Treaty of Versailles June 28, 1919 Treaty of Versailles


After the defeat of the German coalition in World War I, a conference of powers that were at war with Germany met in Paris on January 18, 1919. Among them the main ones were the USA, England, France, Italy and Japan. During the discussion of the terms of the peace treaty with Germany, many disagreements and contradictions were revealed among the members of the conference. On May 7, 1919, a draft peace treaty was worked out, which was presented by the chairman of the conference, French Premier Clemenceau, to the German delegation that arrived in Paris, headed by the German Foreign Minister Brockdorff-Rantzau. The treaty begins with the Charter of the League of Nations. The German delegation wanted to enter into negotiations with the Entente powers on the content of the peace treaty, but this was refused. The delegations were allowed only to make written statements on certain articles of the treaty. She made extensive use of this, but could not change the essence of the treaty. Then Brockdorff-Rantzau refused to sign the contract and resigned. The German delegation returned home, after which a heated discussion took place in Germany between opponents and supporters of the signing of the treaty. In the end, the supporters of the signing won, and a new German delegation was sent to Paris, headed by the Social Democratic Foreign Minister Hermann Müller, who on June 28, 1919 signed a peace treaty in the Hall of Mirrors of the Palace of Versailles (hence the name of its "Treaty of Versailles" ). Lenin assessed this treaty as "an unworthy forced peace in the interests of robbery and profit" ( V. I. Lenin, Soch., vol. 29, p. 431).

Article 1. ... All states, dominions or colonies ... may become members of the League if two-thirds of the Assembly vote in favor of their admission, since they will give effective guarantees of their sincere intention to comply with international obligations and since they will accept the provisions established by the League regarding their military, naval and air forces and armaments.

Any member of the League may, after two years' prior warning, withdraw from the League, provided that by that time he has fulfilled all his international obligations, including those under this Statute.

Article 2. The activities of the League, as defined in this Statute, are carried out by the Assembly and the Council, which has a permanent Secretariat.

Article 3. The Assembly consists of representatives of the members of the League.

It meets at the appointed time and at any other time, if circumstances so require, at the seat of the League or such other place as may be appointed.

The Assembly is in charge of all matters which fall within the scope of the League or which affect the peace of the world.

Each member of the League may have no more than three representatives in the Assembly and has only one vote.

Article 4. The Council shall consist of representatives of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers, and of the four other members of the League. These four members of the League shall be appointed at the discretion of the Assembly, and at such times as it may wish to elect...

With the approval of the majority of the Assembly, the Council may appoint other members of the League, whose representation on the Council will henceforth be permanent. He may, with the same approval, increase the number of members of the League to be chosen by the Assembly to be represented in the Council.

The Council meets when circumstances so require, and at least once a year, at the seat of the League or such other place as may be appointed.

The Council is in charge of all matters within the scope of the League or affecting the peace of the world.

Any member of the League not represented on the Council is invited to send a representative to attend when a question is brought before the Council that particularly affects its interests.

Each member of the League represented in the Council has only one vote and has only one representative.

Article 5. Insofar as there are no specifically contrary provisions of this Statute or provisions of this Treaty, the decisions of the Assembly or the Council shall be taken unanimously by the members of the League represented in the assembly ...

Article 7 Geneva shall be the seat of the League...

Article 8 The members of the League recognize that the maintenance of peace requires the limitation of national armaments to the minimum compatible with national security and with the fulfillment of international obligations imposed by a common action.

The Council, taking into account the geographical position and special conditions of each state, prepares plans for this restriction for the consideration and decision of the various governments.

These plans should be subject to a new review and, if necessary, revision at least every ten years.

After they have been adopted by the various governments, the limit of armaments thus fixed may not be exceeded without the consent of the Council...

Article 10. The members of the League undertake to respect and preserve, against any external attack, the territorial integrity and existing political independence of all members of the League. In the event of an attack, threat or danger of attack, the Council shall indicate the measures to ensure the fulfillment of this obligation.

Article 11. It is expressly declared that every war or threat of war, whether directly or not affecting any of the members of the League, is of interest to the League as a whole, and that the latter must take measures capable of effectively protecting the peace of nations. In such a case, the General Secretary shall immediately convene the Council at the request of any member of the League.

In addition, it is declared that every member of the League has the right to draw the attention of the Assembly or Council in a friendly manner to any circumstance capable of affecting international relations and, therefore, threatening to shake the peace or good harmony between nations, on which the world depends.

Article 12. All members of the League agree that if a dispute arises between them, which may lead to a rupture, they will submit it either to arbitration or to the consideration of the Council. They also agree that they must in no case resort to war before the expiration of a period of three months after the decision of the arbitrators or the report of the Council ...

Article 16. If a member of the League resorts to war contrary to the obligations assumed in Articles 12, 13 or 15, he is ipso facto considered to have committed an act of war against all other members of the League. The latter undertake to immediately break off with him all commercial or financial relations, to prohibit all communications between their own citizens and the citizens of the state that has violated the Statute, and to stop all financial, commercial or personal communications between the citizens of this state and the citizens of any other state, whether it is a member of the League or not.

In this case, the Council is bound to propose to the various governments concerned that strength of military, sea or air force by which the members of the League will, according to their affiliation, participate in the armed forces intended to maintain respect for the obligations of the League.

The Members of the League further agree to give each other mutual support in the application of the economic and financial measures to be taken by virtue of this article, in order to reduce to a minimum the losses and inconveniences which may result therefrom. They likewise provide mutual support to counter any special measure directed against one of them by a State in violation of the Statute. They shall make the necessary arrangements to facilitate the passage through their territory of the forces of any member of the League participating in the general action to maintain respect for the obligations of the League.

Any member found guilty of violating one of the obligations arising from the Statute may be expelled from the League. The exception is made by the votes of all other members of the League represented in the Council.

Article 17 In the event of a dispute between two states, of which only one is a member of the League or of which neither is a member of it, the state or states outside the League are invited to submit to the obligations incumbent on its members for the purpose of settling the dispute, on conditions recognized by the Council as just...

If the invited State, refusing to assume the duties of a member of the League for the purpose of settling a dispute, resorts to war against a member of the League, the provisions of Article 16 shall apply to it...

Article 22. The following principles apply to colonies and territories which, as a result of the war, have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the states that previously ruled them, and which are inhabited by peoples who are not yet capable of self-governing themselves in the especially difficult conditions of the modern world. The welfare and development of these peoples constitute the sacred mission of civilization, and it is fitting that guarantees for the fulfillment of this mission be included in this Statute.

The best way to put this principle into practice is to entrust the guardianship of these peoples to the advanced nations who, by virtue of their resources, their experience or their geographical position, are best able to assume this responsibility and who are willing to accept it: they would exercise this guardianship. as Mandatory and on behalf of the League...

Article 32. Germany recognizes the full sovereignty of Belgium over the entire disputed territory of Morenay (called Neutral Morenay).

Article 34. Germany furthermore renounces in favor of Belgium all rights and titles in the territories comprising the entire counties (Kreise) of Eupen and Malmedy.

Within six months following the entry into force of this Treaty, records will be opened at Eupen and Malmedy by the Belgian authorities, and the inhabitants of the said territories will have the right to express in writing their desire to see these territories, in whole or in part, left under German sovereignty.

The Belgian Government will have to bring the result of this popular inquiry to the attention of the League of Nations, whose decision Belgium undertakes to accept.

Article 40 ... Germany recognizes that the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ceased to be a member of the German Customs Union on January 1, 1919, renounces all rights to operate railways, joins in the abolition of the regime of neutrality of the Grand Duchy and accepts in advance any international agreements concluded By the Allied and Associated Powers regarding the Grand Duchy.

Article 42. Germany is prohibited from maintaining or building fortifications either on the left bank of the Rhine or on the right bank of the Rhine to the west of the line drawn 50 kilometers east of this river.

Article 43. Likewise prohibited in the zone defined in Article 42 is the maintenance or concentration of armed forces, either permanent or temporary, as well as all military maneuvers, of whatever kind, and the preservation of any materiel for mobilization.

Article 44. Should Germany in any way violate the provisions of Articles 42 and 43, she would be regarded as having committed an act of hostility towards the signatory Powers of the present Treaty, and as seeking to shake the peace of the world.

Article 45. In compensation for the destruction of the coal mines in the north of France, and on account of the amount of reparations for war losses due from Germany, the latter cedes to France full and unrestricted ownership, free and clear from all debts or duties and with the exclusive right to exploit, coal mines located in the Saar basin ...

Article 49. Germany renounces in favor of the League of Nations, here considered as a Fideicommissar, the administration of the territory defined above.

At the end of fifteen years from the coming into force of this Treaty, the people of the said Territory shall be called upon to express themselves as to the sovereignty under which they wish to be placed.

Versailles is not peace, it is a truce for twenty years

Ferdinand Foch

The Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919 was signed on June 28. This document officially ended the First World War, which for 4 long years was the worst nightmare for all Europeans. This treaty got its name from the place where it was signed: in France in the Palace of Versailles. The signing of the Treaty of Versailles between the countries participating in the Entente and Germany, which officially recognized its defeat in the war. The terms of the agreement were so humiliating and cruel in relation to the losing side that they simply had no analogues in history, and all politicians of that era spoke more about a truce than about peace.

In this material, we will consider the main conditions of the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919, as well as the events that preceded the signing of this document. You will see on concrete historical facts how tough the demands on Germany turned out to be. In fact, this document shaped relations in Europe for two decades, and also created the prerequisites for the formation of the Third Reich.

Treaty of Versailles 1919 - terms of peace

The text of the Treaty of Versailles is quite lengthy and covers a huge number of aspects. This is also surprising from the point of view that never before have peace agreements spelled out in such detail the points that have nothing to do with it. We will cite only the most significant conditions of Versailles, which made this treaty so enslaving. We present the Versailles Peace Treaty with Germany, the text of which is presented below.

  1. Germany recognized its responsibility for all the damage caused to all countries participating in the First World War. The losing party will have to pay for this damage.
  2. Wilhelm 2, the emperor of the country, was recognized as an international war criminal and demanded to be brought to the tribunal (Article 227)
  3. Clear boundaries were established between the countries of Europe.
  4. The German state was forbidden to have a regular army (Article 173)
  5. All fortresses and fortified areas west of the Rhine must be completely destroyed (Article 180)
  6. Germany was obliged to pay reparations to the victorious countries, but the specific amounts are not specified in the documents, but there are rather vague wordings that allow these amounts of reparations to be assigned at the discretion of the Entente countries (Article 235)
  7. The territories west of the Rhine would be occupied by the Allied forces in order to enforce the terms of the treaty (Article 428).

This is not a complete list of the main provisions that the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919 contains, but they are quite enough to assess how this document was signed and how it could be executed.

Prerequisites for signing the agreement

On October 3, 1918, Max of Baden became Chancellor of the Empire. This historical character had a tremendous impact on the outcome of the First World War. By the end of October, all participants in the war were looking for ways to get out of it. No one could continue the protracted war.

On November 1, 1918, an event occurred that is not described in Russian history. Max Badensky caught a cold, took sleeping pills and fell asleep. His sleep lasted 36 hours. When the chancellor woke up on November 3, all the allies left the war, and Germany itself was engulfed in revolution. Is it possible to believe that the chancellor simply slept through such events, and no one woke him up? When he woke up, the country was almost destroyed. Meanwhile, Lloyd George, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, describes this event in some detail in his biography.

On November 3, 1918, Max Badensky woke up and first of all issued a decree prohibiting the use of weapons against revolutionaries. Germany was on the verge of collapse. Then the chancellor turned to the German Kaiser Wilhelm with a request to abdicate the throne. On November 9, he announced the abdication of the Kaiser from the throne. But there was no renunciation! Wilhelm abdicated only after 3 weeks! After the German chancellor virtually single-handedly lost the war and also lied about relinquishing Wilhelm's power, he himself resigned, leaving behind Ebert's successor, an ardent social democrat.

After the announcement of Ebert as Chancellor of Germany, miracles continued. Just one hour after his appointment, he declared Germany a Republic, although he did not have such powers. In fact, immediately after this, negotiations began on an armistice between Germany and the Entente countries.

The Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919 just as clearly shows us how Badensky and Ebert betrayed their homeland. Armistice negotiations began on 7 November. The agreement was signed on 11 November. To ratify this agreement, on the part of Germany, it had to be signed by the ruler, the Kaiser, who would never agree to the conditions that the signed agreement carried in itself. Now do you understand why Max of Baden on November 9 lied about the fact that Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated?

Results of the Treaty of Versailles

Under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was obliged to transfer to the Entente countries: the entire fleet, all airships, as well as almost all locomotives, wagons and trucks. In addition, Germany was forbidden to have a regular army, to engage in the production of weapons and military equipment. It was forbidden to have a fleet and aviation. In fact, Ebert signed not a truce, but an unconditional surrender. Moreover, Germany had no grounds for this. The Allies did not bomb German cities and not a single enemy soldier was on German territory. The Kaiser's army successfully conducted military operations. Ebert was well aware that the German people would not approve of such a peace treaty and would want to continue the war. Therefore, another trick was invented. The treaty was called a truce (this a priori told the Germans that the war was simply ending without any concessions), but it was signed only after Ebert and his government laid down their arms. Germany, even before the signing of the "truce", transferred the fleet, aviation and all weapons to the Entente countries. After that, the resistance of the German people to the Treaty of Versailles was impossible. In addition to the loss of the army and navy, Germany was forced to cede a significant part of its territory.

The Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919 was humiliating for Germany. Most politicians later said that it was not peace, but simply a truce before a new war. And so it happened.

On June 28, two events took place: one that opened the way to the First World War and one that ended it. The first - - happened in 1914, the second - the Treaty of Versailles, which ended the First World War, in 1919. Europe (and not only it, but the world as a whole) disentangles the consequences of both to this day.

"This is not peace, this is a truce for 20 years." "This is not peace, but conditions dictated by robbers with a knife in the hands of a defenseless victim." These phrases, alas, turned out to be prophetic.

The author of the phrase about the truce is the commander-in-chief of the Entente troops, Marshal Ferdinand Foch. The author of the phrase about the robbers - Vladimir Lenin. These two, to put it mildly, disliked each other. Foch cherished plans for the conquest of Soviet Russia. And even was the organizer of military intervention in our region during the Civil War. Lenin, on the other hand, dreamed that "the revolutionary fire would spread to Europe."

Both of these political opponents agreed on one thing: the Treaty of Versailles is an extremely unstable construction. And even dangerous. Foch, being a military theorist and shrewd strategist, guessed almost exactly. World War II really began exactly 20 years after Versailles. Or rather, two months later - September 1, 1939.

And what a glorious start it all started... US President Woodrow Wilson, one of the initiators of the Paris Conference, during which the treaty was signed, repeatedly stated that "this document will become a guarantee of world peace." However, serious problems began in Europe after Versailles.

Before the war, it was more or less unified. Or rather divided between large empires - Germany, Russia, France, Austria-Hungary, Italy. In any case, the basic principles of the modern European Union - a single legal space, free movement of people and capital - were impeccably ensured. Unless the Russian Empire humiliated itself by maintaining the system of passports and visas. In 1919, the rulers of the "new world", the winners who signed the Treaty of Versailles, cut European borders, guided by the principle "let every nation finally have its own national state." The principle is good. But what did it result in?

As a result, the “titular nations”, having freed themselves from the “terrible oppression of empires”, arranged something indecent on their new lands. They prefer to remain silent about it. But what to do with the Russian genocide in Finland? The oppression of the Germans in Alsace, Lorraine and the Ruhr? Bullying of Ukrainians, Belarusians and the same Germans in Poland? A complete mess in a hastily created Yugoslavia, consisting of Serbs, Croats, Bosnians and Albanians who hate each other?

Peace treaty between the allied countries, the united states and Germany in 1919 Photo:

One gets the impression that the Treaty of Versailles legalized one, but ardent desire of many European peoples: they were tired of making up a “united Europe” and again wanted to split into tribes - to become Hungarians, Poles, Letts, Estonians, Finns, Romanians, French ... And ruthlessly crush everyone, who does not fit into these tribes. And suddenly Europe was shrouded in a network of states with nationalist, and even openly fascist regimes - from Portugal with dictator Salazar in the west to Latvia with dictator Ulmanis in the east (see infographic). Paradox: only Hitler came to power democratically. All the rest - by coup. And all these regimes began to prepare a new world meat grinder.

Germany was then forced to pay for the pan-European massacre. The price was impressive - 269 billion gold marks (approximately equal to 100 thousand tons of pure gold). Although the Austro-Hungarian Empire was the first to officially declare war, bribes were smooth from it - such a state, under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, was forever erased from history. But the Germans paid the last tranche of reparations a hundred years ago only 4 years ago. 70 million euros. United Europe is strict. And collects debts without any discounts.

The echoes of that hasty treaty are still quite loud today. In the newly independent states - Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia - Nazi marches are held. Nationalist sentiment is strong in France, Hungary and Romania.

National separatists appeared in Spain, England and Italy.

What, are you tired of "united Europe" again? Ready to split into tribes? Looking for enemies in the East? Don't you think we've been through all this before?

Art. 1 ... All states, dominions or colonies ... can become members of the League if two thirds of the Assembly vote for their admission ..., and insofar as they accept the provisions established by the League regarding their military, naval and air forces and weapons .

Any member of the League can ... leave the League, provided that he has fulfilled all his international obligations by this moment ...

Art.2. The activities of the League, as defined in this Statute, are carried out by the Assembly and the Council, which has a permanent Secretariat.

Art.3. The assembly consists of representatives of the members of the League...

Art.4. The Council is composed of representatives of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers, as well as representatives of four other members of the League. ... The Council meets when circumstances so require, and at least once a year ... The Council is in charge of all matters affecting the sphere of action of the League or affecting the peace of the world. Every member of the League not represented on the Council is invited to send a representative to attend when a question is brought before the Council that especially affects his interests...

Article 5. Insofar as there are no specifically contrary provisions of this Statute or provisions of this Treaty, the decisions of the Assembly or the Council shall be taken unanimously by the members of the League represented in the assembly ...

Article 7. The seat of the League is Geneva...

Art.8. The members of the League recognize that the maintenance of peace requires the limitation of national armaments to the minimum compatible with national security and with the fulfillment of international obligations...

Art.10. The members of the League undertake to respect and preserve, against any external attack, the territorial integrity and existing political independence of all members of the League. In the event of an attack, threat or danger of attack. The Council indicates measures to ensure the fulfillment of this obligation.

Art. 11 It is expressly declared that every war or threat of war, whether it directly or not affects any of the members of the League, is of interest to the League as a whole and that the latter must take measures capable of effectively protecting the peace of nations ...

Art.12. All members of the League agree that if a dispute arises between them, which may lead to a rupture, they will submit it either to arbitration or to consideration by the Council ...

Art.16. If a member of the League resorts to war... then he is ipso facto regarded as having committed an act of war against all other members of the League. The latter undertake to immediately break off all commercial or financial relations with it ... In this case, the Council is obliged to propose to the various interested governments that numerical strength of the military, sea or air force, through which the members of the League will, according to their affiliation, participate in the armed forces intended to maintain respect for the obligations of the League ... any member found guilty of violating one of the obligations arising from the Statute ... may be expelled from the League ...

Article 17. In the event of a dispute between two States, of which only one is a member of the League, or of which neither is a member of it, the State or States outside the League are invited to submit to the obligations incumbent on its members for the purpose of settling the dispute...

If the invited State, refusing to assume the duties of a member of the League for the purpose of settling a dispute, resorts to war against a member of the League, the provisions of Article 16 shall apply to it ...

Article 22. The following principles apply to colonies and territories which, as a result of the war, have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the states that previously ruled them, and which are inhabited by peoples who are not yet capable of self-governing themselves in the especially difficult conditions of the modern world. The welfare and development of these peoples is the sacred mission of civilization, and it is fitting that guarantees for the fulfillment of that mission be included in the insistence of the Statute. The best way to put this principle into practice is to entrust the guardianship of these peoples to the advanced nations which, by virtue of their resources, their experience, or their geographical position, are best able to assume this responsibility and who are willing to accept it...

Art.32. Germany recognizes the full sovereignty of Belgium over the entire disputed territory of Moraine...

Article 34. Germany renounces, moreover, in favor of Belgium, all rights and titles in the territories comprising the entire counties (Kreise) of Eupen and Malmedy.

Within six months following the entry into force of this Treaty, records will be opened at Eupen and Malmedy by the Belgian authorities, and the inhabitants of the said territories will have the right to express in writing their desire to see these territories, in whole or in part, left under German sovereignty.

The Belgian Government will have to bring the result of this popular inquiry to the attention of the League of Nations, whose decision Belgium undertakes to accept.

Art.40. ... Germany recognizes that the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ceased to be part of the German Customs Union on January 1, 1919, renounces all rights to operate railways, joins the abolition of the Grand Duchy's regime of neutrality and accepts in advance all international agreements concluded by the Allied and Associated powers in relation to the Grand Duchy.

Art.42. Germany is forbidden to maintain or build fortifications either on the left bank of the Rhine or on the right bank of the Rhine to the west of the line drawn 50 kilometers east of this river.

Art.43. Likewise, it is prohibited in the zone defined in Article 42 to maintain or concentrate armed forces...

Art.44. In the event that Germany should in any way violate the provisions of Articles 42 and 43, she would be considered as having committed an act of hostility towards the Powers that signed the insistence of the Treaty, and as striving to shake the peace of the world.

Art.45. In compensation for the destruction of the coal mines in the north of France, and in reparations for the war losses due from Germany, the latter cedes to France full and unrestricted ownership ... of the coal mines located in the Saar basin ...

Art.49. At the expiration of a period of fifteen years from the coming into force of this Treaty, the people of the said Territory shall be called upon to express themselves as to the sovereignty under which they wish to be placed.

Alsace - Lorraine.

The High Contracting Parties, recognizing as a moral obligation to remedy the injustice caused by Germany in 1871 to both the law of France and the will of the population of Alsace-Lorraine, cut off from their fatherland, despite the solemn protest of its representatives at the Assembly in Bordeaux, have agreed on the following articles:

Art.51. The territories ceded to Germany by virtue of the Preliminary Peace signed at Versailles on February 26, 1871, and the Frankfurt Treaty of May 10, 1871, return to French sovereignty from the day of the armistice of November 11, 1918 ...

Art.80. Germany recognizes and will strictly respect the independence of Austria...

Art.81. Germany recognizes ... the complete independence of the Czechoslovak state ...

Art.83. Germany renounces in favor of the Czechoslovak state all its rights and titles to a part of the Silesian territory ...

Art.87. Germany recognizes ... the complete independence of Poland and renounces in favor of Poland from all rights and titles in the territories limited by the Baltic Sea, the eastern border of Germany ...

Art.102. The Principal Allied and Associated Powers undertake to form from the city of Danzig... a Free City. He will be placed under the protection of the League of Nations.

Art.104. ... Include the Free City of Danzig within the customs border of Poland and take measures to establish a free zone in the port ...

Art.116. Germany recognizes and undertakes to respect, as permanent and inalienable, the independence of all territories that were part of the former Russian Empire by August 1, 1914...

The Allied and Associated Powers formally stipulate Russia's rights to receive from Germany all restitutions and reparations based on the principles of this Treaty.

Art.119. Germany renounces in favor of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers all her rights and titles to her overseas possessions.

Art.160. At the latest, from March 31, 1920, the German army should not have more than seven divisions of infantry and three divisions of cavalry. From this moment on, the total strength of the army of the states that form Germany should not exceed one hundred thousand people ...

The total number of officers... shall not exceed four thousand...

The German Grand General Staff and all other similar formations will be disbanded and cannot be re-established in any form.

Art.173. All kinds of universal compulsory military service will be abolished in Germany. The German army can be built and manned only by voluntary recruitment.

Art. 180. All land fortifications, fortresses and fortified places located on German territory to the west of the line drawn fifty kilometers east of the Rhine will be disarmed and demolished ...

The system of fortifications of the southern and eastern borders of Germany will be preserved in its present state.

Art.181. At the expiration of a period of two months from the date of entry into force of this Treaty, the strength of the German navy shall not exceed in armed courts:

6 battleships of the "Deutschland" or "Lothringen" type,

6 light cruisers,

12 counter - destroyers,

12 destroyers...

They must not contain any submarines.

Art.183. ... the total number of persons involved in the German navy ... including officers and personnel of every rank and every kind, should not exceed fifteen thousand people ...

Art.198. The military forces of Germany must not include any military or naval aviation...

Similar information.