Destruction of the 91st Battalion of the 31st Airborne Assault Brigade. Testimony of Nikolai Zavarzin

Such a trick is popular in some types of Russian troops as evidence of "masculinity, coolness." Maybe you shouldn't enclose these words in quotation marks, because not everyone can break his head. It takes a certain amount of courage. In the Airborne Forces, this trick is considered traditional, a classic.

Have you seen enough of the Airborne Forces, do you also want to effectively break a bottle on your head? Have you already tried this trick but got a decent bump? Let's figure out the secret of how to break a bottle on your head correctly.

The first time it may not work, the bumps will go. And it's hard to hit yourself on the head with a bottle.

It is better to start training in a knitted hat, take it. Keep in mind, the trick is dangerous to health. In addition to a huge bump, it is possible to earn a concussion, rupture of the head tissues, blindness and one-eyedness. With a blow to the temple, you can completely say goodbye to life. It is necessary to beat in the middle of the upper part of the forehead: the frontal bone is the strongest. If the hand slips, the blow will fall on the nasal region. Dangerously.

The bottle should contain 8-10 cm of liquid (not beer or soda). A full container may not break, but inflict injuries - yet how. It will take a long time to heal.

Self-confidence is also important (caused not by alcohol, but by internal forces). At the slightest hesitation and fear, the hand may tremble, and the bottle will fall into the wrong place. When approaching the forehead, it is important not to slow down the hand, to make movements boldly.

And the technology is simple: you need to hit hard in the middle of the forehead with the place on the bottle where the seam passes. It's no secret that the seam running along the glass vessel is the weakest point and breaks easily. The head should hit the center of the bottle. You can not beat the throat and bottom. Otherwise, you will get a head smash against a bottle, and not vice versa.

When hit, be sure to close your eyes so that the fragments do not get into your eyes. Hit as quickly as possible, sharply and strongly. A slow and weak blow will lead to a hematoma or microconcussion. More important is not so much strength as speed. So either do it or don't.

It is also important what the bottle is from. From champagne, wines, elite cognacs and other curly beautiful vessels - they are swept aside. The thickness of glass bottles is different, from 1 to 5 mm. The body of the container should not be strong. Beer bottles ideal for the trick are Zhigulevskoye and Klinskoye, 0.5 l. The thickness of their glass is about 1 mm. Bottles from Budweiser, Corona are made of thick glass. On a cylindrical jar there should be no drawings and embossed protruding surfaces. They are hard and dense, able to pierce the skull. It is worth remembering that the label dramatically strengthens the body of the jar.

If you feel like breaking a thick bottle, remove the label and re-glue it (to easily (!) fly off). Scratch the glass with a glass cutter. This will greatly weaken the bottle.

The paratroopers do this: they sew a pocket inside the beret, put a metal plate in it and hit it exactly. Don't miss out - lucky.

I will continue about the safety of the head. When the bottle breaks, naturally, the sharp fragments will shatter into smithereens. It is important to wear a knitted hat or beret on your head.

At first, it will be difficult to master the skill of beating bottles with your head, dizziness will begin. But when the head gets used to the new fate, you will be able to smash everyone on the spot with your ability, listen to the enthusiastic ahs of girls and the approving exclamations of real boys.

Maybe the paratroopers use real glass beer bottles, but in films and blockbusters, in theaters they use props - sugar bottles. And not only them. Showcases through which the hero effectively flies out, dishes - everything is made of sugar glass, candy.

Sugar bottles look like glass, are also transparent, but break very easily. The only disadvantage of such dishes is that they are expensive, it costs 1500-2000 rubles. At this price, beware of fakes. Sometimes it is made either too strong, and you can get hurt on it, or too fragile. Trust products from well-known, trusted shopping sites.

You can also make your own sugar bottles. To make, you will need water, corn syrup, sugar and an appropriate pouring mold (more on this on the Internet). A sugar bottle is just a bottle-shaped lollipop.

Sugar glass is harmless, it is fragile and does not contain sharp edges. With it, you do not need to gain experience in breaking glass containers on your head. Fake bottles are easily broken by palms, you can fall on their fragments, walk on them, crumble, crush.

Sugar bottles not for you? It's a pity. Consider what other tricks are used by paratroopers.

What is the whole secret of magicians who break bricks, bottles with their hands, with their heads? First, the label is peeled off the bottle, the empty container is calcined in the oven for 20 minutes, and then cooled sharply. As a result, the molecules of the compound are destroyed, and the bottle will lose its strength, but retain its shape. Don't forget to re-stick the label for credibility.

Such a trick is carried out even with strong champagne bottles. Place two unlabeled bottles on the fire. When one bursts, take out the second and wash off carbon deposits. As a result of exposure to high temperature, the glass will be covered with a bunch of microcracks, and breaking it with a weak blow to the side is as easy as shelling pears. Such bottles can be broken by men with their heads, and fragile girls with gloved hands.

Bricks are broken according to the same principle. They are heated, and then easily broken with the edge of the hand. But with bricks, you need to know the physics of the force, the broken object. Karatekas can break bricks without fire at all.

Another way to keep your head healthy

Before showing off, paratroopers put a coin or a sharp stone in a glass container and shake it for a long time, at least 2-3 hours. During this time, the bottle will be covered with microcracks, and it will be much easier to break it. The spectators who came to see your trick will not see the crack.

That's all the secrets of craftsmanship. Easy, but dangerous. Is it worth risking your health?

Video about how to break a bottle on your head

On November 17, 1999, the reconnaissance group of the 31st Ulyanovsk airborne brigade left the Botlikha area and collided with militants in the Vedeno area during heavy fog and snowfall. The outnumbered militants soon received reinforcements from Grozny - 100 people. After many hours of fighting, 12 Russian paratroopers were killed and two were captured.

Kingdom of heaven to them. Everlasting memory…

Excerpts from an article in Moskovsky Komsomolets, November 29, 1999:

On that day, November 16, 1999, two officers went on a mission, in addition to Igoshin, the group also included an artillery gunner, Lieutenant Andrey Ladung, three sergeants and nine privates - a regular set of close reconnaissance detachment. The task of the paratroopers was uncomplicated and uncomplicated - to make a hidden raid along the Chechen border along the Tando-Kharagoy-Vedeno line. Business is only for a couple of days. Therefore, the weapons of the scouts were the usual small arms, one "back" (ammunition), "dry" for three days. The radio station provided audibility within 10 kilometers - they were not going to go further into the mountains.

Trouble began for the group within a few hours after leaving the base. A thick fog descended on the mountains, snow fell. Nevertheless, the scouts went ahead, hoping that visibility would be better at the top, and now bad weather is just in their favor - there is less chance that the militants will notice. How it happened that the group went astray is not clear. Roma Igoshin, the commander of the scouts, took this secret forever with him (this is his award watch from Vladimir Putin for the assault on Donkey's Ear was shown on TV). When it stopped snowing, the paratroopers, without suspecting it, entered Chechnya for 5-7 kilometers. Their last coordinates are known for certain: one and a half kilometers east of the village of Kharagoy.

From the base in Botlikh it is only about 15 kilometers - even the connection was not interrupted. The last message from the group on the radio station was transmitted with the commander's firm confidence that they were still in Dagestan: "We see four militant vehicles, UAZs, breaking into our territory ...". Senior Lieutenant Igoshin decided to attack first and destroy the militants, counting on help in case of emergency. To know...

From that moment on, communication with the group was cut off - apparently a radio station was broken by a bullet or shrapnel. And now one can only guess about the details of that unequal fight in the mountains. The fact that the paratroopers did not surrender without a fight is a fact. According to the stories of local residents, the shooting in the gorge did not stop for a long time, and the scouts gave their lives dearly. According to undercover intelligence and radio intercepts, the number of dead militants became known - more than 50. (Was it not their bodies that were then shown on television - do the militants also wear army camouflage?)

Excerpts from an article in Kommersant, February 1, 2000:

Captain Nemolyaev, who had not yet gone to the bathhouse, and Captain Kabanov, already washed up, classmates and comrades of Roma Igoshin at the military school, told how it really was.

You see, here is the height of 1561, they showed on the map. - And on the contrary is Mount Turtle, or height 1473. Between them is Kharachoy, the base of Shirvani Basayev. The reconnaissance group conducted a search along this road. A truck "Ural" was going towards them. Ours made it. And that's it! The group lit up. Reconnaissance remains reconnaissance until the first shot, what happens after that is called combat. Our people began to retreat, the first wounded and killed appeared. Mobility decreased accordingly. And then they stopped completely. They fired to the last. But that was it, the end.

The captains did not condemn their dead comrade for some fucking Ural. They just told how it was. They are professionals. Their friend Roman, for some reason, acted unprofessionally. Perhaps he had no other choice. No one will ever know this, and guessing and building versions is for idle journalists, and not for officers. They just drew their own conclusions.

With his death and the death of his fighters, Starley Roman Igoshin, as it were, bequeathed to them: "Guys, I made a mistake, don't repeat it."

Excerpts from an article in Moskovsky Komsomolets, August 1, 2003:

On November 16, a reconnaissance platoon of the Ulyanovsk airborne brigade left the Dagestan Botlikh for reconnaissance in the mountains of Chechnya. For its commander, senior lieutenant Roman Igoshin, this was already the fifth such operation in two months. He was only 25. After this assignment, the command promised to let him go on vacation. Two weeks ago, his daughter was born ...

The group conducted exploration successfully on the whole. The paratroopers worked for a day in the very lair of the bandits, right under their noses, and managed without a single shot. On the morning of November 17, they decided to leave: the information needed for the federal troops had been collected.

The scouts have already jumped over the pass, from which the location of the native part is within easy reach. Suddenly, snow fell in thick flakes. And then, through a white veil, one of the soldiers made out ahead of the KamAZ. As it turned out later, they were Arab professionals armed to the teeth.

The group was also noticed. They had no choice but to dive behind the nearest ledge, take up an all-round defense and be the first to open fire. If they started to retreat, they would be shot like partridges.

[…] By lunchtime, in the mountains near Vedeno, everything was quiet. The militants suffered losses, but they managed to take with them 12 corpses of Russian soldiers and two wounded: junior sergeants Alexander Sherstnev and Nikolai Zavarzin.

[…] History does not tolerate the subjunctive mood - especially the history of war. But how do the colleagues of the dead paratroopers want to change the events of that day, to give their friends at least a few chances for life, at least a little hypothetical “if only”! If the connection hadn’t been broken… If the officer hadn’t died at the very beginning of the battle… If it hadn’t been for the snow…

Then the fighters of the 31st Ulyanovsk airborne brigade will say that most likely the scouts were already waiting for the pass. Apparently, the bandits nevertheless spotted them and organized an ambush: that path was the only way for the platoon to return.

Testimony of Alexander Sherstnev:

(The number of the full name in the process of mentioning surnames is entered each time a new one, so the same person can appear under different numbers. The identification process facilitated the nature of the injuries and the fact that only two servicemen survived. - ed.)

In the early morning DD.MM.YYYY, an order was received to conduct reconnaissance and guard a section of the road near the village<адрес>connecting this settlement with another - FULL NAME3. FULL NAME62 were included in the reconnaissance group, he (FULL NAME63) commanded their reconnaissance group. There were fourteen people in total. At about 10 o'clock DD.MM.YYYY, their reconnaissance group went out onto the road, which led through the gorge to<адрес>. From the side of this village and from the hills, their group came under crossfire from machine guns and grenade launchers. This happened at the moment when they stopped a UAZ car to check documents. They instantly dispersed and, hiding behind boulders, returned fire on the attacking militants. Judging by the number of firing points from which fire was fired at them, there were at least fifteen to twenty militants.

During the battle, FULL NAME64 (Zavarzin. - approx.) A grenade explosion injured his fingers on his hand, and he received bullet wounds to his right forearm and thigh of his right leg. From pain, he lost consciousness for a while, and when he woke up, he saw that the militants who had shot at them were already nearby. Their faces were uncovered, they were all dressed in camouflage uniforms and tactical vests, armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles. Some had machine guns with grenade launchers. He remembered one of the attackers well, because later, when he was already in captivity, he saw him and talked with him. He was about 18-20 years old, about 170 cm tall, of an athletic build, he wore a dark-colored knitted hat, an oval face, large eyes, a straight, large nose, thick eyebrows, black, a short thick mustache and a black beard. He had a Kalashnikov assault rifle, was dressed in camouflage clothing and a tactical vest. All pockets in the vest were filled with spare magazines for the machine in the amount of at least 8 pieces.

After he woke up, the militant in question stood a few meters away from him and fired short bursts of aimed shots at the servicemen, many of whom had already been wounded or killed. Seeing that he was wounded, but could not hold a weapon, the militant did not shoot at him. Two other militants, who were nearby, finished off the wounded lying a few meters from him with shots from their Kalashnikov assault rifles FULL NAME65. The militants kicked him several times, after which, together with FULL NAME66 (Zavarzin. - ed.), they put him in the luggage compartment of a UAZ car and brought him to<адрес>. Their wounds were bandaged at the local hospital. The doctor amputated injured fingers on Zavarzin's hand, and then they were placed in a cell at the local police station. They were held captive by the militants for 3 months, after which they were exchanged for FULL NAME4 of the militants.

Testimony of Nikolai Zavarzin:

According to the testimony of the victim FULL NAME24, who was interrogated by using the videoconferencing system, DD.MM.YYYY he is part of one of the three reconnaissance groups of the 31st brigade of the Airborne Forces stationed on the border of the Republic<адрес>, which consisted of fourteen people, advanced in the direction of the settlement<адрес>Chechen Republic. We walked all day. When they approached the outskirts<адрес>, fog descended in connection with which it was decided to spend the night in the mountains. In the morning DD.MM.YYYY they descended into the gorge and continued to move. The terrain was rocky, and a small stream flowed there. Ahead of their group at a distance of about 300 meters were two sentinels - a sniper and a submachine gunner.

At some point, a UAZ car drove by about 500 meters to the left of the group. As she approached the guards, shots rang out. It was the sentinels who were shot. By order of the commander, they opened fire on the car. As a result of two return shots from a grenade launcher, half of the reconnaissance group died. Then shots were heard again, followed by an explosion. He suffered shrapnel wounds to the head and arm. He could not fire and lay on his back with a bloody and soiled face.

When there was a lull, the bandits approached. He heard FULL NAME75 (Sherstnev?) shouting not to shoot at him, saw how a militant approached him and told him to roll away from the machine gun. Then the same militant approached him (FULL NAME77 and put a machine gun. He decided to pretend to be dead. At this time, a mortally wounded comrade lying next to him wheezed, his lungs and throat were pierced. The militant shot him. From the shot he (FULL NAME78) ( Zavarzin twitched and opened his eyes. The militant asked him: “Are you alive?” And, having received an affirmative answer, he also ordered him to roll away from the machine gun, which was nearby. He crawled away and sat down. Three or four more militants approached. He and FULL NAME99 (Sherstneva. - approx.) were put into the UAZ, they threw weapons, equipment on them and taken to<адрес>. There they were given medical assistance and put in the basement of a building similar to the "MVD". About two and a half months later, he was exchanged for a militant.

Testimony of one of the militants:

Meanwhile, from those examined at the hearing on the basis of Part 3 of Art. 281 Code of Criminal Procedure at the request of the public prosecutor testimony FULL NAME37, given them at the stage of preliminary investigation, it follows that the defendant FULL NAME5 told him that he was in a group of militants took part in the battle with the paratroopers. From the words of FULL NAME47, when they were driving a UAZ car, they noticed the scouts, stopped, jumped out and began to fire at them. One of the members of their group had a grenade launcher, the rest had Kalashnikov assault rifles. The defendant also told him that because of the gun quarreled with militant FULL NAME95: he wanted to take one of the guns, but he did not let him do it, wanted to execute the wounded – again did not allow FULL NAME86. He (FULL NAME37) realized that because of this conflict the defendant FULL NAME47 for some time left for another group. About all this, as about a heroic deed, they say, they were in the minority able to defeat superior forces, and not just soldiers, but paratroopers, FULL NAME5 told him in DD.MM.YYYY year.

Testimony of another militant:

At the same time, from those announced in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 281 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, at the request of the prosecution, the testimony of witness FULL NAME38, given by him during the preliminary investigation, it can be seen that around mid-October DD.MM.YYYY, by order of "FULL NAME89" from among the inhabitants of the villages<адрес>and FULL NAME3 two detachments of "volunteers" were created, numbering 20-25 people each, the commanders of which were residents of the village FULL NAME3 and FULL NAME90. All members of the detachments were given uniforms, vests and weapons, mainly Kalashnikov assault rifles of 5.45 mm caliber and 10 magazines equipped with 30 rounds each. He was in the detachment FULL NAME6. In the same detachment in DD.MM.YYYY year entered and the defendant FULL NAME5. Then with him (FULL NAME47) he met. Their duties included the protection of access roads to the village of Vedeno, including the road leading to this village from the settlement<адрес>

On one of the days in mid-November DD.MM.YYYY, a group of 6-7 people, led by FULL NAME6, drove towards the village in a UAZ-lux car<адрес>to change the patrol, which was on its outskirts. On the way, noticing in an open area, about 200 meters from the village<адрес>a group of military personnel of fourteen people, FULL NAME6 ordered his group to disperse and attack them from the available weapons. First, a grenade launcher was fired at the servicemen, then Kalashnikov assault rifles were used. As a result, twelve servicemen were killed and two captured. FULL NAME4 brought to<адрес>where they received medical care. Personally, he was not involved in the attack.

According to the conclusions of experts, the death of servicemen occurred for the following reasons:
five have blast injuries,
- four had multiple bullet holes (including one finished off with a shot in the head),
- two of them - one bullet (in the head; in the chest),
- one had an explosive injury and one bullet in the head (finished off).
Both survivors had bullet wounds.

(31st odshbr)

Large emblem of the 31st Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade
Years of existence - n. in.
The country Russia
Subordination Command of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces
Included in Russian Airborne Troops
Type airborne troops
Includes divisions
population military unit
Dislocation Central Military District:
Patron Elijah the Prophet
Motto "Your own honor,
glory to the motherland!
Participation in Second Chechen War;
War in South Ossetia
Marks of Excellence
Current Commander guard colonel
Victor Gunaza
Notable commanders

The brigade is stationed on General Margelov Avenue in the New City of Ulyanovsk and in the village of Polivno. Since 2005, the brigade has been transferred to the contract recruitment system.

History of formation

The brigade was created as a result of the reformation of the 104th Guards Airborne Division of the Order of Kutuzov in 1998, having received its final name in 2007

The 31st brigade took part in the fighting on the territory of Chechnya during the Second Chechen War

The combined battalion tactical group of the 31st brigade took part in the armed conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008.

On August 1, 2012, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin visited the 31st brigade. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief laid flowers at the memorial erected on the territory of the compound in memory of the fallen paratroopers, watched the training of the brigade fighters and talked with the personnel.

The temple of Elijah the prophet was erected on the territory of the brigade.

Near the territory of the brigade, a park was laid out and a monument was erected to Paratrooper No. 1, Hero of the Soviet Union, General of the Army Vasily Filippovich Margelov.

In 2017, the brigade re-equipped with BMD-4M and BTR-MDM. The Leer-2 and Infauna electronic warfare systems, the Orlan-10, Tachyon and Eleron-3SV drones were adopted for service.

At the end of 2017, the brigade became the best among the airborne assault formations of the Russian Airborne Forces.

On May 6, 2018, the connection celebrated its 20th anniversary. The servicemen organized a show for veterans of the Airborne Forces and guests who arrived for the anniversary. More than 1,000 residents of the city of Ulyanovsk and the region, as well as veterans of the Airborne Forces who arrived from 20 regions of the country to see the new look of the famous unit, visited the Open Day.



For practice, the brigade has its own training ground "Polivno", where in the course of everyday combat training all the elements and issues of combat coordination of the military team are constantly worked out. In the process of developing standards, the personnel develop the skills and abilities necessary for the precise performance of functional duties, correct and coordinated actions in the performance of combat missions.

In addition to its own training ground, the brigade regularly participates in exercises throughout Russia and neighboring countries. So in 2017, during the exercise of the Collective Rapid Reaction Forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CRRF CSTO) “Combat Brotherhood-2017”, paratroopers landed in the mountains of Tajikistan.

Heroes of Russia


Captivity of military personnel in Ukraine

On December 8, 1944, the State Defense Committee decided to reorganize the 11th Guards Airborne Division into the 104th Guards Rifle Division. The formation of the division took place in Slutsk, Byelorussian SSR.

The 104th Guards Rifle Division was completed and equipped with military equipment and weapons, taking into account the experience of combat. It was intended to participate in inflicting new powerful strikes on the enemy and received extraordinary firepower.

In March 1945, the division left for the front in the Budapest area. In heavy fighting from March 16 to March 22, units of the division coped with the task, inflicted heavy losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment. On March 25, 1945, in a fierce battle, the guardsmen of the division, in cooperation with other formations of the 9th Army, completely captured the town of Papa. By order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, gratitude was announced to the personnel of the division.

At the final stage of the Vienna operation, parts of the division stormed the city of St. Polten, thereby closing the encirclement of Vienna. After the fall of Vienna, units of the 104th Guards Rifle Division were withdrawn to the reserve of the 9th Army. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 26, 1945, the division was awarded the Order of Kutuzov, 2nd degree. By the same Decree, the 346th Guards Rifle Regiment of the division was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

From March 4 to May 12, 1945, units of the division fought 1036 km, they liberated 344 settlements, including 7 cities. The division destroyed 7400 enemy soldiers and officers, captured 1897, disarmed 75 thousand people, destroyed 62 tanks, 35 SAO, 34 armored personnel carriers, 80 guns, 35 mortars, shot down 20 and destroyed 42 aircraft on the ground. On May 12, 1945, units of the formation met with American troops in the area of ​​the Vltava River.

In April 1946, the 104th Guards Rifle Division, Order of Kutuzov, 2nd Class, was reorganized into the 104th Guards Airborne Division, Order of Kutuzov, 2nd Class, relocated to the Estonian SSR (Kingisepp) and became part of the 15th th Guards Airborne Corps.

In 1960, the division was relocated to the Transcaucasian Military District in the cities of Kirovabad, Shamkhor, Baku and Kutaisi. On April 7, 1964, by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, the Hero of the Soviet Union Guards, Private Galushin Prokopy Ivanovich, was permanently enrolled in the lists of personnel of the 328th Guards Airborne Regiment.

In 1967, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, on behalf of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, a commemorative Red Banner was handed over for eternal storage for success in combat and political training.

On July 27, 1968, as part of a group of paratroopers who landed on the Pamirs in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol, there were also soldiers of the 104th Guards Airborne Division of the Guard, Privates Asayonok, Zizyulin and Kulpinov. They showed great skill and courage, for which they were listed in the book of Glorious deeds of the Transcaucasian military district.
In 1972, the 337th Guards Airborne Regiment of the division, and in 1973, the 328th Guards Airborne Regiment were awarded pennants of the Minister of Defense of the USSR "For Courage and Military Valor".

From August 27 to September 1, 1974, on the basis of the division, the commander of the Airborne Forces, General of the Army Margelov V.F. A meeting of the leadership of the Airborne Forces was held with an experimental tactical exercise, at which 108 objects of heavy equipment were landed and, for the first time in the Armed Forces, an experimental landing of a 122-mm D-30 howitzer with two crew members in the cockpit was carried out. The first in the Airborne Forces, together with the equipment, were the paratroopers of the artillery regiment of the division of the guard, Sergeant Koltsov S. M. and the guard corporal Kozmin G. V.

In 1974, the division was awarded the pennant of the Minister of Defense of the USSR "For courage and military prowess." Most of the officers and ensigns of the division participated in the fighting in Afghanistan. In 1989, the formation was awarded the pennant of the Minister of Defense of the USSR "For courage and military prowess." In 1993, the division was redeployed to Ulyanovsk.

The personnel of the division took part in establishing constitutional order on the territory of the Chechen Republic in 1994-1996. and demonstrated examples of courage, valor and self-sacrifice. In the battles on Minutka Square in Grozny, Guards Private Djordjadze N.K., saving the life of the wounded commander of the Guards Captain D.I. Incertov, was mortally wounded and died. For the courage and heroism of the Guards, Private Jorjadze N.K. was awarded the title of Hero of Russia (posthumously).

For courage and bravery shown in the performance of their duties, hundreds of servicemen of the formation were awarded orders and medals, and Guards Senior Lieutenant A.I. Bocharov, Guards Senior Lieutenant O.A. Eremetsky. (posthumously), Guard Sergeant Kulakov R.I. (posthumously), Guards Senior Lieutenant O.I. Lobunets, Guards Major Makarov V.V., Guards Captain Spiridonov R.V., Guards Captain Chirikov A.A. awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

By May 1, 1998, the 104th Guards Order of Kutuzov 2nd Class Division was reorganized into the 31st Guards Separate Airborne Brigade of the Order of Kutuzov 2nd Class airborne division.

From 1999 to 2001, the formation took part in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus. Courage, bravery and steadfastness - these are the main features of the guardsmen of the brigade, shown by them during the fighting. For their heroism, hundreds of military personnel were awarded state awards, and Guards Senior Lieutenant Galkin G.N. and Guard Senior Lieutenant Igoshin R.V. (posthumously) awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

Since 2005, the brigade has been transferred to a contract recruiting system. In the course of carrying out measures to reform the Airborne Forces from December 1, 2006, the full name of the brigade: 31st Separate Guards Airborne Assault Order of Kutuzov, 2nd degree brigade.

It is reported that by 2023 the brigade will be reorganized into the 104th Guards Air Assault Division.

On May 5, festive events were held dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the 31st Guards. ODSHBr. The program began with a solemn rally.

The event was attended by Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee Vladimir Shamanov, First Deputy Commander of the Russian Airborne Forces Nikolai Ignatov, Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region Sergey Morozov.

According to the plan for the construction of airborne troops until 2030, it is expected that by the 25th anniversary of the 31st brigade, the 104th Guards Airborne Assault Division will be revived. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vladimir Shamanov noted that the deployment of the 104th division is planned in three cities: Ulyanovsk, Penza and Orenburg. “This is a tribute to the feat and heroism of wonderful people, professional defenders of our Fatherland. We must be confident in the future of Russia,” the deputy said.

Governor Sergei Morozov addressed the veterans and servicemen with a congratulatory speech: “A quarter of a century ago, the Ulyanovsk land hosted the 104th airborne division, withdrawn from the Republic of Azerbaijan. The 31st brigade became the successor of that same division. But whatever the name of the illustrious formation, it always remained worthy of the glory of the warriors of previous generations, preserving and increasing their fighting traditions. Thanks to your example, an obvious turning point has taken place in the minds of young people, in their attitude to military service - more and more young guys, seeing before them the standards of courage, valor, courage, voluntarily strive to fulfill their duty to the Motherland. This was made possible thanks to the conscientious and professional work of each of you. Thanks to every member of the brigade for their service! Good luck to you and your families. New successes and brilliant victories!”

The history of the 31st Guards Airborne Assault Brigade dates back to the Great Patriotic War, when the 104th Guards Airborne Division was created in 1945. The formation took part in the liberation of Hungary. After the collapse of the USSR, the 104th Airborne Division was relocated to Ulyanovsk, where in 1998 the unit was reorganized into the 31st Airborne Brigade. Its servicemen prove the professional skills and appropriate training of the domestic landing force. In 2013, the brigade completely switched to recruitment by military personnel under the contract and from the same year has the status of peacekeeping.

On behalf of Mikhail Babich, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District, Vladimir Kozin, Chief Federal Inspector for the Ulyanovsk Region, congratulated those present.

“Today is your solemn day - the 25th anniversary of the relocation of the famous 104th Airborne Division from the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Ulyanovsk Region and the 20th anniversary of the formation of the 31st Separate Guards Airborne Assault Order of the Kutuzov Brigade. This is a military unit that not only Ulyanovsk, the Volga Federal District, but the whole of Russia is proud of. Over the past decades, thousands of Russian soldiers and officers have chosen to serve in the “winged infantry”, passed difficult tests of strength with honor, always clearly solved the tasks set by the command, and made a significant contribution to strengthening the defense capability of our state. You are truly one of the best formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. I wish you high results in the performance of combat missions and the development of new equipment,” Vladimir Kozin emphasized.

On a holiday at the base of the 31st Guards. ODSHBR held demonstration performances in parachute acrobatics, hand-to-hand combat, capturing an object and overcoming an obstacle course. Exhibition compositions of samples of small arms, engineering equipment, means of communication and landing, items of equipment for paratroopers were organized. In addition, exhibition expositions of the 31st brigade and the regional branch of the DOSAAF of the Ulyanovsk region worked in the open area near the Lenin Memorial.

For military personnel, their families, veterans of the 31st Guards. The Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Airborne Forces, the Winged Infantry Ensemble of the Ryazan Guards Airborne School, the Airborne Brotherhood group and creative teams of the Ulyanovsk Region performed at the ODShBr at the Lenin Memorial.

For reference
By order of the Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region, for exemplary performance of military duty, conscientious service and merits in improving the system of patriotic education of the younger generation, servicemen of the 31st separate guards airborne assault brigade were awarded:

Medal of Honor

- Guard Lieutenant Colonel Chikunov Alexander Anatolyevich - Head of Artillery - Head of the Artillery Department.

Badge of honor of the Ulyanovsk region "For faith and valor":

- Guard Senior Sergeant Balandina Elena Mikhailovna - sanitary instructor of the material support company.

Letter of thanks from the Governor of the Ulyanovsk region:

- Guards Sergeant Vorobyov Andrey Vladimirovich - senior technician of the engineering and sapper company

- Guard Senior Sergeant Svetlichnaya Elvira Evgenievna - nurse of the medical platoon of the medical company

- Guards Sergeant Sinitsin Sergey Anatolyevich - Deputy Platoon Commander - Platoon Squad Leader (Materials Delivery) of the Logistics Company

- Guard Corporal Yashin Roman Igorevich - senior master of the repair company.