Vastu building either in the center. The most important sector in the house is the northeast

1. “Mayamata” (one of the most significant Indian works on the science of building construction. Maamuni Mayan, the ancient founder of Vastu Shastra, is the author of this monumental treatise. This work deeply and comprehensively sets out issues related to choosing a site for housing construction, soil research , a system of measures and orientation on the ground, a plan for the construction of villages, cities and Temples and simply Houses.The choice of a place for placing vehicles, beds and chairs is determined, the issue of the location of gates, doors and outbuildings is discussed.Maamuni Mayyan was an outstanding and famous Jyotish Astrologer from South India).

2. "Manasara" (this work outlines the universal ideas of Vastu, and also contains images that are sacred in Jainism and Buddhism).

3. Agnipurana.

4. "Vayupurana".

5. Skandapurana.

6. Matsyapurana.

7. "Suryapurana" (they describe Vastu for residential buildings, Temples, cities, halls for celebrations, as well as Vastu for carvings, columns and plantings).

8. "Brihat Samhita" (covers issues related to topography, landscape design and architecture of residential buildings and Temples). "Brihat Jataka" (contains an assessment of the various levels of qualification of a Vastu specialist).

9. Viswakarma Prakash.

10. "Vaastupadavinyas" (these two treatises are devoted to monuments, houses and palaces). 11. "Viswakarma Vastu-Shastra" (a famous treatise written in the 6th century AD It talks about the choice of site and the use of building materials, taking into account Vastu).

12. "Samarangana Sutradhara" (Buddhist treatise, which discusses the construction of buildings based on Vastu).

13. "Kamikagama".

14. "Karanagama".

15. Suprabhedagama.

16. "Vaikhanagama" (these two works - Agamas - are texts devoted to different types of worship of the Gods in the architecture of the Temples).

17. "Kirana Tantra".

18. Hayashisha Tantra

19. Kautilya Arthashastra.

20. "Aintiram" (this is a treatise on the creation and structure of the world).

21. "Samarangana Sutradhara" (this work also discusses architecture in detail, talks about mechanical devices, called Yantras).

22. The treatise "Kalaprakashika" in the 25th chapter gives details about laying the foundation.

23. In the treatise "Muhurta Chintamani", which was written in the 16th century, it is said that Vastu Purusha changes its position depending on the season.

If Surya is in the sign of Mina, Mesha or Vrishabha, then the mouth (head) of Vastu Purusha is in the Northeast.
If Surya is in the sign of Mithuna, Karka or Simha, then in the North-West.
If Surya is in the sign of Kanya, Tula or Vrishchika, then in the Southwest.
If Surya occupies Dhana, Makara or Kumbh, then in the Southeast.

The first foundation stone should not be located in that part of the world where the head of Vastu Purusha is located, but is located in the opposite direction.

Vastu principles for building and planning houses. Schemes and photos of the dwelling, made according to the principles of Vastu.

The world is woven from energies and subtle unshakable universal laws. Each object and form of life has its own purpose, interact and exchange invisible energy flows.

Earlier civilizations before ours knew these laws of the Universe and skillfully used them to harmonize their lives. In India, 5,000 years ago, people built countries, cities, houses and arranged furniture and other objects in the premises, following the science of Vastu. For example, the Taj Mahal is still striking in its beauty and architecture. But it was built in accordance with the laws of Vastu Shastra. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Vastu - the harmony of your home

  • Translated from Sanskrit, vastu means "place, city, house, room." Its principles and recommendations are equally good for the planning and construction of residential and non-residential premises, religious temples, cities and even countries. The relevance of Vastu postulates has been preserved for the present without reference to national and religious aspects.
  • People 50 centuries ago treated everything that surrounds them as a living person. Therefore, we tried to build harmonious and constructive relations with everyone. The same applies to the house. In it, a person spends most of his life. And the health of residents, their family relationships and success in business and career, the well-being and harmony of the atmosphere at home largely depend on the quality of space planning.
  • Vastu is aimed at the formation and maintenance of good relations with Vastu Purusha, or brownies. From how satisfied he is with his place and the care of the residents, the psychological comfort and spiritual fulfillment of the happiness of the environment in the home depend.
  • The ideal location of vastu purusha is the corners of the house. So his head looks to the northeast, and all other parts of the body, respectively, are in other angles. The owners honored the brownie and never filled in anything the places of its location, that is, the spaces of the corners always remained empty. They were wary of depriving the vastu-purusha of a part of his body and incurring misfortunes, poverty, hunger and even the death of offspring.

The diagonals of the house northeast and southwest make up the spine of the brownie and balance the chakras of the dwelling. It is forbidden to punch or bet anything in these zones.

Vastu house plan

Ancient knowledge about the structure of the house says that the correct arrangement of rooms in it is the key to a harmonious and healthy life for all inhabitants.

The principle is simple - the kitchen should stimulate the appetite and the fire of digestion, the bedroom - relax and soothe, the living room - sociability and the joy of meeting with guests, the bathroom - to relieve tension and cleanse the body both on the physical and emotional planes.

How to arrange the rooms in the house in order to balance all the energies and lay the foundation for a benevolent and creative atmosphere in it?

  • The east direction is favorable for the hallway and a small corridor from the front door
  • West - responsible for rain and water. Favorable for dining
  • The north is under the auspices of the energy of wealth and prosperity, therefore, from this side, the locations of safes and pantries, as well as a well are appropriate.
  • The south is favorable for guest bedrooms and adult children's rooms.
  • The fire element obeys the southeast direction. It is appropriate to place the kitchen here
  • In the southwest, a bathroom, toilets and bathrooms, wells should not be placed, as this is fraught with harm to humans. This side of the world is good for the location of the bedrooms of the head of the family, married newlyweds and children's rooms for the little ones.
  • The northwest direction is ruled by the element of wind. It is unfavorable for tall buildings and tall trees. However, it is good to plan a toilet room here. It is better if it is located outside the main building. The toilet can also be arranged in the west, north, southeast, south.
  • In the northeast there is a water supply and sewerage system, but without toilet rooms
  • In the center of the house there should be a place of worship, an altar or a prayer room. Be sure to keep this part of the home clean so that strife and disease do not penetrate into it.
  • The owner of the house grows houseplants in the northern, eastern and northeastern zones

Vastu shastra for home

Shastra in Sanskrit means "treatise", and vastu shastra means "knowledge of the house."

All Vedic knowledge is closely related. Therefore, vastu is interconnected with Ayurveda - the science of life, or in other words, medicine - and Vedic astrology.

In ancient times, when people treated everything and everyone as a person, honored and respected her, before doing something, they planned and consulted with more knowledgeable people. It was obligatory to visit a Vedic astrologer who:

  • determined the place and favorable time to start building a house
  • made his horoscope for the owner
  • marked the date of the housewarming

Before laying the foundation, the soil of the place, the proximity to human and natural objects were studied.

  • Vastu teaching is based on the influence of cardinal points on the layout of the house, both outside and inside. The house must strictly look with its walls to the north, east, south and west. If there are corners or displacements of the location in the house, it is impossible to achieve harmony, peace and creation.
  • The sun, moon and time have a special role in planning the future construction and rooms of the finished house. According to their cyclicity, everything in the house is designed to help a person engage in their activities and improve spiritually and physically, and not create tension and irritation of the residents.
  • For example, the eastern side is ideal for spiritual practices, meditations and ablutions. That is, there is a place for a shower or bathroom and a room for solitude and prayer in the early morning.

All moving and stationary objects on our Earth are subject to the influence of the planets:

  • East to the Sun
  • Southeast - Venus
  • South to Mars
  • Southwest - Rahu (dark planet)
  • West to Saturn
  • Northwest - Moon
  • North to Mercury
  • Northeast - Jupiter

This principle is strictly observed when determining the placement of rooms, furniture and other items in the house.

Entrance to the house by Vastu

  • According to Vastu teachings, the entrance to the house should be from the north or east side. Since energy flows move from north to south, they freely enter a person’s living quarters and spread freely in it.
  • If the front doors face east, they meet the sun and its energies, which are associated with the movement of vital energy - prana. It is in the morning that solar energies are most active and powerful. They are beneficial to promote health, contribute to the success and clarity of mind of all the inhabitants of the house.
  • The southern direction for entry is extremely unfavorable, because it contradicts the laws of nature. Family troubles, serious illnesses, apathy and depression become companions of those people whose front doors face south.

Vastu house scheme

Consider several schemes of houses built in accordance with the laws of Vastu.

And another option

And the third option

What does a Vastu house look like?

  • A vastu house attracts both with its location and practical interior design. Each person feels comfortable and peaceful in such a house.
  • You can easily feel the harmony, comfort and logic of the arrangement of interior items and furniture in space.
  • After living for some time in such a house, the guest will be able to feel the beneficial effects of balanced energies and a peaceful atmosphere.

Vastu house photo

What does a house built and planned according to Vastu principles look like?

For example, like this:

House location according to Vastu

  • Vastu Shastra does not recommend building a house near a cemetery or a factory, as well as a lake or a river located on the western side of the future house.
  • If housing is bought ready-made, then you should first study its history. In case of more than 2 deaths in the previous two months in it, it is considered unfit for purchase and life in it
  • Also, in accordance with the owner's zodiac sign, you can buy favorable housing in a city or village. You should know that representatives of the water element will suit the eastern region of the settlement, air - western, fiery - northern, earth - southern
  • Vastu says that a house facing any direction, the roof of the north or east, attracts negative situations and diseases to its residents.

Still sick, this tendency is exacerbated if:

  • the site was incorrectly selected in shape, it has slopes or ravines
  • the owner neglected the neighborhood with objects that negatively affect the house from an energy point of view
  • lakes, rivers and other water bodies of the site or outside it are located on unfavorable sides
  • road pattern is intermittent
  • incorrect location of the entrance to the settlement

Vastu house shape

Vastu Shastra defines a strictly square shape with right angles as the best for a house. It balances the influence of all cardinal points, planets, energy flows.

However, there are forms of houses without corners. In this case, the inhabitants of such a dwelling need to be aware of the possible consequences and imbalances in their lives.

  • The absence of the northeast corner, according to Vastu Shastra, is the worst. In such a house, the number of women prevails over men, including among children. And financial difficulties and poverty accompany its residents
  • Without the southeast corner, there is a high probability of quarrels and disagreements between husband and wife, problems and difficulties in children with their studies
  • There is no southwest, south and / or southeast corners - there is no good health either. Diseases develop that lead to disability and movement restrictions in the future
  • Thefts haunt the owners of a house without a northwest corner

Vastu house plans

Consider one of the examples of the layout of rooms and the space of a built real house

  • It is built of gas silicate blocks and yellow facing bricks, has many windows for the natural penetration of a large amount of sunlight.
  • It has a gable roof covered with turquoise tiles.
  • The house is two-storey, the second floor is an attic
  • Strictly oriented to the cardinal points north-south-east-west, has a strictly square shape. Entrance from the north side, there is also a veranda

We look inside the house.

  • The northwest square is a room for guests or female relatives. It is bright thanks to large windows. This zone is patronized by the Moon, in addition, it is located to the left of the entrance.
  • North Square - entrance hall
  • The northeastern square contains the hall, which is also the living room and work room of the owner of the house. Below it is a cellar with a water tank and a pumping station that provide water to the house.
  • The western square is ruled by Saturn, so there is a room for elderly relatives who come to visit
  • The central square is empty. Due to the lack of overlapping of the second floor and additional lighting from the windows in its ceiling, it is bright for most of the day
  • The east square consists of a bathroom and an altar
  • To the southwest is the master bedroom. This part is ruled by the planet Rahu, therefore it is the darkest and has a rest
  • The southern square consists of a corridor and a toilet, stairs to the second floor, a small utility room
  • To the southeast is the kitchen, water heater

If you are interested in vastu and dream of building and planning your house according to the laws of this science, then read vastu shastra, listen to lectures in the public domain, or consult with a specialist in this field. However, you are quite capable of independently understanding all the nuances of vastu and creatively approach the project of realizing your dream home.

Video: Vastu house planning features

Bramastan. Elements. Optimal arrangement of rooms. Test to determine the level of favorable energy at home.

The first thing that a Vastu specialist (and indeed any other person) does when he enters an unfamiliar environment for the first time is to listen to his feelings. What feeling visits him first - peace, tranquility, security, or maybe vice versa ?! From an apartment with unfavorable energy, children and men suffer first of all. Women are energetically more resilient and adaptable, they can live in a negative apartment for years, feeding it with their vitality, practically without feeling the consequences.
So, listen to your feelings ... An apartment with a favorable level of Vastu energy for life gives peace, tranquility, a sense of security; it is cozy, clean, smells delicious. I would like to stay longer in this apartment.

The apartment - energetically sick - often gives the impression of neglect, although it could only be cleaned yesterday, a person in such an apartment feels either "like on pins and needles" or too broken and tired, regardless of the repair, the apartment does not feel comfortable. The owners of such apartments do not feel safe and are very worried about the irons that are not turned off, the taps that are not turned off and the doors that are not closed...
Ask yourself a few questions: Do you sleep well? Do you suffer from insomnia? Do you wake up in the morning refreshed and full of energy? How often do quarrels occur in your home? How often do guests come to your house? How often do you laugh in your house? Or shedding tears? Do you feel at home like behind a stone wall? Do you want to be at home? Or maybe you come home just to sleep? How often do appliances break down in your home? Do flowers wither quickly or fruits and vegetables spoil? All these questions will help you understand if your apartment needs reorganization and adjustment of subtle energies!

In general, the science of Vastu contains the knowledge that each fragment of the territory under consideration is under the influence and influence of a variety of factors (planets, constellations, magnetic poles, etc.). Guided by the need to take into account these influences and in order to ensure a prosperous and happy life for the inhabitants of the house, they resort to a simple division of the area under consideration into parts, and only after that they specify the qualities and properties introduced by each individual fragment, in accordance with their influence on a person.
Vastumandal, as the Sanskrit name for a land plot for a house, is divided into 45 parts in a certain way. Each of the parts is influenced by a certain patron deity, which determines the manifestation of the characteristic features of this part of the house. Vastumandal also determines the position of Vastupurush, the spirit of the house. The intersection of the red lines indicates the location of the Vastu heart, and the red dots identify the vital Vastupurush chakras. Needless to say, these places need to be freed from heavy furniture, rubbish and garbage?!

This scheme plays a key role in the design of houses. And in the conditions of an apartment, this scheme will help determine whether the rooms, corridors, dressing rooms, etc. are located correctly. Are all sectors present in the house. Was Vastupurush's head or legs cut off, because the absence, for example, of Vastupurush's head does not allow a family living in an apartment to grow and develop, to be materially and spiritually prosperous. But I will talk about this a little later.
The central part of the house is called Bramastan. This is the place of the Creator of the universe, it is in this place that the heart of your home is located. There should be no toilets, kitchens, pantries or heavy furniture in Brahmastan. Bramastan should not be crossed by load-bearing walls or columns. Ideally, of course, there should be no walls at all in Brahmastan. But in the conditions of an apartment - this is almost impossible!
Let's define Bramastan on the plan of your apartment. To do this, we need to fit the apartment into a rectangle or square. At this stage, the question often arises: to take into account or not to take into account the walls of the house. There is no definite answer to this - some experts build their calculations from the middle of the wall, some consider only the space bounded by the walls without taking them into account. The literature on Vedic architecture describes a huge number of different ways to find the Brahmastan at home. The size and method of finding Bramastan depends on many conditions - the size and shape of the site, the area and number of storeys of the house, the number of people living in the house. But for apartments, everything is a little simpler - we divide the resulting rectangle into 9 equal parts. The fragment in the center will be Bramastan.

It is important to remember that loggias are included in the plan to determine the Bramastan, but balconies are not.
In Vedic architecture, each direction corresponds to a strictly defined arrangement of the Elements - Water, Fire, Air, Earth, Ether (Space). Each Element contributes to the specific nature of human activity: in the fire zone it is good to cook food and warm up with the warmth of a fireplace, in the air zone it is good to recuperate during sleep, and in the water zone simple morning washings give lightness and health. We can use the positive influences of the elements for our benefit and the needs of our family. I must say that in addition to the Elements, each of the sectors is patronized by a certain planet. The nature of the planet as well as the nature of the Elements determines the activity of man, which prevails in a certain part of the house.

Planets can be "friends" with each other, they can be "enmity" or be neutral with respect to each other. Given the characteristics of the planets, the Elements and the patron deities, it is possible to deduce the optimal arrangement of the rooms.

Let's arm ourselves with paper and a pen and try to calculate the percentage of favorable energy in our apartment.
1. Where is the main entrance to the apartment located?
north + 48, northeast + 24, east + 64 points, northwest - 0, west - 16, southwest - 64, southeast -32, south - 48.
2. Where is the kitchen located?
southeast + 64 points, northwest + 48 points, south + 16 points, subtract 16 points for the north or northeast, 40 points for the southwest, and 32 points for the west, for the kitchen in the center of the house - 64 points.
3. Where is garbage stored in your home?
southwest + 64 points, west + 32, south + 48, southeast - 24, east - 56, northeast - 64, north - 32, northwest - 8, center - 64
4. Where is the toilet located?
northwest and west +64, in all other cases - 64.
5. Where is the master bedroom located?
south, southwest + 48, west + 30, north + 12, center - 48, east - 12, northeast - 36, southeast - 42.
6. Where is the bath in your apartment?
northwest, north, west, east + 48 points, northeast + 24 points, southwest and southeast - 48, south - 24, center - 36.
7. Location of the nursery?
west + 48, east, south + 36, northwest + 18, north + 30, center - 48, southwest - 36, northeast - 0, southeast - 24.
8. Home office? Computer desk?
northwest, southeast, northeast - 0, west + 16, east, north, southwest + 8, south + 10, center - 4.
9. Living room?
north, west, center + 8, southwest, northeast, east, northwest + 4, southeast, south + 5.
10. Where is the dining table?
northwest, north, west + 18, east, south - + 6, southwest + 3, northeast - 0, southeast - 6, center - 12.

Now add up the resulting numbers. If you scored from 200 to 442 points - the level of favorable energy in your apartment - from 75 to 100% - you have a wonderful apartment. From 0 to 200 points, the level of favorable energy - from 50 to 75% - the apartment is suitable for living. From 0 to -200 - the level of favorable energy from 25 to 50% - the level is below average, adjustment is required for favorable living. And finally, everything below -200 is vampire apartments sucking energy out of you. In this case, an immediate adjustment in all parameters is required.

Of course, this calculation only approximately reflects the true essence of things. In fact, there are much more points for analyzing an apartment than 10. But even at this stage, conclusions can be drawn about the reasons for success or failure in your life.

The world is woven from energies and subtle unshakable universal laws. Each object and form of life has its own purpose, interact and exchange invisible energy flows.

Earlier civilizations before ours knew these laws of the Universe and skillfully used them to harmonize their lives. In India, 5,000 years ago, people built countries, cities, houses and arranged furniture and other objects in the premises, following the science of Vastu. For example, the Taj Mahal is still striking in its beauty and architecture. But it was built in accordance with the laws of Vastu Shastra. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Vastu - the harmony of your home

Translated from Sanskrit, vastu means "place, city, house, room." Its principles and recommendations are equally good for the planning and construction of residential and non-residential premises, religious temples, cities and even countries. The relevance of Vastu postulates has been preserved for the present without reference to national and religious aspects.

People 50 centuries ago treated everything that surrounds them as a living person. Therefore, we tried to build harmonious and constructive relations with everyone. The same applies to the house. In it, a person spends most of his life. And the health of residents, their family relationships and success in business and career, the well-being and harmony of the atmosphere of the house largely depend on the quality of space planning.

Vastu is aimed at the formation and maintenance of good relations with Vastu Purusha, or brownies. From how satisfied he is with his place and the care of the residents, the psychological comfort and spiritual fulfillment of the happiness of the environment in the home depend.

The ideal location of vastu purusha is the corners of the house. So his head looks to the northeast, and all other parts of the body, respectively, are in other angles. The owners honored the brownie and never filled in anything the places of its location, that is, the spaces of the corners always remained empty. They were wary of depriving the vastu-purusha of a part of his body and incurring misfortunes, poverty, hunger and even the death of offspring.

The diagonals of the house northeast and southwest make up the spine of the brownie and balance the chakras of the dwelling. It is forbidden to punch or bet anything in these zones.

Ancient knowledge about the structure of the house says that the correct arrangement of rooms in it is the key to a harmonious and healthy life for all inhabitants.

The principle is simple - the kitchen should stimulate the appetite and the fire of digestion, the bedroom - relax and soothe, the living room - sociability and the joy of meeting with guests, the bathroom - to relieve stress and cleanse the body both on the physical and emotional planes.

How to arrange the rooms in the house in order to balance all the energies and lay the foundation for a benevolent and creative atmosphere in it?

The east direction is favorable for the hallway and a small corridor from the front door
- West - is responsible for rain and water. Favorable for dining
- The North is under the auspices of the energy of wealth and prosperity, therefore, from this side, the locations of safes and pantries, as well as a well are appropriate
- The south is favorable for guest bedrooms and adult children's rooms
- The fire element obeys the southeast direction. It is appropriate to place the kitchen here
- In the southwest, you should not place a bathroom, toilets and bathrooms, wells, as this is fraught with harm to humans. This side of the world is good for the location of the bedrooms of the head of the family, married newlyweds and children's rooms for the little ones.
- The northwest direction is ruled by the element of wind. It is unfavorable for tall buildings and tall trees. However, it is good to plan a toilet room here. It is better if it is located outside the main building. The toilet can also be arranged in the west, north, southeast, south.
- In the northeast there is a water supply and sewerage system, but without toilet rooms
- In the center of the house there should be a place for worship, an altar or a room for prayer. Be sure to keep this part of the home clean so that strife and disease do not penetrate into it.
- The lady of the house grows houseplants in the northern, eastern and northeastern zones

Shastra in Sanskrit means "treatise", and vastu shastra means "knowledge of the house."

All Vedic knowledge is closely related. Because vastu is interconnected with Ayurveda - the science of life, or in other words, medicine - and Vedic astrology.

In ancient times, when people treated everything and everyone as a person, honored and respected her, before doing something, they planned and consulted with more knowledgeable people. It was obligatory to visit a Vedic astrologer who:
- determined the place and favorable time to start building a house
- made his horoscope for the owner
- marked the date of the housewarming

Before laying the foundation, the soil of the place, the proximity to human and natural objects were studied.

Vastu teaching is based on the influence of cardinal points on the layout of the house, both outside and inside. The house must strictly look with its walls to the north, east, south and west. If there are corners or displacements of the location in the house, it is impossible to achieve harmony, peace and creation.
- The sun, moon and time have a special role in planning the future construction and rooms of the finished house. According to their cyclicity, everything in the house is designed to help a person engage in their activities and improve spiritually and physically, and not create tension and irritation of the residents.
- For example, the eastern side is ideal for spiritual practices, meditations and ablutions. That is, there is a place for a shower or bathroom and a room for solitude and prayer in the early morning.

All moving and stationary objects on our Earth are subject to the influence of the planets:

East - Sun
Southeast - Venus
South to Mars
Southwest - Rahu (dark planet)
West to Saturn
Northwest - Moon
North to Mercury
Northeast - Jupiter

This principle is strictly observed when determining the placement of rooms, furniture and other items in the house.

Entrance to the house by Vastu

According to Vastu teachings, the entrance to the house should be from the north or east side. Since energy flows move from north to south, they freely enter a person’s living quarters and spread freely in it.
- If the entrance doors look to the east, they meet the sun and its energies, which are associated with the movement of vital energy - prana. It is in the morning that solar energies are most active and powerful. They are beneficial to promote health, contribute to the success and clarity of mind of all the inhabitants of the house.
- The southern direction for entry is extremely unfavorable, because it contradicts the laws of nature. Family troubles, serious illnesses, apathy and depression become companions of those people whose front doors face south.

Vastu house scheme

Consider several schemes of houses built in accordance with the laws of Vastu.

And another option

- A house built according to Vastu attracts both with its location and practical interior design. Each person feels comfortable and peaceful in such a house.
- You can easily feel the harmony, comfort and logic of the arrangement of interior items and furniture in space
- Having lived for some time in such a house, the guest will be able to feel the beneficial effects of balanced energies and a peaceful atmosphere

Vastu house photo

What does a house built and planned according to Vastu principles look like?

For example, like this:

Or like this:

Vastu Shastra does not recommend building a house near a cemetery or a factory, as well as a lake or a river located on the western side of the future house.
- If housing is bought ready, then you should first study its history. In case of more than 2 deaths in the previous two months in it, it is considered unfit for purchase and life in it
- Also, in accordance with the owner's zodiac sign, you can buy favorable housing in a city or village. You should know that representatives of the water element will suit the eastern region of the settlement, air - western, fire - northern, earth - southern
- Vastu says that a house facing any direction, the roof of the north or east, attracts negative situations and diseases to its residents

Still sick, this tendency is exacerbated if:

The site was incorrectly selected in shape, it has slopes or ravines
- the owner neglected the neighborhood with objects that negatively affect the house from an energy point of view
- lakes, rivers and other water bodies of the site or outside it are located on unfavorable sides
- the road pattern is intermittent
- incorrect location of the entrance to the settlement

Vastu house shape

Vastu Shastra defines a strictly square shape with right angles as the best for a house. It balances the influence of all cardinal points, planets, energy flows.

However, there are forms of houses without corners. In this case, the inhabitants of such a dwelling need to be aware of the possible consequences and imbalances in their lives.

The absence of the northeast corner, according to Vastu Shastra, is the worst. In such a house, the number of women prevails over men, including among children. And financial difficulties and poverty accompany its residents
- Without the southeast corner, there is a high probability of quarrels and disagreements between husband and wife, problems and difficulties in children with their studies
- No southwest, south and / or southeast corners - no good health. Diseases develop that lead to disability and movement restrictions in the future
- Thefts haunt the owners of a house without a northwest corner

Consider one of the examples of the layout of rooms and the space of a built real house

It is built of gas silicate blocks and yellow facing bricks, has many windows for the natural penetration of a large amount of sunlight.
It has a gable roof covered with turquoise tiles.
The house is two-storey, the second floor is an attic
Strictly oriented to the cardinal points north-south-east-west, has a strictly square shape. Entrance from the north side, there is also a veranda

We look inside the house.

The northwest square is a room for guests or female relatives. It is bright thanks to large windows. This zone is patronized by the Moon, in addition, it is located to the left of the entrance.
- North square - entrance hall
- The northeast square contains the hall, which is also the living room and work room of the owner of the house. Below it is a cellar with a water tank and a pumping station that provide water to the house.
- The Western square is ruled by Saturn, so there is a room for elderly relatives who come to visit
- The central square is empty. Due to the lack of overlapping of the second floor and additional lighting from the windows in its ceiling, it is bright for most of the day
- The east square consists of a bathroom and an altar
- To the southwest is the master bedroom. This part is ruled by the planet Rahu, therefore it is the darkest and has a rest
- The southern square consists of a corridor and a toilet, stairs to the second floor, a small utility room
- In the southeast there is a kitchen, a water-heating boiler

If you are interested in vastu and dream of building and planning your house according to the laws of this science, then read vastu shastra, listen to lectures in the public domain, or consult with a specialist in this field. However, you are quite capable of independently understanding all the nuances of vastu and creatively approach the project of realizing your dream home.

Video: Vastu house planning features

Did you know that our health directly depends on the environment and space of our home. This will help us to harmonize the house and apartment. There is such an ancient science - Vastu. It is even older than Feng Shui. Vastu originates from Vedic times, and this is about 5 thousand years ago.

The Vedas say: “A house built without taking into account the laws of Nature will be doomed to failure, loss and frustration, and a house according to Vastu is built according to the laws of Vastu, will attract happiness, health and peace.”

Signs - when your house is sick

There are several sure signs that your home is "sick" and therefore needs help. Such specialists who harmonize space are called Doctor Vastu.

  • If in your apartment you have a feeling of "lack of air" or "compressed space";
  • If you have a feeling of stagnation in life;
  • If your housing "sucks the strength out of you";
  • If you have a feeling that you do not live in your home;
  • If you don't feel safe in your home;
  • If sleeping in a home bed does not restore your strength;
  • If you feel negative emotions at home;
  • If the previous tenants had serious problems;
  • If you find it difficult to maintain order in the house;
  • If you are not drawn to home, but when you enter the house, you want to go back.

If you answered yes to one or more of the questions, then you need to take immediate action. You need to follow the rules of Vastu little by little, but consistently and regularly, observing whether all your household members are comfortable with your changes, i.e. you need to feel the energy of space after all your actions.

First of all, you need to decide on the directions: North-South-West-East. A compass or Yandex map will help you with this. I must say right away that the most correct shape of an apartment is rectangular (or square). If not, then such a house needs a correction, because. each sector of the apartment is responsible for a certain area of ​​​​life.

Harmonization at home - how to do it right?

So, the main postulates that will help harmonize the space of our house (an apartment according to Vastu):

  • Fresh fruit is a wonderful gift for your home. Make it a rule to always keep a bowl of fruit on the table. This is very auspicious, no entities will cling to the fruit, because it is a Divine product;
  • Very favorable at home in vases are flowers: cut or live. Flowers have lunar energy, and fill you with lunar feminine energy, and your house will be filled with this energy. Just do not breed creeping and climbing plants, as well as plants with thorns at home, except for roses and cacti;
  • It is very important to do a general cleaning at home every 3 months, as well as energy cleansing - with fire, sea, salt, etc. It is very good to go around the house counterclockwise with a candle - this will clear the space, moving clockwise fills the space. At the same time, it is imperative to read any mantra, prayer, or simply saying: “I cleanse.” Cleaning is especially effective on Maundy Thursday.
  • It is very important to remember that Vastu works at the level of prana, i.e. energy. The more claims we have, the more negative energy we “attach” to this situation. Where our thought is, there is energy. Therefore, you need to clear the space so that thoughts are also clean. Prana is light. Where can we get this light? First of all, it is light food, bright thoughts, what surrounds us. Therefore, bring only positive thoughts into the house. And you have to start with yourself!

How to harmonize yourself?

  • First of all, awareness is needed, we enter the house only with positive thoughts!
  • We need to find our place of Power in the house, where we are cozy and comfortable, where we feel that we are energized. This place needs to be equipped, improved and strengthened (with light, a picture, a mandala, etc.). If it is difficult to find this place, then an astrologer can calculate it for each family member.
  • The house must be in order, a good smell.
  • Harmonize the energy of the primary elements (fire, water, earth, air, ether).

Harmony of energy of primary elements

How to properly use each direction in the house with the help of primary elements?

  • In the north-east, it is good to use water, and flowers in water are better. In the northeast, lightness is needed, because. this direction is responsible for the relationship. The Moon is responsible for this sector, you need to make it beautiful, you can place family photos that evoke lunar emotions. It is also important for good relationships to harmonize the space in the bathroom. It is better if the bathroom is not connected to the toilet. Since the moon is responsible for the bathroom, lunar colors are very favorable here, soft white, mother-of-pearl, transparent shades. There should be no chips or cracks in the bathroom and sink. Regular washing, the absence of trash and unnecessary things is very important.
  • In the southeast - you need the energy of fire - better than candles
  • In the West, stability, weighting are important, this sector is responsible for status. Here are good photos of famous ancestors, or a loved one. Remember - never hang photos of living people in the southern sectors of the apartment! There should not be any aggressive photos, negative pictures in the house!
  • In the southwest it is better to place the matrimonial bedroom, the windows in this direction should be closed with thick curtains and blinds at dusk, this raises the Vastu energy in the house by 10%. It is very good to put a figurine of the Ganesha Deity on the windowsill, it removes obstacles in our life, or a ficus flower - it will close the entrance of negative energy into the house.
  • In the northwest direction it should be clean, light, you can hang an image of the Moon, you can store pearls, place flowers, yantras to the Moon.
  • Be sure to determine the center of the apartment, the central point is called Brahma-Bindu, here is the largest flow of energy, so this place should not be blocked by anything.
  • In what direction is it favorable to sleep? Sleeping with your head to the west will give fame and prosperity; to the east - opens the mental world and increases the taste for spirituality, gives health; south - increases wealth, health and prosperity. You can’t sleep with your head to the north, because. all energies come from the north, there may be headaches, insomnia, lack of sleep.

And some more important points:

  • If there is a religious image in the bedroom - do not sleep with your feet towards this image;
  • Making the bed immediately after getting up, it draws energy from the previous day, makes it difficult to complete daily tasks, causes energy loss;
  • Take out the trash every day until sunset;
  • Dust especially in the bedroom, it heals the marital relationship;
  • You can not put TVs, computers in the bedroom;
  • You can not eat in bed;
  • The mirror should not reflect the matrimonial bed.
  • In the bedroom, light Venusian tones, floral motifs are favorable;
  • It is better if the bed is rectangular, and sleep under the same blanket with your spouse;
  • It is good to place quartz under the bed, it carries the energy of Venus;
  • Paired things are favorable in the bedroom, for example: lamps, vases, paintings, etc., this will support a married couple.

Where should a mirror be hung in the house?

I especially want to say about the mirrors:

  • Mirrors should hang in the direction of North, East, North-East, i.e. when we look in the mirror, we face in these directions;
  • It is necessary to remove the mirror opposite the entrance;
  • Mirrors must be solid and regular in shape;
  • If two mirrors are nearby (for example, mirrored cabinet doors) - this is unfavorable according to Vastu, because. “tear” the reflection into pieces. Therefore, it is better to close or seal one half with something.
  • Windows are the eyes of the house. Through them, happiness enters your home. Therefore, wash windows more often, then it will be easier for the energies of happiness to get into your house! Open windows more often, letting the energy of air and light into the house!

And it is also very important that the woman in the house be satisfied with everything, and then the energy of happiness will reign in the house!