Requirements for checking notebooks in the Russian language. Methodical letter "On uniform requirements for the oral and written speech of students, for the conduct of written work and checking notebooks

1.2. Types of written work of students

Final control work is carried out:

  • after studying the most significant topics of the program;
  • at the end of the academic quarter, semester.

On one working day, only one written final control work should be given in the class, and no more than two during the week. When planning tests in each class, it is necessary to provide for their even distribution throughout the quarter, avoiding the accumulation of written tests by the end of the quarter, half year.

1.3. Number of final examinations


Type of work

by class

Russian language
cool essays
home compositions


Vocabulary dictation

Control dictation

Statement (detailed)

Volume of student essay

0.5 - 1 page

1 - 1.5 pages

1.5 - 2 pages

up to 50 words

up to 50 words

When counting words in the text of the control dictation, both independent and auxiliary words are taken into account.

If the control dictation is accompanied by an additional task, then the text is taken in the amount indicated by the first digit of the standard for this class.

The number of spelling and punctograms to be checked in the texts of control dictations should not exceed:

Class V
Number of spellings
Number of punctograms

The texts of control dictations in the Russian language can only include those newly studied spellings that have been sufficiently fixed (at least in two or three previous lessons).

Words with unchecked and difficult to check spelling, the spelling of which the students were specially trained, in the dictation should be no more than five in grade V, seven in grades VI and VII, ten in grades VIII and IX.

Until the end of the first quarter (and in the fifth grade - until the end of the first half of the year), the amount of text recommended for the previous grade is preserved.

The volume of essays in literature, regardless of the source and place of work:

The volume of a class essay on literature also depends on the time allotted for the work.

You can not reduce the mark for the lack of an introduction, epigraph and plan, if this did not affect the quality of the essay.

4. The procedure for checking written work by teachers.

4.1. Notebooks of students in which teaching classroom and homework is performed are checked:

I.In Russian:

  • in the 5th grade and in the first half of the 6th grade - after each lesson for all students;
  • in the 2nd half of the year in the 6th grade and in the 7th - 9th grades - after each lesson only for weak students, and for strong students - not all the work, but only the most significant in their importance, but in such a way that once a week the notebooks of all students are checked ;
  • in grades X - XI - after each lesson, weak students, and the rest, do not check all the work, but the most significant in their importance, but in such a way that the teacher checks the notebooks of all students 2 times a month;

II. on literature:

in grades VI - IX - at least 2 times a month, and in grades X - XI - at least once a month.

4.2. Presentations and essays on the Russian language and literature, as well as all types of examinations in subjects, are checked for all students.

4.3. Checking tests by teachers is carried out in the following terms:

  • control dictations in grades I - IX are checked and returned to students for the next lesson;
  • presentations and essays in grades V - VIII - in a week;
  • essays in grades IX-XI are checked for no more than 10 days.

4.4. In the work being checked, the teacher notes and corrects the mistakes made, guided by the following:

- when checking presentations and essays in grades V - XI (both control and training), not only spelling and punctuation errors are noted (and, if necessary, corrected), but also factual, logical, speech (speech errors are underlined by a wavy line) and grammatical; in the margins of notebooks, the teacher indicates factual errors with a sign F , logical - sign L , speech - sign R , grammatical - sign G , spelling errors - familiar I , punctuation - sign V ;

(*Note: It is impossible to reduce the mark for the absence of an introduction, epigraph and plan, if this did not affect the quality of the literary essay.

Any essay on literature is evaluated with two marks: the first is for content and speech, the second is for literacy. In grades V-XI, the assessment for content and speech refers to literature, the second assessment - to the Russian language.)

  • when checking notebooks and tests of students in grades V - XI in the Russian language, the teacher only emphasizes and notes in the margins the mistake made, which the student himself corrects;
  • underlining and correcting errors is done by the teacher only with red paste (red ink, red pencil);
  • after checking the dictation, presentation or essay, the teacher counts and writes down the number of errors by type, in dictations the number of spelling (numerator) and punctuation (denominator) errors is indicated in fractions. The presentations and essays indicate, in addition, the number of factual, logical, speech and grammatical errors;
  • after counting the errors in the prescribed manner, the assessment of the work is set.

4.5. All tests are necessarily evaluated by the teacher with the marks entered in the class journal.

Self-study written work is also evaluated. Grades in the journal for these works can be set at the discretion of the teacher.

Class and home written works in the Russian language in the 5th grade - the 1st half of the 6th grade are evaluated; grades in the journal can be set for the most significant work at the discretion of the teacher. In grades VI (starting from the second half of the year) - XI grades, all checked works are evaluated, but grades are given in the journal at the discretion of the teacher.

When evaluating the written work of students, teachers are guided by the relevant standards for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

4.6. After checking written work, students are given the task of correcting mistakes or performing exercises that prevent the repetition of similar mistakes.

Work on mistakes, as a rule, is carried out in the same notebooks in which the corresponding written work was performed.

4.7. Evaluation of educational work.

Educational work (various exercises, including dictations of a non-control nature) are evaluated more strictly than control work.

When evaluating training work, the following are taken into account:

  1. degree of independence;
  2. stage of learning;
  3. workload;
  4. clarity, accuracy, calligraphic correctness of writing.

5 . Derivation of final grades

The final mark should not be derived mechanically, as an arithmetic mean of the previous marks. The decisive factor in determining it should be considered the actual preparation of the student in all respects by the time the mark is taken. However, in order to encourage students to take their studies seriously throughout the school year, the results of current academic performance must be taken into account when deriving final grades.

When deriving the final grade, priority is given to grades that reflect the degree of proficiency in skills (spelling, punctuation, speech). Therefore, the final mark for literacy cannot be positive if, during a quarter (year), most of the control dictations, essays, presentations for spelling, punctuation, and language literacy were rated with a score of "2" or "1".

In the senior grades, both grades for writing, which characterize students' knowledge of literature and their literacy, are set as a fraction in the class magazine on the literature pages.

Assessment of learning outcomes

The procedure for checking written work

Checking of control works by the teacher is carried out in the following terms:

Control dictations in grades 1-4 are checked and returned to students for the next lesson;

Statements and essays in primary grades are checked and returned to students no later than 2 days later.

When reviewing student work, the teacher must: rules and requirements:

    When checking notebooks and tests in the Russian language

students 1-4's classes, the teacher crosses out the spelling mistake and writes the correct letter at the top.

In case of punctuation errors, an unnecessary one is crossed out or the punctuation mark necessary in this case is written; in the margins, the teacher indicates an error with a certain conventional sign (/ - spelling, V - paragraph.).

Underlining and correcting errors is done by the teacher only with red paste.

After checking the dictation, presentation or essay, the teacher counts and writes down the number of errors by type, in dictations the number of spelling and punctuation errors is indicated in fractions.

All tests are necessarily evaluated by the teacher with the grade recorded in the class journal. Self-study written work is also evaluated. Grades in the journal for these works can be set at the discretion of the teacher. The next lesson after the test work should be devoted to correcting the mistakes made by the students. Children are given various types of tasks or exercises aimed at preventing similar mistakes. Work on mistakes, as a rule, is carried out in the same notebooks in which the corresponding written work was performed.

When evaluating the oral and written work of students, the teacher should, first of all, refer to the main provisions of the letters of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “Control and evaluation of learning outcomes in primary school” (No. class of a four-year elementary school "(dated September 25, 2000 No. 2021 / 11-13).

In connection with the transition to a four-year primary education, there have been some changes in the assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of students:

Taking into account modern requirements for evaluation activities in elementary school, a 4-point system of digital assessments (marks) is being introduced. The rating "very bad" (mark "1") has been cancelled.

A mark is introduced “for the overall impression of the written work”. This assessment characterizes the appearance of the work: the accuracy of the work, aesthetic appeal, cleanliness, etc. It is set as an additional one, therefore it is not entered in the journal. The teacher puts two marks in a notebook or diary. For example: 3/4. In the numerator - a mark for the correct performance of the work, in the denominator - a mark for the overall impression of the work. A reduction in the mark “for the overall impression of the work” is allowed if:

- there are at least 2 inaccurate corrections in the work;

- the work is framed carelessly, poorly readable, the text has a lot of strikethroughs, blots, unjustified word abbreviations, there are no margins and red lines.

Evaluation standards and their features for certain types of work

Characteristics of the digital assessment (marks)

"5" - "excellent"

Absence of errors both on the current and on the previous educational material;

No more than one defect; consistency and completeness.

"4" - "good"

The presence of 2-3 errors or 4-6 shortcomings on the current material;

No more than 2 mistakes or 4 shortcomings on the material covered;

Minor violations of the logic of the presentation of the material.

"3" - "satisfactory"

The presence of 4-6 errors or 10 shortcomings on the current material;

No more than 3-5 mistakes or 8 shortcomings on the completed educational material;

Separate violations of the logic of presentation of the material;

Incomplete disclosure of the issue.

"2" - "bad"

The presence of more than 6 errors or 10 shortcomings in the current educational material;

More than 5 mistakes or more than 8 shortcomings on the completed educational material;

Violations of logic, incompleteness, undisclosed issue under discussion;

Lack of argumentation or fallacy of its main provisions.


due to the specifics of each educational area, some provisions of the characteristics of digital assessment (marks) require clarification.

Control dictation

Evaluating written work in the form of a dictation, the teacher is guided by the following assessment standards.

Violation of the rules of spelling when writing words;

Omission, distortion of letters in words;

Word replacement;

Absence of punctuation marks within the program of this class;

Incorrect spelling of words that are not checked by the rule (lists of such words are given in the program of each class).

For a mistake in dictation do not consider:

Errors in those sections of spelling and punctuation that were not studied either in this class or in previous classes (words with such spellings should be discussed with students before writing, write down words that are difficult for them on the board);

A singular omission of a period at the end of a sentence if the first word of the next sentence is capitalized;

A single case of replacing one word without distorting the meaning. For one mistake in the dictation are considered:

Two fixes;

Two punctuation errors;

The repetition of errors in the same word (for example, in the word hedgehogs written twice at the end of the letter s). If a similar error occurs in another word, it is considered an error.

Non-gross errors

2 minor errors- Imistake

Repetition of the same letter in a word;

unfinished word;

Wrapping of a word, one part of which is written on one line, and the second part is omitted;

A single letter gap at the end of a word;

The same word written twice in a sentence.

Vocabulary dictation

Evaluating written work in the form of a vocabulary dictation, the teacher is guided by the following assessment standards.

Grading criteria for vocabulary dictation

There are no errors in the work

With 15-20 words

Control vocabulary dictations

held once a week or once every two weeks

Allowed to work:

1 bug, 1 fix.

Allowed to work:

2 bugs, 1 fix.

Allowed to work:

3 or more errors.


The evaluation of works for control copying should be approached with stricter criteria than when evaluating dictation, since this type of work requires attention when copying, accuracy, and the ability to compare what has been written off with a sample.

Criteria for assessments for control cheating

1st class

2nd-4th grades


There are no errors in the work; a job well done (no corrections).

The work is written neatly, in accordance with the requirements of the letter.

Allowed to work:

2 errors;

1 fix.

Allowed to work:

1 fix;

1 error.

The work is done cleanly, but slight deviations from calligraphic norms are allowed.

Allowed to work:

3 bugs and 1 fix.

Allowed to work:

2 bugs and 1 fix.

The work is written carelessly.

Allowed to work:

4 mistakes.

Allowed to work:

    3 or more errors.

The work is poorly written.

grammar task

Evaluating written work in the form of a grammar task, the teacher is guided by the following assessment standards.

Criteria for grading for grammar tasks

Job completed without error

The student discovers


conscious assimilation

1 mistake or 2 shortcomings in

definitions, rules and skill

main task, but true


completed an additional task.

knowledge at work.

At least 3/4 of the work is correct

1 error;

2 errors or 2 shortcomings in the main task, but the additional task was correctly completed.

The student discovers a conscious assimilation of the rules, is able to apply his knowledge in the course of parsing words and sentences.

At least 1/2 of the work is correct

The following was allowed in the work performed:

3 mistakes or 1-2 shortcomings in the main task;

One additional task completed correctly.

The student discovers the assimilation of a certain part of the studied material.

More than half of the tasks were not completed.

The student reveals poor knowledge of the educational material.

The control work, which consists of dictation (cheating) and grammar tasks, is evaluated by two marks:

One mark for dictation;

Another mark for the grammar task.

creative work

When checking creative works in grades 2-3, one overall mark is given. In the 4th grade - two assessments: the first for content and speech design, the second assesses literacy. Negative marks are given only in the control work, teaching presentations (essays) are evaluated positively.

Typical flaws in creative work:

Inconsistency with the topic;

Distortion of the content of the original text (statement);

Introduction of unnecessary facts, parts;

Lack of communication between parts of the text;

Unsuccessful order of sentences in the text, words in the sentence;

Unjustified repetition of the same word or the use of a word in an unusual sense.

Assessing literacy, one should be guided by the criteria adopted when checking dictations.

Error symbols:

Z - Red line;

D- incorrect definition of the boundaries of sentences;

P- repetition of words;

H- bad word or sentence;

1, 2, 3 - poor word order

Ф - actual error;

V - omission of words or sentences;

T - dots are not put at the end of the sentence.

Verification work and testing

Written works in the form of tests or tests are considered completed if the student has completed 3/4 of the task. Each task is considered completed if the student completed at least 1/2 of the volume of the task.

In doing so, remember:

The assessment of the quality of students' knowledge, presented by the measurers, does not aim to give a score to each student, but is expressed in two levels:

/ "met" the requirements for the level of preparation of students or "did not meet" the requirements for the level of preparation of students. Summary sheets-tables, in which the assessment of the performance of tasks by each student is put down, are prepared in advance. The score is given in the form of "+" or "-" signs. In the last column of the table, all positive indicators are summarized and the total score is set, both in absolute value and as a percentage. For example:

F. I. student

Job N°

Number of completed tasks

% completed tasks

Adamov S.

Completed (+)

Egorova M.

Not fulfilled(-)

Total: met the requirements... (%)

did not meet the requirements ... (%)

You can process verification work and testing using the following formula:k \u003d m / n

where m is the number of correctly performed essential operations;

n is the total number of significant transactions.

According to this formula, any practical and textual work can be processed.

Criteria for evaluation of verification work

K> 0.9 - 95% of progress

K \u003d 0.8 - 80% of progress

"3" Control work to the lessons of the block “How our language» Control work ...

  • Works of MBOU "Sosh No. 91" for 2013 2014 academic year 2013


    For students 4th grade on mathematics, Russian language, ... Examination notebooks for control works on Russian language and mathematics. Monitoring the implementation of subject teachers requirements to verification notebooks. Scheduled Thematic Examination notebooks ...

  • Approved: Considered and accepted

    Head teacher ___________________________

    Etc. No. dated "___" ____ 200__ Agreed:

    Head of Department


    administration of Buisky district



    on the requirements for maintaining and checking notebooks in the Russian language and literature

    I. General provisions

    1.1. Keeping notebooks in the Russian language and literature by schoolchildren from grade 5 to grade 11 is mandatory.

    1.2. Notebooks are used for writing in class and at home.

    1.3. Organization and control over all types of written work is carried out on the basis of uniform requirements for maintaining notebooks in the Russian language and literature.

    ^II. Types of written work of students

    2.1. The main types of class and home writing

    students are educational work, which include:

      Russian language exercises;
      abstracts and abstracts on literature;
      essays and written answers to questions in the Russian language

    and literature;

      drawing up analytical and summarizing tables, diagrams.

    2.2. On the Russian language and literature current and final written tests are carried out. Current control works have

    the purpose of checking the assimilation of the studied and tested program material; their content and frequency is determined by the teacher, taking into account the degree of complexity of the material being studied, as well as the characteristics of students in each class.

    To conduct current tests, the teacher can assign the entire lesson or only part of it.

    Final examinations are carried out after studying the most significant topics of the program in accordance with the thematic planning.

    III. Number and purpose of student notebooks

    3.1. To perform all types of educational work, students must have the following number of notebooks:

      In Russian:

    5 - 8 cells. aces - 2 workbooks, 1 notebook for creative work.

    _______________ Andrey Vasilchenko

    for algebra tests

    students of the 7th "B" class of gymnasium No. 1

    ______________ Olga Ivanova

    3.3. Indicate the date of completion of the work. In mathematics notebooks, the day and month are written in numbers in the margins of the notebook.

    For example: 05.11.05.

    3.4. Write on a separate line the title of the topic of the lesson

    3.5. Indicate the number of the exercise, indicate the type of work performed (independent work, test), indicate where the work is performed (classroom or homework).

    For example: Cool work.

    3.6. Follow the red line.

    3.7. Between classroom and homework, retreat 4 cells, between tasks - 2 cells.

    3.8. Drawings and constructions should be done in pencil - using a ruler and a compass.

    4. The procedure for checking written work by teachers.

    4.1. Notebooks of students in which teaching classroom and homework in mathematics are performed are checked:

    O Grade 5 - throughout the school year, all homework and classwork of all students are checked;

    O Grade 6 - 1st half of the year - the work of all students is checked daily;

    O 7 - 9 classes - the work of the weak is checked daily and 2 times a week - the most significant - for everyone else;

    O 10 - 11 grades - daily check of work for weak students, for all the rest the most significant work is checked in such a way that all notebooks are checked 2 times a month.

    4.2. All types of tests are checked for all students.

    4.3. The teacher observes the following deadlines for checking control work:

    Inability to highlight the main thing in the answer;

    Inability to apply knowledge, algorithms to solve problems;

    Inability to draw conclusions and generalizations;

    Inability to use primary sources, textbooks and reference books;

    Root loss or extraneous root retention;

    Rejection without explanation of one of them;

    Equivalent errors;

    Computational errors, if they are not a typo;

    Logic errors.

    3.2. Minor errors include:

    Inaccuracy of formulations, definitions, concepts, theories, caused by incomplete coverage of the main features of the concept being defined or by replacing one or two of these features with secondary ones;

    Chart inaccuracy;

    An irrational method for solving a problem or an insufficiently thought-out response plan (violation of logic, substitution of individual main questions for secondary ones);

    Irrational methods of working with reference and other literature;

    Inability to solve problems, perform tasks in a general way.

    3.3. The disadvantages are:

    Irrational methods of calculations and transformations;

    Careless execution of records, drawings, diagrams, graphs.

    About keeping journal entries

    The class journal is a state regulatory and financial document, the maintenance of which is mandatory for all school teachers in accordance with the rules.

    1. All entries in the class journal must be kept clearly, neatly, with a blue ballpoint pen.

    ^ Elective courses in grades 10-11

    The goals of profile education in high school are somewhat different from the pre-profile training of students:

    Provide in-depth study of individual general education subjects;

    Create conditions for the differentiation and individualization of high school students' education, the choice of individual educational trajectories by students in accordance with their abilities, inclinations and needs;

    Ensure the continuity of general and vocational education, prepare graduates for professional self-determination.

    In high school, elective courses are introduced that are mandatory for study. It is recommended to record the attendance and academic achievements of high school students in class journals of a certain class.

    Recommendations for filling out the pages reserved for elective courses must comply with the requirements for maintaining class journals in a general education school. The criteria for evaluating the results of students' activities in the implementation of this elective course should be laid down in the program of the author's training course. Marks in the journal are set by the teacher in accordance with the prescribed criteria. The decision on the evaluation system for elective courses is made by the educational institution based on the decision of the pedagogical council.

    Table ^ 1. The maximum number of tests by class.

    Russian language



    The writing


    Cool essays

    Home compositions






    ^ Foreign language

    Table ^ 2. The procedure for checking the written work of students.

    ^ On Physics and Chemistry- 2 notebooks, one - for doing class and home study work, solving problems, the second - for designing laboratory, practical, experimental work, workshop work (it is kept in the office for a year);

    in biology, geography, natural history(IV class), history, social science, the basics of the Soviet state and law, electives, labor training in grades VI - X and basic military training - 1 notebook each;

    in fine arts– 1 drawing book;

    in music- 1 music book.

    Recording of observations of natural phenomena in natural history in grades II and III is carried out in the "Diaries of observations on nature and human labor activity."

    ^ Filling out journals and assessing students during elective courses

    Elective courses in grade 9

    One of the goals of studying elective courses in pre-profile training is to prepare 9th grade students for a conscious and responsible choice of the sphere of their future professional activity. To ensure a full-fledged choice of students, it is necessary to prepare and implement at least 4-6, and preferably more, courses for each profile during the year. There is a problem of fixing the activities of students in these courses in a specific financial document, which is, as a rule, a class journal or a journal for extracurricular activities.

    When evaluating the learning outcomes of students in elective courses, one should be guided by the criteria for evaluating the learning outcomes of students, laid down by the author in the program of the author's elective course. The assessment can be set in the form of "pass" or "fail".

    a) the student has attended at least 80% of the classes in this course;

    b) performed any credit work: design, research, prepared an abstract.

    Since the network model can also work in pre-profile training, a certain elective course can be attended by students both from the school in which this course is implemented, and students from other schools. It should also be borne in mind that groups can be completed temporarily - for the period of this elective course. That is why it is recommended to use not a class magazine, but a magazine for extracurricular activities.

    The journal records the attendance and educational achievements of students, depending on the criteria for evaluating the results of the educational achievements of students, defined in the program of the author's training course.

    On the flyleaf of the journal, you must indicate:

    the name of the educational elective course;

    the number of teaching hours allocated for the elective course;

    surname, name, patronymic of the teacher who leads the elective course;

    On the second page, instead of the “Teacher’s Notes” section, it is recommended to write down homework for students: assignment numbers for the attached additional literature, topics for research and other projects, topics for upcoming seminars, tests, business games, etc.

    Since the journal of elective courses is a financial document, its maintenance should be guided by the generally accepted requirements for maintaining class journals.

    ^ About filling, maintaining and checking diaries

    1. The diary is a student's document and its maintenance is mandatory for every student of the school.

    2. The class teacher systematically monitors the correctness of its conduct.

    3. The diary is designed for the academic year.

    4. The class teacher provides the student with the information necessary to fill out the main sections of the diary: class schedule, last names, first names and patronymics of teachers leading subjects; exposes current, quarterly and total marks; checks once a week how the diary is kept.

    5. The teacher is obliged to systematically put marks for the lesson in the diary.

    6. In the diary, the student is required to record, and the teacher controls the homework.

    7. For written work, marks are put down in the columns of the day when the written work was carried out.

    8. The final grades for each quarter (grades 2-9) are set by the teacher at the classroom hour at the end of the quarter, the class teacher signs for the grades, after reading these marks, the student's parents sign in their column.

    9. The student carefully writes in the diary.

    10. Information about the participation of students in circles, extracurricular activities and other additional classes is filled in special columns-sections by the student.

    11. "Remarks on keeping a diary" are filled in by the class teacher.

    12. All entries in the diary must be kept clearly and accurately.



    1. General provisions

    This methodological letter was developed in order to eliminate inconsistencies in the design of written works of primary school students on the main positions and regulate the system of requirements for younger students, foster a culture of writing written work and develop appropriate skills in maintaining notebooks, determines the procedure for checking notebooks in the Russian language and mathematics in primary school.

    This letter discloses the basic requirements for the design and verification of student notebooks in grades 1-4 and is advisory in nature.

    1. Number and purpose of student notebooks

    To perform all types of training, testing and control work, students must have the following number of notebooks per student:

    In the Russian language in the 1st grade - copybooks, in addition to copybooks, 1-2 notebooks for current work are allowed, in grades 2-4 two notebooks for current work, 1 notebook for control work, 1 notebook for creative work, in addition, it is allowed printed workbook;

    In mathematics, in the 1st grade of copybook, in addition to copybooks, 1-2 notebooks are allowed, in grades 2-4, two notebooks for current work, one notebook for tests, in addition, a notebook on a printed basis (for test papers or a workbook) at the discretion of the teacher;

    Literary reading 1 notebook for current work and 1 notebook for creative work;

    On the knowledge of the world 1 notebook for current work, it is allowed to keep a notebook on a printed basis;

    For other subjects, notebooks are kept at the discretion of the teacher.

    1. Requirements for checking notebooks.

    When evaluating the written (current and control) work of students, the teacher must be guided by the Evaluation Standards (see below).

    Grades are given by the teacher on the left (without a dot) in a neat, beautiful handwriting.

    All classroom and homework of students is checked by the teacher daily and without fail.

    Work on mistakes is carried out in one form or another in notebooks for control work. It is not allowed to put a dash or "cm" for the checked work.

    The teacher checks the notebooks with red ink.

    In addition to the pen, in class and homework, students use only a simple pencil to perform other operations in notebooks. At the discretion of the teacher, green ink may be used.

    Checking and returning to students of tests in the Russian language and mathematics are carried out by the next lesson. Mandatory notebooks for tests are shown to parents (legal representatives, or persons replacing them).

    4.Making inscriptions on the covers of student notebooks

    Notebooks of 1st and 2nd grade students are signed by the teacher. Notebooks of students in grades 3-4 are signed by the students themselves. Notebooks for control and creative work are signed by the teacher.

    The inscriptions on the covers must be drawn up in a single form, which traditionally includes a minimum amount of basic information:

    1. Registration of written works in the Russian language.

    After each class (home) work, two lines should be indented (we write on the third).

    When making a red line, it is necessary to indent to the right at least 2 cm (2 fingers).

    The design of the red line should be carried out from the very beginning of the design of texts in the 1st grade.

    In the course of all the work we do, we do not skip a single line. When preparing written works in the Russian language on a new page, you should write from the very top line, add to the end of the page, including the last line. On the left, when making each line, we retreat along a single vertical line (no more than 5 mm from the edge). On the right, we add to the end of the line, while from the very beginning of the 1st grade we teach normative word hyphenation using traditional methodological approaches. There should be no unreasonably empty spaces at the end of each line.

    The date of writing the work in the Russian language (and mathematics) is recorded in the center of the working line. At the end of the literacy period and until the end of the 3rd grade, the day and full name of the month are recorded.

    In the 4th grade, numerals are written in words in the notation of a number.

    For example: December 1st (no dot)

    Homework is a continuation of classwork, is done in the same notebook, and date not specified;

    The title of the work is recorded on the next line (without skipping a line) in the center and is drawn up as a proposal.

    For example: Classwork


    Control write-off

    Work on bugs (without a dot)

    Setting a dot is a defect and does not affect the mark.

    When preparing test papers in the Russian language, we write down the type of work and the line below - its name.

    For example (kind of):


    Statement (no point)

    When distributing, according to the assignment, words into columns (by gender, numbers, etc.), the first word in the first column is written with a capital letter, commas are not placed after the words

    Handwriting work is carried out with students in the classroom every day. After checking the work, the teacher can conduct an individual correctional demonstration in the amount of no more than 3 lines.

    All underlinings are drawn with a sharpened simple pencil along the ruler.

    The selection of spelling is done with a simple pencil.

    When performing various types of analysis, it is required to comply with the accepted norms for abbreviations of words, designations of terms. The word is reduced only by consonants.

    The transition in the 2nd grade in the second half of the year for students to work in notebooks in a wide line is determined by the teacher himself. In this case, the teacher is guided by the fact that each student has a successfully formed writing skill. However, this transition must be carried out no later than grade 3.

    In the written morphemic analysis of words, it is necessary to clearly and accurately distinguish each morpheme. If three (two, four, five) letters belong to the root (prefix, suffix, ending) of a word, then it is necessary to designate these morphemes with a simple pencil more accurately.

    Underlining and correcting errors is done by the teacher with red paste;

    An incorrectly written letter or punctuation mark is crossed out with an oblique line, the necessary punctuation mark or letter is written on top;

    Incorrectly spelled part of the word, the sentence is crossed out with a thin horizontal line;

    Instead of a strikethrough, a letter, word, sentence is inscribed;

    Incorrect spellings are not enclosed in parentheses;

    The use of encouraging records and comments is allowed;

    - in the second grade, one mark is given for educational presentations and essays - for content;

    In the third and fourth grades, for teaching presentations and essays on the Russian language and literary reading (in order to develop literate writing skills), we recommend that you put a double mark in your notebook and diary (through a fraction), one mark is put in the journal - for content;

    For control dictations with a grammar task, two grades are given through a fractional line (both in a notebook, and in a diary, in a journal). The line between the text of the dictation and the grammar task in the notebook is not skipped.

    For control cheating, one mark is put.

    Types and number of written works




    Control write-off

    Teaching presentation

    Educational essay-miniature

    Volume of written work


    Criteria for evaluating dictations

    "5" is put for a dictation written without errors and corrections in compliance with the requirements for calligraphic writing. Single cases of deviation from the norms of calligraphy are allowed, as well as one correction (insertion of a missing letter, correction of an inaccurately written letter).

    "4" put in the following cases: a) with two spelling errors and one punctuation; b) with one spelling and two punctuation errors. The work is done neatly, a slight deviation from the norms of calligraphy is allowed, one correction of any nature.

    "3" is put for dictation with the following ratio of spelling and punctuation errors: a) three spelling and two or three punctuation; b) four spelling and two punctuation; c) five spelling and one punctuation. correction of any kind.

    "2" put for a dictation in which six or seven spelling errors were made. The work was done carelessly, there are significant deviations from the norms of calligraphy.

    For a mistake in dictation counts deviation from the spelling rules when writing words, as well as replacement, omission of letters in words; word substitution; lack of punctuation marks, the study of which is provided for by the program; incorrect spelling of dictionary words (within the program of this class).

    For a mistake in dictation do not count:

    a) errors related to the fact that this or that spelling is not included in the program for studying in this class or in this quarter;

    b) a single omission of a period at the end of a sentence if the first word of the next is capitalized;

    c) a single case of replacing one word with another without distorting the meaning.

    For one mistake in dictation counts:

    a) two spelling corrections;

    b) two similar punctuation errors;

    c) repetition of errors in the same word;

    d) two minor errors, for example, violation of the boundaries of the root during transfer, if the syllabic section is not violated.

    Non-rough are considered the following errors:

    a) the repetition of the same letter in a word;

    b) when transferring a word, part of which is written on one line, and on the other - omitted;

    c) the same word is written twice in a sentence.

    Criteria for evaluating works of a creative nature

    Norms for evaluating works of a creative nature

    "5" put for consistent and correct reproduction of the author's text (exposition), logically justified disclosure of the topic - the absence of factual errors, the richness of the dictionary, the correct speech design. No more than one speech inaccuracy is allowed.

    "4" stands for correct and sufficiently complete information on the author's text (statement). The topic is disclosed, but there are minor violations in the sequence of presentation of thoughts, some factual and verbal inaccuracies. No more than three speech defects in the content and construction of the text are allowed.

    "3" put for some deviations from the author's (original) text (statement), deviations from the topic (mostly it is reliable, but some

    violations in the sequence of presentation of thoughts, in the construction of two or three sentences), poverty of the dictionary, speech inaccuracies. No more than five shortcomings of speech in the content and construction of the text are allowed.

    "2" is put when performing presentations and essays for inconsistency of the work with the topic, significant deviations from the author's text, a large number of inaccuracies of a factual nature, violation of the sequence of presentation of thoughts, lack of communication between parts of the text, poverty of the dictionary. In general, more than six speech defects and errors in the content and construction of the text were made in the work.

    For Literacy:

    "5"- absence of spelling and punctuation errors, one or two corrections are acceptable;

    "4"- no more than two spelling and one punctuation errors, one or two corrections;

    "3"- three to five spelling errors, one or two punctuation errors, one or two corrections;

    "2"- six or more spelling errors, three to four punctuation errors, three to four corrections.

    1. Preparation of written papers in mathematics.

    In mathematics notebooks, between class and homework, 4 cells should be indented (on the fifth cell, we begin to write the next work).

    The date is written in Arabic numerals and the full name of the month. (no dot)

    The entry of the name of the work is carried out in the center of the working line, one cell from the previous entry, i.e. on the second cell. For example:

    Classwork (Homework) without a dot

    Homework is a continuation of the classroom, so the date is not indicated in it.

    Between the types of work in class and homework, 2 cells should be retreated (we write on the third cell).

    Between columns of expressions, equations, equalities and inequalities, etc. retreat 3 cells to the right, write on the fourth.

    Making a short note to the task is at the discretion of the teacher. It can be a traditional form, a table, a diagram, etc. The mark for inaccuracies in a summary is not reduced.

    On a new sheet, you should start writing, skipping one full cell from above and to the left;

    All drawings and arrows, connecting brackets, etc. performed with a simple pencil;

    All records of mathematical expressions, all symbols (characters, numbers) are fixed taking into account the rules of calligraphy, that is, in compliance with the graphics and the correspondence of the number of cells to the number of written characters. This is especially required when working with multi-digit numbers (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).

    The role of the simple pencil operation remains the same.

    When checking work in mathematics, the teacher crosses out the wrong answer with one line, writes the correct one on top.

    If the solution to the problem is written incorrectly, the correct solution is written next to it. In the same way, work is underway to eliminate errors in the explanation of the actions in the task.

    The answer to the problem is written as follows:

    For example: Answer: 7 boxes of fruit were brought.

    When abbreviating the names of units of measurements dots are not placed.

    For example: mm, m, cm, h, min, km, kg, g, etc.

    When solving expressions for procedure Students should be required to comply with the following standards:

    Write the expression in full;

    Indicate the order of actions with numbers above the signs;

    Schedule the actions to be performed in order (using oral or written methods of calculation), stepping down one cell;

    Write down the final value of the expression.

    In grades 1–4, the phrase “Test work” is not written in mathematics notebooks.

    Handwriting work is carried out with students in the classroom every day. After checking the work, the teacher conducts an individual correctional demonstration in the amount of no more than 2 lines.

    Types and number of tests in the subject "Mathematics" for 1-4


    1 quarter

    2 quarter

    3 quarter

    4 quarter


    Independent work

    1 quarter

    2 quarter

    3 quarter

    4 quarter


    Independent work

    1 quarter

    2 quarter

    3 quarter

    4 quarter


    Independent work

    1 quarter

    2 quarter

    3 quarter

    4 quarter


    Independent work

    Test tasks


    When checking written work, the following rules should be followed:

    The teacher should emphasize and correct mistakes with red paste;

    Cross out an incorrectly written number or sign with an oblique line and inscribe the sign or number on top;

    Incorrectly written part of the expression, the explanation should be crossed out with a thin horizontal line;

    Set marks on the left side of the sheet without a dot;

    It is acceptable to use encouraging records and remarks;

    Check the teacher's notebooks daily;

    Carry out corrective work on the mistakes made.

    7.Organization of troubleshooting

    Work on errors after writing summaries and essays includes correcting speech, logical, and factual errors. Correction of errors is carried out the next day. More effective is the work on mistakes, carried out not only the next day after writing statements and essays, but additionally after a long period of time (1-2 weeks). The teacher has the right to alternate these approaches.

    The need to work on the mistakes after the test, both in the Russian language and in mathematics, is determined by the teacher based on the results of the element-by-element analysis of the work. Teacher evaluates work on bugs.

    1. Reading requirements.

    According to the Curriculum in the subjects of the educational field "Language and Literature" of the level of primary education (grades 1-4) Astana 2013

    Approved by the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 115 dated April 3, 2013, there are new standards for reading technique.