Research is. Introduction

Associated with the time of year, days of the week, as well as holidays;

The regularities of suicides depending on the region, type of settlements, social and hygienic characteristics of the family are analyzed:

On the example of the Ryazan region, a SWOT analysis was carried out to identify opportunities and problem areas in terms of implementing regional measures to prevent suicide among adolescents;

A system of measures aimed at reducing mortality from suicide at the individual, group and population levels has been developed.

The practical significance of the work. The materials contained in the dissertation have found the following practical application:

1. Proposals for organizing measures to prevent teenage suicides have been introduced in the municipalities of Ryazan (act of implementation in the State Health Institution "Ryazan Regional Clinical Psychoneurological Dispensary" dated February 5, 2013) and Tula (act of implementation in the State Health Institution "Tula Regional Clinical Hospital No. N.P. Kamenev” dated January 14, 2013) regions.

2. The materials of the dissertation were used to prepare a monograph "Adolescent mortality in Russia" commissioned by UNICEF (M., 2011).

3. Based on the results of the work, an information letter “Organization of the prevention of depression and suicide among adolescents” was prepared and published (Ryazan, 2013).

4. Research materials are used in the educational process: at the departments of GBOU VPO Ryazan State Medical University. acad. I.P. Pavlova, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, FGBOU HPE Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Department of Postgraduate Vocational Education, Scientific Center for Children's Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow).

Approbation of the research results. The dissertation materials were presented, reported and discussed at:

- XVI Congress of Pediatricians of Russia with international participation (February 24-27, 2012, Moscow);

All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Demographic present and future of Russia and its regions" (May 30-31, 2012, Moscow);

International conference ITAR-TASS organized by UNICEF on the problem of suicides among adolescents in Russia (December 11, 2011, Moscow);

All-Russian scientific conference "Young organizer of healthcare" for students and young scientists, dedicated to the memory of prof. V.K. Sologuba (Krasnoyarsk, 2012);

Interdepartmental meeting of the Ryazan State Medical University. acad. I.P. Pavlova (Ryazan, 2013).

Author's personal contribution consists in independently conducting an analytical review of domestic and foreign literature on the problem under study, developing a program and research plan, collecting and developing information about the objects of study. The author developed a questionnaire for adolescents and conducted a sociological survey, performed statistical processing and analysis of the data obtained, formulated conclusions and suggestions.

The main provisions for defense:

1. Modern levels of suicide mortality among adolescents aged 15-19 in Russia are determined primarily by their trends in the 1990s and significantly exceed previously predicted indicators.

2. The death rate of adolescents from suicides is of a pronounced regional nature, depending on the type of settlements and the age and sex characteristics of suicides.

3. In the Ryazan region, the actual death rates of boys and girls from suicide are higher than recorded by official statistics. In recent years, however, there has been a steady increase in the number of injuries with indeterminate intentions in this region, which indicates an underreporting of suicides among adolescents.

4. The proposed system of measures to reduce the mortality of adolescents from suicide, based on the early identification and elimination of their risk factors, as well as the formation of a benevolent information environment in the most popular social networks for young people, and taking into account the "social and hygienic portrait" of suicides.

The volume and structure of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of introduction, 5 chapters, conclusion, conclusions, practical recommendations, bibliography. The work is presented on 177 typewritten pages, illustrated with 28 tables and 18 figures. The bibliographic list includes 264 sources, including 124 foreign authors.
In inadministered the substantiation of the relevance of the topic is given, the purpose and objectives, scientific novelty, scientific and practical significance of the study are indicated, the main provisions submitted for defense are stated.

AT Glava 1 a critical analysis of domestic and foreign literature on prevalence, risk factors, as well as modern approaches to the organization of suicide prevention in adolescence is presented.

AT Glava 2 "Materials and Methods of Research" discusses the organizational and methodological features of the dissertation work, which was carried out in accordance with the research plan of the SBEI HPE "Ryazan State Medical University named after I.I. Academician I.P. Pavlov” of the Ministry of Health of Russia and FBGU “Central Research Institute for the Organization and Informatization of Healthcare” of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

The object of the study were persons aged 15-19 years, who, according to the recommendations of the WHO Expert Committee (1977), belong to adolescents. This approach is also due to the fact that the work was carried out within the framework of the UNICEF international program. In addition, the statistical reporting of mortality presents data for 5-year intervals, including 15-19 years.

The information base of the study is represented by the following data:

On adolescent mortality in the Russian Federation for 1965-2010. (in intensive indicators per 100 thousand adolescents, taking into account gender);

On adolescent mortality in Russian regions for 1989-2010. to study the typology of territories in terms of the level and trends of mortality in intensive terms per 100 thousand boys and girls;

Data on suicides of adolescents (based on records of 25.7 thousand deaths of adolescents in the Russian Federation for the period from 2000 to 2010) used to study their characteristics by types of settlements, seasonality and distribution by day of the week;

Medical certificates of death (f. No. 106 / y) of adolescents from suicide in four Russian regions: with a low level (Moscow), an average (Tver and Ryazan regions) and a high level of mortality (Kirov region) - a total of 276 cases;

The results of a sociological survey of 352 adolescents in the Ryazan region on the features of anti-suicidal behavior.

SWOT analysis [A.A. Thompson, A.D. Strickland, 1998] in order to identify opportunities and problem areas in terms of measures used to prevent suicide on the example of the Ryazan region.

The study design is presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Study Design

Purpose of the study

Development of a system of measures to prevent suicide among adolescents at the regional level based on a medical and social study of the determinants that form them

Research objectives

Determine the main trends in suicide among adolescents in Russia and the Ryazan region

To identify patterns associated with seasonality and temporal characteristics of suicides in adolescents

To study the mortality of adolescents from suicides depending on the region of residence and types of settlements

Obtain and analyze the "social and hygienic portrait" of 15-19-year-old suicides in comparison with their peers who died from injuries and poisonings

Develop a system of measures aimed at reducing adolescent mortality from suicide

Objects of study

Regions of Russia

Schools and colleges in the Ryazan region


nye formations of the subjects of the federation of the Central Federal District

Four regions with different levels of teenage suicide: Moscow, Ryazan, Tver, Kirov regions

Units of observation

Students of schools and colleges in the Ryazan region

Adolescents aged 15-19 who died of suicide

Purpose, objectives, activities, expected results of the program

Sources of information

Data on adolescent mortality in the Russian Federation for 1965-2010, in Russian regions for 1989-2010

results of the sociological

survey of 352 adolescents about the features of anti-suicidal behavior

Data on suicides of adolescents (based on death records in the registry office of Russia from 2000 to 2010 (total 25.7 thousand units)

Medical certificates of death (f. No. 106 / y) of adolescents from suicide - 276 cases

Program to reduce teen suicide in the Ryazan region

Research methods

Mathematical-statistical, analytical

SWOT analysis, sociological survey

The following were chosen as the basis for the study in conducting a sociological survey: a typical secondary school, a college and a vocational school in the city of Ryazan.

The paper uses graphic images as a means of statistical analysis and visual generalization of the results of the study. When solving the tasks set, the corresponding relative indicators were compared. The significance of their differences was assessed using Student's t-test. The rank correlation coefficient was calculated.

The results of our own research are presented in the third-fifth chapters.

The study analyzed the dynamics of suicidal mortality of Russian adolescents aged 15-19 from suicides in different periods of the country's socio-economic development: the stable Soviet period (1965-1984), the period of reforms and transformations (1985-2002) and the modern period (2003-2010). Trends in adolescent mortality from suicide were assessed against the background of the dynamics of mortality from injuries and poisonings in general.

The distribution of subjects of the Federation by the level of suicides among adolescents was the basis for the allocation of basic territories in the course of this study.

It has been established that by 1970 the death rate of Russian boys from suicide increased by 67.1% compared to 1965 and amounted to 26.9 per 100 thousand male adolescents aged 15-19 years (R

In 1971-1984 there have been trends in which the rate of suicide among adolescents has been steadily declining. It should be noted a significant increase in positive trends during the anti-alcohol campaign of 1985-1987, when the studied indicator dropped to the level of 1965, amounting to 16.1 cases per 100,000 adolescents aged 15-19. During this period of time, the average annual rate of decline in mortality from suicide was 14.5%, while in 1971-1984. the average annual rate of decline of the studied indicator was 1%.

In 1988-1995 the death rate of Russian young men from suicide increased by 2.2 times, while there was no pronounced acceleration of negative trends after 1992. In 1995-1998 the indicator decreased by 8.8%, but these trends turned out to be unstable, and after the default of 1998, the death rate from suicide began to grow again, reaching an absolute maximum in 2001 - 37.9 per 100,000 adolescents aged 15-19 years.

In the 2000s, there was a decrease in adolescent mortality from suicide by 19.8%. However, in 2006-2010 there was a stagnation of the indicator at the level of 30-31 cases per 100 thousand young men (Fig. 1).

Mortality of girls in the Russian Federation from suicides in 1965-1984. was characterized by positive tendencies, like those of their male peers, but not always stable. In 1987, the rate reached an absolute minimum of 4.2 per 100,000 adolescents of the respective sex (P

During 1992-2010 trends in mortality of adolescent males and females in the Russian Federation from suicides were of a pronounced negative nature compared with mortality from injuries and poisonings in general. Thus, mortality rates from suicides increased by 20.6% and 23.2% against the background of a decrease in mortality from injuries and poisonings by 37.5% and 13.6%, respectively.

In general, in all subjects of the Russian Federation, the total number of suicides among adolescents varied from 1284 cases in 1989 to 2907 in 2001. Thus, the annual number of incidents in certain regions is quite small (often these are isolated cases). This is the reason for the significant annual variability of indicators in each of the Russian territories, which determined the choice of a three-year period for constructing a grouping of territories: at the turn and in the middle of the 1990s, at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, and also at the end of the first decade of the new century.

The regional profile of adolescent mortality from suicide is as follows. There is a wide range of indicators in both the male and female populations. At the same time, among young men, mortality from suicides varied from 3.6 in the Oryol region to 316.5 in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug per 100 thousand of the corresponding population (P

table 2

Criteria for classifying Russian territories according to adolescent mortality rates from suicide (per 100,000 population of the corresponding age)








up to 15.8

up to 21.1

up to 23.8

up to 12.0







above 28.8

above 50.2

above 52.6

above 48.3



up to 3.5

up to 3.5

up to 2.5

up to 2.7







above 9.3

above 12.7

above 13.4

above 14.0

The upper limit of the area of ​​low levels of mortality from suicide among young men has significantly decreased compared to the beginning of the 21st century (from 23.8 to 12 per 100 thousand of the population of the corresponding age and sex), while among girls it has practically not changed (2.7 and 2.5, respectively). At the same time, the proportion of territories with low rates of male adolescent mortality from suicide was 11%, and for girls this figure is slightly higher -14%. This area included adolescents from Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Moscow, Ryazan and Rostov regions, young men living in Dagestan, Kursk and Orel regions, St. Petersburg, as well as girls from Mordovia, Pskov, Voronezh, Samara, Murmansk and Magadan areas.

The zone of increased risk of suicide in boys and girls aged 15-19 years is determined by two geographical clusters - the territories of the European North-West, as well as the Far Eastern and East Siberian regions of Russia. In other words, in relation to suicides among adolescents, the vector “prosperous West - dysfunctional East” formed in the late 80s of the twentieth century remains.

It should be noted a high degree of similarity of disadvantaged areas among boys and girls, which indicates the absence of gender-specific risk factors in extreme territories.

The most favorable socio-economic situation in metropolitan centers with a diversified industrial and social structure contributed to the low suicide rate. While the regional centers with a monofunctional industrial specialization (for example, Izhevsk and Kostroma) occupied the first ranking places in terms of the level of suicides. During the period of socio-economic transformations, the intensity of social stress was greatest in regions where enterprises are city-forming, which manifested itself in a more pronounced increase in suicides [Shafirkin A.V., Shtemberg A.S., 2007].

Suicide trends among adolescents in the Ryazan region were of a fundamentally different nature. The death rate of adolescents from suicide in the Ryazan region was declining throughout the 90s of the 20th century, despite the fact that they were growing across the country as a whole. Despite the small number of annual events, which determines the significant variability of annual indicators, one can clearly distinguish the trend of decreasing mortality, which is especially pronounced among young men (Fig. 2).

In the 2000s, the positive trend in the Ryazan region continued, moreover, among young men, the same rate of decrease in mortality from suicide can be noted as in the 90s of the last century. In girls, against the background of a single annual number of suicide cases, an increase in the indicator was noted in the period 1998-2004. Since 2005, there has not been a single case of death of girls aged 15-19 as a result of suicide in the region.

As a result of various trends in adolescent mortality from suicide in the Ryazan region and in the country as a whole, the rank position of the region in the all-Russian distribution has changed. If at the turn of the 90s of the XX century the level of suicide among young men in the Ryazan region was close to the national average, then in 2010 it became 2.7 times lower. Two decades ago, the situation with suicides among girls in the Ryazan region was slightly better than the national average: their level was almost 1.5 times lower than the national average. By 2004, when suicide cases among girls were last registered in the region, the suicide rate among them in the Ryazan region was 3.5 times lower than the national average.

In Russia, the first place in the structure of adolescent mortality due to the influence of external factors is occupied by transport injuries, the second - with a small margin - is suicide. In total, these two causes account for about half of all adolescent deaths from injuries and poisonings. In the Ryazan region, the mortality of adolescents from traffic injuries is more than 1.5 times higher than the national average, and their contribution to the mortality of 15-19-year-old boys and girls is more than a third - 34.5%.

At the same time, transport injuries do not take the first place among the external causes of death of adolescents in the Ryazan region. More than 40% of all cases of death from poisoning and injuries in the region are injuries with uncertain intentions (Table 3). From injuries of an unknown nature, the death rate of adolescents in the Ryazan region is four times higher than the national average. According to the ICD-X, "this block includes cases where there is not enough information available to allow medical and legal experts to conclude whether the incident is an accident, self-harm, or assault with intent to kill or injure." Thus, it cannot be ruled out that a significant proportion of suicides are not registered.

Table 3

The main external causes of death of adolescents in Russia

and the Ryazan region in 2010

Per 100 thousand adolescents aged 15-19

In % of the total number of cases

The ratio of the indicators of the Ryazan region to the average for the Russian Federation,%


Ryazan Oblast


Ryazan Oblast

All external causes







traffic injuries


















damage with indeterminate intentions


















all other incidental and unspecified accidents






other external causes






With a uniform distribution of incidents by months, their monthly frequency should be 8.3%. However, as can be seen from Figure 3, in the Russian Federation, the monthly distribution of suicides among boys varies from a minimum of 7.4% to a maximum of 10.4%, and for girls from 6.7% to 11%, respectively. It should be noted that in girls this unevenness seems to be more pronounced.

Rice. 3. Distribution of suicides among boys and girls

in the Russian Federation by months of the year for the period 2000-2010. (in %)
For boys, the period of increased risk of suicide falls on April-June, for girls - in April-July, with a maximum in May. The periods (by months) of a reduced frequency of suicides in boys and girls differ quite significantly, while only February is similar for them, which accounts for 7.5% and 6.7% of incidents, respectively. The presence of gender-specific suicide among adolescents is evidenced by a weak correlation between the distribution of the frequency of incidents among boys and girls by months.

The distribution of suicides by day of the week is also not uniform. So, on Sunday there were 16.5% of suicides among boys and 15.8% among girls, on Saturday - 14.8% and 14.9%, on Monday - 14.4% and 14.6%, respectively. On the rest of the week, the distribution of incidents was below the average of 14.3%. Thus, periods of increased risk of suicide for both boys and girls fall on Saturday-Monday.

An analysis of the distribution of suicides jointly by seasons of the year and days of the week showed that the frequency of suicides significantly increases on the days of all holidays that are somehow significant for adolescents, regardless of the season of the year (New Year, St. Valentine's Day, February 23 and March 8, May holidays) , which is generally consistent with the literature data.

To eliminate the hypothesis of the climatic and geographical determinant of suicides in adolescents, the situation in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation was analyzed. The Central District was chosen for the following reasons. First, it is characterized by relatively homogeneous climatic and geographical conditions. Secondly, it is the most numerous and densely populated of all Russian territories (in particular, about 23% of Russian teenagers live in this district).

According to the data obtained, in general, the following vector can be traced in the Central Federal District: the maximum suicides were noted in rural areas - then there were small towns - urban-type settlements - medium-sized cities - large cities - the minimum suicides were in regional centers.

The study of the “social and hygienic portrait” of suicides showed that, despite all the differences in mortality rates from suicides in the four studied Russian regions (Moscow, Kirov, Tver and Ryazan regions), losses are formed, first of all, due to non-working adolescents. At the same time, there is a minimal contribution of suicides among university students to the overall mortality of adolescents.

It should be noted that in different territories the contribution of suicides to the overall mortality of adolescents of similar social groups differs quite significantly. Thus, among university students it varies from 2% in the Ryazan region to 16% in the Kirov region (R

In the course of the study, a survey was conducted among 352 senior students of a secondary general education school, a college and a vocational school in the city of Ryazan, including questions about their self-assessment of relationships with peers (Table 4).

It has been established that the differentiation of relationships with peers is based mainly on academic performance, rather than gender differences. Although, in general, girls study better than boys. At the same time, it can be noted that boys, compared with girls, are characterized by a higher level of conflict (6.6% and 3.8%, respectively). Girls, in turn, have a higher level of alienation (6.2% and 1.7%, respectively).
Table 4

Distribution of respondents according to self-assessment of relationships with peers

depending on the gender and academic performance of respondents, %

Self-Assessment Options

By gender

By achievement level



Both sexes

I study mostly "excellent", no more than 2-3 "fours"

I study mostly "good", no more than 2-3 "triples"

I study mostly "satisfactorily"

I am a leader, and my friends and acquaintances recognize this







I communicate well with friends







I often have conflicts with peers







I don't interact much with my peers.














* statistically significant differences are noted (P

It has been established that the differentiation of relationships with peers is based mainly on academic performance, rather than gender differences. Although, in general, girls study better than boys. At the same time, it can be noted that boys, compared with girls, are characterized by a higher level of conflict (6.6% and 3.8%, respectively). Girls, in turn, have a higher level of alienation (6.2% and 1.7%, respectively).

The next block of questions concerned the state of health. The vast majority of adolescents (81.5%) reported that they did not have any medical conditions that would limit their daily life. 15.7% of respondents have diseases accompanied by certain restrictions, but with the help of various means (glasses, hearing aids, etc.) it is possible to minimize the consequences of existing health disorders. Only less than 3% of adolescents suffered from diseases that severely limited their participation in daily life. It should be noted that since the survey was conducted in ordinary educational institutions, therefore, children with severe disabilities that prevent learning in a general school were not included in the sample.

Despite the generally favorable state of health, according to the respondents themselves, a significant part of them experienced a state of depression, a sense of the meaninglessness of life (41.4%), and every sixth teenager experienced these states quite often. About 40% of the respondents answered that they had never experienced depression. Girls somewhat more often than boys answered that they experienced depression (43.1% versus 39.5%), including often (18.4% versus 16.0%).

A significant differential sign of the incidence of depression is the composition of the family and, to an even greater extent, family relationships (Table 5).

Table 5

Distribution of respondents according to the frequency of experiencing depression
depending on the composition of the family and relations in the family of the respondents (%)

Have you experienced depression, a sense of the meaninglessness of life

By family composition

Depending on family relationships

Single-parent family (I live with only one of my parents)

Complete family (I live with both parents)

Basically mutual understanding

Too much pressure from adults

I'm on my own

All family members live on their own

Yes, once







Yes, quite often





















A kind of verification of the reliability of answers about experiencing depression is the question of the presence of people in the environment of a teenager who experienced such conditions. As follows from the answers of the respondents, there are no such people in the environment of 40.9% of adolescents, which corresponds to the proportion of those who themselves have never experienced such conditions. The fact that about 50% of the respondents indicated the presence of such people in the real environment, and only about 10% - in the virtual (Internet community), in our opinion, also indicates the reliability of adolescents' indications of the depressive feelings they experience.

Adolescents were asked if there were services in their locality where they could turn for help in case of depression and mood disorders. The most common answer was “difficult to answer”, in other words, “I don't know” - 57.0%. Answered that there are no such services at the place of residence -15.2% of respondents, and only a quarter of the respondents positively answered the question about the availability of such services. Characteristically, the awareness of boys and girls on this issue is almost the same. There is no difference in the awareness on this issue of those who have experienced depressive states, including often, and those who have never experienced them. Difficult to answer 53.0% of respondents who experienced depression, including 62.8% of those who experienced it repeatedly, and 58.8% of respondents who never experienced depressive feelings. 30.0% of adolescents who experienced depression, including 23.2% of adolescents who experienced it repeatedly, and 27.8% of adolescents who did not experience depressive feelings, are aware of the existence of services where they can turn to in case of depression, mood disorders.

10.7% of respondents have experience of communicating with a psychologist, 2.4% of respondents with a psychotherapist, and 15.1% and 2.4%, respectively, in the environment of respondents.

Thus, only slightly more than a quarter of adolescents are aware of the services available in the community to turn to in case of mood disorders; only a tenth of the respondents have experience of communicating with a psychologist and four times less - with a psychotherapist; but only a few, according to the survey, would go there in case of depression. Thus, lack of information about the availability of assistance, low accessibility even in the case of awareness, and the lack of positive experience from communicating with specialists, all this practically excludes qualified medical assistance for a teenager in case of depression, a sense of the meaninglessness of life.

The SWOT analysis carried out made it possible to identify problem areas in the creation of modern anti-suicidal barriers at the regional level, which we present in the original matrix (Table 6).

The most significant factors characterizing the identified organizational advantages and disadvantages of the current system for preventing teenage suicides in the Ryazan region were entered into the initial matrix of the SWOT analysis.

An assessment of the situation from the perspective of a SWOT analysis made it possible to identify the following unmodified risk factors for suicide:

Social anomie (old values ​​are lost in society and new ones are not formed), which is especially important for the formation of the personality of adolescents;

Table 6

Initial SWOT Analysis Matrix



Weak sides



Availability in the health sector of the region of experience in the development and implementation of measures to reduce teenage suicides.

Low staffing of educational institutions with specially trained medical psychologists.

Federal regulatory framework, provided by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 1998 No. 148 "On specialized assistance to people with crisis conditions and suicidal behavior."

Mortality of adolescents in the RO from traffic injuries is 1.5 times higher than the average for the Russian Federation.
The death rate of adolescents in the RO from injuries of an unknown type is four times higher than the average for the Russian Federation.

A high degree of availability of specialized assistance, due to the fact that out of 62,893 adolescents, 46,831 (74.4%) live in urban areas.

Provision of specialized medical and psychological assistance only upon request
Absence of a regional register of adolescents who have attempted suicide.

Availability of a targeted regional program for the prevention of bad habits among adolescents.

Anti-suicidal barriers are not developed, represented by moral, ethical, environmental factors and health-preserving behavior

Availability of a modern system

postgraduate professional education at the Ryazan Medical University. I.P. Pavlova.

Lack of professionals in the healthcare system who have the skills to work in social networks aimed at attracting adolescents to receive information about a healthy lifestyle.

Crisis service system at the regional level:

Office of socio-psychological assistance at the regional psycho-neurological dispensary;

Crisis hospital;


Development of volunteer movement among youth

Trust by adolescents of suicidal information posted on social networks on the Internet.

Availability of WHO reference manuals specifically addressed to professionals involved in suicide prevention work.

Population, group and individual prevention models have not been developed

Experience of interdepartmental coordination in the prevention of teenage suicides

Lack of procedures and standards for the provision of medical and social assistance to children with risk factors for drug addiction, deviant behavior, neuropsychiatric disorders, as a basis for possible suicidal behavior.

Organization in the field of health centers for children, contributing to the identification of risk factors of a behavioral and hereditary nature.

Lack of mobile health centers for children living in rural areas and small towns of the region.

Conducting large-scale campaigns dedicated to combating child abuse

Lack of fashion for a healthy lifestyle among adolescents

External and internal migration flows that contribute to the popularization and distribution of drugs among adolescents;

Economically difficult circumstances in families caused by job cuts in small towns and rural areas of the country;

The absence of fashion in society for health, which is not considered as a commodity in the labor market and is not a priority among the values ​​of Russian families;

Unregulated information environment for adolescent communication (popular sites);

Lack of effective anti-suicidal barriers at the individual, group and population levels.

The WHO Regional Office for Europe (2004) proposes to distinguish the following three models of suicide prevention: population, group and individual.

Common to all models are:

Sustainable socio-economic and ecological environment;

Targeted primary prevention, including the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

Positive stereotypes of parental behavior;

Exclusion of domestic violence and other types of child abuse;

The possibility of realizing the social needs of adolescents in the municipality.

The structure of the models should be based on a longitudinal analysis of regional characteristics and seasonality of suicides, age and gender characteristics of adolescents, taking into account the socio-hygienic portrait of suicides.

population model includes a prevention strategy at the state level: professional training of medical workers and other interested professionals, coordination of cooperation between the community and suicide prevention centers.

With that said, departments medical psychology, psychiatry, public health and healthcare, outpatient pediatrics, forensic medicine :

Pay attention to the study of the behavior and health of adolescents, depending on their social and gender differences;

Use the possibilities of inter-departmental integration in terms of conducting scientific research aimed at reducing mortality among adolescents and, in particular, from suicide;

Orient students and doctors in the system of postgraduate professional education to reduce preventable losses in the health of adolescents.

The creation of anti-suicidal barriers at the population level should be facilitated by:

Carrying out a large-scale campaign in Russia to combat child abuse, introducing a single helpline number into practice;

General medical examination of adolescents in Russia since 2011, designed to promptly identify somatic and mental disorders;

Organization since 2010 of 193 health centers for children in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (at the rate of 1 center per 200 thousand children), whose work is focused on identifying risk factors for diseases and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

group model is focused on the prevention of suicidal behavior in adolescents with mental disorders and consists in the timely detection of endogenous behavioral disorders among them, as well as adequate medical rehabilitation. At the same time, preventive measures should be aimed at correcting broken family relationships, educational and social difficulties.

Individual model provides for the timely identification of adolescents who are in a suicidal state, and the provision of timely psychological assistance to them. Here it is important to ensure three-way integration: the family of a teenager - teachers of an educational institution - specialists of a children's clinic.

The system of measures for suicide prevention at the regional level should include:

Development of population, group and individual models of suicide prevention, including activities for primary and secondary suicide prevention;

Improving social conditions, education (improving skills to overcome life's difficulties, involving the media in suicide prevention);

Expansion of the socio-legal base of the worldview of adolescents;

Socio-hygienic factors (quality and regular nutrition, good sleep, physical activity, not using alcohol and drugs).

    school culture is a systemic phenomenon that is meaningfully an educational environment of an educational institution that ensures the personal development of school students, which manifests itself in the interaction and mutual influence of the material, social and spiritual components of the school, represented by external, internal, specific and integrative indicators;

    the process of forming the culture of the school is determined by a set of pedagogical conditions:

The presence of a leadership position of the school principal in a single educational team;

The presence of the formation of the value-oriented unity of the teaching staff, based on the existence of the value core of the organizational culture and manifested in the implementation of the pedagogical idea and pedagogical faith as the basis for the formation of an integrative indicator of the culture of the school - the spirit of the school;

The implementation of pedagogical activity as value-oriented, aimed at the formation of value orientations of pupils of the school.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is:

    Culturological and culture-creative approaches to the philosophy of humanitarian education (B.S. Gershunsky, A.P. Valitskaya, N.B. Krylova, etc.).

    A systematic approach to understanding culture as a scientific category expressing a special area of ​​reality inherent in human society and having its own laws of functioning and development (P.S. Gurevich, B.S. Erasov, M.S. Kagan, L. White, etc.) .

    A look at culture as a world of embodied values ​​and the qualitative originality of specific manifestations of human life in the process of forming a cultural environment (V.I. Kornev, N.Z. Chavchavadze, O.A. Shkileva, etc.).

    Philosophical approach in the understanding of culture by Russian thinkers (N.A. Berdyaev, I.A. Ilyin, P. Florensky and others).

    Provisions of cultural-historical pedagogy (M.V. Levit, M.M. Potashnik, E.A. Yamburg, etc.).

    Ideas of humanistic pedagogy and psychology (A. Maslow, K. Rogers); provisions on the humanistic principles of organizing life with the aim of personal development of pupils.

Research methods:


    analysis of philosophical, culturological, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature, as well as literature on management theory within the framework of the research topic aimed at studying the phenomenon of culture in general, organizational culture and school culture;

    application of a systematic research method for modeling the idea of ​​school culture as a phenomenon of pedagogical practice and developing diagnostic tools to determine the state of school culture as an educational environment of an educational institution;

    the use of the comparative method in order to study the historical experience of educational institutions in Russia in the 19th century.


    a stating experiment aimed at identifying pedagogical conditions and patterns of school culture formation;

    analysis of the activities of the subjects of the educational process in the formation of school culture;

    testing and questioning of managers, teachers, students and parents of schools in Vladimir and the Vladimir region;

    a retrospective analysis of the applicant's work experience in the formation of a school culture as a deputy director of the school for educational work and a teacher-psychologist.

Research Base

The research materials were: historical and pedagogical literature, archival sources reflecting the historical experience of domestic educational institutions with an established culture: the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, the Moscow Lyceum in memory of Tsarevich Nicholas (Katkovsky Lyceum), the men's provincial gymnasium of Vladimir, the Murom real school, as well as the results of direct experience , acquired in the conditions of a pedagogical experiment from 1995 to 2003 on the basis of schools in Vladimir (secondary school No. 16, No. 37, boarding school No. 1) and the Vladimir region (secondary school No. 9 in Kovrov, secondary school No. 16 in Murom).

Research stages

This study was carried out during 1995 - 2004. in several stages.

Stage I (1995 - 1997) - analysis of philosophical, cultural, sociological, psychological and pedagogical scientific literature in order to form conceptual approaches in the organization of experimental work.

At the II stage (1997 - 2002), a stating experiment was carried out, during which the collection and accumulation of materials was carried out, confirming the effectiveness of the process of forming the culture of the school through organizational-pedagogical and diagnostic-analytical activities, archival materials were studied, and the historical experience of educational institutions of the 19th century was analyzed.

Stage III (2002–2004) included a theoretical understanding of the research data, their pedagogical analysis and generalization of the results.

Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that from the standpoint of a systemic and environmental approach, it presents the managerial and pedagogical interpretation of the concept of "school culture" in relation to the school as an educational institution. An iconic model of school culture has been developed as a theoretical basis for analyzing the state of development of the educational environment of an educational institution. Indicators of school culture formation as a qualitative characteristic of its development have been developed.

Theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that it expanded the theoretical understanding of the culture of the school as the educational environment of an educational institution. Pedagogical conditions that influence the process of forming the school culture in the context of the development of an educational institution are determined. The idea of ​​the possibilities of diagnosing the state of the culture of the school has been expanded, which makes it possible to determine the level of development of the culture of the school and the degree of its harmony.

Practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using its results in the system of advanced training in the training of leaders and teachers of educational institutions to master the basics of school culture as a phenomenon of pedagogical theory and practice.

The value of the iconic model of school culture and diagnostic tools for heads of educational institutions lies in the possibility of increasing the efficiency of purposeful management of the development of school culture, which provides conditions for the personal development of pupils.

Provisions for defense:

    School culture is a pedagogically expediently organized educational environment of an educational institution, based on the unity of value, traditional and symbolic components in material, social and spiritual presentations, in the aggregate it represents a system aimed at ensuring the personal development of students, an integrative indicator of which is the spirit of the school. .

    The iconic model of school culture as a result of a systematic and environmental approach to the study of this phenomenon and the description of its state in the process of analyzing the development of a school as an educational institution includes a set of structural, functional and backbone components in interconnection and mutual influence, indicators of formation and pedagogical conditions for the formation and development of school culture.

    Pedagogical conditions for the formation of the culture of the school, including the presence of the specifics of the position of the headmaster, expressed in the generation and active implementation of cultural needs in the school environment; the presence of a basic system of values ​​shared by the majority of members of the teaching staff; the formation of the value-oriented unity of the teaching staff, manifested in the implementation of the pedagogical idea and faith among teachers and educators; the implementation of pedagogical activity from the standpoint of understanding it as value-oriented, aimed at the personal development of school students; understanding the role of traditions in creating the educational environment of an educational institution; the formation of the spirit of an educational institution as an indicator of the qualitative state of its culture, are the determinants of the emergence of this phenomenon in pedagogical practice and act as internal factors of its development.

Reliability and validity of the research results provided with initial theoretical and methodological positions; a systematic approach to the study of the stated problem; implementation of a complex of theoretical and practical methods corresponding to the goals and objectives.

Testing and implementation of research results. The course and results of the study were reported at annual scientific and practical conferences from 2000 to 2003. in Vladimir, at the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Education as a scientific category and phenomenon of social practice" in 2001 (Vladimir), at the International Conference in memory of I.Ya. Lerner in 2002, 2004 (Vladimir), at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Formation of the aesthetic experience of students in the educational environment of the school and university" in 2003 (Moscow).

Intermediate results of the study were discussed at meetings of the Academic Council of the Vladimir Regional Institute for the Improvement of Teachers, the Departments of Pedagogy and Psychology, Theory and Methods of Education, the Laboratory of Educational Systems of the Vladimir Regional Institute for the Improvement of Teachers, the Department of Social Pedagogy and Psychology of the Vladimir State Pedagogical University.

Dissertation structure. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, applications illustrating and detailing the process of experimental work, a list of references.

It is important to understand that scientific research can have only one goal. Sometimes it is permissible for it to consist of two parts, but then these components must necessarily be logically interconnected. While the minimum possible number of tasks is two, it is still better if there are three or four of them. Let's see why this is so.

Purpose of scientific research- this is the answer to the question why this experiment is being carried out. The scientist must formulate the significance of the result that he hopes to obtain after the completion of the work.

In fact, the goal follows from the research problem, and the problem is determined by the topic. You can build a whole hierarchical pyramid: topic - problems - goal - tasks. For example, if a scientist is working on the topic "The impact of global warming on the behavior of polar birds", then the problem is likely to be related to the fact that climate change has significantly affected the lives of these animals, and probably for the worse. The purpose of this hypothetical article can be stated in one of the possible ways presented below:

  1. To study the impact of global warming on the behavior of polar birds.
  2. To identify changes in the behavior of polar birds associated with global warming.
  3. Demonstrate the relationship between changes in the behavior of polar birds and global warming.

The goal must be clear and understandable. You can not write abstract statements and general phrases. Already at this stage, it is necessary to clearly imagine whether it is possible to realize what was conceived and, if so, how to do it. It is recommended to use verbs in an indefinite form: "to study", "to determine", "to develop", "to reveal", "to establish". Another option is to start the phrase with a noun: "investigation", "determination", "demonstration", "clarification".

Here are some examples:

Example 1 A research paper on the topic “Changing the media in the age of the Internet” may have the following goal: “To identify the differences between modern media and publications that were published in the 60-80s of the twentieth century.”

Example 2. If the topic of the article sounds like “Endoscopic surgery for chronic cholecystitis”, then its goal is “To determine the indications and develop methods for endoscopic surgery for chronic cholecystitis”.

What are research objectives. Learning to set goals

Tasks are a step-by-step plan for achieving a goal. The scientist must consistently and realistically answer the question: “How will I achieve the goal that I have set for myself?” As a rule, when the researcher formulated the goal, he already had ideas for its implementation.

An example of setting tasks for a scientific article. Returning to the example of the impact of global warming on the behavior of polar birds, we can formulate the following tasks:

  1. To study the existing literature data on the behavior of polar birds before the onset of global warming.
  2. Observe migration, mating behavior and breeding in polar birds at present.
  3. Identify the differences between what is described in the literature and what the researcher observed on his own.
  4. Determine the possible impacts of global warming on polar bird populations in the near future.

Do not confuse the objectives of the study and its methods or stages. This is a fairly common mistake: graduate students often list as tasks such activities as studying literature, conducting an experiment, comparing and evaluating results.

It is acceptable to use similar phrases in the "Research Objectives" section, but they should not be independent items. For example, you can specify that the researcher will study information about the behavior of polar birds before the onset of global warming according to literary sources, but you cannot limit yourself to the phrase "Study of thematic literature." Similarly, in the fourth paragraph of the “Tasks” section about the long-term effects of climate change, you can indicate that the researcher plans to draw conclusions. However, it is imperative to clarify what he is going to focus on in the final part.

Where in a scientific article should the goals and objectives of the study be placed

A scientific article is written according to a strictly defined plan: introduction, main part, conclusions and bibliography. The goals and objectives of the study must be indicated in the introductory part. This helps the reader immediately more clearly imagine what will be discussed in the publication.

Depending on the specifics of the publication, several options for the location of the goal and objectives within the "Introduction" section are allowed. So, it is possible to indicate the goal immediately after the description of the problem, or later, after the object and subject of the study have been identified. As a rule, there is no significant difference, but some scientists attach great importance to this. Therefore, it is best to clarify this point with the initial leader.

How to determine the purpose of the study - 3 easy ways

Not always the author, choosing a topic for research, immediately understands the problem. For example, he is interested in alternative treatments for depression or computer addiction in adolescents. But he may not always be aware of what has already been done to solve these problems, and what aspects need further study. That is why any scientific work begins with the study of literature.

There are three reliable ways to determine the purpose of a scientific paper:

Method 1. The scientist shows that the problem has not been completely solved in previous studies. In this case, the goal should be to identify those specific areas in which improvement is planned. For example, if insufficient attention is paid to light therapy or the appointment of L-thyroxine in works devoted to non-traditional methods of treating depression, the goal can be to study the effectiveness of these methods.

Method 2. Sometimes, in order to succeed, it is enough to demonstrate that the author's methods will more effectively solve a problem that other scientists have already raised.

Method 3. Many scientific articles end with a discussion of the problem. The author describes further prospects for studying this issue. All that a scientist needs in such a situation is to carefully read the text of the publication. In many cases, you can literally borrow the wording from the final part of the work of a colleague.

In other words, for the correct setting of research goals, it is not enough just to study the thematic literature. It is necessary to determine the line that separates the material already studied from that which requires further research.

You can read more about how to properly analyze literature data in this article.

Common mistakes in formulating goals and objectives that should be avoided

  1. The purpose of a scientific article is not directly related to the topic, issues, subject and object, and the tasks do not correspond to the expected goal.
  2. The goal is formulated in such a way that it is impossible to understand the expected result.
  3. The practical value of the research result is unclear.
  4. The tasks duplicate the objectives of the study, being simply formulated with the help of synonyms.

A good form in science is the situation when the tasks strictly correspond to the structure of the work. For example, the material obtained after completing the first task is presented in the first part of the article, and the results of the second task are presented in the second part. Firstly, it makes the author's work easier, since it is much easier to express thoughts in the order in which the scientist conducted research and received information.

Another important advantage is that it is easier for the author to control the relevance of their work. In other words, when he has a clearly formulated goal and specific tasks, he can easily compare whether he answered these questions in his work or not.

How to write the purpose and objectives of the study in a scientific article updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

A characteristic feature of the experiment as a special method of empirical research is that it provides the possibility of active practical influence on the phenomena and processes under study.

The researcher here is not limited to passive observation of phenomena, but consciously intervenes in the natural course of their course. He can carry out such intervention by directly influencing the process under study or by changing the conditions under which this process takes place. In both cases, the test results are accurately recorded and monitored. Thus, the addition of simple observation with an active influence on the process turns the experiment into a very effective method of empirical research.

This efficiency is also greatly facilitated by the close connection between experiment and theory. The idea of ​​an experiment, the plan for conducting it, and the interpretation of the results depend much more on theory than the search for and interpretation of observational data.

At present, the experimental method is considered a distinctive feature of all sciences dealing with experience and concrete facts. Indeed, the tremendous progress made by this method in physics and precision sciences in the last two centuries owes much to the experimental method combined with precise measurements and mathematical processing of the data.

In physics, such an experiment was systematically used by Galileo, although individual attempts at experimental research can be found as early as antiquity and the Middle Ages. Galileo began his research with the study of the phenomena of mechanics, since it is the mechanical movement of bodies in space that represents the simplest form of motion of matter. However, despite such simplicity and the apparent obviousness of the properties of mechanical motion, he encountered here a number of difficulties, both of a purely scientific and non-scientific nature.

The transition from simple observation of phenomena in natural conditions to experiment, as well as further progress in the use of the experimental method, is largely associated with an increase in the number and quality of instruments and experimental setups.

At present, these installations, for example, in physics, are taking on truly industrial dimensions. Thanks to this, the efficiency of experimental research increases to a great extent, and the best conditions are created for studying the processes of nature in a "pure form".

Let us consider in more detail the main elements of the experiment and their most important types that are used in modern science.

3.2.1. Structure and main types of experiment

Any experiment, as already noted, is a method of empirical research in which a scientist influences the object under study with the help of special material means (experimental installations and instruments) in order to obtain the necessary information about the properties and features of these objects or phenomena. Therefore, the general structure of the experiment will differ from observation in that, in addition to the object of study and the researcher himself, it necessarily includes certain material means of influencing the object under study. Although some of these tools, such as instruments and measuring equipment, are also used in observation, their purpose is completely different.

Such instruments help to increase the accuracy of the results of observations, but they, as a rule, do not serve to directly influence the object or process being studied.

A significant part of the experimental technique serves either to directly influence the object under study, or to deliberately change the conditions in which it must function. In any case, we are talking about changing and transforming objects and processes of the surrounding world for better knowledge of them.

In this sense, experimental installations and instruments are in some respects analogous to tools in the production process. Just as a worker acts on objects of labor with the help of tools, trying to give them the necessary shape, the experimenter, with the help of apparatus, installations and instruments, acts on the object under study in order to better reveal its properties and characteristics. Even the method, or, rather, their approach to business, has much in common. Both the worker and the experimenter, carrying out certain actions, observe and control their results. According to these results, they make adjustments to the original assumptions and plans. But no matter how important this analogy is, we should not forget that in the process of labor, first of all, practical problems are posed and solved, while the experiment represents a method for solving cognitive problems.

Depending on the goals, the subject of research, the nature of the experimental technique used, and other factors, a very branched classification of various types of experiments can be built. Without setting ourselves the task of giving an exhaustive description of all types of experiments, we confine ourselves to considering the most methodologically significant experiments used in modern science.

According to their main purpose, all experiments can be divided into two groups.

The first, largest group should include experiments with the help of which an empirical test of a particular hypothesis or theory is carried out.

A smaller group consists of so-called search experiments, the main purpose of which is not to check whether some hypothesis is true or not, but to collect the necessary empirical information to build or refine some conjecture or assumption.

Physical, chemical, biological, psychological and social experiments can be distinguished by the nature of the object under study.

In the case when the object of study is a directly existing object or process, the experiment can be called direct. If instead of the object itself, some of its model is used, then the experiment will be called a model experiment. As such models, samples, models, copies of the original structure or device, made in compliance with established rules, are most often used. In a model experiment, all operations are carried out not with the real objects themselves, but with their models. The results obtained in the study of these models are further extrapolated to the objects themselves. Of course, such an experiment is less effective than a direct one, but in a number of cases a direct experiment cannot be carried out at all, either for moral reasons or because of its extreme cost. That is why new models of airplanes, turbines, hydropower stations, dams and the like are first tested on experimental samples.

In recent years, the so-called conceptual models have become more and more widespread, which in a logical-mathematical form express some significant dependencies of real-life systems. Using electronic computers, one can carry out very successful experiments with such models and obtain fairly reliable information about the behavior of real systems that does not allow either direct experimentation or experimentation with the help of material models.

According to the method and results of the study, all experiments can be divided into qualitative and quantitative. As a rule, qualitative experiments are undertaken in order to reveal the effect of certain factors on the process under study without establishing an exact quantitative relationship between them. Such experiments are more likely to be of an exploratory, exploratory nature: at best, with their help, a preliminary verification and evaluation of a particular hypothesis or theory is achieved, rather than their confirmation or refutation.

A quantitative experiment is constructed in such a way as to provide an accurate measurement of all significant factors that affect the behavior of the object under study or the course of the process. Carrying out such an experiment requires the use of a significant amount of recording and measuring equipment, and the measurement results require more or less complex mathematical processing.

In real research practice, qualitative and quantitative experiments usually represent successive stages in the cognition of phenomena. They characterize the degree of penetration into the essence of these phenomena and therefore cannot be opposed to each other. As soon as the qualitative dependence of the studied properties, parameters and characteristics of the phenomenon on certain factors is revealed, the task immediately arises of determining the quantitative dependencies between them using one or another mathematical function or equation. Ultimately, a quantitative experiment contributes to a better disclosure of the qualitative nature of the newly investigated phenomena. An example of this can serve as some experiments, with the help of which it was possible to find and confirm the most important laws of electromagnetism.

For the first time, the connection between electricity and magnetism was revealed by Oersted (1820). By placing the compass near a conductor with current, he discovered the deviation of the compass needle. This purely qualitative experiment later served as the empirical starting point for the development of the entire theory of electromagnetism.

Shortly thereafter, Ampère carried out an experiment in which he quantitatively confirmed the idea of ​​the existence of a field around a current-carrying conductor. In 1821 Faraday built essentially the first experimental model of an electric motor.

Finally, according to the very method of implementation in modern science, statistical and non-statistical experiments are often distinguished. In principle, statistical methods are used in evaluating the results of any experiments and even observations in order to improve their accuracy and reliability. The difference between statistical and non-statistical experiments does not come down to the use of statistics in general, but to the way in which the quantities dealt with in the experiment are expressed. If in non-statistical experiments the studied quantities themselves are set individually, then statistics are used here only to evaluate the results of the study.

In many experiments in biology, agronomy, and technology, the initial values ​​are set statistically, and therefore the construction of such experiments from the very beginning involves the use of statistical methods and probability theory.

3.2.2. Planning and construction of the experiment

In the process of scientific observation, the researcher is guided by certain hypotheses and theoretical ideas about certain facts. To a much greater extent, this dependence on theory is manifested in experiment. Before setting up an experiment, it is necessary not only to have its general idea, but also to carefully consider its plan, as well as possible results.

The choice of this or that type of experiment, as well as the specific plan for its implementation, largely depends on the scientific problem that the scientist intends to solve with the help of experience. It is one thing when an experiment is intended for preliminary evaluation and testing of a hypothesis, and quite another when it comes to a quantitative test of the same hypothesis.

In the first case, they confine themselves to a general, qualitative statement of the dependencies between the essential factors or properties of the process under study, in the second, they seek to quantify these dependencies, when the implementation of the experiment requires not only the involvement of a significantly larger number of recording and measuring instruments and tools, but much greater accuracy and accuracy in control over the studied characteristics and properties. All this must inevitably affect the general plan for constructing the experiment.

To an even greater extent, the planning of an experiment is connected with the nature of the quantities that have to be estimated in the course of the experiment. In this respect, experiments in which the quantities under study are given in a statistical way are much more complicated. The purely experimental difficulties here are joined by difficulties of a mathematical nature. It is no coincidence that in recent years, an independent direction of experiment planning has arisen in mathematical statistics, which aims to clarify the patterns of constructing statistical experiments, i.e. experiments in which not only the final results, but also the process itself require the use of statistical methods.

Since each experiment is designed to solve a certain theoretical problem: whether it is a preliminary assessment of a hypothesis or its final verification, then when planning it, one should take into account not only the availability of one or another experimental technique, but also the level of development of the corresponding branch of knowledge, which is especially important when identifying those factors. , which are considered essential for the experiment.

All this suggests that the plan for conducting each specific experiment has its own specific features and characteristics. There is no single pattern or scheme by which to design an experiment to solve any problem in any branch of the experimental sciences. The most that can be revealed here is to outline a general strategy and give some general recommendations for the design and planning of the experiment.

Every experiment begins with a problem that requires an experimental solution. Most often, with the help of an experiment, an empirical test of a hypothesis or theory is carried out. Sometimes it is used to obtain missing information in order to clarify or build a new hypothesis.

Once a scientific problem is precisely formulated, it becomes necessary to distinguish between factors that have a significant impact on the experiment, and factors that can be ignored. So, in his experiments on the study of the laws of free fall of bodies, Galileo did not take into account the influence of air resistance, the inhomogeneity of the gravity field, not to mention such factors as the color, temperature of bodies, because all of them do not have any significant effect on the fall of bodies near the earth. surfaces where the air resistance is negligible, and the gravitational field can be considered homogeneous with a sufficient degree of approximation. These facts now seem almost obvious, but in the days of Galileo there was no theory that could explain them.

If there is a sufficiently developed theory of the phenomena under study, then the selection of essential factors is achieved relatively easily. When the research is just beginning, and the field of phenomena being studied is completely new, then it is very difficult to single out the factors that significantly affect the process.

In principle, any factor may be important, so none of them can be ruled out in advance without preliminary discussion and verification. Since such verification is inevitably connected with an appeal to experience, the difficult problem of selecting exactly such factors that are essential for the process under study arises. It is usually not possible to actually test all assumptions about significant factors. Therefore, the scientist relies more on his experience and common sense, but they do not guarantee him against mistakes. It is known that Robert Boyle, who discovered the law of the inversely proportional relationship between pressure and volume of a gas, did not consider temperature to be a factor that significantly affects the state of a gas. Subsequently, Jacques Charles and Gay-Lussac found that the volume of a gas increases in direct proportion to its temperature. In addition, it should be remembered that a factor that is insignificant in one experiment may become significant in another. If Galileo in his experiments could neglect air resistance, since he was dealing with slowly moving bodies, then this cannot be done in experiments on the study of fast moving bodies, such as a projectile or aircraft, especially if it flies at supersonic speed. Consequently, the very concept of an essential factor is relative, because it depends on the tasks and conditions of the experiment, as well as on the level of development of scientific knowledge.

The next step in the implementation of the experiment is to change some factors while maintaining others relatively unchanged and constant. Perhaps this is where the difference between experiment and observation is most clearly manifested, since it is the possibility of creating some artificial environment that allows the researcher to observe phenomena "under conditions that ensure the course of the process in its pure form." Suppose we know that the phenomenon under study depends on a certain number of essential properties or factors. To establish the role of each of them, as well as their relationship with each other, you must first select two of any properties. Keeping all other essential properties or factors constant, we cause one of the selected properties to change and observe how the other property or factor behaves. In the same way, the dependency between other properties is checked. As a result, a dependence is experimentally established that characterizes the relationship between the studied properties of the phenomenon.

After processing the experimental data, this dependence can be represented as some mathematical formula or equation.

As a clear illustration, let us consider how the laws describing the state of an ideal gas were empirically discovered. The first gas law was discovered by Boyle in 1660. He believed that temperature does not have any significant effect on the state of the gas. Therefore, this factor was not included in his experiment.

By keeping the temperature constant, one can be convinced of the validity of the law established by Boyle: the volume of a given mass of gas is inversely proportional to pressure. By keeping the pressure constant, an experiment can be set up to find out how an increase in the temperature of a gas affects its volume. For the first time, such measurements were carried out by the French physicist J. Charles, but his results were not published. A century and a half later, the English chemist John Dalton experimented with various gases and became convinced that at constant pressure they expand when heated (although he believed that their ability to expand should decrease with increasing temperature).

The significance of Dalton's experiments lies not so much in the accuracy of the conclusions as in the proof that with increasing temperature, the composition of the gas does not affect its expansion.

Gay-Lussac, who restored Charles's priority, did much to establish an exact quantitative relationship between the temperature and volume of a gas. He found that for the so-called constant gases, the increase in the volume of each of them, ranging from the melting temperature of ice to the boiling point of water, is equal to 100/26666 of the original volume. After particular empirical laws were found and experimentally verified, expressing the relationship between pressure and volume, volume and temperature of a gas, it was possible to formulate a more general law characterizing the state of any ideal gas. This law states that the product of pressure and the volume of a gas is equal to the product of temperature and some value R, which depends on the amount of gas taken: PV=RT,

where R stands for pressure V- volume, T- gas temperature.

Such a generalization of empirical laws does not make it possible to discover more complex and profound theoretical laws with the help of which empirical laws can be explained. However, the described method of experimental establishment of dependencies between the essential factors of the process under study is the most important preliminary step in the knowledge of new phenomena.

If the planning of the experiment provides only for the identification of significant factors influencing the process, then such experiments are often called factor experiments. In most cases, especially in exact natural science, they strive not only to identify essential factors, but also to establish the forms of quantitative dependence between them: they consistently determine how, with a change in one factor or quantity, another factor changes accordingly. In other words, these experiments are based on the idea of ​​a functional relationship between some essential factors of the phenomena under study. Such experiments are called functional.

However, whatever experiment is planned, its implementation requires accurate accounting of the changes that the experimenter makes to the process being studied. This requires careful control of both the object of study and the means of observation and measurement.

3.2.3. Experiment control

Most of the experimental technique is used to control those factors, characteristics or properties that, for one reason or another, are considered essential for the process under study. Without such control it would not be possible to achieve the goal of the experiment. The technique used in the experiment must be not only practically tested, but also theoretically substantiated.

However, before talking about the theoretical substantiation, one must be convinced of the practical feasibility of the experiment.

Even when a Pilot Plant is operating successfully, its operation, and in particular its results, may depend on a variety of factors. Therefore, before embarking on an experiment, the researcher seeks to explain the functioning of the future experimental setup using an already known and well-proven theory.

If an experiment is to serve as a criterion for the truth of scientific knowledge, then it is quite natural that it should be based only on well-tested and reliable knowledge, the truth of which is established outside the framework of this experiment.

The same is true of the new experimental technique. In addition to theoretical substantiation, its reliability should be checked using other methods. For example, the technique of using so-called labeled atoms in biology and radioactive isotopes in various branches of science and technology relies to a large extent on comparing the results obtained using this technique with data obtained in a different way. It is known that the results of determining the time of existence of certain organic deposits in the Earth, the age of rocks using radioisotope technology (in particular, the carbon isotope C14) were controlled by already proven methods (astronomical, biological, chronicles, etc.).

However, no matter how important the verification of the technical side of the experiment, it does not exhaust the essence of control in planning and conducting the experiment. In order to accurately determine the changes that occur during the experiment, very often, along with the experimental group, the so-called control group is also used. Where there are no noticeable individual changes, the object under study itself can serve as a control group or system. For example, to determine the change in the mechanical properties of a metal under the influence of high-frequency currents, it is sufficient to describe these properties in an exhaustive way before and after the experiment.

In this case, the initial properties of the metal can be considered as properties of the control system, with the help of which one can judge the results of the impact on the metal during the experiment.

All influences and changes are made on the experimental group, and the results of these influences are judged by comparing with the control group. So, in order to test the effectiveness of a new drug, to accurately find out all the positive and negative factors caused by it, it is necessary to divide all experimental animals into two groups: experimental and control. The same is done in the experimental verification of vaccinations against infectious diseases.

In all cases where the conditions of the study require the formation of experimental and control groups, it is necessary to ensure that they are as homogeneous as possible. Otherwise, the results of the experiment may not be completely reliable and even very doubtful. The easiest way to achieve this homogeneity is to pair-wise compare individuals in the experimental and control groups. For large groups, this method is of little use. Therefore, at present, most often they resort to statistical methods of control, which take into account the general, statistical characteristics of the compared troupes, not their individual characteristics.

Distribution control is often chosen as a statistical control criterion. Distributions characterize how often or with what probability one or another random variable takes on any of its possible values. By comparing distribution functions, it is possible to achieve a greater or lesser degree of homogeneity between the experimental and control groups.

However, in both individual and statistical evaluation of these groups, the possibility of a biased selection of individuals always remains. To exclude such a possibility, when planning an experiment, they resort to the method of randomization, the purpose of which is to ensure the equiprobability of choosing any individual from the available population. The technique of such a choice can be very different, but it should contribute to the achievement of the main goal - the construction of homogeneous groups (experimental and control) from the population to be studied.

3.2.4. Interpretation of experimental results

The dependence of experiment on theory affects not only the planning, but even more so in the interpretation of its results.

First, the results of any experiment need statistical analysis to eliminate possible systematic errors. Such an analysis becomes especially necessary when carrying out experiments in which the studied factors or quantities are given not individually, but in a statistical way. But even with an individual task, as a rule, many different measurements are made to eliminate possible errors. In principle, the statistical processing of the results of an experiment in which the quantities under study are given individually does not differ in any way from the processing of observational data. Much greater difficulties arise in the analysis of statistical experiments.

First of all, here it is necessary to establish and evaluate the difference between the experimental and control groups. Sometimes the difference between them can be caused by random, uncontrollable factors.

Therefore, the problem arises of determining and statistically verifying the difference between the experimental and control groups. If this difference exceeds a certain minimum, then this serves as an indicator that there is some real relationship between the quantities studied in this experiment. Finding a specific form of this relationship is the goal of further research.

Secondly, the results of the experiment, subjected to statistical processing, can be truly understood and evaluated only within the framework of the theoretical concepts of the relevant branch of scientific knowledge. With all the subtlety and complexity of modern statistical methods, with their help, at best, some hypothesis about the real relationship between the studied factors or quantities can be found or guessed. Using the methods of correlation analysis, one can, for example, evaluate the degree of dependence or ratio of one value on another, but such an analysis cannot reveal the specific form or type of functional relationship between them, i.e. the law governing these phenomena. That is why the interpretation of the results of an experimental study is of such importance for understanding and explaining these results.

When interpreting experimental data, the researcher may encounter two alternatives.

First of all, he can explain these results in terms of already known theories or hypotheses. In this case, his task is reduced to checking or re-checking the available knowledge. Since such verification consists in comparing the statements expressing the experimental data with the conclusions of the theory, it becomes necessary to obtain such logical consequences from the theory that allow empirical verification. This is inevitably connected with the interpretation of at least some of the concepts and statements of the theory.

Secondly, in some cases the scientist does not have a ready-made theory or even a more or less substantiated hypothesis with which he could explain the data of his experiment. Sometimes such experiments even contradict the theoretical ideas that prevail in a particular branch of science.

This is evidenced by the numerous experimental results obtained in physics at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, which stubbornly did not fit into the framework of the old, classical ideas. In 1900 Max Planck, convinced of the impossibility of explaining the experimental data related to the properties of thermal radiation by classical methods, proposed his interpretation in terms of finite energy quanta.

This interpretation later helped to explain the features of the photoelectric effect, the experiments of Frank and Hertz, the Compton and Stern-Gerlach effects, and many other experiments.

Of course, not every new interpretation of experimental data leads to revolutionary changes in science. However, any interpretation makes serious demands on existing theories, ranging from revision and modification of some of their elements to a radical revision of the original principles and postulates.

3.2.5. Functions of experiment in scientific research

The advantage of an experiment over observation is, first of all, that it makes it possible to actively and purposefully investigate phenomena of interest to science. A scientist can, at will, study these phenomena under the most varied conditions of their occurrence, complicate or simplify situations, while strictly controlling the course and results of the process. Often the experiment is likened to a question addressed to nature. Although such a metaphorical way of expression is not free from shortcomings, nevertheless, it very well captures the main goal of the experiment - to give answers to our questions, to test ideas, hypotheses and theories regarding the properties and patterns of the flow of certain processes in nature. Under normal conditions, these processes are extremely complex and intricate, not amenable to precise control and management. Therefore, the task of organizing such a study of them arises, in which it would be possible to trace the course of the process "in its pure" form.

For these purposes, in the experiment, essential factors are separated from non-essential ones, and thereby greatly simplify the situation. Although such a simplification distances us from reality, but in the end it contributes to a deeper understanding of the phenomena and the possibility of controlling the few factors or quantities that are essential for this process. In this respect, experiment is much closer to the theoretical model than observation. When experimenting, the researcher focuses on studying only the most important aspects and features of the processes, trying to minimize the disturbing effect of secondary factors. This suggests a natural analogy between experiment and abstraction.

Just as when abstracting we abstract from all non-essential moments, properties and features of phenomena, experiments tend to highlight and study those properties and factors that determine a given process. In both cases, the researcher sets the task - to study the course of the process "in its pure form", and therefore does not take into account many additional factors and circumstances.

But, perhaps more than in any other analogy, here one has to reckon with important differences of a fundamental nature. Firstly, any abstraction is a way of mentally highlighting the essential properties and features of the phenomenon being studied, while when experimenting with the help of special tools and devices, an artificial environment is created that will make it possible to analyze phenomena in conditions that are more or less free from the disturbing influence of secondary factors. Of course, in comparison with the possibilities of mental distraction, the possibilities of actually isolating phenomena under experimental conditions seem to be more modest. Secondly, in the real practice of scientific research, abstraction always precedes experiment. Before setting up an experiment, a scientist must proceed from some hypothesis or just a guess about which properties or factors in the phenomenon under study are considered significant, and which can be ignored. All this shows that abstraction and experiment are qualitatively different methods of research and solve their own specific problems.

Among the most important problems that require the use of an experimental method is, first of all, the experimental testing of hypotheses and theories. This is the best known and most essential function of the experiment in scientific research and serves as an indication of the maturity of the method itself. Neither in antiquity nor in the Middle Ages was there an experiment in the exact sense of the word, since there the purpose of experiments was rather to collect data than to test ideas.

Galileo, who decisively broke with the natural-philosophical and scholastic traditions of former physics, for the first time began to systematically test his hypotheses with the help of an experiment. Huge successes in the development of mechanics in modern times were due to the fact that the development of its new hypotheses and theories went hand in hand with their experimental verification. Gradually, this method of testing new hypotheses and theories penetrated all branches of natural science, and in our time is successfully used in a number of social sciences.

An experiment plays an equally valuable role in the formation of new hypotheses and theoretical concepts. The heuristic function of experiment in generating hypotheses is to use experience to refine and correct initial assumptions and guesses. While the researcher has a ready-made hypothesis during testing and seeks to either confirm or refute it with the help of an experiment, when putting forward and substantiating new hypotheses, he often lacks additional empirical information. Therefore, he is forced to turn to experiment, including model and mental, in order to correct his initial assumptions. Usually, search and verification experiments are carried out simultaneously.

In the course of the study, the scientist not only refines his initial guess and brings it to the level of a scientific hypothesis, but simultaneously tests this hypothesis, first in parts, and then in its entirety.

Whatever experiment, however, is carried out, it always serves only as a certain link in the general chain of scientific research. Therefore, it cannot be regarded as an end in itself, let alone opposed to theory.

If the experiment poses a question to nature, then such a question can arise only in the sphere of ideas and at a sufficiently high level of development of theoretical knowledge.

As already noted, the very plan of the experiment, the interpretation of its results require an appeal to the theory. Without theory and its guiding ideas, no scientific experimentation is possible.

At first glance, it may seem that such an emphasis on the importance of theory for experiment and empirical knowledge in general contradicts the well-known thesis about the sequence of stages in the process of cognition. In fact, the thesis about the movement of cognition from living contemplation to abstract thinking and from it to practice gives a general historical picture of the process, clarifies the genetic connection between the empirical and rational stages of cognition.

In the real practice of scientific research, these steps act in interaction and unity. It is indisputable that theoretical ideas are always based on some empirical data or facts.

Ultimately, all knowledge is based on experience, experiment, practice. However, empirical knowledge itself, especially in science, is based on existing theoretical concepts. This interaction between theory and empiricism is especially evident in the example of experiment. That is why in scientific research one can least of all talk about the independence of the various methods and stages of cognition, and even more so about their opposition to each other. On the contrary, only taking into account their dialectical interconnection and interaction makes it possible to correctly understand not only the entire process of research as a whole, but also its individual stages and methods.

Over the four centuries of its existence, the experimental method has demonstrated its high efficiency as the most important method of empirical research. This efficiency increased as the complexity of the experimental technique and the degree of maturity of theoretical thought increased. From the simplest experiments, representing, in fact, complicated observations, to the creation of industrial installations for accelerating charged particles, obtaining high and ultrahigh temperatures and pressures, powerful radio telescopes and space laboratories - this is the giant leap that characterizes the development of experimental technology. The industrial nature of the modern physical experiment and the complexity of its technique make it necessary to create large teams of researchers. An important advantage of collective methods of scientific work is that they help to overcome one-sidedness and subjectivity both in assessing the prospects of certain areas and in interpreting the results obtained.

The question arises: if the experimental method is such an effective method of empirical research, then why is it not used in all sciences?

The main condition for the successful application of the experimental method in a particular science is the fundamental possibility of active, transformative activity of the researcher with the object under study. Indeed, the greatest success achieved with the help of this method relates mainly to physics and chemistry, where it is easiest to interfere in the course of the investigated processes.

In some sciences, scientists cannot objectively influence the processes under study. So, in astronomy, despite the great success of space research, they are often forced to confine themselves to observations of celestial bodies. The same should be said about geology and some other sciences. Although such sciences use empirical methods (for example, observations and measurements), they do not belong to the experimental sciences.

In the most developed experimental sciences, both observations and experiments are accompanied by careful measurements of the quantities under study. Although the measurement technique and their special technique can be very different, there are still some general principles, rules and measurement techniques that guide any scientist in the research process.

Introduction The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that a very large number of people are covered by smoking, the issue of smokers is very acute. The solution of this problem is the most difficult task facing not only the state, but also

Objectives: to identify the ratio of smokers and non-smokers, people's attitudes towards smoking, causes, problems associated with smoking.

Objectives: to conduct a study of respondents aged 14-17 years, to identify a direct threat to the health of young people and age-related threats to their offspring, that is, prospects for the health of society as a whole.

Smoking is one of the worst habits. One cigarette contains: hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, resins, arsenic, polonium, lead, bismuth, etc.

1-2 packs of cigarettes contain a lethal dose of nicotine. The smoker is saved by the fact that this dose is introduced into the body not immediately, but fractionally. Statistical data say: compared to a non-smoker, long-term smokers are 13 times more likely to develop angina pectoris, 12 times more likely to have a myocardial infarction, and 10 times more likely to have a stomach ulcer. Smokers make up 96-100% of all lung cancer patients. Every seventh long-term smoker suffers from obliterating endarteritis - a serious illness

Tobacco products are made from dried tobacco leaves, which contain proteins, carbohydrates, mineral salts, fiber, enzymes, fatty acids and others. Among them, two groups of substances dangerous to humans, nicotine and isoprenoids, are important. According to the quantitative content in tobacco leaves and the strength of the effect on various human organs and systems, nicotine ranks first. It enters the body along with tobacco smoke, which, in addition to nicotine, contains irritating substances, including carcinogenic ones (Benzopyrene and Dibenzopyrene, that is, they contribute to the occurrence of malignant tumors, a lot of carbon dioxide - 9.5% (in atmospheric air - 0.046%) and carbon monoxide - 5% (it does not exist in atmospheric air).

Nicotine is a nerve poison. In experiments on animals and observations on humans, it has been established that in small doses it excites nerve cells, promotes increased respiration and heart rate, heart rhythm disturbances, nausea and vomiting. In large doses, it inhibits and then paralyzes the activity of CNS cells, including autonomic ones. Disorder of the nervous system is manifested by a decrease in working capacity,

Nicotine also affects the endocrine glands, in particular the adrenal glands, which at the same time secrete the hormone Adrenaline into the blood, which causes vasospasm, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate. Harmfully affecting the sex glands, nicotine contributes to the development of sexual weakness in men - IMPOTENCE!!! Therefore, her treatment begins with

The experiment found that 70% of mice that inhaled tobacco smoke developed malignant lung tumors. Cancer in smokers occurs 20 times more often than in non-smokers. The longer a person smokes, the more likely he is to die from this serious disease. Statistical studies have shown that smokers often have cancerous tumors in other organs - the esophagus, stomach, larynx, kidneys. Smokers often develop cancer of the lower lip due to the carcinogenic effect of the extract that accumulates in the mouthpiece of the pipe.

Often smokers experience pain in the heart. This is due to a spasm of the coronary vessels that feed the heart muscle with the development of angina pectoris (coronary heart failure). Myocardial infarction in smokers occurs 3 times more often than in non-smokers.

Smoking can cause nicotinic amblyopia. In a patient suffering from this disease, partial or complete blindness occurs. This is a very formidable disease in which even vigorous treatment is not always successful. Smokers endanger not only themselves, but also those around them. In medicine, even the term "passive smoking" has appeared. In the body of non-smokers, after staying in a smoky and unventilated room,

Smoking is a very strong habit. Smoking quickly becomes an addictive habit. This is not just a habit, but also a certain form of drug addiction. This is a very serious problem, and the problem is not only medical, but also social. For many smokers, smoking becomes part of their Self, and this internal perception of oneself is sometimes very difficult to change. The illusion also lies in the fact that many smokers claim that smoking can serve as an adaptogen, mitigating stressful loads, a means of relaxation, switching activity, which is especially important in

When a person touches a cigarette for the first time, he does not think about the dire consequences that smoking can lead to. Taking their health lightly, the smoker considers himself invulnerable, especially since the consequences of smoking do not affect immediately, but after a number of years and depend on its intensity, the number of cigarettes smoked, the depth of inhalation of tobacco smoke, the duration of smoking, etc.

The smoke of cigarettes slowly undermines the health of the smoker. Scientists cite the following data: if tobacco tar is isolated from a thousand cigarettes, then up to 2 milligrams of a strong carcinogen is found in it, which is quite enough to cause a malignant tumor in a rat or rabbit. If we take into account that for this a number of people smoke up to 40 cigarettes a day and even more, then it will take them only 25 days to smoke a thousand cigarettes. According to experts, only 5% of tobacco smokers can stop smoking on their own, 80% of people want to stop smoking, but they need special medical care. Public ignorance of this scientific problem led to the idea of ​​smoking (and in fact - tobacco addiction) as a bad habit, in which the patient himself was declared guilty, because he did not want to quit smoking. Modern medical science classifies tobacco addiction as one of the clinical diseases requiring treatment by professional medical specialists. Tobacco dependence is diagnosed at a level of up to 90% in individuals

Like many other bad habits, smoking has already become part of our lifestyle and one of its many components that give us the pleasure of everyday existence. Moreover, it is this bad habit that forms some cult attachments, which become a sign of belonging to one or another status group. Like, for example, a real Cuban cigar, by the thickness of which folk mythology often determines the thickness of its owner's wallet. There is nothing surprising in this. A cigar is indeed associated in public opinion with elitism, respectability, luxury, inaccessibility, a way to get into a certain select circle of people close in lifestyle. Among cigar aficionados

Not only medical duty, but also love for the younger generation of our country prompts us to warn young men and women against smoking! Smoking is POISON!!!