Extra-curricular event based on Andersen's fairy tales. "My Favorite Storyteller"

Extracurricular activities at school. Andersen's birthday

Literary and musical composition for schoolchildren "Visiting the storyteller"

An exhibition of drawings based on the fairy tales of Kh.K. Andersen. For all excerpts from fairy tales that students will show, costumes and scenery are being prepared, music is selected.

On the stage is a portrait of the writer in the spotlight. Against the background of soft music, the words sound:

“My life is a beautiful fairy tale, rich in events, blessed. If in childhood, when I was a poor boy, I set off across the wide world, a powerful fairy would meet me and say to me: “Choose your path and goal, and I, in accordance with your talents and reasonable abilities, will protect and guide you!” - and then my fate would not have been happier, wiser and better.

Ole Lukoye appears.

Ole Lukoye: Good afternoon dear friends! You recognized me? My name is Ole-Lukoye. We have gathered in this hall to remember the wonderful Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen. Today we celebrate the birthday of this wonderful writer.

Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in Denmark, in the small town of Odense. Andersen comes to us in different ways, guys. Then he quietly sneaks into the room and brings you, like a kind magician, wonderful dreams. That fairy tale of the Danish writer floats along with Thumbelina on a leaf of a water lily. You will forever be captivated by the love of the courageous and gentle Little Mermaid, the love that made her immortal. But most often, Andersen's fairy tale boldly and cheerfully breaks into the world of childhood: “A soldier was walking along the road: one or two! One-two!

(Staging of an excerpt from the fairy tale "Flint" performed by students. Characters: author, witch, soldier.)

Ole Lukoye: You watched a short excerpt from Andersen's fairy tale. And what is this fairy tale, you guessed it? Who knows, raise your hand.

Students answer.

Today you will see a few more excerpts from the works of this wonderful storyteller. And after each fairy tale, my assistants will hold small quizzes and ask you questions. Be very careful to answer them. Anyone who wants to answer should raise their hand.

Quiz "What happened next"

1st assistant: I will read you an excerpt from a fairy tale, and you will have to continue it.

. “Once it was a completely dark evening, and the soldier could not even buy himself a candle; and then he remembered that the tinderbox, which he took from the empty tree, where the witch lowered it, had a cinder. The soldier took out a tinderbox with a cinder and just hit the flint and struck a fire, as ... "

. “The duckling sank into the water and swam towards the beautiful swans, who, seeing him, also swam towards him.

- Kill me! said the poor thing, and bowed his head low, expecting death. But what did he see in water as clear as a mirror!

. “The ship was turned three or four times, flooded to the brim with water, and it began to sink. The soldier was up to his neck in the water ... Then the paper completely spread, and the soldier went to the bottom.

. “I know, I know why you came! said the sea witch to the Little Mermaid. “You want to get rid of your tail and get two props instead so that you can walk like people.” You want the young prince to love you. But you must pay me for my help,” said the witch.

In which fairy tale H.K. Andersen, did the prince have to become a shepherd?

Ole Lukoye: And now you will see an excerpt from this tale. Creeble-crable-booms!

Students show an excerpt from the fairy tale "Swineherd". Characters: author, princess, swineherd, ladies-in-waiting.

Ole Lukoye: Did you like the fairy tale? And now the quiz!

Quiz "Know the subject"

2nd assistant: We will show you an object or drawing, but to which you will have to name Andersen's fairy tale, as well as the hero to whom this object belongs.

Umbrella ("Ole Lukoye").

Pea ("The Princess and the Pea").

Sledge (Kai, "The Snow Queen").

Paper boat ("The Steadfast Tin Soldier").

Nettle ("Wild Swans"),

Duck egg ("Ugly duckling").

Walnut shell ("Thumbelina").

Ole Lukoye: And now we will look into the house of one woman ... Students show an excerpt from the fairy tale "Thumbelina". Characters: the author, Thumbelina, a woman, a witch, a toad, the son of a toad.

Quiz "Name the hero of the fairy tale"

3rd assistant:

The hero of what fairy tale sang a song: “Oh, my dear Augustine,

It's all gone, everything." ("Swineherd")

In what tale did the courtiers claim that their king was dressed in luxurious clothes? ("The King's New Dress")

Which Andersen's hero knows fairy tales more than anyone else in the world? (Ole Lukoye)

What is it about:

“In the very cup of the flower sat a little man, white and transparent, like crystal. A crown shone on his head, shiny wings fluttered behind his shoulders. (Elf, "Thumbelina")

“She was so charming and tender, all of dazzling ice and yet alive! Her eyes sparkled like stars, but there was neither warmth nor beauty in them ... ”(The Snow Queen)

Ole Lukoye: And now we will go to the realm of eternal ice and cold! Are you afraid to freeze?

Students show an excerpt from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen". Characters: author, Gerda, Kai, Snow Queen.

Ole Lukoye: You see, true friendship can work wonders.

Quiz "From which fairy tales excerpts are taken"

4th assistant:

Name Andersen's fairy tale, an excerpt from which I will read: “Once upon a time there was a troll, angry, deceiving, simply the devil. Once he was in a good mood: he made such a mirror in which everything good and beautiful diminished utterly. All the same, bad, ugly, on the contrary, appeared brighter, it seemed even worse ”,“ The Snow Queen ”

In which fairy tale did the queen guess that the girl who came to the palace was a princess? ("Princess on the Pea")

Ole Lukoye: Let's remember how it happened...

Students show an excerpt from the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea". Characters: author, princess, prince, queen, king.

Ole Lukoye: This concludes our holiday. But Andersen's fairy tales, fairy tales about kindness, true friendship, mutual assistance, love do not end. You can read these stories for yourself. And now I will say the magic words and all the heroes of the fairy tales that you saw today will appear on the stage. Creeble-crable-booms!

Music sounds. Passes parade of fairy-tale heroes.

Target: arouse interest in reading foreign works of art.


  • expand the circle of information about the famous Danish fairy tale writer G.Kh. Andersen;
  • teach students to characterize characters by their actions;
  • to replenish students' ideas about the past (as they studied in those distant times);
  • develop an idea of ​​the genre - a literary fairy tale
  • to form reading skills and literary concepts;
  • develop students' speech, cognitive activity;

Material: G.Kh. Andersen's fairy tale “Ole Lukoye”

Equipment: a multimedia projector, a drawing of a ship, a map of the world, an exhibition of books by G.Kh. Andersen.

During the classes

Organizing time.

(The teacher announces that there are teachers from the upper grades of the school who will teach them in the fifth grade.)

Statement of the learning task

Teacher: Guys, we have finished studying the material placed in the second part of the textbook “Native Word” and are moving on to studying the material from the third part of the book. From today we begin to get acquainted with the works of foreign fairy tale writers.

Knowledge update.

Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: What does the word foreign mean? (living abroad or abroad.)

Teacher: Try to decipher the word that denotes the name of one of the foreign fairy tale writers.

s e n A e r d n

A portrait of the writer is displayed.

Teacher: State the topic of our lesson.

Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: Our lesson will not be quite ordinary. I suggest you make a correspondence trip to the country of Denmark (a map is posted). How will we get to this amazing country?

First, the electric train will take us to Moscow, then the Sapsan high-speed train will take us to St. Petersburg, and then we will sail to Denmark on a sea ship.

Teacher: Give the name of the sea vessel (“Fearless”).

Teacher: Waves are splashing overboard. We won't be bored while sailing. The command sounds: "Full speed ahead." And we are listening to the biography of G.Kh. Andersen.

A prepared student's story.

Hans Christian Andersen was born in 1805 in the country of Denmark in the small town of Odense. His father was a shoemaker and his mother was a laundress. He heard the first fairy tales from his father and old women from a nearby almshouse (a shelter for the elderly). The boy altered these tales in his own way and again told the same old pilgrims.

In 1835, 3 collections of Andersen's fairy tales were published. In total, he wrote 170 fairy tales in his life.

Teacher: Have you read Andersen's fairy tales before? (Answers of children).

Game "Guess the name".

Teacher: I have prepared for you the game “Guess the name”. For each word from the first column, you need to choose the right word from the second column, and then you should get the correct name of 6 Andersen's fairy tales, very famous all over the world.

Teacher: We continue our swimming.

The city is visible ahead. The capital of Denmark is the city of Copenhagen. We moor. We go to the coast. Before us is the famous sculpture - The Little Mermaid (the sculpture is demonstrated with the help of multimedia equipment). This is the heroine of one of Andersen's fairy tales.

Moving to the city center of Copenhagen. There is a monument to Andersen here (we are looking at the illustration). We see narrowed eyes, a large sloping forehead, a thin nose.

And now it's time to get acquainted with one of Andersen's fairy tales. The authors of the textbook invite us to read the fairy tale, “Ole Lukoye”.

Ole-Lukoye is a literary character of G.Kh. Andersen, based on folk tales. This is a funny little man. (On the board is a drawing by Ole Lukoye by the Danish artist Wilhelm Pedersen.)

The name Ole-Lukoye consists of two parts: Ole is a Danish male name, Lukoye is translated as “Close your eyes”. He carries two umbrellas under his arm, which he opens to sleeping children. For children who behaved well, an umbrella with beautiful pictures is intended. It helps them to have beautiful pleasant dreams. For naughty children, Ole Lukoye opens an umbrella without pictures. These children spend the night without dreams.

While the city is filled with spring and peace,
And the darkness covers him with a fox's tail,
The pensive Ole Lukoye walks on the roofs,
Hanging at the elbow two silk lightweight umbrellas.

Catch a colorful fairy tale by the wing and hide it,
In the sleeve, on which the curls shine milky.
Under the folds of colorful silk, the elves laugh,
And in black, claws scrape frighteningly gently.

Teacher: Sit comfortably on the benches near the monument.

Vocabulary work before reading a fairy tale.

syringe - a special device for obtaining small streams of water (demo syringe);

  • caftan- old men's long-brimmed clothing (shows a caftan);
  • ajar- open the door a little.

Students read the introductory part to themselves.

Answers to questions on p. 4-5 textbooks.

Reading the first part aloud by well-read students.

Vocabulary work in the process of reading:

  • donuts - soft round buns;
  • eyes stick together - close when you want to sleep;
  • slate board - a black board (in the old days every student had it, and they wrote on it with a special pencil - slate pencil);
  • man nods - sitting, then falls asleep, then wakes up.

Teacher: What type of fairy tale would you classify this fairy tale as? And according to its content, to which group of fairy tales does it belong?

The entry opens:

Teacher: Prove that this fairy tale is literary.

Prove that this fairy tale can be attributed to the group of fairy tales.

Working with tests in pairs

(tasks are performed in turn: 1 task - 1 student, 2 task - 2 student).

Choose and circle the correct answer.

1. Ole Lukoye comes to the children:

a) early in the morning

c) in the evening.

2. The wizard climbs the stairs:

a) in stockings;

b) in boots;

c) in boots.

3. When the children fall asleep, Ole Lukoye sits down:

a) on the sofa

b) on the bed;

c) a chair.

4. Ole Lukoye indoor flowers will turn into:

a) big trees

b) shrubs;

5. Each flower on the branches of trees to taste was:

a) sweeter than marshmallows;

b) sweeter than jam;

c) sweeter than honey.

6. More on the trees were:

a) pies with jam;

7. Slate board:

a) tore and threw;

b) cried;

c) laughed.

8. The letters written by Hjalmar were:

a) even;

b) miserable;

c) beautiful.

Checking the execution of tests.

The teacher names the correct answers.

After checking, students evaluate their work. To do this, draw emoticons at the end of the tests:

Teacher: Which of you wanted to know the end of this story?

(consideration of an exhibition of books).

We stop our journey and go to rest.


famous storyteller,
Wonderful storyteller

Sweet milk will pour into them,
Get up - and from the rear blows in the back of the head,
To fall asleep easily.

Ole Lukoye will reveal over the sleeping
Your fabulous, your colorful umbrella,
And the ugly duckling will become a swan,
Thumbelina will find elves.
Click with a flint and flint
And you will be happy
The bewitched Kai will thaw.


famous storyteller,
Wonderful storyteller
Storyteller, my dear good storyteller!

Filling in the individual table “Today's lesson for me...”

1. Interesting 1. Worked 1. Understood the material

2. Bored 2. Rested 2. Learned more than I knew

3. indifferent 3. helped others 3. did not understand

Oksana Boltalina
Literary quiz based on the fairy tales of H. H. Andersen

Municipal budgetary preschool educational

institution "Kindergarten No. 29 combined type"





teacher Boltalina O.V.

Kstovo, 2013

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the works of G. Kh. Andersen


Clarify children's ideas about the work of G. Kh Andersen;

To form interest in the works of G. Kh. Andersen

Cultivate respect for books.

Develop connected speech.

Improve collaboration skills while working in team;

preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales G. X. Andersen.

Watching animated films fairy tales G. X. Andersen

Examination of illustrations based on the works of G. Kh. Andersen

Excursion to the children's library

Equipment: illustrations from fairy tales"Thumbelina"(8 pieces, illustrations from fairy tales"The Steadfast Tin Soldier"(8 pieces, exhibits for museum: horseshoe, pea, walnut shell, paper boat, pouch, chest, egg, gold coin, rose, red rag, silver crown, brooch, mirror, sled, feather; projector, film with episodes of cartoons based on fairy tales G. X. Andersen, umbrella, envelopes with puzzle pieces "Umbrella".

Methods and techniques: conversation, explanation, explanation, appearance fairy tale hero, a game "I will start and you will continue", a game "Restore Sequence", story, watching a cartoon, paper construction, reflection.

vocabulary work: "Flint": flint, pouch, satchel, said, inn,

"The Steadfast Tin Soldier": troll, tin, snuffbox, maid

"Thumbelina": rested,

"Darn needle": darning needle,

"True Truth": nashest

"Ole-Lukoye": caftan, lead, looked around,

"The Princess and the Pea": mattress,

"Swineherd": casket, ladies-in-waiting, closet, bolted door.

Lesson progress:


Guys, let's greet each other.

Let's enjoy the sun and the birds

And also rejoice at smiling faces,

And to everyone who lives on this planet

"Good morning" let's say together.

"Good morning!" adults and children!

Appearance fairy tale hero: Ole Lukoye (Lycheva Zhenya):

Hello Hello!

What a miracle!

How many of you, friends!

let's introduce ourselves: Ole Lukoil

Little storyteller i!

(Children greet Ole.)

Edit: Hello Ole. Guys, tell me how many umbrellas should Ole Lukoya have? (Children: two) Why do you only have your gray umbrella?

Ole: Oh, it's true! And where is my umbrella, which I open over obedient children? That's my trouble now!

Edit: Don't worry, we'll help you.

Ole: Guys, I suggest you go to fairyland. And we will fly there on my gray umbrella. But get into fabulous country you can only answer my questions.

Contest 1: "Name and beginning fairy tales»

Ole Lukoye: Each fairy tales have a name. Now I'll find out how well you know the name fairy tales X. TO. Andersen. I will pronounce the first word of the name fairy tales while you continue. I will ask questions to each one in turn, and if you answer correctly, you stand up and hold hands.

(Children who answered the question correctly form a chain led by Ole Lukoye.)

Ole: Ugly. (duckling)

Ole: Wild… (swans)

Ole: "Dungy (beetle)»

Ole: Princess… (on a pea)

Ole: "True (truth)»

Ole: "Resistant. (tin soldier)

Ole: "True. (truth)"

Ole: "Snowy. (queen)"

Ole: "New. (king dress)"

Ole: "Ole. (Lukoye)"

Ole: "Box. (airplane)"

Ole: "Darning (needle)»

Ole: And now, guys, let's all blow on my umbrella together. (blowing)

(From the group room, the children, holding hands in a chain, move to the music room. The music room is decorated according to fabulous.)

Stop "Library"

Ole Lukoye: And now, guys, we will find ourselves in the kingdom where all the books live - in the library. Do you know how to behave in the library? ( Children: Keep quiet. Books do not tear, do not stain. Return books on time

Edit: What happened here? (points to two tables with scattered illustrations from books "Thumbelina", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier")

Ole: Ah, this troll from the snuffbox managed to scatter them and confuse them. Your task is to assemble the book, arrange the pictures in the correct sequence.

1 table: "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" (for boys)

2 table: "Thumbelina" (for girls)

Stop "Museum"

Ole: And now we are in fabulous museum. All items are stored here fairy tales G. X. Andersen. And how are they in the museum? (Children: Don't make noise. Exhibits are not touched.) And our museum fairy here you can take things by hand. Choose an exhibit and tell us what it is from fairy tales.

1. Golden horseshoe ("Dung-beetle")

2. Pea ( "Princess on the Pea").

3. Walnut shell ( "Thumbelina").

4. Paper boat ( "The Steadfast Tin Soldier",

5. Pouch ("Flint")

6. Chest ( "Airplane Chest").

7. Egg (ugly duck)

8. Gold coin ( "Flint")

9. Rose (Swineherd)

10. Red rag ( "Ugly duck")

11. Silver crown ( "Wild Swans", "The Snow Queen")

12. Brooch ("The Steadfast Tin Soldier")

13. Mirror ("The Snow Queen")

14. Sledge ("The Snow Queen")

15. Feather ("The Ugly Duckling", "The True Truth")

16. Play: Anya, and this is for you (holds an imaginary cloth) what is it from fairy tales?

Stop: "Glade"

1. How many dogs were in fairy tale"Flint" (squats)

2. How many liars sewed the king's new dress? (clapping over head)

3. How much told fairy tales Ole Lukoye to the boy Hjalmar. (tilts to the toes)

5. How many umbrellas did Ole Lukoye have? (Head nods)

6. How many tin soldiers were there? (blink your eyes so many times)

7. How many brothers did Elsa have in Fairy tale "Wild Swans"? (squats)

8. How many golden horseshoes were shod by horses in fairy tale"Dung-beetle?" (Jumping on two legs)

Stop: "Movie"

Ole: And this is a cinema. Let's swear. Guys, episodes from different cartoons will be shown here. fairy tales G. X. Andersen, and you have to guess from which fairy tales this episode.

On the screen, the guys are watching excerpts from cartoons fairy tales X. TO. Andersen.

("True Truth", "Dung-beetle", "Flint", "Racks Tin Soldier", "Ole Lukoye", "Swineherd", "The King's New Dress", "Wild Swans", "Mermaid", "Princess on the Pea")

Stop "Umbrella"

Voice: Ole, look, we found your umbrella!

Ole: Thank you! And for this, I will give you these magic envelopes

Edit: Let's see what's in there, shall we? Let's split into threes.

(Assemble the puzzle "Umbrella")

Vosp .: Guys, look how much we managed to do good, useful and good deeds. Who wrote all these wonderful fairy tales for us. (Children: G. H. Andersen) I hope you never forget them. It's time for us to go home to our garden. Ole, will you fly with us?

Ole: No guys, I should stay in my fairyland. But I have magic dust, and you will be home in an instant. (Ole opens his found umbrella, and pollen spills out of it. The children fly away, saying goodbye to Ole Lukoye)

(In a group room, sitting on chairs in a circle)

Vedas: Guys, did you like our trip? Which stop was the most interesting for you? What was the most difficult question? Would you like to repeat the trip to fairyland? Then we need to increase our knowledge base fairy tales by different authors, and I think Ole Lukoye will fly to visit us again. Well done!


Literary quiz based on the fairy tales of H. H. Andersen for students of primary and secondary school age.

librarian of the city library No. 14 MBUK "TsLS Vologda" Romina Natalya Alekseevna.

Description: The literary quiz "In the country of Andersen's heroes" is intended for students of primary and secondary school age. It can be used in literature lessons when studying the work of foreign writers, at events dedicated to the anniversary of the Danish storyteller G. H. Andersen, as well as in the preparation of library lessons in the school library.

- Increasing readers' interest in Andersen's fairy tales;
- Assistance to the educational process;
- Aesthetic, moral education;
- Introduce students to the storyteller's books available in the library.

Decor: title of the event, portrait of G. H. Andersen, storyteller's books, recordings of the songs "The Princess and the Pea" performed by the "Children's Playground" group (author S. S. Savenko); "The Snow Queen" from the film "The Secret of the Snow Queen".

Equipment: music center, tokens, prizes.

Event progress
Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in Denmark.
In blooming Denmark, where I saw the light,
Takes my world its beginning;
In Danish, my mother sang songs to me,
My dear whispered fairy tales to me ...
I love you, wave of native seas,
I love you, old mounds,
Flowers of gardens, native forests, meadows,
I love you, my fathers country.
H. K. Andersen "Denmark is my homeland"

Andersen's father was a shoemaker, and his mother was a laundress. The boy grew up in poverty: he slept in a small room filled with workbenches and tools for shoemaking. But from early childhood, Andersen was familiar with fairy tales and loved them very much. At first he liked to listen to them. Tales were read to him by his father, and told by his grandmother. Fairy tales immersed the impressionable boy in the mysterious world of magic.
Gifted with a rich imagination, Andersen could play alone for hours. He did not need noisy children's companies. Any twig, stick or pebble came to life in his imagination and told their amazing stories. From these stories later his fairy tales were born.
In total, Hans Christian Andersen wrote more than 150 fairy tales in his lifetime. We have a lot of Andersen's books in our library. (The host shows the books) Guys, what fairy tales of Andersen have you read? (Children call) Now we will check how carefully you read them. I will ask questions and you will answer. For every correct answer you get a token. At the end of the lesson, we will count the tokens. Whoever has more of them, those of you will receive prizes.


Competition 1. "Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales"
1. Why was Thumbelina named Thumbelina? (For just 1 inch height = 2.54cm)
2. How was Thumbelina born? (A flower like a tulip has grown from a barley grain)
3. What name did the king of elves give Thumbelina? (Mayan)
4. Name everyone who wanted to marry Thumbelina. (Son of a toad, beetle, mole, elf)
5. Why did Thumbelina not like friends and acquaintances of the beetle? (The fact that Thumbelina is not like them: she has no waist, antennae and only 2 legs)
6. Why did the field mouse give shelter to Thumbelina? (Thumbelina liked the mouse because it ate little)
7. What did Thumbelina eat when she lived in a field mouse hole? (grain)
8. Who did not like the sun at all and why? (Mole because he was blind)
9. Who did Thumbelina save from death, and then did she save Thumbelina from an unhappy marriage? (Martin)
10. What did the elves give Thumbelina on her wedding day with the king of the elves? (Wings)

1. What prevented the heroine of the fairy tale from getting enough sleep? (Pea)
2. After how many mattresses and down jackets did the princess feel the pea? (Through 20 mattresses and 20 down jackets)
3. Why did the queen put a pea under the princess' mattresses? (To find out if she is a real princess or not)
4. What was the weather like outside on the day the princess came to the palace? (It was raining outside)
5. Where was the pea sent when the prince and princess got married? (To the Kunstkamera - a museum of outlandish things)
Musical pause: The song is "The Princess and the Pea".

1. Who was the son of the old pewter spoon? (Tin soldier)
2. Who did the steadfast tin soldier fall in love with? (To the dancer)
3. What difficulties did the soldier have to experience? (Sail in a paper boat, get swallowed by a fish)
4. Where did the tin soldier end his life? (in the oven)

1. Which of the heroes of Andersen's fairy tales believed that his appearance was to blame for all misfortunes? (Ugly duck)
2. What did the Ugly Duckling become? (In a beautiful swan)

1. How many stories does the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" consist of? (Out of 7)
2. What are the names of the main characters of the fairy tale? (Kai and Gerda)
3. What did the disciples of the troll break and thereby bring a lot of trouble to people? (Mirror)
4. Who did Gerda meet on her way while looking for Kai? (A woman who knows how to conjure; crow; Prince and Princess; Little robber; Lapland; Fink)
5. Without him, Gerda would not have been able to get to Kai. (Deer)
6. With the help of what did Gerda manage to get rid of the spell of an old woman who knows how to conjure? (rose flower)
7. Where does the Snow Queen live? (In Lapland; in Finland)
Musical pause: The song is "The Snow Queen".

1. Who guarded the chests with copper, silver and gold coins? (Dogs)
2. What were the eyes of the dogs? (The first has like tea cups, the second has like mill wheels, the third has the size of a Round Tower).
3. How did the magical properties of flint and flint manifest themselves? (It was worth hitting the flint with a flint, then one of the dogs appeared)
4. What was the first order the soldier gave to the dog? (bring money)
5. What was the soldier's second wish? (See Princess)
6. How did the fairy tale end? (Soldier became king and married a princess)

1. Why did the prince dress up as a swineherd? (To meet the princess)
2. What gifts did the Prince not appreciate the Princess? (Nightingale and rose)
3. Why did the king drive his own daughter out of the palace? (The king saw his daughter kiss the swineherd)
4. How many magical items were in the fairy tale "Swineherd"? (Two: a wonderful pot of bells and a musical instrument - a rattle)
5. What song did the pot bells call? (Ah, my dear Augustine, It's all gone, gone, gone!)

1. Who sewed a new dress for the king? (Two weavers deceivers)
2. What amazing properties did the fabric from which the king's dress was sewn have? (The fabric was of an unusually beautiful pattern and color, and it also became invisible to any person who was out of place or impassibly stupid)
3. What was the king's new dress made of? (From nothing)
4. Why was everyone around afraid to admit that the king was naked? (Didn't mean to sound stupid)
5. Who was the first to dare to say that the king is naked? (A little boy)

Competition 2. "Fabulous mathematics"
1. How many rooms were there in the dungeon where the soldier descended on the orders of the witch in the fairy tale "The Flint"? (Three)
2. How many soldier sons did the old tin spoon have in the fairy tale "The Steadfast Tin Soldier"? (Twenty five)
3. How many dogs did the soldier see in the fairy tale "Flint"? (Three)
4. How many mattresses, featherbeds and peas were placed on the bed of the princess in the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea"? (Twenty mattresses, twenty featherbeds and one pea)
5. How many kisses from the princess did the swineherd demand for his wonderful gifts (the fairy tale "Swineherd")? (Ten - for a bowler hat and a hundred - for a ratchet. Total - 110)

Competition 3. "In the world of birds and animals"
What fairy tales of Andersen are these animals from?
1. Field mouse ("Thumbelina")
2. Chicken ("Ugly duck")
3. Raven ("The Snow Queen")
4. Toad ("Thumbelina")
5. Swan ("The Ugly Duckling", "Wild Swans")
6. Swallow ("Thumbelina")
7. Deer ("The Snow Queen")
8. Cat ("Ugly duck")
9. Mole ("Thumbelina")
10. Dog ("Flint")
11. Beetle ("Thumbelina")
12. Duck ("Ugly duck")
13. Moth ("Thumbelina")

Competition 4. "Remember the names of fairy tales"
Fill in the missing words in the titles of the fairy tales:
1. ... queen (Snowy)
2. Galoshes ... (happiness)
3. Persistent ... soldier (tin)
4. Wild… (swans)
5. … house (Old)
6. ... on a pea (Princess)
7. New... king (dress)
8. … - Lukoye (Ole)
9. Girl with ... (with matches)
10. ... duckling (Ugly)
11. Flowers... Ides (small)

Competition 5. "Portraits of heroes"
1. “She was wearing a thin batiste skirt, a blue scarf on her shoulder and a shiny brooch on her chest, as big as the girl’s head. The beauty stood on one leg, arms outstretched, she was…” (Dancer, The Steadfast Tin Soldier)
2. “She was so lovely, so tender, all of dazzling ice and yet alive! Her eyes sparkled like stars, but there was neither warmth nor beauty in them. (Snow Queen, "Snow Queen")
3. “In the very cup of the flower sat a little man, white and transparent, like crystal. A crown shone on his head, shiny wings fluttered behind his shoulders. (Elf, "Thumbelina")
4. “He was so beautiful that the princess bowed low to him, and he said to her: “Now I only despise you ...” (The Swineherd Prince, "Swineherd")
5. “A soldier was walking along the road: one or two! One-two! Knapsack on the back, saber on the side; he was going home." (Soldier, "Flint")
6. “The son was also wet and ugly - exactly the same as his mother, the old one ...” (Son of the toad, "Thumbelina")
7. “Oh my God, what did she look like! Water ran from her hair and dress straight into the toes of her shoes and flowed out of her heels, but she still assured that she was real ... " (Princess, "The Princess and the Pea")

Competition 6. "Andersen's Hometown"
What country did Hans Christian Andersen live in? (In Denmark)
Now, guys, having guessed the crossword puzzle, we will find out in which city of Denmark Andersen was born.

Questions for the crossword puzzle horizontally:
1. A little girl with a difficult fate.
The girl never boasted of herself.
She knew how to do everything: sweep and sew.
And she stayed with the elves on the flowers to live.

2. He stood at attention,
Even though he was single.
He endured adversity,
Nobody saw him cry.

3. I must warn you:
I'm so fragile, I'm so tender
What through a thousand featherbeds
one pea
I will feel all night
And I won't sleep!

4. As a child, everyone laughed at him,
Tried to push him away
After all, no one knew that he
Born a white swan.

6. She was so lovely
Wonderful, amazing.
From blinding ice
She was. Tender and cold.

In selected cells vertically: The name of the city where Hans Christian Andersen was born.
Horizontal crossword answers:1. Thumbelina; 2. Soldier; 3. Princess; 4. Duckling; 5. Mermaid; 6. Queen.
Vertical response:ODENSE. There is an Andersen museum in this city. The museum contains personal belongings of the writer, various editions of his books in all languages ​​of the world and manuscripts that attract special attention of visitors. You look at the rapidly running lines, and it seems that with them you are carried away into the beloved world of a fairy tale.