Requirements for workbooks. Close window button

The world of knowledge is very interesting,
It has a lot of unsolved mysteries...
Let's dive together
And unravel the mystery of the language!
Language is the culture of the nation, a support.
He is our strength, beauty!
But learning it is so difficult...
Desire doesn't always come...
But if the teacher has
That difficult task is solved!

Currently, much attention is paid to information technology. The task of a modern teacher is not only to give students ready-made knowledge, but also to teach them to independently extract and master information.
Therefore, the use of information technology in the classroom is necessary.

Work experience shows that non-standard forms of lessons attract the attention of students, allow them to intensify their cognitive activity, effectively organize independent work in the classroom, and individualize the learning process.


This is the name of the workbook that I use in Russian language lessons (as an additional material for the textbook) to enhance the cognitive activity of high school students.
The notebook contains all sections of the Russian language. Each topic is divided into interconnected blocks.
It should be emphasized that after checking homework, students begin to work from the second block, practical tasks aim students at independent derivation of the rule, block 1 serves as auxiliary material that students turn to when performing subsequent tasks in the lesson. The exception is the topic "Cardinal Numbers", where Block 1 is prepared jointly by the teacher and schoolchildren.
Students work on electronic media or printouts, the teacher controls the process of the student's work.

Subject:"Cardinal numbers. Declination of cardinal numbers "(lesson-workshop).

Lesson type: study of new educational material.

  • To master the concept of "cardinal numbers", to form and practice the skills of unmistakable declension of cardinal numbers, to consolidate the spelling skills of spelling numbers.
  • To develop students' speech, the ability to prove their point of view, compare, build analogies.
  • To cultivate respect for each person to others, courtesy, discipline, accuracy, diligence, responsibility.

Time Grid:

1-2 minutes - organizational moment.
5 minutes - check homework.
30 minutes - learning new material (through practicing practical tasks).
3 minutes - homework (included in Block 5), commentary on the work of students.

Logistics: Electronic notebook-assistant, handouts ("Model of declension of cardinal numbers"), textbooks, Russian language workbook.

For the convenience of work, students are seated at a round table.

homework control page

Lead time: 2 weeks. Issue / BLOCK 1. Reference material / independently. (The stages of work are controlled by the teacher).


1. From the history of cardinal numbers (the material is prepared by 4 people).
2. "Cardial numbers in our life." Creative page (all students are involved in the work).

BOX 1. Reference material

(Before doing the practical part, students can refer to the reference material)

Topic: Cardinal numbers. Declension of cardinal numbers.

How to be without numbers to us?
Tell me gentlemen!
Everywhere calculation and
we need a strict account.
Science without number would have died long ago,
Therefore, we will appreciate the number.

Students independently prepare the theoretical material "From the history of cardinal numbers" (Presentation). The material is entered in BLOCK 1 (reference material). At the lesson, the children will present the topic. In the same block, the teacher proposes a "Declination Model for Cardinal Numbers" (on electronic media and in printed form). After getting acquainted with the history of cardinal numbers, students master new material through the implementation of practical tasks.

Cardinal numbers: simple (five) and compound (thirty-six).
Change in cases. They do not have a gender (except for "one", "two") and a number (except for the word "one").


The numeral is a relatively new part of speech; in the Old Russian language, nouns, pronouns or adjectives were used as numerical names, as well as phrases formed on their basis for complex names of numbers.
Historical changes in the forms and patterns of compatibility of numerical names led to their separation into a special part of speech - the numeral. An important factor in the formation of a new part of speech was a significant expansion of the lexical composition of numerical names - the formation of new (complex) names of numbers from previous phrases.

Forty (40) Word fourty in its origin is a noun with the meaning " shirt"(cf. modern. shirt) or " bag". AT "fourty" it was possible to put 40 sable skins on a full fur coat. As you can see, the name of the object was first transferred to the number of these sables, and then generally abstracted from specificity, this is how the numeral arose fourty, replacing the original four ten. This word changed according to the second declension. With time fourty lost its case forms. In modern language, only fourty for them.-vin. cases and magpie for indirect.

I.p., V.p. - fourty.
R.p., D.p., T.p., P.p. - forty.

Ninety (90) Ninety arose from a combination nine to six(i.e. nine tens to a hundred).

I.p., V.p. - ninety.
R.p., D.p., T.p., P.p. - ninety.

One hundred (100) and one thousand (1000) Hundred and one thousand. Word sto declined like a neuter noun village (gen. sita, dates sutu, tv . eat, m . eat etc.). This word has lost its case forms in the history of the language (in the modern language: one hundred - one hundred).

I.p., V.p. - hundred.
R.p., D.p., T.p., P.p. - sta.

Thousand (1000) Word one thousand has not been changed and in the modern language it is declined as a noun of the soft variety of the first declension.
Eleven (11) to nineteen (19) In the Old Russian language, combinations were used to indicate the number from 11 to 19: the word-name of the number + the preposition on + ten (over ten). Phrase conversion ( one in ten - nine in ten) into words "eleven - nineteen" pronunciation contributed: shifting the stress to the front of the phrase, changing consonants as a result of the reduction of unstressed : ds - ts - c (one-d (b)-syat \u003d eleven).
Two hundred (200), three hundred (300), four hundred (400), five hundred (500), nine hundred (900). Modern numerals 200, 300, 400, as well as 500-900 by the origin of the combination move + eat(im. dual case from sto) three and four+sita(name case plural from sto) five-nine + sut(gen. falling. pl. from sto). These ancient Russian formations have survived to this day, the only change two hundred to two hundred(b-and without stress: b-e under stress).

Thus, in the Old Russian language, words denoting numbers did not form a special part of speech, but were either adjectives or nouns.

Declension model of cardinal numbers. (Method of stepwise perception of a new topic).

In cardinal numbers, every word is declined.

Cases Declension of the numeral. Decline yourself.
I.p. five handles Three magazines
R.p. five handles !
D.p. five handles !
V.p. five handles !
etc. five handles !
P.p. about five pens !
Cases Declension of the numeral. Decline yourself.
I.p. seventy notebooks Six ... ten people
R.p. seventy notebooks !
D.p. seventy notebooks !
V.p. seventy notebooks !
etc. seventy-ten notebooks !
P.p. about seventy notebooks !
Cases Declension of the numeral. Decline yourself.
I.p. two hundred copies Three hundred textbooks
R.p. two hundred copies !
D.p. two hundred copies !
V.p. two hundred copies !
etc. TWO HUNDRED copies !
P.p. about two hundred copies !
Cases Declension of the numeral Decline on your own
I.p. six hundred books Seven hundred workers
R.p. sixhundreds of books !
D.p. six hundred books !
V.p. six hundred books !
etc. six hundred books !
P.p. about six hundred books !

BLOCK 2. Practical tasks

Exercise 1. "Assembling puzzles"

Exercise: Add word parts of numerals.

Cases Declension of the numeral.
I.p. five___ seven____ six boxes
R.p. five___ _____ten six boxes
D.p. five____ seven_______ six boxes
V.p. five______ seven______ six boxes
etc. ________ hundred _____ ten six boxes
P.p. about five____ seven______ six boxes

Exercise 2. "Assembling the constructor"

Each student pulls out a card with a case and declines a cardinal number, the answers are entered in the table.

Exercise: decline numerals: 887, 644, 782 parts (depending on the number of people in the class).

BLOCK 3. Check yourself

Exercise 1:Indicate an example(s) with an error in the formation of the word form.

1. With five hundred and sixty seven. 2 . Six hundred seventy-seven copies. 3. More than six hundred rubles. 4. up to one thousand eight hundred
year twelfth. 5 . By five hundred seventy-eight. 6. Five hundred and eighty workers.

Enter the numbers in the table:

1 2 3 4 5 6

BLOCK 4. Control task

Exercise: Read the text, write the numbers.

Mankind has always been plagued by natural disasters. Today we will remind you about individual natural disasters.
In (1455 _______________________) in Naples, an earthquake killed (60,000 _________________ people.
After (100_________________) years in China, the number of victims reached (830_________________) thousand.
In (1755__________________), an underground storm destroyed Lisbon and claimed (70,000______________) lives.
In (1920_____________________) terrible aftershocks shook Tokyo and claimed (100,000____________________) human lives.
In (1948________________________), the city of Ashgabat turned into ruins in seven seconds.
(80000__________________) people died.
In Armenia in (1988_________________________) an underground storm swallowed up (119000__________________) people.
Natural disasters have caused enormous damage to people. (From "Children's business newspaper").

BLOCK 5. Homework

Exercise 1: Decline the numeral 943 (details, etc.).
Task 2: "At the lesson of mathematics": Add 89 to 439, you get 528. Subtract 54 from 627, you get 573.
Task 3: Recall 5 names of cartoons, feature films, in the title of which there are cardinal numbers. Write down these names.

BLOCK 6. Pages of "wisdom"

Exercise: Collect proverbs and learn them. There are 3 proverbs in total.

BLOCK 7. "My diction"(can be used as a warm-up in class)

Tongue Twisters

1. Forty forty
For their forties
Forty shirts
Without quarreling, they scribble.
Forty shirts
Expired on time -
Immediately quarreled
Immediately quarreled
Immediately quarreled
Forty forty! (Yu.Kushak)

2. Four little black grimy little imps drew a drawing in black ink.

3. I wandered alone near the hill, collecting tongue twisters.

BLOCK 8. "Word battle"(competition between students)

1. Of the 985 parts, 856 were sent to the factory. 2. With 888 rubles, I went to the store. 3. Out of 893 people, 443 were selected for the competition. 4. Of the 149 million square meters. km of the earth's land, at least to some extent, about 133 million square meters are inhabited and developed. km. 5. From the appearance of the first man until 1960, it is believed that 10 thousand generations have changed, but never before the nineteenth century. The number of people living on the planet at the same time did not exceed 1 billion. 6. Approximately 728 million people live in Europe, more than 561 million in Latin America ( Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game!!!)


1. Babaitseva V.V. Russian language: Theory. 5-9 grade: Proc. for general education Institutions / V.V. Babaitseva, L.D. Chesnokov. - 11th ed., stereotype. - M. "Drofa", 2002. - p. 148-151.
2. Obnorsky S.P. and Barkhudarov S.T. Reader on the history of the Russian language - M .: Education, 1952.

"Intersubject communications in biology lessons" - Offer this experience for testing to teachers from other schools. Summarize your experience on this topic. Intersubject communications. General biology. Physiography. 6th grade. Conceptual. Results of municipal Olympiads. Actual. Preparatory stage. Theatrical performances. Motivation for teaching biology.

"10 Biology" - The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates is the first scientist who created a scientific medical school. The traditions of ancient authors were continued by Avicenna. 17th century I.V. Sechenov. The works of L. Pasteur and I. Mechnikov determined the emergence of immunology. Origins of biological science. He proved that blood flows in the arteries, not air, and only in living animals.

"Biology lessons" - stage 4 - selection of tasks for the formation of a meta-subject result. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL is used if there is time left in the lesson. Collaboration between teacher and students. I can .. I want to know .. Observes and draws independent conclusions. Searches and finds information in different sources.

"Biology manuals" - Frequency of occurrence: 1:500. Formation of students' ability to solve biological problems. Frequency of occurrence: 1:10000. M .: Higher School, 1984. Publishing house "Brothers Grinin", 1997. Electronic educational publication, Bustard, Physicon, 2006. Rebrova L.V., Prokhorova E.V. Active forms and methods of teaching biology. – M.: Enlightenment, 1997.

"Textbooks on biology" - Control and measuring materials. An important stage in the study of biology is the control of knowledge. And such a phrase sometimes means more than an official review in the press. Slides, microphotographs, drawings are made at a high artistic level. A modern textbook is a modern lesson. The textbook "General Biology" completes the line of N. I. Sonin.

"Themes in biology grade 8" - Lymphatic vessels. Organ of hearing. Blood. support and movement. The same muscles can perform both dynamic and static work. The meaning of the skeleton. vestibule cavities. Working mechanism. On the fibers are cells with hairs. Compound. Bone shapes. Skeleton bones. The structure of the human skeleton. Extensor.

There are 16 presentations in total in the topic

The main requirements for the structure of the workbook:

1. The workbook should have a preface explaining the appeal to students.

2. The system of questions and tasks should be built in accordance with the structure and logic of the material being studied. Between tasks, subordination should be defined, relating to both the content of the subject and over-subject skills. The task of the author is to lead the student from topic to topic, from solving simple problems to more complex tasks.

3. The illustrations in the workbook should be working, i.e. educational. They may ask questions that require explanation. You can add to the drawing or suggest your own version. Where possible and justified, it makes sense to offer to draw or supplement the diagram.

4. The compositional construction of the workbook depends on the author's intention, on the nature and content of the educational material, its volume, the nature of questions and tasks. However, in any case, there should be provided: sufficient space for students' answers, the possibility of correcting mistakes and inaccuracies.

5. At the end of each topic inside the notebook, a series of control questions is desirable, which allows you to once again systematize students' knowledge.

6. The conclusion completes the notebook, orienting students to the content of the educational material that will be studied later.

Thus, a modern workbook is a didactic complex that contributes to the gradual formation of the mental activity of students and is intended for independent work of students in the classroom, laboratory or at home.

The workbook can be used for taking notes, consolidating knowledge and controlling it. Its advantages are undeniable - saving the student's time by doing the work directly on the pages of the manual and, as a result, the ability to solve more problems.

Based on the first principle, tasks in workbooks can be divided into the following levels:

§ first level- these are tasks focused on the performance of algorithmic activities and containing a hint (tasks for identification, differences, classification tasks);

§ second level- these are special tasks for testing knowledge, allowing to produce the studied educational elements without external support or prompting (substitution tasks, constructive, typical tasks);

§ third level- these are tasks that require heuristic activities to apply knowledge in practice.

For the formation of mental activity with predetermined qualities, the following rules for developing a workbook must be observed:

1. Alternating easy, typical, frequently encountered tasks with atypical, rare ones.

2. The use of subject tasks with the need to navigate in the subject field, determine significant and less significant objects, exclude insignificant objects from the field of activity.

3. The inclusion of logical problems, the solution of which requires the ability to correctly identify the conditions of the problem, select the necessary data and weed out the excess.

4. The use of psychological tasks in which one should not rush to make a decision, but must act thoughtfully.

In order to maintain the interest of students and the diversity of their activities, various types and forms of tasks are used. They use a wide range of different tasks: tests, puzzles, crossword puzzles, tasks with missing words, creative tasks, logical riddles.

A differentiated approach allows the use of workbooks for students with different features of mental activity and different levels of ability and intelligence. To implement this approach, multi-level tasks are used.

The benefits of workbooks are clear:

§ it is the most mobile genre of the known genres of educational literature;

§ workbooks respond faster than others to the needs of educational institutions and at the same time form these needs;

§ Workbooks are the materialization of the idea of ​​the humanistic school, since memorization and reproduction are replaced by independent acquisition of knowledge.

In order for the sheets of the workbook to be able to systematically form stable professional skills, they must meet the following requirements.

completeness- the presence of tasks for the development of all the studied concepts, facts, methods of professional activity.

grouping systems of tasks, generalized methods of solving which are transferred to solving problems of a wide range of professional activities.

Connectivity all blocks of information on the sheets of the workbook.

Ascending difficulties in solving problems and planned learning outcomes.

target orientation- for each task, a place is determined on the sheets of the workbook.

Target sufficiency– there are enough problems of fixing the solution methods if they have the property of transfer to other subject areas.

Psychological comfort trainees while working with a sheet of a workbook. Students have the opportunity to form concepts at an individual pace of mastering the content of educational information, to carry out self-control and control of the activities of their friend.


Sheets of a workbook on the topic "Dishes from stews and offal"



WELL: _______

GROUP STUDENT : _________

20___ - 20____ academic year


The notebook contains control questions, test tasks, as well as tasks for the implementation of technological schemes and tables, tasks for the development of technical and logical thinking. In addition, practical tasks that can be performed using the current Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments.

The performance of some tasks that are of a creative nature requires work with additional literature, the authors of which not only provide cooking technology, but also refer to the origins of cooking, the history of the creation of dishes, and the emergence of their names. The structure of the notebook includes tasks of increased complexity.

Questions and tasks placed in notebooks will help students to better understand the most important concepts of the course, to comprehend them. When performing some tasks, students need to give accurate and unambiguous answers, while others require them to search for an independent answer. Work with a notebook can be used in class and when doing homework.

To evaluate the work with the sheets of the workbook for each section, an evaluation table is included.

Dear student!

Before starting the task, read the instructions, repeat the theoretical material. Complete tasks neatly and legibly.





Worksheet #1.

138. Choose the ending for the sentence.

139. Connect the inscriptions with the corresponding elements of the picture with arrows.

140. Label toolbar buttons.

141. Complete the sentences.

142. Determine the result of the following actions (circle the appropriate pictures).

143. Determine what will happen as a result of executing the following sequence of actions in the graphical editor:

144. Choose endings for sentences.

145. Solve the crossword "Paint Graphic Editor Tools".

146. Ivan and Sasha cut out four Christmas trees of different sizes from white paper. In how many ways can the carved Christmas trees be painted silver and green, if the amount of paint is not limited, and each Christmas tree can be painted only one color?

There are 16 different color options for Christmas trees.
Let's denote the Christmas trees with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4. A variant of their color in green
we will denote 0, and in silver 1.

147. Systematize the given information, dividing them according to the subjects to which they relate. To do this, enter the letters in the empty cells on the right: R - for information from the field of the Russian language, E - natural science, I - history, M - mathematics.

148. The objects around us (objects, phenomena, beings, and so on) can be systematized in various ways. Organize by completing the table.

Reference words: sun, car, pike, lynx, spoon, air, wind, turkey, wolf, elephant, cow, soil, computer, book, TV, mountain, river, lake, snow, mosquito, dragonfly, dress, rooster, sheep, carp, birch, aspen, man, camomile, rain, dew, butterfly, duck, orange, ostrich, tomato, hurricane, frog, house, fly, ant.

149. Based on the information contained in the third column of the table of the previous task, fill in the table.

150. The first column of the table lists objects grouped by class. Determine the basis for these classifications.

151. Marina Yablochkova did not like that every time the teacher calls her last name. When the teacher found out about this, she said: "Marina, if you make a new list of students, I will use it." Help Marina sort the list so that her last name comes first. Restore the teacher's list as well.

152. Sort the words alphabetically.

153. Find the necessary information in the textbook and complete the phrases.
a) Informationis information about the world around us.
b) Computer scienceis a science that studies all kinds of ways of transmitting, storing and processing information.
c) Computeris a universal machine for working with information.
d) Fileis named information stored in the computer's external memory.
e) Text editoris a special computer program designed to create texts.
f) Graphic editoris a special computer program designed to create and process images.

154. Write out the names of five European states in alphabetical order from a geographical atlas in a notebook. List the capital of each state.

155. Match the dates in the left column with the events in the right column.

156. Write down the number 389365402201 in words.

157. Each letter of the alphabet is assigned a pair of numbers: the first number is the column number, the second is the line number of the following code table:

158. Encrypt using the table from the previous task the following words:

159. The working area at your disposal is divided into square cells. The position of each cell is given by a pair of numbers: the first number is the column number, the second number is the row number, at the intersection of which the given cell is located.
Color in the cells whose position is given by the following pairs of numbers: (1; 10), (5; 8), (9; 10), (4; 10), (5; 10), (6; 10), (5; 5 ), (7; 10), (8; 10), (5; 1), (5; 9), (5; 7), (3; 10), (5; 6), (5; 4), (2; 10), (5; 2), (5; 3).

160. For schoolchildren, five meals a day are important: first breakfast - 20%, second breakfast - 15%; lunch - 40%; afternoon snack - 10%; dinner - 15% of the daily diet. At the same time, meals should be organized approximately at 7.00, 10.00, 13.00, 16.00 and 19.30. Present this information in tabular form.

161. Crows Dana, Nana, Lana and Zana are sitting on the fence. Dana sits in the middle between Nana and Lana. The distance between Nana and Dana is the same as between Lana and Zana. The distance between Dana and Zana is 4 meters. What is the distance between Nana and Zana?
To solve a problem, depict its condition using a diagram.

162. At noon, Vasya came to the playground, two hours after him - Masha, an hour and a half after her - Nikita. Vasya played for four hours, Masha for three hours, and Nikita for two hours. How long were the three children on the playground? To solve a problem, depict its condition using a diagram. For example, the time spent by each of the guys on the court can be represented by a horizontal rectangle.

163. Perform the calculations orally, in the most convenient way for you: 1) using the multiplication table; 2) selection; 3) expansion into convenient terms. Write the calculation method number in the box next to each example.

164. Perform calculations using the Calculator program.

165. Using the Calculator program, calculate the values ​​of the following arithmetic expressions:

166. Using the Calculator program, calculate the values ​​of the following arithmetic expressions:

167. Match the button images of the Calculator application with their purpose.

168. Solve the number crossword puzzle.

169. Perform the sequence of actions three times:

170. Follow the sequence of actions three times:

171. Follow the sequence of actions three times:

172. Do the following twice:

175. Fifth-graders Anya, Borya, Vasya, Grisha and Dina were in one group in a summer health camp. Each of them has one of the following hobbies: drawing, dancing, singing, tourism, football. The singer decided to make friends with a tourist. Dina was surprised to learn that the artist and tourist are brother and sister. Grisha is friends with an artist and a dancer. Vasya has no sisters. List the hobbies of each child.

176. Perform the calculations and arrange the letters in descending order of the corresponding answers. You will find out which of the Russian poets wrote the following lines about the Russian language:

177. Petya and Kolya play the following game: Petya conceives a rule for transforming textual information. Kolya can offer Petya any texts and find out the results of the transformation. Below are Kolya's questions and Petya's answers in several of these games. Try to guess what rule Petya has in mind in each game.

178. Today Petya and Kolya have a new game: Kolya conceives a rule for converting numerical information. Petya's task is to guess this rule. Below are Petya's questions and Kolya's answers in several of these games. Try to guess what rule Kolya has in mind in each game.

179. Tourists (father, mother and two twin brothers) must cross the river. They have a small boat at their disposal, accommodating only one adult or two children. How to organize the fastest crossing if both adults and children can row?
Draw up the crossing plan in the form of a table, using the following designations: O - father, M - mother, B1 and B2 - twin brothers.

180. Three merchants and three robbers approached the river at the same time. Everyone needed to cross to the opposite shore. There was a boat at the shore that could only accommodate two people. The merchants looked timidly at the robbers, as they knew that anything could happen during the crossing. If during the crossing on the shore the number of robbers and merchants is the same, then the robbers will not touch the merchants; if the number of robbers exceeds the number of merchants by at least one person, then the robbers will kill the merchants. The merchants faced a difficult task, but it was solved by them - everyone moved to the other side and there were no victims. How did the merchants and robbers manage to cross, and how many trips did the boat make? A trip should be considered as the movement of the boat in one direction.
Come up with designations and draw up a crossing plan in the table.

181. How to divide 8 liters of sunflower oil into two equal parts of 4 liters, if in addition to a full 8-liter can there are two empty cans of 5 liters and 3 liters?

182. Grandmother fries delicious potato cakes using a special frying pan. This pan is so small that no more than two cakes can be baked on it at the same time. Each of the cakes must be baked for one minute on each side.
The pictures show how a grandmother cooks three cakes in 3 minutes. Describe the plan for making three cakes in 3 minutes in words.

What is the minimum time it takes grandma to cook five cakes? Depict the plan for preparing five cakes graphically.

183. The cook prepared a cake of three layers and laid it out on a green tray (1). But it turned out that all the dishes on the table were red. Help the chef transfer all the cakes to the red tray (3), using the yellow tray (2) as a guide. Please note that only one cake can be transferred at a time and a larger cake cannot be placed on a small cake.

184. Fill in the scheme "Information processing".

GOAU NPO Professional technical lyceum №1


Student Group


Compiled by: Stupak Olga Valerievna

G. Blagoveshchensk 2014


Lesson #1


    Fill in the table by indicating their numbers next to the names of the Windows elements.

Element name

Element name

START button

Control button


Scroll bar



Task bar

Close window button

Quick launch bar

Minimize Window Button

System tray

Maximize window button

Program window

Window Title

Entry field

Program (task) button

    Answer the questions:

a) Which of the windows shown in the figure is active and which is not? Specify the signs by which you determined this.

b) How many windows can be open on the desktop at the same time? How many windows can be active?

c) How to switch between windows? List all methods.

Test 1

    The folder where deleted objects end up is called:

A) Shopping cart B) My documents

C) Operational D) Portfolio

    How to switch from Russian to Latin font and vice versa?

A) using keys +C) A) and B)

B) using the keyboard indicator D) differently

    What is the shortest way to copy a document to a floppy disk?

A) Drag the selected document into the window with drive A:

B) Select a document, execute commands Edit - Copy and

Disc 3.5 A: - Insert

B) with a button Copy on the toolbar

D) RMB on the document, select the command in the context menu

Submit - Drive 3.5A:

    How to create a folder?

A) only with the help of the command Create context menu

B) only with the help of a command File-Create

C) A) and B)

D) different

    What is in the window title?

A) The name of the program and its icon

B) File name and program icon

C) Program icon, program name and document name

D) File name and program name

    How to rename a document?

A) Enter a new document name

B) Use command File-Rename

B) Select the document and apply option A)

D) Select the document and apply option B)

Test key:

Lesson #2


Workshop 1.

Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 

For more convenience, you can use the following key combinations:

close the document - < ctrl >+< F 4> , move to the next document - < ctrl >+< F 6>,

open document - < ctrl >+<О> , save the document - < ctrl >+< S >

Lesson #3



Workshop 2.

    Download Word. Type the following text and save it on a diskette under the nameTelephone. doc

Entertainment "Broken phone"

Surely everyone knows this game. Now let's complicate it a little. A large company is required to participate. One host, 5-6 people playing (the more, the merrier), the rest are spectators. The players go out the door. The host calls the first of them and reads to him in the presence of the audience a pre-prepared small text (10-12 sentences, not too complicated). The text is read once, clearly and not very quickly. The player's task is to retell the text he heard to the next player, who was previously outside the door. The second player retells to the third what he managed to remember in turn. Etc. As a result, the last player retells to the audience those crumbs of the original text that have come down to him. In general, the story changes so much towards the end that the audience simply falls with laughter! It is checked up on own experience.

Very well spent in friendly companies. It would be even better if you record everything on a tape recorder, and then let the storytellers listen to themselves.

    Determine your typing speed with the formula
    Typing speed \u003d number of characters typed / (time, min + number of errors).
    The number of characters typed can be found by running the command
    Service - Statistics, and the number of errors is to count the number of words in the typed text, underlined by a red wavy line.

Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 


Additional task.

    Type any text in Russian (from a textbook, book or magazine), at least 2000 characters long and save it on a diskette under the name Optional1. doc

    Type any text in English (from a textbook, book or magazine) of at least 500 characters and save it on a diskette under the name faculty 1. doc


If, when typing, all words are underlined as erroneous, it means that the language of the document is set incorrectly. You can change the document language with the command Service - Language - Select language, then in the list that appears, select the language you need (Russian or English) and click the button OK.


Lesson number 4



Workshop 3.

new year song

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest

Slim in winter and summer

Green was.

The blizzard sang a song to her:

"Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!",

Frost covered with snow:

"Look, don't freeze!"

    Save the file with a nameSong. doc on a diskette.

Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 


Lesson number 5



Practice 4.

    Download WordSong. doc

    Make the heading "New Year's song" bold 20 points. Headset select Arial. The main text of the song - size 16, italics, typeface CourierNew. Make the word "herringbone" in the main text bold, underline, highlight in green.

    Type and format the following text: main font size 12, title and formulas - 15, bold. The title is also underlined. Artist's signature - size 13, italics. Save the document in a folderMy documents.

Solving a quadratic equation

To solve a quadratic equation of the form

ax2 + bx + c =0

must first be calculated discriminant according to the formula

D \u003d b 2 -4ac

If a D <0 , then the equation has no real roots

Completed by a student of grade 9 Pythagorov Ivan

    Type and format the following text in the same way as the previous one. Indent from the name of the acid to its formula using the key< Tab > . Save the document in a folderMy documents.

H some acids

Nitrogen HNO 3

Dichromic H 2 CrO 7

Sulfuric H 2 SO 4

Coal H 2 CO 3

Salt HCl

Chrome H 2 CrO 4

Chlorinated HClO 3

Completed by a student of grade 9 b Mendeleev Ilya

Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 

Lesson number 6



Workshop 5.

    Download Word. Open the file on the floppy disk with the nameA note. doc

    Apply the following styling to the text. Part of the text before the words "Explanatory Note" should be placed on the right edge, font size 14. Highlight the full name of the director in bold italics. Make the words "Explanatory note" size 18, bold underlined, place in the center. Place the main text in width, with hyphenation, size 14, in italics. Leave the date on the left edge, size 12.

    Move the right border of all text by 15 cm (on the horizontal ruler). Make the text up to the words "Explanatory note" with one and a half intervals. In the text of the note, set the red line to 1 cm, and shift the left border of the text by 2 cm. Make the text of the note with double spacing. Move the date to the right by 4 cm.

    Save the document with the same name.

Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 


Additional task.

Fill out any of the previously typed texts ( Optional1. doc or faculty 1. doc ) using font design and paragraph alignment at your discretion. The only requirement is that the text should look nicely designed.


You can also use keyboard shortcuts for font design and paragraph alignment:

bold font - < ctrl >+< B > left alignment - < ctrl >+< L >

italic font - < ctrl >+< I > right alignment - < ctrl >+< R >

underlined font - < ctrl >+< U > center alignment - < ctrl >+< E >

width alignment - < ctrl >+< J >


To align text as much as possible and reduce ugly white spaces between words,arising from justification in width, you should applyautomatic hyphenation . This is done by the teamService-Language-Hyphenation . Next, check the boxAutomatic hyphenation and press the button OK .


Lesson number 7



Workshop 6.

    The following list is given: computer components, system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse, software, system programs, programming languages, application programs, computer networks, local networks, global networks.

    Arrange this list in three different types of lists:

Computer components

    System unit





    System programs

    Programming languages

    Application programs

Computer networks

    Local networks

    global networks

I. Computer components

System unit




II. Software

System programs

Programming languages

Application programs

III. Computer networks

Local networks

global networks

1. Computer components

    1. System unit




2. Software

    1. System programs

      Programming languages

      Application programs

3. Computer networks

    1. Local networks

      global networks

    Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 

    Save the document.


Security questions by topic

"Typing and editing text", "Font and paragraph design"

    How does a computer distinguish between words and paragraphs?

    What are the minimum and maximum font sizes that Word allows you to set?

    Which key should be pressed to get only capital letters?

    What is the difference between the keys < Delete > and < backspace > ?

    What actions are allowed to be performed on fonts?

    How to set red line, left and right paragraph borders?

    What types of alignment do you know?

    How to set line spacing?

    What types of lists can be specified when creating them?

    How to set automatic hyphenation?

    How to remove a piece of text?

    How to correctly put spaces around punctuation marks?

    < Enter > with the cursor set to the beginning of the line?

    What happens if you press the key < Delete > with the cursor positioned at the end of a paragraph?


Lesson number 8


Workshop 7.

    Create a table with 4 columns by 11 rows and fill it in as shown:


Height (cm)

Weight, kg)











    In the same document, create another table with a size of 5 columns by 9 rows and fill it as follows:

Name of product




magic wand


love potion


Living water


Water is dead


Magic carpet



Self-assembly tablecloth




frog princess



    Tables1. doc

    Create a new document. Make the following table in it. To merge cells, you must first select the cells to be merged, and then execute the commandTable - Merge Cells .

Vegetables, fruits and berries

The composition of the edible part,














Park Square, 13, 890-45-32

Spring street, 21, 823-14-12

Football Ave., 11, 780-17-65

Champion lane, 2, 863-29-27

Cash exchange rate 1$=148.8 tenge

Course b/cash. 1$=150.1 tenge

System unit

Case, floppy drive, video, motherboard, processor, memory

IKS computers

The cost of the software is not included in the price

ZET computers

Windows 2000 included

Warranty 2 years

Intel® Pentium® 4 1500

Intel® Pentium® 4 1700

Intel® Pentium® 4 2200

Always a wide choice of monitors - more than 100 models

Note: The ® icon will appear automatically if you enter characters sequentially (R ) without spaces.

    Save the document with a nameTable3. doc

Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 

Security questions on the topic

"Creating Tables"

    Describe the ways you know how to insert a table into a document.

    What are the minimum and maximum table sizes that Word allows you to set?

    How can I change the table structure (add or remove rows and columns)?

    How can I resize table cells?

    What formatting is applicable for text inside a cell?

    Is it possible to insert a table inside a table? What operation should be used to additionally separate cells?

    How to apply cell fill?


Additional task.

Draw up a student's progress table (report card) according to the model that is on the last page of the diary. Highlight the objects of natural - scientific and humanitarian cycles with color.


Lesson number 9



Workshop 8.

Using the formula editor write the following formulas in the document:


and save the document asFormulas. doc

Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 

Additional task.

Use the formula editor to design one or two pages from an algebra textbook with examples of solving problems and equations.


Lesson number 10



Practice 9.

    Using the commandInsert-Figure-Pictures design the following document according to the sample and save it. When typing, note the typing time and determine your speed (see Practice 2).


M The Ashins never stop trying their "creative powers" in many genres. Electronic poems and stories are not new to the sophisticated reader. Cybernetic machines have written several play scripts.

Machine suites, hymns and songs were performed with fair success, such as the quite popular in some countries "Beauty with push-button control".

In addition to such creativity, the machine also managed to graphically, in “artistic images”, embody the meaning of mathematical abstractions. The most famous are the Mandelbrot sets, which are called fractals.

    With a toolArtistic text ( word art ) create the titles of your favorite books.

    Using Drawing panel draw up a reference sheet on geometry, which will show all the geometric shapes you know with their names.

Rate yourself for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assess your mood in the lesson:  ½ 

Date: "___" __________ 200__

Dialing rate ______ sym/min

Additional task.

Design your business card using tables and drawings. There should be 12 identical business cards on the sheet.


Test task on the topic Microsoft Word

Using the sample provided by the teacher, create a similar document in Microsoft Word.



Microsoft WORD window

Element name

Element name

Create document

Printing a Document

Open document

Check spelling in a document

Delete fragment to clipboard

Paragraph indent marker

Copy fragment to clipboard

Paste fragment from clipboard

Drawing panel

Cancel action


Inserting a table


Cell Alignment

Inserting a formula

Cell fill

Page display scale

Type of font (typeface)

Paragraph left alignment

Font size (size)

Paragraph right alignment

bold font

Center paragraph alignment

Italic font

Justify a paragraph

Underline font

numbered list

Font color

bulleted list


Keyboard Shortcuts for Special Characters

Russian keyboard layout Latin keyboard layout


Keyboard shortcut


Keyboard shortcut





































