 6th grade, you have learned Russian, because you not only speak it, but write and read it?

(Children answer.)

Teacher. I agree with you. Of course, you have not learned Russian. And not because you haven't finished school yet. The Russian language is so great and diverse, it has so many secrets and mysteries that you can study it all your life.

In the agreement of the teacher with the opinion of the students, there is approval, a positive assessment of the result of their reflections. The teacher expresses the key idea of ​​the dialogue.

Teacher. And now I invite you to think and answer in writing the question: “Who or what teaches us the Russian language? Justify your answer."

(Leaves are handed out.)

diagnostic question.

While the students are working, the teacher walks through the rows, looks through the notes, tunes in to the dialogue.

Students' answers might be something like this: teachers; parents; a life; a person himself learns his native language all his life; all the people who surround a person during life; books; dictionaries; TV set.

Differentiation of answers is evidence of insufficiently voluminous formed information field of students.

After a cursory review of the answers of the students in the process of writing them, the teacher collects the sheets and sees which answers are the most.

Teacher. Guys, you write that teachers teach you the Russian language; parents; a life; all the people who surround you; a person himself learns his native language; books and even TV. What do you think, and writers teach you the Russian language?

The appeal emphasizes the speech role of the teacher - he directs the dialogue.

In the question - an incentive to search for arguments; the predictable ambiguity of answers serves as an impetus for the development of a dialogue.

(Students' opinions are divided. The argument is followed by a counterargument.)

Teacher. Two points of view have been expressed. If you agree with one of them, try to defend it.

(Students ponder their answers.)

The teacher gives students the opportunity to reflect, to prove the correctness of their point of view.

Teacher. One cannot but agree that the Russian language is taught to us by parents and school teachers.

Indeed, if from the first days of your life you had not heard the speech of your parents, you would hardly have spoken Russian.

Those who speak about school teachers are also right. They help to learn the Russian language, help to understand that the language is a system, with its own laws and rules, they reveal to us the secrets of the Russian language, without knowledge of which a person cannot call himself literate.

But one cannot but agree with those who claim that we also learn our native language from writers.

Why is this statement true?

An extended monologue statement of the teacher fixes the students' attention on the correct answers, comments and supplements them. Sharp attention to the statement is necessary to continue the dialogue, to search for new arguments.

Teacher. And what writers can you call your teachers of the Russian language?

The motivation to look for the answer to the next task among the names of Russian writers.

Teacher. Whose books are a model of the Russian language for you?

Question to promote dialogue.

Teacher. In your answers, you named many Russian writers, and now read an excerpt from the work. Who will recognize the author and name him?

The dawn was shining in the east, and the golden rows of clouds seemed to be waiting for the sun, as courtiers are waiting for the sovereign; the clear sky, the freshness of the morning, the dew, the breeze, and the song of the birds filled Lisa's heart with childlike gaiety...

(A.S. Pushkin."Young lady-peasant")

Finding the right answer is a means of activating attention.

Teacher questions. What does A.S. Pushkin? By what means A.S. Pushkin achieves picturesqueness in the image?

Motivation for search reading of the text by A.S. Pushkin. This stage of the lesson requires the frontal nature of the answers to enhance the learning activities of the class.

Teacher. Underline in the text the most expressive, from your point of view, words.

What A.S. Pushkin calls golden rows? Why is the word used golden, but not yellow, For example? What time of year is the text talking about? What is the mood of this passage?

Underlining fixes the attention of schoolchildren on the desired problem and is aimed at comprehending the details.

Teacher. Now listen to an excerpt from a poem by A.S. Pushkin "Autumn Morning" (In the book: Pushkin A.S. Collected works in one volume. M., 1984. S. 20).

The teacher reads an excerpt from the poem by heart:

Already in autumn with a cold hand
The heads of birches and lindens are bare.
She rustles in the deserted oak forests,
There, day and night, a dead leaf is spinning,
There is fog on the yellowed fields,
And an instant wind whistle is heard.

Invitation to joint action: teacher reads - students listen.

Teacher. What is the mood in this poem?

The teacher moves from the role of a reader to the role of a teacher guiding the dialogue.

Teacher. What helped you to understand, to capture this mood?

Encouragement to turn to the text for an answer.

(Students name the words.)

Teacher. What do you think, is it by chance A.S. Pushkin uses exactly these words?

The speech formula "what do you think?" leads students to an intermediate conclusion.

Teacher. And now read the excerpt from the story "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" and from the poem "Autumn Morning" again. Think about it, have you acquired any new knowledge about the Russian language, reflecting on the meaning and language of these passages?

(Students answer.)

General word of the teacher. Pushkin is a great master of the Russian language. 2009 marked the 210th anniversary of his birth. Pushkin's works do not age and will always be a model of the Russian language.

How much do you think A.S. Pushkin had to learn Russian, because we call him the creator of the modern Russian language?

A request for information giving direction to a search.

The monologue statement of the teacher determines the main direction of the dialogue. The children give their reasons. Opinions are bound to be divided.

Teacher. There are again two points of view in the class. Let's turn to Pushkin himself to resolve this issue.

Foreign proper names ending in e, and, o, u, do not bow. ... And many of us sin against this. Write: book written by Goetham, etc.

It's been 16 years since I've been typing, and critics have noticed 5 grammatical errors in my poems (and rightly so):

1. fixed his gaze on the distant masses

2. on the theme of mountains (crown)

3. voil instead of howl

4. was denied instead of he was denied

5. igumen instead of abbot.

I have always been sincerely grateful to them and have always corrected the noticed place. I write prose much more incorrectly, and I speak even worse ...

Many write Yu P ka, sva t bba instead of a skirt, wedding. Never in derivatives t not used for d, neither P on the b and we say petticoat, wedding.

(In the book: Boldinskaya autumn. M., 1986. S. 306).

Teacher. What can you say about the work of A.S. Pushkin over the language of his works?

The teacher encourages students to express and defend their own point of view, but at the same time makes sure that the peripheral statement does not lead the class away from the main topic of the dialogue. An unusual move - Pushkin himself becomes a participant in the dialogue, helping to find the right solution.

It is important for the teacher to receive an emotional and intellectual response to Pushkin's statements. It depends on the dynamics of the dialogue.

Teacher. Please make a conclusion: who has the great Russian writer A.S. Pushkin studied Russian? How did he improve the language of his works?

A clear orientation in the mode of action ("make a conclusion, please"), leading to an intermediate conclusion. At the same time, children can draw not one, but several conclusions.

Teacher. Do you think that a modern person of the beginning of the 21st century needs to learn the Russian language from A.S. Pushkin, who lived in the first third of the 19th century, almost 200 years ago?

Indirect appeal is an invitation to reflection, the search for a ready answer to the question posed.

The question is followed by detailed statements of students, which testify to the effectiveness of the educational dialogue. All of them, as a rule, correspond to its subject matter.

Teacher. You're right. And the clearest proof of your thoughts is that not only ordinary readers learn Russian from the books of A.S. Pushkin, but also excellent writers of subsequent generations. Here is how Aleksey Nikolaevich Tolstoy said about this: “The Russian language is, first of all, Pushkin - the indestructible mooring of the Russian language”; Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin: “The natural richness of the Russian language and speech is so great that without further ado, listening to the time with your heart, in close contact with a simple person and with a volume of Pushkin in your pocket, you can become an excellent writer.”

(In the book: Symphony of the Mind. M., 1977. S. 216, 219).

On house students receive the task: to prepare an oral report on the topic “Which of the Russian writers can I call my teacher of the Russian language and why” (with examples from his works).

So, we got acquainted with the lesson-dialogue on the Russian language in the 6th grade, which is organized with the involvement of literary material. This material contains great opportunities for enhancing students' attention in relation to the topic of dialogue, because in such a lesson it is important not only the ability to speak, but also the ability to listen, to delve into the main problems of the dialogue. And so the material should be understandable and interesting. These qualities are undoubtedly possessed by the texts of A.S. Pushkin.

In addition, while working on the texts of a writer beloved since childhood, schoolchildren learn to speak clearly, accurately and competently, avoiding redundant information and slurring in expressing thoughts. The teacher helps them by asking questions, tactfully rejecting peripheral information and emphasizing the main theme for the development of the dialogue.

As we have already said, the structure of the lesson-dialogue can be different. The given example of a lesson on the topic "The works of Russian writers - the best textbook of the native language" demonstrates the organization of a dialogue with the whole class, which has its advantages: teamwork allows children to jointly admire the beauty and richness of the Russian language, and the process of painstakingly searching for truth together with classmates arouses interest and taste for the word. The teacher in such a lesson has the opportunity to vividly and convincingly demonstrate the richness of the Russian language, to teach schoolchildren to express different thoughts and feelings in it.

However, there are other forms of work in the lesson-dialogue. Consider an example of such a lesson. The lesson was held in the 8th grade on the topic “Our Speech” and was aimed not only at mastering and transmitting information, but also at acquiring dialogue communication skills in the process of mastering new knowledge.

This lesson is helped by 11th grade students who are members of the linguistic group.

8th grade students are grouped into five small groups. The lesson uses triangles of different colors, which the guys receive at the beginning of the lesson and pin to their clothes. In each small group there are students with four colors of triangles.

After the introductory speech of the teacher, the students of the 11th grade - the presenters give examples from children's speech:

Four-year-old Serezha says, putting on overalls: “I found the sleeve, but I can’t find the legs ...”;

Three-year-old Ira asks: “Swallows winter in Africa, but where do they spring?”

Children's speech is built according to the "producing - derivative" scheme, causing tenderness in adults. But completely different emotions arise when you hear a variety of youth slang. Students are invited to translate into literary Russian the dialogue "At the disco" using the vocabulary of youth slang, prepared by children from the linguistic group. This work is carried out in small groups for about seven minutes, after which the translations are voiced, an intermediate reflection is carried out.

Next, eighth graders are given the task of making an advertisement for one of the proposed dictionaries (Dictionary of the modern Russian literary language, Phraseological dictionary, Dictionary of foreign words, Dictionary for radio and television workers, Dictionary "Difficulties in word usage"). First, everyone writes down their version on individual worksheets, after which they are discussed in a group dialogue when creating an advertisement for the selected dictionary. The results are the most unexpected: someone plays a scene, someone composes poetry ...

Final stage involves regrouping students so that four groups are formed according to the colors of the triangles. Each group is given a worksheet.

1. Put stress on words.

Sheet number 1: iconography, catalogue, cough, pantry, whooping cough, more beautiful, for a short time, plum, patriarchy.

Sheet number 2: bows, dishes, veterinary medicine, cough, parterre, remembering, briefly, carpenter, repeat.

Sheet number 3: fill up, call, understood, Christian, funeral, sheet, pullover, newborn, about churches.

Sheet number 4: deepen, flyleaf, fluorography, petition, gypsy, scarf, sorrel, expert, promised.

2. Make sentences using paronyms.

Sheet number 1: subscriber - subscription, addressee - addressee.

Sheet number 2: offensive - touchy, thrifty - careful.

Sheet number 3: clayey - clay, fine - fine.

Sheet number 4: hidden - secretive, neighboring - neighborly.

This work is first performed individually, then discussed in a group dialogue, after which the verification is carried out by members of the linguistic group or it is carried out in the form of mini-dictations.

Such forms of work contribute to the emotional liberation of children, as in free dialogues, in the process of discussing topics among their friends, they feel comfortable and calm, natural and at ease, and this contributes to an increase in true interest in the subject, based on collective creativity.

Evaluation of the work of schoolchildren in the dialogue can be carried out according to several criteria: 1) how much their remarks corresponded to the topic; 2) content of communication; 3) literacy; 4) compliance with speech etiquette.


1. What is the main purpose of interactive learning technology?

2. What does it mean to build a dialogue in the classroom within the framework of the humanistic teaching paradigm?

3. Name the main levels and types of dialogue.

4. What aspects of learning are important to consider when organizing dialogue in the classroom?

5. What is the difference between an informational dialogue and an interpretive one?

6. Name several forms of organizing work in a dialogue lesson.


1. Belova S.V. Dialogue is the basis of the profession of a teacher: a teaching aid. M.: APKiPRO, 2002. 148 p.

2. Grablina N.V. Master class: technology of educational dialogue at the lesson of literature: based on the novel by V.G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera" // Literature at school, 2005, No. 9. P. 37–40.

3. Zagrekova L.V. and etc. Theory and technology of education. Textbook allowance for students ped. universities. M.: Higher school, 2004. 157 p.

4. Korotaeva E.V. Interactive learning: organization of educational dialogues // Russian Language at School, 1999, No. 5, pp. 3–8.

5. Molodtsova V.P. Teaching dialogue at the lessons of literature (Russian language, literature, 8th grade) // Innovations in teacher experience: Test work of students of the annual courses "Innovative Pedagogical Technologies". St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University of Pedagogical Excellence, 1999. 148 p.

6. Stativka V.I. Teaching Dialogic Speech at Russian Language Lessons // Russian Language at School, 2002, No. 6. P.17–21.

The technology of educational dialogue is one of the main technologies of student-centered education. In recent years, education has been aimed at expanding the use of communications and humanization, therefore ATT are currently extremely popular and relevant.

Dialogue presupposes a subject or topic, reflections on which do not lead to simple empirically verifiable truths. What can be such an object for a person that causes unsatisfied motivation for research? Probably primarily herself. That is why a dialogue is always a conversation about the meaning of an event for a person, about the significance of the person himself for other people and events. Dialogue is a confirmation for the personality of its value and, as a result, the birth of a desire to become even better. Consequently, the subject of dialogue always lies in the context of personal goals, interests, meanings of the interlocutors. The more this is true for both the teacher and the student, the more natural and productive their dialogue is. Dialogue never comes down to mastering the subject. It is always over-subject, expanding the boundaries of the cognizable through the exchange of not only information, but also assessments, meanings, hypotheses-revelations.

The personality-developing potential of the dialogue is connected with the dialogical nature of the personality, with the fact that it exists in a constant internal dialogue with itself. It has an invariably peculiar movement from consciousness to thinking and vice versa.

In the dialogue, self-knowledge processes are produced that have several levels of flow: reflective self-knowledge (most often unorganized, spontaneous), self-knowledge "from another" and, finally, a scientifically organized process of self-knowledge using special techniques, which the student can learn in dialogue with teacher.

Dialogue is a confidential collaboration between a teacher and a student, in which the latter refuses to achieve a “result” at any cost. The dialogue that took place is already a pedagogical result.

Readiness for dialogue is one of the universal indicators of the formation of an individual as a person. This readiness includes a focus on finding the meaning of the values ​​being studied, the ability to subjectively perceive the material, to determine the “boundaries of other opinions”. An individual's readiness for dialogue implies his acceptance of dialogue as a special situation of communication that requires adequate behavior, compliance with certain rules; keeping in mind the purpose of the dialogue, "not slipping" into the ordinary clarification of personal priorities and ambitions, without reducing all the richness of the dialogue to an emotional "showdown".

What is needed for dialogue to take place? For the two parties to be willing to seek the third truth. First of all, of course, there is a need for material, a problem that would induce them to do so. An objectively existing problem must be presented in the form of a subjectively significant question. “We need an undying question ... If you can find an answer to it without searching and dialogue, then why subject the class to an artificial experiment?”, the well-known innovative teacher E.N. Ilyin.

At present, various forms of discussion. Let's present some of them.

"Round table". Within the framework of this form, participants (5-7 people) are located in a circle in the center of the audience and express their opinions on the problem under consideration. Outside the circle, there may be listeners who ask questions and who can influence the course of consideration of questions.

Meeting of the expert group. This form provides for the work in the same room of several groups of experts with a pre-appointed chairman. The problem is discussed in the group, and then the members of the expert groups make a brief presentation to the entire audience.

Forum – a discussion similar to an “expert group meeting” with expert groups and a chairperson. During the forum, a group of experts enters into an exchange of views with a specific audience about a highlighted issue.

Seminar-discussion (group discussion) is formed as a process of dialogical communication of participants, during which the formation of practical experience of joint participation in the discussion and resolution of theoretical and practical problems takes place.

Symposium. Participants deliver pre-prepared messages reflecting their point of view on the issue and answer questions from the audience.

Talk show - a discussion combined with the genre of television show programs. The facilitator plays the leading role, having a scenario plan for the dialogue and setting the line for discussing a particular problem with the help of questions prepared in advance. Information, as a rule, is only updated, realizing entertainment tasks to a greater extent than information-analytical tasks.

Judicial sitting. A simulated trial. The participants distribute the duties of the members of the court hearing and, following the role instructions, consider the proposed problem.

"Aquarium". It is supposed to conduct a discussion in microgroups. There are strict rules of work, participants can get certain roles that increase the effectiveness of teamwork.

Debate. A form of discussion of the stated problem, which provides for precisely timed speeches by the asserting and opposing sides, alternating with questions and comments in turn from each group.

All forms of discussion have unique pedagogical tools and therefore are able to stimulate initiative and a productive exchange of ideas; develop reflective thinking; encourage the search for adequate argumentation and various ways of expressing thoughts; increase receptivity and tolerance to new ideas; to teach to see the phenomenon in volume and multifaceted; suggest ways to work in depth with the content of the problem, and so on.

Natalia Ivanova
New educational standards: Creative searches, methodological findings - case technologies, educational dialogue

Today, in the period of transition from industrial to information culture, characterized by such features as an integrated character, flexibility, mobility of thinking, dialogue, tolerance and close communication at all levels, before education the task is to prepare a person corresponding to this new culture.

A modern school should educate a person's readiness for "innovative behavior". Obedience, repetition, imitation are replaced by new requirements: the ability to see problems, calmly accept them and solve them independently. This applies to all areas of life.: household, social and professional.

The fundamental difference educational standards second generation is their focus on results education as a backbone structural component standards". “The process of learning is understood not only as the assimilation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities that make up the instrumental basis of students' competencies, but also as a process of personal development, acquiring spiritual, moral and social experience”,

At the present stage, not only the amount of knowledge necessary for a modern person has changed - even greater changes have occurred in the ways of learning new things. Knowledge is a sea, but the ways to obtain it have improved dramatically. By using Internet-enabled computers, students can access knowledge sources more efficiently.

Currently in Russia formation of a new education system focused on entering the global educational space. This process is accompanied by significant changes in pedagogical theory and practice. educational process. Modernization in progress educational systems - different content, approaches, behavior, pedagogical mentality are offered.

Under these conditions, the teacher needs to navigate a wide range of modern innovative technologies, ideas, schools, trends, not waste time discovering what is already known, but use the entire arsenal of Russian pedagogical experience. Today it is impossible to be a pedagogically competent specialist without studying the entire wide range of educational technologies.

Search answers not only to the questions "what to teach?", "why to teach?", "how to teach?", but also to the question "how to teach effectively?" led scientists and practitioners to attempt to "technologize" educational process, i.e., turn learning into a kind of production and technological process with a guaranteed result. And in connection with this, a direction appeared in pedagogy - pedagogical technologies.

Pedagogical technology questions help teachers answer age-old questions: what is the goal to be achieved, and what is the sequence of its implementation? As a result, variant ways of solving pedagogical problems and various pedagogical systems, based on the technological invariant: goal - means - rules and the sequence of their use - the result.

Our task is to apply learning technologies focused on a personal-activity approach in education. The choice of technology for teaching a particular discipline is carried out by the teacher on the basis of his personal convictions and constitutes his individual style of pedagogical activity. The learning technology should be aimed at the effective achievement of the set goal and, therefore, the development procedure can be represented as the following structure:

It must be remembered that the choice of technology depends on a number of factors:

Goal prioritization education;

Specifics of the content of training;

Composition of children and their number;

The level of technical equipment educational process, creating a unified educational environment,

As an example of modern efficient educationaltechnologies we will name the following:

critical thinking technology (American educators Charles Temple, Jeannie Steele,

Curtis Meredith);

technology case-study (Case method or case technology- School of Business at Harvard University USA)

technology learning dialogue(Soviet psychological and pedagogical school)

Today we will get acquainted with some of the modern effective educational technologies - case technology, technology learning dialogue.

Case technologies in modern education

In connection with the reforms education in our country, there is a constant search for effective teaching methods, one of them is the so-called case technologies.

Initially case technologies were developed for the training of lawyers and managers, when students actively discussed a specific economic or legal situation, which served as the basis for their further professional activities. To date, these technologies are widely used in secondary schools, and the first attempts are being made in primary schools. The name comes from the Latin term case- confusing or unusual case.

Case technologies combine both role-playing games and project method, and situational analysis.

case technologies are opposed to such types of work as repetition after the teacher, answering the teacher's questions, retelling the text, etc. Cases different from the usual educational goals(problems usually have one solution and one correct path leading to this solution, cases have several solutions and many alternative paths leading to it).

AT case technologies analysis of the real situation (some input) the description of which at the same time reflects not only some practical problem, but also updates a certain set of knowledge that must be learned when solving this problem

Case technologies- this is not a repetition after the teacher, not a retelling of a paragraph or an article, not an answer to the teacher's question, this is an analysis of a specific situation, which makes you raise the layer of knowledge gained and put it into practice.

These technologies help to increase students' interest in the subject being studied, develop in schoolchildren such qualities as social activity, communication skills, the ability to listen and correctly express their thoughts.

Using case-technology in elementary school in children occurs

Development of analysis and critical thinking skills

Connection of theory and practice

Presentation of examples of decisions made

Demonstration of different positions and points of view

Formation of skills for evaluating alternative options under conditions of uncertainty

The task of the teacher is to teach children how to individually, as well as in a group:

analyze information,

Sort it to solve a given problem,

Identify key issues

Generate alternative solutions and evaluate them,

Choose the best solution and form action programs, etc.

Besides, children:

Get communication skills

Develop presentation skills

Form interactive skills that allow you to effectively interact and make collective decisions

Acquire expert knowledge and skills

Learn to learn by independently seeking the necessary knowledge to solve a situational problem

Change motivation for learning

With active situational learning, the participants in the analysis are presented with facts (events related to a certain situation as it was at a certain point in time. The task of students is to make a rational decision, acting within the framework of a collective discussion of possible solutions, i.e. game interaction.

To case technology methods activating educational process,relate:

method situational analysis ( Method case studies, situational tasks and exercises; case stages)

incident method;

method situational role-playing games;

method analysis of business correspondence;

Game design;

method of discussion.

So, case technology is an interactive learning technology, based on real or fictional situations, aimed not so much at mastering knowledge, but at forming students' new qualities and skills.

One of the most important characteristics case method is the ability to use the theory, appeal to the actual material.

Usage case technologies already tested in high school. For elementary school, writing assignments for cases poses a problem for teachers. The most difficult to use case technologies are the lessons of literary reading, because it is in these lessons when working with the text that we bring children to one thought or another. When compiling tasks in literary reading lessons, we use several levels of complexity.

First degree of difficulty: there is a practical situation, there is a solution. Students determine if the solution is appropriate for a given situation. Is there another solution, another answer?

Do you agree with Dragunsky's statement that "that everything is secret becomes clear» ?

Second degree of difficulty: there is a practical situation - find its solution

For example, there is a literary text and real information about the writer, the hero as a person. Compare, find common ground and differences.

Third degree of difficulty: there is a practical situation - define the problem and find solutions (a fragment is shown in a literary reading lesson in grade 4) .

Decide case is offered to students after independent reading of the work, work with additional literature. There can be many solutions and all options have the right to exist, prove and discuss.

Situational tasks (cases) in literature lessons can be associated:

With the problems and prospects of the relationship between the main characters of the work

From the compilation of the route of movement of the hero of the work

Compilation of chronological tables of past events

The next technology is the use educational dialogue in the classroom.

In our work under learning dialogue - we understood the dialogue, purposefully unfolding in study time, which is « search field» truth, aimed at achieving the goals set by the teacher and resolving learning objectives, dialog in which every vote in the class is perceived as equal.

Lessons using learning dialogue should be built in a completely different way. If now the most common explanatory and illustrative working method When the teacher, standing in front of the class, explains the topic, and then conducts a selective survey, then in accordance with the changes, the emphasis should be on the interaction of students and the teacher, as well as the interaction of the students themselves. The student must become a living participant educational process. To date, some children remain unnoticed during the lesson. It’s good if they really heard and understood something during the lesson… But what if they didn’t?

"Aerobatics" in conducting the lesson and the ideal embodiment new standards in practice, this is a lesson in which the teacher, only guiding the children, makes recommendations during the lesson. Therefore, children feel that they are teaching the lesson themselves. It is the technology educational dialogue helps children"learn to learn"

The priority is the developing function of training, which should provide becoming the identity of the younger student, the disclosure of his individual capabilities. Emphasis on the ability to apply knowledge, on knowledge as a means of personal development. Therefore, the wording of tasks in lessons where technology is used learning dialogue, sound a bit different. In mathematics, for example, they are aimed not at recognizing and naming spatial figures, but at the ability to find these figures in the surrounding world and work with them.

Speaking of learning dialogue,a number of organizational aspects should be taken into account:

None of the remarks should go unanswered;

- learning dialogue limited in time;

If the student is not active, he lacks knowledge;

- learning dialogue requires sufficiently complete answers;

- learning dialogue requires prior preparation.

First, the teacher must fulfill the conditions of the organization learning dialogue – remove factors cooling and inhibiting communication with children. Teacher-dialogist wants and knows how to communicate with the child, he is receptive to the opinions of others, that is, he seeks not to evaluate, but to hear, understand and accept the opinion of the child.

Secondly, the teacher must master the technology of organizing the subject dialogue, in particular, the forms of inciting and leading dialogue.

inciting dialogue is an “excavator”, which digs up a problem, question, difficulty, i.e. helps to formulate learning task. In formulating the problem (learning task) such techniques as stimulating, problematic, open-ended questions, reflexive tasks, provocations, “traps”, oddities, contradictions, situations of risk, a jump to the unknown, an intellectual gap help.

In the technology of developmental education, a certain logic of the approach has been developed. dialogue.

Stage 1. Creating a “success situation”. At this stage, children are offered a specific practical task based on the child's past experience. Each student solves the problem individually, without experiencing any difficulties. The result is an emotional satisfaction children with their results.

Stage 2. The emergence of a situation of "intellectual gap". Children are offered a concrete-practical task similar in appearance, which they can no longer solve, since it is already focused on new mode of action. As a result, there is an emotional experience of general failure. ("no one can"). This is a positive emotion, since there is no experience of failure against the background of the success of another.

Stage 3. Fixation of the “gap” in graphic-sign form and formulation educational verbal tasks. At this stage, the children, together with the teacher, must formulate what they lack now, that is, experience a “deficit in their abilities”. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the situation of practical difficulty: where and why did the difficulty arise? Then it appears learning task: “What are we going to do next?”

The classic version of the incentive dialogue - posing a problem situation, which is characterized by a special psychological state, the presence of contradictions and understanding of the problem. The teacher presents a situation based on contradiction and causing surprise in children. This may be a contradiction between everyday and scientific fact, a contradiction between the need and impossibility to complete the task of the teacher, between the past and the present. learning experience.

Consider the forms of the supply dialogue.

1. Analyzing collective observation.

Children are invited training(language) material that should be visual, economical and prevent errors of false generalization. Preferably the material is "two-sided", for example, two columns of words or examples that children compare. The teacher listens to the children's remarks and develops the most interesting ones. In case of difficulty, he uses a dosed hint, leading questions, additional facts, and live visualization. During dialogue cuts off all unnecessary leaving the essence of a new concept, new knowledge.

For the successful manifestation of collective observation, the teacher needs pick up high-quality didactic material, think over a system of analyzing questions and tasks, choose effective methods for children to detect signs of a new concept, think over a fixation system (on the board and in notebooks) what will be discovered. The analyzing observation ends with the generalization of the results in the form of some scheme, support, plan, the “invention” of a new term, the verbal formulation of the conclusion and the reading of the conclusion in textbook.

2. Frontal (general class) discussion.

First, children begin to speak out, that is, put forward versions. It is advisable for the teacher to write these versions on the blackboard. (possible with the name of the author). Then proceed to the discussion of the proposed versions (highest point in development dialogue situation) and putting forward the correct answer, i.e., substantiating the chosen method, version, opinion.

Frontal discussion may be preceded by the promotion and discussion of hypotheses in groups. Children unite in groups (no more than 4-5 people, listen to each other, argue, come to some opinion. Then each group expresses its own opinion or joins the opinion of others. It is desirable that each group fix their point of view on a large sheet and then presented it to the class with comments.In the future, the teacher organizes a discussion of the versions put forward by the groups. This approach has the following advantages: it involves children in joint activities (in frontal work, some of the children still fall out); the versions put forward are more refined, thought out and visual, which allows for a more organized version discussion stage.

You can organize a written discussion. For example, after productions teacher of an open question, each student writes his own version. Then they listen to those who wish. After each cue, the teacher connects those children who think differently. Each child has the right to make additions, clarifications, and amendments to the wording of his version. At the end of the discussion, time is allotted for each student to write down their final version.

So the organization of the collective learning dialogue requires a special position of the teacher, which can be called an open pedagogical position.

When conducting a lesson, it is necessary to be extremely attentive to the personality of each child. The learning process is built like this way so that the student acquires knowledge on his own, and the teacher only helps him, directs him on the right path. Students may disagree not only with the opinion of a friend, but also with the opinion of the teacher. They are given the right to argue, defend and argue their point of view. With this approach, erroneous judgments are possible, so it is extremely important that students are not afraid to make mistakes, rather - vice versa: activity in the lesson is encouraged. The task of the teacher is to ensure that these contradictions in the lesson give rise to a dispute, a discussion. Finding out the essence of the disagreements that have emerged, the students analyze the subject of the dispute from different positions, associate with new In fact, the knowledge they already have, learn to meaningfully argue their opinions and respect the points of view of other students.

The most important task of the modern system education is the formation of the population "universal learning activities» providing "ability to learn", the ability of the individual to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience, and not just the development by students of specific subject knowledge and skills within individual disciplines. At the same time, knowledge, skills and abilities are considered as derivatives of the corresponding types of purposeful actions, i.e. they are formed, applied and stored in close connection with the active actions of the students themselves. The quality of knowledge acquisition is determined diversity and the nature of the types of universal actions. And in order for UUD to be formed actively and it is necessary to use new and already known learning technologies.


In the course of teaching practice, students of our college of the “Additional Education” department quite often use interactive technologies.

The most important components of dialogue technology are problematic, communication, cooperation. When students use dialogue technology in practice, it becomes possible to organize diverse and multi-level activities of students, active communication. This contributes to the self-development and self-realization of students, the formation of communicative competence and culture. In the process of dialogue, the development of independence and critical thinking, initiative and own position of students, the desire to discuss and solve the problem posed to them takes place.

To organize a dialogue during the lesson, you need to find an interesting topic, choose the form and structure of the dialogue. The structure of the learning dialogue:

1Post topic

2 Setting learning objectives

3. Joint search for a solution, there are different points of view

    1. Achieving a joint solution.


Of great importance in the dialogue is equal communication. For its organization, the future

The teacher must be able to:

    formulate a problem

    express one's own point of view in the context of others;

    be able to listen and understand interlocutors;

be able to highlight the meaning, compare different opinions;

    evaluate the meaning and significance of incoming information;

    if it is difficult for students, be able to ask a leading question in time, help

During the dialogue, a speech culture of communication is formed, the skills of public speaking and discussion of problems are formed. And this is part of the communicative culture, which includes the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor, the analysis of different points of view on the object of knowledge, the ability to reasonably state one's position, and correctly express value judgments.

In our college, students had an internship in a teenage club, where

organized an intellectual game for students of one of the schools in the Nevsky district

"Debate". Theme "What is more important for a young person in modern society education or upbringing" . In the course of group preparation for the speech, our students led the students: invited to participate in the discussion of the position of all

students, encouraged them, tried to get as much information as possible, Oriented children to communicate with each other, guided by the following


        1. Every student has the right to express their opinion

          Everyone is entitled to their own version

          Everyone has the right to support or criticize the version of a friend

When preparing schoolchildren for the performance, our students used

the following questions: this is an interesting idea for Olya, but what does Sasha think about it? And who thinks otherwise? Who can answer this question?

The students and I agreed to avoid evaluative reactions to the answers

students, praised those who expressed their opinion, trying to involve everyone in

discussion of the problem. They gave, as far as possible, time for reflection, avoided the temptation to give answers to questions themselves.

Having prepared with the help of our students (the teams were given 10 minutes to prepare for the performance), the students

defended their version with arguments. The event was a success.

Thus, our students used in practice the dialogue

learning technologies.

When using interactive technology, the dialogic position of the teacher is of particular importance - a tolerant attitude towards the different views of students, a willingness to accept mutually exclusive points of view on the problem and find a collegial solution, taking into account the evidence and argumentation of the positions of the participants in the dialogue. This is possible only if a positive emotional environment is created: a free exchange of opinions and ideas in an atmosphere of lively discussion.

One of the goals of learning in dialogue is to create comfortable learning conditions in which each student feels his success, intellectual consistency, which makes the process of mastering knowledge productive. All students are involved in the process of cognition, each makes his own individual contribution, there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, methods of activity. Moreover, this happens in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support, which not only allows you to receive new knowledge, but also develops cognitive activity itself, brings it to a higher level of cooperation and cooperation.

The active use of dialogue forms requires serious methodological training of the teacher and teaching students how to conduct discussions and disputes, the ability to restrain their emotions, respect the opinions of their comrades, even if they have the opposite point of view.

At the stage of preparing the teacher and students for the dialogue, we pay special attention to the choice of topics and problems, forms of dialogue. When conducting a dialogue, it is important to clearly organize and involve each student in the dialogue, process management.

When summing up, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the assimilation of knowledge and skills within the framework of the topic studied in the lesson, the level of students' communicative culture and the achievement of the objectives of the lesson. I will give a few provisions that characterize the culture of dialogue

    Criticize ideas, not people. To see the goal not in winning the argument, but in coming to the best solution to the problem.

    Encourage everyone to participate in the discussion and assimilate the necessary information.

    Listen to everyone's ideas, even if you don't agree with them.

    Try to understand what is not clear.

    First, take in all the expressed ideas and facts related to different points of view, and then try to combine them in such a way that it contributes to understanding the problem.

    Strive to comprehend and understand different views on the problem.

    Do not be afraid to change your point of view under the influence of undeniable arguments and facts. The following forms of activity can be used in the work: discussion, dispute, group project activity, defense of projects, discussion and solution of complex environmental problems, etc. Dialogue technology can also include elements of other technologies, their use in combination enhances the impact on the student's personality.

Practice shows that the introduction of interactive forms of education contributes to a deeper and more conscious understanding of the subject content by students than during a regular lesson, the assimilation of more ideas and ways to solve problems, including original and non-standard ones, generalization and functionality of the acquired knowledge and skills, development students have the ability to transfer knowledge to new conditions. In addition, students develop a need for a comprehensive discussion of the problem being solved, develop critical thinking, communicative competence and culture.