Extracurricular activity “A fun trip with Mary Poppins. Integrated lesson "Journey with Mary Poppins"

Matinee is an important event in the life of a child. It is there that he learns how to combine his own pleasures with the fulfillment of obligations. There he learns joint creative activity, shows his interests and capabilities.

For parents, matinee is a time of discovery. After all, it often happens that some traits of a child’s character almost do not appear at home, when communicating with loved ones, and become noticeable only when conditions change. The performance of the child largely depends on the ability of parents, educators and willingness to help. Children react to events through the emotions of adults, and they capture emotions very well. Both parents and educators, while preparing their children, created a calm and positive attitude towards the upcoming event. Parents helped the children in memorizing poems, told the children that they also love the holidays very much, and they will definitely attend it, for this very reason, and not because they want to listen to how they sing and recite poems.

We had a great graduation! Everyone sang songs together, read poetry, played different games with their parents, Baba Yaga. Children showed a sketch of how parents prepare a child for school. Mary Poppins and Baba Yaga came to visit us. With Mary Poppins, we collected magic stones to get the key of knowledge. During the trip, we met with fairy-tale characters who gave us magic stones. And we, having collected stones, obtained the treasured key! And then they let out balloons, having made their wishes, were photographed for memory. Our balloons flew far, far away. After the balloons, a surprise awaited us - Fixik and Simka came to us. They showed us extraordinary miracles. And we also tried to conduct scientific experiments with water and light. It was fun and very, very interesting. The children watched with enthusiasm and took part in the events.

The children promised to visit us, not to forget the kindergarten:

We will sing you goodbye

We will mourn together with you

Goodbye, goodbye

Olga Polyanskaya
NOD "Spring Journey with Mary Poppins"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Sun"

Integrated educational activities

« spring trip with

Mary Poppins»

caregiver: Polyanskaya Olga Sergeevna

with. Kokorino


To reveal the level of knowledge in children about spring changes in nature, clarify the characteristic signs of spring, identify the simplest cause-and-effect relationships, develop visual perception, auditory and visual attention, activate a high-quality vocabulary, develop imagination, cultivate love for nature, deepen children's understanding of kindness as a valuable, inalienable quality of a person


Clarify and summarize children's ideas about the characteristic signs of spring, expand children's knowledge about spring, enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic

Activation of the dictionary on a lexical topic

Developing Storytelling Skills

Development of general motor skills and coordination of speech with movement

Development of visual perception

Development of auditory perception and sense of rhythm

Development of thinking

Create an emotionally comfortable microclimate in the group.

Activity progress:

Children in the group playing music

Appears Mary Poppins

MP: Hello my friends, children all know me

My name is (Children help)Mary Poppins

I am a kind nanny-sorceress, I can fly using an open umbrella and a strong wind

I give joy to children, because I love them

One, two, three, four, five, get in a circle to play (Children stand in a circle)

Guys, I already introduced myself to you, but I really want to know the name of each of you

MP - You are my friend and I am your friend. What is your name?

Stretch out your hand and say your name!

Well done guys, now everything is in order, you know my name, and I am yours, we met

I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other, and today we have gathered here to do good deeds.

Breathing exercises: Let's take a deep breath through the nose and breathe in goodness and beauty into ourselves, and exhale through the mouth all the anxieties and fears

Tell me please guys, what time of year is it now?

The kids are in charge (Getting a complete answer)

MP: Now let's check if you know well what the weather is like in spring

Ball spring and the magic one will jump into your hands, and ask questions, who has the ball that answers

If it's raining outside, what's the weather like? (rainy)

And if the sun shines (sunny)

If it's warm outside (warm)

If it's damp outside, what's the weather like? (raw)

Tell me, please, if the wind is blowing outside? (wind recording)

Children: Windy

M. P. The wind brings me to where my help is needed, and today the inhabitants of the Gramoteikino country called me.

I invite you to come with me, do you agree? (Yes)

M.P. Well, what kind of children will go to travel? Maybe evil?


MP: What kind? (kind)

M. P A: We'll take in travel not cowardly but what?

Children: Bold

M. P: Not lazy, but what kind?

Children: Hardworking

M. P: Not sad, but ...

Children: funny

MP: So, are you ready?

Children: Yes

Mary's music Poppins invites children to hold hands

M. P .: Open the umbrella boldly twist, rotate it, rotate and turn all fantasies, dreams into reality (We approach the multimedia board)

1 slide on it girl and boy

M.P.: Look guys at the screen, the girl and the boy to whom we arrived, the names are Varvara and Artem. Let's hear what they have to say.

Tanya: Hello guys, spring has also come in our country Gramoteikino,

and Artyom and I need to get dressed for a walk along spring,

Please help us find the things we need for the walk.

MP: Guys, do you know how to spring going for a walk?

I suggest you go to the tables and pick up the right things for a walk for our new friends, the girls will help Varvara get ready, and the boys will help Artyom.

I propose to first fix the dressing algorithm. Children go to the tables, there are paper templates of clothes on the tables, next to them are easels with the image of a girl and a boy, children attach the necessary clothes with magnets.

MP: Well done guys, we have already done one good deed and it's time for us to move on. (music plays)

M.P.:Together let's have fun We are not in a hurry, we are not lagging behind.

We approach the screen, on the slide is a picture of Spring.

Phys. minute: If the snow has melted everywhere and the grass is already visible

And a flock of birds sing - it means spring has come to us

If the sun turns our cheeks red

It will become even more pleasant for us, so spring has come to us.

MP: Well done, please look at the screen. The boy to whom they flew is called Vanya, let's listen to what he wants to tell us

Masha: All the time my friends make comments to me that I do not correctly name the signs of spring. And I really want to speak correctly and competently, please help me. “In the spring it snows, winds blow, a blizzard is circling, the sun is gloomy and sad, it doesn’t warm at all, it’s so hot for all the guys that they run barefoot, and leaves fall from the trees.

M, P: Guys, do you agree with Vanya's statements, does he correctly name the signs of spring?

Children correct Vanya

MP: Guys, Vanya said that leaves are falling from the trees, in fact, this is not so, right? I have tree branches, I suggest you decorate them with pink, white and green napkins. So we will show you To Vanya to figure out how the branches of trees look like with the advent of spring.

MP: Well done guys, I think now Vanya will correctly name the signs of spring. Here we are doing another good deed.

We approach the screen. In the picture, the girl is sad, children are playing outside the window, and she is alone at home.

MP: Guys, look, the girl we came to is called Katya. What can you tell about her (children talk)

MP: Guys, you told a lot about Katya, and now let's listen to what she will tell us.

Dima: I have recently been in the country of Gramoteikino and I have no friends here yet, but I really want to make friends with someone, please help me.

M.P.: Well, what will the guys help? Look, I have this layout of the house. Let's remember who we met today and who we helped.

Children insert pictures of the heroes they met today into the windows.

Let's remember who we helped and how. I propose to decorate the house with stickers spring flowers.

MP: excellent. Well done boys. Is our travel has come to an end and I suggest you give the inhabitants of a fairy-tale country a good song.

Let's sit down on the chairs.

MP: The song is simple, every second line will be repeated, first I sing, then you sing.

Warm up with a word (2 p)

Caress with your eyes (2 p)

From a good joke (2p)

Even the snow melts (2 p)

It's so wonderful (2 p)

If next to you (2 p)

An unfamiliar gloomy person smiles

It's so wonderful (2 p)

If next to you (2 p)

The children get up from their chairs.

M.P.: Turn the open umbrella harder, turn it around and return all my assistants to the kindergarten.

For your kind words and deeds, I want to give you gifts. Magic butterflies.

And if your kindness and your smile help someone, you are happy that the day was not lived in vain, that you did not work in vain.

Well, it's time for me to hurry to the guys who need my help. Goodbye!

Eresekthenbyndagy uyimdastyrylgan oku kyzmetinin abstract

Synopsis of organized learning activities in the senior group

Otkizu kuni/Date: 25.04.18.

Okytushy/Teacher: Krasavina Yu.Yu.

Bilim beru salas/Educational area:"Communication"

Pәn/Subject: English language

Otpelі taқyryp / Cross-cutting topic: We live together

Takyryby/Theme: Traveling with Mary Poppins

Maksattara/Goals: formation of monologue speech skills

1. Tarbielik - educational: to form positive motivation and interest in learning English;

2. Damytushylyk - developing: develop creative abilities; encourage to show resourcefulness, perseverance, determination, ingenuity, mutual assistance, completing tasks in English;

3.Okytu - training: provide a practical orientation of training, consolidating vocabulary on the topics studied; to activate the use of vocabulary in the studied grammatical structures; practice phonetic skills;

Pedagogical technology / Pedagogical technologies: health-saving technologies, ICT, game technology, personality-oriented technologies

Resourceman қamtamasyz etu / Resource support: music "Lady Perfection" from the movie "Mary Poppins Goodbye", "Wind Sound", audio recording "The Tale of the Family of Michael and Jane", the song "I have got a father", puzzles "wild and domestic animals", the program " ActivInspire", emoticons for reflection (cheerful, sad)

Kөptіldіlіk / multilingual component: ayu-bear-bear, kaskyr-wolf-wolf, koyan-hare-hare

Uymdastyrylgan oku kyzmetinin barysy/

The course of organized learning activities

    Uymdastyrushylyk kezen / organizational moment

(The teacher, disguised as Mary Poppins, enters the classroom to the music of "Lady Perfection")

Good morning children! I'm glad to see you! Let's introduce myself.

My name is Mary Poppins.
What's your name? (My name is...)

How old are you? (I'm 5/6)

I'm from Great Britain. Where are you from? (I'm from Kazakhstan)

    Negіzі bөlimі / main part

Today I invite you to visit my friends Jane and Michael. Our journey is not easy.

We have no ship, we have no plane, and we have no train, but I have a magic umbrella. This is the umbrella.

How do you think we will recover on the trip?

Listen! Listen! You hear the wind change its direction (wind noise music).

, openyoureyes.

Guys, we ended up in a magical forest. An evil sorcerer has scared all the animals in the magical forest. They are afraid, they hide. Let's find the animals (with the help of a magic magnifying glass, children find animals)

What do you see? (children, using the construction: I see a fox, I see a bear. I see a wolf, I see a hare, name all animals)

Guys, but the evil sorcerer has bewitched some more animals. We must save them. To do this, we need to go to the tables and collect puzzles (1 child works at the blackboard, others in the field)

Are you ready? (Yes!) Let's start!

What is it? (It's a bear)

Where does the bear live? (The bear lives in the forest)

What is it? (It's a horse)

Where does the horse live? (The horse lives on the farm)

Guys, let's name the animals in the Kazakh language (ayu, қasқyr, koyan)

They are happy! They're happy!

Guys, we helped the animals, we saved them from the evil sorcerer and it's time for us to move on before the wind changes.

close your eyes. One, two, three. Fly umbrella with children and me! Children, openyoureyes

Wow! We are in some city. Look closely, what kind of city is this? Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. Correctly! The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana. We also see Baiterek - the main and most recognizable landmark of the city.

Guys, the fact is that the residents of Astana also need our help, namely the drivers of the city. They have forgotten the rules of the road, let's remind them of them.

Let's tell a poem "Traffic light".

Twinkle, twinkle traffic light

On the shining corner bright.

RED says “Stop”

GREEN says “Go”

YELLOW says “Wait”

Even if you're late.

It's time to make a circle. Let's play the game.

If I say red – you must “seat down”

If I say yellow – you must “stand up”

If I say green - you must "go".

Well done! Well done! We've done our job and it's time to move on.

close your eyes. One, two, three. Fly umbrella with children and me! Children, openyoureyes

Well! We are at my friends house. Hello Mike! Hello Jane!

Hello children! We are glad to see you!

Guys, let's get to know my friends better, they want to tell you about their family.

Before we start listening to the story, let's remember which of the family members we know in English.

sister sister





And now, let's listen to my friends! (listening comprehension)

My name is Jane.

He is my brother. His name is Mike.

Let's continue.

She is my mother. He is my father. This is my family. I love my family.

Guys, my friends also want to meet you and listen to a story about your family (3 children talk about their family using photos)

My name is Nastya! This is my family. She is my mother. She is my grandmother. I love my family.

My name is Sanjar! This is my family. She is my mother. He is my father. She is my sister. I love my family.

My name is Zhasmin! This is my family. She is my mother. He is my father. I love my family.

My friends are very fond of singing songs and they have one favorite song that you like too.

Let's sing a song “Finger family”

I have got a father

I have got a mother

I have got a brother

I have got a sister

Do you like your father?

Do you like your mother?

Do you like your brother?

Do you like your sister?

Great! Our journey is coming to an end and it's time for us to return before the wind changes its direction.

close your eyes. One, two, three. Fly umbrella with children and me! Children, openyoureyes

    Korytyndy / final part

Our journey is over. We ended up back in kindergarten.

Did you enjoy traveling? (children's answers)

What item helped us on the journey? (umbrella umbrella)

Let's remember who we helped during the trip? (animals from the magical forest, residents of the city of Astana)

What are my friends' names? (Michael and Jane)

What did my friends tell you? (they talked about their family)

Now I want you to take the emoji that matches your mood and stick it on the board.



The lesson is over. You are very good. Your job will be excellent. Goodbye! see you! Thank you for the lesson!

Modern pedagogy from didactic, striving to transfer some amount of knowledge and appealing mainly to memory, becomes dynamic pedagogy. First of all, study should contribute to the development of independent and creative thinking, the training of increased sensitivity, and the development of individuality. Theatrical pedagogy creates maximum conditions for free emotional contact, looseness, mutual trust and a creative atmosphere. To create such conditions, the teacher turns the lesson into a kind of performance.

The lesson-performance must have a complete directorial action, have a chain of events from the initial to the main one, its action must develop improvised. The teacher himself creates extreme situations and acts depending on them.

Purpose: Formation of monologue speech skills.

  • Lesson objectives:
  • Educational: the formation of positive motivation and interest in the subject, the development of creative abilities.
  • Tutorials: training in the pronunciation of sounds, repetition of structures:

I can jump. I can't fly. I live in the house. Where do you live?

I am Nick. I am 8. I see a dog. Training in the use of lexical material on the topic: “Animals” and verbs of motion: to run, to jump, to sleep, to fly, to swim, to skip, to go. Repetition of letters of the English alphabet: Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll.

  • Educational: to continue the development of students' memory, their speech and imagination.


Good morning boys and girls. I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. Let us begin our work. How are you? (the teacher asks each student, throwing a ball to each).

Children, close your eyes, please (the teacher sings a song and puts on a hat, takes an umbrella).

Sleep, my baby. Sleep, my baby.
Don't cry. Don't cry.
close your eyes.
We want to fly.

Merry Poppins: Open your eyes, please. Good morning, children. I am glad to see you. I am Marry Poppins. What is your name?

How old are you? Where do you live?

Today I invite you to come with me to visit my friends Tom and Alice. The road ahead of us is not easy.

Listen! Listen! You hear the wind change its direction. We are flying! We can fly! Oh, we are in the jungle, in the magical jungle (song and phonetic exercises).

Walking through the jungle
What can you see?
If you hear a noise
What can it be? What can it be?

Repeating the song several times, the teacher remembers with the children several sounds and, accordingly, the names of animals at the discretion of the teacher.

Merry Poppins: But the rustles and sounds are not the most interesting, miracles await us. A miracle will only happen if you and I behave quietly. Who wants to be the first to see a miracle?

Game: The student goes to the mirror and closes his eyes, and turns into an animal (the teacher puts on a mask for the child).

Who are you? - I am a tiger

A tiger? Can you run? Yes, I can run.

Listen! Someone is crying! Let's see who it is. (the teacher takes out a toy). We need to get to know her (children ask questions).

MP: Why are you crying?

Doll: An evil sorcerer has scared all the animals in our magical jungle. They are afraid, they hide.

M.P.: Let's find the animals. What animals do you see? (children, using the construction: I see a dog., name all animals)

M.P.: Guys, but the evil wizard has bewitched some animals. Should we save them? To do this, we need to solve riddles.

It is nice. It can run and jump. It lives in the forest. It is orange. What is it? (a fox)

It is small. It can't fly. It can swim. It lives in the river. What is it? (a fish)

It is nice. It can jump and run. It lives in the forest. It is white in winter. What is it? (a hear)

It can swim. It can't fly. It lives in the river. It is green. What is it? (a crocodile)

M.P. takes all the toys out of the box. They are happy! They're happy! They want to dance.

Clap, clap, clap your hands
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet
Stamp your feet together.

Shake, shake, shake your hands
Shake your hands together.
Dance, dance, dance you dance,
Dance you, dance together.

M.P.: We need to move on before the wind changes. Wow! We are at some city (the teacher puts up a sign ABC City). But this city is different. The entrance to it is guarded by Mr. ABC (the teacher puts on the ABC crown). He is very strict and will not let us through until we complete his assignments (the teacher distributes assignments to each child).

Tasks: 1. Name the letters. What letters are missing?


2. What letter is superfluous?

3. Write the letters in alphabetical order.

Kk, Dd, Ff, Aa, Ee, Bb, Ee, Cc, Hh, Gg, Jj, Ii.

Entrance to the city is free! Hooray! But who is it? Oh yes, it's CAN and CAN NOT.

There is always competition between them. One shouts: I can run. The other always shouts: I can't run. Let's reconcile them and tell them what we can do and what we can't. Children tell what they can do and what they can't.

It's time to go!
My hands upon my head I place
On my shoulders, on my face.
Then I put them in front of me
I can go! One, two, three.

Well! We are at my friends house. Hello Tom! Hello Alice! Guys, let's meet my friends. Children ask Mary Poppins friends questions. Friends can be dolls or pictures. My friends also want to meet you. Let's tell them about ourselves. But! There are many of you and everyone wants to tell about themselves. Tom and Alice also want to know about each of you. Therefore, you will talk until the first pause.

That's wonderful! Our journey has come to an end. Each of you has a drop of rain and a ray of sunshine on your desk. If you liked our trip, glue a ray to the sun, and if the journey was tiring and very difficult for you, then please glue a drop of rain to the cloud.

Thank you for your work. good bye.

Lesson progress:

Sounds like Mary Poppins

Hello my friends,

All the children know me, my name is Mary Poppins!

I am a good nanny sorceress. I can fly using an open umbrella and a strong wind. I give joy to children because I love them. One, two, three, four, five stand in a circle to play (in a circle)

I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other, because today we are gathered here to do good deeds. Let's take a deep breath through the nose and breathe in kindness and beauty into ourselves, and exhale all the anxieties and fears through the mouth (2-3 times)

Tell me, please, guys, what time of year is it now? (winter)

Now, let's check how well you know what the weather is like in winter.

A fun and magical ball will jump into your hands and ask questions. Whoever has the ball is responsible.

If it's snowing outside, what's the weather like? (snowy)

What if the sun is shining? (sunny)

What if it's warm outside? (warm)

What if it's damp outside? (raw)

Please tell me, if the wind blows outside, what is the weather like? (windy)

Guys, it's winter outside, and I want to give you a piece of warmth and sun, I invite you on a trip to summer!

But what kind of children will go on a trip, maybe sad ones? (funny)

We will take with us not cowardly children, but what kind? (daring)

Not lazy, but (hard-working)

And so are you ready? Let's join hands.

The open umbrella is harder to twist, rotate it, rotate it. And turn all fantasies, dreams into reality!

(music sounds, birdsong) slide 1 (Forest)

See where we got to? (to the forest) What is the air like in the forest? What smells?

Guys, before entering the forest, let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest. What is forbidden to do, who will say? (slides. Rules of conduct in the forest)

Let's go into the forest, what do you see? See what trees grow here? (spruces, pines, birches, I agree)

What are trees with leaves called? (deciduous)

What are the names of the trees that have needles? (coniferous)

What is the name of the forest in which pines and birches grow and spruce? When these trees were taken and mixed, what is it called? (mixed forest) Remember?

Let's see what other trees are there? What is this tree? High, mighty? CEDAR, here are pine nuts, of course, they tasted everything. This delicacy is familiar to us.

In cedar cones there is a tree resin, which is popularly called "gum". From pine nuts, people began to make cedar oil. It is very useful, it is used in medicine, for healing wounds, treats colds, the oil even helps with a runny nose, if you drop it in the nose, then immunity will increase. What is immunity? (the body protects itself from diseases) Here are how many useful properties we learned about cedar cones.

My magic umbrella will help us continue our journey.

(slide. Girl with a harp) The sound of a harp

Who do you see? Girl, with what instrument? (harp)

Guys, I want to tell you a legend. In ancient times, not far from the forest lived a little girl. She had a magic harp, and the sounds of her harp were so beautiful that even the trees could not resist and began to dance and froze in such a bizarre shape.

(Dancing forest slide) - What do you see? But this is no ordinary forest. I call it the dancing forest. But what does the tree look like? (slide tree dancing)

And now I suggest you play a game called "Dancing Forest". We dance to the sound of the harp, as soon as the music stops, we freeze in a bizarre form of a dancing tree.

We move around the hall to the magical sounds of the harp. What a bizarre forest we have. (2-3 times)

(water noise) - What is that sound? This lake!

Let's splash our hands in the lake, first the right one, then the left one. See what washed up on the shore of the lake? (Stones, shells) Let's put a stone on the cheek, what does it feel like? (smooth)

When I flew to you, I saw a very beautiful lake near your village. Who can tell me what it is called?

Do you know what a black goose looks like? (attention to the screen)

A beautiful, long-necked bird with a red nose. What is she covered with? (with feathers)

What color are her feathers? (black)

What color is our bird? (white, gray)

And now I invite you to the laboratory. What is a laboratory? (where the experiments are carried out)

Why don't goose feathers get wet? Offer to find out if they get wet or not. Take feathers, dip them into the water.

Conclusions: - the pen is dry, it is covered with droplets; - if you shake it, the droplets fall, the pen becomes dry. If you put your hands in the water. What will they become? (wet)

How to make sure that your hands do not get wet in the water?

Versions: wrap in cloth, wear rubber gloves. Offer to lubricate with cream, and then wet.

Conclusions: - hands lubricated with cream do not get wet.

Result: Goose feathers do not get wet in water because the goose is constantly oiling its feathers.

And now I suggest you do a practical task. Walk to the table.

Since we talked about the black goose, I suggest you make this bird. I have such a beautiful blank, now we will work with you together. What should we be? (friendly, help each other)

(distributing glue) - We twist it. We talked with you, what is the body of a goose covered with? (with feathers) Your task, torso, tail and wings, is to spread glue together. We press the feathers with our hands. Is our goose only covered with feathers on one side? (Answers) Let's turn it over and grease the other side well. The neck does not need to be smeared, the neck will remain smooth. Close the glue, let's see what we got. A real fabulous swan, let's compare, look at the picture, what kind of goose is there? Black. What haven't we done yet? (nose red) Paint with markers.

Guys, are we good children? Do we love nature? How can we please our bird? (release into the pond)

Waterfowl are often fed by people. Who knows how to feed waterfowl? (answers)

Children, I want to tell you that people themselves, without knowing it, feed waterfowl and bread, but this cannot be done, it can be dangerous for them, they begin to get sick, weaken and even die.

Game: "Bird food" There is various food on the tray, the teacher invites the children to choose what the birds eat and put in the feeder.

Children, we will soon have to go back to winter, it is difficult for birds in winter. Finding food under the snow is not easy. Birds need help to feed themselves in winter. How can you help them feed themselves? Sparrows grains and bread crumbs, titmouse hang lard, bullfinches peck rowan berries, they also love small cereals. Sunflower seeds and crumbs are thrown to pigeons and crows.

Let's say goodbye to our bird, (for now)

Our journey is coming to an end, but there are still many interesting places in our country, you will definitely learn about them.

Now tell me, where did you like to walk the most? What do you remember?

Let's take hands.

Quickly twist the open umbrella, rotate it and return all my assistants back.

For your kind words and deeds, I want to give you a gift, a basket of cedar cones. Place them in your corner of nature, and tell everyone about their benefits.

Well, it's time for me to hurry to other children, Goodbye!