Volkov: the origin of the surname and famous noble families. Volkovs

Volkov dynasty

I'll start with the roots. So, daddy's line.

My great-grandmother Novoselskaya Antonina Nikolaevna (from the Oryol province) was, no more, no less, a countess. My great-grandfather Agurov Nikolai Nikolaevich was born in Baku. Later, already in Tiflis, he was the assistant to the governor for finance. They had three children: Nikolai Nikolaevich - my grandfather, Evgeny Nikolaevich and Valentina Nikolaevna.

After the revolution, they became actors. Evgeny Nikolaevich and Nikolai Nikolaevich worked in the same theater in Baku and decided that one of them should take a pseudonym.

They threw lots. It happened that Nikolai Nikolaevich (my grandfather), without further ado, took the name of the most famous Russian actor Fyodor Volkov. So we became Volkovs!

My grandmother Antonina Nikolaevna Gimburzhevskaya was an operetta actress in Odessa, where she and her grandfather met and then got married. In 1934 My dad was born in Odessa.

And in 1943. my aunt Valentina Nikolaevna was born in the evacuation.

After the war, their family returned to Odessa, where grandfather worked at the Russian Theater. Ivanova.

In the theater, he was a leading actor, adored by the Odessa public. Grandfather starred a lot, but for everyone he became famous for the role of Old Man Hottabych.

Grandmother after the war no longer worked in the theater, but took care of her family. Dad graduated from an art school in Odessa, but then, unexpectedly for everyone, he went to Moscow and entered the Shchukin school. After graduating from college, he was accepted by A.A. Goncharov at the Moscow Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Soon, having played Torchikov in the play "Physicists and Lyrics" (directed by A. Goncharov), he received his first recognition. When A.V. came to the theater Efros papa began to play in all his performances and considered this time the happiest in his creative destiny. The roles alone are worth something: Vershinin, Don Juan, Podkolesin, Othello and others.

After Efros left for Taganka, dad moved to the Mayakovsky Theater and worked there until the end of his life.

So, with this we have more or less figured out, now mother's line.

My grandparents met in Leningrad. My grandfather Viktor Evgenievich Safronov was a military man.

Grandmother Maria Gavrilovna graduated from the technical school of the food industry and played in a theater studio.

She was invited to the theater institute, but she preferred the blue-eyed lieutenant to an acting career and left for the Far East, where he then served. My uncle Safronov Evgeny Viktorovich was born there. Soon the war began, which found the grandfather's family in Novosibirsk, from where he went to the front. Grandfather participated in the battles near Moscow, on the Karelian front, and ended the war in May 1945. near Prague. There were terrible battles after the signing of the surrender. He ended the war as a lieutenant colonel and received a myriad of awards. In 1948 my mother Vera Viktorovna was born.

In 1956 grandfather (Viktor Evgenievich) was demobilized from the army, and the family returned to Leningrad.

My mother graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography (LGITMiK), theater history department.

In 1973, when Malaya Bronnaya was on tour in St. Petersburg, my parents met, and in 1975. got married.

Mom started working in Moscow in the regional department of culture.

After the birth of my brother Kolya in 1976. she completely became involved with dad and us.

In 1982 Mitya appeared, and in 1985, finally, I was born too!

In 1990 unexpectedly for everyone and herself, my mother became a teacher. She was invited to the school to teach world art culture (MHC). This profession became her vocation, perhaps because she ended up in the wonderful Collaboration school, where she still works and where all three of us studied. Although my mother lives most of her life in Moscow, she still misses St. Petersburg and for us it has also become a hometown.

So, my brothers!!! By seniority:

- the son of Olga Vladimirovna Volkova and my dad.

Born in 1974 Petersburg, and since 1992. lives with us. Vanya graduated from GITIS, the course of A.V. Borodin.
Actor, musician, composer. Currently works in the theater "ARTO". He already has two children: the eldest Arina (from his first marriage to Chulpan Khamatova) and the younger Yegor (from his second marriage to Olesya Volkova).

Nikolai Volkov (Nikolai Nikolaevich in the 5th generation) –

born in 1976 graduated from the directing department of VGIK, workshop of I.F. Maslennikov.
Director, screenwriter, editor, musician.

Born in 1982 graduated from TI named after B.V. Schukin under the direction of E.V. Knyazev.
Actor, composer, musician, tap-player and so on, so on, so on…
Currently works in the theaters "Lenkom" and "ARTO".

But besides my relatives, I also have cousins ​​Oksana and Vitya Safronov.

Oksana has two children Alice and Makarik.

And Vitya has not yet got children. And I also have a cousin, Zhenya Volkov, with whom we grew up together and who is like family to us all.

Evgeny Volkov -

Was born in 1978. He is the only smart person in the family (he knows how to count!!!)
Programmer, producer, photographer and more ...

Zhenya is married to the wonderful Anna Kachurovskaya.

They have two children: the elder Fedor, my godson and the younger Manya.

Well, it seems, in a "two words", I told everything. My family (wolf pack) occupies a very important place in my life, so I felt it necessary to tell you about them. Please love and respect.

The genus is included in the 3rd part of the noble family tree of the book of the Kazan province by definition of the Kazan noble deputy assembly of 12/21/1820, approved by decree of Heroldia of 08/31/1843.
1 Nikolai Vasilievich, born in 1765 (?), from the nobility, in 1788 - corporal, staff captain, in 1798 - supervisor of the First Kazan Men's Gymnasium, in 1804 - collegiate assessor, in 1808 - court adviser, in 1812 - adjutant of the head 1 of the Kazan military militia, in 1814 he was dismissed after the disbandment of the militia, collegiate adviser, lives in the village of Shikhazda Kazansky district, married to a pupil of ensign Grigory Semenov (?), followed by a wooden house in Kazan, in the village of Shikhazda Kazansky near . 30 souls of peasants, for a wife 47 souls of peasants.
1/1 Tatyana Nikolaevna, born in 1806 (?).
1/2 Maria Nikolaevna, born in 1807 (?).
1/3 Nikolai Nikolaevich, born in 1811 (?), staff captain, candidate for the position of assessor of the noble guardianship, followed by him, together with his brother Peter, in the village of Shikhazda, Kazan district. 61 souls of peasants and 489 dess. earth.
1/4 Vasily Nikolaevich, born in 1812 (?).
1/5 Avdotya Nikolaevna, born in 1814 (?).
1/6 Alexandra Nikolaevna, born in 1815 (?).
1/7 Pyotr Nikolaevich, born in 1819 (?), lieutenant colonel.
1/8 Nadezhda Nikolaevna, was born on 08/26/1825.
1/9 Glafira Nikolaevna, was born on 07/16/1827, behind her in the village of Shikhazda, Kazan district. 18 souls of peasants and 65 dess. earth.
Reason: Alphabetical list... - P.18; ORRK NBL KSU. Unit 402. Ch.Z. T.1.L.69-69v.; ON RT. F.114. Op.1. D.744. L.35 rev.; F.350. Op.1. D.1167. L.17v., 199v.-200, Op.2. D.85. L.153v., D.395. L.91-96v.; F.407. Op.1. D.47. L.4v., D.50a. L.Z ob., D.57. L.5v., D.61. L.4v., D.70. L.4v., D.78. L.4v., D.110. L.4v., D.126. L.4 ob., DL41. L.4v., D.206. L.4v., D.210. L.Z ob., 4 ob., D.234. L.4v., D.239. L.4 vol.

The genus is included in the 3rd part of the noble family tree of the book of the Kazan province according to the definitions of the Kazan noble deputy assembly of 12/28/1811, 10/29/1851, approved by decree of Heraldry of 03/05/1853.
1 Fedor (Feodor) Ivanovich, born in 1769 (?), from the nobility, head physician, in 1811 - an obstetrician in the Kazan Medical Council, court adviser, in 1825-1828 - Kazan district marshal of the nobility, translated a book on smallpox vaccination into Tatar , published at his own expense and donated to the Kazan order of public charity, lives in Kazan, is married, he has 6 souls of peasants according to the 5th revision.
1/1 Sergei Fedorovich, was born in 1808 in the village. Ulanov, Sviyazhsky district, graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Kazan University, in 1827 - a clerk, in 1843 - state councilor, official of the Kazan provincial post office, in 1847 - Sviyazhsky district marshal of the nobility, married to the daughter of Lieutenant Colonel Elizaveta Alexandrovna Berstel of the Lutheran faith, married on 11.06 .1834 in the Post Office Church in St. Petersburg, followed by a stone house in Kazan, in the village of Sobakino, Kazan district. ancestral 131 soul male. sex and acquired 4 souls of peasants, for his wife in the Kazan province. acquired 6 souls of peasants, died 10/01/1847.
1/2 Dmitry Fedorovich, born in 1808 (?).
1/3 Petr Fedorovich, born in 1811 (?).
1/1/1 Marya Sergeevna, was born on 05/11/1835.
1/1/2 Olga Sergeevna, born on 02/08/1840, baptized in the church of Dmitry Selunsky at the Tver Gates of the Nikitsky Cathedral in Moscow.
1/1/3 Yulia Sergeevna, born on 03/01/1842, baptized in the Pyatnitskaya Church in Kazan
1/1/4 Sergei Sergeevich, born on March 28, 1843, baptized in the Intercession Church in Kazan, married to Ekaterina Matveevna.
1/1/5 Konstantin Sergeevich, born 08/02/1846, baptized in the Intercession Church in Kazan.
1/1/6 Vladimir Sergeevich, was born on 05/17/1848. 1/1/4/1 Maria Sergeevna, born on 01/12/1874.
1/1/4/2 Natalya Sergeevna, born on 11/28/1879. 1/1/4/3 Sergei Sergeevich, born on 01/09/1883.
1/1/4/4 Ekaterina Sergeevna, born on 02/01/1890.
Reason: Alphabetical list... - P.18; ORRK NBL KSU. Unit 402. Ch.Z. T. 1. L.67-68v.; ON RT. F.350. Op.2. D.30. L.114-115, D.442. L.37-37v.; F.407. Op.1. D.659. L.191v.-193; F.897. Op.1. D.5. L.22.

The family is included in the 3rd part of the noble family tree of the book of the Kazan province according to the definitions of the Kazan noble deputy assembly of 08/08/1788, 10/31/1791.
1 Samson Ivanovich, born in 1737 (?), from the nobility, in 1781 - court adviser with the rank of land colonel, adviser to the Kazan Chamber of the Civil Court, lives in Kazan, married to the daughter of a merchant Maria Stepanovna (Stepanova), followed by him in Kazan house, bought by 4 husbands. and 4 wives. gender of the soul of the peasants.
1/1 Pavel Samsonovich, born in 1771 (?), ensign.
1/2 Gavrila Samsonovich, born in 1773 (?), ensign.
1/3 Alexander Samsonovich, born in 1775 (?), ensign.
1/4 Elizaveta Samsonovna, born in 1777 (?).
Reason: ON RT. F.350. Op.2. D.390. L.11-13v.; F.407. Op.1. D.659. L.186v.-187.

The family is included in the 6th part of the noble family tree of the book of the Kazan province by definition of the Kazan noble deputy assembly of 06/26/1795.
1 Ivan Maksimovich, born (?), from the Smolensk gentry, collegiate adviser, adviser to the Kazan Chamber of the Criminal Court, lives in Kazan, is married, he has 12 souls of peasants according to the 4th revision.
1/1 Dmitry Ivanovich, born (?).
1/2 Petr Ivanovich, born (?).
Reason: ON RT. F.350. Op.2. D.407. L.39v.-41.

Archive of surnames Volkov. Origin of the Volkov family Where Does The Last Name Volkov Come From? What does the name Volkov mean? Early History of the Volkov family What information does the surname store about the ancestors of the Wolves?

The meaning and origin of the name Volkov.

Volkov. Version 1.

The surname Volkov is included in the group of so-called "animal" surnames, formed from the names of animals. Male personal names with the meaning "wolf" are known among many peoples - the German Wolf, the Serbian Vuk, the Turkic Byur and others. This is no coincidence. Since ancient times, the wolf has symbolized cruelty, rage, greed and gluttony. The wolf was inherent in the functions of an intermediary between "this" and "the other" light, between people and evil spirits. According to legends, the devil molded a wolf out of clay or carved it out of wood, but could not revive him. Animated by God, the wolf rushed at the devil and bit him on the leg. Believing in the magical power of this predator, the Slavs often carried a wolf's tail with them as a protection against diseases. Often the very mention or name of the wolf served as a talisman. It is possible that the Wolf in Russia was called a man unsociable, unfriendly, wary of others. The surname Volkov is quite old and is found in the documents of the 16th century: clerk Volkov - 1539. Wolf, eventually received the name Volkov. It is known that some Volkovs are untitled Russian nobles, leading from Grigory Volk, a native of Poland, the coat of arms is placed in part 1 of the "General Armorial of the Noble Families of the Russian Empire". There is another untitled Russian noble family of the Volkovs, whose coat of arms is in the 6th and 7th parts of the "General Armorial of the Noble Families of the Russian Empire".

Volkov. Version 2.

Among the seventy-two noble families of the Volkovs, approved on personal merit, there are several ancient families. The oldest of them originate from the "noble" Litvin Grigory Volk, who arrived in Russia at the beginning of the 16th century. In the 16th and 17th centuries, many Volkovs served as governors, stolniks, solicitors, ambassadors, and clerks.

Volkov. Version 3.

The worldly name Wolf was unusually popular in Russia, because it symbolized daring strength, courage, cunning. By the way, the names Wolf among the Germans, Vuk among the Balkans, Gurd among the Turks were just as commonly used, and all these are the namesakes of the Wolf. Related surnames: Volkoboev, Volkogonov, Volkomorov, Volkotgyalov (possibly a trader in wolf skins) and even Volkokhidny: the Wolf-predatory Dog Fyodor Andreevich Nashchokin once lived, and he was killed in Vologda, during the oprichnina. Among the many famous Volkovs, we will name Fedor Grigorievich Volkov (1729-63) - an actor and theater figure. In 1750 Volkov organized an amateur troupe in Yaroslavl, on the basis of which in 1756. Petersburg, the first permanent Russian public theater was created.

Volkov. Version 4.

The owner of the surname Volkov can rightfully be proud of his ancestors, information about which is contained in various documents confirming the trace they left in the history of Russia.

The basis of the surname Volkov was, most likely, a worldly name. Such a name was attached by the child's parents to the name received by him at baptism. This name was used more often than the baptismal one and was assigned to a person for life.

Worldly names often completely replaced baptismal names and even in documents could act as official names. So, even in the chronicles there are records like “the son Fedor was born to the Grand Duke Vsevolod, and was nicknamed Yaroslav” (1190), or, for example, the son of a Novgorod priest is mentioned “Maxim, and the worldly name is Stanimir” (1310).

Surname Volkov comes from the worldly name Wolf, which was extremely popular not only among the Slavs, but also among other European peoples: for example, Wulf - among the Germans, Vuk - among the Serbs, Gurd - among the Turkic peoples. I must say that before the introduction of Christianity in Russia, naming a child with a name that is the name of an animal or plant was a very common tradition. This corresponded to the pagan ideas of man about the world. The ancient Russian man, who lived according to the laws of nature, himself represented himself as a part of it. Giving the baby such names as, for example, Wolf, Squirrel, Nightingale, Kalina, the parents wanted nature to perceive the child as their own, so that they would pass on those useful qualities that the chosen representative of the animal or plant world is endowed with.

In addition, since ancient times, the Wolf has symbolized daring strength, courage and cunning. Therefore, such a name could probably be given to a child due to superstitious traditions: a wolf will not touch a person named by such a name - he will take it for his own. In addition, wolves are tenacious and hardy, and the bearer of such a name, according to our ancestors, would automatically acquire these qualities.

The name, and later the surname, formed from it, were widespread everywhere and in different classes: Ivan Grigoryevich Volk Ukhtomsky, 1483; Pan Volk Gavsovich, XIV century; Zakhar Volk, Vitebsk tradesman, 1597; Simon Volchok, Suprasl peasant, 1645.

Among the many famous Volkovs, we will name Fedor Grigorievich Volkov (1729 - 1763) - an actor and theater figure. In 1750, Volkov organized an amateur troupe in Yaroslavl, on the basis of which in 1756 the first permanent Russian public theater was created in St. Petersburg.

Since the process of forming surnames was quite lengthy, it is currently difficult to talk about the exact place and time of the emergence of the Volkov surname. However, we can say with confidence that it belongs to the number of the oldest Russian family names and can tell a lot about the life and life of our distant ancestors.

Volkov. Version 5.

Surname Volkov. The wolf is an ancient Russian original name (petitive version - Volchko), which meant 'strength, courage, cunning', laid the foundation for the surnames Volkoboev, Volkov, Volkovysk, Volkogonov, Volkomorov, Volkopyalov (possibly a wolf skin dealer), Volkokhishny, Volchek, Volchenko, Volchikhin, Volchkov, Volchok. Close in sound are the "geographical" surnames Volotsky (from the village of Volok); Volochaninov, Volocheninov, Volchaninov (from Volok Lamsky, present Volokolamsk). But the name of the area could well be associated with the abundance of wolves in the local forests. Some scientists, however, either consider the Volchaninovs to be natives of the city of Volsk, or generally refer them to those who were born on the Volga, the Volzhans. It is necessary to take into account such a detail: Voloh is the ancient name of Romanians and Moldavians.

Volkov. Version 6.

In Russian villages, wolves were called people who were engaged in theft of livestock, preferring sheep. In the future, this nickname became a surname.

Among the seventy-two noble families Volkov, approved on personal merit, there are several ancient genera. The oldest of them derive themselves from a "noble" Lithuanian Grigory Volk who arrived in Russia at the beginning of the 16th century. In the 16th and 17th centuries, many Volkovs served as governors, stolniks, solicitors, ambassadors, and clerks.

  • Descendants of Grigory Volk - Gregory and Vasily Mikhailovich Volkov for the Moscow siege sitting in 1618 granted by the estates in the Yaroslavl district. This oldest branch of the Volkovs, descendants of Grigory Volk, descended from Vasily Ivanovich Volkov, is recorded in the VI part of the genealogical books of the Vologda, Kostroma, Novgorod, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yaroslavl provinces (Gerbovnik, I, 70).
  • Abram (Avram) Vasilyevich Volkov, a Yaroslavl landowner who participated in the siege of Smolensk in 1634. His son Alexei and grandson Andrei killed near Lesnoy (1707 or 1708). Of the grandchildren of the last Alexey Andreevich, who died in 1796, was the governor-general of Tobolsk and Perm (). Apollon Andreevich(-) - senator. Sergei Apollonovich, who died in 1854 , trustee of Moscow University . Yuri Alexandrovich Volkov, a writer, belongs to the same branch. This genus is included in the VI part of the genealogical book of the Vologda, Kostroma, Moscow, Poltava and Yaroslavl provinces.
  • Descendants of Grigory Volk, descended from Andrei Fyodorovich Volkov, placed in 1680, who was granted estates in Mosalsky and Meshchovsky counties for service in the war with Turkey (). His great-grandson, Volkov, Ivan Fedorovich, major general, distinguished himself during the assault on Izmail. This genus is included in the VI part of the genealogical book of the Simbirsk, Moscow, Novgorod, Kherson and Tambov provinces (Armorial, VII, 136).
  • Another descendant of Grigory Volk originates from Semyon Afanasyevich, who owned estates in the Ruza district since 1628, and was placed in 1626. Recorded in the VI part of the genealogical books of the St. Petersburg and Moscow provinces (Gerbovnik, VII, 64).
  • Pravotarch Kudeyarovich, who owned an estate in the Suzdal district (-), and his grandchildren Peter, Andrei and Ivan Sergeevich, is recorded in the VI part of the genealogical books of the Vladimir and Kostroma provinces.
  • The Volkov clan, descended from Ivan Grigorievich Volkov, stolnik and governor in Saransk (or) and his offspring are included in the I part of the genealogical book of the Saratov province.
  • Ancestor of the genus Avvakum Volkov, landowner of Shatsk district (). His offspring is included in the VI part of the genealogical book of the Moscow province.

In the Lithuanian-Russian provinces, the surname Volki, the representative of this genus was the founder of the ancient Volkov family, Grigory Pavlovich Volk, was common. There is an ancient gentry clan Wolves of the emblem of the Pipe in the Minsk, Vilna, Mogilev and Kovno provinces. One of the common ancestors of the Wolves clan was the headman of Pensky near Olshana, Mikolay Volk. This Wolf of the Trumpet coat of arms (“Gentlemen, glorious and brave Wolves”) left two sons, Fedor and Nikolai. Pomeranian governor Nikolai Volk from Lanevich became the progenitor of the Volkov-Lanevsky family, attributed to the coat of arms of Korchak. Fedor Volk is the grandfather of Grigory Pavlovich Volk, who left for "Tsar Vasily V". For this departure, the relatives of Grigory Volk, who remained in the ON, were subjected to "infamy" and only the great-grandson of Grigory Volk - the boyar Levon Grigoryevich Volk, for faithful service, received in 1553 the right to estates in the Rechitsa povet from Anna Bona (Bona Sforza d, Aragon - Grand Duchess of Lithuania), confirmed in 1562 by the Charter of King Sigismund August, the descendants of Leon Grigorievich began to be nicknamed Volk-Leonovichi. According to family tradition, the ancestor of the ancient Lithuanian gentry family Volkov was a descendant of Vseslav the Wizard of Polotsk prince Vit, whose name was Wolf.

The noble families of the Volkovs, belonging to the new, well-served nobility, are included in the II and III parts of the genealogical book of 22 provinces. The highest permission was approved in the hereditary nobility and the offspring of the brother of the famous founder of the Russian theater, Fyodor Grigoryevich Volkov.

Coat of arms of the Volkov family (offspring of Grigory Volk)

Coat of arms of Fyodor Grigorievich Volkov

Coat of arms of the Volkov family (offspring of Semyon Afanasyevich Volkov)

Coat of arms of the Volkov family (offspring of Andrey Fedorovich Volkov)

Description of coats of arms

Coat of arms of the Volkov family

Coat of arms of Life Campanian Larion Spiridonovich Volkov

The shield is divided perpendicularly into two parts, of which in the right in a black field between three silver pentagonal stars a golden rafter is depicted, with three burning natural-colored grenades marked on it. On the left side in a golden field is a black wolf looking back with its tongue out. The shield is crowned with an ordinary nobleman's helmet, on which a grenadier cap with ostrich feathers, red and white, is superimposed on the life campaign, and on the sides of this cap two black eagle wings are visible, and on them there are three silver stars. The insignia on the shield is black, lined with gold on the right side, and silver on the left.

Larion Spiridonov, the son of Volkov, while in the Life Company, according to the Name of Blessed and eternal glory worthy of the memory of the Empress Empress Elisavet Petrovna 1741 December 31st day, the Decree was most mercifully granted with his legitimate children born from this date and henceforth born children and their offspring in nobility, and on this December 1748 on the 12th day of the Diploma, from which a copy is kept in the Heraldry.

The coat of arms of Volkov is included in Part 3 of the General Armorial of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 120

Coat of arms of Fyodor Grigorievich Volkov

In the shield, which has a red field, two silver rafters connected together are horizontally depicted in the middle and above them is a silver rose. The shield is crowned with an ordinary noble helmet with a noble crown and three ostrich feathers on it. The insignia on the shield is red, lined with silver.

The coat of arms of Volkov is included in Part 5 of the General Armorial of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 139

Coat of arms of the Volkov family of the offspring of Semyon Afanasyevich Volkov

The shield is divided into four parts, of which two silver swords are crosswise placed in the first in a red field, pointed upwards. In the second, in a golden field, there is a black wolf standing on its hind legs, facing to the right. In the third, a golden horn is depicted in a blue field, and under it, in a silver field, a tree of natural color. In the fourth part, in a red field, there is a silver tower with three battlements. The shield is covered with a noble helmet and a crown, on the surface of which two deer antlers are visible. The insignia on the shield is gold, lined with green.

The coat of arms of the Volkov family is included in Part 7 of the General Armorial of the noble families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 64

Coat of arms of the Volkov family, descendants of Andrei Fedorovich Volkov

In the shield, divided in two, in the upper half in the red field, two silver swords are placed crosswise, pointed upwards. In the lower half, two silver towers are placed in a blue field. The shield is crowned with a nobleman's helmet and a crown with ostrich feathers. The insignia on the shield is golden, lined with blue. The shield is held by two lions.

The coat of arms of the Volkov family is included in Part 7 of the General Armorial of the noble families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 136

Famous representatives of the noble families of the Volkovs

  • Volkov, Alexander Alexandrovich (lieutenant general) (1778-1833) - lieutenant general, head of the 2nd district of the Gendarme Corps, holder of the Order of St. George IV class (with the rank of major general, No. 4192; December 25, 1828)
  • Volkov, Alexander Andreevich (1736-1788) - King of Arms
  • Volkov, Alexander Apollonovich - chamberlain of the court, marshal of the nobility of the Yaroslavl province
  • Volkov Alexander Pavlovich (1810-1886) - Privy Councilor, Governor of the Poltava province
  • Volkov, Alexei Andreevich (general) (1738-1796) - lieutenant general, Perm and Tobolsk governor general.
  • Volkov, Apollon Andreevich (1739-1806) - lieutenant general, then active privy councillor, senator
  • Volkov, Apollon Nikolaevich (1819-1896) - Privy Councilor, Penza, Vyatka Governor
  • Volkov, Dmitry Vasilyevich (1718-1785) - Chief of Police General of St. Petersburg 1778-1780
  • Volkov, Ivan Fedorovich (1745-1823) - Major General, commander of the Voronezh Hussar Regiment
  • Volkov, Mikhail Mikhailovich (major general) (1776-1820) - major general, holder of the Order of St. George IV class
  • Volkov, Nikolai Apollonovich (1795-1858) - actual state councilor, Moscow district marshal of the nobility, holder of the Order of St. George IV class (with the rank of staff captain, No. 2979; October 17, 1814)
  • Volkov, Nikolai Pavlovich (1812-1867) - lieutenant general, governor of the Olonets province
  • Volkov, Pyotr Nikolaevich (1817-1899) - cavalry general, adjutant general, member of the Military Council
  • Volkov, Platon Stepanovich - leader of the nobility of the Vologda province
  • Knights of the Order of St. George IV class:
    • Volkov, Alexander Grigorievich colonel; No. 9086; November 26, 1853
    • Volkov, Anton Petrovich major general; No. 4323; December 19, 1829
    • Volkov, Grigory Gavrilovich colonel; No. 3451; November 26, 1819
    • Volkov, Grigory Fedorovich prime major; No. 1034; November 26, 1793
    • Volkov, Ivan Grigorievich captain of the 1st rank; No. 6759; December 3, 1842
    • Volkov, Ivan Fedorovich lieutenant colonel; No. 496; November 26, 1787
    • Volkov, Karl Fedorovich colonel; No. 9098; November 26, 1853
    • Volkov, Mikhail Kirillovich captain; No. 9245; November 26, 1853
    • Volkov, Nikolai Petrovich lieutenant colonel; No. 10060; November 26, 1857
    • Volkov, Pyotr Apollonovich colonel; No. 8198; November 26, 1849
    • Volkov, Pyotr Gavrilovich major; No. 3745; November 26, 1823
    • Volkov, Pyotr Lukich; captain; No. 237 (197); November 26, 1774
    • Volkov, Semyon Alekseevich major general.
    • Volkov, Sergei Ivanovich major general; No. 9641; November 26, 1855
    • Volkov, Timofey Alekseevich lieutenant colonel; No. 6496; December 5, 1841
  • Vasily Volkov, "the son of a Moscow service nobleman" - a character in the novel "Peter I" by A. N. Tolstoy, husband of Alexandra Brovkina

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  • Vinogradov. BUT.// Russian biographical dictionary: in 25 volumes. - St. Petersburg. -M., 1896-1918.
  • Dolgorukov P.V. Russian genealogical book. - St. Petersburg. : Type. 3 Dep. Own E. I. V. Chancellery, 1857. - T. 4. - S. 347.
  • Rummel V.V., .// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

An excerpt characterizing the Volkovs

- You, right, do not tell everything; you must have done something…” said Natasha and was silent for a moment, “good.”
Pierre went on talking. When he talked about the execution, he wanted to avoid the terrible details; but Natasha demanded that he should not miss anything.
Pierre began to talk about Karataev (he had already got up from the table and was walking around, Natasha followed him with her eyes) and stopped.
“No, you cannot understand what I have learned from this illiterate fool.
“No, no, speak,” said Natasha. – Where is he?
“He was killed almost in front of me. - And Pierre began to tell the last time of their retreat, Karataev's illness (his voice trembled incessantly) and his death.
Pierre told his adventures as he had never told them to anyone before, as he himself had never yet remembered them. He now saw, as it were, a new meaning in all that he had experienced. Now, when he told all this to Natasha, he experienced that rare pleasure that women give when listening to a man - not smart women who, listening, try or remember what they are told in order to enrich their mind and, on occasion, retell something or adapt what is being told to your own and communicate as soon as possible your clever speeches worked out in your small mental economy; but the pleasure that real women give, gifted with the ability to choose and absorb into themselves all the best that is only in the manifestations of a man. Natasha, not knowing it herself, was all attention: she did not miss a word, not a fluctuation of her voice, not a look, not a twitch of a facial muscle, not a gesture of Pierre. On the fly, she caught a word that had not yet been spoken and directly brought it into her open heart, guessing the secret meaning of all Pierre's spiritual work.
Princess Mary understood the story, sympathized with it, but now she saw something else that absorbed all her attention; she saw the possibility of love and happiness between Natasha and Pierre. And for the first time this thought came to her filled her soul with joy.
It was three in the morning. Waiters with sad and stern faces came to change the candles, but no one noticed them.
Pierre finished his story. Natasha, with sparkling, animated eyes, continued to look stubbornly and attentively at Pierre, as if wanting to understand something else that he had not expressed, perhaps. Pierre, in bashful and happy embarrassment, occasionally glanced at her and thought of what to say now in order to transfer the conversation to another subject. Princess Mary was silent. It never occurred to anyone that it was three o'clock in the morning and that it was time for bed.
“They say: misfortunes, suffering,” said Pierre. - Yes, if now, this minute they told me: do you want to remain what you were before captivity, or first survive all this? For God's sake, once again captured and horse meat. We think how we will be thrown out of the usual path, that everything is gone; And here only begins a new, good. As long as there is life, there is happiness. There are many, many ahead. I’m telling you this,” he said, turning to Natasha.
“Yes, yes,” she said, answering something completely different, “and I would not want anything but to go through everything all over again.
Pierre looked at her carefully.
“Yes, and nothing else,” Natasha confirmed.
“Not true, not true,” Pierre shouted. - It's not my fault that I'm alive and want to live; and you too.
Suddenly Natasha put her head in her hands and began to cry.
What are you, Natasha? - said Princess Mary.
- Nothing, nothing. She smiled through her tears at Pierre. - Goodbye, it's time for bed.
Pierre got up and said goodbye.

Princess Marya and Natasha, as always, met in the bedroom. They talked about what Pierre said. Princess Mary did not express her opinion about Pierre. Natasha didn't talk about him either.
“Well, goodbye, Marie,” said Natasha. - You know, I am often afraid that we do not talk about him (Prince Andrei), as if we are afraid to humiliate our feelings, and forget.
Princess Mary sighed heavily, and with that sigh she acknowledged the truth of Natasha's words; but in words she did not agree with her.
– Is it possible to forget? - she said.
- It was so good for me today to tell everything; and hard, and painful, and good. Very well, - said Natasha, - I'm sure that he definitely loved him. From that I told him… nothing that I told him? – suddenly blushing, she asked.
- Pierre? Oh no! How beautiful he is,” said Princess Mary.
“You know, Marie,” Natasha suddenly said with a playful smile, which Princess Mary had not seen on her face for a long time. - He became somehow clean, smooth, fresh; just from the bath, you understand? - morally from the bath. Truth?
“Yes,” said Princess Marya, “he won a lot.
- And a short frock coat, and cropped hair; for sure, well, for sure from the bathhouse ... dad, it happened ...
“I understand that he (Prince Andrei) did not love anyone as much as he did,” said Princess Mary.
- Yes, and he is special from him. They say that men are friendly when they are very special. It must be true. Doesn't he really look like him at all?
Yes, and wonderful.
“Well, goodbye,” Natasha answered. And the same playful smile, as if forgotten, remained on her face for a long time.

Pierre could not sleep for a long time that day; he walked up and down the room, now frowning, pondering something difficult, suddenly shrugging his shoulders and shuddering, now smiling happily.
He thought about Prince Andrei, about Natasha, about their love, and then he was jealous of her past, then he reproached, then he forgave himself for it. It was already six o'clock in the morning, and he kept walking around the room.
“Well, what to do. If you can't live without it! What to do! So it must be so,” he said to himself, and, hastily undressing, went to bed, happy and excited, but without doubts or indecisions.
“It is necessary, strange as it may seem, no matter how impossible this happiness is, everything must be done in order to be husband and wife with her,” he said to himself.
A few days before this, Pierre had appointed the day of his departure for Petersburg on Friday. When he woke up on Thursday, Savelich came to him for orders to pack things for the journey.
“How to Petersburg? What is Petersburg? Who is in Petersburg? – involuntarily, though to himself, he asked. “Yes, something long, long ago, even before this happened, for some reason I was going to go to Petersburg,” he recalled. - From what? I will go, maybe. What a kind, attentive, how he remembers everything! he thought, looking at Savelich's old face. And what a nice smile! he thought.
“Well, you still don’t want to be free, Savelich?” Pierre asked.
- Why do I need, Your Excellency, will? Under the late count, the kingdom of heaven, we lived and we don’t see any offense with you.
- Well, what about the children?
- And the children will live, your excellency: you can live for such gentlemen.
“Well, what about my heirs?” Pierre said. "Suddenly I'll get married ... It might happen," he added with an involuntary smile.
- And I dare to report: a good thing, Your Excellency.
“How easy he thinks,” thought Pierre. He doesn't know how scary it is, how dangerous it is. Too soon or too late… Scary!”
- How would you like to order? Would you like to go tomorrow? Savelich asked.
- Not; I will postpone a little. I'll tell you then. Excuse me for the trouble, ”said Pierre, and looking at Savelich’s smile, he thought:“ How strange, however, that he does not know that now there is no Petersburg and that first of all it is necessary that this be decided. However, he certainly knows, but only pretends. Talk to him? What does he think? thought Pierre. No, sometime later.
At breakfast, Pierre told the princess that he had been at Princess Mary's yesterday and found him there - can you imagine who? - Natalie Rostova.
The princess pretended that she did not see anything more unusual in this news than in the fact that Pierre saw Anna Semyonovna.
– Do you know her? Pierre asked.
“I saw the princess,” she answered. - I heard that she was married to the young Rostov. This would be very good for the Rostovs; They say they are completely broke.
- No, do you know Rostov?
“I only heard about this story then. Very sorry.
“No, she doesn’t understand or pretends to be,” thought Pierre. "Better not tell her either."
The princess also prepared provisions for Pierre's journey.
“How kind they all are,” thought Pierre, “that now, when it certainly couldn’t be more interesting for them, they are doing all this. And everything for me; that's what's amazing."
On the same day, a police chief came to Pierre with a proposal to send a trustee to the Faceted Chamber to receive the things that were now being distributed to the owners.
“This one too,” thought Pierre, looking into the face of the police chief, “what a glorious, handsome officer and how kind! Now he's dealing with such nonsense. And they say that he is not honest and uses. What nonsense! And yet, why shouldn't he use it? That's how he was brought up. And everyone does it. And such a pleasant, kind face, and smiles, looking at me.
Pierre went to dine with Princess Mary.
Driving through the streets between the conflagrations of houses, he marveled at the beauty of these ruins. Chimneys of houses, fallen off walls, picturesquely reminiscent of the Rhine and the Colosseum, stretched, hiding each other, through the burnt quarters. The cabbies and riders who met, the carpenters who cut the log cabins, the traders and shopkeepers, all with cheerful, beaming faces, looked at Pierre and said as if: “Ah, here he is! Let's see what comes out of it."
At the entrance to the house of Princess Mary, Pierre was doubtful about the fairness of the fact that he was here yesterday, saw Natasha and spoke with her. “Maybe I made it up. Maybe I'll go in and see no one." But before he had time to enter the room, as already in his whole being, by the instant deprivation of his freedom, he felt her presence. She was in the same black dress with soft folds and the same hairdo as yesterday, but she was completely different. If she had been like that yesterday, when he entered the room, he could not have failed to recognize her for a moment.
She was the same as he knew her almost as a child and then the bride of Prince Andrei. A cheerful, inquiring gleam shone in her eyes; there was an affectionate and strangely mischievous expression on his face.
Pierre dined and would have sat out all evening; but Princess Mary was on her way to Vespers, and Pierre left with them.
The next day, Pierre arrived early, dined and sat out the whole evening. Despite the fact that Princess Mary and Natasha were obviously glad to have a guest; despite the fact that all the interest in Pierre's life was now concentrated in this house, by evening they had talked everything over, and the conversation moved incessantly from one insignificant subject to another and was often interrupted. Pierre sat up so late that evening that Princess Mary and Natasha looked at each other, obviously expecting him to leave soon. Pierre saw this and could not leave. It became difficult for him, awkward, but he kept sitting, because he could not get up and leave.
Princess Mary, not foreseeing the end of this, was the first to get up and, complaining of a migraine, began to say goodbye.
- So you are going to Petersburg tomorrow? Oka said.
“No, I’m not going,” Pierre said hastily, with surprise and as if offended. - No, to Petersburg? Tomorrow; I just don't say goodbye. I’ll call for commissions, ”he said, standing in front of Princess Marya, blushing and not leaving.
Natasha gave him her hand and left. Princess Mary, on the contrary, instead of leaving, sank into an armchair and, with her radiant, deep gaze, looked sternly and attentively at Pierre. The weariness that she had obviously shown before was completely gone now. She sighed heavily and long, as if preparing herself for a long conversation.
All the embarrassment and awkwardness of Pierre, when Natasha was removed, instantly disappeared and was replaced by an excited animation. He quickly moved the chair very close to Princess Marya.
“Yes, I wanted to tell you,” he said, answering, as if in words, in her glance. “Princess, help me. What should I do? Can I hope? Princess, my friend, listen to me. I know everything. I know that I'm not worth it; I know it's impossible to talk about it now. But I want to be her brother. No, I don't want... I can't...
He stopped and rubbed his face and eyes with his hands.
“Well, here it is,” he continued, apparently making an effort on himself to speak coherently. I don't know since when I love her. But I have loved her alone, alone in my whole life, and I love her so much that I cannot imagine life without her. Now I do not dare to ask for her hand; but the thought that maybe she could be mine and that I would miss this opportunity ... opportunity ... is terrible. Tell me, can I hope? Tell me what should I do? Dear princess,” he said, after a pause and touching her hand, as she did not answer.
“I am thinking about what you told me,” Princess Mary answered. “I'll tell you what. You are right, what now to tell her about love ... - The princess stopped. She wanted to say: it is now impossible for her to talk about love; but she stopped, because for the third day she saw from the suddenly changed Natasha that not only Natasha would not be offended if Pierre expressed his love to her, but that she wanted only this.

The Brovkin family in the novel
"Peter the First"
Ivan Brovkin, Alexey Brovkin
And the rest of the Brockwins

Father - Ivan Artemyevich Brovkin. Children: Alexey, Gavrila, Artamon, Yakov, Alexandra
The Brovkin family in the novel "Peter the Great" is an illustration of how the principle of Peter "from now on to consider nobility according to suitability" allowed smart and hardworking people to free themselves from servile dependence and climb high on the social ladder.

The court of Ivan Artemyevich Brovkin was considered prosperous. He had a horse, a cow, four hens. But poverty followed. On a horse - a rotten harness. Because of hunger and arrears, the eldest son Alyosha had to be given to the boyar Vasily Volkov into eternal bondage.

Alyosha runs away from the owner, because "they promised to drive him into the ground on the shoulders", he becomes a friend of Alexander Menshikoia. Menshikov, who entered: into the confidence of the tsar, continues to take care of Alyosha, one day he brings him to Peter. Alyosha looked like a sedate young man, dressed in a clean shirt, new bast shoes, canvas footcloths, Alyosha showed the king "drum dexterity" and was enrolled in the first company as a drummer. “So Aleksashka had his own hand in the battalion.” And the second time Menshikov rescues Alyosha, frees him from Volkov’s servile dependence, when the latter inadvertently says: “The tsar is not a pointer to me!”
Atesha first gave his father three rubles. Ivan Brovkin he bought a heifer (one and a half rubles), a sheep (thirty-five kopecks), four piglets (three altyns each), straightened the harness, put up new gates, and took eight acres of land from the peasants for spring crops, giving a ruble in money, a bucket of vodka and promising a fifth sheaf of harvest. "A man stood up." Volkonsky steward freed him from corvée. Then Alyosha also gave money to his father to build a mill.

Alyosha became his man under Peter. Soon he becomes a senior scorer, then - a batman with Peter. Fulfills the order of Peter to recruit soldiers, participates in military battles, rises to the rank of lieutenant colonel.

All members of the Brovkin family are characterized by diligence, perseverance, a lively mind, and a desire to achieve more in life.

Alyosha "... ripped a white officer's scarf from fate with his teeth." Own company farm Alexey Brovkin he led strictly, his soldiers were full, he ate from a soldier's cauldron, he did not offend the soldier in vain, but he did not let slips.

The father made good use of both Alyosha's money and his position. At first he began to rent meadows and arable land from Volkov. Brovkin's cattle walked in a separate herd, he took livestock to Preobrazhenskoye to the royal table. The whole village bowed to the waist, everyone owed him, ten men worked for him according to bonded records. Alyosha introduces his father to Menshikov, and for two hundred rubles he sets him up with Lefort, from whom he receives a letter to supply the troops with oats and hay.

On a campaign against Azov, he delivered oats and hay without theft, and Peter gave him all the contracts. Ivan Brovkin now he is the main proviant for thirty regiments, "the rich." Many eminent merchants were in his business and as clerks. On Ilyinka he built a new brick house. The reputation of Ivan Brovkin is also strengthened after he warns Romodanovsky about the march of four regiments of archers to Moscow. Own capital Ivan Brovkin uses for the construction of factories: cloth, sawmills and others. Through Menshikov, he won the right to take convicts from the prisons of Romodanovsky to his factories.

All the sons of Ivan Brovkin work tirelessly. Yakov serves in Voronezh, he became a navigator; Gavrila studied in Holland. Peter entrusted Yakov and Gavrila with the construction of Piterburh on the site above the mouth of the Fontanka (barns, moorings, strengthening the coast with piles). When Peter himself prepared the drawings of the Kronshlot bastion, Yakov convinced Peter to make the height of the bastion higher. Love arises between Gavrila and Princess Natalya. Artamon knows French, German, Dutch, helps his father in economic affairs, becomes a translator in the Embassy Prikaz. It is no coincidence that at the beginning of the construction of St. Petersburg, only three people grew cabbage near their houses: Menshikov, Alexey Brovkin and Bruce.

A large place in the novel is given to Alexandra. Menshikov suggested to Peter that Alyosha had a sister - a bride. Peter married Alexandra to the nobleman Vasily Volkov. At secular receptions (at Lefort's) she immediately attracted the attention of foreigners. She learned three foreign languages, played the harp, could "read a book at night." She studied the history of Puffendorf, which was translated by Artamon. Alexandra's adventurism manifested itself when leaving Vyazma, although everyone warned her about robbers. During the attack, Alexandra grabbed a pistol from her husband's sheepskin coat and fired at the robber. This saved the Volkovs. She had a beneficial effect on her husband, who followed her began to study history. Vasily Volkov took his service abroad very seriously. In The Hague, Alexandra is under the Russian after Matveev. She writes poetry. Cavaliers fight with swords because of her, and there are those killed. She is going to the court of Louis XIV.

The father takes good care of the children. He pays for the maintenance of Alexandra's yacht, redeems Alyosha from captivity.